#it baffles me how accurate that is lmao
norasghost · 1 year
so we know that conan gray is *very* sirius black, but memories is literally remus lupin after prisoner of azkaban and when sirius shows up to lay low at his
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I mean KH posting, Yakuza posting, Jojo posting, FE posting, AND DB posting definitely made you rise to microceleb status.
MAYBE SO... if i squint..
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hurthermore · 1 month
Hello! I found your page a few days ago, and last night, I completely binged on your Misconduct fic (I regret it sm cuz now I read it all T-T). And can I just say, wow, I think this has been my official favorite fanfic if all time. I can relate so hard to MC, and I've had similar abuse, and the way you write her is so authentic. Sometimes when fic writers portray abuse, it just doesn't ring true for me, but jeez yoir portrayal is SO fucking accurate. Anyway. Fangirling aside... I have a few questions for you!
1. Do you think part of the reason Alastor was so interested in MC is because she carries herself like his mother/has similar qualities to her?
2. Are we gonna see some of Alastor's childhood in this fic? I'm interested to hear about it since he hinted at it during the picnic.
3. (I know this question is annoying so ahndbfbfb feel free to ignore it, but do you have an estimate for when the next part is coming out? I only ask bc in a previous ask you said you like to plan things out haha)
4. Oh and! What do you think Alastor would do if during intimacy he notices MC dissociating/crying? What do you think he'd say if she voiced her thoughts about not being good enough?
Okok andjfnfn I don't wanna overwhelm you with questions so I'll stop here. But again, the way you manage to capture the abuse and the calmness Alastor brings is just- *chefs kiss* ilysm <3
Ahh tysm!!! I'm so glad you read misconduct and enjoy it so much!!<3 This kindddd of goes into spoiler territory SO.
Spoilers ahead!!
Onto your questions:
I thought I established it in chapter 10, but it will be become more obvious in chapter 11 that the reason Alastor is attracted to reader is not only because she is just insanely attractive, but because she has the same glint in her eyes that he does when he murders people; she has the ability to kill. Reader is neither elegant nor cute nor whatever, reader is your or your self insert, so whatever YOUR reader is, thats what reader is. (Does that make sense lmao??)
Honestly I wasn't planning on having Alastor's childhood in it because it would serve no purpose to the plot and I feel a lot of people would get bored if I did that. I might make him have some flashbacks of his mother, only snippets, but nothing in depth.
Honestly, I'm almost finished with this next assignment! LUCKILY ahaha. I've begun on Chapter 11, I just gotta focus on it, with the discord server and my assignment, i've been a bit too busy to focus on it. But I'm hoping to get the next chapter out by... Sunday??? Fingers crossed!!!
Ooof. He would stop immediately. If you seem uncomfortable or distressed whilst you're meant to be making love, he will stop. This will be established later, but Alastor can only kind of... get hard if you're turned on?? So yeah. He'd comfort you, asking you whats wrong, what he can do to help; he hates to see you cry, it breaks his heart! But hearing you say you don't feel good enough? He will be baffled; he's not good enough for you, if anything. So to hear you be so worried about that? He will remind you how you're a goddess in his eyes.
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eoieopda · 1 year
hi lovely! for the 2k drabblepalooza, could I get Jin and friends to lovers? I just 🫡 ( i feel like he'd be perfect for it <33)
lmao, i went to pinterest before i started writing because that’s where i get the photos i use for fic headers. i am not exaggerating that i got sidetracked and spent ehhhhhh an entire hour just smiling fondly at my phone like a fool
the one with seokjin and the marathon
ft. childhood bestie seokjin, a critical analysis of rupaul’s drag race, and someone’s penchant for rapping while they rant.
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It’s baffling, really, how you can be presented with the same circumstances — over and over — for two (2) decades and still not learn your lesson.
If you know anything at all, it’s that you should know better. You don’t, though, because all time seems to have done is weather down the ridges of your brain until experiences like this one slide right off.
Coincidentally, that’s precisely what happens to your tumbler full of coffee, which you’d had precariously balanced on top of your stack of books as you unlock your apartment. More specifically, when you unlock your apartment and find a half-slumped body on your couch.
Underscored by an unjustifiably startled gasp, your travel mug hits the hardwood floor with a dull clang and rolls somewhere unseen. Your saucer-wide eyes lock onto the unexpected head of black hair resting back against the cushion behind it, even though — realistically — you should expect this by now.
You gave him a key years ago, after all.
“Seokjin, you scared me,” you whine, but all you get is an absent-minded wave in response.
He’s too focused on whatever it is he’s watching to turn away from the laptop perched on your coffee table. From where you stand, you can’t see the screen — or the subtitles that would make sense of all the English flooding your ears.
“How long have you been here?”
It’s a mumble, he’s transfixed, but you think you hear him say, “Episode two.”
After accepting that vague reply, you shrug; then set your new — to you, anyway — used books onto the nearby console table. A quiet jingle rings out as you sling your keys over their designated hook. Then, once your hands are free, you wriggle free of the corduroy jacket and crossbody bag that weigh you down at your doorstep. With those quickly tucked into your hallway closet, you kneel down to unzip your boots.
Despite your thick, wool socks, the floor in your apparently heatless apartment is freezing. You hiss without meaning to, creep on tiptoe through your kitchen as if the floor is lava — or, more accurately, a lake not quite frozen enough to be trustworthy. You don’t stop until you find your runaway tumbler in its hiding place near the dishwasher. Thankfully, the absurd price proved itself worthwhile; your scorching hot coffee is still trapped where it belongs.
Your chilled hands cling to that warmth as you hop towards the rug splayed out over the adjoining living room floor. In a flash, you skirt around the coffee table, take up your usual spot on the couch, and promptly do what you do best: shove your frozen feet under the thighs of one shockingly patient Kim Seokjin. Relieved in an instant, you let go of a satisfied sigh.
He doesn’t react beyond a tiny smile, still staring intently ahead with thoughtfully narrowed eyes glued to the screen ahead. Too cold to wait, you take a hearty swig from your mug and immediately regret it. Your poor taste buds may be withering, but it’s a sudden realization that nearly makes you spit molten coffee out onto Seokjin’s lap.
For the record, you don’t.
“You’re watching RuPaul’s Drag Race?” You cough while blinking rapidly through forming tears. Seokjin, as if in a trance, lifts his hand and pats your back firmly — twice — to wordlessly assist you through your mild choking fit.
Still shocked by this development, you persist, “Without me?” Your brain is thoroughly scrambled, so you amend, “Without me making you?”
You’d blathered on about this show in particular for years. Adored it, avoided making plans if they would conflict with new episodes. And all the while, you nudged Seokjin, asked him repeatedly if he was ever going to give in and join you. Every time, he said he’d add it to the list.
Seokjin and that goddamn non-existent list.
It drove you absolutely nuts that Seokjin rarely watched anything new. No matter how much you’d rave about something or how many other people would tell him he’d love it, he’d watch the same, short list of shows and movies on a rotating basis. You’d nearly dropped dead when he’d watched an Oscar-nominated movie in the same year it was released — but that was 2008 and it was a Batman film.
You still maintain that this deviation from pattern doesn’t count.
Maybe it’s not necessary for you to see the screen any better, but something in your frazzled little lizard brain tells you to scoot closer. You don’t fight it; you untuck your thawed feet from under his lap, drape your legs over his lap, and lean in to rest your head on his shoulder. Seokjin doesn’t react, and this time, you can’t attribute that fact to his fixation on the lip sync performance.
For once, you can’t even pretend to be surprised.
None of this closeness was out of the ordinary. If you were telling the truth, it would be unsettling if you’d ever hung out with Seokjin without one or both of you hanging on to the other. You hope the day never comes where you find out what that feels like. Though you’re certainly not a doctor, your best guess is that it’d be a very rare kind of phantom limb pain.
You don’t bother to unpack why you feel that way, though. You simply nestle into the same comfort you’d always relied on and join him in watching two men in wigs spinning and kicking to Willow Smith’s “Whip My Hair.” Neither of you says a word.
It’s not until the performance is over that you realize Seokjin’s arm had, at some point, shifted from his lap. Now, it’s draped over your shoulder; and you’re closer than you were before. When did that happen?
“You’re already on season five?”
You don’t know why you’re whispering. Is it because you don’t want to interrupt Roxxxy Andrews’ tearful monologue about being left at a bus stop as a toddler, or because his face is right there?
The latter.
It’s the latter and oh, god, his cheek looks so soft. Your last brain cell is screaming at you to place your lips there, so you bite down on them instead.
Seokjin laughs as he continues to watch the drama unfold, like the answer is obvious. “Told you I’d add it to the list. I have to study up if I want Friday nights back.”
Something about this statement makes your heart flutter. The confirmation that the list is real and not some urban legend? The fact that he misses your unspoken yet semi-standing plans to do whatever? You feel another weird compulsion — this time, to cry — but you ignore it.
Instead, you timidly ask another question. “Do you like it so far?”
Maybe you shouldn’t have asked because you can’t say your prepared for how he might answer. Nothing is more nerve-wracking than offering up something you love for review by someone you love. Of course, it’s disappointing if they don’t end up liking it, but it’s soul-crushing if they have no reaction — and Seokjin hasn’t reacted.
You chew on your bottom lip and brace yourself for the worst.
“Don’t think I’ll ever understand,” he sounds something akin to annoyed and your high hopes crash-land in the pit of your stomach.
It was a gamble, asking your heterosexual, male friend to watch an absurd reality show — in a language neither of you speak — that centers around drag queens and their outlandish personalities. You knew this and you’d hoped that the only real barrier to him enjoying it was language.
When he tears his eyes away to look at you for the first time, your heart and brain both stop on a dime. There’s a pensive crease between his eyebrows, making you swallow in anticipation.
“If you’re going to do a wig reveal, why would you do it in the middle of a verse?”
You didn’t hear a starting whistle, but that doesn’t stop Seokjin from sprinting through his rant.
“No, seriously! If you’re lip-synching for — your — life, —” After emphasizing those three words with gentle yet impassioned pats on your shins, he sucks in a breath and lets the rest of his words fly out like machine gun fire.
“— against Alyssa Edwards, of all people — why wouldn’t you time your stunt with the music? Am I wrong? There was no crescendo! Not even a beat drop, just this very casual — oh, let me shrug off this first wig like I just got home from —”
Seokjin doesn’t get to finish what he started. Before you can even think once about it, you cradle his flushed cheeks in your hands and kiss him, hard. In the process, you shut him and that needy voice in your head right up.
When your own shock wears off, you expect him to pull away. You expect you to pull away. Wrong on both counts — yet again — you melt into him as his right hand shifts. Now anchored at the back of your neck instead of doodling mindless shapes over your cardigan, he presses himself closer to you until you can feel his pulse racing against your rib cage.
Experimentally, your tongue laves over the plush bottom lip you’d been staring at in wonder for years. Seokjin surprises you once again by opening up, groaning quietly into your mouth as you breach that perimeter and card your fingers through his hair.
You’re ready to throw yourself all the way into his lap — straddle him if you have to, just to kiss him deeper — but he pulls back, panting. You try very hard to swallow a whine. You fail miserably.
He stares at you like your answer might stop the world from spinning: “Does this mean you agree with me?”
“Seokjinie,” you snort as your laughter forces you to go limp in his lap. Your forehead bumps against his; it doesn’t hurt, but there are tears in your eyes, nonetheless. You wheeze, “It’s iconic!”
His eyes widen so much that you can see flecks of previously undiscovered amber within the deep brown. “It could be more iconic,” Seokjin rebuts, absolutely incredulous, “Think about it. If she had just —”
Flabbergasted, you interject with feigned offense and a gasp, “— You can’t show up ten entire years late to the party and start critiquing —”
“— I’ll do whatever I want, thank you very much,” he huffs, though a playful smirk is forming and causing his lip to twitch. He looks so pleased when you stop arguing and purse your lips.
You take the bait. Tilting your head slightly to the side, you hum, “Oh? Is that so, Kim Seokjin?”
It’s answer enough when he kisses you again.
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thefiresofpompeii · 5 months
if you've watched nightmare in silver i'd love to hear what you think — it's a pretty good episode in my opinion and it's one of the few cybermen-as-the-main-monster episodes i actually liked, but it's also one of those episodes that takes some of its most interesting elements from something i like a lot more from the eu so that coloured my perception a bit (turns out constantly going wow just like zagreus makes you less capable of just enjoying the episode as it is. oops)
it’s… a mixed bag of an episode, honestly, provided how much stuff is actually in it. i liked select parts of it a whole lot, much room for thought there, whereas others … skeeved me out, to put it mildly. i don’t think neil could possibly have topped the masterpiece that is The Doctor’s Wife, and whatever he set out to do here… could have stood a little more editing??
to get the grumbling out of the way: the kids. Most Annoying Who Side Characters Ever award goes to them, singlehandedly taking first place away from that stuck-up nerd in Poison Sky. i don’t know if neil intended for them to act supremely slappable, but christ alive. just the constant dour negativity and ‘bored teenager’ unimpressed commentary … walking vibe drainers. made it hard to care about their fate tbh. oh they got cyberconverted? oh they got rescued and brought back? Whatever. call me a boomer apologist… i’ve never referred to a pair of children (fictional or real) as ‘ungrateful spoiled brats’ before but this could be the day i start.
additionally: the hell was that stuff about clara at the end? “too short and bossy and your nose is all funny” “mystery wrapped in an enigma stuffed into a skirt that’s just a little too tight” go to hell gaiman. genuinely. here i was relying on you, thinking you’re immune to casual misogyny. especially since it doesn’t even make sense… clara’s skirts are never tight? not once? i understand that the former comment was a bluff to get out of admitting feelings but, again it’s not even accurate, since jenna coleman’s nose completely fits the beauty standard?? baffles me
those are all minor nitpicks bc other than that the episode’s fun! and creative, especially all the scenes with the cyber-planner and their high-stakes chess game (you like chess dontcha). i haven’t listened to zagreus (YET) but from what i’ve gathered from internet osmosis the doctor gets possessed by an … evil nursery rhyme? lmao. seems legit
anyway nightmare in silver has unfortunately made me understand people who find matt smith attractive. i’ve cracked it: it’s a dormant gene that only activates when he’s playing an intimidating villain. especially here, when he’s mr clever, a warped mirror of eleven, with the boundaries between the two blurring so far as to confuse even clara. this moment is top notch:
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which one of you said that? she’s right to question it.
he’s been quietly manipulative with clara for the entire duration of their travels so far, concealing from her the truth about the ‘mystery’ that her whole existence presents to him, while she remains the object of his puzzle-solving quest. a particularly odious example in this scene in Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, where the doctor is fully aware that their impending doom at the cliff is an illusion, but puts on the pretense that they’re about to fall to their deaths anyway, building all that fear just to to coax clara’s “secret” out of her (“since we’re both going to die here, you may as well tell me what you are”). as soon as he gets what he wants — or, rather, doesn’t, because there’s no satisfactory answer yet — he reveals that he’d known all this time that the TARDIS wouldn’t have let them fall.
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that’s what makes mr. clever so insidiously, well, clever as a plot device: eleven’s not possessed by an external force, not quite. no: it’s his own shadow showing. he’s always been like this. the cyber-code slowly taking over the right side of his brain is just as smart as him, just as manipulative, just as much of a trickster. all his darker traits turned up to, well, 11 (sorry not sorry). “allons-y!” “fantastic!” “you’ve had some cowboys in here” mr clever is a parasite that takes the worst and best parts of the doctor, cuts them up and re-attaches them in a parodic audio-collage, and isn’t that just so fucking ingenious
another line that’s just a straight banger, not much to say about it really other than the fact that it cuts straight through to the core of the narrative:
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this spun out of control and turned out far far longer than expected, my apologies (not really. you asked!)
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hi okay here. So this is sort of an au?? Where Mimzy is in love with Alastor like how they were originally written but Alastor doesn't reciprocate. This also may not be entirely historically accurate as this is basically a rough draft and I have yet to do all of the research I think is required.
Tw// Mimzy being homophobic. </3 Ik my girl would never actually but it's for the sake of the story.
So his name is Severin De la Court, he's a French dude who moved to Louisiana to escape some shit in his life that was happening back home. He met Alastor and Mimzy at the club Mimzy worked at and Alastor frequented, and became friends with them pretty quickly. He's demiromantic and asexual like I personally hc Alastor to be, and as time passed they started pining for each other and all that jazz. It's canonical that Alastor speaks some French but isn't fluent, so in this the reason he knows what he does is because he was trying to learn it for Severin to make him feel a little more at home. Eventually Mimzy found out about the little thing they had for each other and, the 1930s being the 1930s, she was like "ew gay people" and leaked the information about Severin being gay to the press so he was imprisoned, where he was killed after a few days for being a homo by the other inmates. </3 Alastor was heartbroken but Mimzy was over the moon. A couple of years later is when Mimzy spilled the beans to Alastor about it being her to rat out Severin after Alastor continuously rejected her advances, "I got rid of that queer and you still won't let me have you" type shit. Alastor, who had already killed several people, had no qualms killing Mimzy after learning this information! And that bit in his lore about him dying because a hunter shot him while he was hiding a body? Was Mimzy's body in this story. Alastor rose to power in hell yadda yadda and in episode three at the beginning of the Overlord meeting Carmilla is like "okay first off we've got a newcomer" and lookie here it's Severin! Alastor is baffled and afterwards they catch up and shit before Alastor goes "wait why are you in hell" and Severin just goes "oh yeah I ran away from France because I killed like a lot of people and they were starting to catch on to me lmao" and then they just went on like normal yk as they would. Queue more pining between the two when Severin decides to help Alastor and Charlie with the hotel.
I'll reveal myself in rbs to answer any questions you have or anything but for now I'm doing this on anon because I'm embarrassed to talk about my ocs publicly lmao. I also have little tidbits about their relationship I'd be more than happy to share if you'd like me to. :3
This one was so intense! I felt so bad for him until he was like "oh I'm a killer lol"
He got us with that plot twist
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TW- !Melanie Martinez accusations!
If you use the Piper Sweeney video as “evidence” that the Melanie Martinez allegations are false you are literally either delusional or under 13 yrs old
Just actually watched it for the first time recently and I’m fucking baffled lmaoooo
I have been out of the loop and years ago I remember seeing some sort of “proof” and was on Mel’s side but obviously my views have completely changed
I just want to mention Piper refers to ppl with BPD as “Borderlines” and incredibly generalize them 💀
A small list of a few of the shit talking points Piper uses-
1. Timothy’s statement is too long (but also not detailed enough? Lmao)
2. Their personal experiences don’t align with Timothy’s so therefore Timothy is lying
3. Timothy says she repeatedly said no until finally she gave in and was silent (according to Piper only one of those can be true???)
4. Timothy refers to something as “oral sex” which Piper responds with “Sex does not equal rape” (Piper does a lot of this irrelevant criticism of Timothy’s wording when your average human being understands that within this context the use of “oral sex” does not mean what happened was consensual and was just used to accurately describe what happened
5. Piper thinks Timothy should have said what kind of sex toy was used???? Seriously?
6. Overall just a crazy amount of speculation, like 90% of what they say, or just things that I can’t even wrap my mind around how they would have gotten to that conclusion
Not to mention, no matter if you believe the victim or not this is a serious situation and the amount of jokes and inappropriate wording being used in this video is disgusting, at one point they say “Timothy’s Vajuices” which made me cringe horribly
The like to dislike ratio on that video is really fucking sad
You can believe who ever you want, but if your only evidence is that shitty ass video you should probably do a bit of rethinking
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torchickentacos · 9 months
For those of you who have followed or seen the chronicles of my lost great aunt (surprise 5 hour road trip), here's a recap and some added context.
I heard there was family coming over from another state. This has happened before with no issues. Now, I won't dox myself but I will say I live decently far from this state, about 12 hours.
Enter my Great Aunt. She's a bit eccentric. An oddball old lady. She seemed to have a few issues getting to our state. She got turned around, ended up a couple odd places, but as far as I know she stayed, like, reasonably on-course over the course of a couple days. People were keeping tabs on her but not concerned from what I gathered (which was admittedly not much since there's communication issues lmao, but this story will be way longer if I get into that so let's move on).
And then she got into our state and hit one of the main cities on the third day. All she had to do was stay on the interstate. It was a pretty straight shot. And somehow, she ended up 120 miles off course. Two and a half hours of a drive. In the fucking mountains.
My grandmother had been calling her to see where she was, since she should have been there by now. And let me tell you, the BAFFLED SILENCE when we heard where she was. ("what do you MEAN she's in (area)?") At first, we gave her directions and let her drive more. We called again later to learn she took our directions and ended up MORE OFF COURSE. She ended up SOMEHOW going south (wrong direction, like, entirely) (again). Again, interstate highway, all you have to do is go north. It's not that hard. I don't know how this happened. Cue the concern setting in and my mother deciding it was probably time to take an impromptu road trip to go get her, lest she end up even further off course and driving at night on top of that. So, within the span of ten minutes, I went from chilling with relatives to getting in the car to drive out into the middle of nowhere to find my VERY, VERY LOST GREAT AUNT in a 5 hour long round-trip. The drive was gorgeous, though. It was mountains and wine country almost the whole way through.
I WISH I could post the map of where she ended up. If we're discord mutuals then I'm fine showing you since you already know what state I live in, probably. just dm me because it's SO????? CONFUSING? It's fucking BAFFLING, how far off course she got. ALSO this is the version of the story WITHOUT the intrapersonal drama, conflict, epic highs and lows of having a parent you argued with that morning and suddenly end up in a car for 5 hours with. God. Anyways here's some pictures lol. My phone camera is shitty enough that you shouldn't be able to triangulate my location via street signs lmao, plus I looked over them pretty carefully so there's no identifying stuff. Besides, she was so fucking out of the way that this isn't even an accurate representation of where I live, if one of you is a nosy weirdo who figures it out (please... like, don't though???).
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tierra-paldeana · 3 months
// out of all the stuff on that stupid ass 'pokemon is going woke' twitter post, it still baffles me to no end that rika is nowhere to be found there. the gnc lady with no chest with super sapphic vibes. idk why it makes me crack up so hard.
also, as someone from spain here: one of the things i loved abt scarvio was just how diverse both the cast and the NPCs are. because guess what? THAT'S SUPER ACCURATE TO REAL LIFE SPAIN!! native spanish people ourselves are a mixture of a bunch of different other peoples over centuries, and there's a great deal of diversity here, both having been born here and living here after migrating. to say there isn't or there shouldn't be, aside from being obviously racist n stuff, is just... fucking stupid lol.
''but games aren't real life-'' boohoo, go touch grass lmao
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prongsmydeer · 9 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Heartstopper S2
Alright, I have gathered my psychological strength, onto season 2!!
Charlie and Nick's little "hi"s are very sweet to me, they just always seem so happy to see each other
"Kissing at school is a terrible idea," said Nick, both accurate, and in direct contradiction to his actions in the hallway on sports day not so long ago
I understand that Nick is not happy with his rugby friends but it does put him in a rough position to be isolating himself from his long-time companions at a time when he's dealing with a lot of change
What up with Mr. Farouk, why did he yell "QUIET" at the top of his voice like anyone had really been saying anything audibly:
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"No chatting, no phones, no annoying questions." Genuinely what is the point of a study hall like this!! Talking to people can help you revise!! The internet can help you revise! Why have desk partners or a study time at all if you're going to be so incredibly restrictive about what resources they use. Mr. Farouk we've just met but you seem like your pedagogy needs some work
The way neither Nick nor Charlie have any respect for authority LMAO. Both texting in class immediately after the teacher starts talking
"I want to rejoin the rugby team." The valiant return of Rugby Romance!!! It is very funny how Charlie's motivation for rugby is 1) Nick and 2) Sport, in that order
"But maybe being weird is how he expresses his romantic feelings." LMAO true
The panic in Tao's eyes upon his romantically-charged friendship touching his hair. A visual demonstration of 🚨WEE OO WEE OO WHAT'S GOING ON 🚨
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"How did you know this is my favourite chocolate bar?" HAHAHAHAHA, Heartstopper joining the likes of every Thai show I've ever watched when it comes to sponsor integration. Perfect. Product placement is allowed if it amuses me:
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"If we're out by the time we're on the Paris trip, we can kiss on the Eiffel tower." Nick is sooooo romantic. Also it's windy up there
Baffling to me that all these teens are allowed to have a sleepover, not only because of it a being mixed-gender event, but also because half of them are DATING EACH OTHER
Sidenote: I love that Nick does have a support system in these friends
Side sidenote: Whichever tumblr coder took away my indented bullet list ability. Meet me in the Denny's parking lot
Elle and Tao's almost kiss in the garden 🌻💛 This friend group IS incapable of platonic activities
Tao every time Nick says anything: U shut ur mouth, Rugby Boy
"You didn't like me because you're gay." "Well, I... I'm bisexual actually." YEAHHHHHHHHH Nick also fjfhfjhfjk Imogen
It makes me happy how warm and yellow the colouring of this ep is
"Nick is banned from sleepovers from now on." Hater energy, but fair hahahahaha this is what I expected
Quite honestly I am unable to see Tori as any age but 30 LOL. smth about her reminds me of Catherine Tate's Comic Relief skits:
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"I can protect him," said Charlie, like he can run faster than homophobia. (I'm with you on the concern, Tori)
Is each season going to have a colour theme? Because this ep looks quite yellow too, where a lot of the last season was blue
Charlie abandoning his schoolwork stresses me out LOL BOY
Rough for Imogen to be dating Ben, he sucks
"It's not my fault he liked me before you." "I hate you because you literally assaulted him." Good for Nick for calling it what it is
"Sorry, am I not allowed to like girls as well as boys?" Ben said, bisexuality is not only for the sound of mind
Nick softlaunching his relationship with a picture of his dog and boyfriend:
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Really bold of Elle to declare the art school friends as new friends for life after one (1) day of interaction but more power to her I guess. I love that she is making more friends, and specifically trans and non-binary friends because it really does change your life to meet people with shared identities 😭❤️
Fjkfkfjhf Tao representing my diasporic experience and replying in English while being spoken to in your mother tongue
"He's done some really bad stuff." "What? What'd he do?" "I can't tell you." I feel like you COULD say he assaulted someone without saying who but I respect Nick not wanting to even come close to outing someone
"I don't actually have that many friends." Colour me crazy, Imogen, but I kinda think that's cause you're never at your own school
This GCSE scene with Nick is exactly why I need psychological strength for this show, it's a visual representation of a panic attack
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HAHAHAHHAHA the juxtaposition between Tao's mum, who loves Elle and wants her to live in their house, vs. Elle's mum, who refers to Tao as "that boy of yours"
"I just... I just wanted to meet the guy that, you know, turned my little brother gay." Get fucked David, and get out
David said: I am homophobic AND biphobic. I can do both
You know, I'll give my brother this credit, when he found a little gay picture of me he just handed it back and minded his business
Me @ Charlie's mum: Strict parents raise sneaky kids
"Charlie, this is not your fault," said Nick, even though Charlie would take fault for breathing if he could
Tao also representing the diasporic experience of being handed cut up fruit when you're sad
The Elle and Tao pic being Tao's phone background gjkkgjhgjhg
"Honestly, Elle could do better. And she probably doesn't even like me back, and this is probably going to destroy our friendship, it's going to destroy our friendship group, and it's going to leave me devastated for years to come. So, this is probably a really selfish and stupid thing to do, but I'm going to tell her. Help me." Wow, I did not anticipate this level of emotional honesty from Tao. Good for him!
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"We're sorry about what happened at the cinema. We should've spoken up." Awwww Rugby Boys Redemption
"I know you and Charlie are really good mates." The immediate cutaway to them kissing is the funniest thing this show has ever done
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Ah, well it was only a matter of time before one of the teachers so their many, many school kisses. I hope Coach Singh is cool about it
"Lots of lesbians in women's rugby. That's how I met my wife." YEAHHHHH Coach Singh! Sometimes stereotypes DO comfort me
I loooooove that Nick has a teacher on his side now. Good for him!!
"It's fine. It's done." CHARLIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE why will you take responsibility for everything all the time except the one thing you need to take responsibility for, which is your history essay
Charlie submitting essential coursework five minutes before it's due. Honestly relatable
"You're going to be so annoyed with me after [Paris.] " "Awww, but I love you because of how annoying you are." This is my love language
Wow, Tao, this new haircut and confidence is working for you:
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As a sidenote: Cutting your hair when you believe someone else likes you is a bold move. Hair can change a lot kjghgjhgkjh
The way their friends rush them after they agree to go out!!! I love this friend group
Awww, it's fun that Isaac has a newfound relationship in James, even though I am like, 90% sure he's going to be uninterested in romance as a whole
"Look after him, or you die." Tori's Pre-Party Shovel Talk
"Just think of us being out as a couple in Paris." 1) Do you think your teachers will still let you be roommates if they know you're dating and 2) Not terribly convincing when Nick looks like he's gonna be sick
Nick is truly popular against his own will LOL
"You're the one who said we'd always put our friendship first. You promised." "Well, I guess romance does ruin friendship." I do think Elle has been pretty unkind here. I know Tao is acting out-of-character, but he's doing it to impress Elle, and she's responded by inviting her friends, who Tao doesn't know, to the latter half of their date
"Nick doesn't want to talk to you, Harry, piss off." Very assertive of Charlie, good for him
Even though they're in England, it'd honestly never occurred to me that they'd be leaving for Paris on a bus
Counting Isaac and James, there's a lot of Romantic Situations on this Bus:
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"What the hell was that?" said Tao, about Nick speaking French, like he doesn't know Cantonese
Skjhkjdhdjh Tao and Isaac immediately preventing Nick and Charlie from sharing a bed
SOMETHING is going to happen between Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ajayi, and while it'd be fun if it was something gay, I think it's going to be homophobic, bc this show just isn't THAT fun
HAHAHAHA Tao just slamming down the apple juice on Elle's table and running away
"I need a drink. An alcoholic drink." "We probably shouldn't drink alcohol." "I need a croissant then." WILL IT be gay? Please sirs
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Isaac should also probably take the 'am I gay' internet quiz
"My dad's French." "Since when?" "Since.... his birth?" Nicolas Nelson u are so funny and cute
Does Charlie have a bit of disordered eating? We've seen him beg off having food a few times
HAHAHA the way Elle is like, "I don't want a man who takes me to movies I like, I want someone who jump scares me in museums!"
"It's like all he cares about is having a girlfriend." Probably true, Imogen
Yikes for Charlie @ having to sit next to Ben. Also. Imogen HAS to see what the hell is up here, there's been SO MANY loaded glances
Update from like 1 minute later: Seen, spilled, and SPLIT UP:
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"There's no need to call her a bitch," said Harry, suggesting he's okay with homophobic slurs but draws the line at derogatory language towards women
"Everything would be so much easier if I was into girls." Is that true, Imogen?
"You care about your friends so... loudly." A very good way to describe Tao
Tao after Nick compliments him a bunch: I have to leave immediately
Nick said: In the spirit of France, I've decided to try necking
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HAHAHAHHAAH the "Oh fu—" cut off on Charlie learning he has a hickey
This is one situation in which it would be better for Charlie NOT to be out because the list of people who could've given him a hickey goes: Nick, Tao, Isaac or James, so I really don't see this being the best situation for anyone
"Charlie didn't give me a chance to figure myself out, and then you came along, and you stole him from me." 1) Can't steal a person 2) You assaulted him, Ben and 3) Figuring yourself out does not equal treating people like shit! See: Nick
"Hey Nick. Is that hickey from you then?" "What if it was? Are you jealous?" YEAHHHHH NICK
"Did Harry just stick up for us?" "I think he did." All Harry required was one (1) empathy lesson from Isaac to develop a conscience
Ohhhhh Tao's comment about accidentally outing Nick from last season makes a lot more sense in the context of him being overheard about Charlie
Little Charlie and Tao are soooo cute omg
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Awwwww Charlie making a Charlie and Tao love lock for the bridge ❤️ Sweet boy
"People might think you gave me this hickey if you keep this up." It would be EXTREMELY funny if people assumed that Charlie had somehow gathered a gay boys' school polycule
Is the Louvre background greenscreened kjghkjghg I can't tell
"You don't have to understand your feelings completely to know you like something." Hahahaha Nick being the subtle matchmaker of Elle and Tao this season is something I couldn't have predicted, but I adore
I am growing more and more sure all of the painting scenes are greenscreened haha. I guess renting out the Louvre was out of the budget, very fair
Tao and Elle, while their best friend Charlie is passed out on the floor of the Louvre:
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"I don't do poses." "Yes, you do. Go on." I think Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ajayi should develop a little flirtationship. As a treat
"Charlie, I've noticed you, uh, don't really eat a lot. Generally." Me too, Nick
"Sometimes it feels like the only thing I can control in my life." God. godddd. Not to reveal too much of myself, but this is the only fucking time I've ever seen someone in a show with a similar relationship to food as me. Not out of body image issues, or out of personal neglect, but as like. A bad relationship with food and anxiety
"Do you like that fact that I speak French?" Heehee
HAHAHAHAHA Charlie and Nick pointlessly running away from their field trip even though I'm sure Nick would be ALLOWED to meet up with his own dad. Very rebellious
Well, Stéphane, Nick's Deadbeat Dad, made a brief but impactful appearance
"If you're thinking about giving me another hickey..." [High-pitched, lying] "I wasn't thinking about that."
Another stressful moment caused by Nick and Charlie's Irrepressible PDA HAHAH:
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"When you don't figure out you're gay until your late 20s, you tend to miss out on those." IT WAS THAT FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND IT WAS SOMETHING GAY!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MR. FAROUK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love that every named teacher in this school is gay. 10/10. I want to give the writers a leetle kees on the lips
"You flirting with me?" "Maybe." Mr. Ajayi!!! 👀❤️
I've not really talked about the Tara and Darcy subplot of Darcy being unable to say that she loves Tara or that her parents clearly don't know she's dating her but I am curious where it's leading
Isaac's No. 1 love is books, and I do love that for him
"To be honest, I sort of had a crush on him last year." We return to Charlie representing The Only Out Kid At School Whom All Other People Figuring Out That They're Some Type of Gay May Inevitably Direct Their Feelings
This is officially THE MOST romantically charged field trip I've ever seen in my life. Even Isaac's trying his hand (and his lips):
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"I know I've said some homophobic stuff in the past, but I feel like I know better now, and I'll never say anything like that again." Harry. I don't know if this is going to be enough of an apology to get you into the World's Gayest Birthday Party
"I know who it was. Me. We're dating." Awwwww Nick ❤️
Also, love love love how when everyone's like "U gay?" He consistently clarifies that he's bi
"I'm going to pretend I believe you have food poisoning." I take back everything I said about Mr. Farouk's pedagogy, he's a real one
Also why on EARTH would they not take Darcy to the bathroom to vom and rally first! Unrealistic, blocked. You would not tell a teacher unless she was DYING
Nick and Charlie's very forthright conversation about how they feel about sex. They're very good communicators! 💟
"I love you so much. I know it sounds like I don't mean it, because I'm drunk. But I really do mean it. I love you." Darcy said: The alcohol was communication juice, actually
Don't look at me but Tara kissing Darcy even though she was just sick is very romantic, I said what I said:
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I feel from the separate delayed glances the night together between Mr. Farouk and Mr. Ajayi did not go that well
Also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The shadowy figures as u enter your house. We've all been there, Darcy
"You probably just haven't found the right person yet." Hoo boy
"Like, being in a world where romance and sex are prized above everything else when you don't feel those forms of attraction. Growing up feeling about something about you is different, but you don't have the words to describe what that is." 1) I love that Isaac is finally finding words for his experience and 2) It bugs me a leetle when people phrase this idea without including the word CISHETERONORMATIVE, because trans and queer romance and sex are CERTAINLY not prized above everything else. It's a necessary distinction
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Elle's safe place being Charlie and Isaac and Tao 😭💘😭💘😭💘😭💘😭💘😭💘😭💘😭💘 My heart
"I'm glad you realize what you did was wrong, but you don't get to ambush me into forgiving you." Charlie is SO good at finding words!! He could teach a class
"It's a very attractive sport to women," said Stephane, not knowing he was literally the only person at the table who didn't know his son was dating a guy
Nick said: This is a coming out AND a Deadbeat Dadtervention, get rekt Stéphane
"You have not grown up into the man I'd hoped you'd be, David." WOW. Even Stéphane knows you're wrong, David. That's gotta hurt!
Mrs. Spring, probably: Wow, so your boyfriend comes from a broken home!
"It was nice to meet your... boyfriend. I don't really understand these things, but he seems like a very nice young man." "He is." Alright, Stéphane, you get $0.000000001 knocked off your Deadbeat Dad Debt
"Talk about my brother like that again, and I'll end you." GET HIM, TORI
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This show loves a happy/sad juxtaposition, so we must pair Nick and Charlie's semi-successful family dinner with Darcy running away from home
"You should invite him tonight." Gay teachers alliance unite!!!
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"And he still carries it all with him. Even though it's over. It still causes him a lot of pain. I don't know, do you think that's true?" "Yeah, I do. I think when something really bad happens, it can affect you for a really long time." Two teenage boys' first endeavour in finding words to discuss trauma
I like Elle's dad, he's fun. I really appreciate that none of the main group's parents except Darcy's appear to be mean
"We've missed you mate." "Yeah. I've missed you too." RUGBY BOYS REUNION 💗
I also haven't really talked about Sahar, bisexual prom guitarist with a frenemieship with Imogen, but I do like her a lot as well
The extra in the green dress staring intently at Tao and Elle is killing me. What a scene-stealer
"I want to go to Lambert." "I know." Shut the fuck up, Elle and Tao are sooooo cute:
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"I was going to suggest dinner and drinks next time?" NATHAN ❤️ YOUSSEF FOREVER
Omg. Imogen's little musical note animations on Sahar's guitar!! Is her statement about being into girls going to come to fruition!!!
Heartstopper said: There will be NO relationships that do not involve queer or trans people. Not on my watch!!!!!!!
Nick having six of his closest friends over for a prom night chill is extremely relatable. Heartstopper really does touch upon a lot of memories LOL
Darcy's mum not even giving a shit her daughter spent the night in a public park. Boooooooooooo
"I hide who I am when I'm at home." Darcy 😭😭😭😭😭
I hope and feel that Darcy has a home in her friends ❤️I believe they all have a home in each other
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"You never told me about... the bullying." Nick said: I'm going to drastically change the tone of this evening, Charlie
Ahhhhh, I knew Charlie's admission was coming based on the season's warning, but oof
Nick about to tell Charlie that he loves him, like we can't sense it with every fibre of his being
(Aside: I do think both Charlie and Nick should probably be seeing a therapist, or at the very least a (safe) school counsellor. They're carrying a lot)
Charlie about to text it as well!! I wish for nothing but a kinder world and brighter days ahead for these boys:
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almea · 3 months
If I had to pick a favourite character in Star Rail, I think it would have to be Silver Wolf.
I probably imprinted on her a little bit because she was my first limited five star (I started playing when there were like four days left on Seele's banner so I wasn't able to get her in time lmao) and she's just. Made my life so much easier. Like, I have no idea how accurate my judgment of story boss fights difficulty is because I've seen people say that the Argenti fight and the newest Echoes of War boss were both super hard and took them multiple tries and I'm just like. I beat them both in one try without any noticeable trouble and my relics aren't THAT good, so I just assume it's because of Silver Wolf's weakness implanting and defence reduction.
I also think she's SO FUNNY in the story. Like, she shows up with Kafka in the prologue to find the Stellaron and implant it in the Trailblazer, and that's fine. Perfectly normal villain/anti-hero behaviour. Then she gets all her accounts frozen in her companion mission which is hilarious (but also, my poor girl lmao). And the fact that she visits the train after her companion mission??? I don't think any of the other morally ambiguous character who have a companion mission get unlocked as a visitor (except Luocha who is until he isn't), but Silver Wolf's just like. What's up, don't mind me, I'm here to hang out and have a good time because everyone else gets to so why shouldn't I?
And then fucking Aetherium Wars. Girl has a bounty on her head and is wanted dead or alive by the IPC and Topaz is standing right there, but none of that matters, she heard there's games and she's here to play. I love the cutscene of her standing with the rest of the "Elite Four" and Topaz because she's SO TINY compared to everyone else, and it's so funny that she's even there with them. Literally no one cares that she's a criminal lmao.
And then her only non-dream appearance in Penacony so far is a message she sends that does kind of indirectly lead to the Trailblazer getting traumatized. I hope she shows up more in Penacony because I'm always delighted when I get to see her in the story, but if she does, it's a crime that she didn't appear in the White Night trailer. I don't think she was in the Interstellar Journey trailer either, so like, justice for my girl. Let her be in a major version update trailer. Although I guess it was such a fun surprise to unexpectedly see her.
I think Silver Wolf might be the reason the Stellaron Hunters have such a strong found family kind of vibe going on. At least when it comes to the more light-hearted side of things because there's clearly a lot of trust involved in Kafka and Blake's relationship with each other. But because Silver Wolf is clearly younger than the others and her personality's a little pushy, all the interactions between her and the other Stellaron Hunters give me the impression that they get along pretty well with each other in casual situations.
Her banter with Kafka during the prologue and the end of her companion mission feels like two people who are pretty familiar and comfortable with each other. The way Silver Wolf asked Kafka if she wanted to go to Pier Point with her and Kafka's response implying she might have gone along if she wasn't in the next script makes it feel like they regularly spend time together outside of missions. Kafka has a voice line about how she likes chatting with Silver Wolf.
Blade seems to just be completely baffled by Silver Wolf, but for some reason he humours her and tells her he'll play games with her once his hand is better instead of outright refusing her. The Tutorial Mission light cone is one of my favourites because I love the vibes of the story for it. Are they about to go cause some chaos and commit crimes? Probably, but until then, Silver Wolf is playing crane games and Blade is complaining to Kafka and Kafka is pleased everything's going well. My favourite of the chibi art they put out for character releases is Blade's because Kafka putting her butterfly pin in his hair and Silver Wolf drawing all over his bandages as he sleeps is soooo cute.
I just assume Sam is going to be playable and I need them to release him already so he can get in on these shenanigans. I already know he's also part of the "every Stellaron Hunter sends messages from Blade's phone except for Blade himself" antics and Silver Wolf said he helps her with her games without being asked, but I need more. I want more light cones that show the daily life of the Stellaron Hunters lmao.
I read Silver Wolf's character stories recently and I don't think they ever outright said what her wish that Elio would grant is, unlike Kafka and Blade's, and the implication from her character stories and one of her conversations on the train seems to be that it's to travel the stars. But because her character stories put so much emphasis on the fact that she was always alone on Punklorde, in my heart she had another wish and it was to not be alone and that's why I love the Stellaron Hunters as a whole so deeply.
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dxringred · 2 years
i’m sorry, but i genuinely cannot stop thinking about the anon who called me stupid because they perceived nancy as ooc in my private/public school slow-burn, enemies-to-lovers alternate universe. like, as if the whole point of aus isn’t to explore how you think characters might re/act or behave when put in or confronted with circumstances you’re not going to see in canon. we’ve never seen (and are never going to see) what nancy would be like if she came from a rich(er) family, went to private schools all her life and grew up surrounded by almost exclusively self-centered, snobby people. we’re not going to see robin turn into a werewolf and how she behaves around other people going forward because of her affliction. we’re not going to see nancy be cursed to isolation in the confines of a castle in the middle of a forest for over a decade. 
and obviously those nancys and robins are going to differ in some aspects to canon nancy and robin, who have been and are being exposed to completely different stimuli. why would you ever expect a nancy cursed to an eternity of isolation deep in a forest castle to inherently be the same person as a nancy who had a perfectly normal 80s life until the upside down ruined it? obviously they’re going to be different people because the point of aus is to explore how you think the character’s personality/behavior might change when their story does. evil queen nancy is just a nancy who grew colder and angry because she’s spent over a decade alone and lost all hope. same as how canon nancy has grown more ‘badass’ and hardened considerably because she’s had to contend with the losses and trauma caused by the upside down. 
you might as well call S4 nancy ooc because she isn’t like S1 nancy for all the sense it makes, because i almost guarantee S1 nancy would’ve turned out very differently in a world with no upside down. point is there’s a difference between exploring the various facets of a character’s behavior and/or personality and how they change under different circumstances vs. slapping a chrissy skin suit on an interpretation that feels divorced from the source material and is supposed to be set in a canon divergent world at best. (there’s also a difference between me, who’s never seen the show, taking creative liberties with characterization vs. someone who very clearly has watched the show writing (what i consider) ooc interpretations of characters and all but insisting people adhere to them.)
and at the end of the day, i never actually said ooc is inherently bad, because people will always interpret and write characters slightly differently, especially when they’re not their own, and especially if they’re very minor characters, but that doesn’t mean i’m suddenly not allowed to view someone else’s take on certain characters as ooc, least of all on my own blog lmao. if you want to write chrissy and vickie with obnoxious quirky anime girl vibes, you can, i just don’t have to agree with it, and you don’t have to agree with me thinking it’s more accurate for them to be a slightly ditzy but street smart cheerleader and shy bookworm respectively. 
anyway, idk where i’m going with this, i’m just baffled at an alternate universe character being called ooc because certain canon traits were exaggerated over others to reflect how the character would behave when raised with a different lifestyle. like the word alternate is in the name. 
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 1 year
'questions for fic writers' asks
2, 12, 21
go crazy, ecto! 💖
Yay, thanks for the ask! <3
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Fluff, Getting Together, Episode Related, Established Relationship, Mutual Pining. Hmm, yeah, that about sums up my writing! ^_^ I love to make them get together, and I love their to be misunderstandings and pining but not enough that it's incompatible with a fluffy tone, and I love to steal and tweak the plot of an episode in order to do all of that haha. (Actually, honestly I'm surprised that established relationship is in the top 5 lmao, I feel like I write mostly getting together fics, but I guess that my own impression of my body of work is a little bit off! I do also love it when they are already together and get put into a Situation. <3)
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Hmmm, well, there's some tropes that I don't enjoy in theory but almost every time I've read a fic with them I've thought they were done well (a testament to the quality of garashir writers I think). Examples would be soulmate AUs and Hanahaki disease. Like, I still don't inherently like those tropes on their own merits, but y'all out there keep writing such good fics for them that I can't just universally be a hater of the tropes either, how very dare! XD
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in [insert fic], what would it be?
So, despite the fact that I THRIVE in the missing scene spaces left open by canon, I have a really hard time imagining adding scenes to my fics other than the ones that ended up in them, bc once I've finished them I have already deeply considered whether to show a particular thing or not lollll. When people ask me if I'll be writing a sequel/followup to a fic of mine (a rare occurrence, thanfully) I'm always similarly baffled, bc I already wrote and posted exactly the part of the story that I wanted to tell XD But I am given to understand that other people aren't all like this lol, and often enjoy writing followups and missing scenes from their own fics, instead of just being done with a concept and moving on to something new once the fic is posted. XD
Okay enough tangential ranting about one of my weird writer quirks lol, time for AN ACTUAL ANSWER. In spectre, I was gonna have a humorous epilogue where Julian space skyped Felix to confront him first about the dangers of putting rogue AIs into holoprograms just to mess with him and then about the even more considerable dangers of trying to play matchmaker when one of the parties is an ex-Obsidian Order agent. Garak was going to be on the call too, and he'd be protective and sinister and threatening to the point that Julian would have to sternly clarify - partially to Felix but mostly to Garak - that Garak was in fact joking. Anyway, I never figured out how to make that scene work without Julian explaining ALL of the insane events of the fic in dialogue, which seemed boring to write, to me, and I realized the fic didn't need it anyway lol.
(for this ask game)
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lightlycareless · 1 year
Chapter 29 - thoughts.
Hey everyone! Back again with some behind-the-scenes from the latest chapter, chapter 29! (Which I totally recommend reading over here before diving into this post if you want to avoid spoilers, or out-of-context spoilers, that is 🤭)
Just a reminder, this is something extra to the chapters, and not really necessary. So if you don’t want to read it, it’s completely fine ❤
Per usual, here are the warnings: not proofread, everything is candid here lmao and spoilers!!
Now, without further ado, on to the notes:
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but writing the part where the characters are finally starting to move on from certain important events, the “after the storm comes the calm” in a way is always so… difficult to me. Like, wow, all that stuff happened and the characters have to be like “ah, well, this is just another typical tuesday my friends! On we go with our lives!” it’s so… baffling and difficult for me to write down, I feel as if I were rushing through things, but at the same time, if I let them ruminating in the aftermath of these successions I’ll never finish the story 😂 So I apologize if some things seem to be a bit… weird with the pacing 😭
Good thing I made Y/N notice that too 😂 (that was kind of writing a jab at me) Well, it was only natural that the characters would grow some kind of resistance to these things, after all, they already survived through the difficult part, guess the rest should be somewhat easier….
Anyways :> Even when I already had the basic plotline of what I wanted to portray in this chapter (or for the rest of the story, that is haha) I still had some difficulties writing it down, so in the end, I decided to set it as some kind of continuation from the last one and expand on what the estate was thinking of the whole Y/N-Naoya-Naobito situation, but from a closer perspective, that is, from the “masters”: Jinichi, Ogi, Naobito, and finally, Junko—all whom I didn’t specify before.
I kept Jinichi’s somewhat kind personality per the extras in volume 17, although it’s clear that Y/N is still hesitant about him haha and I get it. He’s quite intimidating, just like his brother 😂 (I can’t wait to advance the story a bit more to write down what I had planned for him in the story vs what actually ended up happening) and he’s like part of the main branch, you know? Y/N doesn’t want to intermingle with them any more than she has to. 
But he’s trying, I’ll give him that. Misunderstood for certain, I just hope Gege doesn’t put anything out there regarding him that will have me 💀 anyways, it was hilarious for me to read how Y/N was basically “Uh, I… remind you of someone everyone hates?” but on a larger scale, I guess it makes sense. Most people in the estate (even though some started to like her) dislike her too hahah—still, Toji got the short end of the stick :’( I wonder what their relationship would’ve been…
From there, Ogi and Junko. 
Junko is, without a question, one of my favorite characters from the Zen’in family. I just… I don’t know, I have a thing for mother’s who were put through hell and yet, still loved their children despite what their environment was pushing them to. It accurately represents trauma and how it affects people. I just wish some readers of the manga would see that 😂 it still baffles me to see how mischaracterized she was… and how little we got from her in the manga! I truly believe Maki was cursed by Mai when she told her to destroy everything. (There’s so many things I want to know, but that’s for another time)
Now, Junko having her “change of heart” was something that made me sad, ngl. She was slowly opening up to Y/N, mainly because of the fondness she was showing to her daughters… but nooooo Ogi and to come along and ruin everything, per usual.
I tried to state that Junko is… well, nothing more than a victim in this house and that most of the things she’s doing while in the estate is a replication of what’s expected of her. More likely than not she probably would’ve kept quiet about it, since it’s not her business to comment on what happens with the masters or what they decide to do (the main reason as to why she kept quiet about Naoaki, even though she was highly disapproving of) yet, she knew that her duty to Y/N and whatever mistake she committed was going to be a direct reflection of her, and her husband, so it’s why she decided to start acting horribly towards her.
I really, really, hate writing (or even implying) just how abusive Ogi really is towards Junko. It might’ve not been stated in the manga, but I feel that given the context we were provided around Ogi’s point of view regarding his daughters (how quick he was to attack Mai, and subsequently Maki), and the misogynistic environment, that couldn’t be too far fetched. Adding that unfortunately, it’s something that happens alot in real life with marriages that well, I don’t know, were forced to happen, and with Junko, coming from a traditional family, she couldn’t do anything but take it and act as she’s expected… yeah. It’s self explanatory.
(To believe that Ogi is out there, believing he’s carrying all of the burdens… Come on sir—guess delusion truly runs in the family.)
I can’t imagine what Mai and Maki were put through when they were younger, having to see their mother suffer in silence… I wish Gege would’ve told us more of their dynamic instead of giving us that rushed interpretation of a complex relationship between mother and daughter’s 💀 But I’m here to fill the voids agjakjsghaskjghjas
Still, I can’t stay that angry at Ogi, after all, I do have something planned for him :)
But let’s move to another topic:
Ok, now that is something most of you did not expect (if not all, let’s be real, not even I expected it!) It kind of just dawned on me one day as I was looking through past character ask’s, stumbling into the “nicknames they would like”.
I stated that Naohiko would like to be called a brat (in a very specific context) and it made me wonder, well, who would dare call him something like that?
That’s where the serious, no-nonsense, Hitomi came along. She’s already demonstrated that she’s not afraid of standing up and calling out bs when it happens (Chapter 12, when Naoya is questioning the ladies if Y/N hadn’t done something personally to affect her health and Hitomi was like: NO, with Mariya immediately dismissing her to avoid worsening the already tense situation lol) so I thought: “Oh yeah, definitely. If someone were to put others back in their place, it would be her”
I’m planning on writing how the first meeting between Naohiko and Hitomi went 🤭 had the draft there for a while now, just need to polish it.
Guess we’ll see where this goes as the story progresses :>
From there, the parts that I didn’t like writing because it just felt straight-up silly, and that is, when Hitomi, Haruko, Mariya, and Y/N are basically planning how to avoid Naoya and his weird plan. 
Writing them so… hastily trying to save Y/N from another sour predicament just made me feel bad for them 😂 as if whatever they did, it would never work because Naoya is just too big of a force to avoid, and I guess Mariya knew that too, that’s why she didn’t argue with Y/N that much when she voiced her change of plans.
I just wish for them to have a moment of peace 😭 please, Naoya… just leave them alone.
The other person that knew this, and if I’m being honest perhaps the person that was being more “sensible” about it was Naoaki, because even if Y/N wanted to escape her husband, he was just going to find another way to bring her along. At least this way she’ll be able to find out how her health has been faring… if that’s what Naoya truly intends in doing, anyways.
Ah… Naoaki saying that he would’ve taken her if he could is just 🥺 AND THAT KISSING SCENE AT THE BEGINNING AAAAAAHHAH guess something really is brewing between the two, and we got front seats for it 🤭 just like Hitomi and Naohiko, I wonder where this will go… Imagine the kind of face Naoya would have if he’d seen them??? He would’ve lost it that’s for sure!!
And finally… Ranta’s plan.
Reading y’all’s theories was certainly… interesting. I like how we basically gave up on any kind of logic from them and just assumed the worst 😂 and I can’t blame y’all, it’s basically all that has been happening whenever the two are involved.
Still, the truth is... Ranta is very kind-hearted, so I guess we can always expect good things from him in a way, although his intentions are... eh, I mean, he was like “Take her out, and spend some time together” and how he wanted that to happen… is sus. Very sus, Ranta, how dare you corner Y/N like that?!
Well, surely we didn't expect him to be like: “Take Y/N out on a date for no apparent reason, as if nothing happened” with Y/N responding: “Sure!” and neither did he, that's why he went ahead to set that fail-safe regarding the urgency of her health (He's the one that instructed Naoya to tell the servants about her being cautious and what not, although dear husband was already thinking it, he just needed reassurance, you know?) But we shall see if it works for them 😂 place your bets, everybody!
Ranta really out there trying to save his ship, even going as far as gaslighting Naoya into believing nothing was going on with Naoaki and his wife that one night. I’m sure he wasn’t able to sleep that night without Ranta rushing to his aid. Ah, to have good friends 😅
Also, I hope it was somewhat implicitly clear that Naoya was not doing any of these things out of the goodness of his heart, he’s still acting through the volitions of others and that… agh, man, it’s like one step forward, two backwards 😭
And the way he was acting so “love-struck” with her? Nah, that was not… no. If someone told me that, someone I have a relationship of animosity with for example, I’d be like “get those ugly ass compliments away from me I DO NOT CARE” those words mean nothing... as of now.
I hope a miracle comes through with them in the following chapters, if not… 😭
Anyways, the last part… the clothes!!
I missed detailing their garments, I still remember when I used to do that at the beginning of the story, but as it went on, that kind of fell into irrelevance 😂 I mean, there was a war going on… how could I 😭
The way Y/N’s staff dressed her up to go out with Naoya was… how do I say it, baffling? I can’t believe any of them were happy to get her all nicely when she was to go out with someone they all definitely hated. I’m sure they were all thinking of doing the bare minimum, but with Junko looming around, they probably didn’t have much say.
Still, here are the things I imagined she wore: her kimono right over her, (I remember seeing another one that I like better than this one, but I just couldn't find it anymore... 😭) and her hair clips right over here (without the long, silver dangling thing)
(P.S. Remember that yellow kimono with the blue obi from chapter 12? Keep that in mind for the following chapters… haha)
Naoya should be grateful he’s even seeing her like that, Naoaki is the only one that deserves so at this point :3
I wonder how many things she got at the wedding reception… and how many of them she actually got to keep, considering that the things Hinata sent to her to “ease” her homesickness never arrived so…
I really don’t know how everything is going to pan out once in writing, but all I know is that I’m super excited about it, and more to share it with all of you!
As always, these are just comments/notes that I thought influential when writing the chapter, so if there’s something that I missed that you guys wish for me to expand on, don’t hesitate to send me an ask! I’ll be sure to respond to the best of my ability without spoiling the story, of course.
Thank you so much for tuning in for a new update, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, take care, and hope to see you soon!
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aphchinass · 5 years
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hood-ex · 2 years
Kind of happy to see I’m not the only one dreading/hating the outlaws webtoon preemptively. The massive amount of fans and fandom obsession Jason gets sometimes baffles me (although I understand where the appeal comes from). And it’s starting to drive me mad how he’s becoming the fandom-center of everything bat-related (see eg all the Jason & Damian content I’ve been seeing on my dash, or how wildly popular Jason’s appearances in WFA are, etc). Or maybe I’m just an old bitter Dick stan and i hate how Jason seems to be slowly taking Dick’s place in so many ways.
I think since Jason's gotten more "screen time" across all types of media, he's drawn out more people who like the "bad boy rebel who's secretly a softy" character type. (Please note that I find that descriptor of him funny and not entirely accurate lmao.)
Within the fandom specifically, there's a lot of misinformation about Jason which further contributes to people's fantasies about what they think he's like. For example, people thinking Jason was Tim's favorite Robin (fanon). People thinking Jason admires Wonder Woman in the same way Dick admires Superman (fanon). People thinking Jason is Alfred's favorite (fanon). People thinking that pit madness drove Jason to do horrible shit and that he would never do any of those things to his family if he was in control of himself (fanon). Yada yada.
Then there's a lot of stuff from fics that gets perpetuated throughout the fandom like how people think Dick can't cook for shit while Jason is some superb chef who constantly has to nag Dick for eating sugary junk food. WFA is also at fault for the way that they portray Dick. For example, when Jason was trying to comfort Dick about the whole Tim situation, he told Dick that he needed boundaries, and Dick was like, "Boundaries?" as if he was some innocent child.
Stuff like that helps keep the Jason fantasy afloat. Some people aren't aware they've bought into the fantasy while others are gladly like, "Hell yeah, I'll take this fantasy over the shit they give us in canon. This is how Jason should be."
Dick is, unfortunately, hated by various Jason and Tim stans which also leads to Jason being propped up more as the favored big brother in some circles of the fandom. And it's funny because only a week or so ago, Jason slammed a crowbar across Tim's face and broke his nose. You know what Dick did to Tim in Urban Legends #10? Expressed concern for him and gave him advice about what he should do about Bruce. (Lmao I know someone is going to bring up the fact that Vampire!Dick curb stomped Tim not too long ago but newsflash: that happened in a different universe and has no bearing on Dick and Tim in main continuity.)
Anywho. I try to block out as much of the Jason fantasy as I can by following people who pretty much only have an interest in Dick. Life is much better that way ✌🏻.
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