#idk why this AU has been living in my head rent-free but it has so y'all get some more writing lmao
heraxic · 2 months
Hello :o
I just wanted to say thank you (and also thank crumb) for getting me back into thinking about Karl Heisenberg 24/7.
I really love your artstyle, from the amazing expressions (especially the peeved/angry ones) to the scribbly lineart. As someone that’s trying to learn to draw more digitally, I really like to observe your stuff o.o
Your Moldy Family comics are funny, cozy, sweet and comforting all at the same time, and they made me discover and appreciate Eveline (oh man I love how much of a goth tween she is), and the way you draw Heisenberg (his physicality if that makes sense, his clothes, his hair, his everything) is just *chef’s kiss*.
As a former Greek Mythology child, that AU is so so nice owagh. I love all the monster adaptations/designs, it’s all so clever: I love that Kyril is scaley, hairy AND has wings (which I feel aren’t depicted often nowadays with gorgons), Alina is so majestic, with the black tipped limbs and the blood soaked dress, and the daughters being harpies/sirens(?) is also so perfect.
Idk if you’ve already said it, but what is it about Karl’s character that made him interesting to you?
I hope it makes sense (I’m a bit tired) and thank you again for the excellent food :]
Thank you so much!!!<<<3333
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he lives in my head rent free…. his crusty-ass hair and barrel-shaped bod gets me every time
im glad you like my scribbly lineart! I tend to get concerned whether it really looks like anything haha
I miss drawing the mold family but i think my forte has always been fantasy, especially cause i love mythology more than anything. That’s not to say i wont go back to the modern mold family though
For greek au karl i wanted him to look like someone had haphazardly stuck animal parts to him so it’d look deliberately unnatural for him to have a relatively normal human body under all that-
I’m not sure i can fully describe why Karl is so interesting. Surface level, being voiced by Neil Newbon is always a big plus and his face model Joel Hicks is awesome-looking. His character design matches his abilities and personality really well, and speaking of personality, queer-coded villains who make a big show out of everything are always going to be my favourite. His gritty, masculine aesthetic is really inspiring in terms of gender as well. On a deeper level, in spite of all the terrible things he’s done, i find him sympathetic and relatable. After decades spent in a highly dysfunctional family, not living on his own terms, completely alone, I need him to finally be okay and get better for his own sake, with the support of people he trusts. It’s the same reason i love Eveline. Morally dark-grey characters who deserved better and could’ve gotten better with a good support system.
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tiyoin · 2 months
Tiyoin the voices got to me again. I was scrolling tho tik tok and came across a video ,and it reminded me that you mentioned reader doing a sport before attending twst in the singing au. Wanna give a guess what sport I saw??
It was ✨figure skating✨. Just imagine it for a sec. Do I know anything about skating?? No. But the idea of anxiety reader being one is beautiful. Especially since skating isnt a confrontation sports like soccer and, reader doesn't have to be in contact with someone while performing their act.
I see reader starting the sport when they were young. They may have seen it as a way to put themselves out there while doing something they enjoy and find relaxing. They didn't compete in big contests with thousands of people watching (girlie would not make it). They would only get to county or district level of the contest B4 the nerves got to them. Most likely self sabotages at the end so they wouldn't have to seen and judged by so many. Reader does has a few gold medals tho. Yuu has been their personal cheerleader for a few years now. Going to as many contests as he can to just support reader and know they're not alone.
What if there is a different competition (w/o a overblot hopefully) which a sport is picked randomly. Whether you want it to be a school vs school, dorm vs dorm or maybe grade vs grade you can decide. I think it could work with any of them. Like they pick a few people to represent their side and to complete. The ones that physically compete get prizes (💰) and the others get bragging rights and a 🍕 pizza party or smth like that idk.
Anyways, Yuu is like *puppy eyes* pls reader 👉👈we poor. And reader knows Yuu is only asking cuz they they really need the money and he would never make them do smth that would harm them. Yuus real motive is maybe this will help reader make friends or less be less anxious around their classmates. And he knows Reader is gonna win cuz none of the others skate.
The only ones in NRC that I can see being able to skate to a degree is Rook, Jade or Ortho maybe Epel too. He probably hated it till his grandma said only strong people could skate cuz it's hard. I think his home town is gets snow right? Can't recall rn.
Depending on which VS is picked the outfit and preforment is gonna be a easy choice or the hardest thing in the whole contest. Maybe a duet gets thrown in there. ➖👄👁️
Overall reader is ✨stressed✨ rightfully so. The creeps are recording, admirers admirering, rivals showing up left and right. Reader gonna need a nap after everything that's happened.
Another 3-5 am ask woooo. Sorry if there is any spelling errors. Why do the best ideas always come when I'm tired 😩. I can send u a tik tok I saw that inspired me if u want. Also I don't mean to mention Rook in every ask he just shows up w/o asking. Like my fav is Malleus and I haven't send a single idea with him.
Maybe it's cuz Rooks a Sagittarius and I'm a Gemini. They are sister signs. That's probably why he lives in my head rent free. I hope a good night.
especially with the death of YOI: adolescence... a sad day for anime lovers' everywhere (im on desktop so i can't do any emojis </3)
I actually had a really big skating phase. still do and would love to have prof. lessons. i wanted to do it so. badly. my parents said 'no' and that it was too late for me, so i mourn that. believe it or not, i was in soccer and almost did it in college.
but the ice feeling so freeing whenever reader steps onto it. they're not worried about sweating because of ice, and they can move how the want when they want.
reader would 100 PERCENT self sabotage themselves. filling their head with nonsense and because of all those thoughts (especially) 'dont miss this spin, dont miss this spin' only to miss it because they were focusing on whether they would 'miss the spin or not')
but in their home world, reader is phenomenal!! they're amazing! they got scouted by amazing coaches who wanted to tap into their raw potential, who were impressed by reader's hard work and drive... but reader always finds a away to miss things up for themselves.
ITS LIKE THEIR OWN MINI OLYMPICS HAHAHA (reader: wdym you guys dont have olympics?)
ofc there's a pre sign up and auditions. reader is thinking and mulling it over. because trying out for the boys team is very different than the girl's team, is co-ed even allowed?? this is an all boys school after all!
(yuu brings crowley to their audition to convince him to give them student-ship so they can compete and WRECK those snot-nosed princes.)
maybe there's a partner skate? and you know that the admirers of reader that can skate and sign. the. fuck. up.
I WANT SKATER JADE!! I WANT IT I WANT IT I WANT IT!! but home boy would probably not be able to skate at the level of reader just because he's og a fish and if he started skating when he turned human then he'd only have a year of experience </3
but lets just say there's a sports thing they have... not club but dedicated for this event... then i can see jade being somewhat on reader's level. but there's still a difference unfortunately
ROOK HUNT SKATED OUT OF THE WOMB!! ortho could professionally skate sine... 5 minutes ago? like c'mon guys get on his level.
though i can see rook rather being an observer. he also called it 'ice dancing' because that's what it is to him. but if rook trying out for this instead of his usual sweep of archery, all to stop some... he doesn't have a word for the level of disgust he'd have if he saw you dancing with a slimy no name.
plus he will be able to experience your growth! not just as a skater but as a person! he can also get closer to you!
vil. vil can! ice dance. he needed to learn it for a film and he's always liked the feeling of being on the ice. which makes pomefiore the contenders for being on the team / being reader's partner during partner categories.
epel would want ot learn hockey but was forced into ice skating by his grandma HAHAH she'd say that he can learn to play hockey after he's mastered the ice or something. it's something he's NOT proud of- but (if this is the point where him and reader are on good terms) then he'll happily play up him being a skating pro.
i can also see vil forcing epel into skating for the school. like wdym ice skating is for girls? get your ass on the ice NOW
SILVER AND LILIA WOULD ALSO BE ICE SKATERS AHHH. but it's a bit dangerous for silver to be on the ice but if it means helping support his friend then he's gung ho about it! just... please keep an eye on him in case he starts falling (he's usually good about that. making it to the sides before he was able to face plant on the ice. but lilia is always present in case of such emergencies (and if the designated watchers arent able to get to him in time))
lilia has dabbled in a bit of everything. so if you see him whip out a quad (with only a little bit of stumbling, as he complains about his bones again) he'll act like it's not hard (it's not- for him)
BUT IF MALLEUS WANTS TO GET INTO THAT ICE SKATING ACTION THEN HE'LL SPEND HOURS AT IT. the prince bale to do things a bit differently than everyone since he's.. ya knw, thee malleus draconia.
crowley ; you can barly even skate! why are you at the try outs!
malleus :... give me a week (and the mofo MEANS IT)
and dw i get random spouts of 'rook hunter-itis too. I DONT MIND YOU BRINGING HIM UP CAUSE I LOVE HIM- AND MALLEUS AHHHH)
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noir-renard · 5 months
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A BTAS style title card for the DP reboot/au that lives in my head rent free
if I were in charge of a DP animation reboot and I had an unlimited budget, I would make significant and meaningful style changes. The basic change: everything that happens in the 'human world' would be black and white, and only the ghosts would be in color.
for more details, keep reading!
I've been calling it the "Pleasantville AU" in my head, though it's really not an AU as much as a lore-relevant stylistic overhaul reboot.
Humans and everything in the human world is black and white; ghosts are full technicolor
Danny, as a halfa, is still mostly black and white, but his eyes are green and his skin is. Skin colored idk. (Also black sclera because it's cool shh this is my fantasy reboot au)
The more powerful a ghost is, the more colorful it is. Moreover, the most powerful ghosts are capable of changing their coloration to "hide" in the human realm
Humans can't see colors well, and most recording equipment can't "capture" the image of a ghost well. You need special equipment to see them clearly and special cameras to photograph them
Places where ghosts have had a prolonged presence or big impact start to "bleed" colors. If you get wounded by the ghost, you get splashed with color (will fade to white "if you take care of it")
The Guys In White find these colorful, ghost-touched areas and "clean"/bleach them
The longer Danny hides, the more his presence in Amity Park starts to affect things
I didn't love the "Sam is responsible for Danny getting ghost powers" storyline in the OG, so in the reboot Danny was alone when he had his accident and he didn't tell anyone. He thinks he's a straight up ghost/is becoming a ghost and will eventually become evil (in this au becoming a ghost is thought to be a long term process a la vampirism. This isn't actually the case but I love "bad scientist Fentons" so that's their prevailing theory)
(He'll tell them eventually but I love identity shenanigans so I think it's more interesting if he hides it from them for a bit while also interacting with them as Phantom on occasion)
Oh yeah, because Phantom is mostly black and white, he's the first ghost that a lot of people are able to see.
His coloration is the driving force for the Fentons to declare him "the worst ghost", because they accuse him of trying to pretend to be human.
His coloration is a big reason why other ghosts dislike/distrust him, too, because he looks too human
The Vlad is a halfa reveal happens way later and way differently in this reboot; Danny meets him and knows he's "ecto-touched", but the Vlad = Plasmius moment would have more impact if Danny has had interactions with Vlad before, imo. Anyway I have Plans(TM) for Vlad but I'll leave it at that for now😏
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divine-misfortune · 3 months
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SHAKING YOU !!!!!! say more if you can, I BEG <33
College aus man!
Dew stomping around as he's shouting, opening drawers and gesturing wildly while Phantom just sits on the edge of his bed with his messy curls that somehow fall perfectly despite Rain's fingers pulling through it repeatedly, cheeks pink, lips puffy...He's staring at the floor, reeling a little, but he knows better than to interrupt Dew before he's done. Like throwing gas on a grease fire.
But eventually Dew whips around and just snaps "I can't stand you."
Phantom finches a little from it but his face screws up, sick of Dew and his God awful attitude always directed at him. He gets up and he steps into the danger zone that is Dew's tantrum, bold, shoves a finger in his chest.
"The hell is your deal?"
"My deal?! You take up space that doesn't belong to you and everyone loves you, so what the fuck is your deal!"
"You're the only one who has an issue with me, don't think I'm the fucking problem here."
"No, no you see you are the problem. You're my problem. You've been my problem since you walked in here with that bright eyed optimism. You never seem to not be smiling, don't you get tired of being so damn bubbly? It makes me wanna vomit." Dew grit out, "I don't get why everyone is so obsessed with you."
"You sure sound fucking obsessed with me" another jab in the chest has Dew snarling. "I just live rent free in your head or what?" Phantom snorted, watching Dew steadily turn varying shades of red.
"You need to learn to shut your mouth."
"You don't like my voice?" His brow arched, clearly challenging. "Do something about it or get over yourself."
And well...Dew's never backed down from a challenge before.
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sweetstove · 6 months
This au has been living rent free in my brain HSHDHDHD JUST SOME GENERAL THOUGHTS/QUESTIONS IDK
-What's the dynamic like between The Brazilians in general/The French, bc they tend to have more of a "group" dynamic on the QSMP than the Spanish/English speakers
-Who are the people who either had the aesthetic of one of the groups but we're not invited (like missa) or were invited but possibly rejected? I've got my own personal headcanons on that one but I'd love to head it from u
-Just anything about Pac and Cellbit, like ik in this au Cellbit almost chopped his leg off at a party (I think), but are they friends?? is there some sort of animosity between them, or is it that weird sort of tension that no one really knows why it exists, literally anything
And that's all, your au is so cool so much brainrot I LOVE IT SM AND IM NOT EVEN A MAIN GUAPODUO ENJOYER
- Hispanics, French and Brazilians are their own friend groups, despute being in different clubs. They get along great!
- Maxo, Wilbur, Elquackity and Jaiden got rejected by Soulfire. Pierre, Slime, Rivers and Baghera were rejected by GGN. Antoine, Missa, Bagi and Luzu were rejected by Bolas.
- ... Yes. They very much are close friends, despite the leg thing(everyone is aware of the leg thing, it's why so many people are terrified of Cellbit). Cellbit doesn't fully remember what happened that night, but likes making snarky comments at Pac over it, just to scare him. But Pac forgave him, somehow!!!! He has a bad habit of forgiving people easily.
AND THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING!!! i promise im working on the fanfic for this au!
it's mainly guapoduo, but there will be other pairings as well! platonic and romantic, sometimes even a mix of both!(and also enemies.)
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(sorry I'm just rly hyped)
In Kaiju!AU, I'm under the assumption that the Kaiju have never encountered an actual young/baby human right? Because I doubt that any researchers would've had their kids at the... Research place (lmao I'm bad at words)
So I've had tons of thoughts about one of my OCs in the Kaiju AU (he is my bright shining star precious boy his name is Jo and I love him sosososososo much) and I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on the Kaiju encountering a human child. Like, the human is tiny!? Tinier than any human they've encountered before!? Why is it not in a nest it is so small!?!??!?!!???!!?
Idk my lil guy has been living in my head rent free, and your Kaiju AU has also been living in my head rent free and now they are. Brain roommates.
Ya'know, it took a lot of self-control for me not to add a mini!Yuu to this AU like the monster AU given how tiny humans would be in general to the kaiju (which I still need to do a height chart list for >.>; ) but your ramblings about the kaiju meeting an even teenie-tinier hooman?
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My goodness, I'm getting Iron Giant vibes where teenie hooman befriends giant monsters and winds up with so many adoptive dads/uncles/one grandpa and they have to figure out how to keep the lil' one alive and find the nest (or they may conveniently "forget" cuz my baby now).
Depending on the age of the human child (3 might be asking for trouble given how accident prone they are around that age), I'd imagine the adorable shenanigans of "My Kaiju Family" that the kid would go through, and-
Aaaaaaa imagine how much quicker it is for the child to pick up on kaiju language! They'll be chittering and chirping and barking or growling in full sentences before their new family knows it~!
Crowley: "They grow up so fast... 🥹"
Honestly, I'd love to hear or read more about the daydreams you have! (I honestly love reading all the little daydreams and ideas everyone has, it gives me life 😍)
So yeah, while now I debate on whether or not to consider a child being in the kaiju!AU, just have fun imagining all the silly shenanigans to be had with these giant beasties~! >v<
Edit: I forgot to address the research facility aspect. XD
In a way, you would be right in that most of the researchers that went to the island wouldn't bring their family. However, it's not impossible either and it would be one of those processes that requires a lot of hoops to jump through (especially if they're single parent families).
It's possible for them to have their kids there with them, there are just other precautions that need to be made to ensure the kids don't get lost or wander outside where the danger is!
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cyndrastic · 8 months
ok so y’all seemed to like the first part of the Fairly Odd Parents AU so here’s more characters!!
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Tolkien and Jimmy are AJ and Chester!! They’re Clyde’s best (and only) friends at school! As I was making this au I realized how oddly well Tolkien and Jimmy actually match AJ and Chester character wise, so not much has to be changed for them honestly. Meanwhile I needed a character to be Vicky so I figured “hey Clyde has a sister doesn’t he?” so boom there she is.
more in depth character descriptions under the cut for those who want them!
Tolkien is the smart rich kid who tries and generally fails to talk sense into Jimmy and Clyde, and is the only one of the three with any brain cells. Also probably the only neurotypical one of the three. He’s also the only one in school who will point out when stuff randomly changes, usually in benefit of Clyde. Like, he’s the one who always notices when Clyde suddenly has a new super expensive looking bike, or he’s suddenly the most popular guy in school for like 3 days before everything just goes back to how it was for no reason. Tolkien is the only one who notices and is concerned with this.
These changes are obviously Clyde making wishes, and it scares Tweek that Tolkien will eventually figure out that Clyde has fairy god parents. Tweek wants to wipe Tolkien’s memory every time he notices a spell, but Clyde and Craig stop him. Craig thinks it’s hilarious because in all his time being a godparent, no godkid’s friends have ever noticed anything wrong until Tolkien, so he’s automatically Craig’s second favorite human (second to Clyde).
He rewards Tolkien for this by letting him be the only human that can hold or play with him when he’s in his pet form (like how Cosmo and Wanda become goldfish, Craig is a guinea pig) without getting bit when the trio hangs out at Clyde’s house.
Jimmy, for the sake of this au, will not be as dirt poor as Chester is in the actual show cause idk what good that does for this au lol. Otherwise Jimmy is the wisecracking friend who has a good heart and pure intentions most of the time but covers it with crude humor and kinda offensive jokes. Also he sucks at reading a room (me coded) and can never tell when his comedic genius won’t be appreciated (the deleted scene of him making a joke about Clyde killing his mom to Clyde like the day after it happened lives in my head rent free it’s so funny) His hair is also wavy cause I said so and that’s just how I like to draw Jimmy, i do what i want.
Also, just like how Tolkien is Craig’s second favorite human, Jimmy is Tweek’s. Most of the time when Jimmy cracks a joke, even if it’s a supremely unfunny one, Tweek laughs at it. Tweek’s pet form is a parrot, so that means if he’s chilling as an animal he can still talk and laugh. Jimmy thinks it’s hilarious that Clyde’s bird finds him so funny and Jimmy will frequently go to Clyde’s house to write and test out new comedy routines for Tweek because he’s “such a terrific audience.” Craig kinda hates it but won’t object because Tweek genuinely enjoys it.
Clyde and Craig don’t understand how Tweek finds Jimmy genuinely funny all the time, but it’s literally only because Tweek has spent the majority of his life around Craig, who is incredibly blunt, sarcastic to a fault, and so unfunny it hurts. Craig is only ever funny by being overtly honest when he doesn’t need to be (autism moment), and couldn’t make a normal joke if his life depended on it (if i may remind anyone of the Craig clip: “i got a good one: why do girls wear makeup and perfume? because they’re ugly and they stink” this man would not know a joke if it punched him in the face)
Lizzie is Clyde’s older sister. Shes a good bit older than him, Clyde being around 15 years old and her being around 22. She’s a massive bitch and has always been mean to Clyde, but it got worse once their mom died and she blamed it on Clyde (Betsy died the same way in canon as in this au, so it is kinda Clyde’s fault but still, he was 8). Luckily with her being way older than Clyde, she lives at college, but he has to deal with her whenever she goes home and during her school’s breaks. She takes Vicky’s role in this au so even if she isn’t an evil babysitter, she acts similarly to Clyde as Vicky does to Timmy.
She’s one of the reasons Clyde even gets god parents: abusive older sister, dead mom who’s death was because of him, crazy teacher (Garrison is his own level of traumatizing just as he is in the canon of the show but i haven’t decided if i wanted him to be exactly like Crocker yet), and Roger (Clyde’s dad) is ok but he’s kinda neglectful cause he’s mourning his wife and has to work double to support his kids now that Betsy is dead.
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sam-loves-seb · 7 months
gallavich questions
thanks for the tag (and the questions) @callivich !!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once? intro to quantum dating by @spoonfulstar, i think i've read it 3 or 4 times now, it's one of my all time favorites
What’s a gifset you always have to reblog? anytime i see a gifset from that one s5 deleted scene, yeah that one, i have to reblog
What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about? i have a very specific headcanon for a tattoo ian gets post-canon for mickey, and i hesitate to even explain it now bc i think one day i do wanna write a fic about him getting it, but whatever--my headcanon is that he gets an M tattooed on his left ring finger and it's a subtle yet sweet nod to his husband. (i could talk about this for 9 hours but i will limit myself and stop here)
What’s a fanart you love looking at? i've spent an obscene amount of time staring at this fanart by @doodlevich it just checks all my boxes (domestic, husbands, fluff, etc.) and it's so well done, i'm obsessed with this pieces
What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration? listen, i have this idea for a rock band au that lives rent fucking free in my head, and if i can find the time and the inspiration to actually turn these vibes and unorganized plot points into actual words and a coherent story in the new year, then maybe it'll see the light of day in 2024 but no promises. for now, i leave you with this: four milkovich siblings are in a rock band that is rising to success with the launch of their second studio album and subsequent tour, and ian gallagher is lead singer mandy's (fake) boyfriend--at least in the eyes of the public--and he spends some time that summer touring with the band and hooking up with their lead guitarist in secret until the band's manager/father catches wind of what's going on behind closed doors
What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else? i've always been a post-canon enthusiast for almost all of my ships, but i think before gallavich i always envisioned them with a very cookie cutter standard american dream family with the house and the careers and the 2.5 kids, which usually fits a lot of my ships, but with gallavich i... don't have that same vision ?? i think they're actually my first ship that i hc more often than not without kids in their post canon life, which is a new vibe for me entirely but i kinda love reading/writing it. idk if that answers the question you asked, but it definitely answered a question
What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of? honestly i want more s9/10 prison era gallavich fics (and/or fanart). i think it's a gold mine era with so much untapped potential, and there are very few fics/series/whatever that really get deep with it and get to the good stuff of these two boys who haven't spent any significant time together in years but still love each other like they did way back when
What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show? it flip-flops for me between s4 and s5, like right now i think it's s5 but idk if i could actually pick one or the other as my absolute favorite
What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved? i would give my left arm to know how the fuck (and why the fuck) mickey started rolling with his dad again in post-prison s10 era, like in 10x08 he's going to terry for advice on how to protect ian, just for terry to try to kill him again 3 episodes later ??? make it make sense john wells i'm under your bed
What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough? personally i think the promise ring scene in 10x09 is criminally underrated and not talked about nearly enough, like you don't understand how happy that scene made me (stay with me here) seeing mickey stand up and fight for the future he really wants with ian and not settling for anything less
What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship? can i do song lyrics? i'm gonna do song lyrics--i've always thought the song godlight by noah kahan was very gallavich, especially the chorus, and especially during s4/5/6 era and it may or may not be a piece of inspiration for my big bang canon divergent fic
What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale? i think they take a while to really settle into their new place and and make it their own, and it's a bit of an adjustment (for both of them) to fit in with this new crowd and this new environment, but they're learning how to grow and evolve together and at the end of the day that's all that really matters to the both of them
tagging: literally anyone who wants to play bc my brain is tired and i am too tired to try and remember everyone i probably should tag
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crinkle-eyed-boo · 9 months
Fic by Numbers
Tagged by my love @disgruntledkittenface ILYSM <3
rules: give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
Fic with the most hits: Mine Would Be You There's not much I can say about this one that I haven't said before. You always want a fic to do well when you hit publish but the response has been a dream come true. I feel very lucky and very grateful everyday.
Fic with the second most kudos: Own the Scars My first and most special baby. The reason the rest of my fics even exist. She's just under that 2500 kudos mark, which IDK why that number feels like a milestone, but it does.
Fic with the third most comments: There's Such a Lot of World to See My Doctor Who AU def feels like my most self indulgent fic. I adore this one with every fiber of my being and I get SO EXCITED when other people love it too.
Fic with the fourth most bookmarks: Let Our Hearts Collide (it beat TSALOWTS by THREE!) This is the one that I selfishly wish had caught on more with the fandom at the time. This is probably my favorite Harry I've ever written, and I really loved going deeper into places where the movie's screenplay would skim over.
Fic with the fifth most words: Taking out translations and collabs it's You'll Be Stunning, Baby, I'll Be Stunned. My fluffy smutty time stamp to Own the Scars which often gets overlooked which will always mystify me a bit. The scene where Harry literally uses Louis' body to study for a quiz is one of my all time faves.
Fic with the fewest words: You Keep Me Warm. A sweet little check-in with OTS Harry and Louis during Louis' first Boston winter. Tons of scenes like this one live in my head rent free.
Pretty sure most people have done this or have been tagged already but will tag @nouies @alwaysxlarrie @uhoh-but-yeah-alright and @neondiamond
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
(Sorry for asking a lot of the Donnie Au, it’s living rent-free in my head 😓) In the series, Donnie has a lot of centric episodes which could work well (in my opinion) with this Au:
Donnie gifts: rewatching the episode, it could show how Dee is way better trained and has more battle iq than his brothers.
I could also give a reason off why he made those gifts. I personally see it as him making the gifts as his way to both help them be better fighters and to keep them safe. (also does he still get captured by MeatSweats?)
The Purple game: I don’t think this episode would really change a lot, maybe bringing a motive for why Dee got obsessed by the game. (Maybe brings memories of him and Uncle Mikey playing but the again he wants nothing to do with past memories so…)
The Lair games: I think the change is more directed to Leo than to Dee, cause just like Angie, it’s Dee first Lair games so imagine how pissed Leo would be when all of a sudden his lost twin comes back and destroys his 5 year champion record, first try.
Breaking purple: this is one is just me but I could see Dee thinking back and remembering his Pops while looking for SHELLDON ( the junk yard scene )
Turtle Degan Nights: Ok so this episode could explore Dee’s feelings/relationship with rise splinter. (Prepare yourself it’s long)
Something about Donnies character is the fact that he lacks parental support and validation which is plays a big part in this episode (with him looking for ways to bond with Splinter and getting exited every time when he’s about to say proud). But Raphie (and the 03 gang) fix those problems, meaning he no longer has those needs.
How would that affect this episode?: would he still go or not? And If he does go, would he back down when arriving (since he’s no longer blinded with the idea of bonding with splinter [unless he is]) and giving his bottle up emotions (and that he probably misses Raphie), would that affect the moment he confronts Splinter.
(I’m sorry, this got WAY longer that I expected 😓Donnie has a plenty of centric episodes)
No apologies needed! He's been stuck in my head all day too lol
But yeah, for the Donnie's gifts, Dee definitely made them mostly to help. He knows leaders are supposed to make plans before fighting so a helmet that helps Raph make plans? Brilliant. Mikey keeps getting hurt when he's trying stunts he can't quite land yet so bubble suit? Perfect. Leo? He wasn't quite sure about leo, but his 'it's 4am and i haven't slept in 36 hrs' brain thought getting him to stop joking mid fight would need a taser so he built one. (then realized after the fact, ok, maybe the jokes weren't bad enough to tase him like that. and does awkwardly apologize.)
The Purple Game, you're right, would probably stay the same. Context wise, he gets hyper-fixated on it b/c it reminds him of home, but not enough to have feelings over it.
Lair games, oh definitely! Leo's just like, yeah i'm going to win again this year, and then doesn't. (which was definitely not Leo's plan to start so he never wagered his room.)
Breaking Purple, yeah i could see that being the case. Like he's looking for Shelldon and has the brief thought of "is this how Papa felt when i left?" before he buries it again.
And Turtle-dega Nights, oh that one would be fun. His differences in being raised (i know there's a word but idk what it is right now) would certainly effect this episode.
Like, for one, he does not want to go. At all. He actually resents Splinter for his original disappearance (logically he knows it's not his fault, illogically, that was his dad. Why couldn't he chase the cat away like pops had?) and he very much hates how little attention this guy has been giving his brothers (and him since he came back), b.c his lack of attention is very apparent to him after having so much of it back in 03. So he doesn't want to do this man any favors.
It's Mikey that talks him into it (b/c he's trying to get Dee and Splinter on better terms.) (so essentially, their spots are switched, Dee's the one going "I don't want to be here, it looks off" and Mikey's like "no, it's great! We're bonding with dad.")
When it's revealed to be a demolition derby, Dee is pissed and refuses to participate, eventually pulling the parking break like in cannon and full on yelling at Splinter (swears and all. He gives no shits) about how he tricked them and he was never going to trust him again and how he just wanted to go home to his pops b/c at least he doesn't trick him into bringing his creations to demolition derbies.
They have a little heart to heart while Mikey is freaking out in the background (b/c this was not how his 'get Dee to bond with dad' plan was supposed to go!) and things are a little better between them 1) b/c Splinter apologizes and promises to do better, and 2) shows he's serious by (like cannon) being willing to give up the trophy to take his boys home.
(Dee then decides the best course of action was to take out every single competitor in the derby so they wouldn't be stopped when they went home, thus (completely unintentionally, he swears) winning the trophy anyways.)
Thank you!
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bbyquokka · 2 years
This has been living in my head rent free ever since I saw it
Idk if you saw but if you did, Remember when Chan made a freaking EDM with Changbin's like dwaekki sound during one of his lives? The kulchong sound so like I was thinking Changbin and x fem reader in a relationship but she's like close friends with Chan and she joins his live and they make the freaking song and changbin thinks Chan made it so he be hating on it but in reality it was his girlfriends idea 🤣 and he's like baby wait I take it bacccckkk it's goood! Or something like that 🤣
i love this request. pls click here for the time of your life. (the full video is 15 mins long so i just shared the timestamp where chan plays the finished version of the edm) i so badly want chan to release this. ITS SO GOOD!! as always, pls lemme know your thoughts and opinions – i welcome all feedback!
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⌢ : ⤹ 🐷🐰 kulchong!
→ PAIRING: Seo Changbin x fem!reader
→ GENRE: idol!au | fluff
→ SYNOPSIS: Chan got challenged by Minho to make an EDM track on live. You join in on the fun by suggesting to add in Changbin's YOH and KULCHONG!
→ WARNINGS: pet name (babe)
→ WORDS: 1.1k
→ have a request? send it to me here. read my rules to learn about my guidelines before submitting requests! | 2811 update
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
→ m.list — → you can also read it on my ao3
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You swing your legs, currently sitting on the countertop as you munch on some toast. Your phone held lengthways as you watched Chan's room. 
"Ok, so." Chan begins, "Lino challenged me to make an EDM track so, I am going to attempt it with the help of you guys." Chan laughs, eyes flickering up to his big screen. He plays a few sample tracks, mashing and mixing them together. You frown, chewing on your toast slowly as a form of concentration. 
"It's missing something." You mumble to yourself, watching Chan's eyes flicker around the screen, clicks and taps of the keyboard a faint sound with an occasional chuckle of embarrassment from Chan.
"It's missing something." Chan reads a comment. He frowns, thinking as he sits back in his chair. The chair rocking a little due to him putting all his weight on it. "You're right, it is missing something."
You suddenly get an idea. You live with Changbin, him being your boyfriend. The longer you're with him, the more you learn about his little habits and inside jokes. During the relationship, you got close with the members too, but became especially close to Chan.
People say that you and Chan are best suited for each other, you and Chan a hundred percent disagree. Although you are alike in many ways, the relationship you have feels more like a sibling relationship. You see Chan as more of a brother than someone you would like to date; it's one of those feelings where you have to experience it to know.
You jump down off the counter, brushing the crumbs off your lap as you open up your messages, scrolling and clicking onto Chan's.
you [14:05]: im watching your live. i have an idea so im coming over. see ya soon 🐺
As soon as you hit send, you quickly get dressed. Your phone buzzes with a notification from Chan. A simple "Okay 👍🏼" is received. You grin, knowing that Chan knows it's going to be the most fun he is going to have.
"Here she is!!" Chan announces, clapping and laughing. You make a show out of it, cheering and clapping also before laughing and saying a hello to the fans.
"I heard you were making an EDM track." 
"Yeah, Lino challenged me to, but something is missing and I don't know what." 
"Well, I was thinking. Why don't we add Changbin's yoh and kulchong to it. Spice it up a lil, y'know." 
Chan laughs at your suggestion, the chat box going wild claiming you're the best and it's a brilliant idea. You thank the fans, playfully basking in the glory.
"That's not a bad idea, y/n." Chan hums, opening up some folders that hold demo tracks and sounds. He finds Changbin's "YOH!" and "Kulchong" samples, playing them instantly. You both burst out laughing, Chan playing the samples over and over again.
"C-Chan Stop!!" You whine, holding your stomach. "My stomach… It hurts!" Your stomach muscles burning from laughing too hard, tears falling from the corners of your eyes.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry." Chan laughs, stopping the onslaught of pain and torture. You thank him, wiping your eyes before working alongside Chan to make the best EDM track. Chan mixes and mashes clips together, pulling and putting them apart all with your advice.
After thirty minutes, you decide to take a break. Chan plays the first few seconds of it, you both bob your heads in time with the music, short puffs of air coming out off your nose as you splutter. 
"It's so–" Chan states, looking at you. 
"Good!" You both say in unison, laughing before giving each other a high five. Chan's phone rings, Minho's contact popping up.
"Hi lino. I'm on live and with y/n so I'm putting you on loud speaker!" Chan does so, Minho's voice filling up the small room.
"Dude, that was kinda good." Minho laughs softly, the background noise being cars passing by and an engine running indicating Minho is on route somewhere.
"Did you like it?" Chan asks, laughing softly.
"Yeah. I think it's pretty good! Wasn't expecting you to add in Changbin though!" 
"Oh, that was y/n's idea. That's all on her, not me. I cannot take credit for that." Minho hums in satisfaction, clearly pleased and impressed with your idea.
"Impressive. Anyways, I have to go. I only called for this." Chan laughs, rolling his eyes.
"Typically. Bye lino." You also say bye, Minho saying his goodbyes to you and to stays before hanging up. You and Chan make the final touches to the track before playing it for stays. Chan decided that it was time to say goodbye, doing his usual ending before closing the live.
"We should show Binnie!" You giggle, already getting excited at his reaction. You know what it's going to be; you can picture it in your head. A bubble of excitement rises from your stomach, making you tingle.
"Should we? Think he will like it?" 
"It's Binnie! Of course he will." You say, already getting your phone out and texting Changbin to come to Chan's room asap. Changbin appears moments later, dressed in a tight black t-shirt, cap and sweatpants.
"What's up, doll. Your message sounded urgent." You grin, standing up for Changbin to sit in your seat. He sits, grabbing your hips and pulling you onto his lap before wrapping his arms around you.
"We made something for you!" You press the spacebar, the track playing. Changbin listens, his thumbs idly stroking your waist. He frowns but struggles to keep his smile and laughter at bay.
"Do you like it? Chan made it an–"
"Don't like it." He huffs in a playful, childish manner. "Why did you have to add my yoh and kulchong in it?!" You burst out laughing, Chan doing the same. Changbin protests about the track, voice rising in decibels.
"I'm going to phone lino and tell him it was a bad idea!" Changbin reaches for his phone. You laugh, struggling to catch your breath as your stomach starts to hurt again.
"W-Wait! you really don't like it?" 
"No." Changbin struggles to not smile, frowning at you.
"Awe. But, I made it with Chan too. It was my idea to put in the yoh and kulchong." You pout, sniffling playfully pretending to be hurt. Changbin's gaze softens at the new information, he hands cupping your cheeks.
"Oh baby! I had no idea. I love it, absolutely love it!" You keep the pout, making it quiver a little bit.
"You're just saying that."
"No no no!" Changbin frantically says, worried that he might have hurt your feelings. "I love everything you do and create babe." 
"Really?" Changbin hums and nods, stroking your pout. You grin, kissing his lips sweetly.
"Does that mean I can create more tracks like this then?"
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→ TAGS [open]: @chaneomma | @sstarryoong | @laylasbunbunny | @dilucpegg3r | @chanssmiles | @meltheninja13
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pawsimses · 8 months
Brainrot Trash Idea about Shin and Baylan
So I've been seeing a fair amount of stuff about Baylan and Shin, and bc I'm a Sucker for Father-Daughter characters, decided to play with a few headcanons. None of which are remotely close to Canon and a few AUs bc I can.
General HC Rambling
* Shin is Baylan's actual daughter. Yeah, I know she's (99%) not in canon but look. The idea of Baylan having and then training his own daughter to be something greater than the Jedi lives rent-free in my head.
* He got Shin from a young age to refer to him as "Master" instead of "Father" for both their sakes. Smother the risk of attachment and keep them both safer should the Empire catch on. (Jokes on him, because both of them are very attached to each other).
(For Shin, there actually isn't a real difference between terms; for her, calling him "Master" is her just saying "Father". He is her father, not her mentor, in her POV. She just uses a different word is all. (Help them, plz)).
* On that not of terminology, been thinking and I know it's probably just a harmless/unimportant honorific, but the fact Baylan has the title of Lord makes my brain go "what if Baylan was actually of noble origins?". Which then shifts into "Shin having a separate last name from her father is due to Baylan gifting her his mother's maiden name, for the same reasons he has her refer to him as her mentor instead of parent". It's also a way, in his twisted mind, to honor his family nobility when he himself failed it (by being a Jedi).
(Also imagine the Skoll/Hati family coat of arms being *wolves*)
* I even got genealogy HC worked out cause- "well Shin doesn't look like Baylan". And yes but hear me out: she takes after another relative of his (sister, mom, aunt, grandmother, etc.). Maybe she reminds him of his mom, idk. But if so, maybe that's why he gives her the surname Hati? As a quiet honoring? Either way, she takes after his family members, just not him strictly lol.
* (I'll be honest, her hair looked dyed and frankly speaking, I do HC Baylan as being a dark brunette before he went full Grey, so not a far stretch to also consider her inheriting his hair at least.)
* Back on the Hati surname, thinking more also led to "its a family name but farther back in lineage before it got changed to Skoll somewhere down the line". Kinda like how the Bakarn family in SWTOR used to be the Bakvalens before it got changed to a more common surname. Either way, the name Skoll puts a target on Shin's back and Baylan isn't taking that risk.
* (Ngl, part of me now wants to play w the idea of Baylan actually being a descendant of the Bakarn family. Idk if he'd be related to Syo tho, for obvious reasons.)
*Regarding upbringing, Baylan was a single dad front day 1, raising Shin on the run. Who the other parent is or if she even has one, no one knows. (Mostly bc I'm lazy and single dad Baylan lives rent free in my head). They mostly drifted from place to place, never really calling somewhere home. Hence another reason why Shin is very attached to Baylan; he's her only source of stability. He is "home".
*Leaving Shin was hard for her, but it was also hard for Baylan. It's not that he doesn't love his daughter. He absolutely does. But he's driven by personal ambition to seek this unknown power on this strange world and that takes priority. And truthfully, it's dangerous. He knows it's dangerous. But it calls to him in a way he can't ignore. In a way Shin can't hear. And if For her sake. Even if tearing away from her rips him in pieces; it's dangerous what he's doing and he won't drag her into it.
(Mentally he tells himself he's doing this all for her. For a better future, for her.)
(Shin, of course, is too attached to her father to actually leave the planet.)
On another hand, been seeing a fair amount of Baylan/Morgan content lately and THAT got me thinking of "Shin is a Baylan/Morgan child". Which...
-Half-Dathomiran Shin. Half-Dathomiran Shin with Morgan's markings.
-Shin whose been raised by a human most of her life, who isn't at all attuned to her Nightsister half. Who doesn't really know Morgan and probably is unaware she's her parent.
-Shin who isn't attuned to her Nightsister heritage, suddenly experiencing summons of green fire and magic when her parents leave her behind for their own paths.
Nightsister-Dark Jedi hybrid class Shin Hati.
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woozten-x · 1 year
WHAT— what if reader always walks by the cat cafe but never goes in bc they’re kinda scared of cats but they notice TAEIL playing with cats and get the courage to maybe go in or they watch from the window and they’re always wanting to play but they have this tendency of chickening out. STOPPPP IDK WHY BUT IT JUST FJSKKDD ITS SO CUTE !!! Reader finds taeil so endearing but also slightly jealous that they’re able to play with cats so easily and it’s hard for reader and they really want to be a cat owner one day too but they maybe had a small incident as child nothing too bad but it just made this little insecurity for reader !!!
A Kitty's Heart of Gold | Moon Taeil
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[ m.list including other neos! ]
─ Synopsis: There is a cat cafe called Cute Kitty Paws near your university, one you tend to avoid due to your unexplained fear of felines.
But, your own fear did not stop you from an unexpected encounter with the handsome cat cafe owner - Moon Taeil!
─ Genre: so fluffy like cat fur, One-Shot, REQUESTED PROMPT!
─ Concepts: university au (reader is a student), use of they/them, non-idol au, cat cafe owner!Taeil, cats<3, haechan special appearance, reader has a irrational fear of cats, just lots of fluffiness and taeil being soft for cats, haechan sneezing up a storm, jungwoo is mentioned and is reader's friend!, reader and taeil bonding over cats basically, some romantic implications but no romantic progression (reader is whipped bc who isnt)
─ Count of Words: 3.4k
─ Inspiration of the Work: this taeil cat video, Darling by JUNNY (ft. dress)
❒ a/n: hey sweetheart, ty for requesting<3 im so sorry this was late and happy belated birthday!! this was supposed to be your birthday present, but you know...HAHA...you already know, i told u in pms BYE. BUT YES THIS PROMPT HAS BEEN LIVING IN MY HEAD RENT FREE- thank you again for requesting and spamming my messages about this!! i absolutely ADORE taeil and him... him as a cat dad... oh god him... JUST HIM! (from a taeil stan in denial)
Summer - the season you are never too fond of due to the heat and the uncomfortable weather cursing you to sweat for a period of time, when standing outside doing absolutely nothing. Though this weather is one to plummet your mood when the time comes, you feel incredibly refreshed when gaining the opportunity to visit the cafe and get an ice cold drink; of course, special summer drinks on the menu is one perk you like about summer.
You are someone who enjoys trying a variety of beverages from a cafe, especially the one a bit further away from your campus. You are a regular there, oftentimes stopping by to study in the serene environment or picking up a drink to keep your tastebuds enlightened by the taste of coffee or whatever beverage you had ordered.
For today, it seems like fate has brought you to one cafe that is near your campus.
You could easily obtain your usual drink, knowing it is one ordinary beverage; but, this particular cafe is one you avoid like a plague. You stood in front of the entrance, staring at the sign above and claiming the name of ‘Cute Kitty Paws’ - according to your close friend, Kim Jungwoo, it was a cafe that has these special summer drinks that have you yearning with curiosity.
It was intimidating, however. It was no ordinary cafe, considering it is cat themed and there are many felines roaming freely inside. You have never visited, not even once have you thought about visiting; until, you took a sip of Jungwoo’s drink and suddenly you are craving for that same taste again on this random day. Oh, why did this cafe have to be cat-themed?
You have walked past this cafe plenty of times before, having to take this specific route towards the usual cafe you visit. Plenty of times have you seen the roaming cats sitting by the window, their small pupil gazes following any passerby; you never bothered to interact with any, feeling some discomfort with such creature regardless of it’s cute appearance to most people.
Although, your attention never lingers too long on the cafe through the glass window revealing the cat-themed interior inside; you’ve seen a young man, a brunette with a very charming smile adorning his features. He caught your eye sometimes as you walked by, sometimes turning your head fully to see him playing with the felines with a hanging feather or he would be laying on the floor.
You have no idea why, but it is endearing to watch someone - even a complete stranger - interact with animals with such gentleness. He never took notice of you, he was in his own world. A man with a heart of gold for these felines, the very same person holding a smile you can’t help but find contagious. In a way, he almost resembled one of them by laying on the floor without a care in the world.
Even if you are interested in this one person, your own fear has prevented you from entering this cafe. The very thought of being in the same room as cats has your heart in turmoil, your own skin crawling like an uncomfortable curse running through your body; was it an irrational fear? Sometimes, you think you are insane or even overreacting by something so cute and fluffy.
Taking a deep breath, you step away from the cafe’s door. You couldn’t bear the thought of entering despite your own gluttony speaking otherwise, you wanted to have the peach-mango flavored drink that Jungwoo had brought that one day; unfortunately, you lost all confidence. Well, it was one quest you have failed! Time to move on.
Walking away from the door, you walk past the window where you are exposed to any cat lover’s heaven. Several felines lay around, a few watching you; awkwardly you met a few of their gazes, your hand twitching slightly at the thought of touching them to rake your fingers through the slick fur they usually have. Yet that parasite called ‘fear’ remains in the back of your head.
Suddenly, the man you adored from afar had come into view. He stood with the usual smile he reserved for these cats, his pretty yet large hands extended out when he leaned down; a feline approaching with a furry head bumping against it, gently nibbling on his fingers and you felt your own heart drop. Not a crushing one, but one to make your own heart ache in the most pleasant way.
The way his fingers stroke the fur of the feline’s head, you felt oddly comforted by the sight. In your head, these creatures aren’t too bad especially with how he interacts with them. You stood dumbly, the fond smile playing at your lips and you did not notice the quizzical gaze meeting yours. Meeting eyes with the worker inside through the window made your own body tense up, embarrassment rushing through you like a tidal wave.
Momentarily, the two of you stood and stared at one another without breaking eye contact. Your thoughts racing, telling you to run away or let the world swallow you whole; but, your feet remain glued to the floor from the bewilderment with a mix of embarrassment. You never thought about it until now, but the gentle cat-person is incredibly handsome.
Oh, why did you have to meet someone like that in this type of situation?!
Finally, he walks away and you are blinking back to reality. Out of your sight, the felines remain and you are ready to run off like a stray frightened by a stranger. Once you begin to move, you hear the door open and the chiming bell above makes you turn your head instinctively. You met eyes with the handsome cat-person, once again.
He politely smiles at you, “Would you like to come in? We are open.”
You did not reply instantly, only staring at him with wide eyes like a deer in the headlights. You didn’t fully process the question, letting your eyes roam along his figure; a white apron tied around his waist, the cat-themed badge on his chest and revealing his name to be Taeil. It was a pretty name for such a pretty person.
He shifts before you, your eyes instantly meeting his. Clearing your throat, you slowly nod - “Yes? I just…Yeah.” You had mentally facepalmed at your words, not sure what you were trying to say. In fact, you wanted to reject his offer! Your mouth having a mind of its own, answering for you without comprehending your actual feelings; maybe it was the small guilt you felt for being a creep for watching him.
He nods, not affected by your awkwardness; he gestures for you to come in, a hand beckoning you to come closer. Suddenly, you are following through, a spell casted on you by the same gentle hand petting those cats inside. Something about him seemed so relaxing, you can’t understand what it was exactly; he held such a soft and welcoming demeanor.
Entering inside, you are met by the scent of sanitization which is one you aren’t exactly complaining about; it is a different aroma you are used to. You could hear some felines meowing from afar, your head slowly turning to see the four-legged furballs roaming; some eyeing at you with their unreadable gazes, and a few meowing towards you in greeting. Hesitating, you froze and felt the prickling sensation run through you.
“Is there something wrong? Are you allergic? I should have informed you this is a cat cafe,” Taeil spoke to you gently, catching onto the anxiety cursing your well-being. You turned towards him, swallowing the lump stuck in your throat - “Oh…I knew that…It’s just…” You glanced at the cats on the other side, thankful for the high gate the felines couldn’t walk past through or jump over.
“I-I have a fear of them, that’s all…” You admit barely above a whisper and Taeil seemed surprised by your confession. He nodded in understanding however, his tender gaze holding no judgment whatsoever; he smiled kindly, “I can make your drink and give it to you outside. I understand, if this could be overwhelming. Tell me what you like to order.” He suggests, compromising with your fear.
Considering his words, you take a deep breath and slowly shake your head - “The thing is…I don’t hate them. You know that exposure thing in psychology? Maybe I can do that! I mean, how can I be in a cat cafe without interacting with any?” You say with a laugh, trying to relieve the tension with the forced enthusiasm. Taeil briefly pursed his lips at your words before nodding in understanding, “I am sure you will enjoy your time here. I can stay by your side.”
“Y-You don’t have to!” You sputter out, surprised by his willingness to help you with your ‘exposure’ experiment. He only shook his head with the same gentle smile, the one that has your heart feeling warm - “I am the owner of this cafe, I take pride in all the cats being taken care of here and my customers’ comfort is my responsibility. These cats are socialized with humans, I can assure you that nothing will happen.”
You nod at his words, glancing warily at the felines awaiting for you and Taeil to join them on the other side. “I can show you how to interact with them. Maybe you can visit often, we can take our time familiarizing yourself with them; is that okay with you?” He asks, taking a step forward with a hand resting on the gate.
His patience and gentle words had made you feel more at ease, the idea of him sticking by your side through the process is enough to comfort you; even if it was only little. Small words of gratitude are given towards him, Taeil only smiled back at you before opening the gate.
“Take your time going inside,” He assures you, the pressure upon your shoulders uplifted once you heard the gate unlock with a click. Loudly the felines purr by his feet, rubbing themselves against the leg sticking out to prevent them from walking past the open gate. Slowly you inhale, gradually building the confidence despite the leeching fear; slowly you approach Taeil and the three cats crowding around him.
Avoiding stepping on the cats near your feet, you take a step into the cat-themed cafe with the counter in full view with another worker behind it. He stood behind the counter with raven locks of hair, a finger rubbing at his sniffling nose; you weren’t able to greet him just yet once feeling a cat press against your legs, a small gasp leaving you at the contact.
A hand is placed on your lower back to prevent yourself from losing balance from the surprise, Taeil smiling at you as you meet his handsome face - “Don’t worry, I got you. For now, we can look at the menu; you don’t have to pet them for today, if you aren’t comfortable.”
“Thank you…” you murmur out, Taeil’s hand never leaving your back as he guides you towards the counter. The cat badge on the barista’s apron read Donghyuck, he looks at you with a curious look; he doesn’t seem to understand the situation. “Are you dating someone, Hyung?” He suddenly asks, the younger male looking towards the brunette with raised eyebrows and a smirk drawn over his lips.
Taeil shook his head with a smile, “They are a customer. They aren’t familiar with cats, so I am helping them.” He tells Donghyuck, not exactly exposing your fear with the felines which you are grateful for. His gentle touch leaves your back and you are left with roaming eyes reading the menu above Donghyuck’s head. You consider the options, easily finding the iced drink that Jungwoo had before.
“Oh, I am sorry!” Donghyuck exclaims, his head bowing in apology towards you. You looked back at him and shook your head, “No worries. Can I get the iced peach-mango?” You order with Taeil standing next to you. Donghyuck grins at you, “That’s one of my friends’ favorites! Were you recommended to come by here?”
Nodding, “Yeah a friend of mine from Uni.”
In the corner of your eye, you see Taeil moving away to quietly crouch down to the felines eye level. The affectionate smile playing at his pink lips once more, fingers running through a cat’s fur; you are suddenly feeling the familiar tranquility you’ve always felt, whenever Taeil interacted with the cats. His heart of gold worn upon his sleeve, it is revealed to you like treasure twinkling back at you.
“Oh yeah? I know someone from the nearby University also! It’s Jungwoo-hyung. Hyung, he came by today right?” Donghyuck replies back to you, the familiar name of your friend’s name regaining the attention back to the raven-head.
A bright expression overtakes your features with a nod, “I know Jungwoo too! I had a sip of his drink and I’ve been wanting it ever since. It’s super refreshing for this summer weather.”
Donghyuck smirks proudly at your words, “I know right? I am the one who created that drink. What can Hyung do without me?~”
Taeil chuckles at the younger’s words and looks up at the two of you, “Jungwoo did mention someone liking the drink a lot.”
You laugh and point at yourself, “Well, that’s me! My name is Y/N, by the way.” You finally introduce yourself, completely forgetting to tell. You felt more relaxed, knowing you are surrounded by the friendly staff members. Donghyuck points at his tag, “At your service~” He hums while placing down the drink you’ve ordered. You thank him, taking out your wallet to pay.
“It’s on the house.” Taeil offered once standing up, you looked at him in surprise. Shaking your head, you quickly interject - “No, no it’s okay! You can treat me like any other customer–”
“You aren’t just a customer. You are a friend and I think, you coming by is enough to repay.” Taeil simply tells you, the words of complaint becoming stale on your tongue; you had no idea whether to argue further or to accept it. You can’t argue with his handsome face, his eyes holding a sea of kindness with a smile to have you swimming in captivating waves.
Sighing, “Only this one time!” You tell him and Taeil nods with a smile. Donghyuck looks between you, a melodic tune whistling drifting through the air from his pursed lips - “Wow, hyung must really like you…Are you liking me less now, hyung?” Donghyuck pouts whilst looking at the brunette.
Taeil didn’t answer, simply ignoring the younger’s teasing and he kept his gaze on you; somehow, all attention towards the barista is drowned out by Taeil’s presence itself. “Would you like to stay here a bit longer? You can play with the kittens, they are less intimidating in comparison to the adults.” Taeil suggests. You’ve completely forgotten where you were, for a moment.
A cat hops onto the counter, you backed away and Donghyuck sneezes from behind the counter. Taeil apologizes quickly, picking up the large cat - “Did you not take your allergy medication?” He asks when glancing at the younger. Donghyuck continues to sneeze, his head turned away with a few more sneezes escaping him. He grumbles, “I ran out...I didn’t take one today.”
Standing closely to Taeil, you seeked comfort from his presence. He doesn’t seem to mind, a hand stuffed into his apron and you are watching the brunette take out a pack of medication; he hands it towards the younger. Donghyuck grins at the older, his bubbly nature returning once being taken care of.
“Thanks, hyung!”
Taeil doesn’t answer back, looking towards you - “Sometimes, the cats do whatever they want. Sorry about that.” He chuckles and you smile back at him with a shake of your head. Hearing the many stories of cats, you knew how independent they could be. “I think I can handle kittens. I don’t mind staying here longer,” You answer back.
Nodding his head, you are following him through the cafe and approaching a door. “All these cats are up for adoption. They are all rescued…I usually foster them before bringing them here though,” He tells you and you nod with a pleased smile; a newfound admiration towards the man you've watched from afar for these past seasons.
“You really love cats huh?”
Taeil looks at you with a smile, “They are often misunderstood. I love them dearly.” He turns back to the door to open it and reveals two kittens playing inside. Entering after him, you are feeling relaxed by the smaller felines scampering around with their big heads, and tiny legs; you laugh a little, placing down your cup on a table before slowly kneeling down. Maybe your exposure experiment will go along just fine.
Joining next to you, Taeil picks up a string toy and lets it hang above the kittens’ head. They were distracted by the toy, not approaching you nor sparing any attention towards you; an envious pang felt within your heart, as you watched Taeil play with the kittens. He looks at you, “Usually they warm up quickly when you play with them. They can be really sweet, once they warm up to you.”
He hands you the string and you take it, fingers brushing against his warm ones. A faint smile played at your lips by the contact, turning your attention to the kittens while swinging around the string above them; they hop and climb on top of each other, trying to reach for the toy.
You let out a laugh, “How cute!” you exclaim while playing with the kittens hunting down the string you dangled above their heads.
In a comfortable silence, you drag the string along the floor and the kittens pounce onto it, trying their best to catch it. Taeil watches the felines play, “Are you feeling more comfortable around them?” He asks and glances at you. Your eyes didn’t leave the kittens, nodding your head - “I definitely am…But, I think it’s because you are here, you know?” You admit with a sheepish smile once meeting his eyes.
“Progress is progress. That’s what matters.”
His words made your heart skip a beat, a flustered smile appeared on your lips and you hung your head to hide your bashfulness. Unexpectedly, one of the kittens had climbed into your lap and you instantly stiffened at the contact; Taeil let out a chuckle next to you, “They seem to really like you. Relax. He is just napping.”
He reaches out, gently rubbing a finger at the small head of the kitten. “Kittens sleep a lot more than adult cats. They have so much energy that’s why,” He laughs and you laugh with him; feeling relaxed by the cute fact and Taeil’s presence. Looking down at the kitten in your lap, you smile to yourself - a sense of proudness radiating you, as you lift up a hand to pet the small body.
The fur was soft against your skin, you easily stroke the smooth fur and Taeil smiles next to you. “How do you feel?” he asks and you look up at him with a grin. “I feel great! I finally got to pet a cat,” You laugh a bit and he nods at your words; fondness overtaking his handsome features, the soft expression having your breath hitching.
So, this was the world he was living in. A world filled with your fear, yet it became a very relaxing experience for you. You want to live in his world more often.
“I want to come again.” You tell him, your mind determined to overcome your fear and grow closer to the cat-person with a heart of gold. He looks up from the kitten he was playing with, meeting your determined gaze with his gentle one - “You can visit whenever you like then. We are open every weekday until 10 p.m., and on weekends we close at 8 p.m.”
You nodded, “I also want to come again to see you more.”
Taeil looks at you, eyes widening slightly at your words and his lips twitching up into a bashful smile. Faintly, a dust of red overcame his cheeks and he looked away with a chuckle - “I would love to see you more also.”
Grinning at him, you let out a pinkie to ensure the promise shared between the two of you. “I will come by then!” You promise, awaiting for his pinkie to intertwine with yours. He glances at your hand before nodding his head, his larger pinkie intertwined with yours.
“I promise to welcome you anytime.”
It was one step to getting closer with the cat-person with a golden heart.
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dayshift-loop · 1 year
the... idk what to call it. the non-phone guy steven au lives rent free in my head despite being pretty much unrelated to the timeloop au rn so have MANY fun facts for it + doodles + an actual map of the location below the cut
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It's 1978 and Location 14 is in Ohio bc we all know how cursed Ohio can be.
Henry leaves after killing 3 kids and Steven. The whole first week is Steven being as annoying as possible to Henry and vice versa (and he gets employee of the month by default bc he succeeded in not killing a child).
Steven escapes becoming a phone because he wakes up mid-procedure and he has help from a certain shadow doggo (why? shrugs loudly. maybe it's a timeloop in some way after all lmfao ghdkjghjf).
Jack and Dave are there because again. loud shrugging. menaces to society ig. They suggest ways for Steven to sneak back into location 14 (including using blue paint and an illusion disk), though they think it's for revenge against Harry for almost turning him into a phone guy. Which it is, but also he wants to find Henry and stop him, too. Only Steven and Dave are on dayshift, Jack's the nightguard going by Jeremy Fitzgerald. Dave's mainly there to see the chaos unfold. Jack's there to help the kids have their happiest days.
Location 14 has been open for awhile at this point, and is one of the bigger locations. Harry is the phone guy here, and is VERY new, considering that he was springlocked here as well.
Steven doesn't use the springlock suits since he's a technician. The Fredbear one still needs to be repaired from Harry's springlock failure (sadly enough, Steven would be the one to repair it, unintentionally allowing Henry to use it to murder kids at the end of the week.)
Technically, Steven's scars aren't springlock scars. They look similar on the neck, arms, legs, and face, but the scars on his chest are so bad that it looks like there was a hole in his chest from Freddy's endoskeleton since the bear isn't a springlock suit. He literally couldn't move at all.
Matt works there. Again.
Dave does try to cause another MCI here, but is stopped when Jack suggests arson instead.
After Location 14 burns down, Harry is moved to location 47 (aka Colorado). He's there until Jake is brought in to replace him and then goes to Location 6, and then Location 32 after. Jake is the phone dealing with the bullshit of DSaF 1, in this case. (rip Jake, you're a real one, dealing with these 3 idiots all on dayshift)
Steven's phonification had been almost complete, just missing the head and a few systems. So he's missing all of his memories except for the most recent ones, namely the memories of his first week there (I know he works there longer in canon, but this isn't canon).
The animatronics at location 14 are the same as FNAF 1's main cast, with Fredbear and Spring Foxy as the springlock suits.
Henry kills Steven with Freddy instead of Spring Foxy because Freddy is front and center on the stage, and easier to stuff someone into.
During week 2, after he gets fired and then comes back anyways, Steven uses the name Fritz Smith.
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
Dom! My love! For the top 5 ask!
Top 5 kisses in KinnPorsche the Series
( @boysbeloving )
Aahhhhhh I'm so sorry I didn't respond earlier, as you know - I got sick (then i also have been in a writing frenzy for the past idk two? Days). BUT
Daisy my darling wife! 🥺💞 thank you for this ask so much, i love ya babe from the bottom of my heart 💓
So this was so fucking hard because everytime I thought I had this shit figured out I remembered another kiss and just like that I was like "grrrr i need to start again" because like, all their kisses are ny favorite kisses?
But I think I figured it out (at least for the moment)
1. The Couch Kiss
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Like no matter what, the couch kiss just holds my heart and I don't think I will ever get over it. It just a little kiss for the sake of kissing. Also it's hot, also this whole scene just lives in my head rent free. Sue me I'm horny and love casual intimacy
2. Ep7 Bathroom kiss my beloved
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Is there anything about this scene that I can say that hasn't been said already? No. Did I rewatched it whole again while taking this screenshot? Yes, yes, yes
We all love it, we all know why it's so high up in the list
(Also can we take a moment to appreciate Kinn's jawline in the mirror in that ss? Like damn)
3. The first kiss - the pier kiss
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The kiss that started it all, the kiss that made me fall in love with Kinn alongside Porsche, the kiss that started the beginnings of my coffee shop au, the softest of the softest and every time I watch it I still think of "We'll never have sex" by Leith Ross
4. Episode 6 - the goodbye kiss
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It has everything, the love, the yearning, the angst. I was swimming in tears then and I am swimming in tears now, I have a lot of feelings about episode 6 goodbye
5. The final makeout
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I don't think I need to explain this choice lmao
Once again thank you so much for this ask my beloved precious bean 💓 i hope you have a good day/night 😘
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penname-artist · 1 year
Excuse me while I vomit fantasy AU plans I can literally never commit to because [redacted redacted redacted redacted re]
Living in a world overrun with fantasy creatures, but that's just normal. There's no clear segregation and there's no clear war of discrimination (yet or that we know of) but there just. Are creatures. Everywhere. Support your local centaur blacksmith today.
(No but seriously I am fucking wholistically obsessed with centaurs and if given the chance I will run rampant with them, don't bring them near me I WILL start gnawing on horse person AU plans specifically-)
Modern fantasy??? Like we still have royalty and knights and castles and shit but ALSO it's the 21st century and nobody goes to war anymore this is all just for pagentry because the internet loves aesthetics (and the royal family is usually just a bunch of fame-hungry streamers, let's be honest with ourselves)
Nick. As royalty. Fucking sends me. Fuck you I will have my foolish horny rich prince however I want. He spends all day thinking about how pretty he is, he has no alternative thoughts, except maybe looking at other pretty people and going "I would fuck that" or "I would let that fuck me" etc etc
WORLD OF CARS ROYALTY AU THOUGH????????? LIKE- a royal family made up of helicopters. Castles designed for all manor of vehicles. Shipyards and harbors become commonplace for large gatherings. Fancy clothing translated as detailed liveries. VEHICLE KNIGHTS. WHY ARE WE FUCKING SLEEPING ON THIS IDEA GUYS, WE COULD RULE THE WORLD WITH THIS SHIT
Magic is very fun, imo, and we need more of it. But not like more normal magic, I want like cool weird magic. I want magic rules that haven't been used a hundred million times over. Maybe some people can wander through wormholes. Maybe some people can, idk. Burn bread. I'm rambling but the point is magic
Apollo totally needs to be a naga / snake person in a fantasy AU at all times. He would have some Kaa or Cheshire Cat vibes (let's not connect the dots to that with some of the fics I've written in the past) but also he would just be extremely sassy and fashionable like that.
Help I accidentally made a whole folklore story about two gods that exist and rule (indirectly) over a fantasy realm and now this idea lives in my head rent free and I literally can't get it out. Every time I grab it Nick goes "think again bitch!" and starts skipping around and laughing evilly while evading my every attempt to WordsTM
Funny story I've attempted to tie together a WoC universe fantasy AU THREE TIMES NOW and - again - it lives in my head rent-free and evading authorities. I will smite this bastard, you watch. it's going to happen. I will force it to sit in a chair and exist to spite itself.
Other combo-deal AUs I have slept on if not slightly dabbled with: royalty AU but they're mermaids and shit; royalty AU but they're bird people and shit; royalty AU but it's an excuse to write another sappy Blade/Nick story because fuck you I said so and shit
Windlifter being royalty also but in secret but also we kinda always knew (it's totally canon you guys)
I will not be questioned on this, Cabbie is a goddamn centaur, period. No refunds. He grumpy he sleppy HE TAKE BIG STEPPY. (excuse for the Smokejumpers to ride in a wagon behind him and do The Skyrim BitTM on the regular) Also Dipper because...because.
Dusty gives me "normal guy on the surface, absolutely cursed monster demon spawn entity trying to be silenced" vibes
Maru = Eda the Owl Lady. Fuck your society I will be a witch however I please!!
Hi do you accept pirates because that guy in the grey with the 81 over there, yeah that's a pirate now and he's supposed to be getting his own Our Flag Means Death crossover ONE OF THESE FUCKING DAYS
I don't care what Blade is as long as it's aesthetically pleasing. A king, a prince, a knight in shining armor, an outcast sorcerer, a cursed deity, literally a plot device I DON'T CARE MAKE HIM LOOK SEXY IN ARMOR AND WE'RE GOOD
I think I'm done for now thank you for listening to my rant, these will never be finished unless they are when I stop psyching myself out of doing it because it's always a big project, have a good one
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