#if Gerard feels like he is always the run away guy he will feel stuck in that and never try to become anything else
captainswan618 · 1 year
Yet again Brennan (through Tom Thumb) is asking Gerard how he feels about his identity!!
Do you feel like the run away guy? Do you feel like a frog?
If you feel like one, you’ll behave like one.
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I hope you're having a great year so far!
Can you please recommend any steter or sterek fics with bad friend/alpha Scott?
Thank you for everything you do for the fandom we're lucky to have you!
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Stop Crossing Oceans by greenleaf
(1/1 I 11,654 I Mature I Sterek)
“There are no absolutes, Scott! No hard rights or hard wrongs! The world doesn’t fucking work that way and we can’t afford to think like that, because people are going to die! We signed up for that the moment we got involved with all this!”
“We? We?” Scott hisses. “Don’t you think you? Don’t forget that you’re the one who dragged us into that forest the night it all started, Stiles. So if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s yours.”
Something inside Stiles cracks, so strong and so deep that he practically hears it.
Infinite Space by DiscontentedWinter
(13/13 I 32,124 I Explicit I Steter)
Stiles needs Peter's expertise to help stop the latest threat to Beacon Hills. And, as the pack falls apart around him, he might even need Peter for more than that.
Vengeance Looks Good On You, Sweetheart by cywscross 
(1/1 I 32,701 I Teen I Steter)
Just because Scott refuses to see the Argents for what they truly are - prejudiced serial killers sitting proudly on a mountain of innocent corpses - doesn't mean Stiles will. It's about time someone did something about the Argent Empire anyway, and what a coincidence - summer vacation is just around the corner.
Or, the one where Gerard Argent kidnapped the wrong fucking person to torture. Stiles has never subscribed to the policy of forgiving and forgetting anyway, not when razing the problem to the ground and salting the earth for good measure has always been a far better solution in the long run.
He doesn't expect to have company.
stuck in reverse by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
(1/1 I 65,656 I Explicit I Sterek)
Look, Derek is the worst. Everyone knows that. Their fearless leader is a total and complete failwolf.
Which means the rest of them? Are kind of the worst too. They’re a ramshackle, slap dashed, sorry excuse for a pack that’s about a half second away from getting one of them killed. And this is a problem, because Stiles would really like to survive high school. Thanks.
Still, nobody deserves what Derek has gone through. Nobody.
And it’s about time somebody told him that.
I'm Only Heard During the Silence Between My Screams by Irukashi_Narukib
(61 I 78,851 I Explicit I Steter)
Stiles thinks no one is listening, so he just... stops talking. It's just like that asshole Peter to refuse to take the hint.
Blue Monday by ExpectNothingGainEverything
(18/? I 511,316 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles would have never guessed that the star player of the lacrosse team and presumably the hottest guy in school who everyone wanted a piece of and one of his most hated bullies would turn out to be his soulmate.
Derek would never have dreamed that fate would be so cruel to pair him up with a freak like Stilinski.
Spark of Dark by Pirotess666
(187/? I 413,633 I Explicit I Steter)
After being abandoned by Scott, Stiles feels empty and tired. Sick of life. Until Peter re-enters his life and makes him want to live again. All of a sudden he’s not so alone anymore…and neither is Peter.
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maisietheweltoncow · 3 years
The Dead Poets As Things My Friends Have Said Part 2
Todd: Why do neurotypical people talk about autism so weirdly like they never say it directly they always say on the spectrum really weirdly like if they mention it's name it will appear in the night to steal their children.
Meeks: I just heard lightning and someone scream outside my house.
Nevermind it was just my dad, he was screaming because they're losing in cricket on the TV.
Pitts: Guys I stuck my head out the window because raining vibes and I got wiped out by a huge wave of wind and my retainer flew out my mouth.
Charlie: I so kin King Julien
Neil: I read gender as Gerard
Knox: Roses are red, violets are straight, I'm here to tell you that I'm not gay.
I'm swag and straight.
Cameron: This HAS to be a cult activity.
Charlie: New aesthetic: viking core
Pitts: Cameron when a man makes eye contact with him today 😈🔪
Charlie: Remember Charlie, billy corgan is bald.
Cameron: Low-key very satisfying to watch myself suffer.
Neil: I'm really starting to think Satan did not want MCR to reunite.
Cameron: *talking about Hermione Granger* She's kind of a snob. Like calm down no need to recite the 127th times table. yeah no shit he's being put in an arena with a dragon and you all come to watch him die.
Charlie: T I T T I E S GO BRRRRR
Knox: Vibrating titties literally Ariana grande could never.
Meeks: I read that as 'a teacher that fucked us'
Charlie: I secrete that energy and the toxic fumes probably fill up your airways. In fact, you had a dream about Gerard Way and his bubble butt you've been poisoned already.
Charlie: Ayo Nico your ass is a dam snacc but you're gay so I run away.
I should say flat ass.
Nico has no ass but he's still cute, like Frank with his fucking concave ass.
Frank Zhang has no ass.
I can't look at Frank's ass because it's a valley.
Todd: Please honey my entire existence is an air quote generator.
Todd: Alcohol, it's crippiling. Be strong, keep drinking.
(the spelling mistake was intentional)
Meeks: I think my brain is saying bisexual but I say 🙅🏼
Neil: Why do I dwell on stupid things that are never gonna happen. Neil, Billy Joe will never let you on stage to play jesus of suburbia no matter how hard you practice it.
Neil to Charlie: Yes hunny do your self discovery shit.
Charlie: yeah whatevs, presents meatballs look at these fucking balls man.
*Trigger warning for self harm*
Cameron: what did he sh with, a fucking chainsaw?
Todd: Low-key feel like that's why I stopped rping with Neil. cba to deal with your self harming character who literally does it every other day but to the extent they're almost dead.
*you're all good now :)*
Cameron to Charlie: Pls why is that such a you thing.
Todd: For me it would probably be
*Food mention below*
Todd: ok are you ever just not having a good time for no particular reason and it’s food time so you’re hoping that it’s just something familiar and single flavoured and textured in general but it’s the one day your parents decided to order chinese takeaway from a new place you’ve never eaten from before and you don’t know what to eat because you don’t definitely know what it’s like so you just eat the one thing that is always consistent between chinese takeaways but now you feel sick because you ate too many fucking prawn crackers
*the food mention is over*
Todd to Neil: I'm fine they said, Todd did not believe them.
Ok I'm done but I have years worth of this stuff, I could probably make another one.
Part 1
Tagging some mutuals:
@mendesxruel @mentalthisone @totallynotmrkeating @freckledcameron @neil-perry-is-alive @academic-on-a-midnight-dreary @caffieneandconstellations @deadreamersociety @she-nuwanda @aedan-mills @therichardcameron @therealchrisnoel @niknokplsstop @duh-itsalampmeeks @beeisnothere @justredistributingmatter sorry if I missed anyone out I didn't mean to :)
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
Danger Days - Chapter one: “Nobody puts Baby in a corner”
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Pairing: OCx Matthew Gray Gubler + My Chemical Romance. I know. Weirdest mix ever.
Summary: MCR has only one more drummer audition before they have to start touring again. None of them knows their last chance is a girl. Matthew Gray Gubler's girlfriend.
Word count: 5,4K
Warnings: Cursing, and funny shit so far.
A/N: Ok... I don't know if you'll ever read this shit, but I am in love with this story. So, I'll start posting it.
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | Chapter sixteen | Chapter seventeen | Chapter eighteen | Chapter nineteen | Chapter twenty | Chapter twenty one | Chapter twenty-two | Chapter twenty-three | Chapter twenty-four |
::: Los Angeles, October 13th, 2010 :::
There are many ways to be locked down: quarantine, jail, or long trips. But being locked down with pretty much strangers has to be the worst. Or weirdest. Or more exciting, depending on how you see it.
Frank Iero walked fast. He was late. In his defense, Iero was always late. He didn’t try to make it on time today because he didn’t want to tour. But they had to. He just wanted to stay fucking home for a while. That’s precisely what he had said to the band when they saw the schedule for the following months. He was tremendously worn out. But he had to. The thing that made it all worse for him was knowing they had to get a new drummer, ‘cos Bob was out of the picture, and they didn’t have a replacement yet. They had tried a few guys out there, but they didn’t seem to get it. It wasn’t just playing the songs. It meant being part of it. Whatever that means.
They only had one more option on their list, and they were all hoping it would work, ‘cos they didn’t really have a lot of time to find someone else.
Ray was sitting on the floor in the practice studio, playing with his guitar, all alone in the place. It was early, and he knew it. Well, he was on time, but he knew everybody was always late for rehearsal.
- “Hello?”- a brown-haired woman walked in with a tall, thin guy and smiled- “I’m Joey. I’m here for the drummer audition.”
It sounded more like a question than a statement. Ray stood up and shook her hand, smiling.
- “Ray Toro, nice to meet you.”- he looked at the guy and shook his hand
- "Matthew Gray Gubler, my pleasure."
- "I’m sorry the rest of the guys aren’t here yet,"- Ray apologized as Joey looked around and sighed. She hated it when people were late.
- "Maybe we can go get a coffee"- Matthew suggested, and the young woman nodded- "I saw a place just around the corner."
- "Do you want one?"- she asked Ray
- "Yeah, sure"- he said, confused by her unexpected gesture.
- "How do you drink it?"
- "Lots of cream, lots of sugar"- Joey smiled and nodded.
- "Ok, Mr. Wolf. We’ll be right back"- Ray chuckled when he noticed she had gotten the Tarantino joke and watched her and who seemed to be her boyfriend walking out the room.
- "Are you sure you wanna do this?"- Joey frowned and looked at Matthew after he just shot the question while they walked out of the coffee shop.
- "What?"
- "Don’t get me wrong, it’s just that you don’t know any of those guys"
- "Yeah, I know, but they are a professional and major band! This could be great for my career"- he nodded and stared at his girlfriend, cupping her face with a hand and looking right into her eyes.
- "I just don’t want you to feel discouraged if you don’t make it"- he whispered.
- "Why wouldn’t I make it? You said I’m an excellent drummer, I’ve worked with many great bands, I’m good at my job!"
- "I know you are the best drummer, Yami"- Matthew quickly answered, trying to rearrange his words- "I’m just trying to say do your best, I know you are gonna be great."
He held her hands as he stood in front of her and looked into her eyes sweetly.
- "I’m just scared those guys are gonna break your heart."
- "Come on! If they don’t like me, it’s their loss."
Joey would say those things, but she was a nervous wreck inside. She wanted the band to love her. She needed the job, her career as a drummer really needed a boost, and since her last band had broken up, she only got small recording sessions and a few backup gigs with some bands. But that was it. Working with My Chemical Romance was just what she needed.
- "So, where’s the drummer?"- Gerard asked and looked around- "I hate when people are late, it’s rude! It shows you don’t care."
- "You just got twenty minutes late"- Mikey quickly said and raised an eyebrow at his brother- "So shut up."
- "Wait, he has a point"- Frank added and looked at Gerard for a second, who was walking around the practice studio playing with his hair- "We can be late, we are the band, he can’t be late, he is auditioning."
Ray was about to correct his friend when Joey and Matthew walked into the room.
- "Hi!"- she said and smiled- "Here’s your coffee"- Joey walked to Ray, and he thanked her immediately.
- "How much is it?"
- "Dude, don’t worry, it’s just coffee,"- meanwhile, Gerard, Frank, and Mikey shook Gubler’s hand.
- "Nice to meet you, Joey"- Frank said and looked at the guy in front of him, thinking he seemed familiar- "Wait, did you play a gig with Mellon Collie last week?"- Matthew frowned and shook his head, while Mikey turned to Joey and asked.
- "Can you get me a coffee too? I take it black with almond milk."
- "Make that two!"- Gerard said, raising his hand, and Joey looked at Ray, not getting what was going on.
- "So, Joey, we checked at your resume, and to be honest, it’s pretty impressive,"- Frank said and grabbed the sheet of paper from upon an amplifier- "You’ve played with some great bands, like the Distillers."
- "Thanks"- Joey said and smiled, but Frank raised an eyebrow at her, not getting why she had answered.
- "She is Joey"- Ray explained- "He is Matthew, her boyfriend."
- "Hi"- Joey waved, and the whole band looked at her astonished- "Yeah, girl drummer, I know…"
- "I’m sorry, I just… Joey didn’t sound like a girly name"- Frank apologized and cut her a short smile.
- "Don’t worry, it is not the first it happens"
Joey lied. It was the first time it happened. It was uncomfortable ‘cos it made her feel the band wasn’t expecting to audition a woman for the position. Maybe they didn’t want her. She thought her resume implied she was a girl, but apparently, it didn’t.
- "So… well, you’ve worked with amazing bands"- Frank repeated- "Why do you wanna work with us?"
- "Well, I admire your work. I think touring with you represents a significant challenge in my career. And mostly because I don’t have a job, and I really need one right now."- the band looked at Joey in silence until Mikey chuckled. At least he got the joke.
- "Tell us more about you,"- Gerard asked as he lit a cigarette and kept walking around the practice studio- "You can sit down if you want."
Joey nodded but didn’t move, she wasn’t feeling comfortable in the room, and a part of her wanted to stay on her feet and close to the door, ready to run away.
- "I’m from Seattle, so grunge was my biggest influence growing up. Ever since I was six, I wanted to be Matt Cameron or Jimmy Chamberlin… or Kim Gordon"- the young woman made a pause and sighed. She wasn’t feeling the love.
- "I studied music at Berklee after my first band experience, mainly because my dad said if I wanted to be in music, I had to have proper education."
- "Tell us about the bands you’ve worked with"- Ray asked.
- "I’ve worked with Dashboard Confessional; we did a small tour last summer. On the road, I’ve been with Julieta Venegas, she is an amazing Mexican musician."
- "You toured with Vampire Weekend"- Matthew added and looked at his girlfriend.
- "Right! When their drummer broke his arm. That was a fun tour"- Joey added and smiled- "Well anyway, in the studio I’ve recorded with Fiona Apple, Brody Dalle, Amanda Palmer, some small jazz bands I met in college, Johnny Lang… I’ve tried to work as many different musical genres as possible."
The band nodded and stayed in silence. Neither of them knew what to say.
- "So… do you wanna hear me play?"
- "Yeah! Sure"- Ray smiled at her, and Joey walked to the other room, at the other side of the glass, and say behind the drum set.
- "What did you prepare?"- Ray asked as Joey put on the headphones and nodded.
- "I have three songs for you to pick: “It’s not a fashion statement,” “Famous last words,” and “House of wolves.”
She looked at the band talking to each other as Matthew stood on a side and smiled sweetly. She knew things weren’t peachy so far, but she tried her best to get the job. She really needed it 'cos she was running out of savings, and she had no other job prospect but a few commercial jingles.
- "Wolves"- Gerard answered, and Joey nodded. Joey took a look at the drum and sighed. She was left-handed, and the drum was someone right-handed. Jo didn’t want to make a fuzz and change it, 'cos she felt the band wasn’t already into her. But at the same time, she wanted to kick ass and show them how good she was.
- "Just give me a second."
Joey stood up and rearranged the drum. Gerard looked at Ray, annoyed but making his best not to show. Mikey was stuck at his phone, barely paying attention to anything around him, and Frank stared at Matthew, trying to remember where he had seen him before.
- "Ready?"- Ray asked as Joey sat down again and tried the drum.
- "Yeah, much better, sorry for wasting your time"- Gerard looked at her, feeling she knew he was annoyed, and tried to change his bitchy face. It was too late for that anyway.
Joey started playing and just focused on the music, making her best. She had rehearsed the songs for weeks and even added a solo. She heard all the live versions she could and was sure she was doing a good job.
- "I don’t know, guys"- Gerard texted the band so Matthew would hear them.
- "I like her"- Ray answered
- "That’s your cock talking"- Frank answered and chuckled- "She ain’t bad, but I don’t know if she works for the band."
- "She sounds cool"- Mikey said out loud- "Maybe we could jam a little with her."
Frank and Gerard turned to him with widened eyes, surprised and embarrassed he had answered his comments aloud, so Matthew could hear.
- "Yeah, I saw the text, but talking is faster"- Gerard had to turn around to hide his face, red of anger against his brother, and make his best not to look at Matthew, who nodded and got the hint.
- "I’ll wait outside."
Frank stared at Mikey, who stood up and looked at Joey playing eyes wide shut, making her best to give a good impression. At least it worked with Mikey and Ray.
- "Thanks for making us look like an asshole"- Frank argued and huffed- "What was wrong with answering the fucking text?"
- "Dude, grow up…"- that’s all Mikey answered and stayed in silence until Joey finished the song.
She raised her eyes from the drumset and stared at the band, pretty scared of their reaction. Mikey and Ray smiled at her, while Gerard and Frank were serious and totally… annoyed? Bored? she couldn’t really figure it out.
- "Do you want me to play anything else?"- the young woman asked, afraid she was gonna get a cold no as an answer. Gerard was about to do it until he saw his brother walking over and grab his bass.
- "Wanna jam a little?"- Joey quickly smiled at Mikey, thinking maybe he liked her job, which was always a nice feeling, especially when trying to get a job.
- "Yeah! Sure!"
They played Destroya and improvised for a while. Ray joined them, and the three of them actually had fun for a good twenty minutes jamming.
- "That was pretty good"- Gerard said as he walked over and put on his dark glasses- "Unfortunately, we have to go."
- "Where?"- Mikey asked, surprised- "We had a clear schedule today."
- "Yeah, well, we totally forgot about an interview, and we are running late, so…"- he made a pause and looked at Joey.
- "Sure, I have to get going too, I have to reach the studio in an hour so…"- she stood up and shook Mikey and Ray’s hand- "Thank you so much for your time, I had a lot of fun with you."
- "Thank you for coming!"- Ray quickly answered- "I’ll walk you to the door."
- "Don’t worry, it’s just there anyway"- Joey smiled and turned to the other two guys- "Sorry for taking so much of your time. I hope you have a good day"- she shook their hands too, and they nodded with a sympathetic smile.
- "You too"- Gerard whispered.
- "And the answer is Criminal Minds"- Joey said and smiled at Frank, who looked dumbstruck- "See ya!"
And the young woman walked out.
- "Fuck! that’s it!"- Frank grumbled, and no one got why- "That’s where I’ve seen that guy."
- "What?"- Gerard asked him
- "Her boyfriend is on that tv show"- but it seemed it didn’t matter to Gerard one tiny bit.
- "Oh… who cares anyway…"- Mikey turned to his brother and punched his arm.
- "Did you have to be so annoying?"
- "I wasn’t annoying!"- Gerard nearly yelled, feeling insulted.
- "Dude! you were rude at her! and she did nothing to you!"- his brother was about to his him a lecture, but it seemed it was going to be useless, Gerard wasn’t even listening.
- "Oh! Come on! I wasn’t!"
- "Yeah, you were,"- Ray added and teamed up with Mikey- "You were a bitch, and she noticed."
- "So what?"
- "What if she felt bad about it? or what if she is pissed with us?"
- "If she is pissed, she is pissed! do you care?"
- "Why are you so mean? she was great!"- Mikey was surprised by his brother's attitude.
- "Yeah, she was good, but are you actually considering having a female drummer?"- Ray and Mikey looked at him in shock.
- "What the fuck is your problem with her being a girl?"
- "I don’t have a problem if she is a girl, a boy, or a cat. I’m just saying she is not the right choice for this band."
Ray and Mikey kept looking at him, confused. He had never been such an ass before
- "Come on, Frank, back me up here!"
- "I agree"- Iero simply said- "She was a good drummer, but… what are we gonna do with a chick on tour?"- Ray couldn’t believe his own ears.
- "Seriously? she was awesome! Perfect timing, great improvisation, and she had the ear to follow every single fucking curveball we threw her."
Gerard knew Ray was right, he heard it too, but he just didn’t want to work with Joey. Why? he didn’t know. He just looked at her and thought she couldn’t be on a bus with them, or on stage with them, or anywhere with them. As simple as that.
- "My vote is no"- he sentenced.
- "She is the best we’ve had"- Mikey argued right away- "And I’m saying yes."
- "Nope, I’m with Gerard"- Frankie claimed- "I just don’t want her in the band."
- "You fucking assholes, I’m saying yes, and it’s a tie!"- Ray felt he was five years old, calling that conversation “a tie” and arguing under those stupid terms with his friends.
- "Great! so that means no!"- of course, Gerard’s childish answer made him feel a little better about himself.
- "Seriously? What the fuck is your problem with her?"
Mikey asked his brother and stood right in front of him, just to push him to answer with the truth.
- "You said you wanted to make a fantastic show. You said you wanted to do something no one could ever expect from us, so we made this album that we love after years in the studio. It’s completely different than anything we’ve made! Do you know what would also be something no one could ever expect? having this amazing female drummer!"
- "But why her?"
- "‘Cos she is the best we’ve seen!"- Ray stepped into the conversation, trying to make some sense from Gerard and Frank.
- "Dude… I don’t know"- Iero whispered- "She was good, but… wouldn’t it be weird to have a girl on the bus with us?"
- "That’s what keeps you from saying yes?!"- Ray was honestly shocked- "Because you won’t be able to fart and walk about in your underwear?"
- "I wasn’t planning to stop any of that…"
- "Then?"
- "I don’t wanna have problems with my wife!"- Frank finally assumed and sighed- "I’ve had enough of that shit already"- the band stared at him in silence. Mikey was the only one who spoke his mind.
- "Wuss."
Matthew walked in silence, holding Joey’s hand until they reached his car. She sighed and sat at the passenger seat, thinking she didn’t want to call her parents and ask for another loan. The last time she had sworn to herself, it was never gonna happen again.
- "If they don’t hire you, it’s their loss"- Gubler finally whispered and looked at his girlfriend with a sweet glance- "You are awesome, and everybody knows it"- Joey sighed and cut him a short smile.
- "Thanks, Akumu."
- "And besides, they were assholes."
- "I know!!"- Joey waved her arms, absolutely upset- "That’s so disappointing 'cos everybody said they were so nice!"
- "Are you gonna call Tucker?"
- "I don’t know"- the young woman whispered and sighed- "He was so excited, and I don’t wanna disappoint him"
- "You did your best, Yami… maybe they didn’t want to work with a female drummer"- Joey thought about it for a moment and nodded.
- "Could be. I did my best anyway. Maybe they were all having a crappy day. Anyway, can you drive me to the studio, please? pretty, pretty, please?"- Matthew laughed and stared at his girlfriend with a warm look in his eyes.
- "Only if you kiss me first"
- "That’s blackmailing"
- "Maybe, but I’m driving, I make the rules"
- "Damn… fine! but just ‘cos I’m late"
Joey giggled and leaned in to kiss Matthew, who caressed her cheek slowly.
- "It’s gonna be ok, I promise"- he whispered, trying to comfort his girlfriend, and she nodded. She knew he was nice to her, but she still felt her life was totally out of focus.
- "Hello?"- Joey picked up her phone as she walked out of the studio after recording for the day. She was working in a small studio recording jingles. It wasn’t much, but at least she wasn’t selling drugs to survive.
- "How was it?"
- "Tucker, hey…"
- "So? When do you start? did they love you? of course, they did!"
- "Yeah… well…"
Joey didn’t want to tell his friend and break his heart. Tucker was so excited Joey was auditioning for My Chem ‘cos he knew the band for years. And though he had offered Joey to introduce her first, she refused, decided to audition under her own terms. Which sucked.
- "What?"
- "I don’t think they liked me"
- "What are you talking about? you are fantastic!"
- "You know it, I know it, but I don’t think they got it…"
- "What did they say?"
- "Nothing really, just… ok, just don’t tell them I said this, ok?"
- "Cross my heart and all that shit, what happened?"- Joey rested her back against the wall and sighed.
- "Gerard had a bitch face the whole time like he hated the guts out of me, and I don’t know why! then Frank wouldn’t even look at me, nothing, he wasn’t there, so I’m guessing neither of them wanted a female drummer, 'cos they all thought I was a guy."
- "Why?"
- "Apparently, Joey is a guy’s name"
- "So you didn’t put your real name in the application? brilliant!"
- "What for? So they can’t spell it? Anyway, can you imagine Mikey thought I was an assistant or whatever and asked me to go get him a coffee when we got there? They thought Matthew was auditioning and ignored me the whole time!"
- "Shit can’t be right! they are not like that"
- "Well, in the end, Ray and Mikey were the nicest. We jammed and had fun for a while, playing a few of their songs. But neither Gerard nor Frank even looked at us. It felt they hated me."
- "Maybe they were having a bad day, but they are very nice people."
- "Maybe… anyway… thank you for your support."
- "What are best friends for?"
- "Getting beer?"
- "Right, when are we getting beer?"- Joey smiled and sighed.
- "Next time I’m in New York or when you come to this shitty city."
- "If you hate Los Angeles so much, why don’t you move?"
- "‘Cos I’ve got my life here, I guess."
- "You know it’s just ‘cos you are dating that nerd
- "I happen to love that nerd!"- Joey laughed and shook her head, thinking Tucker didn’t even know Gubler and he already knew he was a nerd- "Anyway, gotta go, I have a class in an hour."
- "Are you taking a class?"
- "No, dude, I’m teaching in a community center in Santa Monica."
- "Aren’t you lovely! I’m proud of you!"
- "Shut up!"
- "As long as you don’t teach them to drink as we did when we toured together."
- "Hey! I’m no longer 20!"- Joey argued, laughing- "I’m a role model for those kids now!"
- "Yeah, sure! Talk to you later!"
Tucker hung down the phone and walked around his house for a minute. He loved that kid. He met her when she was still in college and toured with Thursday for a few dates with her old band. She was like a little sister to him. And it hurt to think she was wasting her talent in shitty sessions with shitty bands when she could be doing something better with her skills. Something meaningful. And it honestly made him angry to think his friends had been mean to her.
- "Hey, dude!"- Gerard picked up the phone, excited to see Tucker’s name on the screen.
- "Hey! why were you an asshole today?"- Gerard frowned and took out his sunglasses. He was in his backyard smoking, and he was not getting what his friend was talking about
- "Sorry, what?"
- "You were an asshole today with my friend"
- "Dude, I’m gonna need more information"
- "I asked Joey to audition for your band because I thought you would value her talent, and you ignored her?"
- "I didn’t ignore her… wait!"- Gerard wasn’t getting what was going on- "You know her?"
- "Of course! for the last… shit, I don’t know, like five or six years, we toured together, I taught her a lot, she is like my little sister!"
- "Yeah, she is an excellent drummer, but… I don’t feel she is suitable for the band."
- "Why?"
- "‘Cos… she has tits"- Gerard whispered, and Tucker made one long eternal pause.
- "Wow… ok, I see why she said you were an asshole."
- "She did?!"- Gerard felt so insulted he clenched his fist.
- "And she wasn’t wrong. I’m so sorry I asked her to go to your audition. It was a waste of her time."
Tucker hung down the phone and dialed Frank. He knew he had been pretty hard on Gerard, so he made his way to stay calm and not yell, at least not right away.
- "Ho, man!"
- "Hey Frank, listen, my friend, Joey was today auditioning for your drummer position. How was that?"
- "Joey? The girl? Do you know her?"
- "Yeah, I set the audition for her, actually. She is one of my closest friends, so how was it?"
Frank looked around at Ray smoking next to him in a small bar, then took a sip of his beer and decided the best thing to do was clear: lying.
- "She was awesome. Too bad the position is already taken 'cos she was real good"
- "I see, and that’s why you acted like an asshole?"
- "I didn’t!"- Frank knew he was busted
- "Dude, she told me everything. You didn’t even look at her!"
Ray’s phone hummed, and he read the text Gerard had sent them: “The chick is friends with Tucker. She sold us.” Toro chuckled and looked at Frank red in anger, trying to explain to his friend why he had been mean.
- “Too little too late”- Ray typed and sent the text. Mikey read them and chuckled while he ate a bowl of cereal and milk back in his house.
- "They deserve it for being assholes"- he said out loud and sighed.
He looked around at his home and realized he was talking all alone. His wife wasn’t around. His wife was never around anymore. But that was something Mikey didn’t want to think about, not then, not never.
- "Can you believe that bitch?"- Frank turned to Ray as soon as he hung down with Tucker- "She called our friend to snitch on us."
- "Well, you kinda deserved it"- Ray simply answered and sipped his beer- "You and Gerard should apologize to her."
- "No way, can we just let it pass?"- Iero was honestly upset as he lit another cigarette and remained in silence for a moment- "She was excellent, I give you that, but I don’t fucking want a girl in the band right now"
- "To avoid arguing with Jamia?"
- "Yeah! Shit has been hard lately, and I don’t want her to be threatened by anyone anymore"- Ray looked at his friend, nodding.
- "We should all talk about this seriously, we only got a week before the first show, and we have to rehearsal with the new drummer."
- "I know"- their cell phone hummed again, and they all read the exact text.
- "Meeting in my house now"- Gerard sighed as soon as he read his brother’s text. He surely knew what it was all about, and he had no intention to continue that argument, though he had absolutely no choice.
- "I hope Mikey at least asks for pizza"- he stood up and walked inside the house- "Honey, I’m going to Mikey’s"- he announced as he walked into his wife art studio and found her working on a collage on her desk
- "Say hello to your brother from me, hey! can you pick something for dinner?"
- "Sure, I’ll see you later"- he kissed her lips and cut her a short smile
- "Wait, turn around"- she asked, and he slowly moved over- "What happened?"
- "Nothing"- Lynz raised an eyebrow and waited for the honest answer- "We just had a bad audition for a drummer this morning. It turns out she was friends with Tucker Rule, and he called me an asshole for being mean to her."
- "Were you mean to her?"- Gerard made a long pause and stared at his wife’s expression change- "Why did you do that?"
- "I don’t know! I just didn’t like her!"
- "Was she right?"
- "Yeah"
- "Was she nice?"
- "Yes"
- "Was she hot?"
- "No! definitely not!"
- "Then what was the problem?"
- "She is the best we’ve had so far, but I don’t wanna turn everything we’ve been working on into “they are working with a girl” and get the attention away from the music."- Lynz nodded as she listened to her husband’s words.
- "You are making it seem like no one had ever had a female drummer or musician on stage before."
- "No, it’s not that, it’s just that…"- Gerard thought his answer carefully- "We haven’t, and we are so deep into the spot I’m afraid it will impact our show the wrong way"- Lynz made a pause and stared at her husband’s face
- "What did the band say?"
- "Frank is with me, and Ray and Mikey disagree."
- "Why is Frank with you?"
- "‘Cos he thinks having a girl on the bus is weird."
- "I was the girl in a band, and it wasn’t weird at all!"
Gerard knew that would be the subject in the conversation eventually as soon as he started talking about this with his wife.
- "I think you are acting kinda selfish and a little sexist."
- "No, we are just trying to do what’s best for the band."
- "Do whatever you want. I’m just giving you my opinion."
Gee felt Lynz was judging him. And he knew he would never win that fight.
- "I’m gonna talk about it with the band"
- "Ok, see you for dinner"- Gerard kissed his wife again and walked away feeling like a douche.
Had he been an asshole with that girl?
And besides, Gerard had lied to his wife when she asked if the girl was hot, ‘cos he actually thought so. He would never admit it in front of her anyway. And neither in front of anyone else. Never.
Matthew waited for Joey outside the community center, where she taught drums for kids in need as a way to keep them from being in the street and teaching him a new skill. He thought that was amazing and felt pretty proud of his girlfriend for giving the community her time and knowledge. He waved at her as she walked outside and cut her a big smile.
- "Hey! I didn’t know you were picking me up today!"
- "I wanted to surprise you and cheer you up!"- Joey leaned over and kissed Matthew sweetly.
- "Thank you so, so much!"
- "I’m the best boyfriend. I know."
- "What’s the plan?"
- "Wanna ask for Chinese and watch a movie at my place?"- it was a bit disappointing plan ‘cos that was pretty much every day in their routine, but Joey smiled and nodded.
- "As long as I pick the horror movie tonight, sounds perfect."
After a few minutes of driving, Matthew turned to his girlfriend and whispered.
- "I forgot tomorrow we’ll have table reading. We are gonna start shooting this week. I’m sorry I won’t be able to hang out so often."
- "Don’t worry, you have to work, and I need to get a new extra job ‘cos it’s obvious and I didn’t get the MCR shit…"- her cell phone interrupted her as she spoke. An unlisted number was calling- "Hello?"
- "Joey… Svein… björn...dottir?"
- "Yes?"- her last name was mispronounced entirely, but she was pretty used to that.
- "Hi, I’m Ray Toro, from My Chemical Romance."
- "Hey, Ray! How are you?"- Gubler wide opened his eyes as he turned to his girl for a second. She was honestly surprised the band was calling her.
- "Good! listen… I hope I’m not interrupting."
- "Not, it’s cool"- Gerard turned around and walked the other way just ‘cos he didn’t want to see Ray do what he was about to do.
- "Great, the band and I were talking, and we want you to come to the studio tomorrow to do a second tryout… do they even call it “tryouts”? more like an audition, I think."- Ray started rambling as Joey wide opened her eyes in shock.
- "Sorry, what? do you want me there again?"
- "Yeah, so we can jam a little, try a few new things. We are having trouble deciding on one drummer, so we need a bit more info. Besides, we couldn’t finish today so… can you come tomorrow at ten?"
- "Noon"- Frank said, thinking he didn’t feel like waking up early to meet that chick.
- "Sorry, at noon"- Ray corrected, embarrassed.
- "Noon…"- Joey had absolutely nothing to do at noon, but she wanted to make believe she had a life- "I think I can move a few things… to meet you."
- "Awesome! See you tomorrow"- Joey turned to Matthew as soon as she hung down and nearly screamed.
- "They want to see me again!!! I can’t believe it"- the young woman jumped on the seat completely excited- "I thought they hated…"- but suddenly, it hit her.
- "Congrats, Yami!!"- Matthew yelled and grabbed her knee, which was all he could do, considering he was driving.
- "No, it wasn’t me. It was Tucker."
- "Did you call him?"
- "He called. I didn’t want to tell him about the shitshow I was through this morning"- Joey grabbed her phone again and looked for the last number that called.
- "What are you doing?"
- "I’m canceling. I’m not gonna go if they are only doing this ‘cos my friend forced them."
- "What?! no! just go and kick their asses!"- Matthew quickly grabbed the phone from Joey’s and hid it in his pocket, far from her reach- "You are going tomorrow, and you are proving them wrong."
- "I don’t want to! Akumu! Come on! it’s gonna be embarrassing and awkward to see them knowing Tucker called them to get me a second chance!"
- "No! It’s gonna be awesome ‘cos you are gonna kick ass!!"
Joey whined for another while, honestly trying to get out of that awkward situation. But by the time they reached Matthew’s, he had convinced her she had to do it.
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
It’s A Love Story - Part 1
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(YN) was sitting at the kitchen table working on her algebra homework when the music that had been coming from the garage for hours finally stopped. A few minutes later five sweaty teenage boys burst through the door.
"You guys are finally starting to sound good," she complimented, albeit slightly sarcastically.
"Thanks kid," Gerard said, ruffling her hair with his sweaty hand.
"Ew get off me," she whined, swatting at him. "And don't call me that."
"Gerard, don't pick on your sister," their mom said, walking into the kitchen. “Ray, Frankie, Bob, would you boys like to stay for dinner?”
“I told my mom I’d be home for dinner tonight, thanks anyway. I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow,” Ray answered with a wave before heading for the door.
"He's my ride," Bob mumbled, following him out.
“I’d love to, Mrs. Way,” Frank replied overly sweetly. Gerard and Mikey rolled their eyes as (YN) tried to stifle a giggle.
Frank had been in the same kindergarten class as (YN) and Mikey, and they quickly became friends. They all grew up together, playing in imaginary worlds with Mikey and (YN)'s older brother Gerard and his friend Ray. Even though she was the only girl in their group, (YN) was never made to feel like the odd one out or forced to play the damsel in distress.
Eventually playing make believe gave way to only slightly more realistic pursuits when the boys started their band. Having absolutely no desire to be on stage, (YN) turned her attention toward her interest in fashion and design. She spent hours sketching haute couture gowns and jewelry she could only dream of one day making and wearing.
"Hey Frank, did you start the algebra homework yet?" (YN) asked as the family, plus Frank, sat down at the dinner table.
"Yea I got it done in study hall, do you need help?"
"Yea, I'm stuck on a few on problems."
"It's only the second week of school, you're not falling behind already are you?" Her mom asked.
"No," (YN) mumbled, turning her attention toward her plate, pushing the food around with her fork.
"Are things alright? You've seemed out of sorts when you got home the last few days.”
(YN) looked toward her brothers, who tried to avoid her eye. "It's nothing," she mumbled.
Luckily the boys started talking about the band, and (YN) was relieved to have the attention pulled off of her. Ironically, that seemed to be the theme of her sophomore year.
The trouble began the week before the new school year began. Her friend Christine lived in a massive house with a beautiful pool and backyard, so she had invited a ton of kids from school over for an end of the summer pool party. The event was such a big deal, there were even upperclassmen besides her older brother attending.
(YN) found a lounge chair to relax in while she waited for more of her friends to arrive. She pulled off her t-shirt and draped it neatly over the back of the chair and when she turned back around she noticed a few guys looking her way, but she didn't pay them much mind. She had just settled in, eyes closed, when a shadow blocked out the sun
"Hey (YN)," she heard someone say.
"Oh, hey Adam, what's up?" She said when she opened her eyes. Adam was in Gerard's grade, and he hadn't really talked to her much before, especially if it meant having to go out of his way to do so.
"Nothin much. You're gonna be a sophomore next year right?"
"Umm, yea."
"That's cool,” he nodded. “Getting your driver's license soon?"
"Yea, me and Mikey both got our tests scheduled on September 12th, right after our birthday," she grinned.
"Nice, so you're gonna be running wild all over town?"
(YN) burst out laughing at the absurdity of the question. "I doubt it, I'm not the wild type."
"Aw, come on, I bet you could be if you tried," he laughed, leaning down so he was looking in her eyes. "I was wondering, have you ever-"
"Lazzara!" Gerard shouted, cutting him off. Both (YN) and Adam looked over at Gerard who had a strange expression on his face. She wasn’t sure what the look was exactly, but (YN) was certain she’d never seen him like that before and it was a little scary 
"I'll be right back," Adam said with a sly smile and a wink before walking off. 
It took a while, but eventually (YN) was certain that Adam was not coming back. In fact she didn't see him at the party at all after that. However she really didn't mind, because shortly after Adam disappeared Frank arrived and sat down on the lounge chair next to her.
"Sup? Soda?" He said, offering her a can.
"Ooh, yes please," she nodded, taking the beverage from him.
"Hey (YN), did you bring sunscreen?" Mikey asked, seeming to appear out of thin air behind them.
"No, and that reminds me I forgot to put any on too. I hope I don't burn," she grimaced, exchanging looks with Frank and her brother.
"You should cover up then," Mikey said, holding out her shirt that she had left on the back of the chair.
"Oh right," she agreed, a little confused at the level of concern Mikey was taking regarding her skin health as she pulled the shirt over her bikini top. "I bet if you ask Christine, she probably has some sunscreen we could use."
"Yea maybe," Mikey said, draping a towel over her bare legs.
"Stop it," she said, kicking the towel off. "Why are you being so weird?"
"I'm helping," Mikey replied.
"Go away," she snapped, throwing the towel at him. Mikey retaliated by draping the towel over her head and when she pulled it off, he was gone.
"So annoying," she grumbled.
"If we find some sunscreen, I could help you put it on, if you want," Frank offered. "You wouldn't wanna burn."
She couldn't help but blush at the idea of Frank putting his hands all over her back and arms and... "Thanks, umm, maybe," she laughed nervously before quickly changing the subject.
(YN) spent the rest of the afternoon talking to Frank, but she couldn’t help but feel like she was being watched. Whether it was one of her brothers hovering obnoxiously close, or other guys at the party staring at her unabashedly, she had to wonder what the hell was going on.
The school year started as usual, but the same feeling of being watched overwhelmed (YN) as she walked down the halls of Our Lady of Sorrows Academy. At first it felt like she was being sized up like a piece of meat and the guys who were looking her up and down were hungry dogs. But as the week progressed, it was as if they couldn't avert their eyes away from her fast enough. When she tried to strike up a conversation with any guy other than her brothers, Frank, or Ray, they were abrupt and cold toward her.
"Can I tell you guys something that’s probably gonna sound crazy?” (YN) asked as she sat down in study hall with her friends Christine and Marie.
“Of course,” Christine nodded, leaning in.
“I know I’m not like hot or popular to begin with, but I feel like almost every guy in school is avoiding me."
Christine and Marie exchanged glances. "Umm, so you haven't heard?" Marie asked.
"Heard what?"
"Well first of all, I don’t think you’ve looked in the mirror recently because sweetie, the summer was very kind to you. You're totally hot, and that’s the problem,” Christine replied. 
“Hot? I'm not even doing anything different,” (YN) mumbled, feeling herself blush as she pulled the cardigan of her uniform around herself more tightly. “And what do you mean, that’s the problem?”
“I heard that Gerard told Adam that if he so much as looks at you, he’ll put a hit out on him. I guess word has gotten around to all the guys in school,” Christine shrugged.
"Are you kidding me?!" (YN) blurted out and the other kids in the quiet study hall looked over at her.
"Miss Way, do you have a problem?" Mrs. Simon, the teacher supervising the study hall, asked from her spot at the front of the room.
"Nope! I, umm, am just surprised at the answer to this equation. I really love chemistry," she lied, trying to cover up for her outburst.
"What are you gonna do?" Marie whispered when everyone in the room turned their attention back to their own work.
"Nothing," (YN) shrugged.
"Wait, really?" Christine asked, totally surprised.
"Yea, because the guy I like is one of the few that won't be intimidated by Mikey or Gee."
"Who?!" Marie asked excitedly.
"I'm not telling anyone, because if it gets out, my brothers will lose it."
"Oooh, star crossed lovers," Marie grinned.
"Hardly," (YN) replied. "I doubt he even likes me like that."
"So you're coming to our birthday party, right?" (YN) asked as she and Frank sat at the kitchen table after dinner that night. The algebra homework was mostly finished, but forgotten for the moment.
"Have I ever missed it?"
"No," she rolled her eyes, but smiled. She knew she could always rely on Frank to show up for their birthday.
“Are you gonna make a super big deal out of it because it’s your sweet sixteen?” His tone was a little teasing.
“Oh yea, if I don't get a brand new BMW, I’m gonna throw a tantrum," she deadpanned.
“So you’re finally gonna start acting like a true OLS Academy girl?”
“Ugh, hell no,” (YN) groaned, rolling her eyes again. "There's a reason why Christine and Marie are my only girl friends."
"And it’s not because you spend all the rest of your time hanging out with us nerds?" He smirked.
"You nerds have always been my favorite people to hang out with. You're more interesting than 99% of that school."
"All of us, or just me?" He trailed off, suddenly becoming very interested in the pencil in hand.
"Yea, you're like in first place, then Christine and Marie, then Ray, Mikey, and Gee, then everyone else in the world."
"Damn, that's a lot of people to be ahead of," he replied with a goofy smile.
"Well you're really cool and always nice to me so yea," (YN) blushed.Silence hung between them, and for a moment she thought he was about to reach over and take her hand.
"Umm... (YN), ya know I’ve always-"
"How's the homework?" Gerard asked, bursting through the door from his basement bedroom.
"It'd be easier if you weren't always barging in," (YN) snapped. She hoped the blush on her cheeks wasn’t too noticeable.
"Don't do your homework in the kitchen then," Gerard shrugged.
"It's where the snacks are," she whined, but then a thought struck her like a bolt of lightning. "But I guess that’s fine, Frank will just have to go up to my room where we can shut the door and work in peace and quiet."
"I'll tell mom," Gerard replied.
"Tell her what? That you're annoying and distracting me, her long suffering youngest child, her poor, only daughter, from her studies?"
“Yea I’m the annoying one,” Gerard muttered before grabbing a soda from the fridge and retreating back downstairs.
“I should probably get going, it’s getting late,” Frank said, stretching his arms overhead. His shirt pulled up to show just a sliver of skin under the hem and (YN) couldn’t help but stare.
“Yea, umm, thanks for staying late and helping me,” (YN) said, getting up to walk him to the door.
“Just say the word and I’ll be here,” he smiled.
(YN) nodded, wanting to ask him what he was gonna say before Gerard interrupted him, but couldn’t find the courage to do so. “I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she smiled, holding out her arms for a hug.
Frank smiled back and wrapped his arms around her. She worried for a moment that she was holding on too long, but he wasn’t in any hurry to pull back either. When they finally did part, he waved before heading out into the cool New Jersey evening. (YN) shut the door behind him, and leaned against it with a dreamy sigh, the lingering feeling of his arms around her would be wonderful to fall asleep to that night.
Part 2
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callmeblake · 4 years
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Kerrang Issue #1103 (Sources 1, 2)
Photo Credit: Jeremy Harris
Magazine Release Date: 2006
Issue Label: April 15th, 2006
Transcription below the cut  (translated by google from Spanish):
You're not in this alone
April 15, 2006
Kerrang April 15th, 2006
Lostprophets & My Chemical Romance 
When it comes to million dollar studios / mansions, Los Angeles, where My Chemical Romance is currently doing pre-production for their new - and as yet untitled - album, is very impressive. Built in 1920 for a silent film star, it is covered in such a way as to simulate an Asian palace, with panoramic views of the city, an outdoor swimming pool, acres of gardens, and - according to vocalist Gerard Way - a ghost that opens and closes doors and even takes baths. Gerard crawled out of bed at noon as his old friend, Ian Watkins is coming soon. He and the Lostprophets frontman will meet to discuss their future performances on 'Give It A Name' - a festival that will see them perform to 30,000 people in two days.
When Ian appears the two greet each other genuinely affectionate, talking about many things; from Gerard's art to Bono's sunglasses and, of course, the ghost guest Gerard admits to fear. The two singers are pleasant company, laughing, joking and obviously relaxed, interrupting and finishing each other's sentences as close friends usually do.
When did you meet?
Gerard: It was at the Slims, in San Francisco and Lostprophets was running a show with Head Automatica. I didn't know them, so I got on his bus and he was the coolest singer I've ever met.
Haven't you met singers before, back then?
Gerard:I had met a few, but singers are usually weird guys. They often have a 'lead singer vibe' and he didn't have one, he was so kind, respectful and personable.
Ian: We knew his manager because he had toured with bands that we had toured with. Even before the first My Chemical Romance album came out, he was already talking all day about them. He sent me the record when it came out and I used to listen to it all the time, it was fucking awesome. Did they get along immediately? Gerard: Yeah. I think everyone in both bands hit it off right away. They were down to earth guys. We hadn't met anyone as great as them, so it was a huge impression on our band that they had that attitude. Ian:
And after that, we keep crashing at events, anywhere, like in Japan….
Gerard: That is a very funny story! You have to fly everywhere when you play (at the Japanese festival) Summer Sonic; you can't drive because Japan is made of a lot of big islands. This was when he still used to get screwed. It was one of the last times that I was drunk or high, actually… Ian was in front of me on the plane and he was turning around to try to have a conversation with me, but he couldn't.
Ian: I hadn't realized it at first. I was talking about the songs on the album I was thinking about…
Gerard:… And at one point I just thought 'I can't deal with this man'. I felt really bad about that I had already thrown up more than I had ever seen in my damn life while trying to get my pills; we were sharing a bus on the way to the plane. I must have looked like the most broke asshole. I was ashamed all the way.
How often do you get together?
Gerard: I would say once every five months, maybe more often. We always collide.
Ian: Yes, when you go on tours you always bump into someone. The strangest thing was when I was in New York, having a snack ...
Gerard:Oh yeah! And we just meet! We were on our way to a place called 'Toy Tokyo', which is one of our favorite stores. We passed a restaurant and Ian was sitting there hanging out.
Ian: They came by and I was like 'Oh shit!' because it was so unexpected.
Gerard: And then we did a full US tour together and it was fun, but Lostprophets was still on the UK schedule, so they would fall asleep on the bus at odd hours and stay up all night.
Ian: That was before the My Chemical Romance record took off, so it was before they became rock stars! But it was cool because we did our own shows on off days.
Gerard:Yes, it was fun doing our shows together, because there was always the same vibe.
Do you keep in touch when you are not on tour?
Gerard: Yes, Sidekick! (controlled email senders)
Ian: You're never in yours! He used to be online all day, but now he's very cool for it.
Gerard: I think I changed my username, but I didn't tell anyone, I just hoped they would notice! So no one talks to me now!
They grew up in places as remote as New Jersey and Wales, what common areas do they share?
Ian: I think we are both working class.
Gerard:When you come from a working class place, you have to leave soon or you will be stuck there forever. Jersey is definitely that kind of place. It's very different if you live somewhere in Los Angeles…
Ian: You don't need to try here, you can go to clubs and gigs every day in LA. It is very easy to believe that you are someone in LA until you realize that there is a whole world outside. It's like the same as London and New York.
Gerard: Yes, but to come from the places that we come from; Where you have shitty jobs, you realize that you are nobody.
Ian: And if you want to do something, make a difference or at least enjoy life, you really have to work your ass off.
Gerard:What's the most shitty job you had in Wales?
Ian: I worked in Iceland. A frozen food store.
Gerard: Oh wow that's weird because my first shitty job was at a frozen food stand at a supermarket. They're both sober now, but Gerard wasn't when they first met: Did his using drugs and alcohol affect their friendship? Gerard: No Ian: I just didn't realize I had a problem! Gerard: Yes, apart from that plane trip. But even though he had a problem, I think the press made him look worse than he already was. When we did that tour together, I was already clean.
The two are working on new albums. Has either listened to each other's new songs?
Gerard: No. We haven't played anything for anyone.
People are predicting that they will both transcend the rock scene and come back with a more pop album this time. Is there any truth to that?
Gerard: I think that's what they expect us to do! On the other hand, some people may believe that our album will be more aggressive to compensate for that.
Ian: A lot of bands do that and screw themselves up. They succeed and say 'we have to prove that we are real' and confuse being real with being shit.
Gerard:That is completely true. So people might expect a more aggressive record from us, or maybe one that makes a lot less sense. But I wouldn't say it's more pop, although it's prettier.
Did you see a lot of bands growing up?
Gerard: Yes, because our only escape was to go and find the local show. There were two places that I would go, ' The Pipeline ' and ' Studio One '. The latter was completely hardcore, bands like Downset, Madball, Dog eat dog…
Ian: Dog Eat Dog! Dammit!
Gerard:The most taboo thing there was as a teenager was Slayer. The [Anti-obscenity lobby] PMRC was so big in the US that they made it almost impossible to get their records. They thought Slayer was satanic. You couldn't get WASP or Venom records, but Slayer was a sure door to evil! I remember when I got 'South of Heaven'; it made a big impression on me. Have you been in front of any other band performance? Gerard: Not in the mosh zone, but I was on the floor for Slim's once. Most of the time, I watch from the side of the stage. Ian:
Everything is ground at Slim's! That was a great show, because we met there. As I said; We got to know each other before these guys took off, and that's nice because I think meeting them after that would have been kind of weird.
So is it weird to meet bands that are already big?
Ian: Yes, because they don't care. As Gerard was saying, singers sometimes have attitudes and it is strange to meet a successful band that is still humble. I don't think My Chemical Romance would have been like that but bands get very reluctant when meeting people. They think 'you only want to be my friend because you want something.' It was great meeting Gerard before they grew up, because I know our friendship is honest.
Do things change when you get to the same level as other bands?
Ian: If we played in the US now, My Chemical Romance would top the list, whereas last time we were on them, but that's okay.
Gerard: Yes, when you go out with a band that you love, there is respect and it shows on stage. But if you play with a band that you don't respect, then you go out and destroy them.
Ian: And it's not like we release two albums at the same time. We left and their time came.
So what if both albums were out at the same time? Would they be aware of the other's sales position?
Gerard: Well we're both rock bands, but we offer something very different to people, so I don't feel in competition with these guys.
Ian:If they were assholes it would be horrible to see them get so successful, because it sucks to see idiots doing well. The only thing they do is add to your stupidity! But when you like band music it's always great to see that they do well.
Gerard: Yes, you will always be supporting your friends even if they are kicking your ass!
Ian: And if they're kicking your butt, it just makes you work harder- It's not a sour rivalry, it's a great thing -a friendship and respect.
My Favorite My Chemical Romance Song (by Ian Watkins)
I love 'You know what they do to guys like us in prison'. The first time I listened to their second album, that song grabbed me as soon as it started playing. It had some really cool changes; the way it starts off with a piano staccato, and the lyrics are fantastic. It conjured up a lot of images and I liked the fact that the verse is on the piano.
My Favorite Lostprophets Song (by Gerard Way)
It's easily 'Last Train Home'! When we were working on Three Cheers for sweet revenge, that damn video came out every five minutes and no one could help but sing it. We were saying 'Man, this is great!' I think the chorus is really beautiful. They weren't trying to capitalize on some kind of junk-young culture, the song really meant something, especially when they were playing it live. If someone is really honest with a song, it will always become a favorite song, and that one really stood out.
Translation: Liz
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The Magnus Archives Relisten: Episode 117 - Testament
But Tim isn’t going to sit home and wait, and Elias seems pretty insistent I go along. Part of me thinks it’s just so he can see if whatever this “preparation” he’s been trying to do on me works. - Jon
I guess, yeah, that's part of it and the other part is that he wants to make absolutely sure Jon gets touched by as many powers as he possibly can and sending him right into the lion's den is a good way of doing that, I suppose.
I don’t quite get those two. I suppose what they’ve done, seeing what they’ve seen… it’s a hell of a bond. The sort of thing I’ve mostly done alone.
Ouch. That is a painful realisation right there! (The usual disclaimer of "I'm obviously not talking about the scale of cosmic horror here because duh or for that matter even the scale of massive trauma" but I actually think that realisation is on some level relatable because of the realisation I had multiple times in my life of "I don't really know what a close bond feels like because I've never actually been anywhere close to the best friend of the people I've considered my best friends." Fortunately my luck has shifted somewhat in the "close emotional bonds" department, or at least I hope I'm not kidding myself about that, but the realisation that some people have these fire-forged, ride-or-die relationships and you're just kinda doing your own thing, dipping a finger shallowly into human connection every once in a while and then watching it flow away, is a bit of a twinge.)
And… aside from some, uh, uh, office gossip which I, I’m not sure is necessary or, uh, conducive to a workplace that… hey, it, it, it’s natural it’s, it’s normal.
I love how Jon just goes from deep emotional turmoil to being a bit upset that people are gossipping about whatever may be going on in his love life. Talk about emotional roller coasters!
Oh, yeah, I found something on the other body the circus stole, this “George Icarus.” (...) Jurgen Leitner. I just can’t be rid of him.
Ah, okay, this is where we learn who George Icarus was. Also, the pseudonym is very fitting, I mean, Leitner did, in fact, fly too close to the goddamn sun and subsequently crash and burn when he decided to create a library of fear books, didn't he?
He always said, if you don’t like something, you accept it and you adapt, or you fight and you change it. Whining doesn’t help. I always tried to live like that. But I think sometimes you feel like you’re adapting, but it’s just denial. - Basira
This is definitely something I've experienced myself but it's also definitely something I've seen in some people who like to go on like Basira's dad about stiff-upper-lip-don't-whine-adapt-and-overcome to other people and shame others for expressing their emotional pain. When the cracks finally do start showing up (usually under the influence of alcohol), it's not so much a crack as a full-on explosion.
But at least Daisy’s coming. I mean, I know she’s… difficult. Everything they say about her, it’s true, it’s fair. But, she’s solid. She’s a… a fixed point, and if she’s there, I know exactly where I stand, exactly what I’m doing, relative to her.
It's tragic but also on some level a little bit heartwarming that Basira never actually stops doing things relative to Daisy, even when it takes everything out of her, even when Daisy starts destroying herself.
Still stuck, still miserable, still angry. New traumas, but they hurt just like the old ones. Elias thinks he’s got this ingenious way to hurt people, but it’s just the same old and a creepy new package. Arsehole. God, I just want to rip his – When did I start to lose the parts of me that weren’t just anger? - Melanie
I always have a soft spot for the angry ones, the ones who have to forcibly stop themselves from punching people in the teeth, who have to put every last shred of willpower into keeping a lid on the boiling, hissing, steaming pot that is their inner life. The ones whose willpower sometimes fails them and then they do end up hurting people or themselves because of their anger. And not to go all REPRESENTATION here, but I'm actually glad to see that in TMA that character archetype is basically all women, because the people exploding in violent anger or having to try so fucking hard to keep it in and occasionally failing are usually guys.
They did manifest, but they weren’t what I thought they’d be. They were fused, somehow, all mixed together, a huge angry mass of dead flesh and guns.
I'm kind of glad this isn't a fully-fledged statement because I feel like that sentence, that image, is really all I need and anything further would actually weaken rather than strengthen the horror.
Good luck, Jon. I do hope you win. But I also hope it hurts.
Damn, this episode is so good at summarising characters in a line or two, isn't it?
I, I’m scared, I guess. – no, wait. No, no, I mean, ah, I don’t want that to be my last message, the thing that defines me. “Martin Blackwood, he was always scared, then he died. The end.” I don’t want that. - Martin
I'm a very anxious person and this is INSANELY relatable, this fear that all that's going to be left of you is the things you didn't do because you were terrified. ... Martin, stop making me tear up by being too damn relatable!
I need them to be safe, I need him to be okay.
Aw, Martin!
I mean, it’s not like I’m going to be safe, like my plan’s not dangerous, but it’s, it’s mine. This last couple of years, I’ve always been running, always hiding, caught in someone else’s trap, but, but now it’s my trap, and, well, I think it’ll work. I know, I know it’s not exactly intricate, but it felt good leaving my own little web.
a) This thought process makes perfect sense. Sometimes you just need to express your goddamn agency, even if it's dangerous and even if it's bound to hurt and b) I know the podcast immediately lampshades the "web" thing, but WEB!MARTIN THOUGH! I MEAN! THINK ABOUT IT! That would've been such an amazing plot point and they had it all set up. I mean, he's got a lot of good Lonely-related shit going on later, too, but ... why not both? I do enjoy it when the powers squabble over a character!
I used to blame my brother for going off his own and poking around where he wasn’t wanted. I used to blame myself for not helping him. But now… now it doesn’t matter. I’ve read through enough of these things to know that this doesn’t matter. The only thing you need to have your life destroyed by this stuff is just bad luck. Talk to the wrong person, take the wrong train, open the wrong door, and that’s it! - Tim
I think Tim's view of this is actually very close to the way that TMA handles this. The Entities don't eat you because you deserve it. They just happen to happen to someone. And that makes the horror work so much better than if that wasn't the case. (It also feels closer to how LIFE actually works a lot of the time.) So I find it somewhat odd to see when people do read desert into it, I feel like that weakens the storytelling.
Honestly, I hope that Jon learned something from her because, because I don’t expect I’m going to be coming back from this. I don’t know if I want to. And if he needs to pull the trigger, to use me to stop it… well, he’d better have the guts to do it.
Well. Fuck!
Gerard’s page… Gerry. I-I know there’s more he could tell me – he he, wouldn’t of, of course, I, I know that but he, he… he would still be there, th-that, that knowledge, i-it would, it would still exist…(...) …y-you owe me one, Gerry. Rest in … Just rest. - Jon
Damn, seeing Jon struggle against the instinct to keep knowledge available to himself, seeing how much it literally hurts him and seeing him WIN is sure something. Also ... "Rest in ... just rest." ... make me cry, why don't you?
My impression of this episode
This is not so much horror as it is concentrated emotion and I adore it. I nearly teared up a few times on my relisten (I think I wasn't in quite the right headspace during my first time). The gut punch quotes come thick in this one. This may actually be my favourite plot development episode (as opposed to favourite statements that don't relate directly to the overall plot). The writing is just. so. good.
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starrypawz · 3 years
In which Gerry and Nemo touch on the topic of Gender (tm) and also touch on their mutual appreciation for one Siouxsie Sioux
 CWs for: brief discussions of dysphoria, anxiety
Note: There is a brief mention of trans terminology that is considered outdated, however this is the language that the character in question would’ve been familiar with owing to the time period they came across this information.
It’s hot.
That sort of sticky hot that’s becoming way too frequent in English summers in recent years and a sign things are probably starting to go very very wrong but no one really seems to notice. Sort of sticky hot that seems to forget that England still hasn’t really uptaken the concept of ‘air con’ outside of offices and shopping centres.
Gerry sighs, both of them sprawled out over the bed,  the desk fan is probably on it’s last legs but it’s chugging along still, occasionally makes a noise that sounds a little too close to a whine,  the windows thrown open but there’s not much of a breeze today and the window seems to be more bringing in the distant buzz of traffic, a barking dog, some children having an over enthusiastic game of footie that runs the high risk of breaking someone’s kitchen window and or damaging at least one parked cars wingmirror and the brief smell that someone nearby is taking the opportunity to have a barbecue today.
“When did you know?”
Nemo doesn’t tear their attention away from the poster covered ceiling, “Know?”
“Know… you know
Nemo snorts, “You know how I became an avatar-” “I didn’t mean that,” Gerry snorts and sighs, “I mean-” “The other thing?” “Yeah, the other thing,”
Nemo chews their lip, attention still on the ceiling (they keep meaning to ask Gerry why there’s a print of Hopper’s Nighthawk’s stuck up there amongst the music posters) “I…” And pauses, “I mean I’ve always felt a little… off?”
“Like growing up people would be all you know ‘girls do this and girls do that’ and it didn’t quite feel right for me, and then people just went ‘Oh’” Nemo pauses to swallow, “She’s a tomboy,” and I just… stuck with that but that didn’t really feel right either?”
“And I mean I just stuck with that even though it didn’t really feel right since well what else could I do right?” Nemo pauses again, Gerry thinks for a moment to ask if they’re ok but they pick up again, “And like… I’d heard about uh ‘sex changes’ you know that’s not really the right word anymore but that’s what people were using back then when I was poking around, but that didn’t really seem right either yeah? Like I knew I wasn’t a girl but I didn’t like feel like I wanted to be a guy either? I was just… neither really? And had like no idea if people really felt like that or I was making it up but hey you know that’s me”
Nemo fidgets a little, “Can’t quite remember where I found the word, it was online somewhere? Like when it was still really hard to find stuff on the internet, wasn’t really looking for it you know just one day I found someone on some random message board  somewhere talking about being genderqueer and-”
“Yeah… lightbulb” Nemo chuckles, “There it was, that was my word, genderqueer-” Nemo sighs and finally moves their attention, away from the ceiling and to Gerry’s face, smiles as they tuck a lock of his hair behind his ear, and he smiles back “Felt good you know?” Then Nemo laughs, “What?” “Realised… the day I found the word genderqueer and it clicked for me is… it’s like how I felt when I jumped off that bloody hill in Scotland.”
“Is that why you jumped?” Gerry’s turn to reach out and tuck a lock of hair behind Nemo’s ear. “Maybe?” Nemo shrugs, “I mean bet if I didn’t willingly jump I would’ve probably fallen somehow… whatever you called it uh-”
“The One Alone?” “Yeah,” Nemo worries their lip a bit as they think, “Probably would’ve wanted my sacrifice willing or not you know?”
“Yeah,” He nods, “Seems to be how they operate,”
There’s a silence between them for a few moments, then Nemo breaks it.
“Why did you want to know?”
Gerry shrugs, “Just wondering-” “Yeah?” Nemo pokes his nose, “Just wondering?”
Gerry snorts.
“I mean… have you ever thought about it?”
“Sometimes?” “And?”
“I mean… I’m a guy I guess?” Gerry sighs, “I mean… not like I’ve had that much time to think about it-”
“Makes sense-”
“But yeah I mean… most of the time that makes sense yeah?” He pauses and pantomimes a much more upper class voice than he usually uses, complete with handshake “Hello there good to meet you my name is Gerard Keay and I am most certainly a man-”  he deepens his voice, “A manly man who does man things-”
Nemo snorts and for a few moments buries their face into a pillow as they wheeze a little.
“But yeah sometimes… I’ve had days that’s not quite felt right?” “And when that happens?”
“Feels… kinda itchy? Just makes me feel… wrong? Feels like something’s got its grip on my throat and it’s kind of hard to breathe and something clawing at the back of my neck and if I touch my scalp it hurts, it sometimes makes me a little sick to my stomach, feels weird looking at myself and feels really really fucking bad if I think too much about it and how other people are seeing me,”
Nemo nods and then reaches out for his hand and squeezes “Not feeling like that today, right?”
“No,” Gerry sighs, “Ok maybe a,” he gestures with finger and thumb, “Little bit?” He pauses again, “Feels like there’s something on my shoulders you know?” And pauses once more, “Do you still get that?” “Sometimes,” Nemo smiles softly, “Not often,”
Gerry sighs, “So yeah guess I’m… a guy like ninety-five percent of the time?”
Nemo nods, “That works,”
“Yeah,” Gerry chuckles softly and presses a kiss to Nemo’s forehead.
Gerry chuckles, “What?” “God, I remember sometimes I’ve looked at pictures of Siouxsie Sioux and it’s like…” He pauses again, “I want… I want to be her, but I also don’t, I want to be her but like… in a guy way? Shit that makes no sense-”
“Does to me-” “Really?” “Yeah,” Nemo chuckles, “Then you chuck in wanting to kiss her and that gets even more complicated-”
Gerry groans playfully, “Goth problems, all goths are hot-” “Yeah,” Nemo grins.
“But yeah… I mean the music is why but I think… that’s part of why I got so into it you know? The ambiguity, no one bats an eyelid if you’re a guy and you wear eyeliner and want to wear a long skirt,  you can be a girl with a death hawk and duct tape crosses on your chest and no one gives a shit when the club is in full swing-” And then,  Gerry feels his stomach rumble.
“Wanna go to the chippy?”
“Yeah” and then sighs, “Shit that means I need to put my shirt back on,” Nemo pokes Gerry in the chest, “Bloody double standards-”
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anystalker707 · 4 years
the famous living dead
Pairing: Gerard x Reader Genre: Fluff/Angst Word count: +- 4 000 Summary: [Corpse Bride AU] Gerard is suddenly married to a corpse Requested on Wattpad
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[3rd person pov]
Gerard sighed in frustration as walking between the trees. If anything, the melancholic vibe of the woods matched his feelings exactly. Apart from needing to deal with the annoying bride, Eliza – who didn't do anything apart from complaining since they met each other earlier that day –, he couldn't memorize the vows, what increased his stress.
Running a hand through his hair, he tried repeating the vows just to mess up with it once more. Another frustrated breath escaped his lips.
The repeated fails left him in the verge of giving up, but Gerard was determined to get it right. A few crows rested on the old oak tree he stopped next to, pausing. Gerard took a deep breath before he started talking.
"With this candle, I will..." He trailed off, suddenly met with a blank in his mind that he wasn't ready for. Shaking his head, he sighed. "I will set your mother on fine," he finished in frustration, facepalming, and sat down on the fallen trunk that laid not too far from him.
Gerard took the wedding ring from the coat's pocket and stared at it for a moment. It didn't bring him any happiness and shared no differences with a chain, in his perspective. Remembering how annoying the bride demonstrated gave him great stress, certain desperation even, since it was clear he was going to be stuck in a predictably deplorable marriage for most likely the rest of his life.
Well, if that was going to happen anyways, he better do it properly.
He took a deep breath as standing up, the ring between his fingers like if he was to slip it in the bride's finger already. "With this hand," the words left his lips with confidence, in a way it even looked like he was in the ceremony already, "I'll lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine."
As Gerard spoke, he gradually gained more security, moving his hands and turning on his place dramatically. Saying it correctly brought him a momentary pleased feeling as he tossed the ring in the air before catching it again with a smile. He raised his eyebrows, nodding at himself with approval, looking around as the imaginary people – who were actually just the trees – praised him.
He leaned down as breaking a stick from a fallen trunk's branch.
"With this candle," Gerard said, pretending the stick was a candle and 'lighting it', throwing it aside right next. "I will light your way in the darkness. With this ring," he held up the wedding band, kneeling down in front of what seemed to be more dry branches, though in the shape of a hand. "I ask you to be mine." He slipped the ring on the dry wood, smiling with another wave of pride hitting him.
Reality suddenly hit Gerard again and he was slightly startled by the wind suddenly howling and the crows growing agitated. Worry started filling his chest with the birds weirdly observing him. Birds didn't act like that... did they?
His attention was held enough for him to not notice the 'dry branch' moving, but also enough to almost give him a heart attack when it wrapped itself around his wrist and started pulling him down.
Gerard gasped as trying to pull away from the grasp, not knowing if he should be more worried about it or the birds starting to fly around. In panic, he started trying pulling his arm out of the hole it had been stuck in and, when he finally did so, a terrified scream escaped his lips seeing how the hand gripped around his wrist, noticing it wasn't wood at all.
He shook his arm until the hand let go and Gerard's attention was suddenly snatched by the place where the hand had originally been in. The dirt moved like if there was something under it, making him freeze, terrified in anticipation.
[Your pov]
I struggle a bit to bring myself out of the hole, even more without half an arm, but the excitement motivates me into doing it. My eyes land on the guy who said the vows with certain anxiety and I contain a smile as looking down at his scared form.
"I do," I say, making him gasp and start backing away as I reach down a hand to help him up. Unfortunately, he continues too scared; he quickly stands up and starts running away. Well, it's not like he'll get out of here easily, so I follow him calmly, grabbing my hand back in the way.
The guy ends up tripping when going down a rock, his head hitting against the gravestone, but he doesn't seem to mind the pain, sitting up with his back against it. His wide eyes observe me walking after him with fear. He continues with the scared gasps as clumsily backing away until he's up to his feet again.
He runs. And hits a tree.
Seeing me approaching, he tries to run just to hit it again. Great job.
Our chase continues until he reaches the bridge, probably thinking I ended up losing him. The crows continue cawing behind him, more of showing me where he went before returning to the woods. His terrified face gains relief as he leans back against the wall of the bridge, looking around frantically.
A last sigh comes from him, calming down with thinking I really stopped chasing him. The look on his face, however, when he notices me right behind him is hilarious, but I say nothing, setting my hands on his shoulders and leaning in for a kiss.
"A new arrival," Frank says in amusement as Gerard's eyes open; a drink in hand as Frank stands beside me, observing the other intently just like me, Ray and Bert. Or maybe everyone else in the bar.
"He must've fainted," I add, like if Gerard was still out. Carefully, I reach a hand under his neck – his eyes go wide at my exposed bones. "Are you all right?" I question, worried.
"What-? What happened?" He asks, still looking around in panic.
"Oh, looks like we've got ourselves a breather." Frank comments in amusement. "He's still soft," he said. The poking on Gerard's chest scares him, sending the living man backing away once again, struggling up to his feet.
"A toast, then," Ray says with a lazy grin, raising his glass lightly in the air. A clinking sound comes from it as it touches Bert's, both grinning. "To the newlyweds."
"Newlyweds...?" Gerard asks in confusion.
"In the woods," I tell him, placing a hand on his shoulder, "you said your vows so perfectly." A smile curls my lips up as I show him the wedding band around my boney finger.
"I did?" He asks hesitantly before a wave of realization – or is it defeat? – hits him. "I did!" With a sudden motion, his hands hold onto the counter. "Wake up!" He tells himself repeatedly, slamming his head against the wooden surface.
From this, things just turn into a momentary chaos; Gerard starts walking around, bumping into the others, more gasps coming from him as he jumps like a scared cat. It earns him a few concerned glares.
"K-Keep away!" He stutters and, in certain desperation, tries to get the sword lodged across Frank's torso. Not being able to remove it makes him a bit nervous, but it holds it towards everyone the same way. "I've got a- I've got a... dwarf. And I'm not afraid to use him." He tries to point the sword to towards the people next to him, sending Frank stumbling. "I want some questions. Now!"
Frank's face goes from confused to annoyed with Gerard's words. "I'm not that short, y'know? And you actually want answers, you dumb fuck, not questions." He rolled his eyes, playing lightly with the stitches starting in the corner of his mouth and following up his cheek. He's got a weird habit of playing with the stitches.
Gerard rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. Where am I? Who are you?" The last question is directed to me.
"Eh," I twist my mouth lightly, shrugging a shoulder. "It's kind of a long story."
"Yeah, a good story, tho," Frank nods, looking back at Gerard, showing him thumbs up. With a yelp, he immediately lets go of the sword.
"Gerard? Where are you?" I ask as walking around the city, looking for him among the dead walking around. "Gerard?" I ask again, sighing, but a smile makes its way to my lips when I notice him in the corner.
Gerard runs around frantically and, though he can hide, there's the advantage that I obviously know the city better than him. It's also easy following his scared gasps and cries. I chuckle and, noticing him climbing to the cliff, I already wait for him there. He gasps when noticing he grabbed my ankle.
"You could've used the stairs," I tell him with a chuckle, reaching down to help Gerard up. "It's beautiful up here," I say, extending a hand towards the city below us. "It always takes my breath away. Or would, if I had one." A laugh escapes my lips. "Come on," I take his hand in mine, pulling him along with me to sit down on a bench.
"Look," Gerard says hesitantly once we sit down on the wooden bench, still seeming disturbed. "I'm terribly sorry about what's happened to you and I'd like to help, but I really need to get home."
"This is your home now!" I tell him, stating the obvious.
"But I don't even know your name," he throws his hands in the air lightly, furrowing his eyebrows. The scared air continues over Gerard's features and in the way he jumps lightly whenever I do something.
"It's (y/n)." I say with a smile; he repeats it slowly, almost absentmindedly, while looking at me, like if finally taking in all the details of my face. It does make me a bit flustered. We're stuck there for a long moment with our gazes locked, until reality hits me again.
"Oh, I've got something for you!" I say with a smile, grabbing a box I've brought and handing it to him. "Consider it a wedding gift," I wink, not minding how tense he still seems to be.
Gerard hesitantly takes the box in hand and undoes the ribbon before opening the box. He grabs the pen, that's shaped like a bone, but probably doesn't understand what's it. "Erm," an awkward glance is thrown my way, "thank you...?"
I roll my eyes, "I found out you liked drawing and I got you this." Opening the box properly, I show him the sketchbook and the ink he ignored. "It's some sort of special ink and paper. You'll find out later when you use it." I smile, scanning Gerard's face to see if he liked it. There's a hint of happiness under all the confusion.
He took the ink flask in hand, removing the cork to take a look at it and smell the liquid briefly before returning it to the box. Then, Gerard grabs the sketchbook, rubbing one of the pages between two fingers as analyzing the texture – he lets out an interested hum. The items are certainly nothing like whatever he's ever seen. Well, in that state, actually.
"Mother never approved me drawing..." Gerard trails off, sadly. "But then again, she never approved of anything." His lips press together in a sad smile.
"Oh?" I raise an eyebrow, unconsciously mirroring his smile. "Do you think she would've approved me?"
"Heh," he shoots me a side grin as closing the box again. "You're lucky you'll never have to meet her." There's a pause and he hums thoughtfully, setting the box aside. "Well, actually..."
"Okay, so," Ray raises a hand to scratch his head, consequently getting a few of his curls messy – he looks at the strands with a frustrated frown, trying to fix them, but gives up and looks at the book in his hand again. "Are you sure you want to get up there? I mean-" He pauses hearing the sound of a pile of books falling, "Frank, I already told you to stop!" A grumbling comes in response from the same direction, but all Ray does is to roll his eyes.
"Ah, yeah, it's important for me," Gerard says with certain anxiety. "Us." He adds after seeing me looking at him, pressing his lips together in a smile.
Ray slowly nodded, shrugging a bit though he clearly seems to not understand the purpose of this yet. "Well, I've got something here. You just need to say hopscotch if you want to return."
"I spent so long in the darkness," I say with a smile as looking up with a smile, "I'd almost forgot how beautiful the moonlight is." A relieved sigh escapes my lips as I look around the place; well, it's not exactly that I missed the land of the living, but it's a nice place. Grinning, I take Gerard's hand in mine and start walking, but I'm forced to stop noticing he hadn't moved.
"Erm, hold on," he placed a hand on my shoulder, pushing me gently to sit down on the trunk of a fallen tree. His hand goes from my shoulder to my face, cupping it lightly, making me a bit flustered and kinda happy with it. "I guess I should prepare mother and father for the news. I'm going ahead and you wait here, okay?"
"Well, okay." I smile again, raising my eyebrows lightly. I've gotta admit it does make me a bit anxious.
"I won't be long," Gerard reassures me, observing me for a few seconds and starting to run off after I nod in comprehension.
And I wait. Wait. Wait.
Maybe... something happened? – The though crosses my mind as I look around, seeking for a sign that he's coming back, but I'm met with nothing. I guess I should check on him and it won't be that difficult with all the footprints.
Eventually, I find Gerard. He stands outside the door of a house, seeming to listen to what's going on in there before he goes to climb up the balcony. It takes me a bit of struggling, but I eventually do the same, a bit confused and kind of angry for being left there for so long.
Well, maybe I shouldn't be so angry. Gerard talks with two other people – his parents? – and doesn't seem to notice me just yet. However, my feelings return when I hear his faint voice coming from the inside.
"I- I don't really know what the fuck happened. It was unexpected, accidental, I swear," Gerard said in obvious desperation, tugging lightly on his own hair then throwing his hands in the air. "Suddenly, I'm married to a corpse." The tone he says it in isn't very... pleased; it makes my heart sink. "I- Damn, I don't know how the fuck I get rid of-" He freezes his eyes widening once landing on me.
Gerard obviously notices my angry gaze, what brings a worried air to his features. A few terrified cries echo in the room once I suddenly walk in, marching towards Gerard. He tries to stutter a few excuses, but hopscotch leaves my lips before he's actually able to do anything.
Suddenly, we're back to Ray's place, with the usual bickering in the background, of Ray telling Frank and Bert to not touch his things and more books falling to the floor.
"You lied to me!" I tell Gerard, throwing him away from me; he loses his balance, taking a few steps back. "You were trying to get away from me!" I say indignantly, sighing sharply as turning my back to him. Trying to not let my tears escape my eyes, I wipe them away before they can even fall, but it sends one of my eyes to the floor. Damn, I waited for so long and when I finally find someone, they try to get away from me.
A sigh comes from Gerard, followed by a few footsteps before he's right behind me. "You don't understand," he says softly, touching my shoulder, "this just can't work. The circumstances we're under..." He trails off, gazing at me expectantly, but I do nothing asides from taking my eye back. "We're different!"
"And?" I raise an eyebrow at him, "you should've fucking thought about that before you asked me!" I shoot him a glare, raising my left hand momentarily.
"Can't you fucking understand?" He snaps in disbelief, eyeing me amused. "It was an accident! I wouldn't ever marry you!"
His words are like a bucket of ice throw on me. I freeze, not knowing what to say nor wanting to say anything. Sighing, I just turn around to walk out of there, with my heart heavy in my chest.
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"Look, I'm sorry for earlier." Gerard says regretfully, sitting down beside me. His voice is quiet under the piano notes as I continue to play the instrument, not wanting to hear whatever he's got to say, not even looking up from the black and white keys. A sigh comes from Gerard.
"I'm really sorry, I said that without thinking, I don't mean it," he insists. "I don't even know you properly and, by what I've seen, you're an amazing person." By the corner of my eyes, I'm able to see him smiling at me, his eyes flickering over my face, searching for a response to his words, as minimum as it may be. There's none.
Apparently, Gerard gives up on trying to apologize, his attention averting to the piano. He takes in a deep breath before starting to play with me. The new notes are like a perfect complement to the ones I play. I even let myself appreciate the combination of both for a moment before starting to play faster, trying to cut him off.
Gerard is surprisingly able to keep up with me, looking at me with a smile that I have to hold myself back to not mirror. At some point, my forearm ends up detaching from me, it goes down the piano, playing the notes I'm not able to reach from my place and crawls up Gerard's arm. He doesn't seem bothered by it, smiling as seeing my arm go the way up to his shoulder.
"Sorry," I say, kinda embarrassed, "I got a little bit too excited."
"It's fine," he chuckles, taking the part of my arm and putting it back on place. His hand goes down my forearm until meeting mine and holding it. "I like your excitement."
Again, Gerard's eyes lock mine in a strong gaze, though now he tries more of transmitting comfort than analyzing me this time. His gaze is kind of shy, like if finally allowing himself to act normally around me and know me; what I highly appreciate. It seems like he's about to say something, but someone shouting by the other side of the bar startles us, breaking the mood we're set in. Both of us chuckle lightly as moving away, our eyes lingering over each other before we look away.
"So..." Gerard starts, looking at me again with a smile. "Tell me about yourself..."
"And then he asked me to tell him about myself, we spent a long time talking and... Now here I am." I flash a small smile to the three, glancing at them before my eyes fall back to watching my hands on my lap.
We're sitting on the ground in the kind of alley behind the bar, talking with each other while having a few drinks. It's quite pleasing and calming, after all the stress.
"Things seem to be going on very well, that's amazing!" Ray smiles at me, looking up from his book for a second. "And to think he was throwing all that tantrum some hours ago..." He raises his eyebrows lightly.
"Damn, true, what the fuck." Frank says in an indignant tone, furrowing his eyebrows at the nothing as he thinks. "Though he was mostly scared and surprised earlier. It's a good thing he stopped to think and all, tho. He'll see you're an amazing person," he grins and I smile shyly as thanking him.
"Whatever goes through the living's heads, huh," Bert says, his voice distant as most of his attention seems to be focused on balancing a glass over his knee.
"Not like you weren't alive at some point," I reply, rolling my eyes with a chuckle.
"Eh, it's been so long," he furrows his eyebrows in frustration, turning to me. His intention of continuing to speak is ruined when the neglected glass falls from his knee, cracking as hitting the ground – all of us laugh at his pout.
"Happy ever after," Frank tells me after a few silent seconds. "Until death do you apart... Or something like this." His words make both of us laugh and, as the laughter dies, reality hits me.
"Well, until death do us apart..." I say thoughtfully and it takes a moment, but he understands it too.
"Ah, yeah, exactly this point that I wanted to discuss with you," Ray speaks up, adjusting his position as looking at me. "Well, you know the vows and since you're already dead, so... it kind of doesn't count, y'know...?" He says carefully, a bit awkwardly, like if afraid of my reaction.
A gasp escapes me after I reason it. "Oh, fuck, true." I curse, suddenly growing a bit desperate. "And how-"
"But," Ray cuts me off, "there's a way to fix it. To repeat the vows. The only problem is that... he would need to be dead." He raises his eyebrows with certain worry, though I think most of it is about my response.
"Eh, but- No, hell." I stutter, stumbling over my own words while trying to process it all.
"Oh, murder? Sign me in!" Bert says, not even paying proper attention to the conversation again. The comment earns him a slap on the back of his head coming from Frank – I would've laughed at them if my worry wasn't so overwhelming.
"That's too much, I wouldn't ask him to do it to himself..." I sigh, holding my head in my hands as looking down, my fingers tangling with my hair in stress. "He wasn't even happy with marrying me, I don't think he'd take it to this level..."
"Then I guess I'd like to surprise you." An awkward, new voice reaches my ears, making me tense up a bit. "I'm up to doing it. I'm up to marrying you, whatever it takes."
In the brief moment of silence, Ray, Frank and I look between each other – both of them shoot me rather happy, encouraging looks. Still a bit insecure, I look back to Gerard. He's about to continue, but pauses seeing Frank and Ray standing up to leave, dragging Bert along with them.
Gerard sighs before he carefully sitting down beside me. He takes my hand in his, playing with my fingers, until he starts talking again.
"I believe I should give you a chance because you're a wonderful person," he says, his eyes still not meeting mine. "Not to mention, I believe it's much better to stay here with you than anything else. My bride... Eh, not anymore. Eliza seems to be batshit crazy and no one I know understands me as well as you do, even if we haven't known each other for long." He smiles genuinely.
"You make me feel well, to a point I didn't even know to be possible, so..." Gerard trails off, finally looking up at me, though there's clear insecurity behind his eyes. "I'm staying. With you."
Knowing this makes me extremely happy, though I'm still a bit afraid it might not be the right choice. Before I'm able to question anything, I'm surprised – once more – by Gerard's lips being pressed to mine in a loving kiss that reassures me he's certain about his choice. I try to kiss back with the same feeling. I'm usually not able to feel cold and heat, but I'm able to feel how warm his lips are against mine.
"Thank you," I mutter as pulling away, grinning stupidly.
"You don't need to thank me," Gerard furrows his eyebrows lightly at me. He smiles before pulling me to another kiss.
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Only Mine Pt. 2
A/N: Part 2! I’m really sorry if there are any grammatical errors. I haven’t updated in a bit, wanted to give you guys something, so I haven’t really proof read... like at all. So yeah, if there’s some weird mistakes it’s that. Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader Word count: 2339 Warnings: Implied smut, a few curse words (I think one, tbh)
The Grammys. An artists dream award.
To even be recognized by the Grammys was already a huge deal for any singer, songwriter, or band. But to be nominated for 10 awards? That was a whole other ballgame.
That’s where you stood tonight though. On the large red carpet in a formal ball gown, an off shoulder look with a slit next to your leg, and it was a beautiful emerald green color, Gerard next to you in a solid black tux. Usually he would say no to these events, but it was you. And this could have been the night you received your greatest accomplishment ever, so he was not going to miss it for the world.
Just like Gerard had predicted, My Midnight Boy was an absolute hit. Many were already considering it the album of the decade, and was placed on to Billboard Top 100 at #1 for over 12 weeks, with over half of the songs reaching the top 5. While that was exciting for so many reasons, a lot of other things in your personal life took a 180. For starters, paparazzi were everywhere. Anytime you or Gerard walked out of your New York apartment, a line of at least half a dozen paps were suited with large cameras to take as many photos as possible. When the two of you were together, there were usually 20. So naturally, you both had to hire security. It was never a decision that you wanted to make, it was one that needed to happen.
Next, your band broke up. Apparently, the boys there couldn’t take your individual success and broke up in a screaming fight which left you crying in a studio, and Gerard having to come and console you for a few hours, reminding you that they left because they couldn’t handle your fame and success.
Your fandom also grew immensely, which was great. You loved scrolling through your Instagram and Twitter everyday, only to see hundreds of fans show off your merch. Some even had Y/N Y/L/N themed parties, rooms, and costumes. It was all so overwhelming, in a good way.
You and him had both done numerous interviews at this point. You were especially glad that Gerard was being asked about My Chem, and not just you. And the questions that did come about you, he would always have the sweetest most genuine answers. “She’s honestly the most incredible woman I’ve ever met, and I’m so lucky to have her as my best friend and fiancee.” “She’s a musical genius, honestly. She’s way smarter, way more beautiful, and way more talented than me. Which I’m okay with because she deserves and has earned everything she has.” “She surprises me everyday. She has new, crazy ideas for music. And they all work. She just makes it work.”
And every time you would stand off with a huge smile and even more prominent blush on your face. Finally, at one point, you were asked about Gerard. After all, it was pretty well known now that “My Midnight Boy” was, well, Gerard.
“He’s honestly the best man ever.” You smiled and looked over at him as he just smiled, “I wouldn’t have written as genuine, and heartfelt songs about anyone else. He just makes me feel every emotion, and he’s the one who brings out the best me. He’s my number one supporter, and he always reminds me of that. I couldn’t dream of a more perfect person to spend the rest of my life with.” You could feel your lover squeeze your hand in a small gesture of thanks. You both smiled, departing from that interviewer where your manager met you at the end of the carpet.
“You both did great.” He smiled, “Now the official show starts in about 20 minutes, so they’re beginning to urge everyone to take their seats. Since both of you are done with interviews, it’s probably a good time to head in.” The two of you nodded, being led into the auditorium where you were seated in the first row. Best of the best.
You had an insane amount of people, stars who you had never even dreamt of meeting, coming up and introducing themselves, starting small talk about just how incredible your album was.
You were quite overwhelmed by everything, being at the Grammys hadn’t really sunk in until you were actually there. Gerard could tell, pretty easily, and simply placed his hand on your knee, giving it a lightly squeeze. “It’s okay, sugar,” He whispered into your ear, “You’re doing great.” You gave him a tight smile, him returning one back.
Only a few minutes later, the awards started. You had to admit, it was less glamorized than what seeing it on TV made it out to be. Of course the performances were great, but the moments of complete boredom during commercial breaks and such made you realize were so many stars had complained some about the Grammys.
“After this,” You yawned during once of the breaks, placing your head on Gerard’s shoulder, “Can we go home and eat get some Chinese take out?” “Whatever you want, love.” He kissed the top of your head. You and him were not into much PDA, so anything beyond a hand hold or kiss was a lot.
“And a movie?” You asked next and he smiled.
“Of course, darling.” You smiled back, picking your head back up. The show restarted, both of you sitting back up as they continued going through some of the smaller categories, finally hitting the large ones.
“Next up, we have song of the year.” The two announcers smiled. They went through a list of artists along with their songs, Ariana Grande, Beyonce, and a few more were included, “Cardigan, Y/F/N Y/L/N.” They said and you smiled, Gerard next to you smiling as well as the cameras flashed to the two of you.
“And the award goes to...” It took them a few moments to open the card, your heart beginning to race. You grabbed onto Gerard’s hand, giving it a squeeze, and him squeezing back as your eyes went wide in anticipation, breaths caught in your throats.
“Cardigan, Y/F/N Y/L/N!” You heard cheering as you let out both a breath and a huge smile. You stood up with Gerard, who was already standing and clapping as you gave him a hug, him immediately hugging you back and giving you a kiss on the lips as the cheers continued. You only stayed for a few seconds before smiling at him again, and running up to the stage to the best of your abilities.
You hugged the two announcers as they handed you your very own Grammy. You looked at it only for a brief moment, holding it while you walked up to the mic. “Okay, so this is absolutely insane.” You sighed as a few people began laughing. “This is my first Grammy ever, and to even be able to be nominated for something like this was enough for me. But winning is beyond my wildest dreams.” You took a brief pause to actually breathe, “I want to thank all my friends and family who let me follow my passions and dreams of being a musician, I would like to thank my wonderful fiancee and muse who, without him, this song and no other song on that album would have been written. And I would like to thank every single fan who has stuck by me through thick and thin. You guys are what keeps me running every day and give me motivation to keep pushing my music further even when it may seem like I can’t, or it’s impossible. This is just so crazy, but thank you everyone!” You smiled as the cheers re-erupted, the trophy being taken away from your temporarily.
You found yourself right back in your loving fiancees arms before sitting back down. “You just won a Grammy.” He sat in awe and began lightly laughing, “You just won a Grammy!” “I know!” You responded, too in shock. “I really hope you do realize I couldn’t have ever done it without you though.” You smiled at him.
“Oh, please,” He scoffed, “You’re a musical genius. You could easily do anything without me.” “But you’re my muse!” You defended.
“Which is extremely flattering, thank you.” He gave you a peck on the lips, “But seriously, you deserve every inch of that award. You worked hard for it. You deserve it.” You smiled up at him.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” “Oh, not nearly as incredible as you darling.” By the end of the night, you had managed to do what almost no other artist had done. Won 10 Grammys in one night.
You stood on the large red carpet, dozens of Grammy logos behind you as you yourself held 10 trophies, stacked on one another, up to your chin. You smiled at all the cameras, flashing from a million different directions, your name being yelled over and over as they tried to get your attention.
Finally, you got the okay to walk off, a few people helping to retrieve your awards, which would later get your name engraved into them. At the end, behind everyone and all the chaos was your manager and Gerard, who both stood and smiled at you. You ran into his arms, giving him a tight hug as he gave you one back.
“I’m so proud of you.” He smiled down at you, your height difference pretty visible.
“Thank you.” You smiled like a fool giving you a quick kiss.
“I can’t believe it, Y/N,” Your managed spoke, “You did it!” You nodded and gave him, too, a hug. “This is huge. I mean, absolutely huge!” You nodded. “You set a record, you have 10 Grammys, I mean-” “It feels too good to be true.” You commented and he nodded. “Are you two heading to any of the after parties?” You shook your head, “I assumed not.” He smiled, “Which actually makes my life easier because I don’t have to go and monitor either.” You lightly laughed, “Well you two go home, and relax. Have some fun, but not too much fun.” He smirked.
“Oh shut up.” You rolled your eyes and waved as you and Gerard went to the back entrance to be picked up by a driver who was taking you back to your LA home.
Gerard opened the front door, letting you in first, and closing it once he got in. You slipped off your shoes with a sigh. “I think I’m gonna go upstairs, take off my makeup and all.” You lightly smiled at him. “I’ll come with you.” He smiled back. The two of you ran up the stairs like foolish teenagers in love, stumbling from one stair to another before reaching the top floor and running to the master bedroom, Gerard shutting the door eagerly behind you.
He immediately ran up to you after that, giving you a long and passionate kiss. You melted into him, letting him gently push you onto the plush bed. “So we’re on the same page?” You pulled away for a brief moment to catch some air. He lightly laughed.
“Yeah, babe.” He went right back to his assault on your lips, moving down to your neck and collarbone, finding your sweet spot quickly where you let out a loud moan. “Gee,” You begged and he hummed.
“Yes, baby doll?” He inquired, looking up to you from where he continued to plant kisses on your collar bone.
“Please.” Your strained and needy voice sounded.
“Please, what, baby?” He teased you a bit and you lightly huffed.
“Just fuck me.” You said with confidence this time.
“Your wish is my command.”
That led you to laying beside him, your body covered in both his and your own sweat. His arm was tightly wrapped around you as he played with your hair. He gave you a quick kiss. “Where’re you going?” You whined. He looked back and lightly laughed.
“To clean you up, sugar.” He lightly smiled, walking into the en suite. “I don’t deserve you.” You muttered and smiled, pulling the duvet over your bare body.
“I could say the same for you.” He smiled, coming back with a towel. “You’re just too damn perfect.” He sighed.
“Oh, c’mon Gee, don’t lie to you or me.”
“I mean it,” He climbed into bed next to you, “You are perfect.”
“Sure,” You sighed, he leaned in and gave you a kiss.
“I’m going to work my entire damn life to make you understand you’re perfect if I have to.” You placed your head on his shoulder.
“I love you.” You smiled up at him.
“I love you too.” He smiled back.
“Now can we get Chinese food.” He lightly laughed.
“Yes, of course.” He got up, wrapping himself in a towel, “And then watch Star Wars?” He asked hopefully.
“Yeah, what else we would watch?” “I don’t know,” He sighed, “A horror movie-” “I don’t like those, Gee.” You whined.
“I know,” He smiled, “That’s why we don’t watch them.” You got up yourself, taking part of a throw blanket to cover yourself as you walked into your walk in closet, grabbing your Star Wars PJs.
“Gee,” You called into his closet, “You better be wearing your-” “Star Wars PJs? Yeah, I know.” He walked out with them on, and you with yours.
“Perfect.” You smiled and he wrapped an arm around you.
“You know I am so proud of you, right?” He looked over at you as you were walking down the stairs. You smiled, blushing and involuntarily covering your face with your sleeves to hide it. “Oh c’mon! I wanna see your pretty face.” He complained.
“Thanks.” You looked up at him lightly, still shying away from the praise.
“C’mere sugar.” He opened up your arms which you walked in as he held you tightly, kissing the top of your head. “You really are perfect. Too perfect, but perfect.”
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rpf-bat · 4 years
You Can’t Keep My Friends
Pairing: Mikey Way x Reader
Genre: Romance, Drama
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 4. Prompt: “Bat Country”. 
It’s the summer of 2005, and you, and the other members of My Chemical Romance, are on Warped Tour. You start making friends with your tour-mates, Avenged Sevenfold. But, an unexpected comment from their guitarist, makes Mikey jealous. 
You were relaxing on your tour bus, reading the new issue of Fangoria, when you heard a knock at the door. You got up, wondering who it could be. 
“Hi,” greeted an unfamiliar, black-haired man, when you opened the door. “Is Mikey here?” 
“Sorry,” you shrugged. “He’s not around. I think he went over to Fall Out Boy’s bus, to hang out with Pete.” 
“That’s okay,” the man shrugged, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. “Oh, I guess I should introduce myself.” 
“Yeah, what’s your name?” you wondered. 
“I’m Zacky Vengeance,” the man smiled. “Ok….I’m actually Zacky Baker. But, you gotta admit, my stage name sounds cooler.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Vengeance,” you laughed. “I’m Y/N.” 
“You plays drums for My Chem, right?” Zacky guessed. 
“Yeah, that’s right,” you nodded. 
“I’m in Avenged Sevenfold,” Zacky explained. “I play guitar.” 
“Good to know,” you smiled. “Did you want me to tell Mikey, when I see him, that you stopped by?”
“I actually wanted to thank him,” Zacky confessed. “Our bassist, Johnny, broke one of his strings during soundcheck.” 
“Oh, that sucks,” you said sympathetically. 
“Yeah, and somehow, we couldn’t find our replacement strings anywhere!” Zacky frowned. “But, thankfully, Mikey let us borrow some of his.” 
“Oh, that was nice of him,” you replied. He really is a kind person, always going out of his way to help others. It was one of the things you liked most about him. 
“I wanted to give him this, as a thank you,” Zacky said, pulling a beer bottle out of his pants pocket. “Could you give it to him, for me?”
“Sure,” you shrugged, taking the bottle. “I’ll put it in the fridge for him, and let him know it’s there, when he comes back.” 
“Thanks, Y/N,” Zacky smiled. “It was nice meeting you.” 
“Yeah, you too, dude,” you replied. This was one of your favorite parts of Warped Tour - you always made new friends, with other bands. 
Now, you thought, back to reading about the new Romero movie.
You looked up from the page, when you heard the bus door open. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Mikey greeted, wiping sweat off his forehead. 
“Hey,” you smiled back. “Hot out there today?”
“Scorching,” Mikey laughed. “What’s up?” 
“Zacky from Avenged Sevenfold was here,” you explained. “He gave me a beer, to give to you. He said thanks for helping them out.” 
“Oh, sweet!” Mikey grinned. He went into the fridge, took out the beer, and twisted the cap open. “He got me my favorite kind, too!” 
“I wish we had our own supply, this year,” you confessed. 
“Well, Gerard’s trying to stay sober,” Mikey pointed out, taking a sip. “So, for his sake, we can’t really keep them on the bus, like we did last summer.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” you sighed. “I was being selfish.” 
“If you want one, I’ll try and find you some,” Mikey offered, having another swig. 
“Nah,” you declined. “It’s not like I need it that badly.” 
“Speaking of which,” Mikey wondered, “where is Gerard?”
Your vocalist had been staying on the bus, like a hermit, for most of the tour. It had to be boring for him. But, you supposed it was the best way, for him to avoid temptation. 
“Apparently there’s a comic book shop, not far from the venue,” you explained. 
“Oh, so, he went shopping?” Mikey realized, finishing his drink, and tossing the bottle into a trash bin. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “I mean, we’re not going onstage, til like, eight o clock tonight, so he’s got plenty of time, to get there and back.” 
“That’s true,” Mikey reasoned. “It’s kinda crazy, isn’t it? How when Warped Tour started last summer, we were on at like, midday, because nobody knew who we were…”
“And then our time slot got moved!” you recalled. “Because suddenly, Revenge was like, the hottest album of the year.” 
“And now, this summer, we’re headlining,” Mikey said proudly. 
“We really have come a long way,” you agreed. 
“Since we have so much time on our hands,” Mikey suggested, “do you want to go check out Avenged Sevenfold’s set?” 
“Sure!” you agreed. “Do we need to take a couple security guys with us?” 
“Nah,” Mikey chuckled. “Just put your sunglasses on, and your hood up, and we’ll be fine.”
You joined the crowd, just as the band was starting to take the stage. The vocalist, you noticed, was a buff-looking guy in a muscle tank, wearing a backwards baseball cap. He was almost the antithesis of Gerard’s pretty-boy aesthetic. 
“I’ve met him,” Mikey said, following your gaze. “He’s actually a pretty cool guy.” 
“What’s his name?” you wondered. 
“He calls himself M. Shadows,” Mikey replied. 
“Edgy,” you joked. 
“Maybe I’m the lame one, for using my real name,” Mikey considered. “I could have been, I dunno, Mikey Nightmare, or something.”
“I like your name,” you assured him, taking his hand. 
Mikey blushed. 
“WHAT’S UP, DENVER?!” M. Shadows screamed into the microphone. 
“....Is that where we are today?” you blinked. 
“I guess,” Mikey chuckled. “I’ll be honest, the cities start to blur together, after a while.”
The crowd cheered. 
“ALRIGHT!”,” the singer announced. “THIS SONG IS CALLED….BAT  COUNTRY!”
You banged your head to the beat, as Avenged Sevenfold launched into the song:
Caught here in a fiery blaze, won't lose my will to stay
I tried to drive all through the night
The heat stroke ridden weather, the barren empty sights
No oasis here to see, the sand is singing deathless words to me
Can't you help me as I'm startin' to burn (all alone)
Too many doses and I'm starting to get an attraction
My confidence is leaving me on my own (all alone)
No one can save me and you know I don't want the attention
After the set ended, you and Mikey showed your passes to their security guy, and walked backstage. 
“Dude, your show was amazing!” Mikey complimented. 
“Oh, hey, Mikey!” Zacky grinned. “Y/N, you came to watch, too?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “He’s right, you guys really killed it up there today.”
“Thanks,” Zacky replied. “Oh, hey, let me introduce you to the rest of the guys!” 
“Sure!” you nodded. 
“This is my man, Synyster Gates,” Zacky introduced, indicating a man in a grey hat. “But, you can call him Syn.” 
“Hi, Syn,” you greeted. 
“Hey,” Syn waved. “Nice to meet you. I’m the other guitarist.” 
“He’s lead guitar, and I’m rhythm guitar,” Zacky explained. 
“Oh, so, basically, the same setup that Ray and Frank have,” you figured. 
“I feel like I need to meet this Frank guy sometime,” Zacky quipped. “People keep telling me I look like him.”
“You kinda do,” you confessed. You glanced over at the drummer, who was sitting down in a folding chair. “Does he have a heavy metal stage name, too?”
“I’m the Reverend Tholomew Plague,” the drummer grinned. “But, my friends call me Rev.” 
“Hi, Rev,” you chuckled. “I’m Y/N.” 
“Nice to meet you,” Rev replied. 
“I’m Johnny Christ,” said a third man, who sported a fauxhawk. “Hey, Mikey, thanks again for the assist earlier!” 
“No problem, dude,” Mikey said casually. “Where’d Shadows run off to?”
“He went to get drinks for everybody,” Zacky told him. “I’ll text him, and tell him to bring two extra, for you guys.” 
“Thanks,” you smiled. 
Just then, a summer breeze blew through the backstage area, sending Syn’s hat, flying off his head. 
“Shit!” Syn swore, watching his hat blow further away, back onto the main stage. “This is why I hate outdoor venues.” 
“I’ll go get that for you,” you offered. 
“Thanks,” Syn said gratefully. “Quick, before it blows over the barricade!” 
You ducked past the crew members, who were taking down Avenged Sevenfold’s banners, and preparing the stage for the next band. The Offspring, if you weren’t mistaken, were supposed to go on in an hour. 
A tech was taking down Rev’s drum kit, and setting up Atom Willard’s. You spotted the hat, next to the bass drum. 
“Excuse me,” you muttered. The drum tech got out of your way, and let you take the hat. 
“Oh my god!” you heard a fan gasp, who was still by the barricade. “That’s Y/N, from MCR!” 
You turned, looking at the gaggle of teenagers. They had probably stuck around, so they didn’t lose their front row seats. 
“Y/N!” a second fan called out. “Will you please sign my shirt?” 
“Sure,” you smiled. You leaned over the edge of the stage, taking a marker that was held out to you. You signed your name on the blushing teen’s band shirt. 
“Thank you so much!” he gasped. “I can’t wait to see you and the guys perform tonight!” 
“Thank you for coming to see us,” you replied. 
“Y/N, will you sign my ticket stub?” another fan pleaded. 
“Yeah, why not?” you acquiesced. You stayed by the barricade for a few moments, signing autographs, and posing for pictures. 
“Alright, guys,” you said finally. “I really do need to go give Synyster his hat back.” 
“Ok!” the fans said agreeably. “Thank you for taking time for us! Say hi to Gerard and Frankie for us when you see them!” 
“Will do,” you chuckled. The MCRmy were such nice kids. It made you feel special, to be loved by such a great group of people. 
You were about to turn the corner, and re-enter the backstage area. But, you froze, when you heard your name. You realized, that the guys were talking about you. 
“So,” you heard Zacky ask, “is Y/N single?” 
“Uh….,” Mikey hesitated. “Yeah, as far as I know, she’s not seeing anyone.” 
“That’s surprising,” Syn commented. “She’s, like, really pretty.” 
“If I asked her out,” Zacky wondered, “do you think she’d say yes?” 
What?!, you stifled a gasp. Zacky was interested in you?
“No!” Mikey blurted out. “You definitely don’t want to do that!” 
“Why not?” you snapped, revealing herself. “You think I’d be a super annoying person to date?” 
“Y/N?” Mikey gasped, turning his head around, towards you. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough,” you frowned. “Why are you warning people not to ask me out? Am I that unattractive, when I don’t have my stage makeup on?” 
“No!” Mikey said quickly. “Fuck, that’s not what I meant, either!” 
“Then, what did you mean?” you demanded. 
“I….,” Mikey trailed off, his whole face turning red. “I can’t tell you.” 
“Bullshit,” you barked. “Here’s your stupid hat, Syn.” 
You practically threw it at the guitarist, then turned, and began walking away. 
“Where are you going?” Mikey cried, following you. 
“Back to the bus!” you growled, walking faster. 
“Y/N, please, slow down!” Mikey begged, jogging to keep up with you. 
“No! Buzz off!” you told him. Your cheeks burned. 
Does he think I’d be a shitty, clingy girlfriend? you wondered. Why would he tell some complete stranger, that I’m not worth dating? I should’ve known...he’d never be interested in me. 
You climbed back onto the bus, and immediately threw yourself into your bunk. You pulled the curtains around you, as if you were going to sleep. 
Mikey pulled the curtain back again, and sat beside you. 
“Can we please talk?” he implored you. 
“What is there to talk about?” you huffed. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Mikey said gently. “Look...do you really want to date Zacky? If that’s what will make you happy….I’ll go back there, and I’ll tell him to shoot his shot. I can even give him your number.” 
“I don’t want to date Zacky,” you confessed. 
I want to date you, you stupid man. You wished you could tell him that, but you didn’t have the guts. But, that will never happen. 
“I didn’t tell Zacky, not to ask you out, because I think you’re annoying, or unattractive,” Mikey explained. 
“Then, why did you say it?” you demanded, wiping tears on your sleeve. 
“I said it because….,” Mikey hesitated. 
“Spit it out,” you insisted. 
“I said it, because I wanted to ask you out myself,” Mikey said finally. 
“I’ve been trying to find the balls, to ask you out, all summer,” Mikey confessed, reddening. “But, I could never find the right time, or the words. I’m an idiot.”
“You’re not an idiot,” you said softly, moving closer to him. 
“I have no right, to tell you who to be with,” Mikey sighed. “Y/N, I hope I haven’t ruined our friendship, by telling you how I feel about you. I understand, if you aren’t interested in…”
“I’m interested,” you interrupted. 
“Huh?” Mikey’s eyes widened behind his glasses. 
“I’ve been interested in you for a long time,” you confessed. “I just didn’t have the balls to tell you, either.”
We’re both idiots. 
You leaned over, and lay your lips on his. He kissed you back, eagerly grabbing you, pulling you closer. You kissed him, again, and again. 
“....So,” Mikey gasped breathlessly, coming up for air, “does this mean you and I are dating now?”
“Now,” you grinned, grabbing him by the collar, “and forever.”
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sourwolfstories · 4 years
sourwolfstories recent rereads
List 13
Running Up That Hill by maypoison
“Even before the pack joined together, Scott was trying to protect you. And he still is trying to protect you, even if it means leaving you out of all this.”
Stiles does roll his eyes at that. “Yeah, but it didn’t work did it. I was still involved, and so was my Dad. We were nearly killed by Matt, and then Gerard.”
“My point is, people change. Relationships aren’t always perfect. Scott's tried to kill me before."
Stiles raises an eyebrow. "So, you’re saying that someone trying to kill you is just a small flaw in a relationship?"
“We’re werewolves.” Derek answers with a shrug, as if that was a perfectly good explanation.
Pale Horses by Jana_C
Being bitten had never been on his to-do list, but he could deal with that. Helping Derek Hale become a competent Alpha, though, that was so not in his job description.
I’ve Got it Bad, Got it Bad, Got it Bad by RedRidingStiles
“Woah are those real?” Stiles found himself saying as he reached out and squeezed the man’s (it was a man and not a brick wall Stiles’ brain supplies) bicep which was bulging under the guy’s shirt. Stiles hasn’t even looked at the man’s face too preoccupied gasping at the tone muscles in front of him.
“Something tells me you’re the infamous Stiles.”
“Stiles, yes that’s my name, well it’s not really my name that’s too hard for anyone to pronounce so it’s just Stiles. Or you know, some colorful names the lower IQs of this place like to make up. But Stiles, you can call me Stiles.” Stiles rambles on, watching the man try to suppress a grin and failing. He has a gorgeous smile that made his bunny teeth present and his eyes crinkle and Stiles thinks he might be a little bit in love.
“Nice to meet you Stiles, why don’t you take a seat.” The man, Stiles doesn’t even know his name and he’s already starting to plan their wedding, says with a nod to the already full classroom. Stiles hasn’t even heard the bell ring. Huh.
“But I didn’t get your name,” Stiles replies.
“Mr. Hale, I’m your new English teacher.”
Call Me (Cliché) by SomewheresSword
When the sheriff's sister ends up in a wheelchair for the duration of summer, Stiles' dreams of three months full of pack bonding, late-night video games and bro-time with Scott come crashing down. He's temporarily relocated to Redford, a three hour drive away, and he can already tell he won't be getting many visitors.
Sure the pack will forget about him while he's gone, Stiles is determined to make the most of his summer of isolation, training his body and mind - and his magic - so he can come back with a bang, and maybe catch a certain Sourwolf's eye.
Then Derek shows up at his window one night with a flimsy excuse about needing research done. Suddenly, his summer away is looking a whole lot more interesting.
Make Grilled Cheese, Not War by talula
Homeless Club Kid AU
Stiles runs away after his father's death and ends up living on the streets of New York City. A new cook at the shelter shakes up his carefully isolated life.
i know a thing about contrition by sarcasticfishes
Exactly four people had responded to the advertisement Derek had put in the local newspaper. En-suite room for rent at 14b Woodburn Street. Non-smokers, please. Contact Derek at blah blah blah- he wasn’t exactly optimistic.
Stacey was sweet thirty-something and a very good candidate. Quentin was a college student who seemed a little stuck up, quite frankly, but was apparently an astronomy major, so Derek didn’t think he’d be seeing much of him. Tim was an accountant, and seemed like a top guy if not a bit dull. All good candidates, Derek knew.
But Stiles. Stiles was something else.
By a Law Divine by mirrorkill
Okay, so, kissing Stiles. That's a weird thing that Derek's doing now. He has no idea where it's even coming from, especially considering bickering and fighting is their usual state of existence. And then he does find out where it's coming from: A curse that's making everyone in town kiss someone they have mutual feelings for. …yeah, Derek's not even sure why he's surprised by that.
Nearly Everything Shines by maevewren
Derek is a grumpy Park Ranger, Stiles is a daredevil rock climber. Each of them wants to escape his past, but maybe together they can find a future. Expect lots of cozy autumn feels, snark, major angst, and passion.
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Do you have any sterek fics that closely follow canon? Preferably in season 2 and 3 but other seasons work too. Thanks in advance💖
I think so. As close as Sterek fics can be.
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#24 He's Our Man! by stilinskihalefamily
(1/1 I 1,438 I General)
Stiles on the lacrosse field practicing for the first big game of the season. With all the good players, i.e. Jackson and Isaac, gone he has somehow made it to first line. And to say he’s nervous is understatement. So he’s practicing his ass off.
He’s been out on the field for an hour when he sees Derek trying to sneaky and hide behind a tree. Stiles lets him hide behind that tree for a few minutes but it’s unnerving feeling eyes on you but not seeing the person the eyes belong too. So he ends up saying, “Stop being such a creeper, Derek. Come help me practice.”
“I’m not a creeper.” Derek says, walking across the field to where Stiles is standing a few feet away from the goal.
right as rain and soft as snow (we're home sweet home) by sterekhale
(1/1 I 2,008 I General)
Their first New Year’s Day as a family finds them snowed in with a broken furnace; it’s a good thing one of them happens to be a werewolf with a higher than average body temperature.
A Guy Walks into a Bar by 42hrb
(1/1 I 3,123 I Teen)
The last person Derek expects to see on stage is Stiles Stilinski, but there he is, looking like sex and singing like it's what he was born to do.
That Depends On How You Define Werewolf by janonny
(2/2 I 16,613 I Mature)
We’re all shapeshifters. It happens rarely, and it happens for a reason. Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are. – Derek Hale, Season 2 Episode 5
“I didn’t shoot him if that’s what you’re worried about,” said Stiles’ dad. Then he smiled wryly. “Though I did push him against the wall and threaten to strangle him with my bare hands.”
Stiles gaped at his dad, because Derek…was Derek. And the Stilinski men weren’t exactly buff. They were built more slender and agile, though Stiles was still waiting for the agile part to kick in.
Blood Pounding in Our Veins by minusoneday
(10/10 I 41,305 I Mature)
Stiles figured that Mrs. McCall finding out Scott’s secret would change things, but he’s completely unprepared for the very first thing she does, which is to invite Isaac to move in with her and Scott.
In which Stiles is angry. For some very good reasons.
will to follow through by owlpostagain
(2/2 I 42,111 I Teen)
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
A Tangled Refuge by wanderingeyre
(15/15 I 49,554 I Explicit)
The Hale House has been rebuilt for the past five years and for all five of those years, it’s been a sanctuary for supernaturals that needed a place to stay, a halfway point, a place to recuperate, or a place to be safe from whatever was on their tail. Word traveled quickly in the small world of the supernatural and now they rarely had to seek out people who needed help. Most came to them.
Running Up That Hill by maypoison
(32/32 I 139,488 I Explicit)
“Even before the pack joined together, Scott was trying to protect you. And he still is trying to protect you, even if it means leaving you out of all this.”
Stiles does roll his eyes at that. “Yeah, but it didn’t work did it. I was still involved, and so was my Dad. We were nearly killed by Matt, and then Gerard.”
“My point is, people change. Relationships aren’t always perfect. Scott's tried to kill me before."
Stiles raises an eyebrow. "So, you’re saying that someone trying to kill you is just a small flaw in a relationship?"
“We’re werewolves.” Derek answers with a shrug, as if that was a perfectly good explanation.
Doors Unlocked and Open by Imnotahero
(20/20 I 140,060 I Teen)
They say that when one door closes another one opens. That might be true elsewhere, but not in Beacon Hills. Danger lurks behind every door, and once they're ajar they stay like that - unlocked and open. Which is not good. Not at all. Stiles find things bad enough with Dread Doctors, Theo and his pack of Resurrected Chimeras, Lydia stuck in Eichen House and the foundation of his friendship with Scott unraveling fast. The surprising return of Derek might just be the counterbalance he needs. Especially if they could just close some of these damned doors...
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stephkaylor · 3 years
FAVES & FAILS: #1 (Teen Wolf)
I’ve decided to do this questionnaire when a show/book series/movies where I answer these questions with fun gifs too (its Tumblr, what did you expect?), if you want more info, the original idea post with links to each of my completed lists is here ⚡️. A bunch of my faves have already ended so getting all of these out will take a minute, but I’m aiming to post a new one twice per week. 🤞🏻Anyway, enjoy!! OH!! ALSO, I’ll be discussing plot elements in this list so...SPOILER ALERT!!
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HANDS DOWN, no question about it! He was the soul of the show, and funny, and so incredibly human on a show full of the inhuman, and that was what made him so integral.  Anyway, I could go on forever about how much I love Stiles, but here’s a gif:
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There isn’t really a male that makes me want to punch something, so good for the writers, I guess?
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I really want to say Allison but it HAS to be Lydia, hands down! Her character development from a girl pretending to be vapid and shallow and who hid her genius so she could “fit in”, to a strong, powerful, confident woman secure in who she really is and the power inside of her (figuratively AND literally, lol), this girl is the real MVP.
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This was hard because there are several female characters that made me want to throw my laptop out of the window.  The short list is Kate Argent, Allison’s mom... I could go on... but Monroe’s systematic attempt to wipe all supernaturals out of Beacon Hills and then maybe the rest of the world gave me fucking high blood pressure and a rage issue. I don't care how “scared” you are, killing a kid who hasn't done anything wrong just because they are different than you is some fucked up, borderline genocidal bullshit. And she survived the finale!!? Like I had to deal with her self-righteous smirky attitude and you didn't even have the decency to punch her in the face and let me watch?!? Rude.
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I badly want to say Allison again here because I love and miss her tons. But she died protecting her family and friends and I believe that she is happy wherever she went afterward.  Watching Aiden die in his twin brother’s arms I don’t know who I felt the worst for.  The boy dying, or his brother who now has to live without him... I’m gonna go cry now, brb.
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Luckily she was not a regularly appearing character, but when she showed up it was always “for revenge” and I'm like...can we just...not this season? I was having a lovely time and then you showed up with your petty anger for whatever fucking shit that happened in, like season one.  Like, honey... if it’s been so long since you’ve been relevant that I have to google what you’re upset about because I have honestly forgotten...maybe it’s time to let that shit go.  Kindly fuck off now, please...
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Like, don’t get me wrong, he’s great and I loved when he was on the show, but I feel like some people think he carried the show and it wouldn't survive without him.  Well, surprise! because he went away after season 4 and I still think some of their best shit came in season 5 and the beginning of season 6.  
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Um, he was basically Scott’s druid emissary and he got no recognition for it.  He saved all of the main pack members’ lives at least once.  Also he didn't make Stiles pay for the windows, so he’s apparently not an asshole. 
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OVERHYPED SHIP: Scott and Malia
I feel like they had to adjust the final season A TON because of Dylan’s injury and Kira not coming back and I think the writers panicked when they didn't know who to put Scott with (because our leading man could never not have a girlfriend, *gasp* THE HORROR!) because Lydia needed to be with Stiles and I think they picked Malia because she was basically the only one left...I was never into it.  In fact, when my friend texted me after we watched the episode where they get together, my response back to her was literally “meh 🤷🏻‍♀️”.
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UNDERHYPED SHIP: Allison and Isaac
It would’ve been so nice to see where that relationship went.  Don’t get me wrong, had she lived, I would’ve wanted Allison to end up with Scott.  But I loved that the show was willing to say that it is okay to fall in love more than once in your life.  Sometimes the shows aimed at a younger audience have a tendency to act like your first love has to be the one you’re with until you die and that’s just not realistic. It was nice that the writers didn't box these characters into that mold because it gave them more depth as characters. 
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FAVORITE SHIP: Stiles and Lydia
I don’t know how to explain how much I love this pairing.  Like, from the beginning he saw her for how amazing she was and he supported her as she came into her powers and then she was always there making sure that someone was taking care of him when he was taking care of, literally, everyone else, and then when he disappeared SHE KNEW something was wrong nearly instantly, and ‘remeMBER I LOVE YOU’ I need to stop before this run-on sentence goes on forever.  ALSO they’re canon official, which never fucking happens for my ships so I’m fucking excited, sue me.
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His backstory was well-developed and deep, he was clear with his goals, he actually executed said goals in a logical and timely manner, he was a fucking ALPHA OF ALPHAS, nuf said. 
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Hands down, the most heartbreaking moment on the show, and I will fight anyone who comes at me with a different opinion. Because like--she was smiling when she was stabbed because she had figured out a way to help her friends and then she died in Scott’s arms and told him she loved him even though they weren’t together she still loved him and he still loved her, and I truly believe that she had zero regrets when she died, and how bittersweet is that???!  But Scott couldn't take her pain because it didn’t hurt anymore, and Lydia had to feel her best friend die and she screamed Allison’s name and if you are not hurting right now are you a monster???!?!
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FAVORITE STORYLINE: Eichen House Escape/Dread Doctors in Season 5
It was hard to pick between the Dark Druid storyline in season 3A, but the Eichen rescue/Lydia learning how to be a BAMF Banshee from Meredith while she was catatonic (ALSO ‘Stiles saved me’ I AM DEAD!!!), and the whole la bête du gévaudan thing was great, and reuniting the pack after Theo had royally fucked it up earlier that season, it was all just superb! *chef’s kiss*
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STORYLINE WE COULD’VE DONE WITHOUT: Like, the whole second half of the last season, TBH
It was a petty, counterintuitive, and just garbage. The monster was dumb, Monroe is a royal twat (as I stated above), and it didn't have a conclusion.  Like, the fuck? This isn't Game of Fucking Thrones you guys do not need to leave every season finale with so many loose ends it make people want to throw their laptops off of a cliff into a vat of hydrochloric acid.  And it was the LAST SEASON so there’s no hope of fixing this bullshit storyline. ugh, kill me now. 
BIGGEST PLOTHOLE: Scott’s pretty selective “True Alpha” powers
They, like, kind of tried to pass it off as it taking a ton of energy so he can’t always do it all the time.  But he got through a mountain ash barrier to save Deaton and activated his True Alpha but then couldn't get into Eichen to get Lydia out because of the mountain ash...? oh and also where the fuck did Cora and Isaac go? (I, sincerely, hope he’s not still just chinning in fucking France wondering were Argent fucked off to)
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OVERALL MARKS OUT OF TEN (10 being that watching this show has probably increased your life’s worth by at least five percent; 1 being the only thing this show has given me is a stomach ulcer and trust issues): 
8.75 out of 10.  This show was a blessing and I would definitely recommend it to other people. (mostly because I love to get people hooked on my favorite shows and then they're stuck and we can be tortured together). 
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THE END! Thanks for reading my overly-long and overly-obsessive list.  Do come again soon.  I’ll probably have another of these up next week.  🤍🤍🤍
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
To The Vows You Take - Chapter 4
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Chapter 3
The next day they arrived in Vegas. (YN) was still trying to mask her disappointment, but she knew she had no one to blame but herself, as it was her idea that they not tell the others. The ceremony for Mikey and Alicia's was quick and sweet and perfectly them. The good spirits seemed to run through everyone to some extent, and the show went off fantastically that night. Because they had the next day off, the band was able to stay over in a hotel and get a break from sleeping in the cramped bus. (YN) and Frank were sharing a room, and she was glad to have some time alone with him, to hopefully suss out how he was feeling.
Frank walked into the room first and dropped his stuff on one of the beds. If there would have been a third person sharing a room with them, they would have shared a bed without question, but because Mikey and Alicia got their own room and Ray and Gerard were sharing, there was no third person. (YN) hesitated. Would they still share? Why would they if they didn’t need to, especially if he was losing interest in marrying her, like she worried he was. Then Frank sighed. When she looked over, he was rubbing his face. 
“I really was looking forward to today being our day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for Mikey, but…” he trailed off.
(YN) immediately turned and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She unzipped her bag and pulled out something she’d been hiding from Frank the whole tour. When she emerged, she found Frank laying back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“I was really excited for today too, and I even bought this to wear and everything.”
Frank sat up and his face softened immediately. “Damn (YN), you look so…”
“Bridal?” (YN) laughed as she did a turn. The white halter dress hit just above her knees. It wasn’t a traditional wedding dress by any means, but she wasn’t the traditional type, and what they were doing wasn’t traditional either.
“Beautiful,” he answered.
“Oh, thanks,” she blushed. “I’m gonna go change outta this before I get it dirty somehow.”
When she closed the door behind her again, she took a closer look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess from air drying after the quick shower she took after the show, and what was left of her eye makeup was smudged all over. 'And he still said I'm beautiful,' she thought to herself and smiled. 
When she came back out, she had changed into her PJs, bag in hand. Again, she hesitated, still not sure if she should climb into the open bed, or the one Frank was on. He was now ready for bed as well, looking at the tv station listings.
“Wanna watch a movie?” He asked, glancing up.
“Yea, whatever’s on,” she replied. Finally she decided to take the open bed. She didn't want to make things awkward or be presumptuous that he would want to share with her if it wasn't necessary. But when she glanced over at him, it almost seemed as if he looked hurt and her heart broke a little.
Getting up, she grabbed an extra pillow from the other bed, and climbed in next to Frank. “So what’s on?” She asked again.
He smiled softly. “Umm, not much. Do you just wanna go to sleep?”
“Yea, now that I’ve stopped moving, I’m kinda tired,” she replied with a yawn.
Frank reached over and switched off the light. The curtains weren’t closed completely, so the glow of the Vegas lights kept the room from being pitch dark. Frank was laying on his back, and (YN) had to fight the urge to reach out and trace his silhouette with her finger.
"Umm, so I was looking at the schedule," (YN) started breaking the silence in the dark.
“As you do,” Frank replied, rolling over to face her, even though it was dark.
“As I do, and I have an idea if you’re interested.”
“Go on.”
“Projekt Revolution starts on July 25th. We’re scheduled to fly out to Washington on the 24th, but what if we flew to Vegas first? I mean July 23rd is when Bullets was released, so it’s a good date.”
“It’s risky, what if our flight gets cancelled or something?”
“No risk, no reward,” she smirked and Frank laughed lightly.
“That’s my girl,” he replied and (YN) could tell he was smiling. “July 23rd it is. Much better than whatever today’s stupid date is.”
“Completely agree,” (YN) laughed.
Tour life was never slow, but somehow the wait until July seemed unending. The first European leg of the tour was wonderful, but the second North American leg was certainly more eventful. 
Not long into the run of dates, members of the band and crew were struck with food poisoning and tour dates were forced to be cancelled. The band holed up in a hotel for days until everyone had gotten over the virus. To (YN), those days were a blur of getting perfectly acquainted with the toilet bowl, unable to keep anything that she consumed down. And by her side through it all was Frank, who had skipped out on the meal that had everyone laid up because his stomach had already been upset that night. 
“You really don’t need to be here,” (YN) wrasped, throat raw from getting sick over and over.
“Yea I do,” Frank replied. “How many times have you stuck with me when I was feeling sick?”
“But the one time I should have, I didn’t.”
“Don’t beat yourself up,” he smiled, brushing a sweaty strand of hair off her forehead.
(YN) smiled weakly. “Yea, I think the food poisoning is doing a good enough job of that anyway.”
“Besides, it’s in sickness and in health, right?” Frank laughed lightly, looking away. He wasn’t sure he wanted to see (YN)’s reaction.
“True,” she replied, trying to sit up. “Umm, when we get married, are we gonna write our own vows?”
Frank swallowed hard. She had no idea how many times he had rehearsed all the things he wanted to say to her in his vows, but he didn’t know if he was ready to tell her yet. “Umm, I’m not sure,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
(YN) nodded. “I thought I’d just say whatever felt right in the moment.”
“That’s a good idea,” he replied. “Less pressure that way.”
“Yea. This should be the least pressure-y wedding ever,” she laughed, her voice sounding even more hoarse.
“Sure is a good thing you aren’t our singer,” he said, taking the opportunity to change the subject that he had brought up in the first place. “Your throat sounds wrecked.”
“I can’t sing on a good day. We never woulda made it out of Jersey without Gerard as our frontman.”
Frank felt his stomach drop as a new concern flitted through his mind. What if she developed feelings for Gerard? Or some other guy? It always hurt when she was dating someone else, but what if she left him to be with someone else? That would irreparably break him.
“You woulda made it out though,” he heard her say, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Nothing coulda stopped you. You’re too amazing and talented.”
“Is your fever spiking?” He tried to bring some levity to the moment, reaching over and pressing his hand to her forehead, but her words were making his heart swell.
“I’m serious,” she replied. There was a look in her eyes that he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen before. “I… I’m lucky to have you in my life.”
Frank blushed. “Thanks,” he mumbled. “Umm, I’m gonna go get you some water.”
(YN) nodded and settled back against her pillows. He didn’t find any in the mini fridge in the room, so he grabbed his wallet and headed down to the vending machines. When he came back, (YN) was asleep. He placed the water bottle on her nightstand before leaning in and placing a kiss on her forehead.
Chapter 5
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yourcoffindoor · 4 years
Bulletproof Heart Pt.2
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader
Prompt: Request from Anon- “ could you write one where the reader is a rock singer and they and mcr are on warped tour together, and they both lowkey like each other but think they’re both out of each other’s league, and find out that they’re both secretly into nerdy stuff + maybe getting together?
TW: Mentions of an abusive relationship.
AN: The plot thickens. Sorry for the delay in uploading <3
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Enjoyyyy <3
That night after everyone had stumbled back to the bus in a tipsy stupor, you couldn't shake the thought of your encounter with Gerard from your brain. And what's more, you hated yourself for it. For awhile you tossed and turned, hoping the unwelcome feelings you had would fade to nothing so that you could fall asleep at last.
But your curiosity got the better of you, and there was only would person who could give you the answers you were looking for.
"Hey Gavin, are you still conscious?" you whispered from your bunk. You heard the rustle of sheets moving in response.
"Hmmm?" a low and sleepy sound of acknowledgement answered.
"I'm just wondering...what do you know about Gerard Way?"
As soon as the words left your lips, Gavin's curtains swung open with superhuman force.
"Y/N are you in love with Gerard Way?!" Gavin's voice was no longer tired, having morphed into a sharp and excited whisper. In addition to being the band's social butterfly, he always knew the gossip about everyone within a 20 mile radius.
"Christ, really Gavin? We only spoke for like fifteen minutes."
"So it was like a love at first sight situation?"
"You are so annoying, I swear to god."
"Do you want info or not?" he threatened.
You sighed. "Fine, yes I do."
Gavin cleared his throat as if preparing for a presentation. "OK, so everyone has something good to say about him, seems like a really genuine guy. I've heard he was in a long term relationship for ages, but its been broken off for awhile now. "
"Hmm," you murmured, trying to sound indifferent, "yeah he seems like a sweet guy."
"Yeah and every girl with a pulse seems to be after him. You got some competition out there." he teased. "But seriously, if you're interested you should go for it. You deserve to be happy, Y/N. It's been three years since...you know who."
Gavin didn't say his name, but he had said enough to bring on a wave of sad memories. "Thanks. I'm uh, feeling pretty tired, so... I'm just gonna get some sleep."
"G'night." Gavin said softly, as if aware he had brought out long buried and very unwelcome feelings.
You rolled over in your bunk, pulling your blankets up over your head, unwilling to dwell on the memories that had been drudged up by only a few words. Three years ago. That's when you finally had the strength to break it off with Alex.
You were a different person when you met him. It was your first relationship, and you were naive and forgiving, unable to see the dozens of red flags that should have made you run away from it all.
You had answered an ad that he had posted asking for potential band members for a punk band he was forming. It had been your dream to pursue music, and you responded right away, hoping you'd hit it off. You weren't expecting Alex to be so damn attractive, and when your audition was successful, it was only a matter of time before a relationship began to develop between you.
He was older than you, more experienced, and eager to take you under his wing where he could have the most control. You mistook his over-protectiveness as a sign of love, and he slowly cut you off from people outside of the band, leaving you isolated and dependent on him.
Eventually he would get angry if he saw you speak to any other man. He took your phone regularly so that he could look through it, questioning you about anything he didn't like. The fights you had were loud and ugly, your voices rising and crashing like cantankerous bursts of thunder. Eventually, they became violent.
You were stuck in a cycle of affection and fear, held there as if caught in a tide that would never bring you back to shores of sanity. But you did eventually find the strength to get out when your friend reached out to you, offering you a place to stay. You packed your bags that night and didn't look back.
Your band was not just a career for you, it was a symbol of healing, proof that you were able to overcome it all and strike out on your own. You rolled over in your bunk, and pushed the unwanted memories aside, reminding yourself of the promise you had made to be the best damn band on Warped tour. Nothing was going to change that now.
x x x 
Your first performance went by in a haze of adrenaline and sweat. The crowd was young and eager to see what you had to offer, and you were all to happy to give them something they'd remember for a long long time.
There were several people in the crowd who were fans already, proudly wearing your band's shirts and mouthing along to all of the lyrics. Others were slowly converted, headbanging enthusiastically by the end of your set. When the band's final song was met with deafening hoots and cheers, you'd felt like you'd accomplished your mission.
"We fucking killed it!" Gavin declared as he slumped in the nearest chair, exhausted.
"The crowd was good, huh?" you beamed as you wiped the sweat from your face, still breathless from your onstage antics. "Let's hope they're all like this."
"Can't get any worse than our first show ever, remember?" Liz laughed as she recalled the groups early days. "Never had so much beer pelted at me in my life."
People milled about as you and your band mates caught your breath. A few musicians from other bands popped in to say hi and let you know that they enjoyed your performance.
"Hey you actually made it!" Gavin jumped up from his chair as he noticed a new face entering the backstage area. "Guys did you meet Frank last night? From My Chemical Romance?" A man with wide hazel eyes gave a quick wave from the the entryway.
"This guy was goin on and on about how you guys were the best new band on warped tour. Had to see if he was just full of shit."
"He always starts bragging when he's drunk." you rolled your eyes.
"Well, I'm glad he did. You guys put on a pretty kick-ass show. Plus Gerard really wanted to check it out."
Your heartbeat, which had only just settled from jumping around on stage, began to speed up again.
"Gerard?"you asked softly, caught off guard by the mention of his name.  You didn't see the familiar black haired boy near frank. You only saw Gavin attempting to give you a discreet wink, which you returned with a harsh glare.
"Yeah actually we were all there. Mikey and Ray had to run to another show. Don't know where Gee disappeared to though," Frank craned his head, looking around at the hustle and bustle that was happening permanently everywhere on Warped tour. "Ah, there he is. Gerard!"
You saw Gerard, surrounded by a small circle of fans, each holding something they wanted him to sign. You felt a strange pang when you noticed they were all pretty girls, and Gavin's words from last night came back to haunt you. You got some competition out there. You struggled to identify just what emotion was suddenly eating away at you--were you really jealous? Or was it the realization that even if you decided to make a move, it was probably hopeless?
Gerard nodded at Frank. "Be there in a sec!" he shouted, continuing to sign autographs until he had gotten through everyone.
Frank spoke with your band mates, but you were too distracted by the knowledge that Gerard had watched you perform to be sociable. You were anxious as to what his opinion would be, but tried to push it out of your thoughts.
You watched nervously as Gerard spoke to Frank and Gavin, noticing that he would glance over at you every so often. When your eyes finally met he gave you a nod and a warm smile. You gave yourself an internal pep talk to try and stay calm. You can just be friends, you don't need to do anything except be friendly. For the love of god, act normal.
Eventually he made his way over to you,offering another soft and lopsided smile,but his time it almost seemed as if he was shy. "Great show. From one lead singer to another, your band has a fucking killer sound."
You thanked him, grinning like an idiot while cautionary alarm bells went off in your head.
"I might be a bit biased though, because of the shirt your wearing."
You looked down, having forgotten what you threw on that morning. It was one of your favorite shirts,  a short sleeved tee with the X-Men symbol emblazoned on the front. You'd had it for years, as evidenced by the smattering of small holes peeking through the bottom edge. Oh no, you thought, he likes comics too?
"You're a fan?" you asked coolly, a stark contrast to the giddy panic that was building up inside you.
"Yes! I actually wanted to make comics before My Chem was a thing." He spoke animatedly, his round hazel eyes widening even further. "But life had other plans. Not that I'm complaining."
That familiar heat rose in your cheeks. This conversation was dangerous, and you were trying desperately to fight the feeling that this man was something close to perfect.
The world around the two of you became an insignificant blur as you both discussed comics at length, and you hung on every word, taking turns revealing how you first discovered them and sharing your favorites. He even recommended a few titles that you had never heard of. His demeanor was passionate and lively, entirely different from the sullen boy you met the night before.
"I uh, I'm actually working on a comic at the moment," he began, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear, suddenly bashful, "If you're interested you should stop by the bus sometime--"
Gerard's eyes focused on something just behind you, and you felt a sudden tap on your shoulder. You turned and felt your stomach drop to a sickening low. There, standing next to the drunk who was hitting on you last night, was your ex-boyfriend Alex.
"What are the odds!" he smiled at you, blank looking smug beside him. You found yourself at a loss for words.
"What...what are you doing here?"
He scoffed. "Ouch Y/N, is that anyway to say hello? I'm here for the same reason you are." He turned his attention to Gerard. "I'm Alex. Y/N and I used to have a band together back in the day. Well, a bit more than that actually." He smirked at you, instantly transforming any butterflies you had felt while talking to Gerard into pure revulsion.
This was your worst case scenario, and it was one you had never even considered to be possible. Seeing his face again made you freeze up, and you were at a loss for words. You looked up at Gerard through your eyelashes, wondering if the dark and overwhelming swirl of emotion inside you was showing on your face. His brows were furrowed ever so slightly as if he could sense that something wasn't quite right.
"Nice to meet you," he replied curtly before turning his attention back to you. I'll uh, let you catch up. I'll just be over there with Frank...if you need anything."
You merely nodded, too caught up in your feelings to respond properly. "I'll catch you later then."
Alex saw this opportunity as a chance to reach for an embrace, but you stepped back and out of reach.
"Just what the hell are you doing?"
"What are you implying? I'm just dropping in to say hello before Midnite Heist performs later. I'm their new drummer after all. I can't even do that?"
"No," you said, struggling to maintain a low voice, "You can't. I told you I never wanted to see you again. We may be on the same tour, but that doesn't mean you can approach me. Don't try it again."
He laughed, clearly embarrassed to be spoken too like that in front of his band mate. "If you're trying to get with that Way guy, don't bother. You're punching way above your weight with that one."
You took a moment to steel yourself, and decided to walk away rather than let thing turn into a scene. Before you turned to leave, you offered one final warning.
"I haven't forgotten what you did to me. Speak to me again and you'll regret it."
You walked off, hearing mocking 'Ooooh's from Alex and Brent as you left. You saw heads turning in your direction as you stormed away towards the bus, including Gerard's, but you couldn't be bothered by that now- not when you were struggling to keep it together.
Fuck Fuck Fuck your internal monologue looped on a bitter repeat. This was going to be the longest tour of your life.
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