#just mindin' their own damn business
dr-jackass · 4 months
roll over rock. find him. love him.
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nabtime · 6 months
Sir Waylon of Gotham
Waylon wasn't much for talkin' to hoity-toity well-to-doers. Didn't much like their attitude. Or the way they looked at 'im. Lookin' down their noses, all pinched-faced and holier-than-thou, like he was the scum of the earth for the way he looked. And while Waylon wouldn't deny that he was scum, it sure weren't for lookin' the way he did. He'd earned that title fair 'n square, through hard work 'n strikin' fear inta the people of Gotham.
And he did that by bitin' they's arms off, not 'cause he was a li'l scaly.
Point was, Waylon didn't talk much with fancy people. Yeah, he talked to the Bat Brood and they could half be considered fancy on account of mostly bein' Waynes under the mask, but they didn't count. Not really. 'Specially their newest petite couyon that liked to swing about in his sewers like the chit owned the place. He didn't know how the kid was added to the family- coulda been adopted, coulda been one a' the other one's partner, coulda been another blood son a popped up outta nowhere 'gain.
Waylon didn't ask and the chit never said. No, all Phantom ever wanted to talk 'bout was how Waylon was doin. Idjit was far too concerned about Waylon's well-bein' when he shoulda been mindin' his own damn business. Kid said it was part a his business. That heroes had to check in on the reformed, make sure they were well and happy so they didn't have a need to get back inta villainy. Waylon wanted to call bullshit on 'im but he just didn't have the heart when the kid looked so earnest 'bout it.
And maybe the kid was swingin' in all the time just to check in on an Old Croc. Maybe even the kid didn't mind bein' 'round 'im an 'is big, scary teeth. Sure it were more likely he needed an escape an' the sewers were a place most Bats didn't venture less they had to, but iffin that were true- kid didn't have to find and talk to him every time.
All this was to say that he'd gotten used to seein' Danny 'round the sewers, and even seein' Jay when the older kid was sent to bring the other back topside.
Who he had not gotten used to seein' in the sewers, though, was a pretty thing all done up in medieval dress and glowin' green. Nor was he used to the hulking Knight done up in glowin' black armor standin' next ta her.
And, again, Waylon wasn't much for talkin' to hoity-toity people, let alone Ghost Royalty or some such, but he was still a man with manners. An' they were in his sewers (well, an' Grundy's, but the big lug weren't here, so's point was moot) so he was haven'ta be the one to greet 'em.
He growl echoed off the stone and muck as he approached the two beings that were floating midair, just above the water. They both looked lost until he fully rose from the grime and addressed them.
"Youins need somethin? Ya lookin fer Danny?"
And, well, Waylon said he had manners. Never said he was gonna use 'em.
"Oh!" said the sweet thing in flowing gown, her voice just as soft as she looked. "Yes! You must be the good Sir Waylon of Gotham that the King speaks so fondly of. I am Princess Dorathea and this is my personal guard, Fright Knight."
Sir Waylon? Now that's not somethin' he's ever heard afore. Him? Deservin' of a title like Sir? Ain't no way. He weren't 'bout to say nothin', but it sure did make him feel all flustery that a noble Lady like her would think so highly of a monster like him.
"Nah I wouldn' say he's 'xactly fond a me, but the name is Waylon, yeah, uh- My Lady."
And she smiled at 'im, sweet as anythin', like he weren't made a sharp edges an spilled blood. The big Knight aside her was actin like that too, posture relaxed as he just let her get closer. Closer an most people ever dared. 'Cept Phantom an some a the Bats. Was it a ghost thing? No fear a death, so whats scary about a big man with sharp teeth anymore?
"Would Sir Phantom be near-abouts?" she asked. "I require his counsel on matters of import."
"Sorry, cher- uh, My Lady," he grumbled, "ain't gotta clue where he's at. Somewhere's topside, prolly."
Her shoulders slumped just the slightest, obviously disappointed in his answer. And try as he might to want to give her a better one, he only knew where the kid was when he wanted to hang around underground. Waylon avoided the streets at all costs these days, not wantin' to risk trouble again. He'd spent enough of his days wastin' away in Arkham and Blackgate, thanks.
The Lady turned thoughtful though and graced him with a tilt of her head and a smile. "Perhaps you would deign to assist me instead, Sir Waylon?"
"Well nah, I'd love ta, My Lady. Supposin' its somethin' I can help ya with."
"Yes," she said, circling around him in a graceful glide, "so long as you are willing, you will suit just fine."
"Ya still haven't told me what ya need help with, ah- My Lady."
Waylon couldn't see the Knight's expression but he could almost feel the amusement pourin' off a him. And he wondered just what the hell he'd agreed to that a guy like that'd find it funny.
"My brother is making moves to take back the Kingdom. He has amassed a small, but skilled contingent of rebels and intends to usurp me at the upcoming Yule Celebration."
"So ya need muscle ta help stop 'im?"
"Oh no," she said, sweet but full of venom- like arsenic. Her grin was now full of teeth, teeth much to sharp for a proper Lady like her, and her eyes turned to glowing reptilian points. "I can take care of him myself. I intended to ask Sir Phantom along as contingency."
She looked him up and down and the Knight standing guard behind her was projectin' a certain smugness as he did the same.
"You, however, Sir Waylon," she said, and the tone near sent a shiver down his spine. "Will do well as both warrior and suitor."
"What say you?"
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silkscream · 2 years
it’s missing arvin hourssss if you’re open to a req!! the towns in the midst of a heat wave and arvin can’t get over how you look licking a cherry ice pop on the tailgate of his truck
goddd i miss him sm. you know that humidity is getting the best of him, but he's trying real damn hard to be productive out in the garden pulling weeds so the summer vegetables can thrive.
meanwhile, you're sitting pretty on the open bed of his truck in your halter tank and matching shorts, sprawled under the western sun. you like watching arvin work -- you like the way the veins in his arm flex when he grips the earth, like how when he wipes the sweat off his brow his dirty white tee hitches up just in the slightest to reveal his happy trail. you like those momentary looks he gives you, knowing full well that his eyes are scanning your bare legs before nodding at you casually like he isn’t fully smitten. the twinkly sound of the neighborhood’s ice cream truck’s jingle makes your ears perk up.
“you want a lemonade or somethin’, arv?” you beckon after him once you get to your feet.
“‘m good, baby,” he gruffs, fixated now on some sort of carpentry project in the garage. pouting, you skip your feet less than a block to get a treat, batting your eyes generously enough for the teenage clerk to stammer over his words and fuck his counting over a handful of coins. ultimately, your warm face makes him give in, so he lets you off the hook and lets you buy the little girl in line behind you an ice cream, too. he’s bewitched after you wink goodbye.
arvin doesn’t notice your return, which makes you roll your eyes. and you’re not one to be needy, anyways, so you crank up the radio to drown out the sounds of manual labor with doo-wop, and you suck on your cherry ice pop. it’s refreshing, it really is, but what’s more refreshing is the moment arvin looks up to see you in the bed of his truck blooming like a flower with carnation-red lips. 
“is it getting all over me?” you pout. “or do you want some?”
“i want something, alright,” arvin mumbles under his breath. “you tryna put on a little show for me, pretty thing? chrissake.”
“father benjamin says not to say the lord’s name in vain.”
“fuck father benjamin.”
you giggle, pushing the red popsicle deeper into your mouth until liquid dribbles down to your chin. you struggle to clean yourself up, cupping your palm to collect the excess as arvin stares.
“you’re fuckin’ killing me, doll.”
“huh? i’m mindin’ my own fuckin’ business,” you chuckle. “if you’re so desperate for a break, just take one, vinny.”
he sighs, looking back into the garage as he wipes his face with his t-shirt. he does it deliberately -- arvin isn’t one to show off, but he knows what makes you tick -- as he exposes his bare midriff and the defined lines of his abs.
“think i might take a cold shower. think you might need one, too.”
before you can register it, arvin takes a few steps closer to you just so he can kiss you on your neck, lick you down to your chest where he can lap up the sweet slick of the cherry ice pop that had melted and dripped onto your skin without you noticing. you gasp at the feeling and immediately feel a fluttering in your core.
“you’re getting it all over your hands, angel,” he gives you a low chuckle, lips right near your earlobe. “better clean you up, huh?”
it takes less than two minutes for the two of you to walk back into the house to turn on the shower -- water running cold -- but he doesn’t even bother to get you into it. instead, he’s quick to strip off your matching set along with his t-shirt and jeans, whiplash overcoming your senses when he’s got you leaning over the bathroom sink with his mouth licking up the sweat on your neck.
he loves you like this -- submissive and bent down under him with his hand around your throat while the mirror starts to fog up from your desperate pants. the moment you feel him slide into you from behind, your skin feels like it’s on fire, which may be counterproductive considering the heat wave both of you are trying to escape, but both of you are too busy riding the throes of ecstasy to care.
it’s so much -- the feeling of his thick cock, the sweltering heat, his fingers in your mouth. 
“fuck, honey,” arvin grunts into your shoulder. “most beautiful woman i ever seen. shit.”
you moan back unintelligibly. maybe it’s the heat, the sweat, the pheromones working on overdrive, because arvin doesn’t expect to be this close so fast. he’s got your hair balled up in his fist as he thrusts into you, a much more fulfilling workout than the damn yard work consuming all his days.
when he does cum, so do you. your thighs nearly give out, actually, shaking from the impact of him being so deep that the coil inside of you breaks completely. your stomach aches in inferno, but you suppose the pain is worth it if it’s always going to be this honey-sweet.
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laulo821 · 7 months
no way man i was scrollin tiktok mindin my own business AND DAMN . SHELDON DOPPELGANGER JUMPSCARE. they're a dragqueen too just like sheldon omg
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they're @/flamingaferrari on tiktok‼️
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marinerainbow · 1 year
I have more prompts if you want them! ^^
Tiffany looked at you and she couldn't help, for that moment at least, picturing what it might be like if she was your wife- rather then Chucky's... it'd be nice, she thinks.
This killer seemed to be... eccentric... you'd admit, but suddenly it seemed like he was serenading you specifically!!? (The Driller Killer)
Come on boss just tell us, Wheezy grumbled, while Psycho giggled highly and nodded his head like yes please yes please yes please! and Greasy and Stupid harassed him in their own irritating ways... all in the name of makin' him tell them which one of them was his 'favourite'... until Smartass caught sight of a certain rabbit sittin' on the couch mindin' her own damn business, not bothering him at all... and he shrugged- 'Its Poppy, numbsculls, she's my favourite'.
Harper was sure you would be just like the rest of his targets had been, he wasn't expecting aaaaanything outta the ordinary- but then when he asked you to take a walk with him you shrugged and pulled your hand right outta his with a bright smile, said 'Oh no thanks! I think I'll take the mayor up on his offer to tour the town! Thanks, though!', winked and turned away from him... Harper did not know what to do with himself anymore.
Omg more amazing prompts!!! Thank you! All my F/O's are here, and more Poppy!!!
This is my first time writing for Tiff and DK, so hopefully it goes well ^^
And, Harper being stood up for Mayor Buckman? This toootally isn't self-indulgent, is it? 😏 XD
This time, I am going to do my damndest to keep it to five paragraphs. Even if it leaves the blurbs unfinished... That's probably what I should have been doing from the beginning, but i couldn't stop myself the other times XD
You notice your friend looking your way, and tilt your head away from the dishes and towards her- and try to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat when you saw the way she was looking at you, "What?
"Oh- Uh... Nothing." She said before shaking her head and turning back to putting away the leftovers, "Just... Thinking."
"C'mon, Tiff. You and I both know that's not your 'nothing' face." You gently pressed as you put the scrubber down and fully turned around to face your friend, "Honey, come on. Talk to me."
That. That right there. That was exactly why Tiffany was wondering about what life with you would be like; unlike Chucky, you were actually around. Chucky right now, lord knows where he was- what plane of reality he was even in with how often he died and came back. But you? Even when she had turned to a more morbid lifestyle, you stuck around. You stuck around even after she became a doll, you stuck around even after she became a single mother of the killers' children, and you stuck around now, helping her with her twins and taking care of them as your own and caring for her like... Like an actual spouse would.
But, she was still married to Chucky; a part of her still loved him, even after all their psychotic fights and him trying to kill her, not to mention that he might try to hurt you just to get to her... But every day, she found herself caring about all that just a little bit less than she did yesterday... "I'm just tired, sweet face. Let's finish up and head to bed, yeah?"
You had been terrified, just like all these other people had been- before they died- but now you were just confused; was... Was this guy seriously trying to sing you a tune after killing your friends right in front of you???
"Aw, c'mon Pussycat! Why the long face?" The... Guy, if you can even call him that, asked in a teasing tone as he took the chance to shimmy- yes, shimmy- on closer to you, "No one ever put on a show for you, huh?"
... Ok, so you were right; this fucker was a nutter.
"You just killed my friends in cold blood, and now you're pulling a Romeo?" All of the fear you felt before was gone now, as you stared deadpan at the guitarist. He didn't think this was going to work, right?
"Yeah, I did do that, didn't I? Hehe..." The killer chuckled, before placing one hand on his leather-clad hip, and the other on the wall behind you- where did his guitar go? Didn't he just have that? That wasn't another power of his, was it? "But it's working, ain't it~?"
All four weasels and the rabbit all looked shocked in their own ways, while Smartass just waved a dismissal hand to his boogle, "'Ya happy now? You got 'yer answer."
"But... I-I'm not your employee?" Poppy replied, the first time she had spoken up this whole time, "I just-"
"Not officiantly," Smartass said simply, ignoring everyone's shocked faces, "But your pretty useful 'round here. And you know how to keep quiet." This time he did send a glare to the others; Wheezy and Greasy just scoffed and Psycho giggled.
Stupid, however, scratched his head in confusion while glancing to an equally confused Poppy, before asking out loud, "But... She doesn't work with us, she's just nice... Oh! Is she your favorite because she's sweet-"
"ALRIGHT! Shuddup!" The mobster shouted, no longer keeping the casual act and startling the rabbit in question- and causing the others to grow more suspicious, "Don't you maroons have anywhere else better 'ta be!? Get off my case!"
No, this... This wasn't happening, right? You had to be lying, Buckman never interfered with jobs, only assigned them!
"Are you certain, Miss Y/N?" Harper asked as sweetly as he could as he caught up with you, still keeping the gentleman facade up, "I mean, Buckman is quite busy, making sure the jubilee is as perfect as can be; you certain I can't-"
"Ah! Y/N! There you are!" A very familiar voice called out from your left, the source briskly walking right up to you and Harper before taking your arm, "Sorry about that, darlin'. Boone and I had plenty of business to discuss. I hope I didn't keep you waiting?"
You giggled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear; the very action that Harper recognized very easily for what it was- and it wasn't directed at him for once, "Not at all! I'm just happy to have you now."
Thank you so much! I love all of these! I hope you like them too ^^
"Oh, you little minx!" The mayor chuckled as the two of you walked away together, leaving an extremely dumbfounded Harper behind to comprehend that he lost his job, and his own boss was the one that took it.
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fire-startcr · 1 year
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``Darnell had jus' been walkin' around. Mindin' his own shit 'n business. Didn't expect much out the day. I mean he had just dealt with the shittiest customer yet. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not pay for your lights bein' fixed. But whatever. Sidetracked I supposed?``
⚠︎ ” Y'know I am tired of these god damn hoes with the- “ ⚠︎
``Alas, before he could finish. He had spotted,- A child in the road? For what reason? Why? Who had been even stupid enough to leave their kid.``
⚠︎ ” When th' fuck did bitches leave their kids?? Some stupid shit. “ ⚠︎
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eternalbxtterfly · 6 months
He begins to undress himself after seeing her in that damn bathrobe. "Sometimes I think you do this on purpose. I'm just here mindin' my own business and then you do this shit." Is completely nude now.
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Oh how she adored teasing him with her wonderful body,it was honestly a nice view to see and besides a woman does have her needs even if she has to make it blatantly obvious for her wonderful husband to see.Still in the bathrobe she walked towards his now completely nude form,her chest bouncing the more steps she took towards him.
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"I do indeed do this on propose,but do not act annoyed or pretend that you don't like it when clearly your face says everything i need to know about you hubby~"
She leaned her head in just to end up whispering that last sentence in his ear as seductively as possible before gently biting on his ear.
"I'm completely ready for you and i sincerely hope you are as well~~."
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Overwatch OC Voice Lines
Character Name: Alexis Wolf
Hero Name: Wolf
Class: Damage
Country of Origin: America
Voice Description: Light but rough (Voice Claim Krystal LaPorte)
Spawn Room
Hero Selected: “Never fancied myself a hero, we’ll see...”
Hero Change: “Wolf, signing on!”
During Set Up: “Ugh, this is taking forever...”, “What are we waiting for?”, “Are we gonna get started soon... or...”
Respawn: “That hurt”, “Here we go again...”, “Rise and shine...”
Enemy Ultimate: (Grenade Blitz) “Bombs away!”
Friendly Ultimate: (Grenade Blitz) “Watch your heads!”
Ability 1 (Chain): (Enemy) “Stay right where you are!” (Ally) “Hold still!”
Ability 2 (Bandage): “This’ll help”
Killing Enemy: “That’s enough out of you”, “Should’ve backed down”, “Next!”, “Should have kept your head down”
Killing Ana: “With all due respect, Captain.”
Killing Ashe: “I didn’t forget.”
Killing Cassidy: “Sorry, darlin’.”
Killing Genji: “Shazai no yūjin (Apolgies friend)”
Killing Hanzo: “Just because your brother forgave you doesn’t mean I have to”
Killing Mercy: “Sorry, Doc”
Killing Moira: “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time”
Killing Reaper: “Something had to be done about you. Might as well have been up to me.”
Killing Reinhardt: “With nothing but respect, big guy.”
Killing Widowmaker: “Forgive me Gerard.”
Revenge Kill: “Didn’t think I’d take that lying down did you?”
Team Kill: (Offense) “They’re down! Push forward!” (Defense) “They’re down! Regroup and get ready!”
When Teammate Gets An Elimination: “Damn, that was a good shot. I’m impressed.”
When A Teammate is On Fire: “Get after it then”
Thanks: “Thank you”
When Mercy Damage Boosts Her: “Let’s do this, Doc”
Group Up: “I’m over here, let’s get a move on!”
Hello: “Hey.”
I Need Healing: “I could use a doctor right about now”
Under Attack: “Facing heavy fire over here!”
*With Genji on Hanamura* Wolf: “A lot nicer than the last time I was here.” Genji: “I think things worked out, my friend.” / Genji: “Alex, I never got the chance to properly thank you.” Wolf: “You saved me quite a bit, Genji. I don’t want to hear anything about favors and thank yous.”
*With Hanzo on Hanamura* Hanzo: “You saved my brother’s life, why?” Wolf: “I just couldn’t bring myself to leave him. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”
Moira: “Wolf, what a pleasure to see you again.” Wolf: “I hate you.”
Wolf: “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” Ashe: “If memory serves, someone had a hard time mindin’ her own business...”
Genji: “Just like old times, huh Wolf?” Wolf: *laughs* “Maybe a bit better than old times, I think.”
Wolf: “It really is good to see you again Genji, I’m glad you’ve found peace.” Genji: “I can only hope the same for you.”
*With Cassidy on Route 66* Cassidy: “Well this looks familiar.” Wolf: “Yeah, I distinctly remember getting the better of you last time we were here.” Cassidy: “Wouldn’t have it any other way darlin’.”
Wolf: “And where the hell have you been?” Cassidy: “Awww, she missed me.” Wolf: “Shut up, cowboy.”
*On a team with Roadhog and Junkrat* Wolf: “Is he always this loud?” Roadhog: “Yes.”
What She Has to Say About Maps
Eichenwalde: “I’ve heard people talk about werewolves out here. A bit far fetched if you ask me.” / “I always wondered where the big guy came from, it’s beautiful, in an old and... broken sort of way.”
Hanamura: “Despite everything, it really is beautiful here.”
Horizon Lunar Colony: “Wish Mom and Dad could’ve see this” (Telescope Line)
Rialto: “This place is far too familiar for my comfort.”
Route 66: “Yippe kay-yeah, here we go again.”
Temple of Anubis: “Maybe I shouldn’t have worn black out here...”
Watchpoint: Gibraltar: “Wow... Never thought I’d actually see this place again...”
Support Character Specific (What they would say while healing a certain character or what the Overwatch character would say while gettign healed)
Bandaging Cassidy: “Try not to get yourself killed out there...” or Cassidy being bandaged: “Aww, she still worries about me.” “Shut up and get back out there.”
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nimbasa-hideaways · 2 years
[ooc: i'm just sittin here mindin my own business]
[having incorporated howie's speech into my own bc hes a damn good character]
[and not retainin any of this shit]
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melye1981 · 1 year
I’ve Had A Shitty Day...
First, my next door neighbor yells at me when I confront him about something he did that pissed me off, and then when he yelled at me, I yelled right back! Just because I wear a vagina and a set of titties every day, doesn’t mean I won’t clap back when you try to bite at me with your cat teeth! Piss ME off, and it won’t be a hissing cat you see, it’ll be more like an angry, bloodthirsty tiger comin’ atcha at full force, I have had enough of MEN yelling at me! So, I put the nasty motherfucker in his place! “I am woman, hear me roar”? NO. I am woman, watch me put you in your God damn place, my nigga. You ain’t gonna yell at me and not receive the same if not worse back to you. Fuck that. So, then, I’m at my house, mindin’ my own business, and then someone ELSE pisses me off, this time, it’s a mouthy female. Bitch, I don’t play that talk down to me shit, I won’t stand for it. So, I gave that old bag a piece of my mind, and she’s lucky I didn’t reach through her chest, rip out her heart and throw it on the ground and stomp on it. Trust me, that was my mood today. I’m not the type of bitch you can mouth off to and expect me to cower down like a scared beaten child. FUCK THAT. You don’t even know how fucking evil my words can be. NO. Don’t fuck with me. My day was shitty. Unfortunately, my fucking mental illness that I didn’t ask for, won’t let me cool down that easily. Fuck my life. I’m tired of living in Colorado. I’m DONE. I gotta find a way to get back to Nevada.
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ladysuperior · 1 year
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meep9898 · 1 year
⚠️ for Rika. Too violent with normal people just minding their own business.
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"If ya don't want me gettin' violent on ya then keep mindin' yer damn business!"
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authornina · 3 years
I don’t have a title for this one. It’s simply a mess...
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Sav and Dem were on their way to pick Savannah up from Anne. Chi was still in bed sleep when he left. They partied until four in the morning and didn’t stop once they got home. It was almost three in the afternoon now. Sav was the happiest he’d ever been, and Chi seemed like it too. At the beginning of their marriage, he didn’t think they would make it. There was a lot of arguing and past mistakes being thrown towards each other. They went to therapy for a short while and it helped a lot. Mostly Chi, because Sav had done things to her that he knew fucked her up emotionally and some mentally. Her forgiveness was vital for their relationship to succeed. Dr. Pie continually told Sav he needed to stop dismissing his wife’s feelings and own up to all of his mistakes.
Over time her advice proved true. Sav realized when he held himself accountable then apologized, Chi would almost immediately become more submissive. That was a big problem in their relationship too. She didn’t want to let him lead the household and responded to him aggressively all the time. However, after talking to Lake, his brother gave him so great insight as well. Do you ever see Avery talking to me like she a nigga? She’s submissive because I give her the space to be a woman, without making her feel less than in her moments. Chi get extra masculine when you not doing what she need or talkin’ down to her. They nigga mentality kick in and it’s versus you instead of y’all verse the problem. Stop trying to put her beneath you. That ain’t no bitch you fuckin’, it’s your wife. 
Lake and Avery set the tone for what Sav thought husband and wife should be because they were just so in sync with one another. They did their own thing, in their own little world. In the first half of marriage, every time him and Chi did something the other didn’t like, they compared. Sav wanted what his big brother had, and Chi wanted what she saw Avery fall in love with over and over again. Avery and Lake told them both to find their own couple style and stop jacking their shit. 
“Remind me to go get Poppy some more of them surprise egg jawns.” 
“Them things ain’t nothing but expensive easter eggs filled with dollar store shit, bro.” 
“I know but my princess love them. She be so surprised when she opening them, happy about all the bullshit inside.” 
“How Melody?” 
“She ard,” Dem shrugged. “Nicole back on her bullshit…but I’m movin’ on it different this time. Something in my spirit just not sittin’ right no more.” 
“For real?” 
“Mhm, I need to see what I’m missin’. I can’t be everywhere no more. Got all these fuckin’ kids.”
“I ain’t wanna say nothing but you is wylin bro,” Sav laughed. “You a good dad though, Dem. Can’t nobody take that from you, Ion care what your past look like.” 
“Seem like everybody else do,” Dem mumbled but Sav heard him clearly. 
“Who? Fuck them! Ain’t nobody perfect out this bitch. I still don’t believe what that hoe sayin’. A muhfucka gon’ have to come with video evidence on you to convince me and even then, I be like ehhh, that ain’t my brother.” 
“Sound like Lake when he clearly seen Wreck on tape and told the cops, nah, that ain’t my brother. I don’t know who that crazy nigga is.” Dem couldn’t even get it all out fully before cracking up right along with Sav.
“That’s how you stand with your family. Fuck what anybody else say and I’ma keep it a bean with you, even if it was what it was…” Sav shrugged. Nobody should’ve expected anything else when it came to Dem. 
For the past year, Sav and Dem did their best to focus on what they had going on individually instead of turning back to the world they liked to live in with just the two of them. It had to change for the sake of Dem’s mental health and who Sav needed to be as his own man. They leaned on each other way too much. Lake was proud of them for doing their best at putting other things than each other first. Sav however still didn’t give anyone else room to say shit on Dem and he didn’t want to hear anything either. He and Chi had it out one good time, he even let her express some foul shit she felt about his brother then they put Dem as an issue in their relationship to rest. 
“Why Wreck car here?” Dem pointed to their brother parked in the driveway with no shame. 
“This nigga been shackin’ up with Anne, bro. I ain’t say shit cause he tryna be quiet about it. Ion know what this nigga got goin’ on with her ass.” 
“Bro, he really into it with this old ass lady?” Dem laughed, getting out the car.
“He was here the last few times I came, like real lovey dovey.” 
“Lovey dovey?” Dem scrunched his face up. “Nah, not my brother.”
“See for yourself.” Sav used his key unlock the door and Savannah was in her walker moving a mile a minute. That gave him hope she’d eventually walk on her own. “Look at my Banana! Go momma, go!” 
Savannah smiled big crashing into them, reversing into the dining room, going around the table and then back to her daddy and uncle at high speed.
“I keep tellin’ you, y’all be worried for nothing,” Dem said, picking his niece up, kissing her chubby cheeks making her blush. “Just gotta be patient, she perfect, bro.”
“Mm…it’s just you,” Anne said, coming out of the kitchen with a robe on looking freshly fucked. “Hey Dem baby, how are you?” 
“I’m good, wassup?” 
“Nothing, making your crazy brother some lunch,” Anne responded sounding like a proud girlfriend. Sav turned to Dem with the I told you so face.
“She thick as fuck though,” Dem took another glance when she walked back to the kitchen. “For a hoe her age, you gotta give her points for the body alone. Damn!” 
Sav went up the steps flagging Dem to follow him. They held in their laughter, creeping towards Anne’s bedroom. Savannah was right along with them not knowing what the heck going on. Sav opened the door to find Wreck sleep, stretched out like he lived there. He had an empty breakfast tray next to him and everything. 
“Bro…” Dem whispered. “This nigga not serious. Here, hold Banny.” He gave his niece to Sav then hopped on top of their brother. Sav was hyperventilating. 
“What the fuck!” Wreck started whooping his ass. He didn’t know what was going on, his first reflex was to fight. Dem was windmilling to get free. His brother was strong as shit.
“So you wasn’t you gon’ help me?” Dem finally got away, staring at Sav’s dumbass holding onto the wall with Savannah on his side silently dying. 
“I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe yo,” Sav had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. “Bro, why the fuck you jump on him? He fucked you up.”  
“Y’all niggas play too much!” Wreck said, getting up in the nude. “What the fuck if I woulda shot your stupid ass?!” 
“Aye nigga!” “Sav covered Savannah eyes. “You don’t see my baby?” 
“Oh shit, my fault Banny.” Wreck put the cover over him. “Go take her to her room.” 
“Look at you sounding like her uncle step grandpop,” Sav said loud as hell and Dem hollered. “Wreck what the fuck is you doin’ my nigga? Why are you up in here like you pay the bills?” 
“I’m mindin’ my fuckin’ business that’s what I’m doin’.” 
“He’s pays for more than my bills. Why are y’all in my bedroom?” Anne appeared at the door with her arms crossed.
“Because our brother in here. What you doin’ to him? Ain’t no way that pussy…Daddy sorry baby,” Sav kissed his Banana’s forehead. “It ain’t still juicy like it was in seventies to have him like this. She puttin’ period blood in your food, bro.” 
“Sav, what?” Dem ain’t never heard nothing like that before.
“Yea, I know all the bitch tricks. You had spaghetti in the last few months Wreck? That’s usually how they disguise it.”
“Nigga you trippin’,” Wreck laughed. “For real, get the fuck out.” 
“So this your house now too? You gon’ let him put me and your granddaughter out Anne?” Sav would not stop and Dem was cracking up.
“Why don’t you just tell them?” Anne directed towards Wreck. “It’s not like it can be hidden forever.” 
“Tell us what?” Dem asked, looking between his brother and Anne.
“I’m pregnant.”  
“See…” Sav pointed at Dem then Wreck. “See! What the fuck I say?! I been tellin’ you!” 
“Nigga, you ain’t tellin’ me shit! Both y’all get the fuck out!” 
“Come on, Sav,” Dem pulled him out the room. He could tell their brother wasn’t happy about that news at all and Sav would’ve kept on going. 
They both sat downstairs dumbfounded. Wreck didn’t move like this or hadn’t in a very long time, so it was surprising. 
“You think Lake know?” Dem turned to Sav. 
“I got a better question, why would Wreck get her old ass pregnant?”
“The fuck do we really care for though? I can’t say shit in the matter, I’m fucked up too. If he like it, I love it.” 
Anne and Wreck’s arguing could be heard clear as day. She was yelling at him about always trying to hide their relationship while Wreck kept saying it wasn’t one. 
“But you always the fuck up in my house when it’s convenient for you!” 
“I ain’t gotta be in this shit! Who be callin’ who?”
“You are not going to stress this baby out of me! I know that’s what you want!” 
“That’s some fucked up some shit to say!” 
“Banana,” Sav turned his daughter around facing him. “They always be arguing like this when you here?” he asked her, and Savannah just stared at her dad. 
“Now y’all got this bitch started,” Wreck said coming down the steps. “You think I wanna hear this shit?”  
“Well you gonna hear it!” Anne shouted from upstairs. “Call me a bitch again!” 
“Bitch!” Wreck tried his luck. Dem and Sav were inconsolable. “See, I’m that type of nigga, you sure you wanna have a baby with me?” 
“I don’t need you for shit! Thank you for my miracle baby, you can go! If you think I’ma put up with the bullshit at my big age you are sadly mistaken!” 
“Yea, ard, say that now then be sending me thousands of texts and crying on my voicemail like you always do.” 
They continued going back and forth which told Dem and Sav one thing. No man stayed, continuing to argue with a woman they were only fucking. This obviously wasn’t the first time either. 
“But you come running, don’t you? Please stop acting like this is one way!” 
“Anne, get the fuck out my face with this stupid shit.” 
“Come upstairs, Wreck, you showing off in front of your lil brothers like this shit cute! I’m not no young bitch you gon’ do anything with!” 
“What? Ain’t nobody gotta put on for them but you! You gon’ use this muhfuckin baby to make you think you more than what you are to me.” 
“What am I then?” 
“My lil mature ass freak.” 
“Fuck you, Wreck! Disrespecting me like this while my grandbaby is here!” Anne’s voice cracked a little. “Get the fuck out my house!” 
Sav and Dem waited for what they knew was coming. Wreck looked at them then blew his breath going back upstairs.
“I knew it, I knew it.” Sav shook his head getting up. “Let’s go nigga.” 
By the time Sav strapped Savannah in the car and prepared to leave, Wreck was coming out the house followed by Anne who stopped at the door. She said something to him, and he had the ard, shut the fuck up now look. When they watched him kiss her, they knew their brother was about to have a baby with his niece’s grandmother.
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dilxcs · 3 years
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pairing : miya atsumu x gn!reader
genre : fluff
words : 2.1k
synopsis : Atsumu and you have been childhood friends since the day your parents decided to have a play date. You have always fancied him and he does too, but something made you two hold back your true feelings for each other. Until one day, when you called him.
tw : none, except some slight cursing
this is the fic i’ve written for @atsumwah and mine fic trade collab ! it’s the first time we’re doing a fic trade together and i had a lot of fun writing this for u, love ! 💗 also a BIG shout-out to @beautifulblhell @meiansmistress @laineeey00 @luvnami and one of my irl best friend for wanting to beta it and helping me out with my awful grammar ! i rlly learned a lot from u all, so thank u so much lovelies ! i adore u all 💕
lu’s fic : 🦊
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“When are ya gonna confess to them?” 
Miya Atsumu, who was throwing his volleyball up and down while laying on his back, promptly turned his attention to Osamu. By doing so, he forgot that the ball was still mid-air, which resulted in him getting hit in the face. 
“Ouch! What the hell, ‘Samu?! Why ya askin’ me that all of a sudden?”
Osamu couldn’t help but let out a snicker, seeing how Atsumu was now holding his nose. He walked up to his brother and made himself comfortable on the floor.
“I see the way ya look for them in the crowd when we’re playing matches, ‘Tsumu,” he said while smirking at his twin. Atsumu stubbornly turned his head away from Osamu, while muttering, ‘am not’ under his breath.
The person in question was their childhood friend and neighbor, Y/n. The twins had known Y/n since the moment their parents decided to let them have a play date. From that day onward the three of you were inseparable, that is until you all hit puberty and started to attend the same high school. The three of you began to speak less and less with each other, too busy with your own agendas. The twins were focused on volleyball and you on your studies. 
Sometimes you would make room in your busy schedule to watch their matches, and recently during their last match, Osamu noticed his twin’s weird behavior.
Atsumu’s eyes would search the crowd for a second too long on the days you promised to attend their match, before turning around on his heels and getting ready for his serve. His face would either morph into his usual smirk or he would wear an expression that could kill whoever it’s directed to, depending if he did or didn’t see you in the crowd.
Needless to say, Osamu knew his twin well enough to know he has been crushing on you for a while now. He would ditch the team after practice in order to walk with you and he would spend extra time and care on his appearance, more so than usual. Osamu even caught him saying your name during his sleep while hugging his pillow close to him. That last one freaked him out a bit, he’s not gonna lie.
“Ya should ask them out already and not act like a coward.” 
Atsumu jumped to his feet, agitated by Osamu’s persistence. “I am not a coward, ya shitface! Ya better focus on yer own non-existent love life! I have already enough to worry about, so just drop it!” he bellowed out, before storming out of the gym.
Normally, Osamu would retaliate, but the way Atsumu reacted only further proved his suspicions. He took a bite out of his onigiri as he watched Atsumu come back for his gym bag. He then proceeded to stick out his middle finger, before again stomping through the gym doors. 
“Stupid ‘Samu. What does he know anyways? He should be mindin’ his own business for once,” Atsumu muttered in frustration while walking to the bus stop.
Atsumu has never been the type who craved for a relationship. He often saw it as an unnecessary hassle to his already busy schedule. Volleyball has always been his priority and he will be damned if he lets his dream take the back seat for someone else.
However, if he was being honest with himself, he couldn’t deny the feelings he had been developing for you recently. He tended to be a bit more competitive during matches when he knew you were in the crowd.
One time, you accidentally cheered for him during his serve, but instead of getting pissed off at you and calling you a ‘noisy pig’, he started to laugh and told you it was okay. That was one of the moments he realized you were someone special to him.
Another instance was when one of your classmates, the son of the principal, started to fancy you and wanted to ask you out on a date. Unbeknownst to you, your classmate was two-faced. He would act kind and innocent to you, but Atsumu heard him talk to his friends behind your back that he wanted to corrupt you. Needless to say, Atsumu didn’t take his behavior well and walked over to him for a ‘friendly conversation’, which had resulted in a beating to the face. He would've been expelled if you didn’t plead with the principal to let him stay. When you asked him what went through his head to beat up the son of the principal, the only answer he gave u was: “the dipshit had it comin’.”
Deep down he knew Osamu was right, that he was a coward when it came to you. He liked the reactions you gave him when he teased you. The way you would playfully hit his arm, but would instantly worry when he faked being hurt.
He liked how your eyes seemed to sparkle whenever you were talking about things you were passionate about. He liked how you changed him for the better, helped him with his homework and told him to be nicer to his fans. However, the most important thing he liked about you was how you genuinely supported and cared for him since the day you met. 
He had to stop running away from you, because if he kept on pushing you away in fear of rejection, he would surely lose you. Time won’t wait for him to finally confess his feelings. He had to hurry. He had to let you know his true feelings for you, before it was too late.
He craved to be honest and clear, to speak from his heart. To be able to tell you he found you to be the loveliest person he knew. That he cared for you and that he wanted to share his hopes and dreams with you. He wanted to treat you way better than anyone else would. He wanted to show that he wouldn’t be anything you want, but would be everything you need.
He wanted to tell you the truth: that he loves you.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the spectrum was you, the person who fell in love with Atsumu since you were children. You had a few conversations with Osamu about your feelings for Atsumu and he reassured you that ‘Tsumu felt the same way. Yet, he also told you what kind of a dumbass Atsumu was and that you should give him some time to realize his own infatuation for you.
The thing was, you had been waiting for years now and there was still no indication from Atsumu that he liked you. 
You couldn’t help but wonder if Osamu’s prediction was right. Had Atsumu ever thought about you when he was all alone? About the possibility of him and you being a couple and where your relationship could go? If his breath would hitch when you looked at him? If he was holding himself back, like the way you had been? Because at this point you had been waiting for so long now, knowing that your crush on him would not go away anytime soon, even if you walked away from him. 
You couldn’t help but feel that there was still some hope left, that there was more than meets the eye. That both of your hearts craved each other, more than you would let on. You couldn’t stop your thoughts about him. At this point, he had you hypnotized, so mesmerized and you just wanted to know how he truly felt about you.
It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, when you reached out for your phone and dialed his phone number out of instinct. It didn’t even take him more than one ring to pick up.
“Sup, Y/n! How ya been?” 
Atsumu’s familiar boisterous voice brought life to your normally quiet bedroom. “Hey, ‘Tsumu! I’ve been doing well. Quite busy with school assignments. The usual.” you heard him snicker from the other side. 
“Yer should make more use out of yer teenage years, Y/n! Live a little will ya!”
You let out an indignant scoff. “Tsk, says you mister ‘I’m gonna be the best setter and spend less time with my best friend’.” you intended to sound teasing, but even you could hear the sadness that slipped in your tone.
It was quiet for a moment, both of you unsure of what to say next. That was until you heard Atsumu cough before he spoke again. His voice was uncharacteristically soft for once.
“Y/n, I’ve been meaning to tell ya something for a while now. I—euhm… wow okay, I underestimated how hard this would be. Y/n I—I like ya. Not just as a friend, but as somethin’ more than that. I want to take the chance between us, because I believe that we can make this potential relationship bloom into something more. Something that could last us forever, if ya let me.”
You couldn’t believe it. The Miya Atsumu, your best friend since forever, the one who was so adamant of not wanting a relationship, liked you back? 
You felt something happening inside you. A rush of feelings, so overwhelming that you let out a gasp. The possibility that Atsumu liked you back, that he felt the same way about you, it was all too overwhelming.
Atsumu on the other hand felt more nervous by the second. He had finally poured out his true feelings to you and you hadn’t answered him back. He heard you let out a gasp and mistook it for rejection, but before he could apologize for making you feel uncomfortable and to forget anything he just said in the last couple of minutes, you seemed to come back to your senses when you let out a series of giggles.
At this point, Atsumu was thoroughly confused. Were you mocking him right now? Why were you giggling? It hadn’t taken you long to relieve him from his worried mind. “Omg ‘Tsumu, I like you too! You are such an oblivious dumbass! Do you know how long I had to wait for you to finally confess?! Even ‘Samu knew I liked you before you did.” 
“…Ya kiddin’ me, right? That’s why the bastard was interrogating me?!”
Atsumu already resigned himself to the endless teasing from his twin that was yet to come. But for now that wasn’t important. The fact that his longtime childhood crush reciprocated his feelings was the most important thing to him right now.
“Ya know what, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that ya like me back. So, Y/n. Would ya like to go on a date with me tomorrow?” 
Your heart fluttered from his words. You held your phone away from your ear to fist pump the air in celebration. “I would love to ‘Tsumu! what time would you like me to be ready?” you heard some shuffling on the other end of the line. 
“How about 2pm? I’ll pick ya up and we can go to the new curry place downtown? Ya okay with that, babe?” 
“B-babe? Since when did you call me that?” you asked him, flustered. 
“Since I know that ya reciprocate my feelings and agreed to go on a date with me. Don’t you like it, babe?” 
You could clearly hear the smugness in his voice, the attitude you had come to love. Your own lips formed a smirk of their own as you replied, “I didn’t say that. 2pm sounds great, it’s a date then!” 
“It’s a date. See ya tomorrow, babe.”
You plopped down on your bed and held your phone tightly to your chest, a smile very evident on your face. Needless to say, Atsumu wasn’t varing any better, as he jumped in the air while bellowing a “fuck yea!” 
Bystanders around him looked at him weirdly, but he didn’t care. His childhood crush liked him back and no one could take that away from him. He didn’t run away anymore. He told you his feelings, that he liked you and he intended to see it through.
reblogs and comments are appreciated !
[a/n] : ngl i had some difficulty with writing fluff, purely bc i’m used to writing angst or hurt/comfort fics (like u already know hahaha). even though it was a bit of a challenge for me, i still enjoyed the whole process ! especially bc i had bb lu on my mind while writing about ‘tsumu, i truly hope u all enjoyed it ! <333 oh i almost forgot, but one particular song was the inspiration of this fic. can u guess which one? 👀
© sennsational 2021 - all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, or repost my works and claim it as yours.
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traveling-madness · 7 years
its halloween month so i get to talk about that one fancomic i did in 8th grade that spiraled so far it became its own thing. anyway Ariana is 5′1 and 43 years old and still stretches her entire body across 3 buss seats to deter anyone from sitting next to her like
girl. me 2.
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In silence | A Texas Chainsaw Massacre | Thomas Hewitt x FemSiren!OC | Enemies to Friends to Lovers | Chapter 2: Waiting
"Could've swore we tossed that damn wash bin months ago." Hoyt mused, staring down at the trash pile that had suddenly accumulated. Hands on his hips he chewed thoughtfully on the cigarette in his mouth. Tommy eyed the debris field before turning a sharp gaze to the pond. With a narrow and careful eye he scanned the water, searching for the pale green eyes from the day before.
That wash bin had been at the bottom of the pond. He knew that because he was the one who threw it there. Momma Mae had asked him to get rid of it; washbasins with large holes in them were useless after all.
He had a gnawing feeling that whatever was living in the pond had tossed it out. Hoyt grunted as Tommy approached the waters edge. Now that he knew what he was looking for he had an idea on how to spot the intruder.
But whatever it was, it was nowhere to be seen.
But it was there. The itch in the back of his skull told him so.
"Careful there Tommy, don't need that Gator gettin' to ya cause you was careless."
Tommy shook his head. He knew it wasn't a gator. Even with a glimpse he came to that conclusion quickly enough. It had first hit him when he'd been prepping the last of the cattle. Lost in the rhythmic slam of his cleaver and the feel of blood over his hands. It was the eyes that gave it away.
They were just too human.
The big human was back. She could see him staring down into the water. She was thankful that the murk and mud hid her well. If it came down too it she wasn't confident in her ability to fight him off. She was strong, but he was big.
She had spotted humans before, and had eaten more than her fair share. They were skinny little things wandering the fens of her homeland. Easy pickings for someone like her.
But not this one who stood at the waters edge.
She doubted she could even wrap her tail around him to pull him under. At least not in a straight confrontation. She shifted uncomfortably on her stomach and froze as the water moved. Like a predator he noticed, head snapping and his dark eyes burrowing into her. Even if he couldn't see her he knew she was there.
Two hunters never fared well in overlapping territory. Nature and the scars along her tail were proof enough of that. But she didn't want to be here. She wanted to go home. Back to familiar swamplands that she knew by heart. She hated this small pond!
It was disgusting. Didn't humans ever realize how dirty they were? It had taken her nearly all night to toss their trash out of the water, and most of the morning to begin filtering out the toxins. Given enough time she could make this miserable pool of water a decent home, but she wanted to swim! Jump and dive! To be free!
But no.
She was stuck here. And so she glared up at the big human above her.
Stupid, stupid human. Go away. I don't want you here. You're dirty and filthy and-
She tensed as a boot descended into the water.
"Tommy, what the fuck are you doing?!"
He ignored Hoyt as he waded further into the pond. He was tired of this game. But he didn't get very far.
"Thomas Brown Hewitt!" He froze, hand skimming the water. Momma Mae was running out of the house like it was on fire. She looked mad. He hated it when she was mad, "You get out of that water, young man. Ain't no need to go provoking that gator!"
Thomas shook his head again, but did as he was told. It wasn't a gator! He just... didn't know how to tell them that without it hurting. The scars on his face always made it hurt when he tried to speak. Ugly and inconvenient. He scowled.
Luda Mae yanked him back from the water by the hand, fuming and scolding him as she dragged him back to the house. "I never! Thomas Hewitt what would have I done if you'd gotten hurt? That gator ain't doin' nothin' but mindin' it's own business! And that goes for you too, Hoyt. We don't bother it, it don't bother us."
"Shit momma, I could do with a nice pair of gator skin boots! Bet Tommy here could skin him up real nice!"
"I mean it Hoyt!"
The itch burned and Thomas looked back one more time. Pale green eyes glared at him, her moss green hair spread out along the water like the algae and scum around her head. Her eyes burned and he glared back. She had no right to be here, this was their home. And like everyone who passed through here that wasn't family he'd make sure she ended up on their dinner table.
It seemed that this had become a war of patience. He knew she was there. She had made sure he'd seen her and him alone. More than once he'd been caught trying to walk into her pond, and each time the little female human yelled.
She knew a matriarch when she saw one. The males of her kind could thump their chests and brawl all they wanted. But it was the cleverness and cunning of the females that ruled her kind. This human woman seemed no different.
But she hated the matriarch all the same. She was human after all and they were gross.
So she occupied her time with her pond. The toxins were slowly being filtered out; the algae that decorated the surface at least had some use. Given time and some of her own essence she could even coax them into another form. Perhaps pond lilies. She missed them.
She missed the way the sunlight filtered through the trees and the water. She missed hiding along the roots that extended across her home. She missed the pretty fish, and the turtles, and the owl that had lived above her nest.
She missed singing.
And she couldn't do that here. Bad enough she and the big human were at odds, there was no need to alert the others to her presence. So when she wasn't fixing her home she slept. With one eye open of course. More than once she'd been caught by surprise by big boots in the shallow water.
At night, however, hunger bid her to leave. The nights were cool, and the crickets sung. Above her she could see the stars and every night she would use them to remind her of the way back home. But not until the cooler months she told herself. Survive until then, and all of this would be nothing more than a bad memory.
She pulled herself from the water and split her tail into a human form. She loathed having to use such form to begin with. And while she could easily pull herself across the ground it just made too much noise. She was sneaking into their nest. Caution was needed.
Each footstep was carefully planned and placed. Not a sound was made as she ducked in through the threshold. It was the same room as always, she knew that they kept their supply of meat in the box. Noise filtered in from the next room, and she knew it to be the infirmed man with no legs. He was snoring contentedly.
She paused at the table and listened with a careful ear. The dwelling groaned and settled with age, the breeze floated in through the apertures close by. Sure that all was peaceful she made for the box and began to gorge herself on the meat inside. Blood stained her fingertips and mouth, sharpened teeth tore through sinew and the bits of bone that hadn't been removed.
When she was done, nothing left but the blood on her hands and floor, she closed the box and set her sights to exploring. One step and another took her to threshold looking in on the sleeping man. She stared at him intently before moving on. She found a backroom with animal heads displayed, but not much else.
Footsteps caught her attention and she pulled herself flush against the wall. She stilled her breath and waited, animosity in the air so thick she could taste it. There was only one creature she could think of that could make a noise like that.
It came from the upper level, footsteps thundering down into the room where they kept their food. She could hear the big human move around, the tinkling of glass and metal reaching her keen hearing. Then, a pause.
The tension in the air intensified. A chill ran down her spine. Her hearts thundered away so loudly she feared he'd hear it.
Went his heavy steps. She darted across the threshold to the other open entryway, ducking inside the room to the sleeping man. She could feel the big human closing in on her, his thundering pace seemingly just behind her.
But she was careful. She was quiet. She led him through the downstairs, twisted and confused him until she could sneak out the way she came. And she was back in the water by the time he tracked her back out. A light went on over the door and he stood silhouetted in it with a wicked blade in hand.
She didn't bother hiding herself, but she remained halfway in the water. They glared at each for the longest time. She almost dared him to try and catch her. On land he was the apex predator, but the water was her territory. If he was foolish enough to chase her into it, she'd teach him just who was superior.
But she hoped he wouldn't.
He was still bigger, and she could only assume the fight he'd put up even if she did manage to catch him off guard.
Eventually he turned away inside, his retreating form a warning as the light flicked off. From now on she knew she'd have to be more careful when sneaking in.
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