#moving a property / buying outfits / buying stuff
multicolour-ink · 6 months
Animal Crossing New Horizons
Expectations: Spending days creating and building a beautiful island.
Reality: Spending days selling things just to make money to buy stuff.
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themanifestingbrat · 1 year
I manifested a new job!
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But not just any job, this manifestation is pretty much life changing for me as I get to work in my desired city, make lots more money, and also live there for a discount!
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✭ How it started✭ Obstacles✭ How I used my Imagination ✭ How it manifested
✭ How it started
So I already was tired of the job I was currently at and I needed a change. I had a difficult manager, annoying clients, and I wanted to move to another city.
I occasionally checked my company's website for new positions and kept my options open for a good month. During this month, I was still deciding between what I wanted but once I figured that out, a new opportunity was posted. It was literally calling my name! It was my desired location and a brand new building. So I immediately told my manager for her approval and applied.
✭ Obstacles
I didn't hear anything for two weeks and in those two weeks, I started feeling anxious because I got a random thought that I would be fired from my current job. It was totally random and it gave me a really bad feeling but instead of fighting it, I decided to flip it and affirm that I got hired at the new job.
After weeks of not hearing anything, I checked back to my work email (that I never use) and saw that they denied me because they couldn't get a hold of me! I almost freaked out but remembered who I was and stayed calm. I reached out to the manager to apologize and ask for a interview and she said YES!
My co-workers, although very supportive, kept putting negative thoughts into my head of how my manager would react to me wanting to transfer because she's so strict and needy. I didn't take it personal and I would affirm to myself that my manager adores me and supports me.
After my first interview with the new manager, she said she would reach out the next day for a second interview with another higher up. I didn't hear back for another two weeks but instead of assuming the worst, I returned to the state of someone who got the second interview scheduled. I even chose a day that she would email me back and when I would have the interview and it manifested in a week!
✭ How I used my Imagination
Now, I didn't do this to get anything or see results, I naturally did it to fulfill myself and also for fun.
I used affirmations here and there. No, I didn't track how long or when I would affirm. If I caught myself falling out of state, I would just shift back and maybe affirm once or a few times until I felt confident.
I imagined before bed of me working at the new job. This is something I naturally did because I love visualizing exciting possibilites before bed (sometims too exciting and I wouldn't fall asleep haha). I imagined what the office would look like, what my new coworkers could look like, what I would wear, etc. I created different scenarios that could happen.
After a few weeks, it did feel natural. I was bragging to my family that I would get the job. I even made a pinterest board of all the new outfits I needed to buy, I chose a new hairstyle and nails, basically thinking from.
✭ How it manifested
Regardless of what the 3D showed, I had the mindset I already had the job, cause "how can I lose if I'm already chose?" lmfao. After basically going through 3 interviews in a span of three months, the new manager called to offer me the position! I also forget to mention I wanted to manifest higher pay and the pay ended up being a few dollars over (hourly) than what I was okay with!
This job offers an opportunity to live onsite at a discount and it's a brand new luxury property! Now I am going to manifest living there at my desired rent, move in date, and all the other stuff that come with getting a new place!
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buchananzamora81 · 2 months
Start A Property Based Travel Business
Moving hard work and could be very expensive if required plan above. Now draw a straight line between any two of the X's. So, throw me in the loony bin with him, I won't mind. 4 Radical ideas always be the best ones. After all, this ain't an outfit rehearsal, whilst say. Anyone need exactly what house? If you find yourself asking why you have anything that room to bang around in, why not sell it and move your stuff in to something smaller? Sure, the marketplace is lousy, but who knows when it'll get more appropriate? Besides, a seller becomes a buyer, right now there are excellent of bargains out generally there. If you buy right, may possibly be better off. The real plus in this particular idea will be the opportunity to clean out closets, shed a few thousand knick-knacks you've been wanting to dump, and to consolidate the artifacts of your life straight into a meaningful extraction. Do you actually want to keep that lava lamp? The yard sale could finance the microcredit loan to Kiva. View More: topcaobangaz.com - Top Cao Bang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Cao Bang AZ: Đàm Thị Hoài An - Dam Thi Hoai An Lower your air transportation costs. Airfare can do or die a budget, so search carefully for perfect fares you'll find. You can usually get good deals online, and even better deals if you check prices for different times on the day, or avoid weekend flights. And don't forget to check for prices various times, furthermore. We can carry out the same thing for retirement and other than. Rather than letting the years drive you, you consider control of the own soon to be. Rather than letting your health plan an individual which doctor you can or cannot see, or feeling that your children are (graciously) making different decisions for you than you'd like, or wishing you have spoken up in to be able to say you didn't apparent medical procedure, a certain home health aide, or just a move the particular your home, you consider control. You can let your close relatives know your wishes, anyone don't need to feel guilty or worried about speaking upward.
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View More: topcaobangaz.com - Top Cao Bang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Cao Bang AZ: Đàm Thị Hoài An - Dam Thi Hoai An According to your standard kind of modern cosmology, the Big Bang event 13.7 billion years ago created both space and time. Exactly what the recipe was isn't given, but has been this act of creation nonetheless. Again, the standard model provides scenario that even after the Big Bang event, even the present time (and presumably beyond our present time) space is always be created (out of nothing) and thus to make room for a lot of this additional space, space itself needs to expand (into what isn't stipulated) and thus we offer the popular phrase that we exist in "expanding universe". After minor modifications for any ordinary car engine, the water4gas technology allows standard model cars to also burn ocean. extracting the hydrogen in the process and feeding it in the engine to supply more Cao Bang Province for every gallon of fuel. It's wise. you save fuel. Now have you considered time? Criminal offense happened creation of time, unlike that of space, appears to have been a one-off happening at that Big Bang event - or is it? Was time, 13.7 billion years ago, planned for all time, unlike space, or could be the creation of time an ongoing process? I've been known to speak up personally in other situations, exactly why couldn't I do so at this juncture? Top Cao Bang AZ 24h I worried that if I inquired about the new scratch over the door the valet might label me as a "complainer", get angry with me, and take a lot longer next time bring up the car. I secretly feared that the nicks and dents on top of the car were the reaction my previous complaints. Finally I approved take action and move my car to totally new garage. Identify safe places regarding. Some good places indoors are against an internal wall, under sturdy furniture such like a table or desk and away from glass (including windows) or heavy furniture that may topple a lot more than. If you are outside, try to be able to an open area far removed from buildings, electrical or phone lines, overpasses or expressways. Select your own domain name and create a website. If you look and wait for specials due to a domain provider such as GoDaddy, you will get a domain for $3.00. If happen to be computer savvy, you can build extremely website free of charge. If that is not your talent, some host agencies will build one a person for a one-time fee of $99. I know this may be difficult to know and some may think that I've gone away from the deep end with this theory. Generally if i have gone off the deep end I will be in good company since when i came together with this theory I researched this even more and Identified at least one other individual who are members of this experience. His name is Albert Einstein. So, throw me within the loony bin with him, I won't mind. Tin Top Cao Bằng AZ 247
So you're all ready to fly to the cultural center of Germany, and you're wondering if it's worth your while to get a loans rental in Munich. I say, do it now! There is much more to Munich than beer halls, Bavarian sausages, and lederhosens. Area is a significant mix for this old along with the new, and the best method get your fill of that is Bavarian and great for you to drive around Munich And in order to the nearby spots tucked in quiet areas caused from the city. It would appear that primary bona fide reality the years have is 'now'. Past time is lengthier tangible; future time is yet with regard to Cao Bang Province tangible. You will discover something very profound about 'now' - it's only each morning 'now' that things change, and however change exactly what gives understanding of being consistent of time meaning. Besides a great deal to your metabolism, an awesome cardio workout is also crucial to other parts of your properly being. This book is geared toward burning fat, but the numbers of plenty very good side affects to a high-quality, regular cardio work out. One that medical doctors already aware of is stress can damage on your heart. Your heart is often a muscle. The way to exercise your heart muscle can be always to use it. When you obtain your heart rate up, your heart is pumping blood harder than usual, becoming stronger and healthier. I hit the "real world" in an instant as the front side end of your car smashed into the railings and spun me round in the complete cir. As I looked up another truck sped past my windscreen missing me by a maximum of an inch or just two. The car spun again and rammed the central reservation a second time period. I felt like a spinning top level. As the car came to an escape in center of the motorway I realised that I was lucky to outlive but that something was telling me I was out of line with life's steady flow. I resolved immediately to correct my path.
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Like essentially everyone that gets along with internet marketing I have purchased every system, method and blueprint to hit the promot. Lots of marketers will state you that is a wrong idea and forestall wasting difficult earned money. Personally, I think its a huge education. Want to should acquire few courses, ebooks and memberships to can will be able to know the actual marketplace. Tin Top Cao Bằng AZ 247 You'll also get a good education in to pick a good, valuable product. And what makes a crap an. As the saying goes, "ask and ye shall receive" right? Actually, this tip really does work, regardless if you are working a great online store or local travel vendor. Plan the vacation of your dreams, and when you check out bottom line, ask the actual way the price can be dropped. In case you start having a very low budget, some agencies may well include some of the best features of a vacation, but by starting high and THEN looking for discounts, you should be able to obtain additional bang to ones buck. Another great strategy would be to book in groups. Whenever book in bulk, their agent and also the travel provider are willing to give you better deals. Their own prospective, so you're able to sense since are filling inventory the objective of otherwise be empty. When flights and hotels are full and car rental lots empty, the companies running these are very fortunate. That is their target wish. So to help them attain this, carbohydrates leverage your booking energy source. Furthermore, with the agent, within the people who book, additional they make on your holiday. Be aware of total cost too, since most agents rely on a percentage, so hence the more ultimately the more they earn and this can be used to your benefit as well. Booking in groups is a good way to leverage your buying power and become the most bang for your specific travel buck! If include not seen grease you'll be able to must be on another planet, the love film of Danny and Sandy A.K.A. John travolta and Olivia Newton Robert. If you are conversant with the song "Go Grease Lighting", you will remember the gorgeous red car that was given birth out with the imagination for the cast. This car would be a babe magnet and had the cleanest engine I have ever had the to be able to see, to be able to mention that going barefoot could take! Tin tong hop Top Cao Bang AZ Luckily, for your everyday traveler, there are extensive ways to travel cheap. Rice you in order to buy a round-trip airplane ticket should planning to fly. One particular at all ever bought one-way tickets unless they did not plan an extra chance and were truly going one-way primarily. Now you can save lots of money by searching different airline companies for one-way fares. For example, could fly to all your destination via AirTran and then return via Jet White. View More: topcaobangaz.com - Top Cao Bang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Cao Bang AZ: Đàm Thị Hoài An - Dam Thi Hoai An Written By Author in topcaobangaz.com: Lữ Trùng Dương - Lu Trung Duong Written By Author in topcaobangaz.com: Lành Cao Phong - Lanh Cao Phong
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willoftrees · 10 months
regarding the last reblog i did- (the one about tesla)
figured i should give an. updaye on the living situation.
we likely will not be able to get the property our hearts were set on. our landlord is struggling to sell his house and if the price drops below a certain amount, we won't be able to afford the property we are looking at.
the good news is we were already planning (we being my partner and i) to get bare bones just straight up land with nothing on it- from the beginning.
we were lucky to find the property we want, and i think if we don't end up living there, that the wuole purpose of the fates showing it to me was so we could show our roommates what we want to build.
the property has a yurt, 3 ponds, 2 fully outfitted small cabins, entirely solar powered, compost toilet in each building, water cachment on the roofs, several water tanks available, water treatment units under each structure, its own large garden with quite a few nice perennial edibles and some fruit trees, a large garage fully outfitted as a workshop with all the tools and equipment we would need to build or repair anything on the property, starling internet set up, and the other half is forested and had oyster mushrooms growing on some of the trees- and that was just from the short time we were able to look around the property.
but we likely won't be able to get it. they want it bought full price outright and it's looking more and more unlikely as time passes.
my partner and i have always gotten this look from our roommates that basically says "yeah your idea of offgrid sounds nice we support you but we want a house while u do that", -- UNTIL they saw this property nd saw what offgrid rly meant. when they heard the numbers for how low rent will be and literally only having to split the paymenr for property taxes and the internrt would be it for bills- their tune changed from "want house to share with roommates" to "i want my own yurt".
our landlord has become entirely dependent on my partner and after all we have done for him, he is letting my partner sign with him, onto the property he buys. we will own half and be able to build our own offgrid community.
my partner and i take this teasing with the other property as a showing of what can be, and how we can do it better. it would have been nice to judt be able to move into an already built and established offgrid community and just improve, but as i said, we had planned to start from bare land in the first place, from before sean and i ever moved up here and even while we were homeless. we have always been trying to just save money to literally buy land.
we are sad to have to say goodbye to the property we wanted. it definitely felt like a dream visiting it and i fell so in love with the interior of what would have been our little cabin.
would have been amazing, but just a touch out of reach.
below is a pic of the yurt from the outside (it is fucking MASSIVE inside), and a pic of the yard before the tree edge, and there are walking trails that go into the forest~
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here are a few pics of what would have been our cabin. the kitchen, the living room and the deck.
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but yeah. we likely won't be able to afford it.
i rly hope we can build something even better if we get bare land- there ARE some things about this property we did not like. for example, the graywater (water used from sinks and showers) simply just gets dropped under the buildings and the ownder intended the ponds to be a natural seeping and filtration system. he claims they are clean and even have fish but they are murky, looked like chocolate milk and had no plant life in or around the edges,plus the pond shores were eroding and one of them has clear signs of soil erosion along its banks. i had already made plans to procure aquatic plants to help restore and clean up said ponds because they just look so... sad. lot lifeless but just sad.
a lot of the stuff also atill relies on propane to run and we would like to move away from relying on that.
we can build better and it would definitely be easier and cheaper in the long run to start from nothing.
again we loved this property and it sucks to fall in love with it but not be able to ever live there, but i think it served a greay purpose in showing our roomies what my hubby and i want to build. i think when my partner and i described it to them, it sounded like a fantasy, but them being able to see these places are real and we absolutely can built self reliant, self sustaining offgrid homes and communites, has finally gotten them fully onboard.
the only thing they still seem to gawk at, is having to handle their own waste. xD having to empty the chamber for their compost toilets seems sooo bothersome. lmao i think that it will be a fine tradeoff from all the city bills and hubub.
anyhoo. that's the update. back to plan A, basically:
- procure land we can build on
- build our homestead/self sustaining community there (compicated and lots of steps but ttly doable.)
having been homeless and living from our car in the past, the prospect of camping on bare land while we build our dream homes (which ironically will just be small and humble tinyhomes from various reclaimables) seems blissful to my partner and i.
i hope we rly can pull thru with this.
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bluepoodle7 · 11 months
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#JohnDoeGame #HousehuntedGame #MerchIdea #Plushies
#MyDreamJob #ToyIdeaAndMaker #ToyStoreCeo
I wish fun jobs paid well instead of techy number based hard jobs.
My dream job is to draw and design toys like for a toy store similar to Kaybee Toys or Toys R Us before the downsizing.
I have so many ideas for plush and figure designs.
I also like watching videos on stores, game companies, and restaurants that were once profitable but now are outdated and closed up or just don't exist anymore.
Like where do they go?
I know most just get bought out by another company then downsized, rebranded, or just disappear.
I also like to know the history of these things and what went wrong.
I have not idea what genre this is job or video wise.
Like who owns the rights to certain properties?
I also like watching vintage ads.
Some ads I remember and some are new to me.
I always wonder if the people in the ads are still alive and where are they now.
Sometimes I see old food ads then see something tasty I didn't know existed and wonder if that food or drink item should return.
I know the prices of those items are a thing of the past like the $1 menu or a three topping medium cheap pizza.
Sometimes I wonder what hanging out with real life people as friends feels like.
Most of my RL friends have moved on.
Sometimes I wonder what I'm good at job wise.
I mean I have ideas for stuff but I have nowhere to use it.
The copyright question
Like for example if the creator either passed on or the rights were with another company that is hard to find after the company dissolved?
Like for example if the creator either passed on or the rights were with another company that is hard to find after the company dissolved?
If I was Rich
If I was rich I would just buy obscure games just to add them on steam and if the concept is unique enough I would pay fans who are good at making the game they were passionate about.
Like Illbleed for example to make a sequel that has a similar feel to the original but has good updates to the formula like save states and a courage meter for characters that fall down then crawl around.
Like everyone votes on what levels they want in it and have a tutorial.
I'm still waiting for someone really good at plush making to make a reversible plush of Doe and the other Realtors.
Like for example Doeball reversible plush into John Doe Human Form plush and Maison Talo lure body reversible plush into his house form plush.
Second Example for the House Plush but it has a pink string when you turn the Realtor house inside out to represent the lure cord.
TAKARA TOMY Pokemon Reversible Pocket Monster Squirtle Plush Doll Stuffed Toy | eBay
13" SpongeBob SquarePants Pineapple House Nanco 2002 Plush Stuffed Animal | eBay
I have another one.
A John Doe Nendoroid but it's just a hollow plastic body that you can put the Doeball form in for the one eyed look and some extra faces.
Image not mine but link is there.
Nendoroid L (goodsmile.info)
Also all accessories he/they would have like the knife, a cartoon heart, and the meat gift.
The hand heart pose for the hollow body.
The Doe ball form is just a figure with a few expressions.
Also have that dialogue response box with the yes and yes option on it as a accessory.
Have three shirt message designs you can clip on and remove if you want in the Nendoroid Doe.
The start of Doe Nendoroid box should be Doe with the heart eyes and heart tongue out.
Has a red and black motif with the angel language written on it which is John Doe's True name but x ed out for John Doe.
Have the "Do you think he is cute?" message on the box written somewhere.
A Realtor Version
For the Realtor's Nendroid Box would be their house body and is important to collect.
Kind of looks similar to the Ouran High School Host Club Nendoroids but has their Realtor's outfits with their business cards as accessories.
Has more expressions and poses with a bush accessories that the realtor can sit in the hide from buyers before asking them to buy a house.
Comes with many different lure cord plastic cords for posing in the box house if you kept it.
All carry a early 2000s cellphone accessory.
All the realtor's have the angel text of their name then xed out with their name easily readable when written on the box.
Has a For Sale sign for each Realtor which is unique.
Has the Maison Talo message written on the box somewhere.
"You're new in town. Lost and wandering. You need a place to call your own."
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Johndoegame and Househuntedgame X-ray Plushies
I would also love plushies of John Doe, Heim, and Maison similar to the Skelanimals plushies where it would show the character skeletons like Doe's regular guy form stretched out and have the tree bones show for the Realtor plushies.
Maybe have glow in the dark versions with the John Doe plush having a red glow in the dark outline around the plush.
I have another idea for merch that will never exsits unless I get it Etsy made.
A John Doe plush of the regular guy hairball form but when you squeeze it the plush makes noises like squeaks and purrs.
While maybe vibrates while making noises with a glowing red light around the plush and has a 3D plush eye.
The REALTORs plush is their house body and when you squeeze it it makes a door bell noise, a door open noise, the REALTORs voice, and maybe hungry noises.
While maybe vibrates while making noises with a glowing red light around the plush and has a 3D plush eye.
The REALTORs plush is their house body and when you squeeze it it makes a door bell noise, a door open noise, the REALTORs voice, and maybe hungry noises.
If the plush has a chimney you press that area to make the plush make those sounds and the seed bearing house you just squeeze the roof of the house.
And have a satisfied hunger noise.
Images not mine but links are there.
Nendoroid Kyoya Ootori,Figures,Nendoroid,Nendoroid Figures,Ouran High School Host Club (goodsmileus.com)
Skelanimals Kit The Cat Plush Backpack 12 Inch Top Back Straps HTF RARE 2006 for sale online | eBay
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hotelsbd · 1 year
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anatomieblogs · 1 year
4 Travel Clothing Tips for New Year’s Eve Jet Setters
As with any major holiday, New Year’s Eve is a hugely popular time to travel. From once-a-year experiences to warm weather escapes from the cold, people book flights for various reasons during New Year’s.
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Chances are you want to look your best wherever you’re headed, and it would be nice if assembling stunning outfits was effortless too. That’s where these tips come in. From multi-purpose packing to investing in quality pants for travel, here are four travel clothing tips for New Year’s Eve jet setters. Pack for the Unexpected One of the biggest tips during the holiday season is to always expect and pack for the unexpected. Even if you’re escaping to warmer climes, you don’t want to set yourself up for a headache by only packing warm-weather clothes. What if your flight is canceled, delayed, or rerouted? Alternatively, what if the weather at your destination takes a turn, leaving you scrambling to buy clothing to match? While these are just a few possibilities, they’re important to consider. After all, the last thing you want to do is add more expenses to your trip by buying essentials you could have packed beforehand. Think Versatility Versatility is the name of the game whenever packing for any trip. As you pack each piece, consider how many times you might be able to wear it and how you can style it. Likewise, consider your plans once you touch down at your destination. It’s best to try and plan outfits ahead of time, especially if you’ll quickly move from one thing to the next. Overall, the key is to think of your suitcase as a capsule wardrobe, full of items that can easily transfer from day to night or activity to activity, depending on what your New Year’s Eve vacation tries to throw at you. Wear Your Bulkiest Items Instead of Packing Them We all know the struggle of trying to cram everything we might possibly need into our suitcase. While the initial thought might be to get creative with the cramming, the best advice is to wear, not pack, those items whenever possible. Not only can you save valuable time and headaches during an already stressful travel season, but you can easily stuff that bulky sweater or jacket into the overhead bin if it becomes uncomfortable. This will help you save tons of space in your luggage along with time spent packing. Invest in Quality Travel Clothes From the Start Last but certainly not least, it helps to invest in quality travel clothing from the start. The fact is, quality travel clothes for women and men will be with you for years to come and provide effortless looks you’ll want to rock well into the new year. Luxury travel apparel combines the best of functionality, durability, and style. On top of that, the best luxury travel clothing is often wrinkle-resistant or possesses moisture-wicking and quick-drying properties, which can come in handy during wild New Year’s Eve parties. All in all, investing in quality pieces means you don’t have to stress about the longevity of a new favorite sweater, jacket, or legging. With all of these tips in mind, your New Year’s Ever is sure to be a style success wherever you go! About Anatomie Anatomie is your online destination for premium, designed-to-fly luxury travel wear. Founded by Kate and Shawn Boyer, Anatomie combines contemporary style, innovative features, and unique designs for global travelers. Each luxurious piece, from their travel pants to their versatile safari jacket, is made using the finest European fabrics. Anatomie’s wrinkle-free travel clothes are modern, timeless, durable, and easy to mix and match for lighter packing. Backed by a lifetime guarantee, Anatomie’s travel clothing doubles as business attire, resort, safari, golf wear, and more. Get ready to jet-set in comfort and style with Anatomie. Find premium travel clothing for your next holiday trip at https://anatomie.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3FIwicN
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Own an Enclosed Trailer? Here are 5 Ideas for Enclosed Trailers You Can Use
Have you recently invested in an enclosed trailer for your business or personal use? Unless you need to haul a lot of cargo quite often, your new trailer might be sitting idle, gathering dust for most of the year. If that is the case for you, it must be frustrating to have it take up all that storage space without giving you a lot in return. Buying an enclosed trailer is a big investment.
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When you spend so much on something, you should expect to get more out of it. Why simply stick to using it occasionally to haul some cargo? Neighbors Trailer has created this article to give you some ideas for enclosed trailers you can use to get the best out of your investment. Some ideas might be closer to the more traditional uses for trailers, while others might be slightly creative. One guarantee is that you will know how to get the best returns out of your investment in an enclosed trailer when you finish reading this article.
5 Ideas for Enclosed Trailers
Enclosed cargo trailers have a lot of potential uses beyond hauling cargo from one place to another. Depending on how often you need to use it for transporting items from one place to another and how much you are willing to customize it, you have endless opportunities to creatively use your enclosed trailer.
1. Use it as a Storage Unit
Does your enclosed trailer spend most of its time on your property, gathering dust and taking up space? Why not convert it into storage space? Whether you need a place to store some stuff between moves or if you do not have enough space to store a few essential tools and other items in your home, an enclosed trailer can be the perfect place you can use. If you need a portable tool shed or a space to store equipment that you need regularly but don’t want to bury in your attic somewhere, a retrofitted enclosed trailer with shelving can be ideal for you.
2. If it’s Large Enough, Use it for Your Hobbies
Have a hobby but not enough room in your house to do it? Whether you love sewing, a small music studio, or some woodwork, a large enough enclosed trailer can be ideal for a space to practice your hobbies. Simply outfit it with a worktable and appropriate shelving, and you can convert it into the perfect space for your hobbies. Of course, you have to keep in mind that once you make some of these changes, you might not be able to use it for hauling cargo.
3. You can use it for a Mobile Business
Do you have a small business that brings its service to customers instead of having them come to you? You can convert your cargo trailer into a unit you can use for such a business. There is no limit to how much you can customize the trailer to accommodate machinery, equipment, tools, and other items necessary to create a mobile business. Imagine a mobile hair salon you can take downtown to offer bespoke services to corporate professionals too busy to make the commute in congested traffic. If you can find the right clientele, you can retrofit your enclosed trailer into virtually any business. We only recommend doing this if you do not plan on needing the trailer to haul cargo.
4. Create a Mobile Office
Are you a writer, tech worker, or someone with any kind of remote job? How about making your job truly remote by converting your enclosed trailer into a mobile office space? Think about it - you can take your office anywhere with a customized enclosed trailer in tow. You can get a change of scenery on a whim and be able to work anywhere you want. All you will need is a good internet connection, and customize it to fit everything you will need. Beyond that, you can take your office with you literally anywhere you go.
5. Use it to Earn Rental Income
If you are a busy professional and do not have much time to tend to your trailer for any of the creative uses mentioned above, you can simply rent it for some extra money. You would be surprised by how much rent you can get from a high-quality enclosed trailer rental. Businesses and individuals who need enclosed trailers are constantly looking for good trailers they can rent for their use. You can take advantage of the demand by renting it out to earn a hefty passive income.
Make the Most of Your Enclosed Trailer by Listing it on Neighbors Trailer for Rental Income
Using your enclosed trailer as additional storage space can help you get good use out of it if you keep it parked somewhere on your property. Using it for your hobbies can be convenient, depending on your hobbies and how large it is. However, using it for a mobile business or office might render it useless when you need to haul cargo. Turning your enclosed cargo trailer into a passive income machine might be the best way to get excellent returns on your investment
Renting out your enclosed trailer might come with plenty of hassles, from marketing it to find renters who want to book it to handling the payments. But what if there’s already a marketplace for you to simply list your enclosed trailer, and you don’t need to worry about marketing it?
Neighbors Trailer is a P2P marketplace that brings hundreds of trailer owners and renters together. Individuals and businesses who need to rent trailers look for high-quality trailers on our platform. Trailer owners like yourself list their underutilized trailers to earn a sizable passive income. We handle the marketing, booking, payment processing, and all other backend processes, while you can sit back, relax, and make money off of it.
If you are interested in using your enclosed trailer to earn money, you can partner with us by creating a high-quality listing for your trailer on our marketplace.
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Trying to Cut Costs? Here are Some Tips for Furnishing Your Home on a Tight Budget
Although Covid-19 may have had an effect on the real estate market, more people are now making investments in their dream homes because a coronavirus vaccination is soon to be available.
You're probably thrilled about selecting your Chicago furniture and home furnishings if you're going to move into your dream home.
But doing that can be expensive, so you'll want to furnish your house on a tight budget. However, outfitting a complete property and performing necessary home upgrades can significantly drive-up expenditures.
The furnishings and decor you choose for your home or apartment don't have to be pricey.
Discover the best advice for furnishing your home on a budget here.
How Am I Going to Decorate My First House?
It may seem tough to equip your home on your tight budget, whether you have student loans or simply need to find a way to save money after the expenditure of buying a property.
Surprisingly, a forum for money-saving advice claims that if you choose the correct furniture store, you do not have to spend much.
It's therefore not surprising that some new homeowners are already dejected about their depleted bank accounts before they've even begun to consider furnishing the living room!
The good news is that you won't have to max up your credit card, get a personal loan, or use a shipping crate as a coffee table to buy a couch or bed frame! In actuality, if you know about the best Chicago furniture stores, house furnishings don't have to cost the planet.
Where Can I Find Free Stuff?
Many individuals are shocked to learn that they can actually acquire a number of pieces of furniture without paying anything at all.
You'll find that there are various ways to obtain free or discounted local furnishings if you're not too picky.
Unexpectedly many people choose to donate old furniture that they no longer want or need rather going through the effort of selling it or bringing it to a landfill.
For this reason, a wide variety of things, from tiny pieces like bedside tables to larger necessities for your living room or dining table, are readily available online.
Where can I find great furniture deals?
Even if you are unable to locate any free deals nearby to help furnish your new home, you can still find some incredible prices on your local high street, many of which have personal financing alternatives that you can use.
It goes without saying that outfitting your ideal home might be expensive, but you shouldn't sacrifice necessities like home insurance in favor of more expensive goods. Don't forget the choices that are stated here to help you choose the correct furniture for your home on a budget when you're carrying out your financial planning as part of your home move preparation.
0 notes
sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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hournites · 3 years
Hands Off the Wheel
Hournite fluff ~ ❤️
When she gets there, Yolanda shoves his bag on the coffee table over to dump her own, giving Rick the boot on the sofa to make room for her. 
“Where’s Beth?” She reaches for the blanket throw, tossing it over her legs and pulls out her phone. 
Yolanda glances up from her Instagram feed. 
Rick scowls, her unsaid words irritating him. “I’ll do it tomorrow.” 
“You said that yesterday.” 
“I know,” Rick bites out. “I mean it this time.” 
“You can’t hide this forever.”
“I can, actually.” 
Courtney walks in with the cookies from her mom. Yolanda picks a soft one from the corner while Rick scoops up five at once. 
“Are we talking about what I think we’re talking about?” 
“Yes,” Yolanda says at the same time Rick says, “No.” 
The girls share a look. 
Courtney teeters on the arm of the sofa, something she’d been scolded not to do five hundred times by Pat but has yet to listen. “We can help you if you want.” 
Rick stops eating cookies to lick at his chocolate-stained thumb. “How?” 
“Well…” Courtney crosses a leg over the other. “We can drop hints about it, warm her up to the idea…” 
Rick leans back against the sofa and closes his eyes with a soft groan. “You make it sound like it’s something she needs to be warmed up to.” 
“No!” Courtney backtracks when Yolanda lets out a little laugh. 
“No! That’s not what I mean!” 
“It’s what you said, Court.” 
Courtney throws a half-moist cookie at Yolanda, earning a high shriek in response as she wipes chocolate out of her hair. 
Rick lets out a weary sigh, palms still pressed over his eyes. “Maybe I’m overthinking this and it’s just something I’ll get rid of. I don’t need to tell Beth at all. We can forget it ever happened.” 
“Tell me what?” 
They all jump. 
“Jesus!” Rick yelps as his face warms. “How long have you been there?” 
Beth stands in the doorway next to Pat, Chuck perched on top of her coiffed hair. She slides her backpack down her arm to smile confusedly at her friends. “A few seconds?” She looks up at Pat. “My bike had a flat. Pat drove me in.” 
“A flat!?” Courtney exclaims. “Are you okay?” 
“She’s fine,” Pat says, heading into the kitchen for the source of the cookie scent, the plate between the teens empty with crumbs. 
Beth waves off her concern. “Yeah, I’m fine. What does Rick want to tell me?” 
Yolanda looks at Rick who looks at Courtney who looks back at Rick. 
“Um,” he says. 
“He likes your outfit?” Yolanda fills in. She gets up and leaves the awkward room. 
Beth doesn’t buy it, folding her arms over her blue striped blouse. “What’s so odd about that?” 
“Nothing,” Rick reassures her, wiping his sweaty hands against his jeans. “It’s um. Can I talk to you, outside? Alone?” 
Beth tilts her head at him. “...Why?” 
“Because I want to tell you that thing. That I need to tell you.” 
Courtney stares at them, fixated. 
“It’s nothing bad!” she blurts out when Beth catches her eye. 
Her shoulders relax and she agrees, walking back out with Rick. 
“Did I say something to bother you or something or maybe Chuck went out of line? Because obviously I’m missing something and everyone else knows and I get that I usually miss some stuff sometimes but this feels really weird and I’m sorry if I—” 
“I built you a car.” 
Beth blinks. “I beg your pardon?” 
Rick swallows. “A car. I fixed one up for you. I know you didn’t ask but you’ve been studying for your license and then I had a few parts and then a few weeks went by and suddenly I had a Dodge Challenger in my driveway...”
Her expressive eyes are round and wide, Rick can’t tell what she’s thinking when her mouth parts like that. He shifts his weight from one foot to another, trying not to panic. “Look, Beth, I know you didn’t ask for a car, certainly not from me, but it just sort of happened, so....”
The gears turned slowly in her head. “You built me. A car. From car parts. For me.” 
“...You don’t have to accept it. I can probably sell it off or something—”
Beth’s hands are in her afro, processing Rick’s words at last and shrieks. Rick startles, taking a step back.  “Are you kidding?” She cries. “You built me a car?!”
“I’m sorry!” 
“You’re sorry!?” Beth launches at him, hugging him hard enough for Rick to stumble backwards. “Don’t be sorry!” 
Rick wasn’t yet prepared to have her in his arms, but she’s squeezing so fiercely he can’t help but hug her just as tight. “So you’re not weirded out?”
Beth laughs and pulls away, staring out across the street before turning back. “I don’t know what to say!” She hits his arm excitedly. “Rick!! That’s crazy! You’re amazing! Why would you do that for me?”
“You’re the only one I ever really want to make things for,” he answers honestly. 
A huge grin breaks across her face and then she’s reaching up to hug him again. “What colour is it?”
Rick fights back his smirk. “Green for Dr. Mid-Nite? It matches your suit.”
“Riiiiick!” She squeals, jumping up and down in an exuberant happy dance and puts a hand to her face and sits down. “I need a second.”
Rick watches as she stares wide-eyed at her shoes, processing the information.
“It’s just a car.”
“It is not just a car and you know it! It’s a car!” She slaps her hands over her cheeks. “Oh my gosh!”
“Do you wanna see it?” 
They get ready to go. Courtney and Yolanda peek out the front window of the living room with a second batch of cookies, giving Rick very annoying, very knowing looks. 
Yolanda’s nose scrunches up with amusement when Beth runs out with her purse and straps herself into Rick’s passenger seat, honking on the horn to get Rick to pick up the pace and drive her to West Farms.
“Sounds like she’s pretty happy ‘bout that car,” she says. 
They toss his keys through the window. Rick twirls them around his hand with a half-hearted eye roll when Courtney starts making kissing noises at him. 
“You pushed the seat up!” Beth palms at the steering wheel as she gets a feel for the make, grinning from ear to ear. 
Rick watches with his chin propped up by his hand, elbow over the black horizontal stripes on the hood with an easy smile. “Course I did. You’re tiny.” 
He’s rewarded with a splutter behind the dashboard. “And it’s safe?” 
“Pat looked it over after I did.” 
She checks for herself anyway and Rick is proud of her for it, scanning the interior, exterior and engine with the X-Ray vision mode of her goggles.
They go for a test drive around the wide roads of the Farm Lands, Rick answering her questions as they pop up. She still needs to pass her final test for her licence next month, but he’s not worried about that. Beth had a round of anxiety behind the wheel when she first started learning, but with Rick and, surprisingly, Mike’s encouragement (definitely not Courtney’s), she managed to push through. Beth parks along the dirt stretch of Rick’s property and sighs like a dream.
“You were great. You looked comfortable.” 
Beth ducks her head with a timid smile at his praise. Her hands fall to her lap and she squeezes her fingers together over her navy blue flared pants. “I can’t believe you did this all by yourself.” 
Rick shrugs, somehow more embarrassed now than before trying to choke the words out on Courtney’s front porch. “It’s just a 2008. It’s not fancy.” 
All of the parts might’ve come from Zeek’s junkyard but Beth doesn’t seem to care how it was made by her reverence. “Yes, it is.” Her hand runs along the leather seat and rests it on the centre console. “It’s beautiful, Rick.” 
She laughs. It’s contagious and strings him along until her giddiness simmers down and looks at him some more with that appraising eye of hers. Rick wants to look out the window to diffuse the sudden heat when she does that. He can’t. He wants to suffer in it. 
“I think I’m in love.” 
Her smile is soft and light and as the sun sets orange outside behind her, Rick is compelled to agree.  
“Good. I’m glad you like it so much.” 
Beth bites her lip and nods. Her fingers start to tap, and Rick frowns at them, wondering why she’s picking up the tick she developed before she was at ease in the driver’s seat. 
“What?” he prods when Beth goes silent, concerned. “Beth?” 
“Yeah, um…” Beth looks out the window, at Rick’s house and his yellow Mustang a little further ahead. The expanse of field and the dusk horizon overhead. Beth meets his caring gaze. And the power in it pulls him forward unwittingly. Her intensity has him breathless. 
She takes his hand to squeeze. “I’m not talking about the car.” 
“Did it work?” Court cajoles when Rick comes back through the front. “Did Beth kiss you?” 
He blushes, moving past her to get his bag. 
“That’s not why I built it,” he complains for the hundredth time. 
“She kissed him,” Yolanda decides without even looking up from her phone, still snuggled into the spot she stole from him on the couch. “Beth just posted the relationship on Facebook.” 
Court sticks out her tongue and fake gags. “Beth still uses Facebook?” 
“Hey.” Rick swipes the final cookie from the counter as she continues with her theatrics. “Pat uses Facebook.”
Courtney groans. “That’s my point!” 
Rick walks out. “Later.” 
Yolanda sits up straight. “What? Where are you going?” 
“Well...Beth took the car to her house so....” Rick stops at the doorway, donning a stupid smirk as it properly sinks in. “I gotta drive my girlfriend’s bike home.” 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Iron 10 (Peter Parker x Fem!Oc)
Words:  3, 238
Chapter 9
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"And how am I supposed to learn to control them if they forbid me to do anything?" Lily asks from the back seat.
“We’ll talk to your father. Depending on what happens, we’ll send them the necessary equipment,” informs Fury.
"Depending on what happens?"
"Legal aspects.”
"As which?"
"Lily, one problem at a time," Nat interrupts.
“Fine. Where are we going?"
"Do you want a donut?"
The van pulls up outside the Randy’s Donuts store, Fury comes out. They both look at him from inside the car. Tony’s sitting on the huge donut.
"Why did we come for him?” She grits her teeth, remembering the annoyance towards her father.
"You two should talk," Nat says.
"I don’t want to.”
"If you want us to help you, that is the condition.”
Lily turns away from the window and folds her arms looking at the redhead.
"You didn't say anything about conditions.”
"Now there are.”
"It's not fair,” She sighs and then looks at Nat's outfit. "Why do you wear that? Is it your super spy uniform?"
 "Something like that. You like it?"
“You look weird, but I like it. Do you have weapons or explosives?"
The agent receives an order from her intercom. She responds and returns to the girl.
"Come on, I'll buy you a donut."
They both get out of the truck and enter the premises. Nat asks Lily a chocolate donut and walks to the chairs where Tony and Fury are, while the girl takes the donut from her and sits in an armchair away from them, with her back to them.
"Huh!" Tony says when he sees Natasha in a new outfit "You're... fired.”
"That's not up to you,” answers the redhead sitting down.
"Tony, I want you to meet Agent Romanoff,” adds Fury.
"I'm a S.H.I.E.L.D. shadow. Once we knew you were ill or out of control, I was tasted to you by Director Fury. Besides taking care of your daughter in risky situations,” She tilts her head towards Lily.
Tony frowns and looks away to meet the little girl, eating a donut while she swings her legs. He goes back to the redhead.
"I suggest you apologize,” answers Tony.
"You've been very busy," continues Fury. “You made your girl your CEO, you’re giving away your stuff, you neglect your daughter without taking into account the high priority over her powers, you let your friend fly way with your suit. Now, if I did’nt know better—”
 Tony rolls his eyes. Again, someone else scolding him for whatever stupid thing he does. Although he now knows that he did screw up, he doesn't want to hear it again. He has enough with his own mind.
"You don't know better. I didn’t give it to him. He took it."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, He took it?" asks Fury. “You’re Iron Man and he just took it? The Little brother walked in there, kicked your ass and took your suit?" He says. “Is that possible?"
“Well, according to Mr. Stark’s database security guidelines, there are redundancies to prevent unauthorized usage,” answers Nat.
Tony snorts.
"What do you want from me?"
“What do we want from you? Uh-uh,” Fury says as Natasha gets up. “What do you want from me? You have become a problem, a problem I have to deal with. Contrary to your belief, you are not the center of my universe,” He scolds him.
In that, Natasha injects something into Tony making him scream. The conversation is overheard by Lily, but only when he complains does she turn around.
"Oh, god, are you gonna steal my kidney and sell it?" Tony asks.
Natasha moves Tony's head and Fury sees the lines on Stark's neck slowly disappear.
Fury explains what the substance they just injected does to him.
“Give me a couple of boxes of that. I'll see right as rain."
"It's not a cure, it just abates the symptoms,” Nat explains.
"You need to get back to work, Stark," Fury says and Tony sighs. "And by Stark, I mean both," He points back.
Lily realizes that he sees her and turns away.
 "I don't think she wants to work as a team now."
“She has her reasons. You are a terrible companion.”
They all return home to Malibu. Tony and Nick sit on the terrace, now destroyed. They both talk about the reactor, the technology that Howard Stark couldn't finish, and about Vanko father and son.
Fury takes it upon himself to explain everything to Tony, while Lily returns from her room after making sure that no one had destroyed her. Nat had told him what happened with Rhodes and Tony.
The little girl walks to sit on the stairs that lead to the terrace, listening to the adults.
“You told me I hadn't tried everything. What do you mean I haven’t tried everything? What haven’t I tried?" Tony points out.
"He said that you were the only person with the means and knowledge to finish what he started.”
"He said that?"
“Are you that guy? Hmm? Are you? ‘Cause if you are, then you can solve the riddle of your heart. Or maybe, I should be discussing this with your daughter."
Tony winces and shakes his head. Lily frowns.
"I don't know where you get your information, but he wasn't my biggest fan," says Tony.
"I'm not either," adds Lily, resting her chin on her arm. Tony glances at her.
"What do you remember about your dad?"
This catches the girl's attention.
 “He was cold, he was calculating. He never told me he loved me. He never even told me he liked me, so it’s a Little tough for me to digest then you’re telling me he said the whole future was riding on me an’s passing it down. I don't get that."
Hearing that, Lily feels a little sorry for Tony. Only a little. She imagines how  could be her grandfather when Tony was her age.
"You're talking about a guy whose happiest day was when he shipped me off to boarding School.”
"That’s not true.”
"Well, then, clearly you knew my dad better than I did.”
“As a matter of fact, I did. You can believe and think many things about him, but knowing all that, do you really want Lily to think the same about you?" says Fury and then finishes his drink. More agents appear to drop off several suitcases. "Well then, what else will I know about one of the founding members of S.H.I.E.L.D.”
All three get up. Lily walks over to see the suitcase.
"What’s this?" Tony asks pointing at her.
"You got this, right?" asks Fury.
"Got what? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to get,” answers Tony nervously.
“Natasha will remain a floater at Stark with her cover of her intact. And you remember Agent Coulson, right?"
They both greet each other.
 "Oh, and Tony,” says Fury before leaving. "After you fix this whole mess, we should talk about Lily's new training, she needs it more than you do. And remember, I got my eye on you.”
The latter makes Lily laugh.
Natasha and Coulson explain to Tony what to do and what not to do, while Lily walks over to the suitcase.
Property of H.Stark
"Okay, time to work, Kid," says Tony.
“No," Lily walks away. "We've been together for several hours and you haven't even apologized, and now you're just hoping that I'll help you?"
Tony raises an eyebrow, shifting uncomfortably.
Lily looks at him in disbelief.
"I don't want to, I won't help you,” She says and then returns to her room.
The truth is that Lily does want to help him, but she knows he doesn't deserve it. Moreover, she cannot be alone in her room doing nothing. She wants to know what’s in that suitcase, but she doesn't want Tony to find out about her.
An idea crosses her mind. She may not be the stealthiest, but she is the only thing she has. She goes into the living room of her destroyed house and presses the hidden button on the emergency elevator that goes alone to the workshop. She enters it and after a few seconds arrives at the workshop.
 All the lights are off and Tony is sitting in an armchair facing a projection. Lily sneaks up behind the old project.
They both watch the old Howard Stark tapes, rehearsing the presentation of what is now Stark Expo. The man has several mistakes with words, but something else calls him the attention to the girl. Just as a little boy comes out the other side of the desk where Howard presents a model. The boy takes one of the pieces and Howard notices.
“Tony, what are you doing back there? What is that? Put that back!” He scolds him.
Lily leans in to get a better look at the boy version of her father. Now she can see the resemblance between Howard and Tony when scolding their children, but is also fun to watch.
Several takes with more errors follow.
“So, from all of us at Stark Industries, I’d like to personally show you my ass,” says Howard. Lily can't help but laugh at his words, giving away her presence. Although Tony had listened to her since she arrived.
"I know you're in there, kid. You're too curious to miss this,” She comes out of her hiding place, crawling on the ground until she reaches the other side of the projector.
"I'm still mad.”
Tony sighs.
"I know,” He leans in the chair and sets aside a notebook.
“Tony," says Howard causing both of them to return to the screen. “You’re too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put this film for you. I built this for you. And Someday you'll realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people’s inventions. It represents my life’s work. This is the key to the future,” He shows the model and the reactor. “I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is and always will be my greatest creation��� is you,” The tape ends.
 "Do you think Grandpa Howard would love me?" Lily asks when the lights come on.
Tony laughs when he hears ‘Grandpa Howard’, he’s sure he wouldn’t like to be called that.
"I don’t know. Maybe he would love you more than me,” He looks at Lily.
"I am more adorable than you.”
Tony nods, unable to fight back. He sighs. He thinks about the words of his father and wonders why he was never like this with him when they were together. Why does he have to find out about this from a tape or from other people? Then he thinks of his own daughter and Fury's words come back to him.
Tony doesn't want Lily to grow up thinking that he was worse than Howard, he knows what he did.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you that day," He begins.
"And?" She says crossing her arms.
"And sorry for what you had to witness at the party.”
Tony purses his lips.
“I'm sorry I failed you. I shouldn't have left you alone, or yell at you, or lie to you.”
"Nat told me that your chest was killing you,” He nods. "Didn't it occur to you to ask for help?"
“It is somewhat complicated. When you say that you are dying, everyone panics.”
"But then they help you.”
 "I guess so.”
Lily feels a lump in her throat. Just remembering that, she again feels afraid of losing her father without even knowing something about what was really going on.
"I don't like that you hide things from me or lie to me," she says with a broken voice.
"No, you must promise that you won’t do it again,” she interrupts him.
Tony watches Lily's determination.
"I promise.”
“Mr. Fury said we are a team. You must do your part,” she says as she gets up.
"Mr. Fury?"
"Okay, okay, I got it!” He argues. In that he remembers an unfinished business. Tony stayed for a moment in the destroyed mansion and as he passed through the kitchen he saw a burned box on the sides.
He walks over to his desk with Lily following him. He removes the remains from the box and carefully takes the gift from him.
"It's a good try…”
"But you didn't even open it," she complains.
"I'm sorry, but you were missing some details.”
Lily rolls her eyes.
 "I put it together by watching a video, it's not as if you had explained each part to me.”
“That can change. Do you remember the rules we agreed upon the first time you were in the workshop?" She nods. “Forget the question limit. From now on, you must ask.”
Lily can't help but smile.
"So, are we good now?"
"Yup, but if you do something wrong, I'll tell Mr. Fury to scold you again."
"He didn't scold me," He complains.
"Whatever you say. Now what shall we do?"
Tony sighs and then winces.
“I must go to Pepper, stay here and cover me with the secret agents. I will not be late.”
"Good luck.”
After a few hours, Tony returns with the demo that his father had shown on the tapes. He arms it on various tables.
“Cool," says Lily approaching.
Tony orders Jarvis to scan every detail so he can manipulate it, he takes the hologram and moves it away from the table.
“Open your eyes wide, Kid. The answer to our problems is here,” says Tony giving her a bench and he sits on another. They both look at the model.
"What do we have to look for?"
"A new element.”
“Easy," she says sarcastically.
"My father put it here, we just have to move some things,” He brings the projection towards the center, a sphere.
"He must have something at the core," Tony whispers.
Lily sees what is around.
"What if…?”
"What if we put everything together?"
Tony frowns, but an idea crosses his mind.
Little by little, Tony is gathering the important aspects towards the center of the Expo and in each step, he’s explaining Lily. In the end he manages to find a new element, the possible solution to the problem of intoxication.
"Dead for almost twenty years, and still taking me to school,” He says watching his creation. "Nice work, Kid.”
She smiles.
"How will you make it work?" She asks.
"Unfortunately, it’s impossible to synthesize," reports Jarvis.
Tony gets up from his chair.
“Get ready for a major remodel, fellas! We're back in hardware mode. C’mon, kid.”
Between Lily and Tony - mostly Tony - they break down some walls, open the floor and use any energy source in the mansion to connect it to the workshop part. They both open some boxes that S.H.I.E.L.D left them and use every material they have on hand.
"Hold the lamp," Tony tells her.
"It's what I'm doing,” Lily claims while she also tries to see what Tony is doing.
"More to the right.”
"What does that do?"
“Gives more energy. Bring the lamp closer…”
In the meantime, neither of them notices that Phil walks into the shop.
"I heard you broke the perimeter,” says the agent.
"Whoops" says Lily.
"Uh, yeah. That was, like, three years ago. Where have you been?" Tony answers.
"I was doing some stuff.”
"Yeah, well, us too, and it worked.”
Coulson checks the boxes. He pulls out some kind of unfinished shield.
"What’s that?" asks Lily.
“It’s exactly what we need to make this work. Lily, take it,” She obeys. "Lift the coil,” He says to Coulson and between them they lift it up a bit. Enough for Lily to put it under. Tony sets the leveler. “Perfectly level. I'm busy what do you want?"
 Coulson warns him that he must go on another mission and says goodbye.
"Glad to see you are a part of it, Lily.”
"It was not easy,” she answers making him laugh.
The hours pass and they both go back to work. In the end, Tony gives Lily some special glasses and explains what they will do.
The energy is concentrated in the device.
"Initializing prismatic accelerator," reports Jarvis. Suddenly a fine laser is projected and reflected off a material.
"Get behind me,” Tony orders him.
Stark operates the machine with the laser, but not before cutting part of the wall where he directs it.
"Oh oh.”
With difficulty, the laser reaches the small inverted triangle that Tony prepared so that the power would be trapped there. After a few minutes, they turn off the machine. Tony approaches and with tweezers takes the triangle and puts it in the reactor. The item’s accepted.
"We did it?" Lily asks.
“We did it."
She sighs in relief, right now she feels the exhaustion. She walks over to the couch and sits on it.
"Wake me up when we're in trouble," she warns him.
"Why would we be in trouble?"
 "Rhodey says we have that talent.”
"Makes sense.”
In that a beep is heard.
"Incoming call and with a blocked number, sir,” warns Jarvis.
“My phone privilege is reinstated. Lovely. Kid, we have the phone back!"
“Great," she answers from the couch.
"Coulson. How’s the land of enchantment?"
"Hey. Tony. How you doing?” The voice is unknown to Lily so she settles in the chair and leans out. "I doubled cycle."
"You what?"
“You told me double cycle’s more power. Good advice.”
"You sound pretty sprightly for a dead guy.”
"What?" whispers Lily. She gets up and walks over to Tony. He makes a sign so that she doesn't make noise.
"You too,” answers the man.
Tony removes his microphone from the call.
"Trace him,” he orders Jarvis.
“Now, the true history of Stark name will be written. Your secrets will be revealed at any moment."
"What is he talking about, dad?"
Tony ignores her and keeps checking the call.
 “What your father did to my family over forty years, I will do to you in forty minutes and I will make sure your offspring disappear. I hope you're ready,” He says, and then hangs up.
Tony sees Justin Hammer's announcement at Stark Expo on another screen, and based on the coordinates of the call, Vanko may have something planned for the event. He gets up and takes the new reactor.
Stark replaces the reactor in his chest, after coughing a bit, the man feels the difference.
"Time to go,” He says walking towards his armor.
"Hey! No. You promised—”
"I have to go, Lily."
“But, you must tell me what happens. You promised not to lie to me,” She gets in her way. He sighs.
"Vanko, the man who tried to kill me in Monaco, wants to do something at the Expo and I have to stop him.”
“What does he plan to do?"
"I'm not sure. You must stay here. I'll talk to Fury about sending agents here. Turn on the TV, I'm sure they'll put it on,” He continues on his way.
“Dad," He turns again. "Be careful, please.”
Tony smiles and nods.
"Stay in the workshop in case I need your help.”
"You got it.”
@silenthappyplace​​ @yourbonesareinmybody​ @aylauwuuniverse    @skittles-skittles​ @hufflepuffzutara​ @poetryislife0715 @21bruhs​ @heavenlymistakes​ @my-love-of-books​ @dielgonacoffee​
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kdramachitchat · 3 years
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Hometown Cha Cha Cha episode 4 recap:
Hometown Cha Cha Cha episode 4 starts with a radiant Hye-jin and Du-sik meeting each other over and over, different outfits worn by Hye-jin and Du-sik attending to different jobs. She is also wearing her sparkly found heels again.
One day, a new patient comes to visit Hye-jin and is overly polite with both the women. Later, Nam-sook invites Hye-jin to the storeowner’s meeting. She’s not interested in the meeting but she’s more interested in the chance of meeting Du-sik again. Though he wasn’t there at the moment but is surprised that he stopped by. She asked about his day off and if he’s the treasurer of this meeting. A bit confused as to why he is because he doesn’t even own a business. He’s a freelancer hired by Ms. Cho. Confused to think that this is a freelancer job. The committee eventually talked about personal things like divorce. Hye-jin defended her statement that divorce isn’t a terrible thing, it’s just a choice people do. Du-sik agrees to it. They were talking about Chief Chang and her personal life. She came in abrupt. Hanchul also announced that he has laryngitis. This isn’t her environment and Hye-jin leaves the table thinking to herself why she even bothered to attend then gets teased by Juri. They were talking about her favorite boygroup. Hye-jin mentioned that she treated one of the members and Juri didn’t believe it.
Du-sik is nowhere to be seen and Hanchul seem to be faking his coughs. She started to get bored and faked her drunkness. A new bar singer up to replace Hanchul and it’s none other than Du-sik. What to expect? This guy is an all-rounder. Du-sik started singing a melancholy love tune with his acoustic guitar. She pretends to be drunk and Du-sik carries her on his back. Her shoe fell off and Du-sik knows that she’s faking her drunkness.  Du-sik asked her why she’s faking her drunkness and tells him she just wants to go home. Du-sik teases her if she even has any friends because she hates being around people she’s uncomfortable with. She mentions the name of her friends and calls him a jerk. Du-sik just laughs and comments about her loved shoes.
Looks like someone else moved in because there’s lights next door. 
As Gam-ri comes over to get a checkup, that mystery guy comes over again. He looks creepy and got a weird vibe about him. Mi-seon observes him strangely and Gam-ri follows the vibe, even asks herself if she has seen him before.
Just then, Du-sik also comes over to deliver her coffee and Hye-jin is surprised by his sudden kindness and pays for her coffee with discount. That evening, she brings over the photo of her and a singer that Ju-ri likes. Ju-ri reacts crazily seeing the picture and is over the moon like a excited fangirl. Du-sik was even annoyed by how loud her voice was. Haha. Hye-jin entertains Ju-ri with her comments and questions. Du-sik brings them something to eat and asks about the boygroup member she likes who is June. Du-sik teases them that he’s not that handsome and they both disagreed at the same time. Du-sik comments that they both act alike and they both started fangirling.
As everyone haggles Du-sik to help them with something or the other, he refuses to help Ms. Cha and then goes off surfing. Complaints their negative aspects. Du-sik wasn’t having it and isn’t the mood for some help. A fanservice scene for the lady fans!
Later, the mysterious man once again is back and Mi-seon looks even more uncomfortable. She was already feeling down after the shift and Hye-jin notices it too. It’s no wonder, though, because the moment Hye-jin leaves, he looks at Mi-seon creepily. Eventually, Hye-jin sees it with her own 2 eyes – he’s a sexual predator who was groping and checking out Mi-seon. Hye-jin is furious and tries to throw him out of the clinic. However, he calls the police and tells them that he is being framed for sexual assault. Hye-jin is pissed off and defends Mi-seon. Even Mi-seon tells her to let him go but with Hye-jin’s personality she wont. Oh man this is going to end up badly.
Du-sik arrives after Hye-jin highkicks and slaps the man. Gam-ri likely ran off to tell him and he arrived before anything worst happen. Du-sik was out of breath and asked in worry if she’s ok. Du-sik and Hye-jin both fainted.
Hye-jin and Du-sik are put behind bars at the police station for assault but didnt stay too long. Hye-jin asked how he knew about the incident. Chief Hong has some connections with the police so they let him out bec he complained about his wetsuit and changed into something more tropical. Hahaha Du-sik’s police friend releases them. Hye-jin ask why the man hasn’t been released yet from the hospital and why he wasn’t arrested. She refused to be bailed because he hasn’t been arrested. I find this hilarious at the same time sad with how women are still being assaulted, also the way that the police and the law are handling such cases. Mi-seon stops by the police station and tells her how grateful she is to Hye-jin. Du-sik and his police friends are watching them like they’re in a kdrama. Hahaha.
Gam-ri stops by the police station and came to report a lost property. She found the phone on the floor on the dental clinic. This phone may belong to the man and the police friend remembered that the man lost his phone.
Anyway, he had apparently taken many problematic photos of Mi-seon and others. Du-sik beats him in the hospital and then the man is arrested. Euncheol meets Mi-seon and tells her to call the emergency hotline incase something happens, tells her to not go through it alone. Same goes to Hye-jin.
When Du-sik tells Hye-jin later about the man’s incarceration, she decides to repay him for his kindness. Du-sik has been kind to Hye-jin lately. She tries to leave wine and fruits in front of his home as a way of repayment but is caught by Du-sik. She decides to spend the evening with him only to drink the wine that is rare to find. 
Hye-jin is at his home self-touring herself and ended up seeing a picture of him and his geandfather. Du-sik tells her that he passed away when he was in middle school. She continued to ask about his family and Du-sik tells her that he has no one left. His parents died when he was 6 so he was left alone. That’s a sad family background. What happened to his parents really? Hye-jin is surprised to hear that information. Also while mentioning it he never looked up to her. Hye-jin even had to apologize that she asked.
As the two sit down to taste the wine, Du-sik is annoyed by Hye-jin’s annoying knowledge of wine. Hye-jin makes a fool of herself and he is amused. Hye-jin could be a wine-professor as another profession if her clinic didn’t push through! Hahaha. Du-sik is not into that kind of stuff but looks like he appreciates her company.
Ju-ri also sees Seonghyun and June at their bar doing 2 looks, though she thinks he’s a lookalike but it’s really him. Seonhyun and June seem to be close.
The two talk to each other, a little tipsy from finishing the entire bottle. In a rare vulnerable moment for Hye-jin, she talks about her mother and why she decided to move to Gongjin. It was her mom’s birthday when she moved back to Gongjin. We also get to learn that Du-sik is a true born Gongjin resident, he has lived in the seaside since birth. Death of a parent can be difficult to get by. She wanted to learn advice from her and buy things from her or even have a meal with her. Before she died, they were on a family trip to Gongjin. Du-sik started tearing up too. She complained why her face is hot and Du-sik touches her cheeks looking fondly at her. I really enjoyed this scene it’s one of their best moments so far.
Hometown Cha Cha Cha Ep 4 thoughts: We see more of Hye-jin’s vulnerability in this episode and we both get to know more about their family background. Du-sik and Hye-jin both seem to enjoy their company more especially after the last episode. Also kudos to Hye-jin for standing up for her friend and colleague against that molester. Both Hye-jin and Du-sik are heroes in their own way.
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mrs-daddyissues · 3 years
~ C H A P T E R  3 ~
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~ Masterlist ~
Pairing: Alfred Pennyworth x OFC
Series Summary: Sarabi Nichols is Bruce Wayne’s life long friend that aids in creating weaponry and making outfits. When she was younger she had a thing for Bruce but now her taste has aged. Considerably. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce’s guardian and butler is more her style now. Despite this knew found liking, Sarabi feels trapped. She can’t talk to Bruce about it and clearly can’t mention it to Alfred. The only person she has is her best friend, Claudia. Sarabi has to fight the things she feels for the older man because he could never feel the same way back, right?
{Normal} Playlist
{Slowed+Reverb} Playlist
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 1725
Author’s Note: 
This part, I hope, is more intriguing the last two. I promise that the chapters from here on out will be get increasingly mature *if you catch my drift*.
"Would you like some tea, Miss Nichols?” Alfred asked as he stood from his desk in the Bat Cave to get some.
“Yes, please,” Sarabi replied while she rested back into her chair.
“With 3 sugars, yes, Miss Nichols I remember how you like your tea,” Alfred smiled from where he was and Sarabi chuckled.
Alfred and Sarabi had been working for 2 hours straight on the gauntlets and had made some progress. They knew how they were going to make them, they just needed to assemble them. Bruce was demanding, that was for sure, but at least he paid for everything. But being the billionaire he was, a couple hundred thousand was nothing.
Something Sarabi always wondered was how nobody knew he was Batman. Some simple profiling and common sense would reveal exactly who he was. With all the high-tech weapons he had, he must be wealthy in order to buy the materials needed. There was only one man in Gotham rich enough to pay for all those weapons and tools. He was hiding things like a Batmobile, plane and other automobiles and in order to hide those he needed a large, isolated property with a big bunker of sorts to hide it. He was also a 6 foot 3 white male with extensive martial arts training and computer science education. Simple profiling was all that Gotham Police Department needed. A profile would lead right back to Bruce.
“What is on your mind, Miss Nichols?” Alfred asked as he walked back over to the desk with two cups of steaming tea.
“How nobody can work out that Bruce is Batman. Like seriously? Some profiling would suffice. Thank you,” Sarabi took the cup of boiling tea and placed it on the desk.
“I most definitely agree but I think that secretly the police don’t want to reveal the Bat yet because he’s extremely helpful,” Alfred took a sip from the tea and hummed. Sarabi also took a sip and withheld the groan she could’ve let out.
“God, Alfred, did I miss your tea,” Sarabi commented with a small smile and watched Alfred’s eyes light up.
“I highly doubt it’s as good as the organic stuff in Italy,” Alfred scoffed before taking another gulp.
“Oh it certainly is,” Sarabi smirked and then took a massive sip of the delicious liquid. 
“Well, thank you, Miss Nichols,” Alfred nodded his head and Sarabi was going to correct him and tell him to just call her Sarabi but she realised it would do nothing.
Sarabi had been saying to Alfred for years to just call her Sarabi like everyone else but he never did. It was his sign of respect to her but that’s what kind of irked Sarabi. She did not see Alfred as below her and didn’t want him to think that. Sarabi hoped that Alfred knew she didn’t see him as below her because the thought saddened her.
Sarabi turned back to her notes on the gauntlets and when she looked up she noticed Alfred quickly look away from her. ‘He was looking at me’, Sarabi thought as she tried to hide the blush on her cheeks. She felt her cheeks start to fire up and confusion filled her brain. ‘Why am I trying not to blush? What the hell is happening?’ Sarabi tried to push his face out of her thoughts but it seemed to be stuck there like a splinter puncturing her psyche. 
“Are you ready to ask for Master Wayne’s opinion?” Alfred asked as the two stared at the trial gauntlets they had created.
6 hours had passed and they looked ready but the thought of how many hours spent on them made Sarabi tired. These weren’t the real ones and the real ones would take even more time. Alas, she knew it was her job to ready Bruce for whatever lay ahead.
“No,” Sarabi chuckled as Alfred pick up the phone in the cave and called Bruce.
“Master Wayne? Miss Nichols and I have come up with trials gauntlets if you wish to come down and see,” Alfred placed the phone back on the hook before he could even answer. 
“I don’t want to have to hear the whining,” Alfred wave his hand in a dismissive motion just as the elevator started moving. Sarabi snickered at Alfred’s catty but utterly hilarious approach to Bruce’s whiny tendencies.
“Here he is,” Sarabi nearly burst out laughing as he trudged into the cave. He looked fed up. Sarabi’s best guess is that a business deal didn’t go as planned, it was always put him in a bitter, foul mood. 
“This better be worth it,” he commented with a disgruntled groan and Alfred rolled his eyes.
“Master Wayne, you wanted us to make these and we did, so don’t complain,” Alfred ridiculed Bruce’s behaviour and he immediately stopped pouting. Sarabi marvelled at how Alfred could still have so much power over Bruce even when Bruce was a grown man. Bruce had a deep love and respect for Alfred and Sarabi knew he would never do anything to trouble the man. He was a stirrer and teased people but when Alfred told him to stop, he stopped. But, Sarabi noticed the small eye roll he gave when Alfred’s back was turned. Even as a 40-year-old man he still acted like a child.
“We haven’t tested them yet as we wanted you to see it first hand,” Sarabi presented the gauntlets and Bruce nodded.
“They look cool,” Bruce remarked as he looked upon the devices. They were black, obviously, and blended perfectly into his suit. 
“Well, Miss Nichols and I worked on them for about 8 hours so I hope they do. Let’s trial it shall we?” Alfred was clearly tired as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.
Alfred grabbed the alien gun sitting to his right and held it with precision. He angled it towards the gauntlet and Sarabi moved to Alfred’s side. She caught a whiff of Alfred’s scent which was a mixture of natural musk and a fancy cologne she didn’t recognise. She breathed in softly and sighed lightly at the pleasant smell. While Bruce drowned himself in cologne, Alfred let his natural aroma blend in with it. It was quickly becoming Sarabi’s favourite smell and this concerned her. ‘Why was everything about Alfred all of sudden alluring to me? Snap out of it!’ Sarabi thought as she realised what she was thinking. She was so concerned she was thinking those things about Alfred Pennyworth, a man about 50 years her senior. 
“You might want to move over, Master Wayne,” Alfred’s snarky comment snapped Sarabi out of her subconscious and back to the present. 
Bruce moved over to Sarabi’s side with a slight hint of annoyance. Alfred then shot the beam from the gun and it landed straight on the gauntlet. The gauntlet absorbed the energy and dissipated it. 
“Yes! Success!” Sarabi cheered while Alfred placed the gun back on the table.
“Well, that worked. Thank God,” Alfred mumbled the last part to himself.
“I think we did a great job, Alfred,” Sarabi praised with a small grin and revelled in Alfred’s small smirk in return. The smirk seemed innocent enough but it could be interrupted as holding something else. 
“I’m quite impressed, you want something to eat?” Bruce asked after a short investigation of the gauntlet.
“Yes, I am quite famished. What do you guys want me to cook?” Alfred queried without even a second thought.
“No, Alfred you’ve done enough work for today, we’ll order in,” Bruce replied quickly and didn’t give Alfred room to disapprove. 
“Pizza?” Bruce looked into Sarabi’s eyes and she nodded.
“I’ll eat anything,” Sarabi shrugged her shoulders, feeling very indifferent to what they ate.
“Great, I’ll go order some,” Bruce headed back up the lift as Alfred rolled his eyes.
“Takeaway food! All that grease will kill you,” Alfred condescended as Bruce’s large form retreated up into the house. 
“Like you’re cooking isn’t slowly giving us cancer,” Sarabi joked and watched as Alfred’s jaw dropped to the floor.
“Miss Nichols! I think my cooking is quite good,” Alfred defended himself and Sarabi broke down in giggles.
“Alfred, you’re cooking is amazing! I’m just poking fun!” Sarabi reached for her empty coffee cup just as Alfred’s did and they touched. As soon as their hands made contact, they both withdrew quickly.
“Apologies, Miss Nichols,” Alfred moved his hand up to fix his glasses and Sarabi noticed the light twinkle in his beautiful eyes. It wasn’t much, it was only a small glint of something but it was something. Sarabi picked up the coffee cup and cleared her throat from the lump that had formed.
“No, it’s fine Alfred, shit, I mean stuff, happens,” Sarabi stuttered before making her way to the elevator to avoid more embarrassment. She could feel her cheeks glow from excitement but also nerves. 
She pressed the button as Alfred walked up behind her. He stood slightly behind her and just close enough so that Sarabi could feel his breath on her neck. He didn’t say anything but his presence was enough to elicit an anxious but exhilarated feeling. 
The elevator landed on the floor and Alfred allowed her to walk in first. ‘Always a gentleman’, Sarabi thought to herself. The two, without saying a word, rode the elevator back up. Sarabi had to force herself to not look at Alfred, no matter how hard it was. Once they were up in the house, Sarabi made her way to her bedroom as fast as she could.
She took off her jacket and shoes, suddenly feeling very hot. Her body warmed up as she laid down and tried to calm her racing heart. Sarabi looked up the beige ceiling and contemplated everything in her life.
She was finding Alfred attractive. Not just his looks but his being. His scent, his voice and this was a problem. Sarabi had never been attracted to many people save for Bruce at one point and some kid from her part-time orphanage but she definitely never saw herself liking Alfred, of all people. When she left for Europe, Alfred was just her friend and work partner but now he was something more, well, to her at least. 
Sarabi came to the conclusion that her taste in men had changed.
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<<CHAPTER 2<<  ~ ~ ~  >>CHAPTER 4>>
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Sprinter vans uses
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Many people used to choose sprinter work vans as a permanent residency rather than paying rent on an apartment or a mortgage payment. These vans have even given the traditional RV market a run for their money due to their relative economic cost, their ease of parking, and the living space they provide in return
So can you live in a Sprinter van?
Yes, full-time Sprinter van life is possible, provided the owner has the financial means to buy and maintain a converted vehicle and that there is some portable source of income that allows a nomadic lifestyle.
Van life in a converted Sprinter van might seem imminently Instagram Mable with its stunning vistas, and carefree lifestyle. However, some trades must be made in comfort to secure the sort of freedom that van life provides, and these inconveniences can be too much for many would-be nomads. 
Continue on to find out more about life in a Sprinter van and whether it would be the right life for you. Many advantages come with living out of a Sprinter van. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy from a nomadic van-based lifestyle:
Freedom: If you live in a vehicle, you effectively have the option to pick up and leave and settle someplace new any time you feel like it. For people who aren’t tied to a single location by their jobs, this can be a great way to see the world and travel while working at the same time.
Low costs: Compared to a monthly mortgage on a house, the costs of living in a van can be minimal. The solar setup typically used to power a Sprinter van’s living quarters cost pennies on the dollar relative to the cost of utilities in a house. Also, you can enjoy the freedom of not needing to pay property taxes and other costs associated with home ownership.
Minimalist lifestyle: It can be challenging to implement a minimalist lifestyle in a traditional home setting. In general, humans are consumers who like to buy tons of stuff and keep it in one place.
For people who prefer gathering experiences to things, living out of a Sprinter van at least for a few years can let them focus on paring down their lives to make room for the life experiences that are most important to them.
While there are many benefits of living in a Sprinter van, there are some distinct drawbacks too. It definitely isn’t a lifestyle for everyone. Here are some of the disadvantages of living in a Sprinter van:
It doesn’t work with all careers: To be able to move around from place to place in a nomadic sort of lifestyle, you obviously can’t work a job where you have to report to the same office day after day.
Van life is suitable for retirees, freelancers, artists, and very few other careers. Those constraints can make it hard for anyone who wants to live out of a Sprinter van to be able to pull it off.
Cramped spaces: One of the most significant disadvantages of living in a van is the reduced living space. Many people who consider a studio apartment too cramped for a comfortable living would not be able to cut it in van life. To prevent feeling cramped by a lack of living space, many people who live in a Sprinter van spend the majority of their time outside of it.
Lack of water and basic amenities: Most people who live in a house or apartment take their easy access to water for granted, and don’t take into consideration how many household tasks require it. When living out of a van, cooking, bathing, and even just grabbing a drink becomes more complicated than when you’re living in a house.
Extreme temperatures: Many people in this modern society wouldn’t think about being without air conditioning or an insulated residence. As a result, the fluctuating temperatures of living out of a van, especially in geographies with extreme high and low temperatures, can be a significant discomfort for some people. This is especially true for those who are more vulnerable to extreme temperatures, such as children or the elderly.
Difficult hygiene: Living out of a van requires van owners to bathe out of public baths a lot of the time. Since vans don’t come with bathtubs and showers, it’s harder for people living out of vans to stay clean compared to people who own private bathrooms in a home.
This can mean a life spent in porta-potties and questionably clean public restrooms, not for the squeamish. Displaced due to repairs: Like any other vehicle under heavy load, a Sprinter van outfitted for living quarters will eventually need to go in for mechanical repairs, and this can involve the van being out of commission for days or even weeks. Van owners will need to have money saved up to rent other living quarters during repairs, not to mention saving up for repairs themselves.
Finding a place to sleep: Finding a place to park the van can be difficult in some areas, as it isn’t legal to circle the wagons just anywhere. If you stay in the wrong place, you might find yourself waking up to a policeman knocking on your van window. This means people living out of a Sprinter van always need to be thinking ahead and researching places they can rest.
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worthnetjayz · 3 years
Jay-Z Net Worth 2021 Biography, Career !
Jay-Z Net Worth 2021 Biography, Career !
Jay Z Net Worth web truly worth is known to get an incredible $1 billion by 2021, which made him the wealthiest rapper possibly, plus the primary millionaire throughout the rap sector. However, Kanye has since end up being the wealthiest, pushing Jay-Z lower to #2.{Buzrush.com}
Jay Z Net Worth, brought into this world Shawn Corey Carter, is definitely an United states rapper, businessman, and investor. He grew to become one from your top selling music artists at any time, after getting offered 100 zillion data, and got 21 Grammy rewards for his function.
Just like most of the other powerful musicians and athletes worldwide, Jay Z Net Worth didn’t allow audio work as the be-all and finish-all his job. He diverse, and started purchasingrestaurants and nightclubs, their very own outfits range and record content label.
Very early Living
Shawn Carter was designed around the fourth Dec 1969 in Brooklyn, New It is possible to, You . s . Suggests. He was increased in Marcy Properties, a homes job in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant local community. Gloria, Shawn’s mum, raised him and the 3 sisters and brothers following their daddy abandoned them.
Shawn gone to Eli Whitney Older person Secondary School in Brooklyn until finally it had been closed down cheaper. {Buzrush.com}Then he went to the encompassing George Westinghouse Career and Technical Schooling Older High School with potential future rappers The Widely recognized B.I.G. and Busta Rhymes, put into practice having a stint at Trenton Central Older Senior High School in Trenton, Nj. He never ever finished Senior citizen High School Graduation.
Gloria secured a increase box for Jay Z Net Worth birthday, at first sparking a wish for tunes. Subsequent this, he started free of charge-styling and publishing lines, following a brand ‘Jay-Z’ to identification his coach ‘Jay-O’.
Originally, Jay-Z was marketing information through the trunk of his motor vehicle. He’d no report package, and yes it was unsigned, so he did no matter what he could to promote his tunes.
He founded the history label Roc-A-Fella documents with Damon Dash and Kareem Biggs, that have been remaining with these {Buzrush.com}impressive a circulation manage Priority. This then accepted Jay-Z to produce his debut record ‘Reasonable Doubt’ in 1996.
Go toward today, and Jay-Z works with the report for several number one albums which has a solo musician round the US Billboard 200 with 14. He’s also had four amount #1’s around the Billboard Very hot 100.
The amount of is Beyonce & Jay-Z’s put together internet well worth?
By 2021, Jay-Z’s internet worth is $1 billion, and Beyonce’s internet worth is $500 million, which provides the pair a combined internet price of $1.5 billion.
So, how Exactly Does Jay Z Spend His Money?
Jay Z exists in the $6.85 mil condominium in Manhattan. He obviously booked a $400,000-every-four weeks summer time time residence within the Hamptons.
Also, he contains a massive range of vehicles as an example Tesla Version S, Bugatti Veyron, GMC Yukon, Mercedes-Benz Mclaren SLR, Moves-Royce Gold Cloud, 1957 Chevy Corvette, Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, Ferrari F430 Spider, Most Highly Regarded Phantom plus much more.
In New Orleans, Jay Z keeps in a $2.4 million former Presbyterian Cathedral presenting three become an expert in bed rooms.
He’s a terrific selection of jewelry similar to a reliable rare metal sequence pendant which is worth $234.000. Also, he incorporates a Hublot Big Group watch well worth $73,700.
Often he brings his household on holiday on $3.6 mil non-public Bahamas area and $61.4 mil yachts.
Listed below are the favorite attributes of Jay-Z’s profession:
Preferred Rap/Trendy-Hop Artist, American citizen Music and songs Rewards (2004, 2009)
Finest Males Trendy-Hop Artisan, Wager Rewards (2001, 2004)
Movie from the season, Wager Prizes (Otis, 2012)
Hustler with the season, Option Hip-Hop Honours (2009,2012 and 2011, 2013)
Lyricist of your season, Wager Cool-Hop Rewards (2009)
MVP of the season, Wager Fashionable-Hop Honours (2009)
Musician with the time of year, Billboard Music Honours (1999)
Very best Worldwide Men Single Performer, BRIT Awards (2010)
Ideal Rap Single Efficiency, Grammy Prizes (99 Difficulties, 2005)
Favored Jay-Z Rates
“I would confront the area go shopping, the bodega, and simply pick up a newspaper case or get liquid - anything just to acquire a document case. And I’d produce the language round the paper bag and stuff these ideas within my budget until finally I procured back. I Then would transfer them in to the laptop.” - Jay-Z
“I’m not really near becoming lord, however i operate the lord damn difficult.” - Jay-Z
“I imagine interactions{Buzrush.com} are damaged up because of the marketing.” - Jay-Z
“Successful individuals have a larger anxiety about failure than people who’ve never done anything if you haven’t been effective, then you definitely don’t understand how it feels to get rid of everything.” - Jay-Z
3 Tips for Results from Jay-Z
You’ve now learned about Jay-Z’s net truly worth, and just how he accomplished success here are the best good results coaching to comprehend from Jay-Z:
1. Enthusiasm Can Hit whenever
You read the guy, he comfortable with get a container only for the dark brown papers to make sure that he could write cheaper any lyrics or concepts that found his mind. If this hit, Inspiration can strike anywhere, and Jay-Z ensured he was ready for. That’s near the point, though he most likely drank that bottle too.
2. Constantly Be Hustling
Jay-Z’s world wide web worth is not such as this of quite a few other rappers on the planet. Must know why? he did not go to rapping. He accessed entrepreneurship, buying dining establishments and nightclubs. {Buzrush.com}This is where the majority of his web worthy of originates from.
3. Don’t Wait around Til You Might Have Everything Required
Jay-Z didn’t have the equipment or dollars he’d have adored because he very first began out. He earned use what he’d, and began where he could.
This may almost certainly be the key reason why a lot of people never get started by themselves ambitions. They can be indicating they are patiently waiting till they’ve almost everything they require. {Buzrush.com}Effective people today find out other options for obtaining started without every little thing jazzy items.
Bottom line
Jay-Z is considered the most successful hip-hop artists on earth, and he’s also a skillful entrepreneur. Everybody knows this person is the genuine article, plus the world wide web cost of around $1 billion reveals it.
He’s encouraged lots of other musicians sooner or later ahead and initiate making.
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