#learn to LOVE losing
chalkrub · 27 days
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mockley time it's mockley time will you have some mockleys of mine
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nevermeyers · 1 month
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“When it's your time to go, make sure you're surrounded by others”
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eliashirsch · 3 months
Drunk Iceman Is A Different Beast (1/3)
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When alcohol makes you forget you're supposed to not kiss him in public but he looks too cute not to :3
click here for part 2 // part 3
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eskla-aeredale · 1 year
a few days after the tower's destruction. he's back at work.
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nomlioart · 6 months
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🥀 when touch averse becomes touch starved 🥀
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darkfluffydragon · 1 month
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Decidit's Curse! Elder Faerie :D He's an Angel. Angels were created by the witches as a way to keep an eye on Earthbread, and there are three different types. Wanderers, Guides, and Guardians.
Wanderers would be like fairies or fae from legends. they don't really have a role other than to exist and watch over life for the witches. The Guides, which would be Silverbell, would have more direct interactions with cookies. Their job is to watch over the cursebearers, sometimes even interacting with them directly, though that is rare. They're also the most friendly. The Guardians are the executioners, defending against cursebearers and stepping in when they become too far gone. Mercurial Knight would be a Guardian.
Elder Faerie is the King of the Angels and thus, has four wings.
All Cursebearers, depending on how far along their curse is, have an instinctual dislike for angels.
featuring Blueberry Milkshake by @blueshadowdad and Ternate Milk by @amitiagailec :3 as well as Phantas/Knowledge
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eirianerisdar · 1 month
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As a Chinese person from Hong Kong I'm going to officially say this absolutely blows my mind. Here's why.
In the video, Charles and Carlos were plainly copying calligraphy stroke-by-stroke from a large image in front of them. What makes Carlos' attempt so impressive is that he's effectively gotten nearly all the proportions, starting and ending brush pressures and tail-offs, and the structure right. It's not perfect. But it's damn well near perfect.
Compare it to Charles': Charles didn't do a bad job at all, and has successfully copied many of the requisite features, but he has seen each stroke as a line, as many people who write Chinese characters with ballpoint pens do nowadays - point A to point B, with natural loss of shape and flow in between. It's not necessarily a problem. Charles is writing the characters. But interestingly, Carlos isn't writing at all.
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On rewinding the video you see why Carlos' was shaped so perfectly. He doesn't know Chinese. He doesn't know anything about stroke order, or speed. But he knows detail.
If you look at his hands as he writes he separated each stroke into a shape. Then he did his level best to recreate each shape as carefully as he could by pressing the brush until he could see it formed the right thickness of the line.
He didn't write, like Charles did. He painted.
If this is how good Carlos is at copying a language he does not know I wonder how amazing he would be at painting if he actually spent time to learn.
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hiccupbutpurple · 9 months
Stoick’s face falling, when he’s like ‘we finally have something to talk about’ and Hiccup is silent, will never not hit me in the heart.
Stoick is absolutely in the wrong, but it’s scenes like that, that show he does care about Hiccup, he’s just not good at expressing it and hasn’t accepted Hiccup being himself quite yet. He still holds onto the old ideologies and hope that Hiccup will be his kind of Viking. He’s excited cause he thinks he’s got that now (especially after years of not), he can understand Hiccup, they can be a real father and son, they can communicate. That dream is suddenly coming true. Then Hiccup doesn’t reply and there’s that little moment of realisation that the obvious rift between them still exists. He obviously is still keeping his hope as the scene continues but that moment of his face falling and the awkward tension coming back, bringing him back to the reality between them. It hurts so much.
It’s also sad since it highlights to Hiccup, that his dad wouldn’t accept him as he is yet. He’s stuck on the vision of the perfect child that Hiccup isn’t. He can’t respond because how can he when they barely talk as is, and now he’s keeping a secret so big? There’s a bit more to it on Hiccup’s side, but Stoick’s reaction to his silence is really what gets me. He doesn’t know Hiccup can’t just tell him the truth, to him it’s just the plain old usual rift and Hiccup not being comfortable talking (or knowing how to talk) to him about something that could bring them together. From his perspective, in a way, it’s a rejection.
I think it’s such a real thing between parents and children. It’s just such a real and hard hitting one second moment in a real and hard hitting scene.
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gengwasted · 1 month
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Happy birthday Kakavasha <3
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I see people talking about “oh Phillipa and Prudence are racing to produce an heir, and so far Penelope is winning” and “what if Prudence and Phillipa both have daughters and Penelope is the one to have a son” and I raise you:
Penelope has twins.
Because THINK abt it. Bridgerton has messed with birth order/child names before (see Daphne and August) so it’s possible for this case (ie: making Agatha and Thomas twins instead)
But just. Imagine the chaos. Imagine Penelope’s family brushing aside the idea that Pen is even pregnant, or telling her “you’re so sick because you’re having a girl” or some other nonsense. Imagine her sisters still haven’t had their children. Imagine Penelope gives birth and of course half the Bridgertons are there in support and Penelope’s own family arrive late after the birth. And Portia gets told that Yes, you do have a granddaughter.
And a grandson.
And then you cut to Colin and Pen holding their girl and boy respectively (I refuse to believe Agatha wont have Colin wrapped around her little finger within 5 minutes of her being born, and you know sweet boy Thomas has Pens entire heart) and Portia, Prudence, and Phillipa have to come to terms with the fact that not only did Penelope beat them in the race to have a child, she had TWO
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
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myth of the bare palm
Our kind used to be hulking things of feathers and claws,
more gods than animals, roaming the snowed planes endless,
until we found each others
and in jubilant relief reached out
claws retracting,
feathers shedding,
so the moment of contact branded heat against bare skin.
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 3 months
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"Wait is that lore?" moments in Antoine's return stream
These ones are likely jokes, but (you can use it in your headcanons):
With Tubbo, explaining his absence by saying "I was dead, I think, but not anymore, I was tired of being dead"
"I couldn't explain to you, it's out of my understanding how I'm dressed. The human mind cannot comprehend how I'm dressed and so the human brain shows it that way, but it isn't exactly like that. It's not powerful, it's just weird"
"You know me well!" "Heh, I know you as if I made you!" *silence* (closest to maybe serious)
These ones are more serious:
He isn't romantically interested by Cucurucho, he just likes his ass (that totally a human is aro that's what I mean)
He really missed Pomme, he stopped coming because without her it wasn't interesting anymore (this one is just cute)
Very invested in knowing what happened to the eggs while they were away
Accidentally gave Pomme one of the books Ourson (I think it's this one?) gave him, immediately panicking when he realized. When Pomme asks what it was, he first tries to pretend not to understand, and is pretty serious when he tells her that it's nothing; he'll tell her about it one day, and it's his little secret garden, everyone should be allowed to have secrets, don't she think? she isn't against secrets, right?
Certain that the eggs went to some kind of other dimensions/got doubles?? I mean there was a theory inspired by Stranger Things but despite what Pomme is saying he's not letting go of the idea
After asking Pomme if she met dark Cucurucho and she talks about the Watcher: "Je crois pas qu'on parle de la même chose. Là tu me parles de l'oeil, et moi je pense que je te parle de quelque chose d'autre. Je pense que tu me parles du Watcher... là où moi je te parle d'autre chose." ("I think we're not talking about the same thing. Here you're talking about the eye, and me I think I'm talking about something else. I think you're talking about the Watcher... when me I talk about something else" again how does he know the name "Watcher".)
Knows that Maximus is dead, when all the other players seem to have decided to play the "don't know if he's alive or dead" card (bonus: Antoine and Pomme talking about telling Aypierre, and Pomme thinking she won't be able to find the right words "I don't think there are right words..." ok im sad now thanks). Since we're at it, when reading Pomme diary where she worries about Baghera and Antoine being dead, saying they can't be dead, he doesn't share that worry in the slightest, as if he knows Baghera's not dead (this one's dubious and I am very willing to put it as cc!Antoine not thinking rp)
He and Pomme are talking about what she remembers of the Watcher and honestly the whole conversation deserves to be clipped and transcribed. To go with him name dropping the Watcher, he is now only calling it the creature with one eye because that's how Pomme calls it
Pomme explains that the Watcher was observing her and Richas and there was a threatening aura to it, so they immediately fled. Antoine in a very serious voice "You were right to, you were right to, you were right to. Because I think it's this person who was at the origin of your disappearance."
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#cw gore#jrwi suckening spoilers#jrwi suckening#jrwi gabriel#jrwi gabriel montez#LOOK FAMILIAR?hahahahahDONT WORRY#IM REUPLOADING THIS HERE BC i fixed up the drawing a lil. and also i wanted to add main tags#U WONT SEE ANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THISSUN N THE POST ON MY SIDEBLOG.i changed the image there too.HA!!!!!!!#ANYWAY.i rambled plenty about pain and gabe on my sideblog.SO LETS TALK ABT THE ART SHALL WE.ihad i very hard time getting the colors down#would u believe i nearly left this uncolored??FUCKED UP!! it was only a sketchhow did it end up like this. it was only a sketch...#BUT IM RLY GLAD I WENT W COLORING IT.this time i actually used the airbrush n pencil tools BUT i also have a handy dandy brush i made#its just the mspaint air brush tool. fucking LOVE THAT THING. but now its in fire alpaca and it can be slightly transparent.IT LOOKS SOGOOD#perfect for splatters and grime.i love you mspaint i love youuu.im also so happy w the blood here.i think i reached a shift last year#back when i made that genloss fanart something abt the way i draw blood finally CLICKED and im like OH. the inside must always be darker.#like i KNEW that already but it was like my hand itself finally had it click.i wonder what i will learn next?I LIKE THE ORGANS HERE TOO#not as veiny or thready as i usually draw em. but i think thats fine. not as WET as id like em to be but thats also fine.#i got the point across. the point ofc being WOW THIS IS GRUESOME AND PAINFUL AND TERRIBLE#I LOVE HIS EXPRESSION.i love pain and thinking abt pain. you lose yourself to it after enough time passes of just being in an ocean o agony#at one point its just too tiresome to scream or writhe. theres a point when the body accepts it.sometimes.atleast.#OHHH GABRIEL AS A CHARACTER DELIGHTS ME SO MUCH.he is a dog to me.a thing to serve others.I WISH I KNEW MORE#WHAT ELSE DID YOU WANT BOY?? SURE POWER AND SECURITY AND SAFETY ARE NICE.BUT DID YOU HAVE DREAMS? WANTS? PASSIONS?#WHAT WAS THE STORY BEHIND THAT TIGER TATTOO ON YOUR ARM?WHAT DO THE DOGTAGS SAY BOY?I WISH I COULD HAVE TEA W U#OHHH TO SIT DOWN WITH A CHARACTER AND JUST SPEAK TO THEM. AND YET. AND YET IN THE END ITS ALL TRAGEDY AND COMEDY#TRAGEDY AND COMEDY THAT IS SO SO PAINFULLY UNBALANCED. SIGH.#WHATEVER CMERE BOY YOURE BECOMING AN OC OF MINE NOW UR GONNA BE IN SPACE AND UR NAME IS GONNA BE VINEGAR#UR STILL GONNA BE SHIP OF THESEUSED THOUGH. OOOHHH GABRIEEELLL GABRIEL MONTEEEZZZ#HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE BUILT INTO YOU.HOW MANY DID YOU LOVE AND CHERISH.HOW MANY TATTOOS DO U RECOGNIZE ON UR NEW ARMS#WHAT WAS IT LIKE? ON THE NIGHT U WERE SIRED?WERE YOU EXCITED? DID YOU SEE YOUR BOSS' FACE?WHAT WAS THIS PROMOTION LIKE?
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lamina-tsrif · 1 year
Oooh, for the palette thingy I imagine Gear 5 Luffy in #3 could be funky!
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
Loved your answer to the: "How would you rank the Theeranyakapuls in terms of clinginess?" ask. Can we have Kittisawats as well please?
(prev) (and ❤❤!!)
if the theerapanyakuls are "everything i've let go of has claw marks" boys, the kittisawats are "i will cling until it shatters in my grip"
Porsche: man does not let anything go except grudges. the only reason why he doesn't hold grudges is because he's too busy trying to hold onto EVERYTHING ELSE. Vegas is shooting him but Porsche refuses to lose a friend. Kinn fucks up crossing lines but Porsche won't let go of his cute smile. absolutely never would've taken up Kinn's demand he runs away because it'd mean letting Kinn go. bows to mafia recruitment before giving up his childhood home. Porsche is still holding onto a promise he made to his mother when he was like six years old max. i maintain the only reason why Porsche tells Arthee to go away is because he was already negotiating his mafia contract in his head and couldn't risk anything on Chay's safety because he knew he wouldn't be around, he never would've let Arthee just walk out of their life without those special circumstances. honestly this is such a large part of why Kinn and Porsche work together so perfectly, neither of them ever want to let go of their people and they collect people under their umbrellas at a downright alarming rate.
Chay: also clings to things until they shatter except he is extremely choosy in what he clings to. he has to be, he doesn't have a choice given how hard he loves and how little he has. as furious as he is with Porsche leaving him to join the mafia, he will bow and accept all of Porsche's choices so he can keep his brother. there's no other choice to him really. Chay's already shown he's willing to give up everything else for Porsche, from their home to his dreams to their uncle, and he can't have already drawn that line and then give up Porsche too right after he got him back. he clings to Kim just as hard until Kim shatters it-- i will always maintain Chay approaching Kim after the mafia reveal was just to confirm if he was reading Kim's feelings correctly (he was). Chay would've accepted the mafia and the scheming in a heartbeat so long as Kim's feelings for him were real (they were). Kim walks away from him then, but even then, that isn't what shatters them-- when Kim interrupts him at the club, Chay lets Kim pull him away. he is more than willing to hear Kim out then, he just wants to know if Kim cares (he does). except instead of explaining himself when Chay demands an explanation, Kim says "fine, i'll stay out of your business from now on." that's when Chay gives up Kim, because Kim keeps showing that he cares but claiming the opposite, and Chay can't hold onto someone to his typical degree of sacrifice if he doesn't think they'll stay in the end. that's why he blocks Kim. that's why "why don't you stay" is the perfect apology-- the song that first brought them together, the song they worked on together, the song where Kim lays himself bare to say "i have nothing to offer, i can't drag you into my mess, i desperately want you to be here with me anyways." of course that would reach Chay, who's only wish in life is that his two people stay with him through hell and fire and let him take care of them as much they take care of him. of course that'd open the door back up with Chay, who just wants Kim to explain how he cares and stay.
the kittisawats' clinginess is actually the heart of one of my most favorite kp story concepts ever, which is pushing the mafia aspect to the point where it shatters something in Chay and he has to leave. because Chay will give up so much to stay with Porsche. if he's pushed to the point where he leaves Porsche, either Chay has Kim to fall back on or Chay has nothing, and both options are so much fun for different reasons. and then for Porsche...oh my god, Porsche. Porsche holds onto everything, but his top priority is still Chay. a large part of why he can hold onto everything else is because Chay works so hard to make himself okay and hold Porsche back, so having Chay hit a point where he can't would destabilize Porsche so bad. sure, he has everything else, but what does that matter if he doesn't have Chay? Porsche and Chay are so tightly intertwined and so desperately clingy in the same way that even just straining their relationship brings all this out. "what happens when you can no longer hold onto the person you'd give up everything for?" is a delightfully crunchy story question and so good for these two especially ❤
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