#let’s be real Predacons count
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You should write beast wars, can I have some silly predacon headcanons?
I should absolutely write beast wars. Silly Predacon headcanons coming up
-Megatron talks battle strategy with his rubber duck all the time. He considers it his most trusted advisor because it's never said anything stupid and never tried to kill him. Honestly, he's tempted to think of the little dude as his only real friend.
-Speaking of Megatron, the man is a WHORE for a good bath bomb. Lush addiction, 100%. He has a whole hidden stock of bath bombs, bath salts, scented oils, candles, decorative soaps, scented metal polish and flower petals specifically for spoiling himself when he feels like hes completely surrounded by idiots. Which is often. Has he ever tried to eat one of the decorative soaps that look like baked goods? It doesn't count if it's the t rex hand.
-the reason skorponok occasionally reverts into caveman speak for some episodes is the writers couldn't figure out what to do with him he knows talking like that pisses off tarantulas and he thinks his annoyance is funny even though literally nobody else is amused by the bit.
-skorponok actually kind of misses dinobot because he made his job a lot easier. Constantly pitching ideas, suggesting battle strategies, pointing out flaws in plans. He was useful, even if he seemed to hate skorponok. He doesn't really know how to be a good second in command anymore because a crucial part of the dynamic is missing and he just can't adapt.
-waspinator is perfectly capable of speaking in normal grammar and not in the third person but he's been doing it since he joined in with Megatron and at this point he thinks he's in too deep to knock it off. He thinks it makes him sound cuter because it's actually an evolution of internet uwu speak. Memes get weirdly translated from earth to Cybertron and back.
-waspinator is actually really good at baking but he'll get blasted to bits a thousand times over before he lets anyone other than terrorsaur know because none of his other coworkers deserve to try his cupcakes (and also because he doesn't want to get "promoted" to kitchen slave). Dinobot knew, but he didn't snitch. Wasp never found out that Dinobot would occasionally snag a brownie, he always thought he just counted wrong.
-Terrorsaur is not above attempting to seduce a maximal but all his flirting attempts go horribly awry. If they don't outright reject him they just have no idea what he's getting at bc Predacon flirting is usually a lot different than maximal flirting so everyone thinks he's just kind of being a dick like usual. Dinobot knows exactly what is happening and ranges anywhere from amused to disgusted by the cross-faction fling attempts. The flying weasel clearly has no principles.
-Every couple weeks or so wasp and terrorsaur will get together to watch terrible movies over a bottle of highgrade and it always devolves into bitching about megatron. They tried inviting tarantulas a few times but he'd always make things Weird by bringing in slashers with really good special effects and proceeding to gush about how tasty the gore looks.
-Tarantulas knows what just about every living species in the known galaxy tastes like, organic, mechanical and everything in between. If it's made contact with Cybertron, chances are he's he's tried their flesh (or lack thereof). If it's at all possible, he wants to find out enough about the Vok to figure out how to capture, kill and eat one.
-Tarantulas also thinks rampage is a total poser when it comes to cannibalism. He doesn't even look like he's having fun with it. Barely any torturing or teasing beforehand, only dramatic monologues about fear and anguish. Bah! Amateur...
-Blackarachnia has a trash tv addiction. She doesn't know WHY the Darksyde's datatrax has every season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians and like 30 TLC produced shows, but she refuses to stop watching them. Tarantulas fucking hates it. She does not care and if he complains she will turn the volume higher.
-Blackarachnia has incredibly mixed feelings on the story Cinderella. On the one hand, it gives her a degree of hope. A girl reduced to a work slave for terrible people that gets to escape and live it up with a guy that lives her? Great conceptually, but she only got to get out of it because she was a good person and nice to everyone. Blackarachnia? Not quite so disgustingly sweet. She's a bad girl through and through. And evidently bad people don't get to escape bad situations. Oh well. She can always try to fake it til she makes it.
-Inferno has always secretly hoped that when the war is over, his Queen Megatron will settle down with him and repopulate the colony together. He has wildly saccharine domestic daydreams of being with his giant beloved lizardy queen and their 3000+ kids. He has accidentally let this slip around Megatron once, who proceeded to pointedly ignore what he just said.
-Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia got Inferno to watch Drag Race but upon hearing the contestants being called queen, he took it a bit too literally and interpreted the show as the sad, underwhelming way human queens settle disputes between their colonies instead of just fighting the proper way. Lame.
-Quickstrike is so so very sad he can't play video games. He wants to play GTA and cause excessive and wanton death and destruction, but his fucked up hands cannot hold the controller. He forsakes Primus for building him the way he did. He keeps trying to get tarantulas to make him a usable controller but he gets brushed off every time.
-Quickstrike has attempted to ride inferno in his beast mode into battle. It did not end well but for about a solid 18 seconds it looked metal as hell.
-Rampage actually really likes depth charge and wants to be friends sooooo bad but he doesn't know how to handle that in a healthy way so he keeps trying to get his attention by playing up the cannibalism thing and hoping they fight again. Honestly he just kind of likes depth charge holding him, even if it's in a chokehold.
-After losing transmutate, Rampage projected a lot of his grief onto waspinator, which lead to a very strange period of time on the ship where rampage would get very cuddly and protective of wasp, who was incredibly terrified of what would happen if he shoved the crab off. Usually accompanied by Rampage being Incredibly Sad.
-every month the preds have a game night. Usually a board game or card game with Megatron's house rules. Said house rules are specifically designed to make a fight break out for his amusement. These game nights typically end with at least three people in the r-chamber and somebody missing at least one limb.
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melishade · 3 months
Attack on Prime: What if Optimus arrived in Episode 1 instead of Episode 5?
Main Story
Peaceful Timeline Pilot
Beloved Timeline Pilot
Summary: After the events of Predacons Rising, Optimus became one with Primus to ensure life would flourish on his world. But instead of eternal peace, he is somehow sent to the world of the Titans: where humans are no longer at the top of the food chain and are only safe behind walls. But instead of being sent to the Battle of Trost, he is sent to the moment where it all began: the fall of Shinganshina.
(Okay, so I have been…feeling like shit lately, which is kind of why I took a break. I needed the break. I had a lot going on. But I'm glad I did. I was really productive when it came to both writing and drawing. I finished this. I made progress on Guren No Yumiya. It's not finished. I wish it was. I made a few art pieces and animatics (poorly drawn animatics but I take pride in them). And I wrote the pilot for the Episode 1 timeline. It's definitely the shortest one out of the ones I've published so far, possibly because I didn't need to do too much set up.
Other than that, Happy Stabby Caesar Day and enjoy!)
"I only ask of this of you fellow Autobots: keep fighting the noblest of fights." Optimus requested.
"You can count on us to keep the peace." Bumblebee reassured.
Optimus gave a small yet bitter smile for his team. He stared a little longer than he thought, doing his best to memorize their faces, knowing that this would be the last time he saw them. The Prime then turned back to the mouth of the well, feeling a strange sensation at how long the drop was. Optimus then activated the jet wings on his back, and he flew high into the sky. The Autobots watched in sadness as Optimus turned around and dove headfirst towards the core of their planet: to Primus himself.
The closer that Optimus got to the center of their planet, the brighter the light of the core had become. It had been eons since he had come to this place to receive the Matrix of Leadership, and now, it was time for him to give it back. He opened his chest, revealing the Matrix of Leadership in all of its glory. As he was almost to the core, he began to think to himself. He was happy. He was happy that the fighting was finally over. He can die happy knowing that he brought back peace and saved the planet that gave him life. He knew his comrades, his family, would keep the peace. He had complete faith in them.
He closed his optics and a small smile formed on his face as he let warm light consume him.
The sounds of thunder caused his optics to snap open. He shot up to a sitting position, looking around frantically wondering what that sound was. It's only when his vision began to focus that he realized that...he was somewhere else. He was...back on Earth? It...it looked like Earth. The sky was slightly cloudy, but the sun was beginning to set, changing the color of the sky from blue to orange. He was surrounded by tall pine trees, and the blades of grass prickled the metal of his dark servos.
Wait...dark? Optimus raised his servo to his faceplate and was stunned to see the older model. The upgrade that he acquired from the forge of Solus Prime had changed the color and the structure of his servos. Optimus looked down at his legs and found that they weren't robust but slender. Even his back felt lighter. Optimus heard the sounds of rushing water and stood up. He followed the sounds to a clear river, traveling down his right side through the forest ahead. The Prime kneeled down to see his reflection, and nearly gasped at the sight of him. He was back in his old form. Optimus couldn't help but touch his audio receptors and his antennae to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. But sure enough, it was there. It was real. He was alive.
But...why? He shouldn't be alive. He should be one with Primus or reincarnated. Did merging with Primus not work? Were the souls of the Allspark still with him? No...no they couldn't be. When he merged them all with his own spark and the Matrix, he could feel their presence, practically hear them all shouting. But now...it was quiet.
Why in the Allspark did this feel like déjà vu?
Optimus gasped when he felt the ground quake and lightning come down from the sky. His gaze followed the direction of the lightning strike and saw that it struck a massive wall off in the distance. The Prime stared in horror at the sight of a massive, skinless, Titan that peered over the wall. Its muscles were just as red as blood. Optimus transformed into his old alt mode and drove as fast as he could towards the wall and the massive threat. When he arrived, he transformed back into his bipedal mode and skidded to a stop to the now destroyed entrance of the wall. Optimus saw the massive bodyseated at the entrances, the muscles and skeletons slowly dissolving into hot steam. Optimus also noticed a figure climbing over the wall, but before he could pursue, the sounds of terrified screams caught his attention. Optimus ran through the destroyed gate and stared in horror at the sight of giant, naked titans lumbering towards humans with permanent expressions of apathy, sadness, and most uncomfortably, glee. These titans picked up the humans running for their lives and started to devour them. Some would be swallowed whole while others would be killed by the strong bite force of these creatures. Blood spewed onto their bodies and onto the ground, creating more panic and terror among the populous.
Optimus gritted his dentas before letting his battle mask cover his mouth on instinct. He pulled out both blasters from his arms and aimed at the titan that was closest to him which was holding a human. He shot the titan through the head, causing the beast to tilt and fall over on its side, hitting the ground hard. Optimus noticed the way the titan body began to disintegrate and turn into steam like the massive pile of skeletons outside. His blasters were good; they were effective in taking out the threat. Optimus started running through the town and shooting down any titans that were in his line of sight. He then spotted a sadistic looking titan with an unhinged smile pulling a woman from the rubble of a wreckage. The long rows of unnecessary teeth scared him, and he saw the way the woman was beating against the hand that was holding her. As the titan reached out with its other hand to snap her spine, Optimus used his blaster and fired at the titan.
Eren tried. He really, really tried to pull the roof of the house off of his mom with Mikasa's help. But they couldn't do it. They were too weak. Not even the motivation of the people's screams and the titans invading their home could give them enough of that adrenaline to lift the damn wood off of their mother's back! Where was dad?! Someone help them!
“Then I’ll carry you out of here mom!” Eren swore as blood continued to seep from his wounds.
“Damn it Eren! Why won’t you listen to your mother for once in your life?! Just this one thing!” Carla shouted at him before turning to Mikasa, “Mikasa make him!”
Mikasa’s mouth grew tight as she hung her head and swallowed her tears, continuing to try and pull the roof off of her mother, “I…I can’t!”
Eren saw Hannes! He heard Hannes fly in and his mother call out his name! He felt some hope! Yes! Hannes could distract the titans while they got their mom out! He ignored what his mother was screaming at Hannes as he ran towards the titan coming towards them. C'mon! C'mon! Hannes please buy enough time! Just enough time! But Eren was then taken aback when Hannes’ arm wrapped around him. He was heaved over the man shoulder as he went to grab Mikasa.
"Hey! Hannes! What the hell are you doing?!" Eren screamed at him as Hannes began to run away. He could still see his mother trapped in the rubble and tried to reach out for her. "We can't leave her! Mom!"
"Eren! Mikasa!" He could see Carla reaching out for them, "You need to live on!"
Eren gasped when a titan landed on top of their house and dug through the rubble. He saw the titan pull his mother out of the rubble and screamed for her. "STOP!"
Carla slammed her fist on the hand that was holding her. The titan terrified her so much, but she still had to fight. She had to try and fight her way out of this beast's grip. But it was no use. The titan, with that wide, sadistic, permanent smile reached its other hand out towards her. To crush her. She didn't want to die! Please she didn't want to!
Unexpectedly, the titan's head exploded in a ball of blue light, causing Carla to scream and for Eren to gasp in confusion. What...what the hell was that?! Eren realized from the second ball of blue light that hit the titan in the chest that it was an attack. Someone, something, attacked the titan! Carla screamed as the titan body toppled over and hit the ground hard. The grip on the decaying, eroding, corpse loosened, allowing her to scramble out and crawl away using her hands.
"Hannes!" Eren yelled as he slammed his fist onto his head. Eren gasped when he noticed another abnormal titan running up to the house. Up to his mother! "HANNES TURN AROUND!"
"Kid, we can't-!" Hannes froze when he noticed the strange titan and quickly ran back to rubble.
"Ma'am, are you alright?!" a voice called out to her. Carla was about to respond, but froze when she realized what was speaking. She looked up to see a metal titan adorned in red and blue. It had no mouth to speak of, but those glowing blue eyes were scaring her to the point where she started screaming again and scrambling to get away. She tried to get up and walk, but she was sure the titan holding her really crushed her legs! She couldn't get up!
"Ma'am, I will not hurt you!" The titan spoke again, trying to reassure her.
"Get away from her!" Hannes yelled at the titan, still holding the two children.
Carla gasped and swatted her hand at them. "Hannes! Run! RUN!"
The titan noticed them and quickly stood up and raised its foot high into the air.
"Oh shit!" Hannes yelled, preparing to be crushed and eaten. He kneeled down to protect the kids in his arms from the impact, but the titan kicked a four meter class titan in the neck that was right behind them and almost killed the trio, punting it high into the air and over the wall, right back to the outside!
"Huh?" Mikasa could only emit in fear.
"Shit!" Eren bit Hannes' hand, forcing the Garrison to let him go and for him to roll on the ground. "MOM!" He scrambled to his feet and ran to his mother, ignoring her pleas to stay away. He tackled her into a hug and started crying in her arms.
"Eren, you need to go! Go now!" Carla begged her son.
"I swear to you I will not harm you!" the titan swore, causing Eren to stare up in shock. Titans...titans can speak? The titan was suddenly alerted to the sound of screams and saw another human in the grasp of a titan. It pulled out a gun, and Carla instinctively shielded her body on top of Eren's as the titan fired that blue light to kill the titan. The titan then noticed Hannes and seemed to look him up and down, like he was examining him.
"Are you military?!" The titan demanded.
"Y-yes! I-!"
"Get the civilians out of here, now!" the titan ordered. Eren managed to catch the strange symbol of a face on his arm before it suddenly...shifted?...transformed?...into a strange carriage. He rode as fast as the wind into the ongoing chaos in Shinganshina. Was it…going to save the people here? Was a titan actually going to save humanity?!
"What?" Eren muttered wordlessly.
"Can you walk?!" Hannes asked Carla.
"I can't feel my legs!" Carla answered.
"Alright!" Hannes quickly set Mikasa down before carrying Carla bridal style, "We need to get you three to the boat! C'mon! Run!"
"What was that?!" Mikasa asked.
"I don't know, just run!" Hannes ordered.
Eren and Mikasa started running towards the gate to Wall Maria with Hannes following close behind.
Meanwhile, Optimus continued driving his way throughout the walled town, transforming into his bipedal mode to take out as many titans as possible with his blasters. He wasn't sure how to seal the breach in the outer wall, but he knows that if another one is made through the gate in the inner wall, then there would be more consequences and lives lost.
That's when Optimus spotted it. An Armored Titan in a sprinting position, the trajectory towards that undamaged gate. As the titan began running, Optimus drove as fast as he could towards the gate, scaring the humans in his way and causing them to jump out of the way. When he reached the gate, the Armored Titan had almost bulldozed his way through, but Optimus rammed the titan into its side, causing the two of them to crash into multiple houses.
Optimus transformed into his bipedal mode and punched the Armored Titan twice in the face, but the Armored Titan grabbed him and threw him off of it. Optimus easily landed on his feet and skidded to a stop. Optimus noticed the Armored Titan’s had no real expression, its face adorned in armored leaving a permanent expression of stern and intimidating. But the body language of the beast said otherwise. It was afraid of him. It was scrambling to its feet to try and get into a fighting stance to counter attack, but Optimus bolted and tackled it to the ground and the rubble.
The Garrison atop the houses watched in stunned silence at the sight. That Metal Titan was fighting the Armored Titan. Titans were fighting amongst themselves. And from what some had seen earlier, this Metal Titan was protecting humanity! What kind fucked up situation was that?!
Optimus used all of his strength to pin the Armored Titan to the ground, shoving his servo in its face to keep it there. "Stay down!" Optimus grunted when the Armored didn't listen and smacked him in the face hard with its arm. Optimus rolled across the ground and crashed into a few houses. He sat up and watched the Armored shed the armored plating behind its lower legs before bolting towards him. Optimus quickly transformed and drove backwards, leading the Armored further and further away from the gate that was now reopening to take more civilians.
"Go! GO!" A Garrison screamed at the civilians as they ran through the gate.
"Is there still a boat here?!" Hannes demanded, still carrying Carla in his arms, with Eren and Mikasa close behind.
"Hannes, what the hell are you doing?! Get back to your station!" the Garrison ordered.
"Not until I get them to safety!" Hannes shouted.
The Garrison looked annoyed and conflicted but pointed behind him, "Get to the boat before it leaves!"
"C'mon!" Hannes ordered the children as they continued running. Eren couldn't help but look back at the chaos happening behind them. A titan...fighting for humanity? A titan...that saved humans? It was surreal, a reversal of everything he ever knew, and stuff he felt needed to be called into question.
“Eren!” Eren snapped his head to the voice calling his name and gasped when he saw Armin waving to him on the boat, his grandfather seated on the ground with only his hat visible.
“Armin!” Eren called out to him as the four of them boarded the boat.
“What’s going on?!” Armin asked as Hannes set Carla on the ground.
“There’s a Metal Titan!” Eren explained, “And it’s fighting some Armored Titan and stopping it from destroying the wall!”
“What?!” Armin exclaimed.
Optimus skidded to a stop and drove in a circle, tripping the Armored and causing it to slam into the ground face first. Optimus saw cracks form in the Armored face before running and punching it in the face to the ground. Optimus grabbed the creatures arm and used all of his strength to twist it. The Armored had size going for it. It was clearly much bigger than him, but it clearly lacked battle experience. Optimus knew where to press his pedes, where to put more strain to twist. He let out a battle cry before twisting the arm clean off and tossing it to the side. The arm crashed into some houses and two other smaller titans.
Optimus was distracted by that moment of victory when the Armored used the remaining arm to smack him in the chest. Optimus yelled in pain at the sensation, and the Armored used its remaining arm to grab him by the face and slam him into the ground. Optimus could feel pain shoot up his back. He could feel the dirt and debris scratch his paint and metal plating, but Optimus grit his teeth and endured the pain. Optimus transformed his servo into a blaster and aimed it directly at its face. Before the Armored had time to process, Optimus fired, shattering the cracked, armored plating in one go. The Armored yelled in pain, scratching at its face to try and get rid of the energon burning in its muscle. The pieces of the armor hit the ground before it slowly began to erode. Optimus jumped and smacked the blaster in the Armored face, knocking it to the ground. Optimus then used his blaster to blow off the left leg of the Armored, causing it to cry out even louder.
Optimus saw that it was immobile and stood atop it. He aimed his blaster directly at the titan's face. For some reason, he managed to catch tears streaming down that charred face, but the Prime chose to ignore it. There were too many lives currently at risk, and this titan was going to raise that causality count even higher by destroying that gate. He had to make a decision.
Optimus charged his blaster at the Armored's head, blowing it clean off, and leaving nothing but the nape of the neck. Optimus watched the titan body crumble and decay under his pede. The remaining armor eroded, then the muscle, and finally, the bones turned to nothing but dust. Optimus’ pede that was resting on the Armored’s chest ended up hitting the ground once the body was gone. Organic material isn’t able survive the full force of energon based weapons. The enemy was taken care of.
However, Optimus was alerted to the sounds of more terrified screams and turned his helm to the chaos that was still happening and the titans still running rampant across the town. He noticed a human flying towards him with that strange contraption around his waist. "Evacuate the humans! I will deal with the titan threat!"
"Wait-!" Hannes watched the titan run towards the hostile titans in the around Shinganshina. It continued to kill the titans with its guns, without even hitting them in the neck. It was…amazing, awe-inspiring. This titan was able to save humanity from losing Wall Maria. Hannes snapped out of his shock and went right back into the fray, trying to find as many survivors as possible, unaware of the two children atop the walls. A boy carried an exhausted girl on her back and ran along the length of the massive structure.
The Survey Corps was having a bad day. Well, they've always had bad days. It was never easy for them.
They had always suffered heavy losses when they came back from their expeditions from outside the walls. But when they returned, and they had given the arm of Moses to the weeping mother, something inside of their Commander Keith Shadis clearly snap. He broke. He broke down in front of everyone and walked away in shame. He had given up. All those years of leading and failing had finally taken its toll on Keith. The next thing they all new, Erwin had become the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps.
Erwin had to go through protocol. Appoint scouts to squad leader positions, inform Zackley about the change in command. It was late and it was quite a bit of work to accomplish, but then...they heard about the wall being breached. About a large Colossal Titan with no skin that was as tall as the wall, kicking the gate in and letting titans inside.
Erwin noticed the way that both Levi and Mike were staring at him, almost like they were judging him. “What?”
"Five minutes after you get this shit show, Shinganshia's under attack.” Levi remarked.
Erwin sighed at that. He supposed that the timing could have been better. "Yes, Levi, the irony is not lost on me.”
"More like a bad omen," Mike added.
The report was a mere hours ago, considering that information had to be transferred by horseback. But the Survey Corps were on high alert. They immediately got their supplies, their 3D gear, mounted their horses, and headed towards Shinganshina.
But Erwin had also heard an extremely conflicting report on the way there, something everyone found to be completely unexpected: the titans were fighting each other. An Armored Titan was fighting a Metal Titan. Both had displayed intelligence, and the Metal Titan had killed the Armored Titan, protecting Wall Maria from falling to the titans. Other reports were still hard to accept, like this Metal Titan wielding guns that could kill titans without hitting the nape of the neck, but a titan protecting humans instead of killing? What could that possibly mean for humanity as a whole?
When they arrived to Shinganshia, the Garrison reluctantly opened the gate to allow them into the walled city. Mike noticed the way the Garrison soldiers were still assisting injured civilians out of the rubble and through the now open gate.
"The Metal Titan's at the exit of Shinganshina, killing titans with his strange weapons," a soldier, Hannes, informed.
"Did you just say he?" Hanji started to grin.
"No," Mike warned them.
"He's been trying to prevent more titans from coming into the city, but we don't have all the resources to get everyone else out," Hannes continued.
"What do you mean by 'he'?" Levi demanded, "There's no way a titan is sentient."
"Check for yourself, but we need help getting people out," Hannes requested, "Some are still stuck in their homes."
Erwin turned to Nanaba. "Help with recovery and evacuation."
"Yes, sir!" Nanaba saluted before addressing her fellow comrades on what to do next. Erwin immediately flew over the ruined houses of Shinganshina, followed by Levi, Mike, and Hanji. The quartet examined their surroundings and was internally horrified. The day that they had all feared: the titans’ invading, had come true. But...where were the titan bodies? The decaying corpses? Where was the corpse of the Armored Titan? They were practically non-existent. There was only rubble and human remains, but nothing else.
"Sir," Mike called out as he pointed ahead, his nose flaring up as he did so. The four of them landed on the houses near the broken gate, and were stunned at the sight. A giant, metal, titan, its torso and arms red and its legs and head blue, stood in front of the damaged gate with a glowing blue gun for an arm. A titan started lumbering through the entrance, but they all witnessed the sight of the gun glowing brighter before firing at the titan before him. The titan was shot in the head, but instead of regenerating, its body began to erode and fade away. It collapsed on the ground before turning to bones, and then smoke.
"Holy shit." Even the captain was taken off-guard by the sight. They had just witnessed a titan kill another titan without even touching the nape of the neck! How?! That was supposed to be impossible.
"I must study him!" Hanji tried to leap forward, but Mike quickly grabbed them and wrestled them back. Hanji yelled in protest, but their cry quickly got the attention of the titan, who looked back at them. Erwin had noticed the being wearing a mouth guard of some kind, and the blue of its eyes mirrored that of the weapon for an arm.
"Hello!" Hanji greeted with a wave.
"Are you the reinforcements the others have informed me of?" the titan asked them. It speaks. It actually speaks! It didn't have a mouth but it spoke a clear and concise sentence!
"Yes," Erwin spoke, trying his best to keep his composure, "My name is Erwin Smith: the Commander of the Survey Corps."
"I am pleased to make your acquaintance; however, I cannot move from my post, Commander," The titan explained, "I wish to aid the humans that need to evacuate the city, but if I leave, more titans may come in and cause more damage. Can you provide assistance in removing the civilians from the area?"
"We are currently working on that, but there is concern about your intentions-!"
"I do not consume humans," The titan automatically replied.
"That was quick." Levi narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
"My race requires a different fuel source for consumption," the titan explained as he shot at another titan without even looking, "One that I will need to locate in a different time. For now, I wish to focus my attention on the task at hand."
"I need to take notes." Hanji grunted as they tried to get out of Mike's grip once more.
Erwin did his best to assess the situation with what he had, but he ultimately came to a conclusion. "Assist the others in evacuation."
"Erwin, you can't be serious," Mike said.
"This is an opportunity we can't waste," Erwin whispered to him before turning back to the titan, "If you are truly a sentient being, do you have a name?"
"My name is Optimus Prime," the titan answered.
"A name," Hanji squealed.
"Thank you for your assistance," Erwin said before beckoning his comrades to follow him. They followed him away from the titan, and once Erwin believed he was out of ear shot, he spoke, "Play along for now. We will be stationed here until the wall has been repaired. We need all eyes on him at all times."
Hanji raised their hand. “Can I study him?”
“From afar,” Erwin warned.
“Yes,” Hanji grinned.
“Erwin, we just saw that titan kill other titans,” Levi retorted, “How the hell are we supposed to counter attack if that gun is turned on us.”
“I don’t know,” Erwin answered, “But if we play our cards right, we could have a valuable asset to humanity and the Survey Corps. Mortality rates among troops would be reduced. Knowledge could be shared. Territory could be expanded.”
“Or this titan could let other ones in,” Mike retorted.
“But he’s killing our titans,” Hanji retorted.
“I meant others like him,” Mike clarified, “He smells different from the other titans. He smells like metal, gunpowder, and smoke. Erwin, what if he’s not the only one?”
“…I don’t know how to provide a solution to that,” Erwin confessed, “But I can’t pass up this opportunity out of fear. This is the first time in a long time that humanity has had hope. I’m not going to throw away that chance.”
The others looked at each other with concern before turning back to their Commander.
“Whatever you say,” Levi spoke, “We trust you.”
“Thank you,” Erwin said, glancing back to see the titan at the entrance to the Walls. He could’ve sworn that the titan looked back at them and the two made eye contact. Erwin could feel it in his gut. This was the beginning. This was the beginning of humanity’s counterattack.
(A few notes:
-Again, the shorter pilots out of the other two. Peaceful Timeline and Beloved Timeline needed to set up characters and the weight of time. Episode 1 doesn't need to do that because it's the beginning of the series. -I wanted to show that Reiner was panicked at the sight of Optimus. Not just because he was ill-prepared for a titan like him, but also because Reiner is still not in the correct emotional headspace after the loss of Marcel just hours prior. -Also Bertholdt had to carry Annie and run along the Wall for miles just to find a way to sneak in lol. -Also, also, because of Optimus' lack of information about titan shifters and the situation he's presented with, yes, he would kill Reiner on the spot because he doesn't know. This ultimately ends up eating him alive later down this timeline. -Carla's paralyzed but still alive. I figured Optimus' intervention in Episode 1 would save her life, because fuck fate. Am I right?
Anyway, take a look at my other stuff or the extensions of this timeline posted on my Masterlist and have a good one).
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sonicasura · 7 months
Tales of Father Rung: Jak
The last example for the Father Rung saga and I saved the most traumatized character for last.
Let's face it, Daxter is the only one who stuck by Jak's side since the start. In Fallout Boy's terms 'The Last of the Real Ones'. Everyone else either abandons him at some point or sadly dies too soon. Daxter gets dragged along for the ride. *Man needs his pal since Naughty Dog wants Jak to suffer clearly.*
Let's get started.
Rung comes across an unconscious Demolition Duo one fateful night. Jak is the last to wake up as he sees Daxter talking to the 'giant robot'. Rung offers to accompany the young men since the mech been here much longer.
Jak is skeptical about the therapist at first. Throughout their travelling, Rung never asks the Eco Channeler for help. Both handle their own tasks instead of the young man shouldering it all. Jak's even more confused when Rung helps him instead. No strings attached either.
Meanwhile Rung is a mix of rage and sorrow upon hearing the duo's backstory. Angry at those who groomed a child into a "chosen savior" then toss him away as if he's a worthless tool or a monster. Saddened by the fact Jak is stuck with a Prime Complex.
Daxter being treated like a nuisance when he's the only one who saw how much pain his best friend is in. A voice with wonderful ideas drowned out cause people believe he is just a mindless animal. Rung gonna help these two if no one else can.
A notion challenged when Dark Jak manifests. Rung didn't run or treat this alternate form like a monstrous threat. An action that proves to the eco channeler as a whole about the mech truly caring about them. Daxter is glad he doesn't have to spill it out.
Even when Jak's dark form mutates into something more inhuman, Rung refuses to treat the young man any different. The mech does his best to heal the trauma engraved on both boys. Daxter's opinions and suggestions are heard than ignored. (What I mean by DJ getting worse. Face + body here.)
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The ottsel gleefully indulging in being treated as a person. No belittling or push to the side. Even ottsels are people too. (Only ones who treat Daxter like a person can be counted on one hand. Plus he now got tons of pants.)
An incident creates a second chance to set things right. Jak and Daxter wake up back in their world(start of Jak 2) but as Cybertronians. (Jak being a Predacon type Triple Changer, Ramjak with Slam Dozer/Dragon Alt Modes. Daxter is a Minicon Beastformer, Citrus Bolt.(Orange Lightning would be a dead giveaway)). Rung is stuck inside the Eco Channeler's Spark Chamber as a phantom.
The three help past Jak and Daxter reunite the Kid with his actual father Damas. A better future is secured as the King of Spargus not only has his son back but continue to live alongside his two additions. It takes until the end of the journey for the two Cybertronians to reveal their true identity.
The young boys feel at ease afterwards. Jak and Daxter can now switch into their bot forms with some help from Rung. It takes awhile before they can do it by themselves. The Demolition Duo are able to wield Energon now(and so much more.)
Now let's move on to the TFverse.
The therapist's makeshift family lives in Witwicky not too far from the Malto's household. Hiding his ears, Jak works as a stocker at a grocery store near town. A store that becomes commonly visited by Alex.
The two form a friendship unaware of the secrets they are hiding. Jak didn't expect to learn that Cybertronians exist here nor the millennia long civil war ending some time ago. Much less this info being found in media like comic books and other merchandise. (He obviously tells Rung alongside Daxter later.)
GHOST's Decepticon Hunt becomes apparent when their hidden home is found by Ravage, Frenzy, and Lazerbeak try to hide from Elita-1. Rung grants the three sanctuary although greatly concerned about this troubling news.
Soundwave later arrives who briefs everyone about the suspicions on G.H.O.S.T like Mandroid as gratitude for keeping the cassettes safe. A new side to this conflict becomes forged. Keep the rogue Decepticons out of G.H.O.S.T's hands and investigate what's really going on.
Decepticons meet sassy young adults. All of them still wonder how Rung even found these very strange organics. Most agree that Jak and Daxter are more Decepticon aligned. At least they can reign in the Cassettes.
Jak refuses to throw hands with the Malto kids(human and Terrans). He's already angry that they're being brought into this mess. Rage is aimed at the adult Cybertronians mainly Megatron.
Demolition Duo disguise themselves as bots whenever involved in GHOST activity. Team Autobots are stunned to see a live Predacon specifically a youngling. Or how hostile Ramjak is from the nasty injuries left on Optimus' frame.
Rung decides to be the 'mysterious guide' for the Terrans. Leaving clues about GHOST's true intentions and guidance should they feel lost. The kids share these findings with Bee.
Surprise team up between Jawbreaker, Citrus Bolt and Ramjak. The Maltobot realizes who the Predacon is but promises to keep his identity secret. Jawbreaker gets an older brother figure in Jak.
Mandroid is suspicious about the Demolition Duo while Croft only sees the two as another regular threat to eliminate. When Dark Jak is unleashed on GHOST headquarters does the latter change her tune. Caught Decepticons are now loose while more incriminating evidence is found by the Autobots.
Hidden identities are revealed and the final battle goes WAY DIFFERENT. Light Jak overwrites Death Ray into Healing Ray via channeling before it can fire. Daxter helps Twitch and Thrash kick Mandroid's ass. Rung chastises Quintus.
Mandroid is put under watch, his body fully restored. Old colleagues have a long needed chat. Jak apologizes to Alex for betraying their friendship. The fatherly Malto has him make up for it by looking over the kids. Jak doesn't mind although Dax might be a bad influence. Rung happily provides therapy.
Prime/Rescue Bots
The family of three lives near an undiscovered Energon mine containing various Energon types. A place where they practice channeling these particular crystals. Their peace is broken when scouting Vehicons find their home.
Jak trashes them and hijacks one to sneak onto the Nemesis. An action that leads to Cliffjumper's life being saved while the onboard Decepticons learn why its important to do body scans. The injured bot is taken to Rung for repairs and the three learn the war is going on here.
Soon Team Prime arrives for Cliffjumper only to be shocked by the bot nonchalantly telling stories to the Demolition Duo whilst drinking some Energon. The family is put under protection and the mine becomes a hidden Autobot provision.
Neither side are aware about Rung nor his sons' capabilities. Something that soon becomes known when Megatron returns...and Dark Energon comes into play. The war flips completely.
Guardian Cliffjumper for Demolition Duo. Ratchet struggles to keep his sanity as the three and Miko become absolute menaces together. Arcee mostly upholds the peace (alongside wrench tossing protection) partly because the family did save her partner.
Rung is unnerved by the Matrix of Leadership Optimus has. It feels like someone had not only tamper with the relic but angered it too. Everyone but Jak and Daxter are unaware of Optimus' broken spark(Orion) slowly repairing.
Bots try to understand where the hell did these small yet powerful organics came from. Jak continues to be a menace while Daxter sabotages things. Shit blows up either way and the humans are the only ones nonchalant about it.
Channeling Dark Energon = Meeting Unicron. Or eldritch deity gets harassed by two youngish adults. Rung further assists them in being a menace much to Unicron's horror.
Shockwave and the Predacons appear way early once Ramjak alongside Citrus Bolt take stage. No one knows how the Demolition Duo can turn into Cybertronians. Predaking and his kin seek to make Jak part of their pack.
Odd family meets Team Rescue Bots. Rung pretends to be a therapy bot for Griffin Rock. Jak and Daxter learn the ropes of rescue. Griffin Rock feels like Sandover Village but in a more genuine way. It eases the homesickness in the Demolition Duo's hearts. Rung considers on getting a second home here.
Rescue Bots become impromptu rescue teachers. Jak has a rough time adjusting to a non-combat situation but everyone pitches in to help. Boulder proves to be a great mediator.
Cody gets two older brother figures who are happy to listen. Jak gets to exercise his inner child even when his dark side wants to join. Cody doesn't mind and happily pats Dark Jak on the head.
The family of three live outside Mission City. Rung had sensed the Allspark/Cube so he might've stolen it from Sector Seven then relocate the object far away from the frozen Megatron. Jak works at a car shop and befriends Mikaela. Daxter bought some of Sam's stuff including the glasses as he felt a bit bad for the kid. (Jak picked it up due to obvious reasons.)
Everything is fine until Bumblebee sends out the signal to his fellow Autobots. Barricade attacks Jak only to immediately retreat upon nearly being torn apart by Dark Jak's claws. Rung avoids getting caught around a patrolling Starscream when he checks up on the Cube.
Daxter isn't so lucky as Frenzy attacks him during a nighttime stroll. Bumblebee, alongside Sam and Mikaela, finds the ottsel after he repels the Decepticon. Daxter almost reluctantly gets taken to meet the Autobots but evades the three.
The odd family now know the four million year long civil war exists here too. Pieces are already in play so they run into action. Especially when everyone knows Jak has the glasses.
Manhunting your previous buyer is awful customer service even if there's a good reason for it. Jak choses to be a gremlin as he doesn't feel like being shoddily kidnapped by bots clearly unfamiliar with Earth. Daxter tops it via his incredible sense of sass.
Impromptu house visit while your dorky robodad psychoanalyze war criminals. Sam gets a Peacemaker aimed at his head and Optimus barely manages to diffuse the situation. A certain Ottsel complains that the asscrack of night isn't a good time for insanity.
Cube doesn't get destroyed and kept hidden: Pro. Battle of Mission City never happens: Pro. Megatron still gets freed, Decepticons are on the loose and NEST isn't formed: Oh boy.
Jak? Ironhide's Weapons Specialist in training. Daxter and Jazz get along like a house set ablaze. Rung becomes the center of attention with story requests about his two sons.
More Autobots = More child leashes. You know it's bad when the young man recovering from his Prime Complex has more common sense. Good thing Light Ramjak can fly the troublemakers back to base by the scruff.
Military is completely confused by sudden appearances of giant robots, blue angel and draconic devils. A certain William Lennox finds out the truth by sheer accident during a Decepticon scuffle. Funnily enough, Daxter is the weirdest thing this guy has seen. Rung comes in second place.
Relationship advice given by an ottsel keeps Mikaela and Sam from breaking up. Everyone didn't expect for Daxter to have any experience in the love department. Man feels super offended.
Countless humiliations leads to Megatron raising the white flag. Sentinel Prime gets blown apart before even firing a single shot as no one tries to kill Ironhide with an accelerated disease gun. War finally ends and there are no more casualties.
And that's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see back at Spargus. Transform and Roll Out!
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
So how does society view the 4 factions? Are they always doing hero vs villain battles? If not the Decepticons or Predacons, who are they usually fighting?
society thinks of the faction “heroes” as... well, as a lot of things. as medical anomalies, as threats or saviors, as horrifyingly powerful wildcards that you can only pray will choose to be benevolent today. ask ten individuals their opinion, you’ll get eleven answers. some folks are massive fans, some would like to see them publicly executed, some couldn’t care less as long as they can get to work on time. from a political perspective their existence is nightmarish. let me quote a bit from the seventh ask here about the media:
the heroes aren’t referred to as heroes, but rather as vigilantes at best and violent gangs in a turf war at worst. Froid has remotely diagnosed them with pathological dissent. at the same time, some folks have jumped on the market to make hero merch, and it becomes a very lucrative business for some. public opinion is constantly torn between fear and anger at how they do whatever they’d like and gratitude and admiration for how they throw themselves in harms way to prevent disaster and save people. it’s really a giant mess all the time that changes by the day.
(the rest of that answer is relevant too)
this is just further complicated by the fact that really, while the factions are formed on pretty solid principles in theory, the heroes are just kids who don’t exactly know what they’re doing. there’s only 21 primary protagonist relic users, 26 if you count Soundwave’s minicons, so they’re genuinely more a gaggle of street gangs than cultural movements or political statements or military factions. they’re a buncha teens who stumble across superpowers and proceed to mess around and moralize about it all, in that weird blend of absolute nonsense and genuine deep cuts that characterizes this kind of discourse
as for what they’re actually doing to earn that reputation, they do actually serve the public! ...when they aren’t being stupid and showing off. or being stupid and fighting each other, sometimes, often, even within their own faction. they switch sides and get mad at each other and do weird supernatural stuff on accident, all the time. they flirt, badly, like really badly. they can’t even get their own drones to fight each other. they kill each other without realizing it. they sell fanmerch or make it themselves and occasionally hand out candy for no reason. they sometimes create the very villains they have to defeat!
but seriously they ARE useful. the opening episode has Trypticon nearly tear the JAAT apart, full of innocent children, and the first seven heroes are the only reason the school survived. other supernatural threats include victims of corrupted relics overwhelmed by power and out of control, victims of Unicron administered by the real antagonists of the story, and more random or strange disasters like an ancient predator or a horrible earthquake. the heroes step up every time, each for their own reasons but they are INSTRUMENTAL in keeping people alive amidst this onslaught of threats. granted, many of these threats are created specifically to take down the heroes, but they don’t know that, and if they weren’t there, the school would be eradicated. some of the threats they do create themselves on accident, but they own up to it and take responsibility instead of letting havoc spread. when they can actually focus on doing good for the world, they save lives and make the world better... and then they start arguing about the ideal way to make the world better, and who knows best, and bootlicking and setting an example and sticking it to the man and taking the moral high ground and then they’re fighting each other again. sigh. they’d be so effective if they didn’t nerf themselves...
if you check their bios i sort of assign a rival or equal opposite for each of them, the person they gravitate towards on the battlefield as a well matched opponent. this is both for convenience sake and also to underline how they are genuinely fighting not because of massive moral differences but because of teen grudges, ideological tantrums, personality clashes, and the desire to do cool stuff with superpowers. it’s a rude wakeup call when they have to face the anime serial style monster of the week, because it snaps them out of their petty us-vs-them mentality for a minute, and then an even RUDER wakeup call when they face the REAL villains, because this is legitimate life or death! but, yknow, if they all got along it wouldn’t make an interesting story!
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
Predaking TPS (my AU) VS Predaking TFP (character analysis)
Today I wanted to make a comparison between the Predaking of Transformers Prime and the Predaking of my AU "The Polar Star". In fact, I realized that when you write a fanfiction, the character does not always have the personality of the "real" character.
Either because we artificially change his personality, making him nicer, meaner, more emotional, etc. Like I did with Optimus, Shockwave and Soundwave in my novel, to make them a little easier to write (especially Soundwave XD), but also to be more endearing and reader-friendly.
But, the character can also be different from his/her original version, because he/she experiences different things. Other events, other encounters, both negative and positive, like with Starscream who becomes more open and gradually ends up having a more happy life (although with some problems, let's not forget that Starscream is not not very lucky XD), or even Arcee who tries to stop the path of revenge.
Anyway, in my alternative, Predaking is different because he experiences different things from his original version, and I now want to analyze how these different events have affected his behavior and his way of thinking and seeing the world.
I will therefore make a comparison between Predaking TFP and Predaking TPS, and analyze the different events they have experienced.
TFP = Transformers Prime
TPS = Transformers Polar Star
1- Differences in value and worldview (superiority VS equality)
First, the two Predakings have a difference in the value and importance of each other's lives. Predaking TFP considers himself superior to others, and that others should respect him for that, because he is stronger. On the contrary, Predaking TPS believes that all life matters and that everyone is equal.
Mainly because of the examples and the people they had around them.
Predaking TFP was thrown straight into a violent environment, where he quickly learned that the strongest were always right, primarily in the form of Megatron.
Also, it was Starscream who had to take care of him, but the two couldn't stand each other, and the fear that Starscream threw back on him didn't really help him, in addition to his aggressivity.
Implicitly, Starscream teach him that it was by force that we made others obey, because it was the only technique he used on Predaking (by electrocuting him), and let's not even talk about Megatron. Starscream imitated Megatron's way of doing things, and indirectly that influenced Predaking.
Everyone fundamentally disrespected Predaking, or feared him, and it was this fear that everyone radiated that made the Predacon think he was superior, because he wasn't afraid.
Plus, all the way through, he kept hearing how strong and awesome the Predacons were, and that they once ruled the planet of Cybertron. Predaking is young, so that inevitably influences his judgment. With this addition of legends about the Predacons, he could then conclude that his species was superior to other species.
Predaking TFP therefore developed a worldview that said only the strongest could win, and he pushed himself in that direction to become the strongest of them all, disrespecting everyone around him, as they were often "weaker".
Predaking TPS was lucky to have Dreadwing as an instructor, and to have him respected by Megatron. He therefore did not witness scenes of disrespect and violence towards another person, which meant that although he was in a violent environment, he never suffered it (physically or visually) .
Also, the other most glaring difference is his meeting with the Vehicon Steve, with whom he will end up falling in love. Steve is smaller, more fragile, and weaker than him, yet the Vehicon still speaks to him as an equal.
Steve shows by his behavior that wit is greater than strength, and that discussion is better than violence. It thus shows that even the weakest count, and therefore implicitly that each life has its importance.
Predaking has of course used violence several times: To obey the wishes of Shockwave, whom he sees as his Creator, such as when he tries to kill Starscream for the scientist; to get revenge on Megatron when he discovers he was the one who destroyed his brothers; but more often it was to protect Steve.
He then used violence to help or satisfy others, but never to prove his superiority or for his own interests. The one time he used it for revenge, against Megatron, it backfired, and he then decided not to use his strength that way again.
He is aware of the fragility of others around him, but he saw in Starscream and Steve that physical strength was not always necessary. And he saw in Dreadwing that physical strength could be honorable. He then developed a philosophy of equality and respect for others.
We have his worldview in a conversation he has with Starscream, in Part 3 of my novel. The jet then fled from the Autobots, after accidentally injuring Skyfire, mistaking him for Megatron (PTSD you know).
The Seeker lived in the Caste System and was under the tyranny of Megatron, so inevitably, he has a very different view of equality and respect. But Predaking gently shows him that everyone deserves respect.
"I don't want to be a burden for you too... said Starscream sadly.
- You already want to help me with my energon problem, you're far from being a burden... answered Predaking. And then, even if you can't help with something, never consider yourself a burden... Because, it's not true. Each life balances this world, each life acts in its own way, each life counts, there is not one that is worth more than the other.
- ... You are wrong... Between a Sparkling and an old robot, the Sparkling has more value... Between an innocent and a criminal, the innocent has more value... Between a Forged and a Cold Construction, Forged has more value...
- ... I do not agree with you. For me, life is a balance, a balance that must not be changed. If some lives had more values, then the scales would never be balanced, and the world would be in chaos. You need old robots to have Sparklings. You need criminals to have innocents.
- ...
- And, Cold Construction is a robot, like Forged, it's just that you don't have the same Creator. Just because we don't come from the same place doesn't mean we're different. The difference in our bodies does not make us different on the inside. Deep down, we are all the same. We have Sparks, dreams, aspirations, and a future. It's not up to others to judge our value, because in any case, we are all worth the same."
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
So we have two Predakings who already don't see the world and what's around them the same way, because or thanks of what they've been through or undergone, pushing them both to take different directions.
2 - Evolution of the character (violence VS pacifism)
With their different experiences, both has therefore evolved in a certain way.
Predaking TFP continued in violence, because he saw that it worked. It was a fast and effective way, which allowed him to achieve his goals, while following his vision of the world. He had no reason to stop, because it always worked when he used it.
Predaking isn't a character who was much respected, mostly because he was only seen as an animal. He considers his strength to be his greatest asset, so it makes sense that he uses force, and therefore violence, to gain respect.
Violence is a way for him to earn respect, because we has never showed him another way.
On the other hand, Predaking TPS found that for him violence was not effective, and that often it only brought him problems.
His violence caused some to fear him (which unlike his TFP counterpart he doesn't want), and it also led to Shockwave turning his back on him. It also caused him to hurt someone who didn't deserve it (Starscream in this case), because he let himself be blinded by his anger.
Additionally, Steve showed him that violence and unthinking anger can often lead to injustice, and that Predaking should never let that guide him.
That's why he ended up choosing a much more pacifist path, where violence is only used when a last resort, or to protect someone.
So our two Predakings haven't evolved in the same way either, we have one that uses excessive violence, often to gain respect, or in the face of disagreement. While the other prefers to go through the discussion before going directly to the conflict.
3 - Reason for transformation (hate VS love)
It may seem be a strange difference, but in fact I found that the two Predakings had not transformed for the same reason. Because, in fact, the question we can ask ourselves is : Why did they transform?
The reason why Predaking TFP is transforming is a bit sad. In fact, he does it mainly to defend himself, to express his anger towards Starscream, because the latter keeps attacking him.
First sentence he says, after transforming: "Strike me again, and I will burry that rod in your Spark!" [Season 3 TFP]
He transforms to prove that he is not just an animal, and also perhaps in the hope that thus he will be treated better than before. Because, so far, no one has considered him a full-fledged being, just a monster. Both Autobots and Decepticons.
Predaking transforms to prove his identity, and to defend his honor and his person.
Predaking TPS didn't suffer like Predaking TFP, the reason why he transforms is to declare his love to Steve. Of course, Steve already knew about Predaking's love, but he always rejected him.
When he couldn't transform into robot mode, the regret of not being able to speak was very present in Predaking. This prevented him from expressing the complex emotions that were inside him, as well as his feelings.
After Steve's rejection, Predaking believes this unrequited love is due to this lack of communication. He wants to prove that he's not just an animal, so that Steve is interested in him. He transforms to communicate with the one he loves.
First sentence he says, after transforming: "Steve, I love you, do you want to be my Sparkmate?" [Part 2 of "The Polar Star"]
Predaking transforms to be able to communicate, to be able to express his emotions towards the person he loves.
Predaking TFP and Predaking TPS therefore have a very divergent reason for transformation. One transforms to defend himself, while the other does so to express his emotions.
4 - Relationships with the Decepticons and Autobots (defiance VS trust)
Due to the different events of TPS compared to TFP, the two Predakings did not have the same encounters, or experienced them differently. Their philosophy, and the behaviors of others around them, led to different relationships and interactions.
Relation TFP
Predaking TFP has an adversarial relationship with most other Transformers, both Autobots and Decepticons.
Shockwave : Cordial
Predaking only seems to get along well with Shockwave, but that must play into the fact that it's his Constructor. Shockwave (who is supposed to be emotionless) is seen to have some affection for Predaking. He pets him and talks to him nicely when he sees him.
They don't really have any interaction when Predaking ends up transforming into a robot. And even if Shockwave likes him a little, that doesn't stop him from accepting the destruction of the other Predacons. Simply because the Decepticon scientist is a logic robot.
Their relationship is therefore cordial, and above all much healthier and more friendly than with all the other characters.
Starscream: Mutual Hate
Predaking hates Starscream, and it's mutual. The two can't stand each other, mainly because they got off to a really bad start. The first to initiate hostilities was Starscream, because unfortunately for Predaking the Seeker was afraid of him.
When Starscream is afraid he becomes more hostile and aggressive, in a defensive reflex. It's strike first before being struck. Starscream was forced to take care of Predaking, even if the jet made it clear to Megatron that he was afraid of the Predacon.
Both were technically victims of Megatron's sadism, sorry but he's still awfully sadistic with Starscream, and Predaking was the collateral damage in this whole story.
The problem is that Predaking is young, so he can't have the perspective to understand Starscream's feelings, and what's wrong with him. It doesn't excuse anything, but some hindsight would have allowed the Predacon not to hate Starscream as it does later.
Megatron: Enemy
Predaking doesn't think he's part of the Decepticons, so he doesn't consider himself under Megatron's orders. Predaking never really considered Megatron his Lord.
Then, Megatron became an enemy, when he gave the order to destroy Predaking's brothers, The Warchief then became the enemy that Predaking had to destroy in retaliation.
Decepticons: Indifference
Predaking TFP is indifferent to other Decepticons, he has absolutely no interaction with Soundwave or KnockOut, and doesn't really seem to see Vehicons as worthy robots.
He has no consideration for them, because in his eyes they are worthless. Just look at how he treated them when he was on his way to get revenge on Megatron. He killed countless of them because they stood in his way.
Autobots : Nuisance
For Predaking the Autobots are a nuisance, they were his enemies for a while, but after the war it's wasn't really the case anymore. But, he doesn't keep really cordial relations with them either, for him it's mostly robots that bother him.
This distrust with most of the characters was also created by this lack of respect, since everyone treated him like an animal. He then considered that he had no reason to be friendly with those who had respected him so little.
Relation TPS
Predaking TPS managed to create healthier relationships with the other characters.
Shockwave : Familial
Predaking sees Shockwave as his Creator (the equivalent of parents). Shockwave doesn't consider himself one, but that doesn't stop the Predacon from calling him "Creator Shockwave" as a mark of affection.
The scientist still appreciates Predaking. When he was in beast mode Shockwave taught him things you wouldn't normally teach to an animal, and always spoke kindly to him.
Shockwave even felt remorse, after shooting his Creation to protect Megatron. He even later forbade Skylynx and Darksteel to call him "Creator" because it reminded him too much of Predaking.
Even after Shockwave's betrayal, Predaking still sees him as his Creator. But he knows it's not a reciprocal family relationship, and that Shockwave isn't ready to take on the role.
Starscream: True Friendship
Starscream was the one who revealed to Predaking that it was Megatron who destroyed his brothers, while the Predacon was sure it was the Seeker. It was upon realizing his mistake, and apologizing to Starscream after hurting him, that he bonded with him.
Their relationship was initially based on hatred of Predaking and fear of Starscream. But, when they got to really know each other, they ended up getting along better and better, until developing a sincere friendship.
Of course, this would surely not have been possible if Predaking TPS had the same vision of the world as Predaking TFP. Starscream TPS certainly wouldn't have liked it if it had, because it would have reminded him of Megatron. Starscream would certainly have throwed him off.
But Predaking TPS is mature and calm, and especially the complete opposite of Megatron. He does not hit to be listened to, and does not abuse his phenomenal strength, even if he could.
They both met in a different way than in TFP, and in other circumstances. Again it was a difficult start, mainly because they weren't even on the same side anymore.
Predaking is again too young to understand Starscream's issues, but since the Predacon is more open to discussion, it's possible for him to eventually figure it out.
Starscream needs trusted people around him, and Predaking is definitely one of them. It was through this trust that their friendship developed.
Steve: Love
Predaking and Steve didn't start well either. Predaking had no regard for Vehicons before, and therefore Steve was no exception.
He ended up taking an interest in Steve when the latter stood up to him, whereas until now everyone was afraid of Predaking.
This is how the Predacon (still in beast mode at this time) began to have a growing interest in Steve, which gradually turned into love.
The Vehicon was initially uninterested, firstly because he thought Predaking was just an animal, but also because Steve was in love with Starscream at the time (he was devastated when he learned of the existence of Skyfire, because it was an unbeatable rival).
They initially developed a sincere friendship, until Predaking turned into a robot. The Predacon then asked Steve if he could seduce him, to make him forget this robot that didn't share the love of Steve.
Steve accepted much to Predaking's delight, and it was during their multiple dates that the Vehicon ended up falling in love with Predaking.
Megatron: Enemy
The only thing that doesn't change is Predaking's hatred of Megatron. But there, he sees him as an enemy for several reasons. There's obviously the fact that Megatron destroyed his brothers, because it's just awful, really… But also because Megatron has often attacked Steve.
He's not especially mad because of what Megatron did to Starscream, because he never really witnessed Megatron's violence towards the Seeker. But with Steve yes, very often. The Vehicon was often threatened with death by the leader of the Decepticons, because he was different from other drones. Steve was different, and therefore in Megatron's eyes flawed.
Predaking is in love with Steve, so inevitably he can hardly appreciate the person who tries to hurt him.
Dreadwing : Cordial
Knowing Dreadwing was beneficial for Predaking, mainly because the big Seeker is a perfect example of what a strong but fair robot can be. It shows that the strength doesn't have to mean being a brute, and that it can be put to good use.
Predaking quickly liked Dreadwing, because the latter was nice to him, and he never used violence to make himself listened to. He is demanding with Predaking, but as a trainer can be with his student.
Predaking doesn't hate being trained or learned (Predaking TFP surely doesn't hate too), but the difference is that Dreadwing wasn't forced to take care of Predaking, unlike Predaking TFP with Starscream. Dreadwing does not see Predaking as a punishment, but as a duty.
Megatron asks Dreadwing to take care of him, because Shockwave was really busy, and the big Seeker is in a better option to teach combat and obedience to the Predacon. Whereas in TFP, Megatron's excuse was just a pretext for Starscream not to object.
The two Predaking necessarily develop a different vision of the professor. For Predaking TFP it is very negative, so he prefers to learn alone. While for Predaking TPS it is beneficial, all thanks to Dreadwing, who was an excellent instructor.
Decepticons : Cordial
Predaking was initially indifferent to other Decepticons, but with Steve he learned to care about other people, other than Shockwave or Steve.
He learned to know KnockOut and Breakdown who were friends with the Vehicon, he didn't have much interaction with Soundwave, but he did have a few. But above all, he learned to know the Vehicons better, and to consider them as people in their own right.
Autobots : Cordial
The Autobots were enemies at first, as Predaking was with the Decepticons (although in fact he was just following Shockwave, he's too young to really understand the concept of war or a cause).
After the war, the Autobots knew how to be friendly with him, mainly thanks to the Vehicons, who already knew him. Which caused Predaking to be friendly with them. He ends up living with the Autobots, along with Darksteel and Skylynx, as he sees no reason to move away from the Autobots, as they accept the Predacons.
Predaking TPS has more relationships and encounters, but above all more positive encounters. The environment around him has been hostile at times, but not as much as Predaking TFP (which I think never really felt welcome).
5 - Relationships with Darksteel and Skylynx (King VS Brother)
Darksteel and Skylynx are different too, because they've been through different things, but mostly because Predaking TFP and Predaking TPS don't behave the same way with them.
Predaking TFP wants to command them, he has a wish to rule his kind, not as a guide, but as a king.
Skylynx: Who said you were the boss?!
Predaking: I'm not your Boss! I am your King!
*Intensive Predacons Fight*
[TFP movie]
Predaking imposes himself on Skylynx and Darksteel, bypassing the discussion. The two youngest Predacons do not want to serve anyone. They do not consider themselves Decepticons, and do not wish to obey anyone.
So, inevitably, when they see another Predacon, who imposes himself as their leader, they don't like it. If Predaking has them on his side afterwards, it's because he managed to defeat them and subdue them, by force.
But, it's not a stable or long-lasting relationship, there chances that at the slightest sign of weakness from Predaking, the two will turn against him.
In TPS it's different, Predaking doesn't think for a second of having them as subjects, he sees them as his little brothers, he sees them as a family.
The big robot wanted to meet these other Predacons! He wanted to get to know them! Potentially make them members of his family... Predaking was aware that this was a bit too optimistic... not to say unrealistic... But, deep in his Spark, he wanted to believe it! He wanted to believe in this possibility!
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
Predaking never present himself as a king when he comes face to face with Darksteel and Skylynx, he presents himself as a member of a family that the three of them are supposed to consist of, with Shockwave as the Creator:
“I am Predaking." The fire Predacon introduced himself to the two Predacons.
The two beasts looked at each other for a moment, and Skylynx growled:
"Sir Shockwave told us you were an enemy!
- Yeah! If you are against him, then you are against us!! added Darksteel.
- I'm not against Creator Shockwave! retorted Predaking.
- 'Creator'...?"
The brothers looked at each other for a moment, before the taller of the two growled:
"Why do you call him 'Creator'! It's for the family!
- Because that's what we are! A family! Predaking exclaimed.
- Bullscrap!!"
The two Predacons transformed into their beast modes, and rocketed towards their elder! The latter pushed Steve, so that he was not caught in the fight, then transformed in turn! Ready to fight!
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
As in the original version, the two youngest Predacons started the hostilities, but not for the same reason. If in TFP it's because they don't want to submit to Predaking, here they do it because they think Predaking is a threat to them and Shockwave.
But finally, they'll accept this family, because deep down, it's something they've always wanted.
Darksteel said shyly:
"If the proposal to start a family still holds, I'm in... It would be pretty cool to have a big brother..."
The tall robot smiled at that, and moved closer to his brothers, before putting his hands on their shoulders.
"I'd be glad." smiled Predaking.
The two Predacons joined him in his smile.
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
And Predaking always used the talk to get them to come to him, helping them get away from Shockwave, who didn't have as much interest in them as he had in Predaking. Allowing them to have a real family.
The Autobots drew their weapons, ready to stop Megatron, when Shockwave interfered with the other two Predacons! The scientist aimed his cannon at the others, while Skylynx and Darksteel transformed into their beast modes!
Predaking came closer, and said:
"Skylynx, Darksteel, I thought you wanted us to be a family..."
The dark blue Predacon transformed back into bipedal mode, and replied:
“Well, yeah... But, join us in that case... You're the one who said that Shockwave was your Creator, right? Come, so our family will be complete.
- ... For the moment Shockwave is not ready to be a Creator... the fire Predacon sighed sadly. I promise to treat you like my brothers. Don't stay with someone who only treats you as subjects of experiments..."
The light blue Predacon in turn go back to bipedal mode, and the two brothers exchanged a look, before nodding in agreement. The pair advanced towards the large robot, under the shocked gaze of the cybertronian tank.
[Part 3 of "The Polar Star"]
The worldview of the two Predakings has also impacted the relationships they end up having with those of the same species. One poses as a king, as he considers himself the strongest of them all, and proves himself done by battling against Darksteel and Skylynx. The other, on the contrary, does not wish to fight those he considers his brothers, he prefers to have a family rather than being the king of anyone.
We can easily conclude that Predaking TFP and Predaking TPS would surely not get along at all. They would even hate each other without a doubt. Their differences of opinion and treatment of others around them is far too different for them to agree. The only common point they would have would be that they hate Megatron, but that's all ^^; …
As I've often said, Predaking is young, very young, technically still a child. He doesn't have the same distance from the world than an adult, and each event that happens to him is a hundred times more impactful than for an adult robot. His large size does not detract from his youth.
Children very often make shortcuts, to understand in the most simplified way possible the events they have in front of them. And the unfortunate events that happened to Predaking TFP made him take the wrong shortcuts.
Predaking TPS was much luckier than Predaking TFP, he was better surrounded and supported, and did not suffer the rejection and violence that Predaking TFP had.
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mocacheezy · 3 years
And the title of "Was so amusing I forgot he was supposed to represent a ruthless villain" goes to: ✨Beast Wars Megatron (1996)✨
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[Show spoilers below, but you probably know that already.]
Extra note: I am a TF newbie. This is my opinion and I don't have all the details for the many continuities that exist. I just need to scream about a purple T-Rex.
As the shows main villain, he seems more comical than threatening, but during the second and third season he:
Cut out an immortal spark from a failed Maximal science experiment, and continuously used it to torture said experiment (both for his amusement AND practicality, since Rampage would destroy him otherwise)
Called a deformed protoform ugly, "with an ugly name to match its appearance", and called it useless since it is unable to transform.
(Yeah, the above doesn't sound bad or unusual by villain standards, but these are things that had me go "What the fuck, aren't you the theatre kid of a villain? What is this?!", so if it made me react like that it's on the list. The following things also contribute to my reaction)
Set up the before mentioned protoform to an impossible task of essentially killing all Maximals and bringing proof of their deactivation as a test of its competence (bring me their heads... Dramatic✨)
By calling it useless since "It can't even transform!", he is spitting on the name of his predecessor, the original Megatron
(I am atleast 90% certain that G1 Megatron (and any other Megatron really) would take a look at it, figure out if it can hold a gun/fight/be useful and let it fight. Can't even transform my ass, as long as it can be manipulated and/or fight for the Cons it doesn't matter if it can or can't transform you copper bitch!)
Decided to cut the Maximal science experiment's immortal spark in half to create a new Frankensteined transmetal super soldier.
In order to obtain more power he took the original Megatron's spark and "mingled" it with his. And by mingled, I mean he inserted it into his own spark chamber with his own spark and kept it there. Not intending to return it to the original frame most likely.
Until the very last episode of the third season, until the last 10 or so minutes, it looked like he was going to win. I am talking the whole "Are the good guys going to win?" kind of doubt on my end.
But the real kicker and the reason why I'm so shocked?
He was in character through all of this! He didn't get "more evil" or "crazier" or "ruthless" as the seasons progressed. He wasn't "meaner" or "less charismatic". He behaved precisely as he did in the first season, same dramatics in his movements and speech and all of that!
The only difference was that he was doing something actually threatening and villainous in front of us viewers!
That's what had me staring at the screen with wide eyes; the fact I got fooled by his personality and didn't perceive him as an actual threat.
From the 3 shows I finished watching so far (Prime, Animated, Beast Wars) he threw me in for the biggest fucking loop.
Because with other Megatrons it's very clear what kind of a villain they are from the start:
Prime Megatron looks like a threat, moves like a threat, and while he has charisma, we don't see it that often. And he has dramatics, but those are mostly reserved for fights with Optimus or Unicron-poprock-crystal-candy induced hallucinations. And even then it's more like grand, over the top speeches, not silliness.
Animated Megatron has class. He is charismatic and uses this to his advantage to the extreme. He manipulates everyone and anyone, his followers are ready to fight eachother for a crumb of his praise, and a chance to be called "most loyal". He has dramatics (more than just the fact he twists his oil barrels into goblets) and he has embarassing moments infront of his troops, but those are due to circumstances, not him being silly.
I am in the process of watching Cyberverse, and so far this Megatron is a threat, doesn't seem like much of a threat when fighting the autobots, and to my limited spoiler-fueled knowledge, will become a bigger threat later on.
Take another look at Beast Wars Megatron and tell me if you'd consider this guy a threat:
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He monologues and laughs TheVillainLaugh so often, you start to expect it and just wait for it most episodes. At one point he laughs so hard he ends up choking on it. And after his coughing fit he resumes his plan monologue as if nothing happened. And it's not like the other Predacons don't acknowledge their boss' behaviour:
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That doesn't mean he doesn't have some loyal Predacons; Scorponok, Waspinator and Inferno being the ones that come to mind (also the ones that crave his approval and praise the most), with the other Preds leaning more towards treachery. But how he handles treachery or disobedience or even talking back, where it seems like he's bantering, not threatening them,
His personality just doesn't fit with the traits and behaviours the other two Megatrons exibit, the kind of traits that I started to expect of Megatron as a character.
He doesn't fit my perception of a Megatron that is a threat.
Which, considering the narrative of transformers, says alot about me and the way I essentially placed the character into a mold and went "alright, angry, commands and demands attention, can be ruthless, is stupid enough to keep a guy as his SIC/ on his team, despite multiple murder attempts and scheming".
Now, if we get into actual details, Beast Wars Megatron wouldn't count as "an actual Megatron", since the show itself is set after the Great War between the autobots and decepticons, G1 timeline. This Megatron took his predecessors name, so for all we know his name could be Joe before he changed it.
But his actions and the "destroy and conquer and lay the groundwork for future plans while you're causing mayhem" thing he has going on? That is Megatron behaviour as far as I can see.
And, granted, Beast Wars is the oldest out of the three shows I've watched (Animated 2007, Prime 2011), and so he is older than both of them, his characterization might be much closer to G1 than both Prime and Animated!
But before this becomes a full on essay full of misinformation (and more spelling mistakes), I'll just give my thanks to each continuity being it's own thing, with enough variety to keep you on your toes, while expecting how the general plot might go.
I hate that I can't even fully hate him, because he is so incredibly entertaining, so I am stuck looking @ the screen, cursing the fucking prehistoric grape lizard fidget spinner of the future, because he is so vile but he does it in style.
Here's a flattering picture of him as I seethe.
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🎉Congratulations you metal Barney on rollerskates!🎉 You are truly despicable, the worst! I hope you choke on a rubber ducky💕
[He also gets a smaller trophy for his Transmetal MegaMode (or whatever it is called officially), because its a fucking dragon. He went from a bubblegum T-rex, to a copper rollerskating T-rex that can fly, to a red and gold dragon that can breathe fire and ice. So yeah, drastic transformation wise, no competition here, as well as levels of drama that came with each alt.]
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aqua-the-smiter · 3 years
Wind Guide You
Chapter 1 - Carry me Fast and Far The night’s breeze brushed Starscream with gentle fingers as he looked over the edge of the Nemesis, his spark in his throat. This was it. Now or never. Either he flew away from Megtron  tonight,  or he stayed and remained his whipping bot forever.
It was such a small, normal thing that had pushed him to this point, his breaking point. A small scuffle with the Autobots and a few lost Energon cubes had landed him a one way ticket to the medbay courtesy of Megatron’s fist. He recalled staring at his broken, battered chassis in the semi-reflective wall, wondering what he’d done to deserve it. He had pledged his true loyalty in that damn mine, broke his back to bring Shockwave to them, hadn’t tried a scheme since, and yet…
He couldn’t take it any longer. Lying on that berth, he vowed right then and there to leave as soon as he was at full strength again. Things couldn’t continue like this, he couldn’t  take it anymore. He didn’t know where he’d go, but anywhere was better than this.
So here he was, standing on the uppermost deck of the Nemesis, battling himself. In the deepest recesses of his wounded spark, he knew he wanted to leave, but he still agonized over the decision. Was he making the right choice? What if leaving caused more problems than it solved? Where would he get Energon? How would he survive?  Would he even survive? Was he better off dying alone on his own terms than at Megatron’s clenched servos?
He didn’t know.
Starscream looked up at the abyssal blue sky, scattered with the millions, maybe billions of tiny, silvery-white glints of stars cast over the night like a glittering net. The breeze had strengthened into real wind, and it called to him, beckoning him to just transform and fly already, fly away, far far away. He reached out a servo to let the wind brush against the tips of his claws. If nothing else, he could follow it, let it take him wherever. He readied himself to spring...
“Starscream? What are you doing up at this time of night? I thought you’d be recharging.” came a voice from behind him. He whipped around, nearly slipping on his heel struts.
In front of him stood Shockwave’s pet project, a hybrid of normal Cybertronian (an Autobot named Coldburn to be precise) and Predacon CNA named Razorfang. His scorpion-esq tail slithered on the metal deck behind him, the neon blue point curled neatly away from it, and his talons clicked against it as he walked.
“Oh, Razorfang, it’s just you.” Starscream said, internally letting out a sigh of relief.  He’d formed something of a parental bond with the young hybrid after helping (AKA being roped into) assisting Shockwave with him, and if there was anyone who trusted him enough to not question him being out here, it was Razor.
The Predahybrid fluttered his large wings. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I was just coming up here to look at the sky before I turned in for the night with Predaking and the others. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, turning to Starscream with wide neon blue optics and a nearly spark-wrenchingly innocent smile.
Starscream returned it. Razor didn’t deserve his ire. “It is. One of the only good things on this miserable shell Unicorn accidentally built around himself.”
“Ah, it’s not  that bad. And you’re dodging my question.” Razorfang said, nudging him with his tail.
“Am I? Apologies. I couldn’t settle into recharge. Processor too full and all that, you know how it is.” he replied.
“I know how that feels, yeah. I hope you’ve been holding up alright. This is the first time we’ve talked since the...incident.” the hybrid said sheepishly, servos behind his back.
“Indeed.” the seeker hissed. “I’ve seen better solar cycles, and I’ve seen worse ones.”
Would they improve if I left or not?  
Razorfang stretched. “I should probably turn in for the night so I’m not dead on my peds tomorrow. Uh...good luck, Starscream.”
“You have no idea how badly I need it.” he replied.
The Predahybrid nodded before jumping forward and wrapping his wings around the older seeker in a tight embrace.
“W-what’s all this Razor?!” Starscream sputtered out.
“L-look, just...you mean a lot to me, and I hate sitting by while Megatron breaks you over his knee. I-I just want you to know I’d stop it if I could.” Razor said earnestly, letting him go. “A-and I’ll still try and help you now, if I can.”
Starscream was slightly floored, guilt prickling his insides. “It’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before, don’t worry. I’ll live.”
“T-that’s good. I’m sorry, that was really weird. G’night.” he said with a nervous wave of his wing, before disappearing below deck.
He felt another pinch in his spark. He genuinely liked the hybrid, strange as he was, and if there was anyone he was willing to waste the time missing, it would be him. Maybe Knockout too. But things couldn’t stay this way. He couldn’t stay here. At the very least, it was a hazard to his health, and at worst? A hazard to his very sanity. He waited until the talon clicks could no longer be heard.
Walking back to the edge of the deck, he looked down at the glimmering, mirror-like lake surface underneath the warship. It really was time for him to go, and talking to Razorfang had confirmed that. It had been the universe letting him say goodbye. Calm as the water was, the wind had picked up even more now up here, blowing in the direction he planned to fly. Good. He’d have it at his back, helping him forward.
Carry me fast and far away from this accursed place. Thundercracker, Skywarp. If you’re still watching me...please, guide me if you can.  He beseeched his dead trinemates, his  brothers, if their sparks were even still out there.
Taking a deep intake, he turned around, crossed his servos over his chest, and let himself fall overboard, keeping his optics wide open.
The wind howled past his audials as he fell, the glass sheet of the lake drew nearer with every moment. He emerged under the cloud cover, dull silver chassis streaked with water droplets, and looking up he could still see the stars through the ragged holes in the dove-grey blanket of wispy cirrus. The farther away the Nemesis grew, the lighter the weight on his shoulders began to feel.
Primus, but this was  fun . Hurtling through the open sky at who-knows-how-many miles an hour, being granted more and more freedom with every inch he got away from Megatron, the wind screaming like his namesake...he hadn’t felt like this in longer than he could remember, and it felt like something deep in his spark was waking up after being dormant for lightyears. All this galloped through his processor unreigned as he counted the ticks until he’d have to transform…
I’m flying away and I’m  never  coming back, Megatron! Starscream thought with venomous glee, imaging the bucket headed warlord's fury the next dawn.
He began his shift, hanging suspended as it by some invisible thread about a meter above the reflective water before his T-cog finished it’s work, and a second later he was soaring back up the way he’d fallen, towards the starlight and broken shackles.
Wherever the wind took him, it didn’t matter. He was free.
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extrahorribledynne · 5 years
starscream huh....
alright doggo hot take time, please be nice i’ve been thinking about this for awhile
i kind of wish writers of tf media would maybe... not... with the abuse subtext between megatron and starscream. not because it shouldn’t be written, or it can’t be explored- but because no one seems to know what to do with it????
like, honestly, i’m not even sure if i want a redemption arc for starscream written into a show, because i just don’t think it could be done well. i genuinely feel like dinobot is the closest thing we’ve seen to a genuine ‘starscream’ redemption arc? i know he’s not... starscream, and ss technically does show up in that show but i’m counting him, because he was the bastard going NO I WANNA BE LEADER ok.
G1? i could hardly call ‘abuse’. the show’s too doofy, everyone is a fool, and honestly it reads more like bojack horsemans parents bitterly refusing to get a divorce than a relationship of power imbalance and abuse. they’re both on pretty equal playing fields of size and firepower. the imbalance just isn’t there. and, again, i can’t take G1 very seriously.
TFA does the best thing possible by just, totally doing away with this subtext. it’s barely there at all- and starscream spends nearly the entirety of the show fucked off being EVERYBODY’S problem. the WORST that happens between them occurs in the first episode when megs grabs starscream’s wing and crumples it a bit, and killing him later in the first season- which doesn’t matter because starscream is literally immortal and afterwards keeps throwing himself at megatron in bids to kill him anyways, clearly not at all traumatized or bothered. and, like G1, the power imbalance isn’t there. starscream is a bit smaller than G1 compared to this megatron, but even still, in terms of abilities they’re on pretty equal terms.
TFP easily gets the most... shall we say... grumblings about this. because the show just goes balls deep with this subtext. its barely subtext and is basically text. starscream is tiny, one of the shortest robots in the show period. he’s also the twiggiest decepticon. megatron thwacks him across the room like he weighs utterly nothing and lets be real, in a fair fight this starscream would stand absolutely zero chance against this megs. tfp scream flinches, jumps, shivers, at sudden movements and gestures made at him. it’s certainly... there.
but he’s terrible, he’s utterly nasty, and again i come to a halt where i have to ask myself- would i want a redemption arc?
i just feel its odd that tfp draws lines in the sand of which war crimes are redeemable and which ones aren’t. -stares at predacons rising. keeps staring. and staring-
because, hey, he’s a villain. he does terrible things and likes doing them. and i dont think he’d want anyone’s pity. but when someone moves suddenly, he’s flinching away. and writers just don’t have the time or ability, within the realms of children-tween oriented shows at least, to really... explore this. and then you get RID15 and it’s trainwreck of starscream literally saying he was abused and wants to fuck up megatron in revenge and having your good guys have to say, without a shred of irony, “no we cant let you do that”
lurking in a weird corner, leaving us viewers cringing and confused, and for some even angry, because its just, never addressed. it’s there. like a ghost.
and i really want to wave it away with incense because its there out of obligation and it can’t be explored outside of fanfiction
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imababblekat · 5 years
Imagie The Bot’s/Con Reacting To Your Werid Taste In Music
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Character’s For Ask:
Tfp Wheeljack/Tfp Predaking/Tfp Ultra Magnus
he doesn't understand your taste in music, and makes a prominent rule that the driver get's to pick the songs, which isn't exactly fair seeing as he is literally the car
will never let you play your music on the Jack Hammer unless you're particularly down
getting him to listen to the weird music you love is already hard enough, but getting him to reenact it? absolutely impossible!
asking pestering him around the other Prime members will always get you a definite no, but maybe, juuuust maybe, if you ask him pester him just enough and very nicely, he might give in and do it when no one is around
but if he does, he'll make you swear by your life to never, and I mean never, tell a single soul! and you especially better not call him Princess Wheeljack in earshot of others or he will internally combust!
on that note, he himself will never tell another soul that he actually kinda enjoyed the activity with you
don't get him wrong, it was incredibly embarrassing, but he got to see you smile and laugh, and that honestly made it way more bearable
Predaking's not had much experience with human culture, so when you introduce him to songs like Hard Chorale, he assumes that all human music is like this
he's definitely not a fan of it, but for you he's willing to put up with it if it makes you happy
asking him to sing the song with you takes a lot of encouragement (and begging); he doesn't exactly count that thing you humans call "meowing" as actual lyrics
if you do manage to get him to sing along with you, he's tense the whole time
what would his subordinates think if they saw him like this? they would no doubt laugh at his face and question his strength as a leader
didn't really enjoy the experience for himself, but he's at least happy that it brought you some joy
he think's he's moved on from that day, but then you interrupt him scolding Skylynx and Darksteel by calling him Kitty Predacon, and he feels his soul leave his metal body
Ultra Magnus:
Ultra Magnus claims your style of "music", is an offense to all music itself
will never let you play that stuff around base(or at least when he's there), whether it's just you two or the whole team
almost laughs out loud when you suggest he try singing along and reenact some of the scenes with you, almost
has thought several times about sitting you down and schooling you on what real music is, which for him is that boring classical music
Magnus thinks that you actually start to realize what he's been trying to tell you this whole time when you've stopped bugging him about listening to your music for a while and can't help but to smile a little
when you two head out on a mission on his ship, you ask him if you can play a song, promising it's not one of the ones he's heard you play before
he decides why not, promising you one song to play, because he's honestly one of those people who would drive everywhere in total silence
the song starts off pretty nice, and he actually lets himself relax in his seat, but then the lyrics "What if the world was made of glazed donuts" plays out, and you can visibly see the color drain from his face
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firebunnylover · 5 years
I thought I would take the time to discuss my VERY complicated feelings on the big ship of TFP: MegaOp.
Because it’s so far the only ship for me that is simultaneously an OTP and what I can only describe as NOTP… and even that word doesn’t feel right.
I apologize if this post causes massive discourse. This isn’t me telling other why or why they shouldn’t ship said thing. Just me getting my feelings out.
Note that this is for TFP the show by itself. From what I’ve seen, IDW comic’s Megatron is likeable and does poetry. And I read that there is some continuity with some games to TFP, but honestly it’s all still confusing to me as I’m still pretty new.
This ship is fully an OTP for me if it’s set in the days before the war - back when they were Orion Pax the Archivist and Megatronus the Gladiator. They had very different backgrounds, but still had a common interest for the greater good. They wanted to end the caste system. And they worked together. And that is my goddamn jam.
I love the idea of poetic Gladiator Megatronus cuddling his smol Librarian BF Orion as they make plans to change the system. 
And then… when the Council actually heard them out… that’s when things get out of hand, as Megatron’s worst character traits, him being power hungry, came out of the shadows, stayed and got worse.
As much as I’m down on a first hearing of Megatron’s plan to overthrow the system as a whole, along with the people he was currently talking to, I have to backpedal and re-evaluate the details of said plan when I recall that Revolutions without a clear plan on future governing systems or laws tend to lead to a power vacuum, which can lead to a system equally as bad or even worse than the current system in the long run.
For an example, a quickie on the French Revolution, in what is an attempt to keep it simple while outlining what went down and why it went sideways. It overthrew a very bad system. But there was no clear plan of government following which lead to a power vacuum, which ended up with Robspierre, one of the revolution’s most influential figures, using extreme means to control the political activity, bringing about the Reign of Terror, in which terror was used to maintain the current system, enforced by secret police. And unfortunately, innocent people, usually because small offences, DID get f*cked over by that. And after Rospierre was executed, the next form of government, the Directory, was corrupt. WHOOPS.
And then France had Napoleon put in charge, someone who fought for the revolution himself then ended up as Emperor of France, passed policies that would limit women’s rights, and reinstituted slavery in French colonies, NEITHER OF WHICH ARE GOOD THING. And let’s not forget how he f*cks Egypt over when it comes to Ancient artifacts in the long run.
I would go on to describe the Russian Revolution as another example, but I’m less familiar with that revolution than the French one. Probably because there are no over-the-top drama manga/anime set during that setting.
off topic real quick, if you like anime, history, and enjoy over the top drama and can tolerate shoujo sparkles gone unchecked, check out Rose of Versailles. Especially if you’re interested in a bisexual lead girl, and one of the best portrayals of Marie Antoinette. Who is GAY for the lead girl.
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Honestly if it wasn’t the fact that unwitting consequences could equal the deaths or screwing over of thousands of innocent people I WOULD BE DOWN TO WRECK SHOP.
Orion’s proposal was favored by the council, and that didn’t sit well with Megatron’s ego, and the war is kicked off.
And regardless of what your feelings are on Orion getting accepted by the Council while Megatron was rejected (i feel this varies on what you think on the council and if they were truly convinced to make changes for the better), let’s make one thing clear.
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To sum up the old days, they were the best young lovers.
Now with the main-timeline Optimus Prime and Megatron.
Well, they still have chemistry, which I love. And they both need therapy.
Optimus Prime knows that the relationship is no longer capable of truly going back to how they were long ago. He knows he has to move on. But… he can’t fully move on yet. He still has that small shred of hope that maybe Megatron will change and make amends, as unrealistic as it is, and he may never be able to fully throw that away. He still has those lingering feelings.
And then Megatron… HO BOY.
He absolutely is SET on being the one to destroy Optimus Prime - if him beating around Starscream for him trying to do so is any indicator. He has taken the “if I can’t have you no one can” route following a break up. He doesn’t want to move on with OP still alive. But he doesn’t want to do it in a flash and just get it over with. He wants fanfare for it. Because Optimus is worthy of his attention.
Oh and now he’s a crack-addict.
SPEAKING OF STARSCREAM! I see him as the rebound Megatron has picked following his break-up with OP. One who he abuses, physically and mentally. He picked Starscream to be the outlet of his aggression. Starscream is very much the polar opposite of what Orion was. Constantly sneaking behind Megatron’s back, self-serving, aims to take Megatron’s place (Orion accidentally stole the spotlight from him), and quick to run. It would make sense that he would pick someone so different from Orion because no one CAN replace Orion, so why try?
And then after years of fighting… Orion comes back.
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No memories of the war, of the council, of the Decepticon Autobot split, nothing. The Orion who was with Megatronus and looked up to him.
What does Megatron do when presented with this old persona of OP, the one he loved and was unconditionally loved by?
Take advantage of him to get the Iacon Database decrypted.
At this point, despite his current relationship with Optimus, he loves his IDEA of Orion. This Orion, who existed years ago but has changed because he wanted to be better. This Orion, who Megatron had plenty of time to over-idealize - to remember slightly differently from what he was actually like. He wants Orion to stay like this - naive with no idea of what’s really happening, never questioning him.
There is the withholding of information that immediately causes consent issues. And he wanted to keep it like that - hence threatening to kill anyone who destroys this little fantasy… and when he realized that the fantasy would have to end because Orion might ask the wrong questions, he decides that he would have to kill Orion when that happens. Because Orion would no longer be his fantasized version.
He doesn’t want to change, so why should Orion?
And who should start off the end of this fantasy other than the one Megatron chose as his rebound from OP?
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Pretty poetic when you think about it.
I personally don’t like Optimus Prime or Megatron getting back together as they stand in the current time. I love what they were before, but they can’t just go back and act like nothing happened. But with that said, I absolutely LOVE their current dynamics as Ex-Lovers, and it hurts me to know they can’t be together happily as they once were before.
If the show writers were to have actually consider having them together as end game, it would take a LOT of character development on Megatron’s part, because he's the type of person who’s willing to destroy a whole planet. Twice. And changing himself isn’t really something that interests him, as we saw with the Orion Pax arc.
Predacon’s Rising doesn’t count for me.
Metaphorically, their relationship is a well lit oil lamp. It was beautiful to look at when it was new and well managed. But it is in disrepair, started to leak out the oil, and the fire needs to be put out.
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the-scrappy-stinger · 6 years
(On the surface of Cybertron, the crowds booed Sentinel Prime. They cheered for Megatron to speak and hung to every word in reverent silence.)
(In the skies above the arena, Ratchet watched with dread as a population of young bots who'd never known the carnage of war sided with a violent radical and promises.)
(Below, in a little corridor barely big enough for him, Bee had found his footing. It was probably an air vent, not a real hallway, but he could duck into it from the ladder and make his way into the quiet dark tunnel.)
(Somewhere ahead of him, there was a scream and a crash.)
(Bee froze.) Sari?
(That was her voice, and the rumbling continued along with the pop of palm blasters and an Insecticon-like wail. Bee's fingers twitched. They didn't have Insecticons here. Not unless Waspinator counted. His back burned. His EM field pricked at the base of his neck.)
(He could barely turn his head to look, and his tires blocked most of the view over his shoulder. It was the same pitch darkness that he entered into, infinitely back the long way he'd crawled.)
(The black was cut by violet optics, approaching too fast and bellowing.) "BUMBLEBOT!"
(He bolted forward and slammed into the ceiling, then gnashed his fingers under his feet before he found an all-fours stride, and it was only a snail's pace away from Waspinators clicking mandicles and snapping rotating joints. A panicked wail escaped from him as the ground crunched below him, throwing him up against the ceiling. He only just registered green- two shades of green- before a mighty wrench tore the floor out from under him.)
(He fell into a battlefield, right atop Blackarachnia in mid-shot. Instinct made him shock her. Practice made him leap for her mid back where she spun and then out when her legs came around. Sari's bright yellow whipped from one techno-organic monster to another, more of a bumblebee than he was at this point, while Bulkhead swept wide paths clear with a length of wrecking ball.)
"All shall fall before the Queen!" (A red monster filled the room with blinding light and scalding heat- a flamethrower that Bee just barely ducked under.) "For the royalty!"
"You idiots! Get the Allspark!" (Blackarachnia's web littered the ground, and where Bee whipped around it, her minions blindly charged into it and fell flat. Only Waspinator stayed in the fray, hovering above.) "Don't just stand there!"
"Bumblebee- oh thank the Allspark!" (Bulkhead threw himself between Bee and a purple Predacon.) "We think we found the Well, but Blackarachnia found us and Waspinator made even more Waspinators-"
"You fool!" (Blackarachnia sliced through her webbings, freeing the captive Predacons one by one.) "I made these! And with the power of the Allspark and the knowledge I gain from dissecting your little techno-organic freak, I'll convert Cybertron to a new age! An age of Predacons!"
"And Bumblebot will have front-row seat!" (Waspinator charged stinger first into Sari's palm blasters, falling in a smoldering heap on the floor.) "OW!"
"We can't fight them off forever!" (Sari tucked her backpack close and flew off.) "We have to get to the Well! Come on!"
(Bulkhead and Bee followed as quick as their tires would let them. On either side, massive statues of ancient Cybertronians cracked to life after years of slumber.) "Protect The Allspark..."
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black-strike-otp · 7 years
part 12
Anyone who still remains after part 11: you’re a real trooper buddy <3
The Exodus of Cybertron, it was later called. Cybertron needed time to heal. Resources dwindling, the planet scarred- they had to leave for the good of their world. And Megatron, the blood-thirsty tyrant he was with his spark twisted on revenge for his former friend, surged forward into the darkness after Optimus Prime, vowing for his spark.
Little to no one remained on the desolate wasteland once called home.
Ships were scattered across the cosmos as the space bridge was corrupted. The Ark and Nemesis played a game of cat and mouse; the big competitors in space, fighting for dominance.
Factionless rogues tried to stay in contact with rogues, and aid each other when they come into contact. The Rising Star met up from time to time with other ships. Goods were exchanged, conversation offered. Sometimes hosts were less polite than others, but everyone knew better than to pick a fight.
It was lonely. Isolated in space. You could have your friends, your family, but you still felt empty. Homesick. An ache in your tanks more than hunger alone.
~Years Later~
Location: Unknown
:: Decepticon General Blackout, you’re going to be out of range of comm systems after another an estimated 3.68 kils. ::
:: Understood. Have Lord Megatron informed that as promised, I will return with a debriefing of the location. ::
:: Certainly, sir. ::
The line went dead shortly after. Blackout’s alt-mode glided through the vast cold emptiness of space. He saw nothing but dead and dying stars twinkling in every direction, as far as his scanners could pick up.
He checked his star maps a few dozen times. Within himself, he could feel a restless Scorponok; whose thoughts continued to pester his own.
< Recharge, Scorponok. We have a lengthy trip ahead of us.>
The bug didn’t seem very pleased to hear the news. It was certainly going to be a long trip; the poor bug was going to be desperate to get out and stretch his limbs by the time they got there.
Location: Just outside of atmospheric pressure and the gravitational pull of planet V 255835 section QBI 832759
:: This is Journey, requesting permission to dock. ::
:: Permission granted. Welcome aboard, crew of Journey. ::
“Its been some time before we’ve had visitors,” Novastrike stated excitedly, practically bouncing just outside of the transport bay. There was a delightful gleam in her optics as she danced in place; servos jabbing in the air.
A rather unimpressed Neutroboost glanced down at Novastrike with narrowed optics. “Settle yourself femme, you’re going to startle them away.”
“At ease, Booster,” Guard commented tiredly. He looked much older than they had on Cybertron. It seemed age was finally catching up to him. “We’re all a little excited at the prospect of making a few new acquaintances and trading partners.”
Neutroboost grumbled at the scolding, glancing away. The seeker used to be so docile and calm, but since Crookedwing’s tragic death amidst the escape from Cybertron, he never could seem to find his own inner peace. What once was a collective, thoughtful, considerate mech was now constantly at war within himself.
Nova pitied him, but he refused to let anyone close to him anymore. Save for, perhaps, Guard.
The giant twin doors finally opened as the docking was secured, locked, and the two vessels had adjusted their pressure conditions to equalize each other out. A team of mechs stood in their own connected ship, awkwardly staring back.
“Greetings, friends,” Guard greeted warmly, placing a servo to his chassis and bowing with respect.
“And to you,” one of the mech’s aboard Journey stated awkwardly.
Groups began to slowly enter each other’s ships and intermingle. Novastrike; hardly spotted beneath all the larger bots conversating, stared up at the newcomers in awe. Most seemed to act shy; socially awkward, actually, she studied from their actions. She slipped further into the Journey and observed their expressions and reactions as they fidgeted and spoke.
She spotted what she could make up to be someone of importance upon the Journey. He was speaking with Guard; nodding as they spoke. His expression showed interest, but anxiety, and he wore a set of strange googles upon his head.
Something moved at his heels, and Novastrike almost squealed as she jogged over.
“Hi there!” she chirped, having spotted the minicon hiding behind the Journey mech’s legs.
The mech immediately looked down at her, perplexed.
“Novastrike,” Guard snapped, offering a disapproving stare.
“It’s- quite alright,” the newcomer stated, though his tone seemed unsure. “He’s just a touch shy at first, that’s all.”
The mech stepped aside slightly, revealing the curled up ball that had been trying to hide behind him. The creature’s shiny gunmetal gray armor shifted in the light. Beneath his form was red, and Nova realized as he moved to stand up and shrink away, that it was his appendages that were red.
“Ooohh my goodness! Are you a descendant of Predacons? Look at how small you are oh, wow!”
The tiny dragon gave a small chirp, lowering its head and wriggly uncomfortably in place beneath Novastrike’s excited gaze.
“He’s no predacon, that I can assure you,” the mech stated firmly.
“He’s glorious,” Nova whispered in awe. “Is he friendly? Can he speak? Can I touch him?”
“He doesn’t normally speak,” the mech stated, nervously wringing his servos in front of his chassis. “And I would ask him, little femme- he’s intelligent, he’ll understand your questions himself.”
Placing her servos respectfully behind her back, Novastrike stood straighter and looked- or tried to look- the red ruby eyed dragon in the optics. “Hello there! You look absolutely amazing. Would it be alright if I just- touched you? I’ll be quick I swear you just- you look so unreal! I mean, I’ve seen a mech once that was a dragon, and he could talk, but he was bigger than you and I never got the chance to touch him and see if he was real or if I was just going crazy.”
“-crazy,” the dragon echoed back in Novastrike’s tone.
“Oh my gosh, you can parrot bots! That’s so cool. What else can you do?” She asked, sitting on the ground.
The dragon looked up at his master, but it seemed the mech had no aid to offer. He went back to speaking with Guard; although, kept glancing back at his dragon anxiously.
“What... can you do?” the dragon repeated.
“Well...” Novastrike brought up her servo, using her digits to help count as she spoke. “I can transform into a cyber-cat, obviously that means I can jump high and hear crazy things far away- like further than everyone in this room. Except maybe you, maybe you can do that too? I can uh... you know, speak, read, write. Sometimes I sing, but alone you know- I don’t think I’m that great. I can shoot guns pretty good but I only use stun rounds, I don’t like hurting bots. Umm...”
She tapped a digit against her helm thoughtfully, trying to find new things to explain. As she did so, the dragon inched closer, reaching out with his muzzle to sniffle at her armor.
“Wooooaaahhh,” Novastrike gasped in awe. She reached out with her servos, retreated, and reached out again.
The dragon bumped her servos gently with his helm with approval.
“Ooohh my gosh you are so delightful, just look at you! Look at how good looking you are,” Nova cooed, patting her servos over the dragon.
He gave a tiny little wiggle at first, like he was confused on how to react. Novastrike patted his sides and his back and his rump moved around like an over-excited dog.
“So cool,” Nova stated, breathless.
“What is-... your name?” the dragon inquired through recordings, lashing his tail around. One of his horns moved slightly; tilting a little to the side questioningly.
Giggling softly as she rubbed the dragon’s armor, she responded: “Novastrike.”
“-Novastrike.” the dragon repeated. “I am- ... Fireline.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Fireline,” Novastrike gushed, offering a doofy grin.
The dragon gave a small flick of his tail, showing his sharp teeth in a grin of his own; although, his seemed a touch more strained and unsure. “-nice to meet you” he mimicked, causing another fit of giggles from Nova. She halfway fell to the floor, and Fireline turned around, snuffling his snout into her side curiously so that she squealed; laughing loudly.
“AhhhHH! Stop you’re- you’re tickling me,” she snickered, trying to shove the dragon’s helm away. He chirped, snuffling into her side more and causing another fit of laughter, to which most of those in the room turned to stare at, optics softening at the sight of the pair messing around. It was pretty rare to hear that sort of unfiltered, joyous laughter floating around.
Location: 1200 kleps from planet V 255835 section QBI 832759
< We’re almost there, Scorponok. Shouldn’t be but another 153 jours. You can see it pretty clearly from here. >
Scorponok took advantage of the bond to stare at the location from Blackout’s perspective vision. He didn’t seem impressed with the spherical solid mass of a planet. It seemed reddish-brown in color, with a thin cloud overlay here and there, and small patches of a greenish-blue plant life with almost purplish colored water.
< Looks inviting. > Scorponok stated unhappily
< What’s that matter? No longer want to throw yourself in some dirt and bury around for the next few days? Maybe tearing up some Autobots, causing trouble. At the very least, causing me trouble when I try to get you to dock again or Primus forbid, clean you... >
That instantly changed the bug’s mood.
< Hurry up, you rusty old flier. >
Blackout chuckled. < That’s the spirit. >
Location: Just outside of atmospheric pressure and the gravitational pull of planet V 255835 section QBI 832759
“It was really a pleasure meeting with your crew, Guard,” the mech from the Journey stated, shaking his servo. “We appreciate your hospitality. I’m sorry that we don’t really have the resources to help your crew out further.”
“It’s fine,” Guard murmured tiredly, offering a small smile. “Not many are willing to part with their energon, that we understand. It’s the parts we lack for in repairing our vessel that causes the most issues though. Ever since the Exodus, we haven’t had any operational on board defensive system, among the other issues I told you about...”
The mech from Journey offered a sympathetic servo to Guard’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “If there’s anything else we can offer, we’ll do our best. Should we come across something useful for you, we’ll try to contact you.”
“And us, you.”
The mech chuckled. “Of course,” he agreed. “And are you sure it’s alright for us to leave you those seven mechs for four of yours? I’d feel terrible straining your ship anymore than necessary...”
“Nothing we can’t handle, and they’ll get used to the rations and way we run things. After all, they’ve been mostly settling around these past few cycles anyway,” Guard stated politely.
“Well, this is farwell, for now,” the mech stated with a nod. He turned to look around with some concern. After a moment, he spotted what he was looking for: a dragonic Cybertronian gnawing on a cyber-cat, over in the corner. They were half flopping over one another.
“Fireline,” the mech stated. “We’re leaving now. We’ll be seeing the crew of the Rising Star again, but it’s time to go.”
Fireline poked his helm up from the interweaved limbs to look over to the mech. His tail swished slightly, and he looked down at Novastrike as he pulled himself free from their tangle.
“Farewell-... friend,” Fireline stated through his recordings.
Roughly shaking her helm, Novastrike stood up and bumped her helm against the dragon’s chassis. “Goodbye,” she said softly. “I’ll miss you, Fireline.”
Fireline gave a soft chirp, lying his helm temporarily on top of Novastrike’s. He pulled away, wiggling his bum a little. With a leap and a bound, he turned towards the mech that called for him and glided across the floor; wings snapping open. He landed effortlessly just inside the Journey’s docking chamber.
“I’ll miss you toooo,” the dragon hissed in a voice Novastrike had never heard. There was a mischievous glint in his optics, and Nova’s own pair widened slightly and as she placed her servos on either side of her face.
“Ooohh nooo, that little monster!” she hissed. “He can speak after all!”
A rather confused looking Guard glanced down at Novastrike as he exited the small docking bay and shut the doors so that they could finish the undocking process. “What was that?”
Offering a cheeky grin, Novastrike gave a little shrug. “Oh, nothing important,” she snickered, walking away.
Location: 358 kleps from planet V 255835 section QBI 832759
< Only another 46.3 jours left, Scorp. >
< Wake me when we get there, > the bug stated in the most ‘I’m fragging dying of boredom’ voice that could be.
That’s odd, Blackout thought. He could almost swear he saw a glint of metal for a moment heading on planet; the light from the sun momentarily bouncing over its form before it descended into the cloud cover.
Maybe the rumors were true, after all.
Location: Planet V 255835 section QBI 832759, surface
“You think they missed us?” Novastrike asked as the Rising Star made its final approach to the planet’s surface.
Guard gave a hearty laugh, waving his servo to the observation deck’s viewing window. “I don’t know, Novastrike, why don’t you look and see for yourself.”
The small femme jumped up to see what it was Guard was laughing about. A smile flashed across her features as she looked at the dirtball of a planet they were settling on, her optics wide.
“Woah,” she breathed out slowly. “That’s a lot of Knoech’ols.”
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