#lightning bolt zolt
orangepanic · 1 day
Voices in the Night
Ikki couldn't sleep. The moon was too bright and there was a hummingbird moth that kept tap tap tapping at her window and her head was too full of thoughts. So up she went, using a cushion of air to glide down the hallways so her mother wouldn't hear her steps and be cross.
Once outside the moon was even brighter, like a big wheel of sky bison cheese. Ikki couldn't see the hummingbird moth though. What she did see was a butt. A butt with dangly legs hanging out of one of the open windows.
"Hello, Mr. Butt!" she chirped. There was a yelp and then a man tumbled out into the bush. When he stood he had sticks in his spiky brown hair. "Oh, hi Mako," she corrected.
"Shh!" Mako pressed his finger to his lips like a teacher. His face was all red and his shirt was unbuttoned. "I was only, um, looking for... yeah." Then he took off running across the grass.
"Bye Mako!" Ikki whispered, waving. He was funny. No wonder Korra liked him.
She turned and walked the other way around the residence. A lot of people had been staying on the island lately to help her dad with what to do after those scary Equalists and making a new council and stuff, so she wasn't surprised to see a flickering light on in one of the detached residences.
"I'd never leave you unsatisfied," said a low voice, followed by a wet sucking sound. "Until tomorrow then." The flickering light bounced a bit until it was outside, where it resolved into a tiny flame carried in the hand of a young man Ikki had known all her life.
"Hi, Iroh!" she called. "Can't sleep, too?"
Iroh jumped like someone had blown air up his pants. The flame in his hand winked out. When his eyes finally settled on her she saw him sag in apparent relief.
"What are you doing out of bed, munchkin?" he asked quietly, jogging over. "It's late."
"There was a moon and a hummingbird moth and Iroh, what are all those red smudges all over your mouth? Were you kissing? Oh it'd be so romantic! Who were you kissing, Iroh? Was it a princess? Are you gonna make her a princess? Where's your belt? Are---"
Iroh clapped a hand over her mouth and steered her back in the direction of the house. "I wasn't here," he whispered in her ear. "There's extra candy in it for you tomorrow if you can remember that."
"Mwhf frn nu---" Iroh released the hand over her mouth. "Okay, goodnight General Not Here, I like rock candy, the apple ones, and I hope it was good kissing and that you go home and have good dreams about your princess where you get married and I'm invited and you fly away on a dragon together into the sunset and have lots of babies."
Iroh rubbed at his mouth with the back of his hand, blushing. "Go to bed."
Ikki waved at his back and started back to the front door. The idea of candy made her remember there were leftover sweet buns in the kitchen which no one could tell her she couldn't have if they were asleep.
Suddenly a dark shape detached itself from the shadows of one of the far buildings. Ikki stopped in her tracks. There were no more Equalists, her father said, and no bad guys coming to get them. Still, something about the way this person moved screamed "bad guy" all the same. He wasn't walking so much as slinking. A slinky bad guy slinking away from who knew what badness.
Ikki opened herself and sent a jet of air at the man's back. He stumbled with a grunt and wheeled on her and he was old! Old like her daddy was old, with wrinkles and bushy eyebrows and a stripe of white down the middle of his gray hair like a skunk bear.
"What are you doing, kid?" he growled.
"We don't want any Equalists," Ikki said firmly, hands on her hips.
The big man's posture relaxed. Then, of all things, he laughed.
"Me, neither, kid," he said. "I hate those buggers."
Ikki snorted. Buggers. Like bugs. "So why are you slinking?"
"Visiting an old friend," he said. He rubbed at the corner of his mouth and smiled. "We're getting reacquainted. I like doing that on your island. It's fun for me. Do you know what irony is?"
Ikki did. "It's what auntie Lin bends."
A grin cracked across the man's craggy face. "She sure does bend alright," he said. Then he shook his head with a sharp laugh and started off in the direction of the ferry. Ikki wondered if he was going to meet Mako and Iroh for something. Maybe they were having a tea party.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
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sooo I’m insane about mako right. well. well ho hum well do you remember the other ball of repressed rage firebending member of team avatar.
yeah so imagine the timeline gets switched up a bit. aang (sorry aang ily but it’s for the plot) dies a lot earlier so the gaang is all in their early thirties late twenties when the krew start to be born. none of the major plot events are going to really change (gaang will be atla white lotus age by canon, almost 60s) and rc has for the most part been established.
boom around ten-fifteen years later they’re all around fourties. the krew is in the ten-fifteen y/o age range—korra’s training in the compound, asami is being groomed into a businessgirl, but yk what that means for my favorite bending brothers? the streets.
the gaang minus aang are still active and about (sokka is alive Because) so it’s zuko’s turn to help toph run the underbelly of rc. she always gripes that she’s doing fine in her old age (she’s like,, 38) and they can just leave her alone with the damned city to rot (she mostly hates her job. only reason she sticks with it is because it’s a sort of backwards way to take care of su and lin*. if the city streets are safe, there’s no reason not to let them off free) but of course the gaang has a rotation anyway. they try to stay sort of in contact after ending a hundred year war together because that’s kind of big.
*by the way sokka is not their dad. they were made in a terrarium because toph Built kids out of boredom and aang gave them bending as a joke and they just. grew. became alive. idk it seems more in character than toph having kids the normal way.
so anyway zuko is out patrolling. he’s on gang-spotting duty, so basically toph has the aging fire lord running around after guys who graffiti gang signs on walls and Politely Asking where their hideout is. today he happens to stumble upon an inter-gang scuffle. it’s pretty typical, and he’s moving to stop it when—boom, lightning and screaming. now, it was mostly thanks to his (and a reformed azula, because she will be getting in here somehow) efforts that lightningbending masters took hold and spread the subbending more commonly, but it’s still not typical to see it in poorer areas. yet there’s one person with a gang rumored to have it—you guessed it, zolt!
so zuko goes chasing after the source of the lightning, thinking toph is gonna be so happy she won’t punch him for a week and keep her griping to a minimum once he brings in one of the biggest thorns on her side.
but it’s not zolt he’s chasing. it’s twelve year old mako, scared shitless that the firelord is chasing him down and nowhere near fast enough to outrun him or hide. none of zolt’s cronies are dumb enough to try and bail him, he knows, but he also doesn’t want to leave bolin waiting on a dead brother.
zuko catches him, baffled that ‘zolt’ is so small. mako says nasty shit (because in best impression of 12 y/o mako voice : royalty. You are the 1% that makes Us like this) trying to wriggle free, revealing himself as definitely not zolt.
Zuko stares at this grimy, angry little twelve year old with old, peeling burn scars (I’ll make a post soon about the scars he definitely has from like,, everything) and fresher lightning scars and is like,, hmm. tiny angry firebending child with scars and likely insurmountable levels of trauma=me as a child who just needed some guidance and turned out fine (not really but it’s the thought that counts)
and then he uses his brain really hard and decides he will give tiny angry firebending child with scars and likely insurmountable levels of trauma guidance. so mako gets picked up by the scruff and is dragged, kicking and screaming, by the firelord to the police station.
toph hears a child shrieking and is immediately like no. get it away. out of my police station NOW. and mako is like YES get me out of her police station NOW. and they have a moment of commiserating mako’s presence in the police station together.
but then zuko is like what if we gave him Guidance. toph says bring that bullshit to katara and gtfo. cue lin and su, annoyed teenagers/young adults around canon krew’s ages for highest potential siblingism. btw the beifong relationships are much better in this. su is immediately like. can we keep him mom please. lin agrees with toph and wants it OUT she just started working here and tenzin’s yapping about kids does not need to follow her to the bullpen.
mako is put into police custody (su drags him around with her and watches him overnight). he wheedles her into finding bolin and becomes much more agreeable when he has his brother to hold in a death grip. when asked to separate, he threatens multiple creative methods of murder.
this got really out of hand but the idea is that katara and sokka side with zuko and they all gang up on toph, who somehow caves and agrees to let zuko give Guidance to tiny angry firebending child with scars and likely insurmountable levels of trauma. she forces bolin on suyin but she doesn’t mind too much, shoving metalbending down his throat.
korra meets them earlier on, finally having some friends her age! they’re all really really weird though so none of them are well adjusted when korra finally runs away to rc (they follow her everywhere). how terrible. but mako and bolin are like 5000x stronger without even trying and they also have money.
all three teenage freaks meet asami (who is immediately endeared by their weird asses), shit goes down, but this time featuring nebulously-father zuko, favorite person-without-title-but-probably-scary-aunt azula definitely mom-adjacent katara, weirduncle sokka, toph who goes to the swamp whenever she wants because lin is basically chief of police already and big sisters lin, su, kya and izumi. also featuring cousin-ish iroh II and long distance/reluctant (respectively) older brothers bumi and tenzin.
I believe both mako and bolin, if possible, would be considerably more batshit insane considering who they were raised by, but also more calculated on mako’s part because azula absolutely got her time in with him. I think katara would’ve taught them, for an absolute worst case scenario, how to handle bloodbending, so they would’ve wiped amon. I think mako, considering azula, definitely wanted the kill with that lightning on amon but, considering azula, knew it would only turn him into a martyr for the equalists to rally behind without exposing him first.
also puppy love makorra in the compound. then korrasami in rc because pretty girl with a bike but then ‘sorry I kind of have a crush on your childhood best friend korra but I’m still in love with you’ ‘WOAH sick really? same lol.’ ‘we should all kiss.’ then makorrasami!!!!
so yeah I totally lost my train of thought but that’s like. generally it(?)
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linnorabeifong · 4 months
Thinking about young, broke Zolt and his crush on the earth kingdom heiress.
“Zolt was never one for cactus powder or any of the other hard stuff his friends all tried. When it came to vices he liked something relaxing, a smoke out in the fresh air or a smooth drink. Him and Lin were the same in that regard. Only she drank the finest fire whiskey yuans could buy and took drags from cinnamon flavored cigarettes. He drank whatever liquor he could afford.
He laughed as he lit a cigarette. Lin wouldn’t touch this ‘cheap shit’ if her life depended on it. He couldn’t disagree with her. It tasted awful. But taste wasn’t the point.
It was the ritual. The few minutes respite in the icy night air. Watching the smoke disappear. Focusing on his breathing as he took a drag and then exhaled. It kept his mind from wandering, kept him from thinking about her. Her pretty hair. Her curves. Her biting remarks. How cute she was when she was angry.
He didn’t need to think about that now. He had work to do. He put out his cigarette and returned to the warehouse ready to finish the job. Some nights he regretted getting tangled up with the Agni Kai’s. Tonight was one of them.”
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Any Linzolt headcanons 👀
Here's a few:
Both Lin and Zolt consider themselves to be living a double life- their relationship is their big secret-other-life. Zolt is Lin's "friend from the bad part of town" and vice versa.
Zolt likes to massage Lin's feet at the end of a long day. It starts off with feet, winds up with her legs until they end up in bed together. Lin knows "massage" is code for something else now, but she makes sure to get a good massage out of it anyway.
Mako is the first person from Lin's life to find out about the two of them. It takes him a looooong time to process their relationship.
Lin has a secret case file wherein she has been working on finding traces of Zolt's family to reunite them. She has been working on this for decades to no avail.
Zolt has had lunch with Kanto once- he had no idea he was Lin's father, and Kanto had no idea he was Lin's boyfriend.
Lin starts bringing Zolt to family reunions and events after the events of this fic and nobody is allowed to freak out.
Zolt buys lacey lingerie for Lin and she thinks it's hilarious how his motors start running when he sees her in them.
Bolin hears Zolt refer to Lin as his best friend (at the time he didn't know who Lin was/that she was a cop) when he's a kid and figures that's the kind of love he wants when he grows up.
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salty-medley · 7 months
Gossips at the RCPD
It was one of my fave #linbeifongsweek prompts and I'll post it right now because I'm not sure if I'll have time for it in november.
I have a young police officer OC ( the middle one) who shamelessly litteraly ships his boss with one of their biggest old targets and apparently he's not the only one...
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“You've got some fucking nerve showing your face in here.” Lin stood, her fingers leaving indentations on the steel surface of her desk. “I ought to have you booked for trespassing.”
The threat seemed to fly over his head as he drew closer, his gaze fixed on her abdomen. “It’s true,” Tenzin said, his eyes clouded with emotion and voice reduced to a broken whisper. “Lin, you’re…”
“I’m on my fucking lunch hour,” she said. “So if you haven’t been the victim of a crime, I suggest you get out before I start throwing things.” 
“Do your worst,” Tenzin replied, finally meeting her gaze. “Throw things, swear, call me every name in the book, but by Yangchen, Lin, explain!”
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hummingintheback · 1 month
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Doesn't it bother you?
That all everyone talks about when they talk about you, are the 4 husbands of Lin Beifong?
No, because they are just husbands
I am Lin Beifong
And anyways, I think once people know the truth,
They will be much more interested in my wife.
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bearsandbeansart · 9 months
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“Have you had enough whiskey to dance yet, or should we order another round?”
Lin smiled despite herself. “We can dance,” she said, “but don’t blame me if I end up stepping on your toes.” xx
For @atlararepairbigbang, to go with the fic Dissonance. Please give the author some love and give it a read!
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yell0wsalt · 3 months
Say It: Chapter 2
“I should probably go. I’ve very likely overstayed my welcome.”
At Tenzin’s words, Lin sucked in cool air sharply through her teeth. Brows ever so slightly pinched and jaw hardened, Lin’s expression was void. Her eyes darkened to a forest green, boring into his intensely, hardly sparing a blink.
“Yeah. I guess so.”
Wordlessly, Tenzin moseyed about Lin’s apartment to pick up any trace items he had or found laying around. 
As expected, he didn’t have much with him.
However, that did not stop him from lingering to straighten up a few areas around Lin’s living space. Picking up spare glasses here, moving a stray pillow there. 
It was a minute later that Lin pushed her chair back from the island she was sitting at and wordlessly joined in, sparing the occasional glance at his back.  
When all was said and done, they found no explicit reason to dawdle. Walking Tenzin to the door was simultaneously too long and too short. 
Continue here
Decided to run with this storyline a little longer. Let's see what happens.
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wilcze-kudly · 4 months
Zolt: It's nice to meet the other Beifong fucker
Baatar Sr: please don't say that
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nyamadermont · 2 months
Looking Out From Above
#FFF240 Broken Moonlight
Avatar: Legend of Korra
994 words
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Yu Jin wasn’t entirely sure how the stuffed Juji and Roh-Tan had made it into her private space above the register, but when she looked at their green name tags, and felt the metal, she had a suspicion.
But they were cute, and fit nicely under her arms and chin as she got under the covers and settled down for the night.
She wriggled a little bit, lining up her bones on the little mattress she had kept with her since running away from that lady. It felt thin when she was really tired, but it was the only thing that was really hers. 
Juji’s whiskers tickled her nose, and she giggled. Just a little bit. No one could hear her. 
Ok, it was almost the only thing. 
She nuzzled Roh-Tan’s side and fell asleep. 
The crash startled her awake, but when it was quiet after that, she decided maybe Tan had just fallen out of bed again. 
It made her sad. 
The first few times, she had gone running over to his bed, but he was never there. He was always coming out of the water closet, a towel in his hands. He would throw the towel over his shoulder and give a big yawn, stretching his arms almost wide enough to hit the walls. 
He’d ruffle her hair and say, “Sorry, kid. My bed just isn’t big enough sometimes. You’re the smart one. If you sleep on the floor, you can’t fall, can you?”
He’d smile at her, but it never felt the same as when he smiled in the daytime. 
She would open her arms for a hug. He’d bend over and pull his hands up to her shoulders. 
The first time Tan had wrapped her in a hug, she had gotten all tight and stiff and scared. She didn’t really know why. 
That time, he just put his huge hands on her little shoulders, but really lightly. It was almost like they weren’t really there. He squatted down low and looked at her. “Did I scare you?” She shrugged and pushed his hands off her. But she didn’t run away.
He pulled his hands back and sat down on the floor.
“I won’t do that again, Yu Jin. I’m sorry.”
She hugged herself and rubbed her arms. “It’s ok.”
He didn’t say anything. He put his hands down on his knees and just sat still.
That night was the first time he told her, “You can leave if you want to. But you can always come back. If you want to.”
She couldn’t hear much from her little spot, but she knew he hadn’t gone back to sleep yet. She thought about getting out of bed and asking for some tea, but Juji’s whiskers tickled her nose again and she sneezed.
“Juji! Stop that!” she fussed at the stuffed animal.
And then she giggled about telling a stuffed animal to stop doing something.
She tried to imagine what Lin was like, using her bending to put the little toys in her spot without coming in. Did she wave her hands? Did she throw them up to Tan to put away? Did Tan throw them onto her mattress from outside her curtain?
She hugged the toys a little tighter and snuggled into her blankets.
“Lin? I know it’s late…”
Yu Jin rubbed her eyes. When she opened them, she could only see a little glow from the streetlight outside, where it sort of bounced off the ceiling.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
She pulled the toys tighter to her chest. She knew there were nights Tan didn’t sleep, but he’d never said much to her about it.
“I hope I didn’t wake you.”
Tan chuckled.
“Ok, maybe waking you up would be better than that.”
Yu Jin thought about those times she heard Tan and Lin talking in the morning before she had to get out of bed. The way their voices stayed low and soft. She heard her name sometimes. They almost always laughed.
Tan’s voice was a little like that, but Yu Jin missed hearing Lin’s voice, too.
“Yeah. It was a bad dream.”
Tan sighed.
“Yeah. That bad dream.”
He had never told her about his bad dreams.
He had listened to her talk about finding herself in the lady’s house. The lady telling her she lived here now and she had to stay. She had to stay quiet. She had to clean the dishes. Getting punished all the time. Getting little bits of food to eat.
“I can’t ask you….”
“Are you there?”
Yu Jin rolled over and pulled the curtain open, just a little. It took her a minute to find him. He was sitting below the phone with his knees pulled up tight. The faint glow from the streetlights was just enough to see that he was still holding the receiver in his hands. He had to have been standing up to talk to her. 
She couldn’t see his face, but she could hear him breathing. It was almost like he was shaking, but his hands were still.
She couldn’t remember him sitting so still before.
The bell jingled only once.
Yu Jin looked over to the door, and saw Lin’s left hand raised as she closed the door with her right. Above the door, the bell was frozen, upside down.
Lin made a small motion, and the bell pivoted back down to its correct position, but it didn’t ring.
She looked around, but didn’t move. “Tan? Are you out here?”
Behind the counter, he just said, “Here.”
Lin’s bare feet made no noise.
Just as she turned to face him, a cloud must have moved, because moonlight flooded in around the posters and signs in the window.
Lin knelt and opened her arms.
Tan reached for her, and bent his head to her shoulder.
From her spot above, Yu Jin watched Lin hold Tan, washed in the broken moonlight.
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linnorabeifong · 14 days
Don’t know why I haven’t posted this yet
depressing linzolt because they reek of tragedy to me.
“Don’t fucking lie to me, Zolt,” she hissed getting up from her chair. 
“You want to talk about lying, Lin ? Let’s talk about lying. You lie constantly. You lie to me, you lie to yourself, you lie to everyone. I don’t want to hear the same I’m fine crap you say to everyone else because you’re not fucking fine. I thought you could at least be honest with me of all people,” 
massive tw mind the tags on the fic please
tw for miscarriage
originally considered deleting it after i first posted it and then realized even bad fanfic has a place. Is it ooc ? Hell yes but Ao3 is my sandbox. Don’t like don’t read.
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Hi Mochi! I'm so sorry I'm taking forever to get to this ask- but it's totally your fault- you know I'm indecisive- I'm a Libra and I couldn't choose which fic to go with🫠
So after much procrastination, I have picked: Somebody Come Geeeeeeeed Her She's Dancin' Like A…
This is my stripper!Lin fic.
Spoilers below. Be warned.
I had a lot of plans of continuing this- prequel, sequel, multi-chap the whole shindig but alas, the world is cruel. Although, just answering the ask is giving me a fantastic idea.
Anyway, coming down to the fic- a 20-something year old Tenzin is reluctantly taken to a strip club by Bumi where he is completely smitten by one of the strippers. Convinced that the woman wearing close to nothing on stage is Lin, Tenzin abandons his brother to go find her and see if it really is Lin. But whether or not this woman is his good friend, Captain Lin Beifong, Tenzin is experiencing love at first sight.
I'm laughing as I'm typing this, but we all know Lin's hot as balls and to have her be a stripper would be everything. As I was first writing this fic, I kinda decided that the stripper would actually be Lin's doppelganger from the bronx south side (known to be a shady area of Republic City) and Tenzin would feel like he's being gaslit. Jade's boyfriend would be Lightning Bolt Zolt while Tenzin's friendship with Lin keeps getting tested over this. But then I changed my mind, and decided to go with undercover Lin who's working with one of the up and coming triads based in the south side- of course, this has to be secret and nobody other than Saikhan knows about this. He often covers for her and ever since Tenzin discovers Jade, Saikhan has been working overtime lol.
But coming to the fic itself, where I got to include none of this, I wanted to establish just how attracted Tenzin is to Lin. He supposedly falls for Jade and that's only because as Jade, she gives him the time of day while Lin doesn't. Lin enjoys being Jade because that's the only time Tenzin will properly shoot his shot- with Lin, he's too tightly wound. And well, while Jade may a boyfriend (Lightning Bolt Zolt), for convenience (and so that she can be trusted by the triads), Lin secretly is in love with Tenzin.
And it's funny cuz Tenzin loves Jade, Jade "loves" Zolt, Zolt- who sees Lin at the RCPD once is obsessed with this more high strung, difficult, stick-in-the-ass version of his girlfriend- and therefore into Lin, who in turn, is into Tenzin who just won't make a move!
RIP to all my good ideas. Unfortunately for its audience, this director only publishes the very pretty, pointy tip of her icebergs.
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Whatever you're into, Mr. Zoltan. No judgement. #roleplay #shibari #mask kink
Tell us his fantasy in Avatar: Year of the Dragon.
Prompt list here. Event rules here.
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wishingforatypewriter · 2 months
I strongly feel that young Linzolt and Bumizumi went on double dates, and even vacationed together in the Fire Nation. Izumi would have taken them all boating on one of the royal yachts—Lin and Zolt sipping drinks and lounging on deck chairs, and Bumi goading Izumi into diving in the water with him (the two of them holding hands as they took the plunge, of course). Then, Zolt and Izumi would have discussed the merits of various brands of fire whiskey and cigars, while Lin and Bumi exchanged stories of their operations within the United Forces and the RCPD. And when he got back to Republic City and Tenzin was forlornly wondering who Lin was seeing, Bumi wouldn't have said a word.
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