#major crimes tnt
bipolbur · 8 months
okay i actually mapped out part 2 of b&c, it’s going to be 3 chapters 🫡🫡
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int-writersmind · 6 months
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: It's been a few months of you and Peter's situationship, a run in with Spider-Man has you reconsidering your feelings for him.
Word Count: 2.5k
Genre: Fluff (w/ some notes of Spice/Smut nothing crazy tho)
Final Part of Potential Customer (could be read as a standalone)
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The warm shine of sun was a great reprieve from the cold, brisk, late fall air. You hurry down the sidewalk, dodging and weaving through the crowd of people that blocked your path to work, you were rushing back from a doctor’s appointment in a different borough. You pull at your long red scarf, as you wait with a growing group of people for the sign to turn from a red hand to a white stick man.
Suddenly, Boom! 
An explosion from one block over causes everyone in the vicinity to scream, scramble, and panic in many different directions. You had been in the city for a few years now and understood where you lived and the type of spanx-wearing, super-powered beings that were your neighbors. But for whatever reason, the only interaction you ever had with them came in the form of watching recaps on the news or clips on social media after the fact. 
Now, you were in the middle of something major, and if you didn’t react–
“Guys I know the weather’s brutal, but I don’t think TNT makes great firewood!”
As you move behind the corner of a building, you look up and notice a red and blue figure swinging above you. That outfit and that voice only belong to the city’s resistant arachnid base hero– Spider-Man. 
You know you should get to safety, hell you really should be getting the hell out of here. But still, like many other New Yorkers in awe of the city they live in, you found yourself watching as Spider-Man tussles it out with some newbie criminals.
Spider-Man flips and jumps out of gunfire, webbing up nearby garbage cans and tossing them back in response. All with quip-y dialogue to boot. Actually, now that you think about it, his jokes reminded you of Peter’s, that customer-turned-occasional-hook-up you were seeing recently. That Peter you were desperate to make more than just a hookup–
“Make any sudden movements and I’ll blow ya brain out that pretty head of yours!”, you felt a hand cover your mouth, the coldness of the barrel of a gun pressed against your temple. “I won’t hurt ya, just need ya so I can get out of here.” said the petty Criminal, with the gun to your head and the other hand guiding your shoulder forward. The panic was settling in, but you didn’t want to make any sudden decisions that would put you in any more harm. The Criminal was panic-y himself, whipping you left and right as he headed away from the scene of the crime, his head on a swivel.
“...And this little piggy thought the Big Ole Spider didn’t see him run away.” With one sudden turn, the Criminal stopped in front of a light post where Spider-Man crouched on top of the blub. “Don’t worry, I’ll have you on your way in a jiffy.”
“Don’t you move Spider-Man! I’ll do it!” said the Criminal.
“Whelp, haven’t heard that a hundred times.”
The Criminal turns the gun outwards, but before he can shoot, a web shoots out, Spider-Man ripping it out from his hands. In one swift motion, Spider-Man leaps from the lamppost behind the Criminal. The Criminal in turn throws you off of him, causing you to fall to the ground. Spider-Man double kicks the Criminal, one in the back, one to the head, knocking him out.  
“Are you ok?” Spider-Man goes to offer you a hand but stops mid-way, his head snapping towards the Criminal. In two motions Spider-Man shoots a web toward the Criminal, pulling out a bomb from his chest, and another web shooting towards you pulling you close to him. “Hang on tight.”
Spider-Man swings the bomb so that it explodes in the air, while he swings away, you in one arm, your own arms locked around his neck.
He swings you far from the explosion, your stomach lurching as if you were on a thrill ride with too many drops, the cold wind whipping past your head. You tried your best to hold in your screams, the guy saved you, the least you can do is not blow out his ear drums. But the longer the swinging continued the more you thought he was extending this trip for his own pleasure.
After a few more swings, Spider-Man lands the two of you on a residential building's rooftop garden. He gently places you down on the ground, it takes you a minute to compose yourself.
“Thank you Spider-Man, I definitely won’t forget this day.” You say, in between gasps.
“Now you’ve joined the exclusive club of those who swung with Spidey!”
You place your hands on your hips, “Don’t know if that’s something I’m glad I achieved. Seems like you took the scenic route to get to safety.”
“Maybe I was trying to show you a good time. Can’t get those views from anywhere else.”
You felt your cheeks redding a little, “Careful Spider-Man, sounds to me like you’re flirting.”
With a quick little backflip, Spider-Man lands on the edge of the rooftop, perching like he was on the lamppost. You, now glad to be on solid ground, move closer to him, arms crossed against your chest. “Maybe I’m just a flirtatious guy?”
“I don’t know how my boyfriend will feel when he hears about this.”
Obviously, you couldn’t see, but you can almost feel the dumbfounded look on Spider-Man’s face ,like he was surprised at your response. “Boyfriend?”
“Well, I guess he’s not actually my boyfriend,” You start to pace back and forth, “But this guy I’ve been seeing…well, I don’t know…there’s just something about him. We spend a lot of time together, doing…certain activities…but after, when it’s all said and done, we just have these moments where we’re just really clicking together. Conversations about everything and nothing at the same time, sharing jokes with one another.
 “God, I just love it when he laughs, and when he smiles you can see that he has a slight chip in one of his teeth, on the left side, I think it’s adorable.” Almost as if he wasn’t thinking, Spider-Man’s hand goes to his jaw, stroking the left side of his face, strange if you think about it. 
“Sorry, I know you have tons of stuff that you would rather do than listen to some random person's relationship drama. Weirdly, you’re like really easy to talk to.” You say, rubbing your hands together before sticking them into your coat’s pockets.
“They don’t call me Friendly-Neighborhood Spider-Man for no reason.” You chuckle at his response, “Anyway, I hope you tell this boyfriend-non-boyfriend of yours how you really feel about him, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
“Will do, and hey, stay safe Spider-Man.”
With a two-finger salute, Spider-Man backward dives off the side of the roof, you rush forward just in time to see him shoot a web and swing back to the former scene of the crime.
You back away from the side of the roof, suddenly aware of where you were, or in fact–
“Wait? How the hell do I get down from here?”
You burst through the front door, a few minutes late since thankfully Spider-Man left you closer to your work rather than further away, lucky huh? What was not so lucky was the five minutes it took to get off the roof.
You murmur apologies to your fellow co-worker as you take your position at the front counter, relieving them to go in the back and sort some new shipments. You barely unzip your jacket before the front door even dings, causing you to go into straight customer service mode. Well, until you notice who the “customer” actually is.
“Oh, hi Peter.” You sigh, reaching up to take off your hat, shoving it into your jacket’s pocket, shimming out said jacket, and throwing it to the side, still leaving your scarf on. “Um, didn’t expect to see you? Need something?”
“Uh, yes, no, kinda?” He chuckles dryly, rubbing the back of his neck as he approaches the front counter. “I was just in the neighborhood and thought I swing bye, ha-ha…”
“Always glad to see you,” You lean over the counter, resting both elbows on the top so that you’re closer to Peter. “Hey, you free tonight for some certain activities.” You wiggle your eyebrows suggestively, giggling to break the tension, Peter laughs back in response.
“Yeah, yeah, definitely,” Peter’s eyes dart from each of your eyes, down to your lips, then back up to your eyes. “Um, actually can we do more than just certain activities? Like dinner or something?”
You feel your face begin to heat up again, rising from the pit of your stomach, up the back of your neck, showing on your cheeks for Peter to see. “Sounds…cute, good actually, real good. But nothing fancy, I have this recipe that this elderly regular gave me a few days ago that I want to try. Says it’s popular with a lot of young men.”
“Sounds good to me.” Peter’s eyes are still locked on yours, his gaze piercing through your soul, but in a good way. Actually, it was kind of turning you on, almost more than other things he’s done to you in the privacy of each other’s beds.
“Peter, were you really in the neighborhood, or were you coming to see me?”
“Can’t both of those statements be true?”
“Oh, so you saw Spider-Man? He stopped this heist or robbery, whatever, around the block from here actually.”
Peter breaks eye contact, locating one of your hands and taking it in his. “Ugh, I must have just missed him. You’re not hurt or anything?”
“Oh no, Spider-Man made sure I was safe and sound, personally.”
The two of you laugh.
“Hey, stop flirting with the customers and do some actual work!” Your co-worker says, peeking their head from the back of the shop.
“I guess I better get out of here, don’t want to get you in any more trouble.” Peter says, looking down at your hands still intertwined, not yet ready to let go.
You bring up your interlocking hands to your mouth, placing a kiss on Peter’s. “Bye, Peter.”
You let go of him, slightly pushing yourself off the counter when suddenly Peter pulls you back close by the ends of your scarf, placing a kiss on your lips. His cold nose brushed against yours. When he moves back, lips barely away from yours, you can’t help but sigh in response. Like a character in some kind of romance novel. “Too much?” he asks.
You just smile and shake your head no, “Your nose is cold, here take my scarf.”
You lift your scarf off your head and place it over Peter’s, throwing one end over one of his shoulders. “See you tonight.”
“Yeah,” Peter walks backward, winking as he walks out the door, “Later!”
Of course, the doorbell rings right at the moment when you are getting ready to make your sauce for the pasta dish. You debated whether or not to let the doorbell ring some more, finally pulling yourself away from the stove.
When you open the door, you’re met with Peter standing there with a modest, but gorgeous bouquet of flowers (one flower hanging by a thread), and your scarf hanging from his neck.
“My goodness, Peter you shouldn’t have,” Your hands hover close to the bouquet, eyes darting from the flowers to Peter’s eyes. “Ah, you really shouldn’t. I hate flowers.”
Peter’s face falls, shock, panic, and fear, (maybe everything all wrapped up at once) play across his face. “Oh-Uh, I just thought–”
“Oh, hon,” You pull him close by the ends of your scarf, mimicking what he did earlier. “I’m just fucking with you.” You kiss him gently, deepening it as Peter kisses you back. Is this what this thing between the two of you was becoming? Visiting each other at work, having dinner together, causal kisses, flowers? Peter must want this relationship to be more than just a casual hook-up too.
You both break the kiss off, still remaining close, looking at one another deeply. You blink rapidly to pull yourself back into reality. “Come in, dinner’s almost ready.”
Empty plates and cups half filled with budget wine lay to the side on your table in your living room. The two of you were too wrapped up in conversation on the couch to even reach for your drink.
“Yeah, I guess I was just really lucky, being in the right place at the right time to get that picture. Front page and everything.” Peter resting his head on his hand, his elbow resting on the top of the couch.
“Luck and craziness” You sat, legs tucked underneath you, body turned towards Peter, hands wringing in your lap. “You know, these conversations are actually still interesting even with all our clothes on.”
“Yeah,” he reaches for your hand again, holding it in your lap, “But maybe I’m still imagining you naked, in my bed.” He moves in closer, “Sweaty, hair stuck to your face…”
“Wow, someone’s bold this evening.”
“I don’t know, I just feel…I don’t know…”
You go to push back a little tuft of brown hair behind his ear. “I get it, babe.”
Peter groans in response, leaning forward, pecking at your lips. “I know you like using pet names as jokes, but I just…love it when you say them.”
“Ok, Love,” you say as Peter keeps moving forward until you move your legs from underneath you. Peter kisses you into the couch, holding your face with one of his hands. “Darling?”
“Yes?” Peter says, in between kisses on your lips, face, and neck.
“Can I ask you something?”
Peter stops immediately, looking at you directly, “Yeah?”
“Can we…can we be more than just…god, can we be more than just certain activities? I know you said you didn’t…don’t have the time for a serious relationship and all, and I know I said it was ok and all…
“Yes, yes, of course,” Peter says.
“I-I know what I said, and maybe this-this might be difficult to juggle but,” Peter caresses your face with his thumb, “I wanted this to be more for awhile but didn’t know how to bring it up. Maybe the flowers were a bit on the nose.”
You run your hands across his face, just like you did so many times before, Peter nuzzles his face against your hand. “Ok so let’s make this official. Peter Parker, will you go steady with me?”
Peter chuckles, “Of course, I’ll go steady with you.” He kisses you deeply again, caressing your head as he does so. 
You're so caught up in the moment, in the kiss, that nothing else matters in that moment. The more he kissed you, the more your body craved every inch of his, and you felt just the tiniest of guilt for it.
“I know I agree to a nice simple dinner, but can we…”
“Oh god yes,” Peter smiles before lowering himself down your body, “But let’s start a little differently, can I?”
“Oh yes please…”
Oh wow, first series done! I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have another Peter Parker x Reader (since I'm still on the Parker train *choo choo*) in the tank, which I'll post Wednesday and have plans for a holiday theme PP x reader series, than maybe I'll take a break from writing Peter Parker??? Idk don't want to burn out on him but we'll see.
Anyway comment if you like, so I'm not just talking into the void, but no pressure! Thanks again and see you next time!
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porkums-my-beloved · 1 year
One of my IRL Acting Major Friends follows me on this account so it's gonna be so embarrassing when they inevitably read this but whatever-
I want to talk about Technoblade in the hypothetical dsmp play.
(I always want to talk about Technoblade. But that's beside the point.)
Because the thing about Techno that's key is the way that he goes between a silly goofy guy and fucking terrifying at the drop of a hat. And something that'll help do that is the fourth wall.
Now, I love the fourth wall so much. So fucking much. It's such a fun way to draw the audience into your story.
In Technoblade's case, it has to be used in multiple different ways depending on the tone of the scene. With that in mind, we start out with the fourth wall almost exclusively being used for comedy. It may decrease the amount of threat Techno holds for now, but that won't be a problem for long.
I imagine this fourth wall breaking to be reminiscent of Uncle Fester in the Addams Family Musical, or any other narrator-adjacent funnyman. Lots of looks to the audience at absurd moments, references to theatre, gaming, and the original source material.
As this goes on, it gets a little more ominous. Maybe he knows more than he's letting on? Something is significantly different than the way it's treated with Wilbur and (potentially?) Tommy. They see the audience as an unknown entity, but Techno sees it exactly as it is.
And that's what allows him to be so threatening.
He knows that none of this is real, so when he kills someone, it truly does not matter. He treats war crimes the same way he treats casual banter. He's cruel and callous in the heat of battle, since unlike everyone else, he knows that when the show's over, he's going to hang out with the entire cast at some shitty taco place. It isn't life or death for him, but it certainly is for everyone else.
This leads to a sort of triviality that's unique to him.
I'll put in an example here:
(Tommy is hiding behind a chest in Technoblade's basement. He looks dirty, with ragged clothing that barely protects him from the cold. He's terrified, as if he doesn't even recognize the man before him.)
Technoblade: "Oh. It's you. You look rough- what'd you do to get the costumer so mad at you?"
Tommy: "Fuck off."
Technoblade: "Nah."
(Tommy doesn't respond.)
Technoblade: "Bruh. You've gotta give me something if you want my help."
(Tommy glares at the wall.)
Technoblade: "I guess I'll just... Take my golden apples and leave you here to starve. Have fun."
Tommy: "Fuck, just- help me. I need your help. Is that what you want? Do you want me to grovel? Shine your fucking shoes? I can give you my stuff- here- I'll just- I'll just dig a hole and you can blow it up. I- I don't have any TnT but uh. You probably have some, right? Sorry. Sorry."
(Tommy's rambling grows progressively quieter as he realises he's been talking for far too long.)
Maybe that wasn't a great example but I've never actually written for DSMP before so cut me some slack.
Hopefully that captures the vibe though. I'm writing this before my class starts though so I don't really have time to go over it and make sure anything makes sense.
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onetrainscifi · 2 years
Also on the note of 'HBO Max will not be getting Snowpiercer back', if you don't have access to Snowpiercer on Netflix or TNT, here are some fun ways to otherwise watch the show!
1) download a VPN. Personally I find this optional but that is because I infect my computer with many diseases for no reason. But yeah find a good VPN, doesn't have to cost a ton of money (or any money at all) but do find one. Make sure it's reputable and isn't selling your data or anything like that.
2) If you watch on a computer, levidia.ch has episodes less than an hour after they air. If you're on a phone (or a computer), fmovies.com has all the episode as well but these take a little longer to upload. This process can be repeated for any tv show or movie you would like to watch, frankly if you like Snowpiercer I recommend Repo! The Genetic Opera (body horror but also the horrors of capitalism), Hacks (queer and there's milfs), What We Do In The Shadows (queer vampires), Resident Alien (campy sci-fi), Virginia (campy Jennifer Connelly movie), Becks (incredibly queer movie starring Lena Hall), Blindspotting (the movie or the tv show both are great, movie has Daveed Diggs), or Where'd You Go Bernadette (Cate Blanchette's best movie imo)
So tl;dr: in the spirit of Snowpiercer, go commit piracy because it is a victimless crime if you're pirating from major companies.
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bexadotapp · 1 year
How to Activate TNT Drama?
TNT drama has been an exciting way to escape from the world and into a new realm. The genres available on this network range from crime to comedy and more. Not only are the stories captivating, but the actors and production teams behind them are also top-notch. Whether you’re a fan of high-octane action, heartwarming romances, or thought-provoking suspense dramas, TNT drama is sure to have something for everyone. TNT drama has evolved over time and some of the most popular shows it airs today along with award-winning movies and web series. To start watching TNT Drama open tntdrama.con/activate.com or tntdrama.con/activate.
Why TNT Drama
TNT Drama is one of the most popular cable networks for a reason: it offers a wide variety of high-quality dramas that are sure to keep viewers entertained. From police procedurals to medical dramas, TNT has something for everyone. Now TNT Drama app is also available on all the streaming devices and to watch, visit tntdrama.con/activate.com or tntdrama.con/activate. The additional benefit to watch on app is that you can watch any content available on app any time. But what really sets TNT Drama apart from other networks is the quality of its programming. TNT Drama consistently produces some of the best drama series on television, such as The Closer, Major Crimes, and Rizzoli & Isles. These shows are must-see TV for any drama fan, and these are just a few examples of the great programming that TNT Drama has to offer. So if you're looking for a cable network that delivers high-quality dramas week after week, then TNT Drama is the perfect choice for you.
How to start watching TNT Drama on streaming devices
If you're a fan of TNT Drama, you can now watch your favorite shows on streaming devices. TNT Drama is available on Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Apple TVand more. Here's how to get started: 1. Download the TNT Drama app from your device's app store. 2. Launch the app and sign in with your TV provider credentials by visiting tntdrama.con/activate.com or tntdrama.con/activate. 3. Enter the code displayed on TV screen
4. Link with your service provider
5. Start watching your favorite TNT Dramas! TNT Drama app works on all the smart devices, activation process remains same for all the devices. Visit tntdrama.con/activate.com or tntdrama.con/activate and enter the code displayed on TV screen and link it with your streaming or cable service provider.
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bgallen · 2 years
A Friday list: Music, Movies, and History
Happy Friday from a very soggy Mississippi. We have had a lot of rain the last few days and the forecast is calling for quite a bit more. Typically this time of year we have burn bans because of the lack of rain. Since Sunday, we have had 7 inches of rain locally, with 10 inches in some surrounding locations. And typically in August we only have 5 inches the entire month!
 Yesterday was my parents 43rd wedding anniversary and I am so very grateful for the life they have led together and how they have prioritized their relationship with one another and the stability and love that has given to my life.
·      Trailer 2 | Pinocchio | Disney+ - YouTube
I fully blame my fear of whales on the terrifying whale in the original Disney film, but even so, this live action version starring Tom Hanks looks so fun!
·      Slumberland | Official Teaser | Jason Momoa | Netflix - YouTube
This film about a young girl looks beautiful and exciting.
·      THE LOST KING (2022) Official Trailer [HD] Sally Hawkins, Steve Coogan, Harry Lloyd In Cinemas Oct 7 - YouTube
This tagline: “In 2012, having been lost for over 500 years, the remains of King Richard III were discovered beneath a carpark in Leicester. The search had been orchestrated by an amateur historian, Philippa Langley, whose unrelenting research had been met with incomprehension by her friends and family and with skepticism by experts and academics.”
·      Lou | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube
Allison Janney is such a great actress, her timing is impeccable. Typically you see her in comedic roles, but this is no comedy and she looks to be incredible in the role.  
·      Black Pumas - Colors (Live at Abbey Road Studios) - YouTube
In all honesty, soul is not my favorite genre…there is something discomfiting about it to me and I cannot quite place a finger on why. Yet, it is a beautiful genre and I greatly enjoyed this song from the Black Pumas debut album. Worth a listen!
·      Cynthia Erivo Performs ‘Edelweiss’ For Julie Andrews | 48th AFI Life Achievement Award | TNT - YouTube
Edelweiss has such a beautiful, mourning longing to it. Cynthia sings it so very beautifully, with such a controlled power.
·      Bach Cello Suite No.1 In G Major, Bwv 1007 I. Prélude - SYMPHONIACS (Violin/Cello/Electronic Cover) - YouTube
If I had to choose only one song to hear the rest of my life, admittedly there are a few, but this would top the list. It brings me such immense joy and comfort and excitement all at once, and in my book….that’s a perfect song.
·      Ludovico Einaudi - Nightbook (Reimagined by Mercan Dede) - YouTube
My love for Ludovico knows no bounds, haha. This reimagined version is fascinating.
·      Ain't No Sunshine - Bill Withers (Bass Singer Cover by Geoff Castellucci) - YouTube
I love Bill Withers “Ain’t No Sunshine,” and this cover is so interesting and pays homage well to the original.
·      I am taking a course on Herodotus: The Father of History, taught by Dr. Elizabeth Vandiver and I am thoroughly enjoying said course. One concept that I found fascinating, that I think influences our own understanding of the world a few thousand years later, is that Herodotus thought that “because Egyptian culture was older that it had taught younger cultures such as the Greeks. He didn’t take into account the possibility that various cultures can and do develop similar phenomena independently or influencing one another simultaneously.”  And I think that even now, aware of this fallacy, we still at times make the same assumption.  
·      Potosí: the mountain of silver that was the first global city | Aeon Essays
Fascinating essay. The at times equal parts beauty and depravity of history which mirrors our own experience in the world is a magical thing.
·      London Lives 1690 to 1800 ~ Crime, Poverty and Social Policy in the Metropolis
“A fully searchable edition of 240,000 manuscripts from eight archives and fifteen datasets, giving access to 3.35 million names.” This is such a cool website. There are criminal records, parish archives, coroner’s records and hospital and guild records. Fascinating stuff!
 I hope that you enjoy this last weekend of August!
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holdontohopelove · 4 years
You guys...this Rona bitch has me rocking clipped back bangs and blue light blocking glasses and today I flipped open my webcam cover to start Zoom and freaking Sharon Raydor was staring back at me. Never thought I’d come out of quarantine a Mary McDonnell lookalike but here we are. 
(For context, fandom, think the hair in the entrance scene in “Red Tape” (The Closer) or the Sharon/Andy “I like weddings/buffer” scene in “The Deep End” (Major Crimes). Do you think I could find a single cap on Google to back this up? Of course not.
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de2roitbitch98 · 5 years
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Major Crimes on The Sims 4. To find it just go to the gallery and look for Major Crimes!!
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danielditomass0 · 5 years
@danielditomasso in action in beautiful #LA 🏃‍♂️ by Jonathan Ducrest https://t.co/jkavEL8bIF #DanieldiTomasso https://t.co/uTL5ZXrMw7
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distractibleyou · 6 years
Latest nonsensical explanation
Anyone keeping score?
Apparently he did it to get Mary an award. Because obvious the only thing that actresses can do to get awards is die.
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roslinfanatic · 6 years
Another major crimes post
So today was hard. I cried myself to sleep last night after watching the episode. I woke up wanting to cry, and I did cry in the shower. I went to work devastated and was in a state of melancholy all day.
I have watched this series since the beginning. For 13 years this show was my security blanket. I have watched since I was 15. I was a fan of Mary's before she joined the closer, but having her join a show I already loved added to it even more. This series got me through some of the darkest times in my life.
It got me through loss, and helped keep me afloat during bouts of depression. It cheered me up when all I wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry. It helped me calm down when an anxiety or panic attack would start to creep up. It kept me grounded knowing I could depend of these stories and characters.
I wasnt just upset about a character I liked dying. I was devastated because the whole image of the show was shattered for me last night. I feel like the last 13 years of my life have been altered by someone else's (James duffs) lies.
I am in mourning because I feel like i lost not only a show or a friend but because I feel like a piece of my soul was stolen from me. I feel like the foundation I built to grow up from has been shaken, and although it's not broken it is cracked.
I don't understand how any writer would feel this would be an ending fans would want. I don't understand how any writter would feel like they were honoring anyone this way.
He can give all the excuses he wants about wanting to free Mary up for new projects, or how he wanted to give the fans a chance to have closure with a death like this.
It's very clear that James Duff has no respect for the fans who have kept him in a job for the last 13 years. I'm just sorry Mary has to be dragged into this because some fans are blaming her to an extent.
Please keep in mind. Mary is under contract. She is obligated to promote the show, and support it for now. Not to mention that actors don't get a say. They are contracted to preform the scripts given to them no matter how they feel about it personally (unless it somehow goes against clauses/stipulations in their contracts).
Please don't blame Mary or treat her unkindly because she doesn't deserve it.
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Is anyone else still pissed that they killed off Sharon Raydor?
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buubiess · 5 years
Ok guys so...
I was watching TV today and found Major Crimes 6x10. I IMMEDIATELY turned the TV off and threw the remote away.
I can't force myself to watch it. I just can't.
I stopped watching the show right after 6x08 cause I found a spoiler of Sharon's death online and I was like "are you f*ckin kidding me"
I really hate how they decided for the show to end. It is so unfair to Sharon and Andy and everyone really...
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For me she is fine and healthy and happily married ❤️
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tvmoviesandmagic · 7 years
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Major Crimes stills from episode 5-15 ‘Cleared History’ with Daniel di Tomasso as detective Wes Nolan, Mary McDonnell, Tony Denison, Graham P Martin, GW Bailey, Raymond Cruz, Kearran Giovanni, Jonathon Delarco and the rest of the squad
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aprilwearsgucci · 6 years
Raise your hand if you're done with Major Crimes, TNT, and James Duff.
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holdontohopelove · 4 years
When you go to prep a course you haven’t taught in a few semesters and you can spot the ghosts of your fandoms past in your old quiz questions...
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