#i will not be mad cause some of these i dont completely remember and i genuinely love help for this stuff
gh0stgr1nder · 8 months
love (hate) when im Thinking about my childhhod and im like "yeah it was pretty normal and good ithink" and then i fuckingg Rember
#like oh that one wasnt very good !#personal#<- ish#<- but boy are these tags about to be#this is about the time i didnt respond to my dad's text when i was in the middle of a highschool tour with my sibling#(<- they came with cause why the hell not)#and on the drive back home he went on this rant about how we dont know what money's worth (completely unrelated !)#and he literally told us To Our Faces that it wouldve been better if we werent born ! like sir whose fault is that one !!#and theres definitely more but for once im thankful for my head blocking shit out of my memories#and how hed yell at me for making Basic Fucking MIstakes (once when i was EIGHT i spilt water down the stairs and#he yelled at me for .i forgot how long but too fukcing long#and made me get him to bring my cups downstairs for a month after and then he forgot and yelled at me AGAIN#for asking him to bring my cup down AFTER TELLING ME I HAD TO#and so so much more like . the yelling got so bad that when i twisted my ankle#(only real ones remember)#i was scared of telling him cause i KNEW he'd be like 'do you have any clue how much the doctor's gonna cost blah blah'#and i just . didnt tell him#we used to have money issues and he'd always make me feel like shit for asking for anything that costed money ever#so i just didnt tell him when i was sick or injured or when i needed something cause he would get mad at ME like . hello#AnyWay ! so yeah thats the rundown of some of my severe trauma that still affects me to this day
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 2 months
What They Text You: Applies to any...cause they're all a bunch of dorky teens and i dont care what anyone says.
• look at my new plant
• would you like to have tea tomorrow?
• you look so pretty 😍 leo you cant see me and? i bet you do
• am i really an old man???? 😭😭😭
• be honest, do you think raph can beat me in an arm wrestle? if you dont answer in 5 minutes, i will assume it's yes and i will prove you wrong.
• good morning honey. have a wonderful day today! ❤️
• are you still mad at me...? LEO YOU SET MY MICROWAVE ON FIRE. so is that a yes?
• have you eaten yet? you need to eat...and drink something other than (your favorite drink)
• i got benched because i can't stop throwing up. i'm fine! leo...you threw up blood literally 10 minutes ago. it was only a little 🙄
• i'm in desperate need of a kiss right now.
• check out my new katanas
• remember that i love you 🥰🥰❤️
• for the last time, i wont download tik tok. you know how bad i hyperfixate 😠
• stop playing candy crush and pay attention to me
• keep it up and you won't get the knots worked out of your shoulders.
• mikey just called me a boomer...i feel like i should be offended. you are a boomer. I DONT KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.
• y/n, i love you, but for the love of god, PLEASE PICK UP YOUR SOCKS.
• *drunk* im in a relationship why do i have your name as my love cause my girl/boyfriend/partner will definitely not like that and i dont know who you are but they will kick your ass and i dont even feel sorry cause you arent love leo...you're drunk. NO IM TAKEN
• call me cause i would like to hear about your day and i miss you
• i love you my love ❤️
• come watch me bench im bored
• can you please come get mikey before i hit him?
• wear that giant sweatshirt to our date. ya look adorable in it
• why did you ask donnie to help you with your homework?? um...cause it's about neurons and receptors in the brain. i could've helped with google! 😒
• hey babe. how was your day? ❤️
• have i ever told you how beautiful you are? what did you do. nothing...? i just think you're beautiful. raphael. fine..i broke casey's nose. AGAIN!?!
• i'm so tired...wanna come nap with me?
• facetime me so i can show you this cool trick spike can do
• remember how i said i was going to be more level headed? well donnie's new robot almost broke my arm and it's no more. you lasted 1 day more than the last time.
• *you sent a selfie* yeahhhh that's my baby 😍😍
• eat or im fighting you.
• jokes on you ive always been completely unhinged and it's bold of you to think i cant be worse.
• im sick. can you bring me some soup? 😣
• i miss you like a lot and i hate when you're gone
• i love you a whole lot 😘
• im just gonna start carrying you everywhere if you dont stop tripping over NOTHING. im just gonna trip harder. Y/N NO.
• mikey said we're his parents just an fyi. he's always been my son
• i made waffles. you better come eat some
• damn babe you're fine 🤤
• no i wont do your homework for you
• tell shelldon to stop talking back to me before i ground him for eternity
• im in a house of IDIOTS. technically it's a lair. not now y/n.
• you look like a pile of swans in that sweater 🥰
• i can't sleep. wanna play online scrabble?
• sweetie you need to eat more than a bag of gummy worms and a bag of doritos
• you need to come sit with me while i work because i need an extra set of eyes. you just miss me 😏 don't start.
• don't call a plumber! i know how to fix the sink. i got this 😎 donnie the pipe exploded the last time you "had" this.
• *you sent a selfie* you look nice
• im gonna blow up. a person, a thing, a place, all of the above? yes.
• you need to drink straight broth, it'll help soothe your stomach ache
• im dying. you have a cold.
• i love you but please stop trying to assemble ikea furniture on your own.
• good luck on your exams/work project! 😘
• leo just called me an asparagus. i didn't know how to respond so his phone will self destuct in 5 minutes. DONNIE.
• you're so pretty 🥺
• i made you something and you have to come get it right now. im literally about to have my wisdom teeth out. reschedule it
• listen to the playlist i made you or else im disabling your pirated tv show service
• thanks for listening to me 💜
• babe come snuggle with me
• i made you brownies so come eat them with me while we watch crognard
• i haven't seen you in so long 😭 you saw me this morning. BUT THAT WAS HOURS AGO
• angelcakessssss i love you
• look at this cat video i found
• are you awake? mikey it's 3 am. good, so would you still love me if i was a worm? go to sleep.
• i bet you look like a cuddly bear today 🥰
• im so hungry. can you bring me ice cream?
• raph wont stop being mean to me. can you beat him up? cause a (your height) tall human can beat a 6ft turtle's ass 😑 i believe in you.
• im coming over with my new call of duty game and we're having a game a thon!
• i found a cat. mikey no. his name is gerald. MIKEY WE ALREADY HAVE 10 OF THEM. HALF ARE NAMED GERALD.
• i made you a mixtape i cant wait for you to hear it
• how mad would you be if i crashed the shell razor in a derby and broke my arm? very. then i did not do that.
• im sick. come help me feel better 😭
• call me cause april just told me something about casey that's wild
• i found this cool rock that i think you'll like
• it's so cool i can date you. you're for real the coolest. you broke my coffee table again didn't you? no...maybe.
• im bringing you lunch cause my baby needs to eat!
• this song reminds me of you 💕
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collapsedglasshouses · 2 months
PAIRING: Noah Sebastian x OFC ; slight Nick Folio x OFC
DIVIDER ART WORK BY @saradika-graphics
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SUMMARY: When Eden meets Noah, her life is anything but perfect. Her heart is far more broken than Noah can even guess at this point. Will he be able to mend the wounds he hadn’t caused?
WARNINGS: angst, fluff, eventually smut, mentions of grief/loss, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of mental health issues, mentions of illnesses
A/N: OMG. I didn't expect the first part to go that well. Thank you for every comment, like or reblog (especially the rebloggers, ily with all my heart)! im sorry it took me so long to upload part two, i had a lot to do irl. but here it is! i hope you like it!
TAGLIST: @measuredingold @cncohshit @lma1986 @missduffsblog @cookiesupplier @thescarlettvvitch @bngurngheart @dream-machine-love @arkiliastuff @vinyardmauro @lacktoesandtoddlerants @princessmarshmallowx @circle-with-me @thisbicc @xxkittenkissesxx @malerieee @smoke-in-diamond-shape (pls dont be mad if i missed someone, just remind me, im clumsy sometimes)
If you wanna be added to the story's taglist or to my taglist in general, leave a comment or message me privately!
Eden had been staring at her phone for forty minutes straight.
After waking up, her thoughts had been running constantly. She didn’t have a costume, she wasn’t in the mood to go out, she had just turned 26. All she had done since waking up an hour ago was shower and brushing her teeth. She stood in her kitchen, still wrapped in her towel and her wet, unbrushed hair just dangled over her shoulders.
She knew she was overreacting, but everything reminded her of the things she desperately wanted to suppress.
She had been staring at Nick’s messages from the previous night with a weird feeling in her stomach. She didn’t even know what brought her to the point of agreeing to go to a party. A birthday party of a man she didn’t know, while she also tried to suppress the thoughts about her own age.
She was snapped out of her thoughts, when her phone began to ring. Her sister.
Should she answer?
She continued to stare at her phone.
The call went away.
Thank god.
She blinked for a couple of seconds, while she felt her heart beating so fast that she actually thought for a second, she was going to have a heart attack.
Then her phone rang again. Her sister again. She bit her lip for a second, before she sighed. She knew, she couldn’t ignore all the calls for the whole day, so she grabbed her phone and answered with a simple “Hello.”
“Took you some time.” Her sister answered and Eden could picture the sweet smile plastered on her sister’s face. Her little sister Raven was four years younger than her. At first, her parents hadn’t really planned on having another child, but when her mom fell pregnant with Raven, they were all over the moon. Eden couldn’t remember most of the time before Raven was born, but she remembered vividly how excited they all were when she finally was here.
She always had been the complete opposite of her older sister. While Eden was rather quiet and liked to be alone, Raven enjoyed the company of each and every individual around her. Raven liked to speak; Eden hated it. Raven was great at school; Eden wasn’t.
Even though they were basically polar opposites of each other, Eden loved her dearly and they always got along. But things had changed after Eden moved away from their hometown. She found herself not liking the company of anyone anymore. She knew it hurt Raven, but at the same time she felt like Raven was the only one that understood her and her decisions.
“Sorry, I was showering.” Eden quietly answered her little sister.
For a couple of seconds, it was rather quiet. It seemed like Raven tried to find the right words.
“I know, you hate it, but I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.” Raven began. “Mom told me to wish you all the best from them too, but they didn't want to bother you any longer than necessary.”
Eden swallowed. She knew she had been a pain in the ass the last couple of months, but she didn’t realize she had driven her parents to the point of not even wanting to call her.
She tried to swallow her doubts, before mumbling a response. “Thank you. I’m sorry for being so quiet.”
“Oh… Don’t worry, Eden. We love you.” Raven answered her quickly and tried to sound as happy as possible, but Eden heard the worry in her voice.
“I’m going to a party today.” Eden than exclaimed, to calm her sister’s nerves and seemingly it worked.
“Are you for real?” Raven exclaimed excitedly. “Yes, I am.” – “Where? Who? I-…?”
Eden laughed quietly. She really missed her sister. She really did.
“A friend of mine invited me to the birthday party of his friend.” Eden answered her sister with a small smile on her face.
“A friend or a friend?” Raven then wanted to know. Eden knew for a fact that Raven was wiggling her eyebrows while asking that question.
“A friend.” Eden rolled her eyes. She knew this was coming.
“Sorry, I was just asking.” – “You know, it wouldn’t be this way before you even asked, Raven.”
“Yes, I know. I just wanted to make a joke… I’m sorry.” Raven apologized.
After that, it was quiet again.
“Please don’t be mad at me, Eden.” – “I’m not, Raven. Don’t worry.” – “It was really insensitive of me… Considering, you're not-…” – “It’s really okay, Raven.”
It was quiet again. Eden wanted to cry because of the awkwardness.
“I… You know… Imma... I need to go.” Raven then said and Eden’s heart hurt. This was exactly how she didn’t want this to go.
“Okay. See ya.” Eden then answered and soon the call ended.
Eden felt bad. Everything felt bad. She just wanted to curl into a ball on her couch and never move again.
She looked at the clock and realized, she needed to head out sooner than later, to find a costume, if she wanted to be on time for the party. So, she sighed and got ready. Before she went out, she ate a bowl of cereal and then grabbed her keys.
While she was walking to her car, she covered her head with her hand. It had started to rain like crazy.
Right as she reached her car, her phone buzzed. It was Nick.
Nick: Just wanted to see if you would come tonight… Nick: I mean, since you didn’t answer yesterday…
Eden starred at her phone for a second, before she answered.
Eden: was about to head out to get a costume
She thought for a second, before she texted again.
Eden: maybe you wanna join me?
Nick instantly answered.
Nick: send me the location and ill be there
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Eden sat in her car, nervously biting her fingernails as she waited for Nick to arrive. The Halloween store's neon sign flickered above her, casting a somewhat spooky glow on the damp pavement. She glanced at her phone and saw a text from Nick, confirming his arrival.
Nick: two minutes…
She took a deep breath and stepped out of her car, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety. The rain had stopped, leaving a crisp chill in the air.
As she entered the store, the scent of latex and plastic immediately crept up into her nose. Rows of costumes, masks, and accessories sat in front of her, ready to be explored. Eden wandered through the aisles, unsure of where to start. Her eyes scanned the racks of costumes, ranging from spooky to silly. She felt totally overwhelmed.
It had been a while since she last dressed up for Halloween. To be exact, it had been about ten years. She also didn’t quite remember what happened on said Halloween, since she had been more than drunk. The only thing she vividly remembered was how she puked her brains out that night.
Before she could think about it any longer, she heard someone enter the store and was soon met with Nick’s broad smile that was almost contagious to her.
"Eden! Happy Birthday!" he exclaimed and hugged the girl for short second while she started to blush like crazy, his enthusiasm echoing through the store. “Ready to find the perfect costume?”
She nodded, trying to match his energy. "Not really, but let’s do it anyways."
For the next hour, they searched through various options. Eden couldn't decide whether to go for classic monsters or popular characters from movies and TV shows. Nick showed Eden some funny and silly options, making her laugh at his playful behavior.
"How about a giant banana?" Nick suggested, holding up a bright yellow costume.
Eden shook her head, grinning. "I don't think so. I prefer my fruits less... inflatable."
Nick laughed with his full heart, before going on with his search.
Right as Eden set her eyes on a black lacy corset dress, she felt Nick’s presence close to her and jumped when she saw him with a ghost face mask on his face.
“What’s your favorite horror movie, Eden?” Nick asked with a deep tone in his voice, while Eden held her chest. Her heart was beating fast.
“Don’t scare me, Nick!” She shouted and shoved him away from her with a small smile on her face. Nick pulled the mask off while still giggling his ass off.
"How about Ghostface from Scream?" Nick suggested, holding up the iconic white ghostly mask.
Eden's eyes lit up with intrigue. "Actually, that's a great idea, Nick. It's simple, yet mysterious. Let's go for it."
“As mysterious as you.” Nick answered while handing the mask to her. Eden smiled a little to herself, not knowing how to answer him, so she just decided to ignore it.
Eden’s eyes traveled back to the black lacy corset dress in front of her and she decided to spice her costume up a bit. If she was going to have fun for once, she was going to do it right.
“Will you try it on?” Nick asked with a spark of curiosity in his eyes. Eden felt how her cheeks heated up at his expression.
“What if I wanted to surprise you?” She answered him boldly and her mind instantly started to race at her sudden change in demeanor. She didn’t even know why she acted that way.
Nick smiled at her cheekily, before they started to add the last touches to her costume. A pair of fishnet tights, some black gloves and a fake knife. Eden decided she was going to wear her old thigh high boots with it.
As they approached the checkout counter, Eden felt a mix of excitement and amusement. She surprisingly was pretty happy about her choice, and even more, she enjoyed the process with Nick.
Exiting the store, they headed back to their cars with bags in hand. Eden couldn't help but smile at Nick's infectious energy.
"Thanks for helping me pick something out," she said shyly but genuinely grateful.
Nick grinned. "Anytime, Eden. Now, let's make sure you turn heads and give everyone a good scare tonight!"
As they parted ways with a hug to get ready for the evening, Eden felt somewhat excited for the upcoming party, grateful for Nick's help in what she thought would be a complete disaster.
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Today I have done a lot of thinking about fictional charachters because...well my day has beeen horrible and its been better than thinking about that.
I saw a clip of shameless S1 where Mickey is dirty and unclean and I remember how a lot of people have said maybe he didn't really care until Ian came along or started to try for Ian. And sure, that may be part of it, but in my experience, there are so many other reasons people are unclean for, and I think a few would apply to Mickey.
1. I think part of the reasons he is reguarly covered in dirt is that being dirty tends to hide or blend in bruises. It is not going to work completely but enough to make people wonder if that is dirt or a bruise, or if they are seeing it properly. I imagine Terry wasn't light handed in beatings, and the kids were expected to cover for it. While teenage Mickey could say he was in a fight younger Mickey would have easily used that just some days old dirt excuse.
2. Lack of hot water or just water in his house. I don't think paying the bills on time was high on Terry's list either, and we know the house was basically a dump. It wouldnt surprise me if they reguarly had no hot water or if they did it run out quickly with the old water heater and you did not want to be the one causing Terry to have a cold shower. Or he saved the hot water for Mandy because he knows she actually really cares about her appearance and being clean
3. As a reason not to have to be with girls. In his first episode, Karen mentions that maybe Mickey is coming to find her to ask her out again and then says basically says along the lines of "I wouldn't because he smells like shit.' Being unclean and dirty means girls are less likely to want to go out with him, so he can ask the girls who he knows will say no then have it be that they are a b***ch who said no, or she don't know what she missing. He comes out of looking like her really doesn't care he got turned down but still leaves the impression his into girls. It is like a protective layer
4. I think caring about your appearance and the way you're dressed is something Mickey's dad would find pansy. Which Ugh, Terry is the worst.
5. I don't think some people really understand how vulnerable being naked in a place you dont feel safe in is. I feel like if Terry is mad, drunk, or just desires it, he would be more than happy to come for you. Being naked and unprepared is not a fun thought. So Mickey saves his showers for when he is sure his alone becauze like hell he is trusting that flimsy lock on the door (if there even is one cause Svetlana just walks in with a hammer on Ian)
Sure maybe once Ian comes along that is more incentive to be clean and presentable but I think he really starts to be clean is season 4 onwards where he knows and admits how much Ian means to him and that he loves him, no longer has go pretend to be into girls (his out or he has the excuse of his married) but also when his dad is in jail and maybe the bills are getting paid, maybe he feels safer in the house.
I just hate the common thinking of, that person is unclean because they don't care. That is rarely the real reason in my experience.
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basu-shokikita · 4 months
Dethentines 2024 Day 7
Will you be my Valentine?
Picture me arriving to the finish line wheezing and dying, 'cause that's me right now. I don't know why I thought that finishing the entries on the very same day of posting was a good idea but that's what ended up happening. Never again, hopefully.
Either way, here's my last entry for Dethentines, aka the one that matters the most because it's for Valentine's Day so I made an extra effort and you get a whooping +2k words for today. It's Skwistok, obviously, but the rest of Dethklok get a pretty decent amount of participation because I wanted to go out with a bang. Or try to.
Also, I'm linking to this song for no reason.
Thank you so much for organizing Dethentines this year! I had lots of fun and I'm happy to have managed to participate in all days ✨ See you around~
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“And then we does the things like-” Skwisgaar made a high pitched noise. “Like-” He made an explosion sound. “You gets?”
“Right, like-” Nathan made a deep growling noise. “And then-” A boing-like noise followed. “And then some more…”
“Ja!” Skwisgaar nodded enthusiastically. It was really easy to talk about music with Nathan, it’s like they read each other’s minds somehow. “We has to…”
Suddenly, Toki walked into the living room. He stopped right when he saw the two of them. Skwisgaar raised a hand to wave at him, a reluctant smile on his face. However, Toki only frowned in response and left.
“Uh-oh.” Nathan watched Toki’s silhouette slowly get smaller. “What did you do?”
“Eugh…” Skwisgaar let his arm drop on the couch. “He ams mads abouts Vals and Tines days.”
“Valentine’s Day?” Nathan repeated in confusion.
“Ja, he askeds if I wanteds to spends wif hims. Goes ons a dates togethors…dats stuff…”
Nathan waited a moment and, when Skwisgaar didn’t continue, he asked. “And what did you say?”
Skwisgaar winced a little. “I says it was fuckings stupids and jackoffs things whats we donts needs.”
“Woah!” Nathan sat back in shock. “Woah, Skwisgaar!”
“Whats? We ams alreadies togethers sorts of, okeys?” Skwisgaar shrugged. “And Valentines ams dildos” He mumbled. “ I don’ts gets it.”
“Yeah, but Toki likes that shit, remember? He’s, uh…” Nathan struggled to find a word that wouldn’t be offensive. “...Different.”
“Pfft.” Skwisgaar snorted. “Differents ams rights.”
“Besides…” Nathan’s eyes wandered to the living room. “I don’t think it’s that weird to want to do all romantic shit when you’re in love. Love might not be cool at all, but it is pretty brutal.”
Skwisgaar pouted, unable to refute Nathan on that. Discovering his feelings for Toki had been a pretty brutal experience. “I guess you ams rights.”
“You gotta apologize to him, dude.”
“Eugh.” Skwisgaar looked up to the ceiling, unable to find reasons against. 
They were having lunch and Toki was too busy finishing up his mountain of spaghetti to notice Skwisgaar had been staring at him for the past 5 minutes. It was late and there was nobody else in the kitchen but them. Well, besides the Klokateers.
Skwisgaar decided to make an attempt. “Toki?” He called him hesitantly.
Toki kept eating as if nothing had happened, slurping loudly and spreading cheese on the pasta like his life depended on it. Frankly, Skwisgaar wasn’t sure Toki had heard him or not.
“Toki?” He called him a second time.
Still nothing, Toki was gulping from his glass of water. “Mores, please!” He said, after slamming the glass on the table.
“Sire!” One Klokateer immediately appeared with a pitcher of water and filled Toki’s glass to the brim.
“Thank yous.” Toki said before he resumed eating.
“Tok-” Skwisgaar decided to cut the bullshit and sat on the seat next to Toki. There was a subtle acknowledgement, as Toki glanced to his side before returning his attention to his food. “Toki, listens.”  Skwisgaar said, gently placing his hand on Toki’s arm. 
Toki kept eating, completely unbothered.
Truth to be told, Skwisgaar wasn’t used to being this ignored, especially not by Toki, so he felt the discouragement in his gut. He cleared his throat. “Ams sorries about de other deis, okeis? I didn’ts…realize how imporkstants it ams was to yous, soes…”
“Dat was goods.” Toki said and Skwisgaar raised his eyes with expectation, but Toki was staring at his now empty dish and rubbing his belly.
He sighed. “Tokis, please, we can does what you wants. I won’ts complains, justs-”
Abruptly, Toki stood up and walked away without looking back. Skwisgaar buried his face in his hands in frustration.
He really fucked things up this time.
“Ye gotta mehk it up to him, dood.” Pickles suddenly spoke behind him and Skwisgaar almost did a somersault from shock.
“Eugh! Pickle!” He glanced at him, horrified. “Whens dids you get heres?”
Pickles grimaced like he was offended. “Dood, I’ve been here de whole time.”
“Huh…” Skwisgaar could not remember for the life of him seeing him here but , oh well. “Waits, what does you means makes it ups to him?” He squinted. “Whats does you knows?”
Pickles snorted, gesturing dismissively with one hand. “Nethan already told me ‘bout it. You broke Toki’s heart, didn’t ye?”
“Wells…” Skwisgaar winced. “I wouldn’ts…puts it like dats…”
“An apology just wahn’t do.” Pickles leaned into Skwisgaar’s ear. “Ye gotta surprise him yourself.” 
“What?” Skwisgaar turned to him in horror. “You means…?”
Smirking, Pickles nodded slowly at him. 
Skwisgaar looked at the door with preemptive regret. He was one second away from leaving and forgetting the whole thing. This was his dignity on the line now, nothing to joke about.
Toki’s face flashed in his mind and Skwisgaar closed his eyes in defeat. His breath hitched and his heart raced as he knocked on the door thrice.
It only took a few seconds for it to open, and behind it, a confused Murderface appeared. “Schkwisgaar? What do you want?”
“Is never thots I woulds says dis, Moidaface.” Skwisgaar was already short of breath. “But I needs yous helps.”
Murderface crossed his arms with a scowl. “Thisch better not be a prank.”
“I don’t has time for pranks.” Skwisgaar said as he made his way into Murderface’s room.
Uncaring, he slammed the door behind him and Murderface gave him a stunned stare. “I needs yous helps now.”
Murderface looked him up and down, like he wasn’t sure what to make of Skwisgaar’s words. “Thisch ischn’t a gay thing, right?”
“Whats?” Skwisgaar was appalled. “N-well, it ams kinds of gays, actuallies.” He sighed. “You ams goods friends with Tokes, rights?”
“I guesch.” Murderface shrugged noncommittally which honestly irritated Skwisgaar but he decided to let it go.
“Does he, eugh…Does he talkeds about Valskentines with yous?”
“Oh,” Murderface rolled his eyes and turned around. “All the fucking time! Me and Schkwisgaar are going to do thisch! Me and Schkwisgaar are going do that! It’sch my firscht Valentinesch ever, Murderface! I’m scho exschited!” He made a disgusted noise. “Made me schick, really.”
The guilt piled up on the pit of Skwisgaar’s stomach. “Does you…remembers any specificks?”
“Uhh, he schaid it would be the firscht date ever for you guysch so he wanted to do everything…” He rested his back against his deck. “Firscht, have breakfascht in bed. Then, go to the petting szchoo to pet the catch. After that, walk in the park while holding handsch and eating…” He shuddered. “Hot dogsch. Then, planetarium vischit to look at the starchs. Then, go to the theater to watch a movie…and then dinner at a fanschy restaurant. He did schpare me the detailsch for the night after that, thank Chrischt.”
“Eugh…” Skwisgaar was impressed. “You shores remembers de hole thingks.”
“Well, he wouldn’t schut up about it!” Murderface defensively and opened the first drawer of his desk. “Look, he even made drawingsch of it!” At once, Murderface spread a bunch of drawings over the top of the desk.
One of the drawings had them petting cats, in another they were walking in the park with the hot dogs, looking at the stars, at a fancy restaurant…there were even some drawings of things Murderface hadn’t described, probably things Toki couldn’t fit into their schedule.
“Why does you has dese?” He asked.
Murderface blinked a couple of times before looking away. “We like drawing together, okay? And he alwaysch leavesch hisch drawingsch here. Idiot.”
“Rights.” Skwisgaar stood up. “I thinks I gots all I needs now, so I’m goingks-”
“Wait, what do I get in exchange?”
“Eugh…Toki’s unconskditionals loves?”
Murderface buffed. “Big deal.” Skwisgaar was walking to the other when he spoke again. “I know it’sch not any of my buschiness but…” Skwisgaar turned to look at him. “He kind of, really likesch you, scho…yeah.”
Unbelievable, even Murderface was lecturing him now. Skwisgaar couldn’t imagine sinking lower. “Rights. Thanks, Moidaface.”
Skwisgaar closed the door, a new determination finding its way inside him. 
“Whats ams dis?” Toki asked, upon finding a letter next to his plate during breakfast. It was a bronze envelope with a blood red seal. 
“Hm?” Pickles was stuffing oatmeal down his throat. “No idea, dood.”
Toki was skeptical, looking at Nathan and Murderface eat in silence. “Where ams Skwisgaar?”
Nathan, currently attacking a beef steak, replied. “Uhh, probably sleeping? Who knows. It’s Skwisgaar.”
Still not quite convinced, Toki ripped open the envelope and found a letter inside except there was nothing written in it. Just a red guitar vaguely shaped like a heart. “Alrights, who ams doings this? It amsnt funnies.” He asked with irritation. He wasn’t in the mood to get pranked on Valentine’s Day.
“It’sch probably schomething to do with playing the guitar.” Murderface blurted and the other two glared at him. “Or schomething.” He added to save face.
Toki squinted at his friends. “You guys amsnt collsudings togeders, ams you?”
“No.” All three of them said at the same time, which only made it more suspicious.
“We’re just eatin’ our breakfast here.” Pickles said.
“Yeah, why would we care about anything that ischn’t our breakfascht?”
“It’s not like today is a special day or anything.”
Toki got up from the table, unamused. He wasn’t going to bother with this, he would just get to the root of the problem and cut it off. Simple as that. 
“Skwisgaar.” He knocked on his door. “Ams not in de moods for dis okays? Soes just-” The door opened with a creak, revealing an empty bedroom. Toki looked inside, intrigued and found lit red candles melting on the floor. Upon closer inspection, he realized they were skull shaped. 
On the bed, there was a guitar made of red rose petals and a pile of Deaddy Bears in different brutal outfits laid in place of the pillows. The TV was showing ‘Love and Guts 4’ Toki’s favorite horror movie and, under it, there was a box of sugar-free chocolates with a note on them. 
Meets me wheres we first kiss
Toki’s eyes widened upon reading. Did he mean….?
He couldn’t help it, he was supposed to be mad but he couldn’t help running towards the location, excitement drumming inside his chest. What was he expecting? What was going to happen? What had Skwisgaar planned?
When he reached the double-door, he found it only marginally open so he grabbed the knob to reveal the inside. 
Skwisgaar was sitting on a stool inside Murderface’s closet, guitar in his hand. He seemed to have been caught off guard because he made a surprised noise when he saw Toki.
Toki tried to catch his breath. “Skwisga-”
Abruptly, Skwisgaar started playing the guitar. First the E, then the G sharp minor, then the C sharp minor, then the A. Then he played the whole sequence again. 
“Does you wanna be mines girls-boyfriends…” He sang unsurely. “We’lls walks to the cemeteries and alls kiss you agains…And makes ours dead friends blushks…We ams getting marrieds right dere on de seens…” He inhaled shakily. “Does you wants to be mines best friends? Yous can drives me crazies alls over agains…And alls bores you death oooh, doesn’ts matters when we ams in love. Rights?” He smiled at a speechless Toki.
Then the guitar got heavier, but Skwisgaar’s eyes were still on Toki. “Does you wanna be mines boyfriends?” He continued. "Does you wanna be mine boyfriends? Does you wanna be mines- Does you wanna be mines?” He stood up and kept playing, now closing the distance between them as he finished up the song. When it ended, he had essentially backed Toki against the wall.
Skwisgaar’s expression softened, the confidence from playing was fading into reluctance. “Ams sorries about everythings, Toki. I didn’ts realize how impskortants dis was to yous. Lets me makes it up to yous. Is calleds reservations fors a restaurants and bookeds de movies and plansetariums, ands the pettings zoo has spots fors us and-” Impulsively, Toki locked their lips together and Skwisgaar lost the trail of his thoughts.
“It ams okay, Skwisgaar.” He said when he pulled away. “I just thoughts you didnts…” He shook his head, smiling. “Doesn’ts matters.” Giggling, he laced their fingers together. “Soes, boysfriend?”
Skwisgaar felt his face heat up from embarrassment. “Dats- Dats what de songs-” He stopped babbling and his face turned solemn instead. “Eugh, ja.” With a heavy swallow, he asked. “Does you wants to be mines boysfriends, Toki?”
Toki’s smile was like a thousand beams directed at once at Skwisgaar. “Ja, I wants to bes your boyfriend, Skwisgaar.”
Smiling back, Skwisgaar brought Toki closer to him. “Cans I kiss mines boyfriends now?”
“You cans.” Toki said, the happiness leaking from his face.
As they wrapped around each other, Skwisgaar felt only slightly bad for the mess they were about to do in Murderface’s closet.
But only slightly.
“Well, it sure sounds like they’re havin’ fun.” Pickles commented, ear to the closet door. 
“Now who’sch gonna clean after them!” Murderface complained. “My closchet isch gonna be dischguschting!”
“Murderface, you don’t even clean your own room.” Nathan countered, already looking tired. 
“Yeah, well, neither do you!”
“Yeah, ‘cause we’re fucking rich. Just call a Klokateer to get it done.”
“I guesch!”
The closet door banged so loudly that all three of them jolted.
“Okei!” Pickles clasped his hands together. “Who wants t' get wasted to feel less miserable on Valentine’s Day!”
“Me!” Nathan and Murderface replied in unison. 
“Let’s leave the lovebirds, then.” Pickles made an example as he walked away from the closet and the two soon followed him.
“Fuck Valentine’sch Day!” Murderface said.
“Yeah, it’s capitalism brutality, and not the kind that benefits us.” Nathan agreed.
“It’s stoopid as hell, like whoa! I’m in love! Big deal!” Pickles threw his hands into the air.
They smiled at each other. Seriously, fuck Valentine’s Day. 
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cxyotl · 1 year
after reading some more stuff on the qsmp discourse i got one thing to say. you mfs crying for quackity to get deplatformed bc hes not interacting with dream anymore are insane. for many reasons but a few specifically come to mind
1. you do not know the nature of drm and quackity’s relationship. you do not know these ppl. yall are just as bad as dnf shippers, reading into the personal lives of two grown ass men yall aint even know.
2. it’s completely normal for a person to stop interacting with someone after finding out shady shit abt them. whether its true or not, those kinds of accusations are sometimes enough to break contact w ppl bc its better to be safe than sorry, especially in this industry.
3. nobody owes anyone jackshit. no explanations, no apologies, no contact. i bet some yall dont even remember roscripts bc of how quackity handled that. and frankly, that was the best way of handling it. stopping contact w ppl who are even potentially fucked up makes things easier for all parties in the long run. it aint “pushing it under the rug”, its being responsible. dealing with private shit PRIVATELY.
4. that said, dream is making things worse by making public posts about shit that does not concern us in the least. if he wants advice, he can go to his friends. not us. we are not his friends. YOU are not his friend. getting mad on his behalf bc quackity isnt talking to him anymore is doing nothing in the long run.
5. dreams been in these doxxing situations before. i see no difference between now and the hundreds of previous times. quackity didnt cause these doxxes because of an smp. that sucks that dreams family is getting targeted, genuinely, but frankly that is also a private matter to be handled privately. you should never admit to MILLIONS of ppl how scared you are or how much danger youre in bc of a doxx, because that creates a bigger target on your back. the mfs who are bored enough to doxx him are just getting satisfied with how well their tactics are working.
thats all ig. no more comments from me 👍
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brekkie-e · 11 months
The fact that allying with Briala means Gaspard has to obey a woman he once unironically looked in the eyes and said, “yeah, youre prettier than me.” to is incredible to me. Like every day I remember that scene. Like dead ass he just found out his cousin is a lesbian, takes one look at Briala and goes “yeah i mean, i would be too oh well, mad respect for the gays.” Wack.
And then he has to *work for her????* That crew goes through so much. Between Michel and the way he leaves it with Gaspard and Celene. Briala and the way *she* leaves it with Michel and Celene. Gaspard and the way he ruins everything and is the worst and yet also somehow is some how the cornerstone to every important revelation and supportive to people when the shoe drops?? I’m just.
How did not a single one of those insane dynamics come out during the game??? Or even get alluded to. Like my god if you ally with Briala, and end up sending Michel back to Gaspard???? CAN YOU IMAGINE. CAN YOU IMAGINE BEING IN THAT ROOM WHEN THOSE 3 MEET BACK UP. AND THE INSANE POWER SHIFT THAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE THEY LAST SAW EACHOTHER. I would KILL to be a fly on the wall in that scene. Would they end up as strong allies in the end??? The way Gaspard and Michel left it I could see it for them. Would they team up to back stab Briala? Would Briala manage to keep enough power over them to keep them in line??? I DONT KNOW.
Just thinking about it breaks my brain.
Also we were robbed of the inquisitor, knowing absolutely nothing about what really went down between Briala and Celene, walking up to Briala and being like “hey i found a locket, I think she still likes you.” And having that woman laugh her out of the room. Like you can not be a couple’s therapist to someone you just met, stomp all over the most traumatic events of her life, and then successfully reunite her with the person that caused them. Ridiculous.
I refuse to reread this book because talk about an emotional roller coaster. But i just wish for how unhinged and completely morally bankrupt it was, more of that bled into the game. Else wise what was the point of putting me through that.
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brutaliakent · 2 years
// Not Tim Drake friendly
Like idk how to start this but I'll just profess by saying that majority of what I talk about is about his fanon characterisation and if you get offended then in the nicest way possible idgaf
Like why is Tim so fucking infantalized in fanon like some of his fans so obsessed with making him oppressed and a victim when he's not. Its like him in comics canon and him potrayed by fandom by 90% of fics I've read are two totally different person.
He's like a mediocre person in comics at best, I dont like him but I dont mind him either. Also he is written as a misogynist and his treatment of his gfs is abominable but I let it slide cuz maybe it was the writers fault idk
But the way fans potray him to be this holier than thou- never doing anything wrong and smartest robin (cue eyeroll) is wild and wholey inaccurate cuz like he's not. Canonically they're all similar iq and they're all trained by a detective so they're quite good at it, Dick was a mathelete and Jason had solid GPA of 94.8 and Tim dropped out of school to search for Bruce. He is tech savvy and good at computers but he's not the only one from the batfamily to be that is he, I'd say Barbara is the best at that but don't forget Dick used to be a hacker too like I've seen some of yall treat him as this one dimensional sunshine person who has eldest daughter syndrome but like he also has temper and he's clever and sharp and if I'm not wrong he even as degree in Business in main dc universe but that's besides the point
Also headcanoning him as asian feels weird and very playing into stereotype of asians being this super smart people (when there's no proof he's anything but white in canon)
Fanon also for some strange reasons hold on to Jason and Damian trying to kill him and saying how much it would have caused him trauma while completely removing him from the scene except for that scenario. Let me explain for example Damian trying to kill him where they forget the instigator of some are Tim too like he was legit 17 yr old beefing with 10 yr old bffr, did we also collectively ignore him putting the same 10 yr old on a hitlist like... yall act like this was a buffet and you can pick and choose but the thing is that you can pick and choose what to accept from canon but if you're picking Tim being attacked by Dami then maybe mention what he did too instead of victimizing him
Just kinda throwing it in here cuz we're talking about it, Dick didnt fire Tim from Robin because of bad faith, I'm pretty sure it was Alfred who gave Damian the Robin suit first but Dick didnt want Tim to be Robin because Dick saw Tim as an equal rather than a sidekick.
Also the big deal of Jason's attack on Titans Tower irks me a little but like pls remember that Jason made a last minute decision to go there and just beat the shit out of Tim and that's it and it wasnt nice of him to do that but I support his wrongs too
Since we're talking about Titans Tower fics anyways I also find it incredibly peculiar that writers (fanfic) potray him much younger than he was like Tim was 17 during UTRH and around 19 during Teen Titans #29
(Also pretty sure like 99.9% sure that Jason calling Tim 'Replacement' also came from fanon and it was from j*yt*m shippers so like 😵‍💫,, although Jason did call him 'Pretender' in Batman Hush a few times)
(Also highjacking this to talk about Pit madness cuz for some reason there are too many fics about it so like please remember that pit madness and the extent of it is just a fanon thing there is no proof of it happening for more than 5 mintues in canon and Jason was not the only one besides Ra's to use it but Cassandra has also been in the pit... So like yeah Jason did some fucked up shit post resurrection and he did it willingly no supernatural green pool was involved and its ok ❤️, like let him be his own person)
That went majorly off tangent,,, anyways also Tim was never abused physically or otherwise by his parents, they neglected him and child abandonment too for sure (ALSOOOO He spent more thanhalf of his school life in boarding school so it probably won't count as child abandonment but I dont know if its canon to main universe so I'm just putting it out there)
Adding to that is a fanfic issue that is around the potrayal of him in fics where Jason didnt die or wouldn't die and Tim joined the family early, most of those are pretty harmless and wholesome and this is not the critique of those writers so don't take personally but idk how it got so polarising and popular that Tim was a tiny kid and when he and Jason met younger (most fics I've read were from 3rd pov or Jason's pov) and in most of them it is stated that Tim is smaller for his age and Jason mistakes him for a younger age which just doesnt make sense. Like it would be one thing for someone else like Dick or Bruce to make that assumption and entirely different for Jason cuz CANONICALLY Jason was shorter at 15 than Tim was at 13 and it makes sense cuz Jason was malnourished which resulted in stunted growth rate, so like you're telling me that Jason at 15 saw 13 year old Tim and assumed he was 9 like it just doesnt make sense to me
And look this may be seen as nitpicks (and it probably is) but if it was in smaller quantity it could be ignorable but its everywhere and my patience is not endless and I'm fucking tired of him.
Also just to throw that in that all the bulleted points while in themselves alone may seem annoying but harmless, arent all of them together as fanon perception of him just infantalising him overall like its not they're true or anything...
Like lets be real Tim was just a blatant robin self insert, he was 13 when he went to a grieving father whos son was recently murdered and basically blackmailed him into making him robin cuz he thought "Batman needs a Robin" like dude you're 13... also can you imagine how Bruce must have felt in situation like but I dont think blaming Tim for this is right cuz he was a child and he didn't know better
Glorifying a white, rich (because yes he was rich enough to be neighbours with Wayne) character and demeaning and villanising a person of color and a dead poor person (cant keep track of how many times there's implied or outright said that Jason's death is his fault and how Tim's much smarter than Jason and better than him despite having no street smarts on him and being a trust fund baby)
Howevere, it'll be incredibly in poor taste to say that those weren't rooted in racism and classism [because they were] and its not Tim's fault his writers were disgusting but it is furthered and accepted and preached in fanon so like that's no excuse imo
Also if we include him with Robins he is not that special like he dont stick out ... and he terribly lacks any creativity and imagination like he took the mantle of robin and then red robin which like he didnt think through.
And like I'm not dismissing his trauma from attempts on his death but he was robin for 3-4 years before Jason tried to kill him I'm plenty sure he's used to his life being in danger comes with job description and if he didnt want that.. well nobody asked him he served himself on silver platter to be traumatised so yeah
So yeah fanon tim is my number one enemy and idc about him in canon and if you disagree with this please make your own post
This was a long vent of a short(lmao) list of just things that bother me
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arudoe · 6 months
talk about bruise anything you want, i wanna hear
i alr talked about some hcs so ill chat a bit about some aus i have heehee!
- idol jay au !
i feel like this one is prolly the most well known (only because its the only one ive ever drawn for….) but basically jay is an idol/musician and cole is his nr1 fan! it was very inspired by prime empire and also those like harry styles x reader wattpad fics from back in the day… yeah…
all ive got for the story so far is that cole went to a fansign event and while getting his magazine signed jay also sneaks his personal phone number on one of the pages (something along tbe lines of xxx-xxx-xxx text me o_<) and… yeah things move on from there 🙏🙏
- mad scientist jay and his creature cole
OKAYY this might be one of my weirder ones but i think about it a lot 😭😭
anyways jay is a disabled basement dweller college dropout scientist guy and one day he kind of feels some paranormal presence in his lab and conducts a bunch of tests and comes to tbe conclusion there is a ghost floating around in his lab. so like the normal person he is he tries to communicate with it but only gets a bunch of weird cryptid messages that dont make sense… so he comes to bright idea of “hey! i should make this ghost a vessel they can possess!” so he makes a body frankenstein style and low and behold his plan worked!
cole, a ghost from the 80s who possessed the body is now chilling in jays lab with him, but like most people who have been dead for over 40 years he is very curious about the outside world and what has changed.
but jay for some reason is very adamant about him not going outside at all, which causes some tension between the two..
(the reason is jay has abandoned issues) (also cole is kind of a freak of nature) (affectionately)
I LIKE THIS AU A LOT cus its so stupid honestly and i love me some ghost cole also like im still mad about how ninjago decided to completely discard jays love for inventing… let the man make his little trinkets…
- wizard school au
basically what it sounds like… they are wizards.. at a wizard school… and do magic…
yes this was partly inspired by h*rry p*tter BUT ONLY THE VIBES (i barely remember the movies)
BUT UM this is like a whole universe thing and theres so so much lore and world building so… if u want a separate post about it… lmk
- roommates au!
this is my most recent one (and the one i think about the most) but um yeah pretty self explanatory it was based off this jdrama/manga called good morning call so uhhh ya!
basically cole and jay were enemies throughout highschool and basically spend all their energy hating each other but they to their separate ways during college but reunite (unwillingly) as roommates!
they navigate living with each other and learn to let go of their hate (which stemmed from a mixture of misunderstandings and insecurities) and then eventually fall in love!!
i think this is the au i have the most work done on (i have a draft for every major scene that happens in the story heehee) and perhaps! one day i will actually make it a real thing !
so um yeah! i have a bunch more but most of them are very unfinished or just… vague ideas or vibes i go by… i also have some aus that arent bruise so um if anyone wants to hear about those… smiles
BUTTT TYSM FOR UR QUESTION i dont rly say this a lot but any interaction i get with my content means the world to me and i always giggle and kick my feet when reading reblog comments bc everyone is so nice 🥹🥹
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fllowerlove · 6 months
ermm first post ,, but i gen need sum advice for this !! i believe im physically disabled to some degree , and dont know for certain how long my pain / fatigue / balance issues have been present , but i know that my pain has been unmanageable for almost a yr 1/2 now , and ive been using my cane for a year .
my mother does not let me use my cane , but i have a folding hurrycane that i saved up for quite some time in order to get . i use my cane at school and when i hang out with friends , but not at the grocery store / other stores with my mom .
my mother does not believe in doctors , as her veteranship has given her a " new socks + ibuprofen " attitude . the adults in my life believe i am being dramatic , but not that im faking . so after countless months of begging and reminding , i finally have a physical appointment this monday ( dec 11 , 23 ) . my need for advice is how do i get a doctor to take me seriously ??
i havent been to the doctor since i was ten , and that was because it was required , as i had moved into a new school district . that was my last physical , and the first time i ever remember going to the doctor ( that is not the dentist , optometrist , or psychiatrist ) .
below is a descriptive explanation of my pain , fatigue , and balance issues and how they ' ve affected my life , just in case theyre needed .
my pain may have been present all my life , and due to familial issues , i cannot fully understand my genetic history .
anypoo ,,, my pain is most present in my major joints ( ankles , knees , hips , and shoulders ) , but is also present in minor joints ( fingers and toes ) , back , neck , and the base of my skull . these areas always in pain , and i always notice it . my most sensitive areas are my knees , hips , and traps ( neck / base of skull ) , and my legs start to hurt ( worse ) / feel unstable without support . i cannot shower because my knees will give out , and i have completely switched over from using the stairs to using the elevator because i have often fallen down them .
my fatigue sets in before school lets out ( around noon ) , and often keeps me from working , walking for long periods of time , eating , and other activites . often when i get home , i have no energy left for anything else . i just sit in bed and fall asleep at 8 . i am failing nearly all my classes because i have not had my vyvanse in 9 months , and my brainfog is intense .
i am very unsteady without support , causing me to rely on my cane more than i should , resulting in more shoulder pain from putting too much weight into it . i have looked into rollators and forearm crutches , but none of those can be used around my mother without reasonable diagnosis . at home , i use the furniture to support me , and often crawl up the stairs ( townhome problems . ) and if im not , i rely on the handrails to practically pull me up , resulting in ... MORE SHOULDER PAIN .
i just want this to end . i told myself id be mad at my mom if what i have is curable , but id be even more mad if its chronic . i used to be in marching band , and i was cut from marching due to my pain genuinely affecting how i marched . i love walking , i walk everywhere . i love so many things ive had to give up , and i fear the doctor will just tell me to exercise more instead of giving me concrete answers .
any and all help would be appreciated :-(
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aguamarinee · 10 months
hey ! i would like to request a fluffy jo drabble/one-shot, write anything u want i don't really have a specific request 😆 pls take your time dont worry <3
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➪ 𝐀/𝐍.: I wasn't planning on making this into a oneshot (I mean it kind of happened anyway and I'm not mad at it), but I felt like I should do justice since I put off this request for so long, I'm so sorry anon!! I tried making it extra sweet for Jo, and thank you for requesting this, even if I was pretty slow with it! But truly, this was a perfect idea for my first Jo fic! <3
➪ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Jo × reader
➪ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff all the way, established relationship, female reader
➪ 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Just a journey to home, and its many companions until the final destination.
➪ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 1,2k
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Your day came to an end at last. You left work a bit later than you anticipated but it was fine, it was fine if you'll be home in no time, already imagining the comfort of your house capturing you.
You exited your workplace, looking back at the glass doors which you could see through clearly in every season, like the purest crystals, and also the place where you stood made you remember all the times Jo came in front of your workplace to get you. To comfort you after a tiring day just by his mere presence.
No matter how many times, he always managed to be adorably awkward as if he wasn't picking up his girlfriend from work for the hundredth time.
You remembered his excited smile during spring, his flushed, red cheeks and ears caused by the cold air in winter, his slightly sweaty forehead in summer, and that big scarf around his neck when you were deep in autumn.
You passed a couple of streets, treading the young evening roads between houses, locking eyes on the same restaurants and cafés every time, even if you've been to some of them. With Jo.
You always liked to walk a bit to enjoy the environment around you any given time, even if you would know the place like the back of your hand, it felt all the better; thinking you're familiar with a part of a city so much you know every nook and cranny of its lane.
...All the better, also because memories tied you to them, different but equally precious memories.
When you finally reached the bus stop it wasn't a long wait until you got on, found a seat next to the window, and let go of yourself since you were traveling until the last stop.
You went for the window seats always, it made you appreciate every sight again, so it was natural.
You sat on this bus with Jo many times as well, he would always let you be next to the glass since he was more endeared by your sight than the city's.
He never said a word, and let you go on, to ramble about anything that came to mind.
You knew the stops by heart by now, murmuring them in the quietest way possible, tasting the pronunciation on your lips again and again, smiling dumbly about their names, and enjoying the long minutes until your stop was due.
The bus passed through a small tunnel that suddenly clouded your vision from the window but it made you even more excited, this meant you were halfway there.
It was Friday, you didn't have to go to work tomorrow and neither did Jo, so you knew the two of you will have a peaceful off day in the morning and you wanted nothing more.
After the tunnel you saw the huge park that was the favorite place of all the locals since it had everything in it; small playground areas for kids, long grassy trails for dogs, relaxing spots with tables and benches, big picnic zones, and a main square of some sorts with a big fountain and a water tower beside it.
It was like its own little island in the middle of the city, although it was completely connected by roads and streets, everyone loved it so much since it had everything to offer.
After the park, there came a small residential area, with several blocks of houses usually for families or young adults. It was a busy district but it was nice and lively thanks to the neighbors from all around the houses.
You remembered this specifically because during your last years of university and your early days of working and starting to date Jo, you used to live in one of these apartments.
You could never miss the complex owner's efforts in planting new trees around and doing everything to make the neighborhood more liveable, succeeding big time and attracting more and more residents.
You moved out because with time your relationship with Jo deepened and eventually the two of you settled on living together in another district, a bit further away from everything you just crossed.
But it was alright, you loved exploring the new area with Jo, and it made you happy that you will be still able to see all your past places where you left your memories behind.
...Slowly, but finally you arrived in front of your house.
The bus dropped you off and from the other side of the road, you already saw the big block of apartments which you were supposed to go in and find your own.
You've been living here for a while now with Jo, everything was nice, you never had the slightest idea to complain but all of it still felt new somehow. You had yet to feel that knowing inkling of nostalgia when you come around this neighborhood but this wasn't a bother to you, more like a hopeful feeling, something to achieve and look forward to. Hoping that you get to spend more weeks, months, or even years here together with Jo to grow just as accustomed to these circumstances as to the previous ones.
Because of memories and traditions following through all your life.
You shuffled around for your keys, the familiar dangling soon hitting your ears, sticking it into the lock, and just seconds after the well-known click of the door greeted you as well.
You stepped inside inhaling the comforting scent of your shared apartment, dropping your handbag temporarily on a hanger, stripping your outer coat and your shoes off to walk into the living room.
You sniffed again and that's when a foreign smell hit you, which wasn't the dainty lavender air freshener you bought a week ago.
"Hi, you finally arrived." Jo peeked from the opening of the stylish American kitchen with a cute smile, taking in your form on the last day of the week. He was cooking rice, you were sure, but this time you didn't pry and let him prepare dinner all he wanted.
So you just stood near him as he took a step closer to kiss your forehead, careful not to touch you too much since he was cooking and messed up his hand a bit, but his affection was there.
You smiled, reciprocating his action with a peck on his cheeks then looking back into his eyes.
"You're home," He said softly. "and we have a relaxing weekend in front of us, just the two of us." He announced proudly but you already knew that, so you almost ignored his second statement.
"...Yes, I'm home, with you." You gazed at him with adoration and love, every day he was the last piece missing from your daily puzzle, to complete any workday.
"What?" Jo asked back a bit surprised, a blush creeping onto his ears.
"I was just thinking about this all day, all week. I feel at home with you. I'm glad we decided to live together, Jo." You confessed out of the blue with a genuine smile almost stretching beyond your eyes and he just gave a shy laugh — but you knew it was the pure sound of his love, a confession of how he felt about you —, before he clumsily scooted away, back to the kitchen to produce a successful dinner. All the while you walked back to get your bag, took it to your room, and started to change, accepting another working week's end and getting into a comfortable mood with the lazy days coming up.
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➪ 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 【𝐌 𝐀 𝐒 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐋 𝐈 𝐒 𝐓】 !
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tacagen · 8 months
BY the WAY i want to talk about how thawne explains his feelings. i used to think he was being very open on that (i mean. to my schizoid ass that is because i wouldnt ever mention i feel anything when explaining my hatred), considering how he says barry hurt him not only to barry but to iris BUT. THIS IS THE ONLY THING HE SAYS DIRECTLY (i mean i remember him also saying 'before the pain of your rejection' to barry somewhere in the f*nish l*ne, + it's essentially the same point only clearer so wahoo, there is a progress! he also mentions that wearing the suit and bettering himself without barry to see it 'felt not enough' but those arent exactly on the same level of difficulty to realise and verbalize and most likely come directly from his time in therapy). everything else is just Implied. so my theory: this is the only thing he realizes and can actually formulate/admit about his feelings, either from therapy experience or reflection after the trip to 21st century which would still be based on therapy experience. this is why he says he will fix everything after barry defeats him for the first time. barry's authority confirmed by their otherwise perfect day together and him winning (+ probably the fact that it would be irrational to be mad at him for that. you can tell this mf rationalizes hard by his choice of words when he narrates his origin. 'better utilized as a teacher'? 'methods' about the shit he set up to pose as a hero? please he is so fucking detached from himself and especially the parts of his history that dont include barry directly. growing up in 25th century fucks you up in that way ig) convinces him that barry knows better and he suppresses everything and promises to become someone barry would approve of instead of whatever he is right now. he doesnt question barry yet but he also never understood what was so wrong with setting up those accidents, he doesnt see it as something bad neither that day which must've caused the fight in the first place or in his reverse-flash era when remembering it, he only refers to that as 'created opportunities', 'my methods, efforts to honor your legacy'. i think this whole period between the day they met and trip to the 21st century thawne straight up gaslighted himself daily that everything is fine and he isn't hurt, disappointed or mad at barry a single bit into not remembering/knowing what he felt that day and i fucking Know he is capable of doing that because this is the same man who dissociated from trauma into believing he was barry so much that green lantern ring indicated he was saying the truth about being him and do you even imagine how much it actually must've hurt for thawne to face the fact that barry didnt accept him and his 'ways of honoring and worshipping him' repeatedly (the day they met, cause of the fight and after the trip to the 21st century, rerealising he felt this way back then and that it was justified all along) after believing, dreaming for his whole life that he would in fact accept and understand everything about him because he never had any of those in reality and barry and meeting him was his only hope for that.
also the way thawne never shuts the fuck up? yeah, that's a defence mechanism. notice how every time negative barry says something hurtful to him, he COMPLETELY ignores his point and just changes the topic or starts up his usual bullshit again.
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the only time he does answer is probably the lightest for his comprehension because the thing barry threatens to do to him already happened once.
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and what do you know, it's also a coping mechanism! it's just more subtle and related to lying to barry and himself since we know his actual end goal here is only to spend at least some time with barry.
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avatarkurukdefender · 17 days
Adhd is still adhding so lets talk about A Literal Team Avatar instead of writing it :3
Aang is NOT gonna have a good time. In fact to quote Sans he's in for a BAD TIME
So you know in the Yangchen books how her past lives would frequently possess her body at the absolute WORST TIMES for example, the past life that had really really really bad claustrophobia possessing her when she was in a tight claustrophobic space and making her freak out? Yeah that. You know how none of the avatars after Yangchen never seemed to deal with this? Well I headcanon that the reason why was because Yangchen actively BLOCKED the previous incarnations for pulling that same awful shit with every avatar after her.
So what do you think is gonna happen when Yangchen has been removed from the avatar cycle (and teenified) and is no longer to keep the others from fighting over Aang like a chew toy?
Lets see how badly this can fuck with the poor twelve year old boy
(aka a bunch of random headcanons I came up with for the avatars we only have names and even a few of the nameless ones)
Szeto first of all had BAD sleep paralysis. Like almost every night, hallucination fo something just standing over him (or in some cases full on trying to strangle him) and he cant move or even speak levels of bad. Also had severe hemophobia (fear of blood) and would literally faint at the sight of blood (hehehehe)
Next is Salai who had severe thalassophobia (fear of the ocean/ fear of deep bodies of water) like he would get full on panic attacks every single time he had to cross the ocean. Even worse since I headcanon that he drowned in a a severe storm while sailing on the ocean. And considering the fact that the gaang presumably spends a few weeks on a BOAT on the OCEAN to get from the Northern Water Tribe to General Fong's base...yeah thats gonna be a really bad time for Aang.
Avatar Gun, aka the one that possessed Yangchen to go on a rant about how humanity is selfish and uncaring, how they expect you to pull of a hundred miracles and then get mad you didnt do a hundred and one, yeah...they're gonna be a fun one (also they are nonbinary now because they were never said to be male or female and the wiki used they them pronouns for them so bite me) aside from...that they also absolutely HATED crowds, like avoided them at all costs unless absolutely necessary, otherwise would be sweating and shaking the entire time until they could leave. (Which means Omashu, Ba Sing Se, literally any crowded town or city is gonna be absolute HELL for our favorite little airbender)
Ok now for the ones without names (I have two of those so far)
This armless firebender who someone on tiktok named Avatar Kazza (I dont remember who named her that though)
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Oh boy :3
So you know how General Fong pulled Katara under the ground to trigger the avatar state in Aang? Well the same thing happened to her partner. Only difference is that her partner wasn't pulled back out. Oh no. Her partner was pulled underground and CRUSHED to death. (When Kaaza bent them back out, there was nothing but blood, broken pulverized bones and completely crushed organs...) Yeah its gonna be a lot bloodier than in canon (None of General Fong's soldiers will die Im not gonna traumatize Aang THAT badly, but they will be maimed very badly.)
Next is this pretty avatar
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I think someone on tiktok named her Avatar Imiq but dont quote me on that
She's the avatar that was absolutely terrified of the Spirit World, to the point that it caused Yangchen's sister Jetsun to get kidnapped by spirits when they went there (because you know the spirits get hostile when you're afraid and guess who decided to pop in at the worst moment?) Luckily this one isnt going to cause too much trouble since I dont think Aang actually goes to the spirit in books two and three unless you count Wan Shi Tong's Library (though Aang is not gonna have a good time when Avatar Imiq starts freaking out because of Wan Shi Tong) but I havent rewatched the show in awhile so I could be wrong
Also you know the avatar that had claustrophobia? That was Wan. With the exception of his tree house Wan absolutely hated small tight spaces. And that is something he was going to make everyone's problem (just like how every avatar inherited Wan's iconic crooked avatar smile, every avatar also inherited some claustrophobia, some worse than others. Unfortunately thats now gonna be Aang's problem)
I just keep coming up with these and thinking "What would suck/be the most inconvenient for Aang to have in this moment" and then assigning that to one of the past lives
(Also here's something funny, you know the air nomad avatar behind Kuruk? They actually used him TWICE in the TLOK image of all the past lives. He's also the second one behind Szeto on the left side)
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borathae · 1 month
ok finally doing this after a nap
Chapter 3
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
You remember drinking one glass of wine. the said glass of wine:
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It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
Did you punch your own throat in your sleep oof
Why did he know where to look exactly it wasnt a dream babe
istg im about to bitch slap this bitchless dude (TAE I LOVE U DONT TAKE IT TO THE HEART)
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
your knees are buckling like crazy THIS WILL BREAK ME THIS IS GONNA BREAK ME
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
You snort, “so very humble.” ikr sOoOo HuMbLe
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
the rain part was soo cute it could me giggling and listening too still with you
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw.
we are both pick-me girls then BAHAHA PLS *starts playing pd48 pick me
they are so cute im gonna die
(the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs)
i cant wait for 2seokkook's pov and her talking to them woohoo
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind
its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
jjdafjs it took me so long to figure out how the wine pic happened HAHAHA this is such a funny idea help fjadjfs 😭😂
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
like the suspicion is growiinnggg
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
it doesn't make sense to you yet probably but I wanna be SA!OC so bad jfasdjf
It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
girliepop me all the time, I forget names so easily (the same with song titles FAFAJDS like I kid you not I even forgot BTS song titles sometimes like it's so bad)
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
hmhmhmhm interesting theory indeed mhmhmmh or perhaps 👀 someone made her lock the door again and then think everything was just a dream 👀 mhmhmhm
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
"belongings" LIKE THE ICK
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
JFJADSJF YES jhfahsdhf I agree fjadjfa
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
omg hahahaha this scene 😭😭 he is such a goof I love him 😭😭 Seokjin is honestly so hot I need to inhale him
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
*cries* he is indeed a kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
👀 interesting ohohooh
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
lmaoaooaoao in her defence I have really sensitive eyes too and can barely stay in the sun without my eyes ACHING jfadsjfj so it IS possible
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
👀 mhmhmhmmh
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
I love him 😭😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
kfadjsfasj she is just here for a good time not a long time lmaooa
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw. they are so cute im gonna die (the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs) THEY ARE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER DATE YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE
fjadjfjad I love how you switched instnatly JFJADSJF THIS IS SO ME WHEN SANGUIS TAE FJADSJFJ
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind. its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
gaaah thank youuu <3 I'm so happy that you're having such a good time with it heheheh istfg I love reading your comments, they're so awesome heheheh 🥺😭💜💜
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italeean · 10 months
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RANDOOOO MY DEAR!!! IT'S BEEN SO NICE TO SEE YOUR REQUEST POPPING UP IN MY ASK BOX 🥹 About how many requests I have, I can officially say that I passed the 20 requests!! 😸 Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the match I gave you... I chose BSD as a fandom hehe ❤️🍡 *some dango for my #1 Itto stan* P.S. You better have slept properly, or else.
🔮 For the match-up, your pair is... RANPO
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• SAME GREMLIN ENERGY, THAT'S THE FIRST REASON • I can see you getting the zoomies together after having an overdose of sugar... poor Kunikida would take a sick leave probably hehe~ • You two would probably fall together into Yosano or Dazai's tickly clutches... or maybe both of them at the same time • I can imagine you two (lovingly) bullying the life out of poor Poe... he'd get wrecked at least twice a week • Ranpo is always honest (even blunt and cheeky at times) so he would always give you a honest feedback about your singing, dancing or theatrical performances... you can always trust his judgment • I'm imagining you creating a song with a couple of lines about every member of the Agency hahahaha • Maybe someone would even get revenge on you two if you made his lines comical enough (ahem Kunikida *cough cough*) • The detective would probably have fun with giving you jumpscares... maybe even tickly jumpscares~ • PLAYFIGHTS WITH KENJI AND ATSUSHI. PERIOD. • You could have a "bro/bestie night" with a nice movie, maybe a comedic murder mystery, and a huge pile of sweets!!! • You could give yourself a silly bros nickname, like THE RANS, since your names both start with RAN • Ranpo probably wins both tickle fights against you, thanks to his observation skills and his great memory. He'd remember each and every one of your weaknesses...
🔮 Tickle scenario
The Agency was completely quiet for once. Dazai and Kunikida were on a mission together, just like Kenji and Tanizaki, Naomi was out shopping with Kyouka, Yosano was buying more bandages and a new chainsaw, the President was having a negotiation with Mori, Atsushi was out "fighting" Akutagawa and Ranpo was on a crime scene.
Which means that when you arrived at this building, you found no one to welcome you. You sighed, although you didn't get mad, you knew that your friends were out doing their job... so you decided to use that time to explore around the building.
You went around and checked everyone's desks, making your heart skip a beat when you almost knocked over a pen holder on Kunikida's perfectly tidy and organized desk, and in the end you found it. The treasure. Your eyes literally lighted up at the sight: you had found Ranpo's stack of sweets.
You genuinely wondered how Ranpo was able to eat all that sugar without getting sick, but a rumble in your stomach made you snap back to reality. You were hungry, but you couldn't eat those sweets... you knew how jealous the detective was of his food, so you decided not to touch anything.
After an hour, the pile of candy was complete gone, and you gulped when you heard the door open and the sound of approaching steps. It wasn't your lucky day. Before you could even think about hiding the evidence of your hideous crimes, Ranpo appeared before you.
"AAAAAHH I'm so disappointed! The case was so easy that I spotted the culprit from afar! I didn't even get to use my ability! Seriously, isn't there an intelligence test to become a policeman?" The detective was clearly grumpy, so he did the thing that usually cheered him up, which was eating sweets to his heart's content.
However, his frown deepened when he found his stack completely gone and the wraps all scattered around the floor. "Rando..." The detective looked at you with a piercing gaze, even putting on his glasses, "do you know where my candy went? "I... you... no... I mean... I didn't... well... I WAS HUNGRY!!!" You couldn't lie at all, especially to the greatest detective of all times.
"Now I'm hungry! What am I supposed to eat, huh?" If you hadn't been so nervous, you would've probably noticed the playfully ominous glint in your best friend's eyes. "Erm... I... I think Kunikida left s-some raw veggies in the fridge..?"
"EEEEEEEHHH VEGGIES??? BLEH! HOW DARE YOU?! YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!!" The green-eyed guy jumped on you, but you managed to put your hands on his shoulders and push him off... Or so you thought.
When you raised your arms, two fingers immediately wormed under your arms, thoroughly digging in the very center of your underarms. "KYAAAHAHEHEHEHE RAHAHAHANPO WAIHIHIHIT NOOOO!!!" You were immediately reduced to a laughing mess, but Ranpo showed no mercy.
On the contrary, he moved his hands and made you think he had decided to spare you and let it slide for once, but right after you breathed a sigh of relief, twenty wiggling fingers descended on your poor tummy.
"WAAAAHHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO RAHAHANPOHOHO NAHAHAT THIHIHIS!!!" You begged, wishing your thin cotton shirt could protect you better from the pokes, pinches, scribbles and spiders that were targeting your midriff.
"Yes, this! You deserve it for eating my secret stack of sweets! Hmph!!" He huffed while he started circling your belly button. "NONONOHOHOHOHO BROHOHO PLEAHAHASE LEHEHET'S TAHAHALK ABOHOHOUT THIHIHIS..!" As soon as you understood where his finger was going, you started pleading and squirming, making the tickly feeling even worse (or better).
"You should've thought about it before eating my snacks... now I'm gonna dig and get them back!" The brunette exclamation as his finger found your bellybutton and started wiggling extra quickly, as if it was digging in your poor belly.
"AAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAEHEHHEHE NAH- NAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOT THIHIHIS PLEHEHEAHASEEE" It surprised you how mean a cute guy like Ranpo could be, but there you were, squirming like a little worm, trying in vain to escape your tickly fate.
But alas, your yelling, squirming, pleading and begging fell on deaf ears. Only when your laughter went silent and you asked him to stop, Ranpo actually ceased his assault. "Are you okay?" The detective asked while handing you a glass of water "Sorry if I overdid it..."
"Don't worry, I'm fine, and well... it was deserved hehe" You gave him an embarrassed smile and scratched the back of your head, "Now... shall we go buy more candy and annoy Poe?"
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I hear u want to hear about WEIRD ANIMALS yes?
Well have i got a WEIRD ANIMAL for you!!
(i know u know about this cause. Its a bird. And also was in the bracket if i remember right (to be fair ive been just a TAD confused as to wich bird poll blog this is ever since u changed ur url lol), but i dunno maybe i can give u some new info! And maybe not, but hopefylly you'll put up with me anyway!)
I give you-
(Drumroll please..)
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Anyway this is my FAVORITE. BIRD. And more people need to talk about her!!!!
So first of all there's the main thing they're known for - being the ONLY known vertabrate whose diet consists mainly (between 70 and 90 PERCENT!!!!!!) of BONE!!!!!!
ALSO however! This bird is POSSIBLE evidence of non-human animal using COSMETICS!!!! Y'see, they are naturally mostly white in coloration, but they roll in iron-rich mud and dust, thus dyeing their feathers a rich red color! Interestingly, Bearded Vultures, a primarily solitary and somewhat territorial animal, seem to be more respectful of and submissive to others of their species who have more red to their feathers. Though it is worth noting, as these birds live in very high altitudes, that we havent been able to observe them in the wild enough to prove the connection between dyed hue and perceived dominance.
Also i seem to remember in some poll (genuinely cant remember if it was urs or not) the Bearded Vulture was beat by a bird whose main notable trait was commiting fratricide - something that the Bearded Vulture ALSO does! The mother lays two eggs, one egg hatches about a week before the other, and upon the second egg hatching one chick (almost always the older one) kills and eats the other. I dont usually share that bit cause it would turn a lot of folks off from my Favorite Bird Ever but it really bothered me how that poll went down lol (lighthearted) (not actually mad)
Anyway, uuuuhhhh i think thats it -
-WAIT!!!!! I just remembered something else about them!!!!!
So they eat bones right? And some bones are to big to swallow yeah? So, like any strong-legged bird would, they pick up the too-big bones, fly way up high, and then drop them on rocks to break them into edible peices.
Seems pretty normal yeah?
Well (allegedly) they also do that to turtles/turtles to access the meat on rare occasion.
Still not that weird? I completely agree!
However, (allegedly) a Bearded Vulture once killed a greek playwright by the name of Aeschylus by mistaking his bald head for a rock and dropping a tortoise on it from a great height!
Anyway yeah thats all the main things
Except you know, for their apearance
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(Why are their EYES like that? Ive tried to look it up but cant find anything. Some of the PRETTIEST (round-pupiled) eyes in the animal kingdom tho, no question)
Anyways yeah, sorry if this is all stuff u already knew, but, uh. YEAH!!!
Thanks for letting me rant about my funky lil guy!!!
I DID KNOW ALL OF THIS ALREADY BUT I LOVE YOUR ENTHUSIASM AND I LOVED READING ALL OF IT AGAIN!!! Bearded vultures are so darn pretty. Also you can be genuinely bothered with how a poll went down, I’m still a bit upset with the results of my first bracket. (final girl showdown) 😔
I keep thinking of things I could add on but you’ve pretty much said it all! I guess I could say that the bearded vulture is a card in Inscryption? The power is equal to one half of the player’s bones. I like that little detail.
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