#maya and rico especially
loveaetingkids · 6 months
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jerzwriter · 22 days
Tobias and Casey, 2, 9, 11
Ethan and Eva, 13, 20, 24
Hey love! Thanks so much for the asks - I desperately need to spend some time with my blorbos so I appreciate them! ❤️
From this list
Tobias & Casey:
2... Who is your best friend?  Tell us about them!
I think both of them would absolutely say that they are each other's best friends because they are. I don't think all couples are best friends, no matter how much they claim to be. Being a best friend is a special level - you have to be able to tell each other anything without fear of being judged, but you know that they will also be willing to tell you the truth - even if you don't want to hear it. They should be the first person they want to call when something good or terrible happens. They have to enjoy each other's company and laugh together. This is NOT every couple, but it is Tobias and Casey.
But it's important to have other friends, too, and they both know that. For Tobias, his other best friends would be Kerry and Sasha (OCs - more about them here) and Ethan.
For Casey, it would be Sienna and Bryce. She becomes very close with Kerry, too, but always respects the boundary that she is Tobias's best friend. She'd never want to put her in a position to feel she has to choose between them.
9... Are you a spiritual person?  If yes, what do you practice?
The answer here may shock - Casey was not - at all, but Tobias was. He is the perfect way of showing we don't know who people are at their core by what you see on the outside. He wasn't a holy roller, by any means, but he absolutely had strong faith. He grew up attending the church where his paternal great-grandfather was a pastor and a civil rights leader. Church on Sunday was part of his life as a child, he even served on the children's choir (which is where we learned he had a great voice.) Did he live a pious life? Hell no. But did his faith steer him throughout his life? Yes. It did. I wrote a fic about this, Just a Little Faith. Casey was agnostic, leaning toward athiest, and didn't believe in much. But after her near death experience, falling in love with Tobias, and becoming pregnant with their child, she started to have a shift in her point of view. This is one of my favorite fics :)
11... What is your favorite type of media (TV, movie, books, etc)?  Name some specific favorites (which shows, movies, books, etc do you like)!
They kind of like all of them. LOL But they're both avid book readers. I would say that's where they find sustenance, followed by movies. TV is something they enjoy, but it's more for relaxation.
Books: They both love non-fiction most of all, and there are many James Baldwin and Bell Hooks titles amongst their favorites.
Some of Tobias's specific favorites (I'll stick to books since they played a big part in how they fell in love) : The Covenant of Water (Abraham Verghese), Dying: A Memoir (Cory Taylor), Lies My Teachers Told Me (James Loewen), The Return (Hisham Matar), and The Alchemist (Paolo Coelho)
And Casey's: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (Maya Angelou), All About Love (Bell Hooks), Beloved (Toni Morrison), Atonement (Ian McEwan), and The Invisible Thread (Schroff/Tresniowski).
Ethan & Eva
Man! I really have to get back to that, don't I? lol
13... You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
Ethan would build a modest but lovely home on a secluded private beach somewhere in New England. Very traditional, think shingle style, surrounded by beautiful landscaping and pure serenity.
Eva would love to have two small homes in her genealogical homelands of Greece and Cuba. Since Cuba is not a possibility at this time, she'd probably build in Puerto Rico or the Dominican Republic. In Greece, it would be on an island, but NOT Mykonos or Santorini! They'd be small, but comfortable, homey places.
20. Describe your biggest pet peeve.
Ethan - Pointless meetings - especially when he has to put up with board members and such.
Eva - Rude people.
24. What would you consider your main love language?
I would say it's quality time for both (however, I have not done the test for them, I have for E/K and T/C lol)
Thanks so much for asking! :)
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celestialmaison · 10 months
it’s interesting that the existence of xg is such an uncomfortable topic for so many people.
if they aren’t openly discredited for being a primarily fem east asian group, then they get misbranded as an act from the country they primarily train & promote in (south korea) aka a kpop group when they Are Not A Kpop Group plus: they’ve have faced various discriminations in sk. if it’s not their use of english in all of their official music, then they’re suddenly not as hardworking as others or are “too comfortable” despite their free documentary showing us how much hell they’ve gone to just to debut the same as nearly every group in the east asian music industry. and of course there’s the ever-prevalent “the group doesn’t even make sense.”
and this part requires even more nuance nuance: xg’s music is written + produced primarily by other poc (rachel west, jakops, poe leos, patrick “j.que” smith & more) & includes heavy aave (african american vernacular english). in recent months there’s also been valid discussion surrounding jurin + cocona’s hairstyles + whether they are culturally appropriate or not. many east asian idols+groups continue to engage in cultural appropriation, but people act like these things are unacceptable when it comes to xg when these are not experiences unique to xg & are part of many east asian music group experiences (ESPECIALLY KPOP GROUPS) for a variety of reasons not limited to racism, wanting to mirror the “western” industry, & racism. there are also a lot of black songwriters+producers working in sk. all poc (especially black & indigenous people) are entitled to their nuanced perspective on the prevalence of cultural appropriation in east asian music industries+culture; it impacts us in different ways & we will have different, possibly changing perspectives on it.
xg’s entire concept is breaking boundaries stereotypes & expectations. english+aave are the primary languages they perform their songs in, & they are known for using korean, japanese, & english on non-official releases. they regularly release dance+music content between promotional periods, showcasing the experience they’ve gained from training + being an active group. they’ve performed at kcon japan + head in the clouds new york & have been promoting in the west on billboard, elle, + more. they’ve collaborated with ciara, jackson wang, & rico nasty. they’re so fcking popular i can’t find their albums! anywhere! plus, xg debuted in march of last year.
if credibility is a concern, they’ve established it. if success is a concern, consider why you think you get to decide what they deserve. and again (with nuance) if you’re a poc, your perspective on the cultural aspects of the group is yours. i know for a fact that xg is especially adored by black people for their music, lyrics, & non-official releases, many of which include covers + samples of poc songs/beats (like “two tens” a beat by j.cole, a black american rapper, that maya+harvey recently sampled). i also know a lot of us were angry+thrown+confused+hurt+etc when cocona + jurin wore certain hairstyles. (girllllll if you don’t get that shit out your head.) for me, there’s no final good vs. evil conclusion to be made bc of how prevalent it (appropriation) is & how much i’ve exhausted myself in moments past attempting to find one.
if you don’t like how xg does things (not the hair stuff)(never again…please) or can’t appreciate what they stand for as a group, then no, you won’t like them & you probably won’t enjoy their content. xg does not exist to make sense to you, or anyone else for that matter.
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mashirabar · 7 months
A través de las bocinas resuena reconocida melodía y te obliga a prestar atención: LOBA de SHAKIRA. En el jukebox, el mensaje es claro. Se trata de una dedicatoria de ANÓNIMO para MAYA CHOI ( @mayach )
Sigilosa al pasar Sigilosa al pasar Esa loba es especial Mírala caminar, caminar
¿Quién no ha querido una diosa licántropa En el ardor de una noche romántica? Mis aullidos son el llamado Yo quiero un lobo domesticado
Al fin he encontrado un remedio infalible que borre del todo la culpa No pienso quedarme a tu lado mirando la tele y oyendo disculpas La vida me ha dado un hambre voraz, y tú apenas me das caramelos, ay Me voy con mis piernas y mi juventud por allá, aunque te maten los celos
Una loba en el armario Tiene ganas de salir Deja que se coma el barrio Antes de irte a dormir
Tengo tacones de aguja magnética Para dejar la manada frenética La luna llena, abona fruta Da consejos y los escucha
Llevo conmigo un radar especial para localizar solteros Si acaso me meto en aprietos, también llevo el número de los bomberos Ni tipos muy lindos, ni divos, ni niños ricos, yo sé lo que quiero (Ah) Pasarla muy bien y portarme muy mal en los brazos de algún caballero
Una loba en el armario Tiene ganas de salir Deja que se coma el barrio Antes de irte a dormir
Cuando son casi la una, la loba en celo saluda a la luna Duda si andar por la calle o entrar en un bar a probar fortuna Ya está sentada en su mesa y pone la mira en su próxima presa Pobre del desprevenido que no se esperaba una de esas
Sigilosa al pasar Sigilosa al pasar Esa loba es especial Mírala caminar, caminar
Deja que se coma el barrio Antes de irte a dormir
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acecy-195 · 14 days
Caracteriasticas culturales del estado de Chiapas
Es uno de los estados más ricos en diversidad y cultura de México. Es cuna de etnias indígenas como los tzotziles, zoques, chamulas, tzeltales y lacandones. El estado de Chiapas cuenta con hermosas ciudades prehispánicas como Palenque y Bonampak, Yaxchilán y Toniná; con un sagrado pasado mayaEl estado de Chiapas cuenta con hermosas ciudades prehispánicas como Palenque y Bonampak, Yaxchilán y Toniná; con un sagrado pasado maya. Sus ríos, cascadas, lagunas y su selva lacandona son un privilegio nacional.
Cascadas de Agua Azul.
Finalmente y casi rodeada por el río Usumacinta se encuentra la importante ciudad maya de Yaxchilán, que está rodeada por la selva. Destaca por sus estelas con jeroglíficos y los dinteles de piedra labrada.
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Textiles de chiapas
Aunque existen diferentes técnicas para realizar los bordados, las mujeres se especializan en el telar de cintura. El proceso consiste en entretejer los hilos de colores y crear brocados, para luego confeccionar una tela que posteriormente se bordará a mano, con flores y otros dibujos en punto de cruz.
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Bordado Ch’ol:
Es un bordado ancestral, de la época de los mismísimos mayas.
Sin embargo, María Cristina Castellanos Macosay ha sido la “culpable” de que en Palenque se haya rescatado este bordado Ch’ol.El significado del bordado Ch’ol representa el sistema de cuantificación prehispánica, cada cuadrito representa un zontle. Ya que el hombre prehispánico contaba de cinco en cinco, que es una mano hasta llegar a veinte. Que es un zontle y de ahí, de veinte en veinte hasta el infinito.
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La importancia de la técnica del bordado Ch’ol para Palenque es de gran relevancia porque significa el rescate de una tradición y la conservación de la misma. Pero también significa generar empleo a las mujeres indígenas en sus comunidades, es a través de todas las piezas que ellas elaboran que impactan en la economía de sus familias.
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Este tipo de borrdado se realiza especialmente en la región de Palenque.,Chiapas .
Las escalinatas. simbolizan una pirámide; arriba el cielo (Panchan) y. abajo el inframundo (Xibalba).
En la técnica de bordado Cho'l generalmente se crean formas triangulares que representan el techo de una casa, los colores son los básicos de la naturaleza y el maíz (rojo, amarillo, verde, morado, blanco), y el bordado en forma de escalinata simboliza el ritmo de la vida, un sube y baja de aprendizajes, crecimientos.
¿Cuál es el simbolismo del bordado Ch’ol?
La forma romboidal y piramidal es la más utilizada en el arte Ch’ol. En el bordado, los rombos son las escalinatas, arriba es el panchan (cielo), luego el mundo donde vivimos: el mundo de los humanos y abajo es el Xibalbá (inframundo) la obscuridad: el infinito, ese nuevo mundo a donde vamos al morir. El centro es la unión, la dualidad (hombre/mujer, día/noche) el lugar donde nos encontramos con nosotros mismos, donde se adquiere sabiduría, crecimiento, apoyo, la espiritualidad.
Las escalinatas de las pirámides o rombos también es el encuentro con el hermano, con el hijo o amigo, los principales o los mayores llevan de la mano al otro a enseñarle el camino de la sabiduría y cuando éste se encuentre listo, entonces podrá emprender su viaje e instruir al siguiente. Es la vida diaria crecer en conocimientos día a día, caminar, tropezar hasta que algún día se adquiere el chujlel (alma-sabiduría).
Los colores también tienen su significado, el rojo y naranja son los colores del padre sol que es la vida, el guía. El azul y el verde en Ch’ol no se distingue cada uno es yäjyäjx que es el cielo y la tierra. El morado y amarillo son los colores del maíz y el negro el color de la noche de Xibalbá que también es parte de la vida.
Se puede bordar en tul o en algodón como la popelina, y se suelen bordar con hilos de articela, estambre o algodón, por ejemplo, los bordados para el traje regional de Chiapas se suelen bordar con estambre, con la técnica de punto petatillo.
Pero en especial se necesita
.un soporte para la tela.
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Este tipo de bordado se usa para poner en camisas tanto de hombres como de mujeres. Se puede usar en servilletas y sábanas etc.
Artesanías de Chiapas engrandecen identidad cultural de México ante el mundo. (2021, 30 marzo). https://saludchiapas.gob.mx/index.php/noticias/post/artesanias-de-chiapas-engrandecen-identidad-cultural-de-mexico-ante-el-mundo
Sierra, Y. (2022, 8 abril). Maya Ch’ol: bordando la cosmovisión Maya. Postal de Mexico. https://postaldemexico.mx/diseno-mexicano/maya-chol-bordando-la-cosmovision-maya/#:~:text=Isabela%20Maya%20es%20la%20creadora,de%20las%20mujeres%20ind%C3%ADgenas%20de
An, R. (2016, 19 septiembre). Chiapas: un destino turístico con riqueza natural y diversidad cultural. Aristegui Noticias. https://aristeguinoticias.com/1909/kiosko/chiapas-un-destino-turistico-con-riqueza-natural-y-diversidad-cultural/
Cultural characteristics of the state of Chiapas
It is one of the richest states in diversity and culture in Mexico. It is the birthplace of indigenous ethnic groups such as tzotziles, zoques, chamulas, tzeltales and lacandons. The state of Chiapas has beautiful pre-Hispanic cities such as Palenque and Bonampak, Yaxchilán and Toniná; with a sacred Mayan pastThe state of Chiapas has beautiful pre-Hispanic cities such as Palenque and Bonampak, Yaxchilán and Toniná; with a sacred Mayan past. Its rivers, waterfalls, lagoons and its Lacandon jungle are a national privilege.
Blue Water Waterfalls.
Finally and almost surrounded by the Usumacinta River is the important Mayan city of Yaxchilán, which is surrounded by the jungle. It stands out for its steles with hieroglyphs and the lantels of carved stone.
Chiapas textiles
Although there are different techniques for making embroidery, women specialize in the waist loom. The process consists of weaving the colored threads and creating brocades, and then making a fabric that will then be embroidered by hand, with flowers and other cross-stitch drawings.
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Ch'ol embroidery:
It is an ancestral embroidery, from the time of the Mayans.
However, María Cristina Castellanos Macosay has been the "guilty" of the fact that this Ch'ol embroidery has been rescued in Palenque. The meaning of the Ch'ol embroidery represents the pre-Hispanic quantification system, each square represents a zontle. Since the pre-Hispanic man counted from five to five, which is a hand until he reached twenty. That it is a zontle and from there, from twenty to twenty to infinity.
The importance of the Ch'ol embroidery technique for Palenque is of great relevance because it means the rescue of a tradition and the preservation of it. But it also means creating employment for indigenous women in their communities, it is through all the pieces that they make that impact the economy of their families.
Isabela Maya is the creator of the Maya Ch'ol brand that integrates the Mayan worldview in contemporary garments, thus achieving that each piece has a unique design and a symbolic meaning, but also takes care of the quality of each piece, promotes fair trade and the economic integration of indigenous women.
This type of blotting is especially done in the region of Palenque., Chiapas.
The stairs symbolize a pyramid; above the sky (Panchan) and below the underworld (Xibalba).
It can be embroidered in tulle or cotton such as poplin, and they are usually embroidered with articella, stam or cotton threads, for example, the embroidery for the regional costume of Chiapas are usually embroidered with sten, with the petatillo knit technique.
But especially it is needed.
.A support for the fabric.
This type of embroidery is used to put on both men's and women's shirts. It can be used on napkins and sheets, etc.
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toonjazzy · 1 month
Okay but I love the Fight Scenes in Maya and The Three
Maya’s battle with Acat is one of my faves. I love the silly dialogue between them, The way Zatz is enjoying this and clearly on Maya’s side. And of course the line “That was amazing! If you weren’t trying to kill me, we could be best friends!”
I also found the battle with Maya and Rico vs Cipactli and Cabrakan kinda silly especially with the music. I love how Rico attacks one and then accidentally hurts himself and then Maya goes “Wait wait wait hold on, let me get the other one” bc it shows how they’re new to this
Maya and Zatz’s romantic fight scene is another one of my faves, the music is so good! And I love how Maya claims she’s gonna kill him and hates him yet has the biggest smile on her face and laughing and looking at him all lovingly and then they almost kiss during the fight. Seriously, they’re flirting with each other!
And when Maya and her friends have their very first Battle together as a team, I love it! It once again shows us how they’re new to this and get better
Then the final battle always has me close to tears bc it’s so emotional and there is so much happening 😭 I love it so much
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mariafares10 · 2 months
La belleza de Nepal: una guía para su viaje a India y Nepal
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Bienvenido a Nepal, una tierra de paisajes impresionantes, rico patrimonio cultural y cálida hospitalidad. Ubicado entre los majestuosos Himalayas y las exuberantes llanuras del subcontinente indio, Nepal ofrece una amplia gama de atracciones que cautivarán a cada viajero. En esta guía, lo llevaremos a través de los aspectos más destacados de su viaje a India y Nepal, explorando las atracciones, la mejor época para visitarlo y cómo planificar su viaje a este encantador país.
Atracciones en NepalValle de Katmandú:
El corazón cultural de Nepal, el Valle de Katmandú, alberga siete sitios declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, incluidos los famosos templos de Pashupatinath, Boudhanath y Swayambhunath. Explore los templos antiguos, las intrincadas tallas de madera y los vibrantes mercados de esta bulliciosa ciudad.
Pokhara: Ubicada en las estribaciones de la cordillera Annapurna, Pokhara es un paraíso para los amantes de la naturaleza y las aventuras. Disfrute de impresionantes vistas del Himalaya, tome un paseo en bote por el lago Phewa o camine hasta el famoso mirador de Sarangkot para disfrutar de impresionantes vistas del amanecer.
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Parque Nacional Chitwan: experimente la rica biodiversidad de Nepal en el Parque Nacional Chitwan, hogar de una variedad de vida silvestre que incluye tigres, rinocerontes y elefantes. Explora el parque en un safari en jeep o da un paseo en canoa por el río Rapti para observar especies de aves exóticas.
Lumbini: Conocido como el lugar de nacimiento del Señor Buda, Lumbini es un lugar de peregrinación para budistas de todo el mundo. Visite el Templo Maya Devi, el lugar exacto donde nació Buda, y explore los tranquilos monasterios y centros de meditación de la zona.
Mejor época para visitar Nepal: La mejor época para visitar Nepal es durante las temporadas de primavera (marzo a mayo) y otoño (septiembre a noviembre), cuando el clima es templado y agradable. Durante estos meses, podrá disfrutar de cielos despejados, flores y condiciones favorables para caminar en el Himalaya. Cómo visitar Nepal desde la India: Hay varias formas de viajar a Nepal desde la India, incluso por avión, por carretera y en tren. La forma más conveniente es volar al Aeropuerto Internacional Tribhuvan en Katmandú desde las principales ciudades de la India como Delhi, Mumbai y Calcuta. Alternativamente, también se puede viajar a Nepal por carretera a través de los pasos fronterizos de Sunauli o Raxaul, o en tren hasta Gorakhpur y luego en autobús hasta la fronter
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15 Días - Viaje India y Nepal Su viaje a India y Nepal promete ser un viaje inolvidable lleno de paisajes impresionantes, ricas experiencias culturales y una cálida hospitalidad. Ya sea que esté explorando los antiguos templos del valle de Katmandú, haciendo senderismo en el Himalaya o experimentando la vida silvestre del Parque Nacional de Chitwan, Nepal tiene algo para cada viajero. Entonces, haz las maletas y prepárate para embarcarte en el viaje de tu vida a la encantadora tierra de Nepal.
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cozumel01 · 11 months
Anímate a conocer Cozumel:
Cozumel es uno de los destinos favoritos de todo tipo de viajero, debido a su riqueza cultural maya, bellezas naturales como sus impresionantes arrecifes de coral, y por ser la isla más grande del Caribe mexicano. Hablamos de Cozumel, que sin duda es un spot de aventuras y relajación. Por ello aquí te decimos algunas de las razones por las que Cozumel debe ser tu próximo destino a visitar.
1. Uno de los cinco mejores destinos de buceo en el mundo.
2. Es rico en especies de aves migratorias.
3. El segundo sistema de arrecifes de coral más grande del mundo está en Cozumel: el Parque Nacional de Arrecifes de Cozumel.
4. Una buena dosis de adrenalina, intenta el flyboard.
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redgnarly · 1 year
April 29-30, 2023
I’ve been in the Growlr community for quite a while now - with the goal of meeting new friends and possibly some inspiration. Growlr is a gay dating app for bears/chubs/cubs/chasers and it’s been a silent community where we, chubs, mingle with each other. I happened to have met a couple in the app, CC and Migs. At that time, their shared account was active and near my place so I decided to chat with them (where CC is the one talking to me). I easily grew friends with CC and we decided to spontaneously meet up for a dinner. So I went ahead and met them at a buffet eatery. They were very nice and we shared so many laughters with each other that night. They were also in a rough patch that time which I also tackled with them and shared my thoughts on how they can fix their couple issues. They were very welcoming of it and I believe they will not just let go of their 5-year relationship that easily.
We then ended up transferring to a cafe and continued our conversation there. Inabutan na nga kami ng closing ng cafe so we decided to end our quick meetup there. I still continued to talk to them occassionally, especially with Migs kasi di pa rin nasesettle yung issues nila and he wanted to reach out for help. Tinulungan ko naman siya at that time. They even broke up for a while but got back together din naman. I know these two people may have their own issues with each other pero alam ko they still love each other at a point na di naman nila itatapon lang ung relationship nila.
Fast forward to March of 2023. CC messaged me and asked if pwede daw ba ako ng April 29-30 for the celebration ng birthday niya. Of course, I wanted to go right away kasi namiss ko na sila and I also wanted to make him feel that he is important to me. So I eagerly told him yes kahit di ko pa alam ung details and all. But it will be an overnight camping trip sa Bagac and he will be inviting his other Growlr friends din para mas masaya. That was not an issue naman to me kasi I also wanted to meet new people – kahit na alam kong sobrang magpapanic ung introvert side ko.
So leading to the day of the trip, in-add ako ni CC sa Viber group with the other invited people. Nakita ko na sila isa’t isa sa mga Viber pictures nila and yung normal banter nila sa chat and I can see the karamihan sa kanila is magkakakilala na. Dahil din siguro they’ve met in Manila for hangouts a few times na so literally baka ako lang yung maleleft out. Pero pinagana ko na lang ung public relations mode ko para naman di ako matawag na loner or whatever.
So eto na nga, April 29. Nakarating ako ng Bagac ng mga 8AM. Sasakay pa kasi kami ng boat going sa island so need muna naming mag-meet up sa may court. So I was there early then maya maya dumating na ung ibang kasama. First one to arrive was Jay and Maki. They were both chubs. Si Jay mukhang mabait and greeted me first while si Maki medyo iwas lang and parang ang tahimik niya. I don’t know if ganun lang ba siya or baka bad mood lang siguro. I also initially thought na magjowa silang dalawa. Next na dumating is sila Rico, Mommy Hya, and yung tito ni Chris with his partner. Then maya maya dumating na rin sila CC. May iba rin na dumating like ung sister ni CC and yung mga friends niya. After that we boarded na rin sa boat and headed to the island.
Pagdating dun, nagrest muna ng kaunti. Dito palang medyo feel ko na na sila Rico and Mommy Hya yung magiging kaclose ko kasi sila ung kumakausap sakin and si Rico nakakatuwa kasi ang funny niya naturally. Nagset up na ng tent sila Jay at Maki which made me thought even more na magjowa talaga sila. Kumuha lang ako ng isang tent na good for 2 pax and then nagchill chill lang while waiting for the others. So since parang may group of friends na talaga sila, humanap na lang ako ng spot where I can sit down and play some music. Dun ako naupo sa table na may mga board games. Dito talaga nahihiya ako maki-mingle kasi baka naman sabihin nila feeling close ako.
Then a few minutes later, lumapit sakin si Maki and invited me to play yung mga board games. Natuwa naman ako kasi baka nakita niya akong mag-isa and wanted na samahan ako. So we played the board games and it was pretty fun. Lagi ko siyang natatalo sa mga games like Four in a Row, Tic Tac Toe, and yung chair stacking game. Medyo naghohold back lang ako na masyadong tumawa at mag-OA na reaction kasi baka ma-off naman siya sakin. So we just played and played. Tumingin ako sa kanya for around 5 seconds while he was planning his move and napansin ko kagad was his eyes. Ang ganda ng mata niya and reminds me of Enrique Gil’s eyes. Yung very expressive… and basta ayun. He is chubbier than me and halos magkasing puti lang kami. Pogi siya for me pero at that time, akala ko nga mag-jowa sila ni Jay so sabi ko, back off na lang.
Maya-maya, nagtawag sila sa CC sa may kitchen area para timplahin na yung gin-juice cocktail. So tumulong naman ako don and after that, nag-shot na rin kaming apat ni Maki, Jay, and CC. Dun kami pumwesto sa may patio umbrella and since two lang ung upuan, nagtulungan kami ni Maki para bitbitin yung wood bench. We sat beside each other and nag-rotating shots na kami at ako yung tanggero. Haha! So kwentuhan lang kami ganyan, and napansin ko lang at this time, ung kamay ko nakalapag dun sa chair and same as with Maki. Tapos I felt na medyo nagdikit yung side ng kamay namin. So inisip ko na lang na baka accidentally lang naman. Medyo matagal lang kasi, mga around 10 seconds before ko inalis ung kamay ko para magsalin ng tagay.
After the shot session, dinala na namin sa harap ng beach ung cocktail jug para ipagshot yung mga bagong dating na ibang invited. Madami din sila na mga from Manila. By the way, lahat pala ng mga invited ay from Manila, Cavite, or Laguna. So kami lang nila CC at ung family niya ang taga-Bataan. So nakakatuwa naman nung winelcome namin yung mga bagong dating kasi hilo hilo na rin kami that time dahil naka-ilang rounds din kami ng shot. So while they were settling down, umupo muna kami sa mga camping chairs sa tabi ng tent namin. Katabi ko si Maki and katapat ko si Mommy Hya. After ng konting chit chat, umalis si Jay and nag-uusap kami ni Mommy Hya while si Maki is nakikinig lang. Later on umalis din si Maki para mag-CR. So habang nagchichikahan kami ni Mommy Hya, may tumapik sa kamay ko, si Maki. Then sabay sabi ng “lunch na daw”. So tumayo na kami and we headed dun sa may ilog na part sa likod ng resort para maglunch.
Medyo mabato yung area at talagang kumain kami sa taas ng ilog with our feet getting wet sa agos ng tubig. Sadly, nung tumayo ako to get water, nadulas ako and napigtas yung strap ng slippers ko. So nasira na siya. I was really embarassed that time kasi ang daming tao and I had no extra slippers. Katabi ko pala si Maki and kasama namin sa table si Maki, Jay, si Tomo (Maki’s roommate and bestfriend) and yung mama ni CC. Maki saw na nasira ung slippers ko and he kind of showed concern kasi sabi niya agad, “Baka naman may binebenta sila kuya na slippers” tapos tinitignan pa niya kung pano nasira ung slippers ko kaya lalo akong naiinsecure. Huhu. He then told me na meron daw extra slippers si Jay na pwede ko hiramin. Syempre nahihiya naman ako kaya sabi ko bibili na lang ako if meron man.
So after lunch, I immediately headed dun sa tindahan nila and checked ung mga slippers na binebenta nila. Lo and behold, walang kasya sakin kaya nirecommend ni kuya na magtry dun sa tindahan ng katabi na resort. So I grabbed my wallet and braced yung napakainit na sand to go there. I found it sweet naman din na sinabi ni Maki na if gusto ko daw ba na sumama siya pero sabi ko wag na lang. So I checked ung store and wala daw tinda. Kaya no choice but to just borrow slippers kay Jay. Pagbalik ko dun sa tent area namin, Jay lent me his slippers and naupo lang kaming tatlo nila Maki dun sa mga chairs. I brought speakers kaya nagchill lang kami dun. Later on, Maki requested to play Enchanted by Taylor Swift - which, as a Swiftie, is a super green flag kasi it’s one of her best hits and my favorite too. Sinabi pa niya how great that song is and ang ganda raw ng line at the end na “Please don’t be in love with someone else, Please don’t have somebody waiting on you.” which once again touched my heart kasi nga yun yung gusto ko ring line dun. So while Enchanted was playing, kumakanta rin kami silently and I can’t help but look at Maki’s direction and look at his eyes kahit for a second lang.
Maya maya we talked na rin about different topics like ung Growlr community and relationship etc. And I asked them if sila ba and to my surprise, they said No. Friends lang pala sila and have just known each other for a few months. Nagulat ako with a hint of “ay single siya” in my mind. Pero I just brushed it off and we continued talking. Nung mga bandang 3PM na, I decided to take a shower kasi sobrang init at humid. Pagbalik ko sa tent area, I sat sa chair and nagpalamig kasi pinagpapawisan na kaagad ako. Then I felt someone placed a hand on my head and I looked back and it was Maki. Sabi ko “Uy basa pa buhok ko.” then sabi na lang niya na gusto na rin daw niya maligo. Nagulat lang ako kasi why would he do that?? Medyo awkward lang pero lowkey kinilig. Hahahaha
Maya maya nagkayayaan mag-swimming sa dagat sila CC pero nagstay lang kami ni Mommy Hya sa tent area kasi nga nagkekwentuhan pa rin and kakaligo ko lang. All of them went naman and nung pagbalik nila, naligo na rin sila. I brought my trusty portable fan kasi alam kong mainit sa beach. After maligo ni Maki, tagaktak din yung pawis niya kaya he borrowed the fan from me for a while. I grabbed the powerbank sa bag ko para macharge din kasi lowbat na yung fan. So while he was using it, tinututok niya sakin for 10 seconds and then pabalik sa kanya. Which I thought was sweet pero baka nahihiya lang siya kasi sakin yung fan tapos siya ung gumagamit. So sabi ko pahawak muna and ikaw muna gumamit.
Pumunta na kami lahat sa may dining area kasi nandun na halos lahat and waiting na for dinner. I sat down sa isang bench and sakin lagi sumasama si Maki since nasa kanya nga yung fan ko. Kudos to him kasi ang dalas niyang itutok sakin ung fan kaya medyo nahiya naman ako kasi baka isipin ng mga tao na inuutusan ko siyang hawakan ung fan. Kwentuhan lang din kaming dalawa while sitting down and he talked about his family and career. I also talked about mine and we just enjoyed each other’s company. At some point, nagulat lang ako when he touched my back and said “Hala pawis ung likod mo” and that made me kinda insecure pero at the same time, hala bakit mo po ginagawa yan. Hahahaha
Nung dinner na, we sat beside each other and he was still diligently pointing the fan sakin kaya ang dalas kong sabihin sa kanya na “Sayo muna” ganyan. He once again touched my back and medyo natuyo na ung pawis ko sabi niya, “Ayan di ka na pawis”. Which I thought was kinda sweet kasi talagang chineck niya pa yun kahit na alam kong pawis din siya kasi wala ngang kahangin hangin that night.
After dinner, nagchill lang kami dun sa main area. Maki wanted a drink kaya tinanong niya ko if ano daw gusto ko. Sabi ko Smirnoff so he grabbed two for us. Then we had a heart to heart talk about our families and college life as well as part relationships. We had a chance to share our thoughts about many things and I was so happy to realize na ang dami pala naming similarities in many things. He also acknowledged this and natuwa rin siya how we seem to be alike in many things.
Tumabi na rin si Mommy Hya samin that time and nagkwentuhan lang. Later on, nagsetup yung owner ng resort ng grazing table for CC because his birthday is April 30 and sasalubungin namin siya. We sang a happy birthday song for CC and just chilled a bit then maya maya, nag-aya si Maki na pumunta sa tent. By this time, naka-dalawang Smirnoff na kami kaya medyo inantok na rin.
Pagdating sa tent area, kami palang yung nandun kasi ung mga nasa katabi naming tent is nag-iinom pa. Expecting sana ako na ako lang matutulog sa tent ko kaso nagulat ako when he said na pwede daw bang maki-hang out muna. Medyo kinabahan lang ako kasi bakit naman siya tatabi sakin eh may tent naman sila ni Jay. So I scooched a bit para makapasok siya and makahiga. We are now lying down beside each other. And then the unexpected happened.
So we were just continuing ung topic namin kanina and then he said the following (non-verbatim pero eto na ung best na naaalala ko since I had a few drinks and #shorttermmemoryloss):
Maki: Suplado ako maraming nagsasabi kasi I have a resting bitch face.
Me: Ah, oo I can agree. (Maki laughs) Kasi kanina sa waiting shed, di mo ko pinapansin masyado. Si Jay lang kumakausap sakin.
Maki: Ganun kasi ako pag natotorpe? (I laughed, nervously)
Me: Hala bakit naman natotorpe?
Maki: Ewan ko basta ganun ako. Di ko masyado masabi gusto ko sabihin. Buti na nga lang naka-shades ako kanina.
Me: Bakit?
Maki: Kasi tumitingin ako sayo. (I became silent)
Maki: Eto, I just wanna say something. And di ko alam if ano magiging reaction mo pero I don’t expect anything naman. (I was still silent at this time)
Maki: Kasi the first time na nakita kita, I was already shy and di ko alam kung pano ako magrereact. I know it’s too upfront and I don’t know if napapansin mo sa mga gestures ko… pero I like you.
Me: (laughs nervously) Ahh okay.. Bakit naman ako? Haha, ang daming chubs din dito na kasama natin.
Maki: My bestfriend Tomo knows this. Alam niya mga type ko and alam din niya pano ako gumalaw pag type ko yung isang tao.
Me: (flattered inside and my heart is thumping inside my chest) Well, I appreciate that. And napapansin ko rin yung mga gestures mo kanina like ung pahawak sa kamay and sa ulo ko.
Maki: (laughs) Hahaha! Yes, I hope you noticed that kasi I wanted to express na gusto kita.
Me: Well, if I may also say. The first time I saw you, sabi ko rin sa isip ko, may hawig nga ung eyes mo kay Enrique Gil.
Maki: (laughs) Oh my god, di lang ikaw nagsabi niyan. Marami na rin. More so daw si Kahlil Ramos.
Me: Omg yes! I think siya ung mas nasa isip ko pero si Enrique agad ung naalala ko. Kahawig mo nga. But yeah, I already felt those gestures and knowing you and your story and how you are as a person, I think I like you too.
Maki: Really? Seryoso? I’m not waiting for an answer naman ha, I just wanted to tell you.
Me: No.. I wanted to tell you too. I was just waiting for the right time to say it. And we don’t have much time since uwian na bukas.
(May mga konti pa kaming pinag-usapan but I kinda lost it na.)
Then tumalikod si Maki sakin and I was big spooning him. I hugged him from behind and hinawakan niya ung kamay ko.
Me: Ang lambot naman ng kamay mo.
Maki: Oo, halatang hindi nagtatrabaho sa bahay. Hahaha. Ikaw din, actually mas malambot pa nga yung sayo.
Me: Yeah actually sabi nung ate nung nagpa-manicure ako, ingat na ingat daw siya kasi parang ang delicate daw ng kamay ko.
Then this was the time na I kissed the back of his head.
Maki: Uy, ang sweet naman. May pa-kiss. (I just smiled pero didn’t say anything.) Isa pa, sa cheeks naman.
So I kissed him on the cheeks but kinda longer.
Maki: Sarap naman.
This time he was rubbing his thumb on my hand. We were just silent. Two hearts beating loudly and the waves crashing almost beside us. I can’t think of anything else at this point. My heart is filled with disbelief. That after many heartbreaks, somebody appreciated me. Despite having many failed situationships, this could once again be something. I have this fear in my heart na baka hindi totoo to, baka hindi naman genuine, or baka mawala lang din agad. But I tried my best to just be in the moment and not think about those things and my insecurities. It felt really good to finally feel this way again.
Maki then turned around and faced me. He kissed me on the lips and said “Tell me if this is okay with you.” I replied, “Go on.” And we made out. I won’t tell anyting more specific kasi I wanted to keep that part to the both of us. But that night was beyond magical and if I had to choose among the many nights of my life, I would choose this one.
We could not sleep nung mga around 3AM na kasi sobrang init. We went out of the tent and decided to go to the main area. May mga umiinom pa pero karamihan is tulog na sa kanya-kanyang mga tents. We were actually looking for a place to stay or sleep on. Then Maki said na magpunta kami sa beach kasi he wants to show me something. I brought my flashlight and we went to the shore.
I was not wearing my contact lenses at this point kaya medyo blurry. But Maki said, “Tingin ka sa taas.” And to my surprise, the sky was fully lit with so many stars. It was so beautiful even though blurry siya sa paningin ko. Then he sang Yellow by Coldplay.
Look at the stars, look how they shine for you
And everything you do, yeah they were all yellow
We headed back and just decided to stay dun sa main area at mag-intay na lang na lumiwanag since mag-umaga na rin naman. We lied down dun sa couch. I laid my head on this shoulders and he laid is head on mine. He held my hands and we tried to sleep. I was kinda uncomfortable kasi may iba nang gising that time but I guess wala naman din silang paki so we just tried to sleep. But it felt really good to be held by someone and feel safe. Throughout our time together, ang daming beses ko rin kasing napansin na inaalalayan niya ako – and I appreciate that.
When everybody woke up, we stayed dun sa mga chairs katabi ng tents namin. Kasama namin si Jay and Mommy Hya. Habang nagkekwentuhan, he grabbed my hand and held it. I know Jay and Mommy Hya can see it pero di ko na lang pinansin and nagholding hands na lang kami while we were talking.
Then after, nag-breakfast na kami, fixed our things, and took a shower kasi aalis na rin kami after lunch. Nakatapos na ako maligo pati siya. So we chilled lang sa tent area namin. He then said.
Maki: I’m sad. Mamimiss kita.
Me: Me too. But don’t worry, nasa Manila naman ako ng May.
Maki: Third week right? Sige.
Then there was a pause. Nakatulala lang kami sa dagat.
Maki: Kiss me please.
I leaned over and we kissed.
He then held my hands. And I kinda really felt the sadness. Our time here at the camp was really special and I wish I could repeat it many times over. We had lunch and then prepared to leave na.
Sabay sabay kami ni Jay and Maki pabalik ng Balanga pero pumunta muna kami sa bahay nila CC. When we were there, nagstay ako, si Maki, Mommy Hya, Jay, CC, and Migs sa room and nagkwentuhan lang. At this time, I know ito na ung last na pwede kami magkasama before going to the terminal.
We sat on the coach and silang lahat is nasa bed lang. Later on, Maki leaned over me and said, “Kiss tayo.” (Oo na ang lalandi na namin kaloka hahahaha) So we did and CC saw it. He jumped out of the bed in complete shock and shouted, “Putangina anong nangyayare??!”
We both just laughed and everyone in the room was also shocked. Pero I know na alam na nila, especially Mommy Hya and Jay. CC then just said na, “Enjoy lang kayo and don’t hurt each other.” Maki then said na, “We are just happy right now.”
And I then realized, oo nga. Syempre wala naman talaga kaming label pero I’m happy right now and he is too. And that’s what’s more important. I know having label takes time and we still have to learn more about each other. This may or may not flourish to what I hope it would be, pero I just want to let destiny do it’s thing. I’m just so glad and happy to have met him in this very unexpected event and time.
Sumakay na kami ng bus pa-Balanga and we were beside each other. He placed his arms around me and held my waist, then I was laid my hand on his lap. Syempre di naman kami pwede masyado mag-PDA kasi nasa public transport pero I felt secured when he did that.
I asked him if he was okay kasi medyo pawis siya and parang may iniisip. And he said that he was not okay. I asked why and he said, “Mamimiss kita.” I just leaned over his head and rubbed his lap.
Nung malapit na ako bumaba, tinanggal niya ung mask niya and told me, “Kiss tayo?” and then followed with “I’m just kidding.” Nakita niya kasi na lumaki na ung mata ko dahil madami ngang tao sa jeep.
Nung bababa na ako, I hugged him quickly and pati si Jay.
And that was it. I hope to see him again on May and I pray and hope na tumagal kung anong meron man kami. I’m not expecting so much or anything at all. But I’m happy that this happened. My heart is filled with happiness that someone appreciated me that way.
I went home, ate dinner, took a shower, and slept right away. When I woke up ng mga 12AM, there was a notification in my Instagram.
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kaylaandvictoria · 1 year
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El Parque Nacional Islas Marietas y El Parque Nacional Palenque
Hola clase. En este blog yo voy a hablar sobre dos parques importantes y ricos en Mexico. Primero, yo voy a hablar sobre El Parque Nacional Palenque. El Parque Nacional Palenque es uno de los tesoros naturales más impresionantes de México. El parque está ubicado en el estado de Chiapas. Este parque protege una extensión de más de 1700 hectáreas de selva tropical y es hogar de una increíble diversidad de flora y fauna.
El parque es famoso por ser el hogar de la antigua ciudad maya de Palenque. Hoy, los visitantes pueden explorar las ruinas de esta antigua civilización, incluidos templos, palacios y plazas. El Parque Nacional Palenque no es solo un atractivo turístico para los amantes de la arqueología. La selva tropical es cerca de las ruinas es un ecosistema único en el mundo. La selva es el hogar de una gran variedad de especies de plantas y animales. Los visitantes pueden caminar por los senderos del parque y admirar la belleza de la naturaleza, desde orquídeas hasta monos aulladores.
Uno de los aspectos más destacados del parque es la cascada Misol-Ha. Se trata de una impresionante cascada de más de 30 metros de altura. Los visitantes pueden nadar en la piscina de abajo, tomar fotografías o simplemente admirar la vista. Mi parte favorita del parque es que es un lugar importante para la conservación y protección de la naturaleza. Palenque es parte de la Reserva de la Biosfera Montes Azules. La reserva es una extensión de selva tropical que protege a más de 500 especies de animales y plantas.
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En resumen, creo que el Parque Nacional Palenque es un destino turístico impresionante y una joya natural que hay que proteger. El parque tiene una impresionante arquitectura maya, una exuberante selva tropical y un papel importante en la conservación de la biodiversidad. Creo que este es un parque que todo el mundo debería visitar al menos una vez en la vida.
Ahora yo voy a hablar sobre El Parque Nacional Islas Marietas y este parque es una hermosa reserva natural ubicada en la costa de Nayarit, México. Este parque protege una serie de islas y arrecifes y una gran cantidad de vida marina y aves. Una de las características más impresionantes del parque son las playas escondidas. Las playas son Playa del Amor y Playa Escondida y están ubicadas dentro de una cueva natural en la isla principal.
El Parque Nacional Islas Marietas es para el buceo y el snorkel. Esto se debe a que hay aguas cristalinas y mucha vida marina. También es un lugar popular para la observación de aves porque alberga una gran variedad de especies, incluidos pelícanos, fragatas y gaviotas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su belleza natural, el parque ha enfrentado varios desafíos en los últimos años. La contaminación, el cambio climático y la pesca ilegal impactaron negativamente en la biodiversidad del parque y su ecosistema. Por lo que el gobierno mexicano ha tomado medidas para proteger y conservar el parque. El gobierno creó una zona de amortiguamiento alrededor de las islas y prohibió ciertas actividades, como la pesca y la extracción de recursos. Además, el parque ha sido designado como Reserva de la Biosfera por la UNESCO. En conclusión, aprendí y creo que el Parque Nacional Islas Marietas es un lugar especial que hay que valorar. Yo espero que un día yo puedo ir este parque porque me encanta el buceo y el snorkel. En conclusion, hay belleza natural y una rica biodiversidad y creo que debe preservarse para las generaciones futuras.
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Los recursos: 
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What Is the Official language of Mexico?
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What is The Official Language of Mexico? Mexico is a multilingual country with hundreds of indigenous national languages. However, only one of these primary languages has been designated as the official language of the country. The Spanish language often referred to as Castellano in Mexico City is the official language of government in Mexico City. However, some Mexicans speak native official Mexican languages such as Nahuatl and Maya. All government documents are written in Spanish and the general public uses this language to communicate with each other, whether it be on the street or in an office environment. In this article, you will find everything you need to know about the official language of Mexico. Read on, it promises to be a good read. A Brief History of the Spanish Language in Mexico The Spanish language has been present in Mexico since the 16th century when it began to be used as a language of government and administration. After the sixteenth century, it wasn't until the 19th century that the Spanish language acquired official status in some United Mexican states during the colonial period. Further into the 18th century of Mexican independence, many different languages were spoken in the country, including Amerindian languages, Spanish, and foreign languages such as English and French. During the post-revolutionary period in the nineteenth century, there was a strong movement to promote Mexican Spanish as the national language, and this was successful to some extent in the twenty-first century. However, in the 21st century, Mexico is still a multilingual country, with indigenous languages being spoken alongside Spanish. This is especially true in rural areas and among older generations. Other important linguistic groups contribute to the diversity of languages spoken in Mexico, including those from Europe, Africa, Asia, and America. Indigenous people account for about 30% of the population of Mexico. They have their dialects which have historically been discriminated against by European colonizers because they weren't considered civilized. There are also large numbers of speakers of African descent who speak varieties of Pidgin Spanish as well as Creole languages from their former home countries or colonies. Demographics in the Mexican States and their Official Languages According to Ethnologue, as of 2010, there were approximately 120 million Spanish speakers and 6 million native speakers of other languages in Mexico. The majority of these speak indigenous languages, with Spanish being dominant in Central Mexico. In the colonial period, the Spanish government mandated that all education be conducted in Spanish, which led to a decline in the use of indigenous languages. However, in recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in these languages, and they are now more commonly used in education and government. Considering Puerto Rico for instance is also home to a large number of Spanish speakers, but the legal status of Spanish there is less clear. The Mexican government has recognized 62 indigenous languages as co-official, but not all regions have adopted them equally. For instance, while Nahua languages (such as Nahuatl) are official throughout most of the country, Mixtec has only been granted official status in Oaxaca. Nevertheless, any one state or municipality can adopt an indigenous language if it so chooses. The Political Impact of the Mexican Government on their Official Language In 2010, the Mexican government recognized 68 different native languages spoken throughout the country. In Mexico City - a multilingual country, Spanish is considered the de facto official language, as it is widely spoken by the majority of the population. However, in some regions of Mexico, indigenous languages are more commonly spoken than Spanish. However, Spanish is considered to be the national language and is used by the government for all official purposes. In addition to Spanish, several other languages are commonly spoken in Mexico, including English, French, German, and Italian. These languages are primarily studied in private schools or offered at select universities. Though they are not spoken by many people in the country, they do provide a great opportunity for foreigners to learn about Mexico's rich culture and history. Some Simple Phrases in Mexican Spanish If you're planning a trip to Mexico, it's helpful to know a few useful phrases in Mexican Spanish. Here are some essential phrases to get you started. - Qué hora es? - What time is it? - Hasta mañana - See you tomorrow - Cuánto cuesta esto? - How much does this cost? - Vamos por un taco - Let's go for a taco - Dónde está el baño, por favor? - Where is the bathroom, please? - Espera un momento, por favor! - Wait one moment, please! - Sí - Yes - No - No - Cuanto tiempo hace que no duermes?- How long has it been since you slept last? - Estoy Bien gracias. Qué hay de ti?- I'm good thanks. What about you? FAQ'S Mexico City is regarded as a multilingual country with the Spanish language as the official language of Mexico City, though there are many other languages spoken throughout the country.Yes, Mexico is a multilingual country, therefore, it has two official languages: Spanish and Mayan. Spanish is the primary language spoken in Mexico, with Mayan being used mostly in rural areas. However, both languages are taught in schools and used by the government.There are three official languages in Mexico: Spanish, Nahuatl, and Maya. Read the full article
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candela888 · 3 years
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Folk Saints in the folk Catholicism of the Americas and other regions✨ Folk saints are deceased people or other spiritually powerful entities (such as Indigenous and African spirits) venerated as saints, even if they're not officially canonized by the Church. LONG THREAD BELOW:
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Like officially recognized saints, folk saints are considered intercessors with God, but many are also understood to act directly in the lives of their devotees. Folk saints occur throughout the Catholic world, and they are especially popular in Latin America.
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An offering to a folk saint might include the same votive candles and ex-votos (tributes of thanks) left at the shrines to canonized saints, but they also frequently include other items that reflect something of the spirit's former life or personality. 
Now on to the saints themselves:
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Some of the Folk Saints in the Folk Catholicism of the Americas:
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La Difunta Correa is a figure in Argentinian folk-religion. Every year since 1840, miracles are said to occur at the shrine. Her body was found by gauchos, astonished when they saw the dead woman's baby was alive, feeding from her "miraculously" ever-full breast.
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On October 8, 1967, the Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara was captured by the CIA-assisted Bolivian Army and killed, nowadays a monument to "El Che" exists in the town and images of the revolutionary are hung, and some pray to Santo Ernesto who is said to bring about miracles.
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Padre Cícero was a Brazilian Catholic priest who became a spiritual leader to the people of Northeastern Brazil. In the course of his ministry, he was accused of heresy by the Church, eventually becoming suspended but not formally excommunicated. A statue of him now stands.
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Santa Muerte is an idol, female deity or folk saint in Mexican folk Catholicism and paganism. A personification of death, she is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees. She is seen as a protector of outcasts, including LGBT people.
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Gauchito Gil is a folk religious figure in Argentina's popular culture. One can spot small shrines of Gauchito Gil on roadsides throughout Argentina due to the red color and the flags, many of which read "Gracias, Gauchito Gil" if the person's request is fulfilled.
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Escrava Anastacia is a popular saint venerated in Brazil. A Black slave woman, Anastacia is depicted as beautiful, having piercing eyes and wearing an oppressive facemask. Anastacia is a very important figure in Folk Catholic and Umbanda devotion, especially with Black Brazilians.
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Maximón, also called San Simón, is a Mayan deity and folk saint represented in various forms by the Maya people of several towns in the highlands of Western Guatemala. Oral tradition of his in these communities is complex, diverse, and born of the Maya traditions centuries ago.
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El Niño Fidencio was a Mexican curandero. Fidencio was famous for operations without anaesthesia without causing pain to patients, and provided cures related to specific parts of town, such as a pepper tree which the congregation threw offerings around. He is now seen as a saint.
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In Puerto Rico, Dia de Los Tres Reyes Magos, or Three Kings' Day is an important holiday. On the day before the feast (January 5), the "Rosario de Reyes" or "Promesa de Reyes" is traditionally celebrated with songs (aguinaldos) promised to be sung to the Kings.
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Jesús Malverde, known as the "angel of the poor", or the "narco-saint", is a folklore hero in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. He is a "Robin Hood figure" who was supposed to have stolen from the rich to give to the poor. He is celebrated as a folk saint, particularly among narcos.
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Mariana of Jesus de Paredes is a Catholic saint and was the first person to be canonized from what is now Ecuador. She was a recluse who is said to have sacrificed herself for the salvation of her city. She remains very popular with many of the people of Ecuador.
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Miriam Alejandra Bianchi, known by her stage name Gilda, was an Argentinian cumbia singer and songwriter. On 7 September 1996 Gilda died in a tragic bus accident, and shortly after her death, Gilda was credited by her fans with achieving miracles and many even called her a saint.
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Sarita Colonia, or La Sarita, was a young Peruvian woman who was credited with the ability to make miracles. After her death, a popular veneration for her began, due to her reputation of holiness. She is not recognized by the Church, but is popular, especially with the poor.
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Charlene Marie Richard was a twelve-year-old Catholic Cajun girl from Richard, Louisiana, USA. She has become the focus of a popular belief that she is a saint—a person who is in heaven—who has performed a number of miracles.
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Selena Quintanilla-Pérez was a singer, songwriter, and fashion designer. Referred to as the "Queen of Tejano music", her contributions to music and fashion made her one of the most celebrated Mexican-American entertainers of the late 20th century. She has a strong following.
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El Tío, is believed in Cerro Rico, Potosí, Bolivia to be the "Lord of the Underworld". There are many statues of this spirit in the mines of Cerro Rico. He rules over the mines, simultaneously offering protection and destruction. Miners bring offerings such as cigarettes.
Every year, the Carnaval de Oruro is held, and costumes and statues of El Tío are paraded around in a ceremony that represents his defeat at the hands of the Archangel Michael. This is the only time that images of El Tío are allowed above the surface of the mines.
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Antônio Conselheiro was a Brazilian religious leader, preacher, and founder of the village of Canudos, the scene of the War of Canudos (1896–1897), a civil rebellion against the central government. He was strongly against slavery, and had preached and written about it.
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San Pascualito is a folk saint associated with Saint Paschal Baylon and venerated in Guatemala and the Mexican state of Chiapas. His veneration is associated with the curing of disease. San Pascualito is represented as a skeleton, sometimes caped or wearing a crown.
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Santa Barbara is a major saint in the Catholic tradition of Cuba. In the Afro-Cuban religion of Santería she is often syncretized with Chango, the deity of fire, lightning, and thunder. Chango is male and represents male beauty, virility, passion and power.
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La Melchorita is a folk Catholic religious figure from Peru who devoted her entire life to caring for the poor and sick in the village that she lived in.
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Don Pedro Jaramillo, was a Purépecha curandero, faith healer, and folk saint from the South Texas Valley region. He is known as "the healer of Los Olmos Creek" and "el mero jefe" of the curanderos. He believed he heard a voice telling him God had given him the power to heal.
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Anaisa Pye is a popular loa within religion in the Dominican Republic. She is considered the patron of love, money, and general happiness within Dominican Vudú and Folk Catholicism. Among Dominican Catholic believers, she is syncretized with Saint Anne.
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San La Muerte is a skeletal folk saint that is venerated in Paraguay, Argentina, and southern Brazil. Saint Death is depicted as a male skeleton figure usually holding a scythe. Many devotees consider the veneration of San La Muerte as being part of their Catholic faith.
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Father J.M. Villars was a Catholic Priest in Indiana. He died in mysterious circumstances in 1868. He has since become a folk saint. People began making pilgrimages to his grave in the early 1910s.
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Saint Óscar Romero (1917 – 1980) was a prelate of the Catholic Church in El Salvador who served as the Archbishop of San Salvador. He spoke out against poverty, social injustice and paid great attention to the poor & marginalized. He was recently canonized.
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In Managua, Nicaragua, there is a procession for Saint Dominic. An old, small statuette that personifies this saint which has been considered responsible for miracles involving many families and successive generations. Minguito is the name of the statuette, short for 'Domingo'.
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The Virgen de los Angeles is the patron saint of Costa Rica. She is also known as La Negrita, the Black Virgin, as she is a Black/Afro-Latina representation. She is a small (less than a meter tall), statuette found on August 2, 1635 by an Indigenous woman.
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Santa Teresa was a Mexican mystic, folk healer, and revolutionary insurgent. She had a serious illness and began to experience religious visions. Teresa Urrea was venerated as a folk saint among the many Indigenous people of the Sonoran Desert near the United States border.
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Sepé Tiaraju was an Indigenous Guarani leader in the Jesuit reduction mission of São Luiz Gonzaga and who died on February 7, 1756, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He led the fight against the Portuguese and Spanish colonial powers, and considered a saint by some.
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Menina Izildinha, Angel of the Lord or Saint Izildinha is the popular name of Maria Izilda de Castro Ribeiro, an unofficial popular folk saint to whom Brazilian Catholics have attributed inexplicable miracles, cures and healings. She is a patron saint of the poor.
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Popular in the traditions of Santeria, Haitian Vodou, Louisiana Voodoo, Dominican Vudu, and Folk Catholicism, the Anima Sola is an image depicting a soul in purgatory, popular in Spanish-speaking Latin America, Haiti, Southwestern USA, Louisiana, Southern Florida, Andalucia, the Canary Islands, and Southern Italy.
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Her Haitian Vodou counterpart is Marinette, a loa of power and violence. She is represented by a screech owl and is often seen as the protector of werewolves (lougarou). Her colors are black and deep blood red. Her offerings are black pigs and black roosters plucked alive.
In Santería or Lukumi, the Afro-Caribbean religion of Cuba, there is a syncretization of the Anima Sola with the Eshu Alleguana/Alawana. Anima Sola is grouped in a triad in some traditions with The Intranquil Spirit and the Dominant Spirit.
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Marie Catherine Laveau was a Louisiana Creole practitioner of Voodoo, herbalist and midwife who was renowned in New Orleans. Her daughter, Marie Laveau II, also practiced rootwork, conjure, African spiritualism as well as Louisiana Voodoo. She is considered a saint by some.
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Nuestra Señora de los Treinta y Tres, also known as the Liberator of Uruguay, is a title of the Virgin Mary and the Patroness of Uruguay. Ever since the country's independence, there have been pilgrimages to her shrine, for instance, in times of pests, plague, or strife.
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In July, hundreds of pilgrims will make their way to an isolated town in the northwest of Haiti, called Anse-à-Foleur or Ansafolè. The journey celebrates a Black Saint known as Gran'n Sainte Anne Charitable in her Catholic form and Ti Saint Anne in Vodou form.
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María Lionza is the central figure in one of the most widespread Indigenous beliefs in Venezuela. The cult of María Lionza is a blend of African, Indigenous and Catholic beliefs. She is revered as a goddess of nature, love, peace, & harmony. She has followers throughout Venezuela
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Ezilí Dantor or Erzulie Dantó is the main loa or senior spirit of the Petro family in Haitian Vodou. She became popular among single mothers during the 1980s/90s in Haiti and Dominican Republic. The syncretic version of this loa is associated with the Black Madonna of Częstochowa.
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In 1945, at 7 pm, 9-year-old Joseph Vitolo was one of a group of children playing outside his home near The Bronx's Grand Concourse in New York City. The children saw something floating above a hill, and when Joseph recited a Hail Mary he saw a woman whom he identified as the Virgin Mary.
Within a few days, the visitations were receiving worldwide attention and up to 20,000 people attended the nightly vigil. Among those who expressed interest in the events were Frank Sinatra, Lou Costello, and Francis Cardinal Spellman.
Revered as a saint by the pilgrims, Joseph was frequently asked to cure the sick and injured and would respond by praying with them. The place where Joseph allegedly saw the visions was bought by a devotee who created a shrine there.
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Saint Alberto Hurtado, popularly known in Chile as Padre Hurtado, was a Chilean Jesuit priest, lawyer, social worker, and writer. He is a patron saint of poor people, street children, and social workers. He fought hard for the labor movement in the country.
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Our Lady Aparecida is widely venerated by Brazilian Catholics, who consider her as the patroness of Brazil. Accounts state that the statue was originally found by three fishermen who miraculously caught many fish after invoking the Blessed Virgin Mary.
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San Baltasar or King Baltasar Cambá is a folk saint of African origin, widely venerated in the coastal area of Argentina in the province of Corrientes. The worship of San Baltasar is known as the Brotherhood of San Baltazar, since the Catholic Church has not canonized him.
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La Mano Poderosa is Spanish for "The Powerful Hand," the pierced hand of Our Lord Jesus Christ which is often seen in Latin American iconography, especially in Puerto Rico and Mexico. They are sold on prayer candles and there are prayers one can say.
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Saint Laura Montoya was a Colombian Catholic religious sister and the founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Virgin Mary and Saint Catherine of Siena. She was well known for her work for acting as a strong role model for South American girls.
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Belie Belcan is a very popular loa within 21 Divisiones (Dominican Vudú). He is considered the patron saint of justice who defends people against evil. He is considered very polite, understanding, and protective. In Catholicism, he is syncretized with San Miguel Arcangel.
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Elegua is an Orisha, a deity of roads in the religions of Santería, Umbanda, Quimbanda, and Candomblé. In folk Catholicism, he is syncretized with Saint Michael, Saint Anthony of Padua, or the Holy Child of Atocha.
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Nuestra Señora de Suyapa is a title of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ. An 18th-century cedar wood statue of the Virgin is perhaps Honduras' most popular religious image, and the focus of an extensive pilgrimage. The statue is considered to have miraculous powers.
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The lluvia de peces (lit. 'rain of fish') is a phenomenon that has been occurring yearly for more than a century in Yoro, Honduras, in which fish fall from the sky. Spanish priest Father José Manuel de Jesús Subirana is associated with this phenomenon.
The legend goes as follows: "Father Subirana saw how poor the people of Honduras were and prayed three days and three nights asking God for a miracle to help the poor people and to provide them with food...
...After these three days and nights, God took note of this and there came a dark cloud. Many tasty fish fell from the sky, feeding all the people. Since then this wonder is repeated every year."
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Negro Felipe was an escaped slave from Cuba who played a prominent role in the struggle for independence. He served as Bolivar’s aide before being murdered by Spanish colonists in Venezuela. Now a beloved spirit of Maria Lionza, he is venerated as one of the Très Potencias.
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Guaicaipuro is a legendary Indigenous Venezuelan chief of both the Teques and Caracas tribes. He is now among the most important spirits of the Venezuelan spiritual tradition, Maria Lionza.
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Ricardo Espiell Barrionuevo known as “Ricardito” was born in Lima in 1886. He died when he was seven of unknown causes. Legend says that his relatives made a statue in his name after his death. A big earthquake destroyed part of the cemetery and the statue disappeared.
Nobody could find the statue. Strangely after some months the statue appeared in Spain and it was intact. The president of that moment ordered to bring back it again. Now the statue is considered miraculous by many.
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Marassa Jumeaux are the divine twins in Vodou. Love, truth and justice. Directed by reason. Mysteries of liaison between earth and heaven and they personify astronomic-astrological learning. In folk Catholicism they are syncretised with the Catholic Saints Cosmas and Damian.
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In Panama , in the Villa de los Santos, there is a legend of the appearance of a headless Catholic Padre who is supposed to be the soul of a missionary who arrived with the Spanish conquerors and who was beheaded on the Cerro de Juan Díaz .
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José Gregorio Hernández was a Venezuelan physician. Born in Isnotú, Trujillo State, he became a highly renowned doctor, more so after his death. After his death, people around the country started claiming to have been granted miracles after praying for his intercession to God.
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For centuries, Puerto Rican santeros have carved sculptures of saints from fallen trees. They stand watch even where there are no churches. They are carefully crafted and painted. Tthe most common figures are the Three Kings, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, and La Mano Poderosa.
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Papa Legba is a loa in Haitian Vodou, who serves as the intermediary between the loa and humanity. He stands at a spiritual crossroads and gives (or denies) permission to speak with the spirits. Legba is syncretized with Saint Peter, Saint Lazarus, and Saint Anthony.
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Santa Teresa of Jesus of Los Andes was a Chilean professed religious from the Discalced Carmelites. Her time in the convent was cut short due to her contracting an aggressive disease that killed her. She remains popular with some Catholics in Chile.
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The Fiesta Virgen del Mar is a boat festival takes place every year in Puntarenas, Costa Rica to remember the major & damaging storm of 1920, and to give thanks to the Patron Saint of Puntarenas, la Virgen del Carmen, who was said to have saved a fishing vessel during the storm.
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Miguel Ángel Gaitán, or El Angelito Milagroso, was an Argentine baby who died of meningitis, 15 days before his first birthday. His corpse remained very well preserved, as was discovered after a violent rainstorm in 1973, revered in Argentina, people go to his shrine for miracles
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Ọṣun is an Orisha, a spirit, a deity, or a goddess in Yoruba-based religion. She is an important deity Ochún is usually equated with Cuba's patron saint, Our Lady of Charity. In Brazilian Candomblé, the orisha Oxum has been conflated with Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
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Seraphim Rose, was an American hieromonk of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia who co-founded the St. Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina, California. Some folk Orthodox Christians hold him in high esteem, venerating him in iconography, liturgy and prayer.
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The veneration of San Judas Tadeo in Mexico is very popular. The saint is officially associated with difficult circumstances and is the Patron of Lost Causes, with the idea that the saint hears the petitions of both the good and the bad. It has spread throughout Latin America.
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Mariano de Jesús Euse Hoyos was a Colombian Roman Catholic priest ordained in 1872 for the Diocese of Santa Rosa de Osos. He worked in his parish as a staunch defender of the poor and of rural laborers - he himself came from rural origins - and now has many popular devotions.
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El Niño Compadrito is a relatively obscure folk saint with that is famous for his blue eyes from Cusco, Peru. He is a mummified corpse, and his veneration is a result of syncretic Indigenous and Catholic beliefs.
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A late twentieth century movement to gain national recognition of Afro-Peruvian cultural contributions in Cañete Province focused on Santa Efigenia. An annual celebration of Santa Efígenia is held on September 21 each year in Peru, with processions made in homage to her.
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It is popular to give tribute to the virgin and martyr Santa Librada, patron saint of Las Tablas, better known as "La Moñona" in Panama and Argentina.
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In traditional and popular folklore of Chile, the procession of the Cristo de Mayo is also called 'Señor de los Temblores', which means Lord of the Earthquakes. This procession is done to protect the inhabitants of Santiago from future earthquakes and calamities.
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The Sanctuary of Chalma, is an important pilgrimage site in Mexico. The sanctuary is dedicated to an image of what many people describe as a "Black Christ" on a cross that legend says miraculously appeared in a cave where the worship of a deity known as Tezcatlipoca took place.
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Maria da Conceição Bueno is considered a "popular saint" in the State of Paraná, Brazil. She was brutally murdered by a soldier. It is said that at the place of her death a wooden cross was placed, becoming a place of prayers where devotees claimed to have their requests granted.
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Azaka (Kouzin or Couzen) is the loa of the harvest in Haitian Vodou. Azaka is often identified with Saint Isadore.
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"La Purísima is a festival to the Virgin Mary that is celebrated between November 28 and December 8. The 7th is the culmination, with "La Gritería." It is the most popular festival of the year for most Nicaraguans.
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Francisco Pancho Sierra was an Argentine curandero. He is one of the many folklore characters of the rural culture of the Pampean provinces of Argentina. He supposedly helped many people, and is considered a Saint by some.
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Trinidad Orisha, also known as Shango, is a syncretic religion in Trinidad and Tobago and is of Caribbean origin, originally from West Africa (Yoruba religion). Obatala/Saint Benedict and Shango/Saint John are some of the syncretic saints/spirits in the religion.
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The Virgen de la Bala is a folk devotion to an icon of the Virgin Mary that is said to protect people against violence. It has gained some popularity in Mexico.
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Monumento al Divino Salvador del Mundo is a monument located on Plaza El Salvador del Mundo in San Salvador City, El Salvador. It consists of a statue of Jesus Christ standing on top of a global sphere of planet Earth, placed on top of the tall four-sided concrete base pedestal.
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Rosita de Pachacútec is a folk devotion to a young Peruvian girl thought to be a saint.
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"La Virgen del Pozo" is a supposed Marian apparition at a spring-puddle in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico in 1953. Several students from a nearby school reported seeing "a beautiful young lady" floating on a cloud above a spring that provided water to the school
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La Quemadita, or Casimira Morón, was brought to a small town in Peru on foot, because she had suffered an accident, burning her entire body. The inhabitants of the area leave her candles and pray for her soul, becoming a folk saint in the town, with people praying at the shrine.
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San Miguel Arcángel is not a folk saint, but a saint and an angel that is recognized by the Church. Regarded as one of the most important saints in Latin America, he is known as defeating Satan in the War in Heaven. His likeness is used in many occult practices in the region.
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Carlos Manuel Cecilio Rodríguez Santiago, or Beato Charlie, was a layperson of the Catholic Church, who was beatified on April 29, 2001. He is the first Puerto Rican, the first Caribbean-born layperson in history to be beatified. There is a movement to make him an offical saint.
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Often called “The Peoples’ Priest,” Trinidadian Archbishop Anthony Pantin was loved by many for his compassion and the work he did for the poor and underprivileged. He might become the next Caribbean Saint.
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In Guadalajara, Mexico there is an ancient child mummy called "Santa Inocencia". There are many  versions to her story, but all focus on the elements  that she was a  girl who was said to have been killed by her father due to her desire to convert to Christianity.
Her remains were brought to Mexico from Europe during the colonial era. Recently, a tourist was standing in front of the corpse when he caught a chilling moment on video. The corpse is said to blink sometimes, and many say that the cathedral is haunted.
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Some of the Folk Saints in the Folk Catholicism (and Orthodoxy) of Africa:
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Sister Anna Hadija Ali was a Kenyan Religious Sister. She is known for her claims of personal contact with Jesus Christ in visitations between 1987-1991. For 4 years she experienced weekly visits from Him; and cried bloody tears on Wednesday-Thursday nights according to witnesses
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Kaleb (520), also known as Saint Elesbaan, is perhaps the best-documented, if not best-known, King of Aksum, which was situated in modern-day Eritrea and Tigray, Ethiopia.
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Sr. Bernadeta Mbawala, from Tanzania, was noticed to have special grace, love, obidience, humility and perseverance in life, and when she died in 1950 people began to visist her grave and pray there. People report to have been helped by God through the intercession with her.
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The Virgin of Candelaria or Our Lady of Candle, popularly called La Morenita, celebrates the Virgin Mary on the island of Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands. She is depicted as a Black Madonna. In Guanche mythology, the she was identified as Chaxiraxi, and her son Chijoraji.
The cult of the Virgin of Candelaria swept America due to the emigration from the Canary Islands. She is widely venerated in South America and the Caribbean. In Cuban Santería, the she is identified with Oyá as well as Oba. In Brazilian Candomblé, the she is identified with Oshun.
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Saint Efigenia/Ifigênia of Ethiopia is a folk saint, especially popular with Afro-Peruvians, Afro-Brazilians, and Cubans.
A "Venerable Brotherhood of Saint Elesbão & Saint Efigênia" was founded in Rio de Janeiro on 1740 by free Black people from Cabo Verde, Coast of the Mine (present-day Ghana), São Tomé Island, and Mozambique.
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Peter Porekuu (1918 –2008) – given the surname Der then Dery– was a Ghanaian Roman Catholic cardinal. Some have suggested that he could be a saint.
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Some of the Folk Saints in the Folk Catholicism of Asia:
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Francis Xavier Truong Buu Diep was a Vietnamese Catholic priest who served the people of Bạc Liêu. According to believers, after he passed, his remains were lost until he appeared in a vision and disclosed the location and at least two posthumous miracles are attributed to him.
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Miguel Ayatumo is a venerated Filipino Catholic seminarian student in Loboc, Bohol, who died in odor of sanctity. Contemporary records speaks glowingly of him and his remains lies inside the Loboc Church and is being revered as a pilgrimage site by some.
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Maria Basañes was a very religious Filipina woman. When she passed, the family was required to move the grave and found that her body was preserved. They now keep her in the living room of their home. Rumours say she wanders the region at night, and could be deemed a saint.
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Amakusa Shirō led the Shimabara Rebellion, an uprising of Japanese Catholics against the Shogunate. They were defeated, and Shirō was executed at the age of 17. His head was displayed on a pike near Nagasaki. He is now considered a folk saint to many Japanese Catholics.
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Filomena Almarinez was a Filipina woman who gained her fame as a folk saint after her body was discovered in a state of Incorruptibility when her grave was exhumed for her father's body. Locals proclaimed her a saint and a number of miracles were attributed to her.
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Some of the Folk Saints in the Folk Catholicism (and Orthodoxy) of Europe:
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Dr José Tomás de Sousa Martins was a doctor renowned for his work for the poor in Lisbon, Portugal. After his death, a spiritist cult arose around his personality in which he is thanked for "miraculous" cures. Followers say that they have psychic communications with him.
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According to Catholic tradition, Saint Amaro was an abbot and sailor who it was claimed sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to an earthly paradise.
Many claim that the historical character of San Amaro converged many pagan traditions present in Asturias and Galicia.
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Saint Senara is a legendary Cornish folk saint with links to the village of Zennor on the coast of Cornwall , UK. The Church of Saint Senara, Zennor is dedicated to her. Senara was highly venerated by local fishermen. Her legend is similar to the story of Danaë in Greek Myth.
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Sir John Schorne was rector of North Marston in the English county of Buckinghamshire. He was a very pious man and was said to have effected many miraculous cures for gout and toothache. His shrine became a popular place of pilgrimage and he was regarded by many as a folk saint.
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Saint Guinefort was a 13th-century French dog that received local veneration as a folk saint after miracles were reported at his grave. Guinefort became recognised by locals as a saint for the protection of infants after he was martyred protecting a baby.
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María Cuchilla is said to be a condemned spirit of a young woman of a humble class who lived in Oviedo, Spain in the 18th or 19th century. She is bloodthirsty and appears at night brandishing a huge bloody knife. Some people consider her the Patron Saint of unsolved crimes.
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Saint Sarah is the patron saint of the Romani people. The center of her veneration is Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, a place of pilgrimage for Roma in France. Legend identifies her as the attendant of one of the Three Marys, with whom she is supposed to have arrived in the Camargue.
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Nikolay Guryanov was a Russian Orthodox Christian and reputed myrrh-bearing starets and priest. Numerous miracles and healings are ascribed to him. He is considered a saint in some folk Orthodoxy.
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In certain parts of Andalusia, a legend is known that tells that the Anima Sola, was in ancient times the daughter of a nobleman, the young girl helped the poor, her father did not like the idea of ​​her daughter doing that & as punishment he ordered her to be burned at the stake.
Belief in Anima Sola is perhaps strongest in Naples, Italy, where it is referred to as "the cult of the souls in Purgatory."
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In Cádiz, Black Spaniards organized their own religious association, "Confradia de Nuestra Senora de le Salud, San Bello y Santa Ifigênia", formed in El Puerto de Santa María in 1575, a devotion for Santa Ifigênia. From Cádiz, her devotion spread to Portugal and then to Brazil.
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Hélèna Soutadé is a "popular saint" (not recognized by the Church) in Toulouse, France. The cult of Saint Helena takes the form of pilgrimages to her tomb and contact with her relic (a piece of clothing). She was a teacher in life, and is called to help in such matters.
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La Muerte or La Parca is Death in Spanish folklore. Their skeletal figure is commonly seen in several parts of Spain, such as in the Holy Week (Semana Santa) in Sevilla, Andalucia.
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Saints Victor and Corona are two Christian martyrs. Victor was a Roman soldier who was tortured and killed; Corona was killed for comforting him. Corona is venerated in connection with treasure-hunting and, since 2020, with the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, especially in Italy.
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Sebastianism is a Portuguese messianic myth, based on the belief that King Sebastian of Portugal, disappeared in the battle of Alcácer Quibir, will return from Morocco to save Portugal. It is categorised as an example of the King asleep in mountain folk motif.
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Samthann is an Irish folk saint, purportedly a Christian nun and abbess in Early Christian Ireland.
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Francesc Canals i Ambrós, known as "el Santet" was a young man from Barcelona who died at the age of 22. Buried in the Poblenou Cemetery in Barcelona, ​​he has a popular veneration that is attributed to the supposed granting of favors. In life he was a person loved by neighbors.
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Saint Mariña of Aguas Santas (Mariña of Ourense) (119–139 AD) is a virgin martyr associated with the town of Aguas Santas, in the province of Ourense. She is venerated as one of nine sisters, including Quiteria and Liberata (Santa Librada).
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Saint Quiteria was a second-century virgin martyr about whom nothing is certain except her name and her cult. She appears in the Roman Martyrology. She is said to have been born in Bracara (now Braga, Portugal), and her statue had many miracles attributed to it.
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Catherine of Aragon (Spanish: Catalina) was Queen of England from June 1509 until May 1533 as the first wife of King Henry VIII. She was the daughter of the Catholic Monarchs Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon. She has a major following amongst some Catholics.
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Maria Adelaide was a Portuguese woman who lived and died during the 19th century. Although not officially recognized by the Catholic Church, she is popularly considered to be one by the people of Portugal. When her body was exhumed that a cult began to grow around her.
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Christina the Astonishing was a Christian holy woman born in Brustem, Belgium. She was considered a saint in her own time, and for centuries following her death. Prayers are traditionally said to Christina to seek her intercession for those suffering from mental illness.
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Maria da Conceição Stinger Pimentel Teixeira, best known as Saozinha of Sheltered, was a young Catholic pious girl who died with a reputation for holiness and has a popular devotion as folk saint in the village of Alenquer, in Portugal.
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A Marian apparition is a reported supernatural appearance by Mary, the mother of Jesus, or a series of related such appearances over a period of time. They are quite common throughout the Catholic world.
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Wilgefortis is a female saint of the Catholic Church whose legend arose in the 14th century, and whose distinguishing feature is a large beard. Her name comes from the Latin "virgo fortis".
She is known as Uncumber in England, Debarras in France, and Liberata in Italy.
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Dobri Dimitrov Dobrev, better known as Grandpa Dobri, Elder Dobri, or The Saint of Bailovo, was a Bulgarian ascetic who walked over 20 kilometres (12 mi) each day to sit or stand in front of the Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky in Sofia to collect money for charitable causes.
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Saint Lí Ban was an Irish woman turned mermaid. She survived a flood, after which she was transformed into a being who was half-human, half-salmon. She was spotted by a ship carrying a messenger sent by St. Comgall to Rome. She was baptised, and given the Christian name Muirgein
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The Cult of the Lord Holy Christ of the Miracles is a religious veneration from the Azores Islands of Portugal that is associated with a wooden image of Jesus Christ. Originally from the island of São Miguel, the belief has spread throughout the world with the Azorean diaspora.
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Traditionally, Sheelah's Day was celebrated the day after the Feast of St. Patrick and coincided with the Christian festivities. According to Irish folklore, Sheelah was either the wife of St. Patrick, and the holiday served to commemorate her life.
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Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Do you have a favorite folk saint?
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damian-plato · 2 years
Maya and the three appreciation (spoilers)!!
I just binged the new netflix series Maya and the three and I loved it! I thought it would just be a standard series I could have in the background, but nooo it was way too great!
So here is some of the stuff i loved about it:
Amazing colour schemes
Great intro to mexican mythology!
Himbo dad and big brothers! They were so awesome and they loved Maya so much!
Mayas mother loving a Child which was not of her own blood!
A main character that has visable growth through the series
Multiple antagonist which reveled to be not so antagonostic
The found family trope
Every backstory of the 5 main protagonist (I got teary at Chimis)
The way Rico always wanted to protect the gran bruja
The jungle warrior leader apologizing to chimi and vucub
The way they made each character their own without going into stereotype of their characteristics! Especially with picchu!
The morbid but kinda realistic notion that everyone have lost someone they loved, and grieve differently
The goddess of death and Mayas mother getting along and not digging into the cliche of women hating each other
The warrior death! I cried a bit
The banter between Maya and Zatz was amazing and charming
Everytime the "i'll see you soon" was said
Great and wild visual battle sequence
A different but still satisfying ending
And soooo god damn more, go see it for a great, beautiful, easy to follow and different story
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vhs-zzi · 3 years
Maya and the three: Rico x chimi: just a little fanfic also cute :3
Chimi: Rico you can tell me anything you don't have to hide.
Rico: Ehh...
Chimi: Rico tell me
Rico: I.....
Rico: I-
Chimi: come on Rico you can tell me
Chimi:..... Really
Rico: yes.... Are you happy now... I'm sorry chimi that I been acting like this I just.... I just... I don't know how to explain it I'm so sorry chimi, I understand if you don't feel the same way and that's okay I-
Chimi: Rico it's okay
Rico: wha-
Chimi: I feel the same way Rico
Rico: *shocked*
Rico: R-Really..y-you do
Chimi: of course I do I did when we were in the battle Fighting Lord Melclan (sorry if I spelled his last name wrong)
Rico: huh
Chimi: *giggles* I already knew you loved me
Rico: I..I don't know what to say
Chimi: *hugs Rico and kisses his forehead*
Rico: h-hehe *hugs back*
Rico: thank you chimi
Chimi: your welcome I love you rico
Rico: I love you too Chimi
I don't know I just wanted to make this lol cuz I ship these two.
To be honest the ending of the movie the last series was so sweet they even had kids which made me so happy and they look adorable especially the baby with the white hair who is pale and looks like chimi it's just so sweet and the baby that looks like Rico has powers just like him it's just so sweet. If you haven't seen the movie go see it it's on Netflix
Maya and the three
It's actually one of the best movies ever watched it's also for kids :)
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hiramsolo · 3 years
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La cinta ‘’El Baile de los 41’’ con las actuaciones de Mabel Cadena (a quien vimos en la serie de Hernán), Alfonso Herrera y Emiliano Zurita. La cual nos muestra un escándalo que sacudió a una conservadora sociedad mexicana durante el Porfiriato, es una película muy interesante ya que nos muestra un contexto histórico y social de como se veía la sexualidad en épocas del Porfiriato y nos hace reflexionar que en parte ser homosexual en México, hasta la actualidad e incluso desde tiempos pasados nunca ha sido fácil.
Como alguien gay, debo decir que tanto en el pasado como en México nunca ha sido fácil ser gay, en el pasado los mexicas a diferencia de otros pueblos prehispánicos como los mayas o totonacas, no toleraban la homosexualidad y la condenaban de manera infame. Y si nos vamos a épocas modernas, no se nos baja de afeminados e incluso muchas televisoras actuales hacen parodias de lo que no somos, es la peor parte de México. Y este país actualmente tiene esa idea de que la homosexualidad es un pecado que debe ser castigado, para mala suerte, se sigue pensando eso. Y si contamos que en varias partes del mundo aún se castiga, pues la cosa esta peor.
Pero, enfoquémonos en el pasado, cuando la homosexualidad en México era una falta a la moral, sin embargo con el paso del tiempo, esta actitud se fue relajando, hasta el punto de que durante el reinado del emperador Maximiliano I, la homosexualidad dejó de ser un delito, ya que antes lo era. Claro que una cosa es que no se castigara con el código penal en la mano y otra bien distinta que estuviera bien visto, sobre todo en un país tradicionalmente tan machista.
Este contexto no debe perderse de vista al analizar la historia del día de hoy, ya que en 1901 se produjo uno de los escándalos más sonados de la época en México cuando la policía irrumpió en una casa donde se estaba celebrando una fiesta de homosexuales en donde la mitad de los asistentes vestían de mujer y muchos de ellos eran de la alta sociedad.
El trato dado a los detenidos (aquellos que no pudieron comprar su libertad) fue denigrante, y aunque se trató de acallar todo el asunto, los rumores permanecieron mucho tiempo y sus consecuencias en el imaginario y las costumbres del país continúan hasta hoy en día. Esta es la historia del ‘’Baile de los 41'’ la cual fue retratada en una cinta protagonizada por Alfonso Herrera, Mabel Cadena y Emiliano Zurita que nos deja con un final triste y melancólico.
Esta cinta nos cuenta un singular hecho, que ocurrió a las 3 de la madrugada un noviembre del año 1901 en la Ciudad de México cuando un policía se asomó por la ventana de la casa situada en el número 4 de la calle de la Paz (hoy día Ezequiel Montes, en la colonia Tabacalera), en lo que entonces eran los límites de la Ciudad de México y no pudo creer lo que veía dentro de aquel lugar. De acuerdo a los testimonios, dentro del lugar había parejas bailando, sin embargo, se trataba de parejas formadas exclusivamente por hombres, los cuales, algunos, estaban vestidos de mujer e incluso maquillados, cosa que claro, no fue bien vista por los policías de aquella época. Inmediatamente los refuerzos fueron llamados y cuando estos llegaron, aporrearon la puerta varias veces. La excusa para ello era pedir el permiso de esa celebración (una excusa tonta, ya que en este tiempo no se necesitaban permisos para celebraciones privadas, solamente requerías permiso para celebraciones públicas). Y después de esto, una redada en donde hubo muchos heridos y una grave violación de derechos humanos, dio comienzo.
‘’Salió a abrirles un afeminado vestido de mujer, con la falda recogida, la cara y los labios llenos de aceite y muy dulce y melindroso de habla’’, recogían los diarios de la época.
De acuerdo a muchos periódicos de la época, inmediatamente empezaron las carreras y los intentos de escapar. Muchos hombres que iban vestidos de mujer intentaron encontrar refugio en muchas de las habitaciones del lugar, sin éxito alguno. Y entre golpes y humillaciones al mero estilo de Stonewall varios hombres fueron sacados del lugar, desde miembros de la clase baja y alta.
Entre estas carreras en una de las estancias se encontró tendido a un joven (a un trabajador sexual al que las crónicas de la época llamaron ‘’Bigotes Rizados’’) cuyos servicios al parecer eran el premio de una especie de sorteo conocida como ‘’La Rifa del Pepito’’.
Se dice que la policía detuvo a 41 personas, 19 de ellas vestidas de mujer. Los esposaron y se los llevaron a varios cuarteles cercanos bajo la acusación de ”ofensa a la moral y las buenas costumbres” y fue allí donde les aplicaron el primer castigo arbitrario: barrer la calle con las ropas de fiesta puestas, ya fueran prendas de hombre o mujer a todos por igual. Mientras la gente les lanzaba piedras y les escupía frente a la catedral de la Ciudad de México.
Sin embargo, acá empieza lo interesante, el rumor generalizado es que en la fiesta no había 41, sino 42 personas, y esa persona era nada más y nada menos que Ignacio de la Torre y Mier, el yerno del presidente en aquel entonces Porfirio Díaz y esposo de Amada Díaz, misma que nos cuenta en un diario, las veces que Emiliano Zapata se daba con su esposo. Pero eso es otra historia. Incluso muchos periódicos de la época cuentan como los millonarios o de clase alta de aquella época, sobornaron a las autoridades para evitar el castigo, incluso hacían valer su identidad. Cosa que disgusto a muchos ya que quienes fueron torturados y realmente castigados, fueron aquellos que eran de clase baja. Fueron apedreados, humillados y hasta despojados de sus pocos bienes.
Como otro dato más para agregar, la historia cuenta que los presuntos organizadores de la fiesta habrían sido el yerno del entonces presidente Porfirio Díaz, Ignacio de la Torre y Mier (apodado como ‘’El Yerno de la Nación’’ por su matrimonio con Amada Díaz) y Antonio Adalid (ahijado de Maximiliano I de México y Carlota de México). La fiesta incluía, entre otras cosas, la “Rifa del Pepito” o el efebo, es decir, un concurso donde el premio sería estar con un trabajador sexual.
Pero conozcamos un poco sobre Ignacio.
Ignacio de la Torre, era hijo de uno de los más ricos hacendados de México, sin embargo, no era el típico heredero que no hacía nada y vivía de las rentas. Cuidaba las tierras de su padre e introducía en ellas los más modernos métodos de cultivo, motivo por el cual su finca, era la mejor y una de las más productivas del país.
Tenía una vida social muy activa y aunque a diario enfrentaba rumores de ‘’comportamientos inadecuados’’, eso no le quitaba el sueño, ya que a su corta edad era uno de los solteros más codiciados de México. Tenía posición social alta, dinero y encanto personal. Y fue en 1887 cuando conoció a Amada Diaz, la hija favorita del presidente de la nación, Porfirio Diaz. En este año, la muchacha acababa de romper su compromiso matrimonial con el hijo de un general y ambos empezaron a frecuentarse, y tras un corto noviazgo se casaron el 16 de enero de 1888.
Y claro, fue la boda del año en México, pero no todo fue miel sobre hojuelas, ya que la convivencia entre estos dos tortolitos, nunca fue fácil, siempre se la vieron difícil. Los motivos eran los siguientes: Ignacio de la Torre no gustaba de hacer vida común con su esposa (de hecho, dormían separados) y gustaba de organizar fiestas de exclusivamente para hombres, argumentando que eran fiestas de disfraces. Pero la posición social lo valía ya que Ignacio empezó a ser llamado ‘’El Yerno de la Nación’’ y tenía importantes cargos dentro del gobierno, había entrado en la familia más poderosa del país.
Sin embargo, desde el primer momento la convivencia fue difícil, ya que de la Torre prefería no hacer vida común con su esposa y la gente solo hablaba sobre los extraños comportamientos de Ignacio, mismos que causaron conflictos entre la pareja. Dentro de la alta sociedad mexicana, los rumores sobre la homosexualidad del yerno del presidente crecían día a día. Y todos sospechaban ya que a Ignacio y Amada solo se les veía juntos en actos protocolarios, e incluso pretextaba cualquier excusa para no acudir a las comidas cuando su suegro visitaba a su hija. De hecho, la afición favorita de Ignacio de la Torre y Mier, era organizar fiestas solo para hombres junto a su amigo íntimo Antonio Adalid, nada menos que un ahijado del antiguo emperador Maximiliano. A esas fiestas algunos invitados acudían vestidos de mujer, pero solía pretextarse que tales bailes eran de disfraces, por lo que esos vestidos estaban justificados. Y una de esas fiestas fue la que ocurrió en la madrugada del 18 de noviembre de 1901.
Pero volvamos a lo que sucedió después de la fiesta. Se dice, que al día siguiente del escándalo se le presento a Porfirio Diaz la lista de los asistentes al baile. El presidente la leyó y pregunto ”¿Cuantos estaban en la fiesta?”. Cuando le respondieron que había 42 personas entre ellas su yerno, tachó de la lista el nombre de Ignacio y dijo cortante que el solo había contado 41.
A partir de ese momento se trató de acallar la participación de Ignacio de la Torre y Mier en todo el asunto, pero los rumores de que era uno de los asistentes cada vez eran mayores. Incluso para calmar las aguas, Ignacio De la Torre aseguró a su esposa que todo era mentira, pero Amada Diaz no le creyó, y estaba muy decepcionada de su esposo. Incluso Amada tuvo una conversación con su padre en la que el presidente confirmo los hechos.
‘’Un día mi padre me mando a llamar al despacho en su casa. Me quería informar que Ignacio había sido capturado por la policía en una fiesta donde todos eran hombres, pero muchos estaban vestidos de mujer. Mi padre, me dijo que Ignacio, fue dejado libre para impedir un escándalo social. Sin embargo me dijo que quería prevenirme porque yo tenía derecho a saber del comportamiento de la persona con la que comparto techo’’
Posteriormente las relaciones entre yerno y suegro se hicieron más tensas. De hecho, ante los rumores de la homosexualidad de su yerno y para que la gente no siguiera hablando de Amada Díaz, Porfirio Díaz estableció vigilancia a este, cada vez que salía de viaje al extranjero o a otros lugares del país. Pero con todo y los rumores que se trataron de callar, muchos periódicos de la época se dieron un festín con la noticia y el rumor sobre la homosexualidad del yerno del presidente. Y aunque no se mostraron los detenidos a la prensa y solo se supo la identidad de unos cuantos, empezaron a aparecer notas de prensa en la que se trataba el asunto con mayor o menos escarnio.
Así, en ese año, la ”Gaceta Callejera”, una hoja suelta que se repartía de mano en mano, hizo una edición especial con el título ”Los 41 Maricones Encontrados en un baile de la calle de La Paz el 20 de noviembre de 1901”, que incluía un corrido satírico junto a una caricatura que representaba la fiesta. Asimismo, periódicos como El Popular, El Diario del Hogar, El Universal, La Patria o El Hijo del Ahuizote, empezaron a difundir todo tipo de burlas y sátiras sobre el asunto.
De hecho como mencione en un principio, todos los diarios hacían especial mención en que muchos de los detenidos eran jóvenes de familias reconocidas y de buena posición (vaya, Gossip Girl se queda perpleja con estos diarios) y lamentablemente muchos de ellos expresaban su rechazo homofóbico. Y bueno, algunos otros expresaban su descontento porque omitían nombres de personas reconocidas y castigaban socialmente a aquellos que no tenían los medios para defenderse o algo que ofrecer a cambio. Incluso empezó a hablarse de un ‘’Circulo Rosa’’, alrededor del Porfiriato y se acuño el término ‘’La Aristocracia de Sodoma’’, para definir a los detenidos.
¿Qué consecuencias tuvo esto?
Hubo muchas opiniones divididas en este asunto, ya que en días posteriores, mientras muchas personas y medios señalaban que la redada fue ilegal y arbitraria, otras señalaban que era una medida necesaria para detener comportamientos indebidos y que el castigo ejemplar era necesario. Las opiniones se dividieron ya que se argumentaba que, a pesar de que estos hombres habían faltado a la moral de aquellos tiempos, la manera en la que fueron detenidos a la fuerza fue una violación grave a los derechos humanos y sobre todo a los derechos civiles de los agraviados.
En este asunto hubo un diario llamado el ‘’El Popular’’ que se expresaba de manera muy homofóbica y en sus páginas se podía leer que el 25 de noviembre ‘’los vagos, rateros y afeminados que habían sido enviados a Yucatán, no habían sido consignados a los batallones del Ejército que operan en la campaña contra los indios mayas, sino a las obras publicas en las poblaciones conquistadas al enemigo común de la civilización’’.
Mientras tanto, otro periódico llamado ‘’El Hijo del Ahuizote’’ decía que los condenados fueron los que no pudieron pagar su libertad con dinero e influencias y trataba con desprecio a los de la clase alta que se habían librado de este destino, de hecho se expresaba sarcásticamente de la siguiente manera:
‘’Dice la canción que en el pobre es borrachera y en el rico alegría, cuando se trata de trompetas, y en este caso, en el pobre es cochinada y en el rico refinamiento de coquetería y de buen tono. Si el gobernador violó la ley con aplauso general, debió haber jalado parejo, para que más se le hubiera agradecido, no que dejó la semilla y arrojó las hojitas de la mata. Ahora ya no puede andar en la calle acompañado de un amigo, porque luego lo tratan del Club de los 41'’
Al día siguiente de las detenciones y sin ningún tipo de proceso o juicio, 19 de los detenidos fueron metidos en un tren que los llevo hasta Yucatán donde se les obligo a alistarse en el ejército y a realizar trabajos forzados. Mientras que otros fueron enviadas a la prisión más fatal de aquellos tiempos, Lecumberri, y nunca más se volvió a saber de ellos. Algunos de los obligados a alistarse intentaron interponer un recurso de amparo ante tan arbitraria medida. Es por ello que se conocen sus nombres, entre los cuales están, Pascual Barrón, Felipe Martínez, Joaquín Moreno, Alejandro Pérez, Raúl Sevilla, Juan B. Sandoval y Jesús Solórzano.
Se desconoce su destino final, pero no debió ser nada bueno. El resto de los detenidos siguió en el anonimato y aunque los rumores de su identidad, eran conocidos por todos. Con el tiempo el asunto se fue olvidando.
Tiempo después el asunto volvió a estar en boca de todos, cuando muchas familias de los desaparecidos durante este baile y esta redada pedían justicia, pues a sus familiares se les detuvo sin un proceso de juicio previo o derecho a abogado. Pero se argumentó que para el allanamiento la fiesta no contaba con permiso para su realización, pero las disposiciones de la época solo lo requerían para las celebraciones públicas, es decir, si querías hacer una fiesta privada con una grande cantidad de personas como este baile, no había problema.
Lo único que se supo de los detenidos es que partieron a las cinco y media de la mañana en trenes del ejército desde la estación Buenavista hacia Veracruz para realizar trabajos forzados en el Puerto de Progreso en Yucatán. Y de ahí en fuera, se desconoce su final. Y por mucho tiempo, se habló de que los detenidos trasladados a Yucatán fueron invitados de la fiesta, pero pobres y sin dinero para corromper la justicia y salir libres. Un acto que marcaría a la sociedad mexicana y que nos haría ver que si eres rico, no eres juzgado, pero que si eres pobre, mereces el castigo y rechazo social, sobre todo cuando tus orientaciones son diferentes.
¿Qué sucedió con Ignacio después de este asunto?
Después de que Don Porfirio Díaz, fuera derrocado, Ignacio se quedó en México y se dice que desde el primer instante mostró su descontento con el nuevo régimen, incluso se vio implicado en el asesinato del presidente en aquel entonces, Franciso Ignacio Madero, motivo por el cual fue enviado a la prisión más infame del país, Lecumberri, lugar donde estuvo apresada también nuestra comadre Juan Gabriel. Su esposa Amada iba a visitarlo diario y se dio cuenta que sus compañeros de la prisión en Lecumberri se dieron cuenta de que Ignacio de la Torre era homosexual y abusaron de él, hasta el punto en que le destrozaron la cavidad anal. Y mientras estaba prisionero, le fueron expropiadas las haciendas que se ubicaban en Yautepec y Cuautla. Posteriormente, en 1913, Amada visitó a su padre en Europa, del cual había estado recibiendo cartas y siguió recibiéndolas hasta 1915, cuando él falleció y fue aquí cuando Amada, sin padre, con sus bienes despojados por los carrancistas y un esposo preso al cual veía que cada vez se iba debilitando más por los constantes abusos, entro en depresión.
Finalmente, a principios de 1915, fue transferido a la custodia de Emiliano Zapata, que se lo llevó con su ejército. Y allí, Zapata lo humillaba haciéndole servir a la tropa con ropas femeninas y entregándoselo a los soldados para que abusaran de él, incluso, el mismo lo violaba en varias ocasiones. No sabemos porque razón Zapata trataba de esta manera a Ignacio de la Torre. Quizás estaba vengando alguna ofensa personal, o como muchos dicen, su complejo de ‘’macho’’ le impedía aceptar que tenía cierta tensión sexual con Ignacio de la Torre y que le provocaba ciertos impulsos. Posteriormente, este lo sacó de su ejército y se lo llevó a su finca personal como caballerango (mozo que ensilla y cuida los caballos). Al parecer atraído por él. Y en este lugar los rumores de una posible relación, crecieron aún más. La mayoría de la población en México e incluso los historiadores rechazan que hubiera una relación entre Zapata y de la Torre, eso es un misterio de la historia mexicana que esos dos se llevaron muy bien a la tumba y que solo es un secreto, a voces. Aunque en el diario de Amada Díaz se nos dice lo contrario ya que puede leerse que esta los sorprendió ‘’teniendo relaciones en un establo’’ sin prendas. Incluso también se narra que los encontró con una soldadera mujer (una adelita), en una especie de trío. Dicha versión ha sido rechazada por muchas personas.
Como dato curioso, Zapata en varias ocasiones, entre risa y broma o mofa, declaró que el caudillo revolucionario ‘’era tan hombre, pero tan hombre, que se acostaba con otros hombres’’. Es muy probable que solo sean rumores, pero la semilla está presente. En cualquier caso, lo que, si es cierto, es que los continuos abusos por parte de Zapata hacia el poderoso ‘’Yerno de la Nación’’ le destrozaron el recto.
Ya fue en 1917, Ignacio de la Torre aprovechó que los carrancistas tomaron Cuautla y liberaron a los presos por lo que huyó a Puebla, y disfrazado salió del país hacia Nueva York. Abordó un vapor hacia Estados Unidos y se estableció en Nueva York. Posteriormente en 1918 fue internado en el hospital de Stern por una dolencia de hemorroides (aunque los rumores dicen que fue debido a que tenía el recto destrozado por las veces que Zapata abusaba de él) los médicos optaron por operar de inmediato las venas del esfínter, fracasando en el intento. Y así, Ignacio de la Torre y Mier murió el 1 de abril de 1918 en la mesa de operaciones. Su esposa Amada tuvo que vender todas sus propiedades para pagar las inmensas deudas que le heredó. Incluso los revolucionarios en aquellos tiempos le quitaron a Amada muchas de sus propiedades. Posteriormente los carrancistas le devolvieron a Amada algunas de sus propiedades y ella le vendió la Plaza de Toros de la Condesa a Maximiliano Ávila Camacho.
Tal vez, esa fue una consecuencia para los involucrados, pero no solo fue eso, la consecuencia más fea de todo este escándalo fue que desde entonces el número 41 se convirtió en un tabú en todo México ya que se le asociaba con la homosexualidad. De hecho, uno de los mayores insultos en aquellos tiempos de hecho, era decirle a un hombre que ”es de los 41”.
‘’En México el número 41 no tiene ninguna validez y es ofensivo para los mexicanos. La influencia de esa tradición es tal que hasta en lo oficial se pasa por alto el número 41. Llegan hasta el 40 y de ahí se salta al 41. No hay nómina que tenga renglón 41. No hay en las nomenclaturas municipales casas que ostenten el número 41. Si acaso y no hay remedio, el 40 bis. No hay cuarto de hotel o de sanatorio que tenga el número 41. Nadie cumple 41 años, de los 40 se salta hasta los 42. No hay automóvil que lleve placa 41, ni policía o agente que acepte ese guarismo’’
Dos curiosidades finales. Por un lado, las prisiones mexicanas tienen pabellones que no están numerados, sino que se les identifica con letras: ”A, B, C y entre otros”. Y generalmente los homosexuales eran encerrados en el pabellón J, y de ahí viene que en México (y en otros países sudamericanos) a los gays se les diga ”jotos”. Por otro lado, en el Baile de los 41, Ignacio de la Torre trató de esconderse en un armario, pero un policía lo vio y le ordenó que saliera, cosa que hizo maquillado y vestido de mujer, dentro de la cultura mexicana se afirma que este episodio fue el origen de la frase, ”salir del armario”. Sin duda el ‘’Baile de los 41'’ es una parte importante de la historia LGBT+ en el país que nos hace reflexionar sobre la situación LGBT+ en México y conocer un poco la historia de como era vista en aquellos tiempos y claro nos hace reflexionar que en la actualidad muchos tenemos suerte de no ser apedreados como estos participantes del baile, o exhibidos solo por el hecho de ejercer nuestra sexualidad. Aunque hay que admitir que aún falta mucho por hacer ya que en varias partes del país aún existen personas como esos periódicos o gente del pasado que veían la homosexualidad con malos ojos y como un pecado, cuando en realidad solo se trata de dos seres humanos que se aman, no hay nada enfermo ni pecado, únicamente amor.
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nomadasdigital · 2 years
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Después de más avances, anuncios de televisión y clips exclusivos de los que puedes imaginar, los dos primeros episodios de Marvel's Hawkeye se transmite en Disney+.
Hawkeye ha mantenido constantemente su lugar en la alineación de los Vengadores desde la primera película de equipo de 2012, y ha sido interpretado diligentemente por Jeremy Renner, doble nominado al Oscar durante la última década, pero Clint Barton sigue siendo un personaje secundario que el propio MCU se ha burlado regularmente.
Podría decirse que menos fanáticos de MCU estaban tan entusiasmados con esta serie como con otros proyectos de personajes secundarios de Disney+ como Loki, pero los fans de Matt Fraction y la espectacular carrera de Hawkeye en Marvel Comics 2012-2015 de David Aja, que afortunadamente esta serie toma prestada libremente, obtuvieron tentativamente sus esperanzas.
Como uno de ellos, me complace decir que el nuevo programa es un regalo de temporada. Las dos primeras entregas de Hawkeye equilibran una mezcla de configuración y construcción de personajes con bastante destreza gracias al escritor Jonathan Igla (Mad Men)  y el director Rhys Thomas (Documentary Now!).
Nos ponemos al día con Clint en Nueva York después de Avengers: Endgame mientras su dolor por perder a Natasha Romanoff en Vormir burbujea bajo la superficie, apenas contenido por sus compromisos familiares, su alegría por reunirse con ellos y su intención de darles lo mejor Navidad después de perderlos con El Blip durante cinco años.
Sufriendo a través de Rogers: The Musical la versión musical de la Batalla de Nueva York, completa con cantos, bailes e inexactitudes fácticas (¡espera, Ant-Man estuvo allí durante el Time Heist!) Clint casi se derrumba al ver una versión de Black Widow en el escenario. Dejando a sus hijos y corriendo al baño, ve un grafiti de "Thanos was right” y se toma un momento para asimilar la noción.
La capacidad de Renner para hacer mucho trabajo de personaje con tomas de reacción significa que la audiencia recibe un golpe rápido por sus triunfos y derrotas a raíz de la persecución equivocada de Thanos. A medida que avanzan los episodios, Clint lucha por hacer frente a los elogios y el reconocimiento del público por su servicio. En el fondo, todavía siente que debería haber sido él quien sacrificó su vida por la Piedra del Alma, no Nat, y la culpa del sobreviviente lo está matando lentamente. Pero en este momento exacto, también nos damos cuenta de que Rogers: The Musical es tan malo que Clint está un poco de acuerdo con el graffiti. Fue entonces cuando supimos que Hawkeye iba a ser algo especial.
La Navidad ya inestable de Clint se arruina por completo cuando la joven y autoproclamada "la mejor arquera del mundo" Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld) accidentalmente lo sumerge en un enorme problema. Kate, una adinerada triunfadora de 22 años con ambiciones superheroicas, perdió a su padre en la Batalla de Nueva York cuando era niña y se obsesionó con la parte de Clint para ayudar a los Vengadores a ganar, tomando lecciones de artes marciales y tiro con arco.
Pero cuando se interesa demasiado por el nuevo prometido de su madre y lo sigue a una subasta secreta para los súper ricos, termina robando el viejo traje de Ronin de Clint y alertando a la Tracksuit Mafia sobre el resurgimiento de Ronin, creando todo tipo de problemas para Clint y para ella misma. Él se dispone a corregir la situación, pero Kate ya está envuelta en un misterio mortal: alguien ha matado al tío del prometido de su madre, Armand III, y sospecha que podría haber más de lo que parece.
Mientras tanto, se revela que Tracksuit Mafia está bajo el control de Maya Lopez, también conocida como Echo (Alaqua Cox), una atleta sorda y artista marcial muy conectada con Daredevil, Kingpin y Moon Knight en los cómics. Su mano derecha es Kazi (Fra Free) también conocido como The Clown, y parece que Echo será retratada como menos heroína de lo que podríamos haber esperado, al menos al principio.
Dos episodios y muchas de las piezas de Hawkeye ya están en el tablero de ajedrez. La madre de Kate, Eleanor (Vera Farmiga), es profundamente desconfiada y diestra, y se viste de rojo en las escenas actuales (ya sea como una descarada "pista falsa" o como un guiño a su revelación de los últimos West Coast Avengers como vampiro), y Kate es claramente en línea para pasar el manto de MCU Hawkeye. Steinfeld es predeciblemente genial en el papel, por lo que nunca se siente incómodo. Junto con las elecciones de estilo que el equipo de Hawkeye ha hecho para su personaje y la forma en que claramente se ha lanzado tan completamente a ser Kate Bishop, realmente lo está haciendo muy bien.
Curiosamente, la introducción de Echo también señala la integración del equipo Daredevil de Netflix en el MCU, con Spider-Man: No Way Home llegando en unas pocas semanas; sentimos que todos sabemos a estas alturas que Charlie Cox está destinado a aparecer en él.
También está el misterioso reloj que la Tracksuit Mafia iba a robar en la subasta, encontrado entre los escombros del recinto de los Avengers. Echo estaba claramente desesperada por adquirirlo, pero ¿con qué propósito? ¿Y a quién le pertenecía?
Junto a los intrigantes misterios del programa, hubo una serie de otros aspectos destacados. Rogers: The Musical fue inevitablemente uno de ellos, pero no estamos seguros de cómo sentirnos acerca de que estos tributos al legado del Capitán América se conviertan en una prioridad en el MCU. Con la notable colección del Smithsonian en The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, y la Estatua de la Libertad sosteniendo el escudo de Steve Rogers en No Way Home, cada vez que imaginamos lo avergonzado que se sentiría Steve, nos da un escalofrío. También nos encantó el cansancio de Clint en cámara lenta y la devolución de llamada al rechazo de selfies de Scott Lang por parte de los niños en VAvengers: Endgame, que estaban más emocionados de ver a Hulk.
En general, disfrutamos mucho estos primeros episodios. Con las presentaciones en MCU de Kate, Lucky the Pizza Dog (el adorable Jolt), Eleanor, Kazi y Echo, Marvel Studios ha creado un atractivo mundo tipo Die Hard para Clint Barton aquí; lleno de cascabeles, arcos y balas. Le queda muy bien, aunque tenemos la sensación de que esta podría ser el canto del cisne de Renner como Clint. Realmente no esperábamos estar triste por eso, pero aquí estamos.
En general, Hawkeye no es la historia de un antihéroe torturado en busca de redención, sigue siendo el afable Jeremy Renner dando vueltas con aspecto de mal humor. Y el programa principalmente sabe esto, metiéndolo en escenas de acción que son más divertidas que peligrosas. El episodio 2, en particular, tiene a Clint y Kate involucrados en un combate simulado que es divertido de ver en lugar de peligroso un giro alegre en la fórmula descarnada de la escena de acción de cada episodio.
Los primeros dos episodios de Hawkeye ya se transmiten en Disney+. El resto de la serie de seis episodios llega cada miércoles hasta Navidad.  
★ Próximas fechas de lanzamiento
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