#merf safe
themushroomgoesyeet · 3 months
How to hold your loved one: A lover's guide
co-authored by Merf & Muriel
When holding Muriel:
Muriel's still getting used to positive physical affection, so unless you're close to him no touchie!
hand holding is always enjoyable for casual interactions of any kind, be it long walks or still moments.
(idk how he tolerates holding my hands when they're so sweaty all the time but that's beside the point)
my hands are always dry, so I don't mind
ok (T^T )
hand holding also serves as a good way to send little messages! usually it's just single squeezes for comfort, but my personal favorite is three squeezes for "I love you", and four squeezes back for "I love you too".
that's my favorite too
I - I don't deserve you Muri, you're so sweet! (>////< )
hugs with Muriel are always the best! he's so big it's like getting swallowed by a soft, warm blanket. not to mention they're very healing on a bad day.
you really feel that way about my size?
of course I do! it's one of my favorite things about you, you make me feel safe <3
cuddling is excellent*, and it's always nice to exchange hair scritches. his hair is so nice and soft!
*(please note: cuddling usually turns into naptime)
I'm just a big pillow to you aren't I
Yep! a very smoochable pillow at that ;)
When holding Merf:
why are we doing this again? we're not letting anyone read this....right?
yeah, it's just for us. I thought it would be fun! also the voices told me to
........what do I even write
anything you want! the topic is just kinda how we feel about physical affection
um, ok
sometimes our height difference is challenging; it's usually best if we're both sitting down so Merf can reach better - and so I don't have to bend over so much
trust me, If I could be taller I would be
sometimes I also have to hold Merf's hand to keep her from slipping away in crowds, but I don't mind as long as I'm not alone
I'm sorryyyyyyy, I promise I don't try to wander away on purpose! perhaps you can carry me sometimes?
........only if it's absolutely necessary
never thought I'd like kissing. it's......nice.
is that all you have to say about it?
pft alright
can we be done now?
yes <3
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roxanneslosteyes · 6 months
Full DNI
Proshippers/Comshippers/Darkshippers (Whatever proshippers are now called)
p3d0s (this includes L0l¡/sh0t@ likers/supporters)
Fatphobic people
Ai artists/supporters
NFT supporters/likers
Wallyest aka Appleest DNI and selfest shippers in general (It's makes me uncomfortable)
Transphobic people (This includes terfs)
Homophobic people (This includes Lesphobic, Aphobic, Biphobic etc)
Racist people
N@z¡ supporters/N@z!s
Inotreal supporters
Ablest people
Pro Capitalism
Pro patriarchy
Anti abortion people/Pro lives
People are anti an religious that isn't Christian (example: Anti Jews, Muslims, Pagans, people who believes in Satanism, etc. These are about people who hate religion because they can not about people who hate religion due to religious trauma!)
Incest likers/supporters
fetishizers (the ones who fetishize race, Sexuality, Disabled ppl, People's trauma, gender, bodytypes, etc aka seeing groups of people as Objects not humans.)
Sexist ppl
Victim blamers
People who hate on harmless ships (Such as Oc x canon, canon x canon, rarepairs, Self inserts x canon etc.)
• Also Helluva boss/Hazbin fans who have to make a big fuss over valid criticism or try defend the things that being criticism.
• Any toxic fans really in any fandom
Bigoted people!
People who make traumatised people's trauma as gender wars (Example: Mostly **from what I seen btw** the male fake allies of male trauma of any type survivors saying 'It's happens to men too' under a female or AFAB person of the same trauma video about their trauma)
Anti-Kink people
Fujios (This is under fetishizers who fetishizes groups of people since they fetishize gay people.)
People who forgave yan dev and people who support him
People who support Dream (The dsmp member)
People who romanticizes true crime
People who treat real victims of trauma as circus animals and not humans
MERF (Male exclusionary radfem/Radical "Feminist", I looked this up and many sources say its an alternative term for terfs who are Transphobic to trans women, they see trans women as men.)
The "Misandrists" who are just bigot women who use misandrist as a safe guard for their hate (I don't think these people have terms unlike with feminism who has terms for bigot women who use feminist as a safe guard for their hate. I saw two Transphobia "Misandrists" against a trans woman and amab non binary person, An Afab victim blamer "Misandrist" and "Women cannot be harmful to people" "Misandrists". All these "Misandrists" I mentioned are just bigot people who are using "Misandrist" to spread their biogot hate)
Lovelypeaches fans/stans
White supremacy people
Wilbur Soot (The YouTuber from Dream (Minecraft YTer's group) Supporters/forgivers
white feminists (White Feminists are basically a "Feminist" version of White
transmisogyny people (I didn't know this exists until recently)
Georgenotfound supporters/apologist
I should really explain three things of my DNI list.
What's Terf?
A terf is short for Trans-exclusionary radical "feminism"/Trans gender exclusionary "Radfems"It's pretty self explanatory, they are "Feminists" who are Transphobic.
What's a Swerf?
A swerf is short for sex workers exclusionary radical "Feminism"/Sex Worker exclusionary "Radfems".
Swerfs are the sister of terfs in a way.
Yes the sex work industry and its sub industries have serious problems and exploitive however the sex work industry and its sub industries aren't the only industries with serious problems and exploitative, all industries in this world have serious problems and exploitative due to all industries are under Capitalism and Patriarchy's control.
Swerfs also have this black and white view of sex workers and clients, Swerfs think all sex workers are straight women and all clients are straight men when in reality sex workers can be any gender and Sexuality same with the clients.
Swerfs also think sex work is the reason for women objection (when it's Patriarchy's fault) and sex work is only for "Male gaze" (Which doesn't make sense as male clients aren't the only clients due there are clients that are all genders)
The time i know about the male gaze fits into sex work more on the heterosexual men side since well that's literally what male gaze applies too, gross Heterosexual men (I'm talking about misogynistic straight men who objectify women)
However Swerfs only use it to fit in "Every sex worker is a woman and every client is a man." View they have while completely forgetting about lesbian SWers, gay SWers, Bi Swers and other Sexuality outside of straight SWers and clients. Queer clients and Swers exist.
Swerfs also blame sex workers for the gross crimes of men and inappropriate behaviour against women (Again Patriarchy's fault) **FROM WHAT I SEEN**
They also blame sex workers for holding up the patriarchy and blame them for fetishisation of groups of people who get fetishized instead of the fetishizers and Patriarchy.
They also paint SW as a literal crime. When SW and that crime is VERY different
(SW is legal and the crime takes place in countries where SW is illegal.)
What are anti-kink people?
Anti kink people are people who don't understand kinks at all but only know the serious harmful stereotypes of kinks. They don't want to learn about kinks, they want kinks to be illegal due to the harmful stereotypes against kinks they know of since these harmful stereotypes have filled up their brain so they assumed all kinks are like their harmful stereotypes counterparts
Also they confused kinks with Fetishisation.
(Note: Fetishisation isn't about fetishes, Fetishisation is about people seeing groups of people such as survivors of literally crimes, POC, disabled people, women etc as objects not as humans.)
When both aren't the same thing.
The same way Swerfs want SW to be illegal and Terfs want transgender to be illegal too.
Due to
Swerfs treat sex workers as subhumans and the cause of everything bad
Terfs treat Trans people (Mostly trans women) as sub humans
Anti kink people treat kinks as an abomination sub group to sex and the cause of every thing bad.
Because of the Transphobic ideas, SWphobic (idk if I can say the actual word on here) ideas and anti kinks ideas against those people (Sex workers and Transgender people) and that group (kinks)
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our-mspec-experience · 7 months
Hi! I'm so glad I found your blog, especially during these very rough times for MSPECs and queer people as a whole.
I'm a bi lesbian, and I only recently came just a year ago. Before I did some googling, I had no idea what an MSPEC, Mogai or anything like that was. Actually, truth be told, I'm still learning what some terms mean and I love seeing new terms be brought to light/discovered.
However, I'm also very aware of BLERFs (Bi Lesbian Exclusionary Radical Feminists), TERFs, and MERFs (MSPEC Exclusionary Radical Feminists), as well as general bigots and bigoted queers/exclusionists. As someone who's experienced all but one of the above, I understand that it can be very uncomfortable, especially for young, closeted or confused MSPECs to feel safe, happy and accepted by a broader group of people.
Before I got tumblr, I honestly thought I was the only open bi lesbian on twitter lol. I know now that I'm not, just that our numbers are low due to the above reasons and many more that I did not name.
My biggest tip for any and all MSPECs is this:
Don't be afraid to come out. There are people who love you and accept you. As long as you aren't hurting anyone or anything, I can assure you that a lot of people, hidden or otherwise, know what you're going through and will always be willing to help out.
Before I finish the ask, I might as well as you a few things:
. If you use a flag, what one do you use to show your identity?
. Is there anything you use in particular to stump exclusionists when in a one-way debate and two-way argument (aka a regular chat with an exclusionist, assuming they're capable of rational thinking)?
. What are some pointers/tips for anyone confused about their sexuality but feel as if they sit on the MSPEC spectrum?
. What are some of the funniest encounters you've had with other MSPECs?
Because the questions are being to pile up, I'll stop now lol.
Have a great day (or night), stay hydrated, and remember to wear your seatbelt!
Thank you for the questions! I think I’ll make them their own post since this one is already quite long(if you’d like me to tag you in it let me know). I hope you also have a good day/night, stay hydrated & wear a seatbelt!
Im sorry to hear you’ve had to deal with so much backlash against your identity, you are always welcome here!
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trans4trans · 2 years
hey reminder that you should blacklist the tags below to avoid terfs and their posts:
#radblr #terfsafe #terfsdointeract #radfem #radfemsinteract #drop the t #febfem #gender critical #radfems do touch #radfems please interact #terfs do touch #terfs please interact #anti gender #febfem #gender criticism #sex based oppression #libfems #tra #tim #tif #lgb #merf #merf safe #gender abolition #terfblr #kink critical #female separatist #radical feminism #radfem safe #radfems welcome #terfs welcome #radfems please touch this post #terfs please touch this post #transmed safe #transmedicalist #transmeds please touch this post #transmedicalist please touch this post #transmeds please interact #truscum please interact #anti-trans #anti trans #transcult #trans cult #kick the t out of Igb #get the t out of lgb
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boreal-sea · 2 years
honest to god it is WILD how radfems like that merf-maid person don't understand how we're not saying women are worse or smth but we ARE saying that men and women are BOTH EQUALLY capable of being evil fucked up gross people that rape and kill and abuse other ppl????? being a man doesn't inherently make you evil and an abuser, but the toxic misogynistic patriarchial environment around you that tells you that minorities are scum of the earth and homosexuality is a sin and whatnot DOES. and actually, yes! cis men are much less likely to open up about abuse and assault exactly because of people like radfems. because then they either get mocked and ridiculed, not get taken seriously or just ignored alltogether! there are even studies about it. and also real world examples you see every single day. maybe if radfems opened up their clogged up ears and listened to how we want a safe and fair society FOR EVERYONE, they would understand - but then again i doubt it because then they wouldn't have the excuse to bully people (trans ppl mostly) and send death and rape wishes like they did and do (personal experience again).
There's so much complexity, honestly. Patriarchal culture absolutely encourages and enables men to be horrible, absolutely no lies there - and it seeps into everything.
The radfem bioessentialist view of the sexes is just so depressing: males are inherently violent and irredeemable and can never be good people??? Females will always be victims??? There's no way to make a just and free world if males exist????? Like. It's just so weird.
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edrecovery-space · 2 years
whether you're currently struggling with, recently discovered you have, or are on the path of recovering from an eating disorder (ED), you're welcome here.
this is a safe space for people to talk about their troubles, experiences, tips and tricks and generally support each other.
please dni if you are:
pro-ana/pro-ed or encourage such
purposefully trigger people or send hate to get a rise out of someone.
fake claim
are ablest, racist, sexist, lgbtqia-phobic/excluse
anti-lgbtqia+ including aroace-excluse, intersex-phobe, transphobe, homophobe, mspec-excluse, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, anti-lesboys/turigirls, anti-mogai/neos/xenos
have weight goals on your acc or something similar (stuff like that isnt exactly recovery friendly and can be very triggering)
are anti-self dxx (informed)
any breach of our dni gets blocked, if you want to be here for recovery purposes we support you but if any of that is on your blog or we find out you breach our dni we will block you so its probably best you use the anon function.
we wont put ed or food trigger warnings as this blog will pretty much be all about those topics but we can put warnings for things like ableism, venting, and requested tags (we may not be able to do all requested tags)
if theres an issue with a user you feel needs to be brought up to protect the safe space please do so.
we do not encourage people to develope or continue eds, we encourage recovery and healthier choices.
this blog is run by!
vapour/Ryn+ - they/them +neos - 19? - recovering/struggling
Vax - he/him - 22
Diona - she/neos - 12
Eris/Eros - she/he/neos - 19
we are: a system, bodily 19, white, collectively transmasc.
(more admins will introduce themselves when they feel comfortable doing so)
if you are uncomfortable talking openly, anon asks are on! we welcome questions!
post will be updated as time goes on
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radicalmommyxx · 5 years
The expectation that from puberty young girls and women should be shaved and be smooth and hairless is pedophilic.
And I really don’t care what arguments libfems/men/means/etc have against it.
The mere fact men are allowed to walk around bearded, hairy chested, forest legged and are not even given so much as a second look, but women who dare not shave are mocked and seen as dirty is proof enough.
**The removal of one of the most obvious and functionally important physical displays of female sexual maturity, especially in relation to pubic hair, is inherently pedophilic.**
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sapphowasamerf · 5 years
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Any oppressed or marginalized group should be free to gather together as they see fit- but what’s funny is when women, as in ‘AFAB’, or female, ask for this same thing (you know, MALE free spaces) we get told it’s literal violence, grilled as eXCLuSiOnArY, told to choke on “lady dicks”, told we’re “not REAL feminists!” or “Vagina Fetishists”, etc etc etc.  The irony just.... jeez. Can’t help but laugh. 
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Math Radfem Moodboard for @aesthetics-de-mi
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psionic--drain · 6 years
TERFs: *claim to be anti-gender*
Also TERFs: *use gendered terms like he, her, him, she, female, and male*
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when @icielaspots @artemiswasamerf doesnt realize that its easy to reply with the click of a button 😊
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when @icielaspots @artemiswasamerf claims im deeply disturbed but...
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...blames half the population on all rape, all policies and laws that could negatively affect women, and uses irrelevant historical facts to try and make a claim that "men r bad"
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when @icielaspots @artemiswasamerf makes a post about rational thinking but can't stand the idea of people agreeing with crossdressing or drag queens without blocking
and when @icielaspots @artemiswasamerf ignores the fact that radical feminism dehumanizes all men, including but not limited to:
gay men
bisexual men
black men
middle eastern men
asian men
elderly men
male children
teen men
male toddlers
so in the same way she claims wearing heels or putting extra makeup for contour on your face dehumanizes women
radical feminism is dehumanizing and stereotypical to not only Tumblr's typical "straight white man!1" but to minorities, GB, and men of all ages and mental states
and if you wanna go farther, you can even say radical feminism dehumanizes and stereotypes women who aren't radfems
so in the words of @icielaspots @artemiswasamerf
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themushroomgoesyeet · 5 months
Hehe I'm excited for this, and y'all can get some pre-plague lore about Merf! (I'm currently oscillating between making a post about Merf's past life here or just writing a full on fic about it so for now this is what you get)
Merf's Character Dynamics With the M6
(listed in true Brainrot fashion ;D)
- despite all the sass between them, they're actually very good friends
- dramatic? Bookworms? Speaking primarily in sarcasm? Mentally unstable? Secretly sweethearts beneath all the deadpan snarkiness? Yeah they hit it off great together
- since Merf doesn't drink she does have to be that one sober friend™ sometimes when the raven gets a little too rowdy, and will usually gang up with Asra to make fun of Julian in the morning when he's hung over
- despite needing a couple more years in medical school (and to Muriel's mild annoyance), Julian immediately became Merf's go-to physician, as well as a through line to Mazelinka & her soup the second Merf was introduced to it.
- will sometimes go to see Julian's plays on date night with Muriel
- in her past life, Merf didn't really know Julian until after the plague hit. When she turned the shop into a goodwill center dealing out relief for plague victims and their families, Julian ended up being a frequent customer for medical supplies. They quickly became friends, and Merf became a huge source of information for Julian's research since she dealt with plague victims on the daily.
- unfortunately, Julian was also the one to watch Merf get dragged off to the quarantine island when she eventually caught the plague, and Julian was also the one to bear the bad news to Asra afterwards.
- Merf's first best friend
- the person who knows Merf the best besides Muriel
- even though Merf doesn't live in the shop anymore, she still comes in to work there part time.
- Asra has yet to convince Merf to give him full custody of the shop, even though he has to pay rent now; Merf is of the idea that as long as she's still the legal owner then Asra won't be able to burn it down on accident
- it took Merf three whole months to finally convince Asra and Julian to propose to each other, and two more months to convince them to agree on a date for the wedding
- outside of work, Merf enjoys spending quiet afternoons with Asra - either with the rest of their friends or without - and will occasionally participate in a prank
- in Merf's past life, she and Asra met when he visited her shop one day to get magical components for a spell. (For those who haven't read my fic) Merf didn't have any magical abilities at the time, so her shop was devoted mostly to selling herbs, gemstones & crystals, talismans, and other apothecary type products both plain and magical. Merf thought Asra was a pretty interesting character, and quickly became friends with him with every visit he made to the shop.
- the true turning point in Merf and Asra's relationship though was when Merf was running errands one day and discovered Asra's fortune-telling stall on the street. Before Asra could even explain anything Merf had already given him a bed in her shop, and that was how it became a proper magic and fortune-telling shop instead of a regular apothecary.
- when the plague hit, Merf and Asra had a falling out. Merf wanted to stay in the city and put the shop to good use helping others, while Asra wanted to leave the city so that they could be safe until the plague blew over. After a pretty bitter argument, the two went their separate ways and stayed that way until Merf died.
- it was quite a shock to Asra when he was visited post-ritual by a gruff pirate captain holding a newly-resurrected Merf in his arms
- especially since Merf no longer looked human
- it was an even bigger shock when they both discovered Merf had magic, and Asra quickly had to become mentor before Merf set something on fire by accident
- it actually took a while after Lucio's defeat for the subject of Merf's resurrection to come up with the rest of the M6, and boy oh boy did Merf and Muriel give Asra an earful for not saying anything about the ritual for three years
- Asra definitely knows now more than ever to be up front and honest with Merf - unless it's a surprise and/or gift that will be revealed anyway
- not many people in Vesuvia can say that they're best friends with the Countess, and Merf is very smug about that fact
- most of Merf's visits to the palace begin with an invitation to tea with Nadia, and end with Muriel dragging Merf away from the palace library by the scruff of her neck as the sun sets on the horizon
- teatime conversations can consist of anything ranging from Merf's latest hyperfixation to advice for the current event Nadia's planning
- occasionally Merf will get a note from Chandra asking her to come to the palace and model a bit to help Nadia think; both of them have discovered that Merf's artist eye is excellent for picking out colors and patterns that work well together
- Merf can't thank Nadia enough for her help in organizing a museum exhibit devoted to Khamgalai's tapestries and the history of the Kokhuri, as well as organizing the Kokhuri of Vesuvia and beyond.
- there's a special section of the wardrobe devoted to the fabulous clothes Nadia has gifted Merf and Muriel, as well as a jewelry stand Muriel made for all the new jewelry Nadia has bestowed upon Merf
- past life! Merf didn't have much of an impression of Nadia beyond rumors, so she would have had the same reaction if she scene where they meet in the shop had happened before the plague
- if you couldn't tell by what I've already written, Merf and Muriel are married :D
- to absolutely no one's surprise, they were the first out of their new friend group to tie the knot, with Asra and Julian following over a year afterwards (Merf is slowly working on helping Portia woo Nadia)
- it's hard to put into words how right Merf and Muriel fit together; Merf helped Muriel see that life is something that's meant to be lived, and without either of them realizing it Muriel ended up being everything Merf wanted in a man
- kind and caring? Check. A good listener who cares deeply about her and her wants and needs? Check. A fellow introvert content to stay home and do nothing? Check. A cuddle buddy for life? Check. A man who thinks sex is a question and the answer is probably not? Check. Ridiculously handsome? Hell yeah, double check!
- and then there were the things Merf wasn't even expecting to fall in love with; the adorable way her husband blushes at affection, all the carved gifts, seeing him laugh and smile every day, being kissed-
- Merf can keep going ad infinitem about how amazing it is to be in love with her husband, he can literally do no wrong in her eyes
- also getting to live in the woods is a plus
- Inanna is the bestest girl in the world and words cannot express how much Merf loves her
- date nights. All the time.
- some of her new favorite memories are getting to visit Khamgalai with Muriel in dreams
- and of course one of the biggest and most important projects of Merf's life is helping Muriel bring the Kokhuri back together, because she has a family again and she's not about to let it go any time soon
- the size contrast between Merf and Muriel is hilarious; everyone knows Muriel is 6' 10", and (for those who haven't read the fic or seen my blog) Merf is 5' 3". They are both very aware that Merf fits into the tiny but mighty wife trope, and most of the time it's hilarious
- good husbands and wives mentally spiral together, and these two are no exception. Muriel quickly learns to remember the things that Merf forgets, as well as get her back on track when ADD moments cause her to jump between ten different tasks at once. They also do a great job of cancelling out each other's anxiety/depression moments, and panic attacks between the two of them are rare and over quickly now that they're together.
- it was actually pretty funny when Asra tried to introduce Merf to Muriel pre-plague, because Muriel and Merf already knew each other due to Merf's frequent wanderings in the forest. Asra was pissed that no one told him, and even more pissed that Merf wouldn't stop laughing
- they are besties your honor
- what time Merf is not spending at the palace library or with Nadia, she is hanging out with Portia and the wait staff
- the kitchen all know what Merf likes and make a game of guessing what she's in the mood for
- it didn't take very long for Merf and Portia to be nearly as close as Merf is with Asra and Muriel, there's so much for them to talk about
- especially books, they are the best book buddies ever. Sometimes Nadia has to help Muriel drag Merf and Portia out of the library
- they are each other's worst enablers, if a question is asked the immediate response is do it
- unless it comes to self care, and then they both berate each other for not doing it
- Merf and Asra are also in the interesting position of mentoring Portia in magic, after Portia frantically bursting into the hut one night after magically setting her fist on fire (no one was hurt, although everyone was a little bit shaken). Julian is not thrilled
- speaking of Julian, Merf and Portia like to prank him a lot. Now that Portia's learning magic there are three magicians intent on giving Julian grief; this man knows no peace
- ......
- *inhale*
- after the games, Merf went missing for a bit. They finally found her dancing on top of the bridge leading to the palace, shouting, "I disrespect your bridge goatman! Look at how I dance on it, it's my bridge now! You want me off this bridge, you're gonna have to kill me!"
- reactions were mixed, ranging from confused (Nadia & Muriel) to dying of laughter (Julian, Portia, and Asra)
- you tortured my husband and friends and tried to kill all of them, I have no sympathy for you
- and I'm not sorry either ;)
- past life! Merf also disagreed with Lucio and his methods, and graffitied several of his statues
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gendercritquinn · 3 years
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This world needs more exclusion of men honestly
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blackpilledrad · 4 years
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webginz · 3 years
my sister is mad at me and saying "i cant believe my sister is a terf" well get used to it 💀
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nix-that-rad-lass · 4 years
hey, radfems?
just want y’all to know you’re lovely and i love you all, have a wonderful day/night!
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