#like i broke down in my car bawling my eyes out bc like i know we're getting to the end yk
xythlia · 1 year
I feel so exhausted I didn't get home from the hospital until about 2 am
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tomatoluvr69 · 4 months
yayyyyy @sonic-fizz tagged me to answer these 15 questions this is so old web core slayyyyyyyyyyyyyy love it thx <3
1. are you named after anyone
eh i was named after a grandparent in a slapdash way. like they just chopped off half the name and called it a day...
2. when was the last time you cried?
literally probably like 24-48 hours ago in the car thinking about how doomed i am (this is not true.). or maybe it was reading a sad article...i don't know. I tear up a lot but full on sobbing bawling was in mid-Dec and a more sustained sniffle crying was when i was hungover and miserable about my tortured loneliness and doom for the future on new year's day lol
3. do you have kids?
omg...no...the microplastics in my womb and doom in my genome and also i'm broke and single and american
4. what sports do you play/have played?
i swim but it's like in the way that other ppl take walks around the neighborhood a few times a week. sports were so fucking abysmal for me growing up that i feel i am unlikely to ever return
5. do you use sarcasm?
occasionally...i've grown out of it for the most part though. there are better ways to be funny in a lot of situations...i am silly goofy mostly, or use observational humor and wacky metaphors etc
6. what is the first thing you notice about people?
i'd love to be like 'a warm smile :-)' but if i'm being totally honest i'm scanning their clothing/hairstyle/grooming etc to scan for anyone likely to judge me based on my failure to conform to gender and modern consumerism...which isn't fair to others, i know......but sometimes you just see someone in like salon highlights barrel curls full makeup suburban drip and you're like hmmm eeeeeek scary! I think this is a vestigial defense mechanism from my relentless failure to dress right and be liked growing up. need 2 keep an eye out for the freaks and geeks and allies you know (but i'm so lucky to be in circles where everyone is dressing androgynously, having full on body hair everywhere, no makeup is the norm rather than the exception, funky used clothes and practical work/outdoors gear is the norm, etc. ok i'm getting off track...). i also notice people's height relative to my own bc i'm a bit insecure about towering over some people even though i'm not that tall.... :-( this stuff says way more about me than about anyone else... :-( i will say though that i'm pretty good about ignoring these first readings and giving people a chance once i get to know them. this is just the knee jerk first impression stuff
7. what’s your eye colour?
pale blue/grey. sorry :-/
8. scary movies or happy endings?
9. any talents?
nothing like above and beyond. but there's a number of things i'm pretty sufficient at without trying too hard which is nice i guess. gardening, cooking from scratch w/o recipes, stringing together a sentence or a laugh...
10. where were you born?
my beautiful steel city...kisses 2 her majesty.......
11. what are your hobbies?
swimming gardening fermenting cooking writing reading going to indie films with friends of discerning tastes attending potlucks oh and LAYING FACE DOWN IN MY BED.....
12. do you have any pets?
i wish :-( renter problems......
13. how tall are you?
5’11" or so i have not been to the doctor in so many years LOL....
14. favourite subject in school?
hated school but hated the humanities the least...i loved my filmmaking class in college the most probably
15. dream job?
I tag @fieryphrazes, @iwrotemrtambourineman, @chriselliottfanblog, and @chekovsphaser from my notes recently...and literally anyone who wants to and is bored you can say i tagged you. in fact i would love to read it i think tag games are so fun and i love to read them ok yay byeeee
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footballxposts · 3 years
A Blue Forever - Mason Mount
Prompt: Mason proposes.
Warnings: Flufffyyyy af
Recommended listening: Fairytale of New York by Gavin James
A/N: I might do a p2 to this bc I have ideas that need to be released.
It was a dark and frosty Tuesday evening in December, exactly four days before Christmas. As you and Mason, your childhood best friend turned boyfriend, pulled into one of the staff-only bays of the car park situated next to the Millennium hotel, you sighed furiously. He refused to tell you the entirety of your journey where you’s had been headed, and now he was adamant on remaining silent, giving you no indication as to why you were now less than a five minute walk away from Stamford Bridge. Your head was rested against your fist, your elbow on the window ledge, holding your arm upright. Mason quickly took the keys out of his ignition, and flicked the overhead light in between you both on to illuminate your faces. Smiling across from you like a little kid, you turned your face to meet him, your expression still blank.
“Come on, don’t look at me like that.” He teased, taking your free hand into his own. “You’ll find out why we’re hear in a few minutes.”
“Why can’t you tell me now?” You whined and pouted at him, hoping your puppy dog eyes would win him over like they usually do. But it wasn’t working. Mason was terrible at keeping secrets, especially from you, but nothing was going to stop him this time.
“Because it’s supposed to be a surprise and if I tell you now it won’t will it?” he widened his eyes back at you, his little grin still in place.
“No, but you know I hate surprises, Mase. I always have done and always will. So pleeease can you just spare me the anxiety and possible embarrassment and just tell me now?!”
Ignoring your final plea, he rolled his eyes and mumbled a small ‘my god woman’ under his breath before looking down at the phone in his hands. An incoming call message was now plastered across the screen from a number you didn’t recognise, the vibrations and ringing causing the pit that had already formed in your stomach becoming even bigger.
“We’re all ready when you are, Mason.” a woman’s voice sounded, just audible enough for you to hear despite his phone not being on loudspeaker.
“Okay perfect thank you. See you in a minute!” Mason replied kindly. Ending the call, he hurriedly re-locked the device and turned the light above you both off. “Ready?” He asked nervously, his eyes twinkling ever so slightly.
“I mean I don’t know what for and no not really but okay, let’s go.” You replied with a huff, letting go of his hand and grabbing your handbag from down beside your feet. Mason stepped outside the car first, and you followed after as he closed his door, the crisp air hitting you both. As you closed your own, you met up with him around the back of the car and linked arms, making your way to the stadium entrance, blissfully unaware that the best moment of your entire life to date was patiently awaiting you inside.
Upon entering the building, you were greeted by a friendly-looking female, one who you could only assume was the lady Mason had been speaking with on the phone previous to your arrival. Mason engaged in conversation with her as you zoned out, eyes observing the empty grounds and racking your brain for an answer. Thought upon thought filled your mind, but you couldn’t pinpoint a solid explanation. Why on earth had he brought you to not only one of his main places of work but both your childhood club’s historic venue at 9pm in the evening when it wasn’t a match-day and it was so close to Christmas? Literally nothing made sense.
Before you could bite your cheeks or worry yourself sick anymore, Mason’s hand gently squeezed your own as he led the way to the Shed End. Stepping outside and making your way down the steps, you came to one of the middle rows and sat down beside him, not before looking down at him and giving him a stubborn ‘can you please tell me what is going on now?’ look.
“Mason Tony Mount, can you please enlighten me as to why we are sat here on a cold winters night when there’s no reason to be?” you looked at him, clutching at your scarp. “I’m scared now.” you informed him. His eyes looked at your own and he smiled, then diverted his attention back to the empty green pitch in front of you both.
“Do you remember when we were.. I don’t know maybe around ten years old? I think it was a few years after I had just started training properly for Chels at the academy. And we came here to watch the first team play together and after the match you told me you couldn’t wait to see me playing at this place someday, I think you referred to it as ‘with the ‘big boys’, but don’t quote me on it.” He smirked.
Placing your hands in your pockets and leaning back into the hard plastic seat, you took a deep breath before answering. “Yeah of course.. how could I forget? It seems like it was yesterday. And yes you’re right that’s exactly what I said though it pains me to admit it.” you responded, looking down at your lap with a small awkward smile. “What about it though?”
“Well, I told you I didn’t think I would ever be good enough, maybe for the first team back in Portsmouth but never for a club as big at Chelsea even though I was in the academy. But you had faith in me and reassured me even at that age. You said..”
“I said ‘You have to play here Mase. Chelsea’s not just our favourite team it’s our second home.’” Your smile widened at him as you took the words out of his mouth. “I told you.. I remember.” Mason smiled back as tears began forming in your eyes. “And now look at you.”
“And now look at me. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you Y/N. I owe so so much of it to you.” He said, standing up from his position and holding out his hand again. “Which is why I need you to follow me again because I want to say thank you.” Taking his hand into your own, you followed him down to the end of the stand, and made your way onto the pitch.
You went to question him again multiple times but each time he cut you off, not giving away anything. As you came to the end of the tunnel and walked towards the centre of the field, the frosty green grass now with a trail of footprints on it.
“Mason what on earth is going on?” You asked him, terrified as to what was about to happen.
“I’ll tell you in two minutes I promise, but first watch this.” He said, pointing to one of the large screens as the floodlights had gone off. You jumped a little but the little moment of being slightly petrified was about to be so worth it. Now playing was a video compiled with memories of you and Mason growing up to now. You laughed and sobbed as you looked back on all your special moments with such fondness and gratitude. Each part of the video had a message appearing on the screen, with Mason telling you all the things he loved about you and how he couldn’t wait to create so many more memories with you like all the ones you had shared over the years. The final message to appear on the screen was a question. It read ‘you helped make one of my dreams come true. will you please help me make another come true by saying say yes?’
Confused and in shock, you gasped and put your hand up to your mouth, not realising Mason had moved behind you whilst you were reminiscing and distracted. Turning around as only some of the lights came back on, you saw Mason down on one knee and started bawling. He was crying himself, but also unable to contain his smile.
“Y/F/N, You have been my best friend and my girlfriend for the longest time ever now, and I absolutely adore you. I don’t think that’s ever going to change. I don’t want it to because loving you to ends of this earth in the greatest privilege I’ve ever been given. Please will you do me the honours of marrying me and being my wife?” He asked, popping the all important question.
“Oh my god, Mase.” You sniffled. “Yes, of course.” You said as he stood up again, kissing you as his body engulfed you in a hug. Just as you broke apart and he placed the most beautifully cut ring you had ever seen on your finger, it started snowing. The snowflakes dancing around you both, tickling your skin. Smiling as your foreheads rested against each other, music started playing and fireworks began shooting up from the roof of the stadium. He really had pulled out all of the stops.
“Ready for one last surprise?” He asked.
“More? Mase my heart, I don’t think I can take it.” You giggled at him.
“I promise you it’s just one more thing and it’s literally only something small.” He responded.
“Okay.” You said making your way down the tunnel after him. You stopped outside the home dressing room. Upon entering, you noticed all the other players shirts had been taken off their usual hanging spots, including Mason’s, which had been replaced by one in only his spot. On the back of a new home jersey was ‘Mrs. Mount 19’.
“Oh wow, nice touch.” You teased him, nudging his side with your elbow as you walked over towards it. Your old jerseys at home only ever had Mason’s surname on the back of them.
“What can I say? You’re not just any blue forever, you’re my blue forever.” He winked.
Best early Christmas present you had ever got from your best friend. Ever.
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nochiquinn · 3 years
campaign 2 episode 129:
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y'all genshin impact is a hell of a drug
team let's go lesbians
this is going extremely well
real neat of matt to bring back a villain from c1
(doors. the villain is doors.)
I got distracted, did beau's thieves tools go boom
ashley gets advantage on picking doors with knives bc last of us
now they get attacked by mutant deer creatures
(please listen to DNDMajor)
we get it you played myst
WE? WE touched the gem???
"fuckiNG MERCER" mood
Stressed Travis is one of my favorite Travises
"I'm gonna rub my blood on it"
(please listen to DNDMajor)
I can't believe they're gonna celebrate the sixth anniversary by getting electrocuted live on the internet
oh good, the true source of my anxiety
"snaking its way~"
I would both kill and die for Luc Brenotto
mala: "happy anniverary here's your tpk let me sleep now"
luc hdywtdt
this wizard's on fiiiirrrreeee
this cow man's on fiiiirreeeee
l u c
hey I hate it. matt I hate it.
dsfjsld I hate
in the eye of a hurricane there is quiet
hey I don't like how you didn't say how many luc gets matt
how many did luc get matthew
mala: burn matt's dice
hey matt I don't like being right
I have an idea, fuck this actually
oh thank GOD
I'm gonna go hug my kid
I'm absolutely about to spend the second half of this bawling my eyes out
I've said for a long time that when an episode gets SAM emotional it's when you know shit's gotten real - it's why c1e85 hit so hard - so this is just gonna fuck me up hardcore
I know veth knows cad is helping but that has to look unsettling as fuck
oh yep there it goes, there I go
if matt was ever gonna fudge a roll I would like for it to be this one
literally collapsed on my desk in relief
you're four, you're allowed to not have any hitpoints
not when the kids start comforting the parents
tbf even sitting down you have to reach up to cad
veth and caleb are just gonna be a walking cloud of guilt
you know what I think yeza should get to kill an assembly member. I think he's earned that.
or as my kid says: I earned a treat?
"what's an NPC?" "normal people communicating" taliesin you came up with that way too quickly
mala reminded me we have ice cream and now I'm eating ice cream and may never stop
anti-magic collar?
anti-magic collar!
couldn't they have done this the other way around, jester holds the collar and caleb does the fiddly part
marion lavorre is going to hold this group together by the skin of her teeth
they need a mom and she is a mom who is there
travis: this place? the place that they are? the place that they are in which is called...?
when a symmetra puts their teleporter on the edge of a cliff
yeza is also going to hold this group together by the skin of his teeth
hey I'm crying again
yeza is so good
"like a slurpee out a car window"
oh this will go well
"why'd he roll?" it's a surprise roll that will help us later
I still only picture the happy fun ball as the map from Treasure Planet
this is how luc opens every conversation from now on
that's a callback
oh no they broke the gentleman
marion gets only good things for the rest of time
the gentleman: WE CAN'T LET HER KNOW WE SIT
I KNEW he was gonna call it there. mattholomew.
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savetheblackpaladin · 7 years
Hey I love your blog! It's my favourite! Could you do a Shiro imagine where it's years after Voltron and him and his s/o have children and it's all cute and fluffy! 💖💖💖
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ok, so I got a lot of this type of request so I’ll just do random HC’s, yeah? Mostly because if I broke these all up they would probably be extremely similar
Shiro’s got twin girls and he’s Blessed™ every morning he gets to see their beautiful faces
we’re continuing with the twins from earlier posts: Astrid and Hayden
if you didn’t think he cried when he got his first ‘#1 Dad’ you’re fucking wrong because this man bawled
it’s his favorite mug
until his daughters grow up more and start making him one every year, then those are his favorite
also he loves the crazy ties they choose for him each year. 
you thought he was romantic before marrying him? Well buddy, i have some news for you
takes every opportunity to say “Wifey” any time he possibly can. You are his ‘wifey’ and he loves saying it.
or ‘husband’ if that is what you prefer. every time. “Hey Husband.” what is your name? Husband.
flowers/chocolates/food/gifts weekly. just because he likes the look on your face when he comes home
you know that Roseanne post where dan gets her flowers? Yeah, that’s him
date night every wednesday (bc Fridays are busy) and sometimes it’s fancy, other times it’s not (”What do you mean Panda isn’t romantic? This is peak romance right here.”)
randomly massages parts of your body without asking
“What are you looking at Shiro?” “Only the most beautiful person in the universe.” “You’re a loser.” “But a loser who’s in looove~”
*soft sigh* “How did I get so lucky?” you’d think you’d be used to this, but it still makes you blush years later
“You’re so perfect, absolutely perfect.” “Shiro…I’m picking up dog shit.” “Yeah~”
has pictures of you, your daughters, and your pitbulls (3) all over his work area
there’s a small voltron dedicated area too, but it’s tiny compared to his family area. Lance is appalled.
“You won’t believe how cute my girls were this weekend!” proceeds to whip out the new 63 photos long album on facebook
speaking of, amateur Dad Photographer Shiro
he’s got a fancy Cannon with a bunch of different lenses
weekend daughter photoshoots are a hoot
your girls grow up loving it, being dramatic, imitating tyra banks, wearing ridiculous outfits, they are owning that back yard
they continue pretty much until the girls are like 13, because “It’s embarrassing dad!” “Ok, but I’m supposed to be embarrassing?” 
Soccer Mom Shiro
he’s got shirts that say his daughter’s names and numbers for every sport
he’s got noise makers and flags
the obnoxious parent who heckles the refs
“Hey ref! Did you come from FootLocker!? Because that was BULLSHIT!”
he gets red carded, a lot.
you don’t even fight it anymore
the team loves him though because he’s super supportive of the other girls and he brings some killer snacks
not homemade though, he can’t cook for shit
remember his Expedition? He finally traded her in for a new version and is the official Mom Car™ for team/friend trips
let me repeat, he can not cook for shit. but for some reason he can throw it down of the barbecue
convinced it’s a perk you unlock after childbirth
very protective of his daughters, but respects their right to privacy and right to do their own things
but he taught them how to fight, so every fuck boi within a 10 mile radius knows not to fuck with the Shirogane Twins
he chugs that Respect Women Juice
wants to break a kid the first time a daughter cries over a romantic partner. but then he remembers murder on Earth is illegal. 
overly supportive in whatever his daughters and you choose to pursue
just overly supportive in everything really
he basically lives for you guys 
doesn’t get sick for some reason, so whenever someone is sick in the house, Nurse Shirogane/Dad is on it
“Who wore their shoes in the house?? Seriously?”
*pinches his nose with a deep sigh* “I’m sorry, my daughter punched Travis. But frankly, he kept harassing her even after she told him to stop snapping her bra strap. So the question we should be addressing here, Principal, is why your teacher allowed this sexual harassment to continue and did nothing to help my daughter?” Guess who got detention? Not his daughter.
Wants to cry a bit when his daughters start asking questions about sex
but he’ll be damned if they don’t know everything
it was actually a good family talk, after the initial awkwardness
The Hot Dad
his daughters’ friends all have a crush on him and he can’t figure out why
it’s totally not because he’s hot
or that he’s actually interested in what they have to say
or that he does yard work shirtless
or that he remembers random facts about them that they thought he would forget
his daughters are grossed out
you think its hilarious because you get to tap that
drops off his girls at school
“Have fun! I love you! Make good decisions! I miss you already!”
goes to pick them up and has a little sign like people do at the airport that says “Shirogane” with like glitter and hearts and shit
the twins are embarrassed each time but they secretly love it
threw up the first time he had to change a poopy diaper
he did it though. he did it.
sings around the house a lot, just little random song parts or to the dogs
“Where oh where are my pup-py dogs~?” the dogs come slipping and sliding around the corner every time you guys come home
*badly and purposely out of tune* “And there’s the love of my liiiiife!!!~” “Oh stop it Shiro!” “She thinks I’m talking about her~. but I’m talking about the noo~odles~” *you throw a noodle at his head*
accompanied by bad dance moves
speaking of puppy dogs, has 3 pitbulls that look vicious as hell but they’re just as sweet as him
they are wonderfully trained and big babies
his ‘other children’ 
wouldn’t hurt a fly, but ain’t nobody fuck with you guys on walks
Their names are Mr. Murder (Murds for short), Cupcake (Cakey), and Rebel (Bells). He didn’t name them. The girls did.
There is also a grumpy house cat that nobody knows how old it is or how you acquired it. The Captain has just, always been…
Cappy showed up one day and never left
he’s a solid grey Blue Russian/Siamese mix with green eyes that rules the dogs
only loves Shiro and tolerates everyone else (he loves you guys really, but Shiro is his person)
Shiro baby talks him, “Who’s a good murder cat? You are! Yes! You!!!”
the house cleaner, his house and yard is spotless.
once broke out a ruler to measure the grass. you made fun of him.
“I swear to God, if Jim’s nasty ass tree grows over the fence this year, I will cut it down. I don’t give a fuck.”
fond of power washing
hot mechanic, does his own car work
head kisses for everyone! you are a well kissed family
also you’re the couple that’s always got your hands linked, arms wrapped around each other, or just leaning against each other
you’re always touching. always.
family Halloween costumes
Halloween is his JAM
lives for Halloween decorating
watches House Hunters religiously
The one who drags the family to World Market and Kohl’s for house decor
the house is definitely decorated for every major holiday
and he’s actually really good at decor? Like, you wouldn’t think so given with his clothing style and bad hair cut, but wow. you’ve got a nice house. (yes, i’m dragging Shiro)
you’ve come home routinely to the girls doing is hair and makeup and nails
“Hey honey, look how pretty I am. Didn’t the girls do a wonderful job?” “Just…marvelous dear.” “Right? Your turn is next.” oh no…
doesn’t wash off the nail polish, nobody makes fun of him. nobody.
tries to make you breakfast in bed on your birthday and valentine’s day
he can only make harboiled eggs and toast
when the girls get older, it gets more elaborate because they can help
super excited to teach the girls how to drive, but worried about dying
screamed more than once in the car and tried to slam on his invisible break
“Please…stop… you’re making my hair whiter…”
Hands are pressing on the roof of the car and he’s twisted in the seat trying to brace himself
one day he figures out how to work the crockpot and can now contribute to family meals
loves taking you guys camping
tent camping, because RV camping ‘isn’t real’
a pyromaniac
everyone needs a personal bear mace and a dog at all times
the cat goes too, on a harness
family snuggles in the hammock for star gazing. including said pets. it’s a big hammock. 
everyone has an absurd knowledge about space. he was an astronaut and lived in space for a few years, so yeah
routinely uses Scary Aunt Allura as a threat
selfies!!! he has a lot of surprise ones where he just comes up and kisses you and takes the picture
the girls are selfie queens too family pictures happen. a lot.
“Family selfie!!” “We’re at Albertson’s????” “Don’t care, get in here.”
just, embarrassing but totally authentic dad!Shiro melts me
~*~If you enjoyed this or any of my other works please consider donating to my Ko-fi or Digital Tip Jar!~*~
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munsonthings86 · 7 years
Bad News- (Ethan x Reader)
Request: can u please do an e dolan imagine where ur best friends with them but e has feelings for u but ur dating this guy (who both the twins don’t like) and ur not an emotional person and one day u call e crying bc u found out he cheated and the boys are really worried bc ur hysterical and driving ????? if this is waaaaay to descriptive i’m so sorry xx
Warnings: Cursing, cheating? This is way longer than I thought it would be but I hope you love it, anon!!
A/N: I know that this isn’t part three of Lust & Hatred, but it’s taking me longer than I anticipated but, it’s coming this week so keep your eyes peeled! Love you guys!
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I lay my head on Ethan’s shoulders, and rested my elbow on Grayson’s, staring blankly at the screen that sat in front of the three of us, displaying the “emotional” movie “The Notebook”. I honestly don’t know how people really watch movies like these, and start bawling their eyes out. 
“Why are we even watching this again? I don’t understand how people dub this movie to be so emotional yet my face is literally turning into a desert. If this movie was sooo sad, then I’d start crying, and you guys know I don’t cry,” I said to the boys, raising my eyebrows to them.
The guys knew that I wasn’t an emotional person, yet they always did these “tests” to see if I was more of an emotional person than what I had let on; this movie being one of those tests.
“Y/N, we both know you want to cry, it’s okay. Let it out,” Grayson said, softly rubbing my back, knowing damn well that he was teasing me. Another thing that I don’t understand is why the guys continue to tease me, regardless of knowing better than to do so.
I shot Grayson a dirty look and he immediately jerked his hand away, in defense. I let out a quiet giggle and looked down at my phone to check the time, deciding it was time to head out.
“Okay, I think it’s time for me to head out now,” I said to my best friends, trying my hardest to get out of their tight grips. I was hanging out at their place for the afternoon, like we always used to, that is, before I started dating my boyfriend Noah.
Noah never liked it whenever I hung out with the twins because he got easily jealous and that would always spark an argument between the two of us. After dozens of arguments aimed towards me and twins, I decided that I would just hang out with the twins not as often, just to keep Noah happy, and to keep my relationship.
“Nooo, why? Where are you going?,” Ethan said holding onto my hand as I stood up from the couch, fixing my clothes to head outside. “Because, I promised Noah I’d come over,” I answered, waiting for their irritated response, knowing how much they despised Noah.
Ever since I introduced Noah to Ethan and Grayson, they never liked him. they always spoke about how he “gave off bad vibes” or “wasn’t worth my time”. But I really liked Noah, and I wasn’t going to let anyone, not even the twins, negatively influence our relationship.
“Ugh, that dude again? I’m so tired of hearing his name,” Grayson sighed, rolling his eyes at the thought of him. “I thought you guys broke up,” Ethan said, looking up at me, confused.
Wait, we never broke up. We never even talked about it. What was Ethan talking about?
“Wait, what do you mean? We never broke up before,” I said, looking back down at him. I thought that maybe it was just Ethan trying to put ideas into my head, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. “Oh, you didn’t? Then that was a really good dream last night then,” he said smirking. I rolled my eyes at his response, and made my way over towards the door, to my car. I looked back at the twins, waving them goodbye. Before I was able to close the door all the way, I heard Ethan say, “He’s bad news, Y/N,”
Ethan’s POV
“Dude, when are you going to tell her you like her?,” Grayson said from, beside me, after we both heard Y/N’s car pull out of the driveway. I’ve liked Y/N for the longest time now, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell her. Not only did the thought of telling her how I felt make me want to throw up, but she had a boyfriend and I can’t do anything but respect that.
“Grayson, you know I want to tell her, but I can’t just walk up to her and be like, ‘oh hey, Y/N, I’ve been in love with you for the past couple months, hope you feel the same way, have a nice day, now,’” I say, with sarcasm laced in my voice. “No, Grayson, I can’t.”
“Okay, let me tell you something, if their relationship gets to the point where they’re getting married, then your gonna live with that regret and the thought of, ‘that could’ve been me, getting married to her,’” he said, tucking his lips together and raising his eyebrows.
I knew that he was right, but Y/N and I have been best friends for the longest. If I tell her how I feel and she doesn’t feel he same way, it could ruin everything. And I care way too much about her to do that.
I pulled into my boyfriend Noah’s driveway, and decided to text him, letting him know that I was outside. I waited about five minutes in my car, waiting for his reply. It was strange to me because not only was he always around his phone, but he also knew that I was coming. When another two minutes or so went by, I decided to just try and see if his front door was unlocked.
I only slightly cracked the door open, when I heard what sounded like a girl moaning. A girl that definitely wasn’t me. For the love of god, he better be watching porn, or else this won’t end on a very pretty note.
I crept up the stairs, where his bedroom was, the moaning, only getting louder. “That’s definitely not coming from his phone,” I thought to myself. I pressed my ear against his door, listening closer to the whispering. “Does your girlfriend know about this?,” the girl breathed out, like she was out of breath.
All I could hear was a grunt from Noah and a response following,“ Hell, no. She’d kill me. But who cares about her right now?” I heard her giggle as if something was funny, which there wasn’t. I came o the conclusion that I was done listening, and that it was time to start throwing punches.
I threw the door open, seeing Noah laying on top of some blonde leggy girl, with a panicked look on his face. “Yeah, who cares about me right now, right?,” I said, folding my arms over my chest, approaching the two, who seemed to be glued together, since they were still in the same position. “So this it, huh Noah?,” I said squinting my eyes at him. “Y/N, listen-,” he said, finally climbing off of the girl.
“No, you listen. This,” I said wiggling my finger between the two of us,“is done. You’re fucking disgusting,”  I said turning around to leave his house.
Leaving his house felt weird. I felt like I wanted to cry, and I haven’t felt that way in a long time. I opened the door to my car and sat, and that’s where it all came out. I couldn’t control myself. I started the car and called the one person I knew who could calm me down.
Ethan’s POV
The classic IPhone ringtone rang throughout the apartment. I looked down at my phone and saw it was Y/N, which confused me a little, since she did say that she was heading over to that douchebag’s house.
I answered her call and instantly heard crying, which definitely alerted. “Ethan,” she cried out. “Y/N, what’s wrong?,” hearing her cry broke my heart, and it had to be none other than that guy’s fault, because Y/N does not cry. “Ethan, he cheated on me,” her voice broke. Jesus fucking Christ. Of course he would have to do some dumb shit like that. At least my dream came true.
I heard a lot of noise in the background, and I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. “Where are you?,” I asked worriedly. “I’m driving back to you guys,” she sniffled out. Immediately, I start panicking. She’s way too emotional to drive right now. If she got into accident, it wouldn’t be only her getting hurt.
“Get off the road right now. Grayson just took the car, so where ever you are right now, just park at the curb and get an Uber,” I say speaking as calmly as I could, so that she could understand me better. “Okay,” she choked out. I heard the engine to her car turn off, and I mentally let out a sigh of relief. “I’ll see you when I get there,” she hung up the phone.
It may be the worst time ever to tell Y/N how I feel, but I can’t wait any longer. If this is some sort of sign for me to tell her my true feelings, then I need to tell her now.
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blahblahwritings · 7 years
I’m Here
A/N: I haven’t had many ideas for writing lately so I’m sorry these are so rare. I need requests so feel free to send some in, I do write reader x female character bc I am in love with the women of the MCU c:
Warnings: Panic attack, mentions of abandonment and homelessness. I think that’s all...
Words: 1625
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As of late, your life had been spiralling out of control. Your friends had been leaving you behind or grew tired of you so you never left your house anymore, especially since you just recently lost your job as a musician at the local bar. The lack of said job then lead to an angry letter from your landlord about how behind you were on rent, filled with threats of homelessness and repossession. You barely had enough money to survive. Everything had been slipping through your fingers and you had given up trying to stop it. You felt hopeless like nothing mattered and everything was against you. The only constant thing in your life was Bucky.
It was a cold, rainy Monday morning when a letter came through your door. It was from the landlord. You could tell by the hastily scrawled ‘Miss Y/L/N” and the small rip in the envelope where the pen had poked through because of how hard he pressed the pen to the paper. It was obvious he was still furious and it just added to the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. So many emotions were running through you at that moment; anxiety, anguish, despair just to name a few. Somehow, even though all these feelings were making you sick, you felt hollow, like you were numb. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you were screaming and shaking and crying but nothing was actually happening. You just stared at the torn envelope in your small hands before opening it.
Your eyes scanned over the messy scribbles, once, twice and then again just to ensure that what it said was real. He was kicking you out this Wednesday. You weren’t surprised because you had been waiting for this letter for almost a month. It was inevitable and you let out a dejected sigh, letting the thin piece of paper fall to the floor. The rest of your day was spent ignoring everything by either sleeping or staring at the ceiling.
On the Tuesday morning, after fourteen hours of sleep, you stood with an empty suitcase at your feet, your eyes glassy and unfocused as they looked past the clothes in your closet. You couldn’t bring yourself to move or start packing so you just continued to zone out even though your mind was blank. It was as if your brain hadn’t fully processed or accepted what had happened or the gravity of your situation. Then your ringtone sounded from the pocket of your sweatpants. Taking the device into your hand, you glanced at the picture on the screen. It was Bucky.
That’s when everything hit you like a freight car. The realisation that you hadn’t told him yet caused your mind to race with questions. How would he react? Would he leave you too? Would he be angry? What will happen? Your hands started to shake as the phone continued to ring. The uncertainty of your future made your chest tighten and tears stream down your face. You were having a panic attack. Do you answer? How could you when you could barely catch your breath? He would probably just abandon you like everyone else after seeing you like this, after realising you were a lost cause. Strangled cries escaped past your lips between raspy breaths as the phone fell to the floor, your legs buckling and your body quickly following.
A familiar voice chimed from somewhere next to you but you were too focused on the fact that as of tomorrow, you would be homeless. Uneven gasps for air was all that Bucky could hear on his end of the call. He knew those sounds all too well from when he would have a nightmare, he knew you were having an anxiety attack. Swiftly, Bucky threw on his heavy plaid jacket and ran out of the building, sprinting down streets and alleyways towards your apartment. With the phone still at his ear, he continued to talk to you, desperately trying to calm you but it wasn’t working. You could barely hear his voice as the ringing in your ears took over, your vision was blurred with salty tears as your hands scraped at the floorboards beneath you. Your world was collapsing around you and you could barely cling onto reality. The only person that could help ground you was going to desert you and thinking about that wasn’t helping you to breathe.
Your head proceeded to spin as Bucky climbed the stairs of your building three at a time. The phone call obviously wasn’t helping and so he had shoved the small device into one of his many pockets and used both hands to launch himself up the steps instead. Once on the fourth floor, he practically broke down your front door, eyes frantically flicking around your apartment in search of you. Upon entering your bedroom, he found you bawling and panting on your floor, struggling to keep yourself upright.
His immediate reaction was to drop to his knees beside you and gently grab your face with his flesh hand. He lifted your face to look at him, trying to give you something to focus on but you only grew more frantic. Moving behind you, he pulled you back into his chest and whispered words of encouragement in your ears, steadily rocking you back and forth. When he had panic attacks you would talk him through a grounding exercise, distracting him in the process and slowly bringing him down. So that’s what he started to do.
“Y/N, doll, listen to me, I need you to tell me five things you can see, alright? The first five things you see darlin’ come on” He began. His vibranium hand found one of yours and quickly laced your fingers together, the contrast of your burning skin against the cool metal of his prosthetic shocked you and snapped you back to the present.
“I-I can’t, I -” You stuttered, desperately trying to bring more air into your stinging lungs.
“Of course you can, doll just any five things, sweetheart” he replied. The soft skin of his lips found your shoulder, peppering small kisses up and down your neck in an attempt to distract you. Your mind started to concentrate on the feeling of him touching you, and your eyes darted around as you listed five things around you.
“Good, you’re doing great, now I need you to tell me four things you can feel, it’ alright, I’m here” He cooed, coaxing you into following the exercise.
“Your metal arm, yo-your lips, the f-floor and my slippers” Your voice croaked. Your breathing had started to deepen already as you tried to centre your attention solely on Bucky as he talked you through your panic attack. Walking you through the next three steps, he noticed how your breathing slowed to long inhales through your nose and exhales through your mouth. The metal fingers of his hand moved in slow circles over your own, soothing you.
“Sh sh shhh, everything is going to be fine, don’t worry, I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Y/N” Your body had slumped against him in exhaustion and he carefully lifted you bridal-style so he could move you to the bed. It had taken you just over fifteen minutes to come out of it but to you, it felt like a lifetime. Bucky placed you under the covers and quickly shrugged off his jacket before joining you, enveloping you in his embrace.
“So do you want to talk about what set this off?” You were about to shake your head in fear of him getting angry but you knew you had to at some point. Hell, tomorrow he would definitely find out because you’d be on the streets. Letting out a large sigh you buried your face in his toned chest, deciding to just spit it out.
“I lost my job, all my friends hate me and I’m being kicked out tomorrow. I don’t know what to do anymore and I’m so so sorry, please don’t leave me.” You mumbled, eyes filling with unshed tears once again. Confusion and pity swirled around the man’s brain at your statement. His arms came up to your face so you could look into his eyes.
“Hey hey hey, doll, you don’t have to be sorry for anything, none of that is your fault and I sure as heck ain’t gonna leave my best girl. You can stay with me at my place, it’s no trouble at all.” Your boyfriend reassured.
“No I can’t it’s too much to ask, I-” you would have kept going but he cut you off.
“Sweetheart, we’ve been together for just over two years now, I was going to ask you to move in with me a while back but then that mission came up so I got distracted. You’re staying with me, I don’t care what you say because I love you and I wouldn’t dare leave you to be without a roof over your head, you just should’ve told me sooner.” He crooned, stroking your cheek with a sheepish smile on his face but you could tell from the look in his eyes that you didn��t have a choice, he was serious about this. With a nod, you blinked away the tears as he kissed your forehead, then your cheeks and then placed a slow yet desperate kiss on your lips which you gratefully returned. When you parted, you both looked into each other’s eyes, a silent conversation passing between you before sitting up and stretching.
The rest of the day was spent packing up your apartment together as he ordered Chinese takeout. Everything was going to be okay.
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pastel-popplio · 7 years
Sort of important I guess. LONG explanation incoming. (Tw for animal death, seizures, if that upsets you, you might be better off just skipping this bc I kind of go into detail. Tldr, I need to avoid anxiety/drama on my dash, my personal life is a bit of a wreck, and I had to put a pet down, so I'm mostly taking a break) Hey so idk if anyone's really noticed my blog's been quiet for the last couple days (I might've liked a few things but I've mostly stayed on my new calm blog and there it's just been reblogging pics), but I'm probably gonna be staying off of this app for a few more days for the most part except the odd reblog. I've had a lot going on for months that's been building and building and especially this week I just completely broke down. Things still aren't great and I really can't take the endless drama and hatred and overall bitterness that's covering my dash with all the ta/ylor drama and the ship/fandom wars and all of the political stuff on top of that. I'm just utterly sick of it and I'm only going to hop on when I wanna post the odd thing or look at calmer content. I hope all of my mutuals are doing okay, I've noticed a few of you seem to be having a hard time as well and I sincerely hope things get better for you all. 💗 Most of the stuff going on has been health, finance or family related so I won't be going into any detail on that. The other thing was my cat, China. She's had epilepsy for a few years now (I think 3 or 4, I'm bad at keeping time straight), but it was manageable and she had excellent quality of life and ran and played. She was the smartest cat I've ever known, she could fetch better than our dogs (on command, and she learned herself I never taught her) and knew how to clear frosted windows from the inside with her paws to look through them in winter, and she even liked to hop on my back for piggy back rides sometimes. Unfortunately she's been taking slight turns for the worse over the last few months, and there wasn't much we could do. The seizures grew more frequent and she started developing a tumor, and I think her brain was starting to get damaged because she seemed to forget all of those little tricks she'd taught herself. She still adored me, but she'd lost her feisty spark and started spending most of her time lying around. Once my sister got her puppy that started stressing her out too despite my attempts to keep things in line. I'm not sure why she took a massive downturn all of a sudden (I knew she was getting worse and had started discussing some options with my mother, but it was like a switch had just been flipped one day), but this week things got really bad. I had to try and keep watch on her constantly to make sure she was in a safe area, and she started having multiple seizures a day (something that had only happened a couple times in previous months, and much less severe). A couple days ago she started having them every few hours, and while we were discussing euthanasia in a couple days (we knew it was going to be better for her at this point, but we thought we still had time left to schedule it), she started going into them every 30 minutes. My mom ended up having to drive me to an emergency vet hospital at 3:00 in the morning to put her down because we realized she wasn't going to make it through the night. I've never lost a pet from anything except old age (comfortably, in my own home), or from unfortunate circumstances outside of my control (where I thankfully never actually witnessed it). I was terrified to go, both from the guilt of taking a life that I wasn't sure I could handle (even if it was undeniably her only peace at this point) and that I would have to witness my little girl that I'd raised from a kitten die right in front of me. But I knew I'd regret it even more if I wasn't there in her final moments to help her soul pass on to heaven, so I sat in that car with a box in the seat next to me and bawled my eyes out talking to her the whole way there. I'm not certain she understood any of it because she was really out of it by this stage, but I hope she at least knew I was there with her. I can't talk about those last moments unless I want to bawl my eyes out, but I will say she's with my other cats now and she has a nice grave under a tree in our yard, and I know her soul is much happier now that she can be healthy and safe. She was honestly like a daughter to me, and I think she knew how much I adored her. I honestly haven't really mourned her deeply? That sounds harsh, but I think at this point I had already come to know it was going to have to happen and tried to prepare myself ahead of time for her disappearance (it was more the sudden severity and having to take her that night without preparation that really wrecked me), and now that she's actually passed on I'm just kind of relieved. Her declining health has been an ongoing weight that's kept me stressed and bawling and feeling like a failure for months now, and I'm just so glad she won't be suffering anymore. I'll miss her of course, and I'm sure after a few months it'll really set in that she's gone for good and I'll start crying the second I see her picture. But for now I'm just kind of thankful that I have that one massive source of anxiety and stress off of my shoulders. I knew it was bad but I hadn't realized just HOW badly it had been ripping me apart every day worrying about and praying for her and trying to comfort her until these two days after it's been so quiet. She's in a much better place now. I'll post some pictures I have of her soon once I gather them up, that way I'll have them for the future (i lost a lot when my old phone died though, unfortunately).
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coffeecapricorn · 5 years
February 21 2019
Today was nice. I’m trying to do this new thing where I make the best out of shit when I’m mad/stressed. So basically I was a half hour late to lab today bc I woke up late, then had to heat up my car, scrape all the ice off. Then I was upset that I was late so I got a coffee and made myself more late. But it kind of made me realize that I’m in control of my own life. If I want a coffee I can go get one. If that’s what is going to make me less stressed and get me to have a better day then that’s what I’m going to do. So I got a honey vanilla chai and showed up a half hour late. It was fine. My lab table finished the lab early so we all started a group chat and went to get bagels ?? It was SO random and unexpected but it was also SO nice to be part of a group and just DOING SOMETHING. Last week I spent my break by myself, in a bathroom, as I was saying, I’m lonely. And this week I was getting food with friends. I truly believe of you start your day happy, the whole day will be happy. So yeah :) that was my morning.
Yeah so today’s been good. On my walk to psych fromMBH I was just reflecting on how much my attitude has changed even within just the past week. Last week I was so moody, feeling alone, basically just pushing through& going through the motions of what I felt I had to do. But this week and today I just feel GOOD. Like more in touch with myself. Yesterday me and Mackenzie made plans to get sushi next Thursday, this morning I got bagels w my bio group, made a group chat, I love Kayla & Connor& Shane and the friends I’ve found there. I’ve been talking to Jenna and tal more. I just feel really good about everything that last week I was so in my head about. I go in and out of phases of being lonely but I really do feel that all it takes is a little bit of awareness and effort. I don’t know what I did to deserve this good change but I’m thankful for it. ALSO last week to this week. Exactly a week ago I found out meg and Ryan broke up. Two days before that I was bawling my eyes out in my bedroom uncontrollably bc I wanted, needed him back and I couldn’t remember what he felt like. Now (and I’m sure my feelings will change) I’m in kind of a weird mood about it. Like I know I don’t need him back. I know it will cause me pain to have him back. Like I don’t want to put myself out there bc now if I get turned down it’s not bc if meg it’s bc of me. It makes it all so real and I can’t put myself out there again and get hurt like when I showed up at Hobart last year. That was the day my whole world crashed around me. But this week I’m okay. I don’t need him this week. Everything that today has been and made me feel is everything that I want for me right now. Today’s feelings were perfect.
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Let Me Tell You A Story
Two-three years my girl best friend ended things (that were never official) with her childhood crush. She never really saw anything in him and after she went on a cruise, she began dating someone from the cruise. Well the guy is totally heartbroken bc they were just unofficially dating and he really liked her. And he never liked me because I was the best friend that was always around. But after things between them broke off, we became really close months later and it resulted in both of us having feelings for each other. Well, we never told each other and I didn't tell anyone bc I thought if I ignored the feelings they'll go away. And so, after my best friends breaks up with her cruise boyfriend after five months, she begins to have feelings for her childhood crush again. And he doesn't think I like him so within another month he asks her out and they begin dating. Cue the worst summer ever. She began to get overly protective of him and insanely jealous that we were so close. And I understood so I backed off and was just a friend to them both. Yet my feelings for him still remained and my best friends sister saw this bc she was older and could sense the tension. Now meanwhile I'm having a lot of family issues and my best friend was always focused on her childhood crush and didn't really see me sink into my own dark place. And after two months he broke up with my best friend and basically put himself back into everyone's lives. My best friend was devastated so I comforted her and stayed away from him for a month. But a little after a month I begin to talk to him again because he use to be on of my best friends and I missed him. And so my best friend blew up on me and I completely understand so I told her I wouldn't hang out with him or do anything but I wouldn't drop him out of my life. She then gave me an ultimatum of her and him. I said that they were both my friends and she took that as me choosing him. Now I'm completely devastated. And her ex boyfriend, also my best friend, comforted me as best as he could but I closed myself off for another month. And I slowly began smiling again, my dark thoughts weren't constantly in my mind. And I began to heal. And so things between my guy best friend and I began to shift again and I realized that he liked me and I knew that I still liked him. But I wouldn't do anything with him because he and my now ex-best friend were a thing. He must of given up hoping after a few months, thinking I didn't like him and began to date this girl he's known for a good part of his life. Cue me being devastated once more. And like he did with my ex-best friend, he strayed away from a lot of his friendships. Especially ours. And this was the beginning of two and a half years of small talk and awkward eye contact. Even after him and his new girlfriend broke up (which was like two months later) we never really actually talked again. And as I looked back I realized how much I liked him. And two and a half years later, remembering how happy I was, I still have those feelings, though I know they won't do me any good. And during these three years, he was preparing himself to aim for a professional hockey career and he got his act together and a few months ago he was signed onto a team in Canada (not professional but the league below the pros) and he messaged me and told me he would be moving to Canada mid August. Now I am devastated again because even after the silence I'll still miss him. Yesterday was his going away party and almost everyone there was family but I was invited. His guy best friend who show up at like the last hour bc he was working. But anyway. I for there at 3:30 ish and he had to do a bunch of stuff so by like 4:45 ish he was finally free. Now he's apologizing for leaving me alone (I wasn't I was playing Mario with his little cousins and schooling them all) and everything but I'm waving it off, just happy that I was there. We went outside, alone, and we talked constantly for four hours. It was really an amazing time. His best friend showed up then and I'm friends with this guy too and so we all talked for thirty minutes for retreating inside. And as the last family left I realized it was my time to go, but I'm procrastinating leaving bc I don't want to say goodbye. And I spent ten minutes hugging him (old best friend/guy I still like)and tearing up bc he's moving to Canada. It's was very emotional and everything so I finally went to leave. I got in my car and bawled my eyes out and he came out as I began to pull away and I obviously stopped my car. I didn't get out though and it was a good five minutes of weird small talk before he leaned in to kiss me but changed it to a hug last second and was hella nervous. A car went by and he made his way back inside and I went to leave. Then after driving down his street I told myself to screw that so I drove back to his house and parked in the street, keeping the headlights on. I got out and texted him to meet me outside. He came outside and after slight awkwardness I told him to just fuck it and kiss me already and he did. After ten minutes of making out in the middle of the road a car came by and so I realized I had to move. I broke the kiss off and walked away really slowly bc I still didn't want to say goodbye. But as I opened my car door he was still standing in the same spot watching me sadly and I made a joke that I'd end up hitting him with my car if he didn't move. And this time I left. And that was the story my first kiss.
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k-kizkhalifa · 7 years
Ppl be out here posting their "how broke are you?" Story. But you know what I'm blessed. I got -$2.57 in my account honestly bc one payment went through late. But I'll take care of it Now bc I scrounged up $3.00 of change for gas in my car bc I was running on fumes. Like my car wasn't accelerating I thought I'd have to push it to the gas station. But I made it. Thank you God. And I get there and walk in carrying miscellaneous change in my hands like $2.97 or some shit. I can't even got 2 gallons of gas but y'know I'll make due. And I lay it on the counter and I'm like "hey, look I'm sorry. I know it's 5 in the morning you're busy but I got to get gas in my car like pronto so I can get to my other job. There is maybe $3.00 here this is all I have ma'am so just give me $2.50 and keep the rest bc I'm not sure if it is even $3.00 and I don't want to keep your line or anything. I'm on pump 6." There is honestly four ppl behind me. And she just stares at me and I'm getting embarrassed honestly I won't lie. But I got to be on shift in like five minutes so I got to go. And this guy from the line steps up and he's like, "here." And hands her a five, "add to it." And he turns to put up his donuts and coffee and I'm crying I won't lie. So I say, "not it's okay, I know I got $2.50 at least, please I just have to get to the Hospital my shift starts soon my car is just outta gas. Please." And I'm crying and looking like a mess. And the second guy behind me steps up and says, "it's the focus? Here." And puts a $20 down and is like, "Go ahead get to work." And by now I'm honestly bawling my eyes out and she rings it up and pushes my change back to me and I'm like, "nah keep it I'm sure someone will need some change their mind." And I run out the door crying and getting my gas bc I just want to get out of there and for the first time in idk how long I have almost a full tank of gas. And guy number one comes out and stops at my car and he sets a cup of coffee on my car and says, "you look tired, here." And I'm like, "yeah I just worked all night at my other job but you keep your coffee thank you so much." And he's like, "I got two, thanks for being there for us at the hospital." And walks away. So I finish getting gas and I take the coffee and below it is the five dollars. And Jesus you best believe I have never felt more blessed. I don't know these ppl. Idk if I'll ever see them again but lord know if I do I will pay them back, I will handle whatever it is they need. I'm not broke by any means I'm blessed.
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