wtdylio · 1 year
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Next person who says this about Fable it is ON SIGHT
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clarafang12 · 3 months
Naban's Newfables Inc! (DnD party comwork)
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Meet the employees of Naban's Newfables Inc! You got Drake Adler (the skeleton), Erthgard Mavolen (the human paladin), Mendecia Aethuda (The moryx [moth], Newlin Steelrage (the selachi [humanoid shark] monk), and Rakun Ebernet (the racoonfolk bard thief). Who's you fav? I think I like Rukan the best :D.
My name is Clara. I love painting and character design and I do lot of DnD artworks. If you want to see more of my work, feel free to check out clarafang12 on instagram and twitter :>
Thank you!
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homesteadchronicles · 4 years
Happy STS, hope you'll have a very nice weekend!! Do your characters have any unique or strange talents?
Why, thank you! I hope you have a pleasant weekend of your own. Since I talked about Kingdom Come in my last ask, and I have been itching to talk about my other project, I’ll go with Nevermore characters for this response! It was, after all, inspired by superheroes. It’s a perfect combo!
For those who have followed Nevermore thus far, you’ll realize that you don’t recognize every name here. Don’t worry: they’ll be introduced soon ;)
Vice can manifest expressions of the Seven Deadly Sins. When linked with any of the sins, Vice gains a power equivalent to its character. For example, harnessing Lust allows him to attract and seduce others with ease. However, each power comes with a cost. If he has activated Greed, he might be able to locate treasures with ease, but he will be compelled to hoard them to himself. He must subdue his temptations before being able to unlink his powers or choose another sin. Thus, he is a high-risk, high-reward player. However, when unlinked, he can innately sense which of the sins another struggles with the most. He uses this in his daily occupation as a therapist.
Virtue can harness the power of the Seven Heavenly Virtues. When linked with any of the virtues, she gains a corresponding power. For example, the virtue of Mercy allows her to heal another’s wounds. Each of her powers comes with specific conditions that are too complicated to list here and now - a separate post will come for that!
Ennui is an empath with power over others’ emotions. Ennui can innately understand the emotions of others in her surroundings, even if they do not understand what they are feeling or why. When utilizing her powers, Ennui can ease or intensify anyone’s emotions in the vicinity. However, the damage dealt to her psyche from overusage causes her to refrain from activating her abilities. 
Paragon has enhanced physical capabilities when in proximity to his empowerer, Venus. Paragon was an ordinary human until a spirit inhabited the body of his deceased wife. Now, whenever Venus is near to him, Paragon has superhuman capabilities: super strength, limited flight, regeneration, etc. However, should he and Venus be apart from one another, he becomes normal.
Miracle’s sole power is to bring out the innate powers of others. That’s right: home girl can do a whole lot of nothing on her own. Instead, Miracle chooses to dive into one’s genetic code and bring out the dormant powers therein. It’s a tedious process, and one that takes an immense toll on her. Thus, she only does so for those who complete the Tournament of Miracles.
Shadowhand can manipulates shadows. Shocking, right? While Shadowhand can perform basic shadow-centric abilities, such as becoming invisible in shadows or making shadows tangible so as to attack opponents, her primary abilities lie elsewhere. When she kills someone, she can “steal” their shadow and make it her own. This shadow self can function as an informant or a messenger, letting her hear and speak through them without ever having to leave her hiding place. Thus, she controls a vast spy network in Newfable.
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alexminhtran3 · 4 years
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Halo Infinite May Be The Last Halo Game - IGN Daily Fix The Xbox Games Showcase put Halo Infin... #blogshot #asduskfalls #avowed #dailyfix #destiny2 #everwild #fable #fix #forza #forzamotorsport #games #gamesshowcase #grounded #halo #haloinfinite #hellblade2 #hellblade2senuassaga #igndailyfix #masterchief #newfable #ori #oriandthewillofthewisps #pc #playground #playgroundstudios #psychonauts #psychonauts2 #rpg #senua #stateofdecay #stateofdecay3 #tellmewhy #theouterwilds #xbox #xboxone #xboxseriesx #xboxshowcase https://blogshot.net/halo-infinite-may-be-the-last-halo-game-ign-daily-fix/?feed_id=32580&_unique_id=5f6bef827b424
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homesteadchronicles · 4 years
Happy STS! Imagine you got teleported into your WIP. You are now a character in your story, and you must survive till the end to get back. Who are you? What is your role?
Happy Storyteller Saturday to you, too! This is the second question I’ve gotten today about being teleported into my world. Is self-insert fanfiction suddenly popular again? Did I miss out on a trend?
Quick note before I begin this: since I know which of my characters don’t make it to the end of their series, I’m not basing it off of that. I’m answering this as if I will heavily influence the events that occur based on how I handle my powers and placements in these worlds.
Also, I don’t know if you meant “you literally become one of your characters” or “you become a person who does not currently exist in this world”, so I’ll answer both ways!
In Kingdom Come, if I’m trying to survive, I’m taking over Carmila’s role in the story. Whereas the others’ roles consist of “prince no one believes in”, “prophet everyone is prejudiced against”, “soldier who conspired with the former mad kind”, “currently violent revolutionary”, and “the literal goddess of death”, I’m thinking the merchant wannabe is a pretty safe bet...for now.
If I’m just anyone in this world? I’m going to Genesai and becoming a farmer. There are two divisions of people in that land, both sides at war with each other. You know who they both worship? The Earth Mother. You know who neither side will harm? People who literally work with the earth. I can grow some crops, pretend I’m in Stardew Valley, and bide my time while all hell breaks loose.
For Nevermore? This is a tricky question because all of the protagonists quickly become aware that the end is just about to happen - and they don’t know how any of them even can survive! So I’m just going to say I have to make it up to that point. If I’m taking over a character, I’m becoming Chronicle. While everyone might want to use and even harm, they literally have to keep him alive because he’s the only one who can affect the Eternal Record’s future, and thus, save their skins.
If I’m just a person. I am getting the heck out of Newfable and finding a nice little community in the wild to join for a whopping few months before the end comes. But if I have to stay in the city? Even powerless people with normal jobs get involved in the action. I think I’d join a group in the underground, lay low in the shadows and gather intel to sell to whoever needed it and could keep me safe in exchange.
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homesteadchronicles · 4 years
Happy sts and positive vibes to you! What are things/activities that make your character(s) completely lose track of time? - notwritinganyflufftoday
The same to you! I think we could all use some positive thoughts and feelings and whatnot right now, so thank you.
I feel like these kinds of questions aren’t as easy to answer in fantasy settings (am I the only one who thinks that?), so I’ll answer this with characters from Nevermore!
Vice has a habit of bingewatching television shows, but instead of simply watching and enjoying what’s happening onscreen, he has to go and diagnose every character: what’s wrong with them, where it came from, and what they need to do to go through it. He’s not even trying, it’s just habit from his job. But it makes him predict the ending of shows more often than not, much to his company’s chagrin.
Chronicle could get lost in a scrapbook for hours. If he finds a blank book, he could fill it with different articles, pictures, etc. from times long past, putting together pieces of history - both global and personal. Vice has no idea what he’s doing, or why he would enjoy that, but sometimes Chronicle will look up from his work and realize six hours have passed.
Gallivant could go for a ride and not come back for hours. Days. Weeks, even, until the hunger struck him. Outside of Newfable, he could’ve hopped on his horse and explored all the uncharted plains. But stuck in the city? Well, a motorcycle will have to do.
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homesteadchronicles · 4 years
Happy sts and positive vibes to you! Imagine your OC(s) won the lottery, what would they do with all that money?
Thanks for helping me to participate in Storyteller Saturday this week! I hope the same to you. May your weekend be filled with refreshment, excitement, and joy abundant :)
What a fun question! Gosh, they would be such a mess. 
For Kingdom Come? Royan’s finding some fancy swords and armor for a collection he swears he’s gonna start some day, and probably buy a ridiculous pet like a polar bear or a mountain lion. 
Oeden would tithe a tenth of his, except he doesn’t trust the Northern church, so he’d likely donate it to a temple down south. The rest? He’s taking his Mom (and Elyk, if he’d like) on a trip to Nadielle’s hometown and discovering why she loves Via Evelis so much.
Medea’s commissioning statues to be built of every mandmade god in Al-Hasan. If she’s going to build her own pantheon, might as well immortalize her handcrafted deities.
Carmila is reclaiming her noble title and living a life of luxury. Duh. This would literally solve her entire story in two seconds.
Farukh’s buying out literally every slave he can. End of story.
Kasumi would spend a good portion of hers on art materials and special paints that she could have, but doesn’t want to request on her own. Probably a new bow, too. And some hairpins - her hair’s getting way too long.
For Nevermore? Miracle would primarily use it to build orphanages all throughout Newfable for the kids she can’t yet reach herself. And, of course, she’d spend a pretty penny on some fancy dresses and headdresses for herself, too. A Godmother’s gotta look hot, right?
Gallivant would likely take it and use it outside of Newfable, going to the different communities and investing it to teach them how to survive outside of technology’s reach.
Vice would likely invest in a better house for he and his daughter (on the weekends he has custody of her), and an improved office space for his therapeutic practices. Holding therapy sessions in the shady downtown area can get you some...interesting characters. Which he likes, honestly, but he would like to reach the down-and-outs and the up-and-outs of society.
Virtue would give a good chunk of it to charity (out of obligation, not desire) while Paragon would do the same (out of desire, not obligation). Virtue would use the rest to further her medical research, as funds can only be so plentiful. Paragon, meanwhile, would use it to secure equipment and connections that the underground superhuman movement needs to survive and thrive.
Belladonna is using every connection she has in the underground market to complete her literary collection before the Author’s inevitable - and imminent - return.
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
Introducing: Nevermore
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Once upon a simpler time, all people were super.
Origin, the Author Incarnate, decreed in the Eternal Record that humanity might share in His supernatural power - and so it was at the dawn of time. From this magnificent union came marvels mankind had never known before: the construction of kingdoms, the invention of technology, the naming of animals, the manifestation of mountains, the speech of seas into existence with but a whisper. Man had inherited strength that immortals could only imagine. Humanity had their “happily ever after” from the first page of creation.
If only the enchantment lasted.
Even amidst the majesty of their endless paradise, the people longed for more. When their selfish demands went unanswered, sin surfaced in wonderland. War raged around the world. Powers once wielded for wondrous deeds now turned into weapons of awe and terror. Only once the warfare finished did its fighters realize how still the world so suddenly seemed, for their Author had submitted to silent mourning.
In the seeming absence of the almighty, a savior arose amidst the remainder of mankind. He proposed a rectification of the Eternal Record: to rewrite time without the supernatural. Without power, people would undoubtedly unite instead of divide. It took one look at immortal kind - coalescent since Creation, despite their constituted impotence - to confirm his claims. Humanity’s remnant, desperate for redemption, approved his plan.
With one stroke of the quill, this makeshift Messiah amended the Eternal Record and altered humanity’s history-to-be. But instead of forswearing their inherent strength, this turncoat protector omitted Origin from man’s narrative. The Everlasting Amendment had forever severed the connection between Author and Creation. 
Nevermore would mankind know its maker.
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Amidst the Amendment’s composition, this treacherous savior disappeared - as did the Record. Now, humanity had only regrets and carnage to keep it company.
With the dust of their age-old crusade settled, and any potential champions now missing, mankind knew it would need to unite and rebuild from the ashes of its former glory. Those who remained had only their natural resources and the scrapped pieces of ancient technology no longer under their control. From the remains of magic and metal, mankind constructed makeshift towns and towers, citadels and cities, in an attempt to reclaim a semblance of stability.
Of all these manmade wonders, one settlement became a stronghold for all human life: Newfable, home of mortals and mutants alike.
Within this crucible of twisted dreams, three political factions competed for supremacy: Outcry, the remnant of natural-born superhumans who survived the Everlasting Amendment’s massacre; the Children of Miracles, once-ordinary humans made almighty by the wonder-working powers of their mysterious Godmother; and the Iron Inquisition, a union of mundane humans utilizing machinery to police the paranormal.
Throughout innumerable ages, Newfable provided a new chapter to humanity’s tragic tale. But its story took an unexpected turn when an anonymous teenager came to town with the Eternal Record in tow. Now, a war must wage once more to maintain authorship of mankind’s chronicle.
So now I, the author-made-absent, ask: if you held the pen of humanity’s future, what sort of story would you write?
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Nevermore is an up-and-coming collection of stories that combine mythological origins, post-apocalyptic settings and superhero powers to form a dystopian fairytale universe. Take part in the tale, if you so choose - the next chapter starts soon.
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
Night, Archer, and Mage from the themed asks for one character from each WIP.
Knight: How does the character prefer to protect themselves - physically, with armor; verbally, with sharp words; spiritually, with prayers; magically, with wards; etc.?
Royan Godewine, from Kingdom Come, wears his humor as an armor against intimacy and conflict. When an issue arises, he makes a joke of it. When he feels himself wishing to say something sentimental, he will instead tease the target of his affections. Royan has a real issue allowing himself to be vulnerable, both because he’s scared of the potential rejection faced when baring his soul and also because he’s frightened to face the true problems within himself because he does not believe he has the ability to overcome them. Much easier to make a mockery of life than to let it - and the people that occupy it - make a joke of you, right?
Arthur Pendragon, from Nevermore, uses his portion of the Eternal Record as a protection against the unknown. His constant fear of what’s to come has him poring over every page he can find of the endless possibilities for the future. He believes that, if he knows what will happen, he can either stop it or make it come to pass. Thus, he has internal peace, and can navigate himself out of any problem he might face. But this is simply false hope, and he is just one player affecting the world’s story, and he cannot keep up with the ever-changing nature of the Record. Thus, he always feels the need to protect himself from everything and anything - because he’s seen how every path plays out.
Archer: Does the character prefer to keep their distance from others, or would they rather remain up close and personal with people and/or their problems?
Farukh, from Kingdom Come, is about the most direct male you can imagine. He says what’s on his mind, speaks from his heart, and isn’t afraid of what others may think. Thus why most of his comrades have rallied around him: because there is no hidden agenda or duplicitous falsehoods to fear in him. But unlike Oeden, whose words are laced with an inconsiderate harshness to those who have angered him, Farukh speaks to others as equals. Even to those he hates, he believes they are worth his honesty. This honesty isn’t just name-calling and character-bashing. Even an enemy can be spoken to with respect. But Farukh does not hold back from addressing problems either - oftentimes, as his culture would enforce, through violence. You may learn that Farukh admires your strength with a blade just as quickly as he might use his own to cut your throat.
Shadowhand, from Nevermore, is an interesting case with this because she knows she needs to deal with her problems, but she does so through underhanded or behind-the-scenes means. She would sooner send a shadow to assassinate her target or a messenger to deliver her demands than come face-to-face with someone she’s in conflict with. Even still, she could handle her own in combat. But interpersonal problems? Facing familial strife or a hurt between friends? It’s nigh impossible to come out of her shell long enough to do so. Her persona, Shadowhand, can face tribulations, overcome trials, conquer obstacles! But she, Mun Ha-neul, herself? Mun cannot hope to solve a single issue.
Mage: Does the character believe they have ever had a supernatural encounter? If so, describe it. If not, describe what their ideal encounter would be.
Carmila Ramos, from Kingdom Come, is a woman who does not believe in the very magic she has witnessed work before her eyes. You see, in the world of Edenfell, the primary God has been sealed away for centuries! The only magic one sees would be from legendary heroes or those of the occult - and there’s where Carmila’s connection comes in. For after her family’s fall from nobility, she sought out the truth of the rumors pertaining to the swamp witch. And in a hut in the marshes of the Evelian mainland, Carmila made a deal with the devil’s servant. One that has cost her dearly, one that has afforded her a small fortune, one that she still regrets, one that whose repercussions she has not yet seen in full. 
Gallivant, from Nevermore, is a man who has witnessed a miracle. Or, rather, Miracle - the Godmother of Newfable. Although the Author of Newfable supposedly disappeared, Gallivant believes Miracle to be divination incarnate. And with her powers to supply others with supernatural abilities, it’s difficult for most to refute him! His alleged devotion for her has caused him to place her on a pedestal no mortal can uphold. However, none can convince him that Miracle is anything less than a literal, living goddess.
Thank you so much for participating in this week’s Author Thursday ask game! If you would like to submit a question from the Fire Emblem Themed Ask Game, please feel free to do so!
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
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“Nevermore” Character Moodboard: Gallivant (”Knight-Errant”)
Wanderlust Warrior | Godmother’s Guardian | Paramour of Miracles
Gallivant once traveled the wastelands outside of Newfable in an effort to restore the war-torn territories to their rightful place. Unforeseen circumstances - the likes of which change with every telling of the story - led him to settle inside the city, much to his chagrin. His entry to Newfable, however, was marked by radical success - he had triumphed as the first Champion of the Tournament of Miracles. When asked what reward he sought, Gallivant forsook power in favor of a favor: to stand at the Godmother’s side as, together, they rebuilt this broken city. Miracle accepted his offer, and his company.
Rumors surround the truth of his relationship with the Godmother. Some claim they are conspirators plotting to take over the city. Others swear they have united only out of need for one another’s power instead of personal preference. And then there are those, even inside the Champions’ circle, who claim love blossomed for an immortal and her sworn sword.
If you would like to learn more about Nevermore, please click here! If you would like to learn more about Gallivant, the Knight-Errant, click here!
(Tagging: @bluemartlet, @midknightmasquerade. If you would like to be added to or removed from this list, please let me know in the comments or in the reblogs!)
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
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“Nevermore” Character Moodboard: Miracle (”The Godmother”)
Miracle acts as one-third of the triumvirate vying to reign over Newfable. Bestowed with the ability to bring out potential buried deep in one’s genetic code, Miracle chose to restore the power dormant inside not the wealthy or well-known, but the orphaned and oppressed. The common people flocked to her, calling themselves the Children of Miracles - and she, their Godmother. Before long, this woman of unknown origins had resurrected hope inside her adopted offspring. With six Champions at her side, she now seeks out a seventh worthy soul to complete the Tournament of Miracles and stand as a defender against their impending doom.
If you want to read more about Nevermore, click here! If you want to read more about the Miracle Mother, click here! If you would like to be added to the tag list for this series, please let me know!
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
World building fact swap! There are five human power types in my universe. The Public knows about two, and knows more than they realize about a third. The other two either pretend they're not superhuman or that they're one of the known kinds.
Ooooh! Hiding supernatural powers, huh? That’s always a dangerous gamble. I am intrigued to know how one could hide them so well. Is there something that denotes a difference in types of power, or just between humans and superhumans? Regardless, I feel like a lot of my characters from Nevermore could relate to this struggle, having lived in a world where supernatural powers are outlawed. 
Speaking of which, why don’t we dive into the city of Newfable from Nevermore for our fact!
Worldbuilding Fact from Nevermore:
The tale of Nevermore takes place primarily in an urban utopia known as “Newfable” - the refuge where the remnants of humanity can come together to rebuild their world without fear of it falling once more. Of course, because the people blame supernatural power for instigating their demise, supernatural power has been banned from public usage. That, of course, does not mean none use it - in fact, it can be utilized to prevent other supernatural beings from interfering with daily life!
The Iron Inquisition stands as Newfable’s leading law enforcement organization. It’s leader, the aptly named “Inquisitor”, believes supernatural power to be a curse thrust upon mankind to tempt them from purity. However, the Inquisitor himself has been cursed by these abilities, and instead uses them to stop other superhumans. The Inquisitor possesses no power of his own other than to inhibit and annihilate the powers of others. Through the use of specially-manufactured machinery and weaponry, he has channeled this ability into all of his followers to use at their discretion.
So what happens when a superhuman is caught, hmm? Like most legal action, it depends on the crime. Someone with supernatural power who committed a normal crime without aid of their abilities is charged like anyone else. The Inquisitor sees no reason to discriminate against someone if they have power but choose not to use it. But if they use their powers? A convicted superhuman who openly utilizes their powers has two options: surrender their power and freedom by submitting to the authority of the Inquisition, or die.
Of course, there are other means of punishment. But those are still in the works…
Thank you so much for participating in this week’s round of Author Thursday! If anyone else would like to participate in the Worldbuilding Fact Swap, send me one piece of information about your world and I will answer it with one of my own! Other unrelated asks are, of course, welcomed as well.
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
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“Nevermore” Character Moodboard: Mun Ha-neul (”Shadowhand”)
The Politician’s Spymaster | Commander of Shadows | Twin Protector
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Ha-neul understood this sole universal truth: that mankind proclaimed light’s sanctity when in abundance, but in scarcity, returned to worship the dark. That sacred light exposed their secrets, burnt their delicate flesh, and blinded their tear-dirtied eyes. Was it not the shadow that soothed them, that drew broken hearts and beaten spirits back into its comforting embrace? It could hold them. It could hide them. It could heal them.
The people could preach their self-swindling dissertations until the Record ended. Ha-neul would not waste humanity’s time. Ha-neul would heal the world.
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Mun Ha-neul - known moreso by her alias, the “Shadowhand” - serves as one of the primary antagonists of Nevermore. Bound by the ever-ticking countdown to her brother’s death, Ha-neul sought asylum in the rumored human stronghold of Newfable. Her sanctuary came in the form of her newly-adoptive father: Luther Pendragon, an aspiring politician with revolutionary plans for Newfable’s future. In exchange for her special services, Luther would provide any and all medical treatments necessary for her brother’s survival. Ha-neul now collects the secrets of her father’s political competitors in the hopes that this information might help him ascend through the ranks and take Newfable’s metaphorical throne. Then, and only then, can Ha-neul have enough to save Seo-Jun’s life.
That is, unless she gets her hand on the Eternal Record instead...
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Shadowhand possesses the supernatural ability to manipulate shadows at will. When beckoning only her most basic abilities, Shadowhand can weaponize the darkness. Whether she shapes the shadows into throwing knives or energy rays, the darkness heeds her call. However, Shadowhand prefers to operate in secret as opposed to favoring face-to-face confrontation. She has thus invented alternative methods of harnessing this power to suit her personal interests. When stalking a subject or seeking an unseen escape, Shadowhand can slip into the shadows, disappearing from mortal sight. But of all her abilities, none exceeds that of her shadow duplication. When in possession of one’s shadow - her own or that of her victim’s - she can manifest this shadow into a living replica of its former creator. She utilizes these shadow twins, these dark mirrors of mankind, to create a spy network throughout the entire of Newfable. 
Who’s to say those closest to your are not one of her pawns? For infinite is her reach, and eternal her wrath.
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If you would like to learn more about Nevermore, click here! If you would like to learn more about Shadowhand, click here!
Tagging: @bluemartlet, @midknightmasquerade. If you would like to be added to or removed from the tag list, please let me know!
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
3, 13, and 40 for Carmila and Miracle?
Ooh hoo, this is quite the character pairing! I’m excited to answer questions about these two, and the ones you chose are good for them. Thank you for sending me some questions, my friend! I’ll shoot a few over your way soon :)
For reference’s sake: any segments in quotations below will be asks answered in-character, while anything written outside of quotations is my out-of-character commentary. I might have a bit of both throughout!
3. Last physical injury?
As someone who primarily stays off of the battlefield, Carmila retains few physical injuries throughout the first book, and even before it begins. She’s the type to send a boy to do her bidding for her. That being said, she does actually suffer a minor injury in her second chapter. An unexpected fall leads her to hurting her ankle, which plays a minor part in a later chapter as it heals. It was nothing but a slight twist, but it still bothered her. It’s not like she can afford to visit a healer, after all.
13. What are some of their fears?
“Have you ever read a fairytale? I have. Too many of them, in fact. Or so my brother claims. When I was younger, stupider, I couldn’t get enough of them: the charming princes, the gallant knights, the damsels in peril. I always take comfort in knowing that, no matter what dangers may come, their story would always end in a happily ever after.
…but what if it didn’t? What if the castle came crumbling down just after the author penned those last words? The world would remember your happily ever after, and you would be living in misery. You might think it foolish, but for me, I know it to be real. For I live it each and every day.
I don’t fear death. I welcome change. I scoff at loneliness. All these fears, I can withstand. But the fear of clawing my back to happiness, only to have my joy slip through my fingers just as I first taste it? Nothing could frighten me more.”
40. Do they trust easily?
“This is business - trust has no place here. I trust in contracts, not in the men who create them. I trust in gold, not in the wallets that hold them. Were there no legal ramifications to one’s actions in Via Evelis, why, these snakes would swallow every last one of us whole! And who would there be to stop them? Only the naive end up as dinner now - and I have no plans to wind up as someone’s dinner.”
There is one dynamic Carmila would never openly admit: she trusts men much more than women. This isn’t necessarily a romantic thing. For instance, she would confide in her older brother much sooner than she would her sister-in-law or even her mother. But she remembers the idle gossip of noblewomen, the way they wield words like swords in court. She knows how wicked their tongues can be, and does not trust their lips so easily as she would the words from a man’s. She finds men to be not only more comfortable to be around, but also easier to understand and, if need be, manipulate for her (or her business’) benefit.
3. Last physical injury?
Should Miracle have suffered from any physical injuries, none would know. Her Champions protect her from any tangible perils throughout Newfable, and none have gotten close enough to lay a finger on her since her arrival. She was wise enough to surround herself with soldiers of every sort, an army of competent defenders an attacker could not stand against and a horde of children none would dare cut through to reach their Godmother.
13. What are some of their fears?
“A mother fears many things: her child’s scorn, an empty table, the threat of war in her family’s lifetime. But above all else, mothers fear losing their children, one way or another. Some loss comes from sickness, another from arguments. Some mothers watch their children succumb to vice, others enticed by the call of an adventure from from her arms. I do not fear watching my children flee the nest once they have matured, for it would be my deepest desire to watch them fly. 
No, I fear that they will never be given the chance in this world, that Newfable would swindle their life from them before it begins. And maybe even moreso, I worry that my own would grow to be the same ones who steal another of my children’s lives. For what sort of mother would I be were I to lose both my children to one another?”
40. Do they trust easily?
“Many would have me believe that mankind has not earned my trust, nor anyone else’s. Were I to base my beliefs on society, I would have to agree: Newfable is nothing if not a cesspool of self-obsession. No man, nor woman, fights for anything other than their own interests, despite their utmost protest. Let the Record show that I do not determine my decisions by this present reality, but by the future I am determined to forge with my own hands.
Yes, our leaders have forsworn our safety. Yes, our security seeks to diminish the supernatural. Yes, the peasants squabble with one another over food and finance. Even my own Champions see only through the filter of their own experience. But I would be no leader were I not to view the world through different lenses - and I choose to accept what it is, but pursue what it could, should, will be.”
Miracle is one of my most trusting characters to date. Don’t be fooled - she has a shrewd sense of discernment. She would never tolerate one in her midst who would threaten her Children or Champions. But she does not hold the people around her too tightly, nor keep them from making mistakes. She delegates tasks to each of her “family”, allowing each to rise and fall as they so choose to. When one of her own wanders from her side, or strays from what she sees as right, she is quick to correct and forgive alike. She learns people quickly, and because of this, has faith that the right inside them will win out over the wrong.
The only way in which Miracle is untrusting is with her own secrets. She might trust others to take command, to come back to her even when they turn their backs, but she refuses to share her innermost self with others. They revere her as a Godmother and that is all they need to see. Yet, when Gallivant proves himself wanting of the woman behind the magic, she finds the offer all too tempting to resist…
If anyone else would like to participate in Author Thursday, you can submit questions from the Hurt/Comfort Ask Game to my inbox throughout the day!
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
Question #17 for Arthur and Gallivant
Okay, I know I technically didn’t get this question until after Author Thursday finished (well, at least for me, since I lead a group late at night), but BOY is this too perfect to pass up
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17. How does your OC sabotage themselves?
I went back and forth a long while with Arthur’s “fatal flaw”, so to speak. I knew that he could come off as innocent and cute and kid-like, someone the audience would naturally be endeared to. But I needed there to be an…edge to him, too, something human. The bad part of humanity, anyways. And then I realized: his word was his own demise.
See, Arthur holds the literal fate of the universe in his hands. Not that he can change it himself, but he can see it, read it, know it in its entirety. That responsibility has left him both wise and jaded - and with all too many secrets, about himself and others, to keep. He’s still learning what to say and what not to speak, what to expose and what to withhold. Oftentimes, the greatest obstacle he has to overcome is whether or not to reveal something ugly about someone he cares for, or withholding something similar about himself so that those he loves do not judge him. He might be able to bring his writing to life, but the words he speaks almost always bring death.
Arthur lives in the tension between private safety and public risk. There’s a comfort in keeping secrets, but it could also endanger himself and his friends not to speak up. But there’s a burden he has to change the ending of the Eternal Record, and to do so, sometimes he believes it’s necessary to reveal and withhold certain information - but not all of his allies agree. It makes friends into enemies, enemies into allies, and strangers into stalkers.
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17. How does your OC sabotage themselves?
Gallivant’s tragic flaw is that he is incapable of not becoming attached too deeply to people. See, his primary mission is to help the people outside of Newfable by bringing change from within Newfable to the outer world. Why did he adopt this as his purpose in life? Because he fell in love with the people beyond Newfable’s walls. His heart broke for them, and he felt responsible for restoring their dignity.
Unfortunately, once inside Newfable, he discovered a new group of people to care for, to protect, to uphold. He knew he needed to come into the city, seek aid, and form no personal attachments. But he’s incapable of doing so. For all his pomp and circumstance, Gallivant is a little boy in a big kid’s body, hoping to make friends and bring merriment to everyone. He loves to see people smile - and Newfable was filled with frowns and tears for him to revert. He couldn’t resist how his heart swelled with love for these people, too.
In doing so, Gallivant single-handedly initiated a war against himself, for he cannot find a way to help both the outer world and the one within Newfable simultaneously. He will have to sacrifice one to save the other. His indecisiveness, and his growing adoration for both the people of Newfable - and one such individual in particular - has caused him to be at odds with his own desires. 
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homesteadchronicles · 5 years
Question #6
(For anyone reading, this question was intended for Gallivant! Fairyangel and I clarified via messaging. Just wanted us all to be on the same page!)
HOOO BOY! This is such a perfect one for Gallivant. I’m SO glad you asked this
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6. What would stop your OC from doing the right thing in a tense situation?
There are two things I would say could sway Gallivant: the ability to restore civilizations suffering outside of Newfable, and romantic passion. 
Having come from the wastelands outside of Newfable, Gallivant is all too familiar with the plight of his people. Newfable stands as the primary provider of resources to mankind. Without its assistance, these scattered settlements could never hope to rebuild beyond their current capabilities. Gallivant is in Newfable searching for a way to bring the city’s provision outside its walls and to a people in need. If the opportunity to do so presented itself, but at the cost of those within Newfable? He would have to think on that. And if he didn’t have time to dwell? Well…
And then there’s love. Unpredictable, both to see coming and to stop from happening. Gallivant has known love in all its forms before ever stepping into Newfable. One such love ignited a passion for the oppressed, and the other stirred that desire, steering him towards Newfable. Both loves were lost, and left in him a hole he aches to heal. Should the chance to soothe himself come, he might sacrifice much else to make it so.
But if the two were ever in contention with one another? Well…you’ll have to read the book to see which he would pick ;)
If anyone else would like to ask my OCs something, you can find the list of this week’s questions here!
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