#nexus blitz
onedragonarmy · 6 months
TF and Graves double jungle surprisingly well in Nexus Blitz, it's kinda crazy
the boyfriends...
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craycraybluejay · 6 months
Play nexus blitz with me OR ELSE
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wojtekxp · 6 months
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viegoinahoodie · 6 months
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The 2 moods
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aurelion-solar · 5 months
u r the main source for my league visual updates at this point but i know nothing about u so i want to know now. whats ur league playstyle? whats ur favorite skinline(s)? whos your favorite champion? what modes do you like the most?
hey!! :) thanks for the fun questions!
not gonna lie i don't really play much ranked/normals anymore haha, most of the time i play aram or the rotating game mode with my friends bc the vibes are more chill :) so i end up playing all sorts of champions really! nexus blitz and arena have been fun recently but aram is probably my all time fave haha
that being said on summoner's rift i usually prefer to play mid mages or any support really! for mid, my mains are lissandra, lux, vex and veigar (and i'm very excited for hwei, i really wanna learn how to play him). for support i particularly like nami, braum, morgana and karma, but again there's loads more supports i like playing :) and occasionally i play sejuani and amumu jungle!
and for skinlines i think my fave is space groove! but i also love arcana, shan hai scrolls, faerie court and la ilusión. oh and stargazer from wild rift! i'd love to see the return of battle queens too :) also there are skinlines that i loved when they first came out, but i feel like they've become oversaturated recently, like star guardian and coven (although i think i'm just biased because SG lux and coven lissandra were the ones who started those skinlines hehe)
hope that answered all ur questions!! thanks again :D
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cyberpunkonline · 5 months
Blasting Through the Controversy: The "DOOM" Effect on Society on it's 30th Anniversary
In the heart of the '90s, a digital revolution thundered through our living rooms, and at the forefront was the iconic video game "DOOM". This pixelated powerhouse not only changed the gaming landscape but also stirred up a whirlwind of media frenzy. Let's jack into the mainframe and decode the controversies that rocked the boat.
Digital Demons: Fueling Aggressive Bytes
The most buzzing feed in the circuit was the notion that "DOOM" could rewire players' brains towards aggression. The pixelated gore and adrenaline-pumping action were accused of desensitizing players, making them more prone to violent outbursts in the real world. Talk about a digital dystopia!
A Tragic Connection: The Columbine Nexus
Post the 1999 Columbine High tragedy, "DOOM" found itself in the crosshairs again. The perpetrators were avid players, prompting a media blitz linking the game to their heinous actions. It was as if the game had a hidden level influencing real-world violence – or so the headlines screamed.
Academic Alert: The Grade Drain
Then there were whispers down the school halls. "DOOM" was fingered for plummeting grades, with students trading study time for demon-slaying sessions. The game was painted as a digital distraction, a mind-melding vortex sucking in young brains.
Addiction Avenue: The "DOOM" Dependency
Our virtual journey takes a turn down Addiction Avenue, where "DOOM" was branded as digital crack. Reports of obsession and round-the-clock gaming painted a picture of players trapped in a never-ending loop of ‘just one more level’.
Reality Rift: Blurring the Pixels
The game was also caught in the crossfire of causing a detachment from reality. Could blasting demons in a virtual world make the lines between pixels and pavement blur? The media certainly thought so, drumming up fears of a generation lost in a digital dream.
Mind Maze: The Mental Health Debate
The '90s were a wild ride in the realm of mental health discussions. "DOOM" was thrust into the spotlight as a potential catalyst for mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. It seemed the game was more than just a battle against virtual demons.
The Anti-Social Network: From LAN Parties to Loners
Finally, we tap into the anti-social network theory. The game, it was said, turned players into isolated islanders, drifting away from social interactions and into a solitary cyber sea.
In the final analysis, this digital drama is a blend of fact, fiction, and a hefty dose of '90s media sensationalism. While the accusations made headlines, they often flew in the face of scientific scrutiny. "DOOM" was more than a game; it was a digital milestone – and every milestone attracts its share of moss. As we log off from this retro rewind, remember, the '90s were a time of tech-panic and pixelated perceptions!
- Raz
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citrellan · 1 month
Felt like making some League of Legends asks so here's a post! Some of them are about the game itself and some of them are about champions/lore/fandom things :)
Game-related questions:
When did you start playing League and why?
Favorite game mode? (Including rotating game modes like URF, Nexus Blitz, Arena, etc.)
What role(s) do you play in-game?
Do you play Ranked? Are you interested in improving your rank?
Do you ever play as a premade? Would you want to?
What are your top 3 highest mastery champions?
What champion do you enjoy playing the most? (Regardless of how good or experienced you are at it.)
What champion do you wish you were better at playing? Are there champions you want to learn how to play?
How many champions have you never played (0 mastery points)? If you've played every champion, who is your least played?
Who is your least favorite champion to play against? (If it's different for different lanes, list them all!)
Which champion(s) do you think are OP right now?
Favorite champion ability?
Do you watch LoL esports at all?
Is there anything from League's history that got removed from the game that you wish you could bring back?
Champion-related questions:
15. What champion do you resemble the most? 16. What champion would you love more lore/screentime for? 17. Favorite short story/comic/piece of media about a champion? 18. Favorite cinematic? (Season start, Worlds, champion teaser, etc.) 19. What champion has your favorite lore/backstory? 20. Favorite skinline/AU? 21. If you could design a skin from a skinline for a champion that doesn't have one, what would you want to see? (E.G. Spirit Blossom Ekko, Star Guardian Shyvana) 22. Favorite champion that was released AFTER you started playing League/interacting with it for the first time? 23. What champion would you love to see reworked/updated? 24. A common/well-known League ship that you like? 25. An uncommon ship/rarepair that you like? 26. If you could hang out with any champion for a day, which would you pick? 27. A champion you'd love to be friends with/date? 28. If you could design yourself as a champion (or character in the League universe), what would you be like? Be as detailed or as vague as you want!
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surfervelocity · 6 months
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So excited for Nexus Blitz that it revived my joy of drawing Pyke.
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zane-helps-otherkin · 1 month
Name suggestions for a virtual desktop companion
Requested by: Anon
Name suggestions for a virtual desktop companion with themes of blue and cybercore/webcore and mizuiro fashion
Bluey: From the word blue.
Navy: From the color variant of blue.
Cyber: From the word cyber or cybercore.
Afina: Meaning blueberry.
Azure: Related to the color blue.
Cyan: From the color variant of blue.
Aqua: Meaning water, related to the color blue.
Bleu: French word for blue.
Azul: Spanish word for blue. You could also use variants like Azula, Azulon, Azuli/Azuly, etc.
Indigo: From the color variant of blue.
Bluesette: Related to music, specifically jazz.
Lapis: From the precious blue stone lapis lazuli.
Sapphire: From the precious blue stone.
Doli: Associated with bluebirds
Sark: Sark is a program's name in the movie "Tron".
Bishop: With reek origin, meaning "overseer", the name is taken from the cyberpunk inspired novel "Glasshouse".
V: V is the name of the first-person player in the game "Cyberpunk".
Geneva: With germanic origin, refers to a juniper tree, a female's name in "Singularity".
Ingram: With germanic origin, meaning "raven"; from the cyberpunk game "VA-Hall-A".
Alt: Alt is a programmer from the game "Cyberpunk".
Other cybercore names with no found meaning:
Requests are currently open
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the-sufferer · 6 months
Nexus Blitz has me in a choke hold, it makes playing jungle fun again.. I feel like a little girl. I am experiencing the childlike wonder of enjoying my main role again.
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dwagom · 1 year
skum's self-descriptor of a "free speech absolutist" just struck me as fucking weird, grammatically, a very fascist kind of blustering rhetoricism papering over the logical non-sequiturality: 1) how can freedom be delegated to an action's artifact? they can not be "free" nor "unfree", freedom is solely the remit of the agent 2) there must be a solid motivation to say "free speech" instead of "freedom of speech"
it's a whole operation nested inside two words, there's freedom of speech, as a freedom that the agent in the act of speaking possesses against institutional recrimination. "free speech" clearly moves the notion of freedom from a freedom from recrimination, to the action itself -- to the artifact, more specifically, and this is a move inherent in the grammar of the term itself. by associating freedom with the artifact of speech one moves the frame of mind from the right not to be gagged in the present and the future in any instance ("for the millionth time the first amendment protects you from the government not the justin") to the obligation to sit down and hold still during any instance of Free Speech that could iterate itself
free speech is fascist culture-jamming, a kind of an informational blitz that few people have a chance against if they don't know how to fully dissect it. the idea is to foist certain kinds of speech on people, as protected not by the strength of norm, but rather to engage in "orthogonal shielding" with an undue incidence of that norm wedged in the middle. the rhetoric attempts to assemble an atmosphere of thought in which attempts to conflict with all acts of Free Speech will seem to necessitate stepping over civil rights in a society that's damaged enough already (by fascists, naturally), even though that is quite substantially not the case. it looks a bit like a metaphor with a hostage situation wherein fascists wrestle the most fundamental values into acting as a human shield imposed between themselves and the people who'd try to stop them while they rob everyone blind, no?
the desired effect is this: as long as fashoes are running their mouths people would have to roll over for them or they lose to the fascists at an even deeper level than an object-level one. the intended effect is to have a situation where as long as there's even one single pundit running his mouth making bullshit non-exonerating non-claims about fascist violence and institutional infiltration, then nobody is allowed to even try to stop any of it without soiling the legitimacy of the institutions that they're trying to defend. for fascists it's about inducing a double bind against outside resistance
popper's paradox of tolerance is exactly that, a para-dox ("besides knowledge/doctrine"), but it does not actually violate any kind of ethical system comprising any kind of open society because, to cite agamben, Just as between language and world, so between the norm and its application there is no internal nexus that allows one to be derived immediately from the other.
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En el año 2150, la megaciudad se erguía como un coloso de metal y luz, donde los capas, seres humanos con habilidades sobrehumanas gracias a trajes ajustados al cuerpo hechos de nanofibras que los hacían invulnerables y les daba un aspecto similar al de los artistas pop de los 80s, vivían en opulencia y poder, mientras los ciudadanos comunes luchaban por sobrevivir en las sombras. Entre los edificios titánicos y las calles llenas de neón, un grupo de rebeldes conocidos como "Los Circuitos" desafiaba el poder reinante. Nova, la líder de los Circuitos, era una experta hacker con la capacidad de manipular la red neural que conectaba a los capas. A su lado, se encontraban Blitz, un exmilitar endurecido por la desigualdad, Lana, una científica brillante que había visto los horrores de la manipulación genética, y Pulse, un ingeniero de nanofibras renegado que creía en un mundo donde la tecnología no fuera una herramienta de opresión.
En una noche lluviosa, Nova y su equipo descubrieron un oscuro plan de las corporaciones dirigida por los capas para eliminar a los rebeldes. La información llegó a través de Nexus, un Capa privilegiado que, a pesar de su posición, sentía empatía por la causa de los Circuitos. Nexus se había infiltrado en las altas esferas de poder y ahora, en secreto, se unía a la lucha por la igualdad. Los días pasaron entre reuniones clandestinas, hackeos audaces y entrenamientos intensivos. Nova y Nexus forjaron una alianza improbable, compartiendo información y estrategias para enfrentarse al enemigo común. Blitz enseñó tácticas de combate a los rebeldes, Lana y Pulse crearon un virus informático para debilitar las defensas corporativas.
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Sin embargo, a medida que la rebelión cobraba fuerza, también lo hacían las represalias de las corporaciones. Las calles se convirtieron en campos de batalla, donde los relámpagos resonaban entre las nanofibras que chocaban con las armas avanzadas. Cada victoria de los Circuitos era un paso más cerca de la libertad, pero también un recordatorio de la violencia inherente en esta revolución. En medio del caos, Nexus enfrentó su propia lucha interna. Aunque había elegido unirse a los rebeldes, sus lazos con el mundo de los capas lo atormentaban. Recordaba las fiestas lujosas, las miradas envidiosas y las comodidades que ahora parecían vacías. Sin embargo, cada vez que veía la determinación en los ojos de Nova y su equipo, recordaba por qué había tomado esa sabia decisión.
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En un momento, los Circuitos habían descubierto un punto débil en el corazón de las defensas corporativas, una vulnerabilidad que podrían explotar para desmantelar el sistema desde adentro. Era arriesgado y peligroso, pero también la mejor oportunidad que tenían de cambiar su destino. La noche antes del ataque, Nova y Nexus se encontraron en un rincón oscuro de la ciudad. Hablaron de sus miedos, de sus esperanzas y de las consecuencias de sus acciones. Nova recordó cómo empezó todo, con el deseo de justicia y la creencia en un mundo mejor. Nexus asintió, sintiendo una mezcla de determinación y ambivalencia por lo que estaba por venir.
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La mañana siguiente, los Circuitos se prepararon para la batalla final. Las calles retumbaron con el sonido de las nanofibras activándose, las luces parpadeantes y los gritos de guerra. Blitz lideraba la carga, seguido de cerca por Lana, Pulse y un ejército de ciudadanos cansados de la opresión.
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El plan se desarrolló con precisión milimétrica. Nexus infiltró las defensas corporativas, desviando la atención mientras los Circuitos atacaban desde afuera. Fue una danza caótica de habilidades sobrehumanas, estrategias calculadas y el anhelo de un mundo donde la igualdad fuera más que una utopía.
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Pero en un instante sucedió algo, Nova llevando un arma con una bala que podía penetrar las nanofibras de su traje, apuntando a un capa a quien habían identificado como el líder de los capas, listo para terminar. Una bala y la revolución terminaba. Pero de pronto, sintió el disparo de un arma. El rostro de Nova se deformó del dolor, le habían disparado a los pulmones. Era Nexus, quien dio el tiro traidor. ¿Se dejó tentar por la duda en su corazón? ... No, en realidad, Nexus era el verdadero líder de los Capas. Había usado a un prisionero de sus cárceles drogado con LSD para simular que era el verdadero líder de los Capas. El supuesto líder era un señuelo, un distractor. En ese momento, Nexus estaba al lado de su señuelo, celebrando su victoria sobre los Circuitos, quienes perdían la batalla frente a los Capas. En su cabeza ya vislumbraba lo que con certeza iba a pasar; los Circuitos iban a ser rodeados, apresados por las fuerzas de seguridad de las corporaciones. Imaginaba el traidor viendo las caras demacradas de Blitz y Pulse siendo subidos a los camiones que los iban a llevar a los campos de exterminio donde terminaba la vida de cada hombre o mujer que estaba en contra de los Capas. Se habían asegurado 10.000 años de reinado privilegiado para su clase.
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Pero en su mente pasaba este pensamiento: “¡Glorioso!”.
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craycraybluejay · 6 months
Does anyone wanna play Nexus Blitz w me I am sad and I need my first win of the day :[
Doing fill randoms
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Locations: Universe Chart
In this post, I'll go through the codenames for all of the present universes in Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond!, and what character(s) they are assigned to:
Blur Gang's universes
MP-2021 (OMT universe) CR-2017 (Crossover Realm / EXE CU) NS(Nexus Sensor)-2021 (OMT!Mina's universe) JA-1991 (Mini Sonic's universe) NM-1973 (Mr. Needlemouse's universe) EX-2022 (Xenophanes' universe) DS-2022 / FNF-DS-3110 (D-Sides universe) BK-2009 (Black Knight universe) ND-2022 (ChaosIIUniverse) PR-2023 (Shatterverse) - PR-EGG-2023 (New Yolk City) - PR-GRO-2023 (Boscage Maze) - PR-SEA-2023 (No Place) - PR-GRIM-0000 (The Grim) - PR-FICE-2024 (Deepfreeze Domain) EV-2019 (Errorverse) MV-2023 (Mobiverse) MFF-2022 (Mobius' Freedom Fighters Universe) GI-2023 (Hog's Universe) MY-2023 (Wacky's universe)
Visited Into the Sonic-verse universes
BOOM-2014 (Boom universe) AO-1992 (AoSTH universe) X-2000 (Sonic X universe) MULTI-2023 (Superstars universe)
Quill Society's universes
SS-2001 (Lost Memory universe) STC-1993 (Sonic the Comic universe) AR-1992 (Archie Sonic multiverse) CD-1993 (CD Alt End universe) UG-1999 (Underground universe) LEGO-2016 (LEGO Sonic universe) SUNK-2014 (Sunky universe) FP-2015 (Freedom Planet universe) NM-1963 (Needlem0use universe) MOV-2019 (Movie universe) SA-2022 (Milly's universe) BL-2017 (Blitz universe) RAW-1994 (RAW's universe) DΩ-2018 (Discovery Omega universe) OVA-1996 (Sonic OVA universe) PDH-2011 (Pana's universe) ELE-2023 (Sonic x Elemental universe) VOC-2009 (Stella's universe) PIR-1994 (Somari universe)
Other Sonic universes
IDW-2017 (IDW universe) SAT-1993 (SatAM universe) RE-2014 (Lost Drive universe) XE-2018 (Extraterrestrial Encounter universe) HoM-2023 (Hues of Metal universe) SRB-1998 (The universe of Sonic Robo Blast 2 and its MANY mods) ZONE-0000 (No Zone) - ZONE-SM-1992 (Luna Zone) - ZONE-LAW-2000 (Ligitopolis) - ZONE-ANTI-1994 (Moebius) - ZONE-MER-1998 (Kingdom of Mercia) - ZONE-YL-2058 (25 Years Later universe) NEX-2023 (Sonic Legends universe / Nexus Dimension) - NEX-PM-2008 (Project Mettrix sub-universe) - NEX-UT-2006 (Sonic Utopia 2006 sub-universe) - NEX-ZERO-2012 (Sonic Zero Remastered sub-universe) - (more to be added) PRIME-1991 (the ORIGINAL Sonic universe)
Linked universes (via ties to Sonic)
FNF-NEW-2023 / Earth-111723 (Rewritten FNF universe) EJ-2017 (Spark the Electric Jester universe) RR-2024 (Rollin' Rascal universe) BB-2024 (Penny's Big Breakaway universe)
Disconnected universes
alans_pc (Animator vs. Animation universe) UT-2015 / DR-2018 (Undertale and Deltarune universes) FNF-2020 (Friday Night Funkin' universe) - FNF-BS-169 / Earth-169 (B-Sides universe) - FNF-NEGA-427 / Earth-427 (Minus universe) - FNF-NEO-21821 / Earth-21821 (Neo universe) - FNF-POINT-22512 / Earth-22512 (Arrow Funk universe) - FNF-ALT-409 / Earth-409 (Funkinverse base world) - FNF-WHOT-88 / Earth-88 (VS OURPLE GUY universe) - FNF-HOLO-16063 / Earth-16063 (HoloFunk universe) - FNF-TOON-2819 / Earth-2819 (Wednesday's Infidelity universe) - FNF-MOBI-623 / Earth-623 (Mobian BF's universe) - FNF-TG-1249 / Earth-1249 (Blueballs Incident universe) - FNF-DJX-221711 / Earth-221711 (DJX universe) - FNF-HO60-13166 / Earth-13166 (HoloFunk Pre-6.0 universe) - FNF-LOGIC-804 / Earth-804 (FNF Logic universe) - FNF-LYRIC-1215 / Earth-1215 (FNF WITH LYRICS universe) - FNF-CLAY-5619 / Earth-5619 (Clay BF's universe) - FNF-CHILD-8814 / Earth-8814 (Childhood Memories universe) - FNF-SALT-21 / Earth-21 (??????????????) MSYN-2018 (DDLC universe) GC-2019 (Glitch Chaos universe) URB-2023 (the city universe where New Identity, New Life takes place)
JC-231 (the old Sonic.exe story universe that's frowned upon by EVERY Quill Society member. Yep, even LM!Sonic.)
SEGAVerse universes
TNL-2015 (Sonic 1: The Next Level universe / Gust Planet) AK-1986 (Alex Kidd universe) RIS-1995 (Ristar universe) NIGH-1996 (NiGHTS universe) SDA-2000 (Samba De Amigo universe) SC5-2002 (Space Channel 5 universe) COL-1990 (Columns universe) FAN-1986 (Fantasy Zone universe) AXE-1989 (Golden Axe universe) MONK-2001 (Super Monkey Ball universe) PUYO-1992 (Puyo Puyo universe) CHU-2001 (ChuChu Rocket! universe) JET-2000 (Jet Set Radio universe) EGG-2003 (Billy Hatcher universe) ECCO-1992 (Ecco universe) SHI-1992 (Shining Force universe) GUN-1993 (Gunstar Heroes universe) ROCK-1992 (Sparkster universe) RAGE-1991 (Streets of Rage universe) TOE-1991 (ToeJam & Earl universe) ARC-2000 (Skies of Arcadia universe) DRA-1995 (Panzer Dragoon universe) AGES-2012 (City of AGES) UNK-0013 (Unknown universe where a TRUE overarching antagonist resides)
CapcomVerse universes
MEGA-1987 (Mega Man universe) VIEW-2003 (Viewtiful Joe universe) BRE-1993 (Breath of Fire universe) GNG-1985 (Ghosts 'n Goblins universe) OKA-2005 (Ōkami universe) SF-1987 (Street Fighter universe) HUNT-2004 (Monster Hunter universe)
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sunshine7eyes · 4 months
The Tsvetanka Dollhouse Obsidian Nexus Fashion Part IV (revamped of Alina and her other forms plus multi worlds)
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Alina Tsvetanka is the current core personality she is Bulgaria died in the late 2000's due to lung character in Sofia, Bulgaria and has all the mind powers goes to the world of {Avatar the Last Air Bender/ The Legend of Korra} and she is 15 years old, and she represents the grey shard in her prism necklace, and she uses an outfit she has when she was a teenager.
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Bianca Tsvetanka she the second know personality and the most protective and aggressive of the personality she is Hungarian and died during the 1920's because of a bad heart in Pálháza, Hungary and she has the power of enchanted speed strength and reflective and she remains at {Monster High} where she is from, and this is her true form she is 16 years old, and she represents the black shard in Alina prism necklace.
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Catherine Tsvetanka the third and the shyest of the personalities she is American, and she died in the 1980's due to an extremely horrible car accident in Helena, Montana and has the power of healing and other medical based powers and goes to the world of {Rainbow High and Shadow High} and this is her true form, and she is 17 years old, and she represents the brown shard of Alina prism necklace.
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Dianella Tsvetanka is the fourth personality and the youngest she is British, and she died in 1940 during the blitz in London, England and she has electric and lighting-based powers and can have control over anything with tech and she goes to {The Owl House} and this is her true form, and she is 12 years she represents the sliver color shard in Alina prism necklace.
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Estelle Tsvetanka is the fifth personality and the most kind and sweet of the personalities she is form France but had connections in Canada she died in the 1950's due to a gas explosion in her family home in Toulouse, France and has the abilities and knowledge to use poisons gases and other elements along those lines she is 14 years old and represents the nude color shard of Alina Prism necklace and travels to the world of harry potter.
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Feodora " Frenica" Tsvetanka is the sixth personality is the loudest and most bold of the six know surfaces personalities of the doll house and she rock star from Russia and she died in the 1990's when she committed suicide by overdose of pills in Moscow, Russia and has the powers of sparks and fire and other forms of temperature control and can control how strong her fire is and she goes to the world of {RWBY} and is 19 years old and the oldest of the personalities and she represents the white shard of Alina prism necklace.
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And finally, here's everyday Alina Tsvetanka put together in her home world of Monster High.
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54sterr · 5 months
riot games pls make nexus blitz permanent
i need a 10 minute game mode for pc that isn't ARAM because i only play 8 champs
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