#jess turner
valeryrizzo · 2 years
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New Work with writer Kendra Wilson and Jess Turner of Olamina Botanicals for Gardenista.
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cocaineheartz · 1 year
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i need a partner, well are you out tonight?
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waywardvamp · 9 months
I love you, Sam Winchester, and your tendency to adopt weird little kids. You should have stayed a psychic the entire show.
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cherrybby0923 · 5 months
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literally the definition of if he wanted to he would
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pernillecfcw · 2 months
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🇮🇪 vs 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 at the Aviva Stadium 🏟️
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superawesome40 · 2 months
Imagine this:
It starts with Bobby John. Dean can't let the baby go, he reminds him too much of Sam, way back when Sam was this age, and Daddy was always sad (or drunk), and when Dean tried to speak the words got stuck, and he could not make a sound. He can't let the baby go, so he doesn't.
Over time, they gather more. Bobby John, Ben, Joe and Ryan, Emma, Alex, Krissy and Aiden and Josephine, Magda, Claire, Jack. They find Jesse again, 16 years old and alone and scared of himself. They find Charlie and Kevin, and even though they aren't quite their kids, they treat them with the same care.
Somewhere in between the always rising tide of children, they find the Bunker. It's perfect - dozens of rooms for everyone to spread out, to have their own space. Bobby doesn't die, but he does move to the bunker "To keep an eye on ya' idjits,”. The modifications they make to the Bunker for his wheelchair are worth it to see the pride in his eyes. Linda Tran moves in, and she and Dean have an ongoing war over who's in control of the kitchen.
Of course, things aren't perfect. Chuck is still a problem, and eventually he must be dealt with. They win, but the cost is heavy. Cas and Jack are gone, and Dean... well he's as good as gone. He never leaves his room anymore, except to get a drink. Their dysfunctional family is mourning, both for those who they've lost and for themselves. Disappearing and coming back is much more traumatic than you'd expect.
Eventually, in an attempt to cheer him up, they convince him to go on a hunt. Just a small thing, a nest of vamps. They've killed a man and mutilated his wife, as well as taken their kids, two small boys. Someone (later, no one will remember exactly who) jokes that they can take in the boys. Sam and Dean leave, looking more cheerful than they’ve been in weeks.
They get the call a few hours later. Sam tells them over the phone, barely understandable through his tears, that Dean was hurt in the fight and that the doctors aren’t sure if he’ll pull through. Using the variety of cars in the bunker, they break a handful of laws and probably the sound barrier on their way to the hospital. Bobby pulls Sam aside and he explains, in detail, what happened. They wait for hours before a doctor finally enters the waiting room, asking for the family of Dean Fletcher* (Millie Winchester’s maiden name).
Dean survives, barely. Recovery is an uphill battle, and the damage done to his spine, muscles, and nerves leave him wheelchair-bound and in near-constant pain. Eventually, he’s able to move around for short periods of time using forearm crutches and leg braces, but it’s only after a few years and a lot of physical therapy. At the very least, the Bunker needs no new changes to accommodate him, having been updated for Bobby ages ago.
A year passes. The two boys from the vamp hunt are moved into the Bunker after their mother succumbs to her injuries in the hospital, and quickly adjust and thrive in the new location. Sam and Eileen quit hunting, permanently. They move to town, only fifteen minutes away, and visit every Saturday for family dinner. When they get married, Sam Winchester becomes Sam Leahy. Jody retires, and moves her hoard to the Bunker. They’ve got the room, after all. Donna follows not too long after. Miracle is officially trained as a service animal, to help Dean with his panic attacks.
One night, Dean can’t sleep. He hauls himself into his wheelchair and goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. He stops at the sight of three people sitting at the table.
The reunion is a tearful one. Dean cries from relief, and guilt, and of course the burning pain that rips through his back as a result of him temporarily forgetting he can’t stand and launching himself out of his chair. Cas also cries, sobbing apologies into Dean’s hair from where they are curled on the floor. Jack, pressed between the two of them and both overwhelmed and overstimulated, can only beg for Dean’s forgiveness. His dads wipe away his tears and press kisses to his cheeks, assuring him that he has nothing to apologize for.
The only one who doesn’t cry is Adam, sitting slightly stony faced at the table. Later, once the commotion of the reunion has died and Sam has been woken and summoned to the Bunker, the three sit down to chat.
Adam tells them that he’s not angry anymore, and begs them to explain everything to him, starting from the beginning. He is especially curious about their father, and realizes through their stories that John badly mistreated them. Dean invites Adam to stay in the Bunker, but Adam declines. He says that there’s a lot he needs to do, but hesitantly suggests that they stay in touch. Their relationship is tentative at first, but eventually he becomes a permanent fixture in the family.
Cas and Jack are filled in on what they missed. Dean pulls them each aside and apologizes privately for the things he said and did before the end. He assures Jack that he is part of the family, and always will be. He tells him he’s willing to be Jack’s dad, if that’s what Jack wants. Jack enthusiastically agrees.
He can’t quite bring himself to say “I love you” to Cas, but he says something along the lines of “maybe one day.” He also implies to Cas that John was extremely homophobic, and the combination of that and the sexual trauma he has experienced through his life (getting money for food/rent as a teen, Hell, Lydia) makes him hesitant now to form romantic relationships. Cas, understanding as always, agrees and comments on how he has improved at opening up, to which Dean replies that there wasn’t much else to do when he was trapped in bed and couldn’t escape Sam and his relentless therapy-talks.
Jack tells them as a group that he has decided there doesn’t need to be a God, and has stepped down after reforming Heaven. He says that he used his power for the last time to bring back Castile and find Adam. He confesses to his parents that the power is not gone, and likely never will be. He also says that he would like to grow up as human as possible, and promptly shrinks to the size of a toddler, much to the bewildered amusement of his parents. They discover that he no longer has his memories, and Bobby suggests that they may come back when he’s older, and that forgetting is his young mind's way of protecting itself.
As time passes, Cas and Dean open the Bunker to other hunters as a research facility and safe space to stay for a few nights. Neither of them hunt anymore, but they offer support and badly needed organization. With Charlie and Kevin’s help, they set up a system like the one Sam originally had.
When Eileen and Sam announce they are expecting, Dean is ecstatic. When they reveal the baby is a boy and that they are naming him “Dean II”, he cries for a solid hour. He’s the first, outside of Sam and Eileen, to hold the baby, who he affectionately nicknames “Junior”.
In the end, they are happy. They live together peacefully.
Would anyone be interested in reading this on ao3? I miiiight be planning to write this… also any suggestions/question/concerns are welcome! Also, if I missed any kiddos (canon only, please), feel free to tell me! I’m perfectly open to expanding their hoard.
Also, I cannot take complete credit for this story. Quite a few elements are inspired by foolondahill17’s stories, Dean Winchester’s half-way house for orphaned half-monsters (and humans), and the miracles ‘verse by the same author. Both are absolutely amazing stories, and I highly recommend.
*According to the Supernatural Wiki, Adam Glass wanted the actress Louise Fletcher to play Millie Winchester should she appear on screen.
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winchestergifs · 2 years
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Come on. You can trust us. We're the authorities.
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redpool · 11 months
Because we are moving, I've been rewatching Supernatural while packing and I've decided i want to make a list of the episodes that i actually like (meaning that I actually like what I'm watching).
Season 1:
Episode 1 'Pilot' - Minus the intro, i usually skip that
Episode 2 'Wendigo' - That last bit, where Dean has the bandage on his throat... *insert debby ryan meme here*
Episode 3 'Dead in the Water' - Enough said, i mean come on..
Episode 5 'Bloody Mary' - I used to be terrified of this ep. But the way the boys are so soft and comforting towards the girls. (and Mary is pretty)
Episode 7 'Hook Man' - Love me some hook man. and the black shirt and brown jacket combo on Dean *chefs kiss*
Episode 12 'Faith' - Dean is just really attractive to me i this ep, he's so sick and pathetic looking and i love it... THE HOODIE
Episode 19 'Provenance' - Idk why "HOLY, BLONDE, CHEERLEADER, BATMAN" < I quote that so so much
Season 2:
Episode 2 'Everybody Loves A Clown' -
I want to say Bloodlust because of Benny but I hate that other shitbird
Episode 4 'Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things' - Its just a fun ep
Episode 5 'Simon Said' - ASH MY LOVE!!!!!
Episode 6 'No Exit' - America's first known serial killer
Episode 11 'Playthings' - "Of course, the most troubling question is: Why do these people assume we're gay?" "Well, you are kinda butch, but I just think you're overcompensating."
Episode 15 'Tall Tales' - GABE MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 17 'Heart' - uhhh werewolves, need I say more?
Episode 18 'Hollywood Babylon' - another idk why
Episode 19 'Folsom Prison Blues' - two words, Blue. Steel.
Season 3:
Episode 3 'Bad Day At Black Rock' - Bela *Insert debby ryan meme*
Episode 5 'Bedtime Stories' - another fun one
Episode 6 'Red Sky at Morning' - Bela, my love!'
Episode 8 'A Very Supernatural Christmas' - Protective Dean, "You fudging touch me again, I'll fudging kill ya!"
Episode 11 'Mystery Spot' - GABE MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 13 'Ghostfacers' - GHOST- GHOSTFACERS, I also love that we see a whole different version of the Winchesters. (sweary)
Season 4:
Episode 1 'Lazarus Rising' - The beginning of the longest queerbaiting relationship ever
Episode 4 'Monster Movie' - do I really need to explain?
Episode 6 'Yellow Fever' - "I'll man the flashlight!"
Episode 7 ' It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester' - ngl the title makes no sense, and there is a reason, i just can't think of it.
Episode 8 'Wishful Thinking' - another fun episode, this is the episode that, that kid that killed his mum and set out to take the Canadian prime minster out is in.
Episode 12 'Criss Angel Is a Douche Bag' - *shrugs*
Episode 13 'After School Special' - BABY SAM, younger Dean 😏
Episode 14 'Sex and Violence' - BI DEAD BI DEAN BI DEAN BI DEAN
Episode 18 'The Monster at the End of This Book' - also *shrug*
Episode 19 'Jump the Shark' - ADAM!!!! Adam ☹️😢
Season 5:
Episode 5 'Fallen Idols' - another fun episode
Episode 6 'I Believe the Children Are Out Future' - JESSE!!!!! There was so much potential in this kid, we could have the greatest duo with Jesse and Jack.
Episode 7 'The Curious Case of Dean Winchester' - BI DEAD BI DEAN BI DEAN BI DEAN
Episode 8 'Changing Channels' - GABE MY LOVE!!!!!!!!
Episode 9 'The Real Ghostbusters' - fair enough
Episode 11 'Sam, Interrupted' - ✨therapy✨
Episode 12 'Swap Meat' - fun episode
Episode 14 'My Bloody Valentine' - "I don't like it!" "No one likes it."
Episode 17 '99 Problems' - "Not you. Or me. Sam of course is an abomination. We'll have to find someone else." & "Well, what is she, exactly?" "The whore." "Wow, Cas, tell us what you really think."
Episode 18 'Point of No Return' - ADAM!!!! Adam... ☹️😢
Episode 19 'Hammer of the Gods' - GABE!!!!! Gabe.... ☹️😢
Episode 21 'Two Minutes to Midnight' - OH, DEATH, OH, DEATH, OH, DEATH,
Episode 22 'Swan Song' - THE BEGINNIG OF MIADAM!!!! funny story, when i had an iPhone i had "Hey, Assbutt" as my text tone and it was almost as scary as when I had Obi-Wan's "Hello there"
Season 6:
Episode 3 'The Third Man' - BALTHAZAR MY LOVE!!!!!!!!
Episode 9 'Clap Your Hands If You Believe' - Souless!Sam is a dick but I kinda love him.
Episode 17 'My Heart Will Go On' - BALTHAZAR!!!!!!!! "Sorry, you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you."
Episode 18 'Frontierland' - Why is Elias kinda hot...?
Episode 19 'Mommy Dearest' - I just like the bar scene
Season 7:
Episode 1 'Meet the New Boss' - "And who says you speak for God? You're wrong. I am utterly indifferent to sexual orientation. On the other hand, I cannot abide hypocrites like you, Reverend." "Okay, fun's over, friend" "Tell your flock where your genitals have been before you speak for Me." "And who the heck are you?" "I'm God.", basically the whole church scene
Episode 5 'Shut Up, Dr. Phil' - It's just a funny episode
Episode 9 'How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters' - "I think you pissed off my sandwich."
Episode 14 'Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie' - "Ha! I'm sorry, you look like you got attacked by some PCP-crazed strippers."
Episode 20 'The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo' -CHARLIE BABY!!!!!!
Episode 21 'Reading is Fundamental' - KEVIN MY LOVE!!!!!!
Season 8:
Episode 1 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' - That whole first scene, BENNY MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 2 'What's Up, Tiger Mommy?' - ALFIE!!!!!!!!! BENNY!!!!!!!
Episode 4 'Bitten' - outside perspectives are always funny
Episode 5 'Blood Brother' - BENNNY!!!! Vampirates.
Episode 6 'Southern Comfort' - GARTH!!!!!
Episode 7 'A Little Slice of Kevin' - KEVIN!!!! Dean isn't even trying to hide his gay.
Episode 8 'Hunteri Heroici' - I'll introgate the cat."
Episode 9 'Citizen Fang' - I hate this episode but yeah
Episode 11 'LARP and the Real Girl' - CHARLIE, MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 12 'As Time Goes By' - HENRY, MY LOVE!!!!!!
Episode 13 'Everybody Hates Hitler' - Adam Rose is in it, do i need to continue?
Episode 15 'Man's Best Friend with Benefits' - I hate witches but this ep is good.
Episode 20 'Pac-Man Fever' -
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Episode 23 'Sacrifice' - The last scene and speech that Dean says to Sam.
Season 9:
Episode 1 'I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here' - GADDY!!!!!! MY BABY!!!!!!
Episode 4 'Slumber Party' - CHARLIE!!!!! TIIO!!!!!!
Episode 5 'Dog Dean Afternoon' - just a fun one, the pigeon is the best character in this episode.
Episode 8 'Rock and a Hard Place' - "But when you get down to it, what's the big deal? Sure, there's the touching and the feeling all of each other, my hands everywhere, tracing every inch of her body. The two of us moving together, pressing, pulling, grinding, and then you hit that sweet spot and everything just builds, builds and builds until it all just... [Makes explosion noise] ...But the whole thing was just a little too sticky."
Episode 13 'The Purge' - Out of all of the creatures in this show the Pishtacos are my favourite.
Episode 15 '#thinman' - the return of the Ghostfacers, they're so gay for eachother.
Episode 16 'Blade Runners' - sexy
Episode 19 'Alex Annie Alexis Ann' - ALEX!!!!!!!
Season 10:
Episode 1 'Black' - DEMON!DEAN FOR THE WIN!!!!
Episode 2 'Reichenbach' - Demon Dean...
Episode 3 'Soul Survivor' - Demon Dean.
Episode 4 'Paper Moon' - KATE!!!!
Episode 5 'Fan Fiction' - Do I really need to explain why I like this one? 🎶"JOHN AND MARY, HUSBAND AND WIFE, BRINGING HOME A BRAND NEW LIFE, HIS NAME IS SAMMY, I'M BIG BROTHER DEAN"🎶
Episode 6 'Ask Jeeves' - the interactions are just really funny.
Episode 7 'Girls, Girls, Girls' - ROWENA!!!!!! the only witch I can stand.
Episode 8 'Hibbing 911' - JODIY AND DONNA SUPREMACY!!!!
Episode 12 'About a Boy' - Just a fun episode
Episode 13 'Halt & Catch Fire' - ghosts are always fun episodes
Episode 14 'The Executioner's Song' - the end of Cain
Episode 15 'The Things They Carried' - probably my favourite Cole episode.
Episode 16 'Paint It Black' - I just like this ep
Episode 19 'The Werther Project' - BENNY!!!!!!
Season 11:
Episode 4 'Baby' - self explained, i'd say.
Episode 5 'Thin Lizzie' - idk why
Episode 7 'Plush' - its just funny
Episode 8 'Just My Imagination' - 'She's got sparkle on her face!'
Episode 11 'Into the Mystic' -
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Episode 12 'Don't You Forget About Me' - DAD DEAN DAD DEAN DAD DEAN DAD DEAN
Season 12:
Episode 6 'Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox' - It's just funny watching people react the way they do towards the boys.
Episode 8 'LOTUS' - ARTHUR!!!!!!
Episode 11 'Regarding Dean' - Considering that he was going to die this and the Zanna episode are my all time favourites.
Season 13:
Episode 1 'Lost and Found' - JACK!!!!!!! MY BABY!!!!!!!
Episode 2 'The Rising Son' - Jack means a lot to me.
Episode 4 'The Big Empty' - ✨therapy✨
Episode 16 'Scoobynatural' - I like it when they give us a break from the on-going trauma filled story lines.
Season 14:
Episode 4 'Mint Condition' - fun episode
Episode 6 'Optimism' - fun episode
have you guys seen this yet? this is such a cool picture.
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Season 15:
Episode 1 'Back and to the Future' - BELPHEGOR!!!!! (i only like Alex's version)
Episode 2 'Raising Hell' - a trip down memory lane
Episode 3 'The Rapture' - *shrugs*
Episode 7 'Last Call' - I just think its funny how Dean faked being able to sing for all those years, I assume to make Sam laugh.
Episode 8 'Our Father, Who Aren't In Heaven' - ADAM!!!!!!! MIDAM!!!!!!! THATS A RELATIONSHIP I WANNA JOIN!!! Oh and its a win for Destial too i guess.
Episode 15 'Gimme Shelter' - Jack & Dean bonding experience.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months
so can you give an age range of all the elemental masters from the tournament relative to the ninja and when the war happened
Coincidentally (according to my current yet-as-always-subject-to-change notes), the Tournament of Elements occurs, like, exactly 40 years after the Serpentine were sealed away, with the incident with the Time Twins happening not long afterwards leading to the Fifth Gen split up. Of course, this changes a thing or two come show-Season 7, but like, saying "40 years ago" and being off by a year or two is not the end of the world imo :V
As previously mentioned, Zane, Cole, and Skylor are 18 during S4, while Kai turns 18 over the course of events. Jesse is 17, Jay and Nya are 16, and Lloyd's almost 15, but not quite. It's a point of contention that the Secret Ninja Force/Masters of Spinjitzu are all so young compared to (almost) everyone else in the Alliance.
Also mentioned, Tox is three years older than Cole, so during S4 she would be 21. Also in their 20's are Griffin (20), Ash (24), and Shade (28).
Also also mentioned is Karlof: he'd be about 36 or 37 during S4. Also in their 30's are Paleman (33), Jacob (35), Gravis (37), Neuro (36), and Bolobo (34)
Andddddd Chamille herself is 15 almost 16 here
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dna2023 · 1 year
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Ferris wheel
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lessirussolvr · 4 months
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waywardvamp · 9 months
Today, I am thinking about Jesse Turner, Jacob Pond, Emma Winchester, and the monstruos children. The irredimable innocents.
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sbd-laytall · 4 months
The Jonathan Turner and Shawn Hunter to Luke Danes and Jess Mariano pipeline.
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cambionverse · 2 months
Happy March 29th!
Once again, it's Cambionverse Day and Jesse Turner's birthday. We don't have the next chapter of Envesseled ready to post yet, so we decided to post some excerpts from it instead! Please enjoy them, and as always, thank you for your patience <3
Amazon Rainforest, Brazil
"Do you think this is what it looks like?" asks Jesse as they leave, moving on foot through the towering forest until they find a place without angelic interference to let him jump. "In...Heaven or whatever. Where souls go. Do you think this is what Ben sees?"
Claire has dreaded the thought of Heaven since she was eleven years old, and some days she thinks she only survived this long out of fear of ending up there. Maybe this forest is a close analogue, if the way her skull feels about to vibrate off her spine is any indication.
"I keep thinking about what Marie said," he confesses. "About how he might be—happy there. With his mom."
"He's probably surrounded by angels," Claire retorts. "That's no one's idea of a good time, even if you're a Winchester." She doesn't want Ben to be happy in the afterlife, she realizes; either she is cruel enough to tear him out of Heaven, or cruel enough to hope he is suffering so that even being with her again would be a relief. She kicks away a vine that crosses their path and then crushes it under her heel out of sheer spite.
"But what if she's right?" says Jesse. "Don't you think—"
"No one asked you to think," she snaps. "I don't need the Antichrist's opinion of Heaven. Just take us to the next place."
Jesse stops. Claire does too, silent and glaring. He searches her face, and for a moment it's like he's looking at a stranger.
"I still want him back," Jesse says. "I didn't say I don't."
Claire flicks out her hand like she's drawing a sword. "Then stop wasting time," she says, "and let's go."
She kisses him again later that night, after a piece of grace in Kabul knocks her out too badly to continue. It's not an apology, and she doesn't try to make it one. But it does keep him from asking about Ben again.
Nile River, Egypt
"Just leave some for tomorrow," Jesse says as she wrings out her hair. The locals on shore haven't noticed them yet, but it's getting to be a close thing. "This is already more than we usually get in a day."
"I'm almost done," Claire mumbles. Her mouth tastes like copper. She reaches down again, gets hit with a flash of Castiel fighting off one of his brothers, and comes to with the river breaking across her face as Jesse pulls her up again.
"Claire," he says, holding her upright. "This is stupid. Just stop."
She ignores him, tries to pull away. When that doesn't work, she frowns and aims her mouth at his mouth instead. To her surprise, Jesse tightens his grip on her shoulders and stops her there too. When Claire's eyes refocus, she sees him watching her with a frown.
"Look," he says, quieter. "You can get your blood on my mouth if you want to. I'm still going to tell you you're going too far."
Claire reaches up to wipe her face, petulant, and only now notices that her nose has been bleeding all along. It's not that she didn't think he would notice the pattern, but he's not supposed to talk about it. A drop of red falls off her lip and stains the river red.
Jesse sighs. "It's not like I mind," he says. "The kissing, I mean, or whatever you want to call it. But just 'cause I like it doesn't mean I can't tell what you're doing."
"It's not a reward," Claire grouses.
"It can be whatever you like," says Jesse, too sincere. His hands are still holding her in place, holding her up. "You know that's always been true, don't you? And if you decide you don't want to do it anymore, that's also fine." His cheeks go a little red. "Or if, when Ben is back—"
The warmth of tolerant exasperation curdles in Claire's throat instantly. She pushes out of Jesse's arms, and this time he lets her go. "This isn't," she begins, and then chokes as the truth curse tries to twist her words. She smears more blood off her face and glares at the river. "My usual outlets aren't available right now. I've already explained what this does and doesn't mean to me. You have no excuse for wishful thinking."
She's glad she can't see whatever face he makes at that. By the time Jesse speaks again, his voice is as even as hers. "As I said. You'll do what you like." He steps out of the water. "Let me know when you're done."
Claire tastes blood the whole rest of her time in the Nile. They don't share a bed that night.
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samsrosary · 5 months
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AU where jesse comes back somehow around the time jack comes into existence. they become best friends immediately and it becomes increasingly apparent he is 1. traumatised and 2. a questionable influence on jack. But they paint eachother's nails and he has an australian accent
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missworldsworld · 1 year
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rip 2 my youth 🪦☠️
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