#lok fandom salt
novaae · 4 months
me if i see anyone making fun of mako today
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shadelorde · 23 days
AtLA is a better show than LoK but the LoK fandom is infinitely more chill and way cooler than the AtLA fandom and I think it’s because being a fan of a show that’s screwed so much keeps us way more humble
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I find it interesting how many avid Aang stans will defend his portrayal in LOK with his children because he’s not perfect and good people ≠ good parents, and y’know what? I agree. Aang was a terrible, because he never changed for the better in the first place
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kainissoable · 2 months
Side-eyeing that person who seems to think that Vorador's character flaws are him being polyam and a whore, then implicitly accused him of being heterosexual. Sorry you're insecure, boring and straight, I guess 🙄
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matt0044 · 9 months
Posts in the Salt Tags are a special breed of obnoxious.
I get it. We need space to vent, to let off steam in the heat of the moment. But there often comes a point where you have to ask yourself if it's reeeeeeeeally worth it to go into something that gives you unwarranted stress.
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
Let me start by saying I've never watched Legend of Korra. like, the most I've watched was any bending scenes/fights and all the Zuko and Toph clips (admittedly, I didn't watch any of the Katara clips because..well..honestly I didn't want to see her be so meek). But I've always felt kinda...bad for liking Mako since the few posts I did read made it seem like both Korra and Asami were better off without him and I didn't want to accidentally fall into the category of sympathising with a man who didn't treat women right. Even when I watched what few clips he was in -Mako seemed a little serious but not anything bad- I thought it was just because I didn't see enough of him to see why he was so bad for Korra and Asami.
And then I read your post on Mako and how he had to do anything and everything to take care of Bolin and my heart kinda broke. I don't know if this is right, but it kinda feels like Mako is being treated a bit like Katara's being treated. Like, they both fit the sibling-turned-parental-figure roles and some of the fandom seems like they can't accept that both are still teenagers who...well, still act like teenagers. seriously, I'm gonna be mad if I ever see another 'take' about how Katara is bad for acting more teenager than mother 😤. And the parallels between the non-con kisses that their respective Avatars gave them, with both Mako and Katara shouldering the blame (though in Katara's case it's more of a "she's supposed to like it! She's the Avatar's girl uwu") . It just rubs me the wrong way how neither of them get any slack for acting less than amazing when they both spent years carrying their trauma and shielding their siblings from that same hurt.
Sorry if this is bothering you or if it doesn't make sense; I'm just kinda fed up of seeing people side with the Avatar no matter what the situation was, especially when Korra and Aang were actually in the wrong *coughnon-conkisscough*
You're not bothering me at all, don't worry!
Honestly all of this makes a ton of sense, someone who's never seen the show and only has fandom's word to go on could be excused for thinking Mako's a fuckboy who was intentionally leading the girls on rather than a kid who'd been raising his baby brother alone on the streets since he was eight years old and maybe not the best at navigating personal relationships and didn't know how to deal with the fact that he had feelings for two incredible girls at the same time. That shit's hard to deal with even when you have parents and had a happy and comfortable life and are just in high school trying to get through the day, but you throw that in the mix with 'became a parent at eight years old' and 'struggled to get enough to feed his brother, nevermind himself, while they lived on the streets' and then everything that happened during the series, and it's like, cut this kid some slack maybe????
Also the comparisons with the way the fandom treats Katara are also spot on. Obviously in Katara's case there's also an added element of racialized misogyny, because she's a dark-skinned girl and the only dark-skinned girl in the main cast, so that gets added to the fact that she was also the gaang's 'mom friend' and you get fans unironically calling her a 'bitch' for -checks notes- getting reasonably upset after being pushed to her limit and losing her cool--but in Mako's case, he actually fills the same niche in the krew that Katara did in the gaang, and he gets a lot of the same treatment, which I think winds up coming at him from the opposite side of the fence so to speak. Because he's a boy, he automatically gets the blame for anything that goes wrong with the love triangle--up to and including the avatar violating his boundaries and kissing him without his consent--because Korra and especially Asami are precious girls and could do no wrong.
And the thing is that it gets kinda complicated because Korra did also get a lot of racialized misogyny flung at her by the racist&misogynistic dudebros of the fanbase who hated that a brown girl was now the avatar, but that wound up overshadowing the very real and reasonable criticisms that can be made of her character and her behavior. Especially in Book 2, where she gets angry enough at Mako for -checks notes- doing his job and not wanting to jump to conclusions that she TRASHES HIS OFFICE!!!!! IN A FIT OF RAGE!!!!!! (which of course Mako gets blamed for and a lot of fans will frame that as Korra getting 'reasonably upset' which lol no)--and the fact that this occurs in the same season as Bolin getting trapped in an explicitly toxic and abusive relationship with a Water Tribe girl (who happens to be Korra's cousin) that is played for laughs the entire fucking time makes me think that Bryke just have very troubling ideas about how it's ok for women to treat their significant others, particularly if they happen to be men.
(Although let it not be said that they didn't write toxic relationships from the other side, Varrick spends the entire series mistreating Zhu Li and then at the end he decides he's in love with her and they get married [in a very Western ceremony, incidentally], and nothing is ever mentioned of the awful way he treated her for the entire show.)
So yeah like, it really, really bothers me that Katara and Mako share similar niches in their respective teams and both of them get a whole lot of untoward hatred for -checks notes- being teenagers and having feelings and sometimes expressing them. They both deserve so much better from their respective fanbases, and I think the biggest reason Katara has a bigger and more devoted defense squad is because atla is still pretty widely regarded as the best installment of the franchise and a lot of people just don't care to even watch lok. The bulk of the lok fanbase is anti Mako and it's hard to maintain any resilience as a fandom in the face of that lmao.
But I'm always happy to talk about how much I love him and if I can only turn the tide one anon at a time then that's ok.
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cobraonthecob · 3 years
can we literally stop making fun of Makorra shippers for thinking their ship was going to be endgame? 
Because they were totally valid in thinking that Makorra was going to be canon - this show was ending in the early 2010s, when m/m and f/f ships were very not something shown on TV, much less an animated show, and Mako and Korra were sharing more stronger + emotional scenes together (there was a literal ep dedicated to how much they love each other...at least, I remember there being an ep that went “look at how far these kids have not gotten!”) than anyone else. 
Anyways the tl;dr is to leave Makorra shippers alone and to stop rubbing it in their faces
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invnciblesummer · 3 years
in your opinion is zutara canon
I don’t really think it’s a matter of opinion. Zutara, by definition, is not canon. For it to have been canon, Zutara would have had to have happened by the end of ATLA, or LOK, or any of the comics/other source material.
Honestly though, I don’t really mind that Zutara isn’t canon. Seeing how the endgame ships were badly written and ruined, I’m glad that Zutara wasn’t tarnished by the post-ATLA material’s bad writing and characterizations. After all, Zutara being fanon lead to such a large and influential (I mean, the zk fandom did create the first fan/ship week ever after all) sub fandom with so many amazing fanworks! It’s to the point where it doesn’t need canon anymore— especially badly written canon— because the ship has been able to sustain itself with so many talented fanworks 15 years later. It has more fanworks than even its rival canon ships. I would rather ship a fanon ship that ended up getting a large sub fandom and so many amazing fanworks to the point where it doesn’t rely on badly written post-canon material for content, than ship a canon ship that ended up getting butchered in post-canon material, has way less fanworks, and relies quite heavily on said badly written post-canon material for content.
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z/ukkas stealing the much loved “ambassador katara” trope from the zk fandom, replacing her with sokka and then claiming that WE, in fact, copied THEM is my villain origin story…
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ap-kinda-lit · 3 years
No but what was even the point of building Katara up to be a badass progressive icon for girls and women only to suddenly reduce her to a passive trophy gf-turned-wife and stay at home mom just sitting in the background?? That’s like spending years working on a giant, beautifully detailed Renaissance-esque painting then putting it in storage and replacing it with a small, low-quality printed picture from Bed, Bath & Beyond.
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levitatingbiscuits · 4 years
I haven't watched LOK but the North were what now???!
they’re pretty much imperialist :/ korra’s dad, the chief of the southern water tribe, is a member of the northern royal family. they literally took over the south. why couldn’t katara or sokka be chief???? sokka’s dead but katara is RIGHT THERE. but oh yeah according to bryke she was too busy being a housewife to actually accomplish anything after the events of atla and that’s why she didn’t get a statue. fucking bite me. 
i hate how the comics and LOK are all about how great and inevitable westernization is and how the destruction or erosion of tradition is also a good thing and i HATE how korra being the daughter of a colonizer is nbd. the civil war story line would be so much more powerful if it was about the indigenous southerners overthrowing the northern assholes and korra had to come to terms with her father DESERVING it. but bryke repeatedly emphasizes how colonization is a good thing actually and we should leave the colonizers alone :( in both the comics and lok (and arguably in atla) and i fucking hate it. i also fucking hate that korra was a northerner when it would be SO much more powerful for it to be a southerner like katara, who literally brought the avatar back into the world and later RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD but was never acknowledged by the world for her contributions like her friends, brother, or husband were.
sorry about the salt i just really did not like many of the underlying messages of lok. the only good thing to come from that show was korrasami even if the writers treated asami more like a plot device than a character for vast swathes of the show.
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void-tiger · 4 years
I can’t believe vld ruined aspidochelones! You know, generally sea-bound megafauna beasts with habital ecosystems on their back?
...we could’ve had them as a fantastical Space Is Weird. How cool would it have been if we saw people living on them—heck, surviving alteans living on them! But no...they just had to be used for offscreen “bpkeef glowup”.
Wasted. Potential.
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you wish you knew more about kai's past? you wish kai wasn't just used as a character to introduce jinora's development? you wish you could have seen kai bonding with meelo and ikki?
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ljf613 · 3 years
If there's one thing branching out into other fandoms has shown me, it is one way that the ATLA/LOK fandom is vastly more well-behaved than most other fanbases on this site:
Y'all use anti tags. Sure, there are always going to be people who don't really bother and/or drop their nonsense in the main tag, but it is expected that people tag their stuff-- particularly their hate-- correctly.
A lot of my other fandoms just.... don't do that. People will dump their salt directly in the main tags (which is super frustrating), and when I'm like "what about the anti tags" only to found out that most of them don't even have them (or, if they do, they have like, two salty posts while the main tag has dozens).
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peachchanvidel · 3 years
I'm not sure if the search works similar like twitter, so I obscured some terms for the vent. You know what awaits you in here..
I wish I could follow more AtlA/LoK blogs here or on twitter, but the Ky/aliners and b/utch-Lin and le/sbian-Lin posts are so annoying because you can't avoid them, even with tag-blocking, as they have become USELESS thanks to misuse. Also they take their headcanons to such a level they forget they are HEADCANONS. NOT CANON. NOT EVEN FANON (fanon are things like 'moon tea' in fics for an example...). JUST headcanon. FOR THEM. FOR THEIR BUBBLE. And they can't leave the Linzin tag alone. If it's not about the break-up so it can end up in Pe/mzin and Ky/alin they don't care and talk down on the ship I enjoy A LOT.
I blocked the tag Ky/alin. But you know what happens? Half the posts are invisible now, but more than half of these don't even have anything to do with the ship/one of the characters. The tags some people give it are just crap and you mess the system up. I couldn't see some of my own posts anymore after some people added Kyalin in their reblog as a tag to it, and every person reblogging that post took it with them! It's so ridiculous. Do they know that? Is it on purpose? Do they really think some random Lin art is Ky/alin? Because certainly not.
Ky/alin - Doesn't work for me. At all. You'll not find this here. The closest they'll ever be imo are sister-in-laws and childhood friends (they are 4 years apart, so even here taken with a grain of salt).
Bu/tch Lin - Nope, no appeal to me either. You won't find this here either. (And you really are so sensitive, that you put 'tw' for femme Lin posts and put these under cuts? WTF. You know this could go both ways, but I guess the other side isn't as good as whining and playing victim.) I don't work with these distinctions in general.
'Le/sbian' Lin - She was in a long-term relationship with Tenzin. At least Bi or Pan. Stop taking that from her. I don't want to see that take anymore. Tired of biphobic takes. If you need your headcanons for your weird way of 'representation' do that far far away from me.
I multiship, A LOT, but when smth becomes obnoxious and every time I try again to give it a chance... i hit a 'HELL NO' point, it's sad... I blocked a lot of blogs by now, esp. when the Linzin tag is a warzone thanks to them, instead of a place where the few people shipping them can enjoy their ship. I try to unblock some of them now and then again, because cutting everybody off isn't my thing.. but often enough it's proven to be necessary.
I don't expect others to ship the same things I do, but I have seen so much flaming and awful takes, 'just because', which really are leaving you in such a bad state afterwards... I have no compassion anymore. I just say 'NO' and try to leave it at that, as I really believe everybody should ship what they enjoy the full amount possible.
But I don't get why my ship tag has to be fucked up by other shippers like this... and why I don't see a lot of posts anymore because the ship I blocked is put on unrelated posts over and over... and I have to gamble... click on the button to see or scroll over it.
I never get focusing on what you dislike... worse when you search the tags about what you like and get thrown into everything bad. We do have the discord, yes, but it's still difficult, if you are literally locked in there. On AO3 we need to block ships and authors because of mistagging and spite-fics ("I don't ship them, but write about them now"), on tumblr we need to block blogs and ships, on twitter... so many blogs, esp. from minors.
Will I be ever able to just say 'whatever' and finish all of my Linzin art and upload here and take the Linzin tag back again? Because every time I look into it again I'm scared af.
It's amazing how I was never scared about any of this in the FE3H fandom, here I was simply 'never as good as the others' or 'my ship was too small' but damn, I enjoyed like 99% of the content and the drama was so much easier avoidable. :"D Also.. the AkaYona fandom.. it was never this complicated. It's not like there were never any problems, but the amount of time going into all that disappointment from the tags over and over is flabbergasting... I could have drawn three Linzin fancomics by now. And one would be smut.
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Thoughts about Paramount wanting to do a streaming channel like Disney+ and do some new Avatar stuff? Possibly post-series, pre-LOK animated items?
ANOTHER streaming service seeking to capitalize off atla's success? i need my smelling salts
okay im mostly jk i know it was paramount who originally did atla 😂
(i do lowkey hate streaming services, though. or rather i hate how freaking many there are)
i mean, i personally am just fine with what the atla canon provides? im not opposed to additions and stuff, ofc, but the odds of them getting back all of the original writers, artists, producers, etc. (and sure, bryke included, why not) just seem... slim to none, so if this does happen, the fandom will probably treat it like the comics: not entirely unenjoyable, but not really considered canon, either 😂
but hey - if it's as you say, anon, at least it would be animated and not another bad live action 😌
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