#money and tyranny
carolinemillerbooks · 2 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/is-trump-more-to-be-pitied/
Is Trump More To Be Pitied?
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Watching a reporter interview historian Timothy Snyder one evening, I sat up in my chair when he laid out his thoughts about  Donald Trump’s strategy for the current 2024 Presidential election.  Snyder presumed the former president knew he would lose the contest and was taking unpopular positions against Social Security and the Affordable Care Act not to secure victory but to lay the groundwork for a second insurrection. Insane as the idea sounded, I couldn’t dismiss it out of hand.  A distorted mind might seize upon the claim of being victorious in defeat. Trump had tried it before.  The fear that history might repeat itself set my little grey cells spinning.  The media has paid little attention to the state of Trump’s mind, choosing to focus on the age of his opponent, Joe Biden. Those who speculate that the incumbent is too old to run for a second term forget that a scant three-year difference lies between the two contenders.  Reporters would serve the public better by exploring the difference between an aging brain and a demented one. Biden’s speech gaffs, which many hold against him, aren’t entirely due to his age.  As a child, he stuttered. The impediment reasserts itself on occasion. But it is also true that as a man of 81 years, he speaks slowly and takes mental pauses. These are signs of a brain aging normally, not evidence of one that has lost its reason. Bidne’s verbal mistakes are a far cry from Trump’s failure to distinguish Nikki Haley from Nancy Pelosi or for him to speak as though he were running against Barack Obama. Ronald Reagan’s conduct during his final years in office might be a better measuring stick with which to compare  Trump’s behavior.  The  40th U. S. President also exhibited memory gaps and confusion during public appearances.  Alzheimer’s was never confirmed during his time in office, but members of his staff did report they saw signs of the disease before he returned to private life.    Psychologist, Dr. John Gartner makes no bones about Trump’s mental illness.  He warns that the former president’s outbursts aren’t those of a strong leader flexing his muscles.  They are the tantrums of a diseased brain.    Though he was never Trump’s doctor, Gartner insists what he offers is not an opinion but a diagnosis based on reality.  Others in his field agree but few have spoken out so publically. Gartner believes his colleagues have failed to do so because they are intimidated. Like physicians practicing in anti-abortion states, they’ve come to fear there is a good chance they would lose their jobs if they went on the record, not to mention other forms of retaliation… Some journalists may have remained silent for the same reason. Gartner points out that they make little of Trump’s slurred words, invented words, unfinished sentences, and blank, expressionless pauses. Instead, they characterize the Presidential election as a competition between two old men.  When Regan took office at the age of 73, he was the oldest President to that date. Whether the early stages of Alzheimer’s had set in, we shall never know, but he was wise enough to surround himself with honorable men and women. By contrast, the roll-call of Trump’s many cohorts is a list of disreputables. Should Trump return to power, that number is likely to grow, boding ill for the country. Nor can we overlook the many felony counts against the former president. His legal woes have left him strapped for funds. Winning re-election, he could erase the federal charges against him with a presidential pardon, but he has no power to absolve himself from state charges.  Without sufficient funds to defend himself, Trump is vulnerable to opportunists who are ready to give him cash in exchange for undue influence.    Opportunists are the people we should fear, not members of the Christian Right as many have assumed.  The latter’s objectives are too out of step with the majority of voters.  Their brief hour on the stage will be less than a hiccup in the course of history.    When money and the levers of government become too cozy, says John Grey in his book The New Leviathans, it threatens democracy and encourages the rise of more and not less totalitarianism.   ( “Who’s Afraid of Freedom?” by Helena Rosenblatt, Foreign Affairs, March/April 2024, pg. 154.) The dynamic is simple, the author explains.  Like other animals, humans are addicted to pleasure. Money satisfies that addiction but the pursuit of it has consequences. Those with the most wealth imagine they are better than others–a perspective that encourages them to imagine people in lower economic circumstances are less human. From there, Grey posits, it’s a short hop to inhumanity, a place where the poverty of others is a justification for eliminating them.   (Ibid, pg. 154)  Whether that causal connection between money and tyranny is direct, I don’t know.  But, science has affirmed that wealth and compassion exist in an inverse ratio.  In a capitalist society, greed, if left unchecked, could end in a tug-of-war between those with enough money to influence the government and the majority who are governed by it. A 2019  Gallop Poll confirmed that dynamic.  Concerning the federal budget, the wealthy preferred to see service cuts to social security to sustain it.  A majority of Americans disagreed. Money has a loud voice in politics, though most of us wish it weren’t true.  Nonetheless, we must accept that Trump’s financial setbacks put him at the mercy of oligarchs. No longer able to pose as one of them, he suffers the humiliation of a man stripped of his theater.  His delusions are exposed, and he stands naked before us.  The only words to suit the occasion are these. Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hast been wise.   (King Lear, 1, v.)
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We need a full accounting of all the lies we have been told.
We need to learn who profited from those lies.
We need to punish those who told us the lies.
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fotoc7621 · 5 months
Update on our $500 trillion Lawsuit against these Defendants
This video is an update on where we are with our $500 trillion Lawsuit to prosecute these defendants at our Constitutional Convention & Court. Read the lawsuit here:
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amalisam · 12 days
Today, the refugee tents in Rafah were bombed at night! Innocent Palestinians were killed in a moment of nighttime calm! What kind of tyranny is this? This atrocity occurred just hours after the International Court of Justice's decision to ban entry to Rafah. Israel is sending a clear message to the world that it does not care about anyone. In the video footage, someone can be heard screaming, "Oh my God, my daughters are in those tents that were bombed!"
Today, I sent some of my family's donation money to Palestinian families in Rafah to help them move to Gaza. I don't think they survived this! My God, what are we living through?
Do Not Stop Talking About Palestine !!
Please donate and help this palestinian family
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ourgifttotheworld · 1 year
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Preface Chapter Concept Visualization, Draft
Introducing characters, initial conversations between heiress and upper-middle-class social(?) worker, old private school-mates but in the future, political dissent born from rocky political history, upcoming election, choosing sides, establishing the political situation, old money aesthetic vs. working woman aesthetic, failing the bechdel test, but who really fails it?, planting information, digging for information, morals vs loyalty, friends for now, marriage and weddings, arranged or designed, friends and marriages within the class, informal social classes, tropical wealth, where does the money come from and where does the money go?
Returning with newfound news and gossip, older women, widows, invited to a funeral, political funerals, political engagements, spreading the right news in the right circles, something is brewing, something that the prominent families know that we don't, trying to dig and figure out why, seeing why certain pieces and people are making certain moves, key indicator: some big foreign names are leaving the country, big selling moves
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I’ll always wonder what the good route in humanity’s history was or could’ve been.
Are we creatures destined to self implode because of our greed and self righteousness?
Could a value of deep care for our own species and consciousness of other forms of life be something unanimous amongst humanity?
Could continuous progress for all life l, and I mean fucking all, be a goal at all for our species? 
I’ll always wonder as the world slowly burns and people fight to be people under kings who’ve never known to be people in the first place.
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Despite Sparta’s reputation for superior fighting, Spartan armies were as likely to lose battles as to win them, especially against peer opponents such as other Greek city-states. Sparta defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian War—but only by accepting Persian money to do it, reopening the door to Persian influence in the Aegean, which Greek victories at Plataea and Salamis nearly a century early had closed. Famous Spartan victories at Plataea and Mantinea were matched by consequential defeats at Pylos, Arginusae, and ultimately Leuctra. That last defeat at Leuctra, delivered by Thebes a mere 33 years after Sparta’s triumph over Athens, broke the back of Spartan power permanently, reducing Sparta to the status of a second-class power from which it never recovered. Sparta was one of the largest Greek city-states in the classical period, yet it struggled to achieve meaningful political objectives; the result of Spartan arms abroad was mostly failure. Sparta was particularly poor at logistics; while Athens could maintain armies across the Eastern Mediterranean, Sparta repeatedly struggled to keep an army in the field even within Greece. Indeed, Sparta spent the entirety of the initial phase of the Peloponnesian War, the Archidamian War (431-421 B.C.), failing to solve the basic logistical problem of operating long term in Attica, less than 150 miles overland from Sparta and just a few days on foot from the nearest friendly major port and market, Corinth. The Spartans were at best tactically and strategically uncreative. Tactically, Sparta employed the phalanx, a close-order shield and spear formation. But while elements of the hoplite phalanx are often presented in popular culture as uniquely Spartan, the formation and its equipment were common among the Greeks from at least the early fifth century, if not earlier. And beyond the phalanx, the Spartans were not innovators, slow to experiment with new tactics, combined arms, and naval operations. Instead, Spartan leaders consistently tried to solve their military problems with pitched hoplite battles. Spartan efforts to compel friendship by hoplite battle were particularly unsuccessful, as with the failed Spartan efforts to compel Corinth to rejoin the Spartan-led Peloponnesian League by force during the Corinthian War. Sparta’s military mediocrity seems inexplicable given the city-state’s popular reputation as a highly militarized society, but modern scholarship has shown that this, too, is mostly a mirage. The agoge, Sparta’s rearing system for citizen boys, frequently represented in popular culture as akin to an intense military bootcamp, in fact included no arms training or military drills and was primarily designed to instill obedience and conformity rather than skill at arms or tactics. In order to instill that obedience, the older boys were encouraged to police the younger boys with violence, with the result that even in adulthood Spartan citizens were liable to settle disputes with their fists, a tendency that predictably made them poor diplomats. But while Sparta’s military performance was merely mediocre, no better or worse than its Greek neighbors, Spartan politics makes it an exceptionally bad example for citizens or soldiers in a modern free society. Modern scholars continue to debate the degree to which ancient Sparta exercised a unique tyranny of the state over the lives of individual Spartan citizens. However, the Spartan citizenry represented only a tiny minority of people in Sparta, likely never more than 15 percent, including women of citizen status (who could not vote or hold office). Instead, the vast majority of people in Sparta, between 65 and 85 percent, were enslaved helots. (The remainder of the population was confined to Sparta’s bewildering array of noncitizen underclasses.) The figure is staggering, far higher than any other ancient Mediterranean state or, for instance, the antebellum American South, rightly termed a slave society with a third of its people enslaved.
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yeahivegotanaccount · 2 years
It's endlessly frustrating to fight the currnet and not only know that the way up is even harder but that if you'd stop you'll get dragged downwards. I don't have it too bad currently but it gets worse and worse and I don't know what to do. The hurt is inevitable but I want it to be for good.
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carolinemillerbooks · 4 months
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/democracy-for-dummies/
Democracy For Dummies
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I know him.  When he was a teenager, I crawled around in his head as his English Teacher.  Sadly, months ago, his wife of many years died unexpectedly.  A man in his 70s, he fell into a well of grief so deep he considered joining her.  I held my breath as he struggled to find his balance. Recovery came by inches, but it came.  Eventually, I could stop worrying. Still, reading his comments on social media, I wondered if the residue of his grief had turned to hate.    He’s not a bad man nor a foolish one, but he seemed to need a reservoir of anger to contain his misery.  Like our 45th President, Donald Trump, he focused on immigrants. They were criminals and rapists, he said, echoing the words of the former president. I told him my mother was an immigrant.  But he refused to connect the dots between his trust in me and my Costa Rican parent. She takes no offense. She’s dead. I could tell him that as the child of an immigrant, his prejudice offends me. But that’s not true, exactly. I’m not diminished by his bias. Instead, I feel pity for him, aware that his hatred burns inside him like hot tar and that he’s injuring himself more than those he wishes to harm. Self-torment is a condition common among most haters. Over time, their fury drives out other emotions. Compassion lost, they cling to their malice like voyagers tossed overboard at sea. Hatred becomes their ballast and their North Star. It distracts them from their disappointments.  It explains why fame and fortune have eluded them. When they hear the word welfare, they are quick to retort, “Nobody ever gave me a handout.”    The statement is false, of course. These malcontents received a free education. Their water is drinkable, and their roads and bridges are maintained.    True, these benefits come from public taxes.  But federal money isn’t shared equally. Some parts of the country receive a larger handout than others. Conservative states tend to be low-income states, and they pay less in federal income taxes, while people who live in those states are more likely to benefit from government support programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, or SNAP, a nutrition assistance program.  My former student who is white and others of his ilk enjoy additional benefits as well. They can sit at a  lunch counter or use a public bathroom without fear of attack.  The employment they seek comes with the promise of advancement, while Immigrants take jobs so poorly paid, they must work more than one to put beans on the table.     The source of white contempt isn’t the absence of privilege.  It’s fear.  Forced to live cheek-by-jowl with foreigners, working-class white Americans …are more worried that they or their families will become victims of violent crime…they are more likely to live in neighborhoods with higher levels of social disorder… are also much more likely to believe that their families will fall victim to terrorism. What’s lost to their understanding is that immigrants share these fears. Yet rather than join hands for the betterment of all, those who are native-born chose to pledge their allegiance to the superrich. Donald Trump never knew a door that wasn’t open to him, unlike them. Yet somehow, he’s convinced these followers that he feels their pain and that he stands as a bulwark against systems that oppress them both. One of his supporters recently smiled into a television camera to say he’d take Trump’s autocracy over the ballot box any day.  “Sometimes people need to be spanked,” he avowed. Spankings aren’t meant for people who think like him, of course. They’re meant for people who believe in equality, diversity, and inclusion. He can’t envision a time when he might need a system of laws to protect him. His ignorance makes democracy fragile and joined with the ignorance of others, he encourages enough civil unrest to invite tyranny.  In this world, democracy has few friends, already. Even Nature abhors it. With few exceptions, democracy scarcely exists in the wild. Even so, my eighty-seven years on the planet have convinced me that though imperfect, democracy is the best way to protect the individual from the tyranny of the powerful.  E. Jean Carroll and her suit against billionaire Donald Trump is an example. Who doubts that absolute power corrupts absolutely? Those who seek it are the least to be trusted. As individuals, we accept the yoke of government as part of a social contract, relinquishing some rights in exchange for greater collective benefits. To this end, democracy best suits the individual’s purpose. Founded on the notion of equality, it entitles everyone to keep an eye on everyone else.
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xyriath · 6 months
but seriously if you are at all blogging about the i/p conflict you NEED to read that standing together article from that post i just reblogged. please. please please please please please. these are the people who are actually doing something about freeing palestine and have been for years. And here's the thing:
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Because yeah. The way this site is spreading around uncritical posts is a huge issue (and a reason I haven't been around since October). Standing Together is doing a hell of a lot more than blogging about it. They're on the ground putting in the work. Nine days before the October 7 attack, they were in Tel Aviv publicly protesting about the systematic oppression of Arabs (not just Palestinians) in Israel.
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"The global left has to be synced with what we need." Trust me, the right is. Boy HOWDY is the right synced. I have gotten more support about my Judaism from the far right than the left and it's??? kinda fucked up??? Someone who worked for Pat Robertson should not feel safer than someone dedicated to activism, but here we are. I can feel how easy it would be to be radicalized towards the right, and I'm actively fighting against it. Now imagine that multiplied by millions of people, plenty of whom don't have the same desire to do so, or feel like they don't have the luxury of safety to do so.
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Seeing Hamas being portrayed as sympathetic and talked about like they had a right to commit all of the atrocities that they have is making me lose my MIND. They're a group run by corrupt billionaires who actively started this conflict with the intent of silencing the Palestinian people who have been protesting their tyranny. They have been siphoning money from Palestinians for years and this entire attack is them deliberately throwing Palestinians into the path of slaughter to distract from that fact, the same way that Netanyahu absolutely took advantage of the threat and tragedy to try and get himself off the hook for his own corruption.
Also check out the google doc linked in the article. It's not just a good way to learn how to communicate, but a very good resource for finding out if something you're sharing is worthwhile. In fact, it does a really god job of breaking down why I've felt so uncomfortable about a bunch of the posts on my dash. Some excerpts:
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This got way longer than I had intended, but hopefully does its job. Go read the article and, yes, if you need to, reevaluate your activism. Because if it's not what people involved actually want or need, then it's just for you. And that's kinda fucked up.
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lasclsurfing · 2 years
Tyranny save game editor money
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Tyranny save game editor money code#
Enjoy! We diet, restrict and control our food and exercise to try and control our appearance, but the food isn't the root of the problem. To kick of the new year, I've laid out my top tips. The Chit Show Welcome!!! I've developed this website for various reasons. In his insightful piece in Time Magazine on the election as president of Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., the son and namesake of the ousted dictator, scholar Jonathan Ong said: "To fight back, progressive leaders should advance their own counter-narrative and persuasive vision.2022. Arch Capital and its partners may hold securities discussed on this show. Brett Schafer and Ryan Henderson are general partners and portfolio managers at Arch Capital. Disclosure: Chit Chat Money hosts and guests are not financial advisors, and nothing they say on this show is formal advice or a recommendation.In this episode we have a special guest, my daughter Zihya… We discuss how it feels to love people that don't like you. Todays Valentine gift for a Miami couple couldn't get wo.Check out this great listen on. Fred The Crocodile Eating Lobsters! (BlackPoint Marina) Mini Season was on July 28 and 29th 2021 and it looks like many people did really well ! Today we saw Fred the Croc get his share of lobster heads and boy did he look thick ! When the world is against you just stay home ! Nothing like a boat ramp to put stress on a marriage. My name is Alfred Montaner Host of the Chit Show. It features seven nights aboard the Amadeus Diamond cruise ship on the Seine River in France. The nine-day tour will depart on Tuesday, April 26, and return on May 4, 2022. Reddit2, involve many interesting discussions about. Figure 1: Personalized chit-chat for news recommendation. Anni Cyrus and Michael Lauber on the Truth About Middle-East Threat Chit-chat:Would the UN or US apply economic sanctions under threat of a bombing campaign to halt the deforestation? User 3 keywords : taylor, swift, song Chit-chat:A song of Taylor is about reviving the nature. Diamond & Silk Chit Chat Live 07-20-2022.Chit definition, a signed note for money owed for food, drink, etc. Watch popular content from the following creators. Discover short videos related to chit show on TikTok. Mary glad you and your husband are back home, and things are a litter better for him. Mild 40 with wind 3 to 6 mph, Close to 70 later today. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world. Join Facebook to connect with Chit Chit and others you may know. Get the IMDb App Help Site Index IMDbPro Box Office Mojo IMDb Developer. Showing all 1 items Jump to: Release Dates (1) Also Known As (AKA) (0) Release Dates UK : Also Known As (AKA).
Tyranny save game editor money code#
588: THE 'CHIT' CODE (2022 Podcast Episode) Release Info. Posted on July 18, 2022Chit Chit is on Facebook. 2big bronco 6 7 8.Read more about New Alberta Branch: Edmonton North East. Who had cannibalism on their 2022 bingo card? ProjectTwin Yesterday at 9:52 PM 2. If not you can just click the active box on the left side and should work then.Chit Chit is on Facebook. Double click the value and just change it to anything you want. Now on the bottom half of the program, one or two addresses should show up. There should only be one or two choices on the left side and double click both. What this essentially does is look through the values and addresses we found earlier and find anything that changed to 725. Now where you had 745, enter 725 and hit next scan. I bought a pretzel for 2g so I ended up with 72.5. Now in game we need to change the amount of money you have. This should bring up a list of values and addresses on the left side. I have 74.5 gold in game, so I started with 745 as a value. On the right side there should be a bar to enter a number, right above where it says "exact value". Now that we have the game selected, we gotta search for a value for it to find. Go to the computer symbol with the magnifying glass and find Kingdom Come. First, we have to choose the application. You can pretty much use this for any game but different games will have different values that they use.ĭownload Cheat Engine and open it up. Typically hate grinding for money and all the cool shit you gotta find anyway.Īnyways, from what I understand cheat engine is a hex editor and if you can find the value that the game uses for money you can change it to whatever you want. Basically we're going to use Cheat Engine to change the amount of money you have.
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scarlatradu · 2 years
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aka Society... the rat race... you know the synonyms. More like it here.
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theconcealedweapon · 23 days
Conservative: "There's too much crime. We need more police."
Conservative: "Now people are protesting against police brutality. We need even more police to deal with the protesters."
Conservative: "The protests are still happening. We need to give the police unlimited weapons and zero accountability. Only then will we be safe."
Conservative: "Help the poor? What are you on? I refuse to give the government any more tax money than I already give them! I refuse to give the government any more power than they already have! That's how tyranny happens! If your first response to seeing a problem is calling for more government, don't expect freedom to last long!"
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friendsotoc · 2 years
The entire agenda of our so-called “FEDERAL GOVT” is to maintain the Grand Illusion that they are - OUR GOVT. THEY ARE NOT OUR GOVT! They are a CORPORATION that is masquerading as our GOVT. They are NOT the Constitutional Government that the Founding Fathers established in 1787! Friends of the Original Constitution is the interim Constitutional Government. Scott Workman is the Nonlawyer Representative of We the People in our $500 Trillion Lawsuit; he is the Organizer of and the Delegate Judge and General Council Chairman ("Chair") for the Constitutional Convention & Court (CC&C); whose purpose is to prosecute the Defendants in our Lawsuit and to restore the Constitutional Government at the CC&C. All of this is authorized by We the People of the United States of America; by our signatures on the Declaration of Restoration.
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boylikeanangel · 2 years
anyone else think the timing of this whole queen dying shit is a little bit convenient considering if she actually kicks it all the media is going to be talking about for the next however many months is her funeral and the new monarch instead of. yknow. the fact the government is in the middle of taking our human rights away. anyone else feel like this just a little bit too perfectly timed to not be blanket coverage
(EDIT) y'all are doing my fucking head in in the notes lmao like you really missed the point here, just ignore my mostly joking accusation of staging the queen's death for a sec here and maybe think about how even if they didn't do that, they are definitely going to take advantage of the situation as much as possible to distract from the fact that millions of poor brits will starve and freeze to death in their homes this winter whilst what little money they have will be spent on her solid gold coffin. if it's not a conspiracy already it's going to become one. they will take any opportunity they can to make sure the media and the government and by extension WE don't have to talk about the worst cost of living crisis in decades and our increasingly fascist leadership. they WILL make sure this is all we hear about as they continue chipping away at our rights and our wallets throughout autumn and winter and beyond. making jokes and celebrating her death is all well and good and we should be glad she's dead but this is only going to make matters worse for the poorest and most vulnerable people in our country. the tyranny she oversaw and was complicit in will not end just because she's dead. they'll use it to get away with even more shit
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greentrickster · 7 months
What I really want to know is how Gabriel ended up working with Alya and Nino because, frankly, I'm 100% sure that it started out as a hostage situation and also that neither of the kids were the hostage. Seriously, just-
Gabriel, exhausted from another busy night of trying to help people and fight back against the Supreme's tyranny, using whatever secret passage he has to get into his lair (the one where his counterpart keeps Emilie's cryopod) but heavens forbid his son find out about and get involved in such dangerous activities, he could get hurt! And he's not despairing but he's tired, so just kind of walks in and immediately de-transforms so he can talk to Nooroo, because it always helps to talk things over with a friend.
Thus he walks into his lair, exhausted and totally focused on Nooroo, who just freezes in mid-air staring straight ahead, mouth open, "Uh... Gabriel...?"
"Yes, my friend?"
And the kwami points and Gabriel turns the way he's pointing, and there's Alya, tucked in a spot that would be easy to defend or hide in where she has a good view of the entrance but is hard to see from it, and, most importantly, phone out, up, and recording.
Dead silence as they all stare at each other.
Alya: "I'll admit, not the story I was expecting, but I can work with it."
Gabriel: "...I don't suppose I can give you a substantial amount of money to leave and pretend you never saw any of this?"
Alya: "Yeah, no, I want in."
Gabriel: "In? On what"
Alya: "On saving the world and getting rid of the Supreme, obviously."
Gabriel: "What?! Absolutely not, you- you can't be any older than my son, who is a child, I'm not endangering a child in this battle-!"
Alya: "Could you repeat that for me? Because it sounded a whole lot like, 'Why yes, Alya, absolutely post that video you just got of Hesperia turning into Gabriel Agreste on your blog'!"
Gabriel: "...you wouldn't. You'd ruin everything I've been working for, the only chance we might have-"
Alya: "Glad we see eye-to-eye, glad to be on the team, I'm Alya, where should I put my stuff?"
And then she drags Nino along to help out, because power's meant to be shared, right, and there's strength in numbers, and also we'll need Nino because someone's going to have to plan and DJ for their victory celebration when they finally win!
Alternative that could actually be even more fun: Nino's actually the first one to join the revolution with Gabriel just because he keeps accidentally getting caught up in Betterfly/Hesperia vs. Claw Noir and Shadybug shenanigans, to the point that it's just easier to recruit him officially than to let things continue as they are. Then Alya pulls exactly the same thing as in the previous scenario, except this time she's trying to find out what the bae's up to instead of get whatever dirt on Agreste she was after.
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