#kazs daughter
the-wraiths-wife · 3 months
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In honour of one whole year of shadow and bone season two being released, I wrote a fanfic about Kaz and his daughter, Adjala.
And Adjala fell in love with Pekka Rollins' son Elijah and Kaz never accepted it so she eloped. And years later he finds her, as it was Inej's last wish, and Adjala's a medick with her clinic and her husband runs a bakery.
And Adjala has twins, Kazim and Nina
That's all the context y'all need to know
As I sat beside Adjala on the porch, the weight of years of separation hung heavy in the air. She leaned into me, her presence a comforting reminder of the bond that had endured despite the passage of time. But as I felt her warmth beside me, a wave of overwhelming emotion threatened to engulf me, and I couldn't hold back the tears that welled in my eyes.
Adjala turned to me, concern etched in her features. "What's wrong, Papa?" she asked softly, her voice a soothing balm to the ache in my heart.
I pulled her closer, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "You're still Papa's little princess, right?" I whispered, the words catching in my throat as years of pent-up emotions threatened to spill over.
Adjala hugged me back, her touch a gentle reminder of the innocence of childhood that still lingered within her. "Always, Papa," she murmured, her voice filled with a love that transcended words.
As I held my daughter close, a flood of memories washed over me – memories of her laughter echoing through the halls of our home, of her tiny hand clasped in mine as we walked through the streets of Ketterdam, of the fierce determination in her eyes as she faced the challenges of the world.
But amidst the memories, there was a painful realization – that I had missed out on so much, that I had been absent during pivotal moments in her life, that I had let her down in ways that I could never fully make amends for.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as I buried my face in Adjala's hair, the scent of jasmine and home wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry, Adjala," I whispered, the words choked with emotion. "I'm so sorry for everything."
Adjala's arms tightened around me, her touch a silent reassurance that forgiveness was within reach, that our bond was unbreakable despite the trials we had faced. "It's okay, Papa," she whispered, her voice a soothing melody in the darkness. "We're together now, and that's all that matters."
Adjala's words hung in the air, a surprising revelation that broke through the heaviness of our shared confession. She always did have a penchant to ease tension. "Elijah takes Nina on daddy-daughter dates. Like you would take me," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement.
I couldn't help but choke on a laugh at the unexpected turn of conversation. "Remember our first daddy-daughter date?" I asked, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips as memories of that day flooded back.
Adjala laughed, a sound so pure and infectious that it lifted the weight from my shoulders, if only for a moment. "Of course I do," she replied, her eyes sparkling with fond remembrance.
I leaned back against the porch railing, a playful glint in my eyes as I began to describe that unforgettable day. "We went to the park, just the two of us," I said, my voice filled with nostalgia. "You were so small, holding onto my hand with all your might as we walked through the gates."
Adjala nodded, her smile widening at the memory. "And you pushed me on the swings," she added, her laughter tinkling like wind chimes in the breeze.
I chuckled, the image of her tiny form soaring through the air etched into my mind forever. "And then we had a picnic," I continued, painting a vivid picture of that sunny afternoon. "You insisted on feeding the ducks, even though you were more interested in eating the bread yourself. No wonder you were a chubby little thing."
Adjala's laughter rang out, a melody that warmed my heart and chased away the shadows of regret. "And then we went for ice cream," she said, her eyes dancing with mirth. "I got chocolate all over my face, and you pretended not to notice."
I nodded, a smile playing on my lips as I recalled the sight of her sticky fingers and chocolate-stained cheeks. "It was the best day," I said, my voice filled with a father's pride and affection.
Adjala's laughter filled the air, a sound so infectious that it was impossible not to join in. "I asked for more funnel cakes, and you asked 'how many?' And I said ten, and you got them for me," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she recounted the memory. "And we ate until I threw up."
I chuckled, the image of her tiny self covered in sprinkles and giggles etched into my mind. "Your mother was so mad," I said, shaking my head with mock solemnity.
Adjala laughed even harder, her laughter ringing out like music in the night. "She was!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with fondness and affection. "But you just laughed and said we could always get more ice cream."
I nodded, a smile playing on my lips as I recalled the sight of Inej's exasperated expression and my own inability to suppress a laugh at the chaos we had caused. "It was worth it," I replied, my voice tinged with nostalgia. "For that smile on your face."
Adjala grinned, her laughter fading into a soft smile that mirrored her mother's. "I love you, Papa," she said, her words a gentle reminder of the bond that bound us together, through laughter and tears, sprinkles and ice cream.
And as we sat there, basking in the warmth of shared memories and the love that flowed between us, I knew that no matter what life threw our way, we would always have each other, to laugh with, to cry with, and to cherish for all eternity.
Anyway should I write out Kaz's and Adjala's daddy daughter date?
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snakeyp00 · 14 days
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Master Millerrrrrr I love youuuuuuu
(Metal Gear 2 remake with extra ops mission Date with Master Miller, but it's just him finally taking out David (and Catherine) for that cheese fondue)
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3kazes + one intruder
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saigeplant · 1 year
Being Kanej's daughter head canons
I know people have different opinions about whether or not Kaz and Inej would ever get so far as to have biological kids so I'm going to leave it up to you whether the reader is adopted or not.
CW: Kaz and Inej trauma mentioned in passing very briefly no description, swearing,
-Both Kaz and Inej were really scared to have kids because what if they mess it up? What if they pass on their respective traumas? Maybe they just aren't cut out to be parents.
-But then they hold this little baby in their arms for the first time and it's like holy shit? Kaz isn't really an emotional guy but he's just filled with this overwhelming desire to protect this little human because it's so fucking cute and he wants to give them the childhood he never had. Inej just wants to hold you forever and never let go.
-They're obviously very busy people but they take time off their responsibilities for you and kinda just chill for a bit never wanting to miss a moment.
-You're a very happy baby
-Your first word is crow. Kaz is secretly thrilled, Inej is a little disappointed but ma comes soon after quickly followed by da.
-One day when the crow club is closed Kaz is cleaning up with a two year old you on his hip, Wylan and Jesper are sitting at the bar and Kaz starts cooing and smiling at you and Jesper asks, "You know we could tell everybody about this and ruin your reputation?" Wylan follows it up with, "Why are you doing this in front of us?", And Kaz says with a straight face "Because no one will ever believe you"
-Inej teaches you how to wield a knife by age five
-Speaking of Inej she also teaches you how to slip into the shadows and be absolutely silent
-You have a running bet to see how can sneak up on Kaz.
-Neither of you have been successful
-By the time you're thirteen you start begging your parents to join the crows it does not work.
-But when you turn fourteen you play a lookout on a mission.
-By the time you turn sixteen you are a full member of the crows.
-Neither of your parents are very happy about this but they know you're capable of taking care of yourself.
-Speaking of that if anyone touches you or looks at you they will face a fate much worse then death
-When you start dating your partner faces hours of interrogation not only to figure out if they're trustworthy but also in your parent's opinion "If they aren't willing to sit through hours of your parents yelling at them they aren't the one"
-But you do find someone who had such a slow burn romance with you they didn't even realize you liked each other until they were full on shipping the two of you and you were both hardcore pining.
-This is my first post and if you'd like to hear about this particular OC tell me
Anyway I doubt anyone will read this but if you do and you enjoy it like, reblog, comment whatever.
I've been waiting to see this for so long but have been to scared to request anything but if anyone has any other ideas for this feel free to add because I kinda hate this and if you could tag me that would be great.
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happynowyo · 1 year
Reflection, part 3
Fandom: Six of crows
Warnings: Kaz Brekker and everything that goes with him
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Shadow Summoner!OC
Summary: The long-awaited meeting finally happens and Jess is left with choice between what's good and what's right for her
Word count: 2,5k
Tag list: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @valkyrie05x, @parabatai-winchester, @footydais, @valeridarkness
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
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Inej, as the stranger introduced herself, turned out to be part of the Crows, who operated under Kaz Brekker's command. Jess didn't know him, but she'd heard his name dozens of times in the couple of hours she'd spent near the town square.
The guy was a legend among the criminals of Ketterdam, and for some reason she was not surprised that Nina was among his gang. Her passionate nature and love of adventure were bound to lead the Heartrender to something like that.
Jess made good use of her time before they reached the Crow Club, so she managed to get Inej to talk a little and find out details about their activities. The short story about the Crows being involved in the recent events in the Fold and helping Alina made her feel a little more sympathy for them, and judging by the respect shadowed on Inej's face, it was mutual when Jess shared a reciprocal story about helping Alina adapt during her first months in the Little Palace. Her heart was warmed by the pleasant thought that Alina had quietly and peacefully left after the big fight and, as Jess hoped, remained safe.
The memory of her father sent a wave of shivers down her skin, tightly concealed by a black suit that looked more like a man's, but Jess forced herself to clear her mind. In the darkened room with dozens of candles, where there was a cacophony of chatter, laughter, shuffling cards and clinking glasses, her whole body tensed, and her grey eyes scanned the space for nearby exits and guards with a practiced reflex. Inej's smile came out almost modest, but the pride in her eyes was too expressive. Whatever was going on in the Crow Club, that place meant a lot to her and all the other Crows.
Jess straightened in vain to regain the feeling of unshakeable confidence that had left her the moment Baghra had caught her in the bedroom with the story of the Black Heretic and told her to pack her things in a hurry. Everything that had been so dear, so ordered and familiar, had turned to dust, become another shadow, and the new reality still seemed too hostile and unsafe. Jess guessed that the illustrious Kaz Brekker would be a tough, brutal, cold-blooded and damned smart guy as everyone talked about him that way.
What would she offer him in return? What should she even ask him for? Nina was a part of his team, and Jess was definitely not in a position to run anywhere else on her own. She needed some company and support, but the Crows weren't an innocent group of interest. Being an old friend of Nina Zenik wasn't enough to stay with them, and that realization pierced through her, but all despair was instantly displaced when a familiar voice reached her ears.
— Apple pie!
God, Jess had once hated that nickname and had even fought Nina over it a couple of times, but now it sounded like a compliment from heaven. So familiar, in fact, that it brought tears to her eyes for a second.
It wasn't hard to spot Nina at the bar — the bright red hat on her head caught everyone's attention. Jess shortened the distance between them in two great steps, and Nina's warm embrace enveloped her like a fluffy blanket, bringing her joy and relief. Glancing over her friend's shoulder, Jess glimpsed those who were keeping her company — the tall well-built Fjerdan, whose surprise was most noticeable at the moment, and the same couple she'd spotted on the street. A dark skinned guy in a large-checkered jacket standing next to a slightly younger man with exceptionally lively facial expressions and dark hair sticking out amusingly in different directions.
— Am I still dreaming or is it really you? If I am, I hope the next moment a million kruge will fall on me and I'll never have to look at the horribly tasteless suits of these drunks again, — Nina's chirping voice reflected genuine hope, but Jess knew her too well to lose sight of the unease that lurked between the lines. — I'm so glad you finally ran away out of there! How long have you been staying…?
— Ran away? You look too good for someone who has been a prisoner or a hostage. You should have seen how beat up I was when we crossed… — Jesper had the audacity to interrupt the conversation, but quickly cut himself short when Wylan elbowed him lightly in the side with an evident hint. The crowded Crow Club definitely was not the best place to talk about the Fold.
Jess looked around confusedly, trying to find even a single free meter of space, and Inej understood her without a word, gently pulling her to the side and nodding to the left side door. Behind it there was a storeroom with boxes of liquor that stood in almost endless rows, and that's where Jess finally was able to be alone with Nina, having the relief of a semblance of silence.
She could see her friend more closely now, noticing that the years that had passed had added her some beauty and brought certain maturity. Nina was no longer that funny reckless teenager who'd helped her steal Tidemakers' notes or with whom they'd sneaked into the kitchen after lights out when their teachers prohibited them to be at the dinner as a punishment. Jess couldn't wait to talk to her friend about everything that had happened to them in the past few years, but first she had a much more pressing issue to deal with.
— Had Brekker really seen Alina? — she didn't doubt the truth of that statement, but she needed to hear it again to really believe it. Had Kaz seen her father? Had he watched the greedy gleam in the dark eyes of the one with whom she shared blood and power? Jess's gaze ran inquisitively over Nina's face as her palms gripped her shoulders tightly.
— Yes. I swear I was sure he was kidding me, but it was the truth. He snuck into the Little Palace with Inej and Jesper, actually you could have seen them there, during the ceremony.
Jess nodded automatically, hardly giving these words any meaning. When Aleksander stood beside Alina in front of the king and the mass of guests, she was too busy following the tracker Mal and helping Baghra get Alina out of the palace in the safest way possible. Though now she could fully recognize the irony of the situation. She could have escaped even then and ended up in Ketterdam the same way.
— Do you feel something? That connection you had with your father, can you use it again? Everyone says he died in the Fold, but you know that the Darkling is the oldest and the strongest among us. Is that why Baghra sent you here? What happened to her?
Nina was gabbling, caught in apparent excitement, and it made Jess smile fleetly. It was just like the old times.
— Baghra stayed at the Little Palace, but I don't know for how long. We heard the news and she decided we had to play ahead. If my father is alive, he will come for me. For both of us, — the thought of having to kill again for someone else's revenge and pride disgusted her, but the fear of Aleksander's anger was much stronger. — I need to hide for a while. Is Kaz Brekker really as powerful as people bubble on the streets, or should I not expect to sleep peacefully at night under his patronage?
— Kaz is a stubborn cruel weirdo, but he knows his business and he is the smartest man I know. I'm sure he can think of a way to keep you hidden while you're here. He helped me to get Matthias out of jail, even though he doesn't stop poking me about it every time he gets a chance, — Nina rolled her eyes with a chuckle and touched Jess' wrists carefully, making sure not to touch the bare skin near the edge of her jacket. A matter of habit still, no different even after these years. — You could have been a great addition to our team, you know? Any heist would be hundred times easier if we had your shadows at our disposal. But I know it would put you on the trail quickly if anyone outside the Crow Club knew about your abilities.
— Well, I'm still good with knives and hand-to-hand combat. It never hurts to have extra hands, does it? Where can I find Brekker?
— He's locked himself in his office. Opposite door on the right. Maybe I should talk to him first? He always seems indifferent, like he's doing you a favor by listening at all, but you can count on him if you can get him interested.
— You've already done so much for me, Nina. I'm glad you're okay, honestly, I was worried you might have gotten into trouble. Grishas were looking for you after you ran away, my father made sure of that. But now I have to learn to take care of myself, without him or Baghra. I'll find you later, okay? And, Saints, don't call me Apple pie in front of the others, it's outrageous!
Jess laughed briefly and placed a light kiss on Nina's cheek before she slipped out of the storeroom first. The cheerful mood was immediately replaced by the background anxiety, and every step to Kaz Brekker's office seemed long and exhausting, testing her to the limit. The rumors she had heard were enough to know that the Bastard of the Barrel was capable of any cruelty for the right price, and he could easily pass her off for a big sum as the Darkling's daughter or as Grisha with a special talent. He could not be trusted, but Jess had so much fear inside that carrying it alone was utterly unbearable at that moment.
— Jesper, I asked you to be at the door, should I say it in Kaelish or Ravkan so you'll get it sooner?
A harsh bark came from a guy with dark neatly tucked back hair. The sharp cheekbones and dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep were the first things Jess managed to notice, stoically holding back the barbed comments. Kaz was literally buried under a mountain of sheets and didn't even deign to look up at the guest, absolutely certain that an orderly tone would suffice.
— Ravkan works fine for me, but I'm surprised the famous Bastard of the Barrel has time to study languages in the midst of constant scheming and eliminating rivals, — her voice remained very formal, scrubbed of any emotions, but there was some amusement dancing in her grey eyes for a second. That only intensified when Kaz Brekker finally looked up, unable to instantly hide his surprise.
— Reception hours are long over. I don't recall seeing you before. How did you get in here?
— Inej brought me. I'm a longtime friend of Nina and I wanted to talk to you about a deal. I need some protection and anonymity, Nina said you were the best candidate in Ketterdam. That you know how to stick to your part of the bargain.
The stranger's businesslike tone didn't fool Kaz. She was clearly desperate or she wouldn't have come directly to him. It was the first time he'd heard of Nina having friends from Ravka, but his first instinct reminded him that she only knew someone in Ravka because of the Little Palace. What were the chances that Grisha came to him so freely? Other people's secret past interested Kaz very little, but he was curious about what he could get in return for his services.
— What about your part? There are many ways to save someone's life and many corresponding risks, — in another life Kaz might have been a great honest merchant who would never miss out on a good deal. But in that life his brain had already begun diligently calculating his options. He thought of the ship's departure schedule and went over the names of loyal Dregs he could have let go as an escort for a while. But his guest's reply threw him off balance, sending a questioning wrench into his eyebrows.
— I want to stay here. At the Crow Club or wherever you all live. You're one of the most dangerous men in Ketterdam, but more importantly, you're astonishingly clever. The closer I am to you, the more chances I have of safe few months. Besides, I missed Nina a lot, we used to be a good team.
That was pure insanity — that's what they both thought at the same time. She assumed Kaz was so powerful and yet did she naively believe that he would let some stranger be in his way every day?
— What will happen next? In a few months? Will you go back to Ravka or go somewhere else to find another fool? I sense a catch before I even know the details.
— People don't seek protection for nothing, Kaz Brekker. You may have forgotten the feeling, but some of us still fear for our lives when someone threatens us. After a while the situation will become clearer and I can either go back to Ravka or escape to Novyi Zem or Shu Han to steer the danger away and keep you out of trouble because of me, — Jess replied more sharply than she had planned and sighed deeply, dabbing her gaze into the left dark corner where shadows appeared for a moment threatening to grow bigger.
It wasn't safe to stay in Ketterdam. If her father remained alive, he would come here, and neither Kaz Brekker nor all the Saints would save her. But she still had the illusion of freedom, the illusion of choice, and she clung to it as best as she could. Her palm dipped into the deep pocket of her jacket, and the next moment Jess carefully set down an exquisite necklace of weighty emeralds braided on a gold chain on the table in front of Kaz. The yearning squeezed her heart at the memory of how Aleksander had given it to her two years ago.
— It is an old relic from a previous royal dynasty. From the Little Palace, if you care for details. You can sell it for about three hundred thousand kruge if you find some good trader. Would that be a decent payment for you? — Jess was tormented by the feeling that she was selling herself at that moment. As well as her attachment to her father, her hope and her fond memories. There was a grim determination on her face, and she knew she wasn't going to leave that place without Brekker's consent. Unfortunately, he understood that, too.
— You said you and Nina were a team. What can you do? You don't look like a Heartrender.
— Name at least three other Heartrenders, besides Nina, that you know.
— You are too straightforward. Inferni? — Kaz leaned back in his chair more relaxed and twirled the necklace thoughtfully in his gloved palm. He wished he had been able to bring the trophy back from the Little Palace, so now he was pleased to see such a piece. Especially with such a high value, that he got for nothing in essence.
— Keep guessing, Kaz Brekker, but know that I prefer not to use my powers. They will lead me into troubles. But I can fight and use knives. I can help you with your dirty business so I don't have to sit here with boredom though your team looks pretty packed as it is. How'd you get that big guy, by the way? He looks like a Fjerdan and he's a long way from home then.
— Nina brought him in and I was quite satisfied with his service. Perhaps it will be the same with you.
Kaz's lips curved slightly in an approving smile, and he stood up, showing that they had come to some conclusion after all.
— I'll think about what you can do for the team. There's a spare room on the third floor at the end of the hallway in the Slat, near Inej's. Welcome to Ketterdam, …?
— Oh, it's Jess, sorry, — she caught her breath and finally introduced herself with a playful curtsey. It was hard for her to stop the rush of joy, as now she was given a chance to have some real peace and a possible occupation beyond her endless paranoia. — You won't regret it, I promise.
Part 4
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theprotagonistisdead · 3 months
I'm rewatching btvs s2e17 passions, and i know that i'll be really sad once season 5 rolls around, but oh my god is joyce annoying right now
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bibxrbie · 8 months
No, please, please don't force these non-related characters of a found family into a Western nuclear construct. Noooo..
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boyquiet · 7 months
a while ago me and danny were talking about how kaz is apparently married with a child at the time of mgs1 and yet was not discovered dead in his own home for three days. so we came to the simple conclusion of divorce. and then i wrote a lot of fic about it. I mean it makes sense to me that kaz would try to settle down and live a normal life with a normal woman and that it wouldn’t work out because he is the most abnormal person alive like how do you maintain a happy marriage with a man who’s still hung up on two guys he met thirty years ago. thinking about all the secrets he must have kept from his family and everything he kept from david about big boss and eli. i mean did any of them even know his real name. kazuhira you are insane and I want to study you under a microscope
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ruins-and-rewritez · 13 days
When the new book's MC's ex-boyf's name is "Kaz" (short for Kazimir *insert pacha meme* ) but he's not your boi 😭😭😭😭
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kayzowl · 1 year
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you deserved better from me than one sword and a world of troubles
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yuzuna123 · 3 months
Something about Kazuya being a girl dad ❤️
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adhd-mode-activate · 1 year
Okay so it's entirely possible and understandable if Kaz and Inej never have a kid for a mile-long list of reasons
but just entertain me for a moment. Imagine a little girl who follows her mother over the rigging of her ship, a girl absolutely adored by the entire crew. Imagine the best-established, most terrifying Barrel boss smiling at this little tiny girl like she's his entire world. I could go on with fun little headcanons but the reason this idea has been bouncing around my head for the past two weeks isn't actually sweet It's the thought of Kaz holding his daughter for the first time and suddenly and horrifically realizing the full extent of what he did to Pekka Rollins all those years ago. Not that I want him to regret it - he doesn't regret it - but when I watched S&B season 2, I realized something. Kaz is a 17 year old boy, the younger of two brothers. He's never truly been in a parental position. He knows that he destroyed Pekka as well he should. But I don't think he fully realizes what he did And I just think it would be very interesting to see him realize
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sol-emers · 10 months
Hii new story based off the TV show "Yellowjackets" if any of you would like to be tagged in the next parts please comment, and I own none of the gifs all rights go to them:) Also please give me feedback! I love to know if I made mistakes or if you giys think the story should go in a certain direction!
- sol ☀️
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Cornelia Street
Summary: A soccer team gets in a plane crash and stranded for 19 months. In team already full of secrets and drama what more could go down?
Warnings: mentions of drinking, alcohol, descriptions of gore, blood, mentions of sex, and a shitty relationships with parents (nothing physical)
Oc x multiple male, female characters
"So what do you think really happend out there?" 
August wanted to be anywhere but here right now. 
It was early morning, two hours shy from when she had to be in a classroom- foot tapping, eyes rolling, and boredom already becoming something she was dreading. 
She flipped the fried eggs as her mom floated around the kitchen talking August and her siblings ear off about the next few days ahead. 
Nothing she and her siblings hadn't heard before. Their mom had a press conference in Tampa and was already anticipating leaving her children behind for some hot fuck to probably make some more. 
If there's anyone August hated it was her mother. 
Usually as she was the eldest it was up to her to make sure her siblings were fed and roofed while her mother was gone, but in two days time she was sure she'd be at nationals winning the trophy with her best friend Van right at her side. 
She couldn't wait. 
"Now remember Augustine, no party's, no boys, absolutely no mischief while I'm gone." 
She rolled her eyes, "that's nice and all mother, but it seems you've forgotten. Willa is in charge this week." 
Her mother could only pause, sighing prickly like she hadn't known her daughter was going out of town for the past week. 
"Fine. Willa you heard what I just said. Remember feed your brothers, your sister will leave you money on the table before she leaves, a vacation charge since she thinks she deserves to go on her trip." 
August sighed sharply, scraping the rest of the eggs roughly on to the plate before placing it in front of her baby brother. Messing with his curls before moving on to her other brother, giving him is food as well- kissing the side of his head. 
August and Willa served themselves, both having the smallest portion in comparison to their mother and brothers plates. 
The two made eye contact, a silent promise made to be kept while August would be gone.
They kept the stare until a loud honking echoed from the outside of the house, a yell making its way from the screen door.
"A! We're late hurry the fuck up!" 
August, avoiding her mother's glared scooped up the rest of her food. It being gone quick due to the urgency. Grabbing her bag sliding her books and pens inside and hopping to the door with one foot out of her shoe. 
"Bye loves, mom- don't wait up!" 
She yelled, running out the door to her smirking friend waiting impatiently for the brunette. 
"How are the kiddies?" Was the first thing Van asked as August climed through her car window (the door was sealed shut).
"They could be better-"
One leg through.
"Uh- if my mom wasn't such a bitch, drive."
As she got her other leg in. 
Van laughed and just sped off in her shitbox car she stole off her dad after he left.  
Van and August met when they were in elementary school, initially bonding on the fact that they both had shitty moms and shared love for music and soccer. 
After they had already become friends Van's dad left and August's died and the bond had been sealed forever.
Trauma can do that shit. 
Wouldn't they know it. 
"She still going on that trip?" 
"Yup." And she was not happy about it. The trip hadn't even been scheduled when her team had won their ticket to nationals, but as soon as August brought up the tickets to her mom it had been suddenly booked for months. 
Her mom hadn't wanted her to go. 
"What our lovely mothers dont realize is once we are gone were gone- like do they think we'll just always stick around?" 
Van had come up with the theory August's mom had scheduled the trip as a power move, a way to tell her even when the options right there- that'd she would never leave. 
Thank god for Willa. 
Willa was two years under August, a sophomore and August's first best friend. The two sisters are close and have already agreed to naming any future children after each other. Spouses be damned. 
August scoffed once more, leaning down into her bag taking out her journal and turning up their favorite band. Noting that they were almost at the camp grounds where the party was being held. Yes the party was in their honor but with the two of them being in student council it was their job to help set these things up. 
(It also helped the school didn't realize August had a fake ID and would usually booze these things up)
It's there fault for never having adult supervision at these things. 
Hours later and now in the locker room prepping for the pep rally, the girls were in better moods. Blasting music and brushing hair was what you'd see and hear if you even walked past the girls locker room door in the hallway. 
"here I go, here I go, here I go again! girls whats my weakness?" they all sang and shouted "men!" at the end.
Natalie and Lottie dancing around each other was all August could notice as she tried not to stare from her locker. 
Only joining in on the fun as Van grabbed her arms and started jumping like they were about to get in a fight- singing along practically screaming the lyrics in each other's faces. 
"i swear, I stared, my niece my witness, my brother had it goin on with something kind of. uh! wicked wicked had to kick it!"
Only letting go when it was clear they really didn't have the time to be fooling as the girls did face paint and tied up there sneakers. 
August adjusted her bangs one more time before closing her locker and migrating to the far left of the room, where she could now hear the conversation happening. 
"Well- hey at least you can wear it next year." Her best friend offered as comfort to the freshman pouting over prom. 
"You don't get it Van, cause nobody asked you." 
August raised her eyebrows at the white girls audacity and Van's non existent reaction. If it were her, she didn't give a damn that she was on her team why does she think it's any of her business? 
"Okay, your done." Van said nodding lightly at the freshman. Until she smiled and walked away like she didn't just drop a bitch bomb. 
Lottie waited by the door until she was gone, only letting out a "Jesus christ" at the display from minutes prior. 
While snorts and chuckles were let out in the locker room. Before the four girls, Van, Lottie, Tai, and August moved to check their reflection in the mirror. 
"Does someone wanna tell Kelly Kapowski
to maybe worry less about prom and maybe more about not fucking up nationals" 
"Oh come on" 
"She's right-" 
"I mean if she plays like she did at states."
"That's not going to happen." Tai said leaning back with her arms crossed, letting August come over and help wrap a silk scarf around her head like a headband. 
"Anyone see jackie?" 
"Right here." The girl in question said, leaving the coaches office smirking smug and she gestured to the gym doors. 
"Sounds like our cue gals" brushing past August's shoulder as she walked past. 
"Sound like our cue gals" August repeated, mocking the teams captain making brief eye contact with Nat on the way out to the gym, hearing the last of the boys team lame portion of the celebration.
August knew she was a bitch eighty percent of the time. She just had little energy for others bullshit and can almost always tell when someone's going to end up being a snake. And little miss Jackie Taylor had been on that list since day one.
Starting to run when Jackie did, number 10 Augstine Jones made her effort to bask in the praise while she had it. 
Smiling up at everyone at the bleachers feeling like she'd accomplished something, humming along in her head when she felt inspiration flooding towards her brain. 
As soon as they were excused she ran back to the locker room searching for a pen and her book, settling for a pencil and a sticky note she'd shove in later writing down sort rhyming lines.
She knew the lines were sad, but they were just as much poetic if anything. Which was pretty much her brand with everything these days. 
As the other girls rushed into the locker room, mostly prepping for the fact that now that the glory was over they had to practice for the next couple hours. 
A faint clearing of a throat got her attention and she turns to the left to see Taissa nudging her head out side staring at her with wide eyes. 
Taissa and August weren't close but the two had definitely established a bond. Being two of the very few black girls in their age group, plus their mutual connection and love for Van kept them friendly. 
August shoved the sticky note somewhere in her locker, closing it before jogging out the room where she discovered Tai, Nat, and Lottie waiting for her to join them. 
"Group meeting- now." Tai said leaning the other confused girls out the school.
"Sorry to burst your bubble there T but this isn't the team- it's like less than a portion of it." August said leaning up against a lamp post when they finally got outside.
Tai rolled her eyes and started her point. Talking about taking about Ally and how she would end up dragging down the team if they let her have the ball during nationals. 
Nat looked upset and kept glancing at August expecting the same reaction. 
Though all she would find was a contemplative face as she thought about what Taissa had brought up. 
"This is what we've worked for all season. Do you really wanna take that chance?" 
"Yeah" Nat said straighting up her shoulders, "because I'm not a fuckin asshole." 
"What are you guys talking about?" Shauna joined,
"Ally" lottie said nodding her head slightly.
"What about her?" 
"Did you black out at states? She totally choked-" 
"She's a freshman-" 
"Which is exactly why Tai has a point. She's a freshmen, she needs another year or so before being a varsity. I don't know what coach was thinking." 
"Exactly she's a liability." 
"So what do you want to do about it?" 
"She can't screw up if she doesn't get the ball." 
"You wanna freeze her out." Shauna concluded, as August raised her eyebrows expecting a better plan.
They were a team and while yes she was a liability it was a weaker move to just not use her at all. It shows that they aren't a team and that isn't what champions do. 
"At least we know what we're working with." Tai said looking for security in her team. 
Lottie and August stared at each other, "she kind of sucks but- I don't know." 
August shook her head, "I agree she definitely shouldn't be playing- but maybe we could convince coach to bench her or something. I mean we really don't need her and it's for a logical reason."
Technically they really didn't need Ally there. The Yellowjackets had a centerback and Ally was really there for back up, which Lottie wouldn't end up needing anyway. It was better to just bench her incase the girls did need her. 
"You need a logical reason because it's bullshit-" 
"Oh yeah? What's your plan?" 
"Play like a fucking team and win? Its worked so far." 
She shook her head- "everything works until it doesn't. And for the record, you smell like a wino, get your shit together" 
"Don't fuckin talk to her like that tai!" 
"Okay- now you shut up." Nat waved her hand in August's face. 
"You don't get to defend me after siding with her." She said, August rolling her eyes at the childness of it all. 
"And you know what- fuck this." She threw her hands up and just walked away- the other girls letting her. 
While August just sighed and followed after the blond who wasn't giving her the time of day. Eventually she followed Nat all the way to practice, where there was no opening to even talk to her. 
But August knew that. Coach was a grade a asshole- even with Coach Scott taking over for him today. There were strict rules when it came to practice starting. 
"Alright bring it in, take a knee ladies!" 
Coach Scott said as everyone kneeled around him in the grass. 
"What up state champs!" he yelled out as everyone cheered.
"Okay- so JV is gonna help us out with a little scrimmage today, uh Coach Martinez had to take care of a family thing, so JV your gonna grab a pinny from Misty and let's get started." Coach Scott said.
"uh excuse me Coach Scott? shouldnt we say a prayer first?" Laura Lee asked a hopeful but expectant expression on her face. 
He hesitated but shook his head tiredly, "Its just a scrimmage Laura Lee, but sure. Yeah knock yourself out. Everyone joined together reluctantly and listened as laura lee said some prayer, everyone said amen and then as soon as they could got to playing the game.
Shauna dribbles upfield, easily maneuvering around the JV defender. Allie races open on her left, but Shauna ignores her, opting for a trickier pass to Van. When Natalie darts in and kicks the ball. 
"Nat over here!" August said, but instead
she ignored her and passed the ball to Ally.
August just ignored the petty girl, continuing to run. Like she hadn't just been ignored. 
"Alright lets go varsity! Taissa wants to see you step it up and quite frankly that makes two of us! lets see some hustle!" Coach Scott said.
The game kept progressing, getting slightly heated though only a scrimmage. 
Shauna and Taissa continued on with the plan, dodging any attempt Ally made for the ball and it got to the point of Jackie and Van staring right at the two girls almost asking 'what the fuck?' 
August who'd walked away before Shauna and Taissa agreed on the plan. Had only recently caught on to the fact that they were in fact going through with it. 
She contemplated if she should or shouldn't- before she heard a sickening snap! 
Turning her head to Taissa and Ally she sees- well she doesn't quite know what she's looking at, is that bone? 
When she comes to the realization it is- August turns away immediately walking to the other side of the field trying to catch her breath in shock of what just happened, because previous to before the break she'd just been sprinting across the field. 
Only half registering her best friend to the side of her throwing up her guts, until she snapped out of it and grabbed on to Van's hair as the girl puked. 
Once Ally was taken by the ambulance, Coach Scott riding with her to the hospital the rest of the team walked back to the locker room in silence. 
A tense air floating around as the girls slowly got ready to head home for the night until the party later. 
Everyone's avoiding eye contact- really unsure about what they would even say if someone did open their mouth. 
Except Nat, who's very obviously glaring at Tai. Jackie is the one who breaks the silence. Her perky voice echoing in the room as she says "I know we're all worried about Allie. But I really think we need
to focus on the positive right now. It might not be as bad as it looks"
Nat scoffs shaking her head. 
"You could see her fucking bones, Jackie. I'm pretty sure it's exactly as bad as it looks."
"Oh God. I think I'm gonna puke again…" Van said, shaking her head regrettably, as August looked at her and hesitantly rubbed her back- hoping to give some sort of comfort. 
Jackie glares a Nat, taking a breath before continuing "I mean, we're still a team. And we still have each other. And…" 
She drifted off as August muttered "some team we are" shaking her head and looking to nat with an apologetic look. The guilt already rushing in, knowing she even just slightly agreed with the plan.
Jackie just turned to Shauna hoping for some backup- but really all she got was a tired look. 
Natalie just slams her locker shut. Done with this conversation and intense air. Leaving the locker room dramatically as Augustine not so discrete slowly inched up and followed after the girl. 
Hoping it looked like she just wanted to get out of there despite Van being her ride. 
(Though she wasn't really) 
Following Nat out into the hallway all the way till they made it to Nats car. August very quickly snatching the keys from her already knowing most likely she wasn't sober. 
They both got in and August started driving, the same tense air having followed all the way to the car. 
"So, are you going to stay mad at me forever?" 
Natalie sighed and turned to look out the window. "I'm- I'm not mad at you okay." 
"Okay? So why do I suddenly feel like I ripped up your favorite Montley Crue shirt?" August asked the fake blond teasingly.
That got Nat to loosen up a bit, "Oh please if anything it's your favorite shirt- with how often you steal it." 
"The day I stop wearing your clothes is the day we break up love." 
"Yeah well that's not happening anytime soon." She said, suddenly staring at August with her pouty lip jutted out like she was upset. 
August and Van had to be the queens of secret relationships. Though August definitely took the title for this one because hers remained a secret to her best friend. 
August and Natalie had almost always been foils in their day to day life. Pure opposites yet so alike at the same time, they clashed perfectly. 
They had years of unreleased sexual tension by homecoming of junior year, they were fucking by Christmas and in love by Valentines. 
The two had kept it a secret for their parents sake, with Nats dad and August's mom being on their backs constantly it was easier keeping those parts of themselves hidden away. 
The only one who even knew they were closer than just two teammates was Natalie's mom who just assumed they were close friends who had a lot of sleepovers. 
Van knows that there's someone in August's life she just never pushes for details. If anyone knows the backlash a secret coming out can have its her. 
So she goes with the flow dropping August off everyday and going home with Taissa, only knowing that her friends has a ride with someone who loves her. 
Speaking of a ride. August pulls over, face impassive as she stared at nothing. Nat knows better than to say anything, giving time and patience to the girl in front of her.
August's hands came up to Nats face, redirecting the girls focus to her. Cupping her cheeks and bringing their lips together. 
Although the annoyance for her girlfriend was still firmly in her chest, she would never fight August. Instead leaning further into the kiss. 
When they separated all August could think was, "You sure your not mad?" 
"No, more disappointed that you would've just let that happen." She said, grazing her hand up and down the brunettes cheek. 
Leaning closer, right up next to August's ear she whispers. "But I may know of a few ways you can make it up to me." She smirks leaning back on the leather seats, looking down at her girlfriends love shining through her eyes as clear as glass. 
"Well then I must not disappoint." 
Hope you guys liked it- please don't be a silent reader, and please let me know if you'd like to be tagged! Augustines face claim is young Tatyana Ali- in specifics her teenage Fresh prince of Belair era. Willa's face claim is young halle bailey:)
Thanks for reading, see you soon!
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robobee · 1 year
good evening I'm still salty that the main villain of TRK was a giant wasp and they didn't even try to connect it with the guy who has a PET GIANT BEE that he adores AND insane trauma for the demon to exploit whatever whatever I'm fine
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lab-trash · 10 months
I used to be a huge fan of jealous Spark fics when I was into Braz, and I'd really like to make one for Kase, but I'm so torn.
Like, should I have it so that Spark was with Chase, or should I make it so that Spark looped back to Kaz now that he's a noble hero like he is?
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akamikazae · 1 year
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this has been my pfp for months n I just realized now I never posted it
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