#k I know this post is a bad acid trip but I just had to make it
So to continue my theme of Ken™Doll-Sam
Here's Ken!Sam in the "My Way" music video looking like Ken!René from the Aqua music video for "Barbie Girl"
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And here's Ken!Sam with his perfectly quaffed hair playing his bass next to animated Ken with his perfectly quaffed hair playing... well a shit ton of instruments.
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Eleutherophobia Deleted Scene
@eomund42 #might have to post as a DVD extra or whatever  
Yes please!
[This fragment was originally part of Chapter 6 of How I Live Now.  I got rid of it because a) the conversation around Jake’s table was getting too long, b) the tone doesn’t work given how the chapter opens, and c) I accidentally left Rachel and Effilit unsupervised in the yeerk pool, so I needed to retcon that the Tobys were guarding her while everyone else was at the house.]
“Food?  They had enough kandrona for years.”
“Not the yeerks, the hosts!”  I stood up, pacing as I talked.  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t spotted it before.  “The Blade ship only had space for a few months’ worth of food storage, and I know that at least some of that was taken up with bark for hork-bajir or taxxon meat for taxxons.”
Marco made a gagging noise which I ignored.
“Visser Seventeen didn't bother restocking those stores or even checking them.  Humans are omnivores, that’s a big part of what makes us so useful,” I continued, “and the yeerks always assumed that they could feed a human body just about anything that didn’t poison it and it would keep going.”  I turned around, making eye contact with Eva.  She was nodding slowly.  “But what if that’s not the case?  What if they ran through the human food supply they had on board and couldn’t find any alternatives that had all the vitamins or amino acids or whatever that a human body needs?”
“They really don’t know as much about humans as they think they do.”  Eva offered me a tight little smile.  “Edriss wrote up most of the intel they have on us and... Well.  Edriss wasn’t a disinterested party, given that her life depended on her ability to convince the Council that humans were worth the Empire’s time.”
“That would explain why the Blade ship hasn’t been back sooner,” I said, resting both hands on the back of the empty chair.  “They’ve probably been hopping around between planets this entire time searching for a plant or animal source that’s close enough to Earth food.”
“Until they got desperate enough to come back here,” Cassie said.
I nodded.  “Humans can digest just about anything, but that doesn’t mean they can live off it indefinitely.  The yeerks probably found a few partial food sources, and they might have bought themselves some time by forcing one of the hosts to morph a large animal, become a nothlit, and then—”
Marco made his stop-talking-about-cannibalism gagging noise again, this time louder.
“Anyway,” I said, conceding the point this time.  “Maybe there’s no vitamin K in the universe in a form humans can use.  Maybe there’s no calcium.  I don’t know, but whatever it is they’re missing, they’d get desperate enough and have to come back here.”
“So this is a quick trip.  A grab and go.”  Cassie exchanged a glance with Jake.
“Which means that if Rachel doesn’t come back within a few hours they’ll probably leave without her,” Jake concluded.
“And that brings us back to Tom’s original point,” Eva said.  “We need to figure out where the rest of them are hiding.  Immediately.”
<Rachel can tell us right now if we figure out a way to get that thing out of her head,> Tobias pointed out.
Having arrived firmly back at square one, we all sat there in frustrated silence for several seconds.
“Could you contact your illusionist?” Eva said.  “Make, I don't know, a hologram vanarx to threaten it with?”
I glanced over at her.  That wasn’t a bad idea.
“Illusionist?” Marco said.  “What illusionist?”
“Your person who makes the holograms,” I said impatiently.
“We don’t have a person who makes holograms.”  Marco glanced at Jake, who gave a slight nod.  “I mean, maybe if Ax-man asked the Dome ship nicely they’d be willing to whip something up, but that’d take too long.”
Eva leveled a long, unamused stare at Marco.  “I may have been born at night, querido, but I wasn’t born last night.”
Marco looked away, shoulders hunching.
“Eva,” Jake said.  “Please trust us.  We’re telling the truth that we don’t have an illusionist.”
“I know perfectly well that you six did not whip up an entire fake hork-bajir valley in less than three hours using parts you found at Radio Shack,” she said flatly.  “Humans still don't have that kind of technology.  Probably not the andalites either.  So.  Who helped you?”
“Technically...” Ax said.  “Eck.  Nick.  Lally.”  He trailed off.  That appeared to be all he was going to say on the subject.
I looked at Eva.  Eva looked at me.  We were adults, I reminded myself, in a room full of kids.  There was no need to bristle with defensiveness, no need to feel like the only two losers out of the loop.
“You could make a hologram on that scale, with that level of sophistication, right now?” Eva said to Ax.
And now none of the Animorphs were looking at her.
<Those were special circumstances,> Tobias mumbled.
“And the current situation doesn't count as special circumstances?” I looked slowly around at each of them.  Jake wouldn't meet my eyes, but Marco leveled me with a hard, defiant stare.
<No, just…>
“You just can’t have the zombies knowing about it?” I asked.
Cassie stiffened.
Jake held up both hands in a placating gesture, looking between me and Eva.  “It isn’t possible, okay?  So leave it.”
I shoved forward to brace both hands on the tabletop.  At least three of them flinched.  “Just like it’s not possible for you to pull an exact copy of Cassie out of your collective asses?  Cut it and it’d bleed, but scan it for life forms and it’d pop up as inorganic.  Hang onto it for over two hours and it wouldn’t demorph, but take your eyes off it for a second and—”  I snapped my fingers.  “It’d disappear into thin air.  You mind telling me how you pulled that one off?”
There was a long silence.  Tobias had developed an apparent fascination with straightening his own feathers.  Cassie just looked annoyed with me.
“Didn’t think I’d notice that, did you?” I asked them, voice flat.
“To be honest?” Marco said.  “No, we didn’t.”
“It's not our secret to tell,” Cassie blurted. “We swear.”
Marco glanced at Jake again.  Jake looked at Cassie, who looked from Tobias to Ax and then back to Jake.  Jake looked back at Marco.
“Since Tom and I are clearly the only ones who give a damn about actually helping Rachel,” Eva said, “perhaps it would be best if we left the room.”
“Chee!” Marco shouted.
We all looked at him.
“That's whose hologram tech we were using,” he said. “The chee.”
It was progress, anyway.  “What’s a chee?” I said.
Jake muttered something about there not being time for all this, but looked up at me and said “There was this species called the pemalites.”
“Yeah, everybody knows about pemalites.”  I frowned.  “Wait, you’re telling me they’re not extinct?”
“They are,” Jake said.  “But they built robotic companions before they died.  And those companions, those chee, were specifically designed to look and sound and even feel like anything they wanted.  The chee can’t commit violence, not even to save a life.  But, yeah, they can make a copy of Cassie — or the hork-bajir valley — on command.”
“Please, you can’t tell anyone,” Cassie said.  “Their existence depends on their secrecy.”
I shrugged.  “I so do not care that the pemalites left behind a bunch of sex bots, and don’t think anyone else will either.  Can they help us?”
“Sex bots?  Sex bots?” Marco spluttered, twisting around to glare at me.  “They're not sex bots, you absolute sixth-grader.”
“’Chee’ literally just means ‘friend,’” Cassie said.
“And you can program them to look like anyone you want because…?” I raised my eyebrows.
Cassie opened her mouth halfway, and left it open.
“Jake?” Marco said imploringly.  “Tell me the chee aren’t sex bots.”
Jake patted Marco on the arm.  “The chee aren’t sex bots.”
“See?” Marco said to me.  “You are a disgusting human being, and oughta be ashamed to open your mouth.”
“Always am,” I said, smiling angelically.
<Anyway, it’s a moot point.>  Tobias glared at me.  <The chee wouldn’t spit on us if we were on fire, even if we could contact them.  Which we can’t.>
“Why, what happened?” I asked.  
Jake suddenly became fascinated with the grain of the tabletop in front of him.  Cassie made a noise of annoyance in the back of her throat, also looking away.
“He was fine,” Marco said loudly.  “Jake did nothing wrong.”
“Who was fine?” Eva asked.
“No one!”  Marco waved his hands.  “I mean everyone!  Everyone was fine.  So don’t worry about it.”
I made eye contact with Eva.  Yep, right back to the feeling we were the nerds being tolerated by the cool kids’ table but not allowed in on the joke.
“Tobias is right,” Cassie said.  “We’re wasting time with this discussion.  The chee are well-hidden enough that we couldn’t find them if we tried.  And even if we did they wouldn’t help.”
“You can’t even ask,” Eva said tiredly.  “You don’t think it would be worth trying to ask for help.”
“They can look like anyone.”  Marco did look genuinely apologetic now.  “Anything.  Trees, rocks, the wall behind them.  They don’t want to be found, and so we’re never going to find them again.”
“Okay.”  Jake ran a hand over his face.  “Okay.  An illusion is a dead end.  We’re on the right track, though.  How else could we get a, um, a yeerk-eating-thing?”
“Varanx,” I provided.  “And we even if we had one for real, it’d just eat Rachel’s brain right along with the yeerk.”
“So that idea’s a bust, but…”  Jake looked around the table.  “But…”
<Is there another way to get it out by force?> Tobias threw in.  <Brain surgery, something like that.>
I winced.  I knew of 10 or 12 people who’d had yeerks removed by force.  Two had survived.  One was in a vegetative state, and the other was, well... Spacey Gervais.  Who lived up to his name.
“Is there anyone among our allies qualified to perform brain surgery?”  Ax looked at Jake.  “Your father, perhaps?”  Then he twisted to look at Cassie.  “Or yours?”
“Not on a human,” Cassie said, even as Jake shook his head.
“That’s also likely to be a dead end.”  Eva was leaning more heavily against the wall, but glared at me when I tried to nudge my empty chair over to her.  “Human brains are strange, and poorly understood by humans and yeerks alike.”
<Rachel’s a morpher.>  Tobias looked from Eva back to Cassie.  <She can heal from any amount of damage that doesn’t kill her instantly.>
“Or leave her comatose,” Cassie said.  “Or otherwise unable to make a mental image of an elephant and then will her body to become that.  And I don’t think Ben Carson himself could get an entire yeerk loose without taking apart most of the host brain as well.”
“No surgery.”  Jake rested both hands on the table, closing the discussion.  “No varanx, real or imaginary.  It seems like we keep coming back to persuasion as the best way to get it out.”
I hated persuasion.  Because I had an idea for persuasion, and I was going to pitch it to the group when hell froze over.
Hell froze over… or Rachel’s life was on the line.
I sighed.  “Yeah.  Fine.  I’ll do it.”
Cassie looked up at me.  “Do what?”
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something-glowing4u · 5 months
when I'm hungry and have no food, I'll get a small amount of salt then just spend an hour eating it very slowly.
anyways new chapter of Daisy Petals Fall coming soon in like. more than 20 seconds. so like. bit over 20 seconds. just a smidge. nothing too crazy. could be 21 seconds if you're optimistic enough. even 22. no guarantee.
I could be bluffing though, and you'd never know. like I could release it in 19 seconds. trip you up. or 1, possible 14 seconds. It could be out right now and you'd never know, because you were busy reading this! now don't go checking now. It's not out. but it will be. In more than 20 seconds from now. no, I'm not tricking any of you. I promise it was just a joke, it really WILL be more than 20 seconds from now. "when is now?" you ask. now is when THIS post was posted of course! so if you see this in 30 minutes, an hour later, maybe a day, then you might be lucky enough to not have to wait 20 seconds! good for you! get excited! there's a good chance it's out right now! key word. chance. yeah. so if you checked about 2 days after this was posted, and it's not there, then uh...sorry about that.
but, kind of your fault if you got your hopes up. I did say chance so. But the good part is. I don't actually have to worry about it that much. It's not like this fanfic is some big thing many people are just DYING to see. maybe like one of you, but it's not a huge priority. you can casually just enjoy following a small story with each update. you don't have high expectations for a fan creating work, because in the grand scheme of things, it's never something so grand. and you know this. that's a good thing. a really good thing. I know the story may be a bit different if I were to have more eyes on me. But even writers who make it big run into problems with life in some shape or form. Surly takes longer than 20 seconds to cough up a draft you been working on for 7 weeks with only 300 words....oh sorry, I mean 300 characters. you can cough and cough and cough, but you can only seem to cough up...flan... ew... Sometimes the passion is lost and, "I'll never be a good writer!" "I suck at updates!" "I can't get passed my art block!" are words the words that will usually come out. as much as I wanna say "don't think like that you can improve!" I also know it's not that simple. you will say these things at some point. especially if your confidence is constantly dull. It's normal to say those things. especially when everything you read is so much better than your own in your eyes. but believe a stranger on the internet for once, it's not true. how corny! what cliché advice! you've heard this a lot, I bet. well.... its good advice. yeah sure, it sounds insincere, due to how overused it is but it's very true. you just need to learn to accept it. it can be hard because we subconsciously think everything we make sucks and will never be as good as those that have inspired you. but those who inspired you probably had the same problems, losers.
naturally, we can get rid of theses thoughts with time. how simple. Some can't though. they need more encouragement, and sometimes they have no one to hype them up. I'll hype you up. yeah, I know I have no clue who's reading this. To you, you're just reading words on a screen that are just saying sweet nothings. K I want you're attention now so don't you dare roll you're eyes....unless you didn't and actually are looking forward to reading this. But um. I'm cheering for you. you don't believe me? tag me, I'll cheer for you personally. I don't care. I know what it's like to feel like no ones rooting for you. I truly believe each word I type. Because to think people are struggling as bad as I am and have no positive thoughts can't go un-noticed. I won't let acid eat away who you are....ew now it's getting all mushy and emotional....uhh... well instead of saying "you are valid" I'll say....you're cool.
"you are valid" sounds too shallow, and lame. wouldn't you rather be cool? I would. dang I hope that wasn't offensive. I mean, not that inherently is, but that just sounds like I'm saying you're cool, but not valid. I men you are but- neverminded. hm lost my thought. uhh something something, hip hip hora?.... something... 20 something?... uhhmmm..... yeah I don't remember. oh well! I just opened text and started writing. I don't even think half of that made sense. hmm. really could have finished that chapter by now.... oh well! couldn't hurt to wait over 20 seconds. Daisy Petals Fall 'CH 2 will be out in more than 20 seconds. :D
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Happier than ever (BNHA AU)
K. Bakugo x Fem Reader.
Genre: Angst. No happy endings here. Only hurt.
TW: cuss words, arguing, yelling, very out of character Bakugou. (I think that's all)
~ little side note: This is heavily based off the Billie Eilish song 'Happier than ever'. I basically took the lyrics and made them the dialouge. I'm throwing this into the void. I don't ever post shit I write and don't plan to do so often. I don't know how to make fancy banners n shit so sorry. If I fucked up tagging any triggers lemme know. ~
Shout out to Onyx for beta reading this for me. You a real one.
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After being gone for months, you thought that your weekend trip to Musutafu to grab your final belongings from your apartment would be a quick one. Maybe you could pop in to see your parents and a few friends before making a quiet escape back to your new place, but unfortunately, luck was not on your side cause, as soon as you walked through the door of your old place, you saw him there. His back was turned to you but that didn’t stop the small scream that slipped past your lips. Clutching your chest, you called out to him, “Fucking hell! You scared me to death, Katsuki. What are you doing here?”
“Grabbing some of my shit. What the fuck are you doin here, huh?”
“I’m grabbing the last of my things since I’m here for the weekend. I wasn’t planning on you being here when I showed up.”
“Well, no shit.” He scoffs, “Ya made it pretty clear you couldn’t fuckin stand me months ago when you dumped me. Then again when you moved across the goddamn country without saying as much as a single goodbye to anyone. ” His eyes rolling as his arms crossed against his chest.
Matching his attitude and body posture, you spoke again, “well, what did you fucking expect? I would have been wasting my breath talking to you about our relationship when you obviously didn’t fucking care. I would never have treated me as shitty as you did and end up making me hate a place so much then feeling so isolated and alone I needed to leave so I could finally feel like I could breathe. You clearly weren’t aware you made me fucking miserable.”
“I treated you shitty? You’re one to fucking talk. What about your little interviews with the press, huh? Going out of your way to make me look like the bad guy. Painting me to be some kind of fuckin’ villian just cause you couldn’t handle me being a top hero. News flash, princess. Not everything in my life is about you. I have my own priorities, too.”
“I never talked shit about you to them or to anyone for that matter! I would completely dismiss the questions or say I had no comment, if anything, I made it seem like we were just deciding to keep our relationship more private. Would you have wanted me to tell them about the times I would make plans for us and you just wouldn't show up? Or how you completely disregarded my family and friends because you were so concerned with prioritizing yours?” You yelled at him, voice breaking near the end while your hands clutched at your biceps. Tears started to pool up in your eyes at the complete shock of him insinuating that you were trying to make his life more difficult. “Don’t you dare try to make me feel bad for leaving a relationship that was obviously going nowhere to begin with. It was all fun and games until I wanted you to start taking it seriously. I shut people out for you because I loved you, and what did I get in return? Nothing! I got nothing from you!”
There they came. The tears that you were trying so hard to hold back but couldn’t anymore. It was like all the feelings that were pushed down were starting to spill over and there was no stopping them now. All the heartache, disappointments, and remembrance of nights spent alone crying in bed waiting for just any sign that he was still alive making its way back up. The knot in your stomach that started as just a tight feeling bloomed into an acid creeping up your throat while you tried so hard to fight off the sobs your chest was desperately trying to let out.
Numbness creeped though his body as your yelling got more intense and the tears that followed up with it made their escape. As much as he wanted to reach out to touch you, comfort you in any way he possibly could, he knew that chance was gone. So, sticking to what he knows best, he lashed back. His stance changed with his hands now shoved in his pockets and head moving in the motion like he was cracking his neck until he spoke again, “I told you from the very beginning I wanted nothing serious. S’not my fault you got too attached. Hero work is my priority, but you insisted on going public and I only agreed because I knew it would help my reputation but, now that it’s over, I guess it was really all for nothing. You ruined everything good. That’s all on you.”
A small gasp crept past your lips at his words. You knew he was brash and always spoke his mind but you never expected for him to try and shift blame on you. A small part of you thought that he might realize his mistakes and see where things went wrong but this conversation was proving that he is the same as he always is. A disappointment to you.
Wiping your eyes, you nod at him, “Okay, now can you just fucking leave me alone”? You questioned as you started to gather the last of your things. Since he didn’t speak, you assumed he left but, once you were finally done, you saw him standing there. If he was upset, then he hid it well, but it wasn’t your place to care anymore. With the last of your things in your arms, you made your way to the door.
He watched as you struggled to turn the handle then let out a little scoff as he stomped his way to the door and opened it for you. As you passed through the opening, you gave one small glance over your shoulder to peek back at him. The last thing you saw before making your way back to the car was his disgruntled face then the door being slowly shut in yours.
Katsuki always heard the phrase ‘when one door closes, another one opens’ but knowing you wouldn’t be on the other side of the opening door anymore was enough to break the hero down as your steps down the hall faded into the sounds of the night.
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bakusdumptruck · 3 years
Bakusquad Crack Post
Sup bitches 🤩how’s your day been? hope its been good! Anywayyy i was listening to a “Rolling joints with Sero Hanta” playlist and this popped up in my mind sooo here’s a little Bakusquad scenario 😏
Pairing: aged up Bakusquad x GN Y/n
Warnings: Use of marijuana, swearing, injuries
Summary: A smoke session with the babes turned into a chaotic mess 
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Ights sluts lets get into it 😈
Sero Hanta is the stoner of the group. Period. 
He taught everyone how to roll up just incase he was too high to function and wanted to smoke more
One night he texted the gc asking if everyone wanted to have a smoke sesh before they had to study for exams 
You all agreed and went over to his dorm together
All except Bakugou.
He called all of you “idiots” and “dumbasses” for getting faded before studying, but all Sero had to say for him to come was
“Ight bakubro, if you can’t handle it you could’ve said that instead of making excuses 🤷🏻‍♂️”
Bakugou showed up within 5 minutes.
Once everyone was together, tape boy had everything set up
There were 4 joints lined up, hella snacks, drinks, video games, and movies
He even had the LED a n d Galaxy lights on
Lordy it was gonna be a long ass night
You know how I said Sero is the stoner? yup uhuh he got the MF GAS.
The rotation was Bakugou, Kiri, You, Mina, Denki, then Sero
You all have a high tolerance so after you saw Bakugou coughing up a fucking lung, yall knew you were in trouble
Everyone coughed... except Sero. He just busted a lung laughing💀
So the joint is finished and you’re all feeling fuzzy
yes you’re high, BUT its not enough to get you guys staring at the wall thinking about space and aliens
Just high enough where time is slowed down and your body feels light
Denki randomly shouted to play video games and everyone agreed
Guess what you’re playing 👀
Ju-on. The fucking grudge game. 
Why did Denki choose this game? oh he just wanted to see if it’d be a scarier experience if you’re all faded
It was 😃
Kiri volunteered to play the first stage to show off his Manliness 😤
So there he goes walking into the abandoned building 
yall know how you can use another wii remote to trigger jumpscares? 
yeahhhh Kiri didn’t know about it... and Bakugou was in charge of that
Everyone was chillin, lowkey feeling at edge to prepare themselves for anything about to pop up
Here comes the scene where he opens the door and scary bitch is on the other side waiting to grab him 
K: “Uhhhh this doesn’t feel right... am I supposed to go this way?
B: “No shit dumbass, its telling you go that way isn’t it? What are you scared or something 😏 I thought you were too manly for this game”
K: “I-I’m not scared... just making s-sure.”
M: “Hehe you’re stuttering kiri”
K: “...I’m just cold”
Right before he grabbed the door handle (I kinda forgot how the game went oops 😅) bakubitch tiggered a jumpscare
K: “Okay here I g- what the fuck 😃”
It didn’t work.
K: “Oh that wasn’t too bad! The games gonna have to try harder if it wants to scare m- JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHAT THE HELL IS THAT”
Scary bitch popped up outta no where and grabbed him
Kiri accidentally punched Denki in the face 🙃
yeahhh so thats how the game ended 😭
Denki was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling wondering what the hell just happened and why everyone was laughing at him
D: *in his head* “I just got punched square in the face 😃 and they’re laughing at me 😃 This is fine. 😃”
K: “B-bro are you okay 😭 iM sorry AHAsh its- its just everyone was screaming and AhahhAHAHA IM SORRY 😭”
Sero let him start the second rotation as an apology for laughing instead of checking up on him 
Honestly yall don’t know if you can go on to the third
Everyone was hella faded at this point
Eyes red, dry mouths, and hungry stomachs
Mina ordered TacoBell knowing everyone was gonna want to eat more than the snacks and you all sat on the floor munching away
You all started talking about stupid stuff:
S: “So like... what happens when we get scared half to death twice”
M: “👁👄👁”
B: “👁👄👁”
D: “👁👄👁”
Y: “👁👄👁”
K: “👁👄👁”
D: “I’ve been scared half to death multiple times... im fucking immortal.”
After a few more high conversations Mina suggests to make tiktoks 
Have yall seen the tiktok where Mina and Y/n do the trend where they wink at the camera and all the boys are watching and Baku comes up to kiss Y/n? 
yup you do that BUT
When Bakugou grabbed your cheeks and went in for the kiss he missed and fell flat on his face 💀
*Cue everyone falling on their asses crying*
Best believe the tiktok went viral 🤩
After the third joint yall decided that the room was too suffocating and went out for a walk 
It didn’t seem like a bad idea... until you all got outside
Denki and Sero were singing “Milkshake” at the top of their lungs while wall twerking on the trees
Kiri and Bakugo were racing to see who’s the fastest but kept tripping over their own feet
You and Mina were recording everything those dumbasses were doing.
All of a sudden yall found yourselves in a clear area a bit far from the dorms
Bakugou laid in the grass staring up at the stars and you all joined getting into a little cuddle pile
At this point the effects of the joints hit at once and everyone was out of their heads
They felt like their spirits were floating out of their bodies
M: “...did you guys hear that”
All: “yes”
M: “should we go check it out?”
B: “Hell yeah. What if it’s a villain? I bet I can beat their ass in less than a second”
Y: “First, thats literally impossible. Second, We can barely fucking move. How do you expect us to fight a villain 🙂”
A Nomu popped up in front of you
D: “Uhhh aye Bakubro... you think you can beat his ass in less than a second?”
Y/n: *shoots up on their feet then falls over immediately* “DAMNIT I CAN’T STAND UP STRAIGHT WHAT DO WE DO”
Everyone started to use their quirks
Sero shot tape to the nomu
Denki sent 1 millions volts
Mina just kept shooting acid out
Kiri hardened up and threw punches like his life depend on it
Bakugou was screaming “die” and kept exploding shit
and You were also using your quirk to the best of your ability
K: *heavy breathing* “guys... i think we got it”
B: “Ofc we did... we literally went bat shit crazy on it”
When the smoke cleared it was still standing in front of you guys... unharmed...
you all started running back to the dorms
well, tried running back to the dorms
Everyone was bumping into each other and tripping
Denki ended up facetiming Aizawa in hopes that he would help
A: “Denki, its 4am what do you w-”
A: “... did you say you were high?”
The nomu caught him.
A: “Denki... Kaminari... hello?... *sigh* you guys are gonna be the death of me.”
You all ended up getting knocked out by the nomus and taken to the League of Villains hideout 
B: “...Never thought i’d be here again”
S: “ I still have the last joint in my pocket... ya’ll wanna smoke?”
Dabi and Shiggy stared at him like he was crazy but agreed anyway 🤪who’s gonna pass up a free joint? not them. 
So everyone got high again and chilled until the Pro Hero’s saved your asses :)
Oh and also don’t think Aizawa let you guys off the hook. 
You all got house arrest and extra BRUTAL lessons for the next 2 months 
The End :)
Yeahhh idk what this was but I hope you all enjoyed it!! I really wanted to write something angsty but as I was writing I couldn’t take myself seriously and ended up making jokes 😭
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The Doll Factory
Author: Elizabeth Macneal
First published: 2019
Pages: 336
Rating: ★★★★★
How long did it take: 3 days
I felt that this book, while perhaps not exceptional, was very well put together. It was paced just right and the sense of growing dread escalates in a way which kept me glued to the page. Truly well written historical fiction.
Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife
Author: Bart D. Ehrman
First published: 2020
Pages: 352
Rating: ★★★★☆
How long did it take: 2 days
I am rather conflicted about this book. Firstly, as a Christian bordering on agnosticism (I have never been a part of any church and my family is completely atheistic), I felt both somehow comforted by Ehrman´s deductions and somewhat resentful at the same time. Not because he very convincingly talks about the changing of religious perspectives (I am a historian myself so that information was only natural), but because he is clearly working with the notion of non-existence of God, not really treating it as a possibility. That, however, is my own personal issue. Objectively speaking, this is a very good book. Though academic in tone, it reads quite easily and is obviously well researched. The title, however, is misleading. Like many others, I had expected this to be a study of VARIOUS theories of afterlives, but 80% of the book is focused on early Christianity only. Not that isn´t fascinating, but for people hoping to learn something about other religions and cultures and their post-mortem ideas, it can only represent a big disappointment. So - know what you are getting, have an open mind and you might find this book a worthy addition to your personal library.
Wuthering Heights The Graphic Novel
Author: Emily Brontë, John M. Burns
First published: 2011
Pages: 160
Rating: ★★★★☆
How long did it take: 1 day
I don´t think there is much to review. I love the original book. I enjoyed its re-imagining here.
The Vanishing
Author: Sophia Tobin
First published: 2017
Pages: 390
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
How long did it take: 3 days
This was sort of OK I guess??? The beginning was promising, but I lost interest in the latter half, which also became somewhat convoluted. Not very memorable, though Sophia Tobin´s writing style is fine. I would not mind trying another book by her in the future.
The Mercies
Author: Kiran Millwood Hargrave
First published: 2020
Pages: 352
Rating: ★★★★☆
How long did it take: 7 days
Stunningly-written and deeply moving, this book has really only one weakness. It somewhat drags in the middle. But the atmosphere is alive and palpable and the emotions pure and real. There are many other books dealing with the topic of witch-trials, but few manage to be as powerful as well as respectfully restrained. Hargrave as an author knows how to keep the balance and her book beautiful.
The Wizard of Oz and Other Wonderful Books of Oz: The Emerald City of Oz and Glinda of Oz
Author: Frank L. Baum
First published: 1900, 1910, 1920
Pages: 432
Rating: ★★★☆☆
How long did it take: 5 days
This book is not commonly known in my country and so I have only read it for the first time now when I am over thirty. It definitely has its charm, especially the first volume, which holds some beautiful truths one wishes to teach the children (or adults). The Emerald City of Oz and Glinda of Oz are both mostly just a flight of fancy with no actual conflict. In fact, the danger to any of the characters is so nonexistent it begs the question of "why should I care". Not bad, but perhaps I would have loved it more if I was 5, not 33. Mea culpa.
Vasilisa the Wise and Other Tales of Brave Young Women
Author: Kate Forsyth
First published: 2017
Pages: 103
Rating: ★★★★☆
How long did it take: 1 day
Very sweet retelling of several classic fairytales in which the girl saves herself (even if she needs some help by others, and the others are never the prince).
Author: J.J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
First published: 2013
Pages: 456
Rating: ★★★★★
How long did it take: 19 days
This book felt like an acid trip with Umberto Eco or something in a similar vein to me. I was rather terrified that the whole thing would be completely dependant on the unusual format, but to my delight, the format merely enhances and enriches the actual novel, which in itself is dark, confusing, moving, terrifying, philosophical and weirdly fascinating. I am sure a lot has escaped my attention or flew over my head, but I welcome it because it gives me more reason to return to the book in the future. It was not all flawless though. My biggest gripe, as an actual Czech person, is that even though so much effort and thought went into the creation of this book, the author decided that Google translate will do just fine - and no surprise - it did not. There are not many instances of the Czech language being used, but when it is... it is all wrong. The Czech language is quite difficult and complex and Google translate does not know how to deal with it most of the time. Just one example: In the book, Eric writes OPICE TANCE on the wall and says it is Czech for "MONKEY DANCES". Yeah. Yeah, it is. IF THE WORD "DANCES" IS TAKEN AS A NOUN IN PLURAL. The correct translation would be "OPICE TANČÍ" and trust me it IS a big big difference. (Do not get me started on the vintage newspaper article....) You definitely need a lot of brainpower and focus when reading, this is not an easy book to follow. You also need to accept that not all questions are answered. I am glad I read it though. I found it an interesting experience.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
First published: 1954
Pages: 407
Rating: ★★★★★
How long did it take: 3 days
What can I say? Yet again I had goosebumps and tears in my eyes. Few, very few books have the power of this one.
Mexican Gothic
Author: Silvia Moreno-Garcia
First published: 2020
Pages: 301
Rating: ★★★★☆
How long did it take: 12 days
I don´t have much to say but I was a bit bored at the beginning, but it turned out to be a pretty wild ride.
Aristokratka u královského dvora
Author: Evžen Boček
First published: 2020
Pages: 184
Rating: ★★★☆☆
How long did it take: 1 day
Miluji celou tuto sérii, bohužel tento díl mi, ač stále zábavný, přišel prozatím nejslabší... Měla jsem pocit, že první polovina knihy opustila můj oblíbený, laskavý humor teenagerky, která se musí potýkat s výstřední rodinou a situací, a sklouzává spíše trochu k upřímné krutosti... Doufám, že další pokračování se vrátí ke své laskavosti.
The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family and Defiance During the Blitz
Author: Erik Larson
First published: 2020
Pages: 608
Rating: ★★★★☆
How long did it take: 2 days
An excellent and above all readable account of a chapter in the WW2 history. Larson explains well why Churchill was the best man for that dark hour and why he is still viewed as a hero in Europe (his questionable and even abhorrent views and actions in the context of the British Empire and people of other races notwithstanding), as the person who stood up to Hitler and pretty much kept the fires of defiance burning. There is definitely not enough "family" in this "family saga", but given the sheer amount of material and information presented to the reader, I suppose the author struck an acceptable balance between the politics and the private matters.
Conjure Women
Author: Afia Atakora
First published: 2020
Pages: 416
Rating: ★★★★☆
How long did it take: 8 days
The beginning of this book seemed tiring, and at risk of sounding insensitive, not interesting, since it seemed to tackle the same things that have already been tackled. But then there appeared strands of stories and of secrets, and suddenly I just needed to know everything. The whole story then appears as an artful mosaic. The last chapter felt unnecessary though and I did not understand its meaning if it was supposed to have any.
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believerindaydreams · 5 years
you knew I had to ask K for the trio :3 I love me some post-apocalypse stuf
in which there is a stubborn refusal to settle on which apocalypse this actually is
“Terminat hora diem- what utter nonsense I’m spouting. A pet affectation, at best.” Talking to fill the void has never been my art; but our resident expert has abandoned the attempt. His face turned to the wall, prayer beads slipping through his fingers. Quite dead to the world.
Perhaps Tuco’s only being reasonable, when the world’s gone so mad as this. I defied the laws of society, true; but I never thought to see them so madly cast aside.
“In days of peace, perhaps it was,” Father Paul says, gripping my shoulder with his sun-browned hand. His face has never acquired laugh lines like his brother’s; but that harsh and look seems only fitting now. “But these are not the first bad times the church has seen- we’ve learned how necessary it is, to salvage after disaster. For the sake of mind as well as spirit. Your Latin is a treasure to be shared out, not forgotten.”
“Just the same as your Spanish, in that case.” Tuco will never press the point, so I must perforce.
I don’t expect him to take it well, but the man’s a stoic after the best; not a swallow, not a flicker of self-regard. “You’re right. Though it’s been a long time, since I was Pablo Ramirez.”
“I’ll help you,” Tuco says eagerly, distracted from his empathy; and for that one bright look of eagerness, I think our resident prior would have made a harder sacrifice.
I would have done myself, if the chance was there; but Tuco’s known long since that I’d die readily enough to protect him from my errors.
And considering what we’ve already lost? What else is there to give?
“I knew before you told me,” Tuco says that night. Holding fast to me with more strength than wit.
A fragile lovemaking, this, and not properly deserving the name at all- nothing lofty and transformative, neither is it forgetful and cheerfully animal. My pareja has been talking incessantly now he’s found his voice again, proving his humanity every minute; and it is not how this should be but nothing is now.
“You heard it on the radio?” I’d been with Pablo when the news had come through, a lazily meaningless game of backgammon.
(Was this how superstitions began, in past centuries? For I can’t envision touching a backgammon board again with any pleasure.)
“No- no. I woke up from my siesta, and I saw Blondie standing by the window, smoking a cigarillo. He said to me, it’s finished. That’s all, but the way he said it! So much sadness in his voice… I hid beneath the covers. Then he was gone when I looked again.”
“You know he isn’t here, Tuco.” Fancy’s fancy, but fact is fact. Blondie’s not coming back this time. Won’t again walk through that door, covered in mud and exhausted from his camping trip, patiently resigned to Tuco’s lavish coddling and my own amused pleasure at his reappearance.
If I had kept up my old trade, all those contacts and lethal information at my fingertips, would he be alive now? Most likely not- an earlier grave for all us three, if I’m being honest with myself.
I wish to lie. I wish to berate myself with absurd scenarios in which we lived, whatever improbable unmarked path would have kept the three of us together. Now, that’s hardly more sensible-
“If I’d gone to him, maybe he’d be here,” Tuco says hoarsely, a dry sob sticking in his throat. “If I’d taken Blondie by the hand, if I hadn’t turned away-”
Thank a god I don’t believe in, that one of us is rational. “That’s nonsense and you know it.”
“I believe in miracles- Angel, do you know what a hellish thing it is, to believe? To think that if you’d only been holier, your faith might have been enough-”
he struggles with me then, roughly pushing his way out of my grasp, and I don’t dare stop him; it takes all my effort to keep old instincts from rising up. I might hurt him to the quick, if he caught me by surprise; and Tuco knows that well.
(That his native caution has so far deserted him, that’s a worse hurt than all the rest together. The world burning is its own affair; but my pareja is irreplaceable.)
(The more so, because Blondie wasn’t either.)
“I hate- I hate-” he’s crying now, at the foot of the bed; and it wrings my heart with a strange relief. He’ll be far more himself after such an outpouring, those quick sympathies and sudden rages of his.  
“That’s fair. Don’t berate yourself for that.”
“I hate how hungry I am.”
Rather the nonsequitur: but that’s easily remedied. It’s only a moment’s work to step out and pluck out a round, perfect orange. Listening all the time, if he should attempt something unfortunate in my absence.
But he’s not moved at all when I come back. Limp fingers won’t hold the offered sphere; I take it back, contemplating how to peel it. There’s a knife conveniently to hand, in the pocket of my neatly folded trousers.
I don’t think I could bring myself to commit even so small a violence, in Tuco’s presence. Not today. Better to take a cue from my innamorato, and tear it with my teeth- tough and rather bitter work, but doable-
Tuco’s fit looks more like a seizure than giggling; but giggling it nevertheless is. He sprawls across the quilts, close enough to touch again; I refrain until the spasming’s stopped. Then stroke him with slow careful strokes, the oil from my hands transferring to his flesh, staining him wherever I touch.
“Oh, Angel, don’t- don’t try to be him. It wouldn’t ever work.”
“That’s not what I-”
“It was a little.”
He hands me the knife; I finish quickly, putting aside the ravaged peel. Orange segments neat and unbroken, the way that Tuco prefers them. They sit on the bed, untouched.
“It occurs to me. That fruit bowl might hold the last oranges either of us will ever see.”
“Yeah, I thought of that too.”
For all his claim of appetite, his look at the fruit is uninterested at best. There’s more light in his eye when it falls on my body, still naked as his own- it’s very cold, this late. I draw the bedclothes over us, grasping for his warmth. We should have Blondie for this; and that small loss is a banality of almost unimaginable pettiness, but that does nothing to stop the odd tear dropping into Tuco’s curls.
“I mean I want to eat something, my belly’s empty. You’re here and I want to fuck you, and I want- I should be in mourning, shouldn’t I? Shouldn’t my heart be broken?”
My only comparable experience would be with my mentor; and she’d left such clear and precise instructions, a rigorous schedule to maintain, that I was left with no blank time for grieving. Blondie would never be so organised, as to provide a forthright message-
“If you have a joke, Angel, I think I could stand to hear it.”
“…it certainly would be ironic, if he’d won his wings for the sole purpose of consoling you.” There will be better times to point out the probability of his dreaming. Not tonight.
Tuco doesn’t laugh. He snorts.
“Like my partner was a saint- ha. No, he was human like me, and I’m glad of that too! You should have some of this orange, Angel, I think you’re getting light headed.”
“All right.” I sit up against the headboard, pull him upright with me. Carefully detach a single delicate segment with my bare hands, pop one end of it into my mouth. Palpitate it delicately to squeeze out the juice.
“You make that look pretty sexy…”
“Come and get it, then.”
The following could be described only as a mess.
Orange over the quilt, on my thigh, crushed against my teeth. A chunk of peel lodged jauntily behind Tuco’s ear, while juice drips down his mustache; he licks at it contentedly.
There’s waste to this, an extravagance that would seem rather contemptible to my mentor- and if she’d ever thought to mention what to do in case of apocalypse, I might have better notions, but the thought really hadn’t occurred. This time is already more grace than I’d know what to do with.
But I have not lain with my lovers for so many years, without letting their appreciation of softness bind to my sharp awareness of every moment. If he’s all I have left, I’ll have him and kiss him again-
(why, there won’t be any need to translate Spanish in bed, now-)
“God above, I’m glad to see this. Been scared to hell about you two.”
“…that’s Blondie, isn’t it?” Tuco remarks. Not turning his head.
“It is.”
“So he’s definitely there, it’s not just me.”
“But he wasn’t here this afternoon.”
“No?” Blondie says, looking quizzical. “I was still with Penny- it’s a lucky thing she had the plane all fueled up, we made it here on fumes. Or not even that, we kinda…crashed, actually. Not too badly. She’s clever that way.”
“Is all well?” If I allowed a bagatelle like being caught in flagrante with orange rind in my hair, by a man who has no business being anything but a ghost, to put me off my poise…it’d be a rather poor show.
“Sure! Sure. She’s waiting for me to come back with the van, so we can get all the cargo back here. I’ll have to talk to Father Paul about that, but I needed to see you two safe first-”
“I think I must be a terrible person,” Tuco says musingly, while I’m preoccupied with rediscovering every angle of my innamorato’s anatomy. Each familiar, and yet new as sunrise-
“Why?” we both chorus.
“That cargo- I guess we get to keep it, yeah?”
“Uh-huh,” Blondie agrees, between breathless kisses. (His rasping stubble is paining me, where the citric acid stings, and I would not trade the sensation for anything.) “What about it? I thought you’d be happy.”
“Oh, I don’t know. If I have you two…what kind of catastrophe is that, huh?”
“A bad one,” Blondie says mock-solemnly, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
“A very bad one,” I agree, taking his hand.
“…it’s all the other people I feel bad for,” Tuco says gloomily, huddling between us. “Who aren’t lucky like me, you know? I mean, I’m the kind of person who- who gets killed in the first five minutes, that’s what, and then everybody else dies too, and it’s just- two blonds walk off to Eden in the sunset-”
“We’re not gonna let that happen,” Blondie insists. “You’re gonna make it through the same as us- aren’t we, Angel?”
It’s strange, really, that everything’s changed and yet nothing has at all.
“Of course.”
I drag the knife along my tongue, carefully cleaning it of acid. I may need it in future. Quite soon even, if there’s trouble on the road. 
But not, I think, just yet. 
Unfortunate Penny and her plane full of orange marmalade will simply have to wait.
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amisbro · 5 years
Vent time
Alright so I kind of went off about this on twitter but I’m going to do it here too because...I spent my supply of craps to give and to be honest I just need to get this out in the open because we might have people that don’t know some fun facts about ME in the UtaPri fandom Shall we? First off I started in the UtaPri fandom back in January of 2014 so for those of us that need to know that is right smack bang between S2 and 3.  It was around this time that I had done my research (and by that I mean “Read Wikipedia”) to kind of get some ideas on the characters.  Of the ones that might have stuck out it was members of QUARTET NIGHT and specifically Ai Mikaze that grabbed my interest at first.  BTW yes I am bolding relevant parts of this story because I feel some of us FORGET these things to spin narratives and I’m not about that so let’s continue. So during 2014 I watched S1 first from the DVD I bought off of Amazon and then Season 2 I watched on Crunchyroll.  One thing I remember is that before I watched that (using the old school “fan mail” system that @staff needs to give us back) I had been talking with someone about one of the members of QN and that was THIS GUY
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(By the end of this post I might level of Boss Man) ANYWAYS I had been warned (Because I said Ren at the time was my least fave for being “playboyish”) that Myu would be worse...well for some jacked up reason He turned into my favorite character in QN (or at least 1a with Ai).  He still remained a favorite even after S3 and the reason...I can’t explain...it was one of those weird things that there was something about HIM that I liked but recently its been figured out that characters whom are “royals” or “meganes” (Hi @kaiser-author-san-iii) are faves of mine and Myu can fit into both categories Now...we need to get to the point of this cos I go around the block so many times its not funny During Season 2 we met “A Trio of Amateurs” whom are later called HEAVENS and I was like many people and wanted to see them get thrashed and they DID lose and we know their history.  I had watched that season (and season 1) twice because one was for this blog and the other was more for YT when I did Anime Reviews on there (And I might get back into that soon...stay tuned) and I remember that the first time I was happy that HEAVENS lost and the second time I think I was still “kind of” happy but I wished for somewhat of a different outcome...sadly there are no different endings in this Anime! Season 3 gets interesting because it was a season basically that was going to feature “MY BOYS” (Sorry Reiji K.) in QN so I could get a primer on them.  Now at some point (I forget when so don’t ask that) either during this season or after) I had seen post that had ALL OF THE ROUTES FOR ALL OF THE CHARACTERS...I read ONE OF THEM!  I wanna say it was...All-Star and Ai specifically but if you ask me to remember ANYTHING about it I don’t...memory is gone about it. The thing is as we know this was the season that people on here THOUGHT would be the end of UtaPri (despite in Episode 2 of said season one of the STARISH boys mentioned HEAVENS) so there was that.  This became a thing also when during an ask someone got someone mentioned there had been a visual for a 4th season.  Now this was confirmed somehow BEFORE THIS because someone on the wikipedia page stated that Seasons 3 and 4 would be in 2015 and 2016!  If you go look on my blog there is a post from 2014 I did where apparently someone mentioned this so...that was a thing! Season 3 ends with them getting ready to announce the winner of the Triple S election between STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT when who shows up?  HEAVENS AS A 7 MEMBER GROUP! Now here is where things get interesting for me in the fandom At this point I am not a BIG FAN of HEAVENS like I am now but I was definitely curious.  In my head I knew they couldn’t just have them show up for one episode and then be done...that didn’t make sense from a story perspective because even if they are “Antags” them losing in the first episode and then leaving doesn’t make a whole hell of a lot of sense!  Maybe in SOMEONE ELSE’S weird “STARISH/QN-centered fanfic” but for the purposes of THIS STORY...nah fam! (BTW I say that and you can argue this whole series was going to be some weird STARISH fan fic with acid trips galore so...eh!) Now here is where the turbulence with me and the fandom really comes in For the course of Season 4 (when we realized it was STARISH/HEAVENS) there was a part of me that wanted to play neutral but there was a BIGGER part of me that wanted to root for HEAVENS and part of that is because all my life I had been an underdog...I’m 37 years old and have had so many health issues its not funny so I root for the underdogs that might have no prayer but I root for them because I WANT them to be happy and to see them get their happy ending.  Its boring rooting for the favorites you know? So during the season I would watch the episodes through a website that livestreamed Tokyo MX and I think I only missed two episodes on there...the first one and I forget the other one but I know there was one I had to watch subbed which I HATED!  The reason is because for me its better to try and learn a language through hearing it and not reading subtitles...why do you think I now own a copy of the KnB movie unsubbed! With the way Season 4 was going to me there were two possible endings 1.  STARISH wins (which they did) 2.  HEAVENS wins and something ELSE happens Lemme explain that bit So during the season it was the “Duet Project” and it was the first one that Raging was basically in charge of which was kind of cool because you go through three seasons of Shining and he grates on you something fierce.  Well during the season we learned that RAGING has a bit of a problem with putting his hands on people and that some of the members of HEAVENS aren’t exactly in the best of states mentally.  Poor Shion had a breakdown during “Visible ELF” (I capped that because I called it “Visible EVIL” when I saw it on Tokyo MX...OOPS) and then of course we found out that The Otori’s father is an abusive piece of crap that needed CPS on his backside!  Now that was a fun “3 weeks of hell” to relive because you see EVERYONE got mad at Eiichi for what happened to Otoya and I get it...I really do but what was angering me A LOT was that this was a very jacked up pattern where the rest of the fanbase was ignoring anything “bad” that happened to HEAVENS members just because they didn’t like them.  Okay factually if we took this to another series I couldn’t stand TRIGGER at the time (things are changing slowly) so when they lost or had bad things happened...yeah I was happy as a pig in slop.  The thing to remember though is that was me watching 1 season of i7 and now we have s2 coming at some point so HEY it might work out but the point is that is gonna take a little time...1 season with them vs. how long with HEAVENS?  Yeah you see how this goes right? When HEAVENS lost I was mad not so much because they lost (Okay I WAS mad that they lost but here is the reason) but because it felt like their story deserved a happy ending.  We learned that ,for HEAVENS, the time in Raging Entertainment was more like a prison than a workplace so I was hoping AT THE VERY LEAST to have an ending where HEAVENS lost the Triple S but at the same time he would lose HEAVENS because Shining heard about what happened with them at his hands and would reveal that he discussed with Eiichi that HEAVENS would leave that agency after the SSS and go work for him...and I STILL think it could happen but anyways So all of this happens and this is...3 years ago right If you want to call me a “HEAVENS fanboy” 3 years later fine and I’ll take it but here is the thing When you are a fan of a group now since...a little before Season 4 and you want to see them do well and the fandom as a whole be pissed off when HEAVENS don’t start getting the merch like STARISH or QN (even when you yourself are a QN fan) and that doesn’t happen with the excuse in 2019 that “We need more time” I’m sorry...that excuse doesn’t work with me!  You got HEAVEN SKY now and the Shuffle Dramas...get to listening and stop being a biased fanboy/girl of the main two and start pushing for HEAVENS a little more!  You will not make me change that statement either because here is the thing:  I know people have been bullied off of here or even had to change accounts on discord because of the acidity of the fandom at times. I will flat out tell you this too When I saw the trailer for the movie that dropped today that was cool (even if the HEAVENS entrance reminded me of “puppets on a string” more than “Angels”) but when I saw the visual my joy became ANGER because ,when they did it, they shoved HEAVENS all the way in the back but few people in the IN fandom got mad about that on twitter...now we know why because even though on twitter the HEAVENS rep is better than on here (by a lot too which is disgusting) there is still a very vast majority that are STARISH fans and I get it...I really do!  HEAVENS as a 7 person has only been around for 4 years and STARISH has been around longer but why in the holy hell don’t STARISH fans internationally start sticking up for HEAVENS fans and be also trying to understand why we love them?  I thought the UtaPri FANDOM was supposed to be a FAMILY but I swear talking to people sometimes I’d rather turn to my immediate left and talk to a wall because despite me explaining it once in a YT video I don’t think people get why I am so passionate about HEAVENS getting the support of the fandom.  I’m sorry for loving a group that it seems a lot of people just want to see go away but I’m NOT SORRY for running my mouth about this because let’s understand this I NEVER wanted to have arguments in the fandom but all I wanted people to do is FUCKING LISTEN!  GO LOOK AT THAT VISUAL AND TELL ME THAT HEAVENS DESERVES TO BE SHOVED IN THE BACK BECAUSE OF WHATEVER REASON YOU WANT TO GIVE! Anyways I’m done and good night
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They had taken us all back on the bus, the trip to court with very little victory. Only one of us revcied any good news.....
Tangent: I posted about rumours and caught a vibe of I don't live you and I'm like kiss my ass K. Dot I swear to God you toruted me with fucking Kevin's heart and you don't really want to know the truth about that you really wanna rest me with fucking Pete Wentz and shot my nogga im sick of your reveses colorist shit....and It's werod because I sit here like....Damn They really wanna test a nigga...Had dreams about you in jail too kiss my black naked ass
I digress......
I went back on the bus, with a heavy heart. Upset, I knew that I could be facing up to six months at the maxi mun. Willghey be there? Who's to say she wouldn't leave after everything.....While the rest of the girls had there allocated assortment of emotions...I sat in the bus dwelling in the thoughts of everything that happened before. The complex emotional truama that lingers with those locked away. It when heartless began to play by Kanye.....I had started tossing along.....in truth on of my favorite songs bubin that moment of knowing that the reality was that I could be without them....I sang along.....the Eazy Song playing in my head....it's what they wanted....what they all wanted....me to be heartless....
"you got your friend and I got homies but in the end still so lonely'
I sat there, my mind empty. After that the next song had began to play.
Pop Smoke.
"I pull up give here D for the night"
"I've done some wrong but I'm always right"
One girl had noticed me singing, and commented. "See that? That's a mothertucker hat ....when they be singing like that with they heart in it and shit you know somebody fucked up...see I was singing this song about my ex...like.....mmmm"
She had began to tell a story how her ex had been caught cheating and lied saying it was his homie phone and he had recorded a porn video....
"See I wouldn't of cared if he had just told the truth to me you know? But now I gotta cut you off cause you making me look stupid in front my home girls. Like I'd be even less mad if you boss up and get someone finer than me but for you to fuck y hoe girls? See that some scandalous shit"
And to me, tht simple statement to be little one self in hopes of uplifting another. To self degrade your own self....to some degree I could see her logic the reality was, the reason behind it was discerning.....the depression and lack of open trust within he community had lead to another generational cycle of allowing degradation of wwomen of color....I had barely replied, due to he fact that my own court case and situation would let me lash out my tongue.
,See this mothertucker was tweaking and shit, like on coke and shit so why I had to stop dealing with him. I just get so mad that iknew that if I went off hed get his homies and it be a bigger issues. It was when another woman had spoken, a white girl who had been noticimg me quiet. She had began to talk about her own drug experiences. I was thankful for the subject change and vimed in..."Yeah...I only do naturals and shit like that I can't do aythentic they fuk with you"
"The tense ontr bus change...the thickness ofhe air the vibration all screamed NARC.
"They are that bad, she encourage. Like I've taken Meth Sherm Crack allggat...you just can't take alot beccaude you can get addicted byninlikeghe trip it makes me extremely analytical."
I nodded, "the most I've ever done is Acid. I liked the trip. But otherwise not my thing."
We then began to talk about life outside the city, the country, Portland Oregon, how small towns are the worst. As we chatted about psychedelics, it occured to me ge analytical thought processing disorder how that was important to me. That I could help, the stress of what had bother me in court slightly releied it self. If I was supposed to be here then I can't fight the universe......So I sat and contemplated the rest of the drive back.
When I arrived (if I say contemplat I'm running low on time)
But as I arrive back to my cell, someone ha been inside. The lights that had been darkened by the paperwork torn asunder, someone underwear had been dumped in toleit and thorwn on top my bunk. And a piece of bolange had been stuck the window. The one semblance of peace I had shattered. The idea of tranquility and a place of quiet the illusion taken right before my eyes, and the weigh of court had all come back to me. I began to pick of the pieces of the paper, I had some hope tht I'd be able to salvage it all, at least for one night. I could rebuild and block the lights of with the Brown Paper bags that give at breakfast and lunch. That would be wbought to block he light that had come in. Yet, every time that I had began to try they would fall back togh ground. I sat down on the ned, I had sobbed. All the pain that I had built up amd held back finally broke. The levy of rage that I had resisted leaning into had broken as I I had screamed allowed. One girl on unit, who had been screamihat the guards since my arrival had gone quiet. She had been refused food, tolietries and other anmwnties due to her outlashih and call the guards bitches..."I want some food Bitc. Give me a shower cunt!!" At all hours of the night as she was beging punished. Was this not innconettill proven guilty? I had laughed, the roller coaster of emotions, no, it was Humanity received upon innocence. But was there any innocence to be found when the yoke of racism and supremacy laid upon the necks of us all from he moment we left the womb. I had given up in my future attempt of rebuilding ym darkened dwelling and waited for the dinner call that night.
That night I dreamed of Bob Marley.
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mythicthread · 2 years
post 1, day 3
Currently reading :
The Winter of the Witch
Currently Listening:
Delta Kream -- The Black Keys
I've been really into Mississippi blues lately. I don't know what sparked it, except for the fact that I was in the mood for listening to The Black Keys about a month ago and I've been stuck on 2006's Chulahoma for weeks. (Specifically 'Work Me' and 'Have Mercy on Me'. Is there an underlying theme here? We're in the thick of Winter and all the sudden and I'm in the mood for dirty blues rock reminiscent of low, hot summer afternoons. It's not like it hasn't been hot here-- up until last night (Sunday), it was 75 and sunny in GA. This morning we woke up to snow on the ground and temps in the 30s. Thaaaaat's Winter in the American South, my friends. Temperamental and unpredictable to a fault.
No matter, though. Our house is warm and cozy and our bellies are full from chowing on homemade chili for dinner. K's got a busy day of running around tomorrow, so it'll be a day packed full of chores for me-- I'm trying to keep myself on some sort of routine so I don't let myself spiral into an unmotivated rut. Taking care of the house is also taking care of us, and I feel better both mentally and physically when I accomplish tasks I know need to be done.
I also forgot how strange it is to write 'day in the life' posts. I haven't journal-ed about life stuff since I was in my early 20s... and it feels weird to say I'm no longer even in my twenties... I honest-to-gods thought turning 30 would feel like just another birthday... but no. With the turning of the wheel to age 30, it was almost like I could feel a wall coming down that spelled out 'OLD' and I could feel it.
It didn't start right away, of course. A few months into my new decade, I started having raging heartburn that gave me the one symptom likely to make me panic: chest pains. I'd been through these before: sometime in 2017-18ish I was working as a manager for a restaurant chain popular for the moniker(?) 'Peace, Love, and Chicken Wings', and what I didn't realize was that at 27-28 years old, my guts weren't gonna keep allowing me to eat "turbo" (read: hottest sauce in the restaurant) tossed fried chicken nachos once a week during my shifts and get away with it. (Among other totally good for ya snacks like fried pickles, corn nuggets, and cheese sticks.) Let's face it, I was likely on the fast-track to high blood pressure/sugar and diabetes with the way I was eating. And it wasn't that I was eating all this fried shit every day or even every shift, but it was that I was always working, so I was trying to eat salads and grilled chicken, but even that can only go so far in a kitchen that serves frozen to fried bar food for the majority of the menu. I didn't really eat unless I was at work.
And if I was at work, I was stressed. Put under constant pressure for $2-$4 less than my co-managers, even though one of them reportedly could 'never be found' during their shifts and was always sneaking out back to smoke blunts instead of work. Because I allowed myself to be a doormat, I never saw what went on behind the curtain until it was too late.
Long story short, I ended up taking a trip to the ER one morning (during a work shift). I had a panic attack because of the chest pains and ended up calling K to go ahead and take me to the emergency room. (sidenote: everyone at work was so concerned and wanted me to give up my shift to get checked out... My boss had my BFF text me to check that I was okay.) Turns out it was a bad case of acid reflux and heartburn, and I was just experiencing my first-ever symptoms without realizing what they were and panicking. When I got back to work, my boss elbowed everyone around into laughing with him... all because I went to the ER thinking I had heart issues and it ended up just being a bad case of heartburn.
(sidenote 2: this is the same boss who, the year prior, had gotten cellulitis from an ignored supposed spider bite on his leg and spent 2 weeks in the hospital nearly fighting for his life. He revealed later that while layed up in bed he'd done nothing but watch all of us on the restaurant cameras for two weeks. He had no thanks to give to the staff that stepped up and ran the restaurant in emergency-mode for him-- only condemnation for how sorry we all were for disappointing him while he was "watching us run around.")
Needless to say, I didn't stick around at that job too much longer. I left either later that year or the next, and the heartburn (and stress!) eventually eased. For a while, at least. Until last year, after turning 30. The heartburn came on with a vengeance every time I ate something spicy, and my guts started to become sensitive to onions and bell peppers. I slowly experimented with my diet and made changes according to what made me feel the most sensitive, and in October of '21 I finally quit smoking after 10 years of daily nicotine intake. I should've stopped way sooner, but any time is a good time to quit a bad habit.
These days the heartburn is still a bitch and my chest still gets tight, but I'm working on myself one day at a time. I'll learn what works and what doesn't.
... I didn't expect to write so much about getting older. I think it's an okay intro post for this blog, though. Maybe I'll come back to it in a year and see what I think then.
Until the next post,
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15 prom horror stories that will make your skin crawl with embarrassment
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Prom night is supposed to be a magical milestone of high school. You're dressed to the nines, you dance the night away, and make memories that will surely last a lifetime. Right? 
Prom is often as much of a sweat-filled, hormonal nightmare as any other school dance, just with more expensive clothing and the massive anxiety spike that comes with expectations to have the best night of your life. 
Nobody's prom was perfect for everyone. Maybe someone spiked the punch at your prom and you didn't even catch a buzz. Maybe your prom dress caught on fire, or your date ended up making out in the bathroom with someone else. 
SEE ALSO: 'Take Back the Prom' campaign aims to end prom discrimination
Here are the best prom horror stories that will, if you've had one, maybe make you feel a little better about your own prom experience. 
1. Totally twinning. 💃💃
"Mine is so boring and not at all spicy, I was wearing the same Jessica McClintock [dress] as my date's ex girlfriend. She offered to meet me out side to talk it out and I declined." — Samantha C. 
2. Well, at least he wasn't your date. 
"My friend got stood up and my brother had to come to my prom. He wore my dad's suit. I was more humiliated than my friend 🤦‍♀." — Megan J.  
3. But did you get to sing "Heart of Glass"? 🎤
"A bunch of us went to a karaoke place for after prom. A lot of people got drunk and spilled ice on the table and thought they broke glass, [and] got us kicked out of the place. I'm still worried about going to karaoke places in K-Town to this day." — Emily Z.  
4. They took the midnight bus going... nowhere. 
"The party bus I was on didn't clear a porte-cochère at the hotel our prom was at. It got stuck, and our parents had to come pick us up." — Alex F.  
5. Really "Made" that prom experience awkward for everyone. 
"MTV Made came to my high school and a girl performed a choreographed dance at my prom since she got "Made" into a hip hop dancer... It was really bad." — Jeremy C.  
6. Only the best in mood music.👌
"My friends put me in charge of music on the way there and I ended up breaking the radio in the back of the limo while we were still in the driveway and after 20 mins of the driver trying to fix it he said 'I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do but i have a CD if you want me to put that on.' And then we had to listen to Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers as our hype music." — Nicole G. 
7. I thought we left duct tape prom dresses in the '00s? 
"There were definitely two girls from what I remember whose dresses almost fell apart, but nothing good old duct tape couldn't fix ✂." — Elvie Mae P.  
8. Wow. 😧
"All was fine and dandy until we learned that a girl in our prom group had taken acid when she tore her dress off and went crazy at the actual dance. She got carried off (and we later learned that the stunt got her prematurely kicked out of the college she'd been accepted to). Once we got back on the bus, parent chaperones came on to tell us that the cops would be searching us to make sure we didn't have any more acid and that we should get rid of anything illegal. A couple of us sheepishly walked off the bus and disposed of flasks and weed-related items. I threw away a pot brownie I was saving for the afterparty. The cops never came and searched us." — Harry H. 
9. Honestly, they finessed that. 
"My boyfriend senior year got mad at me because I was on prom court and had to slow dance with one of the guys on the court. (The guy I danced with was gay.) Also, all my friends realized the event hall where our prom was [held] never closed the kegs, so they all got beer from the taps and our school wasn't allowed back there." — Miller K. 
10. Oh boy, buried treasure! 
"The boys in my prom group buried beer in their parent’s backyard to be retrieved at a later date, then forgot where they buried it." — Ruby L.  
11. Oof, they should not have let them go. ❄ 
 "Two popular girls somehow convinced the prom committee to stop the music/dancing in the middle of prom to perform an acoustic duet of “Let It Go” from Frozen… and they let them do it." — Sage Anderson. 
12. Boats and prom? No thank you. 🛥
"In my high school's attempt to curb drinking/after parties, they organized a big boat post-prom to cruise Lake Michigan for a few hours. While there wasn't any drinking, we were formally allowed to smoke cigarettes and and cigars. Nobody knew how to smoke cigars (a lot of inhaling) and multiple people got sick from smoking too much." — Scarlett A.  
13. Bonnie and Clyde whomst? 
"After prom my date and I went to a bonfire at a trailer park where they threw so much wood into the pit that they created a fire that was unsafe and terrifying. While everybody was trying to put out the fire my date decided to go into these trailers and steal people’s shoes, and then had me drive her out of the trailer park as everyone was dealing with the fire. I had a major crush on her (she was a senior and I was a freshman) so I had no problem being her accomplice while she enacted this trailer park shoe heist." — Garrett K. 
14. Guess you weren't ship-shape. 🚣‍♀
"I didn’t drink in high school, but my friend was dating one of the more popular guys on the soccer team. One of the soccer team jocks had a rager at their house after prom. I went to look after my friend because I knew my crush would be there. Anyway, my crush made me a very strong drink which I drank (although I was not an experienced drinker). Needless to say I woke up feeling very sick then had to sneak out at six in the morning the next day because I was on the sailing team and had to go to a regatta. Boats and hangovers do not mix, people." — Charlotte R.  
15. Buckle in folks, this is one rollercoaster of emotions. 😬
My senior year of high school I knew a guy. (Let's call him Matt.) Matt and I had gone to the same elementary school, middle school, and now high school. We weren't exactly friends, but he was one of those guys I was exceedingly nice to considering I'd known him since we both wore pull ups. We worked on AP psych homework together a lot and occasionally chatted between classes.
Anyway, it became apparent that Matt thought I was just the cat's meow and wanted to date, date, date about two months before prom. I agreed to go out with him once and it was not so awesome. (Think him reclining his driver's seat chair in my parents driveway and asking if I wanted to make out before we went on the actual date and then getting kind of angry when I said no.)
So it was a pass from me. But Matt kept asking me out. Every class we had together, he'd ask about my plans and follow up about a second date. He'd text me incessantly, etc. Then, about two weeks before prom, he got suspiciously quiet. I noticed the change, but figured he'd finally gotten the message — I hadn't been subtle about my disinterest. Then, he showed up to the morning announcements.
Every day at the start of classes I would recite the morning announcements with my co-host over the loudspeaker. One Thursday, when I was offering up details on the upcoming Russian class field trip, Matt and the entire football team showed up outside the glass announcement booth with a big sign that said, "Prom?" and a whole bunch of roses. I quickly put together that if I could just get through the announcements and hang up the phone connected to the loudspeaker, I could quietly reject him in front of the team (still about 30 guys) and not the entire school.
But as the words, "That's it for today, enjoy your classes" left my lips, my co-host grabbed the phone and shouted "Matt asked Ali to prom!" broadcasting the news to the whole school. He went to hang up the phone and I bubbled over with panic and embarrassment. Before the phone hit the receiver, I could be heard on the loudspeaker saying in the background, "Why would you do that? I'm gonna say no."
Matt looked wrecked, having heard the news along with the rest of our 800-plus peers over the speaker. I have never felt like a more terrible person. I came outside and we talked about it and I apologized. Ultimately, he asked a very nice sophomore and I went with a guy named Nick who said the word "totally" about 5 times per sentence. So it worked out, but still haunts me." — Ali F.  
If you're someone who hasn't yet attended prom, just know that there's no pressure to make this the greatest night ever. You will have many more nights in the future make a fool of yourself or witness others being whole, entire fools. 
WATCH: Alfonso Ribeiro denied copyright of "Carlton" dance used in Fortnite
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viking369 · 5 years
Music and Politics Rant
This is a long one. If you're looking for the TL;DR version, sorry oh denizens of Short Attention Span Theatre, there isn't one. This is cross-posted from my other blog. My oldest (Thing 1) and I recently had a debate over the relative musical merits of Kate Bush: I think she has merit, Thing 1 thinks she does not. It was one of those debates and ultimate disagreements that reasonable, educated people have that, far from being destructive, add the sort of spice to life to keep it from being an unrelieved death march. I'm not a fanboy for anyone, including Kate Bush. I long ago started thinking of her as the Charles Ives of pop music: a pile of interesting ideas that often deliver something significant but at least as often get in each other's way. Like Ives, people tend to either love her or hate her and have legitimate reasons for both positions, but tend to simply entrench for "reasons." And this sort of "debating" got me thinking (a dangerous prospect). The whole discussion with Thing 1 started when I watched a 2014 BBC documentary on Kate Bush. I thought it was pretty well done. It showed a number of intelligent, talented people who find merit in Bush's work. It interviewed Lindsay Kemp, who still had four years left in the tank at that point, and showed his influence on art rock at the time (basically everybody from Bowie on) (It also showed a couple of other things, perhaps without meaning to. It showed through Kemp's gestures the extent of mime vocabulary's influence on what might be characterized as "gay mannerisms", Kemp being a dancer and choreographer with heavy mime influence, having studied with Marcel Marceau. It also shows the difference between European artists and intellectuals and US pseudos. In the interviews, several people casually remark on having seen Kemp's "Flowers", based on Jean Genet's "Notre Dame des Fleurs". You would be hard-pressed to find any in the US to this day, outside of core LGBTQ+ culture, who have heard of Kemp, "Flowers", or even Jean Genet other than by reference.). And then toward the end it shows why rock critics as a group are ignorant, vicious little parasites. More on that below the fold, wherever the Hell that might be. Once upon a time I was in newspapers, and one of the things I did was write music reviews. It was a paycheck, and as I’ve noted elsewhere, I’ve always been closely involved with music. I wrote by two rules: 1) Be consistent, and 2) make it about the music on its own terms. On the first point, it doesn’t matter if the readers agree with you; they just need to know what to expect from you. If they know you don’t like a particular artist or a particular type of music, they can read you through the appropriate filter. The second point breaks in two. First, it’s about the music, not the people. I did not savage Van Halen because they were pricks who brutalized the little people who had to service their every whim. I went after Eddie Van Halen (who let’s face it was the real core of the band) who went shredding up and down the fretboard at random with no regard for chordal or modal structures (In fairness to Mr. Van Halen, he no longer plays like that and is a far superior musician than when every blockhead with a K-Mart electric six-string thought Eddie was God and gave us a generation of speed monkeys with zero musicianship.) (The speed monkey syndrome unfortunately spread to other instruments. It was the overwhelming norm among the Celtic fiddlers who followed Bonnie Rideout to Ann Arbor and insisted on playing faster than their talents, compensating by dropping notes out at random, and then blaming all the rest of us for all the ensemble issues. To all of you, I give an eternal, “Fuck you and the banshee of an instrument you tuck under your hiply stubbled chins and rape with your bows.”). Second, you have to put it in the music’s own frame of reference. It makes no sense to pan a Metropolitan Opera performance of Cosi fan Tutte because it isn’t a Black Sabbath concert. I realized early on that almost no rock music critics could grasp either of my rules (From this point on, you may assume that “Robert Christgau is a wanker” is flashing subliminally in the background.). From the beginning of such things, Rolling Stone has been the center of rock criticism (I just damned near wrote “crock recidivism”. I’m not a nice person.). It has also been the center of what is wrong with rock criticism for just as long. These guys were groupies. They were wannabes who couldn’t cut it, so they hung out with the guys who could, basking in the limelight. The reviews weren’t reviews, they were hagiographies. “The music must be great because I party with these guys.” “They must be significant because I party with these guys.” Everything was on a chummy, first-name-only basis (“Mick and Keith were really rockin’ it Thursday night.”) that became the norm for roughly forever (Cam Crowe slipped a screamingly funny joke about The Rocket’s review style in his movie Singles.). As tastes changed and their substance-abuse buddies died, faded away, or became arena bands (and now nostalgia bands playing the Peppermill in Wendover), Rolling Stone found itself unsuccessfully playing catch-up, jumping on every bandwagon that rolled down the street in a desperate attempt to get in front of The Next Big Thing and failing miserably. If it weren’t for Matt Taibbi, that rag would have no reason to exist. In the 70s other rags stepped into the breach, but they took the Stone’s style sheet and were all clones of one another. They couldn’t comprehend my rules, either. I remember one of these rags (probably Circus, but who honestly gives a shit at this point, they were fungible) going after every Harry Chapin recording because it “wasn’t rock.” Well no shit, Sherlock. Chapin wasn’t a rocker, he was a folkie, self-proclaimed, and condemning him for not being what he wasn’t was…well…not even wrong. Congratulations, rock critics, you just earned Stephen Frys’s second-greatest insult, right after “I almost care.” There was one exception to the Clone Wars: Creem. But that didn’t make it good, just different. Admittedly, Creem was covering a lot of things no one else was, including the early days of punk and all that was happening over at CBGB. But my gods the pretension. Memo to Lester Bangs: Just because you covered something doesn’t mean you invented it. Just because you came up with the label “punk rock” doesn’t mean you created punk rock. Punk rock was created by garage bands (US) and pub bands (UK) (I always envied the UK guys because no matter how, frankly, BAD you were, there was someone willing to book you. Here in the US? Not so much. Although you could always get homecoming and prom gigs if you were just another shitty cover band.) (Punk was spawned by my half-generation, the Late Boomers. The reason was simple: We were fucking sick and tired of the hypocrisy of the Early Boomers, our big brothers and sisters. They were the 60s Children, the Flower People, and they were still peddling that bullshit even though the wheels had fallen off the wagon and there was a global recession. They accused us of being self-centered for not “working for change” like them while they busily leveraged the huge advantage of having sucked up everything before we ever got on the scene. They took their 60s, corporatized, commoditized, packaged, and slapped a smiley face on them, and expected us to swallow it all without question. The problem was that we just didn’t believe hard enough in the dream. Meanwhile we were saying, “The fuck? Our dreams hit the wall at 110 per in Fall ’73! The wreckage is everywhere, but you dicks and everybody else is just stepping over it like it isn’t there!” We wanted to wave our private parts at them, so we did. Which is a long way of telling you Millennials that, if you lump the Early and Late Boomers together, your ignorance is showing. Yeah, there are plenty of Late Boomers who sold out [You hear me, Barry Obama? You sold us all out, but history will always remember you fondly because you landed between the Texas Turd Tornado and Hitler 2.0.], but we were the first ones to face the New Normal you folks are now dealing with. You need old wise men and women for your villages? Trust me, we’re available in hordes.) As yet another aside, there were garage bands, and there were garage bands. None of us were very good, but most of us wanted to improve to something resembling competency. The early punkers simply didn’t care (Hell, a lot of them, such as the New York Dolls, were so bad they made The Kingsmen sound like conservatory virtuosos. And the Noo Yuck critics, apparently on permanent bad acid trips from frequent visits to Andy Whore-wall’s Fucktory, kept rubbing out one after another for them all. “Daringly campy!” “A raw, animal sound!” Shit-shoveling by rapidly deteriorating white guys desperate to continue being perceived as bleeding edge.). Fortunately, this only lasted a few years before a lot of the punkers decided it maybe would not be so inauthentic if they actually learned how to play their instruments. I don’t care what John Lydon continues to blow out his ass, Black Flag was never boring. But I really can’t leave the topic of pretension without a mention of The Village Voice, the self-proclaimed font of all things cool and hip for over six decades and running. In reality The Village has been overrun with gentrifying yuppie scum straight off the set of Thirtynothing since before Rudy Giuliani parked his malignancy in the Mayor’s Office, and The Voice has followed suit. And Robert Christgau was at the center of it all. It has never ceased to amaze me how someone so admittedly ignorant could be such an expert on everything. He admits he is “not at all well-schooled” (understatement) in 50s and 60s jazz, yet he has reviewed jazz artists such as Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, and Sonny Rollins without any of that context and has declared Frank Sinatra the greatest singer of the 20th Century (A meaningless statement. How can you compare Sinatra and, say, Pavarotti? You can’t, and anyone with a lick of humility and two brain cells to rub together doesn’t even try.) while apparently ignorant of Nelson Riddle’s role in creating Sinatra’s best albums. He was an early promoter of punk, right through all the “authentic vs. poseur” wars, blissfully unaware that this was not a rebellion unique to punk but rather was a recurring fight in music, most recently before that in the “this is jazz/this is not jazz” that started with the rise of bebop after the Second World War, that caused a butt-ton of damage to the genre, and that Miles Davis was a pivotal player in until he finally got over it and put on that shiny red leather suit and released Bitches Brew, which Christgau unironically nominated to Jazz & Pop as jazz album of the year in 1970. He considers the New York Dolls one of the five greatest artists of all time. Please. The Dolls were influential, true, and for two reasons: 1) Their show was cheap and entertaining and so readily copiable and copied, and 2) their musicianship was so crude a half-trained baboon could cover it. Not exactly reasons to put them in GOAT contention. Finally, Christgau doesn’t like and is nearly completely ignorant of classical music. This tells me so many things, but two bubble immediately to the surface: 1) He has neither the music history nor the music theory to hold 90% (at least) of the opinions he’s been paid for over the last half-century, and 2) he’s a shallow little shit who needs to sit in a corner and STFU. And believe it or not, all that was just a warm-up to get around to John Harris. Toward the end of the Kate Bush documentary is a roundtable discussion of her latest album (Aerial) by several UK rock critics, including Harris. Harris makes the remark that the music sounds like something you’d hear in a department store and that it’s obvious Bush hadn’t been in a studio for 12 years. I’ll start with the statements themselves and then turn to their wider ramifications. Department store music? I’d like to know where Harris hangs out that this is the ambient Muzak. Let’s chalk this one up to hyperbole and move on to the “12 years” remark. He doesn’t really elaborate on this (not entirely his fault, given the roundtable format) so we can only speculate on his actual point. Do her pipes sound rusty? Not really. Does the technology sound dated? No (And trust me, I keep up. It’s not like I sit around listening to Sergeant Pepper’s going, “Oh wow, they played those tapes backwards!”), and even if it did, that would be one to lay on the producer and the engineer. Is the music dated? An ambiguous word, “dated”, but I’m afraid we’ve finally reached what Harris was driving at. By “dated” do we mean it doesn’t sound like other music being produced now? First, when has Kate Bush ever sounded like anyone else, and second when did sounding like everyone else become a standard of musical quality? It hasn’t and it shouldn’t, but I’m afraid this is the point Harris is trying to make. Perhaps, though, he meant this sounds like her old material. Saying that an artist is repeating themself is a helpful criticism, especially if you explain why you think so. Frankly that’s a point I can agree with; I find a certain sameness in her work since Hounds of Love. But that isn’t even remotely what Harris says. He says she sounds old-fashioned, which is never a useful comment, merely a pejorative one, and worse, a pejorative aimed not just at the artist but at the listener. You are listening to old-fashioned music. You are old-fashioned. You are outdated. Catch up! Under the best of circumstances, this is unmitigated bullshit. Coming from Harris, it is unmitigated bullshit that is part of a career full of it. Harris’s cred as a “serious person” essentially rests on his 2003 book The Last Party: Britpop, Blair and the Demise of English Rock (repackaged in 2004 as Britpop: Cool Britannia and the Spectacular Demise of English Rock) and the follow-up BBC Four 2005 documentary The Britpop Story. His thesis is that 90s Britpop was the last great shining moment for UK pop. No, really. At this point, let facts be placed before a candid world. The UK has been a popular music powerhouse for quite awhile, and by “powerhouse” I mean a global influence. Let’s start arbitrarily with Gilbert & Sullivan, pass the baton to Ivor Novello, and then to Noel Coward. The Second World War made hash of it all, and the post-war generation found that the US had stolen the baton, but rather than going gentle into that not-so-good night, both the rockers and the mods invaded the US and stole much of the thunder back. This continued into the 70s, whether you’re talking about arena bands, metal, prog rock, or punk, and on into the 80s, again whether you’re talking about power pop, synthpop, or New Wave. Big influences that can still be heard around the world. Compare Britpop. The whole point of Britpop was to be a calculated foil for Grunge and as safe and marketable as possible, the perfect theme music for the Tony Blair years. It has so little edge it couldn’t leave a mark on a piece of talc. Its influence has been negligible except as a template for profitable pap. In 1997 the whole sham came unraveled as Oasis released the bloated disappointment Be Here Now and Blur abandoned the field to join the US “lo-fi” movement. Their lasting influence is Coldplay, and let’s be honest, if Coldplay is your gold standard, I’m afraid you actually have a pyrite mine. But Harris thinks Britpop was the shining end of UK rock. There are a number of holes in this assertion; two are glaring. First, there are still plenty of new bands in the UK churning out good stuff (That Harris seems blissfully ignorant of these bands makes me wonder just who is out-dated and needs to catch up.). Look them up yourselves; I’m not falling into the trap of naming a few here. Suffice it to say they’re diverse, and you’re likely to hit on several you consider acceptable regardless of your musical tastes. They’ve even been having an influence in the EU, but we’ll see what Brexit brings (Influence in the US? Not so much since we have reached a level of insularity here that rules out anything beyond our borders having merit, in spite of having access to it all on The Interwebz.). And these bands have a Hell of a lot more to offer than the Britpop slag did. Which brings us to glaring hole two. As noted previously, Britpop didn’t really have an impact. None outside of the UK, and damned little in the UK on any time scale longer than the life of a mayfly. Britpop was a nothingburger with a side of flies and a So? Duh! Harris, though, raises this localized, ephemeral phenomenon and turns it into the last scion of the UK pop tradition. This should just be considered a bad case of the sillies, except that Harris’s new schtick is political commentary, especially for The Grauniad. In keeping with The Graun’s policies, his position is “Support Remain but maintain that ‘both sides have merit’.” Which raises his Britpop position from silly to ironic, because Harris’s thinking on Britpop (“It was important in the UK, ergo it was IMPORTANT!”) is just the sort of insular, UK=World mentality that made Brexit possible. Brexit happened, for the most part, because of a bunch of people who believed that, whatever the puzzle was, the UK was the only piece that mattered. Harris’s elevation of Britpop on so high a pedestal rests on the same belief, even though he’s a Remainer. So it’s unintentionally ironic. It’s symptomatic of a malignant mindset. And it’s still silly. And so I give you Christgau and Harris, Exhibits 1 and 2 in my case for the beyond-uselessness of rock critics. And the former is still being allowed to write revisionist histories of the music of the last half-century while the latter is still being allowed to…well…write. What a world.
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No-one knew that orangutans are unique among great apes, possibly unique among animals altogether with the exception of the human animal, in having the ability to talk about the past.
But now we do. Recently a researcher was surprised to find that the apes’ response to, say, a tiger’s presence is to gather their young to them and climb higher up the tree – in silence. You would expect the evasive action to be accompanied by an alarm call. Theirs is an endearing kind of “kiss-squeak” sound. Strangely though, they wait sometime until after the predator has entirely disappeared before they emit their kiss-squeak of alarm.
What on earth is the use of that, we ask. Isn’t it a bit late for that? Well, it seems the orangutan mums are transmitting a message to their infants, “THAT WAS DANGER! Remember for next time.”
Zoologists have a name for ‘talking about something that is in the past or the future, not present at the time’: it’s called ‘displaced reference’, and as well as being extremely rare among living creatures, is reckoned to be a sign of high-level cognition. These furry orange tree-dwellers may even surpass in brain power their other smart relations in the great ape family.
Another thing I didn’t know before today
Orangutans come in two varieties: the Bornean and the Sumatran. Both species are critically endangered. The Bornean orangutan has declined by a shocking 60% in the last 60 odd years, and between 1999 – 2015 alone we lost over 100,000. I say “we” because it’s a tragic loss for us all. It’s a similar story for the Sumatran ape. Orangutans rightly fear tigers, but there is another animal that is a much greater threat. As is almost invariably the case when species slide towards extinction, the menace is (the so-called) homo sapiens.
In this case it’s our insatiable appetite for palm oil. “More than half the packaged products on sale in the supermarket are made with palm oil,”  according to the European Palm Oil Alliance. It’s palm oil production that is decimating these precious animals.
And it’s not just the injurious effect on the hapless apes, as if that were not enough in itself. The burning and deforestation of Malaysian and Indonesian rainforest to make way for palm oil plantations is a big contributor to GHGs in the atmosphere. In the light of the UN’s recent report that we have only 12 years left to get a grip of climate change, this destruction is a supremely urgent environmental issue which affects the entire planet.
If there was anyone who wasn’t aware of what is causing the frightening decline in orangutan numbers before, they certainly are now thanks to the furore created by the banning of Iceland’s Christmas ad. In case you’ve only just returned to Planet Earth from a trip to Mars and not yet seen the ‘offending’ ad, here it is:
The ad was banned on ‘political’ grounds. If you’re like me, you’ll struggle to find anything political in the ad.
So why ban the ad?
Greenpeace has unearthed some revealing correspondence between various UK government departments. The communications expressed fears that supporting an EU-wide ban on the import of palm oil biofuel might very well provoke Malaysia to change its mind about buying our British-built Eurofighter Typhoon jets, and look elsewhere for its military hardware. So yes, no doubt in governmental eyes the ad is political, though we wouldn’t be so cynical as to suggest Clearcast, the adjudicator of TV advertising that imposed the infamous ban, has been sat upon, would we??
The other reason given for the ban was that it had nothing to do with Christmas. It’s certainly not what you think of when ‘Christmas’ is mentioned. I think Greenpeace supporter and Iceland’s CEO Richard Walker knew exactly what he was doing when he sought permission from Greenpeace to adapt their telling animation for his company’s Christmas promotion. It was always unlikely to pass the scrutiny of Clearcast.
But thanks to the notorious ban, the ad hit the headlines. EVERYONE wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I know I did. And as of Wednesday just gone, the ad notched up 12 million views on Facebook, a further 3.8 million on YouTube, 30 million in total across all social media, with endorsements from celebrities including Anna Friel, Paloma Faith and James Corden. What better way of getting Greenpeace’s important message across, and at the same time promoting Iceland as a leader in business environmental- friendliness. Well done Mr Walker!
And just in case the publicity was not enough
It’s been ramped up even further by sightings of an orangutan wandering the streets and parks of London, even at one stage hanging from a Christmas tree on Coin Street.
The ape on the loose is Iceland’s response to the ban of their Christmas ad. But don’t worry, no orangutans were harmed etc etc – the creature is of course animatronic.
All perfect timing on Iceland’s part, for this week saw Greenpeace publish a report accusing the makers of the world’s most famous cookie the Oreo, of sourcing their palm oil from “rainforest destroyers.”
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But why the huge demand for palm oil in the first place?
It has two huge advantages over other forms of fat
It has an unusually high melting point, so is semi-solid at room temperature
Both flesh and stone contain oil which makes it 10 times more productive than say, rapeseed, and therefore much cheaper to produce
If you’re interested in why palm oil makes up 38% of all vegetable oil produced, from only 5% of oil-producing farmland this is an excellent article.
What is palm oil used in?
Half the stuff in supermarkets, as mentioned earlier. That is biscuits, cereals, breads, gravies, sauces, margarines, ice cream, crisps, ‘healthy’ snack foods like muesli bars, pet food, cosmetics, toothpastes, toiletries, cleaning products, even ink. Sad to say, it also pops up in vegan goodies where it is used to provide the creaminess otherwise obtained from dairy.
And then there is the biofuel.
We haven’t spotted it on the label, though. How is it hiding in our products?
Until 2014 there was no legal obligation to identify palm oil on a label as anything more than ‘vegetable oil’. But even now it might be hiding behind any one of these aliases:
PKO – Palm Kernel Oil
PKO fractionations: Palm Kernel Stearin (PKs); Palm Kernel Olein (PKOo)
PHPKO – Partially hydrogenated Palm Oil
FP(K)O – Fractionated Palm Oil
OPKO – Organic Palm Kernel Oil
Palmitate – Vitamin A or Asorbyl Palmitate (NOTE: Vitamin A Palmitate is a very common ingredient in breakfast cereals and we have confirmed 100% of the samples we’ve investigated to be derived from palm oil)
Sodium Laureth Sulphate (Can also be from coconut)
Sodium Lauryl Sulphates (can also be from ricinus oil)
Sodium dodecyl Sulphate (SDS or NaDS)
Elaeis Guineensis
Glyceryl Stearate
Stearic Acid
Chemicals which contain palm oil
Steareth -2
Steareth -20
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
Sodium lauryl sulfoacetate (coconut and/or palm)
Hydrated palm glycerides
Sodium isostearoyl lactylaye (derived from vegetable stearic acid)
Cetyl palmitate and octyl palmitate (names with palmitate at the end are usually derived from palm oil, but as in the case of Vitamin A Palmitate, very rarely a company will use a different vegetable oil)
Don’t despair
Even environmentalists are not suggesting we avoid palm oil altogether. We just need it to be orangutan- and rainforest-friendly. Sustainable.
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Just look for these logos
  Meanwhile, some petitions to sign and share. Thank you.
EU: Stop destroying rainforest for biofuels
Stop a billion-dollar gift to the palm oil industry!
Save Rang-tan. End dirty palm oil
Tell big companies to drop dirty palm oil
Ban the sale of products containing unsustainably sourced palm oil in the UK
And take the 28 day challenge to live deforestation-free
Palm oil’s dirty secret
10 surprising products containing palm oil
Iceland’s Christmas ad banned
Animatronic orangutan spotted wondering London
Certified sustainable palm oil
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foursprout-blog · 6 years
No Need To Die Twice: Why I’ll Never Do Ketamine Again
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/no-need-to-die-twice-why-ill-never-do-ketamine-again/
No Need To Die Twice: Why I’ll Never Do Ketamine Again
WATCHING THE AMBULANCE PULL AWAY from the curbside, I entered the dark club and asked the bouncer what was happening. “Some guy passed out in the bathroom. Overdosed on Special K.” 
“What the fuck is ‘special K?’ Isn’t that a cereal?”
“It’s an animal tranquilizer. He took too much and went into a K-hole.”
The term ‘K-hole’ was the most frightening slang I’d ever heard for a drug experience. Recreational drugs are supposed to induce euphoria and enlightenment, not shove you down a black hole and force an ambulance to haul away your drooling hulk.
It was at that moment that I knew I would have to try Special K.
ON A BLACK RAINY DECEMBER NIGHT a year later, a twinkly-eyed, goatee-wearing young man stopped me at a party and told me he enjoyed my writing. As we began talking, I pegged him as a “Dr. Buzz” type—my label for a white male who compensates for possible social awkwardness by knowing everything there is to know about illegal drugs. He was with a nerdy friend I’ll dub Mr. Spectacles.
Dr. Buzz revealed that he was on a paid sabbatical from work and, to pass the time, he’d been shooting ketamine hydrochloride—the medical name for Special K—into his ass muscles daily for the past eleven nights. He said that after doing ketamine, the “real” world seemed boring. He seemed bright and well-adjusted enough that I began to trust him. Touting the drug’s glories, he and his bespectacled chum offered to share some K with my female companion and me. I still suffered from the impression that ketamine was merely a tranquilizer that would induce a heavily stoned “body high” rather than the most terrifying psycho-death trip of my life. He cautioned that since K impaired motor skills, it was not a social drug and we’d have to ditch the party and repair to his quiet lair on the city’s far fringes. He promised we’d be lucid after an hour or two and that he’d drive us home.
Foolishly, we agreed.
WHEN WE REACHED HIS SAD, FLAT HOME, the lights were off and a man was already there sitting in darkness, bathed in droning electronic music. When Dr. Buzz flicked on the lights, the man’s eyes were so glassy, he appeared retarded. He had reverted back to Apeman and looked at Dr. Buzz with faint recognition.
Dr. Buzz and Mr. Spectacles had already burned down some liquid ketamine into butter-colored powder for needlephobes such as me and my girl. He cut out three huge lines for us—enough to make a sandwich.
“That seems like a lot,” I protested, sitting on a couch.
“No,” he insisted, carefully drawing two syringefuls of liquid K from a vial with which to ass-spike himself and Mr. Spectacles. “That’s a normal dose. You’ll have to do that much to feel the full effect. You can do two lines, and she can do one.”
He told us to snort it but to avoid trying to swallow it as if it were cocaine—just crush the crystals in our noses using our fingers. He said that within ten seconds, we’d feel a warmth in our feet that would rise through our bodies.
After snuffling my two monster rails, I handed the bill and mirror to my girlfriend, who inhaled her portion. I closed my eyes for a second and then looked over at her. She appeared to be already dead.
BOOM! Almost instantly I felt warmth and a savage disorientation. I began to feel sucked inside a hurricane’s slow-motion roar. The floor dropped out beneath me. Everything was TOO BRIGHT AND TOO LOUD. Wow…wow…wow…somebody turn this music off and turn the goddamned lights off…it’s too much…it’s too much…too much…too much…oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. 
The one-level house suddenly had an upper and a lower level. It wasn’t a house anymore—it was a spaceship casino. A deafening strobe effect pounded my head as if I was tied to the bottom of a subway car as it screamed through the Bronx. Faster than I could blink, images and sounds flew by like neon shrapnel. I was being munched alive by a giant digital machine, a computer- screen wonderworld where my identity was pulverized and pasted into a cold, endless tapestry. Pieces of myself were chopped up and spat back with epileptic speed.
I was being smashed down and torn apart and fused with “the one” against my will. I was separated from myself and could observe my identity stolen and broadcast on the Jumbotron screen of existence. Even my voice had become digitized and sounded as if I was speaking into an electric fan.
A crushed pile of plastic chips. Utterly synthetic. Bland virtual-reality mazescapes, the triumph of math over feeling. Dead flat cybernetic soullessness. Mechanical insect brain. The only emotion left was the most primitive one—fear.
I was a biology-class frog, my brain severed from my spinal column, pinned down in a steel tray, unable to move or feel.
Suddenly all was quiet and eternal. All the colors were burned to ash. Cold, dark space and emotionless planets. A dull grey orb surrounded by hissing blackness. Many things are deader than we’d imagined.
Rearing my woozy head, I realized where I was. I just saw shadows of other humans. No one was stirring. The music had stopped and the lights were off. A James Brown bobble-head doll on the table next to me reflected the middle-of-the-night moon rays and radiated cold, sadistic, voodoo death.
I squeezed my girl. I hovered over her as she stood downtown in the city where I met her…I saw where she fit in my life’s thread, all the events that led up to meeting her and winding up here, lost in a K-hole. We both huddled against a blizzard of blackness.
She said she had to leave. She had to go. Had to get out of there. She stood up and I reached after her. Don’t go. As bad as it is here, it’s worse out there. She took two steps and collapsed on the floor.
I stood up. I looked down at my feet, which seemed to be only three or four inches below my chin. On the floor beneath me was the unconscious Mr. Spectacles with a Mongoloid grin.
I began vomiting. On the couch. On the floor. On the doorknob while walking outside. On the rock garden. Power-puking until all I could taste was my own stomach acids and the rank chemical ketamine taste. My eyes were watering, my foggy breath shallow.
My girl and I sat out in the carport in thirty-five-degree December rain for a half-hour, feeling no cold. Every time I opened my eyes to focus, I saw three of everything swirling around kaleidoscopically.
She finally managed to call a cab. Vomit rose in my throat the whole way. At a stop light, I opened the door and sprayed gut juice onto the asphalt.
“Don’t do Special K,” I mumbled to the driver as he pulled up to my building.”
I FELT A SPOOKY MALAISE for the next week. Everything seemed dead or in the process of dying. Cheap computer-generated TV ads and my rattling kitchen-stove fan threatened to suck me back down into the K-hole.
Researching ketamine on the Internet, I discovered that the recommended powder dose is a small “bump” rather than the twin peaks I inhaled. One study determined that users experience memory loss and “mild schizophrenia” for days after ingesting it. I also learned that Special K can induce seizures and cause severe brain damage in epileptics and left-handers.
I’m left-handed and mildly epileptic.
Thanks, Dr. Buzz.
KETAMINE WAS INVENTED IN 1962 as a safer alternative to PCP, the drug of bloodthirsty psycho legend. Its molecular structure is almost identical to that of its scarier older brother.
Ketamine was employed as an anesthetic during the Vietnam War and is still being used on house pets and children worldwide. Its painkilling properties are so powerful, it’s used in burn trauma and for post-amputation stump pain.
Along with PCP, DXM, and nitrous oxide, ketamine belongs to a class of drugs called “dissociatives,” so named because the user experiences a clear split between ego and body. Physicians refer to such a hallucinogenic near-death state as an “emergence reaction.”
Some people find the blotting out of self to be euphoric, an erasure of all self-consciousness; others, like me, find it nightmarish and run screaming back into themselves.
After media horror stories of its use as a “date-rape drug,” the Feds finally declared ketamine illegal in 1999. You can still buy it over the counter in Mexico, which is where Dr. Buzz procured his stash.
Ketamine’s most ardent spokesman was the neurophysiologist John Lilly who invented the isolation tank in the 1950s. The films Day of the Dolphin and Altered States are based on Lilly’s writings and experiences. Lilly is perhaps best known for his extensive studies trying to decipher dolphin communication patterns. What’s not as well-known is that he was a lifelong K addict rumored at one point to be injecting himself with ketamine once an hour twenty times daily for the better part of a year.
After enough time surfing the K-hole with dolphins (he never gave K to dolphins but claimed he once dosed one with acid), Lilly started believing that the gentle cetaceans were intermediary entities between humans and the space-alien agents of the “Earth Coincidence Control Office (ECCO).” In the 1970s, he went so far as to warn President Gerald Ford that the dolphins could save us from ECCO. Lilly once told a reporter:
Dolphins have personalities and are valuable people.…But what about their spiritual life? Can they get out of their bodies and travel?…I suspect that they’re all ready to talk and carry on with us if we are not so blind. So we open up pathways to them with ketamine, LSD, swimming with them, falling in love with them, and them falling in love with us. 
In short, John Lilly was insane, and ketamine probably played a role in his cognitive unspooling. He spent his life in and out of the funny farm.
Marcia Moore, a wealthy heiress and astrologer, was another ketamine cheerleader. She wrote a 1978 book called Journeys into the Bright World, which included this eager endorsement of falling down the K-hole:
If captains of industry, leaders of nations could partake of this love medicine the whole planet might be converted into the Garden Of Eden… 
On a frigid night early in 1979, Moore climbed into a tree, injected ketamine, dozed off, and froze to death.
The creepiest endorsement of ketamine, and the one which came closest to emulating my experience, is by David Woodard, described as a “requiem composer and a Dream Machine fabricator.” His essay “The Ketamine Necromance” includes this psychotic passage:
Although ketamine is a drug administered and experienced by living beings, the necromantic communications facilitated by its use tend to benefit the dead, offering their spirits a tantalizing portal through which they may experience the world of the warmblooded. Perhaps the dead are desperately clustering around an elusive window they have been chasing down for five or six thousand years of gnashing, burning, excruciating torment. Perhaps one of them would manage to claw his way into the ketamine user’s fleshy, nubile brain for a 56- minute respite. Such communication seems a match of spirits—at times fencing, at others playing mah-jongg or a game of decapitate the endless row of tractor drivers or amputate the handicapped. In a ketamine experience, you are likely to become a subatomic particle sniffing at the ominous butt of nuclear war, the pinnacle of NDE-driven necromantic glory and the greatest hope of all dead spirits that are not enjoying themselves. 
I SAW DR. BUZZ AT A CLUB about a month later, at a point when he’d been shooting Special K in his ass every night for seven straight weeks. He asked me if I wanted to do it again.
No more Ku Klux Ketamine for me.
Despite all the psychonautical jibberjabber about ketamine’s satori-inducing potential, or its application as a pharmaceutical biofeedback machine, or even its use in helping the dolphins save the Earth from ECCO, all it taught me is this:
I don’t want to die.
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smoothiemakers2 · 7 years
��CrazyBulk D-bal Review (Dianabol): Don t buy this supplement until you check out this
��CrazyBulk D-bal Review (Dianabol): Would not buy this supplement until you read this
D-Bal Is d-bal a SCAM? May d-bal really give me results? So you are probably reading this article because you are interested in this supplement referred to as crazybulk d-bal which produces the effect of the dbol the. k. a dianabol anabolic steroid, and you are looking to build several quality muscle. CrazyBulk D-Bal Bodybuilding Review If you are a bit short of time and want to skip my story, you can join in straight into my crazybulk d-bal review. Otherwise, you are in excess of welcome to read on& The way it all started How Clearly a bit about myself. Throughout southern california Tony and for years My spouse and i struggled with building correct muscle mass. I wasn t especially a skinny guy to start off along with, and so that meant which whenever I tried fiber bulking I would end up either having too buffed and excess fat at the same time (like that man in the picture below), or perhaps not big enough. That s right. Whenever I listened to the word bulking my effects were headed in this direction. Crazy Bulk d-bal dude beforeAnd don t get me wrong. I wasn t a complete beginner either. That i knew what I was doing. I got working my ass away from at the gym, tracking my advance, eating well and getting adequate rest. I was even counting calorie intake, and calculating my macros, taking protein supplements, mass gainers and even considered taking steroids. But my progress was just slow.. and when I mean slow, it was really s-l-o-w& Now, although these natural ways of building muscle Do give you results. At the end of the day, you have to go for what works best for you. It s as simple because that. Let me put it that way, building muscle and having floss lean ripped look like this kind of dude below: crazybulk d-bal dude Is NOT an easy task. There are many variables involved, like your diet regime, workouts, sleep and how anxious you are. You see cortisol (the stress hormone) instructs your whole body to replenish more energy hence making you hungry. Ok now what do we crave the most within those situations? Chicken breast in addition to broccoli??? You wish& . you guessed it.. SUGAR! and all know what Sugar can.. Still, you could be eating your grilled chicken breasts together with broccoli and brown almond every meal, meeting your own protein intake requirements, perspiring your ass off at the gym, getting enough rest, but not getting the gains you deserve! You then go on instagram to see how some of these huge guys are posting picture connected with themselves looking massive, with ripped six packs and also saying: Yeah bro, My partner and i went on a 3 thirty day period bulk and these are the results.. oh yeah.. . And you also think to yourself WTF??? Soon after one year I barely see some results myself, these types of dude is looking like that in just 3 months?? That dude, will either be on steroids or perhaps not stressed (right?? ). You observe not all of us have the hard work to ensure every single aspect of our lives is sorted out. As i have explained before, bodybuilding is not always easy00, and we have so many some other responsibilities to focus on everyday like school, work, the kids, the particular girlfriend and so on& What number of of us have the time to sit back everyday and go just like: Daily groceries in inventory - Check Prepare our healthy meals - Check Gym workout - Examine Foam rolling after the gymnasium - Check Make sure I bought to bed at 10pm (even though I have a whole lot work to catch up about, and need to finish my school homework) - Check Make certain I go to yoga class to relieve stress - Check out All that, plus other regular commitments you already have? Unless you by now retired, then I don t consider most of us have the time to go through all of that everyday, and if we complete, it s not that much enjoyable anyway. Add that to the fact that, even if you are very disciplined and might become doing all of the above correctly, you might just be getting typical results and progressing definitely slow like I was. The effect: You give up. You think this is too hard, and just not worth the cost. Plus it s expensive to have healthy, your girlfriend is having an attempt at you because you are so frugal with what you eat, and all that will effort you put in seriously is not worth it for the minimal results you are getting. That s exactly where supplements can come in handy. To be honest I wasn t a huge enthusiast of supplements before, let alone steroids.. because of what I ve heard in the past about cons blah blah & not until I found this. However , this particular golden nugget my friends, has turned all the difference for me, and let my family tell you that this is no fast solution, however , it did give me the results that I could only dream of before without having to get anabolic steroids. For those of you nevertheless considering steroids to bulk up you might want to read this recent news story. I strongly recommend you continue to be far away from steroids and go for d bal rather. And now I want to share this experience with you. One day while shopping with my girlfriend, We bumped into an old pal of mine I could not even recognize at first. Having been completely jacked, his biceps, trips, everything! I was like wow dude, how do you get all jacked right up and shit? He / she said he had taken this kind of legal steroid alternative from your company called: CrazyBulk. This same evening I proceeded to go online and ordered my initial stack of d-bal, which usually got delivered for free to be able to my door a few days following. CrazyBulk D-bal supplement Gentleman, in less than 4 weeks I started seeing more gains when compared with I had ever seen in days gone by year of training. I got totally hooked! At last I am while going to getting that buff and also lean look that I always wanted, and will be sharing my revisions with you guys very soon. Since I started seeing profits, my friends have started requesting me what am I doing, and so I pointed them to this particular bad ass product. The particular dudes at the gym who observed I was getting nowhere before get started to ask questions. All We can tell them is& this golden supplement is made of the following: Crazy Mass d-bal results: Does it compare against steroids i. age. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)? Since d-bal is a legal steroid choice and it is 100% natural in addition to safe when compared to it s against the law steroid rival dianabol (methandrostenolone), AND it allows you to build solid lean muscle, we d give bonus points to it and will vouch in its favor: Take a look at d-bal s ingredients below (all natural): CrazyBulk D-bal dietary supplement Whey Protein Concentrate rapid Essential for muscle growth and also recovery. Tribulus Terrestris instructions A natural steroid known to promote the production of testosterone. Isoleucine - Supports the biochemical process that supplies your energy. Leucine - A hydrophobic branched-chain amino acid known to be the most effective of the in stimulating protein synthesis. Valine - An aliphatic branched-chain amino acid that shops energy in your muscle tissue.
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CrazyBulk D-Bal Review
CrazyBulk D-bal Review (Dianabol): Rarely buy this supplement until you make sure to read this Is d-bal a SCAM? May d-bal really give me final results?
So you are probably reading this content because you are interested in this supplement named crazybulk d-bal which produces the effect of the dbol any. k. a dianabol anabolic steroid, and you are looking to build a number of quality muscle.
If you are a little short of time and want to miss my story, you can join in straight into my crazybulk d-bal review.
Otherwise, you are greater than welcome to read on… Just how it all started
How Actually a bit about myself. I'm Tony and for years My partner and i struggled with building appropriate muscle mass. I wasn’t specifically a skinny guy to start off together with, and so that meant in which whenever I tried bulking fiber I would end up either having too buffed and excess fat at the same time (like that guy in the picture below), or perhaps not big enough.
Honestly, that is right. Whenever I read the word “bulking” my outcome was headed in this direction. Ridiculous Bulk d-bal dude beforeAnd don’t get me wrong.
I was not a complete beginner either. That i knew what I was doing. I got working my ass down at the gym, tracking my development, eating well and getting enough rest.
I was even counting calorie consumption, and calculating my macros, taking protein supplements, mass gainers and even considered taking anabolic steroids.
But my progress has been just slow.. and when After all slow, it was really s-l-o-w…
Now, although these “natural” ways of building muscle Will work. At the end of the day, you have to go for what realy works best for you. It’s as simple while that.
Let me put it in this way, building muscle and having your lean ripped look like this specific dude below:
crazybulk d-bal dude
Is NOT an easy task.
There are numerous variables involved, like your diet regime, workouts, sleep and how anxious you are. You see cortisol (the stress hormone) instructs your system to replenish more vitality hence making you hungry.
What to do now do we crave the most inside those situations?
Chicken breast along with broccoli??? You wish…. an individual guessed it.. SUGAR! and all know what Sugar will..
Still, you could be eating your current grilled chicken breasts using broccoli and brown hemp every meal, meeting your own protein intake requirements, excessive sweating your ass off at the health club, getting enough rest, rather than getting the gains you should have!
You then go on instagram to see how some of these huge team are posting picture regarding themselves looking massive, having ripped six packs in addition to saying:
“Yeah bro, We went on a 3 calendar month bulk and these are the results.. oh yeah.. ”.
And also you think to yourself WTF??? Following one year I barely observe some results myself, and the dude is looking like that in barely 3 months??
That dude, will either be on steroids or perhaps not stressed (right?? ).
The thing is not all of us have the time and energy to ensure every single aspect of our live is sorted out. As i mentioned before, bodybuilding is not always easy00, and we have so many additional responsibilities to focus on everyday including school, work, the kids, the particular girlfriend and so on…
The amount of of us have the time to take a seat everyday and go such as:
Daily groceries in inventory - Check Prepare our healthy meals - Look at Gym workout - Examine Foam rolling after the health club - Check Make sure I obtained to bed at 10pm (even though I have a great deal work to catch up in, and need to finish my university homework) - Check Ensure I go to yoga school to relieve stress - Check out
All that, plus other everyday commitments you already have?
Unless you previously retired, then I don’t consider most of us have the time to go through all of that everyday, and if we carry out, it’s not that much exciting anyway.
Add that to the fact that, looking very disciplined and might end up being doing all of the above effectively, you might just be getting regular results and progressing actually slow like I was.
The effect: You give up.
You think this is certainly too hard, and just not worth the cost. Plus it’s expensive to have healthy, your girlfriend is having a chance at you because you are so particular with what you eat, and all this effort you put in is simply not worth it for the minimal benefits you are getting.
That’s just where supplements can come in handy.
In all honesty I wasn’t a huge lover of supplements before, not to say steroids.. because of what I have personally heard in the past about ripoffs blah blah …not right up until I found this.
However , this kind of golden nugget my friends, has turned all the difference for me, and let myself tell you that this is no fast solution, however , it did produce the results that I could simply dream of before without having to consider anabolic steroids.
For those of you nonetheless considering steroids to build muscle you might want to read this recent report. I strongly recommend you keep far away from steroids as well as go for d bal as an alternative.
And now I want to share this experience with you. One day although shopping with my girlfriend, I actually bumped into an old friend of mine I could not even recognize at first. Having been completely jacked, his force, trips, everything!
I was just like “wow dude, how performed you get all jacked way up and shit? ” He or she said he had taken that legal steroid alternative from your company called: CrazyBulk.
That will same evening I travelled online and ordered my 1st stack of d-bal, which usually got delivered for free to be able to my door a few days following.
CrazyBulk D-bal supplement
Person, in less than 4 weeks I started out seeing more gains as compared to I had ever seen in yesteryear year of training.
I got entirely hooked!
At last I am while going to getting that buff and also lean look that I always wished for, and will be sharing my improvements with you guys very soon.
Since that time I started seeing profits, my friends have started inquiring me what am I carrying out, and so I pointed them to this particular bad ass product.
The particular dudes at the gym who observed I was getting nowhere before have got started to ask questions.
All Let me tell them is…this golden product is made of the following: Crazy Volume d-bal results: Does it compare against steroids i. at the. Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)?
Since d-bal is a legal steroid alternate and it is 100% natural along with safe when compared to it’s against the law steroid rival dianabol (methandrostenolone), AND it allows you to build reliable lean muscle, we’d give benefit points to it and would certainly vouch in its favor: Have a look at d-bal’s ingredients below (all natural):
CrazyBulk D-bal supplementation
Whey Protein Concentrate instructions Essential for muscle growth in addition to recovery. Tribulus Terrestris -- A natural steroid known to advertise the production of testosterone. Isoleucine : Supports the biochemical method that supplies your energy. Leucine - A hydrophobic branched-chain amino acid known to be the most effective of in stimulating protein functionality. Valine - An aliphatic branched-chain amino acid that retailers energy in your muscle cellular material.
As you can see non-e of these elements above cause any trouble for your body in the same way as metandienone (dianabol) does, and you can even now get the same results along with d-bal.
So I decided to reveal this golden nugget together with those of you out there who are battling and really want to build many muscle mass.
I have created my very own CrazyBulk d-bal review to suit your needs here, and seriously, despite the fact that I come across as extremely positive and seem to favour this product a lot, I just take action because it works for me, honestly, that is it…
It’s as simple seeing that that.
It works for me, and that i know it will for you also. So instead of keeping this specific a secret, why not enable you to all out!
Trust me, I wish Would known about this supplement just before, but at least I do today!
DO make sure you study my crazybulk d-bal overview until the end as I have a very surprise you probably didn’t be aware of. 🙂
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