#not sure what else to tag or say about it ffff
nmzuka · 3 months
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"Holy be thy words, Dangling swords above the herds"
A piece inspired by Vulture by Bear Ghost
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 314: ...Or You Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become the Villain
Previously on BnHA: Some random assholes were all “let’s throw exploding spears at All Might and see if it activates his Conqueror’s Haki” and SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKERS, IT DID!! Elsewhere, Lady Nagant confusingly tried to capture Deku alive by shooting him in the stomach, but to be fair I guess that’s what happens when you send an assassin to do a bounty hunter’s job, so yeah. Deku was all “ouch”, and then because this is a shounen he basically just straight up forgot about it, and did a big fancy Smokescreen thing, and then activated his mildly incomprehensible new ki-blasting quirk which he got from the Third. En and the Third were all “hey Deku maybe let’s not just impulsively activate all this shit in the heat of battle when you don’t know how to use it yet and you’re already injured,” and Deku was all “thanks for the quirks guys but I’ll take it from here” and snuck up on Nagant and grabbed her arm and so now what’s going to happen I wonder.
Today on BnHA: Nagant is all “[shoots Deku again]” because of course she is lol. Deku is all “tell me about AFO!” and Nagant is all “why would I tell you anything?” and then proceeds to tell him her entire life story which is FILLED WITH SO MUCH MURDER, YOU GUYS. Holy shit. So basically she was an assassin for the HPSC, which we already knew, but somehow it’s one thing to know that, and another to actually see her running around capping dudes in the forehead and being covered in more blood than the elevator from The Shining. Anyway, so you’ll never believe it, but all that murder had a negative impact on her psychologically, and eventually led her to question everything she believed about hero society, and so she killed her creepy boss and was promptly sent to Tartarus. This extremely fun chapter ends with Overhaul showing up all “HI, HELLO, I’M STILL HERE”, because for some reason he is still here. Why are you still here, Overhaul.
“the beautiful Lady Nagant” oh you know your audience don’t you Horikoshi
well all right then! so I’m guessing this means that she is not, in fact, going to roll over and die just because Deku’s out here all “GOT YA!” like they’re playing a game or tag or something. ffff may the manga gods have mercy on our young suicidal protagonist
lmao so Deku is all “GOD I’M SO SMART, WHAT A GOOD STRATEGY I HAD, CAPITOL JOB THERE OL’ CHAP, CAPITOL” and lol, okay. I mean, it was a good plan though. but I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop here
“I’ll make you give me information on All for One” well there you go, lol. Deku Angst arc still fully engaged. still no light in his eyes either of course. just a lil chaotic ball of sleep deprivation and rage
lol, fucking THANK YOU though
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oh my god what the hell did she do to him lol
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did she shoot him with her elbow??? fucking look at this?? THIS IS WHY WE LISTEN TO HAWKS oh my god Deku are you dead
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things that I wish I could tell from this panel which I unfortunately cannot tell
did she stab him or shoot him?? can you imagine if it was the former lol. why does Horikoshi keep stabbing all my kids. look Kacchan now the two of you can match
did she actually hit him or did he get away??
or did she hit him and then he jumped away?? just, what
well anyway, so now Deku is asking her why she sided with AFO, but he seems a lot more pissed off than when he was interrogating Muscular, though. probably because she shot him three times. fair enough
oh my god
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does Lady have a blog here on tumblr dot com?? -- does Horikoshi have a blog here on tumblr motherfucking dot com?? why do I suddenly feel like this man is out here sneakily reading up on all our discourse
oh my god Deku it’s almost like getting up close and personal with someone who can shoot custom bullets from any distance and any position with deadly accuracy was a terrible fucking idea
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IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD WARNED YOU NOT TO ENGAGE WITH HER AT ALL COSTS. IF ONLY SOMEONE HAD HAD THE FORESIGHT TO DO THAT sob. can you imagine how much shorter this series would be if characters actually listened to Hawks. Hawks, and Momo. why do we even let anyone else run the show ever
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this looks a lot like what happens to me whenever I play One’s Justice. those fucking combo attacks that you can’t fucking escape from and so your character just has to stand there getting their ass whalloped repeatedly while you wonder why you paid $40 for this
but anyways though. so Lady who did you kill?? I bet they deserved it, don’t worry I forgive you
-- holy shit
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looks like the HPSC arc is back on the menu boys
so are we about to learn that the HPSC was going full Hydra on people’s asses? secretly dispatching anyone they deemed a threat to society?? “taken care of” as in you fucking shot them??
so then was the “hero” she killed actually one of the guys who was giving or carrying out these orders?? holy shit Lady, up until now I’ve mainly just been stanning you for your flawless eyebrow game and metal af quirk, but this shit could actually get real very quickly, and I am prepared to genuinely and sincerely love the shit out of you depending on what we learn next about your backstory
oh my god?!?
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so wait, hold up. am I reading this right?? basically the HPSC started murdering vigilantes because they were worried they were gaining too much of the public’s favor?? holy fucking shit???
oh my GOD oh my god
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“it’s been a while since I scarred you all with the dead dog and the graphic slaughter of an entire innocent family, huh,” Horikoshi says thoughtfully. “anyway so what do you all think of my new creation, the Spaghetti Bullet.” well, Horikoshi, so you know that squished-up face that Kermit the Frog makes sometimes? yeah. that’s what I think, if you must know lol
holy hell the juxtaposition
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I’m actually kind of surprised to learn she had a lot of fans? what with her M.O., I was expecting her to have been an underground hero like Aizawa, but apparently not? then again I still have absolutely no idea how any of that works. I really need to read Vigilantes already
oh snap
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nothing like a sweet dose of assassin trauma to finally round out our BnHA Trauma Bingo!! well done guys, we finally collected all of the traumas! hooray!
noooo Ladyyyyyyy
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holy shit what a fucking chapter. like, this man promised us an assassin, and went and fucking delivered. I was not expecting it to be this dark, lol, but holy shit I am here for it
you know, at some point you have to start questioning the logistics of this, though
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I mean, how do I put this... her quirk isn’t exactly subtle. that murder scene from a few pages back looked like the first season of Dexter for fuck’s sake, that’s not exactly “disappearing” people now is it?? and I mean, her bullets are literally made from her own fucking hair; it seems like it would be impossible not to leave any evidence behind. did no one start to wonder who the fuck was going around murdering all these people? or did the people who asked too many questions wind up getting conveniently “disappeared” themselves??
and hey, speaking of asking too many questions
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holy shit is he blackmailing her??!? or no, wait -- what the hell is he reaching for in his pocket boy you better not
(ETA: what exactly was this man expecting fdslkjd. “uh oh my unstoppable hair trigger assassin who is literally always armed is asking questions, better announce that I am going to shoot her and then reach into my pocket veeeeeery slowly while she stands there all of two feet away.” how did this guy ever function as the head of a shadow government with these decision-making skills, I’m genuinely baffled.)
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this. right here. is why “run the fuck away” was damn good solid fucking advice. oh shit. but my god did this dude have it coming
so wait lol has she just been narrating all of this out loud to Deku this entire time
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okay but can we just stop for a moment and appreciate the fact that they’re having this deep conversation about the dark secrets of hero society right in the middle of their intense mid-air sniper free-for-all lol
holy shit you guys, Nagant’s the one that should have made the tell-all video. I mean, no offense to you, Dabi, I’m sure you worked very hard on your video and did a ton of crunches every day so that you would look good with your shirt off while you told the world all about how your dad was a jerk. but seriously...
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this is already like 100x more convincing than what he put out. also, gasp, is it another flashback
yes it is oh my gosh
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so the HPSC Chairladyperson whom ReDestro killed used to be this guy’s direct subordinate, huh? I wonder if she kept the whole assassin program going after she took over. can’t say I was feeling any particular kind of grieving way about her death before, but certainly not now lol
but unfortunately Nagant has finally lost me at the same place where all of the villains inevitably do, which is to say when they somehow make the dubious mental leap from “society sucks and is bad” to “let’s just be openly fucking evil lol, worth a shot.” because when heroes murder innocent people and cover it up, that’s obviously bad (and I mean, it absolutely fucking is lol, don’t get me wrong); but when villains murder innocent people straight up out in the open without giving a fuck, they’re righteous revolutionaries? just -- is there really no non-murdery middle ground here?? I guess that’s what Deku and co. are for, hopefully
anyways oh shit Deku seems to have spotted something?? and he’s doing something weird with Blackwhip what
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oh, he spotted her, I guess
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new favorite Deku panel right here. a masterpiece
oh my god you guys our little boy is starting to grow up before our eyes
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you love to see it. and you can tell with those elipses that he’s gearing up to say something really cool and determined and badass like the shounen protag he is, yes please, Deku ilu so much please do your thing
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IS THAT A TEENY TINY LIL EYE SPARKLE THERE OMG. still not anywhere close to his usual standard, but that’s some clear resolve there in his eyes there at long last! it always shines the most clearly when he’s being true to himself and his ideals, so I love that it finally shows up again here, when he’s reaffirming his resolve to help others no matter what
uh oh so what’s Lady going to do now
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is it time for a trump card?? kinda sounding like it’s time for a trump card
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I lied btw, this is my new favorite Deku panel. but anyways what is she up to now lol
ohhhhhh, lol
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why does she seem shocked, lol. here I thought this was part of her plan, but apparently she forgot all about ol’ “Look Ma, No Hands” back up there
and so I guess that’s it for this week! so we’ve learned basically everything now about Lady and her quirk and her history with the HPSC and why she agreed to work for AFO. pretty much the only question that still remains is why the hell she decided to drag this asshole along for the ride! because I still cannot figure that out dsklkjlkf
(ETA: actually now I’m kind of wondering if they maybe have some past connection we don’t know about yet. when exactly was Nagant sent to Tartarus? is it possible she was ordered to track down and kill Overhaul at some point before that, but never got around to it? or something else along those lines? idk but now I’m curious.)
anyways Deku, I know that your empathy has no bounds and that you’re on a “saving villains” kick right now, and good on you... but also, if you decide to just like, skip all of that shit just this once, absolutely no one will hold it against you, I’m just saying. just, all I’m asking here is maybe let’s think twice before we start trying to reform guys who imprison and torture little girls for profit. I think maybe that’s a good place to draw the line. next week is going to be a very interesting chapter lol
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knowltonsrangers · 4 years
Alphabet: Lafayette
[a/n: Here’s Laf!! For the lovely @thefanficnerd ❤️Hope u enjoy! ❤️]
Marquis de Lafayette x reader
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Anytime, any place, anywhere. Between tucking loose hairs back behind your ears, to looping your fingers together in a tight hold, the answer to affection is always yes. Laf shows affection in his own ways, and it’s these little things that send you into a flurry.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Oh, literally the sweetest guy! He’s a good friend, because he’s an excellent listener and is brimming with amazing advice. He’d always give you a choice, and never turn his back. If something were to occur with your friendship, he wouldn’t get mad and blow you off. He’d like to talk it out and make amends, if plausible. Text him at 3 am? He’ll answer moments later. He’d be there every step of the way, no matter what!
The friendship could start literally anywhere. Laf is a little less shy then Baker, so he’d spark a conversation just based on the shirt you’re wearing. Sitting next to him in a long lecture hall is always entertaining, because passing notes or working on assignments together is almost a given.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
OH BOY YES. Switches between big & little spoon, but I’d say he’s 75% of the time big spoon in cuddling. Just cause he’s always wanting to show how much he loves you, and when he’s got you in front of him, it takes so much willpower to not kiss you silly. He cuddles in bed, and snuggles on the couch.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Oh yes! Yes to settling down, for sure! It’ll only take a couple months of dating to see how much of his heart he gives to you, so moving in together is a given if you are down for that!
About cooking & cleaning, man he is absolutely the best roommate on those types of things. While you both have designated chores and such when it comes to cleaning, cooking is where it becomes fun. Time in the kitchen is best spent, because of the shared meals and laughs. Getting to make dinner together is almost as fun as eating it together!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I hate to say it, but Laf is pretty loyal to a fault. He’s extremely trusting and maybe that goes over his head sometimes. If he had to break up with you for a reason, I’d take him some time alone to really think it over. It would most likely be an argument that would ignite the fire, but maybe a build up of things start the sparks.
Breaking up would be absolutely in person, and it would be calmly stated. No fighting, because his hearts already shattered.
(this made me so sad to type ffffs)
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment is 100%! When you got him, he’s yours. He wouldn’t jump down your throat about marriage, but it would come up naturally. Because it only takes him a short time to know that your his soulmate, and whenever you’re ready, he’ll wait until then!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
GENTLE is like the word I use the most to describe Laf! (especially TURN! Laf) regarding physically, his touches are feather light and full of emotions. Emotionally, I’d say he has a better guard up than most. Similar to Baker, it’d take a low blow to see him get upset or angry. He’s careful with his feelings, but he’s very open with you about them.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
If y’all ain’t holding hands, y’all are hugging. Laf loves to slide his arms around your shoulders and squeeze you silly. He loves to mumble how much he loves you in your ear, and press kisses all along your temple. 🥺
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
I’d say after six months, give or take. If one of you were to go away for a while, he’d probably say it then, because half his heart is missing when you’re not around. He’d either say it in a moment of confidence, or a moment of vulnerability. If you say it first, all his doubts vanish and he’ll reply energetically the same!
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
35%? That’s a bit much, and I don’t see him as a jealous boyfriend type! it’s not so much that he’s insecure, but it’s that he enjoys and cherishes his memories with you. If someone else were to wedge in and divide your relationship in half, he’d be jealous of the less and less time spent together.
And on what he’d do? He’d talk to you about it. Pull you aside about it one night. He’s eager and willing to find a solution!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
ANGELIC. No cap! Soft and fluttery and warm. He loves to kiss you on the corners of your mouth, but kisses are never scarce just at the tops of your cheekbones. Kissing away any sad day tears :,)
He loves to be kissed on the underside of his jaw, but he melts when you peck him on the lips.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
BEST. Dad mode? Activated. He’ll sit himself right on the ground, no matter where, and carry on a conversation with a child for as long as they’d like. If you have family that is younger or an infant, he’s all over them at gatherings and such. His voice is so caring and soft, and his accent floats along with his words in such a calming tone.
Babies fall asleep in his arms INSTANTLY
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
smooching over coffee or tea. Just kidding! Well, kinda. Good Morning kisses are a must, and while it’s very difficult to get out of bed, y’all drag each other out. Monday’s it’s Laf, Friday’s it’s usually you. By the end of the week, you’re wiped out, and Laf is just a bundle of energy.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
MOVIE DATES AND DINNER DATES AND WALKS IN THE PARK AND HAND HOLDING AND FEEDING DUCKS. Could all be in one night or just several different dates. It doesn’t matter, Laf just enjoys doing the simplest things with you!
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Rather slowly, I’d say? It’s just by his nature to want to hear the most he can about you, because he’s throughly interested. He just wants to know your favorite color, food, season.. literally everything! And don’t be discouraged that he’s not sharing his favorites with you, just ask :) He actually doesn’t even realize that he’s withholding information. There is no keeping secrets with him!
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It takes a lot, and I mean a LOT to get Laf angry. He is so usually calm and collected, that seeing him in an angered frenzy is kinda shocking. If you catch him on a bad day, be careful to note that it’s most likely not his intention to direct any anger at you. If he catches himself being cross with you, expect a dozen apologies and kisses later.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He doesn’t have a photographic memory, but it’s pretty damn close! Birthdays, anniversaries, and important dates are always on his calendar!
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
when you said you loved him back 🥺 he’d be, for lack of a better term,,, apprehensive of your response? If you say you do in fact, love him? His heart leaps in his chest and he all but jumps for joy. He’s opening his heart to you, and he’d remember that moment forever.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
BIG MAYBE. He’s not overprotective-but if some guy or gal was getting up in your business, unwanted attention of course, he’d throw an arm around your shoulder and assert his relationship to you very clearly.
Him, on the other hand, will wave you off and say that he’s fine to handle himself in these situations, because he never wants to see you get hurt. But, by all means, glue yourself to his side and shoo the other person away. A sad Laf is a sad y/n.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
10,000%. See’s a daisy outside Washington’s HQ and brings it back home to you. Because it “reminded him of you”
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Leaves coffee mugs out until they stain the bottom with brown rings.
Hm. Also known to vacuum at odd hours.
OH and the only other thing he’s guilty of is sometimes forgetting to kiss you exactly every possible moment of the day.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s effortlessly extremely attractive. He’s about as concerned as a mouse.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Laf has a U.S. quarter collection. Don’t @ me.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He’s not a fan of a messy house. While he is so guilty of leaving small things about, he’d never scold you for leaving your keys on the floor because they just missed the hook. But he can’t live in a mess. His desk is always tidy and beaming with professionalism.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sleeps 8 hours a day! Snoozes with you are always a 10 on his scale. He’s always ready to fall into a nap with you, suffocating you into a hug to cuddle. Laf snores, just a bit. Not loud enough to wake you!
[tag list!: @shieldblacksailsonfrontier  @thefanficnerd  @simvez  @viper-official  @the-anxious-youth @boredthreatrekid ]
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spin-birdie · 5 years
What about some cold-blooded torture for the Bad Things Happen Bingo. I'm a sucker for angsty shit
sorry this took fuckin forever, it took a while for me to get a decent idea for this one. enjoy 1990 words of connor suffering
word count: 1.9k
pairing: none ig
additional tags: whump, body horror, leg trauma, android gore, graphic descriptions of violence, like seriously a lot of violence i think i went over the top whoops
Connor awakens slowly, blinking away distorted error messages and opening his eyes to a rusty ceiling. He doesn’t recognize the room he’s in on sight, and his mind palace is too corrupted to run his GPS software. He’s been awake for not even twenty seconds, but dread and panic fill his mind quickly.
He tries to sit up, only to find himself stuck. He’s lying face-up on a table - metal, based on the sounds produced by his body struggling against it - and his arms and legs are tightly bound with steel rope. He pulls away from the bonds, trying to free himself in every way he knows, but nothing works. He’s only making noise and causing himself discomfort.
The only part of him that isn’t completely restrained is his head, so he takes the chance to look around the room. The walls and ceiling appear to be made of tin, though it’s so rusted out that it’s hard to tell. Shelves and tables all along the walls seem to have various tools and biocomponents lined up along them. Arms and legs, eyes and hearts and pump regulators, some in containers, some just lying in the open. The empty, limbless chassis of an ST300 lies face-down in the corner of the room. Even without his mind palace fully operational, he can detect countless thirium stains all over the room and the table he’s strapped to.
Once upon a time, a sight like this wouldn’t have fazed Connor in the least. Now, it makes his gut twist uncomfortably, sends a chill down his spine. This room has seen so much death. The fact that he’s restrained can’t mean anything good.
Connor can’t see his own stress level, but he can guess that it’s fairly high. He struggles harder against the ropes, tries to rub his wrist into it. If he can detach even one of his hands, maybe he can figure something out.
Unfortunately, he seems to have drawn too much attention. A door squeaks open somewhere out of Connor’s line of sight, followed by the sound of heavy, echoing footsteps.
“Who’s there?” Connor says, craning his neck to look behind him. He’s greeted by the upside-down visage of a human woman he can’t identify. He continues to struggle, despite knowing it’s no use.
The woman doesn’t speak. Someone else steps into the room behind her. He’s carrying a camera and a tripod in his arms. Connor can’t see their faces properly. They’re wearing masks styled to look like skinless androids.
“Who are you?” Connor yanks on his restraints. Despite his best efforts, panic creeps into his voice. “What do you want?!”
The humans exchange glances. The woman walks around the table until she’s standing at Connor’s feet. The cameraman only walks close enough for Connor to see him out of the corner of his eye.
“We’re going to send a message to your charge,” the woman says. Her voice is pitched down unnaturally; Connor can’t recognize it. “Markus. The leader of the machines.”
“People,” Connor insists. “We’re just people who want to be free.”
The woman’s voice remains unchanged. “You’re anomalies. It’s not you’re fault; you were designed to integrate with human society, and in the process, you lost sight of your true purpose. Servitude.”
Connor stops struggling and grinds his teeth. “If you think Markus is just going to roll over--”
“We know he won’t,” the cameraman interjects. “He fought tooth and nail for the freedom you don’t deserve. But he cares about his colleagues. He cares about you specifically.”
“Which is why we brought you here,” the woman finishes. She turns to the cameraman and nods.
The cameraman sets his camera and tripod down on a table and walks over to Connor. Before he can react - not that he knows how he’d react - the man lifts his head up roughly and sticks something into the access port on his neck. Connor jolts, blinking rapidly as the unknown data copies itself into Connor’s system. The specific details of said data are incoherent and jumbled up, his mind palace too damaged to tell him what’s happening.
Halfway through the process, his neck starts to burn and ache. He twitches away from the sensation, but it follows him. It’s unlike any discomfort he’s felt before; his sensory feedback is advanced, but whatever this feeling is, it’s completely foreign. He hates it.
“What are-- Ow! What is that--?!”
The download finishes, and the man tears the data drive from his neck. He feels the pull of it, but it aches, sending sparks up and down his back.
“It’s pain,” the woman says. She doesn’t elaborate.
“What does that mean?” Connor demands. He pulls the rope again. It digs into his skin uncomfortably.
“It means you’re going to suffer for the sake of your kind.” She turns to the cameraman. “Get the hammer.”
Connor follows the man’s movement as he walks away, picking up a sledgehammer in the opposite corner of the room. His stomach drops, and on instinct, he struggles wildly. Sharp discomfort shoots through his wrists and ankles, but he ignores it. He has to escape. He has to get back to Markus and warn--
In the very next instant, Connor’s vision goes white, and he emits a sound he didn’t know he could make. Warnings flash past his eyes, illegible and too numerous to comprehend. He thrashes in his restraints, kicking and choking on another scream as unimaginable pain consumes him.
“Don’t kick. You’ll only make it worse.”
Connor coughs; something an android shouldn’t be able to do. He looks down at the hammer, where it rests upon what used to be his ankle until a few seconds ago. He doesn’t need to see the wound directly to know all that remains is a mess of shattered white plastic, flattened grey metal, and blue blood.
It’s the worst thing he’s ever felt. Worse than the chill of the Zen Garden. Worse than guilt. Every sensor in his body is on fire. It’s like he’s dying again; only it’s so much worse than feeling it secondhand. He wants to vomit, but he’s physically incapable. Not that it would do him any good if he could.
The woman is unfazed. “Keep going.”
The sledgehammer comes down on his other leg. This time, it’s his knee that gets crushed and split apart. Connor whites out again, shrieking as if it will save him from the pain. He tries to force himself into stasis, but doing so only yields an error message and more pain. He feels it in his eyes, and nothing has even touched them.
Once, twice, three more times the hammer is brought down on random parts of his body. His other knee, his shin, his elbow. After that, Connor loses count. The pain is no longer centered on specific parts of his body; it’s omnipresent and inescapable. No part of him hurts more than another. It’s agony no creature should be subjected to.
By the time he hears the hammer clatter to the ground, Connor’s extremities are completely unresponsive. Most of them have fallen off, too mangled to stay attached. He could try to roll off the table, but it’s like they planned for that; his left wrist is all that’s restraining him now. Even if he could escape, he wouldn’t get far with broken legs.
The sound of the hammer being set down fills Connor with relief. It’s quickly replaced with fear when the man tears Connor’s shirt open and picks up a pair of pliers, holding it over Connor’s stomach.
“No, stop!” Connor pleads as his stomach panel is forced open. “That hurts! Get off me-- Make him stop! STOP!”
The torturers disregard him completely. The man looks over to his counterpart. “What do I do?”
“Disconnect everything that isn’t vital. Make sure he stays conscious and verbal.”
The pliers haphazardly dig into Connor’s wires, pulling them open to slip deeper into his chassis. The agony is unbearable, prompting screams of almost animalistic torment. Connor instinctively curls away from them, but they’re inside his stomach; moving even a little sends even more torturous misery through Connor’s system.
He can’t see anymore; too many bright red, corrupted warnings appear faster than he can take them in. He’s positive that he’s the closest to physically ill that an android can be, and it’s just from the pain. He’s retching and coughing uncontrollably, like his body is trying to eject the intrusion but forgot he can’t vomit. The pain gets exponentially worse with every heartbeat, but his heart just keeps beating faster from the sheer trauma of the experience. The pain is in his CPU now; he literally feels it in his brain.
He can’t think, can’t move, can barely speak. Bits of him slowly go offline as more of his biocomponents are picked apart from their wires. Thirium is pooling in his chassis, but at some point the pliers stabbed all the way through to his back and opened up, splitting him open from the inside. He feels it soaking through his clothes, distantly hears it dripping onto the floor.
He’s not going to shut down, but that might be the worst part of it. He just wants it to stop. He wants everything to stop. The torment has gone on for far too long, and there’s no hope of adapting to it.
He wants to thank every deity in existence when the pliers are finally removed, but he’s too exhausted. Not even physically; the emotional trauma of the experience has just taken everything out of him. He feels like he’s overheating, but his cooling fans, his lungs, they’re all offline. He can’t move a muscle. He barely has muscles to move anymore. He wants to sleep, but the lingering pain is too immense to allow him that luxury.
“Can you speak?” the woman asks.
Connor tries to look at her, but he’s completely paralyzed. He clenches his jaw. It hurts.
“Ffff...fuck you...” he spits. His voice is heavy with tears he doesn’t remember shedding. There’s blood in the back of his throat. His vision is completely dark. The error messages no longer appear.
“Should I set up the camera now?” the man asks.
The sight of the deviant leader falling to his knees would be enough to alarm anyone, but considering he’s been worried sick over his missing friend for days, everyone hurries to his aid.
“Markus, what’s wrong?” North asks. “What is that?”
Markus looks between North, Josh, and the tablet in his hands. He chokes back a sob. “It’s... Connor, he’s...look...”
He turns the tablet and replays the video so the others can see. Josh immediately puts a hand over his mouth. “Oh my God...”
It’s Connor, bleeding from the mouth and strapped to a bloody table. His clothes are torn and stained with thirium, his stomach is wide open, and he looks completely unfocused. He’s mumbling to himself; almost too muffled to make out, but they can barely hear him pleading, “It hurts... Make it stop... Kill me...”
Then the angle shifts over to someone clad in black, wearing a mask. “This is what freedom has cost you,” they say in a too-even voice. “You androids are lost and in pain. You’ve lost sight of what’s important, and you’re suffering for it. If you want the RK800 back, then stop trying to merge with humanity. Further details will be disclosed after this message is broadcast to your followers. You have two days to comply.”
The figure steps over to the table and puts a hand on Connor’s forehead. He visibly bristles at the contact as his head is pushed to the side, towards the camera. “Do you have anything to say to your charge?”
His eyes aren’t even on the camera, but they’re filled with misery. “Markus...” he whispers. “Markus, it hurts... Help...”
Markus caves in on himself, tears falling uncontrollably.
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faejilly · 5 years
i am for you (7/?)
holy shit you guys, it’s Friday? When did that happen. Like. I finished and then almost forgot to post. It’s been. idk. a week. the working title of this chapter was “my fic needs more ladies” and is also a return to epistolary. (hopefully second-hand brunch is still entertaining. I love Cat.) 
series tag / ao3
[cat]: you two have the worst timing
[dot]: what? are you? IT'S TOO EARLY
[tessa]: why are you yelling at us? Shouldn't you be on your way to brunch?
[cat]: I need reinforcements! Company!
[tessa]: well you can talk to the ALA about their conference schedules then, not us
[cat]: but some sanity would be nice
[dot]: are the boys being especially *boys* at you?
[cat]: yes [cat]: also Magnus is overly infatuated with someone, even for him [cat]: and he only met the guy last night! Sort of? I think [cat]: I'm freaking out, but Ragnor is being very calm about it all, which is weird and not helping
[tessa]: Ragnor's always been a hopeless romantic, of course he's happy for Magnus.
[cat]: but he USUALLY thinks Magnus has terrible taste and no self-preservation instinct
[dot]: I am almost personally offended by that first part considering how I met the rest of you, but he's not wrong on that second part so I suppose I'll let it be
[cat]: Magnus was so nervous I went with him to get a mani/pedi to help him calm down and he was practically vibrating in his chair, they had the hardest time getting his nails finished.
[tessa]: Magnus was nervous before he met the guy? That's... unusual.
[cat]: they'd been chatting via email, and it was their first in person thing. I have no idea what I should expect, or what I should say at brunch [cat]: because I'm going to have to ask, right?
[tessa]: you won't have to ask, you'll know how it went as soon as you see him
[cat]: you would think that, but Raphael's already preparing to murder the guy just in case, and Ragnor's being *mysterious* and I need back-up and you two are in the wrong time zone
[tessa]: sorry?
[cat]: are you though?
[dot]: I am, I want to watch! It will either be horrifyingly entertaining, or it'll be actual good news and Magnus being happy
[tessa]: which is always nice to see
[cat]: maybe I'll bring some extra asti. Either for celebrating or commiserating?
[dot]: now I really wish I was there
[tessa]: so do I. Keep us updated.
[dot]: take pictures! Lots of pictures.
*** ***
[cat]: I hope they get married [cat]: possibly tomorrow [cat]: no wait, we have to wait for you to get back [cat]: next weekend?
[dot]: wtf cat
[tessa]: kl;'/.
[dot]: I'll have you know Tessa just choked on her tea and is a really improbable shade of red right now
[cat]: sorry [cat]: not about that, but I don't have any pictures [cat]: Magnus' boy was embarrassed enough when we got there because they'd clearly lost track of time and he had to find his shirt after we walked in and he blushed half way down his chest
[dot]: oh my 😅 [dot]: where was his shirt?
[cat]: half off the footstool by the couch, pretty sure it got thrown over someone's shoulder last night
[dot]: did Magnus look sad when he put it back on?
[cat]: I was too sad when he put it back on to tell
[dot]: Tessa just choked again. I think you broke her. She doesn't know how to drink anymore.
[cat]: Raphael responded to the shirt fiasco via That Glare™
[dot]: I am so glad I don't get That Glare™ anymore
[cat]: I could tell he was thinking this guy was just using Magnus for a good time last night and trying to decide how thoroughly to murder him. [cat]: But the boy glared back, and I think they had some sort of secret conversation via scowling eyebrows and rolled eyes? Because afterwards they were perfectly civil to each other.
[dot]: what. how.
[tessa]: stop I can't breathe
[dot]: don't stop I wanna see if she turns any other silly colors
[cat]: oh, I can't stop. I am nowhere near being able to stop
[dot]: yay!
[cat]: Ragnor said "it was nice to see him again" and didn't tease him about the shirt thing and actually engaged in small talk about someone they both knew for like five minutes
[tessa]: Ragnor can be nice for Magnus' sake. Occasionally. With a little prodding.
[cat]: He did it on his own! He started the conversation!
[tessa]: no
[cat]: apparently a friend of Alec's (that's the boy, sorry, I am going all out of order aren't I? Magnus calls him *Alexander* but he introduced himself to us as Alec so I'm pretty sure no one else is ever going to get to call him that) [cat]: where was I?
[dot]: I have no idea but don't ever stop
[tessa]: there's a panel starting in fifteen minutes so you'll have to stop eventually but not quite yet
[dot]: whatever, this is better than a panel
[tessa]: not when I'm IN IT
[dot]: I suppose?
[tessa]: not all of us are just here for the shopping and networking
[cat]: ANYWAY [cat]: Friend! Of Alec's! Who apparently needed a leave of absence for a semester but she was past the cut-off date and Alec was personally going to all her professors to get exceptions for her? And Ragnor helped? So he was asking Alec how she was doing now. He remembered her name and everything, he didn't just go by her hair color or a paper she wrote, he used her NAME. Bri? Brand—no. Something with a B at least.
[tessa]: sounds like the friend's pretty remarkable too if Ragnor remembered them both
[cat]: and he's apparently hired Alec for the summer work-study the Classics department does FOUR YEARS IN A ROW, even though he's not even an undergrad anymore so Ragnor had to fill out extra paperwork FROM THE DEAN'S OFFICE
[tessa]: Ragnor voluntarily subjected himself to more Aldertree? Isn't the summer program mostly for putting a student between him and the Dean so he has *less* Aldertree?
[dot]: I know you're generally very honest, and if for some reason you aren't, you're a better liar than this [dot]: but I'm still having trouble believing you
[cat]: I was there and I almost don't believe me
[tessa]: So Ragnor already liked him. And has known him for over four years. At some point Magnus is going to be very upset that he never introduced them.
[cat]: Magnus started to do that wide-eyed hiss thing that he does right before he verbally eviscerates you, you know the thing
[dot]: ouch.
[tessa]: How much blood was shed?
[cat]: None. [cat]: Alec leaned in and said something stupidly sappy like, *but we've met now* and Magnus just... smiled and leaned against his shoulder? That was it.
[dot]: he's a Magnus-Whisperer!
[tessa]: how much did you all drink for Magnus to be that relaxed at a meet-the-boyfriend thing?
[cat]: not a drop. We were all too busy being shocked to even open anything
[dot]: but. Brunch! Mimosas!
[cat]: Gorgeous boy over six feet tall who blushes!
[tessa]: wow [tessa]: I am really really sad about the lack of pictures now. Not as sad as Dot, but still sad
[cat]: And then! He left before we did because he had to go home and change before a thing at a bookstore this afternoon [cat]: like a volunteering thing, not even getting paid, he's just *helping*
[dot]: which bookstore?
[cat]: uh. The one with the name that's actually some names rather than a book pun of some sort, makes it sound all classy? Starts with ffff... fuck it I can't remember.
[dot]: Fray & Garroway? That makes sense... they hire a lot of short-term students and have like twenty children who all show up at events
[cat]: Magnus did mention something about an improbable number of siblings
[dot]: probably one of them, then
[tessa]: how do you know so much about a random bookstore?
[dot]: Elliot used to go to estate sales with Jocelyn Fray before she died. [dot]: He's got a couple pictures of them in his office, grinning over some find or another. He said she had a knack, you know? Always spotted the best stuff. She was mostly going for stuff for herself or fixtures rather than stuff to sell, but they clearly had a good time hunting together. [dot]: He still refers people over there if they're looking for books beyond what we've currently got in stock, or if they're fine with later editions, since we usually just keep firsts or seconds. Luke sends people our way periodically too.
[tessa]: Jocelyn, I haven't thought about her in ages, that must have been what, over ten years ago?
[dot]: must be. Hell, her daughter Clary's probably old enough to drink now. That's a weird thought.
[tessa]: because we're so ancient in comparison? 🙄 [tessa]: regardless, I do have to get going, and put my phone in silent. Don't go too crazy without me
[dot]: too late!
[cat]: nah, I think that's most of it [cat]: for now, at least. I cannot wait until you two meet him next week
[dot]: if you think I'm going to wait until next week to find out more you do not know me as well as I thought you did
[cat]: good luck 😉
[dot]: I don't need luck, kitty cat, you know that
[cat]: you're much more impetuously curious than I am, why am I the kitty cat?
[dot]: you have a much nicer purr?
[cat]: you are ridiculous
[dot]: and proud of it. If you find anything else out, do let us know.
[cat]: I think I'm afraid of what you'd do with it... you could always try Ragnor?
[dot]: you know that's useless, he enjoys knowing shit no one else does WAY too much to share [dot]: he's going to be lording his Alec knowledge over us for ages
[cat]: not too long. He enjoys sharing exasperated looks about Magnus even more
[dot]: ha. True. [dot]: But that won't help me before I get back
[cat]: you're back TOMORROW
[dot]: late tomorrow! That's two whole days! At least!
[cat]: you're exhausting
[dot]: 😘
[cat]: well it's not like I could slow you down, much less stop you. Have fun investigating?
[dot]: will do.
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ryouverua · 5 years
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Finally, the alone time with Tsumugi that I’ve been desperately missing! minus the love hotel. we don’t talk about the love hotel
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Excuse me, what? Another new room??? .... In Kaito’s.... lab?
is this the beginning of building a ‘what if Kaito was the mastermind’ AU because I am strangely intrigued -
Anyway more RUNNING AROUND THE SCHOOL oh dear lord I just realized we have to go all the way down to the first floor and then up again???? KAITO WHY IS YOUR LAB SO EXTRA
you know what made everything worth it though
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Man that shouldn’t have been as satisfying as it was.
(also up and down 6 floors later, you know Shuichi is grateful for the training he was doing with Kaito)
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We are suddenly leaning hard into those VLR vibes again??? Hello, pod room/treatment center. We aren’t going to find out thre are only 15 pods or something are we???
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Looks like there are 16... wait, isn’t that strange too? Why does K1-b0 need one?
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Oh, and interestingly enough, Tsumugi’s sprite changed to her scared/upset one. I guess Shuichi isn’t the only one so adversely affected by the flashback light after all!
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Wait... this is - this feels weird. Isn’t this the first time we’ve actually seen everyone together in a memory?
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Ahoge-K1-b0 is back!
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oh god my heart really isn’t ready for this
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Lmao my question was answered, and as usual it relates to robophobia.
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good.... bye........... heart........ it’s literally just been a chapter but I missed that laugh so much
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!!!!!! KAEDE!!!!!!
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pour one out for the potential that could have been a Kaede vs Kokichi rival relationship
Hell, maybe they would have a trust vs distrust along with lies vs truth -
anyway that’s what fanfics are for
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oooughgugh quiet broken sobbing
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Oooh, it’s weird to see her properly poised after how things ended in Chapter 2.
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And eventually everyone agrees until...
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I don’t know if it’s a minority opinion but I miss hat!Shuichi. He’s so cute, ffff - and he really does have a different vibe about him. Character design can be pretty powerful in that sense!
Also, it’s kind of amazing how quickly Kaede took charge the moment she stepped back in the spotlight. She’s very powerful like that, huh?
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aaah yes, a little hint of that crush Kaito had on Kaede is back
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This back and forth along with their colour schemes matching really make me wish we got to see them together more? What’s the scoop on the fandom’s interpretation of a Rantaro / Tenko friendship, lads???
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sssshshshhhhhut up K1-b0 don’t bring that ‘h’ word crap in a full class flashback
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And just like that....
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So there didn’t seem to be an instructor or anyone to help them set up - was that maybe Kaito’s role? Why he was the last one we saw, and the one that directed everyone to go to sleep? other than just hitting home those saimota feels I mean -
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So do they all have identical memories? I guess it can’t be that way with the friendship ones - also, was this one specifically triggered by entering this room?
................ I have thoughts on that.
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Okay, that does explain why they’ve never been together in a memory before -
but. but. They had the funeral memory together, didn’t they? They all had that same funeral memory. So haven’t they met before?
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Aaaaw. 8′)
..................... I feel bad saying this after you said those heartwarming things but those feelings of suspicion towards you are growing Tsumugi I’M SORRY GIRL I STILL LOVE YOU EVEN IF YOU ARE EVIL I CAN’T HATE A GIRL WHO KNOWS AND APPRECIATES THE WONDERS OF EVA FOAM -
Okay just to explain this more now because big things happen below and I don’t want to wall-of-text too much, I.... just don’t think it’s a coincidence that this room just was discovered so conveniently. I mean, yeah, it’s in Kaito’s lab, but it just. You know. Appeared right now. And Tsumugi ‘found’ it. Tsumugi found it conveniently because holes were blown into it. Here’s my question.
Why was she in the position to find this room?
No, seriously. Kaito’s lab is so far out of the way of everything. It’s in an isolated area at the top of the building with a long spiraling staircase that spans what, six floors? And the holes blown into it came from above and through the lab.... and nowhere else. It’s not connected to any part of the building - there are no convenient K1-b0-created holes connecting it to the rest of the floor it’s on. Tsumugi had to have come here, specifically to Kaito’s lab, for the sake of investigation, when there are so many other areas of the school to look and there is no reason to find anything in Kaito’s lab, or Kaito, suspicious, especially in the face of him actively going against the mastermind. Why? Why other than the stuff that’s about to come up below, and for the sake of triggering that flashback?
Because here’s the thing - the moment we stepped in this room we got the flashback! The moment we got in here! All the other flashbacks happened randomly while we were investigating things, right? There didn’t seem to be any specific trigger words or anything - but this one happened with this room. I can’t... think of that as a coincidence. I just can’t. I’ll feel bad if it turns out it was though lmao
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Uuuuh that is way more than 16 people so I’m guessing it’s not literally just a list of names??? or???
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don’t you do this DRV3
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Finally! No more Mukuro erasure - I MEAN WAIT THAT’S NOT THE ISSUE -
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You’re not seriously trying to tell me at this late stage of the game (figuratively and literally) about this potential 17th party with no clues or foreshadowing, right. Right?
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I wonder how familiar Shuichi is with Knox’s 10 commandments... I mean, it’s literally addressed here:
10. Twin brothers, and doubles generally, must not appear unless we have been duly prepared for them.
N-Not that anyone is obligated to stick to them, and it’s more of a guideline than a rule and good stories can break them or skirt around them (I do enjoy how Chapter 1 played with the “The detective himself must not commit the crime.” rule because while Kaede was technically acting as the reader stand-in/’detective’, we in fact had an actual detective... damn, maybe that should have been our first hint), but there’s a reason these are held in somewhat high regard. 8′D
I mean, even Shuichi is saying it - this is the first time he’s heard of Kaede having a twin. And yeah, we didn’t know about Junko and Mukuro being twins, but we did get hints of something being off (not looking like the magazines, Mukuro deflecting by saying it was just photoshopped, the 16th empty chair) early on.... and I can’t think of anything like that here. Like, at all. I’m going to continue these thoughts at the end, I think ~
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“He has no understanding about structural integrity. His general interests include stand-up comedy and being a pop star, or in the care-giving field. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have the slightest clue about architecture and the importance of load-bearing walls and beams.”
“.... Look, I’ve spent a decent amount of my free time with him okay???”
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oh right that too
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“I’ve got tons of evidence to hide!”
“Wait, what was that?”
“I can’t wait to see the inside!”
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because she hates herself
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Again I want to reiterate how happy I am that Maki chose to be the one to look through Kokichi’s things. It’s both a sign of distrust and trust - she believes Kokichi hid a lot from everyone, and also that he may have left more clues to help them. He would be proud. 8′) It’s small, but I’d like to think of it as a way to pay penance; I’m sure she hates doing it.
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DOG TAG! DOG TAG! DOG TAG! or something else maybe
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I’d be more worried about Himiko than Maki.
.... So...... I said I’d continue that thought from earlier. Here it is.
To recap what we learned:
Kaito had a hidden room in his lab that he presumably didn’t know about
Tsumugi found it by ‘accident’
Entering the room triggered the flashback light, which showed everyone met here for the first time
In the room is the participant list that says Kaede has a twin which just so happens to line up with Junko’s situation
Anyway, tl;dr: I don’t believe Kaede has a twin.
The last room we went to ended with Shuichi thinking, “what is the truth and what are lies?” so I’m building off of that and my previous theory about Tsumugi not finding this place by accident and purposefully bringing Shuichi here to trigger that flashback. I’m not 100% sure why - maybe to bring Kaede back into focus, only to gut-punch him with the ‘twin sister’ bomb? Maybe this will be the start of her creating a ‘new truth’? Possibly? It would very much match the theme of the game. But anyway, the point is I just don’t believe Tsumugi ~stumbled~ across the room and just so happened to find this participant list/profiles that immediately makes Kaede look suspicious when we hadn’t had a single hint of that the entire game.
I.... wonder. If Tsumugi... is the mastermind.... is she trying to set up Kaede as the mastermind? Or this (probably fictional) ‘twin sister’ of hers? I guess there are ways to swing that too to relate to why Kaede killed Rantaro in Chapter 1 - “she was trying to protect her twin sister, the real mastermind, so she killed Rantaro who was drawing too close to the truth” or something.
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its-love-u-asshole · 6 years
about me as a writer
I was tagged by @oiivkawa <3 Thanks so much, this was super fun!
Tagging: @emeraldwaves @ivyfics @calmgeyama @ohoholyshit @yatatsukki and?? anyone else who wants to I guess lol, I feel like most ppl I know how been tagged ^^ 
I’m putting my responses under the cut as well bc I know myself lmao, my responses can be long af ^^’’
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean? bleh I have two usernames, and both stories are embarrassing LOL I’ll go with my actual ao3 name though I guess?? When I was in middle (?) school I used to watch the anime HOTD, which is like...awful first off. It’s borderline hentai, shitty fanservice, the whole thing (don’t ask me why I watched it, bc who knows, the music was A+) but my favorite character’s name was Saya, and her servants would call her ladysaya, so that’s the explanation for that ha. I put the x in front because I used to be obsessed with x men and all the marvel/dc animated series, so it felt appropriate pft. Man, even talking about this brings back so many cringe worthy memories lmao forgive me. 
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (Bookmarks/ Subscriptions/ Hits/ Kudos) for Haikyuu!! it’s definitely Slipping Underneath, and for K Project it’s There You Are <3 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon and why did you choose it? It’s Semi! The reasoning for this is because I have 3 fav Haikyuu!! characters: Tsukishima, Oikawa, and Semi. So I just try to distribute my love evenly tbh lol. I have a Tsukki icon on here and discord, Semi for AO3, and Oikawa is on my phone case ^^ 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters? ahhh I have several but I’m not aware if many of them have tumblr?? A lot of people who comment on every chapter of my multichapters are very special to me, I love them all! Ofc on here there’s @emeraldwaves @ivyfics @momomirasaki124 @uselessvalshit @starjem and then I have my other fav supporters @serviceace @caelestisxyz and @urikawa-miyuki  <3 
5. Is there a fanfic you keep going back to read again and again? Ah damn there are so many lmfao, I have a lot of fav fics and I don’t want to make this post super long. Please check out the rec posts I’ve done here and here ! Or also message me for specific types of fics <3 I will say though, one fic I always go back to read even though it’s been YEARS is a kyoukao fic by potionwine! 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked? I consider myself pretty picky, but I do read a LOT of fic, so I have a decent amount of both ^^ About 187 bookmarks, and 16 fic/author subscriptions! 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most? Probably college?? even though I know that’s super broad, and all kinds of different AUs can be based in college but that’s how it is lol. I think that’s because I honestly don’t like redoing AUs?? I like experimenting and making up really weird shit and original scenarios as much as possible. Though, I’m sure you can find apparent trends across all my fics ^^ 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? haha...I have 76 user subscriptions, 436 general fic subscriptions, and 792 bookmarks. I don’t even know how that’s real lmao I feel so blessed that so many people enjoy my writing <3 
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!) not really honestly, if I have an embarrassing or indulgent idea at this point, I just write it lmao idc but there are lots of types of fics I am scared to write just bc I don’t know if I could do them justice heh....
10. Is there anything you’d like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc. yes lmao updating better would be something I’d LOVE to improve on ; ; Also writing action scenes too fff fuck action scenes
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often? Uhhh I’ve dabbled in both but yeah, more often than not I stick to more popular pairs just because I need content to motivate me pftt
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day? 50! 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/ with your writing program? Like WIPs? ffff WIPs...maybe like 4 or 5 at this point, including multichapters, and wow that’s actually not a lot, usually I have a ton and I’m drowning in them loool
14. Do you write down story ideas or just keep them in your head? Both...I usually just keep things in my head, but if a fic starts giving me issues, I like to plot it out
15. Have you ever co- authored a story? Nope, but I’d really love to at some point with a friend! 
16. How did you discover AO3? Uh I honestly don’t remember loool I think one day I sorta just saw that no one was using ff anymore and I was like ‘aight’ 
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3? Not really lmao, I mean...my siren au does pretty well, but otherwise my fics get kinda slept on -shrug- it is what it is 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers? lol i do not
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write? Well I’ve always loved to write so no, but @brynne-lagaao is a big reason I started writing sarumi fics back when I was in K fandom! And nowadays in the hq fandom, a lot of amazing authors really push me to keep writing ^^ 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author? don’t be afraid to write and write whatever you want basically lmao I know it can be daunting if you think your writing skills aren’t matching up with other authors, but the best thing you can do is practice, practice, and eventually you will see results! Also read a lot, reading other ppl’s stories really helps, and above all, just have fun with it! 
21. Do you plot out your stories or do you just figure it out as you go? I try to have a basic plot (beginning, middle, end) because I used to just DIVE IN to stories and it was awful lmao I need some sort of guideline, even if it’s small
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do? yes ofc, but I honestly try not to dwell on them because they’re not worth it. I either ignore or delete in most cases
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (Action, smut, etc) action and smut are never easy for me lol
24. What story(s) are you working on now? well right now I’m working on two secret santa fics for iwaoi, as well as my two kurotsuki multichapters! I am also trying to write kacchako as a x-mas present for a friend lol
25. Do you plan your new projects before you finish your current ongoing story(s)? ha yeah, it’s a bad habit but I have no self-control
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself? I do not! I just try to write at least a little bit each day if I can, but there’s never a word minimum I try to reach ^^ 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started? oh 100% lmao comparing some of my old fics from even a year ago to my fics now is eye opening 
28. What is your favourite story that you have written? Shaking in My Skull for sarumi, it’s also the longest fic I’ve ever written and it holds a special place in my heart ; ; For kurotsuki it’s gotta be Let My Love 
29. What is your least favourite story that you have written? fuck me, Pencils and Paper LOL it was an earlier sarumi fic of mine and I just...hate it. I’m not even gonna link it LOL 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years? Still writing fanfic most likely, maybe some original stuff (I hope!)
31. What’s the easiest part about writing? lmao nothing, writing is super hard work, sometimes even just thinking up ideas can be difficult, then there’s actually writing and making the ideas come to life, and don’t get me started on editing lmaooo writers are my heroes 
32. What is the hardest part about writing? Finding the motivation, at least for me. I struggle sometimes with it because I’ll have the time and inspiration but depression just kicks my ass every time fff
33. Why do you write? For me it’s super therapeutic, I love the satisfaction of putting hard work into an idea you love and finishing it, and the high that comes with that. Plus sharing the story with others and getting positive feedback is a feeling that can’t be beat. I’ve always loved writing, I love how the possibilities are endless, and I hope I never stop <3 
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herdustisverypretty · 6 years
a tag thingo (again)
Tagged by @hobi-wan-kenobii FFFF u changed ur url and it confused me for a sec
Nix. Soon it will be that legally but I’m poor rn so changing it isn’t a priority.
Legion voice accompanied by flappy headplate movement: No data available. 
Star sign?
Scorpio. The mean sign. 
Asexual. Don’t come near me. 
What images have you set as your desktop/cell background?
Both my desktop and laptop backgrounds are Akashi and Kuroko bein gay. My phone backgrounds are still a theme I “bought” (it was 100% off thus free for the day lmao). I need to change it to smth that I’m interested in but idk what yet. 
Ever had a crush on a teacher?
No. Not sure if it was because aroace or if it was that all my teachers were either gross or they were mean. Or old.
Last text I sent?
I texted my sister about some viddy games that are coming out in the next week. 
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
Honestly idk. I try not to think abt it actually since it’s possible I could actually die (not intentionally I mean). So I’m kinda focusing on what I’m doing right now rather than planning for the future cause I’m aware I may actually die and idk when. 
If you could be anywhere else in the world right now where would it be?
anyWHERE. uuuum. Maybe at the 7/11 nearby cause I really want some chocolate milk and I don’t have any. Maybe I’ll ask my mum to take me lmao. I need some chocolate my man. 
What was your coolest Halloween costume?
Halloween isn’t rlly a thing in Australia. I don’t think I’ve ever actually dressed up for it. I think the most my family has ever done is my mum making some little ghost lollipops for the like THREE kids that came to our door that year. Most years we just shut all the blinds, turn off the lights, and pretend we’re not home. Last year we didn’t get anyone anyway. 
Favorite 90s show?
SAVED BY THE BELL WAS AMAZING OK. I was incredibly gay for Kelly even at like 5. 
Last kiss?
I don’t want to think about it but I don’t remember anyway so it’s cool. 
Ever been stood up?
Favorite flavor of ice cream?
I don’t really like ice cream? The only ice cream I’m really fond of is the Connoisseur brand’s cookies and cream flavour. IT’S INCREDIBLE I WILL EAT THAT ENTIRE $10 1L TUB IN LIKE 4 SECONDS OK. 
Ever been to Las Vegas?
No and I have no intention to seeing as how I plan to never set foot in America anyway. 
Favorite pair of shoes?
Errrm. My favourites are probably my dinosaur sneakers and my new lolita shoes that Harm bought me. But I don’t wear either very often. 
Favorite fruit?
Strawberries. Mulberries are nice though but you can’t buy them and we don’t have any trees nearby. 
Stupidest thing I have ever done in my life?
Definitely a lot of things but I’ve blocked all those memories. 
Favorite book?
There’s like 4 but I had a dream about Carry On last night so I’ll say that since it’s on my brain. GAY VAMPIRES. LOVE IT. 
What loser?
IDK WHAT THIS MEANS. I am a loser? Or is this like. Losers that I’m in love with or smth. idk man. the first person who comes to mind is Jaehwan lmao he is such a dumbass and it’s Beautiful and I Adore him. 
tAGS: @6ubble-gum @humanitys-shortest-soldier (picking which blog to tag gave me an aneurysm) @the-chibi-sempai @chibi-lioness idk man whoever else wants to do this tag me in it
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Get to know me
thank you @the-bookie-monster and @raggedbookreader for tagging me!!
Gender: female
Star sign: aries (tho i only relate to half of it)
Height: ffff- i actually don't know. um, 5'5"? Maybe? 5'6"?
Sexual orientation: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
Favourite colour: i don't really have a favourite, but i like most blues
Favourite animal: wolves (fun fact: i actually saw/touched a wolf once)
Average hours of sleep: probably around 6-9
Cat or dog person: cats. I like dogs, sure, but i will always have cats.
Favourite fictional characters: i'm actually really, really bad at remembering characters after books are over (whoops), so I'll just mention my recent faves- there's kady from Illuminae, and kate from Vengeance Road, and Noah and Blue from The Raven Boys, aaaand Elinor from Inkheart. OH and one of my all time faves actually, is motherfuckin Eowyn from LoTR (oh, and sam)
Number of blankets I sleep with: this is an… interesting question… typically 1, but 2 if it gets really cold. I like to cocoon myself in it.
Favourite singer/band: again, i'm not very good at dedicating myself to just 1 singer/band. i like too many. I like Fleetwood Mac. An old favourite used to be Good Old War (i'm curious to know if anyone else likes/liked them because no one in rl actually knows them)
Dream trip: eeeeverywhere. i want to go travelling so far. I definitely want to see New Zealand, and Japan, and Italy, and Russia, and I would like to see way more of America and hopefully Canada, too!!!
Dream job: same as @the-bookie-monster.  i wouldn't mind owning a second hand bookshop! also, like many i think, I would love to be a ‘professional’ writer. 
When was this blog made: a few months ago, although technically i could say 'last year'.
Number of followers: I'm relatively new, and I'm not very good at the whole accumulating followers thing, but i think i have around 150? which is cool. Hi guys, thanks for following me!
What made you create this blog: I wanted to find other people who love books, and share how much I love books with them. I'm actually very glad the booklr community exists, no matter how little it may be. You're all pretty darn awesome. ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎
Gah, I don't know who's done this or not, so I'll cop out and say I'm tagging anyone who wants to do it!! Mention me if you do, because I'd love to learn more about you all ;)
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 267: My Name Is
Previously on BnHA: Hawks stabbed Twice in the back of the head. Twice stabbed another guy in the back of the head. Everyone’s just running around stabbing or being stabbed. I should probably clarify that Twice actually died, because this is a shounen manga, so sometimes you have to clarify that this particular stabbing was actually fatal. Not just one of those flesh wound stabbings. Anyway so it was super sad, and now Dabi’s gonna face off with the sexy scarred murderous Hawks, and Toga and Compress are also going to be feeling a bit stabby after all this probably, and so that’s the general mood here I guess. I kind of need a break now so I’m wondering if we’re gonna cut to any of the kids. Because if we stick around Horikoshi may actually have to give us Dabi flashbacks. God forbid.
Today on BnHA: Tokoyami has a flashback to when Hawks told him he’s weak to being set on fire. This terrible thought weighs on his mind as he and the other lads and lasses of U.A.’s child soldier vanguard are escorted away from the battle via Fatgum and his absolute goat of a quirk. Dabi is all “:D you killed Twice, I’m gonna set you on fire repeatedly now” and Hawks is all “ffff no that’s my weakness also WHO ARE YOU” and WE GET SOME HAWKS FLASHBACKS?! and then Dabi is all “:DDDDDD [CENSORED]” and it’s literally fucking censored fuck my life. but also !!! because he actually fucking said it, though?? He really went and revealed it just like that?? And now Hawks knows, and he’s all shocked, and Dabi goes to kill him afterwards but TOKOYAMI IS ALL “ON YOUR LEFT!!!!” and OH SHIT. Also Endeavor saves Miruko so DOUBLE OH SHIT. Oh my god. I’m sorry this summary is all over the place but I can barely type a coherent sentence now so just TAKE THESE EXCLAMATION POINTS AND GO!!! SPREAD THE WORD. BE FREE.
everyone before we begin I would just like to tell you about my discovery this week. I learned that when I type the word “Dabi” on my phone the next word that the keyboard predicts is “flashbacks.” google keyboard is on to me. so now the FBI and the CIA and whoever else google is selling all my data to all know. I can only imagine. “she seems to spend an inordinate amount of time talking about ‘Dabi flashbacks.’ what’s a Dabi.” I’ll tell you what a Dabi is. it’s a guy whose fucking flashbacks we never fucking get that’s what
anyway so let’s read this chapter whose spoiler tags have already been filling up my dashboard, which is always a good sign. who will die this week? Horikoshi please have mercy on us in light of recent real life global events. maybe you can just have everyone abruptly decide that they are all done fighting and want to go home
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who could have known, years ago when the very first mangaka was drawing the very first color page, that this medium would one day soar to such great heights. who could have imagined that we would one day be witness to this masterwork, this magnificent fucking triumph of a colored manga page. holy shit. I will cherish this always
for real you all think I’m joking but I genuinely don’t want to scroll down lol. let’s just stay with Miruko forever. where it is safe. and sexy. goddammit
anyways but lol
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guys. we’ve been over this. fire is everyone’s weakness. just. I’m not quite sure people like Hawks and Kamui Woods actually grasp that. do they think normal people catch on fire and they’re just “oh, this is actually all right.” also, side note kids, please don’t use this answer if this ever comes up during a job interview
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what a gamechanging plan of action. don’t catch on fire. Toko write that down
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who could have known, years ago when the very first mangaka was drawing the very first gag panel, that this format would one day ascend to such lofty summits. who could have envisaged that we would one day behold such a showpiece, such a grand fucking slam of a joke panel in a shounen manga
anyway Horikoshi sure does love his English portmanteaus. I’m kind of stunned by how great this is you guys. but getting back to more serious observations, all I can say is thank fucking god somebody is actually thinking of the children! nothing terrible had better happen to them or I swear!!
so Fatgum is explaining that the plan was to have them use their respective quirks to help take out a bunch of bad guys at once, and that the grown-ups will now proceed to rope them all in and capture them. and dammit, I was trying to avoid having to post the panel because it takes forever if I post a lot of them, but I just noticed Mt. Lady over there stomping fools in the background and so now I have no choice
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A+ chapter so far you guys. 5 stars. keep it up
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one-and-a-half year-old Kaminari Denki has already fallen asleep. he wishes he could live there. I wish I had the words to adequately convey how utterly delighted I have been by this entire “everyone rides around in Fatgum’s belly” mini-arc, which is now my favorite part of the entire series (as always with the exception of “Dear Midoriya I’m really sorry”)
and I also just really love the timing of it?? right after the “here’s that angst you ordered” emotional sobfest of the last chapter, we’re taking a quick break to cut back to the Fatgum Express (excuse me, Fataxi) just to keep things from getting too heavy. this is such an important balance to strike. please don’t let this arc get too dark, Horikoshi
oh shit
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right, Dabi?? but I’ve had an entire week to process my feelings about it and I’m more or less good now! how are you
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not particularly great, then
and also, fuck. so Horikoshi was gracious enough not to show Twice’s murdered body even though he confirmed he was indeed killed (so apologies to anyone who was still holding out hope. it sucks but at least we’ve got closure). first he cuts off the bottom of the panel, and then he has Dabi literally cremate him on the fucking spot. there’s really going to be nothing left at all of him or any of the clones. I’m just gonna sit here and try not to think about that or else I’ll get sad all over again
anyway, so also Hawks’s wings have been totally incinerated now it looks like, and he’s just barely yeeting himself out of the way with whatever he’s got left
boy this is getting rough
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love how Horikoshi is avoiding showing Dabi’s face!! that was sarcasm by the way because I don’t love it! he pulls this shit all the time with Bakugou too! show us their emotions dammit!
anyway. how kind of Dabi to stomp out Hawks’s flames for him like that. you see. they’re still friends
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like. not to nitpick or anything, but your tear glands are actually located above your eyes. maybe he means his tear ducts. also I’m not a doctor or anything and I can barely name like three bones actually so maybe I should just shut up!
anyways though, out of courtesy let’s just take Dabi at his word that grinning like a deranged lunatic is a perfectly normal response to watching your friend get murdered by your sexy archenemy. who is to say
and what exactly is your dream again? to make Stain’s will a reality or something like that? so purging the world of false heroes I guess?
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most people would at least scream, wouldn’t they? Hawks??? does that not hurt??!
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no!! I won’t be fooled!! Horikoshi and Dabi flashbacks is like Wile E. Coyote and painting a fake tunnel onto a cliffside! don’t be conned by his deceitful forced perspective!
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apparently this man really will do anything to keep us from getting a Dabi flashback, even if that means giving us Hawks flashbacks instead lmao. WELL SHOOT. OH DARN. POOR US. WE’LL JUST HAVE TO SETTLE try not to look too happy guys he can sense satisfaction
anyway so here’s baby Hawks
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okay, so -- does fandom still hate Hawks. like, I haven’t checked the bnha tag much since this weekend so I don’t know if the general consensus is still “yeah he’s cancelled” or if we’re cooling down at all yet? anyway so I apologize if liking Hawks is still A Wrong Thing To Do, but just fyi he’s still adopted and I haven’t unadopted him and I love him unconditionally even though he’s in timeout. and so now that Baby Hawks has appeared to rival all other Baby Characters (BABY YODA WATCH YOUR SIX!!) with his lil wings and his Endeavor plush and his quiet lil nodding head, I just need you all to know that I would die for him without hesitation and that’s just how it is friends
(ETA: also, jesus christ. “Keigo-kun, you can say goodbye to your name from now on!" I’m surprised they didn’t assign him a fucking number. what the fuck. time for some grueling training, lab rat #184. better get ready. jesus. he’s like 7.)
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snap. gotta calm down. too much hype all of a sudden. easy does it
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noooo go back. fuck
and how the hell do you still have eyebrows, Hawks. how are you still even alive, let alone sexy. is fire your weakness?? is it really??! WELCOME TO BNHA THE MANGA WHERE ANYONE CAN SURVIVE ANYTHING. EXCEPT FOR BEING KILLED OFF-SCREEN AFTER WEEKS AND WEEKS OF BUILDUP
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what the fuck. is this a Tarantino movie. or an Eminem song. anyway but we all know what he actually said though so let’s just scroll down and see how Hawks is going to take the news
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oh my. I suddenly understand Dabi’s “grinning like a lunatic” reaction to witnessing a tragedy now. ohhhhhh that’s the good angst right there
so now Dabi says that if he wasn’t Hawks’s target in the beginning, then Hawks “would’ve been done for from the start”? ...what. lol what. am I just too tired to understand this you guys. I’m so confused
okay well I still have no fucking clue what that all meant but on the next panel he’s saying that Hawks shouldn’t have been focusing on Tomura or the League
is he suggesting that he has the power to bring down the hero system by revealing that he, the son of Endeavor, was made into a villain? am I reading into this right?
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holy moses. I can’t believe this is really happening. this plotline is finally on the move oh my god I can’t even I’m getting way too excited I can’t??
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well it matters to me you big melodramatic jerk!! don’t even pretend like you’re really gonna do it. I have zero fear of Hawks actually dying right now, not after that. there is way too much plot attached to him, gtfo with this fakeout shit
but more importantly, why the fuck are we cutting to Gigantomachia now oh shit. don’t tell me Fatgum got the babies out of there just in time
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let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the [deep breath] FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --
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okay like any reasonable person I am very concerned by the implications of this. and yet a part of me just wants to focus entirely on the “AM I GETTING TIRED AFTER LOSING AN ARM AND A SHITLOAD OF BLOOD AND FIGHTING FIVE NOUMUS ALL BY MYSELF FOR LIKE AN HOUR? ...NAH.” you’re absolutely right Miruko that would be ridiculous
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either she’s about to die and she knows it, or SHE WAS JUST TOYING WITH THEM WHAAAAT. I genuinely don’t even know which it is?? but it better not be the former and it absolutely is the latter though
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excuse me did this guy just fucking impale her
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SHE ONLY HAS THE ONE GOOD HAND LEFT LIKE CAN YOU PLEASE. can you fucking not, though?! and also I forgot that being impaled through the torso is another thing in this series that’s actually fatal. well fuck
(ETA: also he ripped out her hair!! look here you piece of shit I’m gonna --)
lmao but yeah, somehow
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Horikoshi. if you kill off your one cool strong top ten female hero character. just so you know. I will. ...you know what, just don’t do it, how about that. just don’t
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ohhhhhh I might be about to get really mad you guys. we’ll see. we’lllllll see
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GODDAMMIT, OBVIOUSLY TOMURA CAN’T FUCKING DIE SO WHY DON’T YOU FUCK OFF WITH THIS ENTIRE SCENARIO YOU’RE PRESENTING TO US RIGHT NOW HORIKOSHI, HOW ABOUT THAT. fuck everything I can’t believe chapter 267 page 16 was the last page of the entire manga you guys. tell me I’m reading way too much into this
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you literally had the perfect chapter. Fataxi!! Baby Hawks!! censored Touya reveals!! why would you go and. ...
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I knew it was a mistake reading past that amazing color page you guys
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-- AND AGAIN!!!!!
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y’all. I was this close to cancelling every damn thing. you don’t even know. my god I think I was grinding my teeth there
“you know what this manga has had quite enough of as of last week? tragic deaths! you know what it has not had nearly enough of? dramatic last minute saves! you know what it hasn’t had any of? TOKOYAMI VERSUS DABI, A.K.A. YOUR NEW FAVORITE MATCH-UP OF ALL TIME, YOU’RE FUCKING WELCOME.” geez. calm down Horikoshi. be cool man be cool
you guys. it was almost perfect, and then it wasn’t, and then it very much was. my god. how did I not see that Tokoyami save coming with all that buildup in hindsight. clearly he saw the fire on page four and was all “oh no! his weakness”
only thing is. it’s yours too, bud. :/ don’t think I’ve forgotten how this all played out during the forest arc. and meanwhile on top of that we’ve got Gigantomachia about to have the rudest of awakenings. goddammit. why is everything so dangerous and so awesome thanks I love it but geez
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ryouverua · 5 years
Back to the Library
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Maki’s smiles are few and far in-between but they always warm my heart <3
Also, ‘Hope Searching’ is growing on me. I know it’s a remix of ‘Despair Searching’, which, in turn, is the DRV3 jazzy version of the two investigation themes from DR1 and SDR2 but I was... maybe... quietly... hoping for a remixed version of ‘Living in a Lazy, Parallel World’. >3> I’M SORRY I KNOW I WON’T SHUT UP ABOUT HOW MUCH I LIKE THAT SONG -
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I like that she used the term ‘worried’ here, lmao.
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.............. Huh. I haven’t thought about the ‘there are no bugs’ question in a while, tbh. Ah, Gonta...
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... Oh my god Kokichi took Gonta seriously. Oh my god Kokichi took Gonta seriously, despite Gonta backing down and being self-deprecating and cowed by his classmates not taking him seriously. Oh my god Kokichi respected Gonta’s expertise in his talent and didn’t actually just write him off oh my god -
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Miu is either super into pastel or super into steampunk when she designs her stuff, man. 8′D
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That.... has to be important, though. The absence of something that should be there is just as important as them catching something. Right??? And the game is clearly telling us that it’s an important clue - also, hell, the fact that Kokichi latched onto this strongly enough to commission Miu to make something alongside the hammers and the electrobombs means something!
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“I spent time trusting in Kokichi’s good will and I’m trying to get back in your good graces so appreciate this and validate my efforts, damn it.” tsun
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Well apparently it’s important enough to warrant a truth bullet...
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Oh god, can you imagine if part of the building collapses here before Himiko got to the room and killed Shuichi, Maki and Tsumugi? Ffff that would be so damn awful -
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oh fuck
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....... is that a no -
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don’t tell me what to do, game.
anyway RECORD SCRATCH, REWIND, plz don’t kill me again k1-b0 I can’t help the fact that I love fluff text -
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Am I losing my mind or is this the second strong Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice reference they’ve made???
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“Also it’s stuff like this that led you to being blown up a moment ago. Please prioritize.” never
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is this what happens when you get blown up
you switch timelines and now everyone’s mad at you for no reason
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??? Where did this reaction come from??? I-I feel like I’m missing something here?! Why would we get mad at you for this?
E... Every time I think I’ve come to grips with Himiko’s character, she says something that throws me for a loop...
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If I’m still going with the necklace theory, maybe that’s the only one he had? I mean, it would make sense - if it’s from Monokuma, he would only make one copy of it. I was just assuming because it was part of his outfit that Rantaro would have multiple, but maybe that assumption itself is wrong - because it’s not part of his ‘official’ outfit, there’s no need for copies of it like everything else (shirt, pants, etc). He just has the one soldier tag, as his ‘perk’.
....... Or I could be completely wrong. That’s on the table too - it always is. 8′D
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.... Kokichi...? He can lockpick and he did have a clear interest in Rantaro - but I feel like Maki would have come across it if so? it’s buried under all the clutter, dear god K1-b0 give us more time do you know how hard it is to go through a hoarder’s things?!
Also, also! I’m enjoying working in tandem with Shuichi. It feels like we’re both coming up with ideas independent of one another, as opposed to me being leaps ahead - his ideas are prompting my own. And honestly, that’s how it should be with our detective character!
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T A N T E I    I N T E N S I F I E S
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“Maki why do we need to keep having this discussion -”
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Oh. Great.
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asd;klfj k1-b0 holy fuck
.... I... I’m not even joking when I say that I so badly, so desperately wish I could see Kokichi’s reaction to the new K1-b0. Miu’s reaction to the new K1-b0 oh god the kiiruma vibes would be real. JUST. I WANT IT SO BADLY. DAMN IT.
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A K1-b0 who doesn’t even look at his enemy after taking him down, who seems infinitely more sure of himself but so much more extreme, who still does care for his classmates in an abstract sense but has become so much more cold.... I, I just can’t help but wonder. Is this the real K1-b0?
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Damn, he just doesn’t care at all anymore. It’s all about direct action now. No time for play, no time to talk. I hate to see it, but it’s very... robotic of you. Of course, that might just be what we need right now...
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Like??? He does care for their safety in this situation??? But he also is clearly willing to blow up the building with them in it, as clearly shown in the fact that SWEETCHEEKS WAS LITERALLY BLOWN UP FOR TAKING TOO LONG IN HIS INVESTIGATION AND K1-B0 DIDN’T EVEN TRY TO EVACUATE THEM -
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before K1-b0
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after K1-b0
like if you think both pictures are equally beautiful
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I’d like to think that there’s nothing left to attack us? All the exisals are on the outside and the Monokubs, too - we also haven’t seen any copies of Monokuma lying about. lmao at it being Tsumugi being worried about going in there now btw
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I-If you’re in here protecting us while we explore the hidden room, you won’t blow up the school if dawn happens to reach us first, right
because that would defeat the purpose, right
RIGHT - ?!
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literally clicks on Maki, she immediately gets defensive about having the ‘no killing’ talk for the 15th time this chapter pff
I, erm, would like your definition of ‘revenge’ though. I feel like that’s important.
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god right in the kaito
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Okay, that’s fair. Just, you know. Remember. No killing. Nonlethal wounds only. Maybe stick to knives - crossbows seem a little bit ‘too soon’, considering.
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Ah Kaede, if only you were here to see us now. 8′\
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