#if the library gets my last book on hold in i'll see if they have books 4 and 5 if not i'll throw them on hold too
lumchan · 1 year
i wish i worked at the library/knew someone who did so i can ask if they find certain things annoying lmao 
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 6 months
i'm like 50 pages into this light novel series and i already have live action castings i want lmaoooooo
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girasollake · 8 months
Would you be able to write for Theodore Nott with the trope fake dating and the prompt 50?
Thank youu <3
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✧ theodore nott x fem!reader x fake dating x "my love language is bullying people." "you bully me. a lot." "..."✧
( this request is a part of my writing event, here is the link to the masterlist of the fics i'll be publishing from said event:) )
❁ i hope this turned out well, happy reading:)
Pacing around your dorm and chewing on your thumb, you tried to figure out how to get out of the situation you got yourself into. You didn’t mean to answer the question with his name, it just happened. It’s like you weren’t even thinking and your mind made that quick decision for you.
For the last month your ex boyfriend had been harrasing you to get back together. You dumped him after catching him in the act with a girl from a year below yours. You felt anger, sadness and loath, not because of the relationship he decided to end, but because it hurt to see someone you started to trust - pick someone over you.
Over the time he was stalking you and trying various ways to get back, you had found yourself being more and more drawn towards your best friend’s mate.
“ ‘We’re done Patrick! I don’t know what I have to say for it to get through your fucking skull.’ You hissed at your ex.
‘We’re not done.’ He took a step closer. ‘Do you really think someone else will want you besides me?’ A chuckle escaped his lips.
You stood there frozen, the insult burning itself into your mind.
‘My boyfriend.’ You finally replied after a moment of silence.
‘You don’t have one, love.’ He placed his finger under your chin and made you look up at him. ‘But you can have me again.’
‘No.’ You spat and took a step back. ‘I am seeing someone else.’
That’s the moment where you should have stopped talking.
‘Oh, really?’ He cocked his brow, a mocking expression on his face. ‘Who?’
Don’t say it.
Don’t say it.
‘Theo Nott.’ “
You sat down on your bed, the finger slightly covered in your blood from the biting. You had only two options, either admit to your ex that you lied to him and still get harrassed by him, or ask Nott out.
You rubbed your temples slowly, sighed and decided to go to the library to clear your mind, hoping that Patrick won’t be able to talk to Theo until tomorrow.
At this time of the day there was barely anyone inside the library. You were slowly walking between the shelfes, looking at each book and reading the title. After a few minutes of strolling you reached the Romance Novels section, very few books there, but it lured you in. Especially one of them, which you have read a long time ago.
‘Of course.’ You chuckled, holding the book in your hands and tracing the cover with your fingers.
The story was about a woman who was a spy and had to make a deal with a member of an organisation they were infiltrating. She promised to get him the safety he needed to escape his boss and he promised her to give her all the information she needed. They started fake dating.
You should’ve thought of this idea earlier, but you were too stressed to even sit in one spot, let alone think of this good of a plan. You put the book back in it’s place and rushed out of the library. While you were running through the halls, you spotted a familiar figure talking with her friends.
‘Hi, can I borrow Pansy for a moment? Thanks!’
You snatched her by the arm and led her to an empty classroom.
‘This better be an emergency.’ She playfully rolled her eyes.
‘Long story short - Patrick thinks I’m dating Theo and I have to prove him that I am.’
She looked at you dumbfounded and then a loud laugh escaped her lips.
‘Is this a joke?’ She asked, laughter still present in her voice.
It slowly faded as she realised how stoic and serious was the expression on your face.
‘Shut up!’ She exclaimed. ‘Merlin, what have you done?’
She put her palm on her forehead and exhaled all the air she had.
‘You know Theo does NOT date.’
‘I know! I don’t even know why I said his name! It just… It just came out, okay?’ You sighed and closed your eyes while throwing your head back. “But I do have an idea…’ you mumbled and slowly opened your eyes to look at Pansy.
‘Good Lord.. I don’t know if I even want to hear it.’ She sighed. ‘Go on.’ She showed a motion with her hand to tell you to proceed.
‘Fake dating.’
She bursted out in laughter.
‘What?’ She finally managed to get out. ‘How on earth do you want to persuade him into that?’
‘I’ll just… I’ll offer him something if he says no.’
‘Like what?’
‘I don’t know yet, whatever he says he’d like.’
‘So like, you’d give him a b-‘
‘Bloody hell Pans!’ You whisper-yelled. ‘I’ll do anything that does not involve sexual exchange.’
‘Alright, just askin’’ She raised her hands in defence.
‘Where can I find him?’
It was Saturday, so you couldn’t catch him in class. Pansy looked at her watch and made a thinking face.
‘Ummm… If I’m correct…’ She sighed. ‘They should finish their quidditch practice in a few minutes.’
You jumped up and gave her a quick hug before running out.
‘Thanks P, you’re the best!’ You shouted just before disappearing behind the door.
‘Course I am.’ She whispered and smirked to herself.
She looked around the room where she was now alone and shook her head.
‘Fingers crossed’ She muttered and headed outside.
You on the other hand, had reached the quidditch pitch in the right moment. Standing outside the boys locker room, you couldn’t help but listen to their faint voices. Unfortunately it was too quiet for you to make out any words. The door swung open unexpectedly and your head shot up to meet Draco’s eyes.
‘Can I talk to Nott?’ You asked and lifted up your chin higher.
Draco looked you up and down and then turned his head towards the boys.
‘Nott, come and say hi to one of your girls.’ He said and everyone started snickering at Theo.
‘Shut up, Malfoy.’ He glared at him and then your eyes met his.
He came over to you and you almost forgot about why you came here because, well, he was shirtless and his bottom was wrapped in a towel, leaving very little to your imagination. You gulped and quickly straightened up to not get caught checking him out.
‘I really need your help with something. Can we talk after you…’ You motioned towards his outfit, or better - the lack of it.
He cleared his throat and nodded, ‘Wait for me on the pitch?’
‘Sure.’ You gave him a soft smile and headed outside.
Thankfully there was a few benches on the sides of the pitch, they were there during practice, but hidden when there was a match. You sat down and buried your face in your hands.
‘What the fuck am I doing?’ You mumbled.
You started playing with your rings and thinking about what to say when you felt him sit down next to you.
‘So, what do you need?’ He asked while lighting up his cigarette.
‘Just don’t laugh at me, ‘kay?’ You said while closing your eyes.
He furrowed his brows in confusion, ‘Okay?’ He replied.
‘I need you to be my fake boyfriend.’ You quickly stated.
He looked at you dumbfounded and then proceeded to laugh.
‘You said you wouldn’t laugh, you bastard!’ You exclaimed and playfully hit his arm.
‘ ‘M sorry’ He met your eyes. ‘That punch hurt’ he held the place where you hit him.
‘Good.’ You replied. ‘So, will you help me or not?’
‘Why? Is it to make your ex jealous?’ He exhaled the smoke. ‘Never liked him, if I’m bein’ honest.’
‘Actually, the opposite.’ You took the cigarrete from him, took a drag and then placed it between his lips again. ‘He cheated on me and now he keeps stalking me to get back together. I’m so sick of him and I just don’t know what to do.. I just want him to fuck off.’ You looked at Theo for a response.
‘Wait, really?’ You asked excitedly.
‘Yeah, fuck that guy.’ He finished his cigarette and threw it on the ground. ‘We need some rules though.’
‘Alright.’ You paused to think about some. ‘How about we often hold hands, you kiss me on the cheek sometimes for the effect, and we can sometimes hang out in each others rooms, so no one would get suspicious. Of course we’d like study or some shit, but..’ You started rambling. ‘You get the idea.’ You added quietly.
‘You forgot about the most important one.’ He stated. ‘Don’t fall in love with me.’
‘Yeah, I think that’ll be easy considering your stupid face.’ You chuckled, but inside of you something twisted.
Don’t fall in love with me? Does he mean that, he knows he would never love you? Maybe that’s why he agreed? Cause he knows he won’t fall for you?
Am I this unlovable?
The next morning you were slowly making your way to the Great Hall for breakfast. On the outside you looked calm, but the inside was burning. With questions you couldn’t answer, with plans for what to do, with your hopes for finding someone good to love you back, with your growing attraction to Theo. You knew it was a bad idea, you knew you had a crush on him, but you’d rather hide that somewhere deep than admit it to yourself. You knew you were going to fall for him doing this, but if that’s what it takes for Patrick to leave you alone - then so be it. You can take the pain of Theo not reciprocating your feelings.
‘Hello, love.’ The voice from your nightmares spoke up next to you.
‘Fuck off, Patrick.’ You replied without even looking at the boy.
‘Oh, come on, can you finally stop playing this game and-‘
‘She told you to fuck off.’ You heard Theo’s voice on your other side and then his hand grabbed your waist to pull you closer.
Patrick’s face in that moment was going to be in your memory forever, he was so shocked, so defeated, so small. He looked between the two of you and scoffed.
‘We’ll see about that.’ He mumbled and walked away.
‘Thank you’ You looked up at Theo.
‘For what? I think that’s what boyfriend’s are supposed to do’ He winked at you and intertwined your hands.
‘You read a book or something to prepare for that role? Didn’t think of you as an academic type.’ You snickered.
‘I beg you pardon?’ He chuckled. ‘Am I that stupid to you?’
You waved your head from side to side and smirked at him.
‘Mm, yeah.’ You whispered to which he shook his head with a smile.
‘Come on, darlin’, we’re gon’ be late for breakfast.’
For the next month you and Theo had gotten closer than you anticipated, but he was still too far for your liking. You wanted him closer, you wanted this to be a real relationship, but he wouldn’t want that.
“Theo does NOT date.”
Pansy’s words echoed in your ears every time you caught yourself staring at his messy hair. Or thinking about the way his fingers caressed the pages of a book, or the way his beauty spots were perfectly placed on his face, or the way he always knew what to say to you, or the way he cheerfully reacted to your insults and playful smacks on his arms.
‘When do you want to end this?’ He asked one night when you were studying for potions in his dorm.
The question caught you off guard and the air got stuck in your throat for a second.
‘I actually didn’t think about that part yet.’ You admitted, not taking your eyes off of your notes. ‘There is only a month of school left until holidays, so maybe until then? I’ll have those months for myself without Patrick bothering me and next year we’ll make up some excuse why it didn’t work out between us. Sounds good?’ The lack of emotion in your voice was weird for him.
‘Yeah.’ He whispered, his eyes lingering on your form. ‘Sounds good.’
He didn’t want to admit to himself that he started falling for you either. That’s why he asked about this, he didn’t think he could hold himself back much longer. Hold his feelings back.
‘Earth to Nott!!’ You smacked his arm with your notebook. ‘Do the bloody homework or I’ll feed you to my cat.’
‘Yes ma’am.’
There were moments where you thought he might feel the same. Like when he held your hand tighter than usual, when Patrick was passing by. Or when he kissed your forehead to calm you down when you were stressed before classes. Or the subtle smirks and glances between the two of you, when you weren’t next to each other. At first you thought no one would believe in your ‘relationship’, but surprisingly everyone didn’t have a clue it was fake. Were you both this good at pretending or did they just think you look nice together?
‘Probably the first one.’ You thought.
Soon there was only a week of school left and you didn’t want to think about what the end brings. You felt sadness, but you couldn’t show him that, you knew he didn’t feel the same. This was just temporary, he did what you asked for and now you owe him a favor. So now you had to let him go.
You met up near the Black Lake the day before going home. You were playing with your rings again and he was smoking a cigarette, just like in the beggining.
‘We’re still going to be friends?’ You asked.
‘If that’s what you want, darlin’ ‘ He replied, but deep inside he wanted to say no, to protect himself from whatever it was he felt towards you, it was too strong now.
‘Hmm.. No, not really.’ You muttered and then added, ‘I can’t stand looking at your hideous face much longer, but other than that, you’re fine to be around.’
He chuckled at your response.
‘Why are you always like this?’
‘What do you mean?’ You raised one of your eyebrows.
‘You know exactly what I mean.’
You chuckled to yourself, ‘My love language is bullying people.’
He processed your answer carefully and saw the way you stiffened. You didn’t realise you said that out loud.
‘Well…’ He took a deep breath. ‘You bully me. A lot.’
You didn’t want to meet his eyes so you shrugged and turned away, ‘Yeah, I guess I do.’ You whispered.
You heard Theo toss the cigarette on the ground and press his shoe on top of it. But what he did next, even Professor Trelawney couldn’t predict.
He turned you around and pressed his lips into yours, the taste of smoke and blueberry gum made its way into your mouth. His hands were holding your face on both sides, he didn’t want to take them off, scared you’d disappear if he did.
‘I thought you don’t date.’ You whispered with a smirk when you broke the kiss and pressed your foreheads together.
‘I don’t.’ He smiled. ‘I’m already taken.’
He pressed his lips to yours again and you felt like this moment could last forever.
‘By the way, you broke the rule.’ He mumbled.
‘Fuck your rule and fuck you, Nott.’ You replied making him smile to himself.
© girasollake 2023
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ayoogirlie · 3 months
Before I start writing angst, let's go with something pleasant. I just recently started reading and watching MASHLE which is why I don't knowe many characters well.
Main 5 falling in love with you!
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This one is oblivious. He doesn't realise he holds special feelings for you. I believe at first he could have though of you as sibling.
You're just as important as his father so why not? The three of you could be a fine family.
He would share creampuff with you... just like with others. Honestly, it would be difficult to notice he likes you in that way. This man is so indifferent or more like he forgot to train his face muscles.
The thing that betrayed his feelings is the fact that he has been following you everywhere like a little duckling his mom.
Whether you have classes together or not. If you had them together — he would sit with you or at least close to you. Some rather prefer to sit alone, which helps them focus. On the other hand, if you have separated classes, he would always escort you to the class and only leave after making sure you sat down.
Mash's main love language would be act of service. I don't find him as a touchy guy — he would respect your personal space. The most he would do is grab the snip of your sleeve to not possibly lose you in crowd. (I find it cute honestly, like he would be to shy to grab your hand, so he would be happy with bare minimum.)
Going back to act of services. I think you would have a special privilege — flavoured creampuff. Coffee, chocolate, strawberry, etc., whichever you want. This guy would take you to kitchen and make you bake them together. Unless, your cooking is hopeless and you can set the kitchen on fire, then you're simply watching him work and talk about the silliest things.
Mash would definitely listen to your rambling. Well, at least he will try to. At some point, he would pass out, if he was overflowing with many new information. Please, go slow with him.
When asking others for help with you, he first would try to figure things out himself. Only if he had no more ideas, would he ask his friends for love advices (most likely Lance or Finn).
This guy is so sweet yet so clueless. He loves you so clumsily and as a boyfriend he doesn't change his attitude much. He already treated you in special way. Well, maybe he'll get more intimate with you. I'll leave it to your imagination.
I simply adore this boy. His love is as innocent as he is. Literally, he would be all red and shy when he realised his feelings for you.
He would get nervous around you and every possible physical contact would make him explode. He's too focused to not make any mistakes in front of you, that he forgets to relax.
Well, it's not like he's always like that. His heart would explode at this point. There are some moments, when he is even sweeter than he is now. It's when you simply sit somewhere and do nothing, just enjoying your existence. He feels so calm that he wish those moments would last forever.
Finn likes DIY. So I bet he would make some for you, it might be jewelry, plushie or something more practical. Whatever you'll ask for he will do. (If it's in terms of his skills.)
If you ask him to teach you how to make some, he would be more than happy. Who wouldn't be happy to spend time with their crush?
He would carefully explain everything and help you if you have any difficulties with the project. Sometimes I wonder where he gets all this patience from. Whether you would get discouraged or curse how hard it is, he would try to calm you down and explain your mistakes.
When I'm still talking about teaching. Study session. I just see with my eyes of imagination. The two of you sitting in library beside each other and bending over books. It depends on you — whether he's teaching you some subject or you just enjoy your company.
Finn loves animals. I think, he would always tell you many random fact about them and won't stop talking, until he gets a hold on himself.
When he finally remembers himself, he will start apologising and feeling bad about being the only one talking. Then you kave to reassure him that you really don't mind and he can continue.
As a boyfriend, he treats you very well. People might say he's a perfect boyfriend material, but you can see how much he tries and I hope you do as much for him as he does for you.
Honestly, I can't imagine him giving someone else attention than his sister. Like this sis-con on has Anna in his head. So you can imagine how everyone was surprised when they noticed his unusual behaviour towards you.
And it wasn't some big change. No. It was more subtle. He was less strict with you than he is with others. Whenever you seemed sad because of his, sometimes mean, comments, he would apologise. (It took him a lot of courage to say this simple words.) He was more careful with his act to not sadden you.
I believe that after some time of knowing each other he would tell you about his sister and maybe if he happens to trust you a lot — about her illness as well.
He strikes me as a gentleman at some point. He would hold the door for you, help you with school work and follow you almost everywhere as if it was his duty.
Unfortunately for you, his sister will always be his number one, so unless you accept this fact, I don't think he will try to do anything with your relationship.
As well as it was with Finn, you two would have study session together. This guy is so clever that it would be stupid not to ask for help with the subject, spell or other thing you have difficulties with.
He truly admires you. You saw him in numerous embarrassing situations, for example when he was talking to Anna's pictures etc. Everyone' else would already start avoiding him. Maybe that's why he finds you as a perfect match for himself. Someone who wouldn't judge his behaviour and just accept his 'imperfections'.
Lance would respect your personal space and it would have to be you who initiates physical contact (mostly before your relationship). But he would place his hand on your waist with excuse not to let you bump into others.
He looks like the guy who would give other people, who are talking to you, nasty glare, when you don't look. It's not that he doesn't believe in his charm, it's just the fact that he doesn't like others being to close or touchy with you.
As a boyfriend Lance becomes more possessive and clingy. He would hug you from behind and gets touchy when you least expect it. Well, at least you're never bored.
It's easy to captivate this hot-headed guy's heart... if you're a woman of course. Male readers have it harder. But now we are talking about the stage he is already in love.
He would always boast to his friends about how he's going to marry you with no shame. Of course, always when you're absent. If by chance you will witness him saying it. He would want to hide under ground.
He would always scream at the person, you would give too much attention. He gets easily jealous, but he act like thata with every male that gets too much attention from others.
That's why you don't realise he holds any special feelings towards you. He still acts like he act towards women, so you don't think any special of the way he treats you.
I believe Dot would be touchy with you. Like put his arm over your shoulder or surprise you from behind. Honestly, if he would have ever touched you in a way that would make you feel uncomfortable, as a man he is — he would never forgive himself.
In his eyes, he gives you special treatment. He doesn't play pranks on you and even with Lemon in room, he always focus on what you're saying and so on.
After some time, he gets more obvious that others notice his strange behaviour. He always stares at you, daydream about you two being together. His eyes are always following your person.
When you're close, he catch himself on enjoying your fragrance. Later of course, Dot will blame himself as well call himself a pervert. But you cannot be mad at him. He just can't get enough of you.
If he only could he would almost always hold you in his arms and never let go, while being too scared you might run away from him.
He is energetic, so as a boyfriend he would take you to many places. Date? Let's go to amusement park, if not, we have many other options. Of course, sometimes you two have home dates, where you just cuddle and enjoy eachother company.
Congratulations. You just won over Mash and captured Lemon's heart. This turn of event surprised everyone, like literally everyone, even Mash.
Lemon would act similar like she did while having crush on Mash. She would be so delulu and talk about how the two of you are engaged and all (in fact you aren't... for now).
She would randomly grab your arm and hug it. People got used to seeing you this way. The two of you walking through the corridor, you look like those couples who always stick close to eachother.
She gets easily jealous of other people you're close with, expect for Mash, Lance, Finn and Dot, since she knows they won't try anything with you. When she feels threatened by someone, she would get closer to you or (in most cases) panic.
She would definitely share Cupid Gummies with you. Like she would buy it and almost immediately run to you only to give you some. She thinks of it as a special bond between the two of you.
Lemon blush a lot around you, that's for sure. You get too close? With red as tomato face, she would slap you. She gets a little violent when nervous, it's the fact you have to accept. But who can blame her? She's so happy to have you around that she cannot control her actions.
She's like a ray of sunshine, which is why whenever you're sad, she will try to make you feel better. Sometimes when words won't help, she just sits next to you. She wants you to know she will be always here for you.
You would get a lucky charm from her. One reason is that to keep you safe, other is to have her close to you. While making a design she would try to match with your taste. Like when she made Mash creampuff plushie, she would make something similar.
Whenever she would have problems with spells, she would go to you. Perfect excuse to spend time together! In exchange, she would teach you theory you would have problem with.
As a girlfriend, Lemon is very sweet. She wouldn't have to find excuses just to spend time with you. You would be often seen together eating lunch or walkings around while holding hands.
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All Thanks to You - T.Nott
Summary - At first, Theo found her gifts sweet and kind but the longer they went on the more they annoyed him. He had the false assumption that she was chasing after his money and status but he was very wrong. He didn't realize how wrong he was until he overhears her sticking up for him in library.
Pairings - Theo Nott x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Use of Y/N, female reader, profanity, stress
Author's Note - I'm getting through all of my requests slowly but surely, this will probably be my first and last post of the day. I'll try my best to keep banging these out but unfortunately today was my last day of spring break and my vacation from work. Thank you for being patient!
Based off the request by an anon
Expect delays in my posting! My semester has started and I am taking 4 classes! Please be patient with me!
My requests are open!
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
It was almost disgustingly obvious how much she liked Theo, except to the boy himself. It had taken him ages to figure it all out. He thought it was weird at first, he was always getting baked treats, a seat saved, books that he ended up loving and notes sent to him. Then, it started to annoy him, he thought that she was just trying to get to him because of his status and money. That of course wasn’t her intention but he didn’t figure that one out until he overheard a conversation, one revolving around him and all of his flaws and untrue rumors.
He was about to jump in himself until the sweet voice of the girl sending him all of these good things chimed in. 
“That’s not true at all. Theo is so kind and sweet. He cares so much about his friends and only acts cold to people like you because you believe and spread all of these bullshit lies. He’s not rude, he’s not unnerving, he especially isn’t ugly or gross to girls. He’s sweet and kind and loving and a great person and if you can’t see that, then don’t consider me your friend anymore,” She ranted before packing up her books and walking away, not expecting to bump into the boy himself. “Oh shit, I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going, I’ll get out of your way.”
“Wait,” He pleaded, having every expectation of her walking away but she stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, “Thank you for sticking up for me. I know I said your gifts were annoying but I don’t really think that. I honestly thought you were after me for money or to boost your status or something, I shouldn’t have assumed that.”
“No, you shouldn’t have. You’re a good person Theo. I’d love to talk more but I really have to go study for the potions exam,” She told him.
“Study with me, I have an O in the class, I can help you.” The smile on her face brightened the room, making his heart skip a beat, a smile finding its way onto his own lips.
“Okay! I know the best spot in the library,” She chirped, grabbing his hand and leading him to the top floor into a quiet corner. The two of them studied together for nearly an hour before she spoke again, “How in the fuck do you make a draught of the living dead again? I can’t remember anything right now, my brain is fried,” She groaned, resting her forehead on crossed arms.
“You need a break, love. Let’s go to the kitchen and get some food from the house elves,” Theo offered.
“Won’t we get in trouble?”
“No, I’m friends with the prefects on duty, let’s go before they change shifts.”
The whole way down to the kitchen, the two were holding hands, neither of them had even noticed until Draco stopped them in the stairwell leading down to their destination. “What do we have here? The infamous Theodore Nott holding hands with his admirer?”
“Oh shove off, we need you to cover the kitchen while we get food,” Theo told his friend, still holding onto her hand even though they were caught.
“What’s in it for me?” Draco asked.
Before Theo could open his mouth, Y/N answered, “Pumpkin pasties, green apples and cauldron cakes. I see you eating those a lot so I assume you like them?”
“You assume correctly, fine, let’s go lovebirds.”
Holding up her end of the promise, she got Draco his favorite sweets, snacking with the two Slytherin boys. The blond boy had taken a liking to her, finding her genuine, funny and observational. The bond between Theo and Y/N had grown and only got stronger by the day. It was no surprise to any of their friends when they started dating not long after studying together. 
They continued to have study dates until the day of the Potions exam. She was extremely nervous and Theo was nervous for her. They didn’t get to see each other until dinner that day. Taking her usual spot next to Theo at the Slytherin table, casually sliding a paper to him. He furrowed his eyebrows before opening the paper, the red ink stared him right in the face.
“You got an O?! Bellissima, that's amazing! I’m so proud of you!” Theo exclaimed as he hugged her tightly, placing kisses on her head.
“All thanks to you, handsome,” She smiled at him.
Theo kissed her deeply on her lips causing groans and gags around them. Neither of them having a care in the world other than her O.
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19burstraat · 4 months
Random SOC Trivia I Gathered On My Reread
I'll be using this for fics, but it's fun just to read!
Jesper does not hold alcohol well (though this is according to Kaz, who is not exactly impartial)
Wijnstraat, Nemstraat, Havenstraat, Ammberstraat are all street names if you want em
Van Eck has been involved in trying to clean up the Barrel; pious. (Allegedly pious, I doubt he really is)
1/5 Van Eck (or general Kerch trading?) vessels are lost at sea
Kaz arrested three times at ten, twice at eleven, once at fourteen. Does stints in jail but it does not say prison (ppl assume he's been to Hellgate / another prison but I don't think so. He'd never have shut the fuck up about it if he had; I assume the Stadhall Jail)
Kaz's cane is lead-lined. I wasn't sure if this was canon or fanon
Kaz runs book on prize fights, horses, and chance games. Floor boss at crow club since fifteen-ish. Youngest to run a betting shop and has doubled the profits.
Gambling halls: Treasure Chest, Golden Bend, Weddell's Riverboat, Silver Garter
West Stave brothels: The Blue Iris, The Forge, The Obscura, the Willow Switch, the House of Snow
Van Aakster is the widow mercher who sees Nina to ease his grief
Inej likes orange cakes in white paper
Black Tips tattoo is a hand with first and second fingers cut at the knuckle, Razorgulls is 5 birds in wedge formation
Nina Jesper and Kaz definitely all have the crow and cup; the others don't
Jordie seems to like books
ridderspel and spijker are arcade games
Bilge, clams, and wet stone smell in the Barrel (per Retvenko)
Kaz definitely is partial to dogs; Smeet's hounds and the grey dog the Hertzoon household had, the windup dogs, the metaphors. He loves a dog metaphor sorry ur not real babycakes you'd have loved thematic web weaving posts
Geldspin is the cotton mill in Zierfoort, Firma Allerbest is a cannery. Both in Alys' name
Wylan was 8 when Marya 'died'
the black veil tomb is carved like an ancient cargo ship
3 flying fish on a grave: government. Palm trees and snakes: spices.
Inej's mother braids her hair with orange ribbons (colour of persimmons)
University a series of buildings built around the Boekcanal and joined by Speaker's Bridge (where people debate and/or drink). Boeksplein four libraries built around a central courtyard and the Scholar's Fountain
Shipping container at third harbour is a Liddie hideout; Jam Tart House is an old hotel near the slat that the Razorgulls use
Long scar across Kaz's right knuckle
Violating contracts and interfering with the market can get you hanged in Kerch; same sentences as for murder (this is. Insane)
Haskell holds court with his mates at the Fair Weather Inn every week
Belendt is the second oldest Kerch city and sits on the Droombeld River
Jesper was 7 when Aditi died
Inej has an uncle (who seems to have some sort of ringmaster role) and cousins; Hanzi and Asha
Kaz convinced a locksmith in Klokstraat that he was the son of a wealthy merchant who highly valued his collection of priceless snuffboxes, and that's how he knows what locks the rich are using
Hubrecht Mohren, Master Thief of Pijl, who Kaz doesn't appear to think much of; one of Haskell's old cronies
Martin Van Eck, Wylan's great great grandfather, was a ship's captain, brought back a big shipment of spices from Eames Chin and started the Van Eck fortune
Kaz and Jesper (+ other Dregs boys) taught Inej to fight
Kaz and Jordie are from a town near Lij, as per the 'Johannus Rietveld' exposition, but Lij is seemingly the closest major city/county so it's easier to just say they're from Lij lol
The last time the Council of Tides appeared in public was 25 years prior to CK
Kaz found Filip running a monte game on Kelstraat; he also got the clerks who turned over fake info, the fake attorney, the man who gave them free hot chocolate
The spelling of Zentzbridge lapses to Zentsbridge, not sure which is right or if they're actually separate bridges or if there's a lot of wrong quotes floating around lol
Dryden house symbol is the golden wheat sheaf bound with a blue ribbon; Van Eck is the red laurel but we knew that
Kaz taught himself finance and gambling hall rules
Church of Barter roof is copper and long has turned green
Church of Barter built around the First Forge / The Mortar, which is a flat lump of rock that's supposedly Ghezen's altar
Ghezendaal Hospital is. Idk. a hospital. Just thought ppl might want the name
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luvkyu · 10 months
what are we? ( park jongseong/jay )
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jay x male!reader
jay and his best friend define their relationship.
content : 1.5k words, fluff, high school!au, bub pet name toward reader
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a long, drawn out yawn left y/n's mouth as he looked out of the window in his last class of the day. his closed palm supported his chin on top of his desk, completely spaced out.
"y/n?.. bub!"
y/n snapped of his trance to see his friend standing by his desk now.
"class is over?" y/n asked as he looked around to see everyone gathering their things. jay snickered and nodded.
"daydreaming again? you can borrow my notes again if you need to," jay offered. y/n clicked his tongue as he stuffed his books carelessly into his bag. jay smiled to himself, watching him struggle with the tetris game that is fitting everything into one bag.
"sorry that i don't really care when some not-really-that-important person in history took a shit in 1875 or whatever," y/n responded with another yawn.
jay rolled his eyes and stuck his hand out for his friend to take. y/n finally stood up from his desk before seeing the gesture. he happily took jay's hand as he swung his bag over his shoulder. jay then led the way out of the classroom, following other eager students who were ready to get home.
y/n felt his heartbeat intensify just like it always did when jay held his hand. no matter how many times he silently scolded himself, the feeling never went away. the pair had been friends since their first year of middle school, and y/n's feelings seemed to grow by the day. it didn't help that their peers would ask frequently if they were dating yet, as they were usually holding hands or displaying other kinds of affection. y/n always assumed jay just didn't care what others said or thought, but he was starting to grow desperate to know if the male really only saw him as a friend.
"oh hey, i forgot," jay's voice cut through the noise of the hallway while the two stopped at their lockers, "tonight is the film festival i told you about like a week ago. i know it's short notice, but do you wanna go with me?"
y/n's eyes brightened in excitement at the invitation. there was nothing he'd rather be doing on his friday night than spending time with jay.
"of course, that sounds fun!" he replied. jay nodded, turning his face away from the other to hide his smile.
"cool. well, i have a study group i'm meeting in five minutes, but i can pick you up later and we can go together?"
"sure, that works!"
jay closed his locker while nodding again at the reply. he ruffled y/n's hair fondly before putting his newly filled backpack on.
"i'll text you, bub."
y/n nodded and watched him turn to head toward the library. his nerves, as usual, were left a mess from the nickname jay frequently used. he finally looked away when jay turned a corner, out of sight. he then resumed moving the rest of his books and materials into his bag and closed his small locker door.
before turning to leave, he saw another friend skipping toward him energetically.
"woah, this is the first time i've seen you not with your boyfriend, y/n!" sunoo exclaimed, stopping in front of him. y/n rolled his eyes.
"not my boyfriend, sunoo."
"tsk, sure. not yet."
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y/n scrolled through his instagram feed as the opening credits of a film began to play. he was now sitting on a blanket that jay had brought along to the festival. the male had just left to get them snacks and drinks, insisting that y/n stay and relax.
the weather was perfect for a movie night. there was a large screen set up and fairy lights streamed in a few places. many other people were scattered across the grassy hill with blankets and comfy chairs. y/n couldn't help but notice all the couples. he hadn't thought about the fact that the film festival would be filled with couples on dates. the idea of this being a date with jay then seeped into his mind, and it made chills go up his arms.
"okay, i got popcorn and some candy and drinks!" jay's eager voice brought the other out of his thoughts.
"oh, thank you," y/n responded. his cheeks now glowed with a bright pink, which didn't go unnoticed.
y/n watched jay sit down closely next to him, getting settled with the snacks. jay took another large blanket and draped it over their legs while y/n decided to brush off his thoughts for now. if he focused on such things, he knew he wouldn't be able to really enjoy their night together, date or not.
"you okay, bub?"
y/n looked at him and gave him a convincing smile.
"i'm fine!"
jay grinned at the cute response and nodded before the duo turned their attention to the screen and began eating.
throughout the movie, they managed to finish their popcorn and naturally move closer to each other without a thought. jay's arm soon hung around y/n's shoulder while the latter's head rested on his chest. this was nothing abnormal for the pair, having cuddled many times before, but something felt off. something different was in the air between them tonight and y/n couldn't decide if he was crazy or if jay could feel it too.
"open," jay said quietly as he held two pieces of candy in front of his friend's mouth. y/n smiled and obliged before jay fed him one piece and popped the second into his own mouth. y/n looked up at him, but jay's gaze was already turned back to the film.
y/n's line of sight suddenly landed on his other friend from a ways away. sunoo was comfortable with sunghoon on their own blanket, but sunoo's view was trapped on y/n and jay, making kissy faces toward them. y/n felt his anxiety rise, hoping jay wouldn't see.
to y/n's relief, sunghoon saw sunoo's teasing. unsurprised, he simply turned sunoo's head back to the screen and pat his head as if saying, 'now stay'. y/n made a mental note to thank sunghoon later.
eventually, the film finally ended and chatter filled the area. jay yawned lightly while y/n stretched in his arms.
"there's another one playing right?" y/n asked.
"yeah, but i think there's a small break before it starts."
y/n nodded and sat up to stretch a bit more. jay gazed at his friend, a little disappointed at the loss of closeness. he watched y/n run a hand through his hair and then check his phone for any notifications. jay felt mesmerized by the view, but could feel nervousness sprout in his chest. he didn't think this was how just friends were supposed to feel. he'd been unable to decipher his feelings in the past, but lately they'd become much clearer.
jay's thoughts were cut off as y/n set his phone down and went back to cuddle him. he now laid on top of jay with his head on his chest again, jay's hands going to play with his hair.
jay couldn't stop a smile from curving on his lips. he somehow felt his confidence bubble up in that moment, deciding to finally go for it. but before he could speak, y/n beat him to it.
"what are we?"
jay's heart skipped a beat.
"oh.. well," he paused. what exactly were they? y/n meant the world to him. he was the first person he thought of in the morning. he was the first person he shared good news with. y/n was just everything.
"we're best friends," jay finally said. he couldn't quite read y/n's reaction, but decided to continue anyways.
"but i'd like to be more."
y/n's face brightened now, a little shocked.
"really?? like.." he stopped while jay smiled again and nodded.
"like boyfriends," jay finished for him.
y/n's whole face went red, unable to stop his own smile now.
'boyfriends', he thought. the simple word ran on repeat in his head for a minute. this couldn't possibly be reality.
"boyfriends.. jay's boyfriend. y/n and jay boyfriends," y/n mumbled in awe. jay laughed lightly at his disbelief.
"you're so cute.. is that a yes, then? ..boyfriends?" jay asked. y/n finally looked at him again and nodded happily.
"boyfriends," he replied as he tightened his arms around him. jay quickly hugged him back as they laid on their blanket in content.
the male looked up again at the sound of his name, meeting jay's gentle eyes.
"can i kiss you?" he asked. y/n's smile somehow grew even bigger. he nodded again before jay moved to press their lips together softly.
once separated, jay pulled their second blanket back over them as the next film's intro began playing. y/n's head rested on his chest again, not really caring much for the film as nothing could quite amount to the comfort of his new boyfriend.
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harunayuuka2060 · 11 months
Malleus: My love, I have brought you a companion. *has given them a bird*
MC: ...
MC: Thank you, Malleus.
Malleus: *kisses their cheek* See you later after classes.
Lilia: Malleus~! We're going to be late!
Malleus: I'm going—
MC: *has grabbed his sleeve*
Malleus: What is it, my love?
MC: ...
MC: Enjoy your day.
Malleus: *smiles* I will. Thank you.
MC: ...
MC: *when they're sure that Lilia and Malleus have already left*
MC: *talks to the bird* You don't have to accompany me. *walks to the window and opens the cage*
*the bird looks at them before flying out of the cage*
MC: ...
Silver: Oh. Has Malleus already left for class?
MC: Yes. Is there anything you need from him, Silver?
Silver: Yes— No. I mean, I actually came here to see you.
MC: ...
Silver: ...
Silver: I know it must be hard not being able to leave Diasomnia so... *walks up to them and gives them some story books*
MC: ...
MC: What are these for?
Silver: ...
Silver: Even a little, I want you know what the outside world feels like. It's imbued with magic, so you will be able to smell the flowers or hear the chirping of birds or the voices of the characters in those books.
MC: ...
MC: These are great, Silver. I'll be sure to read them.
Silver: That's all I wanted to say. I'll be going to my classes now.
Silver: I hope you have a great day. *then leaves the room*
MC: ...
Sebek: Look, Waka-sama! I've got them some flowers!
Lilia: *chuckles* Sebek! Malleus should be the one getting them some flowers! You're going to make the husband jealous!
Sebek: N-No! That's not my intention! Waka-sama! Please believe me!
Malleus: *smiles* Don't worry, Sebek. You're free to give them presents.
Lilia: Silver? Have you already given them the story books you borrowed from the library?
Silver: Yes, father.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: I didn't notice you giving them anything, Silver.
Silver: Because you had already left when I went to your room.
Malleus: I see. *smiles*
Silver: ...
MC: *doesn't feel anything after reading almost all of the story books, until they opened the last one*
"Once upon a time, in realms of old,
A cherished soul, my kin, I hold,
Their spirit danced, a joyful sight,
A radiant smile, a beacon of light.
Once upon a time, they graced my side,
But now, alas, they seem to hide,
Oh, where have they flown, I ponder and weep,
In the shadows they vanish, secrets they keep.
Will they return, like a fairy's vow?
To my heart's hearth, I humbly bow,
Their chamber awaits, a sacred space,
Preserved with love, their cherished place."
MC: ...
MC: *tears started to fall onto the page*
MC: Why does this seem familiar to me... *not realizing that they're crying*
MC: *then flips over the page to see the illustration it has*
*It's their room.*
Malleus: ...
Malleus: You want me to design this room like the one in this illustration?
MC: Yes. If it's fine with you.
Malleus: *his expression changed but only for a split second* *smiles* For what reason?
MC: ...
MC: I love how it looks...
Malleus: *sighs in relief* I see. I'll make this room similar to this then. *touches their cheek gently*
MC: Thank you, Malleus.
Malleus: Is there anything else?
MC: No. That's all.
Malleus: *holding the book*
Malleus: *burns it*
Malleus: Nothing should be left. *glances at the sleeping MC*
Malleus: *smiles*
Malleus: That is the last one. And there won't be another.
Silver: ...
Silver: *smiles after remembering what MC has said to him*
MC: Thank you, Silver. I have enjoyed my day because of the books you gave me.
MC: I'm looking forward for the next.
Silver: Instead of books, would it be alright to bring you some forest animals?
Silver: I'm sure you will enjoy them more.
MC: ...
MC: *smiles* Yes. Please do.
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I have a request for ya! Just thought of this (sorry for the long entry 🫣)
what if Reader has been harboring a MAJOR crush on Eddie forever, and maybe they're friends, maybe not, maybe just acquaintances, I'll leave that up to you, but the Reader is this stereotypical shy, quiet, nerd girl who loves fantasy novels and (though no one would guess it just by looking at her) heavy metal and D&D and she's always been way too scared to tell Eddie how she feels (and she also knows he has a crush on Chrissy Cunningham and how could she ever compete with the Queen of Hawkins High? The Perfect Girl?). But then one day a group of bullies (maybe Carver and his Goons, maybe somebody else, again, I'll leave that up to you) somehow get a hold of her diary and read out the entry where she talks about how much she's in love with Eddie, out loud in the cafeteria during Lunch! Eddie's there, Chrissy's there, Reader is there, everyone, all of their friends are there, and of course the Reader is MORTIFIED and takes off running and hides somewhere else before anyone can say anything.
How it ends I will leave up to you 🙌 (but preferably fluffy 👀)
Vulnerability (Eddie X GN Reader)
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Ehehe I’ve been writing this all morning and I love this request so much! *The diary entries are in bold italics. Also this was typed on mobile, so sorry for any typos!!
The entire table erupted into cheers as they won the battle and finished the campaign. You smiled, glancing over your book and grinned even wider as they congratulated each other. You were tucked away in the corner, engrossed in the plot of your latest novel. You’d only pretended to read in the past half hour because you had been trying to pay attention to what was going on at the table.
You and Gareth had been friends since childhood and went everywhere together. You often watched the Hellfire campaigns, but had been trying to finish up your book since it was due back soon.
“So, what did you think of my campaign?”
Your heart jolted in your chest and you pretended to find a place to stop in the story before looking up to see Eddie hovering over you. Eyes widening, you tried to laugh normally, but it just came out strangled. He patted your back, concerned, while you begged whatever higher power was listening to just take you away. Tears leaked from your eyes and you glanced to him to see he was waiting expectantly.
“It was really good, Eddie.”
He flushed and rocked on his heels.
“Your storytelling was so creative and I had no idea that side character was going to have such a big role!”
He flourished under your praise and sat beside you, rambling eagerly about his strategy and how he was inspired for the campaign.
In short, I absolutely have a crush on Eddie Munson.
You groaned and flopped your head down on the table. The library was especially quiet before school and was often the place you divulged your most private thoughts to your diary. The five-minute warning bell rang and you scooped up all your things and dashed off to class, not realizing the diary had slipped out of your grip.
The day passed in a blur. Tests were coming up for all your classes and you could barely keep all the information straight in your head. You huffed as you sat down at the lunch table and pulled your book out. Gareth sat next to you and opened his mouth to say something, but you waved a hand dismissively.
“Just a few minutes, Gare. Almost done.”
The last few pages flew by before you closed the book with a thud.
“Good?” He asked.
“Amazinggggg,” you sang back.
Your table descened into a mess of conversation that stopped abruptly the moment Jason Carver walked up to you. Encountering Jason was never a good thing, especially up close.
He smiled at you, sending shivers down your spine. He waved a familiar small blue book at you. “I think this is yours.”
Your eyes grew as you turned to dig in your bag, confirming what you already knew. You turned back to him, face heating with embarrassment. “Give it back, Jason.”
His grin turned more antagonistic as you stood up and reached for your diary. He held it above your hands, opening it to the most recent entry.
“Ahem, everybody? Can I have your attention?”
You bristled as everyone turned your way, hands balling into fists at your side. Of course nobody could miss what stupid Jason Carver had to say.
Gareth stood and held out a hand for your book. “Hey, man. Just give it back to her.”
Jason pointed a finger into his chest, moving him back. “Hang on a minute, nerd. Gotta read something real quick.”
You darted around the table and surged toward Jason, groaning as you slammed against two of his goons that had stepped into your path. It was too late. Tears pooled in your eyes as he started to read, exposing your heart to the world.
He cleared his throat before starting in. You had written snippets of campaigns you would run if you were a DM and he skimmed over them, reading the romantic bits aloud and laughing cruelly as he continued to flip.
“Boring, boring. Yadda yadda. Oh! Here we go. This looks good.”
He slowly turned to Eddie, his grin spreading wider. Eddie glanced to you, confused and your stomach lurched as he started reading. This whole time he’d been working toward this grand finale of embarrassment and damn, it was working.
“Eddie is by far the cutest guy I know. He’s always so nice to me. I don’t have many friends and he has always been so welcoming. Ugh. Skip the gooey stuff. Aha! In short, I absolutely have a crush on Eddie Munson. How sweet, the freak and the lonely loser!”
By this time, you’d practically melted into the floor. You snatched your bag up and turned to Gareth. He saw your face crumple and started to rise, but you put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“I’ll see you later.”
The words came out in a rasp and you took off before you allowed yourself to breakdown. You burst through the library door, startling the librarian who shot up from her seat.
She tilted her head in concern and motioned for you to come behind the desk. She opened the door to her office, which you sped into, dropping your book on her desk as you went. She guided you to the small couch in her office and quickly brought you a cup of hot chocolate before stepping back out to the media desk and closing the door behind her.
You curled up against the cushions and sobbed, barely able to take sips of your drink. Your afternoon teachers would just have to wait to see you until Monday. Or maybe never if you decided to move out of the country.
You woke a while later, low voices murmuring outside the door.
“Have you seen her? I know she comes here a decent bit.”
“Mmm. Nope. Haven’t seen her since this morning,” the librarian retorted.
You pulled one of the blinds down to see Eddie standing across the counter. His eyes flicked to yours, drawn by the motion and you gasped, letting the blinds snap shut.
You began gathering your courage to step out. Meanwhile, Eddie’s mouth curled into an amused smirk. He spoke slightly louder, ensuring you could hear him.
“Alright, well if you see her, let her know I got her diary back from that jerk.”
You opened the door and poked your head out, bag slung over your shoulder. You looked to the librarian and nodded at her.
“I’m okay. Thanks for the hot chocolate. I’ll be back for more books next week.”
You offered her a grateful smile, which she promptly returned, patting your shoulder kindly. You stepped around the desk, arms crossed protectively over your chest as you looked into Eddie’s eyes. A gasp slipped out as you noticed his swollen split lip. “Hi,” you mumbled.
“Hello,” his voice lit with a smile. “Walk with me?”
You nodded and turned, brushing past him as he held the door open for you.
“Need a ride?”
“Probably,” you sighed.
It was just late enough in the day that all the buses were gone for the day, student parking lot almost emptied out.
He strolled at an easy pace beside you and you kept your eyes lowered, determined not to acknowledge the cafeteria incident. He paused right outside his van on the passenger side and pulled your blue book out from under his arm, passing it to you before he pulled the door open for you. You searched for a way to say thank you, I’m sorry, and never bring this up again, but instead gaped when you saw the other book he was holding.
“Why are you reading that book? I just turned it in.”
“Well. I thought it could help my campaigns.”
You turned away, embarrassed. He reached for your arm, taking hold of it gently.
“No no I’m not teasing you. I really liked your campaign ideas and thought that if you could write something like that after reading this, then maybe I could too.”
Your heart fluttered and you bit back a smile as you climbed into the van. Eddie shut the door once you were in and circled around to the other side, climbed in and started up the van.
The drive started off quiet until you couldn’t handle it anymore and blurted out, “I’m sorry!”
He chuckled, “What are you sorry for?”
“I just… I know he’s not above embarrassing people, but I feel like his main target was probably you, so I’m sorry. I know you like Chrissy and-“
You were cut off by him laughing and you shrank back into the seat. You trembled with frustration before saying, “Alright. If you’re gonna laugh at me, let me out. Stop the car.”
He rolled to a stop on the side of the road and you reached down for your seatbelt. He caught your hand in his and your breath halted in your throat, eyes tentatively rising to meet his. His bangs had grown a bit longer, landing right above his eyes. Your hand twitched, wanting to brush them aside. He squeezed your hand and your eyes drifted back to his.
“I like Chrissy. As a person. She’s very kind and we knew each other when we were younger. But I haven’t liked anyone else in a long time. No one besides you.”
Your thumb brushed his palm as your brain processed his words.
“Me? You like me?”
“That would be what I said, yes.”
“But why? Why didn’t you say anything before now?”
“Why didn’t you?” He grinned as you blushed under his gaze. “I didn’t say anything because you’re Gareth’s best friend. He really cares about you. And about Hellfire. I didn’t want to start anything between us that could get messed up and make things awkward for him.”
You smiled at his consideration for your friend. Your diary poked at your side from where you’d tucked it next to you in the seat.
“Can I read something to you? Jason read a lot but somehow missed the best parts.”
He nodded enthusiastically and his eyes lit up as you opened your diary, stopping when you found the entry you were searching for. You kept holding hands, shivering when his rings brushed over your skin.
“Today was a bad day. I didn’t do so well on a test and the bus was late and it was pouring down rain. When it finally got there, Eddie ran up behind me and held his vest over my head until I got on. It happened so fast, I’m surprised I remember it. But I’ll never forget looking out the window and seeing him standing there in the rain. His fingers were hooked into the collar of his vest and it was slung over his shoulder. God, he looks good in the rain.”
You blushed but continued flipping to the next entry and began again, emboldened.
“Today I realized that my crush on Eddie isn’t just because he’s cute and kind to me. He’s good to everyone. It sucks seeing people mess with him. He’s somehow gotten so amazing at laughing it off and continuing about his day. He defends the kids in Hellfire. He takes care of everyone. I just wish he had someone to take care of him. I wish he knew how special he is.”
You closed the diary, your finger still tucked in. Fingers tenderly slid under your chin and lifted your face. He was waiting for you, his sweet smile already painted across his face. He groaned and blew out a puff of air.
“I wanna kiss you so bad, but could I take you out first? Where do you wanna go?”
You thought for a moment. “Well, I like ice cream.”
“Ice cream it is, then! Cone-gratulations on being the cutest person in Hawkins!”
“Oh, my God, Eddie.”
He snorted and your laughed filled the car as it started down the road again. He turned the volume up, one of his tapes in the player, and hit the dashboard in excitement when he caught you singing along.
“No way, you know this song?”
“I started listening because of you and as it turns out, I like metal music.”
“You are absolutely perfect.”
He pulled your joined hands to his mouth, kissing yours, careful of his injury. He set your hand down gently in your lap and his hand curled around your knee, determined to keep you close.
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The Senior: A Night in a Hotel Room
(The last Re-Upload)
Chase and I continued our interesting relationship after the events that took place after the choir concert. But the holidays are always a busy time, even during school. I had projects to complete and so did Chase, our daily routine of me giving Chase’s underwear a pull died down for a bit. I did get him a couple times. One time during a break at our choir practice, I yanked his American Eagle trunks up his butt when we were alone in the church's library. Oh man, that was so hot. His jeans were so tight that day, and he was wearing a maroon sweater.
He looked like the preppy guys I'd always jack off to that I wish I could wedgie, and here I was. wedgieing him. What made it even better was that he liked it, and I knew it.
               Before the holiday break I got to wedgie him one more time. Chase had recently joined the speech team, and I was also on the team. I’d like to believe that he joined the team so that he would have more reasons to spend more time with me, but it probably was one of many reasons. He did a great job in the musical and participating in speech is like participating in judged theatre. So, the cast members and teammates encouraged him to join, so he did. As a member of the team, we were required to work the tournament that our school would host. But Chase was also very good at playing the trumpet so during the day of the tournament he wasn’t available because he earned a spot in the All-Region Band. So, he stopped by near the end of the day and his job for the day was to deliver flowers that we were going to put on the table with the trophies for the awards ceremony. He texted me to help him bring them in. I met him at the loading dock as he was pulling in. Now, the wedgie that I gave him as he was getting out of his front seat was a unique one. He got out and I somehow managed to just grab the waistband without digging for it. His Blue and Red stripped American Eagle boxer briefs went right up his ass. I tugged his leg holes past his dress pants waistband, and as the tug reached its height I said “sup”, and immediately snapped his white waistband to his back.
               “Come on” he said, surprisingly annoyed with his wedgie.
               “What did you expect? You asked me to help” I said.
               “With the flowers?” he asked as he was walking to the trunk of his car while simultaneously picking at his underwear. At this point I'd wedgied him so often that he no longer would go out of sight to adjust himself anymore. He would just pick outright in front of me. I found that hot. It was unexpecting how hot I found that to be.
“Well, sorry I'll hold off on the wedgies, I got those”. I lifted a box of flowers and walked with him into the auditorium. We were alone as we were arranging the flowers, but since the stage was so big and the curtains were down, we had no way of knowing if anyone else was there. So, it wasn't the best time to try to give Chase another wedgie. We continued working quietly getting everything all set up.
               I didn’t see Chase until after the holiday break. We texted each other though, he was very good at keeping the text conversation going. It wasn’t all about wedgies. We discussed books and movies that we were both currently reading or watching. Our families. He was very present to listen to my problems. At the time my high school theatre department were prepping auditions for that years play competition. This was the closet that theatre departments in high school got to competing with one another like sports teams do. The point of the competition was to take a play, any play and cut it down to no longer than 50 minutes. My theatre teacher took this play very seriously, taking a lot of time for us to read the play in class, analyze it and audition for roles. There were 16 people in the class and only 7 roles. There was a specific role in the play that I thought I'd be right for. The role required for the actor to be able to play a young prince who may or may not have had an affair with a prince from another country. The point of the role was that you never knew for sure if the characters were gay or not. I was obsessed with the idea of possibly getting the chance to play this role, I memorized scenes, I actively participated in discussions about the play in class. I made it obvious to my theater teacher that I really wanted the role. Being in the cast for this specific play in the theatre department basically marked you as someone who is a top actor in the school.  I knew I was good, but there were a lot of other guys in the department that were older and talented too. But the other kid that was my age in the theatre class Micah, was in the competition play last year and he had the experience and could very well be cast in this role. It shouldn't have bothered me as much as it did, but Micah was the top of our class, and he participated in theatre because it was something that he could put on his college apps. His family were very devoted Christians which isn’t a problem except for the fact that he would argue that the role I wanted wasn't a homosexual. He would argue this because he knew that if he was cast in the show that it would be in that role and he clearly felt that it was against his religion, so he was trying to find a reason to be able to play it.  I’d say I was straight, but I knew that I wasn’t. But this role spoke to me, especially at that time and if I got it, maybe it was the reason that I needed to give myself permission to accept myself. I really wanted that part.
               The weekend that the cast list was supposed to be posted, my speech team was away at a speech tournament six hours away from home. The prelim rounds went okay on that first day and Chase and I were placed in the same hotel room for the night with twin brothers that were specifically on the debate team. So, that night after the speech kids were done with their rounds, the debate kids were going to remain there till late. The hotel room had two beds and since the twin brother debaters would obviously sleep together in one of them, I was going to sleep with Chase in the other. And not only that, I was going to get to spend a lot of time alone with Chase in a room with a bed
               When Chase and I got back to the hotel room, I went ahead and took a shower. We had a long day of traveling and both Chase and I had been in suits all day. I brought my sweats and tank that I would sleep in the bathroom with me and showered. When I got out of the bathroom with my sleep clothes on there was Chase, standing at the closet in only his boxers. He was hanging up his suit, after taking everything off. Though I've wedgied Chase a lot, I had never seen him without his shirt, and staring at him from behind I immediately noticed the smoothness of his shoulders. Chase wasn't muscular in the sense that he looked like a Calvin Klein model, but he was close. His butt in those boxers were very nice as well. The boxers were navy blue, obviously American Eagle because there were multiple Eagle logos al over them. He turned around,
               “Hey, my turn’ he said.
               I must have not been hiding my looks of intense lustful admiration because his lips slowly curved to a smirk, and he flexed his chest and hell.  He didn’t have a six pack, but his chest was hot, nonetheless. He didn’t have a lot of hair, but there was some that formed a line from the bottom of his belly button to the top the waistband of his boxers. This was the first time that my thoughts went to the possible size of his dick under those boxers. I can't remember for sure, but I was probably hard. Chase started to walk across the room.
               “I know what you're thinking, don't do it” he said as he walked by me to go into the bathroom. I quickly turned around after he walked by me. He stopped walking and turned his head slightly.
               "You can’t help it can you?” he said.
               “I guess not” I replied as my hands slowly gripped his boxers.
               I tug slowly. This was my first time giving a wedgie with the other guy not wearing pants. The more I tug the more I see Chase's ass. It was firm and the more his boxers went up his butt, the harder my dick got. I drop his boxers and gently tap both of his checks with my hands.
               “Enjoy your shower" I said.
               “Thanks” he said walking into the bathroom.
               He stayed in there for about ten minutes. When he came out of the bathroom, he had pajama bottoms with multiple XBOX logos on it. He was still wearing the same boxers that I had just wedgied, but the only way I could tell was that he was sagging his pajama bottoms slightly. But I only had a moment to observe that because he ran at me and jumped on me on the bed.
               It happened very fast. I can’t remember the specifics. But we were basically wrestling, He was the senior and he was obviously a lot stronger than me, but I gave it my all wrestling wise. He pinned me in headlocks and to the ground. He was a lot stronger. But Chase and I had different end goals. His was to pin me to the ground, mine was to pull his boxers up his butt again. I got his boxers a couple of times in the struggle, but not enough to really count the wedgies I gave him legit. But there was one moment when I ended up on the top of his back. My ass was sitting on his head, and I had to have been tea-bagging Chase as I gripped his boxers in both of my hands. I was also fully hard by that point, and there was no way that Chase didn’t know because my bulge was bulging into his shoulders. But his boxers were in my hand, and I started pulling. Pulling with all the strength possible. Chase was moaning but from pleasure or pain I couldn't tell. I successfully pull one mare strong pull and I heard a slight ripping sound. I snap his boxer’s waistband onto Chase’s back, and I roll off him.
               “Fuck, man that was the best wedgie yet” Chase said standing up with his hands in his,
butt fixing his boxers. I stayed laying on the bed breathing heavily.
               “Damn man, you sound like we just fucked” he laughed.
               I laughed that off, at at that moment a feeling of intense shame came over me. I hadn’t cum but I was close. What did those feelings mean? Why do wedgies turn me on? How can I keep this up? It was clear after today that I had extreme lust towards Chase. After seeing his body, smacking his ass, and wedgieing him like I just had.
               “Everything alright man?” Chase asked as he sat down at the front of the bed. But before I could say anything there was a knock on the door.
               I went and answered the door, and it was Lexi. She was one of the strongest actresses in the theatre department. A shoo in for the lead role in the competition play. She was texted the cast list for the competition play and wanted me to see it. I didn’t get the part… or any part in the play. Micah got the part. Lexi said that she wanted me to know because she didn’t want me to have to wait until Monday to see the cast list myself, but I think she wanted to tell me because she was (and still is) a world class bitch. I walked back into the room and crushed, I just started crying, I had never been more disappointed. I didn’t get the role that spoke to me and my true sexuality, and here I was crying in front of the only guy that I had ever had strong feelings for. Chase was very nice. He asked me what was wrong, and when I told him he didn't try to console me. He was just quiet as I laid down on the bed,
               I must have cried myself to sleep because one moment the lights were on, and the next they were off and there was an arm around my shoulder. It was Chase's. I looked over at the other bed and saw that it was still empty. The twins weren’t back yet. I twisted my body around and there was Chase, with his eyes wide open staring at me. He said nothing and we continued just looking at one another. I wanted to kiss him, and I was positive that he wanted to kiss me. But we didn’t kiss. But what I did feel was a hand gently placing itself around my groin. Chase's hand was over my sweatpants, and he slowly put his hand into my sweats and then, into my boxer briefs. Upon impulse I reached in a removed his hand from my pants. But still staring at him. I let go of his hand. I then proceeded to stick my own, hand in my pants. I gently surrounded my dick with my fingers, and then slowly started lifting. and lowering my dick. I did this while continuing to stare at Chase. Chase decided after a couple moments that he would follow suit. He lifted the covers and stuck his hand in his boxers. We continued touching ourselves while still looking at one another. This was a new experience for me, jerking off with someone else in the room. I found it to be a very exhilarating experience. Someone else looking at me and jerking off too. I couldn't see his dick, and he couldn't see mine. That seemed to make it even hotter. We tried to keep rhythm with each other. I don’t know how long we did this, but I do remember that we didn’t climax at the same time. Chase came first, and I followed about ten seconds after. There were no words spoken during or after except for our moans. After we were done, we put the covers back on and just laid back down in bed together. I started crying again, but it was weird. There was so much sadness in my tears, but also a little comfort in the fact that in that singular moment that I was not alone. I cried gently but was surprised to feel Chase's arms wrap around my body, holding me tightly. We laid there spooned into each other. He was there holding me tightly not letting me go as slowly drifted off to sleep.
I think back to this night often. We were both in the closet at the time, and we were both not ready to admit to ourselves that we had these strong feelings. We just had this strong night together. if we were able to let ourselves be open to each other that night, maybe we would have gone farther in our sexual explorations. I did wish I kissed him that night. I wished that I let him touch me, blow me. I wish I could have seen his whole naked body, and that he could see mine. That night was more than just a wedgie fetish. But regardless, I am still grateful to what we did that night because it was a part of my story, and it was truly one of those moments when I realized that I could be attractive, that I could be desired, and that I won't always have to be alone.
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elllisaaa · 5 months
in desperate need of horny bf sunghoon who catches me reading in bed and is doing The Most to get my attention, but i don’t want to give in so easy 🙈
he settles between my bare legs, placing the back of his head on my lower tummy, babbling some random things he believes will make me drop my book, but they don’t. his hands are playing with my thighs, and it’s so obvious how turned on he is, because of his non stop needy gripping and hungry gaze, literally kissing my feet at this point!!!
“let me just finish this chapter” i tell him over and over again, loving the way he dramatically rolls his eyes, until he sticks his tongue through my panties and it’s not that easy to ignore him anymore
literally been thinking about this for days!!
also sidenote: i have a feeling he’d be the type to always whine about how is it possible that those books are more entertaining than him, but also building you your dream library ~
it's so funny how we're both losing our minds over sunghoon lately lmaoo ! i think the "one more chapter" thing is universal because i do that all the time and still read at least 3 more 🤭 now to the point... horny sunghoon is one of my biggest weakness so i'll need to share all the thoughts you ignited in me sweetie 🤭
SUNGHOON was frustrated, it was obvious from the way he was huffing beside you for the past ten minutes. you tried not to smile, because you knew exactly what he wanted, but it was so much funnier to have you pleading for your attention. 
so you stay focused on your book, ignoring how his fingers caressing your thighs make you shiver, ignoring how badly you want to bury your hands in his hair and play with them. you wanted this afternoon for you and the last quarter of your book, but your boyfriend seemed to have another plan in mind. 
sunghoon couldn't take it anymore. he wished to spend his weekend rolling around in bed with you, not losing you once again to a stupid book. he wanted to be annoyed and mad, but he was so horny that all he was able to do was turning around and place teasing kisses on your inner thighs. it was not helping him calm down when all you were wearing was one of his shirt and a pair of panties. 
"babyyy ! pay attention to me."
his tone was so whiny, it was almost funny how far it was from his usually collected persona. that's why you loved having him all needy for you. you locked eyes with him, seeing nothing but desire in them before looking back to your book.
"one more chapter hoon, i promise after you'll get all the attention you want."
but sunghoon knew you too well, knew that you were lying because you weren't able to just stop at one chapter and always needed another one, and another one. so when you told him the same sentence for the forth time, he had enough of waiting patiently and begging for your touches : he had to win you over your fucking books. 
when his head dropped down lower you already knew that you got him exactly where you wanted him. sunghoon kissed your pussy over your panties a few times, getting even more annoyed at your lack of reaction. he had enough of you pretending to be busy with your book when he could clearly see a grin stretching out your lips. 
"you really love playing with my nerves don't you, huh ?"
he didn't give you a warning before getting rid of your panties and finally getting a taste of your sweet cunt. at this point, he was making out with your soaked pussy, chuckling against you when you let out a quiet whimper, the vibrations feeling too good against your clit. you couldn't concentrate anymore on the words in front of your eyes, ultimately tossing your book to the side and taking a hold of sunghoon's hair as you felt yourself cumming. 
"now who's more interesting, baby ?"
his lips and chin were smeared with your juices, pupils blown out and the bulge in his sweatpants was painfully obvious and you thought that your boyfriend never looked hotter than when he tried to prove that he was better than your silly books.
sidenote : sunghoon always criticizes, but he would absolutely do that for you and i see him clearly buying you 24 books from your pal and making you a book advent calendar. because, yes , he always complains about your obsession and rolls his eyes whenever you mention a fictional man, but he'll do anything to see the sparkle in your eyes when you get a new book. he'll be here to shed your tears when you cry about the angst and he'll religiously listen to you ranting about how you had predicted the plot twist. in conclusion : he's weak for you.  
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violettduchess · 3 months
Hello Vi! I have a request for you, only if it inspires
Tutor AU! With one or more of your fave suitors tutoring you for your upcoming exams;
Leonardo, Comte, Gilbert, Leon, Silvio and Clavis!
I'd love to see what you come up with ❤️❤️❤️
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A/N: I had a very immediate idea for Comte so I went with him for this request!
Comte x Reader, Tutor AU/ Modern AU
WC: ~1.9k
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The library looms large as you hurry up the wide, slate-colored steps under a sky exhaling its last breath of evening color. The stars are slowly blinking into existence, determined to shine before they are hidden behind the slow-moving blanket of clouds heading their way. You would pause to enjoy the ephemeral moment when dusk ebbs into night.....
Except Comte is inside, waiting for you.
You’re still not sure how it’s come to this. Comte as your tutor. Your mind travels back several weeks….
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Several weeks ago:
One minute you're balancing an armful of books along with your backpack and several bags of uneven groceries that are seriously testing your stubborn decision to do it all in ONE trip. The next, however, everything is falling onto the polished grey tile floor of your building’s lobby, the objects seeming to leap like lemmings out of your arms. As you stand there, staring defeatedly at the scattered mess, lost in the gravity of your poor decision, the elevator doors you were originally trying to reach slide open and like the pearly gates unveiling an angel, Comte de St Germain steps out, in the process of buttoning his elegant camel-colored coat with one hand.
Before you can say a word, he takes in your forlorn expression, the embarrassing pile of your things at your feet, and he is by your side, kneeling, helping you gather up your stray apples and the mini-boxes of cereal you are probably way too old for but love anyway. Your cheeks flush as you stammer a thank you. 
You know him more by reputation than actual acquaintance. He lives in the sprawling penthouse at the apex of your building, the crowning glory of the gothic structure, and is usually spoken about in whispers and sighs by the other residents:
“Comte? He’s a museum director downtown.”
“I hear he is a world-famous antique dealer who has made millions.”
“He’s gotta be a tech-millionaire with all that dough.”
“Well I know someone who knows someone who swears he’s a member of the royal family of some tiny European country.”
“I don’t care what he does. He’s got to be loaded to live up there.”
“I hear he’s never been married.”
“My cousin’s best friend’s neighbor's babysitter says he’s divorced from someone super famous.”
“You know what he is? I'll tell ya. Drop dead gorgeous.”
This mysterious man with eyes the color of desert sands is on the ground in his expensive suit and coat, helping you gather your plebeian things and oh, do you want to melt into the floor and disappear.
He stops, holding one of the books you had been juggling, a surprised expression crossing his classically beautiful face.
“‘The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ by Edward Gibbon. Fourth edition.” He seems impressed, curiosity flaring to life in the mesmerizing gold of his eyes.
And you take that lifeline, words stumbling over themselves across the knot of your tied tongue as you explain you are a graduate student, majoring in history, mentally preparing yourself for the avalanche of final exams heading your way.
And how he smiles, his long fingers tracing the embossed lettering along the spine of your book, borrowed from the local library. Entranced by the movement, you can't look away from his hand, reverence hushing his voice as he explains how he works for a museum (Points to the woman in Apartment 15B for getting that one), how he also studied history.
And then one thing leads to another and your rambling about the stress of your exams and crunch for time has evolved into Comte St. Germain, the mysterious Bruce Wayne of your building, offering to tutor you.
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The Present:
And now here you stand, the night of your final session, heart prowling, turning circles in your chest like an unruly feline.
Taking a steadying breath, you continue up the steps and head inside, enjoying the sound of your heeled boots across the polished wooden floor. Past towering shelves filled with books you go until you reach the narrow iron staircase in the back, the one that spirals upwards to the second floor. Your feet follow the path they have gotten used to over the last few weeks, through the racks, down a narrow gangway until you reach the small cluster of tables at the western corner of the library, the ones underneath the imposing arched window that allows you a clear view of the darkening sky and the pale orange glow of the streetlamp across the street.
Comte looks up from the book he has been reading and offers you a smile, at once familiar and exotic.
“Ah, there you are, chérie. Ready for our final session?”
Something inside you constricts at the thought that this is the last time you will be here with him like this, tucked away in the surprising intimacy of a large public library, listening to his honeyed voice as you discuss not only history, but also the mundane: what music he listens to when he goes on long drives, his favorite type of wine, the best tea for a rainy Sunday morning. And it isn't just his speaking….Comte listens. He really listens when you talk, when you ask questions, when you give an opinion. He rests his chin on his hand, head tilted ever so slightly, his entire attention focused on you, whether you are explaining the fine points of one of the many Treaties of Paris or doing your best to convince him that dipping your French fries in your milkshake really does make them taste better. 
With the glow of remembrance in your smile, you slide into the seat next to him, running your fingers along the soft grain of the elegant wooden chair as you settle in.
“Ready as I'll ever be,” you say, returning his smile while looking at the array of books he has spread out across the table. “Let’s do this.”
“Oui,” he says as his smile curves into a grin. “Tonight we’re focusing on art for your art history final. You already sent me the list of pieces your professor wants you to know for your exam so we can work our way through those.”
You breathe in, trying not to get distracted by the warm, earthy scent of his cologne.
“Professor Leonardo is great but it’s such a long list….” Your shoulders slump at the thought of tackling everything on it. And then you feel Comte’s hand there, on your forearm, warm even through the soft material of your blouse.
“Then let us begin.”
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He spends hours, guiding you through Girl with the Pearl Earring, The Birth of Venus, Las Meninas, and Water Lillies. You wander through the great masters like an enamored visitor in an enchanted garden, listening as Comte helps you to remember what you have learned about the paintings as well as unlocking secrets you have never heard before. He leads you through the design of the Colosseum, the Parthenon, Hagia Sofia, Notre Dame, his voice a golden thread that spins you across the architectural wonders. And now, in your final hour of study, he opens the book of sculptures. You visit Rodin’s Thinker, Michelangelo’s David, the Venus de Milo. And finally, you come to the last sculpture on your list: Psyche Revived by Cupid’s Kiss by Antonio Canova.
“Ah…” He pulls the book closer, the photograph of the sculpture filling the page. “This….is a masterpiece of….” He glances over at you, brow lifted as he waits for the answer.
“Neoclassicism…but with strong elements of the Romantic, given the subject matter.”
“Bien joué.” The praise falls from his lips softly, slides over you like melting wax, sends a jolt of heat across your skin. He doesn’t seem to notice as he flattens down the pages with both hands, his bright eyes roaming over the image.
“So you know the story of Cupid and Psyche?”
You try to remember what Professor Leonardo explained in class when he had introduced the sculpture. “She opened a forbidden jar and was put to sleep as punishment?” 
Comte nods. “Venus forbid Psyche from opening the jar. It supposedly held Divine Beauty. Psyche could not resist temptation and instead of beauty, she was overcome by the Sleep of Innermost Darkness.” He grins slowly. “Very dramatic. Cupid sees his lover unconscious and pricks her with an arrow, awakening her. This sculpture captures that moment.”
Outside the library window, the streetlamp glows a soft orange. A light rain is now falling, making the light seem as if it is dancing, shimmering against the night.
“Just look at the lines,” he murmurs. He takes his index finger and slowly begins tracing the line of Psyche’s body. It follows the curve of her torso as she stretches up towards Cupid. “Her arms reach back for him.”
You lean in, closer to Comte, watching the path his finger makes along the glossy page. Your heart is suddenly hammering a woodpecker’s song against your breastbone.
“Her hands are in her lover’s hair, the gesture so familiar, so loving.” He traces down the line of Psyche's neck. “And here….she is bent back to him, so exposed and vulnerable, tilting to look up into his face. What do you see there?”
His voice winds itself around you, wrapping you in golden vines of warmth and want. You need a moment to find your own. When you do, it is only capable of expressing itself in a breathless whisper.
“Tenderness. Joy.”
He nods slowly, trailing his finger down Cupid’s strong arm. “And what do you see in him?”
Your thoughts are bright butterflies, sparks that fly up into the haze of your mind and explode in little pinpricks of light. Blinking, trying to control the overwhelming wave of attraction that threatens to pull you under, you reach out and touch the same page, your fingers scant centimeters from his.
“He’s…..adoring. The way he holds her head, his fingers touching her face. And he’s smiling at her, affectionately. Openly.” Your gaze drops down to where Comte’s finger points to Cupid’s left arm. You clear your throat and continue. “He covers her breasts with his arm, shielding her from the viewer, and yet that one hand holds her in a way that’s….it’s so intimate. It feels somehow more intimate than if we would see her bare.” Your voice is a whisper, soft and woven through with delicate wisps of yearning. “He touches her as if he’s done it a hundred times and still revels in it…..” You trail off, pressing your lips together, unable to go on.
Comte’s fingers brush against yours and you turn your head, startled to find that your faces are so very close. Outside the rain gently rolls down the massive glass window. The streetlamp flickers. Comte’s gaze is a steady golden sun.
“He adores her,” he murmurs, his voice rolling through you. You feel his fingers move, covering yours on the page. 
“She marvels at him,” you answer quietly, your fingers curling around his in response.
He leans down ever so slightly, his mouth so close you can feel the warmth of his words on your lips. “He dreams of her……” 
“.....and he is what makes her waking sublime…” The words are hardly more than the breaths between heartbeats.
His mouth brushes faintly against yours, the softest touch, a silken feather, a velvet caress.
“....He wants nothing more…..” His hand tightens around yours, his chest rising and falling with the contained power of his emotion. “...than to kiss her….”
“He should,” you say, soft as a nightingale welcoming a summer evening. "He should kiss her."
And he does, pressing his lips against yours as the wave that has been looming ever closer pours down upon you both. One hand rises, gripping the nape of your neck with tender ardor. You plunge your free hand into the soft wilderness of his tawny hair, opening your mouth to taste him.
Your other hand? It is still tightly holding onto his, a promise you won’t let go.
An echo of Cupid and his beloved Psyche.
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Pysche Revived by Cupid's Kiss- Antonio Canova, 1793
Tagging: @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @olivermorningstar @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @namine-somebodies-nobody @cellophanediamond @whatever-fanfics @justpeachyteastea @chirp-a-chirp @got7igot7family @kookie-my-little-sunshine @mastering-procrastinating @portrait-ninja @fang-and-feather @bubblexly @kiki-tties
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willalove75 · 11 months
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 11 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu brings you in as one of her maids, at least, that's what you thought she brought you to the castle for.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: flirty, fluffy
Notes: Part 11!
Click here for the rest of the series
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Alcina leads you out of the library so the two of you can meet up with everyone outside in the carriage gate. You say your goodbyes to the kids, giving each one of them a hug and kiss. When you get to Ana you hold her tight and kiss her on the head.
"You're doing a great job kid, I'm so proud of you."
"I love you." She says holding you tighter.
"I love you too."
As she climbs into the carriage you look at the rest of the kids.
"Listen to me, you all better listen to Ana, you hear? If I find out that you all aren't treating her with the same respect you gave me, you're all going to be in big trouble. Got it?" You say with a smile.
The kids all nod their heads and respond with "yes's."
Last but not least, you pick up Elena and told her tight.
"Be good, okay? I need you to listen to Ana for me, can you do that?"
"Good. I love you kiddo. I'll see you soon, okay?"
"I'm not scared anymore." Elena says, looking at you.
"What?" You ask, not having any idea of what she's talking about.
"Of the tall Lady, I'm not scared of her anymore."
A smile crosses your face as you look back at the little girl in your arms.
"Well good, I'm glad to hear that."
"She takes good care of you, and you like her, so I like her." She says with a toothy smile.
"I'm happy you're not scared of her anymore love."
"When am I going to see you again?"
"Soon honey, I promise. You guys gotta get home, I love you so much." You say, hugging her tightly once more.
"I love you too y/n."
You put her in the carriage and she takes a seat between Crina and Ana. Turning to your aunt, she looks up at Alcina.
"Thank you very much my Lady for hosting us today. The children and I had a wonderful time. And thank you, for taking such great care of my niece." There's an edge to her voice in her last sentence that makes your stomach knot a little. Alcina immediately picks up on it, but as usual her mask is impenetrable, only flashing your aunt a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.
"It was my pleasure." Alcina responds. "Y/n, the girls and I will be in the dining room when you're finished saying your goodbyes."
Alcina tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and looks into your eyes, her thumb running over your cheek bone. Her eyes flash towards your aunt for a second, as if she's warning her, letting your aunt know that you belong to her. Alcina drops her hand and the girls follow her inside.
The goodbye with your aunt was short and a little tense, you're not sure why but you chalk it up to the fact that she spent the entire day with arguably most feared Lord in the whole village and her daughters.
For the first time in months, you have dinner with Alcina and the girls. Every time you looked over at Alcina, she had the most beautiful smile on her face, even when it was small. The girls even seemed to notice their mothers happier attitude. None of them said it out loud, but from the looks they were giving each other, it didn't go unnoticed.
After dinner, you all head to the library and pick out books to read. Alcina reclaims her spot on the couch and you decide to sit next to her. A few chapters in, without realizing it, you find yourself resting your head against her arm while you read. Alcina smiles down at you and the girls silently give each other looks of excitement. Alcina catches them and shoots a look their way and they quickly go back to what they were doing.
When it's time to head off to bed, the five of you head up the stairs. Before going your separate ways, the girls each give their mother a kiss and Daniela gives you a big hug and they head off in the direction of their chambers.
You and Alcina walk quietly, side by side towards your rooms. She passes her door and stops between your room and hers. Looking down at you, she has a warm smile on her face.
"Thank you again for today, it really meant a lot to me."
"It's the least I could do, y/n."
Alcina brings her hand to your face and gently cups it, you close your eyes and lean into her touch. After a moment you open your eyes, meeting her gorgeous gold irises staring down at you lovingly.
"Goodnight Alcina."
"Goodnight, draga mea. Sweet dreams."
The next morning you wake up to the smell of breakfast. Rolling over, you see the tray on your nightstand with a note sitting on it.
Y/n, I had a wonderful time with you yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the surprise and the time you had with the children. I must admit, watching you with the youngest was one of the highlights of my day. The love you have for those children poured out of you, it filled me with a warmth I almost forgot existed. You would make a wonderful mother, draga mea. I am truly happy you had a wonderful day. Love always, Alcina
After breakfast you went into the library to find a new book. You pick up one that piqued your interest, and decide to head to the courtyard to read since it's beautiful outside. On your way, you see Stefana across the main hall, you try and avoid her gaze but her sight is locked onto you. The scowl on her face was intense, you two only broke eye contact when one of the other maids, a friend of hers, pulled her into another room. At least she has one person around her that's smart enough to try and help her get out of her own way.
As you make your way outside, you hear the faint sound of a piano. Abandoning your plan to read for the moment, you follow the sound back into the castle. The sound gets louder as you approach another door, putting your ear to it, you hear the piano and a beautiful voice quietly accompanying it. You notice a set of stairs in the small room you're in and decide to head up them.
Once you're upstairs, you go through another door as you follow the sound and realize that you're on the second floor of the castles opera room. The large room is dark, especially compared to how bright it is outside, there's only a handful of candles illuminating the main level. Quietly, you make your way to the banister and you see Alcina sitting at the piano below you. Her gloveless fingers effortlessly gliding across the ivory keys, you notice her eyes are closed as she softly sings along to what she's playing. You don't know the song she's playing, but you think it sounds like jazz. Watching her is captivating, the way her foot gently presses against the pedals, how her long fingers hit every note perfectly, the way her eyebrows knit together and her shoulders move when she plays a chord and sings along.
Everything before your eyes is beautiful. You put your arms on the banister and lean forward, your chin resting on your arms as you listen. This is Alcina, peaceful, effortlessly beautiful, yet has all of the elegance of a noblewoman. The song comes to and end and you hold your breath, afraid to disturb her.
"Draga, I know you're there." She says, her eyes not leaving her hands resting on the piano keys. Alcina looks up and her beautiful golden eyes meet yours. A blush rises in your cheeks, you feel like you were caught spying on someone's private, intimate moment. In a way, you kind of were. "Come down here." Her voice is soft, welcoming. You bashfully make your way towards the piano after you go down the stairs of the opera hall and stand a few feet away.
"Sorry, I didn't- you sounded beautiful. Your playing, your singing, everything." She motions for you to come closer and you stand next to the piano. "How long did you know I was there for?"
"Since you walked in, I immediately heard your heartbeat, once you were by the banister I was able to smell you." She says with a smile.
"If it were anyone else, I would not have continued."
"Why not?"
"Because I only share private moments like these with very few people."
"Has Zina heard you play, or sing, before?"
She exhales a chuckle. "Yes, she has. Although she was here for many years before I felt comfortable enough to allow her to watch."
Tilting your head at her a bit, you look at her. "I guess I understand, but I mean, you're amazing. You sound like you should be on stage performing in front of people."
"Well I did draga mea, I was a very well known jazz singer. I performed all over the world."
"Wait, what? Really?"
"Yes, I had a band and we traveled the world." She looks off into the distance, her eyes glowing with the memories of her past. A small smile graces her perfectly red lips. "We became very popular for our time, it was wonderful. I loved it, being on the stage every night, the adoring fans, the music, the money, the booze. It was one of the best times of my life."
"Wow, Alcina, I had no idea. Why did you stop?" The glow in her eyes fades along with her smile, a far away look replaces it, as if her happy memories are now clouded with grey. After a moment of silence, you break it. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."
She looks back at you, her golden eyes meeting yours. The corner of her lips curves up and she waves her hand.
"Don't be, it's quite alright. I inherited a hereditary blood disorder, I didn't start showing symptoms until after we began our tour. The strain on my body caused the disorder to flare up in excess, leaving me bed-ridden. All of the long nights, the constant travel, the smoking, the alcohol, the stress, the symptoms started off mild but within a few years, I was dying."
You take a step forward and place your hand on her arm.
"Alcina, I'm so sorry. I had no idea."
She meets your gaze and looks at you as if she's drinking you in. The worry lines on your forehead, the sympathy in your eyes, the way your lips are just barely parted.
"That was lifetimes ago draga," she takes your hand into hers. "there's nothing to feel sorry for."
"What happened? If- if you don't mind me asking."
"We stopped touring and eventually the band broke up, after the second world war I came back here, back home, to die, and found that Mother Miranda had taken over the village. She promised me fortune, my family's castle, eternal life, and a cure. So without a second thought I accepted her proposition. And the rest my dear, is history."
"So she-"
"Saved my life, yes. And eventually gifted me the girls." She sees your eyebrows raise a bit at that. "But that's a story for another day."
You look at her for a few moments, studying each feature on her beautiful face, you knew that she had to be immortal or something, but for whatever reason, it never dawned on you that she had an entire life before she became what she was now. The way she commanded the attention of everyone in the room, well it wasn't a surprise that she was a performer, but the way she did it, you never thought of anything but the current moment you were in. There was never room to think of the past, her past, or the future, only what was right in front of you here and now. You realize that there's probably very, very few people in her life that know anything about her history. And here you are, in the opera room, a room that's practically off-limits to every maid, with her, asking about her past. What blows your mind is that she's actually indulging you, letting you ask what you want, and is answering them without a single glare or sharp tone.
You're brought back to reality when you feel her brush a strand of hair away from your face.
"What is going on in that little head of yours? Hm?" She asks.
You feel the blush creep back up your cheeks and you look down for a moment, a little embarrassed, and look back up at her.
"It's a little dumb, but, I never really thought about what your life was like before, all of this. It's almost hard to believe you had a 'normal' life before everything happened." She chuckles at your finger quotes around the word 'normal.' "But I also realize how lucky I am that you feel comfortable enough to tell me, to let me ask questions and for you to actually answer them."
"Well draga, I would hardly say that my life before was normal. I was born into nobility, given the title Countess at birth, I had chambermaids and servants and I never had to lift a finger. My life before was far from normal."
"I guess that's fair." You say with a chuckle.
"Although, I wouldn't consider you lucky by way of me allowing you to ask about my past. As my partner, my lover, it's things like this you should know. I would be quite the terrible partner to deny you any kind of look into my past." Hearing her call you her partner, her lover, makes you swoon a bit. The two of you never officially got back together, honestly when you think about it, the two of you never officially established your relationship in the first place. But you know for her to refer to you as that, she's serious. Serious about your relationship, about mending it, about making it work. Just little things like that prove how much she cares about you, how she's so confidant that things will work out. It relieves you a little realizing that she wants this just as badly as you do. "Even if there are some things I prefer not to discuss at the moment, when the time is right, you will learn everything. I certainly hope that you feel the same regarding your past as well."
"Oh, yeah, absolutely. Do you have any questions about mine? I mean, you already know just about everything there is to know about me."
"Do I?" She asks, cocking an eyebrow.
"Well, yeah, my parents died in a fire when I was about eight, I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle. I was pretty much their servant, helped raise the kids, and then one day the youngest almost got ran over by a carriage pulled by, what I think were, horses and I knocked her out of the way to save her, and here we are." You say with a smile.
"Do you have any more questions for me?"
"Um, yeah actually, if you don't mind."
"Not at all draga mea." She says, looking intently at you.
You look up at her sheepishly, her eyes captivating you in a way that makes your heart flutter and your brain turn to mush a little.
"Can you play something else?" You ask, looking down at the piano.
A smile graces her lips, she gently tosses her head back and laughs and looks back at you.
"Of course." She pats her lap and you walk closer to her. She lifts you and sits you in her lap. "Is there something in particular you'd like to hear?"
"No, as long as I get to hear you sing again." You say, looking up at her.
Alcina smiles and kisses your temple, you lean into her a little and close your eyes and relax. You can feel her nose nudging you behind your ear. You can smell the wine and a hint of cigarettes on her breath, her perfume is surrounding you, as if you're being wrapped in a blanket of it.
You feel Alcina shift under you and you hear the first notes of the song being played. With your eyes closed, your head resting back on her chest, you feel her lips by your ear and she begins to sing. Her voice is smooth like velvet, even though she's singing quietly, you can feel the power she's holding back. You rise with her chest as she inhales, you can feel her abdomen contract underneath you as she sings. Her voice transports you into another realm, the low-pitch washes over you, a sense of calmness floods your body, a relaxation you haven't felt in such a long time. If someone saw you, they'd think you were fast asleep, but you're not, you're aware of every sense that surrounds you. The way her hot breath feels against your neck, the tapping of her foot on the pedals, you feel Alcina's shoulder shift as her hands glide across the keys. It's as if the two of you are dancing, where she's the leader and is gently guiding your body through the music.
She sings the last lyrics, the notes of the piano ringing out into the opera hall, reverberating through the air. The note slowly fades out, leaving the room in a blanket of quiet where the only sounds are her breath and yours. Alcina's hands stay on the ivory piano keys when you open your eyes and turn your head to look up at her. She looks down at you, her eyes boring into yours, your lips curl into a smile and so do hers.
You don't know who made the first move, but you feel her lips against yours and without realizing it, you let out a sigh of relief. Alcina smiles into the kiss and her hand leaves the piano keys and cradles the back of your head, her other hand reaches the side of your neck, her fingers sprawled out across your jaw and cheek. Your fingers find her soft raven hair and tangle into them as the two of you pull each other closer, deepening the kiss. The tip of her tongue slips between your lips and you welcome her in immediately, greeting her tongue with yours. The moment they connect you feel a bolt of electricity shoot through your body, a moan emerges from the back of your throat and she swallows it, kissing you harder when she does.
Alcina's hand grasps the back of your head tighter and you respond by sucking on her bottom lip. You feel a low, passionate growl in her chest. Her hand leaves your face and reaches for the piano, shutting the fallboard. When you hear it shut she lifts you from her lap onto the fallboard, not once breaking the kiss. At this angle, the two of you are practically at eye-level. Her hands rest on your hips and yours tangle further into her hair. She swirls her tongue around yours before pulling away, a desperate whine escaping your lips.
The next second you feel her lips on your jaw, her hands sliding up to hold tightly onto your waist. She kisses, licks and gently nips your jawline down your neck, across your throat and to the other side, pulling out tiny mews and whines from your lips. When Alcina reaches your pulse point she pauses and deeply inhales your scent, softly groaning as she exhales. She kisses and sucks on your pulse point like she does before she bites down, but you know that's not her intention so you give her more access to let her know you trust her. Her hands slide up your shirt, her chilled skin resting on your bare waist, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Kissing her way back up your neck and jaw, Alcina pulls you in for another deep kiss. You lips feel swollen against hers, the coolness of her lips soothing your burning skin. You want her, bad. You want her to take you right here on top of the piano. In this moment, nothing else exists, not your future, not your past, not another single soul, just the two of you.
As if she can read your mind, Alcina slows the kiss and gently pulls away and brings her hands down to your hips. She looks at you through hooded eyes, her pupils blown, the two of you panting.
"We shouldn't- we have to stop." She says softly. You can see it in her eyes she doesn't want to, but despite your pout, you know she's right. "We can't- it's not that I don't want to-"
"I know." You whisper.
Alcina rests her forehead against yours and your lips find hers once more. This kiss was one of understanding, one that symbolizes two people who don't want to stop, but know that it's in their best interest, and could be a huge mistake, if they didn't. Her lips leave yours and rest against your forehead, her nails gently scratching the fabric of you pants against your hips.
"Can we just, be together, just for a little while?" You ask, nuzzling into her neck.
Without saying a word, Alcina pulls you into her and lifts you off of the piano. You wrap your legs around her waist and she carries you to one of the couches and lays down, propping herself up against the arm a bit, with you on top of her. She runs her fingers through your hair while you lay on her chest, neither of you saying a word, just enjoying being with each other. Her nails trace patterns and shapes across the shirt on your back, your thumb gently caresses her jaw.
You get lost in her golden eyes for a moment before she gently presses her lips against yours again. The two of you lay together for what felt like an eternity, but was probably at least an hour. Truthfully, if it was up to the both of you, you would have never left the opera room. Your little hideaway, your escape, a place that you never entered before today, but suddenly feels so sacred.
As you lay your head down on your pillow that night, the warmth of her, the comfort she brought you still lingered on you. For the first time in what felt like a long time, you fell asleep in an instant with a satisfied smile on your face. In her chambers, Alcina closes her eyes and falls fast asleep, knowing the person she loves most is falling asleep with a smile on her face too.
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witchersmistress · 8 months
New Orleans
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Hello my darlings just a little snippet of a thing for ya'll. I'll play with it more tomorrow but for now enjoy.
Summary: Rory finally got to live out her life long dream, traveling to the beautiful city of News Orleans. a place that has called to her for so long, when she catches the eye of a familiar southern gentlemen
Word count: 700
Trigger warnings: none
Here is part 2 for those who are interested https://www.tumblr.com/witchersmistress/730375070899388416/a-guarded-walk-home?source=share
My family thought it was the oddest thing that from the time I could remember when I was a little girl, I was just dying to get to New Orleans. I always said I had someone waiting for me, someone who loved and lost so long ago, but I was back again and this time forever. I use to go on about the beautiful mansion he had built me, the ballroom for dancing, the green house for all my gardening, a spiral stair case to a hidden library.. it was just dreams my therapist told me. Probably read in a book somewhere, but all those years later here I am
The city of New Orleans. A place of beautiful, fascination, magic, change and southern gentlemen
It was all yes ma'am, no ma'am, holding doors for them as the walked in with a gentle smack on their rear ends to hurry it along. Open car doors and keeping them safe as the made their way down Bourbon Street, which they've said transport you to another world at night. The throbbing music, the dancing neon lights, decorated by beads and balconies, and when it rained down on Bourbon Street, the party may have stopped the sounds of the rain come down off the metals roofs and waterfalling off the balconies to the windowless streets below. 
That is the first time I saw that man, the one man who'd be my death and my undoing. 
it was morning, the city was still sleepy, I stepped out to enjoy fresh air and drink my tea as I watched the people below, when I spotted him.  He was tall, muscular, in a white tee that was plastered to his chest, showing off his delicious abs, he had a buzz cut and a scruff beard and these gorgeous cerulean blue eyes. I watched him, pulling a rag from his back pocket to wipe the sweat from his brow and all I wanted to do was to sit on that man's face.
I felt my cheeks turn red with that idea. As if the man himself could have heard my thoughts, he looked up at me from his position on the street and waved at me with a devil may care smile. Sweet baby Jesus, my face was on fucking fire as I starred at him like an edjit. He threw the rag into the back of his truck and jogged across the road to the balcony where I stood. 
"You know sugah, instead of just staring at me, you could've waved back" he said with a wink. Good lord I must have been red as a tomato. I starred at him in stunned silence he let out a low laugh " Alright darling if you insist" he said as he backed up into the street. What in the devil was this man doing.
"Last chance" he hollered " or you've left me no choice" I heard someone yell back "Syverson leave that young lady alone" he shrugged them off as he ran then jumped to grab hold of the railing of the balcony, my jaw was on the ground watching him pull himsled up and over the railing with ease. People cat called and whistled him from the street but he was focused on me " Well.." he trailed off as he took in my black leggings and grey v neck. He placed two fingers under my chin and closed my jaw with a audible click of my teeth. 
"I'm Logan and you are?" Prying my tongue from the roof of my mouth " I'm Aurora, but most people call me Rory" his eyes narrowed and his eye brows scrunched in displeasure " I think I prefer, Aurora" he stepped closer to me and locking a finger around a few strands of my hair. Running his tongue along his teeth, I could see the sharpest of edges of his canine teeth beneath his plump lips. Breathing in the scent of his colone I was mesmerized by those blue eyes as he studied my face, if I had been so obsessed with his lips, I might have missed what he whispered " I've finally found you"  
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 4 months
Link Click Musical content 120
(it's been a busy time, so let's do a summary)
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Because of Chinese New Year holidays, the musical is currently on a break 🐲🌟 There were just a few last performances and now they're resting 🙏 However, some extra content came out, so let's go through it (all video links in replies as always :*)!
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LC Musical got media coverage on CCTV (Chinese Central Television - main national tv station in China). It was a short material promoting the play and the theatre, you can actually watch it on Encore Musicals' weibo and bilibili. The stageplay has gained popularity since the premiere and more people are visiting Shanghai to see it. So this news piece is basically a big shout out and a recommendation 🌟
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Another video on Encore Musicals bilibili (and 1st pic at the top of my post) is from when the whole musical crew was drawing red envelopes 🧧 (I didn't know this tradition, so I added the wiki for you too^). Basically Zhang Jiahao and Wang Minhui drew the best gifts and were happy about it ^^
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I already posted abt Wang Minhui's vlog with rehearsal scenes, but thanks to @chocolatexiaoshi 💝 explanations and translations from @/Elaraqwq and @/bhd322418 on twt 💙, I can tell you about some fun details about it ^^
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⬆ So yea, here Cai Qi really says: "Coincidentally, I'm single too. If you want, I'll be your first boyfriend."
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⬆ here Cai Qi starts singing CXS's main plot song "Words can't convey the love", then it cuts to Wang Minhui singing the rest (best thing is, we'll get to see that song performed by Shu Rongbo and Wu Yihan on Feb 10th livestream).
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⬆ then he talks about the books they have in sunroom shelves. He points out how the books are all about how to become wealthy and sucessful, with titles like: 'It's performance that counts', 'Project Management Practices', 'Conscientiousness trumps competence', 'Corporate Strategy and Risk Management'. Like, the book he's holding in 2nd pic is written by Jack Ma Jun, 4th wealthiest person in China, you get the vibe... It's such a funny touch and shows attention to details by the crew designing the set ❤ I love the idea of our broke indebted boys having a library of economy coaching books ><'
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⬆ (okay... okay, you got this Niebo) Then this part. Wang Minhui is singing a song from another musical (白夜追凶 roughly translated as 'Chasing the murderers day and night') in which they played as twins. Minhui played the older brother who was an experienced policeman.
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In order to solve the case, Minhui's character tried to rewrite the psychology of the perpetrator, that's what this song is about. Like he was just imagining the interrogation. So Cai Qi is reenacting what Minhui is singing. It is not the actual choreography to that song 💀
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Okay, that's all I had to share about the vlog, thank you Mr Wang Minhui 🧎‍♂️
From minor news, Encore Musicals announced they'll be auditioning for LC Musical cast. It's probably connected to how it's a long-term stage and they'll need more actors. According to choco-xiaoshi, musicals like this can go on for a year or longer, depending on how well the tickets sell. And for now LC stage is selling well 🌟
They also posted the performace schedule for March, with special events marked. And yes, Shu Rongbo and Wu Yihan have birthdays on the same day, March 10th and will be performing then 😌
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Also Liao Jingyuan and Cai Lu posted these pictures:
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To finish this post off, have this Rock, Paper, Scissors sequence between Bai Zhuoming and Wu Yihan. It's not recent, but I like it and wanted to post all the pics together but always reached photo limit before I could ><
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it's missing Wu Yihan hours fr
Okie, hope you had fun ^^ remember to make use of a masterlist~
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goodtoseeyoupotter · 13 days
His Snake, Her Badger - Prologue
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Reader
Part One , Part Two , Part Three
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 527
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"Hey Y/N...you're good at potions right?" A voice from behind a large stack of old books says. You jumped slightly, having thought you were the only one in the library at this time of night. Some of the books floated away; revealing Cedric. He was one of the Hufflepuff fifth years you often saw in the great hall chatting away to his friends.
          "I mean I've never had anything less than an O," You say with a slight smile,
          "I'll take that as a yes then," He replies, making you laugh slightly. "I'm trying to brew a draught of peace but something keeps going wrong. I don't know whether the moonstone hasn't been ground finely enough or the mandrake leaves weren't stewed for long enough but I know it's not meant to be that shade of blue," He says seemingly a little flustered. Your put your quill down on the desk and get up from your chair. Rounding the table you see a makeshift potions station set up as well as all the ingredients scattered about the table.
          "Wow..." You say as you start to tidy up the area, putting the ingredients back into their cases. You find his ladle and use it to smell the potions. "That is definitely not right, come here..." You say holding the ladle up a little higher. "Can you smell how sour it is?" You ask and he nods. "Draught of peace should smell fresh and calm...I think we need to start again. I had potions last so you can borrow my cauldron."
          "Thank you, I'll have to make this up to you sometime," He says moving his cauldron off the burner. You gently set your cauldron down, slowly letting it heat up.
          "I suck at muggle studies so perhaps you can help me with that?" You suggest, not wanting to think about the D you had on your last essay.
          "Sounds like a deal," He says sticking out his hand.
          "I'm not shaking your hand," You say with a laugh.
          "Just shake my hand," He repeats
          "No," You say, still refusing as you checked the quality of his ingredients
          "Why not?" He asks, leaning against the table, hand still outstretched.
          "-Because," You say bluntly.
          "Just shake my hand," He says again, a playful tone starting to come out.
          "Fine, I'll shake-" You say, finally give in only for Cedric to run his hand through his hair, pretending to be slick. "-I hate you," You say trying to hold in the smile that was desperate to show. You had spoken to Cedric a few times in the past but only being a fourth year meant that you wouldn't have any classes with him. Despite that it hadn't stopped your from harbouring a little crush on him, though that didn't make different from any other girl in the school. As you waited for the water in the cauldron to start bubbling your rested your hands against the edge of the table; his fingers mere inches away from yours.
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