#immediately i feel i should put it down because yikes
eleonkraken · 2 months
dude. ryan murphy created this show??
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 2
*In the Mirror Chamber*
*Yuurin, Jack, Ruggie, Malleus, Silver, Sebek, Rook, Epel, Floyd, and Jade are already there.*
Malleus: Seems that everyone is here.
Sebek: It's a pleasure for us to be in a trip with you, Waka-sama!
Malleus: Yes. Thanks to Yuurin who graciously invited me.
Yuurin: Don't mention it, Malleus-senpai.
Ruggie: Um, Rook? Is that a camera?
Rook: Oui!
Jack: Why?
Rook: To take photos of Monsieur Tranquille, of course!
Ruggie: ...
Ruggie: No, Rook. That's our job.
Jack: Yes. We need to update Leona-senpai every hour.
Epel: When did Leona-senpai become such a worrywart?
Floyd: Ne~ Ne~ Damselfish~ Are we going to have a sleepover~?
Yuurin: Yes. I believe so.
Floyd: You can share a bed with me and Jade~. You'll be our pillow~.
Silver: You can't.
Floyd: Eh~ Why not~?
Jade: Is there a problem, Silver?
Silver: Yuurin needs a good night's rest.
Jade: Ah, now that makes sense. *chuckles*
Floyd: Eh~? But I sleep like a baby lamb~.
Them except Yuurin: We all know that's a lie.
Yuurin: It's time for us to go.
Yuurin: We have arrived.
*The fresh breeze immediately welcomes them.*
Them: *sigh in contentment*
Jade: I like this place. *chuckles*
Silver: It feels like a good place to sleep in...
Sebek: Silver! Don't fall asleep!
Yuurin: I'm glad you find the place relaxing.
Yuurin: Though it's good while it lasts.
Jack: Hm? What do you mean by that, Yuurin?
Yuurin: Here she comes.
*The ground started shaking*
Epel: Eh— Are we having an earthquake?!
Yuurin: No.
Them: Huh?
*A giant buff woman comes charging at them; or more likely towards Yuurin.*
Yuurin: Good morning, Philomela.
Them: That's... PHILOMELA?!!
Ruggie: Yuurin! Move aside!
Philomela: YUUURIN! *sweeps her off her feet and gives her a big, tight hug*
Philomela: Oh look at you!
Yuurin: How are you, Philomela?
Philomela: I am doing GREAT! *laughs*
Them: ...
Philomela: Oh. And these are your schoolmates, no?
Philomela: They look promising!
Them: *all of them smiles*
Yuurin: Philomela, can you put me down?
Philomela: Ah, yes, yes. Of course.
Floyd: Wow. She's as huge as a whale.
Epel: What the— Why would you say that?!
Philomela: A WHALE?!
Philomela: Did you hear that, Yuurin? He called me a whale!
Yuurin: Yes. I heard it loud and clear, Philomela.
Silver: She looks happy. Was that a compliment?
Yuurin: Yes. The best one at that.
The others: Oh...
Ruggie: *mutters* Wow. If it were in any other places...
Jack: *mutters too* You would have been slapped.
Philomela: Have a tour of the place while I assist the other schools.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Didn't you say no one wanted to participate?
Philomela: Well, after making an announcement that Night Raven College will join, different schools have shown their interests.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I see. In that case, we will see you later.
Philomela: *takes her leave*
Floyd: So~ What should we do now~?
Malleus: I want to hear the beliefs and culture of this place.
Yuurin: There are tons of them.
Rook: Can you give us an example?
Yuurin: Hmm...
Yuurin: If you happen to lock eyes with an animal and it starts to approach you, run.
Epel: Huh? But why?
Jack: Is it because it's attacking you?
Yuurin: No. It means a god has taken a liking on you.
Them: ...
Rook: And why is that a problem, Monsieur Tranquille?
Yuurin: Kingdom of Heroes have records of wars and long-time disputes just for this very reason.
Ruggie: Yikes.
Floyd: Oh...
Floyd: There's a bald eagle staring at Guppy right now.
Epel: ...
Malleus: You are being liked by a god.
Yuurin: Oh. A bald eagle.
Yuurin: That's not good.
Epel: *panic noises*
*Later, Yuurin has to convince Epel that it was only a myth to stop him from crying*
Leona: How is everything there?
Yuurin: Not a problem so far.
Leona: Good. That's all I have to say. I'll hang up now. *ends the call*
Ruggie and Jack: ...
Ruggie: In 3... 2... 1...
Ruggie: *Leona is calling him*
Ruggie: *answers*
Leona: No sleeping in the same bed.
Ruggie: Yes, boss. Copy. *then Leona hangs up*
Jack: Aren't we sharing beds already?
Ruggie: Shh. You're going to attract the strict brother energy, Jack.
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miss---lu · 1 year
Tumblr media
Little One
The avengers recently had a mission, and you got injured. Getting test in the lab, you discover some … unexpected news.
This is now a series!
“Y/N!” Bucky’s voice was shrill as he called out to you. He saw you get shot in the leg and immediately buckle.
Your scream was load and filled with agony. Bucky looked around frantically as a hydra agent approached you. Steve was by his side and mumbled a quick “she’s down. Get her out of here. I’love cover you.”
Bucky quickly nodded as he ran towards you. You were on the ground, with blood rushing down your leg. But you were still fighting tooth and nail.
A hydra agent approached you ready to attack, but you brandished your dagger, daring him to come closer. Before the hydra agent reached you, bucky scooped you up into his arms.
You went to slash him, but thankfully you hit his metal arm. Bucky just laughed as you started to apologize.
“Not the first time that’s happened. Anyway I’m getting you out of here.”
“Bucky I’m—“
“You better not say you’re fine, because you are not fine. You have a bullet in your leg for goodness sake!”
Your hand came up to cradle Bucky’s cheek. He smiled down at you as you two reached the jet. Bruce was waiting inside. He was keeping tabs on everybody and watching the cameras. He looked up at the sound and his eyes immediately widened.
“Oh my god, what’s wrong?”
“Someone got themselves shot.”
Bruce made a yikes motion as he patted the table. Grabbing a first aid kit he started to clean your wound. After removing the bullet he administered some stitches.
“Now Y/N, I’ll have to get you some test back at the tower. I have to make sure everything’s okay, until then why don’t you just rest.”
You nodded your head slowly, still kind of out of it from the pain. Bucky just held your hand as he slowly traced your hand with his thumb. The metal felt cool against your skin.
Bucky leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. He moved your hair out of the way and smiled down at you. “Baby, you should get some sleep.”
. . .
Back at the tower, Bruce ushered you into the lab. He got his equipment out and you noticed one was a blood sample. You groaned but presented your arm.
Bruce explained how he wanted to make sure you didn’t get infected from the wound and the test results should come in quickly. You just rolled your eyes and he laughed.
Like Bruce said, the results came back quickly. His eyes widened as he looked at the charts. This made you nervous and your eyes widened.
“Oh Y/N it’s nothing bad … I don’t think. Anyway besides the obvious injury your vitals say your healthy. As for the other thing, you’re pregnant.”
Pregnant. You were pregnant. You subconsciously went to fiddle with the wedding band around your finger.
You and Bucky wanted kids, but you had only been married for two years, did you want to have kids yet. You felt your heart race increase.
All of a sudden the door opened, and in came Bucky. He looked relieved when Bruce smiled at him. He came to sit by you. And took your hand in his. Even though he didn’t say anything he noticed you fumbling with your wedding ring, a habit you did when you were nervous.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
You swallowed briefly and took looked towards him. “Bucky … I’m-I’m pregnant.”
Bucky’s face immediately lit up as he processed the news. “You’re pregnant?”
You nodded slowly feeling a soft smile come to your face. Bucky kneeled down on the floor and put his hand on your stomach.
“My baby’s in there. I’m going to be a dad!”
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 months
Omg the first time they held each other was so sweet 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I love starlet au musings so much. Now I HAVE to ask…. First kiss?
The first kiss is appropriately dramatic, given the fact they're both rather talented actresses. It's in their blood. It's in their DNA. Of course it had to be dramatic.
A couple of months after the night Lexa spent the night on Clarke's couch, holding her close and feeling her weight as she slept, they find themselves in this weird state of limbo. They've kind of given up on all pretenses of pretending to not want to be in contact at all times, but at the same time... they fall back into this habit of keeping each other at a vague arm's length.
It's not nearly as bad as before. Not after Clarke had woken up alone on her couch to only a post-it stuck on the table next to her head that read,
"Thanks for letting me lead. Even if I do have two left feet...
in neat, looping script.
She'd spent the next 7 hours of the day mentally berating herself for having not only crossed such an intimate line, but having basically made such a fool of herself in front of her not-crush right after. Not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things when her extensively thought out and painstakingly crafted text of, "Hey, so, sorry for getting pathetic on you last night. Yikes," is met with a simple, "Nothing to worry about, Clarke. I'm much more pathetic than that when I'm just hungry for lunch." Followed immediately by another, "If helps, you're actually kind of pretty when you cry. You should put that on your resume 👀"
And it does help.
It helps because it lets Clarke breathe a little more easy; lets her feel like she can laugh at that white flag of confirmation that she hadn't gone and ruined absolutely everything.
So yes, after that night things change between them. But not in any kind of earth shattering way. They still text everyday, but the calls become longer. More frequent. Good morning texts and bids for good nights and sweet dreams, all peppering the tail ends of too-deep conversations for people who are supposed to be just friends. All the flights and the downtime, and all the hurry up and waiting of their lives, is set to the backdrop of a new message's chime. Lexa now saved in Clarke's phone as Fred Astaire (which earns her a very nonplussed selfie)
Neither mention that Clarke was saved in Lexa's as Rosemary...
It's not until Lexa's birthday that the house of cards they've been building for all those months finally came tumbling down.
Because Lexa had to work.
She had to work - out of town - for the entire goddamn week, and there's nothing at all she can do about it. Which was how she found herself sitting in the Primeclass lounge of the airport, head in her hands, quietly sobbing.
Because of course Clarke had called her at exactly the stroke of midnight just to wish her a happy birthday before her red eye was scheduled to take off. Because of course Clarke had insisted on singing that stupid song right into her ear, all syrupy words and husky voice slightly off-key, which meant she'd set an alarm just to make sure she wouldn't miss it for something as trivial as sleep.
Lexa had barely held it together long enough to get her off the phone - to lie and say they were almost done boarding and that she had hurry and go. It'd taken everything in her just to not let her voice wobble, whispering her thank you's and a gentle urging for Clarke to go back to bed.
Because of course the second the call ended Lexa finally, finally, let herself break.
Very, very messily.
And she didn't care if people looked or took pictures or made up ridiculous theories, because it was just too goddamn much to keep buried inside. She'd been strong about this for so long it felt like she was suffocating under its weight. As though all the good pieces of herself were slowly dying.
Because she loved Clarke. She loved Clarke with her entire broken heart, and there was not one single thing she could do to stop it.
She had tried.
She had tried.
And so she held her head in her hands and hiccuped through a hundred silent sobs until a nice woman eased her way over and said as gently as she possibly could that it was her last chance for boarding.
The next week flew by in a haze of early call times and late night reshoots that had Lexa almost too busy to wallow. Almost. But between her own internal revelations and a set of extremely poorly timed publicity shots being posted of a certain blonde on the arm of her leading man, both enjoying a carefree and flirty looking night out on the town, Lexa cobbled together a rough draft of a plan. A smart plan. A logical plan. A plan to ask Clarke to meet her somewhere and just talk this crazy whole thing through.
A plan that went right out the window about an hour after she had landed back home, and somehow had found herself on Clarke's apartment building's front stoop.
And the truth was that even though she apparently couldn't wait, she had every intention of just going there to talk. To knock on Clarke's door and explain her feelings like a perfectly rational adult. Except then there was Clarke, with those piercing blue eyes and all that beautiful, curly blonde hair. With those lips dropping open and that unfairly attractive beauty mark perfectly dotting her sudden smile.
So their first kiss was dramatic. All relieved sighs and gasps of surpise when Lexa stepped into her a d threaded her fingers through Clarke's hair, cupped her face and pulled her close, and kissed her right there in the darkened doorway of Clarke's apartment. She kissed her through Clarke's initial startle and the slow relaxing of her bones. Kissed her harder when hands found her hips as Clarke melted into her and moaned.
For all the passion she poured into it, Lexa took her time with the kiss, stretching the moment and making every brush of lips and sweep tongue achingly slow. Because if this moment of weakness was all they would ever allow themselves... then Lexa was going to savor it.
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wenningfanclub · 1 year
I love a modern-AU dadfics as much as anyone, but we have to stop glossing over how Wei Wuxian adopting A-Yuan would impact the Wens. Because if he does, something has gone terribly wrong for them and it would absolutely affect everyone involved.
The issue is that A-Yuan has primary caregivers other than Wei Wuxian who should be taking care of him, and if they're not in the picture then there’s going to be a reason why. The first person missing is Granny Wen, who is Wen Yuan’s actual caregiver in mdzs and would most likely be taking care of him. Unfortunately in most dad!xian fics she's immediately fridged or has her grandchild taken away from her due to her age off-screen—which would be deeply traumatic for everyone involved, especially if she’s subsequently unable to be involved in her grandchild's life.
The second person who would be taking care of A-Yuan before Wei Wuxian is Wen Qing. Sometimes the in-fic reason for her not being his caregiver is due to unavoidable circumstances (usually financial issues, which like. yikes), but most of the time it comes down to Wen Qing not really… wanting? to be a caregiver, often because she’s too busy or is putting her career first or is just too much of a GirlBoss. So she chooses to adopt out Wen Yuan to Wei Wuxian (again, off-screen) and that's the end of that.
Listen. Not everyone wants to be a parent. Not everyone should be a parent, or can. It’s a reasonable and valid decision to prioritize other parts of your life over parenthood—especially if being a parent or caregiver wasn’t your choice in the first place. But Wen Qing is going to have SOME kind of feeling about letting A-Yuan be adopted out of her family, and that feeling is probably going to be complicated or bittersweet, if not painful. Not only because she’s, you know, a human being with emotions, but Wen Qing’s primary motivation in the book is to take care of her family and keep them together. So her deciding “nah, I’m too much of a girlboss to be a caregiver, here’s a free kid and I’m going to feel absolutely nothing about this cause it’d be inconvenient for the fluff” is not only a dismissal of how complicated that decision would be for her, it’s also wildly out of character. No matter what the reason is, she's going to feel something about it.
(I’m not getting into how Wen Ning is never tapped as another potential caregiver btw because we're really not ready to talk about ableism just yet)
If you love the idea of Wei Wuxian adopting A-Yuan in your modern au, there’s are a couple of changes that can address this. One is to make Wen Yuan not related to Wen Qing and the shared surname is just a coincidence, like Lan Jingyi. Another is to have them be a blended family where they’re all caregivers for A-Yuan, or have Wei Wuxian be his primary caregiver but help A-Yuan actively maintain a connection to his family of origin. Or have Wei Wuxian adopt A-Yuan but the Wens actually get have feelings about it for once, regardless of why it happens—sorrow, frustration, relief, gratitude, regret, something. Let Wen Qing have complicated feelings and let them shape her relationship with Wei Wuxian, too, for better or worse or just messier. Maybe even let Wei Wuxian, who was also separated from his family of origin and is a walking ball of family trauma, have complicated feelings about it as well! Or go the extra mile and let A-Yuan have some emotions about it for once, because regardless of the context the loss or change of support structures is traumatic, especially for a small human.
Anyway read A Temporary Fix by Bosgood for your complex Wen family feels (feat. Lan Wangji adopting Wen Yuan, because all of this goes the same for him as well).
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simmonsized · 10 months
Idk about other people but I’m always a slut for that old man and I think you got amazing taste so pls rec anything you like anywhere
I think you will find that my taste is actually kind of garbage but like, in a fun way that makes you go "wow really???" rather than being so embarrassed for me that you can never look at me again. of course that would be fine too haha you know, don't yuck my yum etc but I will try to put together my unfuckable old man rec list right here, right now, and we can all just live with that
(mostly because titling a post makes me cringe it's too much attention, and I'm a stereotype)
These come from a section of my actual Fic Rec List, which is massive (by my standards), lives in a googly doc, and is much more embarrassing. this list generally won't include any ship stuff and if it does, i will say so. mind any and all tags.
This section is titled: The Redemption Narrative (lol)
1. Empty Nester - egomaniac (THE WHOLE REASON I MADE A NEW LIST. BRO AND NANNA!!!!!!!!!!!! also bro/grandpa, aka “he fucks that old man”, but not the most important part to me, because as good and tragic and hurtful as their relationship is in this fic, it is dwarfed, to me, by the kindness shared between Nanna and Bro, which once again, to me, is the Crown Jewel of the whole story. PLEASE read this please if u have time A++ endorsement)
2. dualshock desertbloom (the whole fucking series. i hardly need to say why, you should just know by now. i call dd dirkfic, because it is The Dirkfic, u know??)- geometrician (🔶)
3. sun’s angle - dellaluce (they can orphan it all they want but i never forget. very old, but never GETS old, u feel)
4. Hexadyne Meetings - Saesama (the rarity of bro and nanna fics could absolutely destroy me but i really like the interactions between all of the guardians in this one)
5. Flop, Flutter - cthchewy (technicality, big nasty soulless bro yikes sorry)
6. The Estrangement Thing - NoBrandHero (there’s a theme here listen to me don’t be doubtful it’s worth the trouble, there is brojohn in there, which is not my thing at all, but it is NOT relevant to what i like about this fic, and i think if u read it, u will realize that immediately lol (*i am not including second best even though that fic is literally my favorite ds fic ever because it is NOT bro centric))
7. cold front off the pacific - drow_sy (i actually read this bc geometrician bookmarked it lol but it punches down on u and i like that)
8. insect clockwork - SORD (aka, if it was written pre-2013, i’ve read it)
9. Flashing Lights and Raisins - RadioMoth (the strider manpain tag exists for a reason)
10. Hide - Plajus (OG post-sburb type shit. we love to see it)
11. Blackout - lantadyme (bro strider sick fic. Wrow. old shit. I don’t even know how i have held onto these for this many years.)
Things that don't quite fit into the category necessarily but It's MY List Not Yours:
12. signs at sundown - geometrician (I don't need to say it, do I? I think we understand, I do think that. Imagine being canon together with you favorite author. Imagine it. Wow.)
13. No Homo - Laurasauras (bro/dennis. yes, dennis from gamebro. yes, it's good i've said it before i'll say it again. i'm into it, i think you should be too.)
14. flash - problemsloth (this shit is just. absolute chef's kiss to me. i don't know how else to explain it. young bro. he's perfect, and perfectly dreadful)
15. play ball! - spacepuck (this is a johndave fic but it has this very stressful atmosphere around bro and dave that kinda fucks me up and also, delights me beyond reason. it tastes like summer to me. sandlot lookin ass. an old favorite)
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
The Vanity Fair Interview with R, T and J at 4:10 when R clings to J and adds "For our children." T was super quick in redirecting her attention back to the question. Not only did he put his hand on her back but he left it there while saying the points. Like was that necessary? Was it him being jealous of R being so affectionate to J? Was it him getting uncomfortable about R talking about children?
Also to not R saying "For our children," and J says "For the youth of America." yikes...
sidenote: That tarot reading about how T panics when he thinks about R and marriage and children will always make me laugh. The way he shuts that shit down in his brain so fast. The fact that he can get overwhelmed by it. Like the feelings must be so intense.
The Vanity Interview is interesting. I’m upset because this video concept doesn’t work for 3 people, they should have told J to stay home lol. He was third wheeling anyways and R clearly knows T better than him.
T redirected often during this interview.
@1:25 - he touches her shoulder randomly while J sits back and watches
@4:10 - like you mentioned he unnecessarily touched her back and she leaned into his touch. I think it’s because he was slightly jealous R paying attention and touching J. So T quickly touched her and she immediately responded to his touch.
R bringing up children makes me cringe lol. Especially since J didn’t respond to her and made his own statement.
@5:53 - T notes that J looks pissed and touches him in reassurance
@7:42 - T feels bad for J so he gives him a pity point so J will stop pouting lol. Then R fights T about it and J is pissed again about them going into “Zeglyth mode”.
@8:45 - T starts whistling to redirect R’s attention back to him
@12:25 - T touches her shoulder as they go into “Zeglyth mode” as J looks upset again lol
Side note: it’s hilarious to think about! Marriage and kids causing the brain to shut down sounds like intense feelings :)
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toribookworm22 · 5 months
Find The Word (×3)
Thank you @axl-ul , @autumnalwalker , @elizaellwrites
No pressure tagging: @kirsten-is-writing @pluttskutt @jaimistoryteller @hrmkingizzy & my open tag!
Your words are: QUIET, DARE, & TOKEN
My words were: tear, wood, fire, duck, connection, recommendation, wake, later, instant, moment, chance, current. Origin under except. Hidden under the cut.
Looking down, my entire right leg has turned a dark shade of red, dress split up the side to reveal the gash in my thigh staining my tights. “Yikes. Think it looks worse than it is, actually,” I tell her, slipping a finger over the tear in the fabric. “Hardly even hurts.”
Secondary Series
Nia pants at my side and just a little behind us, I can hear Anny still crying between breaths. Our feet dig into the ground in clunky, rather loud steps, but Paolo said we should be safe in these woods. At least as long as the sun hadn’t risen. 
Queer Superhero Story
But I had to wonder if maybe the alternative was better? Instead of instantaneous fire and death, however, I was met with enduring horrific… well, really shitty pain. More than I’d thought was previously possible. Each finger and joint and eyelash scream even though I couldn’t force the sound past my mouth. And, with the pain, came the more recent memories: a flash, a color, a face. Me. Falling.
Animatronic Saga
Merieh and Daran are hot on my heels, flashes of lightning blazing across the sky. There’s no need to count for Merieh; the thunder rumbles immediately. At each flash, everyone in our district that followed me ducks instinctively, getting to the lowest point they can. No one wants to be fried today or any other day, for that matter. 
The tingling starts under my ribcage, a pulse completely separate from my own. From there, it seeks out the foreign connection, this time running down my arm and pushing into the boy’s jaw. In the glow of the last candle, the tendrils connecting us look deceivingly orange, but I know better.
Queer Superhero Story
Something about those dark dark eyes. “I recommend you keep your station private, Haryl. And if you need, I can put in a good word to the Commanders."
Animatronic Saga
Because I don’t miss it. I love the life I’ve built here and the family I’ve created in the wake of the death of my old one and the person I’ve had to become.
Secondary Series
“What, Edward?” She asked weakly. “What do you want from me?”
“You didn’t hurt me. It wasn’t you.”
Inch by inch, she relaxed her face and shoulders, even giving me a soft smile. “I’ll see you later, Edward. Okay?”
Animatronic Saga
Not her telling me it was almost instant.
I wish I had something else to tell her.
Secondary Series
The moment my hand loosens around the knife, Roldan’s pulling something from his belt and tossing it at our feet. Nia yells, “Don’t breathe!” but it’s too late.
White smoke puffs up around us as I fall to my knees. Roldan catches me by my shoulders and eases me onto the ground, eyes soft. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I’ll explain everything when you wake up.”
Queer Superhero Story
I used to, but that’s the thing about loving something. You can’t turn it off. Love is all about second chances.”
Animatronic Saga
The Beggar’s Laws are under update as well.”
A groan slips through my lips. Everybody’s eyes are suddenly on me and I can’t help but feel defensive. “What? That was probably what I missed the least about Earth.”
“Unfortaunte as they are,” Edward tell sme with a sigh. “They’re also the least of our current concern.”
Secondary Series
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deathsbestgirl · 1 year
fire 1.12
i know there are mixed feelings about this episode — the case is weird & anytime i think about it too much, it seems there are some holes in it. but i think it’s such a great one for mulder & scully and a view into mulder’s psyche. i hate phoebe green, but i feel like i react to her more similarly to the way scully does in the episode. she obviously doesn’t like her, but she doesn’t say anything too outright unless mulder does first. i love the way she makes her presence known, does work on the case, and cares of him when he needs it. and they talk about personal things but still try to maintain a certain distance this early on. as always, i love the journey.
(it’s long because quotes)
anyway, onward!
honestly one of my favorite early scenes. it’s hilarious to me that scully has nothing in her hands and he’s carrying a stack of books as they return to the car from court. like why lol
i forgot what it was like to spend a day in court.
that’s one of the luxuries to hunting down aliens and genetic mutants. you rarely get to press charges.
*scully laughs* it’s opened.
it’s unlocked.
that’s weird. i’m sure i locked it.
must be an x file.
*mulder laughs*
literally one of their cutest exchanges yet. i love scully’s real smile and her laugh and his goofy little laugh at her joke. it’s kinda like he still doesn’t quite get she’s ribbing him all in good fun and not actually at his expense.
~queue phoebe green’s twisted humor and not in a good way honestly~ like this bitch doesn’t know mulder anymore and she doesn’t know scully (probably doesn’t know about her but still, yikes) — did mulder recognize her voice?
scully was really absorbing what she was as hearing, her gasp when phoebe opens the door…
also literally just noticed that phoebe doesn’t actually kiss mulder square on the mouth, it’s at the edge of his lips, a weirdly lingering kiss for a man you haven’t seen in ten years…
i also love the way mulder calls her out immediately for the way she hurt him.
aren’t we looking rather ghostly?
it’s an old friend.
aren’t you going to thank me?
for what?
saving your life. one tends not to make the same mistake twice.
i’ll try to remember that.
oh come on, don’t tell me you left your sense of humor in oxford ten years ago.
no, actually, it’s one of the few things you didn’t drive a stake through.
*phoebe kisses him*
you know, some mistakes are quite worth making twice.
dana scully, this is, uh, phoebe green. terror of scotland yard.
she hates me.
what brings you to the colonies?
like. that’s kind of unlike mulder? but specifically what gets me in this whole exchange is the way he looks at scully when he says “it’s an old friend” no she is not and scully immediately gets the vibe. and the ~won’t make the same mistake twice~ bit — he isn’t planning to go there with phoebe again but they both remember what she does to him and it is *not* a compliment. if anything (the little window into his psyche) his childhood trauma made him a perfect victim for phoebe. treat him like shit, giving breadcrumbs to keep stringing him along, cruel “jokes” at his expense, abusing her personal knowledge of him, just keep him seeking her approval because she knows he’ll keep trying to get it. it’s fucked up.
and i think this might be the first time scully really gets to see that in him. she’s seen mulder get bullied, taken advantage of and he kinda just lets it happen & suffers through. but this is another layer. and she’s so put off by the kiss and phoebe immediately clocks the reaction. she’s ready to play her games with him.
the way mulder ignores most of phoebe’s comments & advances — making phoebe tell him why he should thank her, both mistake comments, the kiss, ~she hates me~ — he just plows forward, trying not to give her an inch.
and just like phoebe clocked scully, scully can see her game. the manipulation. (this bitch has the same vibe as the wendi go lady in charmed)
ALSO idk why but mulder introducing scully by saying first & last name feels significant. not that he hasn’t done it before or won’t do it again, but he calls her scully & he had to say “dana scully” emphasizing she’s a woman, she’s important and i think it signals to scully there’s something to be wary about here. he uses dana in vulnerable moments. whether it’s him or her that’s vulnerable. any vulnerability between them, dana comes out of his mouth.
three pipe problem?
that’s, uh, from sherlock holmes. it’s a private joke.
how private?
um…we knew each other in school in england. she was brilliant, and uh, i got in over my head, and uh, paid the price.
mulder, you just keep unfolding like a flower.
that was over ten years ago, scully.
yeah, i noticed how you couldn’t drop everything fast enough in order to help her out.
oh, i was merely extending her a professional courtesy.
oh, is that what you were extending?
look, i am going to run this by the arson guys and then she’s on her own.
something tells me you’re not going to get rid of her that easily.
and she’s reading mulder like he’s an open book. his defenses crumbled so quickly. he barely said anything, but she can read between the lines (and i wonder, did she have any similar relationships or somehow just know people like phoebe? who in her life had a similar situation? cuz in my experience anyway, you need to witness it or experience it to pick up on it so quickly)
[sidebar — that picture looks exactly like the woman, how are they not freaked out?! lmao also i’m sorry but this woman’s voice annoys tf out of me 😭)
so sherlock, is the game afoot?
afraid so, watson…but you’re off the hook on this one.
what do you mean?
i mean, i’m not gonna put you through this.
put me through what?
phoebe’s little mind game.
what are you talking about?
there’s something else i haven’t told you about myself, scully…i hate fire. hate it. i’m scared to death of it…when i was a kid, my best friend’s house burned down. had to spend the night in the rubble to keep away looters. for years i had nightmares about being trapped in a burning building.
wait, and phoebe knows about this?
oh yeah. this is classic pheobe greene, mind game player extraordinaire. ten years it’s taken me to forget about this woman, and she shows up in my life with a case likes this.
so she shows up knowing the power she has over you and then she makes you walk through fire. is that it?
phoebe is fire.
mulder, are you sure you don’t want me to help you out on this one?
sooner or later, a man’s got to his demons.
i love the way scully makes sure he knows she’s there & available to help him get through this. the way she shows insight to phoebe’s behavior (honestly reminds me of all things, but at least daniel was vulnerable with her. at least during that episode if not during their actual relationship.)
and again, mulder opens up to her a little more. again, a different kind of vulnerability than sharing about his sister or letting her see how deeply her abduction affects him. this was a serious personal relationship (assumed few & far between for him) that caused him real heartbreak & harm. romance isn’t something they typically talk about, only when it comes up organically (jersey devil & scully’s date, her relationship with jack,l. i wonder if mulder actually avoided telling her about diana fowley when she appears because of how it’s gone for them before?)
at this point in their partnership & relationship, they don’t just let each other carry their burdens alone. mulder is trying to save scully the trouble of dealing with phoebe’s games — he know she’ll pull scully in too, even if only to get to him and he doesn’t want that for either of them. but scully won’t sit idly by during a case, even if it’s unofficial, while her partner is working it & it’s one that troubles him.
deftly done, agent mulder. casually disregard her indiscretion. a firm but polite manner until she accedes to cooperate.
it’s a technique i refined in my relationship with you.
oh, yes, well i see you haven’t lost your sense of humor after all.
i’m sorry, that was a cheap shot. i don’t want to dredge up the past. let’s just stick to the case.
look, pheobe, i —
unless i’m mistaken, ten years seems sufficient time to have forgiven, if not forgotten, a few youthful indiscretions.
i’m cursed with a photographic memory.
then don’t you tell me that you’ve forgotten a certain youthful indiscretion…atop sir arthur conan doyle’s tombstone on a misty night in windlesham.
like i said, let’s just stick to the case.
she is exceedingly frustrating. people like her know how to use genuine emotion, or a facade that seems real, to make the person they hurt feel guilty for hurting them with the facts of what they’ve done. they want their victim to forgive & forget, never taking the harm they caused seriously and using any opening in the person’s defenses to weasel their way back in to get what they want. it’s hard to watch. because mulder is the perfect victim for this. he remembers the good & the bad and he wants to believe in the goodness of people he’s let close to him, of people he’s trusted. and his empathy is honestly off the charts for them & anyone he feels some kind of kinship with. so he ends up apologizing to her for a “cheap shot” when it seems deserved because she’s trying to reel him in again. and the music tries to make it appear genuine, vulnerable. but it isn’t.
scully in the office doing paperwork, with the arson case file just sitting in front of her. how long did she try to resist reading through it? presumably, she’s been there all day while mulder runs around with pheobe…
it’s lowkey my favorite thing that scully does so much profiling? maybe not as in depth as mulder can & would go, but she’s always spot on for the type of person they’re looking for. and she’s so good at finding all the information they need to find them. she’s the one who actually cracks the case because she did the legwork in the office, while they ran around like chickens with their heads cut off. her science brain also works through plausible explanations they don’t seem to be thinking about at all — because they aren’t capable given their backgrounds and i love it.
agent beatty. i’m special agent dana scully. can i steal a minute of your time?
oh yeah, sure, come in. i’m just working on this mafia torch job here.
i’m working with agent mulder.
oh yeah, wild case. so what can i do for you?
you mentioned that the arsonist might be using some kind of rocket fuel as an accelerant.
yeah, that’s just speculation. it still doesn’t explain how he sets bodies on fire.
what if he got some of this fuel into some hand cream or..?
well, you’ve got to understand, that even the smallest amounts of this stuff can produce temperatures over 5000°, but i suppose it’s not impossible. extremely diluted. but you still have to find a way to ignite it.
like. how is she the only one who seems to realize the perpetrator has to be pretty close to them? but i suppose she’s really the only one working with a clear head on this & giving it her full attention…it makes no sense to me
mulder makes the comment about ~i’m not used to someone so quick to agree with me~ screw that 🙃🙃 and then phoebe goes & offers up a nice hotel room AND THEN he basically rejects scully, he’s gonna ‘have his hands full’ (like bro she’s figured out who it is. what is wrong with you??) but i think scully sees it for what it is, he’s falling into phoebe’s trap like he was trying not to. the trap he wouldn’t let her fall into with him.
and of course scully shows up right when they start dancing together and gets to witness the real kiss — like why did they write that if not for romantic undercurrents
(“that doesn’t mean there won’t be any fires to put out…i’ve thought about you often.” and that kiss was disgusting— i want to die and so does scully)
then she literally sees cecil lively standing there watching. when she turns back around, he’s gone.
and once again, agent scully is the only one focused and doing her job. it’s because of *her* the boys are saved — idc if cecil takes the credit & actually gets them out. that was purposeful misdirection on his part and even if he didn’t do it & mulder couldn’t, someone would have gotten to them in time. (cuz tv mostly lol)
DID MULDER RUN UP 14 FLIGHTS?! like i know you’re not supposed to take the elevator but DAMN like of course he collapses. even if he wasn’t terrified of fire, to run up that many stairs and then inhale a smoke immediately. (and fucking cecil took them in the elevator…)
so strange how this man isn’t coughing at all from the smoke inhalation — no one thought that was odd? the kids & mulder are in rough shape…
and scully’s right there to take care of mulder — and when he wakes up. his first stupid question is “where’s phoebe?” did he really expect her to be there by his bedside? scully is so sweet and gentle with him, i want to die for a good reason this time.
(scully) what happened to you up there?
(mulder) i panicked. couldn’t move, scully.
(s) it couldn’t could have happened to anyone.
(m) yeah but it happened to me. i haired out, plain and simple.
(s) what do you know about this guy that saved the kids — the driver?
(phoebe) i checked him out prior to the marsdens’ arrival. he’s worked on the property for eight years. no record. his references checked out. they were lucky he was here tonight.
(s) who was watching the kids tonight?
(p) he was.
(s) are you sure? i could have sworn i saw him down in the hallway, about the same time that the fire broke out.
(p) you couldn’t have. anyway, the man we’re looking for is english.
(m) hey.
(p) i came to see if you were okay.
(m) how are the kids.
(p) they’re fine. everybody’s anxious to get back.
(m) ti the cape?
(p) only to pack. they’ve made travel arrangements back to england for the day after tomorrow.
(m) and you?
(p) i’ll be leaving in a few days…look, i’ll give you a ring back at the bureau before i leave…goodbye.
(s) you okay?
(m) yeah.
you at all interested in what i came all the way up here to show you?
how did phoebe not realize that cecil wasn’t the driver? she literally sucks as an investigator.
and *of course* scully managed to do research on arson profiles and dig into the workers & who’s traveled into the u.s. at the right time. got his name, found some strange information about cecil.
(mulder’s hair is horrific in this episode)
scully is so gentle with him. she never pushes too much or too hard. but she’s the one giving him answers & solving the case they didn’t ask for.
scully was fucking right — personally i think she’s right more often than fandom acts is true? and mulder is wrong a lot more often too. what’s most common is a combination of both their theories? idk maybe. can’t say i’ve kept a tally lol
and THE LOOK scully gives mulder as he jumps up excited at all the information she gives, taking off his robe — fucking priceless. i think it’s the first time she’s really considered him beyond their partnership or friendship. she’s jealous & protective and trying to toe the line of what’s acceptable as their current relationship allows and i LOVE her.
and when mulder walks in on phoebe kissing the husband — like literally how long has that been going on?? ridiculous. and why in the world does phoebe call for mulder when the room starts going up in flames? like bitch just get them all out of there. why does mulder have to tell any of them to get out lollll
it feels like three separate times mulder has to face fire in this episode. and it’s great that he gets to face up to it. failing the first time, acting the second time, his actual nightmare in the third. and he makes it through. he actually saves the children. not cecil, the arsonist. and not phoebe who’s been working the case.
i hate that cecil was right but scully is going to do what’s best for everyone even if she’s in danger. and at least phoebe does one thing right. so interesting that it’s actually she scully she helps when it’s required and with no hesitation. and then they all get to see cecil light up…he just keeps yelling for so long it’s crazy.
(in an accent) care to take me to lunch? (in her normal accent) scare you?
you have no idea.
where is phoebe?
i don’t know.
you don’t know. she didn’t call?
nope. she did messenger this to me last night, though.
did you play it?
why not? aren’t you curious what’s on it?
ten to one, you can’t dance to it.
the way mulder repeats that line.
gillian getting to use her accent is my favorite. making scully good at a british accent is soooo good and i’m obsessed. wish she got to use it more!!!
scully writing the report. cecil l’ively should be getting a lot more attention ?! like he’s healing from burns that would have killed anyone else and is healing rapidly. and that’s all i have to say about the case lmao
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dynmghts · 2 months
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NAME: cameron! cam for short
PRONOUNS : he/him is the preferred, they/them is cool too
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord, usually! though i'm pretty bad at initiating conversation because i'm a shy little guy
NAME OF MUSE(s) : bakugou katsuki my beloved boy
BEST EXPERIENCE : i've had sooooo many positive experiences on here, it's really hard to name them all tbh! and also because my memory sucks. the most recent joy i've had is when i made my official comeback on this blog with the shiny new url, and katsuki immediately beefing with monoma (ily viverra), while getting a welcome from other muses of friends i've known since i started writing him in 2021.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : i like to think of myself as fairly tolerant, mostly because i consider myself guilty of some dooming ones (namely anti-social, low/no interaction, etc). but i have one big one i guess;
clique-y behaviour. this is noooot something i've seen in this rpc (as far as i can tell? which, thank god), but i'm a veteran who was in the trenches of the fantasy rpc while dragon age was the leading fantasy media. it was pretty common for groups to band together, which is fine, people click! but then it became impossible to interact with anyone from those groups, because they'd only interact with each other. it's also this weird, i dunno, expectation for canon muse blogs outside of a "clique" to mirror the one that's inside that clique, you know what i mean? it made me thankful that i was writing an inquisitor instead of a canon muse there, but yikes...
MUSE PREFERENCES: i reeeeeeally like it when someone has meticulously pulled apart a muse and put them back together with their personal understandings on how they think / act / work in their media. SO MUCH. i love the in-depth lens they give their character that way, canon or oc, divergent or compliant, WHY they choose to go either way. gimme someone who has loved their character so well that you can see the dedication in everything they write about them. gimme muses that are a myriad of deep understandings from the mun about their lore, their personalities, their actions, and even their respective universes. i'll never get enough of it.
PLOTS OR MEMES : ahhhh i'm so bad with both... i'm more consistent with memes for interaction, and even if it takes me a week (or three months) to get to it, i will more often than not FINALLY find a way i want to respond to something. but for a good and strong bond, i adore plotting. i struggle with consistency sometimes because i tend to tap out of social interaction quickly, but once you get the ball rolling, once we have an idea to latch onto, it's pretty smooth from there i think. i love seeing how we can get two characters to work. my strongest bonds on this blog come from me goofing around in dms with people and coming up with some of the best, funniest, sweetest, and heart-breaking content for our muses.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i write long replies a LOT more than i do short ones. this is mostly a skill issue. once i have a train of thought, i keep writing and forget to slow down a bit... and i love to have my little essay replies to read when i come online. they're so much fun to me. but i also treasure short replies, because sometimes, a short reply carries enough to pack a punch!
BEST TIME TO WRITE : ha. ahaha. seeing as it's 2:30am while i'm doing this on the night i had to do my medication, so long as i feel well enough, i'll write at any time. sometimes early morning, sometimes afternoon, sometimes night, sometimes in the ungodly hours where i should most definitely be asleep.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : ............... sometimes. usually when i'm playing an anger-inducing video game. also that gifted kid perfectionist thing.
tagged: @resolutepath (charlieeeee thank u!) tagging: oh uhhhh @ingen1um & @fightaers & @fighterbound & @quirkthieves & @osoreruna & anyone who wants to! yoink it from me n lemme see!!!!
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 13
Ch 83
“Lorcan didn’t even step out of the way as Lysandra vomited on him again, black blood and bits of gore now on the warrior and on the marble floor.”
That’s so nasty
I know this is supposed to be funny but ew
Why did he let her do that… Twice….
“Gavriel is still my brother,” Lorcan said, his eyes flashing.
Are they like; actually brothers, or is this a Cassian/Azriel kinda brotherhood?
I still kinda want to know how insestuous this relationship between Aelin and Rowan is
They seem to just be comfortably in love even though they’re related, way, waaaay back on the family tree
Aedion has a different heritage - so he should probably get to know a little bit about it before he starts flirting with someone who might be his uncle or whatever
Not that I think Aedion is going to flirt with Lorcan
I guess anything’s possible
This is getting absurd.
Rowan, listen closely boy.
Do you know what you’re putting me through? For the love of god. We fought so hard for this happy ending. It can be gentle lovemaking, you don’t HAVE to fuck her hard. It’s ALSO OK if you just say you want to wait; but my god, putting it off because you’re scared of hurting her? What kind of insane acrobatics are you planning!
Ch 84
That tone shift, though! Dorian, it’s such a trip to be back in your headspace and to be faced with how much of a bad person I am every time I have to read from your point of view.
Like I genuinely feel so bad, for caring about happy endings and sex and love and stuff, when this guy is literally going through hell even AFTER getting rescued from his situation.
I’m so sorry, Dorian. I know it’s not going to be immediate for you. You work it out. You take all the time you need, baby. That was a lot of sorrow and trauma you have had to endure.
But listen
All your friends are here now. And we’re all gonna be here with you no matter what. You are so loved and you are so cherished and everything is gonna be alright now, everything is gonna be better, you’ll see.
It just takes time.
Oh my god, WHAT
I was holding on so hard to my beliefs! I’m glad you’re not dead! But I did not expect anyone to come out of that facing any actual stakes or horrible consequences! Oh yikes
Poor Chaol
Why wasn’t Rowan able to heal him!
Can he not be healed, or is Rowan, just like, kinda rusty at it and used most of his ability to heal himself first?
And Dorian just being like, it’s cool, we’ll send you away to get a magic healer??? Dorian. I think it’s like, a really bad idea to send him away to another continent with a fractured spine after only three days of healing! Give him six weeks, at LEAST, he’s only human
“You might not even want a crippled man.”
CHAOL don’t you dare, you are still the same man, whether you get the use of your legs back or not! You are a hero. And you should be PROUD OF YOURSELF for how well you stood up against the forces of evil! And you should be ACCEPTING of everything this woman wants to give you! She loves you no matter what! And Dorian loves you too! You. Are. Loved. Don’t be down on yourself, because, you only have one body, and it might not be able to heal, and even if that’s true, it changes nothing.
Ch 85
I am very sad to see Elide and Manon parting ways here.
“When war comes - which it will if Perrington survived - you should hope you do not see me again, Elide Lochan.”
Manon please.
I’m begging you. Manon, see her again, stay with her, don’t do this to me Manon, you are breaking my heart
Please, don’t go, I love you so much
Ch 86
Lysandra traced a finger over the coat of arms that Aelin had designed. “What’s the territory called?”
“I have no idea,” Aelin said. “‘Lysandria’ sounds good. So does ‘Lysandrius,’ or maybe ‘Lysandraland.’”
Not to sound like a broken record but this is peak Game of Thrones for me lol
Lysandra is the Bronn, the cool guy that you never expected to become a Lord of a holdfast but like, you just can’t help but love and root for, lol
I mean seriously
It’s giving me good feels
I feel so young and full of hope lol
(Don’t you dare break my heart SJM don’t you pull a GRRM on me)
Ch 87
“She put a hand on his shoulder, her nails digging into his skin, and he yelped as she brought her iron teeth close to his ear. “Just because she is dead, Lord, do not think that I will forget what you tried to do to her.”
I love you Manon. You are such a heartthrob. Please eat him. The last lingering hope of my ship, sailing off into the distance, with each step that Elide limps away, but if you eat him, I think I’ll at least have all the closure I need.
Ch 88
This is lingering a lot and I’m getting bored
Wrap it up, c’mon
“And through the darkness of his memories, through the pain and despair and terror he’d tried to forget, a name echoed in his head.” Well well well.
That’s a pretty, um, strong follow up act to a gentle soft sweetheart like Sorscha, but I’d also really like to see you get your heart fully healed.
What the hell, why not. Manon x Dorian feels a bit random and heteronormative for my babe, but, I’m ready for it. When you’re ready, Dorian, Manon will probably drink your blood and make you beg her to do it.
Ch 89
“One night - just one gods-damned night with him was all she wanted.”
I can’t believe you two didn’t get the chance to have sex even ONCE in this whole 600 page book. Incredible.
You owe me Aelin.
You owe me big.
Final thoughts? I liked it! I think I liked Heir of Fire ever so slightly more, since we were just getting introduced to Rowan and the world of magic and stuff - so it wasn’t as annoying as the will/they won’t/they plot that went on in this book. SJM really knows how to draw it out, yikes.
I know. I KNOW. It’s not all about the romance. There’s a larger overarching story here too. I DID appreciate the story of this one, but it also sucked, because Dorian broke my damn heart every single time he was on screen. I want to see him heal from his sadness and sorrow and trauma, I think, personally I’m drawn to continue reading this series specifically so I can learn more about whatever’s next for him.
Loved all the badass lady characters in this one, endured the story (which dragged in quite a few places), and I’m still struggling through a dry spell when it comes to romance.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
violent ask game... 8, 10 and 12 pls? :)
Also... don't be scared, fandom is not half as violent as people imply... most of the time :)
Hello there! Thanks for these! 😄
8.) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Hmmm! My mind sort of immediately jumps to anti-shipping 😂 That's the biggest thing I would say is common to see that I would also call wrong. The only thing people's reading/writing preferences tell you is that they enjoy reading or writing that thing. That's it. No one's a bad person for reading/writing content that makes you uncomfortable.
10.) worst part of fanon
Gosh. Partly I think confusing fanon for canon but, specifically, when people are wrong and want to argue about it. Now I will admit I'm a big lover of "Snape as Draco's godfather." I know some people don't like it, and I understand why they don't, but I will eat it up like candy! However: I know it's not canon. Also: I'm not gonna fight anyone about it. AND: on the off chance I did spout nonsense and found out I was wrong, I wouldn't double down. I'd go fact check myself and be like "oops my bad, you right." It's bad enough when people wanna get up in arms over fandom of all things, but it's worse when you're doing it when you're WRONG.
12.) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
This feels weird because I'm obviously in the Snapedom and am surrounded by much Snape love, but...I feel like he's a character people either love or hate with very little in between.
I stumble upon Snaters in the wild and get my feelings hurt because Severus Snape was my first love. (I read the books when I was like 7 and it was love at first sight, okay?) (And I turn 31 on Monday, if that tells you anything.)
Reddit post: "List of Reasons Snape is the WORST" me: yeah I know, don't you see why I love him??
For me it's sort of twofold. The best reason I can probably sell people with is that he's a complex character. The complexity gets lost a bit when people are so hellbent on painting the portrait of a "tragic hero" or a "terrible villain." Our man has layers, okay? Like an onion.
Is he nasty and rude and cruel? Yep. Is he also intelligent and passionate and devoted? Also yep. Did he do some really fucked up shit? Yep. Did he also do some really good deeds? Also yep. This man runs the dang spectrum! Join some blood supremacists? Yikes. Die in the war effort to save the world? Okay that part I don't want to talk about, I'm still not over it.
He had horrible, terrible things happen to him. He grew up in poverty. He was in a neglectful, if not abusive environment. He was bullied in school, and sexually assaulted. But he wasn't a "good" victim, see. He wasn't a sweet lil fella. He wasn't fragile; he was sharp. And he wasn't exactly likable; which made all attacks on him seemingly "excusable." So yeah, we can see why he went down a dark path. It's not okay by any means, but surely one can understand it.
And when it came down to it, he changed his mind. A lot of people nowadays can't do that. It's hard to change your ways, and say "hey I was wrong, I'm turning away from this now." But he did. And he put himself in danger to spy on Voldemort. And yeah, this very traumatized dude went on to traumatize other people. Hurt people hurt people, as they say. But he tried. He gave so much of his time and his life to righting his wrongs.
His life was spent in suffering. All the abuse he endured. The disdain. Then his own self-hatred when he realized where he went wrong. And those wounds never healed. He was forever haunted by his pain, and by his mistakes.
Which sort of leads me to my second point: he's not perfect. He's not an easy person to love. But he's so terribly human. He's just a man who was put through the crucible time and again. He wasn't perfect. He never became this handsome, flawless gentleman. There is so much to him! There is enough to judge and hate, sure, but there's also plenty to love. And this is such a strong case of....people aren't all good or bad. His good and his bad are both so clear! And I can't get enough of it, I stg. I love this man. Truly just adore him.
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drades-lair · 10 months
5 Days of smut (Straz): Rutting/marking
Fandom: HelluvaBoss
Rating: M
Pairing: Straz
Chaz was usually Striker's go between especially at the bar should the imp have a little too much to drink and get scrappy, tonight was one of those nights except for the fact that when Striker took a snap at a guy it wasn't because he was drunk. Chaz had been chatting with a random imp at the bar, the conversation turning flirty when Striker shoved himself between the two and took a literal chomp at the guy causing the other imp to immediately back away. This wasn't the first odd thing in the past week Striker had done, Chaz was beginning to question if the imp had lost his mind, deciding to call it a night they went back to the motel across the way with Striker making low growling noises, hands tucked into his pockets with his hat tipped low over his face. Chaz allowed Striker to enter the room first then turned to close and lock the door when a strong musky smell wafted past the shark's sensitive nose. Striker slumped down on the beds edge; forearms draped over his thighs as he released a heavy sigh.
"Are you okay?" Chaz wondered turning around to walk over to his partner. Striker gave a low growl, tossing his hat off to the side making Chaz jump slightly. Striker ran a hand through his hair as Chaz started rambling on about things he could do for the imp if he was feeling this way or that. Striker's body thrummed causing his knee to bounce irritably, one hand moving to the back of his neck as he growled again irritably.
"Enough! Fish!" Striker barked out of nowhere, the musky smell from before getting stronger, the room filling with the sound of his rattling tail.
"Yikes! Sorry..." Chaz yelped, cowering for a moment before sorrowfully hanging his head. Striker instantly reigned in his aggressive manner, taking a couple deep breaths to calm down before speaking again.
"Look, I'm sorry. We might need ta stay in separate rooms for a bit," Striker suggested, returning his forearms to his thighs.
"Wait! Why!? Did I do something?" Chaz asked in alarm.
"NO! No... you did nothin'...I'm just, goin' through somethin'..." Striker retorted, demeanour turning slightly awkward as his hands clenched on top of his knees. Chaz stared at Striker for a few moments, brows furrowed, and head cocked to the side slightly. Taking in Striker's appearance Chaz could see the imp had a blush running across his face as well as down his neck, sweat was beading on his skin, Striker was breathing slightly heavy then Chaz noticed Striker's pants were pulled tight around his crotch area. The cogs were moving slowly yet they were moving, Chaz was slowly putting everything together especially with the strong musky smell coming from the imp.
"Um...Striker? Are you...?" Chaz trailed off, pointing at the imp.
"Am I what Chaz?" Striker asked with a small snarl.
"It's just...you smell weird, and you've been acting weird..." Chaz began to explain.
"Get on wit it fish," Striker irritably snarled.
"Um...are you in heat?" Chaz inquired, taking Striker off guard for a moment.
"Heat? I ain't a female," Striker commented a little confused.
"Oh, is it not called heat for imps?" Chaz asked getting that naive little confused look on his face.
"Well, female imps go in ta heat, males go in ta rut...like I am," Striker explained, lowering his voice slightly for the last portion.
"Oohh, okay...wait, so you're in rut?" Chaz chimed then realized.
"Yes! Alright, yes. I've been in rut for the last week," Striker exclaimed, yanking off his bandanna revealing the deep flush beneath.
"Soo, how do you...? You know?" Chaz inquired gesturing absently with his hand.
"Normally it would go away with mating but when Ya don't have a mate it takes longer ta get over it," Striker briefly explained.
"Ah, I see. We could fuck," Chaz bluntly blurted out.
"Huh? I mean don't get me wrong Chaz, we've fucked previously but...when an imp is fuckin' while in rut we get more… aggressive then normal," Striker warned.
"It's fine, I have no problem with some rough sex, besides we sharks have thick skin," Chaz beamed with pride at that fact making Striker release a huffed laugh.
"Fine, I wouldn't consider it if I wasn't desperate," Striker agreed.
"Fuck yeah," Chaz excitedly fist pumped.
"Yeah, yeah, quit yappin' and strip," Striker growled the last part sending jolt of arousal straight to Chaz's groin. Striker stood from the bed's edge while Chaz swiftly obeyed the instruction of stripping himself naked. Striker got himself down to nothing except his jeans as Chaz wondered over casually already sporting a couple chubs from the anticipation. Striker's need to breed got stronger with the promise of sex and as soon as Chaz was close enough, he yanked him down by the arm into an aggressive tooth filled kiss. A surprised yelp escaped Chaz when Striker spun him around then shoved the shark on to the bed, Striker might have been shorter than Chaz, but he wasn't weaker by any means, the pale imp straddled Chaz's torso with a small snarl, hands gripped around Chaz's upper arms while his hot breath ghosted along the shark's jawline. Striker lathed his tongue along Chaz's neck before biting down on the shark's nape making him hiss through clenched teeth.
"Oh fuck!" Chaz moaned out as the pale imp caressed his claws up the shark's arms to his shoulders before dragging back down leaving raised slightly bleeding marks in their wake. Chaz could feel Striker's hard, clothed arousal rubbing against his stomach as he rocked his hips, mouth moving to the shark's chest where he bit into one of Chaz's pecks at the top. Striker's claws raked along Chaz's stomach as the imp scooted down clearly, he was determined to mark every portion of Chaz he possibly could. Another growl erupted from Striker as he bit down on the junction of Chaz's hip, Chaz was busy getting over the pain when his legs were suddenly hoisted over the imp's shoulders. Striker stroked Chaz's now hard cocks a few times before trailing two fingers lower, pressing them to his hole.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Lube, please," Chaz insisted nearly sitting upright to stop Striker from just shoving his fingers in dry. Striker was about to growl in protest when Chaz tossed the bottle of lube at him from the bedside table. Catching it single handed the imp poured a hefty amount along the raised area where Chaz's balls were internalized allowing it to sloppily run down over the shark's hole. From this point Chaz was just holding on for the ride as Striker roughly prepped him, claws from the imp's other hand raking along his thigh while Striker bit another mark this time into Chaz's inner thigh.
Striker's fingers disappeared after a while and Chaz could hear the imp's pants being undone. Glancing down Chaz watched as Striker pressed the head of his cock to the shark's entrance luckily there was still lots of lube because he didn't stand on ceremony instead the pale imp simply shoved into Chaz with a single thrust. Inhaling sharply Chaz didn’t have time to think because just as the pace with his fingers had been rough so was Striker's hip thrusts, pounding into Chaz at a brutal pace. Striker's grip was so tight on Chaz's hips the shark knew there were going to be bruises along with some under his thighs as well from how hard Striker was thrusting into him. A few final thrusts deep inside Chaz caused the imp to cum, spines flaring with a guttural groan with Chaz following close behind.
Panting heavily Chaz gave a little whimper because he was always so full when Striker came inside him to begin with, yet this time there seemed to be a lot more. Chaz felt so much cum spilling inside him that he thought it might reach his stomach while Striker continued his marking spree along Chaz's legs, the shark could feel him rocking his hips in shallow motions causing confusion as this was out of the norm, but it became clear very quickly when Striker gave another grunting groan. Chaz full on whined this time as more cum filled his insides, he honestly felt like he was going to burst.
"S-Striker...please...I can't take anymore..." Chaz whined, hands clenched in the bedsheets that were now stained with blood and cum.
"One...ugh...more..." striker growled, hips continuing to rock.
"Aah-ha..." Chaz whimperingly moaned as Striker continued to shallowly thrust till, he pressed deep again and came for the third time.
The amount of cum was now a little uncomfortable inside Chaz luckily unlike normal right after this third orgasm Striker's spines went soft almost instantly allowing the imp to pull out. A drooling drizzle of cum oozed after Striker's cock making Chaz moan with relief as it leaked from him. Striker coated four of his fingers in his own cum spilling from Chaz's ass then moved up the shark's torso where he pressed them to his mouth.
"Open yer mouth," Striker instructed in a breathy tone. Chaz obeyed with a grimace only to have the fingers shoved into his mouth, sucking on the digits till they were clean at which point Striker removed them, flopping down beside Chaz with a satisfied huff.
It felt like hours had passed with the two of them simply laying beside one another to catch their breath. Striker was the first to move, sliding from the bed to head for the washroom where Chaz heard water running for a while before he heard the imp's returning foot falls. Managing to look over Chaz saw Striker crawling back on the bed then he felt a warm cloth caressing his skin making him give a little appreciative hum. A hand gently cupped Chaz's face moments later making him look directly at Striker who smiled back.
"Ya did good fishy...not many can take a male imp in rut," Striker praised with a small chuckle.
"Mmm...thanks...it's still coming out of me," Chaz groggily slurred.
"About that, think Ya can get ta the bathtub?" Striker asked, carding his claws through Chaz's hair.
"Mm... maybe..." Chaz moaned in response.
Gingerly Chaz managed to get into the empty bathtub where Striker told him to kneel then basically push the cum out of himself. Striker's spunk wasn't going to hurt Chaz nor was there really any other consequences to it staying inside him, this was purely to make him more comfortable. Striker cleaned Chaz in the shower better then with just a cloth then had him just sit with his head on his folded arms upon the tubs edge while the pale imp tended the various wounds he'd left behind. Thanks to Chaz's thick skin Striker hadn't been able to bite nor scratch too deep making most no worse than a normal night. Once finished Striker guided Chaz back to the bed which he stripped quickly then laid a new fitted sheet down from the closet and a new quilt that they crawled under. Striker encouraged Chaz to drink some water he'd brought which Chaz agreed too. Finally satisfied his partner was taken care of Striker allowed Chaz to snuggle up to him with a happy little hum.
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otherportraits · 3 months
I just read Alien Daughters Walk into the Sun by Jackie Wang and it made me so happy to see posts from Tumblr put into a book. Like it's something that I've always thought worthy of doing, but to actually see it done and popped up in the windows of my local bookshops is another thing. I think the immediacy of writing for Tumblr is something that we're told as writers to avoid. That is, you should instead take time to dwell and edit and construct a text. And yes, I know that largely this is how good novels and collections are made, but sometimes I think my best work comes from just dumping my thoughts all out onto a page. Because that's what I think. That's who I am. For me, that exactly summarises how I think. I'm tryna write some kind of novella/story atm and I am struggling. So maybe that's why I'm now like y'know what FUCK intention what comes out is what comes out. There has always been this thought that exists inside of me that is like I'll never be able to construct a piece of writing that I've planned. I'll never be able to plan what I write. I'll never be able to properly finish a piece of writing because before halfway I'll be like this is hot rubbish. Or I'll literally just start thinking I'm not gonna finish this and I won't. That is the practise though, pushing through despite every outward and inward signal telling you to stop and do something else. Which is also why I'm here, writing this down in the first place because I'm avoiding what I'm actually meant to working on. Yikes!
Plummeting down the text box though is a different feeling in entirety. This sudden, immediate writing fuels me, makes me feel unstoppable that I can just spill myself out here without knowing what the result will be. Looking back at the end of the paragraph being like these are the things that are actually on my mind. Sometimes Conor can pick up on a mood and ask what's up and I literally don't know how to say it because I don't know what it is. Sometimes my thoughts just float around my head and I try and try to grasp onto them, to turn them into something tangible that I can work with or ask others to help with, but I can never. They leave and I'm left with a head full of nothing, embarrassed that I'm so low without a way to communicate this without sounding like I'm turning into my Mother. Because that's where I've seen this vacant behaviour before, in my Mother as I'm talking to her in the passenger seat while she drives me to school, and she's nodding at the correct times but she's miles and miles away. She'll eventually admit she's thinking about something else. But more importantly there's incidents where she's in the middle of talking and will lose it, will lose the thought and it's impossible to get back. There's a few seconds of an attempt to remember, an embarrassed shake of the head, then finally an immediate task to distract herself from the idea that she's lost that thought. She'll usually go back to folding washing or reading a cookbook or leave the room entirely. It happens to me too, and it happens to my Mother, and it happened to her Mother. My Nana so bright and full of love but without her thoughts. I don't remember much of her when she was my Mother's age, but towards the end of her life she was without them entirely. What do dementia patients think about when they're alone? Do they reflect on their own lives or somebody else's? Do their thoughts become more external than internal? I worry my Mother is headed for this, and I worry that I am too.
So these posts are important because they are how I think. They document my thoughts, and I look back each time a couple of years later and go oh, I guess I did feel that way, because sometimes I genuinely do not remember. And without this form of writing, I would not remember. I'll have moved through it all without knowing how, without knowing where it is I have moved from, without remembering how to connect the dots.
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lasnalgas · 3 months
I just read Alien Daughters Walk into the Sun by Jackie Wang and it made me so happy to see posts from Tumblr put into a book. Like it's something that I've always thought worthy of doing, but to actually see it done and popped up in the windows of my local bookshops is another thing. I think the immediacy of writing for Tumblr is something that we're told as writers to avoid. That is, you should instead take time to dwell and edit and construct a text. And yes, I know that largely this is how good novels and collections are made, but sometimes I think my best work comes from just dumping my thoughts all out onto a page. Because that's what I think. That's who I am. For me, that exactly summarises how I think. I'm tryna write some kind of novella/story atm and I am struggling. So maybe that's why I'm now like y'know what FUCK intention what comes out is what comes out. There has always been this thought that exists inside of me that is like I'll never be able to construct a piece of writing that I've planned. I'll never be able to plan what I write. I'll never be able to properly finish a piece of writing because before halfway I'll be like this is hot rubbish. Or I'll literally just start thinking I'm not gonna finish this and I won't. That is the practise though, pushing through despite every outward and inward signal telling you to stop and do something else. Which is also why I'm here, writing this down in the first place because I'm avoiding what I'm actually meant to working on. Yikes!
Plummeting down the text box though is a different feeling in entirety. This sudden, immediate writing fuels me, makes me feel unstoppable that I can just spill myself out here without knowing what the result will be. Looking back at the end of the paragraph being like these are the things that are actually on my mind. Sometimes Conor can pick up on a mood and ask what's up and I literally don't know how to say it because I don't know what it is. Sometimes my thoughts just float around my head and I try and try to grasp onto them, to turn them into something tangible that I can work with or ask others to help with, but I can never. They leave and I'm left with a head full of nothing, embarrassed that I'm so low without a way to communicate this without sounding like I'm turning into my Mother. Because that's where I've seen this vacant behaviour before, in my Mother as I'm talking to her in the passenger seat while she drives me to school, and she's nodding at the correct times but she's miles and miles away. She'll eventually admit she's thinking about something else. But more importantly there's incidents where she's in the middle of talking and will lose it, will lose the thought and it's impossible to get back. There's a few seconds of an attempt to remember, an embarrassed shake of the head, then finally an immediate task to distract herself from the idea that she's lost that thought. She'll usually go back to folding washing or reading a cookbook or leave the room entirely. It happens to me too, and it happens to my Mother, and it happened to her Mother. My Nana so bright and full of love but without her thoughts. I don't remember much of her when she was my Mother's age, but towards the end of her life she was without them entirely. What do dementia patients think about when they're alone? Do they reflect on their own lives or somebody else's? Do their thoughts become more external than internal? I worry my Mother is headed for this, and I worry that I am too.
So these posts are important because they are how I think. They document my thoughts, and I look back each time a couple of years later and go oh, I guess I did feel that way, because sometimes I genuinely do not remember. And without this form of writing, I would not remember. I'll have moved through it all without knowing how, without knowing where it is I have moved from, without remembering how to connect the dots.
0 notes
noirshussiedotcom · 1 year
I'm Bound to Die
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Death, torture, descriptive gore, humans are treated like animals, psychotic man, may make you feel unsettled. 
!read the original here!
It was a late Friday night and I was hurrying home from the store after collecting groceries. Being the middle child, you’re almost always forced to do everything for everyone else. But hey, I’m okay with it. I consider myself a… people pleaser! Yeah, that. On my way home I ran into my friendly next door neighbor, Phoebe, who seemed to becoming back home from work. 
“Why, hello, Doe! What are you doing walking around at this time of night?” she greets from the other side of her metal gates. 
“Hey Phoebe! I was just picking up groceries— I had hardly noticed in the store that it got dark so fast…”
“Oh, deary. You should hire yourself a bodyguard— or better yet, get yourself a nice, strong, boyfriend! That way, I wouldn’t have to fret about your safety all the time!” 
“Haha, funny! As if I could ever get a boyfriend. But it makes me feel a little better that you worry about me. Well, I be seeing you!”
“Stay safe, hun!” 
Walking up my front porch, I set a heavy bag down to open the screen, then wooden door. Awaiting me on the confort of the couch, sat my eldest sister, Morcia watching the Andy Griffin show. 
“Well jeez,” she sighs, “took you long enough.” 
I placed the other bags I was holding on the carpet floor, quickly retrieving the one I had left outside. 
“I had a hard time time trying to find that ice cream you wanted,” I admitted, placing my hands on my hips while the door slowly shut behind me. “Speaking of that.”
I shuffle through the groceries, proudly pulling out Morcia’s Ben and Jerry’s “chunky monkey” ice cream. Sound gross. I hand it to her with a smile across my face. She looks up with annoyed face and asks, 
“No spoon?” 
“Ugghh,” I pouted, but complied and got her a spoon from a kitchen drawer. 
“Thanks,” she throws off the lid and immediately digs in, “you’re the best, sis.”
“Yeah, yeah…” 
As she enjoys her treat, I put all the things away on my own. 
The clock had struck 9. Yikes, I should really be going to bed! I tiptoed passed the couch, Morcia lying there peacefully with melted ice cream dripping all over the place. …I’ll have to clean that up in the morning. The stairs creaked as I walked up them, giving me an eerie feeling— like someone was walking up with me. I turned my head to look behind me, but with the dim TV, it didn’t seem like anybody was there. I softly walked to my room, which was placed all the way down the creepy and possibly haunted hallway. The bright blue night light we had plugged into the wall, to see where you’re going when it’s dark, saved me from a giant extension cord that slithered horitontally in my path. I should pick that up later, so one trips. Without hesitation or even changing into pajamas, I fell flat on my bed and began to sleep. 
A scream from downstairs had woke me clean up. Checking the time on my alarm clock, it was 11. What the hell was that scream about? I debated whether or not to go check or just go back to sleep, but the anxiety and fear of something bad, would keep me awaken nonetheless. I walked a clean path out into the hallway but noticed that the night light was no longer in the wall. And because I could’ve see where I was going, I fell with a thud over the cord from earlier. Damn it! I should’ve picked it up! Using the wall, I helped myself to my feet and made my way down the stairs. A cold breeze chilled me to the bone as I made the last step. Is the front door open? 
The TV was displaying a connection error and I could hardly see Morcia. Feeling around for the light switch, it flipped with an audible “click.” Nothing would have ever prepared me for the horrors that waited for me in the dark. 
My sister— or if I can even call that mess, Morcia— was an unrecognizable pool of organs and blood. Her torso was placed upright on the rocking chair my dad used to sit on, a long, lengthy slit down the stomach with organs removed. Her head, arms, and legs detached. The worst of it was, even her breasts were cut off. 
Her arms were left of the couch, one of her hands had the spoon I gave her in it. Her legs weren’t anywhere to be found. At least nowhere in the living room. And as for her head, it sat on the coffee table, a smile carved into her face. 
What kind of person— no, monster, would do something like this? Then it struck me. The man the had been murdering locals finally got to my sister. My older sister, my other half, basically the closest thing I would ever have to a mom. Why. Why her? I can’t bare to look at her anymore but yet, I’m so traumatized that I can’t even tear my eyes away from her. I want to wrap her in my arms again. I want to hold her again and have her tell me that she wouldn’t ever let anyone hurt me. 
There's nothing else I can do. I’m a deer in headlights— a fly trapped in a fly trap. The front door was wide open and I realized, I never locked it. This was my fault. My sister’s death was my fault. This could’ve been prevented if I had just locked the door. 
Well, I can’t go back, but I can definitely move forward… at least I hope. I have to defend myself now. There’s no doubt that the man is still here, somehow, somewhere, so I can’t dilly-dal. The missing night light upstairs leaves me to believe he was up there, or was. Maybe he was trying to catch me, when I tripped. But he must’ve been lacking, because I’m still here. I turn the light off. If he sees the light, then he’ll realize that I’m still here. I creep towards the kitchen, past the gore that was made of my sister. The light of the moon glazed through the window onto the nice, clean, hardwood floor. I went to arm myself with one of the kitchen knives but saw that…
The biggest one was missing. 
Obviously he already used it. He couldn’t have just now taken it, I most likely would’ve seen him. I pull out the second largest knife, keeping it close to my chest. I creepily tiptoed to the sliding door that lead to the back yard. I tried my best to open it quietly, but it slid open with a scream. We should’ve really oiled that some time ago. A bang could be heard from upstairs, causing my flight reaction to kick in. I booked it outside, shaking and not looking back. I hid behind a bush, my heart racing so fast, it felt like I was just gonna have a heart attack right then and there. I peaked my head up a tiny bit to see if I could see the criminal, but so far, nothing. I could make a run for it right now, but because I have no idea where he is, that would be risky. 
I sat behind that bush for what it felt like hours. Nothing happened, nor did I see anyone. I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say, the coast is clear. I get down on my knees, army crawling to my other next door neighbor, Florence’s shed. Just as I almost made it over, I could see something in my window from the corner of my eye. Out of curiosity, I stop moving and pay full attention to whatever that is. It seemed to be… a gun? Specifully a sniping gun. Then, just like it was some sort of demented puppet show, Morcia dismembered head pops up and bobbles from side to side. 
Was this a joke to the murderer? Some sick joke, just tormenting and playing with your prey? He definitely knows I’m here, and I should defieltly get a move on. But for an unknown reason, my body was frozen in place. 
Like a deer in headlights. 
Light a fly in a fly trap. 
Like a mouse in the paws of a cat. 
My sister’s head went down and the sniper rifle began firing, nailing me right in the leg. The impact of it caused me to hit the ground, hard. I wailed in pain, holding my leg, cussing under my breath, tears spilling. There’s no way in hell I’m surviving this. I’m dying tonight whether its the last thing that psycho has to do. 
He has amazing aim, I’ll admit that. But his next move was pretty stupid. My window was cracked open a little to let the gun out, and now, he opened it fully. I was actually pretty confused, and wondered what he was planning. Before I knew it, the man I had fell out the window, hitting the ground with a powerful impact. 
He wasn’t moving… did he just kill himself? Sure a height like that could definitely kill a girl like me, but by the way his built is, he could most likely survive that. I waited a good five or eight minutes and he hasn’t moved a muscle. I think he’s actually… dead. There’s no way I’d be able to explain a situation like this to the police.  
I limped over to his lifeless body, wanting to laugh right in his face, yet decided against it. Turning away, I began to limp back to back door. That was pretty stupid, of him to ju–
Before I could turn around, the man had me in a headlock. But I thought– I went to stab him, but realized I left my knife behind the bush. I couldn’t see much of him, but he wore a suit, with stains of blood, probably from my sister, he had what I think are night vision goggles, and had a wide display of canine-like teeth. Sinister. I started screaming, punching, and kicking with my non-injured leg. It didn’t look like he was armed, so I say what I’m doing is a smart move. He covered my mouth, setting me down gently on the grass, without removing it, or his grip. 
“Sh, sh, shhhh,” he hushed, “that was the oldest trick in the book. And by how young you look, it was obvious you’d fall for that. But I was hoping tonight would be easy and that I had to only deal with one animal… Oh well, you won’t make this boring for me… will you?”
Evil. Pure, pure evil. The only thing I could try against this guy was… 
I bit down, hard, on his hand and he withdrew immediately, yelping. I tried my best to get up as quickly as possibly, and ran inside. I shut the back door and locked it, just as he began to make his way for me again. I snatched another knife and and limped to the living room, then tried for the stairs. At the top, I could hear him come in through the front door. 
I hid in my youngest sister, Erika’s room, in her closet. My breath was so loud, that I would have to simply stop breathing to silence it all together. When I heard him coming up the stairs, I held my own hand over my mouth, the adrenaline coursing through me. Please, please just leave. Please, let this be over. 
Then, he came into Erika’s room, huffing. Though it was dark, he looked towards the closet and began to smile. 
“Tsk, tsk tsk.” 
Does he… How does he… 
Night vision goggles. 
I should’ve hid somewhere else. 
He stands in the frame of the closet, blocking any possible route of an escape. 
“P-please…” I choked, “let me…” 
“You’ve made this night wayyyy harder than it should’ve been. I had to play tag and even hide and seek with you. And because you made me go through all this effort just to get you, I want to try something new on you. I want to try… a game.” 
A game?
“I-I’ll do anything.” I plead. “I’ll do anything as long as you let me go…!”
“Oh really? I’m glad you’re as excited as I am. Now,” he pulls out a switchblade from a pants pocket,” I want to see, 
how loud I can make you scream.”
thanks for reading this! its currently 10:49 pm and I was supposed to be asleep an hour ago, but was I start writing… I can’t stop! 
it was fun writing this! I tried to stay true to the original story, but theres obviously different elements, yet the same ending. I personally think this ending it amazing, but definitely not as good as the others that are to come. I really can’t wait to rewrite the other stories that follow after this so stay tuned!
all of these stories were originally in different “universes.” but after I came up with the secret orginization, the “Tea Party,” they’re all set in the same universe. I’ll make a complete list of characters in my little “franchise” once I get all of the stories out. and I may even add on more to the lore with brand new stories! if I do have motivation to do so, I’ll draw all the characters and post it on here! I really hope I earned a fanbase, that would be so COOL. 
much love! <3
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