#it's the EOH special!
love-overdrive · 21 days
Wanted to do a little game with my fellow JJBA friends.
If your OC/SI was in one of the Jojo fighting games (EoH or ASBR) what would their lines be? Things for like introductions, taunts, win lines, etc.
And, of course, what would be some special lines with their F/O(s)?🤭
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A little pic I did for a scene in my personal Vento Aureo au.
In this scene, Giorno has finished Diavolo off. Mista and Trish have run back to the Coliseum. Before joining them, Giorno returns to his parents who are attempting to hide within the shade. Dio has attempted to prevent Giorno from receiving grave injuried from Diavolo, breaking his vow to not interfere with his son's journey with the use of The World. He stopped time and used his stand to pull Giorno away from their enemy, ensuring that Giorno was given extra time to pierce himself with the Arrow. In doing so, it exposed The World to the sun's rays and ultimately resulting in himself taking damage that could have killed him. With the help of Addie and her stand, Deep Sea, she intervened and stopped him before he could suffer enough damage to turn him to dust.
I can imagine the singing Dio cover of "Stand Proud" to be playing softly in the background.
EoH Giorno Giovanna (c) elina002 EoH Dio Brando Special F (c) Reol1999 EoH Adelaide Kingston (c) Bean-san (this model is for personal use only) ASB Roman Streets Stage (c) nilli10
T_ASBShader (c) 下っ腹P SvSSAO (c) Otamon o_LikeHDR (c) Otamon o_Bleach-bypass (c) Otamon CheapLens (c) Sovoro
“Bucciarati–!!” Giorno shouted, staring up to the sky. “Your body… at the Coliseum, it–!”
“I’ve been resurrected… when I met you at Naples, and when I betrayed the gang… I’ve been slowly dying off… my heart has been resurrected all because of you.”
“He did it…” Mista weakly stammered. He lay in Giorno’s arms, bleeding from the wound that Diavolo had inflicted on his body. “Really, that…. That was close… but now Trish has been saved… and my body… Hurry up and heal me…!!”
“R-Right!!” Giorno snapped back to reality, using his Gold Experience to use the surrounding rubble and bullet shells to close up the gunman’s wounds. “W-We have to get to the arrow, Mista!!”
“...Let him…. Don’t let him get away…!” Trish mumbled weakly. “I can feel him… planning to run… if he retreats, then we lose…!”
Diavolo turned around, staring at his daughter’s frail form on the ground. “Tch!!” He couldn’t run away now. If he ran now, he’d lose his dignity. If he wanted to remain as the king of the world, he had to continue fighting back.
“Eh?!” Mista coughed. “H-He’s not… running!! He’s coming back this way!!”
“Giorno Giovanna….!!!” Diavolo shouted, reaching towards the teen and clocking his fist against the side of his head. “You immature brat… you are not worthy at all!!!”
Dio stood in the shadows. He couldn’t step out. To step out of hiding meant turning to dust. He clenched his teeth, his fangs cutting into his lower lip. “Tch…!!”
“I don’t know where he’s been thrown to, but Polnareff said before… the arrow will choose those it deems worthy!! You’ve been rejected by the arrow, Giorno Giovanna!!!” Diavolo summoned his stand once more, its fists glowing as they aimed straight for the boy’s face.
“W-What is–!!?”
Suddenly, everything went still. The water no longer ebbed and flowed in the canals. The wind no longer blew, yet the trees still looked as if they were caught in a heavy, frozen breeze. 
“11 seconds…”
Diavlo couldn’t move. As hard as he may try, the effort to do so was futile. His consciousness was still flowing, however. Was this the act of another messing with time? His eyes darted towards the shadows, the sound of a shoe tapping against stone catching his attention.
“You…” Dio hissed. “You dare to eradicate the Son of Dio from the world…?” At his feet stood the frozen turtle, Polnareff. The key was still in its slot of the shell, and within the shadows Adelaide stepped out of the secret room once more. 
“D-Dio!!” Adelaide gasped. “W-What’s going on?! Y-You vowed not to use The World during this!!”
The vampire didn’t turn his gaze to the woman, his fists clenched. “My apologies. Circumstances have changed.”
Addie turned to the view before her. Her son, an arrow partially embedded into his chest, and the enemy mere seconds away from punching him in the center of his skull. “D-Dio!! We… How are we going to–!!? Giorno is–!!!”
“...I know.” Dio stated firmly. “I have an idea… but I can’t be sure that it will actually work.”
“What do you mean!?”
“9 seconds…” Dio counted. “I have 9 more seconds. I’m going to send The World out to grab Giorno… but I need you.”
“D-Dio are you insane?!” Addie protested. “Your stand is a manifestation of your soul!! Sending The World out there is going to expose him to direct sunlight, you know that!!”
“I do.” Dio hissed. “It's the only chance we have, my love…”
“But..!!” Addie couldn’t respond. Their son needed help, but she didn’t want to lose her lord either. “W-What do you need me to do?”
“Deep Sea.” Dio stated. “Engulf me with her energy while I send The World out. Whatever you did back in Egypt… do it again. There’s a 50/50 chance it will work… and if I can do this to save our son… to save Giorno… it's a chance I have to take.”
Unbeknownst to the vampire, Polnareff was still able to hear what was going on despite being unable to move. “To save… his son? So Jotaro was correct, he did spawn an heir… and that heir is who I’ve been helping in an attempt to defeat Diavolo. Giorno Giovanna… the son of the man who killed Avdol… who crippled Kakyoin and Iggy…”
“B-But…” Addie protested. “I don’t even know how I did that!! I was so scared that I don’t even know what I did!!”
“...And are you not scared now…”
Addie tensed. Sure, she was terrified. She was terrified that she was about to witness her son get drastically injured but just as terrified to lose the love of her life.
“Just do it…” Dio said, his voice sounding firm but somewhat defeated. “...We only have 5 seconds left.”
Addie swallowed the lump in her throat as she summoned Deep Sea. The watery form wrapped itself around Dio, arms around his neck and tail twisting and curling around his lower half.
“The World.” Dio stated, staring firmly at the sight of his son before him. “Drag Giorno back here.”
“Mudaa…” The World protested. He knew the risk this posed to his user.
“That’s an order.” Dio hissed. “With the remaining seconds we have, drag Giorno over here!!!”
The World nodded, turning to the scene before them. Hesitantly, he floated over to the boy and wrapped his arms under the boy’s.
“NNgh…!!!” Dio flinched, his balance wavering. Pain. Sering pain. His entire body burned. He hadn’t felt pain like this since his battle with Jotaro all those years ago.
“D-Dio!!” Addie cried, stepping closer. Her gaze quickly darted to The World, who was steaming in the sun’s rays.
The World began dragging Giorno’s frozen back back towards the shadows, though he was clearly struggling. The sun was a massive hindrance, and Adelaide knew it. She watched as the stand struggled to perform its task, the steam growing more prominent. 
“D-Dio, you–” Addie stammered. “Y-You’re not going to have time to–”
“T-Then…h-help…!!” Dio stammered through gritted teeth. His right arm was bracing himself against the side of the building that provided their shade. “D-Don’t…worry… a-about me…!!! G-Get… G-Giorno…!!”
Addie’s eyes widened. She’d never seen Dio this way in years, not since they first arrived in Italy and he’d met their son for the first time. She’d never expected to see that side of him ever again. “D-Dio… I can’t just–”
“...Yes you can…”
That voice… Addie looked behind her, her eyes widening at the sight before her. She hardly could believe what she was seeing. “J– … J-Jojo…?”
Before her, an old face came closer. Jonathan Joestar… surrounded in a golden, heavenly light. “...You can do this, Adelaide...”
“B-But..!!” Addie stammered. “I-If I let go… If Deep Sea stops…!!”
“...All will be fine…” Jonathan said calmly, now standing mere feet from the blonde. “Your son is a special one… born between my body and Dio’s genes… he is fated for great things and will not fall here. You must step in…”
“A-And what of Dio!?”
“...As I told him all those years ago, this isn’t over…” the Joestar said with a smile. “Because of you and Giorno, you have aided Dio in correcting his path. If he truly did not think this was right, he wouldn’t be risking his existence. He would not have sent The World out into the sunlight so recklessly if there was any other way.”
“...I can assist… to a degree.” Jonathan stated. “It will be alright. Get your son, Adelaide. He is fated for far too much to fall here.”
Addie felt the tears in her eyes as she looked at the spirit before her. Fear… she hadn’t felt fear like this since she thought Dio for dead at the bottom of the sea. She hesitantly turned back to look at Giorno and The World. They were closer, but nowhere near the shade. The World was smoking now, cracks forming along its body from the sun’s rays.
“..D-Deep…S-Sea…” Addie mumbled weakly, her lips trembling. “...U-Unravel…”
“I-I said… u-unravel…” Addie weakly repeated, blinking the tears from her eyes. “H-Help him… g-get Giorno over here…”
“Shinkai…” The water stand did as instructed, leaving Dio’s side and floating towards the teen before them. “Shojoooo……” Deep Sea wrapped herself around The World, her watery hair foaming as she began imbuing him with her own energy.
Addie looked towards Dio once more. His eyes were shut tight, teeth clenched in pain. As soon as Deep Dea released her hold on the vampire, he’d fallen to his knees from the pain. Addie kelt beside him, placing a hand at his back. She didn’t know what else to do.
“He may not be able to reverse his wrongdoings…” Jonathan stated, now beside both blondes. “But you have aided him in returning to a straight and narrow path. While he will never admit to it, Dio has finally been shown the side of the world that I so desperately tried to get him to see. Because of you and the son you bore with him, you finally got him to open his eyes to it.”
“...Jojo…” Addie whispered. “...Can he hear you…?”
“No.” Jonathan stated. “I’m reaching out to you strictly… but even if I had reached you both, he wouldn’t be able to hear. The pain he endures is far too great to allow his senses to work properly.”
“...You told him… that things weren’t done…” Addie repeated. “...What do you mean by that…? If he isn’t meant to know, I won’t say a word… I beg of you, Jojo… what are we in store for?”
Jonathan remained silent for a moment. “...I am not permitted to inform you of your future. But what I can say is this; Giorno is key to preventing an old ally from bringing Dio’s ultimate plan to fruition. I’m sure you remember his goal to achieve Heaven?”
Addie’s eyes widened as she turned to the spectral man. “T-The Heaven Plan!? B-But he’s given that mess up!!”
“Indeed.” Jonathan stated. “But his old ally has not forgotten. In due time, you will cross paths with a few old faces… and fight together as one. That is all I can say.”
Addie snapped back to her lover, panic in her eyes. “D-Dio!!”
“Shinnnnkkkaaaaaii….!” Deep Sea strained, tightening her grip and rushing further.
“2 seconds.” Jonathan stated, sending a chill down Adelaide’s spine. “I cannot reach out to your spiritual manifestations. You are in the clear. Have your stand instruct The World to return.”
“D-Deep Sea!!” Addie shouted, cradling Dio in her arms. “M-Make The World return to him..!!”
“Muda.” The World protested.
“Shojou…” Deep Sea glared at the golden stand. With one quick movement, the watery stand wrapped her tail around his ankle and hurled him back to his user. “Shinkai.”
Dio gasped for air, feeling his stand return to his body. The sunlight no longer touched him, but his body was still in immense pain. “H-How…c-could you…–!!”
“Shut up.” Addie’s voice was harsh. “Not one word.” She watched as Deep Sea pulled Giorno just to the edge of the shade as time began to flow once more.
“Nhg–!” Giorno groaned, hitting the pavement. “W-What.. Just–?” He looked to find his mother holding her husband in her arms. His father… burns were present on his skin.
“H-How did…?!” Diavolo hissed. “I see… so he also can manipulate time, is that it? No matter… his power is still inferior to my King Crimson. Giorno Giovanna!! This is the end for you!!” Diavolo went to land another blow, only to see the arrow become one with the boy’s stand… it crawled into the stand’s skin. “What is it that I’m seeing right now? I’ve already broken his head. Shouldn’t I see his brain bits flying everywhere? But that’s not what’s coming out of his head… What is this? And why has the arrow entered his arm!?”
Mista and Trish gasped as they witnessed Gold Experience shatter before their eyes.
“H-He…” Mista stammered.
“Giorno wasn’t rejected by the arrow after all!!” Trish exclaimed. “The arrow hadn’t deemed him unworthy!! And not only that… the arrow is now forever imprinted within Giorno!! The Boss won’t be able to go after it anymore!!!”
“I… is what I’m seeing real? Did I make a mistake somewhere?” Diavolo panicked. “I should be seeing Giorno’s corpse right now… No!! This can’t be real!!”
“It’s Requiem!!” Mista shouted. “It’s Giorno’s Requiem!! Gold Experience Requiem!!”
“Gold Experience has fully absorbed the arrow’s power!!” Mista shouted.
Dio weakly, painfully, lifted his head to look forward. Before him, he could see his son floating midair. His stand’s appearance changed… evolved.
Giorno stared down at Diavolo, his resolve forever solid. He flicked a piece of floating rubble right through the man’s hand, turning it into a scorpion on the way out. “The only thing that survives in this world… is reality… This is an action caused by reality.”
“His vampiric blood is also awakening.” Jonathan stated. “He may have vampiric blood, but he has far more Joestar blood running within him. This is why he’s able to survive the sun. He will put an end to this, now. I will be taking my leave.”
“...Wait…” Addie whispered. “...One last thing…”
“Yes, ma’am?” Jonathan inquired.
“...I have to know…” Addie begged softly. “...Are you… always around…?”
Jonathan gave a soft smile. “I am. When you wrapped around Dio, preventing him from being obliterated by Jotaro’s attack… it is true, that I was finally released and allowed into Heaven. But I have my own will, still, and thus can come and go when I please. I take pride in ensuring Dio can continue down this brighter path… I always check on him. More so than the other Joestars. He is still considered my brother.” With that, the Joestar spirit disappeared.
“What’s going on now?!” Mista cried out. “What’s going to happen? Will Requiem exchange our spirits again?”
“I don’t know…” Trish stated. “No one knows… probably not even Giorno… But it seems that Requiem is now fully controlled by Giorno. It’s entirely docile!!”
“Don’t get all high and mighty…” Diavolo hissed. “Don’t think you know everything!! Giorno Giovanna, I won’t give you any chances… Prepare to mourn your own death!! King Crimson!!” Diavolo cackled, time having been affected. In this space of erased time, he could see Giorno’s movements and dodge the bullets that Mista had fired his way. “I can entirely predict what he is planning to do! How can you pieces of trash think you can defeat me! Reality is in my hands!! In a few seconds, even if time returns to normal, Gold Experience’s attack has been completely nullified by me!! You won’t be able to see me or King Crimson anymore! I won! Fate ultimately still chooses me to rule the world!! I’m faster than you!! With my predictions, I punched right through your heart!! It ends now!!”
To his horror, however, things didn't go as he foretold. Time began to rewind. The bullets Mista fired returned in reverse, forcing Diavolo to dodge them once more. “I-Impossible!! What…!! Is time beginning to progress normally again?! Is this Requiem’s doing?! NO!! Fate is still choosing me, Diavolo!! Take this, Giorno Giovanna!!!” King Crimson went to land another blow, only for it to suddenly be stopped outright.
“This.. Requiem… Everything you see is real…” Giorno hissed. “Your ability does indeed allow you to see the future… but… you are not able to execute what will actually happen! Whoever stands before me, no matter what ability he has… will not be able to take action. Because this is Gold Experience Requiem!”
“Not even my wielder, Giorno Giovanna, truly knows the lengths of this ability.” GER itself stated.
Before he knew it, Diavlo felt pain rush throughout his body. Gold Experience Requiem rapidly, almost at the speed of light, hurled punch after punch at Diavolo. “You… have nowhere… else to go… and… you will never be able to grasp reality!”
“W-We did it!!” Mista’s voice resounded. “The arrow’s power evolved your Gold Experience!! Even though I wasn’t able to see what happened… but the Boss’s King Crimson is no match for you!! We’ve finally won!!”
“Wait… wait a minute!!” Trish interrupted. “Did his body float up to the surface?! Where’s the corpse!?”
“Is it floating on the surface?” Mista wondered. “W-Where is it!? Hurry up and help us find it!! Giorno!! Where did the Boss go?!”
“Come on!! Giorno!!” Trish shouted. “We have to find him!! He still could be alive!! We have to make sure that he’s dead!!
“No…” Giorno muttered. “We don’t have to… Everything is over.”
“B-But he could still be alive…” Mista pointed out.
“Even though I’m not too sure of Requiem’s ability either…” Giorno began. “I firmly believe he has nowhere to go anymore… especially not reality… not even the reality of death. Never-ending is an ending! This is Gold Experience Requiem!”
“H-Hey!! Come on!!” Mista shouted. “We have to get back to the Coliseum!! Buccarati’s spirit should be back but his body is still injured!!”
“R-Right!” Trish agreed. “Hurry up, Giorno!! Back to the coliseum!! We gotta cure Bucciarati before we go home!!”
Giorno watched as both of them took off running, passing his father and mother by as they headed back towards the location of Bucciarati’s body. “Ah… let’s go… I’m coming…”
“Giorno… This is good… Don’t worry. That’s all… Giorno.”
The blonde turned to look behind himself and saw a faded apparition before him. “B-Bucci–”
“Because of everyone, we’ve finally obtained total victory… now everything is over… After all, before fate, we are just sleeping slaves… and now we’ve been released from it… We have won.”
Giorno watched the figure fade away, like a mist evaporating in the sun. His attention was diverted when he heard his mother’s faint voice. “...Mama…?”
“D-Dio!!” Addie was saying. “H-He did it..!! He really did it…!!”
The teen walked over and stood over his parents who had both been crouched on the ground. “Why are you out here like this… its sun up.”
“Keh…” Dio coughed, his body still wracked with pain. “Idiot boy…”
Addie looked up to her son, her face wet from her tears. “G-Giorno..!!”
Giorno’s brow furrowed, grasping the situation. “Padre?”
“...Heh…” Dio scoffed. “It’ll take… more than this… to end my existence, it seems…”
Addie wiped away her tears. “G-Giorno… you have no idea what he risked…”
“Stop…” Dio weakly murmured. “...His abilities… have surpassed my own… there’s no need to boast…”
Giorno raised a brow in confusion, kneeling beside his father. “Padre. What happened?”
“Heh…” Dio weakly chuckled, licking the blood from the corner of his lips. “...You really do look a lot like me with your hair like that…”
Giorno reached the back of his head, only now realizing his braid was undone and his golden tresses were free. “...When did–”
“I didn’t.” Dio said, taking a shaky breath. “Your evolving abilities caused it this time… Giorno…”
Giorno ignored him, attempting to redo his hair once again.
“...Giorno.” Dio stated, weakly grabbing the boy’s wrist. Moving was excruciating.
Giorno remained silent as he looked at his father.
“...I’m proud of you…” Dio weakly muttered. “You did well to surpass me…”
“He’s in a lot of pain…” Addie stated. “He sustained horrid burns from sending his stand out to pull you from Diavolo’s reach.”
“I told you… to shut up…” Dio protested.
“He’s going to be laid up for quite a while.” Addie stated.
Giorno went to summon Gold Experience, but his father put up a hand in protest. “No, son… I deserve this. I have done far too many unsavory deeds in my lifetime… I deserve to feel pain at least once. Do not heal me. …I’ll heal over time.”
“I’m… going to get him into the turtle.” Addie hesitantly stated. “Otherwise, neither he or myself will be able to return home until nightfall. We can at least hide within Coco Jumbo until we get there.” Addie carefully lifted Dio’s hand and placed it towards the key, the both of them being sucked into the secret room within.
Giorno looked to the wall that his father had been leaning against, only now noticing the deep claw marks in the stone. “...Padre…”
“I must admit…” Polnareff’s voice resounded. “...I never thought I would see the day where Dio would risk his own life for someone else.”
“P-Polnareff?” Giorno stammered. “But… Everything is back to normal. Everyone’s souls are back to normal.”
“Yes, that’s true…” Polnareff stated. “But my body is still dead. But it appears as though my soul is capable of living within this turtle’s secret room.” The soul of the Frenchman was sticking out of the red jewel embedded into the golden key.
“...Polnareff…” Giorno began. “How do you know my father…”
Polnareff looked at the boy, a look of pity clear as day. “Giorno… You do not need to be burdened with your father’s past. I will admit, what he has put me through alongside my friends will never allow me to trust him… but he clearly cares for you, which is something that I never would have expected from him. He was willing to turn to dust to ensure you were the victor against Diavolo. I will never trust him, but he at least has my respect for that action.”
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diegosaurbrando · 1 year
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So i updated my Gyro Full Collection, nothing special, just added a couple of my non EOH/ASB edits
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bitter-orchid · 1 year
engine of hell: live at roadburn 2022 <3
really looking forward to this release! while EOH had a huge impact on me in general, hearing it live was something truly special. emma is such an exceptional, magical soul ✧*̥˚
the album is out on july 7th.meanwhile enjoy the live version of "razor's edge" <3
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z-paladin · 6 months
Ikuro Eoh Thoughts:
Would probably get along with Giorno with their shared Survival Ideas, even if Giorno is initially distrusting of him for having 2 Life Signs and having Bad Experiences there.
Would unnerve the Josephs to no end. Do not team them up. Don't. You're gonna give the old man a heart attack. Don't put him near Caesar either. Actually just keep him away from all the part 2 cast for everyone's health and safety.
Would get along fine with most of the Morioh crew but mostly with Koichi. But who doesn't like Koichi? He's everyone's special lil man
Ikuro having to live in abandoned buildings while on the run makes him most adept at sleeping in the turtle. While everyone else is trying to sort who gets couches, Ikuro is more than willing to sleep on the floor. Gappy, being an Amnesiac Solidarity Homie, has used Ikuro as a blanket. Distinctly not cuddling. Just laying on top of him in the corner. Don't make it weird.
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inmycity · 1 year
EOH to pay back R191m to Water and Sanitation
EOH to pay back R191m to Water and Sanitation
Information technology company EOH is expected to pay back at least R191 million to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in monies it received through its dealings with the department. This as the company signed a settlement agreement with the DWS and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU). SIU spokesperson Kaizer Kganyago said the settlement comes after an investigation by the corruption…
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jortsjoestar · 2 years
Expecting the unexpected while traversing space and time seemed like fine advice to follow... but already with one Jonathan Joestar in their set party and one visit to Air Supplena Island under their belt, none of them could have predicted such a turn of events. Already drowning in an abundance of JoJos and, unfortunately, Dios, what could go wrong with adding one more of each?
You just had to ask, didn't you?
Tada! It's the A Thousand Answers x Eyes of Heaven Crossover Special!
Hey everyone! It’s A Thousand Answer’s fourth birthday and we’ve done something special to celebrate it! It’s just a bit of self indulgent fun but something we’ve really wanted to do so we hope you enjoy it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!
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weeddio · 2 years
Caesar’s death
Anime vs Eyes of Heaven
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gojuo · 3 years
theyre gonna announce part 6 anime in april.....
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0t0nai · 6 years
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Submerged in the stone ocean
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joejoeba · 2 years
I am formally requesting more naramistrish bestie headcanons because I care about them a lot and all your headcanons are top tier
They're all protective of one another, but Mista takes his role as oldest seriously, and Narancia is extra protective of Trish, but respects her strengths (supported by their dialogue together in EoH! Narancia both says he will protect Trish and acknowledges that she's strong enough that she might not even need it.)
Post-VA, Trish and Mista have a special bestie bond from swapping bodies. They're the kind of friends that don't talk for 6 months and slip right back into their friendship like nothing happened.
Post-VA-everyone-lives verse, Mista and Trish get an extra layer to their care for Narancia, because they've seen and felt what it's like if he dies, and they do not want to repeat it.
Narancia liberally borrows both their clothes, because they love reminders of friendships, and they can rock both styles (though Mistas clothes are way too big on them),
Not sure how to explain it, but Trish employs the Girl Protective of Her Boys attitude very much. World is cruel and unjust and no one has properly taught these boys that they deserve a lot better and they're too likely to just grin and bear it; Trish will fight the world and initiate self-care days and comfort.
They're probably the most social group? Like, Bruno is undoubtedly social but he doesnt use his downtime to chill out and have fun. Naramistrish DO like just chilling and having fun and they mostly have each other to do it with. Movies, concerts, spa nights, shopping, road trips, they have fun!
Post-VA-Everyone-lives verse, Bruno gets a do-over on telling Trish she can live with him. Narancia, of course, gets to keep living with him too. Abbacchio ends up moving in, and Fugos room is kept in case he comes back. Mista is a little out of the loop, but he does need space in his little bachelor pad apartment. Narancia bounces between places and sleeps where he wants, and Trish can be persuaded for sleepover if Mista cleans up first.
Rockstar Trish travels a lot and the boys are very active in keeping in contact, partially bc they worry lol.
Mista and Trish both lowkey have a crush on Narancia, but they're very content being besties and occasionally having an evening for just the two of them where they get drunk and lament their love life.
Mista likes to cook and often provides free food. It's not always appreciated though, because their tastes just DO not align. Much dinner table banter about what food is good and what's bad.
Trish isnt quite as touchy feely as the boys and needs a bit of warning before being climbed all over. Mista and Narancia remain Team No Physical Boundaries
Sometimes Spice Girl pops out and just kinda.....observes the boys. Sidenote ever think about how Spice Girl and Gold Experience are like, incredibly sentient Stands? Both can know and express things their users don't. Anyway Spice Girl is happy Trish has good friends in her life and freaks them out by just watching.
Oh no Sex Pistols and Spice Girl can have entire conversations oh no they're so obnoxious oh no
In my ideal world, Trish is a rock star and Narancia is her backup dancer / bodyguard and Mista is is a fulltime bodyguard for both of them. I'd love to write sth like that tbh
They work great together but dont leave them unsupervised on a mission they'll wreck everything
I thought I'd have more! Sorry this is short lol
Honestly I dont have much reason for this trio, I just love friendship and love them <3
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#( good but he would also fight her lowkey )
She Will Knock His Ass Out . @starstand
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
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Yayyy its selfship Sunday😃, and the first one in April. This month is pretty special being that the king himself and his son have their birthdays in the month. I can't help hut imagine how much Jonathan would have loved Giorno, and often think about how they would interact if they had to meet in an EoH type of scenario, or how Jonathan would take to Giordano and Gia. My thoughts are all over the place 🤣 (really when are they not).
For Bri, the start of April marks the beginning of Giogio month for her. She makes a huge deal out of Giorno's birthday and will often spend the month leading up to it planning little gifts and some grand gestures as well. Over the years Bri has managed to grow his art collection, get originals of his favorite literature to their library and acquire one of his most prized items; a guitar signed by Jeff Beck.
She knows about his past and just wants to make sure he knows that he's loved and that she's thankful for his presence in her life. Bri's quite perceptive too, so she takes note of the things he lingers on, the treats he revisits and makes a special effort have these things available for him. On the day of Giorno's birthday, especially in the first years of their relationship, Bri always woke up early and made him breakfast, and he'd wake up earlier too, to spend some time with her before the others woke up. The evening always sees Bri hosting a huge dinner party for him if they're in Naples, but Giorno always manages to steal a few moments here and there to spend with her alone. He also tends to get reflective during these times, thinking about how far he's come and the new heights he'd reach. When Giordano and Gia are born, he's so at peace and in his element. His office is softened, and the original art and volumes of Les Miserables that line his walls and shelves are accompanied by pictures and photos of Bri and the children and their extensive travels and all the macaroni art and hand drawn pictures one could imagine. By this time, he has taken Passione completely underground and has seamlessly integrated all their activities with Bria's business ventures and foundations, so the "threats" of being apprehended or challenged no longer exist (but that's a story for another day). Overall, Aprils with Bri are all about celebrating Giorno and making him feel loved and I'm just really soft for how much they love each other.
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stonerfreed · 3 years
the worst part of this whole ordeal is that i left the catboy dashboard chaos behind for a bit to play eoh and forgot that a couple days ago i changed jolyne’s special dual combo dialogue to “i’m so hungry right meow!” and that. hit me like a freight train.
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cheriiakimoved · 5 years
' Kakyoin! Ah, your style's so cute! We should go and shop together by chance ' she replies whilst shamelessly looking through his coats.
            cute … ? noriaki didn’t think of his clothing style as            particularly cute. his choice in clothes was more            focused on them being practical and easy to wear             than anything else, while still looking a little stylish,             but the offer of going shopping with him was something            he didn’t expect her to ask him however.
            why’d she want him to tag along? sure he was            knowledgable, but to say he was in his element while             shopping, for clothes in particular, would be wrong.
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            ❛  — shopping? i don’t mind doing so. i’m just a little            surprised you’d ask me for such a thing. wouldn’t you            rather go with hermès? also, please tell me before you            run off with any of my clothes —— you seem … very            invested in them.  ❜
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witchofcustom · 3 years
Tbh I love that Johnny’s special attack in EoH is called the roundabout path quote. It’s my favorite quote in the entire series.
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