#misery stephen king
spookytuesdaypod · 3 months
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*extreme rob reiner’s mom in the diner scene of when harry met sally voice* I’LL have what SHE’S having 😍
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joeover · 7 months
reading misery by Stephen King rn and look. who. it. is… the one and only Mrs. Kaspbrak!!!! timeline wise this would be Sonia, and would take place when Eddie was a kid (maybe pre 1958?) the thought of baby Eddie and Paul being friends😭😭😭 i love the skcu!!! (stephen king cinematic universe)
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pls no spoilers for misery i’m not done yet
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the feminine urge to remake as many book-to-film adaptations as possible in the highly specific way that you interpreted them from the book (i’ve never made a film in my life btw)
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originalscares · 6 months
Annie didn't need to do all that, girl just write a fix it fic
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adaptationsvs-polls · 25 days
Which version of this do you prefer?
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lliinnkk · 10 months
On the 1st read of Misery, when I found that King wrote the book as a metaphor for addiction, I thought he just meant the pills that Paul needs to stave off the pain of his legs. On the 2nd read tho, it becomes more apparent how Annie herself along with just the narrative as a whole is a rly good metaphor for addiction.
(The rest of this post contains spoilers for Stephen King's book Misery)
I especially love how Paul relates the pain to a piling slowly becoming visible as the tide goes in or out over it: the pain being the piling, the pills being the tide, and Annie being the moon that pulls the tides in and out.
Paul originally starts needing the pills for his pain after the physical trauma of the car accident but soon realises he is addicted to them and also depends on them for the emotional trauma of the accident.
Annie, like addiction, is irrational and controlling, trapping Paul in a house in which he is forced to give up on autonomy, freedom, time and his most recent work that he spent 2 passionate years on. He gives up dignity and will to live and he even murders Annie at the end, finally conquering her.
Annie forces Paul to destroy the only copy of his manuscript and make a new Misery book for her. She is a nurse, described as being maternal and loving, supposedly giving Paul the pills for his own good, to make him feel better, even tho the real, more effective solution for his own good would be to take him to a hospital, which would be a permanent solution to his problem. However, she never intended to let him go after his legs healed. After he heals up enough to just wheel himself around in a wheelchair, she chops off his foot, setting him back even further than he was before, making him need her yet again to stay alive.
She is irrational and neurotic, accusing him of things he would never physically be capable of doing and insisting that she is right no matter how much he tries to defend himself
I fucking love this book, it is now my favourite.
Addiction will trap you and convince you that you need it to live, as you rely on it at least at first in good faith, a coping mechanism for the parts of life that you don't want to think about. But it's not a realistic solution for problems, only hurting you more in the end
Something that also kind of stood out to me about Misery, despite it not being mentioned in the book I don't think, is about how Annie never gave Paul anything to do in all that time he spent alone there when she wasn't there. As far as I can remember, Annie never gives him a book to read, a colouring book, a novel, or playing cards, nothing. Absolutely nothing to do, to keep himself entertained. The only things she gave him were a typewriter and her own presence. I think I remember that they would occasionally watch TV together when their relationship was ok ish but other than that, nothing. He was left alone in the house with only Annie and only things that were related to Annie, not even a radio.
I recall a study which was done on I think rats and I think cocaine. Rats in cages were given cocaine and they took it and became addicted to it. However, rats in cages who were given cocaine and other sources of entertainment and activity did not become addicted. They did take the cocaine occasionally but did not rely on it because they had other ways of enjoying themselves.
That makes me think about how it would've been so much easier for Paul to have become addicted on the pills as a relief for his pain when the only source of entertainment or relief he has was his own mind. At least he had "such a vivid imagination" that he "did not get from (his mother's) side of the family" lol
Anyway I love this book so much, I highly recommend it and I relate to it so much
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sousrantings · 9 months
Sometimes, I be chillin' minding my own business, and all of a sudden I remember some gruesome fucked up things some unhinged Stephen King character did, and I physically recoil.
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greenteacryptid · 1 year
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thegayfangrrl · 4 months
KILSOM Valentines (Round Two)
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insanepoll · 1 year
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[ID: Background is a gradient of blue, purple, and pink. On top, there's the pictures of the contestants, separated by a “VS” sign. Above it, reads “PRE-MATCH VII” in bold black letters. /End ID.]
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borkwolf · 1 year
I read through Misery by Stephen King yesterday and really enjoyed it, I kinda wanna see the movie adaptation for it one of these days
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spookytuesdaypod · 3 months
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spooky tuesday is a (now not so new!) podcast where we’re breaking down all of our favorite slashers, thrillers, monster movies and black comedies on the new scariest day of the week.
february is all about the romance — and when you combine that with horror, too often you end up with something that looks a little more toxic. that’s why we’re dedicating these next few weeks to all things obsession, and we know just how to kick this theme month off. this week on spooky tuesday, we’re covering misery (1990), the kathy bates classic that introduced us to such famous phrases as “cock-a-doodie” and “bitchly cow corn.” and to help us discuss the movie all about what happens when fans go too far, we invited on aj, our #1 listener. what? it’s not like a little audience interaction ever hurt anyone before…
give spooky tuesday a listen on apple podcasts, spotify, iheart radio, or stitcher
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heytherejulietx · 2 years
i’m really struggling to find some articles i need aksjwjsw
i don’t normally ask stuff like this but if anybody knows anywhere i can get FREE articles / analysis of Misery by Stephen King please tell me i can’t find any
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wisterioussun · 1 month
Went to a production of Misery by Stephen King with my mom months ago, and we bickered about whether Annie just smashed Paul's foot or chopped it off in the original. I relented bc she's known the story for longer than I have, buttt guess who juet looked it up and found out I was right and she did in fact chop it off :3
Apparently in the film version (which I never saw) she just smashed it so that might be where it came from but idk I'm happy with my victory
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millendo · 2 months
Resenhas da Mille - N°4
Misery - Louca Obsessão
2024 - Livro 9
Claustrofóbico | Angustiante | Intenso | Terror psicológico e a deusa
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"Porque escritores se lembram de tudo, Paul. Especialmente o que dói. Tire toda a roupa de um escritor, aponte para as cicatrizes e ele vai contar a história de todas, até as menores. As maiores rendem romances, não amnésia. É bom ter algum talento se você quer ser escritor, mas o único requerimento real é a habilidade de lembrar da história de cada cicatriz."  Stephen King
🩸 Estatísticas: 🪓
Data de leitura: 19/02 a 29/02
Formato: Livro fisico
Páginas: 326
Obrigada a terminar: Não, gostei bastante, não li mais rápido por falta de tempo
Nota: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🧡
💉 Pode conter Spoiler´s 💊
Meu primeiro livro do Sr. King nao poderia ter sido uma experiência melhor e mais traumatizante kkk pensei em começar com um dos livros menores para poder me adaptar a escrita e ver se fluia pra mim e fluiu surpreendentemente bem kkk nao li mais rapido por conta da faculdade mas no onibus eu devorava o livro era simplesmente tao viciante que eu precisava continuar lendo e alimentando aquela angustia.
Acompanhando os delírios do Paul com os pensamentos descontinuados do final da pra perceber a loucura em que ele entra, quase que animalesca eu mal consigo descrever...a parte que ela corta o pe dele fora e nao quebra os tornozelos como no filme me fez querer vomitar a amputação do dedão igualmente enjoativa mas tao feroz, tao maléfico, no filme a Annie nao parece tao louca e nao da a mesma tensão, a mesma angustia, o Paul no livro viciado em remédios e no filme nao, a cena do porão e ele conversando consigo mesmo achei loucura. MUITO BEM ESCRITO, MUITO FODA.
Recomendo 100% a leitura desse livro, e recomendo ser um dos primeiros do King para se acostumar com a escrita.
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crunchbuttsteak · 9 months
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