#like ‘okay i have some time to get to this part of the sunless city because there’s this much sand’
nyktomorphia · 4 months
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(I've started the worse habit of taking pictures of sketches and getting partway through explaining them and then forgetting it's still in Drafts)
The reason I was sketching fantasy camels a while back, by the way, was... okay, let me back up
In the NieR games there's a labyrinthine desert city called Façade, inhabited by the Masked People. Façade is governed under a long list of esoteric rules that outsiders find frustrating, but the Masked People are all pretty content with it, and there are indications that every rule originally had a really good reason it was created no matter how pointless it seems now.
This would just be a Neat Thing sitting in the back of my brain... if not for the fact that in Sunless Sea there's an island called Visage, inhabited by descendants from Amarna who now live by a complex system of esoteric social norms dictated by the kind of animal mask you wear.
To my knowledge there's no direct influence between them, which catches my imagination further. "Cities of masks and rules" is so distinct it feels like an otherworldly fantasy archetype, a trope that only caught on in another timeline the way elves and dwarves did in ours. (A friend pointed out it has a certain hint of orientalism - veiled courtiers whispering in desert palaces - though a rather abstract kind.) But exploring strange human cultures is part of what I like doing with Cosmodesy, and the seeds of my own version finally clicked into place.
The Mawlayani say that the city of Mazhar was founded centuries ago by their ancestors, former slaves lost in the desert on the verge of death who discovered a hidden oasis. They took this as a sign and settled there, giving their thanks to Sarab, a trickster god of secrets and illusions. Some centuries later, changes in trade turned Mazhar into a convenient stop for merchant caravans. The city has flourished to the limits of the aquifer below, and water supply has been carefully managed ever since overuse led to a nearly disastrous drought. To merchants, however, the problem is invisible, and it is counted as merely another of the Mawlayani's many eccentricities.
The statue in Sarab's temple is famously faceless, signifying the god's infinite appearances. The desert buries its blessings in the shifting sand, and the sun hides them among countless tricks of the light. For the same reason, the scarves worn to prevent sunstroke became the Mawlayani custom of concealing their faces in public at all times, which by the era of Mazhar's prosperity evolved into personalised masks. Traditional Mawlayani masks rarely resemble an actual face, with historical examples ranging from elaborate floral embroidery to minimalistic shapes framing the eyeholes. Symmetric calligraphy is a popular modern style.
I have no idea if Mazhar is in any of my existing worlds or if it's its own thing. Probably Takiwa if any of them.
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doorplays · 11 months
Door Reviews: Mask of the Rose (2023)
Failbetter Games has had me on the hook since their browser game Fallen London (2009). I started it maybe 2013(?) and have fallen (heh) in love with the setting ever since. It’s so eldritch and strange yet somehow modern? Even tho it’s set in I think the late 1800’s? I love it.
My gaming blog actually started out as me blogging my experiences from one of their later games, Sunless Sea (2015). I played it a lot, but in time I moved on to other games, and so my blog evolved. I still played their games when I could, and even kickstarted their next two games. The first was Sunless Skies (2019), a sequel to Sunless Sea. And the second is this game, Mask of the Rose! And so we come here, to this review. Let’s get crackin’!
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What’s it about? Mask of the Rose (2023) is about the early days of the Fallen London world. You are a Londoner who was there when the city fell down deep into the earth. And now you must adjust to the new world that has unfurled before you because of this. You start a new job as a census worker thanks to your friend, and from there you try to live your life, and perhaps even find love and/or friendship along the way, if you so choose! It is a mystery game that’s wrapped in a dating sim package, which I find interesting as I myself haven’t really played much dating sims, but have played a fair amount of investigation games, and thus my interest was piqued.
STYLE (Gameplay, Graphics, Music)
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Gameplay revolves chiefly around visiting in-game locations and talking to characters. You can typically talk to 2 characters in one day, one in the Morning, and one in the Afternoon. Each character has a lot to say, and they even have quests of their own! There are a lot of them to talk to, with varying backgrounds, so there’s a lot to discover.
When talking to the characters, your wardrobe actually matters. Wearing clothes that you think would ingratiate you with the character you will talk to will make it more likely that they’ll be cooperative with you and your questions. This part of the game felt nice in theory, but felt like a bit of a hassle in practice IMO. Just felt like a hassle being asked every time if I think what I was wearing was good enough, I think?
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After some time, you are introduced to the Building Stories mechanic, where you craft stories based on the needs of the characters. You have to fill in who’s who, their motives, and their actions. The game will then make a story at the side that’s based on what you filled up. These stories vary in use, but the mechanic is chiefly for solving the mystery in this game.
Gameplay for me feels kind of… basic? Though really, the gameplay is just a vehicle for us to experience the story. My main complaint really is that on first play, going through the text feels slow. I wish I can modulate the speed of the text to my liking. The Building Stories part felt like it was okay enough for the game, but I wish I had more opportunity to use it, and I wish it had more of an effect on the game world. I loved the concept of making a variety of stories for one of the characters, but they didn’t have much of a reaction to them I think.
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The vibes of the game feel pretty good. It feels like there’s something strange in the air, something threatening, and yet there’s still a comfort to be had. You may be in uncharted territory, but you are still home. You are still with friends. And you may yet meet people who will be there for you.
The art is beautiful. The backgrounds are great and feel aptly lit. The characters feel solid. I love the variety of the character roster! The music… feels too sedate in my opinion. It does feel ominous, but I think it could use a bit more oomph. It might just be my own tastes though! Overall, the style is great, but the gameplay is just Okay for me.
SUBSTANCE (Story, Characters, Impact)
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This is my first time really sinking my teeth into a dating sim and let me tell you, I did NOT expect to enjoy one this much! It was just great fun flirting with all of these characters as a person who hasn’t really flirted much in real life. The vibes between me and the characters felt nice, and it was nice getting to know them more.
What’s nice about this game is that you have the option to not pursue any romance. There’s a fair amount of modularity: you can go in pursuing both romance and intimacy, you can go in pursuing just one or the other, or you can even go in pursuing neither, just friendship! It cares about what the player wants, and adjusts accordingly, which is nice for this kind of game.
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Beyond the romance, it’s nice to experience once more the delightful weirdness of the Fallen London world. The malevolence of devils, the industry of clay men, the ponderous nature of bats… there’s a lot to discover and experience. And in a world that, at its heart, is about love and the lengths you go for it, it’s very apt to do a dating sim game here.
The twists and turns the story takes… it really does feel true to the world. Eldritch, tragic, and yet… full of love. Unravelling the mysteries felt very rewarding, and seeing them through was very much satisfying. I loved it!
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Mask of the Rose has a world and story that leaves you wanting for more. While it has some pacing issues with regards to the user experience, the art, story, and overall worldbuilding makes it all worthwhile. I recommend this game if you’re interested in a cool dating sim/mystery game!
Door Rates Mask of the Rose: 4/5!
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gendernewtral · 2 years
i love seeing other people post about the mechanics of outer wilds like. we’ve all experienced crashing your ship into ash twin trying to get to ember twin. we all know the pain of going “ive totally got this” before smashing into bits of debris around brittle hollow. we all know how absolutely maddening it is to hear the sun music when you JUST got somewhere cool and know it’s gonna be hard to get back there
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Epilogue)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 3498 Warnings: fluff
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: This is it 🥺🥺 I’m so sad we’re at the end but I couldn’t be happier by all of your reactions, even when things weren’t at their best I loved hearing your screams. Now we can all cry together as we say goodbye. Thank you so much for reading their story. Btw I started a Patreon for those who would like to support me. 
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Breath fogs the window as you stare out of it, a grey haze has rolled over the city, the sky a sunless landscape of thick clouds and cold winds. It snowed the other day and what remains on the streets has become soot covered or murky slush. It’s nicer to stare at the white dusting on the branches of the trees below, taking in the soft peace of the afternoon.
The world has grown quieter over the past few weeks, your world at least. You can’t say the same for the hoards of people in Times Square, packed like sardines as they count down the hours for the ball to drop.
Graduation was behind you. Nearly two weeks ago you finally crossed that stage to receive your diploma. Technically the real one was still coming in the mail but it’s the symbolism that counted. All of your friends cheered as your name was called, tears of joy and relief welling up in your eyes as you did it– you finally did it!
Wanda hugged you tight afterwards, both of you letting your tears fall. She adjusted your graduation cap, decorated with a lightning bolt for Pietro. It was the first thing you did when you received your garments, to make sure a part of him was with you on such an important day. You left her arms for Peggy and Steve’s, then Sam, Natasha and Clint and then there was Bucky.
He grabbed his crutches, lifting himself up from the chair though you didn’t make him walk. A few steps closed the gap between you and you held him, your arms securing around him as a precaution as he balanced on one leg.
His smile was so beautiful as he murmured, “I’m so proud of you,” holding his gaze before you kissed tenderly, humming against his lips.
You’ve been dating ever since that day in the hospital and life couldn’t be better, especially since you and Bucky laid out some terms. From now on you would always be honest with each other, never holding back your feelings. You were a team who loved and respected each other to talk and more importantly listen.
Bucky managed well on crutches but there were still things he couldn’t do, taking for granted days he could have gone outside for a walk. Sure he had muscles, but his arms were killing him, especially on the days he had to go to the doctor for a checkup. He started physical therapy too, to keep up with strength and flexibility for the rest of his body.
It was exhausting but you were there to help him almost every step of the way. Showering was a pain though Bucky insisted on some independence, wrapping up his cast as he sat on a cold plastic chair that extended over the tub. It made him feel like he had aged 80 years but he got over it.
You did what you could to help him heal but the greatest comfort Bucky found was when you were cuddling together. He cherished those moments the most, when you held him, resting your head against his chest, or when his head was in your lap as he stretched across his couch, your fingers lazily combing through his hair.
It was the quiet moments together, crossing the threshold of intimacy in new ways. This was the slowest Bucky has ever gone since he was in middle school, swallowing a nervous gulp before asking if it was okay to hold a girl’s hand.
Life after had been a blur; his guard up, women in and out, no chance to settle, in and out, no connection, faces blend together, names are nothing more than letters on his phone for a good time, in and out. It was all noise, a constant buzzing in his head until you came into his life.
You’ve opened Bucky’s ears and the noise became sweet music. You’ve opened his heart, the melody it sings is a love song and he’s soaring. He doesn’t waste time on regrets, instead he spends each and every day getting to know you and love you in new ways.  
You celebrated Thanksgiving together, with his parents coming to your apartment so Bucky didn’t have to travel. George brought most of the food over, it wasn’t barbecue but it was just as delicious. And this year you had the time to bake a pumpkin pie.
Your days were spent working at The September Foundation up until graduation. Elena hired you for Metro-General and you start there on the first Monday of the new year. Ideally, you’d like to still volunteer when you can and knowing Tony it’s something he fully supported. Things couldn’t be better.
“Doll, are you ready?”
Bucky’s voice pulled you away from the window and you climb off his bed and into his waiting arms. The basketball shorts he wears reveals his skinny left leg, paler than the other thanks to the dry flakiness he’s still working on remedying. He was in a cast for almost three months and just got it off a few days ago. You went with him, holding his hand as he beared weight on his weak muscle after so long.
He just finished the strengthening exercises he was supposed to do every day and now he needed to shower. You both did actually since tonight was Natasha and Clint’s annual New Year’s Eve party. You pull your shirt off, tossing it somewhere behind you and Bucky follows you to the bathroom. He can shower without his seat now but it doesn’t mean he didn’t want help and you happily obliged. The water ran cold by the time you actually finished and you really didn’t mind at all. Now that Bucky’s cast was off you were looking forward to getting even more physical again.
Though you showered at his place you finished getting ready at yours since you could. Living next door to your boyfriend was obviously convenient. You were able to be together and still have the space you needed. For now it worked though you can see yourself moving in together. A smile stretches across your face when you think of it, Bucky playing his music, no walls in between, a far cry from how things began.
You open your closet to find a dress that would work for the theme of this year’s party which they claimed was winter except they asked all their guests to wear either red or green. You bit your tongue, thinking that sounded more Christmas than winter but you didn’t argue, it wasn’t your party. You pulled out a crimson colored dress that had a beautiful lace overlay. The back was sheer and though it was a little short you felt it was seasonally appropriate with its long sleeves. You finished your hair and makeup, finishing off with gold chandelier earrings and peep-toe heels.
A rhythmic knock rapped at your door and you knew it was Bucky. Opening the door your jaw dropped. Maybe it was the fact that you had mostly seen him in shorts and sweatpants over the last three months, and not that he didn’t make those look good, but the outfit he was wearing now looked incredible. He looked sharp in a juniper green suit with a soft tartan design, a brighter green patterned tie stood out against his light shirt. His shoes were dark brown with a hint of mahogany that reflected in the light and even though he looked amazing you were surprised he didn’t opt for sneakers to be more comfortable with his leg.
“Fuck, you look beautiful,” he spoke first, biting his lip as he looked at you up and down.
He shaved since you left him and your hands went to cup the smooth skin of his cheek. “Not more beautiful than you.”
You pressed your lips to Bucky’s, deepening the kiss with your tongue which was probably a bad idea since it only increased your urge to rip Bucky’s suit off and take him right there. You forced yourself back from him, walking towards your couch to grab your bag.
Bucky followed you as quickly as he could considering walking still felt a little strange. His arms went around your waist pulling you closer to him as his lips began to kiss your cheek, trailing down your neck. You hummed in delight, exhaling stuttered breaths, almost losing yourself to his touch before you pulled yourself out of it.
“We can’t,” you stressed, reluctantly. “We’re gonna be late, come on.”
He sighed acceptingly, waiting for you to unplug your phone and grab your keys. Just before you were ready to leave his arms wrapped around your waist one more time and Bucky spoke before you could say anything.
“I love you, Y/N.”
The swell of your heart reached your lips as you gazed into Bucky’s eyes repeating the same words you’ve known and felt for so long. After another sweet kiss you locked up your place to take the long trip up one flight.
Clint greeted you at the door, his arms pulling you and Bucky into warm welcoming hugs. Unlike his guests, Clint was dressed in a white suit jacket, with black pants and a matching bow tie. He welcomed you into the apartment that was not filled with as many people as you expected.
There were familiar faces in your friends, including Sam who was able to take off this year. Right away Bucky teased him about his red suit calling him Elmo.
“Yeah whatever Kermit. And what about this one?” Sam teased, pointing at Steve. “That’s all you had?”
Steve blushed pink, feeling insecure about his outfit choice, a cozy forest green cable-knit sweater. “Like I’m supposed to have a fruit punch suit in my closet?”
“It’s cranberry and I look good,” Sam declared, smoothing his hands down the front of his jacket.
You let the boys continue to have fun as you said hello to Wanda and Peggy, both looking beautiful in their dresses. “Where’s Natasha?”
They shook their heads. “Haven’t seen her,” Wanda said, heading towards their marble island to grab a drink.
It was decorated with a row of mason jars, each filled a quarter of the way with coarse sugar mimicking crystal snow, with a candle in every other one and a chunk of bright red cranberries and sprays of cedar leaves sticking out of the others.
“But we just got here, so I dunno,” she finished.
You were looking around for familiar guests, surely the partners of her law firm would be coming again. An older woman sat on the couch talking to another unfamiliar face, the back of their heads glowing thanks to the curtain of twinkle lights that decorated the large walls of the living room. In the corner was their Christmas tree, a tall spruce decorated with frosted pine cone garland, matte red ornaments and thick burlap ribbon.
Clint brushed passed you, kneeling in front of the older woman who looked curiously familiar. Nervous energy was pouring off of him, from the way he kept chewing his nails to the constant tremble of his leg. He smiled as he passed you again standing near the door. With Natasha still not in sight you decided to do a little digging, by way of introducing yourself.
You walked over to the woman Clint had been speaking to, standing in front of her and the two people she was mid-conversation with. The man was big, his Santa-like belly was testing the buttons of his red shirt as it stretched across the material. His eyebrows were bushy and his brown hair was long in the front, looking a little messy as if it had been brushed through with only his fingers. He had a long beard that matched the color of his hair though it had a lot more grey in it.
The woman was beautiful. The emerald top she wore brought out the green flecks of her hazel eyes and her red lips drew you right into her beautiful smile. Her dark hair was braided with a crown, the rest of the locks falling onto her shoulders.
You caught their attention, extending your hand with a smile as you introduced yourself. The older woman spoke first, her voice as soft as a songbird as she told you her name, Edith, followed by the fact that she was Clint’s mother. Well, that explains it. You see the similarities now, the glasses she wore didn’t hide the fact that they shared the same eyes. Even her mouth was the same, thin lips that grew into the same beaming smile.
“I’m Melina,” the beautiful woman said with a Russian accent. “This is Alexei.” She pointed to the man who smiled at you. His grip was strong as he took your hand in his meaty paw. “We’re like family to Natalia,” he grinned proudly.
“It’s so nice to meet you all!” you said, sitting beside them to talk all while in the back of your mind your brain was working to put together why they were here. Sure it’s a holiday but family members have never come to Clint and Natasha’s for New Years before. In fact, Natasha doesn’t even have family. The only “family” you knew of would have to come from Russia to–
Holy shit.
You find an acceptable way out of the conversation, rushing over to Bucky and pulling him away from his conversation. Your hands are jittering with excited energy, eyes as wide as your mouth is open.
“Bucky, don’t you see what this is?!”
He looks confused for a moment before his attention is diverted. Bucky looks past you to another unfamiliar person that walked in. It’s a man with brown skin dressed in all black. A dark goatee framed his face and the straps of an eye patch secure comfortably around his hairless head. Though Bucky tried not to stare he couldn’t help but notice the veining of scars stretching out across his temple and cheek. He stands tall and silent with his arms clasped behind his back waiting.
Clint cleared his throat, a nervous smile settling on his face. ��Now that everyone’s here I’d like to welcome you to… our wedding.”
Gasps of surprise fill the room with everyone rushing up towards Clint as he tries to field questions, hoping no one was truly mad at the abrupt announcement. “I knew it,” you whispered under your breath, gently slapping at Bucky’s arm.
The man in black walked towards the front of the living room, clearly the officiate who asked everyone to get settled as they were about to begin. Clint knocked once on his bedroom door, before taking his place beside the man who introduced himself as Nick.
A young woman with blonde hair slipped out of the door. She nodded to him, cracking a hint of a smile before she settled next to Melina. A moment later everyone’s eyes were drawn to the sound of the bedroom door creaking open again.
Natasha stepped out looking like a dream, in a floor length shimmering ivory gown that showed off her well sculpted shoulders with its high halter neckline, embellished with beautiful beading. She clutched a delicate bouquet of white roses and winter greens with cranberry sprigs woven throughout. Natasha walked up to Clint without fanfare, just the audible sighs of those around her admiring the back of her dress, dazzling and tasteful cut outs that showed off more of her toned body. The fabric cinched above the small of her back, a small train sweeping around her feet.
She handed her bouquet off to the blonde girl, her “sister” you presumed, remembering an old conversation with Clint. Brushing back a loose tendril from her face, Natasha smiled widely as she stared at Clint, bringing her hands forward to connect with his.
Nick began speaking and you took out your phone to capture a quick picture as the impromptu ceremony began. Bucky’s hand found yours, lacing your fingers together as you watched your friends exchange their vows.
Clint’s hands communicated his words in sync as he spoke them. “Natasha, what more can I say to the person that knows me better than I know myself. Because of you the sun shines a little brighter each day, flowers have a sweeter fragrance and my heart is filled with treasured memories. Even the not so great ones like that time in Budapest that I know we remember very differently.”
A chuckle simmers amongst the small crowd and Natasha dips her head down to laugh.
“Because of you my heart found a home, and like my stomach, it will never be empty...” Clint smiled, taking Natasha’s hands in his. “...because it will always be filled with your love, a love that I promise you I will never let go.”
Natasha sniffs, brushing aside a tear as she gathers her thoughts. “Clint, you’ve given me a second chance in life, you’ve shown me what friendship and love truly mean. I promise to trust and respect you and give you the best of myself. I promise to always fight for you, never against you, to be by your side through whatever life brings. I promise to make sure we always have snacks in the house and to clean up all the stains from your shirts when you drop food on them.”
Clint’s shoulders shrugged with acceptance as he chuckled under his breath, “It happens a lot.”
“Yes it does,” Natasha repeated, smiling wider. She exhaled a deep breath before continuing. “I promise to love you through the good times and bad and to choose our love every single day. You are my best friend, my soulmate and I'm the luckiest person on Earth to be able to call you mine.”
You felt Bucky press a kiss to your temple, leaning his head against you as the ceremony continued. When it was time Alexei dug into his pocket, pulling out the rings. With Nick’s concluding words Natasha wrapped her arms around Clint’s neck, and his held her waist; their love sealed with a kiss as everyone cheered in celebration.
They pulled back from each other, Clint resting his forehead against Natasha’s. He brought his hand up, bending his middle and ring finger into his palm. Natasha did the same, their fingertips touching as they signed “I love you” before turning to face their friends and family.
Edith was the first to hug the newly married couple who made their way through everyone until they got to you. Bucky and Clint hugged as he congratulated them. “I can’t believe this.”
“I can.” Natasha laughed, pressing her cheek to Bucky’s as they hugged. She moved to you and you wrapped your arms around her tightly. “We’ve been planning this wedding for so long it was never going to happen unless we did it this way.”
“It was perfect,” you said, pulling back from your hug with a huge smile. “Congratulations, I’m so happy for you both.”
As the night went on you formally met Yelena, the blonde who Natasha grew up with, and learned about her exciting work. You were in similar fields as she worked to free people of human trafficking, mostly young girls that were to be indoctrinated into radical terrorist groups for forced marriage or even espionage.
Her work was more hands-on as she physically raided underground bunkers or warehouses. It made you feel like you weren’t doing enough even though you knew that wasn’t true. All the years spent working towards your goal reaffirmed that, and in just a few days you’ll officially move into your office in Metro-General, across from Elena’s as you begin doing what you’ve always wanted to do, help people.
You’re lost in a comfortable stare as you look at the Christmas tree, realizing the countdown to midnight had begun.
Ten! Nine! Eight! ...
You turn around, looking for Bucky in the small room that was crowded with everyone standing so close together, huddled around the TV that showed the view from Times Square.
Seven! Six ...
The shimmering ball was descending and you were alone until….
Five! Four! ...
“Hey neighbor…” A voice called and you spun around relieved. Bucky smiled, bringing you close into his arms.
Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!
He leaned in, his lips hovering above yours, pausing as you spoke above the roar of cheers. “Have I ever told you how happy I am that you moved in here?” you purred.
“Every day. It’s like music to my ears.”
Bucky smiled tenderly, sealing the small gap between you, kissing you softly as he poured all the love from his heart out and into yours. Your hearts beat to the rhythm of your own symphony, a song that had a rocky beginning of notes that stretched high and low, but now it was a steady ballad you would continue to create together with your love.
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sunshinewhale · 5 years
a snowdrop flower
it blooms in winter.
pairings: minhyuk x reader   pov: unnamed reader, reader centric, second person
genre: not angst???   words: ~2800
*optional* follow up to [ an oxeye daisy ].
notes: can be read stand-alone. probably.
You see Minhyuk again in the first month of winter, when part of autumn still greets you at your doorstep and the first snowfall is still a wishful dream.
It was a coincidence.
It’s not like Minhyuk was faint graphite and you intended to erase him from your life entirely. (If anything, he was permanent marker, the kind that stubbornly remains even when you’ve soaped your skin raw.) It’s not like Minhyuk wanted you removed completely from his existence, either. Neither of you were made to play the part of the scorned ex with a misplaced vendetta. Breaking your relationship was such a violent crime it left a temporary trauma on your innocent history, and before it could mend itself back into the familiarity of friendship, Minhyuk needed the solace of distance, and you needed time.
And time is kind. To injured hearts, time is the best medicine, the gentlest healer that believes in your soul and teaches you that darker nights can eventually be tearless.
You’re doing better. You could even say you’re doing well.
Your emotions are freer, in a cage with the door slightly ajar. Maybe you’re still somewhat restrained by choice and the scars of old habits, but there’s freedom at your fingertips and you’re no longer shackled by the fear of the unknown. You know your heart can survive anything, now. You smile a little more than you used to, you laugh a little more, but you cry a lot more, too.
You happened to pass by Kihyun’s quaint cafe on one of your off days, so you figured you might as well drop in, say hello and grab a drink. Minhyuk was sitting at a table nestled by the window, watching the mundane life of the city, so he spots you a close street away.
When you enter, he moves from his seat and comes up to you. He’s smiling brightly as he presses his warm palms against the winter-kissed redness of your cheeks. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
You look up at him slowly, but you’re not surprised at his presence. He’s smiling at you, and from the crinkles of his eyes to the curve of his lips, you know it’s genuine. Something in your chest settles as your heart recovers another fragment of forgotten peace.
Minhyuk can smile. Minhyuk’s okay.
Minhyuk’s doing well, too.
“It has,” you smile back and it comes with natural ease, “it’s been quite a while.”
You join him at his table. There’s a bit of strain in the atmosphere, but it’s comfortable, and you two play on the safe side. Minhyuk chatters away about everything but nothing, the weather, the upcoming bowling tournament, the shenanigans of his friends. You watch the way sunlight catches in his hair and you bask in his healthy glow. He’s just as radiant as the day you first met him, and that’s really all you could’ve asked for.
“And I told him! A million times! But Kihyun just won’t stop nagging—”
“You didn’t order and it’s been forever since you came in so I just made your regular,” Changkyun interrupts, completely ignoring Minhyuk as he leans over to hand you the latte. “It’s on the house today, I got Kihyun’s approval.”
“I’m sure Kihyun’s disapproval wouldn’t have stopped you,” you quip in thanks, and the younger sticks his tongue out.
“Yeah, because he’s such a little shit,” Minhyuk mutters, pouting, “doesn’t even acknowledge his hyung’s existence.” He’s purposely indiscreet so you and Changkyun hear him loud and clear.
You see Changkyun’s eyebrows raise. His eyes flickers quickly between you and Minhyuk, and the corner of his mouth curls up devilishly. You gave a subtle shake of your head. No, Changkyun. Too soon.
“You betcha. Someone told me good girls dig lil’ shits these days, right baby?” the younger male winks at you as he bites his lower lip suggestively. It’s horridly obnoxious.
“Changkyun,” you deadpan, your nose scrunching up in newfound disgust, “stop that.”
“I’ll see you around, baby,” he drawls, and blows you a dramatic kiss. He cooly turns around and saunters to the counter without looking back.
Minhyuk blinks a few times in dumbfounded stupor before he whips around, eyes levelling you with playful accusation. His fingers clutch his chest in mock hurt. “Since when have you been making moves on Changkyun? Was I that easy to get over?”
You laugh, feeling a deja vu of fondness fill your heart. “It took me so long to learn how to love you, how could getting over you possibly be easy, quick or painless?”
Minhyuk lights up and his laughter joins you. You’re not sure, but your imagination thinks it hears a soft edge of relief in his happiness.
minhyuk: i’m really happy i got to see you, today. :)
you: me too.
You bump into Minhyuk again during the second month of winter, when the sky is a sunless grey and frost is a constant bite at your skin, but there is still no sign of snowfall.
It might not snow this year, you think, what a shame.
It’s raining heavily. Water is pouring from above, as if some sentient being has a sinister motive to drown the city and crown it the next Atlantis. You can’t even distinguish individual raindrops. By chance, both you and Minhyuk ended up seeking temporary refuge at Kihyun’s cafe to see if the rain would let up with some patience.  
Minhyuk checks his watch and bites his lip. He’s been becoming increasingly jittery for the past ten minutes, and you can physically see anxiety running in his veins.
“If I don’t want to be late for my schedule I need to leave now, but I don’t even have an umbrella, then by the time I get there I’ll look like an unlovable drenched mop,” he’s rambling out of restlessness, and you can hear agitation crawling into his voice, “Kihyun will yell at me for tracking in water and Hyungwon is going to laugh at my misery and then I’ll get sick because I’ll be cold and wet and then I’ll be out of commission for the next week.”
He takes a deep breath, exhales, and bites his lip again. There’s enough pressure this time that you’re afraid he might break flesh and end up with a bleeding lip.
“Take mine,” you say simply.
He looks at you with unfounded offense as if you had just cursed at him instead. “Then you won’t have one! What kind of person do you think I am?! I won’t have you out there in that terrible, terrible weather like a defenseless baby!”
You can’t help it. A traitorous chuckle escapes you, and you cover your mouth quickly to stifle it. You feel Minhyuk’s gaze harden on you, he’s very much serious and very much unamused.
“We’ll walk together to the bus stop, and then I’ll take my bus home. You know I live by the station,” you compromise.
He lets out a sulky huff, but he agrees. His eyes narrow at the cheekiness twinkling in your eyes as you lead him out the cafe door. Like a good friend, you hold your tongue and swallow the urge to tease him that he doesn’t have a better option, anyway.
You let out an involuntary hiss as the winter air hits you. The hair on your skin raises in frigid shock and goosebumps dance in tiny prickles along your whole body. Behind you, Minhyuk yelps dramatically in a similar fashion.
“It would be warmer if it would snow,” he says, and he breathes out to watch his breath condense into white puffs.
If the cold was biting, the rain attacked like liquid ice, even on clothed skin. Minhyuk huddles closer to you to keep the fading warmth as he holds the umbrella (because he’s the taller one, he argued, and left no room for disagreement). You hadn’t realized exactly when, but the sneaky man had maneuvered you to his right to keep you on the inside of the sidewalk, safe from unwanted showers gifted by passing cars.
It’s a modest distance to the bus stop, but Minhyuk’s already in violent shivers when you arrive.
His coat is too thin in the first place, and his left side rather soaked. He’s freezing scarlet from the tip of his nose to the curve of his ears and you can hear him sniffling pitifully like a newborn puppy. You sigh softly.
You remove your wool scarf and begin wrapping it around his neck and shoulders. As soon as he realizes what you’re doing, he pouts at you and squirms in protest. “Nooo—”
“You know you’re a summer child,” you are firm, and you hold a finger up to his lips to shush him, “you get sick so easily in colder weather, and you have so much to do, it’s harder on your health. Unlike you, I actually have regular days off. ”
You take your earmuffs off and you have to tiptoe to slide them over his ears, careful to smooth down his hair to preserve his styling.
“Did you think I wouldn’t notice that you were putting in extra effort to keep me dry instead of looking after yourself? Only the left side of you is ridiculously wet.”
In a rare slice of silence, Minhyuk avoids your stern stare for a bit and watches you adjust the scarf on his shoulders instead of meeting your eyes. He has the decency to be a little sheepish, so you let it slide. Once you’re done, he pulls your scarf up to cover his rudolph nose. You think he seems a touch shy. You’re not sure if he’s blushing or if it’s the icy flush of the weather.
You hear a loud sniff.
“Don’t use my scarf to wipe your snot,” you glare at him, rummaging through your bag and handing him a small pack of tissues, “that’s gross.”
He accepts the tissues from you with a grand flourish and puts it in his coat pocket. When he takes his hand out, he holds a finger heart up to your face. His eyes crinkle into mischievous little crescents and you know exactly which grin he’s grinning under the layer of wool.
“How did you know I was thinking it?”
you: did you get there, warm, safe and dry?
minhyuk: yes!!
minhyuk: ...at least, dry enough, lol.
minhyuk: thank you so much! let’s meet up soon so i can return your stuff!! <3
You meet up with Minhyuk in the dead of winter, when all the wonderstruck beauty of the season has already passed, and you are still wishfully hoping for snowfall.
On a whim, you two decide to talk a stroll through the park, to reminisce the past. The naive, innocent past, when Minhyuk had just meant to be friends, when you didn’t know if your heart could handle loving, when neither of you knew what cruel tragedy would break both of you when that simple relationship turned into romance.
You count yourself lucky, because you can find traces of the friendship that you and Minhyuk shared before, glimmering like hidden gold under a limitless sea of wasted trash.
There’s really not much to see, even in the most quaint depths of the park where mother nature slumbers. You hear the brittle crunches of dried life under your steps. The grass has lost its green, the land is barren and littered with mottled leaves. The trees fare no better, stripped naked and quivering for cover. You haven’t seen the sun for days, and you wish it would stop hiding behind an endless blanket of winter fog.
But you have Minhyuk’s company by your side, and just like the past, that’s already enough to make everything seem a little brighter.
“...Sunny. Like the sun. A lot of people call me sunshine.”
“Oh, I’m one of them. I used to compare you to the sun. I still do, sometimes,” you hum, and your vision drifts to the silver-clouded horizon in the distance, “but these days, I think of you more as a snowflake.”
“Snowflake?” Minhyuk asks. There’s a whine to his voice and he’s giving you the stink eye, an over dramatic frown is etching wrinkles in his whole face, “like the good-for-nothing, special snowflakes?”
“No,” you laugh, and wave his displeasure away, “not like that.”
He snorts. “Well, good. Because I’ll have you know I’m a package of delight.”
You laugh again, and your happiness flows into winter’s embrace, lighthearted and airy. Minhyuk’s satisfied with his humor and grins at your laughter, and you think you can find beauty in the bleakness of this season even if snow decides not to grace its presence this year. You fix your gaze on where you think the sun might be shining.
“You’re a snowflake that fell into the palm of my hand and melted away in a brief moment. It was short-lived, but it was such a precious experience. I know I still have countless winters, and I will see countless snowfalls, but I won’t ever be able to catch the same snowflake again.”
You turn to meet his eyes, your heart beating on your sleeve.
Your pulse is steady in sureness, calm in your conviction.
“You will always be you, Minhyuk. You’re not my last love. I know I will love again, and maybe I’ll love many, many times and maybe I’ll love even more, but I won’t ever love anyone like I loved you.”
Minhyuk expression shifts to something else, and he looks at you weirdly. You can’t quite place that something in the light of his eyes, and you wonder if you’ve said something out of line. Your lips part in haste to change the topic when you feel a fleeting coldness settle on your nose like a fluttering hello.
It’s the first snowfall.
minhyuk: i need to see you. i’m outside.
minhyuk: please come.
The first snow is still falling, and winter finally mirrors an enchanted fairytale.
There’s a thin layer of white silk on the ground, but what surprises you is that there’s a light dusting on Minhyuk.
You rush to greet him, worry harsh on your tongue. “What are you doing, Minhyuk? We could’ve met somewhere indoors. Are you trying to get sick—”
He gently grasps your hand, and you involuntarily flinch. His skin is frighteningly frigid, cold but burning red. His nose is running for days and he’s sniffling without restraint. You think he’s been outside for at least an hour for who knows what, and that was your lesser estimate. His fingers are awkwardly stiff, but he slowly laces his fingers in between yours with clumsy tremors.
“I was thinking,” his voice is raspy and wet, and he repeats, “I was thinking.”
“Can’t you think indoors, maybe? Somewhere warmer?”
He shakes his head, shutting his eyes with burdens you might never know, and you purse your lips to give him silence.
“Listen to me,” he pleas, “just listen.”
His words are firmly grounded when he speaks again, and you think he’s never been this serious with you.
“You’re not everything. I can be perfectly happy as friends. I think I can live without you, too.”
He narrows the close distance between you, and his grip tightens slightly to convey his carefully contemplated sincerity.
“But I don’t want to.”
Like the way he always used to, he cradles you with tenderness and touches his forehead against yours. He blinks his uneven blink that makes your heart swell in adoration and his eyes are still glassy with earnesty and pure with clarity.
You can still see yourself in their reflection.
“Let’s try again. Let’s try even harder. This time, let’s be reckless.” Minhyuk breathes, and he’s not promising you anything but the present. “Let’s hurt. Let’s hurt together, and heal together, then smile together.”
He looks a little lost and out of his element. He also looks like he’s found the weakness of vulnerability, but he doesn’t waver even as he searches you for an answer.
He reminds you of you, a few seasons ago.
You lean in and catch his lips. He feels like soft ice, and it’s nowhere near a perfect kiss. It’s a bit wet and Minhyuk is almost unbearably cold, he’s still sniffling and you’re sure he has some snot on his lips. There are snowflakes falling on your face and into your eyes and the chill stings a little against your heated skin but you wouldn't have it any other way.
Okay, you kiss him again and your kiss tells him, okay, let’s try one more time.
It’s in the dead of winter when your love begins to bloom again.
You and Minhyuk don’t need to wait for spring.
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ganymedesclock · 6 years
Masquerade: A Voltron AU
(okay, so it’s not entirely a masterpost but typing this much took longer than I expected)
In the middle of the desert lies the city of Galaxia- a radiant metropolis boasting the latest and greatest technology. Foremost among Galaxia’s crop of inventors and geniuses is the research conglomerate Daibaz, owned by reclusive millionaire Zarkon and its research led by Dr. Honerva Garos, widely regarded for her advances in medicine and humanitarian efforts.
Despite a glowing PR record, Daibaz- and Galaxia in general- has its shadows.
After an unknown chemical leak and a hasty cover-up, certain members of the population have been turning up with strange powers- and many are exploiting those powers to commit crimes. Dubbed “Psykers” by the media, police are frequently left without leads for how to investigate the source of the phenomenon, and often underequipped to match the unknown abilities of the Psykers, it’s created a context of panic where they’re desperate for any kind of ability to catch a Psyker- and even those without particular illegal inclinations get to hiding their powers fast. Masks and pseudonyms are a necessary precaution, but some people aren’t just happy not being criminals...
Some people are becoming superheroes.
Orphaned after the sudden, tragic death of her father and her mother’s disappearance several years prior, the influential young heiress has returned to Galaxia, city of her birth, from her schooling abroad, accompanied by her stalwart-if-strange honorary uncle. While ostensibly coming home to settle her father’s estate, she has another reason for returning to Alfor’s sprawling manor.
Harboring deep suspicions about her father’s business partner and friend Zarkon, Allura sets out to investigate the cryptic message Alfor sent to her three days before his death, accompanied by the gift of four peculiarly clever mice, and whether or not the “laboratory fire” that claimed his life was deliberately set. Of course, stepping off of her plane and right into the Psyker Crisis was not for the record, but a proper scion of the Alteos family is nothing if not resolute.
Investigating renovations she doesn’t remember from her childhood, Allura is able to discover a hidden lab containing pieces of his research into a serum proposed to “elevate potential”- of which the mice appear to have been successful test subjects. Lacking Psyker powers herself, Allura uses the laboratory to build and test a suit of mechanical armor, taking to the front lines of the Crisis as the white-armored Paladin, while civilian side, struggling with a lack of contacts and trying to keep her vigilante activities hidden from Honerva, who after many years of aloof distance is making a seemingly earnest attempt to connect with the daughter of her estranged colleague... always at the worst time.
(But perhaps she could be trusted? Surely, the good doctor couldn’t possibly be aware what Zarkon might be up to...)
Allura’s dearly beloved eccentric father figure and dedicated, if deeply concerned keeper of her secret mission and vigilante activities. He’ll do research, he’ll keep the house clean, he’ll coordinate missions, prepare tea, position pillows when late night adventures get too much, and offer first aid and the occasional (frequent) dry remark, anything for the young miss. Heaven help him if the ruffians Allura seems to be collecting track mud on that rug- that’s imported.
While largely content to toil in relative silence, Coran quietly holds claim to history with some manner of highly classified government intelligence cell- and while his military days are long over, he wasn’t born yesterday young man, and he doesn’t carry that tactical knife around for sentimentality’s sake. And of course then there’s those people he meets for tea and reminiscing about the old days... and possibly, gleaning some intel in the process.
Takashi Shirogane held down an utterly unremarkable security guard job while attending local college. Not that any of that matters, of course, because he’s very definitely, certainly dead- one of the first Psyker-related deaths that sparked major panic and outrage. Not every day the only remains you have of someone are one arm.
The Psyker Wraith, on the other hand, is practically a local cryptid- between his incredible agility and the power to render himself briefly intangible, he’s barely even seen, much less anybody having a hope of catching him. Shrouded in concealing black layers and goggles, he’s identified only by the tuft of white hair that escapes his hood, his unusual metal arm, and the sword he carries, a straight-bladed weapon that he’s able to empower with unusual cutting force. The unnaturally perfect cuts he leaves behind are often the only signal of his passing- despite his power and formidable reputation, he seems rarely interested in destruction, but has been observed attacking certain facilities.
It turns out Galaxia stands atop a labyrinth of sewers, catwalks, and support columns- a sunless, unmapped region where even a legally dead person turned runaway lab rat with a scrambled memory can hide out. Having a surface contact who can smuggle him niceties like changes of clothes, hair dye, and sunglasses to cover up those distinctive electric-colored Psyker eyes (unlike most, he can’t turn those off) helps, but suffice to say not being able to recall who spirited him away from the accident and how he got clear, besides a nebulous connection to Daibaz, is just one of many stresses chewing on his head. Though a not-so-chance meeting with the mysterious “Paladin” may be able to turn things around for him.
Having grown up as far as he knew an orphan, Keith honestly didn’t put that much thought into the fate of his parents, what had happened to them so long ago- until a day before the spill he received a cryptic phone call from an unknown number warning him something was going to happen.
Since then, normal high school has gotten a little less normal and a lot more of an issue, with him and his self-declared rival accidentally discovering they both have superpowers now. In Keith’s case- a precognitive hypersensitivity to his surroundings and the power to generate flames. Which is just another problem he has to deal with, after his best friend went missing and then turned up a month later injured, feverish, and deeply disoriented on his doorstep.
Keith is quick to take to vigilanteism, not out of any particular yearning for justice as much as determined to help Shiro figure out what happened. Like Shiro, he doesn’t come up with his own name, but is dubbed Firefly by local news pundits. Dangerous work, sure, but not as frustrating as the way his sister has started hovering lately because she’s convinced he’s getting mugged on a regular basis.
Lance wanted superpowers, okay? As soon as this Psyker thing hit the news he tried everything, even dragged a totally uninterested Hunk into helping him try to awaken super abilities one way or another. Was right in the neighborhood affected by the spill, went to bed with a weird headache and everything- but no dice, whatsoever, was willing to write himself off as a super dud.
Turns out he copies powers from other people, which was super exciting except the part where he got in hot water with the local punk kid he’d been competing with for most of the school year and accidentally set his pant leg on fire.
While he’s not sure what Keith’s hiding besides the superpowers, intervening in an armed robbery ended up putting himself in the public eye as an unknown Psyker (though he was pretty miffed to discover himself making headlines as “Hoodie Avenger”, it wasn’t like he actually got to use his power without another Psyker around- just the usual being stronger and faster than normal), which ended up setting him on a crash course with Allura when he made exactly the wrong assumption about seeing a seemingly defenseless young woman being attacked by a Psyker.
That said, while accidentally scaring off someone Allura had been hoping to interrogate wasn’t his finest impression, it sure led to a more meaningful partnership. He’s still looking for a way to casually drop the name Echo to the press without risking his identity.
Hunk got the luxury of being a second wave Psyker- initially completely powerless, even though he knew about Lance’s secret and through him, met and started working with Allura, bringing his own ideas to the technology she and the rest of the team were using. Through his awakening, gaining the ability to selectively crystallize parts of his body, the team realized that the Psyker population was actually climbing since the original spill... that was ostensibly cleaned up.
He operates under the pseudonym Granite.
Thanks universe, she already had enough problems with people thinking she was weird before she started sprouting leaves. Pidge is really not sure what besides that her Psyker gift does- and keeps meaning to find out, but it seems obstinate to most of what she’s tried.
She was practically pulled into the team by Lance after he helped her hide during a bad “flare-up”- unlike the rest of the team her control of her powers is iffy, but just because she doesn’t have this actual super thing found out doesn’t mean Dryad isn’t packing a homemade taser she’s not afraid to use.
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moonlight-dragon · 6 years
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Allurance - Roommates AU (Home is where you are) CHAPTER 3
First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
The raindrops were impacting against the glass when Lance woke up. He yawned, stretching beneath the sheets before taking off his headphones. His feet landed on his slippers, leading his half-asleep body through the apartment. It was dark outside, but not a sunless dark. It was the dark that you saw underwater, surrounded by the ocean and looking up to an endless liquid sky.
The rain always made the apartment look like it had been built under the sea, or that it had suddenly became an underwater ship, travelling among the currents.  Had he been at Cuba and he would already be running to scream under the falling drops… but here, well, neighbours didn’t exactly appreciate a boy laughing to the bottom of his lungs on a Sunday morning. Any day or moment in fact.
Everything always felt silent when it rained, as if the storm had absorbed every single sound except the one of its own drops, creating a world whose time seemed to pass in a completely different way. Like being in another dimension as long as the water worked its magic.
Lance smiled, resting a hand over the cold glass of the windows. No matter where you were, the rain was rain and it wasn’t hard to imagine he was in Cuba, waiting for the storm to pass accompanied by the scent of his mum’s coffee. Rain had that power, of taking him home, but the silent it always created reminded him the simple illusion it was… It never mattered how much the water poured outside, the “rain silence” had never been able to beat the noises he called home.
He breathed heavily, wanting the clouds to be the only ones creating water. He headed to the kitchen, with the idea of making coffee in his mind, a “café con leche” to bring the confident Lance back.  
Allura rolled onto the other side of the bed, trying to keep her eyes shut, in hopes to stop waking up more. She wasn’t a morning person… she raised with the Moon and the Stars, not the Sun. She was ready burry herself under the blankets and ignore the obligations imposed to her by humanity’s cycles when something caught her attention. Something that simply was impossible to ignore. 
Reluctantly she blinked, standing up as a sweet coffee scent found its way into the room. She wrapped her body in her robe, feeling the cold wood in her bare feet as her drowsiness resisted to leave her.
Someone was singing. 
And it could be because she had just woken up, but it was beautiful. She stood in front of the door, telling herself that she would listen to it just a little before opening the door leaving the room. If it was a dream, let her enjoy it for a few more seconds. 
“Well, get up, up on the dancefloor, move, it's a Saturday night
I fell in love with the sparkle in the moonlight
Reflected in your beautiful eyes
I guess that is destiny doing it right”
She slowly opened the door, following that youthful charming voice singing a song that somehow had become her favourite. Her arms stretched above her head, followed by a yawn as her feet carried her into that Mediterranean rhythm. Probably Shay had left the radio on…
And dance like they do in the Mediterranean
Spin you around me again and again, and
You're like something that God has sent me
I want you, baby, solamente (…)”
Then the song ended abruptly as her body hit someone, and when the person turned, she couldn’t help but to scream, grabbing his ear as she reduced him to the ground. 
“Who are you?!” she demanded to know, acting out of instinct. “What are you doing in my house?”
“Ahhhhh, ah! Allura, it’s me! Lance!”
“Lance... Lance!” reality hit her, making her remember she didn’t live with Shay anymore, that the person she was reducing was her new roommate and that it was “his” house. 
“Omg I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
“Si…?” he cried, massaging the ear that he almost sure he had lost. Allura was unsure of what to do, reaching her hands to him but retracting before they could touch him. That was it, he was going to kick her out. Her eyes adventured to look at him, finding Lance’s ones pinned on her. And with the sight of his face, well, she couldn’t help to start laughing.
“Sorry, I, it’s just…” her hands covered her mouth, trying to protect the little composure she had left “You cannot blame me for being scared.”
“Oh, no, you’re not the one getting an apologise here ‘Lura” he answered, standing in front of her as she tried to avoid his gaze, failing miserably. 
He was singing, leaving the coffee being made in the kitchen as he headed for the bathroom, a shower in mind and then his knees hit the ground and a pain jolted throughout his body. A robbery crossed his mind, but then he caught gaze of moonlight curls and Allura’s voice was so unique for it to be mistaken. 
Wow. She was strong -he could feel the power she was performing against his limbs- and she knew how to use her force. Man, he had always had a thing for women who could kick his ass… but not that literally. Ouch, that was hurting, that was hurting!
Now she was laughing, and Lance couldn’t help to think she was gorgeous. Her hair down like a mass of clouds, her blue robe and her pink nightgown. She was like a princess, a badass warrior princess. What was there not to love?
“So, what’s wrong with my looks?” he inquired, hands on his hips.
“Well, the face mask and the towel on your hair for starters” she answered, hands crossed behind her back.
“Ouch, that hurt!” his hands found a way to his heart, mimicking a shot on the beating organ. “But all necessary for Lover Boy Lance to look the way he does. Small prize for handsomeness.”
“Right, handsomeness.” 
“I’m not accepting that look from a person with such pores.” he joked, getting a nervous laugh from Allura. Her hands went up to touch her face and a little worry flashed in her eyes… oh, he had taken him seriously. Fuck! “Good thing I know how to solve that.”
“You… do?”
“Indeed princess, your knight in cosmetic armour is here.”
Allura giggled. “You didn’t… hahahaha, Lance!”
She punched his arm lightly. That was good. He had noticed how unsure she had been about touching him after reducing him to the ground. If it had been other place, other time, other circumstances maybe he would have gathered the courage to say that had been hot -minus the actual pain part. But no, roommate boundaries. Things could get awkward. Because he would be meaning it, truly meaning it. And joking with real things was not okay.
“Okay almost done. Look up, look up.”
Allura had her eyes slightly shut, feeling funny as Lance’s fingers traced her skin leaving a citric scent behind. The mask he was applying to her face was cold and sticky, a mixture of lemon juice and honey that according to her “cosmetic knight” would give her a gorgeous glow. Tough she wouldn’t mind if it didn’t. Just be doing that was more than enough.  
She had always loved those kind of things, DIY facial products, chatting, that kind of girl stuff. Back in England she had spent countless afternoons doing that, first with her mum and then with Romelle. She had assumed that sharing a living space with a girl in America would be the same, but it turned out reality didn’t meet her expectations. Most of the times it had been because she’d never felt close enough to the other girls to bring it up, and when she started living with Shay, tough she was the sweetest person in the world, she was aware the girl didn’t exactly enjoy it. Not that she hated it, no, more like she didn’t mind. And so, doing “girl stuff” always felt forced and, where was the fun in that?
And now there she was, letting a boy apply a mascara mixture he had in the fridge all over her face because he had dared to say she had awful pores! 
“Okay, lista!” a proud look was written all over his face as he stood up to wash his hands in the kitchen sink. 
“And now what?” she asked, hoping somehow, he would notice the hope she was pouring in every word. “Please let’s do something else” “Painting our nails or braiding each other’s hair…” well, her hair, his didn’t have enough length for that. “Anything Lance, please”
“Well, I’ve some nail polish Veronica left when she was here and…”
“Yes!” Allura didn’t let him finish. She jumped from her chair, cornering Lance against the kitchen counter. If she hadn’t been so excited she would have noticed the blush that blossomed in the boy’s cheeks, but her agitated mind and the perfect act he managed to put up after a few seconds made her soon forget about it.
Lance stepped into Allura’s bathroom, searching for the nail polisher as Allura herself rested her back against the door’s frame. The raindrops against the window’s glass made it look like an underwater city, where they were mermaids exploring that abandoned human place in search for hidden treasures. 
He laughed to himself, sitting at the border of the bathtub and patting the space next to him, following Allura’s figure as she sat down, trying to remain calm but failing at hiding how excited she was.  
“I take this is not your first time doing this.” he looked up, finding Allura’s blue eyes looking at him. They were deep like the ocean, a night ocean reflecting the infiniteness of the universe, as if the stars had melted into the water. Maybe if he took enough oxygen he would be able to submerge into them without drowning… maybe it was part of her mermaid charm to make people paint her nails. He shocked his head. He was sure she didn’t know the power her eyes had. How many would have drowned in those eyes?
“You right princess. 2 older sisters and a niece trained me well” he picked up her other hand, seeing how the one he had held travelled all the way to her chin. She was encouraging him to elaborate that statement. And as his knight, how could he refuse?
“There’s my brother Luis, then Veronica, Marco and Rachael and me. Luis is 7 years older than I am, Veronica is 5, Marco is 2 and Rachel is 0 hahahaha, twin joke, twin joke, sorry… Anyway, as I was the youngest my sisters always liked to play with me and I was cool with it. I liked being with them and do “cosas de niñas” -girly stuff-. Not to brag, but I’m super good at it. Braiding, painting nails, face masks… the pupil surpassed his masters.” he put the hand that was holding the brush under his chin, smirking proudly. 
“I can corroborate that.” Allura smiled, placing both hands in front of her to see. The polish was of a soft pink colour, and somehow, he had managed to paint small white stars with a touch of glitter. And how she loved sparkly things!
“Okay, my turn!” he reached for a light blue polish, offering it to Allura. She looked up to him, shocked at first but rapidly picking the polish as he offered her his hands. 
“I apologise in advance, I’ll probably won’t do it as good as you.”
“Va, va, va, nonsense. You will do great ‘Lura.” she smiled with her whole body, insecurity fading as she started painting, biting her lip in a way Lance assumed meant she was fully concentrating on the task. The first strokes were clumsy, but as she kept going they became more secure, in the way you start remembering when it has been long since the last time you did it. 
“Okay, done!” Lance stared at his hands, giving her a thumbs up. She clapped, closing the nail polish and collecting the other three ones to put them in the cupboard he had taken them out from. 
“I’ll be back in a second” he said, rushing outside the bathroom as Allura nodded, watching him pass her without much time to think of an answer.
Allura sat on the bathtub’s edge, starting at her sparkly nails. Lance had lied to her. It was impossible for a person to forget four nail polishers at someone’s house. They were his, she was sure of that! That blue colour was matched his usual colour palette too well for it being a coincidence. 
She smiled, hugging her legs as she rested her check on the top of them. He would never know how much letting her paint his nails had meant to her, how that face mask now dry had reminded her of home, how him being there made everything unexpectantly hurt less. 
“Is this why you convinced me to move here Shay?”
“Hey Allura, look here.” Lance’s voice stared her, making her turn to hear a click. There he was, smiling at her with his phone, focusing on its screen as if it contained a really important thing. 
“As expected, you’re a natural.”
“Did you just take a photo of me?”
“How else are we going to remember the day we became friends?” the sincerity of his voice took her off guard, making a soft feeling spread in her chest. She stood up, standing next to Lance to take a glance to her photo. She liked it. 
“Okay now’s my turn!” she took the phone off his hands, opening the camera and searching for the front camera option. She smiled, finding cute how Lance’s face had surprise written all over it. 
Tough in the next photos his Lover-Boy-Persona took over and his smirks became the signature in almost all the ones they made. In others she had the chance to see a more genuine smile, and she decided she liked those ones the best. And in others they simply made weird faces, even adding the mice to the pictures. As Lance said, “as expected from their owner’s pets, they’re naturals”.
She laughed at the memory of that, now lying on her bed. Tomorrow was Monday and she needed to sleep enough for the idea of waking up being at least somehow appealing. She hated morning lectures. 
She was about to go to sleep when her phone lighted up, showing she had an incoming message from Shay.
Shay: Looks like someone had fun today :)
[photo attached] This one is my favourite
Allura stared at the screen, a picture of her and Lance smiling back at her.
Allura: How did you get that?!
Shay: Well, perks of living with your roommate’s best friend and that Lance likes to share…
not like others.
Allura: It’s not like that.
It happens that I don’t have the photos.
Not my fault.
Shay: Guiltless as always.
Allura: Because I am not guilty.
Shay: um, um… So, I can assume you had fun, right?
Just like 30 minutes ago Hunk’s phone started to go crazy and when he checked. Boom!
50 photos Allura
Something to declare?
Allura: We simply spent a nice Sunday together.
Common thing between roommates.
Shay: Allura, I consider myself quite an expert in the roommate’s subject and I can tell you
What you did was not common!
Allura you spent your second day with him doing face masks and painting nails!
With a stranger
Allura: Not a stranger. You knew him!
And you told me so much about Lance it almost felt as if I had known him since forever.
And he’s just like you told me… so you could say I “knew��� him.
See? Not a stranger
Shay: Your logic never ceases to astonish me.
But I had never seen that smile on your face for a long time…
You look happy ‘Lura, genuinely happy, not the “fake- happy” it hurt watching.
And Lance helped, right?
Allura stared at the ceiling, eyes focused on the lights that shined over her head. She knew that. She knew she wouldn’t have smiled that way if Lance hadn’t been there… The person that no longer was a stranger or a simple roommate. He was her friend.
And Allura didn’t remember making a friend so fast or feeling so comfortable around someone or simply feeling it was okay to be herself. And it felt nice. It really did. But she was not going to admit it, not yet.
Allura: I have no obligation of answering to that
Goodnight Shay
See you in class
She started at the screen, scrolling up to see the picture again. It was a nice photo. Lance had put a tower over her hair, saying that it was the last touch for them to match completely -the robes, the long pyjamas and the nail polisher supposedly to be the other things. She was smiling, and so was Lance, showing all his teeth.
“We look quite good, right?” she asked the mice, watching them made themselves comfortable over her pillows. They squeaked, kinda nodding with their heads in which Allura assumed was a yes. “Yeah, I think that too.”
banner credit: scientists confirm cuddling with ur gf to be the best feeling in the universe by @cherryandsisters
Chapter 3 is finally done. Yay!
I had to put extra work on the dialogues and the messages, as the first drafts were kinda messy and not in character at all. Writing and poloshing... hahaha. Not sure if the format I choose for the messages is the right one, hope it’s at least clear who’s talking.
Also first dialogue for Shay. I hope I have made her character justice. In the show there are not many interactions between Allura and Shay, but for the ones we had, we could see they got along nicely. It kinda made sense to make her Allura’s friend in the AU because of that and because otherwise the whole roommate thing would have not started in the first place. So thank you Shay for moving with Hunk and making this Allurance AU possible. 
visual references:
Allura’s nails: ☆ *✧
Allura’s and Lance’s outfits are the pyjamas they wear in cannon (couldn’t find visual references... picture it on your mind. IMAGINATION☆ *✧)
chapter’s playlist:
Owl City - The Saltwater Room 
Gabrielle Aplin - Home 
Ed Sheeran - Barcelona  (the song Lance was signing. No reason in particular, it’s just I like the song)
I think reading the chapter with Saltwater Room or Home gives it even more meaning. Things are always better with soundtrack!
Sometimes I doubt when writing this story, I’m afraid it doesn’t make sense or that there would be plot holes as I keep writing... I know I will have to accept it is a possibility, but still... well, it’s harrrrrd. I want this story to be a good one, to be enjoyable, to be worth the time spent on reading it.
Hope you guys enjoy this fic and I’d love to ear your opinions about it. Any questions, ideas, headcannons or suggestions are always welcome!
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army-author · 7 years
jimin scenario | my lie for you (pt.2)
part one | part two | epilogue
♡ He’ll keep up this lie to keep you smiling ♡
genre: angst, romance
word count: 6.0k
warnings: mentions of alcohol
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For a while, Jimin really is over you. He’s over you unknowingly breaking his heart every day. He’s over you keeping him up every night, stuck in an empty fantasy. He’s over you making him fall in love over and over again, sinking deeper, hurting harder, giving more. And he’s over the flings with girls that will never replace you. He’s over the parties every night, rebelling against his parents just to please you. He’s over the lie he’s sustained for five years to keep you smiling, while you remain cruelly oblivious.
But quickly his resolve begins to fade. He begins to wonder how you are, what you’re up to, how life is with your new boyfriend.
It shouldn’t have been this easy to slice you out of his life. You should have put up more of a fight. But now Jimin finds himself spending school breaks with Namjoon and Yoongi, slowly losing all sense of the friendship he once had with you, and slowly losing his mind.
Namjoon and Yoongi are easier company than you, that’s for sure. They’re so much more mellow; all they ask is that Jimin shows his face at the poetry club, and nods along when they ramble about the joys of writing in free verse. Soon, going to the classroom where their poetry club meets feels routine for Jimin – on autopilot, his legs lead him there every lunchtime. Sitting on one of the desks, surrounded by the comforting smell of old books and chalk, Jimin feels that honesty flows freer here – preferably in iambic pentameter.
Still, he finds it hard to force the truth past his teeth – old habits are hard to bludgeon to death. At least he is able to admit that not everything in his life is peaches and roses: “Y/N and I had a fight. We’re not talking anymore.”
Namjoon and Yoongi’s consolatory words feel alien to him. Seeing their worry fills Jimin with guilt, and reminds him why he never opened up in the first place. His honesty is a burden to others. But he’s too tired to fake a smile. The truth, in the form of a frown, is all he can give at this point.
At least they don’t press him further. After some murmured advice, they go back to their poetry, and leave Jimin to his thoughts. He appreciates their lack of curiosity. He doesn’t want to go into details, doesn’t even know if he can. All he knows is that your friendship cracked in two. He wants to forget about it.
But that’s rather difficult when you’re always there in the background - in the corridor, in class, by the fence outside school, everywhere, reminding Jimin of the raw wound that throbs in his chest. Every time his eye catches yours in the corridor, you both quickly look away, pretending you don’t know each other. Like strangers.
Jimin tells himself he’s not aching inside. Another lie.
“You’re looking pretty down,” Namjoon says, as Jimin enters the clubroom yet again.
“Hmm…? Yeah…” Jimin doesn’t bother saying any more, taking his seat and picking up one of the books Namjoon left lying around: Lawrence Dunbar. Jimin can’t even pretend to understand it.
“Yoongi and I are actually going out this Friday,” Namjoon says, peering at Jimin over the top of his poetry notebook.
“Mmmhmm?” Jimin flicks through a few pages, random words popping out:
We wear the mask that lies and grins…
“And we were wondering if you wanted to tag along.”
Jimin’s cheeks puff out, considering. To him, ‘going out’ means drinking, hitting the nearest club, and then dragging you home at three in the morning. He has a feeling Namjoon has something a lot tamer in mind. “Where were you planning on going?”
“To the diner down town. We’ll eat something unhealthy, talk about our problems, just hang out...”
“What Namjoon’s trying to say,” Yoongi chimes in, “is that we want you to go out and have fun. You’ve been moping around this room every chance you get, and something tells us you’ve been going home to mope around your room as well.”
“I don’t know…” The idea of going out without you is foreign to Jimin. It was always the two of you, facing the world together. It’s as if someone has ripped away his other half and is expecting him to carry on with blood spilling everywhere.
“Come on, you can’t keep living like this,” Yoongi presses, “Seeing the world outside your own head will do you some good.”
Jimin’s nails dig into the paper cover of the poetry book he’s holding. “Okay, but I’m only agreeing so that you stop bothering me about it.”
The smiles of triumph that pass over his friend’s faces almost make Jimin smile back.
The diner they drag him to is like nothing Jimin’s visited before. With his wealthy family, only the poshest restaurants were acceptable; with you, only the cheapest fast-food was an option. This diner is something in between. Not trashy, but not classy either. The floor is decorated with sticky pink and white tiles, the walls are covered in retro neon signs, and there are novelty coasters on all the tables. There’s even a juke box in the corner, wheezing out old songs.
Namjoon and Yoongi choose a seat by the window, giving prime view to the street outside, where night is slowly slipping in as lights flicker on.
“This is nice,” Jimin comments.
“Aren’t you glad you came out?” Yoongi smiles, as a waitress brings their drinks to the table.
Jimin hums in agreement, and takes a sip his soda, his full mouth giving him an excuse not to speak. As Namjoon and Yoongi go on to joke about their eccentric maths teacher, he focuses on the street outside. Occasionally, his friends try to tempt him into their conversation, but Jimin only manages a few mumbled responses before he slips back to his own thoughts.
The city passing by, with the shoppers, the party-goers, the couples out on dates - it all makes him feel strange. He grasps for the words to describe what it is, but he can’t explain it – all he knows is that he’s missing out on something. The world’s rotating, moving, existing out there, and he’s closed off from it, feeling like he hasn’t experienced enough in his life. Maybe it’s because he was following too closely behind you, living through you, rather than for himself. Still, he feels that somewhere out there, you’re getting ready, going out, having fun without him and despite all his thoughts before now, he wants to be with you, following behind. Even if it robs him of his own life.
He should stop thinking about you, shut off this part of his brain. But… but… but…
… isn’t one of your local haunts close to here? He thought this street looked familiar. If you turn right out of the diner, follow the curb for a few feet, and go down a back alley, you’ll find steps leading down to a club in the basement of an old record shop. You always liked the music they played there. He wonders if you’ll be there this evening.
Instinctively his hand falls to his phone in his pocket, the only connection he has left with you. Your number saved in his contacts is tantalisingly close, just below his impatient fingers.
He pulls the phone out, and taps on his conversation with you, left on mute.
Strangely, miraculously, there are some new messages from you, only delivered an hour ago:
Y/N: jimin, im going out clubbing this evening – do you know the one in the basement of the record shop?
Y/N: come along if you want
Y/N: i hate fighting like this
Y/N: and i hate being away from you…
Y/N: so please come?
How can you send messages like this and expect him to be okay? This is the sort of thing you should text to an ex-boyfriend, not an ex-best friend. With behaviour like this, you were asking for a kiss, getting Jimin confused, conflicted, crammed full of emotions with no outlet, except through his lips against your own.
But despite your cruel oblivion, he hates being away from you too. No matter how strong his desire for a clean break is, his heart is weak, wobbling precariously in his rib cage - barely mended, yet ready to shatter again. He can’t bear it.
“Guys, I’ve got to go,” Jimin says, slapping a few notes down on the table to pay for his portion, “It’s getting pretty late.”
Namjoon and Yoongi let him go without much of a fight, only calling out, “Be careful on the way home,” as Jimin exits the diner. They’re none the wiser to the storm that’s brewing in his head.
Rather than turning towards his house, Jimin heads in the opposite direction, aiming for the alley, where the nightclub lies tucked off the main street. Aiming for where you might be - his magnetic north.
As soon as he arrives, he knows it’s a bad idea. The queue outside is long, and in the plummeting temperature of a sunless evening Jimin would rather be inside, undercovers. Yet, he can’t seem to drag his feet in the opposite direction.
His heart bloating with self-loathing, he steps into line, and waits to be let inside.
This is bad. He can taste it on the tip of his tongue, like the tingling you get from eating too much chocolate in one go. But, he’s searching for you in the crowd, and searching for the empty calories you’ll feed him – making him feel good when you give him attention for a few seconds before returning to Taehyung to give him all your love. Jimin’s craving a sugar rush… and a heart attack.
The music inside is too loud, and the alcohol is too expensive. The heady atmosphere, the swimming lights, and the smell of sweat is all your element, not Jimin’s. He’s not sure how to tackle them without you. Automatically, he turns to the bar, sitting down and ordering himself some liquid confidence.
To his right, a girl is sitting, sipping on a margarita. Over the sugar-coated rim of her glass, she flashes Jimin a smile, before her eyes flicker away again. Jimin knows this game. Giving her a once over, he sees she’s a year or two older than him, her more mature body suiting the short black dress that hugs her curves. Any other night Jimin would return her smile, buy her another margarita, and with a few silver-tongued words he’d have her for himself. But he promised he wouldn’t do that anymore. Filling the hole you left with booze and women never helps. Booze evaporates, and women just drift away in the morning with sighs, smiles, or sometimes tears. Tears are the worst.
He suddenly feels disgusted by the drink in his hand. Turning his attention away from the bar, he scans the crowd, searching faces for the features he’s memorised so well – well enough to reconstruct in his dreams. He’s ready to give up, when finally, he spots you, under the purple and blue spotlights spitting from the ceiling. Your face is squeezed into a wide smile as Taehyung spins you around, hands pressed to your waist.
So he’s found you. Now what? Jimin hasn’t thought this far ahead. Should he go over and talk to you, try to make amends? Should he find another dance partner and live it up, showing off how he’s surviving without you? Or should he just leave?
As he’s considering his options, you twirl away from Taehyung, giggling, and your eyes find his in the crowd. Your smile falters. For a second Jimin almost convinces himself that you’re hurting too. Then the crowd surges, and you’re out of sight. Probably for the best.
He stands up, downs his drink, and turns to the girl at the other end of the bar. Coyly, she smiles his way, and the rest of Jimin’s night is locked in place. With a jerk of his head, he indicates for the girl to join him, and she pulls him to the dancefloor. Under the neon lights, Jimin lets the music sweep him up, finding freedom as his body moves to the pounding track. The girl by his side presses against him. He can feel every curve of her body, as good as the little black dress promised.
Song after song blurs past. Jimin’s breath grows unsteady and his hair begins to stick to his damp forehead. He shouts something to the girl at his side about getting more drinks, and she nods, probably not understanding. Glad of a break, he detaches himself from her hold and goes back to the bar.
At the same moment – the worst… or best timing - you emerge from the crowd, going to the bar yourself. Noticing Jimin, you wave. When he doesn’t reciprocate, you pull out your phone and text something.
Jimin’s hand goes to his pocket, where his phone lies lifeless, your name still marked on mute. Knowing he shouldn’t, he glances at his phone:
Y/N: hey
Y/N: you came :)
Jimin pushes his phone back into his pocket. He’s over you. He meant it. At least… he meant to mean it. But as the evening wove its way along, he forgot all that, let himself get swept up in his own pining.
Now would be a good time to leave.
You stop him before he can get away. Your lips move, but Jimin can’t hear you above the roar of the club.
When he shakes his head in reply, you grab his hand. With surprising force, you pull him into the bathroom by the bar and lock the door behind you. The sounds of the club drains into a muffled haze on the other side.
“What is wrong with you?” Jimin rubs at his wrist where your fingers dug into his skin seconds before.
You run a desperate hand through your hair. “Sorry… it’s just… you – you keep ignoring me, keep running away and... I didn’t know what else to do…”
A cold settles over Jimin. “Yeah, well I’ve been running away for a reason.”
Your lips wobble slightly, but you pull back a smile. “Right…”
Above you, the bathroom lights flicker, the movement sensors shutting down when neither of you move. A thick blackness settles over you as the lights snap off.
“Why is that?” you finally ask, “What did I do?”
The truth struggles in Jimin’s mouth, wanting to get out – if he could just say: “Because I love you, and you hurt me.” But he can’t get it out. This old habit won’t die.
“Whatever,” you say after a painfully long silence, “I guess it’s selfish to want you back.”
Jimin’s face feels hot, pain and pleasure rising up at the words ‘want you’. He’s grateful for the darkness that hides his feelings. “Yeah… selfish.”
“But, Jimin,” you say, your voice seeming softer and more intimate coming from a faint shape in the darkness, “These past few days without you have hurt me so much… I’ll do whatever it takes to get our friendship back.”
What if that’s not what Jimin wants? He wants to scream, shout out, stop it all, but his mouth is dry and his throat is empty. If he can’t have you the way he wants you, he’d rather let go altogether. Being this close, physically, without being emotionally close is torturous. Jimin’s hands fumble through the darkness for the lock on the door.
“Whatever it takes,” you repeat. Jimin hears your feet scuffing the tiled floor as you take a step closer. So close he can feel your breath, sweet smelling, on his cheek.
And then your lips reach his.
A thousand feelings cascade through Jimin. He’s unable to identify any of them except the primal desire, and the primal fear. Your mouth moves against his, desperate, searching – like you’re trying to pry his lips open and spill the truth. Jimin’s body compiles before he can push you away, melting at your touch. He opens up and lets you in to do your worst, all while his brain screams “Stop!”
Ripping you away from him is like tearing off his own skin.
You stumble back a few feet and the lights flicker on again.
It’s Jimin’s turn to get angry. Is this what you felt when he kissed you at the party? Used. Dirty. Empty. He’s just another outlet for your cheap thrill obsession – another way for you to break the rules, break your new boyfriend’s heart, break everything apart. Jimin wants to break something too, smash the wall, slam the door, shatter the bathroom mirror where he sees himself reflected, not recognising his own pale face.
“Jimin…” your voice is small, as you take another step back, leaning against the opposite wall. Beside the white tiles you look ghostly, “I just-”
“What – you just what?” Jimin’s fists ball by his side as he tries to push the feeling of your lips from his mind – so soft… so warm…
A wry laugh escapes you. “I don’t know… I don’t know what I’m doing anymore…  I’m going crazy. I just… I miss you, okay?”
“So it’s fine to kiss me while your boyfriend waits outside? What happened to being in love with him, huh?” Jimin shakes his head. You blur in and out of focus as tears rise, “What? He’s not good enough now? Is breaking his heart not enough?”
You bite back a sob, crossing your arms across your chest. “I don’t know anymore, Jimin. I don’t feel like anything’s enough, right now. I’m just – I’m lost without you. I don’t remember what it’s like to keep going without you by my side.”
Whatever anger Jimin has left fizzles out, leaving a heaviness in its wake. “Maybe that’s why we should take a break from each other – remember what it’s like to go on without the other.”
The tears you were holding back begin to spill, clumping your mascara. “Maybe…”
On any other night Jimin would have been by your side in an instant, his arms snaking around to pull you away from whatever’s hurting you. But now – it’s him causing this pain. And he can’t touch you. Not after promising to let go - to keep living without relying on you. You’re his oxygen tank, but he needs to learn to breathe alone.
“Maybe,” he repeats, and the word hangs in the air as he unlocks the door and leaves you shivering in the bathroom.
Y/N: Jimin
Y/N: sorry… about last night
Y/N: i have a few things i need to sort out in my own mind
Y/N: you were right… we need some time apart
Y/N: im going to do some thinking
Y/N: and i hope you can forgive me when i make it out the other side of this…
Jimin flicks through one of the books left lying in the poetry clubroom, waiting for Namjoon and Yoongi to arrive after class. He’s searching for a particular poem. At last he lands on the page he wants.
‘We Wear The Mask’ by Lawrence Dunbar. His eyes glide over the words, drinking them up:
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes, -
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.
The door opens, knocking Jimin from his trance.
“Enjoying Dunbar?” Namjoon asks.
Jimin blushes, embarrassed to be caught in the act. “Yeah… I don’t really understand it, but I like this poem.”
“If that’s the case, you should try to write a response to it.”
Jimin cocks his head at this. “Write a response?”
“Yeah, after all – you’re a member of the poetry club now. You need to write a poem. That was our condition for you staying, wasn’t it?”
Jimin’s eyes fall back to the words in front of him, overwhelmed. “I didn’t think you were serious…”
“I’m not. Not really,” Namjoon says, “Still, if this poetry moves you, you should try to explain why…”
“Well…”Jimin pauses to consider.
Patiently, Namjoon waits for him to sort his thoughts.
“The poem’s about deceit, right?” Jimin begins, “About how we all wear masks, and hide behind smiles, and pretend that our lives are better than they really are. But in the end, we get swept up in our own lies, let them squeeze – like… like snakes – and drain us of anything that we might be… until we’re…  we’re nothing but the masks we hold up.” Jimin’s face heats up. He suddenly feels exposed, like he’s turned himself inside out and let Namjoon examine his vital organs. It’s about more than just poetry at this point.
But rather than the laughing, Namjoon says, “You should write some of those thoughts down. There’s a poem hiding in there somewhere.”
“…They were just my honest thoughts,” Jimin says, brushing at the pages between his fingers and avoiding Namjoon’s gaze.
“Well, by being honest, you’re already breaking away from your own mask.” Jimin looks up to see Namjoon’s dimples popping up as he smiles.
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
The next couple of days, Jimin finds himself writing in his spare time, small pieces of poetry (if they can even be called that) scribbled in a spare notebook. Getting his honest thoughts down on paper makes his chest feel a little lighter, allows him to admit the feelings he never realised existed. As his pen scratches at the paper, he scratches away at his own surface.
Sitting alone in the poetry clubroom, perched on a desk with his notebook in his lap, he’s startled out of his reverie by the buzzing of his phone. He glances at the screen, ready to dismiss the notification from Facebook until he sees your face. His finger freezes, ready to swipe away:
‘Y/N just got out of a relationship with Kim Taehyung.’
Jimin’s insides squirm around, body parts jumping to strange places – heart in his throat, stomach in his shoes, brain out the window.
What does this mean?
His thoughts stampede back to your last meeting, the texts you sent afterwards – “I have a few things I need to sort out in my own mind.” Is this what you meant? Dumping Taehyung? He expects the usual rush of joy that comes when you give him a small sliver of hope. Instead, all he feels is a small, sad glow that you let go of the love you were so desperately clinging to – pretending to be happy, because you didn’t want to be lonely.
He’s disappointed that it didn’t work out for you. Despite all his muddled thoughts, he realises he still wants you to be happy.
But a part of him is also proud that you let go. If Taehyung was just another way of alleviating your own pain, then he’s glad that you’re not relying on him anymore. Maybe this time apart is doing you both good. Separate from his blinding love, Jimin’s learning new things about himself, and maybe it’s the same for you.
He gets the feeling, that even if (when) the two of you return to your old friendship, it won’t really be you and Jimin, but two entirely different people that meet. He’s terrified by the thought. But he’s also excited.
The next time he sees you in class, he gives your shoulder a light pat as he passes your seat. You look up at him, eyes still puffy and red from your fresh break-up, and offer a small smile.
It’s not a lot, but it gives Jimin hope. He won’t lose you forever.
It’s the weekend. The sun beats down overhead as Jimin treks through the city zoo. He had the choice of going to an expensive restaurant with his family or going into town by himself. He’s sick of steak every family dinner, so he’s opted for some time alone. Tramping over a tarmac sea with an empty notebook in his backpack feels oddly thrilling.
He reaches a signpost, marking out the sections of the park: straight on for the lions, left for the penguin exhibit, right for the reptile room. Jimin turns right, towards the building that instilled so much fear as a child – today he’s going to face his fear of snakes.
The air inside the reptile room is thick and warm. Jimin walks past tanks full of lizards, and tortoises, and small corn snakes, searching until he reaches the exhibit he was looking for: the python.
The snake sits at the back of the tank, unmoving, like a log. Jimin stares at the large shape that had scared him for so long, watching bulging eyes staring back from a brown and cream striped face.
The sign beside the enclosure reads: “This is Christie, our Burmese Python.”
“Christie… that’s not a scary name,” Jimin chuckles. The python shifts a little, patterns sliding together like an optical illusion. Jimin realises he isn’t afraid anymore. Just fascinated. He watches the python for a few more minutes, until something catches his eye from the other side of the tank, where zoo visitors are meandering on the far side of the reptile room.
He takes a step back when he sees your face gazing at him through two layers of glass.
He waves.
On the other side, you smile and wave back.
Out in the sunlight again, Jimin finds a bench where, after a moment, you join him with two ice lollies from the cart outside the reptile room.
“This is for you,” you say, holding out one of the lollies, “Consider it a peace offering and we’ll call a truce for the day.”
Jimin smiles, and accepts the watermelon flavoured ice pop. His favourite.
The two of you sit in silence for a while, licking up the half-melted ice, mouths too busy to talk.
At last Jimin breaks through, saying, “So… how have you been?”
It’s so simple, it feels silly to ask.
Still, you respond, “I’ve been… fine. Yeah, fine. I mean, a lot’s been going on, but I feel okay about it, you know?”
Jimin licks at a stray drop of watermelon-flavoured juice that’s dripping onto his hand. “Yeah, I get that.”
“Of course you get it. We get each other.” You bump your shoulder against Jimin’s gently. Your smile fades away quickly though, “Sorry, is it too soon to go back to joking the way we used to?”
“No, this is fine. This is… nice,” Jimin says, “Hanging out with you is nice. Not at a club or anything, I mean.”
You hum in response. “Yeah, we only ever spent our free time partying, we never gave ourselves much of a chance to talk.”
“Can a friendship even be stable, living like that?”
“I don’t believe so…” you pause from eating your ice lolly, drifting into thought as the melted juice begins to run down the stick, “I’ve been thinking about that a lot actually. About how I’ve been treating you…” You falter. “Sorry, I know we called a truce. Maybe I shouldn’t be talking about this yet… maybe now’s not the time.”
“It’s okay,” Jimin murmurs.
You press your lips together, giving him the sense that you’re choosing your next words with care. “I’ve realised how unfair I’ve been. To you. To Taehyung. I’ve just been doing what makes me happy, running away from my own thoughts through partying and breaking the rules – anything to make me feel special, like I’m an extra bit of stardust breaking away from orbit. But I ended up hurting those I left in my wake. I wasn’t looking behind me to see the damage.” Tears slip into your eyes as melted ice-cream slides down your knuckles.
“I think there’s always going to be damage as we grow up and change,” Jimin says after a short silence, “What’s important is that you recognise the damage and try to fix it.”
You finally notice the ice-cream dripping onto your hand and try to clean it up, licking it off your fingers. Behind your hand, you offer Jimin a messy smile. “When did you become so wise, Park Jimin?”
“I’ve just been hanging out with Namjoon too much.”
You laugh, “Alright. I’m done being philosophical for one day. Let’s go look at meerkats.”
As you drag Jimin off the bench, he feels the air around the two of you clearing. Being honest with you feels nice.
There’s only one last lie floating between you, one last thing he needs to fix. But not today. Not on a truce.
“I’ve finished it!” Jimin lays a sheet of paper down on the desk in front of Namjoon and Yoongi.
“This is your poem?” Namjoon asks.
Jimin nods. “I’d rather you read it when I’m not around. It’s embarrassing.”
“Of course,” Namjoon smiles, “Poems are most embarrassing when they’re honest, right?”
Jimin exits the room, and breathes a sigh. Finally finished, he’s managed to get his thoughts into some semblance of order, and although he knows it’s nothing like the poems Namjoon and Yoongi write, Jimin’s proud of it:
Tell me like you’re whispering into my ears
Don’t be like prey
Be smooth like a snake
I want to escape but
It keeps happening even though I run away
I’m caught in a lie.
There’s one more thing he needs to do.
He takes out his phone, pulling up your number. He’s ready to tell you the whole truth.
Jimin: I’ve finished thinking.
Jimin: meet me outside.
Stepping out into the breeze that pulls at his hair and jumper, Jimin finds a bench underneath one of the trees by the football pitch, where he can watch the sun spill dappled patterns onto the grass.
Making the most of these final moments before you arrive, he goes over all he needs to say in his head: “Y/N, I’ve wasted so much of my time lying to you. I thought it would do us both good, but in the end it damaged our relationship. I’m so sorry, and I hope you can forgive me when I tell you the truth – that I love you…” That I love you…
He hears footsteps behind him, and jumps up to see you stop at the other side of the bench, the wooden frame separating the two of you. His heart beat throbs in his throat.
“Hi,” you lean over the bench, smiling.
“Hi.” Jimin’s nose scrunches naturally as he smiles back.
You step around the bench and take a seat, patting the space by your side for him to sit down. “So I believe you wanted to tell me something?”
Jimin obliges, sitting down beside you. A deep breath isn’t enough to compose his thoughts, the well-rehearsed speech shatters and flies away from him, leaving him grasping at empty air. He decides whatever comes out now is probably better than an over-practiced speech anyway: “Actually… Y/N… I’ve been feeling pretty guilty. I spend most of my time lying to you… to everyone... But I want to change that. I want to be honest with you – with myself. I want you to know me for who I am... Maybe you’ll think differently of me once I show you what I’m really like. Maybe you’ll need to completely relearn Park Jimin. But I want you to know me for me.”
“Well, Park Jimin, it’s lovely to meet the real you,” you say, picking up his hand and shaking it, “Tell me a little about yourself.”
Jimin laughs behind his free hand, playing along, “Alright, well… firstly, I have a weird phobia of snakes. And I drink a lot of rum at parties, to make me look grown-up, even though I hate the taste. Oh, and I can’t hold my liquor. At all. I’ve also never really liked clubs, I think they’re too hot and sweaty, and I always feel I’m one step away from running into a drug-dealer. On top of that, although I act like I don’t care, I’m actually really worried about my future, about what college I’ll go to. I don’t even know what I want to do yet. And…” Deep breath, “And I love you. I love love you.”
The tight feeling in Jimin’s chest melts away.
Your hand slips from his, and your eyes fall to the ground. “I see, so I thought right…”
Jimin swallows, and continues on, “I wanted to tell you so that there’s no lies between us, but I don’t expect you to accept my feelings. I don’t even need you to respond to them. I just want you to know they’re there.”
Your hands clasped in your lap grip a little tighter, your knuckles turning white.
“Sorry, Y/N, I’m sure this is awkward for you…”
You shake your head, hair slipping around your shoulders in waves. “No, it’s not awkward. I’m glad you told me. And I agree, there shouldn’t be any lies between us…”
“Right.” Jimin presses his lips together, debating his next words. “And despite all this… I want us to stay friends.”
You finally look, eyes locking with his. Behind your irises, a flux of emotions play for power, tumbling through confusion, pain, happiness. You settle on a small smile, lips easing up. “I want that too, Jimin. But… I can’t help feeling guilty. I’ve strung you along for so long, hurt you so many times. Shouldn’t you just leave me at this point? Find someone who’s actually worth your love?”
Your words squeeze Jimin’s heart. Disappointment wells up at his own weakness. He was hoping that once he got rid of the lies, all his problems would fade, that he wouldn’t get fazed by things like this. But of course, there are problems even for the honest. His emotions won’t sort themselves out overnight. He takes another breath, resigns himself to this fact, and moves on to say, “To be honest, I’m not even sure what I feel for you is love anymore.”
Your eyes bore into him, searching - a deep gaze he used to fear would break through his lies.
“Of course, I care for you deeply,” he says, “But these feelings have been inside me so long, they’re not pure anymore. I adapted them again and again to fit you as we grew up. But in the end, I think I was in love with a dream I’d made up. I needed time away to realise that.”
Looking back, Jimin had forgotten what you told him all those years ago when you first tried to explain the difference between love and love love:
“Don’t you get it Jimin? Love love is the pure kind of love, like what my parents have. It’s gentle, all encompassing, wide ranging. It’s the kind of love where my dad can come home after a long day at work, argue with my mum, and still find space in his heart to love her despite how tough it is. That’s love love.” This was the only explanation you could offer five years ago, not understanding love yourself.
Jimin had watched as you spoke, eyes sparkling in the slits of afternoon sunshine that snuck behind your bicycle shed hideaway.
“Love love sounds amazing,” he said.
“Doesn’t it? I can’t wait till I find it.”
“Me neither.”
Jimin realises now that his feelings were nothing like that. They weren’t gentle, all encompassing, wide ranging. There were just painful. They had blinded him, hiding you behind a veil of fantasies you could never fulfil.
Getting too caught up on what’s love and what’s love love confuses him, but he has a whole lifetime to sort out his mind, to detangle himself from the fairy-tales he’s been fed since childhood, and the bad experiences he’s had with all the girls he never actually cared for. With a breath, he releases his fears into the air, and decides it’s okay to not know. So long as he has you by his side to figure it out.
“For now,” he says, “Let’s stay friends.”
The wind rustles in the trees, and you rest your head on Jimin’s shoulder. The pressure there feels comfy, familiar.
“Friends,” you whisper, “I’d love love that.”
♡ END ♡
A/N: I know it says this is the end... but I actually have an extra part I might post, showing what happens to Y/N and Jimin a year later... I haven’t decided whether to publish it or not... tell me what you think? 😊
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dndfuckhouse · 4 years
session 27 - Old Men Pressure The Party With Requests
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> 🎵  Covert Victorian Underwater Piano / Sunless Skies OST
In reaction to Keva’s words, Orin shifts and sort of grumbles under his breath. Slowly he lifts up one of his arms to rub at his eyes before he speaks.
Orin:“…I told you lot… im very busy doing my job here, protecting the bossman noble so if ya could just-“ squinting his eyes open he stops once he recognises you and shouts.“Keva!” 
He sits up so fast Keva almost sees in slow motion his forehead about to bash into her own. She narrowly whips her head out of the way just in time for his to not directly collide with her face.
Orin: he stares at you shocked "you're back! man i was worried" he seems to be unaware he almost clocked you Keva: "why are you sleeping here?" Orin: "wanted to ah...take a nap but wanted to stay out in the sun yknow" he starts to stand up and eyes the four of you's wardrobes "glad you're alright though! ive been hearing some weird stuff since you guys left, i was getting kinda worked up so i tried to force myself to take a nap"
Han: damn king u can sleep in that situation?
As the group chat the other three, with Vinny in tow, stare about the courtyard curious as to where the four of them could have gotten off to. Peering around the palace itself and the grand walls surrounding them, they note that there seems to be alot of smaller buildings connected to the walls themselves, though they aren’t really sure of their purpose or what direction to head. 
There appear to be alot of people coming and going, guardsman, dignitaries and others scurrying around. They're at a loss where to head off to, though Vinny seems to be staring at the palace pensively.
Cimmorro: cimm pipes up "where did those rascals run off to..." noticing vinny staring around "you enjoying the field trip so far?" Vinny: “ah…well i suppose its not the first time ive been inside these walls... I’m just wondering” he puts a hand to his chin thinking before making a clearly displeased face “I ought to make my presence here to Jeanne known, if she doesn’t know already anyway. lest she start parading around the grounds on a mad hunt, I don’t want to hear her endless complaining about having to search for me. despite it being what she was sent here to do in the first place” he starts grumbling under his breath inaudibly Keva: SOMEONE MAKE A JOKE ABT VINNY'S WIFE Plum: [JOKE ABOUT VINNY'S WIFE]
Cimmorro: "your wife again huh" cimm squints at vinny's grumbling "what's the deal with you two anyway.. i know you said your group thinks you're an idiot but they seem to look after you anyway" Vinny: he turns towards you and gives you a half-hearted glare "she's not-augh" he pauses for a beat "she part of the upper circle so she thinks she's better than me, not like i want to be part of this damned accord anyway but..." he sighs “I know the palace here has a grand library, if she’s helping the wizards with the current uh…citywide predicament she’s most likely stationed there. or the grand mage’s quarters I suppose” Cimmorro: cimm looks at vinny with a curious look ".... so do you wanna reunite with her now or later 🤔 " he shrugs "not like we know where the others are anyway... right guys" @ han and rokka Vinny: "probably sooner is better rather than later....like ripping off a band-aid" he gives the other two curious looks but doesn't say anything
Cimmorro: i was goign to be surprised that rokka and han arent speaking rn i forogt what happene din the bath Han: hans just looking at her shoes Rokka: rokka is looking off Cimmorro: need that forgetful potion that erases ur memory of the last 3 days Han: LMFAO
Han: han kicks a rock at her feet Cimmorro: cimm pokes at han from her side "helloooooo? earth to han?" Rokka: rokka snaps out of his daze "wh-oh uh...yes?" Cimmorro: "what's wrong with you two " Han: han flinches and pushes cimm away with her leg "we can go where you need" Cimmorro: oGJSFDKLGJKSG LIKE PUSHING A CAT AWAY? Rokka: he glances at han real quick "nothing is wrong" Cimmorro: huffing at han pushing him away, cimm looks at rokka before scratching his own head and going "just lead the way vinny. i'm starting to hate the air here" Vinny:  he scratches the back of his head "well...alright if you guys dont mind" he turns and starts leading the way towards the main entrance of the palace and starts to ask around for directions.
Keva: keva gets up with him "alright sure is a word. what'd you hear?" Plum: "yknow where the boss is? finn's looking for him" Orin: "well alot of chatter about corpses suddenly popping up? I don’t envy the job of a city guardsman right now…” he turns his head over to you plum “ah well boss Vorde’s uh, taking a nap. since you guys left I think he’s been up for at least… 30 hours? yeesh” he pouts and rubs a hand through his hair “think the guys going to work himself right into the grave someday if he isn’t careful. though I think he’d want to know if you’re back master finn-" as he gets a look at finn he kinda winces but also is like : D ?  at you holding psalm's hand " maybe we ought to have this chat inside at least… where’s the rest of ya?”  Finn: "Inside...please." Finn says a little stressed. He let's go of Psalm's hand and simply stretches it out towards Orin, wanting to hold his instead. "I've been wondering where my uncle is..." Plum: "yeah you can be the one to wake him up finn" Orin: "doors right there buddy" orin takes your hand anyway Finn: "I can't see Orin..." Finn says with a tinge of annoyance.. but appreciates that Orin leads him now Keva: keva's just >:-| but doesn't say anything
Plum: awwww finn Chip: favouritism Finn: HE'S EMBARRASSED BECAUSE IT WAS SO AWKWARD WITH PSALM Psalm: psalm's just standing there, he's just standing there Finn: psalm: okay stand me up then Psalm: HGHRJDJF yeah 100% Chip: kya this love quadrangle Psalm: maybe keva wants to hold orin's hand Han: THIS ROMCOM MOOD Psalm: wow romcom in one team full angst in the other
The two groups head off to their separate destinations. Orin leads Keva, Psalm, Plum and Finn inside the building he was dozing off in front of, it looks like a branch off a larger building connected to what looks like one of the barracks around the palace.
As they walk in they see servants scuttling about, going to and fro on the ground floor, Orin leads them all up onto the third floor past a set of what look like guest rooms. Finn finally feels the pain in his eyes settle once he’s indoors again. Orin continues on to usher them down to the end of the hall in front of one of the doors. 
Keva, Psalm and Plum opt to wait outside while Finn and Orin head in, inside Finn sees looks like a moderately plush lounge room. He spots Vorde’s bag and cape laying on one of the chairs as well as Orin’s, thrown more haphazardly on one of the lounges, as well as another door leading to what seems to be a bedroom
Orin: "He's in that room over there" Orin points over towards a door branching off the room "did ya wanna wake him master finn or...me?" Finn: he relaxes when his eyes feel better, pulling his hat off unless that kills me here. [editors note: lol] He let's go of Orin's hand and looks at the door. "For how long has he been asleep?" Orin: he thinks "ahhh he laid down about when you all left, so a couple hours now"  Finn: "That is fine enough, our news are urgent after all, I would say." Finn says but in truth he is quite unsure whether he should wake Vorde. Sometimes his uncle seems to be more of a vampire than he is! He goes to knock on the door. "Uncle Vorde?"
Removing his hat and giving the door a knock Finn hears no response, he shrugs and decides to walk in anyway, closing the door behind him. As he waltzes in and looks about he notices Vorde face first on a bed over the covers with his boots still on, though wearing no cravat and vest. The curtains here are also drawn so the room itself is also quite dark.
Cimmorro: i thought he was naked with only boots on Plum: LOL Psalm: OMFG Finn: IUNDFIUGOMJDSFGÖ;DFSG;DSFF:DSG Keva: CAN YOU IMAGINE, GOD WALKING INTO YOUR FATHER FIGURE LIKET HAT Han: 😳 Keva: ENFNRGNKGRKNJRFKJNRNJKFNJR Cimmorro: he just got done fucking with one of the guards Han: VORDE SMASHES FAST
Finn: he slowly comes towards the bed and contemplates how he should go about this. Waking his uncle up is never an easy task. Physically, he can, of course. But emotionally? He knows his uncle needs the sleep. However when he imagines Vorde scolding him for not informing him sooner, he feels a little different. Gently shaking him by the shoulders. "Uncle Vorde... Wake up please..." Vorde: he grunts in response before shifting slightly, moving to sit up "who...." after a few blinks he recognises you finn and quickly sits ramrod straight. he begins eyeing you up and down while patting your shoulders as if looking for something “Safe? Sound of mind? No aches and or mortal wounds you’re valiantly hiding?” from this distance you see the heavy bags under his eyes and one of them almost twitching with unfiltered frustration. Finn: he smiles at the attention Vorde pays to him and how caring he is like this. He nods. "It was a really tough battle..." He looks down for a moment and furrows his brows. Deciding it might be an appropriate time to do it, he closes in to hug Vorde and buries his face in his uncles shoulder. "I had to bite someone to make it. I feel a bit bad about it. ... But I didn't kill them. Like that." He sounds kinda nervous about it. Vorde: he seems surprised at the hug but relaxes and pats your back after a moment "...what we do out of desperation doesn't define us" he slowly releases the hug "i heard a few mutterings before i laid down, but i had not expected you'd go to a battle, or i would have advised more hands" he sighs and rubs his eyes "is it done then? did you and the others stop their plot?" Finn: he backs off a bit when Vorde releases the hug, being grateful for the considerate words, he nods at that. "More hands would have been good, but nothing you could have foreseen, uncle. And I'm still in one piece, aren't I?" He'd say before answering his question. "We did eliminate Theyord and that scum of his cult, but they were able to complete their ritual. I do not know if you had taken notice of it, but briefly, all over the city the dead were raised once more."
Psalm: imagine sleeping through that vorde, real egg on your face there Rokka: jldfsjkd
Vorde: he narrows his eyes "i had not, if they didn't move past that though they you most likely succeeded" he sighs in relief "well one headache taken care of, you can give me the details in a moment" he rises from the bed and stretches "how did the others fare in your battle?" Finn: he watches as his uncle rises and stretches, taking his place on the bed instead while they're talking privately. "I suppose we were successful in the end, but I have to say uncle, it is a scary thought that a devil was able to look into our realm. Even scarier than auntie." He kicks his feet a little in the air as he goes on. "The others?" Finn thinks for a moment. "Badly. We all fared badly. It looks as though that wizard.. Vinny crossed the river of styx more than once." frowning at the memory of his state. Vorde: he listens in as he adjusts his hair and shirt "...yes i have to agree on that. At the very least Arabella doesn't have powers that can raise thousands of the dead, or at least i very well hope she doesn't" he kind of smirks as if he's told a joke in very poor taste "....no deaths however? Finn: he grimaces at the thought. "Do not jinx it!" But he nods at the question. "No deaths at all! Everyone returned from the battle, thankfully. But too many of us were too close to it for comfort." He tries to snort, joking with his uncle. Vorde: he gives an easy laugh "...thats what matters in the end then. for a battle you didn't expect of such scale im surprised thats all you came out with" he turns to give you a proper look finn "...how much would you say you trust them then? with your life or otherwise" Finn: he smiles lots at his uncle's laugh, like this 😊. But when Vorde breaches that topic, his expression takes on a neutral form. He expected his uncle to ask something like this sooner or later now and looks back at him. "They never hesitated to protect me or spare resources for me. Well, that is an understatement. They saved my life already, more than once. I believe it is due to the relationship of your deal with them, however... I think some of them, personally care. Some." Thinking about Rokka specifically. "I think it might just work with them." Vorde: he gives you a long pondering stare finn before turning his head away "...good. all i needed was your approval in that regard." he makes to walk towards the door "if possible id like to speak with them all soon, you can catch me up on what you've seen underground as we walk. Its possible for us to walk about the palace by sticking to the indoor passages if we take the long way" Finn: he now gets off the bed with a little hop and waddles to his uncle's side. "Ah, that would be good. The sun is severely handicapping me today, I had to hold Psalm's and Orin's hands to get here in the first place." He puts on his hat again, unless that killed him earlier. [editor’s note: lol] "Some of the group came here with me, the others are buzzing about in another part of the palace..."
After a bit more brief chatter they decide to look for the rest of the group then bring them back to Vorde and Orin’s temporary room for a discussion. Vorde walks out of the room into the lounge where Orin seems to be idling around for the two of them, grabbing his bag and cloak once again. Not bothered for the moment be places his vest and cravat into the bag. The three then exit out into the hallway where the other three are waiting 
Vorde: "no need to get cold out here for my sake the three of you" Finn: finn trails after Vorde like a puppy Psalm: psalm just shrugs like "I figured you'd want a moment alone to talk to Finn." Plum: "yeah, also orin said you were sleeping, could go for a nap myself honestly" [yawns] Keva: keva gets up from her squat, winces a bit from her muscles quickly becoming sore probably lol Vorde: he gives you a neutral glance psalm "courteous of you i suppose." before turning to look at you plum "i concur, though i feel its best i speak with you all again once before you're called before whatever dignitaries in the evening. If only to clarify a few things now that my end of our deal is complete"  Plum: "sure, we should go find the others anyways"
The group shuffle off to look for the others, Plum tells Finn to lead the way though Finn soon realises he’ll need to hold someones hand again to get around. 
Finn: finn kind of just looks at plum. he cant lead the way really. unless plum is willing to hold his hand. Plum: plum like why is finn looking at me rn “you good there” Finn: "Um... more or less. I just do not think I am capable of guiding us around this castle." he stammers out "You, Keva and Psalm are more suited for that." Plum: "oh why didn't you just speak up" and i grab his hand and pull him along Finn: "Wha- !" finn is dragged along...he has no choice.. he cannot change this.
> 🎵  Labyrinth V - City of Radiant Ruin / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
As they wander around within the palace, Vinny leads the other group, consisting of Cimmorro, Han and Rokka, around to find the library. After a moment of wandering around the tall hallways on the ground floor they find the entrance, a set of open grand double doors. As they shuffle into the library they see a litany of people in blue and white coloured robes flitting about, similar uniforms to the royal guardsman but seemingly less restrictive and looser garments.
At one of the long centre tables they see there Turren, working away at some sort of grand bronze contraption, books and tomes piled high around as she sits upon a tall pile herself.
Next to her, Mardella appears to be reading from a book, reciting a phrase before looking up at Turren who frustratedly shakes her head before she moves onto another passage. The two continue on in this fashion almost comically while, nearby they spy Jeanne leaned over in a chair idly floating cosmetics as she stares into a mirror touching up her makeup.
Cimmorro: "looks like we found her... now give her a kiss" Vinny: he turns to you while hesitating at the entrance "you are making this worse by at least tenfold" Cimmorro: cimm snickers "i'm trying to save your marriage!" in the most joking tone he can possibly make. "i have to have my fun around here lest these two behind us bore me to death and take me to the goddess earlier than i had planned to" he points at han and rokka with his thumb without looking back Vinny: he makes this face at your teasing 😖 Plum: id kick cimms ass ngl Cimmorro: that means everything to me gab
Rokka: rokka mumbles to himself "i can be fun..."  Han: han pushes cimm into the library, NOT HARD JUST LIKE SO THAT HE STARTS WALKING, if he trips well 🙄 Cimmorro: [succeeds on dex save] cimm sticks his tongue out at han while moving out of her reaching distance, would gesture at vinny to go and speak to his lady "go on, shoo shoo" Han: han sticks her tongue back at cimm and also follows vinny
Vinny waddles ahead of the group reluctantly until he enters Jeanne's field of vision, as they go the apprentices gathered around give the group all curious looks before focusing their attention back on their work
Vinny: he waves a hand in front of her before remarking "hello again jeanne, i hear you've been looking for me" Jeanne: she snaps her head in his direction before turning it back to her mirror "oh Vildristin there you are, I’d heard you had found your way to the palace somehow. lovely of you not make me hunt you down myself, always so bothersome.” She clicks a container holding some of her makeup closed before turning fully towards him “charming to see you’re in good….enough health. Last I got a glimpse of you I recall you were cowering against a wall in some rundown hallway. next you time you are unwillingly spirited away could you place yourself somewhere slightly more identifiable for me?”  Cimmorro: behind vinny, cimm looks like this 😬 thinking 'the whole idiot thing wasn't a joke huh'
Rokka: jeanne i have decided you are a meanie mcpoopoo Han: ME RN TRACE Cimmorro: cimm group literally being like booo we hate your pussy @ jeanne rn Han: EMO PHASE OVER WE COME TOGETHER TO HATE ON JEANNES PUSSY
Vinny: he huffs and folds his arms in response to her “I was trying to stay hidden at the time, if you’ve not been informed, the lovely group of people behind me were innocent” Jeanne: she shakes a hand at him dismissively “oh yes yes, but still you were embarrassing me, and in front of the lovely ladies here as well. What to think of poor Beryll’s reputation” she tuts as he shoots a glares at her “hmm right, not that you care much about that, problem child that you are” Vinny: “…you’re barely four years of age on me Jeanne” Jeanne: “and how important those four years are apparently” he lets out a long beleaguered sigh
Cimmorro: cimm's debating if he should intervene rn but decides to hold back another round but he is less pleased at this point Han: one more round of verbal abuse Psalm: this is han cimm and rokka in the bg
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Vinny: a beat passes before vinny folds his arms in front of himself anxiously "right, well I've made myself known then... good luck with whatever it is... you aren’t doing in here" and turns to leave Jeanne: “hold on, you” she quickly extends a manicured finger in Vinny’s direction. “you aren’t shambling off anywhere until I have you report to the Accord, and then we shall be enlisting your help in tightening up the arcane runes around the palace” Vinny: he flinches “w…why on earth do I need to help with the runes…” Jeanne: she sighs before continuing “the great wizards of the accord are happily extending a helping hand to the Dorinian monarchy to resolve such a grand breach of security, of which you yourself are one, do you truly need such reminders? shall I jog your memory also on how to draw magic circle and what sigils make up a prestidigitation spell?” Vinny: he lets out a small frustrated grunt of agony in response Han: han slides in behind vinchezzo "you seem so capable ma'am, and vinny was just injured gravely, you should be fine doing those sigils yourself" takes vinnys waist and gently pushes him further away back to the door lol Cimmorro: cimm gets between han and jeanne "our fair wizard here was at the verge of passing far too many times, i don't suppose it would be uncouth to let him have his well deserved rest"
Han: han and cimm said WE TOP FUCK OFF Cimmorro: han might start a bar fight here he's seen enough Han: HAN SAID SHE TOPS AND CIMM SAID SHE DOES BUT NOT HERE Cimmorro: GKSJDGHSKJHGSJKGSHDGKHJSGD
Plum: han just moving vinny away and him just letting her is destroying me genuinely Han: vinny bottom... Chip: annoyed but liberated Cimmorro: vinny would let himself get manhandled
Rokka: he moves in front of vinny also "yes, i don't think it would look good for an accord that treats their own members in such a way" Vinny: he seems shocked at your intervention but doesn't fight being pushed away much by han. Jeanne: she squints at you all from under her fringe while tapping a finger on the table in front of her "...dont believe i caught the names of our great liberators. So you were the ones looking out for our Vildristin then?" Rokka: "my name is Rokka" he tilts his head up like that hmph motion Han: han noooos inside Cimmorro: "...it's fairer to say that we were looking after each other. vildristin offered great assistance in stopping the underground ceremony, madame" straightening up "so, i, again, implore you to let him rest" Han: keeps dragging vinny out like peace out Jeanne: she leans her head on her free hand atop the desk and stares for a long moment at you cimmorro before clicking her tongue "ahh no fun you lot. Take him away then since one of you seems quite keen too" she leans back in her chair and says slightly louder "waltz down here tomorrow though Vildristin, i mean it!" she sounds slightly whiny as she does. Turren: she gives her a disgruntled look at the volume "Jeanne if you could keep the noise down im trying my best to parse the damn code whatever 100 year old mage encrypted this thing with" Jeanne: she wilts slightly with a laugh "aha my apologies arch mage" she waves the four of you off with her hand Cimmorro: cimm gives jeanne a forced smile before leaving
Rokka: https://tenor.com/view/avatar-last-airbender-sokka-katara-gif-5506067 Cimmorro: ROIAKLLOAKOLKWKOGOAGKOKADGDSG
The group quickly shuffle themselves out of the library back into the tall palace hallways, dragging Vinny along with them.
Han: once hans out the door "well, at least bought a nights rest for you" Cimmorro: catching up to the others with a sprint. "okayyyy then... not saving your marriage. if i knew you had a wife like that i think i'd sabotage it if anything" he keeps his hands behind his head Han: "ye, if you need someone to hold her down while you get a left hook in, count me in" Chip: cimm like ill homewreck fr u anytime vinny Cimmorro: ILL GET CHU OUTTA THERE U DONT BELONG THERE 
Vinny: he lifts his glasses and rubs his eyes "yes well, at least that’s out of the way for now. Suppose i'll be cooped up at the palace for the next few days" he turns to you cimm after "....im too tired to keep correcting you. Gods i need a nap" Cimmorro: "is this how they ALL treat you in the accord? or is madame there a special case?" Vinny: "mostly. some of them aren’t as insufferable as that, she's definitely a standout. were i feeling conspiratorial id almost think they sent her specifically on purpose" Han: "definitely on purpose" Rokka: rokka jsut quietly pats vinny on the back Cimmorro: cimm looking at vinny like damn bro u live like this "i still can't help but wonder why you stick with them if this were the case" Rokka: "yeah, can't you...i dont know... quit?” Vinny: "we all make bad choices when were younger, unfortunately im still stuck with this one" he stares at the ornate looking wall in the hallway tiredly Han: han gives vinny an empathetic shoulder (or i guess hip with her fucking size) bump "if you want to escape and start new life...." Vinny: he finally laughs again at that "I've thought about it i cant deny that, who would i leave the store too though..." at that though he kinda snaps his eyes open "right, i almost forgot with jeanne's yammering" he turns back to you all seriously "im still worried about where ezra and cole have gotten too....they still haven't shown up. I was going to ask since it seems i wont be able to really leave and look around on my own. If uh, you get the chance, could you try and look into it and see where they've disappeared too?" Han: "oh, yeah. i was planning to look for them anyway" Rokka: "yeah, I am kind of worried" Han: "you can do that scrying thing like you were under before?" Vinny: he goes 🥺 "thank you, i really appreciate it" before responding to the question "no, sadly i dont have the ability to cast something that potent. Maybe i could badger jeanne about it tomorrow however.... least she could do for me"" Han: han makes the excalibur face "we can search by our own" Psalm: LOL Plum: LOOOL
Cimmorro: "would she even consider your requests? with the way things were going earlier it didn't seem possible to me" Vinny: "if im going to be forced to work with her tomorrow i can ask at the very least, if it comes to nothing well i'll already be having an annoying morning" Cimmorro: "quite a nice coworker you got, i'll be real... could you not quit the accord and keep the shop going yourself? probably even set up elsewhere" Vinny: "i cant quit the accord period, as least not right now. They dont have control over the shop, just over me... Im sure i could travel as i pleased if i informed them where i'd be heading, but id be forced to answer them if they ever called me. Having the store just makes it easier" he sighs "it hasn't been an issue much for a few years but with jeanne here i get the feeling they'll try and meddle with me again" Cimmorro: "you... really like roping yourself into trouble huh" cimm responds Vinny: "ahh.. i am a man of many talents" he says ruefully Cimmorro: "as I've said earlier, too many hobbies"
As they chat, Vinny’s group spots the others coming down the hallway towards them and start waving their hello’s, regrouping altogether once again.
Rokka: rokka perks up "oH GUYS!!" he waves and runs over Plum: i wave at rokka too Chip: plum getting hugged by rokka while holding finns hand Rokka: THATS LITERALLY WHAT IM IMAGINING RN Plum: what was that shit we said yesterday. sorry i fuck and yall dont   
Finn: "hello rokka... it is good to see you again" finn comments, also relieved to see rokka.. Rokka: "boy am I glad to see you all again" he gently pats finns hat, careful not to tip it Finn: finn laughs quietly at the gesture, not minding it at all coming from him. "the pleasure is all ours." Psalm: "It..hasn't been that long...?"
Vinny: as the groups converge vinny rubs his neck idly "ah i think i'll split off here and go find somewhere to lay down for a bit, in those barracks that had the bathouse under it" he turns to cimm and han "ill let you know tomorrow if i can wrangle jeanne into anything" Han: thumbs up @ vinny Cimmorro: i nod at vinny "see ya" Keva: keva lets her head drop tiredly on orin's shoulder while we all stand around n talk
Vinny ambles off to find some shuteye while the group chatters amongst themselves, soon after Vorde leads them all back to him and Orin’s temporary lodgings within the castle walls. The group inform him and Orin of their goings on’s over the past day on the way before they arrive at the building again, walking up the stairs into the room one after another. Vorde places his bag down before sitting himself down in a chair in the main lounge room as the group all settle themselves.
Vorde: "seeing as you are to be called in to speak with the royalty soon i feel best i get this out of the way now so we may both be on our own ways." he folds his hands in his lap and regards you all
Cimmorro: vorde lookin like this:
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Chip: SJKHEEHJKAGHKJEGAJEJG Psalm: STOP  Finn: uiHOIDMJFGIOD;KGFO;DFG finn goes to sit on vordes side, but he doesn't sit like barock
Vorde: he continues on “at this point I consider my obligations in our deal complete, you’re names are cleared and the royalty is clearly thankful to you, an enviable spot to have landed yourselves within. when they summon you again I’m quite certain it will be to discuss compensation or some sort for your task done” Keva: keva looks at whoever questioned her abt being compensated idr Chip: michelle just knows she has a right to go haha neener neener rn
Vorde: “i feel it is time i speak more on the the job, yes” he sighs and leans further back, fatigue settling into his limbs as he rubs a hand across his face “as you all know I’ve spoken before that it is to take place in Antessa, my hometown” he pauses thinking “you will all need to arrive there within 2-3 months, no later than the 45th of Aestas. In simpler terms you’ve a maximum of 87 days from today, easy enough, I can’t imagine that no matter what route you travel there it wouldn’t take you any more than 60 or so days at the maximum. how you get there or what you do from now until you arrive is of no concern to me, so long as you arrive before this time. i shall not be accompanying you there, I've other matters to attend to before we arrive, Orin and Finn alongside me.” Finn: finn kicks his feet a little in the air again, having known about this he's not particularly affected unless rokka looks at him with sad puppy eyes Han: "travelling together sounds smart, especially by foot" Psalm: “no arguments there” Keva: keva starts chewin on a thumbnail while she thinks Rokka: "finn, you're leaving?" Plum: plum is frowning but they're not saying anything either Finn: "Ah...I must. But we will meet again in Antessa, with a lot to tell each other I'm sure." Finn tries to give Rokka a reassuring smile. Rokka: "ah...I was beginning to enjoy our time together..." he looks down "but if you must then I hope to see you soon" Finn: Finn's smile becomes a little sad at that... Enjoying the time he's spent with Rokka as well. "So was I... But we must simply look forward to our next meeting. Time will fly quickly, I'm sure." Vorde: he’s staring very hard at you all considering something while peering at rokka and finn
Keva: in a low volume @ orin "where are you going to be?" Orin:  he tilts his head towards you keva "boss man's gotta meet with some people and shuffle around some stuff in ackran i think" Keva: "does it have to do with whatever we're doing in what-its-name" Orin: “ayeeep” Keva: she says louder @ vorde "actually you haven't told us yet what we're doing in your hometown" Vorde: vorde looks at you keva "as unfortunate as I’m sure it is to hear, I cannot yet relay details on said job. while I don’t doubt you all are adept at this point, I cannot risk information about this leaking at all. under any circumstances. when you arrive I will be sure to brief you all in full, down to the finest detail, on specifics. until then just know It will most likely involve combat, and if it soothes you, it is for a righteous purpose” as he says the last bit you see him clench his hand on one of his knees almost unconsciously. Han: "really? no information? nothing helpful so we could even prepare?" Vorde: he shakes his head "that is as much as i can say unfortunately"
Chip: vorde gets 5 black psyche locks appear Han: me ripping his psyche locks Cimmorro: lock pick it keva go
Han: "and if we dont show up?" Psalm: "So are we getting compensation for this as well or was clearing our names payment in advance?" Vorde: "then you would be breaking the terms of our deal. of which i would not take kindly too" he gives you a stern expression before turning to psalm "you will be compensated for this job, clearing your names was the advance. the rest comes after it is complete" Psalm: "I see. Well that's fine with me then." Plum: "you have a lotta faith paying us in advance that's for sure 🤨 but i kinda need to be up around there anyways" Han: han has a bad taste in mouth n just sighs Cimmorro: looking over the group cimm is thinking 'stuck with these guys for months...'
Keva: back to whispering to orin ".... you really think we can trust this guy?" Orin: "well he'll pay you thats for sure, and i dont think hes going to drop you in a ditch if thats what you're scared of" Keva:  keva looks directly at orin "it's not me i'm worried about" Orin: he just kinda rolls his eyes Keva: she pinches him in his side Orin: he goes ow ow ow Keva: she grumble at him "you always manage to get yourself into Something." and then quieter and looking at the floor "i don't like being separated that long." n she looks at her thumb before wiping the spit off on her shirt Orin: he kinda rubs his side "ah well yknow, i cant really leave boss man's side at this point, even when finn flutters off i gotta be his second pair of eyes. i'll see ya again dont worry" Keva: keva just sighs quietly thru her nose
Vorde: he continues "theres a place on the outskirts before you reach the town called The Dead Bone Bend, its a cliffface of a sort. at its top is where u can meet me" Plum: [repeats name to self] "gotcha” Celebrity Guest Aqua: Kya meeting vorde at an ass end of nowhere near decrepit ghost town >_< Psalm: PEAK OF ROMANCE Cimmorro: bro ik its like eloping Plum: called bone bend Celebrity Guest Aqua: Well, My bone bend as they say Finn: if it were anyone other than vorde id assume im being killed by a serial killer but vorde? id meet him anywhere Han: yall are crazy Psalm: AND WHAT ABOUT IT? Han: FAIR CARRY ON
As they chat Vorde seems to be lost in his thoughts for a moment, he blinks before turning to address Finn and Orin about something.
Vorde: “Finnian I hate to ask this of you, but could you accompany Orin downstairs for a moment, one of the servants should have some notes for me prepared that I asked after earlier. It should be no trouble to grab them if you announce yourself as a Barvotte” Finn: Finn hops off his seat and looks towards Vorde "But of course, uncle." Then to Orin, as he will request his guidance in just a moment and already walks towards the door.
Cimmorro: were going to die Psalm: damn here we go, he's gonna turn into a lich Han: WE HAD A SHORT REST YOU SAID CHIP
Orin follows after Finn dutifully downstairs to ask around about the servant. After Finn leaves Vorde waits a few beats before turning back to address the group.
> 🎵  The Relentless Melody / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
Vorde: “there is one more thing I would like to ask of you all before you head off to wherever you may. I would like you to take Finn with you on your travels until you reach Antessa.” he stares at you all seriously, his hands clasped on his lap. Plum: plum tries to hide a laugh Han: "....you could have just said that with him here, why was... is this secret. wh" Psalm: 0_0) "Any reason why...?" Rokka: rokka immediately perks up and becomes excited "yeah! made me feel sad all for nothing!" Vorde: "he seemed eager yes but i feel i should ask you all before he is foisted upon you. it is awkward to do if he is staring you all down. i want honest answers" he turns to you psalm and shakes his head “as loathe as I am to be appear genuine here, my nephew has never travelled outside of Antessa unless it was under my watch. I fear he has not had enough experience of the world on his own, never forced to adapt I suppose you could say” he squeezes his hands slightly before continuing "he can be a bit too attached to me, he has to stand on his own eventually"
Cimmorro: what if vorde's going to a dangerous mission and he dies while finn is with us makes u think Psalm: why would you say that, what the fuck are you on dawg Finn: hey jez im going to kill you for real Plum: mentor figures dont always gotta die ! just saying chip ! Celebrity Guest Aqua: just bcs hes a dilf you dont have to kill him its ok
Rokka: "don't worry sir vorde. I will do my best to look out for him" taps his bicep Han: "........ you want us to babysit?" grimacing Psalm: "While I see what you're saying I don't think I'm cut out to be babysitting." Plum: "i mean i don't mind, rather him than some of you lot sometimes [not looking at keva]" Vorde: he nods his head at you rokka before staring at the other two “you have all proven yourselves capable, even strong individuals. more importantly you aren’t quite like anyone he’s been forced to be around before, that is important.” He pauses a moment again before continuing “I think he has proven himself to you now that he is also able of handling himself in more dangerous circumstances, he would not be a burden. or he very well shouldn’t be one, travel wise or monetarily” Keva: after a bit "....fine. if you make sure orin stays safe." Vorde: he stares at you a moment "that i can assure" Psalm: "Money or otherwise isn't really the issue..." Psalm trails off. Rokka: rokka's just like haha its not babysitting when ur just hanging out with ur friend 🤪
Vorde: he turns to you psalm “you do not have to agree to this request, I am not demanding it of you but I would appreciate it greatly, nonetheless” and for once you see some genuine emotion in this old mans eyes Han: vorde like 🥺 Psalm: psalms like
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Han: han is untouched by vorde puppy eyes Celebrity Guest Aqua: bounces right off of han Plum: plum isn't
Psalm: * weak to pressure* "It's not like I'll be up to much before whatever you have planned so." just waves his hand Vorde: he nods at you before turning to the rest of you expectantly for an answer Han: han shrugs as an answer like do i rly got a choice bruh..... Cimmorro: "........... we're all going there anyways so there's no difference if he comes with or not. we'll be meeting together in Antessa and working from there regardless. might as well bring him along" Plum: also yeah i just look at bossman and nod if he doesn't get the impression im down for whatever Psalm: psalms not even gonna bother fixing the misconception that we're a functioning group of acquaintances rn Vorde: at your reluctant approval he tiredly speaks again as if drained from not being detached for once "thank you all. i appreciate it" in a rarity he bends forward and gives you all a bow before lifting his head again "with things more or less settled, i'll be due to leave the city sometime in the evening tomorrow along with Orin. I will inform Finn myself of this change before then, i ask you to not tell him just yet yourselves if possible. He will meet you all in the morning at some point i will make sure of that"
> 🎵  Labyrinth V - City of Radiant Ruin / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
At the tail end of the conversation the group hear Finn and Orin’s footsteps from outside, a knock on the door from Finn announcing their presence again.
Finn: simply comes in without waiting for a reply after he knocks. "Uncle we were able to retrieve the notes you asked for." He says, walking up to Vorde to hand them over and sit next to him again. He's looking forward to not seeing this group for a couple months with the exception of a few select. Cimmoro: everyone looking at finn uncomfortably rn, cept for rokka whos probably wagging his tail Vorde: he takes them from you finn "thank you finnian" he turns back to you all and unfolds them, revealing them to be large maps of the area and written timetables and puts them on a table in front of him "i feel the least i can do is give you some information so you may chart your course as you wish before leaving." he stands from his chair visibly more tired than usual "and now, i am going to lay down for a few more hours at the very least" he turns to you finn "after you speak to the royalty in a time id like you to come wake me for a chat" he pats finn on the shoulder before walking back towards the room with a bed Finn: Finn smiles again at the pat to his shoulder, thinking he and Vorde will just have tea or something. Now that the letterheads are taken care of, some normalcy can return to their lives. Temporarily, at least. It's been a while since they could just talk. And finally they get to travel again! He's missed Orin and Vorde dearly. He nods at his uncles words and wishes him plentiful rest. Plum: jude man, my gawd
Vorde heads out of the room, leaving the group to examine the items he’s placed upon the table. They set about investigating the various routes they could take from here to Antessa.
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Route 1 - 100gp per person for the entire boat journey, then 100gp for a caravan and some horses, 500g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 2 - 1000gp per person for the entire airship journey then 100gp for a carvan and some horses and 100g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 3A - 100gp for caravan and some horses, 1000g for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Route 3B - 100gp for caravan and some horses, 1100 gp for supplies for the whole journey (food and horse feed)
Psalm: psalm perks up when he sees the airship option "Finn you wouldn't happen to know what your uncle plans on getting up to before Antessa would he?" Finn: "My uncle isn't fixated only on this job. He has his business to do here and there, that's all I know. I guess I can tell you when we reunite in Antessa?" Finn answers plainly. Psalm: "Ah.. was trying to see if I could get some clues for our upcoming mission but alright." Finn: Finn chuckles at that. "Try all you want, I will also not tell you any more than my uncle did." Psalm: "You caught me ^_^ " Plum: i feel like psalm just lied Psalm: was 100% lying yeah, don't even need to hide that lmfao
Psalm: "I vote we take the airship. Well, either way, im taking that. Even if i have to go by myself” Finn: Finn leans back and watches Psalm starting drama, like he's about to watch an entertaining play. Rokka: rokka taps his chin "i've never been on an airship before..." Plum: "ugh.. i don't like the sound of being up in the air, i'm more interested in the boat route" Han: "i dont have that money and people dont take good to that" Psalm: ”Boats aren't that much safer. They're both ships if you think about it." Plum: "i'm not too keen on the boats either” Han: "airship sound kinda boring but whatever" Psalm: “WHAT. How??” Plum: plum looks at psalm like what the fuck Keva: keva also look at psalm from her distracted thinking like [what the fuck?]
Han: "what do you do on air??? stare at sky??? at least i can forage on horseback..." Psalm: "Why would you want to forage? Plus it's faster." Han: "how else do you get food???" Psalm: Psalm just stares at her like ah i see the problem now Keva: "airship rats" Han: han considers airship rats for a moment Psalm: "You buy food." Han: "why would you buy food if you can just hunt something..." Psalm: "I feel like this is going to go in circles so I'm not going to follow up on that." to himself under his breath  "I'm flat broke though...😭  " Cimmorro: "we should find out our compensation before we decide on routes, if we are even able to afford it" snickers 
As the group kill time scanning maps and discussing their preferences, the seven of them are finally once again summoned to speak before the nobility in the evening. As the sun finally sets and after some searching from a harried liaison, they bid farewell to Orin in the room before they're led through the palace floors.
As opposed to being led towards the grand courtroom before, the group are led down a different hallway instead, upstairs within the palace. The ceiling is less ludicrously high on the second floor, though only slightly. They are directed to the end of a hallway before a set of grand double doors by a couple of royal guardsman.
> 🎵  Minor Labyrinth I - The Undiscovered Realm / Etrian Odyssey IV OST
As the group are led inside, in the centre of the room they see a large heavy round oak table, with grand ornamentation carved into its sides. Around the table are bookcases and chairs, as well as banners and shields hung across the walls, and a grand looking window on the far back wall.
On top of the table are books and papers piled up, as well as multiple maps of the city, different angles and sections with small black wooden markers placed upon them. At the doors of the room two royal guardsman stand on guard and eye the group as they walk inside.
Directly across from where they entered, there they see king consort Jeremiah on the other end of the table seated, working away at something as an attendant speaks, bent over next to him. He seems preoccupied until their entrance, to which he lifts his head and speaks a grand greeting. 
Jeramiah: “Ah yes there you all are, Vengaboys correct? Apologies for the delay but there is much to be done within a short amount of time if we want to lift the lockdown by tomorrow...” he idly scratches at his chin as he puts down a quill held in his hand Psalm: "vengaboys correct" broke my immersion Chip: LOL Keva: we did this
Finn: he bows in appropriate fashion for the king consort. "Vengaboys is correct, your majesty." Plum: plum is like my family is not going to believe the shit ive been getting up to this week i'll tell you that, im wondering if i should curtsy or something but i think i will decide against it Rokka: "greetings your great....highness....majesty.......king.....?" how do u speak to the royal family idfk Han: “ya sup” Jeremiah: he nods at your greeting finn and smiles a little at han and rokka's before shuffling a few papers together and setting them aside. He tents his hands in front of him on the table before continuing on “i’ve been informed of what occurred earlier today in detail, what this cult attempted to achieve and how it was stopped by yourselves and the two guardsman who spoke with me. Incredible work, I say this truly, this great city owes you a good deal for the countless people you’ve saved, and those you prevented from witnessing such horror firsthand” at this he stands regally and extends a hand across his chest, bowing his head slightly to you all. his attendant almost appears shocked at his action, flustering slightly next to him. Plum: im also shocked Keva: keva is uncomfortable Psalm: psalm is also uncomfortable Finn: Finn is experiencing anxiety premium rn but nods at the gesture. Hoping thats the right thing to do. Rokka: rokka is also slightly uncomfortable.....thats a lot of eyes and ears Cimmorro: cimm just watching
Plum: “err...i mean...” [wondering if they should say anything] Psalm: "There's no need to thank us..." Rokka: “yeah...” Han: on a lower volume "we nearly died, the fuck are you all on (does a mocking tone of psalm) 'no need to thank us'" Plum: [rolls my eyes at han] Finn: finn glares at you han Psalm: he flips her off behind his back
Han reaches out in an attempt to covertly twist Psalm’s arm behind his back, but he quickly bats her hand away before she can get to him at all.
Psalm: HAHAHAHAH SUCK IT LOOOL, i'm imagining this in my head and it's destroying me Plum: SAME like drake and josh or something Han: HAN TSKS QUIETLY Keva: keva bites her lip trying not to laugh Psalm: he 😏
As Han fails to bully psalm, Jeremiah rises up from the bow and sits again before continuing on with his speech.
Jeremiah: "no need to humble yourselves, i give gratitude where i believe it is due" and smiles before speaking again, unbeknown to the bullshit occurring in front of him “what I would like to discuss first is that you have all been formally pardoned. This was done earlier in word at your court hearing but I’d like to inform you that is now officially on our records." he continues on "i am also having the two guardsman knighted for their efforts but I feel a party as yourselves typically appreciates more material goods in exchange for a task done.” He smirks slightly and turns towards his attendant “Please inform them?”  Attendant: the attendant quickly bows before turning to address you all “The Dorinian Monarchy thanks you for your efforts in securing our grand city of Shorewater. In exchange your party, the Vengaboys, shall be gifted a lump sum of 35,000 gold, in addition to your formal pardon” the attendant finishes speaking Psalm: AIRSHIP HERE WE COME BABY Rokka: ROKKAS EYES BULGE OUT AT HEARING THE MONEY Plum: MY EYES ALSO BULGE OUT Keva: YA KEVA'S JAW DROPS Han: (han counts on her fingers subtly)
Jeremiah: though he continues staring at them as if expecting more “…and?" Attendant: the attendant jumps to attention “ah…your majesty I was unsure if you were ah….and there’s the necessary checks we’d need to…”
The attendant babbles themselves into silence as Jeremiah continues staring at them expectantly before they cough and turn back towards the party.
Attendant: “The monarchy has also seen fit to ah, rehold the Elfonsent Ball in 2 weeks’ time, featuring you all as guests of honour for your undoubtedly heroic actions earlier on this day” they finish, giving a bow Jeremiah: he smiles happily, his hands tented in front of his face. Finn: he wonders if he's the one supposed to represent the group here and supposed to respond, noble and all. balling his fist and unballing it nervously. "W-we are grateful for your swift work and your generous reward, Consort Jeremiah." Finn bows again, a bit more this time. "We would gladly attend the rehold of the ball with great pride." Plum: plum is not really sure what to say, looks at finn and is like "yes.. uh... thank you." and coughs into their fist Cimmorro: "yea this is pretty pog not gonna lie" Rokka: ROKKA KIND OF FREAKING OUT Han: han still counting Keva: she kinda is just like "what the fuck" almost silently to herself Psalm: psalm's like deadpan: "Your Majesty you really don't have to do that." Jeremiah: he smiles at your response "wonderful to hear young barvotte" before turning to you psalm and he laughs "as far as im concerned were underpaying you after that report but we need to manage expenses to deal with the aftermath. there is the matter of corpse location, cleanup and funerary services… sections of the city will need to be sanctioned off until these are complete. funerary services and body identification...we will hold a mourning service once all has been organised but afterwards” he picks up and begins twirling his quill in one hand Finn: finn fidgets nervously at how the king consort seemingly doesn't mind his awful anxiety. tries to smile. keyword tries. Psalm: psalm just ^_^ Cimmorro: "may i ask whose funerary services are you hiring?" Jeremiah: he turns to you "we'll most likely enlist the church of heiron as they have a great base in the city already, but i am considering asking after other churches aid as well, depending on the number we will have to handle" Keva: keva looks up from her daze at the mention of church of heiron Jeremiah: he continues on while still spinning the quill continuing after in thought “…elfonsent spell is about forging connections with one another, deep in the throes of springtime. recent events have no doubt stoked hostility and suspicions, gossip about the perpetrators and despite what information we put out, people will harbour their fears still. After all of this I want to give people something to smile about, and some heroes to shower with praise” he tilts his head with a glint in his eye and smiles “you need not attend if you’d not like to publicly, but it would be a great boon to have you all be present, your free to invite guests as well to your hearts desire" Han: han goes : D at that
Psalm: what's with all the old men pressuring us today Chip: welcome to my dilf pressure cooker
Cimmorro: also cimm's going to pipe up "i come from the church of wee jas. we specialise in funerary services and i'd be honoured to lend a hand if your majesty needs an extra pair" Jeremiah: he raises a brow "oh? is that so? if you would like to i would appreciate the help greatly, as well as if you had any other contact to jasidian temples you could make. i'll assemble information regarding the inspection and cleanup for you at a later date then" Finn: "Oh, I don't mean to appear rude, but is Vorde Barvotte accounted for in this invitation?" Finn manages to work up the courage to ask. Jeremiah: he turns to you finn "yes he is invited as well, just as he was the previous one. it would be gauche for me to retract it now" Cimmorro: cimm would just smile at the blessing of being able to contact other temples and go "awesome! thank you i'm looking forward to working for you, your majesty!" he is genuinely happy abt this all for once Jeremiah: he nods his head at you cimmorro and moves to address you all again "i thank you all again, you may rest at the palace this evening. In the morning you will be summoned to receive your compensation before you leave. Over the coming weeks I will send liaisons with documents for you to sign in regards to your involvement with the events below ground, as well as your formal invitations to the next ball. as you go please give your current lodgings over to my attendant here” he begins turning his attention back to the documents at his hands “have a good evening vengaboys”
The attendant shuffles forward around the table towards the group with parchment and quill in hand, expectantly waiting to take down their addresses. The group all give their current lodgings in their business district inn’s, Keva just gives the inn’s name verbally.
As they all finish off the meeting, the group are all led out of the room and then back down the palace stairs followed by royal guardsman. As they reach the ground floor they nod and take guard at the stairs, allowing the group to then wander as they please. 
The guardsman briefly point them in the direction of their guest rooms, one of the smaller buildings near the royal guard barracks inside the walls. The party find the rest of the evening to themselves to wish as they wish, at a ripe time of 7:30 PM.
👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👦The Party have been informed on their potential future travel routes to Antessa...
⭐Vinny’s safety has been relayed to the Accord
👤Ezra and 🧰Cole continue to be MIA
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thetaekooklibrary · 7 years
do you know any fics with very emotional smut?
hope these are okay! these are ones I feel are pretty emotional, and I had admin guk give me some bottom guk ones to include too, and there are a few mixed in where they switch
i feel safe in the 5 a.m. light (love in my arms and the sun in my eyes) by JemKay - And Taehyung thinks he’s never loved anyone more in his life than the boy above him who’s a little bit rough and sometimes a bit insensitive and maybe a little bit mean, but he’s also so soft and so gentle, and he treats Taehyung like he’s something so precious to him. And maybe he’s like that because of Taehyung, or maybe it’s because underneath everything, underneath the tough exterior and the sky-high walls, his heart’s more delicate than Taehyung’s, but all Taehyung knows is that Jeongguk fills up all of Taehyung’s vulnerable pieces with parts of himself.
Something To Do With Hands by lethallergic - “It’s a lot like falling in love with a city you’ve never been to.”
my church offers no absolutes by astringxnt - Jungkook believes that everyone is born as a tabula rasa, but Taehyung is convinced that he’s born sick. “where do you think all these souls go, after someone dies?” “your father’s the pastor, how would I know? doesn’t he say that they go to purgatory?” “you see, that’s the thing. we’ll never know, because the only ones who do, will never have a chance to tell us.”
Things You Said at 1 AM by lexwrites - 12:54 AM is Taehyung on Jungkook’s lap, breath hot against his skin in the freezing cold.12:57 AM is messy kisses of teeth and tongue and promises of forever hanging off Jungkook’s tongue.12:59 AM is ‘I love you’s whispered into their skins and Jungkook wants to say more, but he isn’t eloquent until Taehyung is under him, moaning out Jungkook’s name like it’s the only word he’s ever known.
Have Heart, My Dear by TAHC - Jeongguk’s first impression of Taehyung was that there wasn’t enough blood on him.
Premeditated by JemKay - Jeongguk’s not sure when the case became about getting back together with Taehyung instead of finding out who killed his fiancé.
Even When The World Collapses Upon Us by chinesepickles - Third Prince of Baekje, Kim Taehyung, falls in love with a Sillan merchant he has come to know of as Jungkook. General Jeon of Silla trips heart-first for an errand boy in Baekje with the name of Taehyung.
Terrible Things Happen (Sometimes, They Save You) by mindheist - Min Yoongi wakes up from a nightmare on a sunless afternoon to a reality more twisted than his dizziest daydreams.
there’s nothing like us (nothing like you and me baby) by taekookgi - “Maybe it feels so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”
Just Us by namjickiminaj - Kim Taehyung is in love with everything about Jeon Jungkook.
view by unserene - They both chuckled, foreheads pressing against one another’s as the sun’s final rays drowned beneath the waves of the Pacific. A sweet kiss was shared, Jungkook’s fingers playing with the loose strands of hair that swept across the back of Taehyung’s neck. “I wish I could marry you already.” Jungkook whispered against Taehyung’s warm lips.
Comeback Kids by Rix - Taehyung is infuriating and Jungkook’s always been easy to rile up. Which isn’t the best combination, but also isn’t the worst, either. (or: Taekook as hockey fuckboy rivals)
Just Give Me A Smile by njhft_mgc - He opened the door, half expecting to find Jungkook practicing something or on his laptop, but was met with pitch darkness. “Uh, Kookie? Are ya sleeping?” Again, no answer. Taehyung squinted his still adjusting eyes in the dark and could easily make out the lump on Jungkook’s bed. “Kook, I know you’re thereeeee. Come play games with hyung, please?” “No.” Or Jungkook’s having a pretty bad day and Taehyung comes to the rescue
Contact by Angieenigma - Remember when Jungkook got sick and was in the hospital that one time? You wanna bet Taehyung didn’t try to visit him at every opportunity? Jungkook is sick of being sick and Taehyung will do anything for him.
the smell of peaches by AWriterIAm - Taehyung nods, and nods some more, and he looks stupid. “I got a cat.” “You hate cats.” says Jungkook. “I like this one.” He doesn’t reply that the only reason Taehyung got a cat is because he had nothing better to do while being single and needed something to occupy his time, instead he says, “Oh. Well, that’s cool, I guess.” And it is cool. Also, annoying as fuck. Jungkook takes a big gulp of the tequila and cranberry Jimin got for him and tries not to wince at the burn.
Working Conviction by Rix - How their trust evolves to go from from Jungkook pointing a loaded gun in Taehyung’s face to Taehyung binding Jungkook down and fucking him till he can’t see straight.
The Favor by BANGTANbeybe - “I want you to take my virginity.”Taehyung paused with the cheeseburger halfway to his mouth. When he realized that Jungkook wasn’t going to say anything else, he set the burger on his plate with as much careful precision as he would’ve used when handling a bomb. Assuming he’d ever touched a bomb…which, of course, he hadn’t.“Pardon?” he finally said, for lack of anything better. Because he must have misheard. There was no way in hell his best friend’s eighteen-year-old brother had just said those words. Over lunch. In the middle of a diner. With an old, white-haired couple sitting right behind them.
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ohwhattheheck · 5 years
A new beginning.
I haven’t written here about what happened to me in the last month of this decade. My marriage broke open. Like an egg. Like a coconut. Its insides pooling around the broken halves, waiting to be mopped up. Or if left, to dry slowly, slowly in the sunless days.
For the past week, I have been living in a hostel in the heart of the city, sharing a dormitory with 3-4 other girls at any point of time. One of them leaves the bathroom and the dorm really messy, her things spread out around her. But I have grown to be okay with that. She is just trying to make herself comfortable. And come to think of it, aren’t we all?
I myself have a plastic bottle of lavender flowers in water next to my bed. It was a gift from a friend. A little something she brought me on Day 1 when I had just moved out and didn’t know what to do with myself. She said it would cheer me up. At the time, I didn’t think it would. I didn’t think anything could. I tried to refuse. In the end, I took a small bunch from her large bunch and it has stayed with me all week. 
“When it dries, press it into a book,” she advised me before hopping into an auto and leaving. I wanted to tell her I had no books with me. Nothing except some clothes and a bar of washing soap and my makeup purse. Then of course, my laptop and phone and Kindle and all their assorted chargers. Every night before I turn in, I take off my glasses and put them into their green plastic case, the one with Butto’s bite marks. And I marvel that I had the foresight to pack this. 
The flowers dry a little more every day. But they are still lovely in a Van Gogh painting way. Surprisingly, they don’t crumble and leave little dried bits on my white linen. When I wake up each morning, the only thing I find are a concerning number of my own hair strands. There is also a brownish patch on the linen, a little faded, where the small of my back would be; I wonder if it was always there and I didn’t notice it when I moved in. I am not having my period; so, it couldn’t have come from my body.
Each day is long. The night before, I take a quick inventory of how full my hours are and what I can do with the rest of them. I plan where I will call my mother from, so that she does not realize I am no longer living in my home. I wonder what I will tell my brother if he catches me out, for he lives in the same city now, a stone’s throw away from my apartment. I am grateful that his job and life keep him too busy for him to drop by as often as he says he’d like to.
I have been writing a lot. I think it takes a crisis of these proportions to make you shake off your inertia and start writing. Because you need an outlet. Desperately. When there is someone nearby to say things to, you don’t feel the need to write them down. The words are out of your mouth and they float away, never returning. But when you write things down, they stay. They leave a mark. They have a weight and a strength that the spoken word does not have. In this case, I am glad I am writing.
Because I want to remember this period. 
I am already thinking of this as a period, with a finite start and end, like those periods of reign you always see in brackets next to the names of kings and queens. It has not yet ended, but I have a date in mind. Actually, dates. Plural. 
At first, I was heartbroken. I could not breathe. Eat. Sleep. I stumbled around the city blindly. Crying in waves. Curling up into a ball and weeping silently after lights out. Writing begging notes to my husband. Hoping every minute that he would call me and say he is coming over to pick me up. Checking my phone for messages a million times a day.
It’s been six days now and I am healing. A month ago, I fell down a flight of stairs and hurt my leg. I remember the burning pain I felt down my right fibula; but I hobbled around on it because I had things I needed to do. Then after a day, it turned black and purple and swollen and there was a period when I could not even hobble on it. I limped, dragging the leg after me, putting all my weight on the other leg and supporting myself on the wall as I made my way from bedroom to couch to kitchen.
Then suddenly, it started to heal. I woke up one morning and swung out of bed just like that, before remembering that my leg was injured. I started to walk around. Properly. Without limping. I walked longer. And faster. And harder. More relentlessly than before. Because it had stopped hurting.
But it isn’t fully okay. There is a hard lump of tissue just under my skin. If you look at my leg, you will not see anything wrong. But that hardness is there. You can feel it when you run a finger over it. And it hurts like hell when you do that.
I do it sometimes.
To remind myself that it is not healed. That for this lump to go away, I need to put some ointment on it. And rub it. And do this over and over again for possibly months. Maybe years. 
My marriage is a little like that. As of yesterday, I am able to get off the bed and calmly contemplate what I want for the future. I want to stay in this marriage. Not because I am in love with my husband but because staying in this marriage is better for us and for our families and our children than us going our separate ways and starting over with someone else. 
On Monday, we are attending a couple’s therapy session and here are my objectives for it:
- Listen to my husband and understand what he wants from this marriage and me, so that I can give it to him. More space, individual freedom, fewer expectations, fewer demands, less emotional baggage, no emotional blackmail.
- Make it clear to him that if he chooses to proceed with this marriage, it will be a lifelong commitment. There must be no more walkouts, no more separations, no talk of divorce.
- Suggest that this marriage must be an anchor, not a liability, for us to focus on other parts of our lives. Personal and professional growth, adventure, social giveback, everything. This marriage will offer companionship, physical and financial support, and convenience. All the things that are essential for us to find happiness and fulfillment elsewhere.
Things that I don’t plan to tell anyone (but which I have already told Vasudha).
(1) I will never love my husband again in the way I loved him all these years: with my body and soul and every inch of my being. I am prepared to feel affection for him, to find him funny, to listen to his opinions and ideas, perhaps even have a physical relationship if he desires it. But I cannot give him more than that. 
This comes from a deep-rooted sense of self-preservation. Even as I demand that he never again walk out of this marriage, my mind wants to protect me. It, I, cannot take any more risks. 
For eleven years, we have had a magical relationship. Everything we did, we did because we had to. Our love rose in waves, drenching us sporadically. We gazed into each other’s eyes, drunk with happiness. 
But going ahead, it won’t be magic. It will be a conscious, deliberate, rational decision. We will have our eyes wide open. We will have chosen, not been swept along.
(2) I have started to refer to him as my husband. A separate person connected to me only by virtue of our relationship. No longer a part of myself. No longer with a deeply personal epithet that I had coined for him.
(3) I already listed out the things I will do for/with him. But there are also things that I will never do again. 
Never again will I step into the car with him and say, “So, tell me something you’ve never told me before.” 
Never again will I walk around new neighborhoods hand in hand with him and ask which of these houses we would buy if we could. 
Never again will I ask him if I look good in this outfit or that, in this style of makeup or that, hoping for a light to turn on in his eyes. 
Never again will I ask him questions about his past, as I used to in a feverish attempt to know him better. 
Never again will I check his phone or his email as I used to with the wild, thoughtless sense of ownership I had. 
Never again will I make an unsolicited comment or give unsolicited feedback on the way he dresses or wears his hair or talks or writes. 
Never again will I cajole him into doing things for me, for no reason other than that I want us to do things together. 
Never again will I make the first move for sex.
Never again will I ask him to change his plans or expect him to pick me up or drop me off someplace unless he is already going that way at that time.
Never again will I make plans for the two of us, be it a concert or a play or a holiday, without checking with him if it is something he would like to do.
Never again will I ask him to pick up or share a piece of work that I have signed up to do, even if it is in his area of interest or expertise.
Never again will I ask him to eat/not eat XYZ unless his is ill.
Never again will I stop him from making his own plans and going out or doing whatever he likes, whenever he wants to.
Never again will I hold myself back from doing something because he does not want to do it, whether it’s a workshop or a health checkup or a holiday.
Never again will I apologize for buying something with my own money.
I think this is a good enough list to begin with.
This new life I am hoping to build, it is worlds away from the one I have lived so far. And I am trying to prepare myself for it. I don’t know if this will actually materialize. Perhaps when I speak to him next, my husband will want a complete out. He may feel this is not a life worth living. He may want his freedom. And then I will be back here, chalking out a new plan. 
Until then, then.
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greylagwriting · 6 years
Review: Redlaw, and how NOT to do Fantastic Racism
James Lovegrove is an author whose books I really enjoy — well, at his Sherlock Holmes books. His original stuff, as Redlaw demonstrates, is junk.
The book starts out with a young boy hopping a fence and running from unseen pursuers through a part of the city he's not supposed to be in. Shortly afterwards, we learn this boy is a vampire (called Sunless, with a capital S, in this book), and is running from people who believe him to be a threat. We also learn that Sunless are segregated from human society.
Now, I was really into this concept when I read the first bit of the first chapter, and I would have loved to see a story were vampires were unjustly discriminated against. Sadly, what I actually got was... not good.
Our protagonist is Actually James Redlaw, a tough-talking officer of the Sunless Housing And Something-or-Other called SHADE. Basically, the vampire police. Not as in “police who are vampires”, but “people who police vampires”. He is the tired old gruff cop who never gets along with anybody, and the one partner that could actually stand him was a lady officer who died long before the book began, thanks to Redlaw not being strong enough to protect her or some bull. Despite being talked about so much that I expected her to show up again as a Sunless, lady officer (who I can’t remember the name of) never actually has an impact on the plot, except for the very end.
The actual plot is that half of Parliment (the story is set in London) is trying to eradicate all vampires, as they deem them too dangerous to be among humans, while the other half simply wants to relocate or contain them. The Sunless, I might mention, have absolutely no say in any of this. There is also an organization called PETS; People for the Ethical Treatment of Sunless, a group of young goths that campaign for vampire rights (though they aren’t as bad as the real-life group they’re named after).
Personally, I don’t find it great that humans are campaigning for the rights of vampires, considering that, unlike animals that can’t speak for themselves, they’re sentient and perfectly capable of protesting on their own. Generally, marginalized people are the ones to lead protests for their own rights; humans protesting for vampires is like white people protesting for Civil Rights.
Parliment end up by spiking the cattle blood that they ship in to the Sunless with artificial hormones, making them more violent in order to justify creating Solardome One, a large domed city with an opaque glass roof that all the Sunless are going to be contained in. The dome, however, has the ability to have its opaque roof turned clear, to let in sunlight and incinerate every Sunless. Redlaw catches onto the plan chases down the big bads in time to stop the dome from going opaque, and... literally just leaves all the Sunless inside. He claims to be pro-vampire, but doesn’t spare them a single thought, or even think of asking them, you know, what they want?
The Sunless are discriminated against in this book, because they are inherently dangerous, and can and will kill humans, though most drink cattle blood. I gotta say that this is... not how you do fantasy discrimination.
See, the Sunless are clearly a stand-in for immigrants, particularly ones that are PoC, and the author falls into the pitfall of trying to justify the discrimination.
Sunless are discriminated against because they are undead creatures that leave feces all over their dwelling places, have no regard for their living conditions, and are nearly indistinguishable from feral animals. They drink blood, and often do so from innocent humans, including children, and regularly turn them into Sunless. They are often aggressive, and attack ad kill people who get too close.
Immigrants are discriminated against because they come from countries that are perceived as being “lesser”. 
PoC are discriminated against because their skin tones and physical features are different from white people.
Sunless are seen as deserving of life because they used to be people and didn’t ask to be vampires.
PoC are seen as deserving of life because they’re @#$%ing people that have, as a group, done nothing @#$%ing wrong!
Whenever you do racism allegories in fiction, it is doomed from the very start if you say “X group is oppressed because they did something bad at one point/are all an active danger to others”. Racism isn’t logical. It can’t be justified. It boils down to a group in power going “these people are different from me, so they’re inferior.”
Another thing: the Sunless themselves are perfectly fine with living they way they do. None of them, besides the boy at the start, express distaste with their current situation and, subsequently, do nothing to change it. Rather, it’s the humans who decide what’s best for the Sunless, by which they really mean “what’s best for us”, and that is destroying or corralling them in ghettos (yes, the book does call them ghettos).
The one and only good Sunless is Illyria, who joins Redlaw and helps him combat the Parliment. She’s not just any vampire, mind you, but a shtriga - as smart, strong, and beautiful as a vampire from Twilight, with minor powers of hypnosis over “lesser” Sunless and the self-restraint to not drink from humans. Thankfully, there’s no romantic bull between her and Redlaw.  All the other Sunless, I must note, are treated as little more than barely-sentient animals, and get very few lines. 
Additionally, I want to add that, in addition to the mess above, Redlaw is also rather homphobic and Islamophobic, with a nice dash of antisemitism thrown in. For the Islamophobia, one of the SHADE officers is a Muslim man named Khalid, whom Redlaw openly hates (and the feeling is mutual). Said officer is also misogynistic, with an entire paragraph of the book being about Khalid thinking about how he hates General MacArthur because she wears pants and doesn’t cover her hair, unlike his good Muslim wife. This is stated explicitly and almost word-for-word.
As for the homophobia, it comes in the form of the last few chapters when it’s revealed that MacArthur actually really, REALLY hates the Sunless (which has not been so much as hinted at before this), because they killed the lady officer Redlaw keeps wangsting over. Why? Surprise surprise, MacArthur and the lady officer were in love! Then MacArthur is killed while trying to destroy all the Sunless in Solardome One. So of the two gay characters, one died before the book started, and the other one turns out to be evil (and also gay) at the very end, shortly before dying.
Now. The antisemitism. It comes up only in one line, but the implications of that one line are positively hideous. 
After the proceedings for Solardome One are in effect, the pro-Sunless political figure commits suicide, because, as a Jewish person, he feels as though he’s greenlighted a “Final Solution” for the Sunless. I can’t stress how much that is explicitly stated. The author just compared the Sunless - undead monsters who can and will kill humans at the drop of a hat - to Jewish people, who were killed in the millions for simply existing.
In short, Jewish people are being compared to vampires, which is beyond vile for so, so many ways, and all I can do is link this informative little essay that explains why drawing this comparison is so awful (X).
Now, I’m sure this probably wasn’t intentional on the author’s part, but that does not make it any better. In fact, it might make it worse, because Lovegrove clearly did not consider the implications of comparing Jewish people to bloodsucking monsters!
All in all, Redlaw is garbage. The characters aren’t exceptional, have fewer dimensions than a Mobius strip, and almost of them die anyways (except our tough-cop hero title guy). There’s very little to salvage from this book, though I can think about ways to fix the story and the world. Apparently there’s a sequel to it, but, to quote the old meme, I’ve frankly had enough of that guy.
I give Redlaw a 1 out of 5, for having a vaguely okay premise but flushing it down the toilet.
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