#i wish i was more comfortable just...agreeing to disagree with people
wicked-ghoul · 4 months
Bouncing back and forth between the regular Hazbin Hotel tag and the critical tag because I don't really vibe wholly with either side!
I'm loving the show, a lot actually, but I think it's very flawed and want to engage with critique of the show...but it seems like a lot of people (not all, obviously, but a lot) are split on their feelings on the show and I think both sides (lovers or haters) are sick of each other so there's very little middle ground...
The fans are sick of the negativity so they lean into the positive stuff which is fine, but I find a lot will praise/give a pass to things that I just don't think are good/passable...
The haters are sick of the praise and giving passes to certain issues in the show which is understandable, but I find people having issues with things I either don't think are problems or blowing things out of proportion...
And that's just in regards to the show itself, that's not even getting into everything regard Viv but I'm not brave enough to go into any of that! lol
I'm just bummed I don't feel like I have a lot of people to talk to about the show. The people who love the show seem to not wanna hear/not agree with any critiques, and the people who are pissed at the show don't seem to want to hear anything positive about it.
I'm tired... lol
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mysteriouswolf · 3 months
I'm going to start this off with saying it hurts. It fucking hurts. It hurts so, so much, and there's parts of me that still desperately want to look for a way out, to make him not the bad guy, but there isn't one.
Wilbur Soot is a fucking asshole. A piece of absolute trash, and it hurts. Because I've looked up to him for so many years now. He's been such an inspiration and comfort in my life, from dealing with issues I have myself, and giving me all the more reason to stay here. And now he's turned out to be like this. To anyone who's been following what I reblog about him, it's conflicting, because my thoughts seem to change by the minute. But I'm hoping in saying this I can clear my head and make a definite decision.
I will never be supporting Wilbur ever again. No matter how much better he gets, I don't care. What he did was unexcusable, and if you think otherwise, you can fuck off of my blog. His "apology" wasn't an apology, and for the most part all he did was defend himself. The responses from other content creators have pushed me to agree that yes, fuck Wilbur. He's an ass. I think I've stated this a couple times.
What he did to them, especially Niki and Tommy was inexcusable as well from what we know, and since Tommy is going on tour in about a week (if he's still going/up to it) PLEASE no one harass him with questions, or how he feels. Please, just leave him alone. I'm sure it's a lot to process for him too- even more than us.
I've seen some posts saying how we should be angry at other content creators for not speaking out sooner, but some of them have hinted at it/tried. And others haven't known enough, or didn't want to start causing something against him. The same reason Shelby didn't want to say his name. Maybe they couldn't. Please leave them alone.
The last thing I would like to say, is maybe controversial. If you disagree with me, I don't care, this is purely my opinion.
You can still enjoy his character. Your stories, your artwork, all that you've done with it. Don't feel bad about keeping it up, because that's yours now. You've worked so hard on it, and cared for that character so much that it's become far more yours than his. In regards to his music, I know his songs have provided a lot of us with comfort, including me. It's going to be really hard for me to stop listening to something I loved, but I'm going to make the effort- especially with his solo albums. Also, please don't harass the other members of Lovejoy. From what we know, they're lovely people, and if you're going to stop listening to them, great, do that, but don't harass them. Please. And if you do choose to listen to them, there's ways you can listen to music without supporting him- in my opinion covers are the best way to do that, but that one is up to you.
To wrap this up, I'd just like to say...please don't send death threats, or threats in general to anyone involved in this situation- including Wilbur. Leave them alone. Please.
This is subject to change if we get more information, but for now and the foreseeable future, this is my stance. I wish everyone hugs and comfort. This sucks. I'm sorry.
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tainbocuailnge · 4 months
Another thing that's... kinda odd about the English translation is in the DRK quests, Myste says "A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely", which is a big line in basically a secret route of the browser game Fallen London. and yeah, it is a cool line and neat to hear it in FF14... it also doesn't really work for Myste? In it's original context, it's about the remains of a dead demi-god-like being, which was cast into a well, seeking a reckoning and leading the player down a route which will irreversibly destroy their character in pursuit of dark secrets.
Which is not what the Myste sections of DRK were about at all, lol.
oh I could rant for hours about dark knight translations. that questline is actually why I first went to scope out the german script, because I heard drk wildly differs between english and japanese and that german generally stays closer to japanese than english does. I translated some of the fray parts here actually, though you'll note I'm a lot more forgiving of the english script in that one because i hadn't reached sidurgu's parts yet löl
german fray and myste are just completely different characters from english. german myste is upbeat and energetic. he loves people who help others and feels a strong urge to help them in turn. he spawned from the dark knight crystal in response to the loneliness of countless dark knights stored within it so he could console them and be their friend, he's basically the will of the soul crystal itself. he tries to alleviate that loneliness by facilitating reunions with lost loved ones but grows frustrated that this only leads to more partings, so he tries to expand his powers to maintain his illusions forever, because more than anything he just doesn't want to leave his dear friends the dark knights alone. he represents the childish wish at the core of every dark knight for a world where nobody has to lose anyone again.
in the part of the quests where you take myste to the sea of clouds there's this bit where in english he talks about his guilt complex and lets slip that this is also your guilt. in german he tells you that he was always with these people who fight hard for others, watching from the sides, until one day he heard a cry of loneliness and since then he's been trying his best to help people too. that's the moment that for me really hammered it in that these languages fundamentally disagree on what it even means to be a dark knight.
in english myste is desperate to atone for everything he's ever done and fray is your self preservation instinct who is kinda mad that you let it get this far, but they have to forgive him because you're all you have as you walk this lonely and bloody path that you have to believe is right. in german myste is your ideal, the desire to comfort those who have no-one else, crying that maybe it's better to forget altogether if partings can't be avoided and fray is your human heart who agrees that parting will always hurt but that is exactly where you find the strength to continue the fight, because it is worthwhile even if it never ends, and the path may be lonely but you will never walk it alone when there are people who came before you and who will come after you who all share this same dream of a kinder world. of course you won't have to leave us, you're our ideal, you're what we do it all for, as long as we remain dark knights you'll be with us. this all flows very naturally into drk-as-shadowbringers-class and ardbert's deal too but since I haven't reached shb in german yet I don't want to say anything extensive about it yet
i still think english drk was cooking with even your repressed feelings being repressed + the part of yourself that wants to protect itself obviously trying to protect itself and thus not wanting to show vulnerability so en fray postures as the stronger one who will protect you instead, and that fray writing in the journal (and only being able to be honest in a place where you're unlikely to look unless you don't know where to go) is incredibly clever. but in the context of how english treats sidurgu and just the way they handle the entire rest of the game really i also don't think that they were intentionally going for this kind of subtlety, it feels to me more like they just thought sincerity is cringe like usual and decided to make everyone cool and edgy (and thus needlessly mean to each other) instead.
and yeah english fucking loves to just yoink lines from other media whether it's appropriate or not. they turned zenos' final words to wol into a hamilton reference in english, "my first friend, my enemy" is a hamilton line, he doesn't ever call you his enemy in any other language (in german he calls you his hunter though which yes is incredibly horny of him). I'll admit I'm not in a good position to judge whatever epic references the german script makes because I'm unfamiliar with german language popular media so I won't spot them unless someone else points them out but I do know that when german fray quotes fight club it just enhances their characterisation as trying to sound cool and intimidating but failing because they're really kind of lame and awkward and can't hide how stoked they are to hang out with you.
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starsha-stardust · 6 months
things I loved abt Wish
Since it needs more positivity in the tags:
That it's a fairytale movie. I adore fairytales and Disney magic💜
That it has a flamboyant and evil villain. It's been too long
Asha's character. She was so sweet and loveable. Idk how to explain it but she has this warmth to her voice and expressions that really enhance her character to me
That it has a female hero/male villain dynamic. Unless I'm forgetting someone there hasn't been a Disney princess that opposes a male villain for the majority of their movie. Jasmine, Tiana, and Mulan face male villains but only for a short scene in their movies. There's something badass to me abt a teen girl defeating a male villain💅
The astrology/mystical aesthetic of this movie. Just looking at the visuals of posters and certain merch bring me euphoria.
The simplicity of the plot. I was so happy in the theatre when Asha said she would steal the wishes from Magnifico and return them to the people. I know a lot disagree with me on this, but after years of Disney attempting to take risks with overly ambitious and preachy plots it was refreshing to be able to sit back and enjoy a lower stakes movie. I get people wanted something grander for a 100th anniversary movie, but for me personally it's simplicity was comforting and refreshing.
At all costs. It's one of the most beautiful songs in all of Disney to me. They need to make more songs of that tone.
Asha's design. It just appeals to me immensely.
The animation. It's fairly unique to me and I loved it. Especially the watercolor backgrounds.
That Asha, a Disney heroine has friends. Especially loved Gabo and Sabeena.
Amaya. People think she didn't play a big enough role but I think she got enough screentime for how unfortunately short it was. I loved how she stayed by Magnifico's side while he showed cracks in his armor, tried to real him away from his dark desires, but eventually betrayed him because he ended up so far from the man he once was. I think it's an important lesson to teach women that they aren't obligated to stay with a toxic man. But I also love the end scene between them. I believe she still cares for him and talks to him often. ☺️
Star. I thought they would be an average sidekick plot device but I think most people would agree they have this big charm to them. They don't talk but are so expressive. And those giggles and chirps. 🥺
How active Asha is in her movie. From opposing Magnifico out of the gate. Making her wish. Breaking into Magnifico's study. Throwing that bookcase on him and saving her parents. Rallying all her friends. She isn't just said to be a good person. She puts herself in danger so many times all to bring happiness to other people. She's kind of badass
King Magnifico's complexity. At least for a Disney villain he has multiple traits to him such as being kind, vain and paranoid. It's interesting to see a king villain cuz he already has power and status so his goals aren't typical. It's unique to see a villain who is both benevolent and a madman in the same film. The fact that even in his madness he was in a backwards way just trying to protect his people is so unique cuz most villains don't care at all abt protecting anyone. He is a classic villain but not a classically evil one.
Valentino. He's a 3 week old goat that wears pajamas. He fits Asha's aesthetic perfectly.
That it is filled with so many Easter eggs cleverly woven into the story
There's more but this is getting long. I just love this Movie man💜
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bumblingbabooshka · 7 months
Chakotay being a person who (while of course being willing to follow orders to a point) ultimately puts what's morally right and wrong in his eyes over Starfleet protocol while Tuvok is shown to be a person who will follow Starfleet protocol (and more accurately Janeway's word) over what he personally thinks is right is something that could have been so interesting if the three of them were actually shown as a triumvirate instead of it usually being Janeway-Chakotay and even then mostly just Janeway.
It would be an opportunity to explore more about the Maquis v Starfleet dynamic, about how Chakotay & Janeway's different leadership styles work and don't work with this new crew and with different people, to interrogate what exactly Voyager should look like - to incorporate more leniency and Maquis tactics into its operation so that they really do become a blended ship instead of the Maquis simply becoming subsumed into Starfleet. It'd also give more opportunities to let all three characters shine and introduce more moral quandaries that they can have differing ideas about and how does that affect them? At one point Tuvok is willing to go against Janeway's orders because she wants to do something but can't due to Starfleet protocol. In another episode he also follows Janeway's orders to assist in killing an entire ship of people despite that being against both Starfleet protocol and certain moral standards because she feels strongly that they should. He protests this but once she rebukes him he doesn't object again or attempt to stop her (like Chakotay - though they both know at that point that she's crossing lines). This sort of implies to me that he's much more loyal to Janeway herself than he is to Starfleet as a concept. Meanwhile Janeway is shown to be staunchly and strictly Starfleet - adopting the code AS her moral compass a lot of the time. She sometimes has to go off-script due to the nature of their situation but most of her decisions are made depending on how Starfleet would feel about it. If she wants to do something but Starfleet would disagree, she rarely if ever questions Starfleet protocol and instead will go with what it says is best even if it's painful on a personal level. She also tells Tuvok in the episode aforementioned that he is "Her advisor, her moral compass" and having a moral compass/advisor that's either a bunch of rules written by the space government or a person who is mostly just going to agree with you no matter what they actually think and not challenge you if you rebuke them isn't the best idea. Enter Chakotay. Chakotay's willingness to disagree with Janeway and not back down is something I wish had been shown more. When he says "I don't care about logs or reports or whatever - I care about person to person shit. I care about what's right and what you're doing is wrong." it's something that could be so interesting and so necessary when contrasted with the other two. A good example is of course 'Equinox' but also 'Manuevers' where he goes off against literally everyone's orders and friendly advice because he feels responsible. And that's important - he's doing it because he feels responsible. That's different from Tuvok (who doesn't feel) and Janeway (who would most likely try to find comfort in protocol) - because Chakotay feels he's responsible and that he needs to protect the crew since he (in his eyes) is the one who put them in danger. He's a person who's shown to be willing to go against everything anyone says in order to do what he feels is right if the wrong is too great to allow. Voyager if these three were actually allowed to argue and be equals and figure out how to work together as sort of a microcosm of how this new blended crew is going to be able to fight and work and band together.
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darlingshane · 7 months
let's talk...
Because a lot of you really want me to speak on this, whether I want to or not, here it goes – for all the anons, the nice-ones, and the not-so-nice-ones….
All I can say is that I see you, I hear you, and I share your frustrations. My heart hurts so much for everything that’s going on in the world right now, and I’m having trouble processing it all, so this probably won’t make any sense…
Like a lot of you, I’m very conflicted, I wish Jon would be more vocal sometimes on issues like this. I’ve been following him for years, I was subscribed to his patreon until a few months ago when it really started to rub me the wrong way that he wouldn’t reach other communities outside the military and a few of his friends. He has a huge platform where he’s tackled issues like these before, and showing compassion for both sides would go a long way during this conflict. I don’t know if this is the case, but I saw him supporting Ukraine while still talking and sharing stories of people from Russia. I wanna believe that behind the scenes he’s doing the same right now. I can be wrong, but I don’t believe he had ill-intend when he signed that letter. This is a sensitive issue that has a lot of fronts to cover, and he probably won’t be posting anything soon, or at all. I don’t really know. But I hope that he does. Maybe the people that are still on his discord can shine a light on this and tell us if JB or his team have shared anything there.
I’d love to think he’s perfect, but he’s not. I’ve come to realize that you can admire someone, or be a fan of their work without agreeing to everything they do or say. And I’ve disagreed before with him on a lot of things he’s put out there. But that doesn’t strip away that he’s done good things too, and a lot of people are failing to see that now. And I get it. And that’s completely valid too.
That said, please know that I’m nobody, I come here to disconnect from the real world and post my little gifs and fanfictions from time to time. I don’t have to speak on any issue that I don’t feel comfortable with, this is just an exception cause a lot of you have sent anons pressuring me to speak about this.
I’m not going to turn my back on Jon anytime soon no matter how much some of you want me to, but I won’t be defending him either. I’ll keep posting pics, news, and stuff about him unless he does or says something truly despicable. If that bothers you, you can just unfollow and move on.
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moonlightdancer26 · 4 months
I know you like the Marauders and Snape and that's really reliving since I like them both too and I really do want to talk about the Marauders with someone but there's few people I feel comfortable talking about them because not everyone wants to talk about their complicated (not fluff) sides.
So some Marauders headcanons I have:
I don't believe the whole "Sirius was good inside and therefore he knew his family was wrong" stuff somehow, so I think it's more likely that Sirius originally wasn't opposed but then he got sorted into Gryffindor, ostracized, but then James took him under his wing.
Sirius and Remus seriously idealize James, because he did a lot of good for them and their lives started seriously sucking after he died.
Remus probably started being a people pleaser after the werewolf prank, because it was shown that the Marauders don't actually care about him and are willing to hurt him and they won't face consequences and Sirius didn't regret it, so he molded himself so that Sirius never felt motivated to do that again.
Sirius involved Remus in the prank as a form of punishment for something Remus did.
I don't believe the whole "Sirius was good inside and therefore he knew his family was wrong" stuff somehow, so I think it's more likely that Sirius originally wasn't opposed but then he got sorted into Gryffindor, ostracized, but then James took him under his wing.
I think when 11 year old Sirius first came to Hogwarts, his relationship with his fam wasn’t the greatest but he still loved them and felt sort of indebted to them (this might also explain the quote: [Sirius’s response to James insulting Slytherin] “Sirius did not smile. ‘My whole family have been in Slytherin’ he said”). But as the years went by and Sirius became more extreme in his hatred of Slytherin House and his family’s beliefs, the drift in his relationship with his brother and parents became much bigger.
Sirius and Remus seriously idealize James, because he did a lot of good for them and their lives started seriously sucking after he died.
Remus probably started being a people pleaser after the werewolf prank, because it was shown that the Marauders don't actually care about him and are willing to hurt him and they won't face consequences and Sirius didn't regret it, so he molded himself so that Sirius never felt motivated to do that again.
I disagree. He has always been a people pleaser, due to his self-hatred and his need to be accepted. He felt like he owed James and Sirius something, hence why he kept quiet about the pranks they pulled that he didn’t always agree with. Pottermore says this as well.
Sirius involved Remus in the prank as a form of punishment for something Remus did.
I disagree with this too. I think it was, to an extent, the total opposite of that. He completely dismissed Remus’s feelings and used Remus’s darkest secret for his own amusement, he put Remus in a terrifying position without considering how Remus might’ve felt if the prank had actually succeeded. I think that was what made the prank truly hurt — the fact that Sirius genuinely did not care about Remus’s wellbeing at all. I personally think that was possibly the most hurt Remus had ever been. It wasn’t just about Snape and Sirius wanting to pull a mean prank on him, it was about Remus. Not only did Sirius have no problem almost getting someone murdered (Snape), but he also didn’t even think twice to consider what he was putting Remus through and what would’ve happened to him if he actually killed Snape. And the fact that Sirius went on to say “I wish it was the full moon again” when he was bored (aka “I wish it was that night of the month where one of my best friends has to go through an extreme amount of pain just so I can run around in my little doggie form and have fun while my friend isn’t in his right mind and could kill anyone that crosses his path”) in front of Remus mere months after literally exploiting his condition further shows how little Sirius actually cared about what he had done. (I ain’t even gonna mention how adult!Sirius talked about the situation.)
I’m aware that I just wrote an entire paragraph bashing Sirius but I swear I love him 💀
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𝑭𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑳 𝑾𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵 ║ Chapter 2 - Not Yet Corpses, But Still We Rot
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| FERAL WOMAN | series masterlist | main masterlist | | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x fem!OC/reader | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 5.1k | CHAPTER WARNINGS: mental health struggles related to anxiety, trauma, PTSD | CHAPTER SUMMARY: Your first 24 hours in Jackson serve as a hard reminder that some things may change but others stay just the same.
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Please read with caution if you have difficulties with works concerning: SA, physical violence, torture, captivity, trauma, and similar topics as they are discussed throughout the series. All highly sensitive portions WILL BE MARKED with my sensitive material banner if you wish to skip the more challenging portions. The sensitive material banner looks like this:
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Maria felt comfortable to be around. At least, she felt more comfortable to be around than anyone else you had encountered so far. You wondered if she was the only woman in this entire place as you had only seen man after man after man. You found yourself seated across from her in a small room near the front gates. 
It was chilly, but it paled in comparison to the hours you spent locked in the shed.  The small bowl of soup and Tommy’s jacket that still engulfed you certainly helped you hold onto some warmth. You had tried to give his jacket back, but he insisted you keep it until they could get you one of your own. You can hear him pacing out in the hallway.
He was kind, but he was still unsure of leaving you with Maria alone. She catches your attention by calling your name – the fake one you had given when you were still too afraid to be honest about such a personal detail. And now you were too afraid to correct your lie, so you answer to your alias, although a bit too slowly still. You would need to work on that.
“I’m not going to ask what you’ve been through,” she started with a level tone and gaze. She leaned back in her chair and adjusted her legs to accommodate her belly. She studied you with a placid expression, taking time to carefully choose her words. “I don’t need to ask what you’ve been through because it’s clear that,  whatever it was, was a lot.”
You make no measure to agree or disagree. You were still weighing your current predicament. You had refused medical attention upon entrance, and you tried to ignore the way Maria’s eyes zipped every now and
then to the injuries on your face and neck. After a few moments of silence, you decided you’re already in this deep and might as well return what kindness you could to these people.
You tell Maria there are no more in your group other than the party that had left this morning. You give her a rundown of Sam’s  movements over the past 6 months. It’s to the best of your knowledge, but it’s limited information considering you were purposefully kept in the dark most of the time. “And, are there . . others, like you?” she carefully probed. You shake your head and focus on a dent in the tabletop. “No. They’re all gone now.” The memories of Mae, Sam’s sometimes secondary pet and sometimes group consolation prize, flooded your mind. You wished she could’ve held on a little longer. She could’ve been here with you right now. Instead you were alone, arguably safer, but that didn’t guarantee the safety would last. If your past experiences taught you anything, it was that things can get very bad, very quickly and with little to no warning. It was never wise to trust things would stay okay just because they happened to be at the moment.
“You know, your group was sizing up our settlement earlier today. Made the mistake of assuming we don’t have outposts and watchtowers to catch that sort of thing,” she revealed. Your eyes widened as they met hers.
“How do you know it was my group?” you challenged in a weak voice. Of course you had wondered what Sam had done when they made it back to the cabin and discovered you were missing. If it was truly Sam and his men that had been spotted by Maria’s people, you wondered who out of anyone had made it back to the cabin at all.
“All it takes is one rider to be lazy with their tracks. Makes short work of following their entire trek. That’s how we were able to locate that cabin out in the middle of nowhere. How we found you.” Maria explained this all in such a velvety way that you wanted it to make sense, but you were struggling to piece together all the new bits of information she was feeding you.
“Are they … are they here? Did you bring them back here?” you questioned, the last few words inching up an octave with fear.
“What do you mean? After the ambush? Did we bring any of their party back to Jackson? As prisoners?” she amended. You nod your head with a stiff jerk as you feel the sick creep of panic slip into your bones. There weren’t enough metal bars and locks in the world to confine Sam in a way that could make you feel safe, not if he was still alive. You would never be safe from him.
“Pointless to keep dead men as prisoners, don’t you think?” she posed with a weary smile.
“Dead?” you repeated. The word sounded hollow and unreal. “They’re dead?”
“Would’ve been a lot harder to pick them off if they hadn’t so quickly gone into ‘every man for himself’ mode,” she mused. “Caught them by surprise from the left flank, and they didn’t stand a chance with our vantage points and manpower.”
You cough in a choke, unable to lodge the thick lump in your throat. Maria pushes some water across the table to you, and you numbly take a few sips before looking at her again.
“How do you know it was them? How do you know they’re really dead? How do you know somebody didn’t get away?” The questions spilled from your mouth before you could stop yourself.
You didn’t want Maria to be offended, getting the impression that you didn’t find her or her group up for the task of handling Sam and his men.  They seemed very organized and established, but you knew what Sam was capable of.
“Like I said, we have our own patrol and watch groups to stop this sort of thing before it can even start. Each body matched with the headcount our first watch post clocked, about an hour before we ambushed them on the mountainside,” she clarified.
“You got Sam?” you pressed. Your lips were tingling and joining with the static haze in your ears.
“I’m not sure which one was Sam, but, yes, he’s dead. They’re all dead,” she confirmed.
Your mind was racing trying to remember what he was wearing this morning. “He had– There was a-a green jacket. Yes, gr-green. And, and his pocket! His pock-pocket has a m-missing button?” you said in a frenzy.
Maria sat for a moment, absorbing your uncharacteristically animated reaction. “Can’t say I was looking for any missing buttons on green jackets.” 
Of course not. It was ridiculous to even consider she would’ve been focused on such a trivial thing while clearing an entire group of armed men.
“Can you take me to them? Can I see them? Can I see if it’s really him?” you begged. You had to see for yourself that Sam was gone. You had to know he couldn’t get you anymore. You needed to see the body. His body. Lifeless. You needed to see he couldn’t hurt you anymore.
“Look, I understand if you maybe had some sort of… ‘attachment’ to some of these guys, but–” Maria started gently.
Your incredulous bark of a laugh hit the air so abruptly that Maria’s eyebrows rose straight to her hairline. “Attachment?” you echoed with revulsion. “No. They are going to come back for me. You, you don’t understand! Sam is not going to-to just let me go. He’s not going to just let s-someone else have me.”
You shook your head with a humorless laugh as you hugged yourself tightly. Your heartbeat was thrashing against your ribcage like a hummingbird was trapped in your chest.
“Stay here,” Maria ordered calmly as she stood and exited the room. You were preoccupied with the gripping possibility that Sam was still alive and was certain to come after you. He wouldn’t stop until you were his again. He would blame you for the deaths of the crew. You just knew it would be your fault, somehow.
You try to stop the shaking of your hands, but it only travels up your arms and rocked your chest as it made its way through the rest of your body.
Your teeth were chattering with fear when Maria, Tommy, and another man you recognized from the patrol group entered the room.
“This is Jason. He was head of the watch group that first spotted your old group. He said he saw a few green jackets out there today, and he is willing to describe the men to the best of his memory,” Maria explained.
Jason gave a quick nod in greeting and began recalling the first sighting. “First green jacket was on the guy we think was head of the group. Calling out orders and seemed to be making the decisions.”
You listened with rapt attention, desperate for any undeniable identifiers. Jason gave a physical description of the man that was eerily accurate to that of Sam, but you couldn’t let yourself believe it was really him, that he was really dead.
“He was easiest to remember ‘cause he was the leader, we think. That and he had a brown and white spotted horse. Rest of ‘em were all solid color or looked that way.” Your stomach bottomed out. Of course. Sam never let anyone else ride his horse, and you were all too familiar with the pattern of their coat.
“Oh my god,” you whisper hoarsely. Your eyes felt hot and wet, and you scrunched them shut.
“If that’s Sam, I’m the one that took him out. Wanted to clear leadership first. I’m sorry if you were, uh,  close to him,” Tommy confessed. He had no way of knowing he was offering up condolences for killing the man who had kept you prisoner and subjected you to absolute torment for the past two years.
“You? You killed him?” you repeated, locking onto Tommy’s eyes with fierce concentration. You didn’t feel lightheaded, but your body was rocking back and forth in a small circuit. It felt like electricity was shooting through your veins.
“I did, sweetheart. I’m sorry,” he apologized again.
The surge of relief exploded out of you in a loud sob and propelled you into Tommy. Your legs gave out, and you grabbed haphazardly at his lower legs and boots as you tried to remember how to embrace someone.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,” you chanted in a strangled sob against his laces. 
Tommy was rigid under your touch, unsure if he should react or return your gesture. Jason cleared his throat at the uncomfortable shift in the room, but Maria’s hand found its way to your back with a gentle pat. 
“You don’t have to worry about Sam or anybody else. Not while you’re here,” she said firmly.
She and Tommy both helped you to your feet, and all you could do was mutter apologies for your outburst and try to pace your breaths. You shoved your hands at your face to wipe away the tears and winced when you hit a particularly tender area you had already forgotten about. 
“Let’s get you to the clinic before I take you to meet your new roommate,” Maria encouraged.
 You sniffled and shot her a confused look. “My what?”
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Susan seemed pleasant enough, considering you had shown up to her doorstep at nearly 9 o’clock at night, looking like fresh hell and as skittish as a cat with a long tail under a rocking chair. She seemed thrilled to have your company for some reason, but you could’ve just been reading the situation wrong. It had been a long time since you had been around other people like this.
Susan was probably in her early 70s if you had to guess, although the state of the world tended to make everyone look older than their age. You were surprised when she shared that she had lost a daughter that would be around your age.
She had been a single mother and lived only a few hours from the settlement, which she identified as the only reason she had made it here alive in the first place after she and her daughter fled their QZ. As for how she survived and her daughter didn’t, Susan only offered a sad smile and a “wrong place, wrong time.” You didn’t press her for any further detail, and she was kind enough to not ask you a single thing about yourself. 
“Susan lives alone but has been looking for a housemate for quite some time now. So long as the right candidate came along,” Maria explained. “It’s harder for her to get out some days when the snow picks up, so having a young set of helping hands will be appreciated, no doubt.”
Susan nodded in agreement, and her eyes sparkled with excitement when she caught your gaze.
“Don’t worry, though, about getting to work just yet. We’ll give you plenty of time to rest and settle. I’ll see to that.”
Susan spoke with such unyielding affection that it was hard to feel hesitant about anything. You nervously fidget with the cup of tea she made you. “Sleepy time tea” as she called it. All of this unsolicited goodwill still had you on edge if you stopped to think about it for more than 3 seconds.
“Tommy and I are just a few doors down. His brother and niece are right next door, too,” Maria informed you as she stood slowly and stretched her lower back against her hands. “There’s not much going on at this end, so you’ll be away from the busier parts of town. I know it will be a big adjustment.”
“You want some fruit leather for the walk home, dear?” Susan offered. 
“That sounds great, Susan,” Maria replied. Susan shuffled off to the kitchen, leaving you and Maria alone once more. “Listen, I know it’s a lot to take in, but you’re in good hands with Susan,” Maria uttered in a low tone so your new roommate couldn’t hear. “It’d be nice if you were able to find a way to let her indulge in some of those mother instincts. She lost her daughter, and she’ll be the first to tell you that she’s been sort of … ‘lost at sea’ ever since. Losing a child doesn’t mean you’re not a mother anymore. You’re always going to be a mother.” Something sad flashed for just a moment across her face when she spoke.
You nodded in understanding. The idea that you could fulfill someone’s emotional needs was just another outlandish concept that had turned out to be true today.
Susan sauntered back into the dining room with a small brown bag for Maria, and she placed a few pieces of dark burgundy squares on your saucer. You looked up to find her giving you a small wink and a quick squeeze on your shoulder. You must have been completely flummoxed by the day’s events because you didn’t even flinch at her touch.
“I’ll be by in the morning to check on you. Head to ours if you need anything overnight,” Maria instructed. Susan saw her out and then focused her attention squarely on you.
“Eat up, Lovebug. You’ve got a ways to go before I say you’re fit for duty,” she chuckled warmly, rubbing a swift path between your shoulder blades before clearing the rest of the dishes from the table. You were grateful for the first moment of real solitude since you had been discovered in the shed earlier today. The strange hum of electricity filled your ears, punctuated by the crackle and hiss of the fire in the living room. The cascade of water from the kitchen faucet was a white noise, just like the whip of the wind outside.
You nibble at the square of fruit leather Susan had left you, and it took all your remaining fortitude to not burst into tears at the heavenly sweet flavor of strawberries and apples.
Maria was right. This was going to be a lot for you to comprehend.
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You tossed and turned for most of the night. The warm shower Susan got running for you had been an intense experience. The feeling of hot, soothing water running over your sore, damaged body was a foreign sensation, and your body didn’t know how to respond to such a pleasant thing. You lied and told Susan yes when she asked if the shower had calmed your nerves any.
The soft, warm clothes Maria found for you were a little baggy, but beggars can’t be choosers. You squirmed at the sensation of fuzzy, cozy fabric against your clean, soft skin. You felt like a different person, but your mind wandered back to your reflection from earlier.
The shower was heating up while you disrobed, and you caught sight of yourself in the vanity. You didn’t come across mirrors very often, and you tended to avoid them whenever you did. The frail, battered woman looking back at you in the crystal clear vanity mirror was unrecognizable. Was that you? Surely not. Why were your eyes so blank and flat? Was the mirror dirty? Were you so exhausted your eyes were playing tricks on you? Was it a trick of the lightning? But it was you. You’d recognize that heaping mess of curls anywhere, twirling and twisting every which way over your shoulders. It looked like a dark cloud around your head. Your fingertips grazed the muddled blues and greens across your cheek, a complimentary palette to the hues on your neck, chest, shoulder, wrists, backside, legs … You shut your eyes and turned away from the mirror.
You rushed through your shower, and Susan had somehow set up the spare bedroom in the time it took for you to get a shower and get dressed. She made no effort to hide her enthusiasm for tending to you, and after an hour or so of it you had gotten a little more comfortable with it. After all, you were doing this for Susan’s benefit, just like Maria had asked. Who were you to begrudge this hospitable, gracious woman, who hadn’t blinked twice at the notion of you living with her? She didn’t even know you. None of them did. Why were they so trusting? You knew you weren’t exactly in peak physical condition, but you were still much younger and wilier than Susan. You could overpower her if you really wanted to.
When she kept calling you “Lovebug” or “Bug” for short, you tried your best to hide the curious confusion at the nickname. Susan seemed to notice because she asked, “Do you mind me calling you that? Sorry. I have such a terrible habit with little nicknames. I can stop if it’s bothering you.” She was earnest, and you appreciated her willingness to address you by your own choice of name. “I don’t mind it at all, Susan. It’s really nice,” you promised, only partially embellishing the truth.
You had given them all a fake name, so neither one was even your actual one anyway. Maybe in the coming days you could work up the courage to introduce yourself properly. The last thing you wanted was for everyone to think you were a liar. If you weren’t trustworthy, you’d probably no longer be welcomed here, and you had nowhere else to go.
The twin size mattress in your room hugged every rigid curve and poke of your body. So much open, uncramped space was unsettling. You stretched your legs out, but it felt too strange, so you curled them back up into your chest. You silently counted the number of stars you could see from your window.
You jerk awake, and realize in a groggy haze that you must’ve fallen asleep after all. The stars you’d been counting had faded into the pale morning sky. You still and listen for any movement. Your new living arrangement slowly came back to your memory. You didn’t hear Susan. You didn’t hear anything at all. The silence was deafening and claustrophobic. There wasn’t a warning from your body before your breath began quickening in the quietude of your room. Your room. Another distressing pleasantry to add to the pile, right on top of hushed, peaceful house. The warmth of the quilt and your new clothes suddenly felt stifling. You shimmied Tommy’s jacket off you, but the oppressive heat only grew.
Locks of your unruly, kinked hair stuck to the sheen of sweat on your brow. You licked your lips, faintly aware of the chapped but not as dry as usual feel to them. You scanned the room for the glass of water Susan had left you last night. It sat empty on the nightstand. You must have drank it sometime during the night, forgetting about it just as you had forgotten drifting off entirely. A shaky leg hit the carpet followed by a firmer second leg. You tried to get your bearings through rapid, shaky inhales. The combination of plush fabric and cushy carpet on your feet was too much all at once, so you ripped your socks off.
Your new,  light blue t-shirt hung loosely around your frame, but it didn’t offer reprieve from the creeping blaze spreading through your body. You gather your pants tighter, tying the drawstring in a snug knot, before prowling into the hallway and down the stairs. The walls feel like they’re closing in on you. A suffocating sensation grips your throat.
You fumble with the lock on the front door before wrenching it open and stumbling onto the porch. The icy wind that stung your face felt like a mollifying fog surrounding you, but your breaths are still coming in jolts and tremors. You clamor for the open area past the porch steps. The freezing bite of freshly fallen snow riddled your bare feet like glacial needles, and it instantly brought steadied breathing. The whip of a wintry, harsh wind collided into your body, wrapping you in a grounding clutch.
The crushing feeling of impending doom was subsiding, and you had enough of your senses to notice the dry, itchy thirst in your mouth and throat.
You surveyed your surroundings, an entirely new environment with the slow sunrise leaking faint light across everything. A large snowdrift against the side of the house caught your eye, and you trudged to it with devout focus. You were starting to lose feeling in your feet, but you managed to drop close enough to the pile of fresh snow to reach out and cram a handful of it into your desperate mouth.
Your eyes flutter closed at the quenching drip of ice across your tongue. You didn’t care that you were on your hands and knees in the snow – an oversized pair of flannel pajama pants that were getting more saturated by the second, a short sleeved cotton t-shirt, no shoes, no socks, no jacket.
You actually feel invigorated being able to flee the overstimulating house and sate your own needs. The corners of your lips turn up from all the excitement, and you hastily shovel more handfuls of snow into your mouth. You hum with satisfaction at the tranquility settling over you. The trees in your line of sight swayed gently with the gusts of cold air that make you feel present for once. For the first time, you lucidly contemplate your new situation. You’re not confined to the house anymore because you simply got up and left. You aren’t a prisoner to anyone or any place.
You push yourself back onto your knees, the tops of your feet planted firmly onto the ground on either side of your thighs. Your eyes flutter close one more, just briefly for the moment of peace that found you.
“Uhhh, you alright?” 
You whip your head around to locate the voice. A teenage girl, no more than 15 or 16 at most, is eyeing you curiously from the neighboring house’s porch.
“You fall or something?” she called out, grinning despite herself at the strange scene she’d stumbled upon so early in the morning. Her face fell when you scrambled to stand and face her direction straight on, revealing your battered face and numerous bruises. Your hands ball into fists reflexively. This was the first person you had run into alone.
“Hey, whoa. You okay?” the girl asked in earnest. She kept her eyes trained on you as she took a few steps back, heading towards her front steps to make her way to you. It’s then that you see the large silhouette of a man coming from their front door. Your entire body goes rigid. Your feet feel like they’re cast in concrete, anchoring you in your spot. You can feel the tremble moving through your legs and up your body.
“Everythin’ alright over there?” His deep, booming voice sounds like thunder after hearing the small girl’s.
Your stone hold breaks with a frightened jerk at his question. He reached the banister at the edge of the porch, and the massive entirety of him seems to be looming over it to get a better view of you. His large, hulking frame wasn’t just a trick of the eye from your ground level view. He really was that broad and imposing.
Your gaze burns into him as his eyes travel to your arms, neck, wrists, cheek … You realize you must look incredibly unwell and probably in need of help. Your stomach clamps at the thought. If you were in a bad enough situation that you needed help, that only ever meant someone was waiting in the wings to take advantage of you.
Your lip quivered uncontrollably, and your teeth chattered now from fright more than frost.
“You from Canada or somethin’?” the girl playfully bids in a self-soothing tease. She’s clearly trying to downplay her bewilderment and tension at this injured, mute woman before her - outside, disheveled, and underdressed.
You hadn’t noticed the girl  had already bounded down the steps and made her way right next to you. Your eyes dart between her and the man, who remained in his same place on the porch. You manage a shaky step backwards and raise your hands in front of you, palms out and waist high, in a motion of retreat.
Your brain is in overdrive. How quickly can you move before the man is able to close the gap between you? It’s stupid to even entertain the thought you could escape him. There was no doubt he could outpace you many times over. Your labored breathing is accented with errant, nervous whimpers, and you know it only serves to make you look like weaker prey.
The man on the porch gripped the railing under his incredibly large hands as he watched you closely, taking in your wary and terrified disposition. He could see the primitive terror in your eyes and face.
“Give her space, Ellie,” he commanded sternly to the girl. You jump again at the sound of his deep voice. He has an unfriendly face, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. There’s something more gentle there. Not gentle enough for you to let your guard down, however.
“So, you got a name or . . .?” Ellie pressed, fascinated with her new wild woman neighbor.
Your cognition was on the fritz. You offered your name -your real name,  not the made up one you had been giving. Your eyes felt like they were going to snap out of your head from zipping between Ellie and the man on the porch so fast.
Ellie didn’t seem put off by you whatsoever as she introduced herself.
“I’m Joel,” the broad, intimidating man informed you as he raised one of his hands from the railing to send a single, jerky wave. You recoiled at the small movement despite the fact that he was several feet away from you. His hand returned to the railing within seconds of your jumpy reaction. You had to stall for a moment, just long enough to buy yourself enough time to build up the courage to make a break for it. “Huh-Hi. Ellie. An-And Joel,” you grunted so quietly it’s a wonder how either of them heard you at all. 
The sound of your name - the fake one you had given Tommy, Maria, and Susan - turned everyone’s heads to your front porch where Susan stood, looking very concerned. 
“Oh dear, my little Lovebug, come inside!” she beckoned, wrapping her shawl around her shoulders tighter as she made to come into the yard to gather you. 
“I-I’m coming, Susan. S-Sorry,” you croak. Your throat is back to feeling dry and scratchy again. Your steps are heavy and wobbly, but you cower away from Ellie who had kindly tried to steady you. “Jesus, sorry,” she muttered, unsure of what she did to make you so nervous. You walked faster now towards Susan, just in case Ellie - or worse, Joel - decided to try to help you walk.
“I’wa - Jus thought’a - Thought I heard s-something. Came ta’see the n-noise,” you lied through chattering teeth, making the short trip to meet Susan on your front steps.
“Bug, you’re safe here. It’s alright. You don’t have to go looking for noises. It’s not that kind of place,” she reassured you, rubbing a hand against your shoulder.
You felt safer next to Susan even though she was even less capable of defending herself or you from Ellie and Joel if she had to. You fidget nervously with your shirt and wish your feet weren’t numb from the cold so the freezing sensation could still be a distraction to you.
“Besides, if there’s any noise, sweet Joel here will come to our rescue. He and his sweet little daughter Ellie. Tommy is Joel’s brother, you know,” she added as extra encouragement, sensing your tense mood.
It was clear Susan was fond of both Miller brothers as well as Ellie. You glanced over to Joel to find him still studying you. His searching gaze made you uncomfortable, so you dropped it and looked the other way.
“Yeah, I th-think Maria had, uh, h-had said that,” you mumbled.
“Oh my word, you are out here with hardly a thing on! You don’t even have any shoes on! Bug, come inside this instant!” Susan scolded with no real malice behind her words. She ushered you up the steps with a wide arm.
“Nice to meet you,” Ellie called out in what sounded almost like a question.
You peeked back over to her and then to Joel, who nodded once in acknowledgement that he shared the sentiment. You snapped your head forward and headed inside with Susan.
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Thank you everyone who read ch1 and have come back for this next one. It means a lot, and it really does make me happy that people seem to have a connection with it.
A quote I think fits really well with this chapter is from Sylvia Plath: "Is there no way out of the mind?"
Catch ya later, 
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 7 months
Unpopular opinion: I strongly dislike the assimption that Alex and Miles are "straight" or "just comfortable with their sexuality" specifically because they havent explicitly stated their queer. As a queer person, I very rarely just out and say I'm this specific label. Not to say they cant be straight or comfortable of course. But when its specifically because they havent announced it, it irks me! This additionally goes for writing that attempts to line up with real world events and also tackle internalized homophobia! It can be done but more often than not it has ruined a story for me. Apologies for the rant but I do think thats my hottest take.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagreeii
i couldn't agree more with this - and not just in terms of alex and miles, but for literally anyone. everyone's sexuality is personal and unique, and no one is EVER under any obligation to disclose it unless they want to. as a fellow queer person, i'm the same as you - i typically prefer not to come out and announce a label for myself amongst people who don't really know me, and i can only imagine how much that must be amplified if you're someone who's also having to deal with the horrors of celebrity culture.
on a similar note, it also annoys me when people assume alex and miles are gay just because they've engaged in some behaviour (see: literally the entire eycte tour) that's considered less than heterosexual. to me, it smacks so much of biphobia, and the amount of misogynistic hatred directed towards both of their past female partners is something i find so difficult to see.
i guess what i'm trying to say is assumptions about people's sexuality generally not something i'm on board with. like yes, we can often see that people appear to be attracted to people of a certain gender/genders because of things like their dating history, and obviously artists give us a real insight into their emotions with the things they create that can hint in certain ways too. but the point is, ultimately, we don't KNOW these people. and so while yes, sometimes it seems pretty damn certain that they might lean in a particular direction (eg to me, everything we know about alex and miles strongly points to them being interested in both men and women), we don't actually know how they like to label themselves. and so to make assumptions that put them in a box at one end of the spectrum or another just feels really reductive and inappropriate, and often coming from a place of biphobia or homophobia to boot.
there are a whole bunch of VERY valid reasons why someone might not want to disclose their sexuality to the whole world, and i wish people didn't feel the need to try and label them for them.
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starysky1289 · 5 months
Stacie(OC) X Reader. Comfort.
Note: this is very experimental. This takes place in the Sorority!Vanessa universe, but Vanessa herself is not in this minus a name mention. Stacie is your RoomAte, she was introduced in the Christmas party fic. I totally understand if this flops. If you like this and would wanna see more, just let me know <3
The door slammed behind you as you threw yourself into your bed, burring your head into your pillow. You hadn’t cared to check if you RoomAte, Stacie, was in the room, you were to upset to care.
“ y/n? Oh stars, what happened?? “
She was in here. Great. You hated explaining what Vanessa did, it made you feel like a burden, you hated venting to people about stuff like this. “
“ Vanessa….”
“ what did she do this time? Should I go fight her? “
You sighed, rolling over and hugging your pillow. Stacie sat on the beds edge, her doe eyes looking down at you gently, her pretty dirty curls sat on her shoulders, and her olive skin glowing from the light her lamp produced.
“ we had another fight…she said I was…too old to want to keep holding her hand everywhere we go…called me a baby…”
“ aww…she’s no good…holding hands is a very normal thing. Don’t listen to her, she’s just tryna wear you down. “
“ you always say that. But it still- It dosnt help…”
Stacie sighed, rubbing your shoulder as you stared off across the room. Vanessa had never liked Stacie, she don’t trust her, didn’t think she was a good person. You thought, no, knew Stacie was one of the nicest people in your life right now.
“ Vanessa hurting you. When are you gonna relize this y/n…”
“ I know she is. But she’s trying…she tells me. She tells me she’s trying for me. For me. “
“ what if it’s just another lie? “
You sat up fully, looking at her with wide eyes. No, she wouldn’t. No matter how many times it happened she was trying….right..?
“ w-what…? “
“…y/n….what if it’s another lie. What if she’s just telling you all these things for you to stay when are you going to see she dosnt love you…”
“ she does love me! Don’t say that! “
“ ok ok. But what if she does love you why does she keep hurting you. “
You stayed silent, studying the scrunchie around your wrist. The soft velvety texture, the light pink color. Vanessa and given it to you on the first day you dated. Now all you could think of it was a chain.
“ I wish I was bolder…I wish I wasn’t to scared to say something before Vanessa got you…”
“ what are you saying, Stacie. “
“…I..I like you. Still do. I wanted to say something but when you came back saying you were invited to a party by a sorority girl I..I knew it was too late. “
Stacie’s features dropped, her eyes gazed down at the floor. You shuffled over to her, gently holding her hand and leaning on her shoulder.
“ I’m sorry I never caught on. “
“ it’s not your fault. Maybe you’re right, Vanessa might get better. “
This time you didn’t agree or disagree with her. Only remaining silent, locking your fingers in hers. She was the only person who knew what Vanessa was doing, and she was still trying to say things you wanted to hear.
“ Stacie…will you help me…”
“ with what hun? “
“….will you help me forget some pain…? “
Your legs slightly spread instantly, still looking up at her. You could tell she was hesitant, although wanting to help.
“ I-i have some rerolled blunts..? Or I can make you a fresh one if you want..”
“ y-you know that’s not what I mean…”
“ y/n….”
You held her hand tighter, holding her face closer to yours, small tears formed around your eyes as you stuttered to speak.
“ please. I’ll pay you back anyways you want. I just need this. This is the only way I’ll feel better…and forget what she does. “
“ why can’t you just leave her, y/n…”
“…..I’m to far gone for that…”
Stacie sighed quietly, pulling you closer to her. She was a junior like Vanessa, although she could pass for a senior with her hight. She gently placed her lips on yours, kissing you so gently, it hardly felt like she was there. Her hands trailed down to the skirt you were wearing, Vanessa’s skirt, and she gave it a slight push.
“ are you positive you want this..? I don’t wanna push you…”
“ I’m positive…we don’t need to do this if you don’t want…”
“ no..i want to. I’d do anything to try and make you better dear…”
She flipped your skirt up, gently pushing your cotton panties to the side. She kissed you again, prepping your folds by gently running a few fingers through them.
“ the safe word is red, mkay? “
“ safeword..? “
“ stars…a safeword..if it gets to much you just say the word and I stop everything. “
“ oh..ok. Thank you…..”
You leaned into her, and she gently slid and finger in, holding your face in her open hand. You were already melting for her, you just knew you had to wait for it.
“ very good already y/n….very proud of this behavior…”
She would slowly speed up, not wanting to rush, but not drag it out. She knew you were desperate, and she just wanted to help you.
“ f-fuck…feels amazing…f-fuck I’m such a b-bad girl…l-letting someone else..t-touch me…”
“ no..don’t think that y/n. “
You looking up into Stacie’s eyes, she parted your hair and kissed your forehead.
“ your a very good girl. It’s not like I’m a stranger…Vanessa knows me, you know me…it’s all ok…just let the pleasure flow through you. You’re such a good girl y/n..”
You stayed quiet, feeling small tears form around your eyes. You had never been spoken with such love, even in times like now. When she was trying to fuck you, please you, she was still putting you above herself, making you believe in yourself.
“ o-oh god- no don’t cry- “
“ d-don’t stop! Please I-i…I just need to cum..please don’t stop..”
She agreed, speeding up slightly, adding a second finger. Stacie kissed your deeply, nuzzling into your neck. You could feel yourself getting closer with every thrust of her fingers, even with your cries still going. For once they were for pleasure and happiness, not for pain.
Stacie sped up again, finishing you with a few final thrusts, before letting you collapse onto her, holding you close against her.
“ hey..breath….you did so good y/n…im so proud of you…”
“ t-thank you so m-much Stacie. Y-you really d-don’t g-g-get how much t-this means t-to me …”
She laid you down, spooning you as she held you. Your cries continued, and she’d wipe away every tear she could.
“ I understand enough….i love you y/n. Even if you can’t love me back..”
“ I…..I love you Stacie…I-i love you i-in a lotta different w-ways than I love v-Vanessa…”
And with that you slowly stopped your crying, and only snuggled into Stacie. She was the best thing this cursed world could have ever given to you. And you’d defend her at every turn. She loved you. A real love.
And you knew you couldn’t love it.
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the-ghost-king · 1 year
I spent about two hours on this over the past couple of days in total, and I'm sure I've missed a few things and I guarantee that some of my opinions will not be shared by others and that's okay. I'm comfortable with people adding on their own thoughts and feelings and continuing on a conversation if they wish to.
Before I truly begin: this book isn't bad, that doesn't mean it's good it just means it's not bad. I think this book is both wonderful and awful, this book is both exactly what I expected and unlike anything I could have come up with. I will also clarify before you read this that I have never personally enjoyed any of Oshiro's work I've read, if you're someone who enjoys Oshiro's body of work there may be many places you disagree with me and I would like to note that ahead of time. I would also like to note that these are simply my initial thoughts, I finished TSATS two days ago and I have done some thinking and pondering over it since and these are the conclusions I have reached in that time. I cannot say how much of this I will agree with in a week, or a month, let alone three, or a year. I considered writing an essay and then decided a bullet point list would be sufficient, there is no order to these bullet points and some conversation points move in a circular way, I did not proofread this either. Also be aware there will be spoilers. Without further ado, my thoughts:
- Hades is weirdly ooc plus having him be responsible for this and him knowingly harming Nico and Nico just being like "oh ok i understand" undoes so much of the relationship progression from Pjo to BoO to ToA to here!!! Hades is still a god yes but he was becoming something of a father figure to Nico as well again and he just throws that all away because Nyx and Bob were "being annoying" and Nico is just… fine with that??? And they just jokingly brush the whole Hades loved more Bianca thing under the rug WITH MARIA RIGHT THERE
- Why are we reintroduced to Persephone like she's a new character? Sure it's from Will's pov and they've never met but the readers have met Persephone multiple times before!! It was weird to reintroduce her!!
- Worst editor ever, a few typos and apparently some copies have Nico saying his mother is Bianca? He also calls his mom Maria instead of mom or mamma? And we've only ever heard nico call maria mamma before this point so him calling her mom is less weird than him calling her Maria but still off
- Will… still doesn't have a personality entirely and what personality he was given does not match the personality he has in ToA OR in BoO??
- Once again, I don't like Oshiro's pacing and you can tell how hands off Rick was with the whole thing - I've never personally been a fan of Oshiro's work and one of my top reasons has always been their terrible pacing. I will read a phenomenal paragraph and then spend the rest of the chapter struggling to find anything that feels worth my time, and while i felt within chapter there was a fair bit of consistency between different chapters there was not- i would read one chapter that read well and felt amazing and then the next 3 chapters would feel like useless side plot that served no purpose. Oshiro also really struggles to maintain tempo in their work imo.
- Characters defining their sexuality in explicit terminology or labeling isn't inherently wrong but its also not in line with what we've seen so far and while this could be a sign of progress it could also be a step back so instead it's best to consider how this effects or determines characterization
- Nico's coming out party…. God… why?
- There's also this weird thing with so much of the sexuality/gender stuff that it feels more like a lecture than an authentic experience, for me personally based on the flow of these conversations and the events and things i feel like it was done to make this more palatable for a cishet audience rather than to maintain and authentic experience??
- Anyhow the thing where Nico kind of makes Will come out in front of camp is giving me love simon flashbacks and i just have to say making someone come out to a large group or in public just to be with you is so so gross… there was no reason for this to be a plot point whatsoever imo, it feels really ooc and it does that really upsetting thing lots of ya books do where it tries to depict that in order to be authentically and "properly" queer one must be public in their grsm orientation which i think is a pretty harmful/hurtful idea overall but especially in media designed for preteens and teens who are more likely to be living in environments where coming out is unsafe
- None of the jokes land
- Literally they have the worst nicknames for everything. I liked the cringe otherwise, it did have young teen relationship vibes… but that was unforgivable to me personally but i guess other people liked this? To each their own!
- On that note! I've talked a lot about Solangelo being two sides of the same coin in terms of how their relationship works and while symbolism would have been nice straight up seeing Nico given a coin by will was also cringe and too far? Nico gave Will his ring, this thing that we've built up over the series to view as a representation of his grief and loss and his family and love and home and a culmination of Nico and Will gets nico… this coin he just seemingly had made that has almost no symbolic meaning beyond that? Nico's ring is basically a character unto itself, not only does giving a physical object and having Nico outright state the symbolism of it ruin the "show don't tell" logic of authoring it also feels hollow as the reader has no connection to this object like Nico's ring. There was no reason for this other than to make an equivalent exchange which is kind of a sucky way to weigh a relationship… it could have been better for Will to give nico something from his past as well and to have the piece come up in a memory or something OR for will and nico to have exchanged these gifts at some point on or just before their journey so the reader got to experience this connection as well
- Will's pov was kind of trash actually
- Why doesn't Will ever talk about finding Nico attractive?
- We never have it explained what exactly makes Nico a "star" ..? Like its constantly alluded to or even stated he is a star but we never actually get to see why
- Will never really "goes dark" the sniffles are not dark, dark would be like straight up plaguing them or having some sort of ability to radiate heat and blast things or craft his own weapons out of light or just something beyond singing and having the heart blast effect thingy…
- Their relationship is stated they've been together a year and trauma can definitely change things but for whatever reason their relationship feels more new and raw and tender than it did in ToA??? Why??? They do not feel like two fifteen/sixteen year olds who have been in a relationship for a year, they feel like two thirteen year olds who've been in a relationship for three months?
- I also personally feel conflicted about them not having a major kiss scene? Like on one hand it's nice to see queer couples treated like any other couple and kisses to be fairly casual mundane interactions! But on the other hand being a queer couple especially an mlm couple in a children's/ya series and being able to show physical affection is really quite uncommon tbh and I would have liked to see maybe a little emphasis at least on the first kiss that the audience gets to experience on paper just to sort of acknowledge that groundbreaking act? But maybe that's just me?
- Additionally speaking all of their prior banter is just.. gone..? They literally don't joke around except for 2 or 3 lines in the book despite previously being a very banter heavy couple? There is no reason they can't be both soft and comedic or have banter yet be tender to one another? It's like all the joy that was previously in their relationship was traded for arguing and bickering and this weird pettiness that feels ooc in general but especially from them?
- What was the plot point of going to Sally's house to send the iris message? Why was Sally brought into this? She's cool and we love her but there was no plot reason to add her? Even the percabeth iris message only minimally added to the plot
- Why is Will so bothered by death? Like I'm cool with him feeling weak in the underworld. I can respect that from a tension building pov and also being in the dark does go against his nature but like death is not something against his nature? He is well acquainted with death? People die in medical settings all the time i guarantee he has lost many patients and brushed shoulders with thanatos more than most people at camp + he lost A TON of siblings in the war he would have to be familiar with grief AT THE VERY LEAST but yet he seems to lamblike to all these things the whole novel I feel it weakens his character, the story, the plot, previous books, and his relationship with Nico- if they wanted him to have some reserved hesitations about death they could have done it much more tactfully but they didn't?
- I also hate every time some sort of discussion about him being a healer comes up because yes he is a magical exception that makes him a "natural born healer" but they take that too far imo, yes he is a magical exception but the way this stuff is worded gives this like "Will is such a good healer he never fails or breaks down or fatigues from it" and i just feel like it becomes an unrealistic and unhealthy example after a certain point and I would have loved to see that exploration that so many fanfic authors have done wonderfully about how Will is overworked and needs to learn to take care of himself before his patients just to add that depth to his character but Oshiro and Riordan just skip past this and again it feels like a massively missed plot point to give Will a deeper character
- It's also weird everytime Nico is like "Will always takes care of me now I have to take care of him" because again it just feels like such an unhealthy way to view a relationship… like if a partner gets sick 3x a year and the other partner is sick 5x a year partner A shouldn't be like "well now you owe me two sickness helpings" or something you know? Thats so petty and immature and unhealthy for a relationship and it's something that can be unlearned but also like if they've been together a year and they're supposed to be like a perfect fit according to what i think the symbolism was trying to get at (so much of this book feels like a rough draft not a final cut istg) then why is this even included anyhow?
- Also Nico is ooc at points, he seeks to heal others a lot of the time as well- Hades even mentions this, how even when Nico is offered something for himself he uses the gift to help someone else- this is a quality Nico and Percy (and Jason) all really consistently display throughout pjoverse EXCEPT Nico doesn't do this early on in the text?? He is unfazed by the nature of some things in the underworld (Will is right the fields of asphodel are perhaps more horrific in some way than the variations of hell provided in the underworld) and Nico is just like "yeah that's just how it is here" which kind of goes against that character trait + (though i may be confusing fanfic and canon here) didn't Nico and Hazel have a whole convo about how upsetting or painful asphodel is?? It goes on kind of even more so in this regard though where his regard for humanity seems significantly less so than in previous texts, there's something else as well i can't exactly put my finger on yet that also feels ooc … I'll keep thinking lol
- Once again to the "why is Nico a star thing" we have Nico constantly talking about how live exists even in the underworld and it's obviously intended to be a metaphor for hope and finding light in the dark and therefore a whole solangelo metaphor too but Nico brings it up and Will doesnt understand and then they argue (?) And then the metaphor falls flat because we never get to see this explored; we just have it Stated out loud a few times? Like there are many good explanations as to why this keeps getting brought up especially because we can also tie in how Will and Nico are alive down there or how Nico is seperate from the rest of the underworld because despite being part god he is also part mortal
- Once again Tartarus isn't actually scary and there's only so much "it's for kids" I'm willing to accept there, give it more Coraline please!!
- Again an issue with the Nyx thing, Nico doesn't agree with Nyx about who he is because Nyx cannot understand life and Nico can because he is mortal- Nico's mortality is a hugely defining aspect of his character because it sets him apart from the gods and the dead that make up so much of his life- in order to truly appreciate death and the afterlife you have to actually live and know life and change and things and the gods in their consistency are more like ghosts than anything
- It's also very irritating that this was never explored !!! So much of what makes demigods special in the rest of the series is their godhood and their connection to godhood, they are powerful because they are beyond human. However in Nico's fight with Nyx and some other aspects of Nico's behavior but most notably Nyx vs Nico is the culmination of this situation is that Nico's greatest strength throughout tsats is that he is mortal. He is powerful because he is human. He does all the things he does the way he does them because he is human. He is something beyond the gods' understanding because he is mortal- and that's all just swept under the rug for…? Honestly i have no idea why it makes no sense how that is a constant theme in this book yet it feels like the book falls constantly short of actually grasping that concept.
- And if you're wondering what the plot symbolism of Will being involved in all this is? I dont fucking know he doesnt have one he was kind of just dead weight the entire story!!! He was basically there just to help Nico pick some fruit and have dialogue with. I feel like Will was potentially supposed to represent how the "average person" would feel on this adventure but personally I feel if that is the case that I may be one of the worst people to understand that perspective as I have a peculiar and poetic love for death and dying.
- Plus when they're wandering through Tartarus's digestive tract (if you're reading this and you haven't read the novel yet or you didn't yet finish it, yes this is a thing that actually happens) and Will starts struggling with his memory, I would have loved to see the effects of that situation on Nico explored more as I would assume amnesia and people forgetting about him/leaving him would be a very difficult thing for him to deal with yet instead we're just told they passed stories back and forth and that made everything all right + not sharing much of those stories with the audience was again a missed character building moment for Will and a missed relationship building moment between them!!
- Them cuddling in the hut together and Nico wanting to wake Will up to share his nightmare was kind of cute though I will admit to that much
- I also hate how they put all this time and work into saving Bob and then Bob just fucks off into the sunset like everything is normal?? He just fucking dips like nothing even happened??
- Also people have been saying Will kissing Nico when he found out Jason was dead was wrong, and look idk if I'm personally going to go that far but I do think as a first kiss it's definitely weird than cute?
- I think Will's background and childhood could have been expanded on a lot more to make him an interesting character- we learn some about his life with Naomi before camp (and its nice to see her as a complete person and I think she has cool mom vibes for real) but I feel like the only adventure we get to hear about is him and his mom being in New York for concerts… what about other places around the country? what about the life he had with her when she wasn't touring?
- Along this same vein I feel like Will's behavior in the story not only doesn't match his behavior from the previous appearances he's made, but that for someone who seems to have spent a lot of time on the road getting to experience lots of different places (even if it was just the US, that's still pretty significant) I once again truly cannot understand his weird behavior about dead people and the underworld- its not only inconsistent with previous behaviors and beliefs he's exhibited but if he's been show so much diversity from a very young age he's probably naturally curious and inquisitive as well as naturally adventurous and outgoing- yet instead he basically just sticks his nose up at everything underworld-ish?? It not only weakens the plot, his character, and his relationship it also makes no sense with previous set ups AND it has no true culmination by the end of the story because we never truly see him accept or enjoy the underworld and what it has to offer he merely endures it.. so again, what was the point of him acting like that?
- Unpopular one: coco puffs are very cute but i find them unnecessary and completely over the top even for pjo and i can see them becoming annoying later on but that's just me personally.
Okay, I'm going to call it quits here. There's probably more I'll think to say later on but I feel this is a good summary of my initial thoughts. Weirdly enough, despite the negativity here, I would still recommend people read this book? I feel conflicted about whether or not the book belongs among my favorites, and it would certainly be the worst book among my favorites and/or recommendations for novels if I do end up feeling it belongs there. I have to say even despite as much as this book fails, I admire what it was attempting and I think like so many works in pjo before it there was a level of unrealized potential here amongst the text that will always be mildly infuriating. I feel very strongly that this book is a whole new era in Riordan's pjo verse, despite some aspects being "cringe" or some things being literary flops and emotional failures in my opinion, i do think this novel may be one of the most "mature" pieces in Riordan's collection- even in his and Oshiro's failure to bring MOST of their narrative full circle or to tie up their loose ends I can see what they're going for and I think having a taste of that potential really did something for me. I have read lots of books that leave me staring at the ceiling for hours in wonder and awe with a feeling i cannot describe as anything other than a "readers hangover" a desire to hold onto that book and to keep it beside me for a long time just to remember reading it, and I would pick it up many times through the following week or two just to rediscover certain parts, i have to say this book has definitely not been that. However I did spend a long time looking at the ceiling pondering it, and I do think I will reread it in the next week or so- but I have less a desire to return to the events of the novel and more a desire to simply upturn more stones in the landscape and find what I am missing. I want to say I hate the book, that it has no redeeming qualities, that everyone should simply leave it behind because of how awful and excruciating I found this novel- that wouldn't be accurate. I think this is the greatest book I have ever had the misfortune to read, I have never cared so deeply for a book I cannot stand. I absolutely adore this awful thing. I feel comfortable saying that for me, personally, percy jackson will never be the same again and that this book has completely changed the field and depth of my experience. I am literally failing to put into words how this book makes me feel. I suppose this book is my most wretched child and I shall cherish it dearly.
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juneviews · 7 months
Wanted to start this by saying that I usually agree with your opinions (or even when I don't, I can at least see where you're coming from) but that's not the case when it comes to your opinion on Only Friends because I completely disagree and just wanted to add my two cents. You said that it wasn't relatable to the queer community but I'm sorry, the queer community isn't a monolith, there isn't one universal way that every single queer friendship group functions. Just because it wasn't relatable to your experience, it doesn't mean that it wasn't relatable to many other queer people's experiences. For example, one of my friend groups consists of gay men and the stories they've told me (and some of which I witnessed with myself)? Not that far off from OF (aka everyone getting with everyone, behind people's backs as well, and most of them are still on friendly terms now). It's perfectly fine that you didn't personally relate but you can't say no queer person/community did.
I also saw depth to a lot of characters and I could relate to several of them in different ways and everything in the finale made sense to me for those characters. For me it achieved what it set out to do: entertain, while also make me connect/care about some of the characters. It didn't do that for everyone (you included) but please don't claim it's a "bad show" as a general statement just because you didn't get anything out of it because a lot of people did. (My friend who struggles with depression and is currently going through a depressive slump found comfort in seeing Ray progress to a point where he's much happier at the end of the series because it gives her hope that she can get to that point soon too.)
Is Only Friends a brilliant, amazing, showstopping, incredible show? No. But it's not bad, far from it. It certainly has its flaws but the sudden hate it's getting is not warranted imo.
hi, first of all, it's fine to disagree lol, though it's always a bit jarring to me when people feel the need to let me know they disagree with me bc clearly we simply have a different taste & opinion. when I share my opinion about a show, I do it on my blog but never go on others' blogs to either defend a show I liked or trash a show I didn't like, but anyways. I have NEVER, EVER said that the queer community is a monolith & that all queer representation needs to be relatable to ME. in fact, a lot of my favorite queer media are HIGHLY UN-relatable to me lol. I never implied that only friends' flaws comes from it being unrelatable or unrealistic? in fact I believe it to be realistic since it's made by queer men & has recurring topics that p'jojo especially has used in previous shows of his, especially since the story of only friends is inspired by real-life events. in fact I said that I WISH they'd have leaned into the queer community aspect of it even more bc it was the one point in which this show differentiates itself from friend zone, so yeah. don't really know where you got that notion from. secondly, like it or not, I can claim any shows I've watched are bad in my opinion. once again, media is subjective & I did not like only friends so for me it IS a bad show. is it the worst? no. did I HATE it? no. did I have a good time in front of it? also no. also from a writing standpoint I'm sorry it IS objectively bad and FAILED at what it set out to do, especially considering the show itself doesn't seem to know what it set out to do in the first place. moreover, sudden hate? I've been criticizing only friends since it started airing lol, I'm not jumping on any bandwagon, and in fact it's more so the fandom that's catching up to the fact that this show is not very good. now, I'm genuinely glad that this show helped you & your friend and that you liked it! that's great, of COURSE this show is gonna have its fans, and in fact it has a lot of them! however it seems to me as if you've taken my (justified) criticism of the show to heart for a reason that only you fully know, and I hope you can investigate why that is. I truly value you as a long time follower of mine & I hope you can agree to disagree with me on that one even though I must admit this ask seems a bit jarring & personal to me. wish you all the best :)
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submissivegoals · 12 days
Hello. And welcome to my naughty blog.
This is a safe space for legal kinks, curiosities, identities, pronouns, and respectful discourse.
I post what I like or parts of things I like or are curious about. Some things I'm not a fan of but an element of it tickles my fancy. Some I post to support those who have the curiosity to feel safe to discuss without shame or fear of judgment. Some of you have great talking points or advice, and I learn so much from you.
In my vanilla world, I handle my own affairs. In my not so vanilla world, I lean more towards submissive. I enjoy learning about being more soft and pleasing and obedient. I leave the bratting to the ones who like to brat. I charge my energy by making my Dom feel appreciated and comfortable and relaxed, respected, served, and well cared for. But that level of my preferred submission is not easy to take and must be earned. While types of fantasy kink such as misogyny and patriarchy, you guys can visit here. Providing you are those with emotional maturity, knowing that it doesn't fly in the real world is paramount. I'm a firm believer in there's a time and place for everything. Real misogyny, patriarchal, racism, classism, and bigotry can go whistle up a drain pipe. I personally believe all politicians are crooks no matter who you vote for. They're all part of the same bird no matter what wing they represent. Vote who you want. We should all agree that basic human rights are for everyone, and they all come with responsibilities we're all accountable for.
I'm by no means an expert in this field. I'm only an expert on me. But I enjoy learning from others, so please feel free to reach out. My asks are open. Just keep it respectful. We're all here to learn.
I'm currently seeking heterosexual male Dom for myself, but friendship with anyone respectful and legal. I don't have the spoons to juggle a poly life. Mentors are appreciated, and friendship is welcome, but I prefer to connect my submission to someone who can have that focus for me in a one on one capacity.
While I can appreciate a spanking, I'm not into major pain and bruising and skin breaking.
I'll purr in your ear and wear those hello kitty headbands, but I'm not eating from a bowl on the floor. I'm not into heavy degradation. Unless you're genuinely taken ill, I don't do poop or vomit. Drugs, diapers, needles, licking toilets, licking feet or shoes, or assholes are also hard no's. If it will land me in the ER or OR or IV vanco, it is a big nono.
Two things that are non-negotiable with me. Safe words and aftercare. Both are paramount. Potential doms: If these are not that important to you, you're not for me. Move along.
I have family I take care of here, so travel may be discussed, but relocation on my part is an impossibility. I wish that were different, but I have no regrets.
I'm just going to put this out there as plainly as possible. As I said, I welcome all respectful people, and it's a safe space for all. Having said that, that includes those who do not hold the same beliefs as me. My God and Me time is important, and I don't like it disrupted. I'm not going to shove my religion down your throat, and we can agree to disagree. I'm only putting this down here because I know Doms like to "own us. Mind, body, and soul." My Dom-to-be an relax on my soul. That's God's business as I understand Him. The rest is up for dibs as we vet each other out. We're all on our own spiritual journey. I just want to be upfront on mine.
If there's anything else, feel free to ask. And enjoy this lil naughty blog of mine. If I have something of yours you don't want to share, I'll be happy to respect your wishes and remove it.
☕️ till then.. .
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notafunkiller · 25 days
I’m going to start a lot of trouble by saying this and I don’t care: There is something with stringy blonde hair and dead eyes that has been the cause of this exhaustion over the past two years. And tbh, he won’t look well rested or healthy again until he finds the courage and the self respect to kick it to the curb.
First of all, I want to say: feel free to express your opinions openly here, as I value and respect freedom of speech.
[Of course, as long as there are no threats... which is not the case now]
Second of all, there is something that stans do in most fandoms: they infantilize their favorite celebrities and act as if they are perfect. They project their dreams and wishes onto them (and their relationships sometimes) and they think they have the right to decide and know details about their private life.
They think sending letters and endless dms = normal. It's not.
[When a celebrity needs to block you because you are attacking their partner, you have a problem.]
They view those people as puppets. As if they have the right to know everything about them and be upset if they make their own decisions. If they disagree with their decisions, they treat them like kids (aka they're in denial) or get mad and so on...
[From roles and haircuts to personal life and vacations.]
Also, they think fans (not stans) who hold them accountable for mistakes or point out the obvious things (like PR, image strategies, paps walks) are haters.
Thirdly, Sebastian is an adult, who makes his own decisions, but the stans act as if he's a kid.
I totally love what you said: he won't look well rested or healthy again until he finds the courage and the self respect...
I pointed out he's been tired constantly for the last 2 years, and some stans made it sound as if I was hating on him and AW because I am jealous of her and I have some kind of obsession/parasocial relationship with him, when it's, indeed, just concern. Because he is pushing himself basically non-stop.
Like, it's his choice to do PR... (it's my opinion which can be wrong, ofc) since he's always been so warm -and his love language is touch- in his previous relationships even if they were private... and there is something off about his body language in general. And AW is known as a beard in Hollywood, which I don't judge. People do what they want...
And I don't feel sorry for him. I'm just worried he focuses too much on achieving things and he doesn't take care of himself and rest enough.
He wanted to have more power over his projects aka to produce (producing = freedom and control), so he agreed to sign with CAA (Creative Artists Agency).
Because even though he's American too, not just Romanian (he moved there when he was 12), he's still seen as a foreigner by the film industry.
It means Sebastian believes he still needs to prove himself to get awards. And getting an award is even harder in this case because no matter how much PR you do, how many paps walks you have, how hard working you are, how great you are at what you do, how much passion you put into your work and your roles, you're still (seen as) an outsider. I think this is why he chose to be a part of so many biopics.
[Don't get me wrong, I think the roles he chose and chooses are challenging (grey, with personality) and send a message in general. He always gets out of his comfort zone, which is incredible. But I feel like he driven by the urge to prove himself]
This is why I think the Silver Bear meant and means the world to him. And I wish he knew an Oscar wouldn't say anything about him as an actor... about his talent. Many incredible actors do not have one, and we know it's about politics there.
I recommend a good article on the subject:
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illegiblehandwriting1 · 10 months
wanna ask this cause i really like your fics, and wanna see how you think on this 👀 so a lot of fanon has other links being bitter towards hylia, but wouldn’t it make more sense for sky to have a bitterness/fear of Hylia? considering it was confirmed to his face that he was legit MADE to be a hero, fight demise and had his entire journey manipulated by hylia? and would that cause conganitive dissonance with his relationship with zelda?👀👀👀
HI hi hello :D jksgrzfnhieaklmgrjihdkloifndk THANK YOU SO MUCH, I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY FICS I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH <3 <3 <3
you just asked, like, one of my favorite questions ever rjghskgbvjkdehgijk sorry if this gets...long
Ok ok ok ok I COMPLETELY agree with you!!!! I think sky is a man of extremes - he either loves you or he despises you. For the most part, he adores everyone (other than a few key people cough cough ghirahim and demise cough cough). His whole convo with Zelda right before she sealed herself away fucked with him SO MUCH, because suddenly he is trying to cope about the fact that the goddess his entire culture idolizes manipulated him, and what makes it worse is that Zelda is the reincarnation of her.
ANYway, i think he absolutely hates Hylia, yeah! I think he despises her and is so bitter towards her and would be completely fine if she straight-up died! In my mind, he doesn't like any deity, really. He's had enough interactions with gods that he is absolutely comfortable telling them they all suck and he hates them lmao, but that's a tangent. It makes a lot more sense to me if he hated Hylia, but what might make others to disagree is the fact that Zelda was Hylia. Fortunately, I have a solution for that as well!!
When Zelda talks to him right before she seals herself, she mentions that she didn't know, she was happy to be his zelda, etc. So in my brain, after Demise dies, she has a full-on identity crisis (and probably also a "oh my gosh Link probably hates me" Moment cuz she knows him so well) where she's not sure who she is, if she's a goddess or just Zelda, cuz now she has all these memories that she remembers but she didn't experience them (Sun and Wild would be besties and you can't change my mind lol). So i think that Sky couldn't hate Zelda, and so they both work it out and they can both separate Hylia from Zelda and see that they're two different people. So would there be dissonance in their relationship? Sure, briefly, but they love each other and they work it out and both of them dislike Hylia, they're such a power couple and will fight god :D
As for fanon having other Links be bitter towards Hylia, I guess it works?? idk it works at first glance, but then i always remember that they have no fucking clue who Hylia is. Wild knows, obviously, but he's on good terms with her. I just think it's occasionally a little funny to see the Links ragging on Hylia when they canonically don't know she exists.
(my personal hcs are that the Links, especially Ledge and Time who are typically the most outspoken about it in fanon, pretty much just want nothing to do with the gods. They're more focused on the immediate "i can save this person and the world" part. Also, Time has his whole Master Sword thing. but in general, i think that any bitterness towards the gods (most likely the golden goddesses) is pretty surface-level and they don't think much about it. Not a single Link would regret saving the world. I think that's something I don't often see - they chose to be heroes, and they would do it again without hesitation. They just wish it didn't cause so much trauma. However, Warrior having religious trauma due to fighting a war and feeling like he and his soldiers have been abandoned, similar to WW1 soldiers, is just something so important to me :P)
uhhhhh i feel like there's something i missed but idk. I've thought about this A Lot. Actually, if you want to see a really clear-cut example of how I think Sky feels about Hylia, you can check out Smoke & Ashes, which is a LOT of angst so PLEASE BE CAREFUL, but chapters 13 and 14 are very prominently about how they feel about each other (in my head). yes i am shilling, but i love this fic lmao.
hope you have a lovely day, anon!!! tysm :D
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
There's something deeply tragic and disturbing about the Johnny/Crystal/Pietro love triangle. Johnny and Crystal are the "kids" of their teams. They're more innocent and tend to be spoiled and protected by their friends. When they're together, they seem to love projected ideals more than each other. Johnny wants a pretty girl who has no trouble with his heroics, and Crystal was a guy who shows her the outside world. Conversely, Pietro matured quickly. (1/2)
Nobody protected Pietro, he was a protector. Nor did anyone reach to comfort him and give him space to show his vulnerability. When Pietro was thrown into the equation, he became protector and emotional caretaker for Crystal. Crystal became a source of peace and comfort he had never known before. Johnny and Crystal had fun, but their love wasn't as deep and natural like Reed and Sue or Ben and Alicia. Pietro and Crystal, though, complimented each other. (2/3) But of course, Crystal, give or take mind control from Maximus, ruined what she and Pietro had. It didn't help that Pietro was also mind controlled into mistreating her. Crystal will always crave that extra bit of fun and irresponsibility, even if it means betraying people who love her and might be waiting for her. She's kind and idealistic (at least intended to be), but she doesn't have her priorities straight. (3/4) And honestly, the biggest issue here is that writers don't know where to take Johnny and Crystal beyond being the token team kids. In-universe, neither of them face any pressure to mature and take responsibility either. Reed and Sue allow Johnny to drop out of school to pursue full-time celebrity, and the Inhuman Royals don't mind anything Crystal does as long as she does her Royal duties. Johnny laughs things off, Crystal plays helpless, lonely victim. (4/5) Opposite of Spidey's issues, writers keep trying to shove Johnny and Crystal together, even when they've proven they haven't worked and will not work out just because both of them are too naive, too prone to wishful thinking, and too in need of quick self-gratification. Pietro is the one who truly gets screwed over, because he came in looking for commitment and a place to belong, and he got sacrificed for Johnny and Crystal's drama. (5/5)
I don't think the writers should take Johnny/Crystal anywhere, at this point it just doesn't work imo. They were teen crushes at one point but I don't think there is really anything there to build upon. I just wanted to point out that Johnny does go to college so he did finish high school, but I think Johnny like many comic characters is stuck on a loop because marvel is too afraid of making long term changes to older characters. Even Spider-Man is stuck on a loop where he isn't allowed to progress any further.
I do think that Pietro fell in love with Crystal because she was kind to him but also because she took care of him when he was alone which would cause him to fall even harder in love with her, but I disagree that they were compatible, they were also too young and their personalities/backgrounds too unrelatable to be married. Pietro always wants to set down roots vs Crystal trying to break free from her royal trappings.
Pietro was 100% thrown in to break up Johnny/Crystal permanently so that the writers could be free to go back to the loveable bachelor Johnny who just can't catch a break with love. So yeah I do agree, it's tragic how Pietro was treated and his own story was shifted so that it could be a part of the Johnny/Crystal drama but I can't complain too much because without Pietro/Crystal then we wouldn't have Luna and I really love that Pietro is a father and has a daughter even though Marvel forgets her all the time.
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