ahiddenpath · 2 years
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My dear and talented and wonderful friend @llamavillana collaborated with me for an @izumikoushiroweek project!  I wrote a little oneshot about 2,500 words long called Sans San, and she drew the incredible cover art above:
It's New Year's Day, and Koushiro and his parents are observing Hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the year. There, he runs into Taichi, who helps him achieve last year's resolution. A short story about support and being loved as you are while still committing yourself to growth <3
The work stars Koushiro and Taichi, with a little Hikari.  It’s based around a few Koushiro week prompts, including formal speech, everyone loves Koushiro, and confidence.  I hope you’ll check it out on AO3 or FFN!
As a quick notice, I am in the middle of prepping for a rather intense job interview process, so I haven’t been able to properly enjoy everyone’s Koushiro Week content.  I absolutely will give them all the love and attention they deserve when the interview is over <3  I cannot wait!
And special and most appreciative thanks again to Llama, who finds ways to make me smile even when I’m stressed and struggling.  LOOK!  LOOK, KOU-CHAN IS SMILING AT US, IT IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!  Thank you, my dear <3
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patamon-ears · 2 years
gravity - new chapter
fanart by @llamavillana
chapter fifteen: an 'extra' high tea [link]
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"Mimi," Sora hesitated saying her name, it still felt strange on her tongue, "I'm driving."
"Nonsense," Mimi said. "I imported this wine from Italy. You must try it! I don't usually like Prosecco, but this…is delicious!"
"One sip," Sora gave in. She somehow couldn't stay 'no' when the celebrant was staring at her expectantly with puppy dog eyes. How could she decline her offer?
Mimi was right.
The wine was delicious. Sora had tasted Prosecco before, but it was mostly the cheap kind.
"It's soooo good right?" Mimi beamed, observing Sora's reaction.
"Yes, it is," Sora agreed, letting a laugh slip out.
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Drogo deserved better.
Girl preach! Moon of my life should be riding ponies up and down Westeros, riding his namesake dragon during the day and then letting his wife ride him all night! He should have cut all Daario’s hair when he tried to hit on his khaleesi! He learned to love! That is character development!!! He was learning how to be a kindly conqueror! I needed more of that!
Give me a whole damn season of Dany and Drogo braiding each other’s hair, learning how to be parents, and demolishing Cersei! I feel so cheated by Georgie.
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polar-biscuit · 7 years
Im SHY can I ask for some JayBabs?
how could i say no !
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scoutrager · 7 years
Thank you lovely!!!
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Broken - New Chapter Up!!
Mimi reveals a surprising decision to Jou and has a shocking proposal for Taichi and Koushiro. Yamato still struggles with Sora's absence. The second chapter for Broken is already available on FF.net and AO3! Huge thanks for @llamavillana for indirectly being the inspiration for Mimi's plot in this story!
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jaykore · 7 years
wiredinthesky replied to your photoset “llamavillana: I don’t really to talk about this things but, during...”
I had no idea how this post would end but I'm glad I stuck it out. Thanks for being a rockin person and putting your foot down on this kind of thing. ����
Thank you for being cool. I really can’t stand that kind of behaviour and I feel awful that she became the target of such ugliness.
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polar-biscuit · 7 years
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a really really belated b-day present for my dearest @llamavillana ! ♡
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ahiddenpath · 2 years
Fic Launch: Puits d’Amour
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I just launched my Yamato x Sora royalty/bakery AU!  This gorgeous, stunning, amazing cover art is by @llamavillana!  Thank you, I can’t begin to thank you enough!  Llama has so much incredible art on her Tumblr, please check it out (have you seen this cutie cute cute Koushiro?!)!  Can you even believe how soft this piece is?!  And I adore the use of greenery.  AND LOOK HOW PRINCELY YAMS IS AND HOW ADORABLE AND LOVELY SORA IS, I CANNOT!!!!!!
Read it on AO3 for stock images and art by me!  It’s also on FFN!
Yamato and his brother, Takeru, were born to royal parents from different countries, who wed to seal the peace between their warring nations. The brothers were sent to live in Autun, their mother's country, until coming of age- and now, Yamato is old enough to return to Hakone, his father's country, where he will one day rule. Displaced and missing his home and his brother, Yamato wanders into a café selling pastries he often ate in Autun... And meets Sora, a woman who exudes welcome and comfort. A bakery/royalty AU about finding your home and your path.
Main characters: Yamato, Sora, Jyou, Takeru, Mimi, but the entire Adventure/02 cast is included
The main couple is Yamato x Sora, but there are additional minor couples.
I wrote this for Nanowrimo 2021 and edited/made art for it during @campdigimonth​!  I plan to update every other week for...  Well, for a while, as lots of content is ready to go!  I’ve been working and sitting on this for three months, and I am so so SO excited to share it with you all!  Please enjoy it, and let me know if you liked it!  Thank you so much!
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polar-biscuit · 7 years
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this ended up being a lena del rey with @llamavillana “Feet don’t fail me now, take me to the kara´s arms Oh my heart it breaks every step that i take, But they are open up the gates and tell me, I’m in Daxam Come and take a walk on the gay side, Let me kiss you hard on the pouring rain You like your Luthors gay, Choose your last words this is the last time cause, Kara and I, We were born to fuck”
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patamon-ears · 2 years
[ ff.net / ao3 ]
"Sora and Yamato used to be a thing. Now she's back, Takeru's dead, and Yamato has caught her trying to sneak into their house. Sora's thrown into a world of rival gangs, mysteries, corruption and a different side to Yamato that he never wanted her to see."
latest update: chapter fifteen - an 'extra' high tea (on fanfiction.net)
Gravity Character Reference Guide
*note - a list of characters from the most recent chapter. do not click if you want to avoid spoilers
Click here for amazing Gravity Yamato fanart by @llamavillana
Upbeat Denial
[ ff.net / ao3 ] a takeru centered story
"Laughing it up, breathing sarcasm and cruising along my own inflicted river of denial is what I do best. After my long-ass stint in France, I'm back in Tokyo and ready to confront even more problems with a smile on my face. Many people may consider me crazy, but I firmly believe that I'm optimism at its finest."
latest update: chapter seven - distractions backfired (on ff.net and ao3 )
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patamon-ears · 2 years
Gravity - new chapter
fanart by @llamavillana
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chapter fourteen: back to business [link]
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Yamato had fucked up, that he had no way of rebutting Taichi back. Therefore, Yamato resorted to the only thing that was fitting at that moment. "Sorry," Yamato apologised. "Did you have a concussion?" Taichi flashed him a look of disbelief from the mirror. "What? Am I hearing right? Is your mind out of whack?" Yamato rolled his eyes, heat warming up his cheeks. Perhaps it was wrong to apologise to Taichi. Maybe that was the reason why he hardly did. "I take it back." "No take backs!"
I forgot to add the Gravity fanart to the previous update. Thanks again @llamavillana <3
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patamon-ears · 2 years
Gravity Update
chapter twelve: firebird
link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13542949/13/Gravity
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stunning fanart by @llamavillana tyvm <3 <3
"Please, Wolf. You don't have to be a dick about it," Gazelle snapped at him, topping up his empty glass with fresh water. "Just because you're a leader doesn't mean that I can't talk shit back whenever you do something downright dumb."
"I'm not doing anything-"
"It's protocol that you go with another member if you're doing an assassination, Wolf."
He grinned. "And just who made the protocol, Jun?"
Gravity Character Reference Guide https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UqbKOsqiPhJhMjgZQ1Ds8vuWwzVOXQi0P29xbqmO3ug/edit?usp=sharing .
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polar-biscuit · 7 years
So out of curiosity what exactly is the issue with Jason/Artemis? Is it because the fan base just wants them to be how they want/think they are? Or is it something bad in general I’m just confused why the two characters can’t have something together but all I see is anti-them
nothing against it, but my pal @llamavillana told me a lot about these issues with some writers in the comics lately (like Hope Larson’s Batgirl recently being paired up with Nightwing) Artemis and Jason form a team with Bizarro in the Red Hood and the Outlaws comic, and they were all cool friends, but the main problem here is that now they are planning on FORCING (cause that’s what it looks like actually) two of them romantically. How many movies have you seen where the guy gets the only girl in the team, just because she is in the team.. and is a girl..every movie and it just looks uh.. no. The other problem at least with me is that i ship jason with barbara, and since barbara is now with dick, and jason is going to be with artemis, it’s kinda uh no. you feel me? kay
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polar-biscuit · 7 years
If i find the time to write a fic, i'll either write out a batfamily heist with romantic tension with babs/jason, Also Jason and Barbara are each others rock with barbara helping jason know he is a good person who has helped people, and jason helping barb with her anger and rage keeping her grounded and calm (which is somewhat rich from him) they both befriend harley and they all process the damage joker has done to them and help be happy together
listen anon, write that, kill that clown, and make @llamavillana , me, and the rest of the world happy, please
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polar-biscuit · 7 years
Jason Todd has a thing for redheads that can kick his ass and it started with barbara gordon kicking his ass
but this is canon. you are doing the goD’S WORK HERE ANON @llamavillana look at this please
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