#julius emery
theoutofworld-blog · 1 year
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literaryelise · 9 months
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Romantic subplots in fantasy books with astronomical levels of tension✨
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eliaswoodt · 8 months
The Name List
Organized from A-Z (yes I will add more names whenever I find more I like, probably in reblogs)
I currently have 1035 names (and that’s only including the first names. I have a list of last names, too.)
Angel, Atticus, Atlas, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Achilles, Artemis, Adonis, Avery, Aubrey, Aubry, Aceline, Ashlynn, Aislinn, Anjanette, Arthur, Archer, Addison, Arrietty, Amity, Autumn, Alastor, Alastair, Alasdair, Alistair, Alison, Arren, Arin, Astra, Aoife, Adalyn, Adeleine, Astoria, Agnes, Angus, Abigail, Ann, Anne, Ambrose, Adeline, Avarsel, Agatha, Ari, Azariah, Aniyah, Armani, Anastasia, Annabelle, Adah, Adelaide, Avis, Amelia, August, Axel, Adelina, Amir, Amin, Ayala, Arne, Averett, Adil, Astro, Ava, Anti, Ailun, Akemi, Asahi, Akari, Asako, Atsuko, Azumi, Aka, Aren, Akko
Blossom, Bambi, Babs, Bo, Bella, Blair, Bea, Bonnabel, Badeea, Betty, Bailey, Boris, Bee, Bugs, Blaise, Benjamin, Bog, Buford, Beatrice, Bryce, Bryan, Bazil, Brutus, Bellamy, Brigitte, Bailee, Bailey, Bao, Belladona, Belladonna, Bell, Bill, Bishop, Bones, Boneothy, Benno, Behemoth, Barry, Bellynn, Bowie, Bunki
Clover, Canyon, Cleo, Cameron, Celestial, Celestino, Ciro, Camilo, Cain, Charlotte, Clara, Corey, Cin, Charlie, Cassidy, Chiara, Callista, Cisco, Cynthia, Casper Clinton, Celestina, Clement, Christopher, Cornelius, Clifford, Claudius, Carey, Carrie, Coatl, Cyrus, Cyril, Cecil, Caisus, Castiel, Calla, Cosmos, Cherry, Cheryl, Crowley, Crow, Cassius, Cliodna, Clíodhna, Cliona, Conan, Cordelia, Calypso, Cas, Cillian, Chiyo, Chiaki, Chihiro, Calcifer
Danny, Darlene, Dex, Dot, Diana, Daphne, Demeter, Daedalus, Daeddel, Darphel, Dawn, Derrick, Derek, Dravan, Dravid, Drae, Dallas, Dimas, Dominic, Damien, Drew, Delilah, Dakota, Darian, Darius, Darwin, Devan, Darla, Dagmar, Daelyn, Dale, Dae, Dacey, Desmond, Dabria, Daniel, Daniela, Danialla, David, Davis, Donnel, Dennis, Demitrius, Delaney, Daiki, Daiyu
Everest, Emery, Ember, Elliott, Elliot, Earlana, Eliseo, Ezequiel, Emie, Evan, Eloise, Eric, Emmet, Elizabeth, Eugene, Ethan, Eret, Ester, Elias, Eos, Ellis, Edwin, Ebony, Elijah, Eliza, Enzo, Elissa, Edward, Eddalyn, Esther, Eda, Edalyn, Edalynn, Edison, Eddison, Estervan, Emma, Eden, Erfan, Eun-hae, Erytheia, Egan, Errol, Eiichi, Eiji, Eriko, Etsu, Etsuko, Eiichiro, Ezume
Flint, Finn, Fae, Fred, Fritz, Fang, Frankie, Frank, Fermin, Freddie, Freddy, Finley, Freya, Fai, Felix, Freda, Faolan, Frey, Feylynn, Faelynn, Failynn, Felipa, Febby, Febbie, Febie, Feby, Flynn, Fuji, Feiyu, Fukiko, Fumitaka, Fumito, Fuyuko
Griffin, Garnet, Gothi, Gertrude, Gabe, Grant, Giovanni, George, Gage, Gregory, Gabriel, Gabrielle, Guy, Gilbert, Guadalupe, Gerry, Grey, Gray, Gia, Grace, Gracian, Gracis, Gracie, Gretel, Gideon, Griffilow, Ghost, Ghazaleh, Gavin, Gryphon, Griffith, Goliath, Grayson, Greyson
Harmony, Hannah, Harlei, Harlie, Haritha, Haris, Harry, Harlan, Harvey, Hadrian, Harley, Hari, Harlow, Howl, Hank, Harper, Herbert, Humphrey, Hestia, Helios, Hephaestus, Hollis, Hunter, Hero, Henry, Helda, Hajar, Hasta, Hadis, Howard, Howie, Hannan, Haoyu, Hisako, Hachi, Hiroto, Hoshiko, Honoka, Hiroshi, Hiro, Haitao, Hamako, Haruhi, Harue, Hayate, Hide, Hideyo, Hidetaka, Hisaye, Hisayo, Heiji, Higari
Ivy, Ivey, Ivo, Ida, Iris, Ilyssa, Illy, Irene, Iren, Isaiah, Ira, Idelle, Ivan, Illaoi, Isabel, Isabell, Isabelle, Isobell, Isabella, Ismelda, Io, Ismael, Isolt, Icarus, izuru, Isamu, Itona, Ichiro, Ichiko, Ichigo, Isoko, Ishiko, Isaye, Inari, Ikuko, Itsuki, Itsuko, Inosuke
Juniper, Jupiter, Jinx, Jamie, Javier, Josiah, Joan, Jake, Julia, Jamil, Jamila, Jesse, Jessie, Jess, Jasper, Janus, Jordan, Joshua, Julian, Juilliard, Julius, Juliana, Jeremiah, Jace, June, Junebug, Jazzy, Jackson, Jackie, Jackalynn, Jodie, Johnnie, Jan, Jaime, Jason, Jorge, Justin, Justice, John, Jay, Janelle, James, Jennifer, Jillion, Jill, Jana, Jonah, Jaycee, Jaxen, Junpei, Jona, Jun, Jin
Kenneth, Kat, Kas, Kris, Keith, Kingston, Kaeton, Kingsley, Kent, Katherine, Kyle, Knox, Kristen, Kristin, Kristeen, Kylie, Kaylee, Kamila, Kehlani, Kendall, Kerry, Kry, Kenny, Kath, Kathleen, Krow, Kix, Kedrick, Kennon, Klaus, Killian, Korallia, Krank, Kaz, Kaede, Kirara, Katsuhiko, Keisuke, Kanako, Kenji, Kaemon, Kamin, Katsu, Kaki, Kazane, Kazuyuki, Kazushige, Kenta, Kei, Kimi, Kin, Kohako, Koichi, Kota, Koji, Koharu, Kosuke, Kuma, Kumi, Kuniko, Kuniyuki, Kideko, Kazuko
Lullaby, Lotte, Lapin, Lorelei, Loralai, Lorelai, Luna, Lily, Lucy, Lee, Liana, Lola, Lethe, Lance, Laurence, Luther, Luca, Lennon, Logan, Lennox, Ilias, Liu, Lui, Luis, Lefu, Liam, Lyall, Lowell, Luella, Leona, Leonie, Leon, Lev, Lincoln, Lin, Link, Laverna, Lazarus, Lewis, Louis, Louise, Levi, Leslie, Lesley, Leilana
Marley, Marlai, Mei, May, Mae, Marceline, Marshall, Marshalee, Millie, Mallorie, Marcela, Melanie, Maddison, Mary, Mirabel, Marsh, Murphy, Montgomery, Mildred, Memphis, Molly, Maverick, Maurice, Muiris, Morgen, Max, Moses, Marion, Merrill, Monroe, Melanthios, Maxwell, Matias, Melissa, Maëlle, Marlene, Meredith, Maybelle, Margaret, Maeve, Moss, Mara, Maria, Myrtle, Mona, Mark, Markus, Michael, Micheal, Michelle, Mahsa, Minoo, Mehdi, Mohammad, Matin, Morpheus, Marlowe, Monica, Marilia, Magnus, Malachi, Malachy, Maggie, Makoto, Megumi, Mio, Maemo, Maemi, Masa, Masaaki, Masashi, Michi, Midori, Michinori, Momo, Motoko
Natasha, Noelle, Noni, Neville, Nixon, Neda, Natalio, Ned, Nausicaä, Noxis, Nova, Nathen, Newt, Noah, Nash, Nox, Nathara, Nathaira, Nathair, Nyoka, Nagisa, Nathan, Nate, Nik, Nick, Naohiro, Naoko, Nara, Natsu, Naoya, Nishi, Nobuko, Nori
Olindo, Ollie, Oliver, Ophelia, Odysseus, Orion, Osono, Oxen, Onyx, Otto, Ottoline, Otitile, Ottavia, Octavio, Olivia-Marie, Oakley, Omar, Olivia, Oscar, Octavian, Octavia, Oz, Octavius, Otta, Oisin, Orson, Orlos, Osiris, Owen, Odalis, Odell, Ozuru
Penelope, Patton, Paddy, Percy, Paulie, Page, Pazu, Phoebe, Phebe, Prairie, Porter, Parlay, Pally, Piper, Parker, Payton, Phil, Paul, Philip, Pyre, Piers, Phylis, Patricia, Payne, Payneton, Pip
Quinn, Quincy, Quil, Quinley, Quinstin, Quinlan, Quillen, Quavon, Quaylon, Quensley, Qing, Qrow, Quilla, Quianna, Quita, Qiao, Quinella, Queenie, Qaylah, Qailah, Qitarah, Quenby, Qadira, Qudsiyah, Quan, Qian, Quinby, Quella
Roseline, Raul, Rahul, Rafael, Roque, Rogelio, Remmy, Rei, Rey, Ray, Robin, Ro, Reika, Rowen, Rowan, Rose, Rosie, Ralsei, Riley, Remus, Rosalyn, Rosalin, Rosaline, Renata, Ron, Rat, Ratt, Reef, Roxy, River, Reed, Rufus, Robbie, Renee, Rivia, Ross, Rex, Ruth, Rosemary, Rosabe, Rosabee, Rosabell, Rosabelle, Rosabel, Rai, Rain, Rosella, Rosalie, Rhody, Robert, Raelinn, Rebane, Ren, Rollin, Ralph, Roxanne, Rox, Roderick, Reginald, Reggie, Rio, Ryu, Ryo, Ryoji, Rinmaru
Sage, Sam, Syd, Selkie, Storig, Sal, Sirius, Summer, Susie, Scott, Sunni, Sosuke, Sophie, Satsuki, Sheeta, San, Sulley, Sully, Savannah, Sappho, Selene, Shaw, Sean, Seán, Shaun, Sawyer, Sabrina, Sebastian, Shane, Stan, Socks, Snom, Stolas, Spencer, Sammie, Stevie, Samus, Sarff, Sullivan, Seth, Susiebell, Susiebelle, Sadreddin, Shellaine, Sverre, Saoirse, Sylvania, Sanae, Silas, Sumi, Shiori, Shinzu, Sile
Toby, Tobias, Teddy, Ted, Tomas, Thomas, Tomothy, Tyche, Taiga, Tundra, Tracy, Timothy, Troy, Tatum, Tommie, Tommy, Theia, Tae, Trix, Trixy, Thanathos, Tod, Todd, Toddy, Tora, Torie, Theodore, Theo, Theophania, Talos, Thanatos, Teddy, Tomohito, Tazu, Tanjirou, Touya
Ulysses, Urijah, Uriyah, Urina, Ukiah, Ulnar, Ursula, Ulric
Virgil, Vanessa, Vito, Venacio, Vylad, Veronica, Valentina, Violet, Velma, Venus, Verna, Veld, Victoria, Victorie, Vinyl, Vincent, Vasuki, Vex, Valor, Valentine, Valerie, Valeria, Valerius, Vitoria, Vic, Victor, Vik, Vikktor, Viktor, Vick, Vicky, Vicke, Vickie, Vidya
Wynn, Willow, Warren, Wilbur, Wylie, Will, Walle, Whisp, Wade, Wendell, Wendy, Willard, Wes, Wallace, Wilber, Wyatt, Wybie, Wynnie, Wennie, Winnie, Wynnston, Wynston, Wynsten, Wiles
Xenophon, Xuan, Xio, Xori, Xanthos, Xander, Xavier
Yen, Yukio, Yae, Yoko, Yume, Yaeko, Yui, Yuzuki
Zane, Zana, Zion, Zachary, Zach, Zachariah, Zander, Ziana, Zoe, Zula, Zenix, Zenith, Zaharia, Zaria, Zack, Zakaeia, Zara, Zakaria, Zev, Zaira, Zanata
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chriistianserratos · 1 year
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under the cut are 62 vampire-esque that i love! i’ve put them in alphabetical order to make it easier to navigate through if you’re looking for a name that starts with a certain letter. i hope this is helpful!
asa, asmodeus, baldassare, carden, cassius, cazimir, constantine, damien, danto, dimitri, julius, keiran, kirnon, kristopher, laurent, lawrence, leander, lestate, lucien, mabon, malachi, mathias, nikolas, samuel, silas, stelan, wilfred, xenos
adrienne, amalia, callidore, deonia, desdemona, dominique, eirlys, emerande, helena, juliette, kamra, karlene, lenore, lilah, lucia, lysa, magdelena, marianne, melaina, nessa, nezera, philomena, salome, senna, tourmaline, valentina, victoire, zaleria, zara
amdis, echo, emery, salem, talon
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USS Albacore (SS-218), a 311-foot, Gato-class submarine lost 7 November 1944 of the coast of Hokkaido Japan, she was presumed lost on 21 December 1944 and struck from the Naval Vessel Register on 30 March 1945, found 16 February 2023.
The USS Albacore earned 9 battle stars, received 4 Presidential Unit Citations and was responsible for sinking at least 10 ships.
Below is a listing of the ships compliment, their names are written in memorial at the National Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific in Honolulu, Hawaii:
Walter Henry Barber, Jr., Kenneth Ripley Baumer, Henry Forbes Bigelow, Jr., Edward Brown Blackmon, William Walter Bower, Allan Rose Brannam, Herbert Hodge Burch, Nicholas John Cado, John Joseph Carano, Charles Lee Carpenter, James Louis Carpenter, Pasquale Charles Carracino, Stanley Chapman, Douglas Childress, Jr., Frederick Herbert Childs, Jr., Perry Aubrey Collom, Audrey Cecil Crayton, Eugene Cugnin, John Wilber Culbertson, Philip Hugh Davis, Ray Ellis Davis, Fred Wallace Day, Julius Delfonso, James Leroy DeWitt, James Thomas Dunlap, Carl Hillis Eskew, John Francis Fortier, Jr., Gordon Harvey Fullilove, Jr., John Wilfred Gant, John Paul Gennett, William Henry Gibson, John Frederick Gilkeson, Charles Chester Hall, James Kenneth Harrell, Robert Daniel Hill, Allen Don Hudgins, Donald Patrick Hughes, Eugene Edsel Hutchinson, Burton Paul Johnson, Sheridan Patrick Jones, George Kaplafka, Nelson Kelley, Jr., Morris Keith Kincaid, Victor Edward Kinon, Joseph Mike Krizanek, Arthur Star Kruger,Walter Emery Lang, Jr., Jack Allen Little, Kenneth Walter Manful, Patrick Kennyless McKenna, Willie Alexander McNeill, Joseph Norfleet Mercer, Leonard David Moss, Richard Joseph Naudack, Encarnacion Nevarez, Joseph Hayes Northam, Frank Robert Nystrom, Robert James O'Brien, Elmer Harold Peterson, Charles Francis Pieringer, Jr., James Teel Porter, Jerrold Winfred Reed, Jr., Francis Albert Riley, Hugh Raynor Rimmer, A. B. Roberts, James Ernest Rowe, Philip Shoenthal, George Maurice Sisk, Joe Lewis Spratt, Harold William St. Clair, Arthur Lemmie Stanton, Robert Joseph Starace, John Henry Stephenson, Maurice Crooks Strattan, Earl Richard Tanner, William George Tesser, Paul Raymond Tomich, Charles Edward Traynor, Theodore Taylor Walker, Elmer Weisenfluh, James Donald Welch, Richard Albert West, Wesley Joseph Willans, Leslie Allan Wilmott, David Robert Wood
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
I am here for any new Hunger Games crossover ideas pls and thank you (heavy on Apollo though what can I say I’m gay)
Deryn ( District 10 )
Apollo! (& Amor?)
Eirene ( District 12 ) 
Hollis (& The Band)
Emery ( District 5 )
Epiphany ( District 2 )
Julius ( Capitol ) 
Apollo! (& Amor?)
Lotus ( District 3 )
Marcellus!!!! ( District 13)
Apollo! (& Amor?)
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The Stars Undying by Emery Robin
Do you want to read about ancient Roman history, but in space? Do you want to read Julius Caesar/Cleopatra/Marc Antony but queer and in space?? Then this may be the book for you!
I really wasn’t expecting to love this book as much as I did. I know the basic outlines of the lives of these people, but that section of history isn’t something I’d say I’m well-versed in. However, I was totally sucked in! I think the world-building really sold it for me - I loved the cultures of the planets and how distinct they were even with the echoes of the real world present to help sell the retelling. I think for some people the strong focus on the world and the characters will make it rather slow in the middle, while they mostly just hang out and build up the politics and the world. On the other hand, I was perfectly happy to spend that extra time in the world, coming to care about the characters, especially with the rich and atmospheric prose. And yet if you know anything about Roman history the whole time everything is beautiful you know it will end, which makes it more poignant while it lasts, and I think helps to keep some tension as you build towards the end. To that point, the last 50 pages absolutely wrecked me, and I would absolutely devour the second book if it was out. A very surprise favorite at the start of the year!
(@logarithmicpanda​ I finally got around to putting up my review on this so you can see why I liked it - I’d love to hear if this sparks the reason it didn’t work as well for you!)
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manyfandomocs · 6 months
Hunger Games OC Masterlist
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Name: Deryn Stedman (District 10)
Fic: Burn Me Once
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
FC: Jack Falahee
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Name: Eirene Collier (District 12)
Fic: Can't Catch Me Now
Love Interest: Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark
FC: Poppy Drayton
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Name: Emery Carnell (District 5)
Fic: Well of Power
Love Interest: Peeta Mellark and Gale Hawthorne
FC: Crystal Reed
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Name: Epiphany Trinket (District 2)
Fic: Baker's Epiphany
Love Interest: Peeta Mellark
FC: Emily Alyn Lind
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Name: Ianthe Odair (District 4)
Fic: Blossoms In The Water, Possible Multi
Love Interest: Haymitch Abernathy
FC: Jennifer Morrison
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Name: Julius Amadeus (Capitol)
Fic: Friends In High Places
Love Interest: Peeta Mellark
FC: Theo James
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Name: Lotus Babbage (District 3)
Fic: War and Peace
Love Interest: Finnick Odair
FC: Daisy Ridley
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Name: Marcellus Hemingway (District 13)
Fic: Two Sided Coin
Love Interest: Katniss Everdeen & Finnick Odair
FC: John Boyega
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Name: Martia Callan (District 2)
Fic: One Song Glory
Love Interest: Cato, Johanna Mason
FC: Katherine McNamara
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Name: Pomona Bentley (District 7)
Fic: Fire Is Catching
Love Interest: Gale Hawthorne
FC: Freya Allen
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Name: Tamora Snow (Capitol)
Fic: The Sound of Snow Falling
Love Interest: Lucy Gray Baird
FC: Sabrina Carpenter
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ethersierra · 2 years
I've decided to write all my thoughts on one thing then I can share them at the end:
It's giving mbmbam intro
You're right they have been waiting for you justin
Dead Justin just threatened to kill Clint for eating
"I'm not nervous I wrote an introduction"
I was about to start taking notes on the knights and wizards and I think that's fun
The world. The future. Maybe a couple hundred. Carmine dedend a farmer in Georgia he made a company called Dentonic the first name in entertainment. Carnivals at state fairs. Regional theme parks. Fighting state government. 2030 he disassembled the parks. He focused all his time into Just One. In Georgia, called steeplechase. He took all the old ones and added on to the epicenter. Then in 2040 he built a gate to the land of ephemera which is like fantasy themed. Then when they ran out of land they started building upward onto different layers.
Omg pickpocket from the rich
Blades in the dark. I am so excited about how excited THEY are to use it. "Play your characters like you are driving a stolen car" yes yes yes suehhdkrnlsdh
Beyblades in the dark. Travis I love you
Crimes!!!!! A criminal crew >:) with skills?
Character classes 👁️
Hype hype hype
The Travis slander is so me
Beef Punchley. I'm HAKDHS EMERY WAS RIGHT ABOUT IT BEING A FREE SPACE. A dangerous and intimidating fighter- makes sense to the name. Dear God. Lyndon Julius is his real name but beef is his alias.
I need to stop taking notes I'll listen through again later w the wiki up to edit it
A nerdy gentleboy🥺
Issues 👁️
Punchout ooo (not quite a mascot) help
Usedtabeen (nostalgia) thank you Justin.
Emmerick dreadway. A whisper 👀 ethersea who? A magician ,👁️ waspish?
I just realized I hold such a stake here in how characters and things are spelt especially as I'm determined to upkeep the wiki
Creationeer LMFAOO
Hard light constructs? HMMMM👁️
Solid holograms... DAMN
If Griffin isn't a janitor or in a mascot costume I cry
Ooh emmerick has beef. Not Punchley but like beef beef. Demoted? Hell yeah. Let's get this revenge
I'm liking the hard light mechanics so far
Some people live at the park. Interesting.
Hmmm sweets OH suites. Thank u.
Hmm people trying to stay in the suites to live there interesting interesting
Factions split into different layers interesting interesting
Factions of worker types I love it
Scifi age👁️
Interesting that travel between the layers isn't common..
JSJSNDJS "steeplechase is purgatory you're right"
Montrose pretty is a fifteen foot long slide thank you
Subtle manipulator and spy!!!!!!!! DO THEY GET WALKIE TALKIES
Salesman?👁️ Former scoundrel?
He is like a cast member who jumps from job to job? Like in a mascot costume you say😏?
Characters are not meant to be permanent. I am really excited to see how that plays out.
I already forgot Griff's character name tbh
Oh yes Montrose pretty who always wears a mask. Interesting 🎭
GRIFFIN please I can't do this with the mask I'm dying
------ commercial break I'm making a second post now ----
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
How do you come up with fairy names in OotP and the Riddleverse?
Hello, thank you for the ask. I apologize for the delay; I took a Tumblr and FOP hiatus for a while.
A lot of fairy names (like Ambrosine, Solara, Idona, and Sindri) came from whimsical name lists. Some names like Florensa I created myself to fit the same vibe that Juandissimo's name has. Over the years I divided naming themes into different cloudland regions.
Cloudlands at a Glance has sample names by region
I don't put a ton of thought into the names and typically pick whatever sounds right within the first 3 minutes of thought. Here are the thoughts behind some Origin of the Pixies and related 'fic names for anyone interested:
Fergus - Named after a stuffed triceratops owned by a sibling, I thought it was cute and it had the Scottish vibes I was aiming for in the very early stages of my worldbuilding. His middle name is Alexander
Whimsifinado - H.P.'s last name, a combination of the words whimsical and aficionado
Julius and Venus - These names for Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda are the canon middle names of their fairy counterparts
Nebula - Poof's and Foop's middle name is space-themed like Cosmo and Venus and is also a nod to Crash Nebula
Ennet - Sanderson's first name, I just made it up because I liked the vibe of Emmet but the 'M' sound didn't feel very Pixie to me. I swapped them for 'N's and I love it
Longwood - Named after a teacher I had with 'wood' at the end of their surname; I just loved the way it sounded. I also love this name for Sanderson's rival pixie because it implies he's taller (which he is) and I feel like it would tick Sanderson off a lot
Hiccup - Foop's alt personality, obviously named after the fact that he hiccups a lot when he cackles. I've seen a lot of fantastic names for him in fandom [and cool portrayals], but I'm quite happy with the one I picked
Kalysta - Named after an old friend [spelled Calista]. There's no reason why this name was picked for this character specifically, apart from the fact that I always liked the name and wanted to use it. The OG spelling is really pretty, but I felt weird using a friend's name for an antagonist so I changed the spelling
Anti-Marigold - I felt this would be easier to read in story when she appeared opposite Goldie [compared to the name Anti-Goldie] and it also makes a nice parallel for Poof and Foop, as Foop also has a unique name. I don't think the name Kelsia came from anywhere specific, it just fit her
Dusty - This was Poof's concept name [iirc from the same period when Poof was going to be released in Season 2], so it's what I named the next Cosmo x Wanda child. I adore the name Dusty and I'm kind of sad that name didn't make it to the finals, but it's cute. Fairies turn to dust when they die, Anti-Fairies turn to smoke, so his counterpart is named Smoky
King Northiae / Prince Eastkal / Queen Shoulath - They're all named after cardinal directions
Anti-Bryndin - I genuinely have no idea where his name came from, I think it was the first thing to pop into my head when I was trying to name him and I knew immediately that it fit him. I wanted to have a name that sounded mysterious and unusual and ended up with this
Emery - This name first appeared in Reedfilter Rules as the name of H.P.'s daughter; this was picked because she was a pixie kid and it fit the masculine vibes I was going for. I later reused the name for H.P.'s sister in the Origin of the Pixies universe
Those are the main names that come to mind. What it really comes down to though is "Looking up whimsical names" and "Random."
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allbookedupblogstuff · 3 months
The Stars Undying by Emery Lord
Source: NetGalley & owned – Thank you to the publisher TL;DR: I feel so bland on this. Meandering, with what should have been stellar themes and ideas. But little to no connection for the reader. Plot: Supposedly a Julius Caesar and Cleopatra inspired story, it’s the story of a civil war, turned assassination/revenge story. Things you’d think would be stellar but end up feeling… okay?Characters:…
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literaryelise · 7 months
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The Stars Undying, Emery Robin
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faithlean · 2 years
(Download Book) The Stars Undying - Emery Robin
Download Or Read PDF The Stars Undying - Emery Robin Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Here => The Stars Undying
[*] Read PDF Here => The Stars Undying
 A spectacular space opera debut perfect for readers of Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice and Arkady Martine's A Memory Called Empire, inspired by the lives and loves of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.Princess Altagracia has lost everything. After a bloody civil war, her twin sister has claimed not just the crown of their planet Szayet but the Pearl of its prophecy, a computer that contains the immortal soul of Szayet's god. Stripped of her birthright, Gracia flees the planet?just as Matheus Ceirran, Commander of the interstellar Empire of Ceiao, arrives in deadly pursuit with his volatile lieutenant, Anita. When Gracia and Ceirran's paths collide, Gracia sees an opportunity to win back her planet, her god, and her throne?if she can win the Commander and his right-hand officer over first.But talking her way into Ceirran?s good graces, and his bed, is only the beginning. Dealing with the most powerful man in the galaxy is almost as dangerous as war, and Gracia is quickly torn between an
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ironverseocs · 5 years
original muses
Jared Conner “JC” Williamson - tag: can’t stop won’t stop ( Jared )
Lukas Adrian Hoffmann - tag: a push in all directions ( Lukas )
David Francis Parsons - tag: disco all night long ( David )
The Soldier - tag: bombs away renegade ( The Soldier )
Kelly Derek Fortson - tag: can’t stem this flow ( Kelly )
Emery Blake Scott - tag: green with a silver tongue ( Emery )
Jason Carter Sloane - tag: some memories never die ( Jason )
Julius Henry Walker - tag: pilot with a shotgun ( Julius )
Elisabeth “Lisa” Sofia Carons - tag: running on overtime ( Lisa )
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Masculine Names
Aaron  Abdul Abe  Abel Abraham  Abram Ace Achilles  Adair Adam Adonis Adrian Adriel  Ahmed Ajax Ajay Aiden Alan Albert Alejandro Alex Alexander Alfonso Alfred Alistair Alister Allen  Alonzo Amadeo Amadeus Amani Amari Ambrose Amir Anders  Anderson Andre Andreas Andrew Andy Angel Angelo Angus Ansel  Anson Anthony Antonio Apollo Aries Archer Archie Aristotle Arlo  Arnaldo Arnold Arsenio Arthur Arturo Arwin Asa Asher Aslan Atlas  Atticus Aubrey August Augustin Augustine Augustus Aurelio Aurelius Austin Axel  Aziz
Balthazar  Bane Barnabas  Barnaby Barney Baron  Barrett Basil Bastian  Bear Beau Beck Ben Benjamin  Benji Bentley Bernard Bertram Bertrand  Blake Blaze Blue Bobby Bodhi Booker Boris  Boston Bowie Boyd Brad Bradford Bradley Bram  Bramwell Bran Brandon Brandt Braxton Braylen Brayden Brendon  Brent Brett Brian Briar Brick Bridge Bridger Brock Brody Brogan  Bronx Brook Brooks Bruce Bruno Brutus Bryce Bryson Buck Bud Buddha  Buddy Buck Burt Burton Buster Buzz Byron 
Cade  Caden Cain  Cairo Caius Calder  Caleb Callum Calvin Cam  Cameron Camillo Campbell Carl  Carlisle Carlito Carlo Carlos Carlton  Carmine Carson Carter Casper Caspian Cassian  Cassias Cato Cecil Cedar Cedric Cesar Chad Chadwick  Chance Charles Charlton Chase Chauncey Chester Chidi Chip  Christoff Christoph Christopher Christian Chuck Cian Cillian  Clarence Clark Claud Clay Clayton Cliff Clifford Clint Clinton  Clyde Coby Cody Colby Cole Collin Colt Colton Conan Connor Conrad  Constantine Cooper Copper Corbin Cornelius Cory Cosmo Cosmos Costas Craig Crispin Cruz Curt Curtis Cyrus
Dale  Dallas  Dalton Damien  Damon Dan Dane Daniel  Dante Darius Darrel Darren  Dash Dashiell Davey David Dawson  Dax Daxton Deacon Dean DeAndre Declan  Demetrius Denali Dennis Denny Denzel Derek  Derrick Des Desmond Dewey Dex Dexter Diego Diesel  Dion Dirk Dixon Dmitri Dominic Donatello Donovan Dorian  Doug Douglas Draco Drew Duke Duncan Dustin Dusty Dwayne Dwight  Dylan Dyson 
Earl  Easton  Edgar Edmund  Eduardo Edward Edwin  Egon Eli Elijah Elias  Elliott Ellis Elroy Elton  Emanuel Emeric Emerson Emery  Emil Emiliano Emmett Emrys Enrique  Enzo Eric Ernest Ernesto Ernie Esteban  Ethan Eugene Eustace Euvan Evan Evander Everett  Ezekiel Ezra 
Fabian  Fabio Falcon  Faustus Felix Ferdinand  Fergus Ferguson Fernando Fidel  Fido Finbar Findlay Finn Finnley  Fionn Fisher Fitz Fletcher Flint Florence  Florian Ford Forrest Fort Foster Fowler Fox  Francesco Francis Francisco Franco Frank Frankie  Franklin Fred Freddy Fredrick Frederico
Gabe  Gabriel  Gael Gage  Gale Galen Garfield Garrett Gaston Gatsby  Gavin Geoffrey Geordie George  Gerald Gerard Gideon Gil Gilbert  Gilberto Giovanni Glenn Gordon Gordy  Grady Graham Grant Gray Grayson Gregg  Gregory Grey Griffin Griffith Grover Gunner  Gunther Gus Gustavo Guy 
Hades  Hal Hamilton  Hank Hans Harley Harrison  Harry Hawk Hayden Hayes Heath Hector  Henrik Hendrix Henry Herb Herbert Herbie  Hercules Hermes Hershel Hiram Holden Howard  Howie Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hux Huxley 
Ian Igor Iker Irvin Isaac Isaiah Ivan 
Jace  Jack Jackson  Jacob Jaques Jaden  Jake Jalen Jamal James  Jameson Jared Jason Jax  Jay Jed Jedidiah Jefferson  Jeffrey Jeremiah Jeremy Jerome  Jerry Jesus Jethro Jett Jim Jimmy  Joe Joel Johan Johannes John Johnny Jonah  Jonas Jonathan Jones Jordan Jose Joseph Joshua  Josiah Juan Juanito Judah Judas Judd Jude Jules Julian  Julien Julio Julius Junior Jupiter Jurgen Justice Justin Justus 
Kaden  Kai Kaiser  Kale Kaleb Kane  Keane Keanu Keaton  Keegan Keenan Keith  Kellen Kenan Kendrick  Kenneth Kenzo Keoni Kevin Khalid  Kian Kieran Kiernan Kingsley Kingston Killian  Kip Kwan Kyle
Lachlan  Lake Lamar  Lance Lancelot  Landon Lane Larkin  Larry Lars Laurence Laurent  Lawrence Lawson Lazlo Legend Leif  Leith Leland Leo Leon Leonardo Leopold  Leroy Levi Liam Lincoln Linden Logan Loki  London Lonnie Lonny Lorcan Lorenzo Lou Louie  Louis Luc Luca Lucas Lucian Lucky Luke Lupe Luther
Maddox  Maksim Malachi  Malachy Malakai Malcolm  Malik Manfred Manny Marcel Marcello  Marcellus Marcio Marcius Marco Marcos  Marcus Marian Marino Mario Marius Mark  Marlin Marlon Marmaduke Marques Mars Marshall  Martin Marty Marvel Marvin Massimo Mason Matt Matteo  Matthew Maurice Maverick Max Maximilian Maximus Maxwell  Melvin Mercury Meredith Merritt Micah Michael Miguel Miles  Milo Mitchell Moe Monte Montgomery Murdoch Murphy Murray Murtagh  Murtaugh Myles
Nathan  Nathaniel  Ned Nelson  Nemo Neo Neon  Neptune Neville  Newt Newton Nick  Nicky Nicola Nicolai  Nicholas Niko Noah Noel Nolan  Norm Norman Novak 
Obadiah  Octavio Octavius  Odin Olaf Oleg Oliver  Olivier Omar Orion Orlando  Orville Osborn Oscar Oso Osvaldo  Oswald Ottis Otto Owen Oz Ozzy
Pablo  Palmer Panther  Parker Pascal Patrick Paul  Paxton Pedro Penn Percival Percy Perseus  Peter Peyton Phil Philip Phineas Phoenix Pier  Pierce Pierre Pilot Pluto Porter Poseidon Preston  Prince Prosper
Qadir  Quincy Quinn  Quinton 
Raiden  Ralph Ramone  Ramses Randall Randolph  Randy Raphael Ravi Ray Raymond Red  Reece Reggie Reginald Regis Reid Remington  Reuben Rex Reynald Reynaldo Reynard Rhett Rhys  Ricardo Richard Richie Richmond Rick Ricky Rico Ridge  Riley Rio Riordan River Robert Roberto Robbie Rocco Rocky  Rodney Rodrigo Roger Ricky Riley Rod Rodrick Roger Roland  Roman Romeo Ross Rowan Rudy Rufus Russell Ryder Ryker Rylan Ryland 
Salem  Salvador  Salvator Sam  Samir Sampson Samson  Samuel Sander Sandford Sanjay  Santiago Saul Sawyer Scott Sean Sebastian  Septimus Serge Sergio Seth Seus Seymour Shane  Shawn Shayne Sheldon Shepherd Sherlock Sherman Shin Sidney  Sigmund Silas Silver Silvester Simon Sinclair Sinjin Sirius  Slade Slate Sol Solomon Sonny Sparrow Spartacus Spencer Spike  Soren Stan Stanford Stanley Steele Stephen Steven Stevie Stone Sven Summit  Sullivan Sully Sylvester
Tad  Tag Talon  Tanner Tate  Ted Teddy Teo Teodor  Teodoro Terence Terrell  Terry Tex Thad Thaddeus Thane  Thatcher Theo Theoden Theodore Thomas  Thor Thorn Tiberius Tiger Tito Titus Timothy  Titus Tobias Toby Tommy Tony Topher Trace Travis  Trent Trenton Trev Trevor Trey Tristan Troy Truman Tucker  Tudor Tullio Tullius Tully Tycho Tyler Tyrell Tyrese Tyrone  Tyson
Uberto  Ulric Ulrich  Ulysses Uriah Urban Urijah  Uriel
Van  Vance  Vaugn Victor  Vince Vincenco Vincent  Vinny Virgil Vlad Vladimir 
Wade  Walden  Waldo Walker  Wallace Wally Walt  Walter Warner Warren  Watson Waylon Wayne Wendall  Wesley Westley Weston Wilbert  Wilbur Wilder Wiley Wilfred Will William  Winston Wolf Wolfe Wolfgang Woodrow Wyatt 
Xander  Xavier Xavion  Xenon
Yael  Yahir York Yosef  Yousef Yusef
Zac  Zach Zachariah  Zacharias Zachary Zack  Zander Zane Zayden Zeke  Zeus Ziggy Zion Zoltan
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Throwback Fics #4
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A Courtesan of Rome
Slave | Julius Caesar x MC / Marc Antony x MC / Syphax x MC / Julius Caesar x Syphax - @ritachacha
The Crown and the Flame
Bold | Kenna Rys x Val Greaves - @kenna-and-val-are-my-queens​
Desire & Decorum
What The Future Holds | Ernest Sinclaire x MC / Edmund Marlcaster x Briar -  @noesapphic​ and @marlcasters​
Open Heart
Part 1: Adara | Aurora Emery x F!MC - @drethanramslay​
Taking Care | Rafael Aveiro x F!MC - @lorirwritesfanfic​
Perfect Match
It's the Wine | Damien Nazario x F!MC - @mrsnazariowritesagain​
Under The Mistletoe | Damien Nazario, Hayden Young, MC - @missameliep​
Red Carpet Diaries
GMH: Setting the Record Straight | Thomas Hunt x MC - @theartoflovingthomashunt​
The Royal Romance / The Royal Heir
Cordonian Ruby | Liam Rys x MC, Olivia Nevrakis, Bastien Lykel - @bobasheebaby​
Fallen Snow
Forgotten Memories | Liam Rys x MC - @kingliam-rys​
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