#it's just yearning tbh
sapphic-woes · 1 year
A/N: Remember the accountant!reader that's really scared of Sevika? Yeah so I did a drabble. Lol.
You make her feel good. Or at least, she feels something other than the heaviness in her heart.
She doesn't know why.
No, she does–sort of. It's an inkling of a theory, but it's the only lead she's got. It's the fear in those eyes. They flicker and snap the moment she walks into the room.
She doesn't like it, but she relishes in the attention.
It felt good to know her presence made you waver. It felt good to watch you stiffen. To hear you stutter. To know she occupies a part of your mind. To know she means something to you, even if it's negative. 
But still. 
She'd rather see something more.
She wished for your eyes to sparkle, for your cheeks to redden and lips to smile–and the mere thought set butterflies loose in her chest, ever beating against her ribcage. 
She doesn't know how to say it. The words are like bittersweet honey on her lips. 
Look at me baby. Just for a little while. 
It's clawing at her chest. It's sinking its hands into her body. Filling her lungs with the muck of her selfish desire. Look at me, look at me, baby won't you rest those pretty eyes on me?
"S-Sevika? If I um, if I did something wrong p-please let me know…"
Those irises. They look up at her and tremble, in tune with the shuddering of your shoulders. Should she bask in your undivided attention? It was easy to get you shivering under her shadow, easier to make that meager body of yours flinch…
Snakes coil inside of her. They eat up the butterflies. Hope is stomped out with Sevika's grimace. It's a wistful dream to think you'd see her as anything more than a killer.
You make Sevika feel good. About herself, about the world, about the dreadful people prowling about the alleys of the undercity. Warm. You're sunlight and daisies. A soothing summer breeze. That's what you are to me. 
Yet it's a painful indulgence she knows she needs to abandon. Especially when nothing good will come out of it.
Won't you love me baby? Take my hand in yours? I want to set out a table with you. Lay my head in your lap and touch the corners of your skin. 
Can I love you baby? Just for a little while?
Sevika grunts to hide her lingering thoughts. She ignores how it makes you wince.
"It's good enough. Now get the fuck out of my sight."
Before I reach out and hold your hand. Before I say words I can never take back.
"Y-yes!" It's a lost cause, loving you. Regardless, Sevika can't keep her eyes off your retreating form until you finally disappear.
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razz-matazz143 · 24 days
"oh what inspired that work?" "what inspired that poem?" "An old relationship? someone you like?" No actually it's two doomed yaoi characters sorry :(
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crystallizsch · 11 days
okay hi so listen hear me out
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sea snake is a bit too obvious (and too boring)
so i made him based on some kind of lionfish??? (bc something something venomous marine animal) also with a LOT of creative liberties i made with how the fish looks like
let’s also give his fins some rips and tears here and there bc what are the implications of that??? that’s for you 🫵 to decide
anyways chat i lowkey dont know what i was doing
i had no other thoughts but haha funny snake man i turn into fish
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confier-boyfriend · 7 months
Mgmmgmmg boys? Extremely intimate kissing? Long cuddles in warm blankets? Wrestling each other on the ground? Boys?!?
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boytransmission · 2 months
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Webcam pics
Top surgery fund ⚔️
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quirkle2 · 23 days
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[zombie au] yeagh
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daddy-long-legssss · 4 days
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That's Where You're Wrong
"This were the last song we did for it. I think something we've always struggled to do is get a record that– I mean they've all got their own identity but I dunno know ... there's always an exception or something that is leading onto something else perhaps. I guess on the last album it would be 'Cornerstone' and on the album before I guess it were '505' or something. I think this is that song and maybe on this one where it doesn't quite– I mean it fits in but it's got summat else about it. I always wanna do that like get a blueprint and make this album neat and tidy but it never works out being neat and tidy with us."
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stuckinapril · 14 days
just a girl with her mother’s full lips and her father’s cheekbones and almond eyes that resemble neither of theirs. And the Memories
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sideblogdotjpeg · 2 months
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friend suggested hadestown wait for me as a naddpod c3 song. and. man. the PARALLELS. anyway heres calliope as orpheus
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introcoryo · 4 months
coriolanus snow loves in a way that is cannibalistic. it’s primal. violent. consumed by the need to devour you. he loves in a way that has him bare his teeth in perpetuity, content only when he knows he has swallowed you whole. some of it is ugly, obscene, and bestial, some of it is pure and holy and spiritual: all of it is himself.
the blonde convinces himself it’s for good. to protect you. to keep you safe. but when does protection cross the line to become control? to trap you. to keep you for himself. to know that you may never get away from all that is him, as he slowly makes you part of his own self, so much so that you begin losing your identity and your flesh knits with his.
he wants to eat you.
and the closest he can get to that is to graze his teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart. he wraps his hand around your throat, controls your breathing as he pleases. the knowledge that only he can grant you mercy. only he can give you life, or take it away. and you both know he would never choose the latter, as to consume you would mean that your being is tied with his, and wherever you go he will be forced to follow.
it’s mutual and untamed, self destructive yet passionate. the two of you clawing and biting to feel each other. a competition that dictates who swallows up who. it’s hunger that will never be satisfied, and god knows he’s no stranger to that.
as though your name is wrapped around his ribs, melting and flowing through his veins. your bones intertwined, waiting to see who will gnaw at whose heart first. there’s something dark and sinister about it, but isn’t that what devotion inevitably becomes? two lovers so feral that they seek to destroy each other.
“i cannot part with you.” he whispers, “I am you.”
and you have no choice but to be of one another for life.
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quirkyenby · 11 months
Imagine if QPRs had an entire fiction genre like romantic relationships do.
Think about it: the drama, the identity introspection, the "is this romantic or not" angst, other people interpreting your internal frustration as the denial of romantic feelings when it's so much more complicated than that, etc.
Especially if they come right out and say queerplatonic.
So much creative potential.
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shewantsitall · 4 months
Sobbing over Mom City bc “you’re not lost you’re just not sure what direction you’re going in yet”
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literally all I want is a qpr is that so much to ask
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elderwisp · 4 months
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another before and after of this post
lately i've been adding a lot of foreshadowing in my post idk for funsies. i also love pushing relight to get really sharp shadows. however, in the first photo i needed to work some photoshop magic. as for drawing, i tried to doodle in like glistening tears. this post i tried aiming for like an old hollywood-esque vibe and yeah! fun tings!
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angelst4t · 4 months
i don’t flirt, i just stare at you with my big brown eyes after infodumping about spn for an hour straight
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gellavonhamster · 1 month
Between writing another fic and ordering the first part of the Heroines novel in French, I feel very normal about One Piece
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