#lilith synastry
botanicalsword · 4 months
Mini Masterlist ❥ Synastry / Composite Chart Observations
Qualities HE needs for significant partner
Qualities SHE needs of Significant others
Moon signs show the quality of partner they desire
❥ Synastry Chart -
How they view you in this relationship • Synastry ✧ Part I (extended)
How they view you in this relationship • Synastry ✧ Part II (extended)
Aspects in Synastry Chart • Short notes
Who feels more / Synastry explanation
House synastry observations
Long term relationship
Slow-burn love (Synastry / Composite)
Choosing partner based on House Synastry
3rd House synastry
5th House shows your crushes & love adventures
8th House Masterlist
11th House • Venus in 11H • 11th house stellium (Composite)
Mars Synastry • Mars-Sun synastry • Mars-Venus synastry • Mars-Pluto synastry • Mars in Houses Synastry
Vertex in Synastry
Karmic synastry • part 1 ♡ (extended)
Theme of relationship • 𓆩♡𓆪 vibes check on aspects ✧ Part I (extended)
Theme of relationship • 𓆩♡𓆪 vibes check on aspects ✧ Part II (extended)
Axis in Synastry • ASC / DSC / IC / MC (extended)
❥ Marks Chart - psychological condition of both parties in a relationship
What is Marks Chart
How to cast a Marks Chart (free members)
What is the purpose of Synastry Chart; Composite Chart; Davison Chart; Marks Chart (extended)
Marks Chart ♡ their POV in this relationship • Intro (extended)
Marks Chart • How do they feel in this relationship
Marks Chart • How your crush's thoughts
Marks Chart ♡ their thoughts & feelings (Part I) (extended)
Marks Chart • Hailey and Justin (Part I)
Being unforgettable after breakup • Lilith in Marks Chart
Marks Chart • How the connection affect the way they behave (extended)
❥ Composite Chart / Davison Chart
Indicators for Unbreakable bonding
Davison Chart • will there be reconciliation?
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msmysticfail · 3 months
Venus in the 8th House Synastry
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In this house, love intensifies. Passions become deep. With Venus in the 8th house in synastry, intensity and eroticity are felt very strongly.
Physical contact becomes essential. It's hard to deny or not notice what's happening. Generally the person from the house notices Venus first, when he sees her he is fascinated at first sight, he wants to know more about her.
The house person then develops an obsession with the Venus person. For the house person Venus represents beauty, something they want to have all for themselves.
When Venus returns the attention, when she finally falls for the irresistible charms of the 8th house person, that's when the power and control issues start appearing. Generally the person of the 8th house will try to control what is theirs, in this case, Venus.
At first, the Venus person will have no choice but to surrender to the person of the house, since the magnetism that pulls them together is very strong.
Over time, however, Venus will notice how controlling the house person is, so the feeling of discomfort will arise. But even so, their body, their mind, cannot stop thinking, wanting, the 8th house person, so even if they do feel uncomfortable, the Venus person will want to return to the 8th house person's arm.
The 8th house person will have to give up their power and control at some point, especially if they want the relationship to continue.
Emotionally, Venus and the 8th house have a very strong emotional connection. Their physical bond is precious, it's where they find each other's soul.
Intimate connection is very important for this couple, they need each other's bodies, finding great physical and emotional satisfaction in the act.
The longer they stay together, the more addicted they get with each other.
It's possible that Venus loves to give things to the 8th house, or vice versa.
The 8th house needs Venus just as Venus needs the person of the house.
As if diving into a deep river, the Venus person finds themselves increasingly trapped and in love with the house person, and even if they break up, they will still remember each other for the rest of their lives, as the synastry of Venus in the 8th house is unforgettable and irresistible.
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pureastrologywisdom · 4 months
𝔏𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔦𝔫 𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔯𝔶
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I have had some experience with this personally and with a few of my clients chats so want to talk about it
! disclaimer !
I have only personally worked with this energy in synastry charts between men and women so far so I will be talking about the dynamic between the females Lilith and the males personal planets.
if you have any experience with Lilith in a same sex relationship I would love to hear your thoughts :)
Here I will be talking about when a woman limit interacts with an important part of his chart, this includes ascendant, sun, moon, Venus, mars and angular houses. These are the placements I have the most experience with so until I have further knowledge I will not speak for other aspects.
There is a great amount of tension between these two. She is everything he desires, she fullfills his darkest fantasies and wildest dreams he has about a woman. The attraction is immense
There is a marker side to this. The Lilith woman may trigger this mans wounds, especially with women. If he isn’t self developed and lacks self assurance, confidence and security he will find this connection very hard. He will want to handle it but will struggle, even when a man is developed she is playing with some of the darkest parts of him.
To her this can be fun, seeing how in some ways he is wrapped around he finger or dotes on her every move, how he does what he can to please her, this can be a placement where she will find it easy to manipulate him if she wants to. I repeats if she wants, she doesn’t have to and that is also dependent on how developed she is.
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If the man isn’t secure this can take a bad turn, obsession is somewhat Inevitable anyway and isn’t always bad, however what can happen is he will start to try and control her. This often happens when he cannot handle the feelings she creates and triggers in him so he projects it onto her.
Desire is the big words that comes into play here. He sees her as someone who is highly desirable , not only for himself but to others. He finds her irresistible able but worries that other men feel the same way, this is where fear, jealousy and control arise if he is not equipped to handle such a woman at this point in his life.
Remember that Lilith is also a woman’s personal power which people, predominantly men have tried to undermine or take. This connection can go one of two ways and it depends of the development of the people involved and maybe how Lilith interacts with their own natal charts also. A man can either love and cherish his woman’s power or seek to control it, take it away or use it for himself.
If both people are developed this can create a powerful connection. One where he respects and values her in all her power without insecurity. She can help heal him of his female caused wounds, if she has the self awareness to see where he is being triggered and instead of use this for power use it for healing him.
thanks for reading,
pureastrowisdom x
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lilithienne · 6 days
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Astrology x Alchemy: Lilith Synastry
Alchemy is not just about transmuting base metals into gold; it is also a spiritual and psychological journey of self-discovery and transformation. Lilith's presence in alchemical symbolism signifies the necessity of confronting and integrating the darker aspects of the self in order to achieve wholeness and enlightenment.
In Alchemy, the concept of Lilith* can be interpreted through the lens of transformation and the reconciliation of opposites. Alchemy, at its core, is a philosophical and spiritual tradition seeking to transmute base elements into higher forms, often symbolized by the pursuit of turning lead into gold. Lilith, with her rebellious and untamed nature, can symbolize the chaotic and raw material that undergoes transformation in the alchemical process.
* h13/True Lilith.
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Lilith Synastry in relation to the alchemical process lies in the archetypal symbolism and alchemical parallels associated with both Lilith and Alchemy.
Archetypal Symbolism: Lilith, in astrology, is often associated with themes of rebellion, independence, sexuality, and the darker, unconscious aspects of the psyche. It represents the raw, primal energy within us that seeks expression and liberation. These themes resonate deeply with the transformative stages of alchemy, where the journey involves confronting and integrating the shadow aspects of the self.
Alchemical Parallels: The four stages of alchemy—nigredo, albedo, citrinitas, and rubedo—mirror the stages of psychological transformation and individuation. Similarly, relationships undergo a process of evolution and growth, often involving conflict, reflection, integration, and transcendence. Lilith Synastry aligns with this process by revealing the different stages of relationship dynamics and the potential for personal and spiritual development.
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Due to how intense and transformative Lilith is in Synastry, it can be associated with the Magnum Opus in Alchemy and the original four-stage process.
Nigredo (Blackening): In Alchemy, Nigredo represents the initial stage of transformation, symbolizing dissolution, decay, and putrefaction. In the context of Lilith in Synastry, this stage may manifest as a period of intense confrontation and shadow-work within relationships. Lilith, often associated with the darker aspects of femininity and the subconscious, may bring to light hidden tensions, power struggles, and unresolved issues between partners. This phase encourages individuals to confront their inner darkness and acknowledge the aspects of themselves and their relationships that need purification and transformation.
Albedo (Whitening): Albedo follows nigredo and represents purification and enlightenment. This stage symbolizes the emergence of clarity, purification, and spiritual illumination. In Lilith Synastry, the albedo stage may signify a period of reflection, healing, and integration within relationships. Partners may undergo a process of cleansing and renewal, letting go of past grievances and embracing a newfound sense of harmony and understanding. Lilith's influence during this phase can facilitate deep insights into the dynamics of power and sexuality within relationships, leading to greater empathy and connection between partners.
Citrinitas (Yellowing): Citrinitas represents the stage of enlightenment and intellectual illumination in the alchemical process. It symbolizes the dawn of awareness and understanding, as well as the integration of opposing forces. In Lilith Synastry, the citrinitas stage may manifest as a period of intellectual exploration and expansion within relationships. Partners may engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and cultivate a deeper sense of intellectual compatibility. Lilith's influence during this phase can stimulate profound insights into the mysteries of human nature and the complexities of desire, fostering a sense of intellectual synergy and mutual respect between partners.
Rubedo (Reddening): Rubedo is the final stage of the alchemical process, representing the culmination of transformation and the attainment of spiritual perfection. It symbolizes the union of opposites and the realization of the philosopher's stone. In Lilith Synastry, the rubedo stage may signify a period of profound spiritual union and transcendence within relationships. Partners may experience a deep sense of emotional alchemy, transcending ego boundaries and merging their souls in a sacred union. Lilith's influence during this phase can catalyze profound spiritual awakening and transformation, leading to a state of divine union and blissful harmony between partners.
Overall, exploring Lilith Synastry through the lens of alchemical stages can provide a rich framework for understanding the complexities of relationships and the potential for profound personal and spiritual growth. It invites us to embrace the darkness within ourselves and our relationships, knowing that it is through this integration that true transformation and wholeness can be achieved.
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Let's take an example of a man's Lilith conjunct a woman's Sun and how it can manifest in relation to the alchemical process.
Nigredo: At the beginning of the relationship, the man's Lilith conjuncting the woman's Sun may trigger intense emotions and power struggles. The woman's Sun represents her core identity and vitality, while the man's Lilith brings forth his shadow desires and subconscious tendencies. Initially, the man may feel drawn to the woman's radiance but also challenged by her strong sense of self. This stage may involve confrontations and clashes as both partners navigate the darker aspects of their psyches.
Albedo: As the relationship progresses, the woman's impact on the man becomes clearer. Through her influence, he begins to see his own shadow more clearly and confronts his hidden desires and fears. The woman's Sun illuminates the man's Lilith, bringing awareness to his deepest desires and insecurities. This stage involves honest communication and self-reflection, as both partners strive for greater understanding and acceptance of each other's complexities.
Citrinitas: In this stage, the woman's impact on the man becomes transformative. Through their interactions, they find a balance between their contrasting energies. The woman's Sun energizes and revitalizes the man's Lilith, inspiring him to embrace his passions and express himself authentically. Together, they explore new possibilities and avenues for growth, blending their energies in creative and harmonious ways. This stage is marked by a sense of mutual empowerment and collaboration.
Rubedo: Finally, as the relationship matures, the woman's impact on the man leads to profound spiritual and emotional growth. Their union transcends individual egos, and they experience a deep sense of connection and intimacy. The woman's Sun merges with the man's Lilith, igniting a fire of passion and purpose within both partners. Together, they embark on a journey of mutual transformation, supporting each other's evolution and embracing the full spectrum of their desires and vulnerabilities.
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Lilith in synastry can be one of the most difficult aspects to understand and deal with over the long term because of the nature of what Lilith brings. You will not be the same after having a relationship that has a lot of Lilith.
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tomiedotcom · 3 months
these are just my own notes and thoughts of this placement, I am not an astrologer.
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So, the nature of a conjunction is that when the two stellar bodies or points in this case; “meet”, their energies will merge and amplify the themes associated with both astronomical objects or points. 
So, energies of Lilith in this case will merge and amplify. So there could be intense sexual attraction initially or even obsession if the orb is on the tighter side, if you both have Lilith in the same sign in the conjunction it will also lead to you having similar shadow aspects, similar traumas, similar pain etc etc. This can go either way, it depends on how the people involved deal with this energy (aspects to their own Lilith and how familiar they are with Lilith themes will also affect this). 
If the individuals are comfortable with Lilith themes and their own darkness, this aspect can be very healing. You will understand each other's struggles and pain, and you might even bring each other some awareness of your shadow selves that you did not know of before. Again if this is healthy, it will be intense but in a healing way. 
If both or one of the individuals are not comfortable with Lilith themes and their own darkness, this aspect can become destructive and toxic. It will also create a power imbalance, where whoever is more comfortable with Lilith themes and their own darkness will have the upper hand. For example, imagine you meet someone who has a very Pluto or Scorpio dominant chart. For them, such a synastry placement may not be as bad as someone who is not as “aligned” to chaotic transformative and intense energies. Lilith has similar energy to Pluto and Scorpio, they are not the same of course but in my opinion; similar currents. This type of imbalance can lead to manipulation, that is if whoever has the upper hand is toxic. 
This aspect alone does not lead to a long lasting relationship, there must be supporting aspects in the chart or just determination from both parties to keep a connection. The reason is simple, Lilith is intense, destructive, chaotic, seductive, alluring, deep etc and when she amplifies by conjunction in the chart it only squares that energy; it does not add anything else to it. I will say this though, sex will be awesome here and has potential to be very healing. You might share the same taboo kinks, same views on sex, sexuality but also you may challenge the other person and help them discover new kinks or you might change each other's views on sexuality and sexual expression. You will for sure see each other in a light that others around you simply cannot, this in my opinion is very intimate. You literally see a piece of your own Lilith in someone else. A real life mirror. Of course how healing and positive this is depends on your own awareness, and how you deal with such energy because if you can't ride the wave it will just drown you. 
For example; if you share this placement with someone who is terrified of their darkness being seen by others, expect a lot of resistance. Some people even become hostile in such situations (for defense), so it may not always be easy. The person might avoid you, or get defensive around you because you will shine a light on their shadow. 
The house and other aspects in your charts will add a lot more to this obviously, this is just the watered down version.
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asstrolo · 8 months
I want to have my Mars aspecting a man's Lilith just so I can terrorize him everytime he sees me
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444shayyy · 2 months
with the Lilith conjunct Moon synastry does the stalking ever end... at first it was funny and cute but now it's concerning
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calmwaterstarot · 4 months
Could you explain like I’m 5, what Lilith in Pisces for a man means please? I keep reading it but don’t get it.
The following (not mine!) applied 100% to other guys so it’s accurate at least for me but I can’t understand the Lilith in Pisces placement to fully see how this worked
Apparently this not only tells us about our dark side and how we are at our worst, but in a man's chart this actually tells us about the woman he is REALLY head over heels for. I'm talking OBSESSION, his dream woman and his FANTASY. BUT, this is often the woman he CAN'T have or TAME. This is probably the ex he just can't get over. This is the woman that most likely can break up your relationship/marriage. I'm shook.
If you have your sun, moon, venus or mars in the sign of your man's venus, this is good. This is the type of woman he's generally attracted to.
If you have your sun, moon, or venus in your man's Juno, he see's you as marriage material. Imo, this is what he'll settle for in most cases. He's probably with you for security reasons. Practical and logical reasons.
But if you have your sun, moon, venus or mars in your man's lilith sign, YOU ARE HIS ULTIMATE PREFERENCE imo. You'll always be on his mind.
Lilith is all about our primal desires and raw sexuality, so in a man's chart it can represent both how he behaves sexually (depending on what house and sign Lilith is in) and what feminine energy he craves. For a man seeking a woman, she could drive him over the edge to the point of despair. With Lilith contacts in synastry, this would be a woman who is strong and beautiful. We all have masculine and feminine energy within us, but for a man seeking a woman, Lilith represents the woman he wants soooo badly, yet fears. Lilith was rebellious in nature and when Adam treated her as inferior rather than as an equal, she left the Garden of Eden. There's always that sense of a man being fearful that the woman he wants will never be his because she might be more independent and rebel against him (whether she is or isn't, that's just what Lilith feels like).
Lilith in Pisces in a man's chart who's looking for a woman represents a woman who might be more reserved and dreamy. This is a man who's craving a spiritual connection, one where he and his woman could read each other's minds. His dream woman could have psychic abilities, be highly spiritual, or even be a medium. She might also be very creative or artistic (or both), someone who's emotional, someone who has lofty goals and dreams (Pisces daydream a lot), and she'll be someone who's compassionate, especially towards animals.
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What do you think about Lilith conjunct sun in synastry? Man being the Lilith and basically he doesn't have other planet in the same sign.
Or if you don't use asteroids, what do you think about a man with pisces sun, moon in Taurus (I don't have a birth time so there's a small chance he may fall in the first three degrees of gemini, but I'm almost sure he's definately a Taurus moon), Mercury in Aquarius, Venus in Pisces and Mars in gemini? Like an overall impression, because to me is like an world salad describing some kind of Tortured artist TM
For Lilith contacts, when the man is Lilith and the woman is the planet person, I’ve noticed that Lilith can develop some sort of fascination or appreciation for the theme of the planet it touches. I’d also like to know which house the two fall in for more context on how it might manifest!
In negative scenarios, I feel like it points to some fetishization of that planet’s quality, or a desire to exploit those qualities in some sense (I personally noticed this as the planet person when a man’s Lilith squared my moon, for example). Again, the houses in which the two fall in can provide more context!
For Lilith conjunct Sun, Lilith can really enjoy how the sun person expresses themselves and shines. They might find you to be “different from the rest,” and that adds to the sun’s person perceived sex appeal in the eyes of Lilith. They can feel like you truly have your own authentic identity. They can really like your confidence, and encourage you to put it on full display like a peacock. Since they spend time admiring your confidence and authenticity, they are very likely to notice when you’re not being your true self in a given situation or around certain people— which might breed a feeling of self-consciousness in the sun who might feel overly perceived by Lilith. Lilith can just give you a look and you might feel called out. I feel like Lilith can find the Sun person to be beautiful, but has a weird way of letting the Sun know they admire them. They might just assume you should know that by the way they look at you. They might enjoy getting you flustered and shy, because others might not get that reaction out of you. You might feel more shy while talking to them, and might not understand why you feel so “soft” or “weak” when you talk to them! However, I think they want you to maintain that confidence you had before they got you, because it’s so alluring to them.
I feel like the moment they catch this, they are aware of the power they have over you. By your ego diminishing in front of them and because of them, theirs feels a bit more inflated as a result. They feel more confident in their own seductive powers because of how you react to them. You might make them feel more invigorated and secure in his sexual energy. If things progress to a physical point, Lilith will be putting on the show for the sun, now using that as his opportunity to be the peacock in this dynamic. Lilith might love the darkness the sun naturally exudes, and wants to embody that together and take it to a whole new intensity that seems so far removed from the original vibe they picked up from the sun.
I think Lilith can project a bit onto the planet person and wants to form them into the idea they had of them in their head, so they can fully embody the aesthetic type of taboo dream girl they want by their side to frame or reinforce their own identity.
I feel like Lilith might have played it cool in the past, but will soon be introduced to feelings of jealousy and possessiveness once they get the sun person. They were drawn in my the sun’s radiance, but now that they caught feelings, hate that other people can feel that and want the sun person the same way Lilith does.
I feel like the sun person might have fun dressing in a way that is desirable to Lilith, because once Lilith is comfortable providing praise and compliments, it’s always exactly what the sun needs to hear to feel sexier.
You both might encourage one another to be your freest selves, even if it draws in negative attention or feedback.
Your description of “tortured artist TM” is so funny, but I feel like it’s accurate as hell 😭 that basically sums it up, for real!
I feel like he definitely has a soft side, but finds it hard to vocalize until he feels a real camaraderie with someone. He has good taste, and appreciates good style in someone. He likes when someone has good manners. He might gate-keep the full extent of his humor, but once you get to know him you’ll see that he’s probably HILARIOUS. He would really appreciate someone who listens to his interests, and values his intellect. He would probably appreciate dates to art museums, eclectic restaurants or hole-in-the-walls, dates to farmers markets and thrift events, or even book fairs. I feel like he could be interested in philosophy, and appreciates more complex conversations with people he genuinely wants to be close with. He would love someone who he can listen to music with or share music with, someone to watch and dissect films with, and someone who makes him feel safe to show his weird side!
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pearl-tarotist · 1 year
LILITH (man) x VENUS/MOON (woman) synastry
I'm not a pro at astrology but for what I have read contacts of Lilith with inner planets with another person create attraction, sexual tension and obsession and in ocasions the contact creates an impossibility of forming a relationship even if both are truly attracted to the other.
If the Lilith is of a man that contacts woman inner planets , he sees her as his ideal but may have some jealously over her, or he's just unable to have her.
It reminded me to the famous quote of Jane Eyre, when Mr.Rochester is not able make Jane Eyre stay.
“I could bend you with my finger and my thumb. A mere reed you feel in my hands. But whatever I do with this cage, I cannot get at you, and it is your soul that I want".
I recommend watching this scene of the movie because I think it truly holds the most primary essence of these placements/contacts...The darkness, the passion and the impossibility.
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botanicalsword · 13 days
Solar Return Synastry • situationship with her work crush (Part 1)
If you have someone in your mind,
the year they become important to you will have precise conjunctions between their natal chart and your solar return chart, as well as between your natal chart and their solar return chart.
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1. Check the Synastry Chart between your Natal chart and their Solar return chart, focusing on the conjunctions to the axis and personal planets.
2. Check both of your Solar Return Charts, and cast a Synastry Chart between the two solar return charts.
>> How to cast the Synastry Chart for Solar Return Charts ***
➻✧ (Part 1) ✧ ⁀➷♥ They were distant friends introduced by a mutual acquaintance. After her difficult breakup, they ended up working together and grew closer. She developed feelings for him, but because of their work relationship, she was afraid to confess her emotions. She struggled with the desire for something more and the fear of making their situation worse.
⁀➷♥ The year (Solar Return) they became closer friends :
➻ His Solar Return (SR) in Her Natal (Extended interpretation - to be continued)
His SR Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus conjunct her DSC
His SR Dsc conjunct her Mars / Moon
His SR Asc conjunct her Jupiter
His SR Juno conjunct her Moon
His SR Chiron conjunct her Sun
His SR Neptune conjunct her Mercury / Venus
His SR Jupiter conjunct her Mercury / Venus
Her Solar Return (SR) in his Natal (Extended interpretation- to be continued )
Her SR Venus conjunct his Lilith
Her SR Mars conjunct his Saturn
Her SR Venus / Mars / Saturn conjunct his MC
His Solar Return (SR) to Her Solar Return (SR)
Sun / Venus / Mercury in 3H - he enjoys engaging in conversations with her and often takes the role of a lecturer, knowing that she has the ability to understand the deeper meanings behind his words
Mars in 11H - has introduced her to his social circle. He takes pleasure in seeing her build networks and socialize, which makes him want to spend more time with the group
Moon in 4H ; His Sun / Moon / Venus conjunct her IC - a sense of emotional security between them. He tends to pay attention to the topics she posts on social media, grasping their relevance, and knows how to connect with her on a deeper level through these small details
Vertex in 5H - he appreciates and admires her, feeling connected and fun being with her
Lilith in 12H - He tried to bring out her Lilith side. She struggled with exposing that part of her in their connection.
Saturn in 7H - he may bring a sense of stability and structure to their relationship but also struggling to form a intimate connection
Pluto in 6H - he has the ability to make changes in her lifestyle. He may have expertise or knowledge that helps her transform her routines and habits, for personal growth and healing
Jupiter / Neptune in 8H - she may have fantasies about being in a relationship with him, creating a sense of intimacy and connection
Uranus in 10H - a sudden change in their public image and the way they present themselves, she inclined to showcase their connection in a more formal manner and keep it professional
His Mars conjunct her Lilith - he draws her attention and she finds it difficult to take her eyes off him when they are in the same room - An intense magnetic attraction and a sense of fascination between them
Her Solar Return (SR) to His Solar Return (SR)
Sun / Mercury in 8H - there are feelings between them, but they have never directly expressed them to each other. Both have been hiding a lot of things and have not been honest about their feelings
Moon / Jupiter / Neptune in 7H - she desires an intimate connection with him, but she tends to keep it in her mind and doesn't actively pursue it
Venus / Mars / Saturn in 6H - she often appears in his workplace, work related relationships
Pluto in 5H - a feeling of sexual tension between them, even though neither of them has spoken about it openly
Vertex in 4H / Her Vertex conjunct his IC - a deep bond and the potential for a home-like, family-oriented relationship. There is a sense of emotional security, and they feel comfortable and natural when they are together. But she is introverted and finds it challenging to openly share her feelings
Lilith in 10H - She adds tension to his goals in his work but she respects him so much or be highly captivated by him.
Uranus in 9H - she has a sudden travel and an escape trip with him to a foreign place, that can expand their minds and create unexpected and exciting experiences
➻✧ Part 2 - to be continued
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msmysticfail · 3 months
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yet-another-leo · 1 year
Hello, what does it mean when two people have their Lilith aspecting each other’s Moon in synastry?
It depends on the people involved, the relationship, other planetary aspects and what kind of aspect are the liliths making (i.e. conjunction, opposition, trine etc)
In general, it shows a deep emotional connection, unexplainable yet intense attraction, sexual attraction, expressing our vulnerable, dark and wild sides to the other person, rage, obsession, possessiveness and jealousy.
conjunction: even if they don't show it directly, the moon person can see through and feel the lilith person's dark side and would be able to understand them. Both feel a deep emotional connection but also feel unsafe by it. Lilith person could trigger a primal instinct within the moon person, because of that, the moon person could try and nurture the lilith person. Moon person could be very enamored by the lilith person and help heal the lilith person's emotional wounds. There's an intense attraction between them. If one or both of them don't have evolved liliths, they could trigger each others emotional wounds. They could be possessive and controlling towards each other. Both/either of them could be become very obsessive towards the other. Lilith person might also become jealous of the moon person. This is also a stalker placement. If the people are evolved, both could feel emotionally comfortable to express their shadow sides and vulnerability to each other.
trine/sextile: lilith person could trigger a primal instinct within the moon person, because of that, the moon person could try and nurture the lilith person. Strong physical and sexual attraction towards each other. They are comfortable with each other's dark side because they're similar but they both express it differently. Both learn how to be vulnerable and feel safe with one another. It is more harmonious than conjunction, however, trine can also be an enabler if the people are unevolved.
square: a lot of tension and aggression between them. sexual tension too. Moon person would want to nurture lilith but feels rejected or lilith person would want to be nurtured by moon but feels rejected or misunderstood. They feel uneasy with each other's shadow side and can be triggered by it. The moon person might be caught off guard by the lilith person. It can be emotionally exhausting and draining for moon person to deal with them. If the people are evolved, they could be comfortable with each other even if they don't understand.
opposite: magnetic pull towards one another. However, they could overstep each other's boundaries. They're attracted to each other but feel unsafe about each other as well. Moon person can see through and feel the lilith person's dark side but can not understand why they are like this. If they are unevolved especially, this can create a power struggle. Lilith person can trigger the moon person's emotional wounds. It can be emotionally exhausting and draining for the moon person to deal with the lilith person.
(If anything here doesn't make sense or isn't right, feel free to let me know I'll correct or add to it. Also I would like to know what other people's experiences with lilith synastry are like cuz I normally don't see a lot about it and personally I have only dealt with a few conjunctions nothing else)
[Exeunt Leo]
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sexyhighastro · 11 months
Could you tell me what you think about a man's Lilith conjunct a woman's venus in synastry?
Hi sweetheart!
Well I hope it’s you who’s Lilith conjunct this poor man’s Venus bc it will be heavenly for you! ( he will love it to haha)
So man’s Lilith shows what kind of a woman he secretly desires BUT is a taboo for him. For example, he’s a family man and idk a doctor BUT his Lilith is in Aquarius SO he secretly dreams about an extraordinary woman who loves freedom and is unique like Miley Cyrus or some MMA fighter…
So when a woman’s Lilith, that represents her inner dark feminine energy touches his Venus in synastry = she represents everything he deeply desires AND ITS IN HIS REACH. He will still have his own natal Lilith that shows his deep desires BUT with this aspect he feels like the Lilith person embodies it in the most harmonious, beautiful way, without any sense of guilt or shame for him.
Not that she’s not too bold - it’s more of a feeling that he can take it and he loves it!
Lilith is dark, bloody and addictive!!! So his Venus that represents how he acts in a relationship craves the Lilith person.
Venus person can be very very very into Lilith, be slightly obsessed.
I would say that Maddy and Nate from Euphora had this aspect - they also had LOADS of squares and negative stuff so don’t be scared 😉😝 it all depends on the whole chat.
What I mean with the two of them is:
The way Maddy was his dream girl- she represented all that he wanted and needed and he couldnt let her go, even when he was with other chicks. Her body was perfect for him, the way she acted was also a big turn on - he wouldn’t protest on anything she did or said.
He would be with her even when she called his mother a cunt - I think that perfectly describes how much a man can be into his synastry Lilith.
<<< also, NATE is a prefect example of someone who exploits his natal Lilith, that was amazingly represented by Jules >>>
<<< FYI Euphoria is an amazing tool to describe various Astro placements>>>
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someonesblog1555 · 1 year
Mars opposite Pluto: This aspect isn’t talked about much because it tends to be somewhat rare. The best way to describe it is a taboo and magnetizing attraction to one another. One partner may be very intimidated by the other. In my personal relationship I have found the Pluto partner to be the obsessive one, while the mars partner tends to rebel against Pluto’s controlling nature. The sexual connection here isn’t over exaggerated. Sex is a power play. Sex is a mode of control and manipulation from both sides. This aspect can also breed vengeance. The Pluto partner desperately wants to possess the mars partner, and in doing so can become aggressive, and needlessly cruel to the mars partner. Overall this relationship includes dramatic displays of affection, and an overall taboo vibe to the entire relationship. The best way to describe this relationship is the famous quote “all is fair in love and war” because when this aspect is present the partners will do whatever it takes to win. Regardless of who gets caught in the middle.
Mars/Venus conjunct Lilith: From the very start the attraction here can feel as magnetizing as it is frightening. It can create an intense and raw connection between two people. Although there is clearly darkness creeping into the intimate moments together. With this aspect you may question if this relationship is right. You feel so drawn to each other, yet there is a repulsion that you can’t quite put your finger on. A relationship filled with intense stares, and indescribable tension. It’s the unbelievable sex that’s followed by a horrible gut feeling afterwards. Its giving into your temptation even though you know it’s wrong. This person, although they may be attractive, just irks you. Not in the way that would make you grossed out, but something deeper. Nonetheless, the sexual connection is incredible. It’s the type that keeps both partners coming back for more even after countless betrayals, and no matter how many people have been hurt. For some reason you can never shake the thought and this person, and they can never shake the thought of you.
Moon conjunct Lilith: This emotional connection. The type they write about in movies. The type you write home about. I see the darkest parts of myself reflected back to me when I am with you. You probably know this person better than they know themselves. You probably see their motives long before they can even recognize them. This bond is intuitive. It’s deep. A lot of time can pass, but when you reunite it feels as if you just saw each other days ago. It’s home as a person. You know each other. Too well. You know what they think, and what they feel, but since Lilith is involved things quickly get complicated. Both the moon and Lilith person have an extreme emotional attachment to one another. So much so that they can never truly close the book on their relationship. It’s always a farewell, but never a forever. With this connection. You always come back together. There is no final goodbye.
Venus trine Neptune: “I see stars in your eyes.” Was poetry written by Venus-Neptune people? Or was it written for them? Probably a mix of both. When these two planets meet in Synastry it feels as though actual magic is present within the relationship. It might as well be a perfectly written novel. There are tragedies. Passion. An overwhelming love for one another, and just an overall ethereal vibe to the entire relationship especially in the beginning. If you had any dreams or hopes for what love would be, then Venus trine Neptune would make those dreams a reality. In fact it would probably exceed your expectations for what love could be. Still this aspect signifies delusion. It also tells of an unconditional love. No matter what your partner does. You still love them. And the same is applied vice versa. Almost nothing could make you despise this person, you will always see the good in them.
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tower-girl-anon · 1 year
Venus square lilith (synastry) what does meaning? 🙏
Venus square Lilith in synastry
-Physical attraction even though one or both of them doesn't look the other as the type of person they usually like. -Venus can bring more love and care into the life of the Lilith person, while the last could help the other to connect with their most raw, rebellious, and sexual side of them. -In the long term, the Venus person could become clingy to the Lilith person, he or she could want to take the relationship to another level, while the other could act more detached, cold or bored toward the Venus person. -Constant fight due to the need of validation or care of the Venus person while the second one wants to keep things casual because it needs freedom to do what he or she wants to do. -Constant fight of wills.
These are the things that comes through mind when we talk about a Venus square Lilith aspect in synastry. Hope it resonates.
Tower Girl Anon
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