#is in this too love you babe
mx-julien · 1 month
t4t ace couple jaya; in their first post-transition-only communities. Nya's finally grown her hair out to her shoulders, Jay's been on T for a year
neither of them realizing they're in love because they're not interested in having sex with each other (or anyone, really). cue Rebooted and during an awkward, exhausted Jay conversation with Pixal, they get schooled on the difference between sexual and romantic attraction ("but you.. you don't have the... they can't design your body for- consciousness aside, how can you-" "my ability to have sexual relations doesn't impact my ability to fall in love")
jaya, upon realizing that Pixal's description of romance and love near perfectly fit where they want their relationship to go: haha cool okay what the shit do we do now
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ditzybat · 2 months
bernard: i just love true crime, don't you?
tim, trying to impress him: i may or may not be a war criminal with a hypothetical body count in the triple digits who's trained under multiple trained assassins as their apprentice
bernard: ???
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erwinsvow · 2 months
an idea… rafe and shy reader having sex for the first time
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everything's overwhelming with rafe, but this is particularly so. you thought you were completely ready for it, from the way you had handled everything else so well. in fact, rafe was the one taking things at the slowest pace possible, trying to make sure he didn’t pressure you into something you weren’t ready for.
you didn’t like it—thought he was trying to be something he’s not. he’s gentle with you but never like this, never to this extent. it must be a big deal then, sleeping with rafe, giving him your virginity, you finally decide, if he’s acting so differently about it.
in fact, you think you’ve been ready to give it up since you first started dating him. rafe brings it out of you, coaxes a different side of you out with gentle words and soft touches. you’re going mad over it. you can’t count the amount of times you’ve crawled into his lap at any given opportunity, anywhere the two of you are alone—his truck, the couch in your living room and at tannyhill, the hidden booth at the country club. you’re begging for it, not sure how much more obvious you can get.
you finally decide tonight’s the night—following a nice dinner with the two of you. you had spent extra long getting dressed up, a pretty white lingerie set on underneath your blue dress, all done up for rafe. finally back at tannyhill, entire body vibrating and tingling with excitement, you don’t wait another moment, crawling into rafe’s lap and kissing him hard. you take off your dress and rafe stops just for a second to take in how forward you’re being.
“hey,” he finally breathes against your lips, pulling away. “c’mon, you’re not ready for this.” 
“yes i am!” you whine, impatient and horny, feeling rafe get hard underneath you. you want him to be able to do all the things you know he wants to do, want them done to you. “i am, i am-” and you lean back to kiss him, ending up pinned underneath him before long.
he knows you’re not, but he plays along. you’re so wet already he doesn’t have to do much, but he makes you cum all over his fingers anyways, hoping it’ll satiate you.
“please, rafe,” you moan against his mouth, pushing in for another needy kiss. “wan’ it inside. please.” and he does know you, knows everything about you, but even he can’t resist when you say things like that.
you watch with big eyes while he lines himself up with your wet hole, hovering over you. you think you’re so ready, that three of rafe’s fingers inside you should be comparable to what you’re about to feel, that you’re more than prepared. your eyes squeeze shut when rafe pushes inside, all the air leaving your lungs. you try to moan out but it’s more of a gasp than anything else, one that rafe swallows into a kiss. 
your eyes get watery—it’s just habit. it hurts, too, because rafe is so much bigger than you expected. you bite your cheek, looking up at rafe through teary eyes and clasping a hand over your mouth—you don’t want to admit that he was right. 
“c’mon kid, give it up. y’not ready for this, i know you,” rafe says, leaning in close to your ear to whisper it quietly. he’s not even half-way inside you.
“i-i can take it,” you hiccup. you hate disappointing rafe.
and it’s not that he doesn’t want to—he does, desperately so, wants to fuck you within an inch of your sanity every time you walk into a room and look at him with your shy eyes and sweet smile. he wants to break you, wants you cumming on his dick until there’s nothing left in your head, no shyness left in your heart. but he wants it when you’re ready for it, not like this.
it only takes another minute, you finally admit you’re not ready, and rafe pulls out of you. you feel like crying, terribly sad and dejected, wishing you could just be normal for rafe for once, be what he wants. 
“stop,” he says, wiping away a stray tear. his arm rests over your stomach, trying to get you to lighten up. “when you’re ready for it, i’ll fuck you until you can’t think. s’just not today, kid.”
you finally agree when he says that, getting over it because you know without a doubt in your mind—rafe knows you better than you know yourself.
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courtmartialme · 9 months
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woag .. otp
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 4 months
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just bangtan flirting with each other for @kimtaegis ♡ cr. 0613data, qdeoks
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hawksredrobe · 1 year
hannibal was such a little diva during 3b. how is margot. crazy sons of bitches. theres nothing this one won't give you that the other could. ding dong the dragons not dead. quantifiably bitchy. what happened to chilton put me in an excellent humor. what a cunning boy you are. you worry too much. going my way. like hello prison left this man unhinged and painting his nails like you wouldnt believe
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mikakuna · 3 months
save me "jason todd leaves batfam".... save me.... "jason does not give up everything that makes him who he is to please a mediocre family"... save me...
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tiny-feisty-gay · 13 days
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sorry i was just thinking about them during the final battle interacting and being so connected while fighting for their lives
the wives ever
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jeeaark · 2 months
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final showdown pt2.
This was one of those battles where I survived it without a single reload. So. This entire scene? Accurate. Embarrassingly Accurate. (except the healy dealy. that's Greygold flair)
Wanted to get to the crown as fast as possible, but had to fly by Emps. Literally stopped next to bud to personally yell/reassure the fool I was gonna save their ass and then risked the opportunity attack.
(which. I forgot to bring my dex 18 gloves and discovered illithidism had shit dex, so....IS FINE. GG IS ALL FOR STARTING A NEW COLLECTION OF FRIENDSHIP SCARS)
BUT SQUID BUDDY MISSED. so. I like to think Enthralled Emps had put some effort into jumping through some rather large logic hoops to miss. Unlike Greygold who put JACK effort into dodging.
I originally intended to leave Emps completely alone, risk the attacks. But. Brain tentacle surprise happened. Right next to the squid. Emps rolled high in initiative.... But not as high as Lae'zel. Game-wise, ✨I panicked✨. Story-wise? I don't think this could have been any more in-character. Albeit, I found myself quadruple checking to make sure knockout mode was ABSOLUTELY on
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sashisuse · 9 days
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the-wayside · 5 months
Pavel gets it.
Grief, real grief for a loved one looks different for everyone but as far as I know, for someone truly loved, it's not just ugly crying, it's wave after wave that twists you up and makes your tears run over again. It's a kind of crying that doesn't come from your brain but deep inside where they made you.
Charlie changed Babe. His very heart is crying for him. Wordlessness made visible. There are few actors/characters that I've seen who are genuinely distraught how I'd expect and Babe is one of them. It's heartbreaking and perfect.
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bruciemilf · 2 months
“Too Sweet” by Hozier is a superbat anthem btw
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wispforever · 8 months
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dribs-and-drabbles · 8 months
Hear me out.
Papang and Poppy.
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I need these two as a couple in something, dark or light, with or without glasses, whatever...just them.
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crispywizardtale · 4 months
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buckttommy · 1 year
One thing that was very interesting to me in this episode is the way Eddie was just... not joking about Buck's love interests.
That stuck out.
Usually when Eddie talks to Buck about his love interests, it's with an edge of fond exasperation, teasing laced around his gently delivered truths, but there was none of that this episode. Buck told Eddie he went to see Natalia and it was like something switched. Eddie's entire affect changed when Buck started talking about Natalia. He went from being loose and easy (as loose and easy as one can get when standing at a grave) to being... not combative, necessarily, but visibly actively not wanting to engage in conversation about her either, and it's not...
It's not even jealousy!! We joke a lot about Eddie and jealousy, but it wasn't that at all. It was a fatigue that comes with silence, that comes with holding your tongue, that comes with keeping secrets. Especially when Buck said that he feels like Natalia sees him. That look Eddie gave him immediately after? That was pure hurt. That was him saying I see you too, I've always seen you. But he can't say that. He can't say that, because to say that would be to say so many other things about the way he sees Buck, and to say so many other things would mean to have to unstick his tongue from the roof of his mouth about the ONE thing he's been holding onto ever since he was shot.
I don't know. I don't know, but I think Eddie taking Buck on a date and I think about how Eddie left his son—his heart—in Buck's care so they could bake cookies together (which becomes profoundly more significant in an episode where Christopher was talking about baking smores with his mom), and I think about Kenny saying Ryan has been doing some very nuanced work in the back half of this season, I'm like
Oh. Oh. I see it, thank you. Loud and clear.
#Before 5B I was like 'Eddie's pining era Eddie's pining era WHEN?'#but babes we are right in the thick of it. It's in his eyes. It's in his smile. It's in the way he looks Buck#in the way he treats him. In the way he creates space for his confusion for his fatigue for his grief.#In the way he shows quiet support and a stern shoulder to lean upon#In the way he doesn't burden Buck with his own feelings (even though that's mostly selfish on his part because#no part of Eddie will ever be a burden on Buck but Eddie doesn't know that yet)#It's just. Eddie's feelings for Buck are literally in *everything* he says and everything he does#It bleeds from him just like his blood did on that street.#If everything about Buck/Eddie's lives have been shrouded by the shooting since it happened#everything about their lives has *also* been shrouded by Eddie's enormous and unflinching love for him#and he keeps holding his breath and swallowing it down and putting off the moment where he pulls back the lid#and it all spills out and before he knows it... before he knows it#it's going to be too late. And instead of his blood staining the street it's going to be Buck's and he's going to tell him#but he won't hear him because Eddie was too slow too fucking slow#(did we all peep the watch on his wrist? Yeah. Time is running out Eddie. Time is running out and it is not going to#wait for fear to release its hold on you. Buck's not going to cheat death again. Don't waste time babe)#Anyways. Yeah. YEAH. Yeah....... whew. This episode was a Lot#jack.txt#tv: 911#911: 06 x 15#911 spoilers
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