#nightmare before christmas layouts
sunispy · 2 years
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halloween . . . 🎃🕸
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luminities · 8 months
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★ Sally icons Screencap source
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analikalee · 2 years
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Halloween is for lovers
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waspsribbon · 28 days
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Sally Tumblr Layouts!
F2U with credit ONLY --- Self Indulgent
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yoonktty · 2 years
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yoongi halloween pack and icons ★ like n reblog if you use
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moondust-edits · 2 years
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ㅤㅤㅤ𝗦𝗔𝗟𝗟𝗬 ﹠ 𝗝𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗦𝗞𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗧𝗢𝗡 – the nightmare before christmas ( layout )
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ── 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚: 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚/𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜
── don’t clame as your own.
─ credits in @ ᴄᴀᴏᴛɪᴄʜᴜᴍᴀɴ in Twitterㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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despazito · 8 months
Just watched nightmare before christmas for the first time in over a decade. Its got some really good camera work and framing, god I miss when animated movies would actually let shots linger for a while. You can tell how much thought went into every scene layout, so much 3D stuff feels cluttered now in the name of graphics 😔
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fanaticsnail · 5 months
SNAIL! I love chapter 4!!!!!
(Incoming: extremely long ask with memes included)
I'm really excited about the lore that is developing, the rhyme was really creative (was it in an original version of the story or did you come up with it yourself?) And all this information about the Sapsorrow Queen has me aching to hear more! She seemed at first to be set up as an antagonistic force, purely due to her claiming Mihawks soul should Governess not marry him, but I feel like you've shrouded her in enough mystery that she didn't come off as antagonistic in intentions. And with all this new lore I'm getting kinda Corpse Bride vibes? Might be me projecting though.
Governess calling Perona and Zoro "my-... -our wards" AAAASSA
Her recognizing Mihawks eye colour but not making the connection followed by her immediate next observation being that his eyes are soft and somber - something she hasn't noticed (as much) in Mihawk's eyes. And him then using those eyes that are now displaying vulnerability and emotion he wouldn't normally let himself display to "searched your face, darting from focusing on each of your eyes and looking over your parted lips before rising back to your intense irises." The POETRY!
"You may ask anything of me, but you will leave my bride out of the equation."
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Governess hiking up her socks:
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I just know Mihawk was fighting for his LIFE
Do the staff know Mihawk is the farm-hand? Because all I can think is either way;
The staff, watching the distinguished Governess walk beside a dog on two legs / The staff, watching their feared and revered boss covered head-to-toe in mud and twigs: what the fuck.... What the fuck...
The fact that the ghosts know makes me think that one of them spotted him eating shit in the mud puddle the first time and then Perona, having been informed of it, woke up in the dead of night to watch him willingly roll around in mud the second time.
"-Do not dare to do yourself the disservice of calling yourself low,"
KEEP MY WIFE'S- oh shit that is my wife
Mihawk allowing his guard to slip and laughing heartily??? Governess giggling???? And remarking that she hasn't experienced something like this since childhood??? Slipping her regal exterior??? My heart is pounding
He stooped down to you, the brims of your hats touching as he cooed down in a mocking tone, “I did this, this morning.” - oh my lawd. This whole section. Sir. Please. One of us will have to restrain ourselves (pun not intended)
"She cannot marry her father, of course she cannot." <-- I'm not sure if it's an exact quote from the narrator but I feel like you're referencing the story teller version. And when Governess divulges her wanting to marry Mihawk for reasons beyond the superficial (fate, or his riches) and Mihawk in turn divulges a love for an "unknown" woman, it seems really similar to the Storyteller scene. I really like it!! IDK if I mentioned before but I like how the roles of Straggletag and the prince were reversed
"I am proud to call you my friend", "I'm here by your side, I will not drop you," <- Mr President. A second quote has hit the reader.
(also I can't remember if I asked before but can I be on the tag list?)
SNAIILLLLL YOU'RE HERE!!!! YOURE BACK!!! Oh how I missed you!!
To answer your questions! The poetry and the rhymes are all my own. The original story has no real mysticism nor mystery surrounding the concept, SO I decided to add my own to shake things up 💃.
The Corpse Bride is one of my favourite Tim Burton films of all time. Considering Oda based the layout of Kuraigana on the art from The Nightmare Before Christmas, I couldn't not incorporate the elements into the plot. That wouldn't be fair.
I did need to have a small: "Hmmm... His eyes are quite similar," moment for her to get some semblance of familiarity from him - but I didn't want the mystery to be revealed just yet.
The "keep my wife's name" just ruined me.
The sock hiking was not a deliberate flirtation on her behalf, but absolutely Mihawk was feeling some feelings.
To spoil the spoiler, that is not really a spoiler - the staff are 💯 aware that Mihawk is the Farm-Hand. He was not always covered from head to toe in sludge and grime, opting to just have his straw hat and shielded mask over his beard in the happenstance that he might get dirty.
Upon that one time he did topple headfirst into the mud, meeting the governess on that day, he simply said: "welp, I guess this is my life now" and has to cover himself in that disguise to keep up the illusion. The staff don't know how to deal with the new look, but they're wise enough to not say anything about it.
The ghosts likely woke up Perona that first night being like: "Honey, you seeing this shit??" And Perona is just there like ⚫👄⚫
I needed to have them slip their guards a little in this chapter - they need to get to know each other a little before their engagement party (which I'm nearly there with. Couple more days, I think).
I have to reference the source material of the storyteller episode. It wouldn't feel the same without hearing John Hurt in my head, I think. I love the way he yells it.
I did do a role reversal for stragletag (Farm-Hand) and the prince (Lost-Lady) specifically to keep things a little interesting for me, and to keep the twists and turns coming for you guys! Can't just tell it how it is, where would be the fun in that? 😏
"I'm here by your side, I will not drop you," he is such a flirt and I don't think he's even aware of it.
Thank you for your asks, I always adore hearing from you!!
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thenightling · 4 months
A. I. art is already annoying. I left several Nightmare before Christmas / Jack Skellington groups for posting really lazy, bad, A. I. generated "art" even though Tim Burton openly disapproves of A. I. using his characters.
But these last few weeks I've seen a new annoying trend on Facebook. A. I. generated fake products.
Pictures of store displays that clearly don't really exist, or bathroom and kitchen layouts to certain fandoms (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bathtub, etc) or boxes of chocolate bats for Halloween lovers on Valentine's Day. Things that could easily exist but don't. Why? Why share these things? They look fake. They aren't interesting. And they take up too much space on groups and fan pages. "Wouldn't it be great if this really existed?" gets old pretty quickly.
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badwithten · 1 year
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PAIRING Seungmin x fem!reader
GENRE horror + angst
WARNINGS death, stalker behaviour 
FEATURING Stalker!han
SYNOPSIS The first Christmas on your own wasn't going to be easy after the death of your husband last year. While rummaging through the attic for Christmas decorations you come across a box of his old things that you had never seen before. You hope to find some closure within but after reading his journal, more questions are asked then answered. Was his death an accident after all?
A/N this story is lowkey rushed as fuck, its such a cool concept i might explore in another story but this is all we doing for now lol
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Your name is being called out from an unknown source, coming from every direction and nowhere at the same time. Your head spins trying to identify who is speaking to you. Although deep down you know, you know what his voice sounds like. It is burned into your brain, the voice of your very own guardian angel. Kim Seungmin. 
His voice was home. That warm breath in your own bed after spending the night away. The distinct taste of your coffee that only you could make right. The layout of your shower making sense, the order correct of products in relation to how you clean yourself. All these things make sense. All these things you found in Kim Seungmin.
Despite his voice being so close and so familiar, you knew this couldn't be real. As soon as you recognised the voice to be his, you stopped hoping that someone cared. It was only a dream. Kim Seungmin died last year, a fire at his workplace caused by faulty wiring. Five others lost their lives alongside him.  
Your heart almost leaps out of your chest, sending you flying up and awake. The alarm clock next to you reads 2:20 AM. You look over to his side of the bed, still empty. You're no longer dreaming. The nightmares have been getting worse lately and you have a suspicion it's due to the upcoming holiday. 
Christmas was a special event for you and Seungmin. Your families were small but having each other was enough. An entire day dedicated to each other. Your future lives together were encapsulated on this day. The children you may or may not have, personalised gifts that immortalised your love and the extra care put around your home. But this year, your home will be empty. You'd call your parents, put on some festive music and maybe pull out some old decorations. With a week til Christmas, you knew the last task had a time restraint.
The pain you felt around losing Seungmin was just as raw as the day you lost him as it is now. Nothing changed, you just got better at hiding it. You become good at masking your feelings, acting as if the unfortunate actions of the world around you didn't eat you up and rot you from the inside out. You suppose part of this masking would be decorating the house, allowing any neighbours to look over and think you’ve healed. 
Being the weekend you had all the time in the world to lounge around, starting your morning off slow with coffee and a shower before you tackled some housework. You avoided the task of going to the attic for the decorations like the plague, knowing his stuff was stored up there. But eventually, you'd done all the cleaning you could think of and no more cups of coffee could be drunk as an excuse. Dragging the dining chair down the hall to reach the attic felt like walking toward your own death sentence.
And that's exactly what this was, as soon as you crawled into the small space a box labelled “KIM SEUNGMIN'' caught your attention. All of this stuff was long forgotten, packed away in a manic state in an attempt to calm your anxiety. Although later you'd come back up to receive a few essential items you’d accidentally packed away, such as your house keys or lip balm. This box was still untouched. Your eyes travelled back and forth between the tangled mess of tinsel and lights back to the mysterious box. Curiosity got the better of you and you took the cardboard box back down to the land of the living where you placed it on the dining table. 
It was another half hour before you bought yourself to open it. You had a general idea of the contents of this box, as it was all stuff from your own home that you packed away. But the reliving of your husband's life was always something you needed to prepare for. This box contained contents from his office, his laptop, stationary, and a beanie that would've been left laying around. You give it a sniff before holding it to your chest. You still use this shampoo, it's a smell you experience every time you shower, but something about smelling it on him was different. You pull the beanie over your head before you continue. It's everyday things mostly, things you wouldn't connect to Seungmin unless you knew it was from this box. Finally, after piling officewear over your coffee table, you reach the bottom where a lonesome journal sits. 
It only takes a quick glimpse to see the notebook is only ¾ filled, the pages warped and used up to a certain point before they sit flat and clean. You open to the last page, scanning the paper and seeing the date. “28/12/2021”. The day it happened, the fire. You quickly shut it. That same fire builds up in you, you can’t bring yourself to read any more of the journal without being burnt. A rush of panic washes over you as you stash away all the things back into the box, pulling the beanie off of your head and shoving it away. Messily, nothing fits nicely as it once did. But everything needs to be out of your site and fast. Something falls but you don't look back, shoving the box back into the attic and closing it up. Your heartbeat calms slowly, bringing you into a dreamless sleep.
A day had passed since you ventured into the attic and found the box. You had since seen the journal you thought you packed away laying on the wooden floor in your lounge. First, you ignored it, leaving it on a nearby shelf to collect dust. But it constantly caught your eye, screaming for your attention. It didn't take long for your walls to crumble and for you to give in.
The start of 2021! First-year started as a married man and it feels good. I’m so lucky to start this year with her by my side. This year also marks my one year with the new company, which puts me up for a promotion. My hopes are high that I will be the one getting this promotion. It’s still early morning but I am happy and grateful to be here in the new year.
My workload has increased to the promotion position but no pay rise has been mentioned. I want to speak up but know that it got Han fired for the very same reason. If what he claims is true, either way, the further away he is from me the better. If it was just me I would speak up and take the risk of being fired, but Y/N is dependent on me now. We are both dependent on each other. I don't know what to do. I think she can tell something is wrong as she has started talking about picking up a second job to help pay for the bills. I’d hate for it to come down to that.
I got sunburnt today. I dread coming home or back to work. Just want to disappear into the ocean forever. 
His entries are random and sporadic, with some long detailed descriptions of his days that last the week. Other small one-liners that are only updated every few weeks. Pages are taken up by photos and drawings he has captured. His writing about Han threw you off. Han had a complicated relationship with the two of you. On one hand, he was your childhood friend who supported and was happy for you when you started seeing Seungmin. On the other hand, he had a burning hate for Seungmin, angry when he supposedly stole you from Han. You hadn’t even realised Seungmin had been working with him all that time and putting up with him. You saw nothing in Han apart from a friend. When he couldn't accept that he distanced himself from you. But it seemed he only got closer to Seungmin.
The last entry was upsetting to you. He didn’t want to come home? You didn't realise the internal turmoil Seungmin was living with for the last year of his life. He kept you away from his life and his feelings. You couldn’t decide if he had done this as to not upset you or if he had done this as a way to push you out of his life. Had he fallen out of love?
You settle on the first option, and you beg and scream that it is the first option. Your Seungmin, your best friend and your soulmate. You'd refuse to believe that there was any other option as to why he kept you out. You leave the journal next to your bed falling back into a deep sleep.
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“Y/N?” The voice is back, still coming from somewhere unidentifiable but this time it's a lot closer.
And once again you recognise it immediately, knowing this is a dream you crouch down and hide yourself in your arms. “Go away”
“What?” The hurt in his voice sounds so genuine and as his footsteps come closer you question whether you really are dreaming or not. “Y/N please listen to me”
Looking up you see him standing over you, even a glimpse of his face is all you need to spring up and wrap yourself around him. Holding him tight for a few moments before pulling away. His face sits in your hands as you hold him still to examine him. Nothing seemed to have changed from a year ago. His hair loose and framing his face. His dark eyes filled with so much love and care. His mouth sits partly open wanting to speak but waiting for you to finish. Your thumb passes his lips, red in comparison to the snow-white touch of his skin. His large hands capture yours, holding them in between your chest and his.
“You need to listen to me” You nod encapsulated by his beauty. “You can’t read the journal anymore. OK? You need to promise me you won't read it any further”
“What do you mean?” This journal is filling you in on parts of his life you would have never known otherwise. And you miss him so bad. It causes you physical pain anytime you think about the fact you never get to hug or hold him again. Although these dreams soothe the pain, it's only for a moment before you wake up more alone and hurt than ever. 
“It’s not going to help you. It's only gonna hurt this fantasy of yours. It’s all a delusion Y/N.” 
“I’m not delusional” You frown at the accusation. “I know this is only a dream”
“That’s not what I’m talking about Y/N” A beeping in the distance brings you away from his speech. By the time you find him again, he's away. Out of reach. You cry out to him. Needing more, but he’s gone. And soon you wake up, looking over to his side of the bed out of habit.
Empty and alone. 
Work drags on as it usually does. Most days your mind is focused on the work you need to complete before the 5 PM deadline. Today your mind is focused on the reading you’ll be doing once you're at home. The dream you had last night had your mind racing for answers. And you had a feeling the only way to achieve these were to read further despite the red flags going off in your brain. You don’t bother getting changed or starting dinner for tonight, instead, you grab yourself a glass of water and get comfortable on the couch, journal in hand.
It's over. Everything I worked towards building my image to is gone! Today I got called into the office where I received an anonymous complaint about my work. Apparently, it was not up to company standards nor was it my own genuine work. I laughed at first thinking Park Jin-young would see past this considering he has been monitoring my work for my entire career and never had a problem with it. But instead, he is cutting down my hours and having my work more closely monitored. My desk has been moved closer to our general manager's office where the light flickers and gives me a headache. I can't stand it. I can’t tell Y/N. I don’t know what to do!
My mind is still racing from the other day. I just can't understand it. If Park Jin-young had a problem with my work from the beginning, why didn't he say something earlier? Why keep this hidden for so long? I also don't understand who would’ve sent the anonymous tip? Was one of our contractors not happy with the work we were producing? Was it an excuse to get me fired? I will be spending more hours in my car. I can't tell Y/N.
The journal had found its way into your work bag. There was more content contained inside than you had realised and you were determined to finish it. You pulled it out on your break, it sat on the table for a long while. Something you hadn't considered was the unknown words inside. Were they going to be as upsetting as the words read from the other day? Before you get a chance to open it up and read anything, more workmates join you in the break room. Minho chose to join you at your empty table, which surprised you. People avoided you like the plague after your husband's passing. Being labelled as a widow made people think any interaction with you would bring up the dead husband talk. Something most hated.
“Is that your diary?” Minho speaks in a monotone voice but you know he's only teasing. You smile.
“It’s Seungmins” You know what's gonna come next, the regret in his eyes and apologies spilling from his mouth. For once you wished he could be spoken about as if he wasn't a bad thing. As if he was a real person. Today was not that day.
“My apologies, I didn't mean to-”
“It's ok” You cut him off, holding the smile on your face as you sip the coffee you held in front of your face. “I’ve just been reading it now and again”
You can see his eyes searching for another conversation, but as you know, the dead husband really dampens the mood. You excuse yourself from the table, taking your things to the bathroom with you. 
I don't think Y/N has noticed my shorter hours. I spend most of my free time in my car filling in this stupid journal. All the things I wish I dared to speak. I have to take out my savings to pay my part of the bills. Seeing the number go down instead of up is upsetting but unless I stop being a coward, there's not much I can do about that. 
The same red Chevrolet Monte Carlo is parked across the road from our house. The driver is unidentifiable due to his hoodie and cap. It freaks me out but I know I’m jumping to the worst-case scenario. This could be another husband hiding his unemployment from his wife. 
It was our 1 year marriage anniversary today. I can't even feel good about that. I can't afford to treat Y/N the way she deserves. She needs better, I need to do better for her. 
It’s been a month and every day without fail the red car is parked near our house. I want to believe it's a neighbour I have not yet met but I never see the driver enter or leave the car. Whoever it is has nothing better to do. But then again, neither do I. 
Ever since reading his last few entries, you keep an eye out for the famous red car. Although you don't know what the make or model he mentioned actually means. A red car outside your house would be enough to scare you. But every time you part the blinds to look or check the mailbox, there's no car.
It's a sense of relief that doesn’t last for long as your phone starts ringing. Your mum's contact photo flashes on the screen. You weren’t close to your family in the way most people your age were. But you didn't hate them, there wasn’t any trauma or arguments that kept you apart. But you had just distanced yourself from the world after you had lost him. Unfortunately, this included your closest family. 
“Hey mum” You try your best to sound happy about this call, but the smile drops from your face when you hear the voices from other family members in the background.
“Hi my darling, how have you been?” 
“Good thanks. Look mum I’m kinda busy right now. Can I call you back?” You only feel slightly bad about lying. You will call her back, eventually. Just whenever you can guarantee it's just her and dad. 
“Now hold on a second, I haven't heard from you all month. Can’t you spare five minutes for me?” She doesn’t give you a chance to reply before she continues with her lecture. “We are all so worried about you. Ever since you know who died you haven't been the same darling. I don't think its a good idea for you to be alone this Christ-”
“His name is Seungmin mum” The line rings in silence, her inability to help or support you speaks volumes through her empty reply. “I’ll call you later”
I finally did it! I confronted Park Jin-young about my hours! It didn't take much convincing considering how low-staffed we are but he agreed that my work had improved in quality. Maybe the lessening of hours was just a scare tactic. There's definitely something off about it but I can’t put my finger on it. At least I will be able to treat Y/N this Christmas. 
Your hand reaches for the silver necklace he got you last Christmas, something you hadn't taken off since. It wasn't anything super expensive from your knowledge, but it was priceless to you. The chain often got tangled, but you'd put in the work to keep it neat. For him.
You had errands to run today, it would be a rush but you needed to get them done before shops closed for Christmas eve. But as you make your way outside to your car, you see it. Your heart stops. The dreaded red car Seungmin has mentioned so frequently. Now, this could be any red car, but the driver is wearing a hoodie and glasses, the same way Seungmin saw him. You can't tell where this mystery man is looking thanks to the tinted glass covering his eyes, but you think it's fair to say he was looking at you. As soon as your eyes caught him, he looked away, starting his car and driving off in a rush. 
You're frozen in place. Who was this man and what did he want with you?
This morning was the happiest I’ve felt in a long time. I’m at peace. I struggle to talk about how I’m feeling, even with Y/N. Things build up but this morning I was able to let everything go without blowing up. I feel so lucky to be able to experience such bliss. I wish every day was like this. But I return to work soon and so does Y/N. We made breakfast together and opened gifts in our bed. I don’t want to let go of this feeling.
I got to spend another day with Y/N yesterday and as nice as that was I’m back to work and so is she. To be honest with you I am scared for what this day holds for me. The red car is outside the building and I can see the driver is Han. Which means he's back at work. But why was he at our house? I will confront him when I see him leave his car but to be honest I don't want to. I don't want to tell Y/N either. I need to but I can’t. I am still a coward and not even half the man she deserves. 
A hole is opened up in your chest that allows all the worries of the outside world to consume you. You're so lightheaded yet weighed down by anxiety all at once. A feeling of fear you truly never wish to experience again. Han Jisung worked with your husband. Han Jisung sat outside your house for months last year. Han Jisung was outside of your house yesterday. 
Discarding the journal, your shaking hands pick up the phone and dial 112. The phone rings for a long while, you struggle to even hear the line being picked up over your loud and fast breathing.
“112 what's your emergency?” The lady on the other side has heard enough horror stories for her lifetime, any piece of joy has left her which is reflected in her dull voice.
“My ex- Well he’s not my ex, this guy has been stalking me and my husband for over a year and I think he-” Your voice is erratic and out of pace, speaking faster than you can keep up with. 
“Slow down mam, is your husband there?”
“No, he's dead! It's unrelated but now this guy is after me!” Your back is pressed against your bedroom door, there's no lock so using your own strength is all you've got. “Please help me”
“Is he currently at your property?”
“No, but he will be, I just know it” Your sobbing echoes in the empty room, words barely escaping the crumbled mess that you are. 
“I’m sorry to inform you mam but without any urgent danger, I can’t help you. Contact your local police station and they should be able to send an officer to help you ok?” Dread fills your stomach, this isn't real. If she doesn’t believe you then who will? “Are you there mam?”
You press the big red button on your screen, letting your phone fall to the floor. Dragging your shaky legs up and onto your bed is a struggle. But soon you are hidden under the soft protection of your blankets. You curl up, another sob ripping through your body, this is where you lie. Waiting for death or sleep, whatever comes first. 
You wake up out of breath and aching. Your neck crumbled from the position you slept in. As you awaken your memory of last night comes to light and you rush to the front door. Making sure to secure it shut. Calming down you take a breath, your head is covered in fog and your eyes are swollen. The tears you shed last night are not forgotten this morning. Without your initial panic, you're able to do as you should've last night and call your town's police station.
“Reminder that this is not an emergency line, for an emergency please dial 112” You let the automated voice speak before it continues ringing to a real person.
“Seulgi speaking, how can I help?” She sounds young, which makes you feel guilty that she has to spend Christmas away from her family and deal with people like you. 
“Sorry to call on Christmas, but I believe I have a stalker and I have recently seen him outside of my house” Your words are a lot clearer than last night.
“Ok, am I able to get an address for that one?” You repeat back your address to her, feeling relief that someone is listening. “And do you have the name of this man?”
“Han Jisung”
Can you elaborate on your relationship with Han?”
“He had a crush on me,” The words sound childish coming out of your mouth, especially with the seriousness of the situation. “But I’m married, I turned him down. I recently found out from my husband he used to sit outside our house and watch us and I saw him watching me the other day“
“Why did you not alert the police last year? Or the other day?” Her tone is not condescending. It’s flat. She needs to know because it's her job but you don’t know how to explain your situation. She picks up on your unwillingness to answer. “I’ll send a patrol car now”
“Thank you”
“Have a good Christmas mam”
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It was a waiting game now. Anytime now there was going to be a knock on the door and this would all be over. The anticipation and fear that was built up inside you would soon be split out onto someone who could protect you. In the meantime, you had one more page to read and you couldn't help yourself. You want to know what happened the day you lost your husband. It was notable enough for him to record. 
Han Jisung got his job back. Sort of. He started back at his old position but I’ve seen him working on maintenance around the building. I don't think he is qualified to but I am keeping my distance. I couldn't confront him yesterday but I am convinced he is here to mess with me and Y/N. I am writing this from my car, I can see him sitting in his. I am going to talk to him now. If he doesn't stop his behaviour I will be contacting the authorities. I need to do something about his behaviour, for Y/N. 
Sparks in your brain go off and things start to fall into place. Was Han the one at fault for Seungmin's death? From your knowledge, Han was very uninterested in any work that involved his hands. He enjoyed music and cooking, writing and coffee making. Even if he had gone through the necessary training, he had only been training for less than a year. He had no place working in a building that size. He had no place near Seungmin. He put his life in danger. It was Han Jisung who ended Kim Seungmin's life.
As your blood begins to boil, a knock on the door interrupts you. You wipe away the tears you didn't notice falling and head towards the front door. It all ends here, with the help of the officer behind this door you will put an end to the suffering Han Jisung put you through for the last year, unknown to you. 
You pull open the door and your eye immediately goes to the bright red car parked outside your house. Your heart drops as you make eye contact with the man in front of you. His gummy smile and charming eyes. Han Jisung is standing at your door. His hands conceal something behind his back. And although he's got his usual smirk on his face, his eyes hide something much more sinister.
“Merry Christmas Y/N”
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viilpstick · 8 months
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faerie-starv · 8 months
Deviantart Anniversary/Story
I forgot to post this two days ago so here it is. Warning, it's a long story so I hope you have a free time to read.
I created my very first social media account was Deviantart on October 6, 2007. I was living in Orlando for attending college and it was my first time being away from home, renting an apartment, and creating my own account. I started college in July 2007 and was majoring for Multimedia Design(which changed into Digital Media). A week after I started my second quarter, I decided to create my DA account. Quick note, here's the link of what Deviantart looks like back in 2007 by using Wayback Machine so you can get the idea.
Before I made my account, I first discovered the site back in early 2006 when I was browsing through Kingdom Hearts fan site and went to the gallery page section. It was showing fan art from other fans with links of their social media sites(MySpace, Deviantart, etc.). One pic I found was none other than the artist is called Keysha-chan as she was a huge Kingdom Hearts fan and drew them as cute chibis by using Copic markers. I checked out her DA page and I was amazed of her talent as she's the same age as I am. She not only drew KH but she also drew Final Fantasy, Fullmetal Alchemist, Jax and Daxter. She even made her own manga by creating her original characters, Elemental Goddess. She's no longer on Deviantart as she's now active on Instagram(which I follow her) and changed the username to KeyshaKitty.
After I created my DA account, she was the first person I watched. I saved the tutorials such as the markers and plushies. I learned some of it as I'm still learning how to use markers(you'll probably see some of them on my Tumblr page). She was the reason why I created my DA account. Back then, there was a lot of great art; fan art, original art, photography, CSS layouts, etc. There was no AI, people don't mind the 'cringe' art, no one accused you of being 'racist/homophobic/etc.', no SJW's, no walking on eggshells, and so forth. Sure, there was art theft and some trolls but nothing too major like what's happening on Twitter/X or on Facebook today.
I posted my first journal entry and introduced myself then went on following/faving spree.
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I couldn't post my artwork till two days after I made the account because I didn't have printer/scanner back then and can only rely at college. It was Sunday when I first logged in and the school was closed. I couldn't upload my pics on Monday as I was starting my class and stay behind to use their Photoshop programs(back then, I didn't have Photoshop). I posted this pic on Tuesday as it was my OC's(which it needs some serious update and I'm making changes) while using some Photoshop. Please excuse my crappy pic as I didn't know what Mary Sue was or that the anatomy was way off. I am planning to remake the pic in the future.
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As the date says, I was using the school's computers to put together my pic and it was before I made the account.
I later posted few more pics; two of them were my oil paintings I made when I was sixteen and one photo of Lake Placid, FL that my family used to go on weekends.
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Later on, I watched another user who goes by Lily Pily and she was a big Nightmare Before Christmas/Corpse Bride/Kingdom Hearts fan. I read her crossover fan comics and loved her OC's which she became the first deviant to do an art trade with. I asked her if she can draw Emily from Corpse Bride while she asked me to draw her OC also named Emily. This is not my best pic of her as I'm still learning how to draw humans.
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I'm also planning to redraw her as well. I'm hoping to follow Lily Pily's other social sites but I don't think she has any besides Deviantart. I still want to keep following her for her art.
I finally got around to post my first DA ID but I kinda traced the figure from the books so you can see how different it is(not proud of it hence why I later took it down).
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My god, that pic looks awful! Tracing doesn't help either so it certainly does not make my pic better. The dress is so much cringe as it was based on my old Halloween fairy costume but the colors are just, ugh!!! The wings aren't very good and the pastel colors doesn't mix very well with the dress. This is why I took the pic down a year and a half later. This is what my fursona looked like back then before seeing the current version you see today. There's a reason why I don't like tracing nor using bases(like what I did on my ponysona for Neocities) because it just limits me from doing things. I want to be in control of things.
During 2007 and 2008, I didn't really gain any watchers except two who I know in real life. I also didn't get faves nor comments either until 2009. It was because of two things; one is that I didn't socialize with others nor joined clubs(before it turned into groups) hence why I lack of gaining watchers. Second is that my art was mostly non fan art and I just focused on creating my OC's but sadly, no one was interested in them. :( It wasn't until in 2009 is that I bought myself a digital camera from Walmart and started taking photos. Once I posted them on Deviantart, that's when I gained more watchers, comments, and faves. I still owned this camera to this very day.
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Yeah, I used Adobe Illustrator to draw my camera. Loved that camera!
I took a bunch of photos mostly from theme parks and city downtown as well as flowers and birds. So photography is one of the reasons why my page is getting attention but another thing I've done is creating crystal orbs for fun.
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Those gained a lot of popularity. Then I started to create my Fakemon, Faerie Mews based on the elements.
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The first one was a Fire Faerie Mew(the other is the Chinese Fire Faerie Mew) then I created four more. I ended up making a final pic of four main elements. I really loved making them and I am planning to remake them in the future. I do want to finish the Chinese Elemental Faerie Mews as I only did one but didn't get around to finish.
I would love to post more of my old DA artwork here but I'll have to save it for other time as I can only limit on how many I can put in this post. I just wanted to post the story of my DA anniversary to share it with everyone.
If your asking me about my DA account, don't bother because I closed it back in January due to the site being overrun by AI and the admins stopped caring about the artists. I already removed my pics a year before they allowed AI(thank god I did that) to make it easier for me to clean up and deactivating the account. I've been on DA for fourteen years(fifteen if I choose to stay) before calling it quits.
So now I'm moving on here, Inkblot, Square, and Neocities to post my art. Hopefully you guys enjoyed my long ass story.
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luminities · 8 months
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Spooky tag ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩⋆✦
It's my favorite time of the year, which means there'll be halloween themed layouts for everyone!! Under the cut you'll find some of the icons and headers with spooky/halloween vibes that I've posted over the years.
Note: you can find all of these under the #spooky tag, but I'll keep updating and posting more stuff to make this resource bigger.
(x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Headers (x) (x) (x)
(x) (x) (x)
Gravity Falls
Halloween (1978)
Over the garden wall
Scream (1996)
Scooby Doo
The craft
The nightmare before christmas
The witch
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analikalee · 2 years
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jackharkness · 1 year
2022 in gifs
tag your favourite and most popular posts from each month of the year
thank you for the tag @wexler-mcgill! 💝 happy new year!
January most popular: 1917 scene favourite:  band of brothers set (that took me soooo long to make) February most popular: What We Do In The Shadows 2x06 favourite: Lawrence of Arabia as a Vogue Magazine (to date my fave creation ever. I am such a clown lol) March most popular and favourite: Back to the Future + iconic lines April most popular and favourite: Top Gun scene (I didn’t gif a lot in April because i was working non-stop) May most popular: Per Qualche Dollaro in Più scene favourite: best tv couple Ian and Mickey & best tv villain Jerome Valeska ( I was really inspired that month) June most popular: Me Before You scene favourite: Lawrence of Arabia lyrics gifset July most popular: Tolkien week day 4 favourite: Roy Batty gifset (I actually manage to keep the layouts and the coloring consistent for once!!) August most popular: The Nightmare Before Christmas scene favourite: Mr Robot parallel (nothing special but it came out so well) September most popular: LOTR scene favourite: Lawrence of Arabia/Becket parallel &  T.E. Lawrence set October most popular: Beetlejuice for 20k event favourite: Lawrence of Arabia lyrics gifset (again, nothing special, but I was particularly proud of the coloring in this one) November try and guess which show I watched that month most popular: Dream and Death of the Endless set favourite: The Sandman s01 gifset December most popular: The Nightmare before Christmas scene (yep) favourite: LOA + love poem & Interview With the Vampire lyrics gifset (They could’ve turned out better, but still, I’m very proud of both of them!)
I tag @johnnymartin (so @supervalcsi), @brandon-lee, @divineandmajesticinone, @romroy, @sonyarebecchi, @duchessofhastings., @jdmorganz, @harrison-ford
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Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #13
Is it possible the CANON references to Eddie’s heart started before season 4? Heart Reference #13
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There were many references to Eddie’s heart included at the end of season 4 and they continued throughout season 5.  But what if the references began during season 2 and continued through season 5? Let’s review the thirteenth reference to Eddie’s heart which included him trying to give Christopher the perfect Christmas, him trying to tell Buck that he needed him and his departure from the 118.
5x10 “Wrapped in Red”
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Christopher wanted to have the perfect Christmas for himself and Eddie so he was being very strict about how the Christmas decorations were being displayed inside of their home.  Christopher expected for the Christmas tree to be facing a specific direction and he wanted all the lights and other tree ornaments to be placed in a specific layout.  He even told Eddie there should be a five piece of popcorn to one cranberry ratio on the popcorn string that was going to be hung around the Christmas tree.  Eddie indulged him and tried to complete all the tasks the way Christopher wanted them.  He told Christopher, “That’s enough decorating for tonight. Why don’t you go get ready for bed and I’ll finish up. You can critique my work in the morning”.  Christopher said, “I just want everything to be perfect” and Eddie replied, “It will bud”.  Before Christopher went to bed, he told Eddie good night and after he left the room, Eddie asked himself out loud. “Do we even have tinsel?”
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After Carla arrived the next day, Eddie explained to her that Christopher felt like something was wrong with their Christmas tree.  She looked at it and asked him, “What’s wrong with the tree?” and Eddie replied, “Everything apparently. It’s facing the wrong way.  He didn’t like the way I was stringing the lights and I was putting the ornaments in the wrong places. I felt like I was being judged by Martha Stewart, pre–Snoop Dog”.  She laughed at him and explained how Christopher was growing up along with how he was starting to form his own opinions about things.  While they were talking Christopher started screaming and they ran to his room to see what was going on.  Eddie asked him if he was ok and Christopher said he was fine.  Eddie then asked him, “Did you have a bad dream? Do you want to talk about it? Sometimes talking about it makes it less scary” then Christopher replied, “It was about mom”.
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Buck asked Eddie what the doctor said and Eddie replied, “That one nightmare isn’t a reason for concern. It could be an isolated incident but…” and Buck asked, “What?”  Then Eddie replied, “I don’t think it’s an isolated anything.  He’s been obsessed with the holidays this year. How everything has to be perfect. Now he’s waking up screaming dreaming of his mother”.  Eddie looked at Buck and then Buck said, “Shannon came back at Christmas, right? Do you think that’s what triggered it?”  Eddie explained how the holidays were always their thing and how they handled all the decorations.  Eddie then said, “Maybe I’m not doing it right.”   Buck told Eddie that Christopher was missing his mother and that it wasn’t Eddie’s fault.  Eddie glanced at Buck while he said, “So much for the most wonderful time of the year”.  He walked away and Buck said, “Yeah, it’s a real pressure cooker”.
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Christopher was building a gingerbread house but Eddie accidentally destroyed it when he brought him some hot chocolate to celebrate Christopher finishing it. The gingerbread house was destroyed and Christopher became upset and pushed it on to the floor.  Eddie asked him what was going on and why he was stressing so much about Christmas and Christopher said, “I wanted everything to be perfect”.  Eddie said, “You, me, presents and stockings. That sounds pretty good to me, right?” Christopher didn’t respond and when Eddie told him they could make a bigger gingerbread house next year, Christopher said, “You could be dead next year”. His statement concerned and worried Eddie even more.
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Eddie talked with Carla about Christopher’s blow up and he told her that he promised Christopher he wasn’t going anywhere.  She said, “But?” and that’s when Eddie told her the first thing they teach firefighters in the academy is to not make promises.  She tried to convince him that he was helping his son especially since he had already lost one parent but Eddie wasn’t convinced.  He told her that bullets don’t bounce off him and she asked if he was still thinking about The Shooting.  He said sometimes and how being held hostage didn’t help.  He told her since neither him nor Buck had been hurt during The Hostage Situation that he didn’t see a point in telling her or Christopher about it.  He then told her that being a firefighter has risks and she tried to reassure him that his job was important to him but Eddie had already convinced himself that for Christopher to feel safe, he would have to leave the 118.
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The 118 was dispatched to an apartment complex where a father hit a structural pole that caused the building to partially collapse.  The man’s son was upset and when Eddie saw him, he started thinking about Christopher and what he said about how Eddie could die.  They had to condemn the building and the families had to stay at a motel.
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Bobby and Athena took their annual Christmas party to the motel where the families were staying so that they could still celebrate the holiday.  Buck and Hen saw Eddie talking to Bobby and they became concerned.  Eddie asked Hen, Buck and Ravi if he could speak with them for a few minutes.  He apologized for pulling them away from the party and Buck asked him what was going on. Eddie explained how Christopher was worried about him.  Then he said, “I’m leaving the 118” and looked at Buck.  Buck stared at him and then looked at Hen.
Christopher’s nightmares
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Christopher is Eddie’s whole heart and he’s the most important person in his life.  He loves him and he will do anything to protect him; therefore Eddie will do whatever it takes to make sure Christopher has the things he needs so that he can grow up feeling like he was loved and appreciated by his father.  Eddie didn’t feel like he was enough for his own father since his dad wasn’t really around during his childhood.  Eddie wants things to be different for Christopher and he does everything for his own son that he wished his father had done for him.  That’s why Eddie became concerned in 3x4 and 5x10 when Christopher woke up screaming after having nightmares about his mother.  Christopher’s nightmares about Shannon only occurred when Buck and Eddie were separated and weren’t working together as Christopher’s co-parents like they normally do when all three of them are together as The Buckley-Diaz Family (read blog posts: “Buck & Eddie: The Buckley Diaz Family Part 1 of 4”; “Buck & Eddie: The Buckley Diaz Family Part 2 of 4”; “Buck & Eddie: The Buckley Diaz Family Part 3 of 4” and “Buck & Eddie: The Buckley Diaz Family Part 4 of 4”  for more information about The Buckley-Diaz Family).  In 3x4 “Triggers” Christopher started waking up screaming and crying so Eddie took him to a therapist named Dr. Lim.  Buck and Christopher survived the Tsunami in 3x1 “Kids Today” and after Christopher fell off the firetruck in 3x2 “Sink or Swim” they were separated and Buck spent all day and well into the nighttime searching for him.  In 3x3 “The Searchers” Eddie was reunited with Christopher after a woman who had been carrying and caring for Christopher all day appeared holding him in her arms.  Buck collapsed after he saw they had been reunited.  Eddie took Christopher back to Buck’s loft and told him “There’s no one in this world I trust with my son more than you” after Buck kept blaming himself for losing Christopher.  Buck quit firefighting in 3x1 but he returned to light duty and worked as the Fire Marshall in 3x4 which meant he wasn’t available anymore to take care of Christopher whenever Eddie was at work. Then Buck filed the lawsuit against Bobby and the LAFD in 3x4 and since his lawyer told him to cease all contact with the 118, he couldn’t talk to Eddie.
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In 3x5 “Rage” Eddie told Buck during their argument in the grocery store “Do you know how much Christopher misses you?  How could you, you’re not around.”  Buck apologized to Eddie in 3x6 “Monsters” and he apologized for a second time in 3x9 “Fallout” for not being there for Eddie and Christopher.
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Christopher’s nightmares from 3x4 parallel with the nightmare he had in 5x10 because Buck and Eddie hadn’t been spending time together like they had been before The Shooting.  Just like Buck took care of Christopher after the Tsunami, he also took care of him while Eddie was in the hospital in 4x14 “Survivors”.  In 5x10, Buck was still with Taylor and even though he was still taking Christopher to the zoo all the time, the leisure time for Buck and Eddie that happened outside of the firehouse had decreased to practically no time at all.  Buck had always been there for both Eddie and Christopher during the Christmas holidays but he wasn’t there in 5x10 because he spent his time with Taylor.  That affected both Eddie’s and Christopher’s hearts because Buck had always been there for them especially during Christmas.
Buck of Christmas past
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Buck spent a lot of time with Eddie and Christopher over the past four years including the Christmas holidays. However, Eddie’s heart was full with his love for Christopher in 5x10 “Wrapped in Red” because Buck wasn’t there like he had been in the past.  The other half of Eddie’s heart that’s occupied by Buck was in need of attention because Christopher was dreaming about his mother and he hadn’t done that since the last time Buck wasn’t around to spend time with Eddie as Christopher’s co-parent. 
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In 2x10 “Merry X-mas”, even though Shannon had returned, Eddie told her he didn’t know if he could trust her which caused him to be hesitant regarding if he would allow her to see Christopher. Buck was still there by Eddie’s side as Christopher’s co-parent and had been since 2x4 “Stuck”.  He went with Eddie when he took Christopher to see Santa Klaus and that’s when the elf told him, “You two have an adorable son” and Buck replied, “Thank you”.  When Eddie finally decided to allow Shannon to see Christopher, it was that Christmas morning and she died a few months after that.  But Buck was there for both Diaz boys before Eddie allowed Shannon to see Christopher and he was the one who tried to encourage Eddie to let her see him.
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In 3x10 “Christmas Spirit” Buck spent time with Christopher and Denny while they were at Eddie’s house and he sat on the floor with them to build gingerbread houses. That was the year Christopher asked Buck if he could spend Christmas with him since Eddie had to work.  Eddie’s heart eyes towards Buck illustrated how both halves of his heart were there and Buck stepped in like he always did to help Eddie so that he could spend the holiday with Christopher.  Eddie’s heart was already broken since he had to work Christmas Day but it broke again when Christopher asked Buck if he could spend Christmas with him.  He knew just like Buck knew they both had to work.  When Buck looked to Eddie for reassurance, Eddie shook his head, no, so that Buck would tell Christopher that he had to work too.  To solve the problem, since A-shift had to work on Christmas Day, Buck worked with Athena to host a Christmas dinner at the firehouse so that everyone’s families could join the 118 and spend time with them during the holiday.  No one asked Buck to organize that but he did once he realized Christopher wasn’t going to be able to spend Christmas with Eddie.  The family Eddie chose was together for Christmas and his abuela was there too.  There was no Christmas episode in season 4.
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Eddie tried to assure Christopher that the two of them being together would make it a great Christmas when he said, “You, me, presents and stockings. That sounds pretty good to me, right?”  But Christopher wasn’t convinced.  When he threw the gingerbread house on the floor, Eddie’s heart broke for his son because he wanted to make it special for Christopher but he didn’t know how.  Christmas was different for all three of them in 5x10 “Wrapped in Red” because Buck wasn’t going to spend the holiday with them since he was still with Taylor. Buck told Hen that he and Taylor were going to spend Christmas with each other even though he knew from Eddie’s conversation that Christopher was having a hard time with the holidays.  Buck was the only missing factor when the Christmas in 5x10 is paralleled with 2x10 and 3x10.  Buck’s absence definitely effected Christopher because he became upset when Eddie accidentally broke the gingerbread house he had been building.  While Eddie didn’t tell Buck directly that his absence was one of the reasons Christopher wanted everything to be perfect, he did try to express it to him during their conversation about Christopher’s nightmares.  Eddie should have learned during The Will Reveal in 4x14 “Survivors” that Buck doesn’t understand things unless they are explicitly explained to him. Eddie needs to learn to tell Buck what he needs instead of just assuming that he will understand.  Buck was miserable too especially since he and Taylor were having trouble deciding on what to buy each other as presents. He told Hen and Bobby that he didn’t know what to buy her but he was considering getting her a generator and Taylor asked Bobby if Buck would like a sweater she found for him online.  Buck bought her a Beacon Bracelet which further illustrated how he wasn’t dealing with his abandonment issues.  He was still spiraling after Maddie left and Chimney took Jee-Yun to go find her.  The bracelet he gave her didn’t have anything to do with Taylor but it did have everything to do with Buck and how he was trying to prevent anyone else from leaving him.
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Buck and Eddie were both still struggling with the thought of losing each other. Eddie being shot in front of Buck was a pivotal moment for them because they were faced with the reality that their forever could abruptly end.   Eddie thought he had time to tell Buck how he really felt about him after Carla told him to follow his heart in 4x13 “Suspicion” but The Shooting changed all of that.  After Eddie had been shot by a sniper, the way they both internalized their feelings was very different. Eddie kept Christopher as his number one priority and ignored anything that would make him happy.  After he broke up with Ana, he started to isolate himself and he wouldn’t approach the subject of being shot with Buck even when Buck tried to discuss it with him.  Buck was vulnerable after The Shooting and when Taylor told him she was ready to be with him, he started clinging to her especially after Maddie, Chimney and Jee-Yun left.  He didn’t want to think about the possibility of losing Eddie again and he demonstrated that in 5x6 “Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1” when he thought Eddie had been shot again.  He ran towards the gun fire while everyone else ran away from it.  Eddie and Buck have avoided talking about it for so long that it has continued to widen the emotional distance between them.
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Buck made Christopher a promise in 4x8 “Breaking Point” after Christopher took Eddie’s phone, ordered an Uber and ran away to Buck’s loft.  He told Buck about how he had been missing everyone since the pandemic started including his grandmother, family members, Carla and his friends from school and Buck said, “You’re going to see them all again” and Christopher asked him, “Do you promise?” and Buck said, “I do. And until that happens you still got me cause I’m not going anywhere”.  Their conversation parallels with Eddie telling Carla that he made Christopher the same promise in 5x10 after Christopher said, “You could be dead next year” which prompted him to promise and reassure Christopher that he wasn’t going anywhere (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Christopher Diaz has 2 dads” for more information on how Eddie and Buck parent Christopher identically).
Eddie was already struggling before he quit
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Eddie was already showing signs that he was struggling with moving forward after The Shooting and those signs manifested in his actions long before he told Bobby he wanted to quit the 118. He started having panic attacks in 5x1 “Panic” but he blamed them on the idea of Ana being thought of as Christopher’s mother (read blog posts: “Eddie doesn’t panic. OK!”  and “Buck & Eddie: Eddie panics about losing Buck” for more information on the real reason Eddie was having panic attacks). She wasn’t present for two of his attacks and the fourth one happened months after they broke up.  In 5x6, he didn’t show any fear while he sat in the ambulance with Mitchell during The Hostage Situation and he even told Mitchell to “Shut up” while Mitchell held him at gunpoint.  He acted completely unaffected by Mitchell and Dom’s antics and they were both escaped convicts.  Since Eddie was able to relate to Mitchell, he realized that they were not that different (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-References #4, 10 & 12” to learn more about how Eddie and Mitchell were similar).  Being held hostage by an escaped convict took a toll on him but he simply added it to the box inside of his mind with all the other bad things he didn’t want to think about. He had another panic attack in 5x8 “Defend in Place” when he thought Parker and his sister Sophia died in the hospital fire (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #11” for more information on Eddie’s fourth panic attack).  Eddie’s appearance started to change not long after Buck said Taylor wasn’t breaking up with him in 5x9 “Past is Prologue”.  Eddie’s hair has always been fabulous, (except for 3A when he buzzed it but it grew back.  He was still sexy and beautiful even with his short hair.) but it was pushed off his forehead and it caused him to look different.  He looked like he was already losing sleep but he was hiding it.
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The signs that he was headed for a breakdown were there but Buck missed them because he was too caught up in whatever he had going on with Taylor.  Is Buck Eddie’s keeper, NO but he was always the one pressuring Eddie to tell him what was going on whenever he noticed Eddie acting weird.  In 3x6 “Monsters” Buck saw the bruises on Eddie’s arm right away and asked him about them.  Eddie tried to deflect but eventually Buck got him to tell him about his fighting.
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In 5x1 “Panic”, Dr. Salazar recognized Eddie and Buck wouldn’t stop pestering him about that interaction with her until Eddie told him to drop it.  Buck still didn’t give up and he persisted to ask Eddie about it until he learned the truth.
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In 5x2 “Desperate Times” after Buck noticed Eddie had been acting weird while Ana and Christopher were at the firehouse, he confronted Eddie and made him tell him what was going on. But in 5x10 Buck didn’t fully comprehend how Eddie was trying to ask him for help without Eddie actually saying the words.
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Eddie tried several times to tell Buck that he needed him (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Buck said, “Look man, you need to tell me if something is wrong.” or 6 times Eddie tried to tell Buck “I need you!” for more information on the times Eddie tried to tell Buck that he needed him).  He tried during The Will Reveal in 4x14 “Survivors”.  He tried again in 5x2 “Desperate Times” during their conversation about how Eddie should break up with Ana since he wasn’t all in with her.  The conversation they had in 5x4 “Home and Away” about Maddie and Chimney was another one of those times he tried but like all the other times it ended up being a failure to communicate between the two of them because as usual Buck misunderstood.  He tried again and again but Buck was too lost in his own whatever he had going on with Taylor to notice. Eddie tried one last time in 5x10 when he said, “So much for the most wonderful time of the year”, when he gave Buck a quick glance like he did in 5x6 “Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1”, stood up and then walked away.  While Buck was still taking Christopher to the zoo, he completely missed all the signs that Eddie had been struggling until he went to Eddie’s house for dinner in 5x11 “Outside Looking In”.  Buck told Eddie that he didn’t have to pretend with him but it was too late then.  Eddie has never been able to ask anyone for help so it makes sense that he didn’t outright ask Buck for help when he felt like he needed it.  In the past Buck has anticipated the things Eddie needed but since they were so emotionally distant from each other, they weren’t able to communicate in the same that they had in the past.
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All of the blame for Eddie’s decision can’t be placed on Buck because Eddie has to learn how to say what he means and mean what he says.  He should know by now that Buck needs to hear exactly what is being said to him otherwise, he will misunderstand it.  Eddie didn’t talk to anyone except for Carla about his decision to quit and he was still making decisions for everyone, including Buck and Christopher, the two other people in the family he chose, just like Shannon told him he always did.  She told him he makes decisions that he believes are best for everyone without talking to them and several years after she died, Eddie still hadn’t learned that lesson.  His leaving the 118 was going to affect Buck but he didn’t talk to him about it.  That same decision was going to affect Christopher too but he didn’t talk to Christopher about quitting either because he thought that’s what he wanted but Christopher told him in 5x11 “Outside Looking In” that he never said for Eddie to quit.  The reason he didn’t talk to Buck about it was because Buck hadn’t been there for him like he had been in the past.  Since Buck was already spiraling about Maddie and Chimney being gone, Eddie probably thought he wouldn’t be able to handle anyone else leaving him especially when he tried to transfer out of the 118 in 5x5 “Peer Pressure”.   But that wasn’t Eddie’s decision to make, so he should have talked to Buck about leaving and maybe he could have helped Eddie with a solution since he likes to fix things.  That’s why Eddie’s decision to just tell Buck with Hen and Ravi wasn’t a good one.
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When Buck stepped into Eddie’s life and started helping him co-parent Christopher in 2x4 “Stuck”, Eddie didn’t have to ask Buck to do it, he just did. That caused Eddie to assume Buck would always just know what was happening with him.  Yes, they were very in tuned to each other but people have to communicate so that everyone is on the same page.  Eddie should have learned that Buck needs to hear descriptive words to understand what Eddie needs especially after their argument in the grocery store in 3x5. When Eddie said, “Do you know how much Christopher misses you? How could you because you’re not around”, Buck responded with, “I didn’t realize that. Maybe I can come and see Christopher. The lawsuit doesn’t prevent that”.  It was clear that Buck didn’t realize how his actions would affect others so Eddie should have learned that lesson about him then.
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Buck apologized to Eddie in 3x9 “Fallout” and told him that he was sorry he hadn’t been there for him and Christopher and he alluded to the fact that he wouldn’t make that same mistake again.  Eddie said in 3x9 “This is my kind of therapy” while he, Buck and Christopher played video games so maybe all he needed to feel a little bit better at Christmas time was to have the family he chose back together again.  Eddie’s actions clearly illustrated how he always wants to spend time with the family he chose because that’s when his heart is filled with love for the two most important people in his life, Christopher and Buck.
Doing it for Christopher
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Eddie makes Christopher his number one priority and that’s great because he’s his father but Eddie never makes himself a priority. He rarely considers the things that will make him happy so he just ignores them.  He tries his best to do things the way he believes they should be done to keep himself from feeling like a failure but he should consider things that make him happy too. He told Shannon that being a father to Christopher taught him more about being a man than the military ever could have and she told him he was a good dad.  Buck told Maddie in 2x4 “Stuck”, “He’s a really great dad” and Ana told Eddie in 5x3 “Desperate Measures” during their breakup that he was an amazing father. There were others who’ve told him similar things about how great a father he is like Bobby but Eddie never focuses on the things he needs.  He does everything for Christopher’s sake and while that’s an amazing, great and good thing to do, every person still has to make sure they are happy in the process of trying to make someone else happy (read blog post: “Eddie Diaz: He is a great dad” for more information on how great a dad Eddie is to Christopher).  
Eddie said he quit the 118 because Christopher was worried about him and while that’s true, another part of Eddie’s decision to quit was because he was scared.  He tried to put everything that was bothering him inside the box that occupies his mind to keep moving forward but the box was starting to overflow. He won’t learn how bad it is until he goes back to therapy in 5x13 “Fear-O-Phobia” and Frank explains it to him.  Eddie has been hiding and running from his past for a long time and he had to face a lot of those things after The Shooting.  He did his best to stay occupied so that he wouldn’t have to face the real reason why he changed his will after The Well and listed Buck to be Christopher’s legal guardian.  In addition to that he had to face the meaning of that decision which is one of the main things he’s been hiding over the years.  Eddie is in love with Buck but he’s had a hard time trying to articulate that to him.  He doesn’t want to be rejected and he doesn’t want Buck to break his heart.  He thought telling Buck about his will would do it but Buck didn’t understand that Eddie was giving him his heart when he gave him the most important person in his life which is his son.  Eddie will also need to face the time he spent in the Army along with all the things he saw and experienced while he was there so that he can start to heal.  He will have to face Shannon’s death and all the trauma that was associated with their relationship including the fact that they got married young before they knew each other well enough and include the drama he allowed his parents to inflict on them.  He also has to face making a decision about the life he wants instead of the life he believes everyone wants him to have.  
Before Eddie can move forward, he has to go backwards and look in the mirror so that he can face all the things he’s been avoiding.  He’s been using Christopher as a shield for years but now he has to face Edmundo, himself and all the things he wasn’t allowed to deal with when he was a child.   He can’t continue to hide behind Christopher to supply himself with happiness (read blog post: “Eddie saves Edmundo (himself)” for more on how Eddie has been trying to save himself for years) because he won’t be truly happy until he learns how to accept who he is and allow himself the opportunity to enjoy the rest of his life.  
Will Eddie be ready to unpack his firefighting related traumas during season 6? Will he and Christopher have family therapy sessions together so they can start to heal since they’re both still mourning Shannon’s death?  Has Eddie considered the things that will make him happy so that he can go after them or will he continue to put all his focus on Christopher and continue to ignore the things that could make him happy?  Only the showrunners, writers and producers know the answers to those questions.
Additional references for Eddie’s heart will be posted daily.
Links to “Heart References” posts
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #1”
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-References #2 & 3” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-References #4, 10 & 16” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #5” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #6” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #7” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #8” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #9” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #11” 
“Buck & Eddie: Eddie’s Heart-Reference #12” 
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