#maruyama park
chitaka45 · 2 years
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京都 円山公園 鴨川
kyoto maruyama-park kamo-gawa(river)
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fentonphoto · 2 months
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Kyoto in the distance - Yasaka-jinja Shrine in the foreground. @visitheworld
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kyotodreamtrips · 1 year
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Maruyama Park, behind Yasaka Shrine, is Kyoto's most popular public park for cherry blossom parties. Its centrepiece is a large weeping cherry tree that gets lit up in the evenings. Many food stands and tables are under the cherry blossom trees.
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theadamantium · 10 months
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Harri's Travel Photography // Maruyama Park // Kyoto, Japan // January 2019
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japansapporowalk · 5 days
🇯🇵桜が開花!円山公園 春の散歩 2024/日本 北海道 札幌市 中央区 [4K HDR Binaural ASMR]
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5 Tempat Melihat Sakura di Kyoto Jepang Di Tahun 2024, Indahnya Tak Terkira!
Berita Wisata Jepang – Sakura atau bunga sakura adalah salah satu simbol keindahan dan kebudayaan Jepang. Bunga ini hanya mekar sekali setahun, biasanya pada akhir Maret hingga awal April, dan hanya bertahan selama beberapa hari sebelum gugur. Oleh karena itu, banyak orang yang ingin menyaksikan pemandangan indah dan romantis dari bunga sakura yang bertebaran di berbagai tempat melihat Sakura di…
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gallery-f · 5 months
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清水寺から円山公園 2010
Voigtlander BESSA-L + Ultra Wide-Heliar 12mm F5.6 Asph.
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dear-science · 1 year
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Out my window there's enough of the sunlight To wake me up from the celebrant pause
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yangnaseon · 10 months
fuck marry kill
unpopular opinions
opinions on characters, fandoms or ships
share your favourite things with me
tell me all about your crush(es)
(tópico livre quero ouvir sobre tudo)
━ eu meio que sou um homem comprometido agora sabe... mas também... não tem uma aliança no meu dedo né? ━ deu de ombros ainda que a joia em si não fosse realmente o fato de ele não estar mais flertando com outras pessoas e sim uma escolha e desejo próprio. ━ tá bom então vamos começar com fuck, com quem eu iria pra cama com gosto? bem com... @kohamaru porque ela é bem fofa e toda patricinha, seria legal provocar uma versão diferente dela... @minvji e @haeunhoney porque elas tem cara daqueles tipos de mulher destruidoras de coração e que acabariam comigo fácil sabe... e por incrivel que pareça o @nxkyvm porque seria muito bom ocupar aquela boca com alguma coisa pra ele não falar merda... @jeansui e acho que eu não preciso me justificar porque tipo é o jean... e por ultimo... e que provavelmente eu não deveria dizer... mas não posso negar que foi um dos melhores sexos que já tive então mesmo que tenha terminado como terminou eu preciso colocar o @gaevl na lista. ━ então olhou o segundo tópico, marry e aquela era bem fácil. ━ @fluffybunnyz porque eu imagino a gente facilmente velhinhos fazendo tricô e soa adorável não? diria que a @heavenstarr também porque ela me entende como ninguém e eu adoro conversar horas com ela então acho que a gente se daria muito bem se nós casássemos. ━ assentiu animado como se imaginasse a possibilidade. ━ com todo respeito tá? sei que ela tá namorando e não quero roubar a mulher de ninguém, é só uma suposição, tipo uma fanfic ok? ━ se pôs a se explicar só porque vai que o universo resolvia revirar e roubasse o seus homens, se sentia quase desesperado com a ideia. ━ kill, coloco o @nxkyvm também... quer dizer eu não odeio ele a esse ponto... mas as vezes... sei lá... ele me tira do serio... não sei como ainda não soquei aquele rostinho bonito ainda mas qualquer dia desse eu posso parar na cadeia se ele não controlar aquela língua.
unpopular opinions naseon ficou em silêncio por alguns segundos só pra reunir os pensamentos e decidir qual era o mais interessante de ser falado. ━ triangulo amoroso é extremamente sem graça porque geralmente é formado por um casal e um personagem secundário usado só pra atrapalhar o casal a ficar juntos e causar um drama totalmente desnecessário na historia porque todo mundo sabe com quem a mocinha vai ficar, até porque sempre fica óbvio que ela nem gosta do secundário realmente e ninguém consegue gostar ou shippar a mocinha com o personagem secundário porque ele geralmente só tem uma característica de personalidade... lemony snicket foi genial com desventuras em série e merece mais reconhecimento... olivia rodrigo não é tudo isso e eu podia citar pelo menos duas paginas de nomes de cantores que mereciam mais o grammy que ela... wandinha é uma ofensa a quem gosta de família addams e família addams é uma tremenda critica social em forma de humor ácido mas que aparentemente ninguém entende... café gelado é tão bom quanto café quente... ...
━ favourite things? ━ acabou inconscientemente fazendo aquele biquinho com os labios, uma mania quando ficava muito concentrado em alguma coisa, enquanto pensava sobre porque estava levando bem a serio aquela questionário. ━ fumar olhando as estrelas... gosto de como meus problemas parecem pequenos quando faço isso... qualquer suco com leite ou leite condensado mas não muito, não gosto de coisas muito doces... cozinhar com o @danilcc... mas não conta pra minha mãe, ela pode ficar com ciúmes... ou inveja, anyway, é engraçado porque sou horrível mas é divertido quando cozinho com ele... também escutar ele cantar... ficar assistindo filmes até tarde com o hangyu... até mesmo se for um que já vimos umas quinhentas vezes já... e escutar ele contar algo que aprendeu na escola... ficar conversando até tarde com o @zihcn... só jogar papo fora e perder o horário... e quando ele deita no meu colo pra pedir cafune... conversar sobre moda com @fluffybunnyz... ela fica muito feliz quando tá me contando das criações dela e eu acabo ficando feliz também... quando o @haejeans vem me visitar... quando ele insiste em me abraçar... ou quando ele manda mensagem... quando meus gatos ficam se esfregando no meu pé... eu sei super estranho mas eu acho tão fofo eles rolando sobre só pra sentir a textura da meia, é adorável... beber e entrar em uma conversa filosófica com @heavenstarr... sentir a brisa de manhã cedo enquanto caminho... pilotar minha moto... comer qualquer coisa que minha mãe faça... escutar meu pai falando sobre fatos científicos aleatórios que ele sabe... ━ acabou se dando conta que provavelmente a coisa favorita dele era só escutar quem ele gostava falando sobre qualquer coisa que fosse.
naseon se sentiu quente antes mesmo de falar só com as lembranças que vinha na cabeça daqueles que ele poderia denominar my crushes. ━ eles são pessoas bem diferentes, diferentes de mim também, é engraçado porque de alguma forma eu sinto que combinamos bem... e eu... ━ ele eventualmente acabou suspirando e fazendo um careta em seguida ao constatar aquilo, não em algum tipo de reprovação mas puro divertimento de sua parte por notar o quanto estava cadinho. ━ sabe eu nunca almejei essas coisas... romance e tudo mais... eu tinha certeza que não era pra mim... eu realmente tava convencido em ser o tio dos gatos... ━ era um apelido que recebeu um pouco depois de se mudar pro complexo e não era uma total mentira. ━ e deveria ser assustador como eu não tenho medo dessas mudanças sobre como eu vejo meu futuro agora sabe? mas eles fazem ser tão natural que é como se... como se eu sempre tivesse desejado... como se só fosse pra ser? ━ negou com a cabeça entre um riso porque naseon sempre foi muito cético sobre destino, sorte ou qualquer outra coisa mas não havia outra explicação pra o que tinham. ━ as vezes eu acho que não mereço eles... ou que eles merecem alguém melhor... mas por alguma razão eles me quererem mesmo assim... e eu só quero estar com eles seja como for... e é, acho que nunca quis tanto algo em toda minha vida... então no final eu só posso ser grato, né? tô tentando dar o meu melhor... tentar ser o que eles merecem... fazer eles felizes... eu quero muito poder fazer eles felizes... é... porque... bom... sabe... por um longo tempo foi muito difícil pra mim me sentir feliz... ou só... ━ querer estar vivo. mas naseon não conseguia dizer em voz alta, ele não queria que a relação deles carregasse um peso tão grande que não fossem capazes de suportar. ━ sempre é fácil com eles... tudo é mais fácil com eles... eu gosto mais da minha vida quando estou com eles... i like me better when i'm with you them.
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Cherry Blossoms in the Maruyama Park, Kyoto, Japan
Japanese vintage postcard
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Rie [Always Check the Expiry Date] Part 2
Previously: Part 1
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Rie: Sorry about today. That ended up being a huge waste of time.
Mei: Since we’re already out, would you like to go for a walk? There’s a light display we could go see.
Rie: Oh? Where?
Mei: The station plaza one stop over. I hear it’s quite beautiful.
Rie: Sounds good. Let’s see, if we’re taking the train…
Mei: It’s not far, we can just walk there.
Rie: Oh, if it’s that close, that works too.
Mei: Indeed. Let’s go.
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Mei: There’s a lot of people here even though it’s a weeknight.
Rie: …Hm? Did you say something?
Mei: Something’s on your mind. What were you looking at?
Rie: That line over there…it’s huge. What’s it for?
Mei: Oh, that. There’s a bubble tea shop there. It’s really popular right now. Have you tried it?
Rie: I have no interest in such passing fads. I bet it’s not even worth the wait.
Mei: You always did hate having to line up for things.
Rie: One time, I went to that one amusement park. The one that's always going "Where dreams come true" and all that.
Mei: You did? That’s unusual..
Rie: But all the lines were so long, I didn’t end up getting on a single ride.
Mei: You really hate lines that much…
Rie: But I suppose I may as well see what the fuss is about…
Mei: Yes, let’s go.
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Rie: So this is bubble tea…these dark orbs that look like crow’s eyes…this is tapioca?
Mei: Looks good, doesn’t it? Try it.
Rie: It’s so chewy…what a strange sensation.
Mei: Do you not like it?
Rie: No, I do! I love it! I had no idea such a wonderful flavour existed…
Mei: Sometimes things with huge lines are worth the wait.
Rie: Yeah, I guess that’s true.
Mei: Oh, the light display should be right over there.
Mei: Huh…?
Rie: It’s pitch black…
Mei: That’s odd. I’ll look online…ah!
Rie: What is it?
Mei: It ended last week…I’m sorry.
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Rie: Hehe…
Mei: Rie? Is something the matter?
Rie: No, it’s just...what a coincidence. They both ended last week, huh? Guess we both need to be more careful about these things.
Mei: What are you talking about?
Rie: Well, either way, I’m happy with how today went. It was really fun.
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Rie: Now, what say you to walking around a bit longer? You’ll stay with me, won’t you, Mei?
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kyotodreamtrips · 1 year
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Maruyama Park, behind Yasaka Shrine, is Kyoto's most popular public park for cherry blossom parties. Its centrepiece is a large weeping cherry tree that gets lit up in the evenings. Many food stands and tables are under the cherry blossom trees.
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demifiendrsa · 7 months
PLUTO | Official Trailer
PLUTO will stream on Netflix worldwide on October 26, 2023. The anime will consist of eight 1-hour long episodes.
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Key visual
Cast additions
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Hideyuki Tanaka as Brau-1589
Romi Park as Helena
Toshio Furukawa as Professor Ochanomizu
Eizou Tsuda as Dr. Tenma
Kazuhiro Yamaji as Professor Abullah
Michio Hazama as Duncan
Kenyuu Horiuchi as President Alexander
Previously announced cast members
Shinshū Fuji as Gesicht
Yōko Hikasa as Atom
Minori Suzuki as Uran
Hiroki Yasumoto as Mont
Koichi Yamadera as North No. 2
Hidenobu Kiuchi as Brando
Rikiya Koyama as Hercules
Mamoru Miyano as Epsilon
Toshihiko Seki as Pluto
Director: Toshio Kawaguchi
Storyboard: Hiroyuki Okiura (Episode 1)
Music: Yūgo Kanno
Original Creator: Naoki Urasawa, Osamu Tezuka
Character Design/Supervising Animation Director: Shigeru Fujita
Art Director: Chikako Shibata
Animation Director: Kazunori Aoki, Itaru Saito
Sound Director: Masafumi Mima
CGI Director: Takahiro Miyata
Director of Photography: Mitsuhiro Sato
Executive Producer: Masao Maruyama, Taro Maki, Yuji Yamano
Creative Advisor: Naoki Urasawa
Animation Production: Studio M2
Production Producer: GENCO
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japansapporowalk · 4 months
🇯🇵2024 新年の初詣 円山公園 北海道神宮 参拝/日本 北海道 札幌市 中央区 宮ケ丘 [4K HDR Binaural ASMR]
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welcometothedopeworld · 6 months
Carnival Date ~ *Reo Maruyama*
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Summary: You're finally going on your first date with Reo. His idea is to take you to an amusement park, the perfect first date location!
Pairing: Reo Maruyama X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 905
Warning: N/A
“Where are you taking me?” You giggled as Reo had his hands over your eyes.
“Oh you’ll see.” He answered in a sing-songy voice. “Besides, in just a few more steps you’ll be there. So no more guessing!”
“I think I can already hear it.” It was true. You could hear music, laughter, and screams of people. However, you couldn’t quite put your finger on where you were.
“Alright, alright. You can open your eyes now.” Reo moved his hands away. 
Your eyes opened to reveal, “An amusement park?”
“Yeah, I thought it would be a fun date idea!” He smiled, his hand reaching for yours and giving it a soft squeeze.
You mirrored his happiness. “It looks like a lot of fun!”
“And since you’re here with me, it’ll be the perfect day!”
You felt your cheeks warm at his words. “Jeez, you’re so cheesy.”
His jaw dropped before he started pouting. “I’m just being honest! What, do you not want me to be honest with you anymore?”
“I want you to hurry up before we’re stuck in some impossibly long lines!” You whined, pushing Reo towards the entrance.
“Alright, alright. Quit shoving or I won’t go on any of the roller coasters with you.” He teased you back with a wink.
However, you gave a wicked grin. “I was thinking about going on the pirate ship ride.”
That slapped the smile off his face as it morphed into a look of absolute horror at the mere thought. “Absolutely not. I’m putting my foot down on that one.”
“Oh c’mon! It’ll be fun!”
“No! I don’t want to risk throwing up in front of all these people.”
You gave a small pout, breaking eye contact with him. “You’re no fun anymore.”
He sighed. “Y/n, I will literally do anything else but that. I promise!”
“Cross your heart?” You asked, hope rekindling within you.
Reo nodded as he made an X over his chest. “Cross my heart, hope to die, and all that other good stuff they say in that rhyme that I can’t remember.”
You grinned. “Then let’s go on the new roller coaster!” 
Taking his hand again, you began to tug him along to the roller coaster. He smiled and laughed right along with you, which made your heart flutter in your chest. At least he was being honest about doing literally anything else.
After the roller coaster, which you’re determined to go on again later that day, you let him pick the next ride. You were nothing if not fair. Besides, this was your first date. There had to be some give and take so that the both of you could enjoy your time together. Besides, you were curious as to what kind of ride he was going to pick.
You were a little nervous when Momo selected a very fast spinning ride, but he promised that if you got queasy, he would take it easy for the next ride. However, the two of you had an immense amount of fun and you promised to go on that ride again later as well. 
The back and forth of choosing continued until well into the day. The day was almost over when the two of you decided to call it a day. You rode almost all of the rides, tried your hand at every game, and filled up on greasy food that made your stomach churn on all of the roller coasters after. But it was a blast! Reo even won you a stuffed narwhal at the shooting gallery, which you named Buddy. 
All in all, it was a perfect first date.
Night had started to fall as you finished up your cotton candy. With a satisfied sigh, you said, “I think this had to be one of my favorite first dates ever!”
“For you. My wallet is crying from all the money we spent.” He teased you, sticking his tongue out at you.
“So is mine!”
He chuckled before adding, “You know there is still one ride we haven’t gone on.”
You nodded. “Of course. You always save the ferris wheel for the end of the day.”
“Right, weirdo. The ferris wheel is always first.” Reo rolled his eyes.
“No it is not and you know it!”
He shook his head, still smiling. “We’re not arguing about this right now. The park closes in about twenty minutes, so if you want to go, let’s get in line already.”
You nodded and intertwined your hand with his. His smile faltered a bit before it came back twice as strong. He gave your hand a comforting squeeze as you made your way through the line. Eventually, you two got into your own gondola and were being spun slowly around and around. 
When it stopped at the top, you sighed in awe at all the lights. Reo chuckled and squeezed your hand once more. “You’re cute, you know that?”
Sticking your tongue out at him, you shot back, “Whatever you say. Now hurry up and pose so I can take a picture for my memory box.”
“Can’t the narwhal go in your memory box?”
“No, he’s going on my bed. Picture, please!”
As he threw up a peace sign, you snapped a picture on your phone. Before you could admire it, he snatched your phone and took a picture of you as well.
“Now that’s a keeper.”
“I could say the same thing about you.”
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annafshr · 11 months
Kyoto Travel Guide: Unveiling the Timeless Charms of Japan's Cultural Heart
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Kyoto, a city steeped in history and cultural richness, beckons travelers from around the world to embark on a captivating journey through time. Nestled amidst lush mountains and picturesque landscapes, Kyoto preserves the essence of traditional Japan like no other city. With its awe-inspiring temples, enchanting gardens, and captivating geisha culture, Kyoto offers a truly immersive experience that unveils the country's profound cultural heritage. Join us as we explore the must-visit destinations and hidden gems of this extraordinary city.
Timeless Temples and Spiritual Splendor
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Kyoto boasts a wealth of ancient temples, each with its own unique allure. The iconic Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) dazzles with its shimmering gold exterior reflected in the surrounding pond, while the serene Kiyomizu-dera Temple offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city from its wooden terrace. Visit the tranquil Ryoan-ji Temple and contemplate the minimalist beauty of its famous Zen rock garden. Explore the exquisite gardens and vibrant red torii gates of Fushimi Inari Taisha, an emblematic Shinto shrine.
Traditional Neighborhoods and Geisha Culture
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Wander through Kyoto's atmospheric traditional neighborhoods, such as Gion and Pontocho, where the spirit of old Japan thrives. Keep an eye out for elegantly dressed geisha or apprentice geisha known as maiko gracefully gliding along the streets. Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of tea ceremonies, traditional music, and dance performances. Visit the Gion Corner for an insightful cultural show or indulge in a memorable meal at a traditional ryotei (Japanese restaurant).
Enchanting Gardens and Tranquil Retreats
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Kyoto's meticulously designed gardens offer a peaceful escape from the bustling city. Explore the sublime beauty of the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, where towering bamboo stalks create a mesmerizing atmosphere. Stroll through the stunning gardens of Katsura Imperial Villa or experience the harmony of nature at the exquisite Saiho-ji Temple, also known as the Moss Temple. Admire the seasonal beauty of cherry blossoms in Maruyama Park or the vibrant hues of maple leaves in the autumn foliage.
Cultural Heritage and Museums
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Delve deeper into Kyoto's cultural heritage by visiting its fascinating museums and art galleries. The Kyoto National Museum houses an extensive collection of Japanese art and artifacts, including exquisite Buddhist sculptures and delicate ceramics. Gain insight into traditional Japanese craftsmanship at the Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts or explore the intriguing history of manga at the Kyoto International Manga Museum. Discover the captivating world of Noh theater at the Kanze Noh Theater or witness a mesmerizing Kabuki performance at the Minamiza Theatre.
Delightful Culinary Experiences
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Kyoto's culinary scene is a feast for the senses, offering a diverse array of traditional delicacies. Indulge in kaiseki, a multi-course fine dining experience that showcases the essence of Kyoto's seasonal ingredients. Savor the exquisite flavors of matcha (powdered green tea) and wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) at a traditional tea house. Explore Nishiki Market and sample an array of local delicacies, from fresh seafood to delectable street food. Don't forget to try Kyoto's famous yudofu (tofu hot pot) for a truly authentic taste of the city.
Kyoto, with its timeless temples, captivating geisha culture, serene gardens, and rich cultural heritage, offers an unforgettable journey into the heart of Japan's traditions. Whether you're exploring ancient temples, immersing yourself in the vibrant streets of Gion, or savoring the delicate flavors of Kyoto's cuisine, the city's essence will envelop you in its enchantment. So, embrace the spirit of Kyoto and allow yourself to be transported to a world where past and present harmoniously converge, leaving you with cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
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