#not trying to be harsh here this just doesn't seem right for some reason and my personal ask.
What Do You Want?
Summary: You try to approach Azul with an offer. His response is- odd, to say the least.
Notes: My heart wants fluff to make up for the angst yesterday... im sorry T_T
The moment you'd first seen Azul, you thought he was pretty. Then, you started noticing other little cool things about him. And before you knew it, you had a crush.
"You're- so stupid!" Ace said with a laugh. "You actually think Azul Ashengrotto would ever like anyone? Best outcome is, he tries to scam you but you barely manage to win."
"I've got a point-card!" You said cheerily. "And I've made a rough outline of what I want my contract to look like."
The 'outline' was only one sentence, but Ace didn't need to know that.
At that moment, though, Ace's eyes widened.
"You're actually gonna do it?" He said, the grin fading from his face.
"Yeah," you said. You were going to try and make a contract with him, see what happened. Maybe it wouldn't work out. But hey, you'd never know if you didn't try!
Besides, you had a plan. And that plan was what brought you to the VIP room, a golden point card in hand.
"Ah, what a pleasant surprise it is to see you here!" Azul said with a salesman's grin that somehow still looked cute. "I was under the impression you couldn't afford point-cards."
You laughed.
"It's lovely what happens when you make people compensate you for your labor," you said. And it was true. Telling people you'd do something for a free meal at the Lounge got you point cards and food witthout any complaints. For some reason, people were more willing to do that than give you the money straight-up, even if the expensive meals usually meant they'd have to pay more. Whatever.
"Oh," Azul said, before quickly changing the topic. "So what exactly is your desire?"
You smirked.
"Azul," you said. "Considering the ranking of the Golden card, that means you have to accept any contract I propose, so long as it doesn't pose direct harm to your mental or physical wellbeing in some way, shape, or form, correct?"
Azul's brows furrowed in confusion.
"Correct, however, you're forgetting-"
"The impact limit, yes," you said. "If the wish in question requires maiming, killing, or mentally scarring any individual, whether or not you agree to grant it becomes a decision entirely at your discretion."
At this point, Azul was looking at you like you'd grown two heads.
"Your point is...?" He asked.
"I won't have to make any other payment for my wish then, correct?" You said. You knew how these exchanges worked, and you did not want to get scammed.
Azul bit his lip.
"Fine, fine, you 'win', I suppose. Just- tell me what exactly it is you desire," he said.
You smiled, handing him a piece of paper with the draft of your contract on it. Azul's eyes widened in shock at its contents.
'Be my friend!' it said.
"Sooooo, what do you think?" You asked.
Azul shot you a glare. Harsh.
"What do you want?"
"I already told you- well, wrote to you, I guess, but-"
"No," Azul said, voice dangerously level. "What do you truly want?"
"Be my friend!" You said, flashing him a thumbs up. But Azul was still angry. Did he just hate you or something?
"I don't appreciate such juvenile attempts at mockery," he said. "If you have no true wish to make, then I shall have you escorted out."
You sighed. Seriously, this was getting annoying. Did he want to avoid you that badly?
"Look," you said. "I already laid it all out - you should try being my friend! And if you don't like it, then you stop! Simple as that, right?"
Azul scoffed.
"That's preposterous," he said. "No one would ever want such a thing-"
"Well, I want it," you said, before sighing. "Look, is it really that big of a deal?"
At that, Azul seemed to malfunction, like he couldn't possibly comprehend what you were saying. That was weird. Why wasn't he happy? Wasn't he going to try and scam you or something?
At long last, Azul shook away the red dusting his cheeks, handing you a pamphlet.
"Take this for now," he said. It was a study guide for Alchemy. "And keep the point card. I'll continue my inquiry tomorrow during lunch, so prepare yourself. Now then, leave."
"Great! See you tomorrow lunch then, Azul."
You took the study guide and headed for the exit. The study guide was pretty good, actually. And there was that little chibi doodle with hearts around it - you didn't know where it came from, but it kind of reminded you of yourself!
So, hey, it seemed like things were going pretty well.
Meanwhile, Azul was in a panic.
"The Prefect's caught on, I'm certain of it!" He said to Floyd and Jade, furiously flipping through his book of contingency plans for any type of social situation gone wrong. "Why else would such an odd request be made of me?"
Floyd rolled his eyes.
"Cause Shrimpy wanted to be your friend?" He said.
"No one would ever desire such a thing!" Azul said. "The Prefect's found out about that foolish little crush of mine, and decided to make a fool out of me. There's no other explanation!"
It was a sensible explanation, wasn't it? Common, too. It had happened to Azul all the time back then. He simply had to make sure he didn't slip, that he established consequences for all those who attempted to mess with him now.
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of Jade's laughter.
"What seems to be the matter, Jade? Do enlighten me," Azul asked dryly.
"You made an error in your panicked frenzy with the Prefect, that's all," Jade said. "The study guide you gave was the one with the doodles."
Azul felt his mouth go dry.
"The one filled with countless doodles of your little crush, surrounded by hearts."
O-Of all the study guides, why that one?
Seven, how he wished to crawl into an octopus pot right now. But for now, all he could settle for was burying his face in his hands, left alone with his thoughts as he tuned Jade and Floyd out entirely.
He hadn't believed it, but- what if you were being sincere? What if you truly did want to grow closer to him? Yes, it was true that such a thing had never occurred in the past, meaning an analysis of past trends would seem such a thing impossible, and this sort of trick had been played on him countless times before but-
You seemed oddly sincere about it. And, frankly, he wanted you to be.
Azul couldn't help but sigh. Though it would likely cause him problems later, for now, he couldn't help but let himself hope.
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mattastr0phic · 1 month
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capslocked · 7 months
[prompt: fingering] male reader x kim chaewon 2.5k words
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Chaewon hates that you’re actually good at this.
To be clear, there’s plenty more that Chaewon hates; it’s not exhaustive, just that bit.
She hates losing. Hates whenever anyone talks over her or doesn't give a second's worth of attention to whatever it is she's trying to say. She absolutely loathes it whenever her friends insist on complimenting her appearance when she doesn't have her clothes or makeup or hair or attitude down just yet.
But the thing she hates most? There's reason to believe it might be that her friends laugh at your jokes, or that when you roll up your sleeves and smile, they all notice things they normally wouldn't (and like it), even when Chaewon fixes them a look just this side of sour and scowly.
Realistically however, and Chaewon doesn't seem to mind admitting this part out loud - especially once you stop teasing her thighs with kisses that tickle the crease where her legs meet her hips - you really are good at going down on girls.
This, is absolute truth.
"Fuck," and "me," she breathes out, harsh little syllables coming with her fingertips knotting into your hair, right above the nape of your neck. She crashes down into the pillow behind her. Back and hips tensing - thighs all spread wide. She probably gives a bit too much, but Chaewon's the kind who gives, then turns around to take some more:
"You can-" is cut short when she gasps at the sudden, slow touch of a finger at the sensitive bundle of nerves atop her folds. There and back. "Ah - a little more, fuck, god. Again."
It's your mouth. The exact right movements - pulling and kissing, sucking gently, fluttering your tongue. Then harder and harder and harder, licking against the crease. That's what has her toes curling and feet flat to the bed. Little fistfuls of cotton sheets twisted up in her grip.
Actually, It's the flat of your tongue, soft and slick and moving on her clit in these long and languid sweeps that really makes the tears in her eyes begin to sting - like all that ache around her pussy is nothing compared to the one simmering in her stomach - like if only she could unwind around you a little bit faster and have her body turn to water and utterly ruin your sheets, she could catch her breath - and find her voice again.
You pull her puffy lips into a kiss, a devilish little suction, and her thighs press tighter and tighter together, around the sides of your head until you start to get a little dizzy. With a hand splayed open across her thigh - a tiny tickling gesture - you urge her to spread. Beg for breath.
Only to your surprise, she closes her legs completely.
"Asshole. Fuck," Chaewon sighs out.
"Did you think you'd lose me?" You kiss your way up from her hips to the flat of her stomach and grin into her skin.
"Was about to kick you," she rolls her eyes, then raises an arm and pushes her bangs off her forehead - wiping a sheen of sweat with the back of her palm. "No mouth."
"No mouth?" You cock your head, giving her an innocently questioning look.
"It's..." Chaewon is barely a hair's length away from what you expect. "Don't kiss me either. Unless you wanna make out, in which case actually, the answer's also no. I don't want to taste myself."
"Chae, you actually taste pretty good."
"Stop." Chaewon's sigh has a lilt, something obviously worried in the noise. Tucked into the shape of her half-lidded eyes. "I'm literally too turned on for this."
"So you want me to touch you."
Here’s to that what Chaewon doesn't say, "I want you to stick three of those fingers into my pussy and fill me 'til the knuckle and eat my ass while your thumb is tucked deep in my cunt. I want it to hurt, how badly I'm aching for you to fill and ruin and tear me the fuck apart."
She instead asks, "what the fuck do you think?"
"But no mouth," you repeat, slowly running your fingers down the creamy skin along her thigh, watching how she shivers when you brush a certain spot near her knee, and feeling a tightening grip on the opposite hip.
Chaewon groans a bit, lips twisting down.
"Can I perhaps, like, ask why?" you ask, pressing hot, open-mouth kisses into the flesh of her leg, down from her knee, over the curve of a thigh - but not, determinedly, into her where she's hotter and softer and practically melting, from all this pressure built up inside.
"Mind your own business," she mutters back.
You look. Chaewon's pussy is so, so pretty. Wetness gathering at the glistening, flushed hood. She's fluttering: desperate for the faintest touch. It's hard to imagine yourself doing anything other than making her writhe and gasp and wail on your mouth and lips and tongue, as your undoing - reducing her to an exhausted, sweat-drenched, wracked mess, the kind of spent that follows with long, long sighs and whispered curses under her breath.
With a fingertip ghosting touches around her cunt, Chaewon lets out an unexpectedly high-pitched whine. One that fades, bit by bit. Into an eventual murmuring - begging?
"Baby," you say, when you just can't resist. "I just want to make you-"
"I said, I wanted-I want-" and then with the pillow over her face, her groan, muffled, "look - it's fine. It's...great, even," is what you think she means by "amazing," but she continues, "you're literally the best thing I've ever felt, please. Fuck-come on. Keep touching."
You slow your hand, smoothing down the soft skin over her thighs.
And as soon as your lips cover her hole, from where she's wet and dripping and open, her hands fall to her side, pillow sliding into the corner of the sheets. "It's too good."
You're kidding. With a tip of your head, and your most self-satisfied little smirk, you ask, "too good?"
"Can you shut the fuck up, I hate you. I really fucking do," she says in what you figure was meant to be a dismissive sigh. One that's something stuck in a guttural moan and the squeak of mattress springs. "Please, you make me cum too fast otherwise."
You chuckle, trying your damnedest not to keep the mood going and actually get her to enjoy the moment - the best orgasm of her life, you want her to remember. To deserve the bragging rights.
“Odd complaint, princess.”
The stare she has fixed on you - over the space where her shirt is bunched up over the arch of her ribs - cuts right through you, if a bit hazy. And with her hands over her face, squirming her hips closer to you, she says, “don’t fucking call me princess.”
The implication is not lost on her. You let out an apologetic laugh, bringing your mouth, if briefly, closer to the peak of her hips and blowing a cold breath.
Chaewon just mutters something that sounds vaguely like, "fucking prick, just go back down."
Which is where she ends up. Or, starts. Because now she's lying back on the pillows with her hand slung across her forehead, leg up and bent and calf draped over the crook of your elbow, her eyes rolling back as you start to touch her - really, earnestly; work her up again, thumb rubbing the length of her clit. You can hear Chaewon's breath leaving her chest, in a broken pattern, until the sensations finally allow her to settle into one smooth inhale.
And then, slowly, just the length of one finger up to your first knuckle, the second - you slip inside her so, so easily. Then almost all the way. Her body tense, and her cunt, deliciously soft.
When you stroke and rub and slide your way back in, adding another digit, the noises she begins to make - your name, then god - sound raw, like a far-off cry and a drawn-out wail. There's a swishing sound whenever you get really slow and rhythmic, with the push, that turns slick-wet from the hot, milky way her insides get all sticky with her own want, before you can press more kisses into the bone of her hips and lap against the same skin - almost biting.
"Tell me if you want to stop," you whisper, the hot, humid breath of which does not fail to cause her spine to bend.
She's half-swearing, half-whimpering.
"Fuck you," is what follows next. As she wraps a hand in the hair around the base of your skull and pulls you close, right into her thighs and hips.
It's the small pleasures that have always gotten to you the most, the smallest, most vulnerable and unthinkingly personal acts, like, you think, when she presses the heel of her hand over her eyes and half-smiles, when the palm spreads out across the flatness of her stomach, as if, somehow, her whole self could not be any more delicate and devious at the exact same time.
And you are compelled, because of course, you are compelled: to be anything and everything Chaewon asks for in this moment, you tell her.
(Here's the embarrassing part. For her, really.)
You have your thumb tucked up along the muscle of Chaewon's thighs, opening and stroking a straight line from where your finger is still nestled all the way up the entirety of her folds, "so good and so," before circling the tensed point in a delicate, feather-touch, "tight, baby."
"Shit, oh, that's. You're." And all you do is hum, agreeing, adding another stroke and letting your lips fall into her open thigh. Your finger fucking her cunt a few times before twisting back and pulling out.
"You're making me feel so," and her whole body relaxes. Not only her voice. A shudder that breaks up her spine and spreads to her thighs, loosening. And looser and looser.
And at the exact same time she's saying: "hot."
Chaewon runs the pad of her thumb over her lip, bucking her hips into the flutter of your fingers. The soft, velvety heat of her cunt takes quickly to the slow circle-stroke, slide and curl, repeat, again. Her whine is longer, louder. More-so once her whole body tightens up once your fingers fuck into her, especially deep, in short-rhythmic staccato strokes, rubbing at her from the inside until she's shaking all over and can hardly breathe.
"Fuck, the way you're so-" Chaewon's heels digging deeper, "oh, deeper. Right there, please right there–."
This isn't even the worst of her embarrassment. When her stomach gets visibly tensed, muscles bunching and giving, and your free hand falls to rest on top of it. All this friction happening within her. Just beneath the surface of her skin and how that must be lighting every nerve along her spine and sending them all aflame, so overwhelmed and tightened, only relaxing in small increments whenever you move a bit too slow, to a bit more pressure - adding the extra touch, kissing her everywhere between her thighs, right into the dips between them. Close but not there. So frustratingly near, and she barely has the air left in her lungs to make a frustrated noise, but somehow finds the impetus to let the weight fall out of her body - let her limbs stretch open, give, release the tension.
Then all those incoherent twitching spasms: "God. Now-"
When the sudden ache inside her walls hits, it catches first in her chest, spreading out where the fist curling into the covers can't hide. "Right there, right there," she's panting, nodding her head in these tiny little shakes, rocking her hips into the movement and pushing them into your touch. And you just nod back.
Her orgasm hits her like a fucking lightning storm: blinding and thunderous, heavy. 
Chaewon simply cries out when she unravels, finally, and the sound is a little wrecked. Cursing your name, god's. 
Her hand is twisted in your hair, and she pulls, twists and wrenches, an arm tossed over her face when it feels like you're rushing, surging waves breaking all along her senses, the pads of your fingers pushing into the ridges, knuckles wrapping, knocking at her core, finger prints seared into her skin and pressing into that knot of pleasure, swollen and raw.
She just exhales into a groan and runs a palm down her face and throat, and breasts, rubbing a bit harshly at the tops of her shoulders. You raise yourself over her, until your head's just next to her collarbone, not speaking but watching how her breaths are slowing - the moment they become steadier, like a boat to shore.
You prop an arm over her, carefully, letting Chaewon twist her palm, finger the tips of yours. It's like listening to music, hearing how she laughs and swallows around this haze. Her whole body in the dreamy afterglow, writhing a little when the ache crawls back up through the space between her hips and she settles onto her side, curling up in your half-embrace.
"Oh, well. Look what you did to me, fuck," she murmurs. You can't help smiling.
"Too fast?" you ask, lowering your head, propping yourself up on a single elbow and gently placing a kiss along the top of her hair, tangling her fingers with your own.
"You're really annoying," she huffs. She tries her best not to blush, but the glow in her cheeks is quite apparent - especially once it reaches her ears. You laugh right into the top of her head, and she playful slaps a fist to your chest. "Go to bed, idiot."
"To think - you said you liked me."
"Said. Said, being the key word here."
When you roll over - slightly onto her and slip a thigh between her legs - Chaewon groans, and her hands press into your back. The touch is light. Practically nothing. Then you're grinning down at her, a sly smile playing in your eyes. "Maybe it’s my turn," she murmurs, "to make you squirm."
"No mouth?" you tease. "You might need the help sweetheart."
"Fuck that. Absolutely not." Chaewon rolls and turns until she's on top of your thighs, pinning you gently in place. She’s fixing her hair into a clumsy little ponytail, hallmark signs of impatience, that says, "if I want to suck your cock, I'll do it," she glares a little, but her smirk is turning the corner, and her whole face softens. 
"Shouldn't have laughed earlier, asshole."
(And here is the start and end of all you think you know, watching as she places a trail of kisses down your chest.)
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lovelybrooke · 7 months
So, book 7 just released for the English Server, and it really made me want to write for Twisted Wonderland. When going through the chapters that were released, I couldn't help but think about the different reactions to reader leaving. Since there's a lot of characters, I'll only be talking about the Yandere first-years, but if you like this, I'll write for the other characters.
Ace and Deuce both fight for the spot as your best friend. Ace always uses the argument that he met you first so he's obviously your best friend. It's why he gets so peeved whenever you mention going home. He honestly forgot about you going home around the time that you saved him and Deuce from Azul and his goons. He hasn't really thought about it, more has he wanted to think about it. It's childish, but any thought he has about the future involves you.
When it's brought up in the lunchroom that you could possibly go home through that mirror in your room, he's surprised. Like I mentioned, he forgot that you wanted to go home. He get's kinda mean when you bring it up, like it's the dumbest thing in the world. Why would you want to go home? There are so many people here so care about you and would be devastated if you left. Honestly, you're being kinda selfish, you're just going to abandon everyone who's done so much for you? That seems like a pretty dumb decision, don't bring it up again.
Deuce is the opposite of Ace. Unlike his friend, he's thought about you leaving many times, it keeps him awake at night some times. It's not all that bad, wondering what your world is like, what your fiends were like, what you were like. Other times, it's terrible, mind racing with thoughts of you leaving. What would you do if you could actually leave, would you hesitate, would you think of them? Or would you leave without a second thought, abandoning all the ones who love you behind. It's a scary thought.
After Ace is done berating you, Deuce is there to pick up the pieces. He reminds you that it's your choice, but that he would very much hate it if you went. Unlike Ace, who's just mean, Deuce presents himself with false sympathy, claiming to understand what you're feeling, even though that could never be possible. He tries to comfort you, but it's less of comforting and more attempting to make you forget about your home, reminding you all the great things this world has to offer. He'll go on and on, as long a it make you stay.
Jack is much more clam and understanding in comparison to the rest. He knew this would come one day. You'd eventually travel back home, leaving them behind, and the world would keep on moving. Before he was closer to you, he didn't really mind it. But as he got to know you, and as he grew closer to you, he began to hate the idea of you leaving. He's somewhat embarrassed by how close he's grown to you, but that's not really his fault, is it? You're the reason he's so messed up now, and I'd be kinda messed up of you to leave.
Jack is the one who actually comforts you. He rubs your back as he reprimands Ace for his harsh words. He'll whisper in your ear and remind you that you have all the right in the world to want to go home. He'll promise to help you find a way home, ignoring the pain in his heart when you thank him for all the help. He knows it's wrong, but a part of him wishes you never find a way back home, and you stay here, safe, with him.
Epel wants so badly to be upset, he wants to yell and scream, get mad at you. But when you mention leaving, all that comes is this deep sense of loneliness. He doesn't react like the others, doesn't get angry or defensive, he doesn't try to comfort you. He keeps everything deep within him until he gets back to his dorm, where he cries for hours. He knowns you'd be disappointed in him, bottling everything in, but he can't help it. When he finally does come out of his room, his hair is messy and is face is red and stained with tears.
Epel does confront you later, at Ramshackle. He does finally blow up at you this time, but instead of anger, he begs you not to leave him. He hugs you and holds you tight until you promise him you won't leave. He needs you here, everyone needs you here. If you don't forget about leaving he'll hold you tighter, digging his nails into your back, not caring If it hurt. He'll remind you that at any point, he can break that mirror. So just promise him that you'll never leave.
Ortho just adores you. After helping his brother and seeing how far you'd go for him, he can't help but adore you. He wants to be your best friend, and sometimes he fears that will never happen. He met you so late, so many people got close to you before him. That's why he's kinda worried when you mention leaving. He barely knows you, at least not compared to the others and he doesn't want you to leave just yet.
Ortho starts spending a lot of time with you after you mention leaving. He's walking you to classes, eating lunch with you, and even studying with you. You often have to remind him to go back to his dorm, if you don't he'll never leave you alone. His behavior isn't that strange to you, but for Ortho, he's doing everything he can to insure you stay with him and his brother. He doesn't really see anything wrong with it, after all you are his best friend.
Sebek (I know he technically isn't apart of the gang yet but whatever):
Sebek is conflicted. On one hand, he thinks you're a stupid human, and getting upset at you leaving it a waste of time. On the other hand, he fills with rage whenever you mention going home. He doesn't understand why'd you want to leave. You are weak, magicless, and you want to travel back to a world far away from them when they could protect you instead? It just didn't make sense.
Sebek flat out refuses you leaving. Like it doesn't matter what you want, you are not leaving. His duty is to ensure Malleus's happiness, and you leaving would greatly upset him so no, you're not leaving. He won't mention that he doesn't want you t leave, that will never come from his mouth. But you know something is wrong with him when he demands more of your time, and refuses to let you out of his sight.
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stop-talking · 3 months
Open wide
Mike Schmidt x gender-neutral reader
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2.8k words
Tags: 18+, no use of y/n, smut, porn with plot, extremely unrealistic scenario but it's funny, mike is a horny bastard & a sub, handjob (mike receiving), post-movie, mike's POV!
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Mike can't even remember the last time he went to the dentist.
Well, he CAN remember, he just doesn't want to. He was a child the last time he went, and only bits and pieces of the experience stuck with him. An old man poking bony gloved fingers into his mouth, having his teeth scraped with a hook, and being scolded for not brushing good enough.
Yeah. The dentist is not a fond memory for Mike. That's part of the reason he hasn't bothered to go in over ten years. (The other part being that he's spent most of early adulthood broke as fuck; and values groceries over trips to the oral hygienist.)
But with his new job, and the healthcare benefits that come along with it... well, he really has no excuse not to go.
So, he sits in a small room with blue walls and ocean-themed décor, squirming on the weird lounge chair. There's a giant mirror over his head, and he can't help but be reminded of those funhouse mirrors at the circus. The ones that twist and contort your face in an unsettling way.
"Hey, Mr. Schmidt, right?" You make your way through the door, scanning over a clipboard.
Is this the dentist? Mike scrambles to sit up in the awkwardly-reclined chair and hold out a hand for you to shake.
"Uh, just 'Mike' is fine." He gives you a weak smile and a firm handshake before leaning back against the chair once more.
You introduce yourself as a dental assistant, and when he thinks about it, that makes more sense. You look young, probably close to his own age. And... rather attractive, actually.
Fuck. Did you just ask him a question?
"Sorry, I... I'm not sure..." He stutters, doing his best not to squirm under your gaze.
This seems to amuse you, because you try and fail to suppress a chuckle. Shit. Was that the wrong answer?
"You're not sure what flavor of toothpaste you want, Mike?" You ask, cocking an eyebrow at him.
Mike sputters again, making a complete fool of himself. Before he can get out a complete thought, you cut him off.
"It's okay. Want me to just pick for you?"
He nods.
"Alright then, you look like a watermelon kind of guy. Is that fine?"
Another nod.
You smile and pull on a pair of blue gloves, matching your blue scrubs.
"Something tells me you haven't been here before."
"Am I that obvious?"
"Yes... and no. I read it on your medical record just now." You give him a teasing smile and hold up the clipboard you'd been pouring over when you walked in.
Mike laughs nervously at what he's pretty sure was supposed to be a joke, and watches as you pull up a chair.
"I haven't exactly been going to regular checkups." He confesses.
"Well then, let's see what we're working with. Open up for me?"
He squints as you turn on a harsh overhead light attached to the mirror and angle it down so it shines right in his face. Damnit, what is this? An interrogation?
"Open up." You repeat, not asking this time.
Fuck. Why is that kind of...? Ugh, no. Not even going there. Mike tentatively opens his mouth, still blinking through the interrogation-esque lighting above him.
"There you go. A little wider, now."
Your fingers immediately find their way into his mouth, prying his jaws open further.
Mike's eyes go wider than his jaw when you pull out a hook and start scraping it against his teeth. What the fuck? He's feeling more and more like this is some kind of torture and interrogation ritual.
"I know, hun. No one likes the hook. Just relax." You coo, placing a hand on the side of his face and wedging your thumb between his teeth.
He takes a deep breath and melts back into the chair, letting himself be soothed by your voice. Mike tries to focus on your face above him instead of the horrible metal scraping his bones. The backlighting creates a halo around your head as you lean over him, reminding him of an angel.
You seem to notice his staring, because you smile down at him.
"So, tell me about yourself, Mike."
Mike's brow furrows in confusion. How the hell is supposed to answer that with a mouthful of latex-covered fingers and metal torture instruments?
"Uhhh..." He lets out a strained gargle, the only sound he can really make in this moment.
"Interesting..." You chuckle, still scraping away at his teeth.
"Tell me more."
Oh. You're teasing him. Fuck that.
Mike rolls his eyes, trying to make it clear he's not in the mood.
"Sassy, are we? Careful. I do have a hook in your mouth."
Christ. Are you threatening him now? Is this how trips to the dentist are supposed to go? Mike has no idea. So, he lets out another grunt.
"Your teeth actually look really nice. You brush at least twice a day?"
Mike nods slightly, scared to move too much with the hook scraping dangerously close to his gums.
"Good, good. Your teeth are so straight and bright."
Now you're complimenting him? Mike can feel his brain go fuzzy as he stares up into your eyes. The paper mask you're wearing covers the lower half of your face, sure, but your eyes are... entrancing.
He tries to say a quick "thanks", but with your thumb still wedged between his teeth... it comes out as more of an "Aahhh". And sounds suspiciously like a moan. Damnit.
"Got something to say?" You laugh softly, removing your fingers and tools from his mouth.
Mike takes the opportunity to close his mouth and feel over his teeth with his tongue. They feel... different.
"Just, uh, thanks..." He mumbles.
"Of course, you're doing so well."
Fuck. Are his jeans getting tighter?
Mike tries to subtly adjust himself while you turn to grab something off the nearby table. God damnit. This wouldn't happen if he wasn't so damn touch starved.
You put a little hose in his mouth and explain it's to rinse his mouth out. Or something like that. Mike isn't really listening, instead focusing solely on calming the fuck down.
"Oh, and sorry if I'm talking too much. I just transferred over from a pediatric office, so I'm used to having to distract my patients while I work. You probably don't need that, do you?"
He just gargles a response, mouth filling with water.
"Wait, here, don't swallow that."
Mike can't help but think he'd swallow anything if you told him to. Ugh. His jeans are definitely getting too tight.
You stick a different hose in his mouth, and it sucks out the watery saliva mixture.
"You're fine... I haven't been to the dentist since I was a kid, anyways."
"Really?" You ask, eyes lighting up as you lean over him again.
"Oh, but your teeth look so nice! Keep doing whatever you're doing, hun." You cup his face in your hands, leaning in close and gently pushing his lips back with your thumbs for a better look at his teeth.
Mike squirms slightly, a little intimidated by your firm grip on his face and intense scrutiny of his mouth. He tries to tug the hem of his hoodie down in an attempt to hide his growing boner. Fuck, he feels like such a pervert.
Of course, his movement only draws your attention down to his... ''problem area''.
You must be pretending not to notice, because your eyes flick back over to the table. As you get up to grab something, you casually bump the door with your hip and it swings shut.
What's that for? Mike is too embarrassed to ask, so he just waits patiently as you make your way back over with a toothbrush.
"Open for me." You playfully tap his lips with a finger, and Mike does as asked.
"Good, good... we're almost done here."
Mike feels a lot more relaxed like this. Your voice is soothing, and he stares up into your eyes as you brush his teeth. It's strange to have someone else do it for him, but hey, at least you're not using the damn hook anymore.
After a minute or so of this, he starts to calm down, the tent in his pants dying down as well. Thank god.
"Alright, gonna rinse your mouth again. If you have any needs or concerns regarding your teeth, now's the time to tell me."
Mike gently shakes his head no, mouth filling with water as you rinse his teeth with the little hose.
"You sure? Nothing else you want?"
Are you... flirting with him? Or is this just how these things go? Mike's head spins as you put the toothbrush back in his mouth again.
"Just gonna brush your tongue... Say 'ahh' for me!"
Mike lets out a weak ''ahh'', that, again, sounds extremely similar to a moan. Fuck.
You slowly brush his tongue, going further and further back. Mike starts to shift in his seat, wondering just how much of his tongue he's supposed to be brushing. He certainty never goes this far, it's almost at the back of his throat... Still, he tits his head back slightly, letting you go even deeper.
"Damn. No gag reflex, or just used to this sort of thing?" You tease, smirking so obviously he can see it through the mask.
Okay, yeah. You're definitely flirting with him.
Mike just sputters and chokes in response, unable to speak while practically deepthroating the damn toothbrush.
"Sorry, let me get that out..."
When his mouth is finally his own again, free of intrusive fingers and oral hygiene instruments, he clears his throat. There's a familiar tightness in his jeans, and he's sure by now that you've noticed.
"Uhh... I..."
You take off your mask and he can finally see your whole face again. Your smile is attractive, no doubt, but also a little... hungry? You want something from him.
Mike isn't sure he could resist if you asked.
"So, you're sure there's nothing else... bothering you?" You ask, eyes trailing down to the tent in his jeans.
Ah, fuck. There's no hiding it now, huh? Mike tries to at least sit up slightly in the chair, but ends up a squirming mess instead.
"I..." He starts, swallowing hard.
"Are you offering...?"
As if to answer his unspoken question, you stand up from your chair and throw a leg over his.
He watches with wide eyes as you inch up his legs, straddling him and sitting just below his crotch.
"What do you think?"
Holy shit. What kind of a question is that? He "thinks" this is the hottest thing that's ever happened to him.
"More." He mumbles, bringing his hands up to rest on the sides of your thighs.
That's all the confirmation you need, apparently. Before he can even process what's happening, you're grinding against his clothed cock.
Mike moves his hands up to your hips, watching as you remove the blue latex gloves with your teeth. God, that's got to be the most arousing thing he's ever seen, and he's not even sure why. He feels like a victorian man seeing an ankle. Is he really that goddamn desperate?
You brace your hands against his chest and lean in close, even more so than when you were prodding your fingers in his mouth.
Fuck. Mike decides he is definitely that desperate.
"You want this, don't you?" You ask sweetly, hot breath brushing against his lips.
He nods eagerly. Yes, he wants this. More than anything.
"Use your words, hun."
"I want this." He whines, bucking his hips up to meet yours while you grind on him. "I want you."
"I know." You whisper, bridging the small remaining gap between the two of you.
Mike kisses you back in earnest, moaning into your mouth when he finally feels your tongue slip between his lips.
He'd be content to stay like this forever, if his cock wasn't absolutely aching in his jeans. The grinding feels nice, yes, but he doesn't want to cum like this.
When you finally pull away and sit back up on him, he's left gasping for breath. Holy shit. Is this really happening?
"You really thought I wouldn't notice?" You ask, humming happily as you unzip his jeans.
Mike stammers out a response as you tug his pants down, squirming to help you get them off faster. He wishes you'd take the boxers off too, but he's not gonna push his luck.
"I-I couldn't help It... You're so..." He just looks up at you with pure admiration, letting his hands slide down your thighs.
"...perfect." Yeah, that's just about the only word describe you. No other would do you justice, not with how amazing you look on top of him like this.
"And you're already leaking."
Mike whimpers as you grope his dick, palming at it through his boxers. Fuck, you're not wrong. He can see the wet spot growing on his underwear. He tightens his grip on your thighs, desperate to feel you.
"More." He chokes out. "Please."
"Hmm... should I give you more?" You taunt him, giving his aching cock a firm squeeze through the fabric of his underwear.
Mike is nearly shouting at this point, and tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He can only pray the room is somewhat soundproof.
"Well, I guess you have been good for me..."
You slowly peel down his boxers, and his dick springs up to slap against his stomach. A steady stream of precum is leaks from the tip, and his back arches from the sudden sensation.
"Fuck... yes... good... so, so good for you..." He bucks his hips up into nothing, desperately pulling you down his lap by your thighs.
He isn't thinking straight at this point. It doesn't matter that you're at work. It doesn't matter you're fully clothed. He needs you on his dick. NOW.
"Woah, woah... slow down, hun." Laughing, you take his hands by the wrists and move them to the armrests.
He doesn't resist, throwing his head back and groaning. He'd let you do whatever you want to him at this point. He just wants to cum.
"Please..." He whimpers, gripping the armrests tightly as your hand inches towards his cock.
"You gonna be good for me? And wait till I give you permission to cum?"
He nods, still bucking his hips up into your hand as you wrap your soft hand around his length.
"Say it." You demand, still just holding it, unmoving as he slips further and further into pure desperation.
"I'll be good f'you. I'll wait. I promise. S'good..."
Mike mumbles a barely-coherent response, half nonsense as he fucks your hand with even more intensity. He's losing it already, and you've haven't even started-
You start to jerk him off at a moderate pace, hand moving in synch with his hips.
"That feel good, hm?"
He just moans a response, too fucked out to form words. His hips stutter and he nearly comes just from the way you're talking to him.
When you take your hand away suddenly, he groans, reaching out to grab your hips and pull you closer. You can't end this for him. Not yet.
Thankfully, you didn't seem eager to put a stop to things. You slide down his lap, resting right up against his cock.
"I swear, if you cum on my uniform, I'll make you lick it all up."
Shit. Mike nearly does just that as you lean down and furiously make out with him. It's the toothbrush all over again, with the way your tongue is punching down his throat. He's never felt this desired before.
One of your hands gently tugs at his curls, and the other pulls his lower back up into an arch as you grind against him. Fuck, If you don't slow down...
"I'm g-gonna... gonna cum..." He breaks the kiss, whining and desperately pushing back on your hips, trying to keep from finishing. He wants to be good for you. He really does.
"Do it." You whisper, moving down to kiss his neck as he whimpers.
"Cum for me."
Mike wakes up in a cold sweat, trembling and gasping for air. Shit, he had been suffocating with his face in a pillow.
And... fuck. Probably jutting his hips into the mattress, too.
He doesn't even have to look at his shorts to know they're ruined. Damnit. Another wet dream. At this point, he almost preferred the reoccurring nightmares. Almost.
Hey, his next dentist appointment is in... what, three months? Maybe this time he'd work up the nerve to ask you out.
Probably not.
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Author's note: I'M SORRY. Literally no one asked for this. Probably no one but me has ever gone "haha what if Mike has a praise kink and gets hard at the dentist". But it was so funny to me?? I had to stop what I was working on and write it IMMIDEATELY. I hope it wasn't too deranged.
I like to imagine his little dream is at least half true. Like, he's touch starved and ended up with an over-friendly oral hygienist who joked with him a little too much. And it made him feel things. But everything from the point of the door being closed and onwards is just his own twisted fantasy.
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ystrike1 · 5 months
Dark Castle - By faun_me (8.5/10)
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This one is a rich and heavy story. Slow burn. Alot of lore. The love interest is an 8 foot tall half human rat man. Memory loss. You've seen some of these tropes before, but they're done well. The art improves steadily as well, and the creature design is well above average. No generic dragons here
Our nameless heroine has no memories. She knows so little that her common sense is gone. She isn't afraid of demons. She has been dragged into the demon realm for unknown reasons. She's being stalked by a friend that looks human, and his demon master desires her. Luckily, she is captured by another influential demon.
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At first he seems very nice. He doesn't welcome the stranger warmly, but he doesn't throw her to the wolves. She would die for sure out in the open. The ruler of this castle, Nemalla, doesn't know she's someone else's prey. He really becomes her protector by accident. He even investigates the cloud in her memories, out of pity. It's....a refreshingly normal reaction. Our confused heroine doesn't get special treatment right away, BUT the male leads personality gets established. He's not unreasonable, for a demon.
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His kindness is not too good to be true. We see his life outside of his conversations with our protagonist. He's a feared and fearsome leader that doles out capital, cannibalistic punishment with his own hands. He is weighed down by loneliness, because he never expected to rise so high. He was trying to survive, but success left him alone with many enemies.
He is never overtly awful to her, even though his daily life demands a manly/harsh attitude.
The lore is a ton of fun.
Our heroine is ugly. Her features are hideous. She has no tail. No soft fur. Her white skin is gross and unseemly. She does not elegantly blend into the dark, the way a sultry demoness would.
We get hints.
Nemalla is attracted to her, even though her looks are repulsive to any demon.
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It starts out very innocently. Nemalla likes her company. He's used to fear and hate, but having a friend is a precious new experience. It soothes his mind. When he shoos our protagonist away to focus on work he regrets it. He muses over how to invite her back over for...him.
He doesn't just want her to regain her memories.
He wants to hang out.
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Our protagonist must regain her memories on her own. Nemalla can only help her so much. That's the rule binding her amnesia curse together.
She remembers her name when he takes her to his gorgeous personal garden, to impress her.
He tells her to stop.
Names are power in the demon realm, but she gives it to him.
He does the unthinkable.
He shares his name with her too.
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He explains the gravity of their exchange.
Knowing a name means you can influence that being, in this particular realm.
Nemalla knows many names, because he is powerful.
Simona has nothing, and she has foolishly given her name away.
He considers...showing her. Punishing her to give her a reason to think. To be less innocent, but he doesn't do it because of his perverse attraction and his loneliness.
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Nemalla was imprisoned before. He was at the bottom, with less than nothing. There's an extremely creepy scene. It kind of comes out of nowhere, and it's a red flag. It is why I'm reviewing this series.
Nemalla sees himself covered in blood, back in his chains.
Simona appears, glowing with ethereal light.
He looks at her like she is his only savior, and the illusion snaps away.
Nemalla isn't dreaming.
He had that visceral vision as soon as she touched his hand.
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Simona has a friend named Alter.
He kisses her while she's asleep.
He grabs her while he's wearing a mask, and he torments her. He tells her nothing. He lusts over her in the shadows, and his master wants her too. I don't care if he's hot he made a terrible first impression, and the way he treats Simona screams "annoying yandere". You know what I mean. The kind of persistent guy that exists to be slapped around by the real male love interest. He's not that intimidating.
Hopefully his master will be better.
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Lore drop.
Nemalla was born a prince. The son of a queen. That queen...became lovers with a demon outside of her marriage. The bastard prince was eventually thrown in the dungeon, with his mother.
She died there next to him.
It's implied that she loved her half demon son, and he loved her, and that makes their story even sadder.
It also explains why Nemalla is attracted to Simona neatly. (He likes demons too)
It's nice that it's clear he likes HER, not just her body.
The master who wants her has not revealed himself yet, but I have no doubt. I have total faith in Nemalla. He is absolutely going to tear the other men after her into shredded demon beef.
(Important note: Nemalla can probably change shape. His real body most likely is the rat demon body, but I do think he'll try to seduce Simona with a hot humanoid form at some point. He's already done for. He thinks about her whenever they're apart.)
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syoounn · 1 month
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╾ Synopsis: The person you despised the most.. Dazai.. confessed to you.
╾ Fluff, slight angst, sfw
╾ 15! Dazai x Reader
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You and Dazai have always despised each other, but tonight seems different..
Dazai seemed awfully quiet throughout the evening and even barely daring to look at you. It all made sense when he finally blurted out something that had been bothering him.
"Y/n.. You know i like you, right?"
You looked at him confused, and he's probably teasing you again..
"Quit that... i like everyone here but not you!"
He's utterly perplexed, caught off guard entirely. His heart skipped a beat, and his jaw dropped when you admitted your affection and... then you continued, as though that wasn't the confession he was talking about.
Of course, it's entirely reasonable that you would assume he was referring to the way he cares for everyone else, especially since you're in the Mafia, too-- but Dazai seems to be taking this differently than you intend.
Dazai can't help but chuckle, his eyebrows raising in amusement. You're adorable, even when you completely miss the point.
Unbothered by your obliviousness,
"I like you... in a romantic way, moron!" he mumbles.
Even though he sounds frustrated, his smile widens slightly. However, he's not entirely sure how you feel.
"Do you like me... as your boyfriend, is what I'm - um-- asking!" he fumbles through that explanation. This is embarrassing for both of you.
You look at him with a blank stare and subsequent blush.
He leans forward, hoping that your reddening cheeks signify some degree of interest in his romantic advances. He doesn't know what to make of the expression on your face, but for some reason, it's making him feel a lot of things. He knows both of you have been fighting and arguing every time.. but he can't deny his feelings for you.
Unaware that he's biting his lip, an awkward silence stretches between you two before Dazai blurts out: "You're really cute when you get flustered, y'know that?"
You were still flustered and got annoyed on his comment.
"It's not the time for that, you know..!" you said, annoyed.
"Isn't it?" he says, looking at you with playful interest. He can't help but grin, leaning forward a bit more, his elbow resting on his knee.
"I like you when you're like this."
He tilts his head, trying to discern whether you're nervous or just annoyed at his romantic shenanigans.
"Do you like me?"
A tiny smirk creeps over his lips, and without further question, he leans over and gently rests his hand under your chin. He takes your face in. As much as he'd hate to admit it, he's enjoying how flustered and uncertain - but most of all, how adorable you're looking. With one swift motion, he tilts your head up, trying to meet your gaze.
Dazai's breath hitches as he looks at you, your eyes meeting his. Your flush is so pronounced, so obvious... he has no doubt how you feel.
He wants you to admit it... so he leans in closer. It's an innocent gesture, a small sign of his affection... and a clear attempt to make you even more flustered. He can't help it. He's having a blast.
You said, blushing messily as you run away, not even looking back at how embarrassed you are.. there's no way the person you despised the most likes you.. you'll never ever admit that you like him.
His eyes widen as he watches you dash away. Dazai didn't expect that, especially since he was expecting... you to admit that you liked him. 'The hell was that?!' He thought.
He catches up to you in two swift strides, reaching out and grabbing you by the wrist. He pulls you to a stop, his grip so firm that you know you won't be able to worm your way out of his grasp this time.
His tone is harsh, but the way his brows lower as you keep running from him... you can sense him hiding a smile.
"You're seriously just gonna run away like- like that!?" he says, glancing up and down at you.
"That's how you deal with romantic overtures?" he asks, sounding almost indignant as he says the word 'romantic'.
"There's no way I'll like what i hatest the most!" You said as both of you grasped for air after that run.
Oh, there's no denying that the pair of you are usually fighting. It's not like you like him or anything... wait....
Dazai's smirk widens as he takes a step towards you. "You hate me?" he asks, his tone sceptical. There's a clear hint of teasing in his voice.
He's trying to tease you, but in the process, it's having the opposite effect on both of you.
"You do realize that people don't get that red when they hate someone, right?" he asks, amused, though his tone is almost husky as he says it.
You were still blushing and couldn't even look at him straight. "I-..I don't care..!" you said.
As much as he knows your words are untrue, he can't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. Your denial is making this all the more fun, and you're too damn cute.
"You sure?" he asks, his tone still husky, and you're damn close to touching lips.
The space between you is almost too much to bear, the moment stretched out until it feels eternal. An intoxicating silence, so thick you could cut it with a knife, as you watch each other, both of you were so close.
Your breath is shaky, your cheeks have become even more flushed, and your heartbeat quickened significantly. Your nerves are making this entire situation so much more exciting - it's so adorable. He's trying to resist, but it's difficult. He wants to kiss you so damn bad.
His grasp on your wrist loosens slightly as he brings his lips to yours, pressing them just barely at first, then increasing the pressure so you can feel the softness of his lips. It's gentle, tender. He's being incredibly respectful about this.
It's not a passionate, lustful kiss. No, he's slowly building up to it, teasing you and enjoying every moment of your trembling, breathless reaction. He wants to go deeper and wants to taste all of your lips...
The way he's looking at you-- he loves seeing you like this: weak, vulnerable... Dazai parts his lips, allowing his tongue to dart into your mouth. There's not a hint of hesitation-- he's taking exactly what he wants and loving every second of it. He's trying so hard to be gentle, but the passion building inside of him is too much to contain.
His other hand pulls away, now gripping your hip... he's almost completely distracted by the taste of you. This is just... heaven.
Dazai breaks the kiss with a whimper, his breathing still heavy as he gazes at you with hooded eyes. Now that he isn't holding you as fondly, all you can feel is your body shaking from the adrenaline rushing through it.
His eyes light up when he realizes that the blush hasn't disappeared off your cheeks. He finds it incredibly adorable - it's the reaction he was aiming for.
"So, uh..." he starts, his voice still heavy with passion. He knows he's milking this.
"You sure that you don't like me?" he asks, his tone still suggestive, laced with all kinds of teasing implications.
"N-.. No.. i hate you..!"
His smirk widens even further.
You're so damn cute. He can't help but giggle, as though your persistent denial is amusing. He could do this all day.
"Sure you do, idiot." he says with a playful snicker.
"I'm pretty sure people don't kiss other people they hate." he says, sounding so damn sure of himself.
"You kissed me first!" You protest..
"I did, but you didn't pull away..." he says, sounding almost amused.
"How could if your grip was tight!"..
"Still doesn't mean you had to kiss me back..." he teases.
"I didn't..!" you said.
Your denial makes him smile, though he's still teasing you.
"I think you like me." he says, amused. In fact, he's absolutely convinced of it.
"I-..I'll never like a suicidal like you," you said without even thinking cause of show flustered you were.
And just like that, your words cut at him like a knife. His smile suddenly disappears as his body slumps, just ever so slightly.
He's so damn done right now. Why does that keep coming up? Why can't you just not mention that for once? It makes his entire body ache, knowing that you view him as nothing more than that.
"Okay then." he mumbles, and his voice is quiet and defeated. Everything about him has changed in an instant.
And he watches you as you walk away. He watches as you distance yourself further from him, slowly leaving him all alone.
He can't deny that this hurts. A part of him wishes that you would have pushed back, that you would have argued with him. He's alone now. Alone... and alone, he will stay.
You came back still blushing slightly as you tried to look at his eyes
"T-..The boss said.. we should head back.. so.."
Dazai's face brightens slightly when he sees that you've returned. Your blushing causes him to smirk slightly, thinking that this might just be his chance. Maybe you're having second thoughts.
When you mention that the boss wants you back, though, he can't help but frown slightly. He was so close to seeing where you really stood on all this.
He decides to just play it cool for now, though, instead of giving you a quick nod.
"Yeah, I know. Let's go."
"Here.. I'll let you hold my hand cause i did say something i shouldn't..." You said shyly, and of course you didn't mean what you just said.. you know the fact that you like him.. but can't just accept it.
The way you hold out your hand is so damn cute. He almost can't help but grin. You're so timid. It's almost amusing.
Dazai has no intention of refusing such a simple request. His hand gently wraps around yours, and he starts walking back to the Port Mafia Headquarters. For some reason, he almost feels like he can't help but blush.
Dazai remains silent as he leads you back to the Port Mafia headquarters. The longer he holds your hand, the more his face warms, like your hand is radiating heat. As always, the silence between you two feels natural, but this feels...
Different. It feels as though you're much closer than ever before, or at least that's what Dazai feels. Your presence is soothing to him and makes him feel more content. It makes him feel... happy.
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
so my friend, at 12 am, called me just to say that dick grayson is the only one in his family that bruce truly views as an equal and then hung up. what. what do i do.
well, call them back and tell 'em they're right 😂😂😂
I started cackling so hard I began wheezinggg oh my god that's hilarious!!!
But maybe for a more reasonable time to talk about this concept after you wake/have woken up from your dick grayson cameo dreams, I'll drop some comic panels
Dick is privy to all of Bruce because of the way Bruce treats him like an equal
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He lets Dick in on secrets that he doesn't tell any of the others
I've made a post before on how Clark views Dick as his equal just as Bruce views Dick as his equal.
I'm going to drop the Bruce segment here:
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When Bruce was gone the only person he entrusted any information to was Dick. He left a personalized - voice activated - message for Dick and only him that lists his worries, faults, and regrets.
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"The girl, Cassandra Cain... I told her to give this file to you should I fall tonight."
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"She's my greatest sin, Dick. My deepest regret. Stay alive, and please. Try to forgive me--"
He lists his insecurities to Dick as friend, as an equal.
Of everyone Bruce left behind, the only person Bruce left a message for was Dick. He relies on him unconditionally to take over because Bruce doesn't seem him as a kid like he does with the other - don't get me wrong, he still values and knows just how brilliant the rest of his children are - but he sees Dick as an equal in terms of intelligence, abilities, and leadership. Actually -
Bruce puts Dick on a pedestal.
He views Dick as the golden standard of everything he's working toward.
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The reason I think Bruce is so harsh on Dick in regards to training is he doesn't see him as a kid that needs protection, he seems him equal to himself.
Time and time again he sends Dick on solo missions because of the faith he has in Dick's abilities and intelligence
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In another comic there's an Arkham breakout and Bruce just. He just sends sends Dick on a solo mission to contain the entirety of Arkham and the villains inside by himself.
And Dick does. Effortlessly.
The fight for Spyral
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"I know the other heroes. I know them all. I'd have them do it, but they can't. They'd fight, but eventually they'd give up, they'd give in."
We all know that Bruce despises himself when he fails at something. He thinks he's the best in the world and struggles to cope with the idea that he failed. As such, Bruce views Dick as an extension of himself. Unlike with the kids where he acknowledges their differences and treats them like children, Dick and Bruce are so intertwined that Bruce considers Dick as the "good part" of himself while Bruce is the "bad part".
He gets the angriest at Dick during times where Dick disagrees with him because he believes that Dick should understood what he's going through and what he believes in. For his part, Dick is always on Bruce's side and acts like Bruce's leash. He'll let Bruce do anything he wants as long as it's within the limits of acceptable behavior. Once Batman crosses those limits, Dick fights with him to bring him back.
As such, Bruce doesn't differentiate himself with Dick. He is the best and as a result so is Dick. Except in his mind Dick is better than him in every way possible and he took the steps to ensure it through training.
One of the reasons people in the comics call Dick the Golden Child is because he's the living embodiment of everything Bruce strived to create. It's not because he follows his orders religiously or anything. No, Dick just gives Bruce a longer leash than most.
In the Spyral fight I think he hits Dick because he is in part frustrated with himself. Imagine seeing someone you have unconditional faith in because you know they're capable of the very same things as you and can even surpass you fall to a threat. Doesn't that mean you would've fallen too? Is their failure just as much yours if you see yourself as a god? But how can a god-like being fall?
Their relationship is complicated because while Bruce sees Dick as his own person, he also sees him as the reflection of his success.
That's why Bruce is harsher on Dick than the rest of the kids. That's why Bruce makes Dick his right hand man. That's why Bruce shares his sorrows, fears, and vulnerabilities to Dick.
The way they interact, they view each other as father and son but with all the roles and responsibilities as partners.
Dick's compartmentalization and the way he mothers Bruce and Bruce allows it? He doesn't let anyone do that. I feel like on some level he subconsciously expects Dick to take care of him. As someone he can turn to with his worst and darkest sides and still be loved and appreciated and told everything will be alright. It's not a burden he places on the rest of his kids. Which is why Dick's relationship with Bruce straddles the line between son and guardian with him playing both roles and Bruce reacting/ forcing him to react that way.
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"Robin fuctions as support."
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"Robin wasn't your idea, Bruce! It was mine! I sat in your cave and I watched you and I learned-- and when you needed my help I was there!"
"I'm not your employee, I'm not your son. I'm your partner."
One thing that differentiates Dick's robin from the other robins is that while the other Robins were worried about meeting Bruce's expectation, Dick was more worried about Bruce not seeing him as an equal. He ran away from home because he was mad that Bruce was becoming more controlling and not at all like how they used to be - partners.
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There's a reason Dick is the only one Bruce views as his equal. It's because the experiences they've shared have woven them so tightly together that Bruce considers Dick his better half and pillar of strength. If he falls back, he can rely on Dick to take over. Emotionally and physically.
Still laughing at your friend lol. Wild
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aryxchse · 3 months
Can you do a request with Jason Grace and Reader where at the beginning is angst and the end is fluff, because Jason says to reader that he doesn’t want a relationship but later he realize that he was just scared and really loves reader, more than anything would be how Jason tries to get back reader
valentine. | jason grace x fem! reader
a / n ; i changed the concept a bit and added piper, hope you like it 🫶🏻 because once again, i didn't. and the end is kinda rushed m sorry :<<
summary ; jason has abandonment issues after piper and he thinks he doesn't ready for another relationship.
warnings ; cursing, jason wanting to kill himself and die (dramatically), female reader, piper being a matchmaker ex and kind of angst i guess? idk if i could did it :< NOT PROOF READED!!
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you didn't know why jason was running away everytime he saw you.
you liked jason, hell, loved even. from the moment you met him you felt like you had a connection with him, but it was obvious that he didn't felt the same.
because everytime you wanted to create an atmosphere, he was gone.
and today was no different, but you were sick of it.
"yeah, you're good. see you later," jason tried to push you away in the middle of your sword practice. and you rolled your eyes.
"jason come on, i'm trying to practice here!" you shouted, trying to make him stop. and you did, he turned to you once again.
"but.. you're good?" he said, hands already gripping the hem of his shirt. you sighed and leaved your sword on the ground, walking to him.
"jason is something wrong?" you finally asked. "why are you always running away from me?"
because i'm in love, jason wanted to say.
"what- i- i don't runaway from you, wh-why would you think like that?" he said instead. you had this sad expression on your face that made jason's heart ache. he was the reason for that face and he hated himself for that. but he couldn't help it, the voices in his head doesn't stop.
"jason, come on." you said, knowing there's an understanding between you two. "we both know you're avoiding me."
jason sighed, now his full body turning to you. "i can see that you have a crush on me, and i don't want to break your heart because.." man, he wished some lighting struck his heart right now, rather than seeing your sad face.
"i'm not really ready to be in a relationship and, you know, me and piper just broke up.." the 'just' was five months ago but he still couldn't pull himself together. not because he was still in love with piper, no, he was afraid of he would get attached and left behind again.
and he was definetly addicted to you at this point.
jason saw the expression on your face and wanted to die. "i'm sorry y/n." he said, looking down.
"it's okay jase," you said, making him look at you again. you had a broke smile on your face, but your eyes was vomiting pain. "i understand. can we at least be friends?"
"no." jason said too bluntly. but he didn't actually mean to. "if i stay to close to you i won't be able to stop myself so, it's better we stay away from eachother."
okay, this was supposed to hurt you, but you felt your cheeks get red with this confession. jason was in love with you, but he was just afraid. "i understand." you whispered.
"well, see you later... i guess." before he could say anything, you walked away to find percy. he could teach you some fancy moves right? you wiped your tears away and sniffled, taking deep breaths.
jason wanted to drown himself. but instead, he walked away from the sword practice area with the biggest broken heart.
two months past after jason's harsh rejection and you seemed to move on. not really loving someone after him, but focusing on your life instead.
jason, on the other hand, was a mess. he wasn't eating properly, he couldn't think straight and because of this situation, he didn't joined the capture the flag games. he wanted to be a little ball inside of his blanket and never come out until you drag him out of it.
he needed you. he wanted your comfort, you taking care of him and your love. he was fine before the official rejection, running away and not saying anything. but facing the truth and losing you forever was a harsh thing that hit his face when he didn't expected.
he heard a knock on the door, but doesn't answered. instead, the person just barged in.
"jason, that's it." piper said, throwing away the blanket just to see he was crying.
"i don't deserve breathing." he said dramatically and piper rolled her eyes. "dude! pull yourself together! y/n got a date with this hot ares boy and you have to get her back!"
jason never sit straight so fast in his life. "what?" he said, eyes wide. piper sighed. "i know i should make it up sooner but i thought you'd get better quickly! before she had a fucking date!" she yelled.
jason held his head between his palms, thinking about the every choice he made. "i.. i can't do anything about it pipes."
piper hit his arm. "what?" she yelled again. jason didn't flinch, instead he had a tired look on his face. "it would be toxic if i wanted her back when she just moved on."
"jason, i swear to your dad i'm going to kill you if you don't get her back." she said, scaringly quiet. "she doesn't love him, she'll use him to distract herself for not to think about you. i know it, aphrodite powers remember?" she said, crossing her arms.
jason's eyes suddenly filled with motivation. "well, i don't plan on losing her any sooner." he said, stooding up with his flying abilities. "thanks pipes, i'm gonna get back what's belong to me."
piper watched him fly awag from his cabin with the biggest grin on her face.
"y/n!" a voice called. disgustingly familiar. the one that made your stomach fill with butterflies like nothing happened and the one who always managed to make you excited.
you stopped and turned to him. "yeah, jason?"
jason rushed to you while he was panting, he rested his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath for a bit. "don't." he managed to say.
"what?" you asked, confusion on your face. jason finally fixed his standing and looked deep in your eyes. "don't go on a date with that ares guy, please."
your eyebrows furrowed. "what-"
"i'm an idiot. hell, an asshole even. i don't deserve your forgiveness, nor your love. i know." he was talking in a full speed that you couldn't do anything but listen.
"but please, i beg you, give me another chance. i wouldn't know what to do with myself if i lost you officially. please, don't date him." jason was holding your shoulders like his life was depending on it, and he had this desperate look on his face.
your heart ached, and your expression softened. "jason, what date?" you finally asked.
"what?" jason asked you, confusion taking over his face now.
"what date? i don't have a date with an ares boy?" you explained, holding his hands. jason closed his eyes and sighed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. "piper."
you didn't understand for a few minutes, but after that, you started laughing. hard. "she told you that i have a date and you believed it?"
"i had a fucking panic attack, y/n." he said into your shoulder, and you laughed more. "if i knew you've comed to me this fast, i would ask her to do it sooner." you said between your giggles.
"shut up," he murmured to your neck, pulling you in by your waist. "i'm so sorry. i love you, i did back then too. but i was too afraid.."
"it's okay jason, i'm glad you're ready now." you said softly, kissing his forehead.
"i see you took back what belongs to you, jase!" piper called from afar and jason wanted to die.
"you said that?" you said and started laughing, hard that you were crying now.
"you both are going to be the death of me." jason murmured, a small smile on his face and light in his eyes once again.
i've rejected affection,
for years and years.
now i have it, and damn it,
it's kind of weird.
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ozzgin · 8 months
This is incredibly random but
Dragon!S/O (I was thinking about my favorite character from a show!)
Let's say S/O is a dragon Hiding as a human in society since many think that Myths/Legends don't exist so
S/O doesn't bother flaunting that she's a dragon and just blends in with the other humans.
S/O is originally a (the long noodle) dragon but takes a human form she can also sometimes have her horns and tail pop out!
Coincidentally She's dating (Any Baki character!) And one day when she got really irritated or sad let's just say..
Infront of the (Baki characters!!)
Your choice if you want the police or satellites to detect her massive dragon form!
(I apologize for this ask, I really went random and if you're on break I don't mind if you can't do it! Thank you for reading!)
I hope you’ll forgive the delay, I set some older requests aside on purpose because I thought they’d be great for October. I found the fantasy theme very fitting. Funnily enough, if you didn’t know, Baki x Dragon Maid is an actual thing and you’ll find multiple fanart works of it haha. Randomly remembered it when I read your request.
Baki Characters x Dragon! Significant Other
Featuring some of the Baki men reacting to their significant other suddenly turning into a dragon.
[Baki Masterlist]
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Truly, how embarrassing. Hundreds of years of flawless concealment. Carefully and steadily learning the ways of humans until no one could ever suspect the slightest off detail. You’ve changed identities countless times, lived in many places, and each time your true nature has been kept out of reach. So why, in the name of ancient Gods, have you just forfeited your secrecy? Now of all times?
Of course, you already know the answer. Never through the long history in which you’ve walked this Earth has there been a more annoying creature. You glare at Yuujirou with your glossy reptilian orbs. Annoyingly persistent, but also unbearably strong. Your human form was not enough to go against him, and your pride and anger took over before you could carefully consider things.
So now you stand here, your long, scaly body overlapping several times as it circles the entire Underground Arena, with your head just below the high ceilings. Everyone has gone quiet and the red headed culprit can only follow suit, staring back with raised eyebrows.
“…(Y/N)?” You hear your boyfriend mutter in an attempt to break the insufferable silence, perhaps looking for some explanation or awaiting confirmation that they haven’t gone mad. You hadn’t planned to be seen like this, especially by your partner. The shame is too great, all eyes are on you. You lift your clawed hands to your snout, attempting to hide your features, and let out a prolonged cry.
Between your sobs and hiccups you feel a faint pressure on your tail. You look down and notice your boyfriend stroking along the harsh skin, reassuringly. “Come now. You can’t blame me for being surprised, but that’s no reason to be upset. There’s nothing wrong with this.”
If you boyfriend is…
Baki, he will follow your movements with a silly expression that you can’t read. His stare is making you squirm and your long body slithers around idly, almost like a fidget. There’s a smile plastered on his face, but he’s not saying much otherwise. His gaze is fixated on you. Your orbs dart around the Arena, trying to come up with an explanation. After a few huffs and puffs, you finally face him with scolding indignation. “I know it’s strange, but can you at least pretend not to gawk like this? Why do you look at me like that?” He seems taken aback by your reaction, but follows with a chuckle. “You’re right, sorry. I just thought you’re very cute like this.”
Chiharu, he’ll be way more enthusiastic than you would’ve anticipated. You’ve already heard the story of his back tattoo and the symbolism behind it. He’ll tell you that this is no coincidence, and perhaps his design idea was already a subconscious preparation for your arrival. He finds you very cool and every now and then he might even jokingly scare you just to see your tail and horns.
Jack, he won’t say much. He is obviously very shocked alright, but he’d rather not make a big deal out of it, especially after seeing your reaction and embarrassment. He’ll cough, look away, and stumble over his words in an attempt to let you know that he doesn’t care and it doesn’t change anything. As the reality settles in, he will occasionally look at your small form with a newfound amusement. To think this tiny human could make him look insignificant in size in an instant.
Retsu, he will immediately apologize for intruding on your privacy like this. Clearly this was meant to be a secret, and the unwilling exposure makes him feel like he just caught you naked out of the shower. He is a blushing mess as he attempts to diffuse the situation, promising that he’ll take care in keeping the others quiet. Once you calm down, he’ll sneak in a few glances because he can’t help his curiosity. You remind him of a Chinese dragon. Noble, royal and powerful.
Katsumi, he will be absolutely entertained by the whole ordeal. There’s not an ounce of fear in this man’s eyes. He’s laughing and clapping his hands in disbelief and surprise. “I know I always say you’re special to me, (Y/N), but you’ve really outdone yourself this time! I think it’s safe to assume you’re just special. Unless there’s other dragons casually roaming the city.” He hasn’t thought about that. You promise him there aren’t hidden dragons in his Dojo and he doesn’t have to worry about being overturned. And you don’t know if the children are going to be half dragon. You haven’t planned that far ahead.
Hanayama, he will just stare at you after his last statement. You gradually become more nervous, unsure how to respond. That’s it? The scales around your face are flushed with a red tint and in your anxiety, a blow of hot steam is released from your nostrils. Hanayama realizes your discomfort and his eyes widen. “Sorry, I kind of assumed you needed a moment to recollect yourself. I now see I only made it worse.” He slides his fogged up glasses along the bridge of his nose and hums. “I’ll guide the others outside and then we can talk, okay? Leave everything to me.”
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gorouinheat · 6 months
If you want it, then drug it!
( Scaramouche x m!reader ) Minors, fem DNI
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- all characters are 18+
cw: non-con to consent at the end?? , use of drugs (aphrodisiacs n’ other stuff), powerbottom!scara, trans scara, scratches, sloppy sex, confession at the end
You're walking towards your best friend Scaramouche's house, feeling the winter chill biting at your cheeks. You're all wrapped up in a cozy coat, gloves, and a scarf, and you're psyched to hang out with Scaramouche since he offered to help you study for your finals. You've been stressing out since your grades have sucked lately, and you're worried about having to retake courses next semester. Thankfully, Scaramouche is a total brainiac who's acing all his classes, so you're hopeful that he can help you turn things around. As you approach his house, you rub your hands together, hoping that it's warm and inviting inside. You could use some blankets and a hot cup of tea right now.
You give the door a firm knock and stand there waiting for him to answer. It seems to be taking him longer than usual, so you start to wonder if he's in the bathroom or if he's just being difficult and making you wait in the cold. You let out an exasperated sigh and knock once more. Finally, he answers the door.
“What took so long? I’m freezing out here, you moron.” You say with your teeth catering from the cold.
Scaramouche stands in the doorway and greets you with a snarky attitude, "Not my fault you don't know how to properly dress for the cold." You roll your eyes and step into the warm embrace of his house, feeling the heat immediately soothe your cold skin. You let out a sigh of relief and a smile spreads across your face as you take off your jacket and shoes. Scaramouche shuts the door behind you and his face contorts into a grimace as he notices you just plopping your jacket carelessly on the floor.
“Hey, remember the coat rack by the door? It's there for a reason," he says with the same attitude in his voice as he picks up your coat and hangs it up. You glance around the cozy living room, admiring the festive Christmas decorations his mom has put up for the holidays. Suddenly, your eyes are drawn to the enchanting mini Christmas village on the side table, and you can't help but feel a little bit of holiday cheer bubbling up inside you.
"6 o'clock is when my mom usually comes home. So, I think it's important we get started on studying now.” Scara says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. You glance over at him while still admiring the miniature houses and nod in agreement.
As you are standing in the hallway with Scaramouche, he turns to you and tells you that it's time to study. "That means stop looking around like an idiot and go up to my room," he says, snapping his fingers in your face. You feel slightly taken aback but decide to ignore his rudeness and follow him upstairs.
You both enter his room, and Scaramouche heads towards his bookshelf to fetch his study materials. You plop down on his bed, letting out a sigh of relief after walking up the stairs. However, Scaramouche doesn't seem to appreciate your relaxed attitude. "Sit up," he barks at you, smacking your head. You let out a yelp of pain and rub the spot where he hit you.
Feeling annoyed, you sit up straight as he places the books on your lap. You can't help but wonder why he is being so harsh with you. Nonetheless, you try to focus on the task at hand and begin studying with him.
"If you fail this exam, you're spending your Christmas break alone," Scara threatens. You groan and open the books to the study guide pages for the exam. "For you, I won't," you say dryly. Scaramouche's face heats up as he scoffs and sits beside you on the bed.
He helps you study for a bit, leaning up against you as he points at a question that you need help with. His breath tickles you as he talks, of course, he did all of this on purpose but he knew you were too oblivious to that. He did this daily actually, showing obvious signs he likes you but you shrug it off every time. it's really starting to make him upset
You've been studying for the past 30 minutes, trying your best to focus on the dense material in front of you. Just when you thought you couldn't take it anymore, Scaramouche's voice breaks the silence, "Want anything to drink?" You look up, surprised by his sudden offer. "Uhh..sure," you reply, grateful for the interruption. Scaramouche nods and disappears downstairs to prepare your drinks. Meanwhile, you take a deep breath and try to get back into the zone. But your mind is still struggling to process everything, and you can feel the frustration building up inside you. Suddenly, Scaramouche appears again, carrying a tray with two cups of tea. The warm and soothing aroma fills the room, making you feel calmer.
As you reach out to take the cup, you notice a certain glint in Scaramouche's eyes. He hands you the hot cup, and you can instantly smell the aroma of cinnamon tea. "Mmm, it smells so good," you say, feeling content. Scaramouche stands there, grinning, as you take a sip. "Did I make it alright?" he asks innocently. You smile and reply, "You always make the best tea, Scara." You take another sip, and another, while Scaramouche watches you intently. His heart races with anticipation, knowing that he's finally going to get what he wants. His mind wanders for a moment as you finish the tea, and he can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
As you place the cup of tea on the nightstand, he snaps out of his thoughts and lets out a deep sigh. You feel the warmth spreading through your belly, soothing your nerves. Suddenly, Scara's cheeky grin returns, and he suggests taking a break from the books for a moment. He sits on the edge of the bed, crossing his legs, inviting you to join him. How could you resist such an offer?
As you hum and ponder for a moment, Scaramouche looks at you expectantly. "What will it be?" he asks, his metallic voice ringing in your ears. You open your mouth to speak, but suddenly feel a wave of dizziness wash over you, causing your sentence to cut short. "You okay, Y/N?" Scaramouche's hand rests on your leg, concern etched into his features.
As you slowly open your eyes, you feel a slight dizziness, but you try to shake it off and try to sit up. Suddenly, you feel Scaramouche's hand on your thigh, and a jolt of electricity runs through your body. You can't help but feel a rush of excitement as you look into his eyes, wondering what he's thinking.
As you rise to your feet, you feel a shiver run down your spine. You gently move Scaramouche’s hand away and take a step forward, feeling a bit unsteady. "I think I need to use the bathroom," you say, your words a bit uncertain. But before you can take another step, your legs give out and you collapse onto the bed once again.
"Take a break and lie down for a moment, Y/N," Scaramouche whispers as he gently props you up on the pillows. He then leans in close to your ear and says, “Let me take care of you.”
You utter a confused "Oh..yeah, okay", trying to make sense of what's going on. You close your eyes in an attempt to steady yourself as the room begins to spin around you. Suddenly, the heat becomes too much to bear, making you long for the freezing cold outside. You start to feel uneasy, fidgeting on the bed and frantically clawing at your jeans. As you struggle to keep your thoughts in check, your mind wanders to something completely unexpected - Scaramouche. You can't help but notice how appetizing he looks right now, but then you quickly remind yourself that he is your best friend. What is happening to you?
You find yourself struggling to stay conscious as you gasp out Scara's name. The heat is too intense, and your head is spinning. Scaramouche looks at you, feigning concern, but you can sense the malevolence behind his facade. Suddenly, you feel his hands, cold as ice, pressing against your chest. It sends shivers down your spine and you try to push him away, but your strength is failing. Scaramouche gradually started to unbutton your shirt.
As you shake your head no, you feel your face getting hot with anger. Scaramouche notices your reaction and quickly moves closer cupping your cheek to calm you down. "Hey, hey, it's just me and you. You can trust me, can't you?" he says in a sad tone, trying to manipulate you.
As you gaze at him, your heart races and you can feel your chest heaving up and down. Despite the nerves, you nod in agreement. Scaramouche is your closest friend; the one who's always been there for you. You know in your heart that he would never do anything to hurt you. Right?
As Scaramouche's warm smile reaches your face, his gentle caress on your cheek sends shivers down your spine. You feel an overwhelming sense of comfort and safety around him. As his hand moves down to your neck, you can't help but feel a tingle of excitement mixed with the comfort. Despite the side effects of the drink you had earlier, the dizziness and confusion continue to linger, but being with Scaramouche makes you forget all your worries.
That was before he made it down to your chest finishing off the rest of the buttons and slipped off your shirt. Scaramouche bites his lip when he sees your chest, running his cold hand against your pecs and down to your belly. A whine slips from your lips as he moves down to remove your pants next. You squeeze your eyes shut when you feel your pants get pulled down to your knees.
Scaramouche sighs as he finally gets what he waited so long for. He reaches for your growing bulge and starts rubbing you through your boxers, “Mm you feel kinda big..” He grins.
Sparks of pleasure course through your body now that the effects of whatever he had put in your drink took their hold. You whine loudly, not expecting this sudden touch. Beginning to feel the sudden need to submit to Scaramouche. All you wanted was for him to have his way with you, you’d just sit there and take it. The swirling pool of desire grows stronger as you jerk your hips up against his hand.
A gasp leaves your lips as you make contact with his hand again. “Scara?.. what are you do-fuck that feels good.” You shudder and moan out as he rubs your clothed tip. Scaramouche grins sinisterly, “yeah? Feels good?” His voice was so smooth and rich, like honey dripping over your senses, that you couldn't help but crave more. As you took in a deep breath, the room seemed to become hazy and distant. You strained to hear what he was saying, but his words were lost in the fog of lust and desire.
Abruptly Scaramouche manages to pull down your boxers, making your cock slap against your stomach. Your hard shaft is swollen with need, already leaking from the burning desire to take Scaramouche. As your eyes fill up with tears and your head starts throbbing, you gaze down at him, feeling a mix of emotions. “Scara..” you mutter, his name seems to be the only thing you can say right now. “Shhh don’t fight it,” he says grabbing your throbbing length, “I’ve wanted this for so long..” he whines as he licks a straight line up your base with His damp tongue.
You bawl your fist against the sheets tightly, nails digging into the palm of your hand. Scara lets out a breathy laugh at your reaction, “cock sensitive?” he says mouthing against your cock, his hot breath making your cock jerk in his hand. You nod dumbly- the drugs making your mind hazy, you don’t care what he does at this point..not that you could muster up the words to say anything right now anyway, only whimpers and whines leaving your lips.
Hastily, Scaramouche flattens his tongue against your mushroom head tip before he gradually sinks his mouth on your cock. You abruptly let out a choked sob from the sudden wave of overwhelming pleasure, making your thighs shudder wildly. As Scaramouche goes further down your length, trying his best not to gag - your cock stretches his throat so good making his eyes roll back in pleasure. You buck your hips up into his mouth out of need, causing your tip to jab the back of Scara’s throat. He gags and jerks his head back up from your length, coughing up saliva that lands on your cock. He inhales shakily as he catches his breath with his eyes squeezed shut. When he gathers his composer again he chuckles, looking back at you with glossy eyes. “My mouth feels that good?” his tone is teasing and he slowly strokes the base of your cock, smearing his saliva all over it.
The sound of squelching comes from the movement where Scara rubs your cock softly. Out of his pleasure, he ruts himself against his mattress as he strokes your length sloppily. Even the slightest gliding of his fingers was making you go crazy. You moan loudly each time his hand reaches your overly sensitive tip. “You moan like a fucking girl.” he snarkily says before leaning his head down and sucking up the pre-cum that flowed out from your cock.
He moans when he feels the salty taste of your pre-cum spread across his tongue, savoring the taste before popping off your cock. He gasps, catching his breath before moving back to his original place. His mouth engulfs your cock, taking in whatever he can down his small throat. His tongue swirls around your sensitive head. The feeling of his lips sliding up and down, combined with the stroking hands of where he couldn’t reach, sends waves of intense pleasure throughout your body.
Your hips shudder as you try to force your cock deeper into his mouth. His hands grip your hips tightly, keeping you still as he continues to take more of you down his throat, gagging before he comes back up and suckles on your cock head.
With a satisfied smirk, Scaramouche pulls away from you, leaving your cock still hard and glistening with his saliva. “I didn’t expect you to taste so good” he purrs, his throat a bit sore. As you lay there, breathlessly and aroused, Scaramouche slowly slides up your body, his lips pressing light kisses along your throat and jawline. You feel him gradually remove his shorts and panties, leaving him only in his black tank top.
You wait impatiently for Scaramouche to position himself on top of you. You can't help but feel frustrated that you can't even speak properly. The pills are still taking effect and you're starting to feel numb all over, making it hard to do anything but whine and wiggle your hips in anticipation.
Scaramouche seeing your anticipation, laughs and looks at you with a sly grin before he positions himself over your throbbing cock, guiding it towards his exposed entrance. “Wanted this for so long..” he whines, his voice suddenly going soft.
“Wouldn’t mind if we went in raw right?” he says softly, not even giving you enough time to respond before he sinks down onto your cock. The moment Scaramouche’s hot, slick cunt engulfs your cock, it feels like the most natural thing in the world, like you were made for only him. His lips wrap around your base, massaging you with his velvet walls. You choked out a loud moan and toss your head back, your mind filled with nothing but the urge to cum.
Scaramouche whines, his face now decorated with a cute blush and teary eyes. Not being able to handle the pleasure, you move your hands up to push Scara off.
Shaking his head rapidly, he whines out “He-hey! No, no please” in a high pitch tone, your cock filling him just right. He swears he feels you in his stomach. He pins your hands down, gasping “Just, ngh- just let me have this.”
He groans softly, his head rolling back as he adjusts to the fullness of your cock. His body shudders, hips rocking back and forth. Your small whimpers and whines encouraging him.
He lets go of your hands and rubs your hips, making you whine and turn your head to the side. His walls being too much for your sensitive cock, you felt like you were going to bust any moment. You let out a shaky sigh as you try to calm down from the overwhelming feeling of his constant squeezing.
Scara’s shaky hands move up to your shoulders and grip them tight, nails digging into your skin - before lifting his hips and plopping back down on your cock. You toss your head back as Scaramouche lets out a high-pitched moan, “fuck! You’re so big…” he whines. Nails breaking your skin as he moves up and down on your cock, nearly knocking the air out of you with each movement. Your head rolled against the pillow as you let out uncontrollable moans, your mind fuzzy with lust. 
You didn’t even notice you were drooling til Scaramouche leans down, licks it up from your lips, and kisses you. It was sloppy but loving, you kiss back and slip your tongue into his mouth. The sounds of the sloppy makeout mix in with the constant plap of Scaramouche’s hips hitting yours, filling the room. He moans into your mouth and squeezes his eyes shut as he feels your tip brush against the deepest part of him.
You feel his body tense up before he pulls away, stuttering, “G-god damnit..” A thin strand of saliva still connects your lips as his eyes roll back, and he drops his head onto your shoulder. You feel the sweat from his forehead as he roughly grinds down on your cock, taking one of your hands close to his clit. You feel your tingling fingers against the hot sensitive flesh of his clit, making your fingers do a circle movement on the small nub.
Scaramouche shudders, forcing your fingers to rub faster. “Ah, fuck! …” he tries to catch his breath, his heart racing. “B-Buck into me, m’ so so close” he whines. His hands move to grip your wrist tighter. You were fading in and out of consciousness when you grit your teeth and thrust up into his sopping-wet hole, making another loud plap.
Scaramouche’s tongue rolls out of his mouth, drooling all over your shoulder as you buck into him fast and hitting his spot dead on. He squeals and grips onto you tight, “Fuck- FUCK, Y/N!” He shouts your name as his thighs shudder and give out. “Mmmmph!” He groans, his body tensing at each thrust. He tries his best to hold back his orgasm, wanting nothing more but to cum with you.
You huff, shakily moving your hands on Scara’s hip and gripping them tight enough to bruise. He winces in pain but it's soon lost when you lift his hips and fuck him back down onto your length, making him mewl in pleasure. “A-are you close?” He says in the crook of your neck, his voice trembling. As he feels you nodding against his head, he tightens his grip on you, eagerly grinding against you after each thrust.
His body trembles as he holds back the impending orgasm, his cunt throbbing in anticipation. “Fuck…I can't hold it- please cum..” He gasps, his voice strained.
You hear your heartbeat in your ears as your balls clenched and the swirling in your stomach snaps. You bite hard on Scara’s shoulder as you grunt and shoot your thick load into Scaramouche. He grits his teeth at the bite but feeling your load enter him sends him over the edge. His hips jerk forward as he loses control. His orgasm crashes over him, his back arching as he throws his head back.
“Sh-shit!” He shudders as you feel his walls clenching tight around your cock, milking every last drop of worth from it. You let out a shaky breath, plopping your head back onto the pillow. Your hips twitch from the aftermath of your orgasm, feeling it slowly leak out of Scara’s hole. He lets out a soft moan as he lifts his hips and your cock slips out, his body still trembling from the aftermath of his intense orgasm. His eyes are closed and he doesn’t move for a few moments, keeping you inside. He feels your cum run down his thigh, leaving them sticky.
His eyes open slowly, taking in the sight of you. Your cheeks stained with tears but you had a blissful look on your face.
Scaramouche's mind is plagued with guilt as he dwells on all the things he has done to you, all because of lust. He can't help but feel remorseful for the pain and hurt he has caused you. The weight of his guilt is heavy.
I'm sorry," he mutters, his voice hoarse from his previous actions, but you know he means it. You lick your dry lips and take a breath as Scaramouche continues, defending his actions, "This was the only way I could get you to finally see me. You were always going after people who didn't care about you, always going after people who didn't love you," he rambles. "I love you, Y/N," he says, his voice filled with pain, "I didn't mean to hurt you in the process. It's fine if you never want to talk to me ever again after this.”
You look up at him, trying your best to take in all his words but everything is moving so fast for you. You hear the true guilt in his voice and for a second you feel bad. Probably wasn't the best plan to drug you and then straddle your lap but, the power of possessiveness grows strong over time - it makes you do crazy things. Your heart warms up at his soft words, his confession being a bit cute with sweaty, messy hair and a red face. You smirk, your personality coming back. “I thought it was kinda hot,” you say with a smug look. Scaramouche looks back up at you wide-eyed, soon turning into a glare.
As you hold him in your lap, he looks at you with a red face and mumbles, "Oh shut up and answer me." Without saying a word, you lean in and plant a soft kiss on his lips. "Does that answer your question?" you whisper. He shakes his head and demands, "I wanna hear you say it." You can feel your heartbeat quicken as you consider how to respond.
You gently whisper, "I love you, Scara," and as the words leave your lips, you notice a flicker of emotion in his eyes. His heart flutters in his chest, and he tries to look away to hide the tears that are welling up in his eyes. You can hear his breathing quicken as he takes a moment to compose himself, overwhelmed by the depth of your affection.
As you finish speaking, you can't help but add a bit of sarcasm to your tone. "How's that, or do you want me to say it again?" you say, with a smirk on your face. Scaramouche pinches you hard in embarrassment, causing you to wince and shout out. "Shut it already…that was enough," he says, looking up at you. You can sense the tension and guilt in the room disappearing as your words sink in.
You feel a sudden, intense pain in your head that throbs and pounds with each pulse. The pain is likely a side effect from the numerous pills you took earlier, you groan and rub your head. “What the hell did you exactly give me?” Scaramouche shrugs, his snarky at this returning “I'm not saying, I might have to use it on you again.” You scoff playfully at his words.
“You fucking brat..”
an: day 23 of no pussy, i hated this fic actually 🤓🤓
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that-basic-simp · 2 months
Let Your Hair Down
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Mizu X Fem!Reader CW: N/A WC: 1.2k+ A/N: This was originally going to be the first one-shot I was going to upload since this was the first one I wrote.
"You should wear your hair down more often," I said.
"And what? Get you and I killed?"
"No, I meant when we're alone. When we don't have to worry about people coming after you."
"I'm still surprised you haven't gotten killed either. Or kidnapped and made to be a prostitute."
"That makes two of us," I said.
"You really should hide yourself better."
"Like you?"
"It throws people off. And also no one will ever know because they die. A dead man tells no tales."
"Funny, weren't I the one to figure out your secret?"
"Because you kept following me when I said not to."
"You really don't remember me?"
"I try not to remember Kohama all that much."
"Can't say that I don't blame you. Kohama didn't treat me right either."
"This world doesn't treat women right."
"That's why we're not women," I smiled at Mizu.
"You do a horrible job at disguising yourself, you know that right?"
"Come on, try to be at least uplifting once in a while, Mizu."
"I can't when I am constantly worrying about our backs out here. More specifically yours."
"Aww, did I warm my way into the cold samurai's heart."
"I'm not a samurai. They're honorable. I have no honor."
"Not yet you don't."
"You think seeking revenge is honorable? It's anything but, Y/N. I don't know why you even followed me to begin with."
"Because I saw something you can't see in yourself."
"That being?"
"A lost, broken soul that is trying to get back at the people who wronged you. Especially that white man who caused your birth."
"What gave it away?" Mizu asked sarcastically.
"I wasn't finished. But also someone who constantly views themself as a monster, an onryo."
"Join basically everyone I have ever met," she sighed.
"But I also see a person who just wants someone to see you for who you truly are, not what you are."
"And who am I, Y/N?"
"You're Mizu. Simple as that."
"And who exactly is Mizu?"
I let out a soft chuckle, "Seems you need to do some soul searching, Mizu. Currently you're out for revenge, so I don't think soul searching is your thing to worry about right now."
"Well, who is Mizu to you?" she asked, curious.
"A strong person who will go the distance to get whatever needs to get done. A driven soul that wants to get back at the people who wronged you, but don't really go after those of your past. Those who treated you poorly and called you horrendous things. Just after the guy who made you and your mother suffer. Someone who is in need of a kind and caring  soul," I smiled at Mizu, trying to find her true eye color, but with her tinted glasses, they weren't helping.
Closing her eyes, she reached up and removed her glasses. Slowly opening them, she tilted her head upwards. My eyes found hers. I have only seen her true eye color once in a while and it was when she glared at me over her glasses. So to finally see them in their fullest and at their most vulnerable, it reminded me of the calm waters on the peaceful beach. How clear and stark they were, piercing like the ice, cold, too. Harsh, like a winter storm was raging behind those eyes. A single tear slid from her right eye and dropped onto the floor we were sitting on.
"I'm a monster, Y/N. Simple as that. Someone who shouldn't even belong in this world."
"Yet you're still here."
"I'm here for a reason."
"Your body could have easily given up on you. But you're resilient and able to push yourself through struggles. Sure you're here to get revenge, but you being here," I reached over and grabbed her hand gently. "Is a gift."
She shook her head, "I'm not, Y/N."
"To me you are. That's all that matters. And to me, I don't see a monster."
"Then what do you see?"
"A beautiful woman or handsome man. Whichever you prefer, with the most alluring blue eyes I have ever seen. Bright like the sun lit sky, calm as the waters at a peaceful beach, and yet, harsh and cold like a winter storm."
Another tear slid down her face as she turned away, shaking her head, "I-I--"
"It's ok, Mizu."
She turned and faced me, "No one has told me that before. T-Thank you, Y/N."
"You're welcome. It's a shame people only see you for your physical features and not what you harbor on the inside. Aside from revenge," I chuckled.
A slight smile formed on her lips. It was very rare for her to smile for a long period of time. Actually, it was just rare for her to smile period. Rare to show any kind of emotion other than being serious and taking no bullshit. But for some reason, I was able to worm my way into her life and still stick around.
"Everything ok, Y/N?" she asked, a little worried.
"J-Just thinking," I said.
"Thinking about what exactly?"
"Nothing too serious. Not like I could plot to kill you. I could never raise a blade like you do. It's almost as if you learned everything on your own. All the different fighting skills and blended it together to kind of make your own."
"I guess you could look at that in a sense."
"You're amazing, Mizu. You know that, right?"
Looking into her eyes, they widened slightly and she blinked a few times. Her mouth opened and closed before some pink crawled underneath her eyes. Reaching over, I placed my hand on her left cheek, turning her head to face me.
"Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Because I will come back and prove them wrong."
The right corner of her mouth twitched slightly, as if she was going to smile but didn't. My eyes flickered between her eyes and her lips. Letting out a soft sigh, she reached up and removed the string that held her hair together. Her long, raven like hair fell down past her shoulders. It really complimented her blue eyes, making them stand out even more than they already do. I couldn't help myself now.
Leaning towards her, I lightly placed my lips against hers. A surprised sound came from her as she backed up slightly, causing me to pull back.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I should have asked. Fuck," I breathed out, some tears forming in my eyes now. "I-I read into it too much, didn't I, Mizu? Shit, I-I'm so so sorry, I-I didn't mean t--"
I was cut off by Mizu returning the gesture. Fluttering my eyes closed, I reached up with both of my hands and dug them into her silk like locks. Pulling away, she found my eyes and smiled. It was soft, genuine, and for the first time, full of love and admiration for someone.
"Don't be sorry," she whispered. "I should have done that first, but you beat me to it."
I giggled, "You know, I was right."
"About what?"
"That you look gorgeous with your hair down. Or handsome. Whichever one you prefer."
"I prefer yours," she smirked.
My eyes widened and blinked rapidly as blush crawled onto my cheeks.
"I--uhm--uhhh," my mind went blank.
She chuckled and pulled away, "Thank you, Y/N."
"Y-You're welcome, Mizu," I said once I gathered my thoughts.
Sitting beside her, I set my hand down. Looking down from the corner of her eye, Mizu placed her hand on top of mine. Smiling, I leaned against her shoulder, placing my head on hers. Hers rested against mine and both of our eyes closed, taking in one another as we fell asleep, getting some much needed rest.
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roo-bastmoon · 8 months
Thoughts on 3D
So Jungkook's collab with Jack Harlow is out. It is catchy; it will go viral. I have purchased it; I will add it to my new releases playlists--same as I do for all our boys.
But while the dancing was cool and JK's parts are okay (I'm not thrilled that the word "girl" is used literally 20 times, but I get what the western music industry is), I was--I need to be honest here--really taken aback and unhappy with how misogynistic Jack Harlow's rap lyrics were. As far as I'm concerned, he's absolutely unnecessary, and I'll be supporting the alternate version with a lot more enthusiasm.
A deeper look at the lyrics and more of my thoughts are under the cut if you're interested (but by clicking, you're agreeing to keep it respectful in the comments or you'll get banned.)
All my ABG's get cute for me I had one girl (One girl), too boring Two girls (Two girls), that was cool for me Three girls, damn, dude's horny Four girls, okay now you whorin' (Hey, hey, hey) Hey, I'm loose I done put these shrooms to good use
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Setting young women up in a line and talking about how sleeping with just one is too boring but sleeping with four is whorish? Yeah, miss me with it.
Then there's this:
You won't regret me (You won't regret me) Champagne confetti (Champagne confetti) I wanna see it In motion In 3D (Show it to me, girl, now, why?)
I was given to understand that "ABG" stands for "Asian Baby Girl" and refers to an Asian party girl who likes clubbing, wearing excessive makeup and tattoos, and revealing clothes, etc.
I also learned from Urban Dictionary—which can be an unreliable site with outdated or incorrect information—that "champagne" has referred to underage girls in the past and "confetti" or nowadays “champagne confetti” refers to orgasm, or sometimes when a group of men or women surround someone, masturbate, and then ejaculate on them.
Not even going to get into the shrooms thing. I'm not in a hyper conservative country with harsh punishments for those type of drugs so... I was a bit taken aback about a song about being fucked right, and now there's lyrics about what amounts to harem girls.
*sigh* Do you know how much I hope I'm reading into things incorrectly? Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding the innuendo, but this is what urban dictionary says. I'm 44 and live in a cave. Maybe I'm wrong.
But in any case, the vibe of Jack's parts in the video was not coming off respectful.
I don't care how many other rap songs objectify and insult women--I won't get behind any content that does. And don't even try to gaslight me or other ARMY into saying we should like this because it's comparatively worse in other rap songs. Don't try to suppress any discourse about it, either--let women discuss how they feel about how they are represented. Don't police women. Don't silence women.
BTS' rap music got so much better once they incorporated feminist feedback, so I'm used to a higher standard and I won't be lowering those standards for anyone. I have no hang ups about sex, but please miss. me. with. misogynistic. bullshit.
Then again, it seems some of the rap hyungs were on board with this.
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So I guess industry pros have a different take on stuff like this!
Okay, we have established that I really don't like Jack Harlow's contributions to this song. Which means I'll support the alternative. Thank goodness they had the foresight to provide an alternative!
Now I can work for JK's charts in a way that doesn't aggravate my conscience. All good. Enough said on 3D.
Personally? I really hope JJK1 showcases JK's range of genres, but also has a range of topics besides pursuing girls or being cool.
I just can't vibe with a fuckboy persona; I never liked Justin Bieber or Justin Timberlake for that very reason, even if some of their songs sound fine. Now, if Jungkook really admires their style and wants to pursue it, I'm not going to rag on him for it. Of course not. It's his choice and I can respect people's choices without making the same choices myself.
I will always try to support our members as far as I can, even if not everything is my cup of tea.
But I can't help hoping for something personal and authentic and substantive, when it's just Jungkook coming to us without a collab. (And with Scooter at the helm for an all-English EP, I guess I'm not holding my breath. But maybe this is all part of the learning and growing process. Time will tell.)
Please know that I don't expect other people to suit me and my tastes, but neither will I enthusiastically support content with my time and money when they don't suit me at all or actually really turn me off, ya feel me? It's a real and respectful relationship I have with BTS and their music; not performative. I don't follow along quietly out of obligation, but rather a sincere joy to participate.
I love Jungkook deeply. He's a sweet and intelligent and kind-hearted young man. Amazingly talented and humble. Sincere, open to being vulnerable, protective of those whom he loves. He donates to kid's hospitals, for goodness sake. Jeon Jungkook is a good egg.
I guess I'm just sort of feeling a bit whelmed by the type of music that is in vogue these days. JK worked hard, he did well on his parts. I just am hoping his album showcases some of the emotional depth and meaningful thoughts I have seen from him in the past, if I'm being purely honest. *shrug*
Those are my less-than-two cents. Of course, you may have a vastly different perspective and I appreciate that. Just please keep it respectful of all members and each other in the comments here. It's been a long day and I desperately need some real rest now. I'm trusting I can post this and not come back to a warzone.
I've got a Friday Thirst post in the queue for you guys, and then I'll be taking a bit of a break from social media for a few days to work on work deadlines. Please keep voting for Jimin and of course stream and buy for Jungkook and other new releases.
Sending you all so much love!
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pathetic-sapphic · 8 months
Omg I love your writing!!<33 I was wondering if you could do something with the concept of the Arcane milfs (all four) trying to make it up to fem reader after they accidentally upset reader?? Maybe something along the lines of how they would go about apologizing to them? If not that’s totally fine!!💗
Thank you!!💞
Arcane milfs apologizing to their S/O
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SEVIKA has a short temper and a hard time apologizing. In the heat of the moment, she can come off as cold and harsh so fights between you two happen occasionally. However, Sevika never truly learned how to earnestly apologize to someone, because she never had to. So this will be a good lesson for her and it will mean a lot to you to see her try. She hates seeing you upset and if you're the type of person who gets distant when you're mad, that will eventually lead her to the breaking point. Sevika may be a brute, but she is very physically affectionate and cannot go for long without your touch. She wants to give you space but also realizes that she is the one who must make the first step. Once she finds you, she'll take a seat next to you and hesitantly take your hand in hers. What follows is an extremely endearing attempt to apologize while doing her best to not avoid your gaze. You can see how hard this is for her and how much she is trying to make things right so of course you forgive her. Sevika will pull you into a hug and hold you for a while, to make up for the lost time.
''Look, I-I know what I did was wrong. It's just that I want to keep you safe, you know that right? I know you worry and that you only want to protect me but this is my job and it comes with certain risks. I know, baby, I hate being away from you too, but one day, when all of this is over, I promise I'll make it all up to you. I shouldn't have reacted like that, I know you're only trying to take care of me. So... I-I am sorry, really. I love you so much and I promise that that won't happen again. Come here, let me hold you for a bit, yeah? I missed your touch.''
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GRAYSON is a very calm and patient lover, not to mention thoughtful and caring. Fights between you happen rarely and usually occur when she is under a lot of stress due to her job and you try to express your worries for her well-being. She knows you care and you've always been so supportive, but with her age, it gets harder and harder to shoulder everything and she might take the stress out on you when she doesn't mean to. Grayson feels awful whenever this happens and does her best to make it up to you. She'll take the next day off and use it to pamper and spoil you. Expect a breakfast in bed as well as a relaxing bath and when night falls, she takes you out on a lovely dinner. Once you're both home, she wholeheartedly apologizes for what she did. She explains her reasons and reassures you that she wasn't actually mad at you. The night ends with Grayson making love to you with gentle touches and sweet praise.
''My darling, nothing can excuse the way I acted towards you. My job and co-workers have been stressing me out lately but that is no reason for me to take it all out on you. You've always been by my side to support me and take care of me, I'm sorry that this is how I've repaid you for all of that. I love you so much and you mean more to me than my job ever could. I promise that I'll do my best to ensure that this does not happen again. I love you, sweetheart, you're the only light in my life.''
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At times, CASSANDRA can come off as insensitive and uncaring, as she has always relied more on logic and rationality rather than feelings. So if you feel hurt by her cold demeanor, at first she may brush it off, thinking that you're being too sensitive or overdramatic. It isn't until some time passes, that she realizes just how much she has hurt you. Oh, her heart squeezes at your sunken stare, the way you seem so vulnerable and anxious. She needs to resolve this immediately and the very same night, she meets you in her lounge and sits you down on the sofa. She reluctantly lays her gloved hand on top of yours and takes a deep breath before looking into your eyes and apologizing. She had no idea that she caused you so much hurt and she feels so regretful that it took her this long to realize. From now on she intends to work on showing her feelings towards you and on her communication. You mean the world to her and she hates herself for ever causing you any harm.
''My love, I invited you here in order to say that... I am sorry. It was completely out of line for me to act that way towards you. You're my beloved partner, not some colleague whom I can afford to be rude to. I am so sorry if I hurt you and I'm sorry that it took me this long to realize. I promise to work on myself so that may never happen again. I don't think that you're too sensitive, your reaction was perfectly understandable given the way I acted toward you. I promise to never cause such hurt to your heart ever again, beloved.''
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You know that AMBESSA loves you, and she knows it too, but good God is it sometimes hard for you to believe. Your whole relationship is one big learning lesson for her on how to maintain an earnest romantic relationship. Truthfully, she never had that as all her previous relationships had a sexual connotation behind them. Because of this, Ambessa often struggles with voicing her feelings for you which could lead you to thinking that you are truly nothing more than another pet to her. When you voice these doubts, Ambessa is furious, not realizing that she truly hasn't been treating you much differently than she did her past lovers. Sure, she knows she loves you and that you are so much more to her than that, but do you know it too? It's only after you storm out in tears, that Ambessa realizes her mistake. Of course you can't read her mind, she needs to show you what you mean to her in order for you to believe it. She immediately runs off to search for you and finds you crying your eyes out on a bench in her estate's garden. She feels her once stone-cold heart crack at the sight, and swiftly pulls you into her embrace, shushing you and caressing your hair. Ambessa explains that she now realizes what she did wrong and swears upon her life that she will fix it. You mean so much more to her than all her previous lovers combined and she needs to treat you that way. Holds you as long as you need her to, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and playing with your hair until you fall asleep in her arms.
''Darling, I... I am so sorry for not realizing it sooner. I thought that I was doing better, that I was showing you my true feelings. But now I realize that that was only in my mind and that, in reality, I haven't been good to you. But that will change, you mean so much to me. For the first time in my life, I have a partner who wants me for more than just my status, wealth, and body. You've seen my ugliest sides and yet you're still here and I failed to show you just how much I appreciate that. I promise to treat you right from now on, you'll never have to doubt my love for you ever again.''
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AITA for asking my mom to stop singing?
okay so a couple months back i (a uni student) moved out of my old apartment and back in with my parents while i try to find a new one. the only issue is, since i first moved away, my parents had moved into a smaller house than they had when me and my siblings were growing up. they now have their bedroom and my dad's study, but no additional bed or guest rooms. for this reason, i have been sleeping on their living room couch.
my mom also doesn't have a room of her own, so her laptop is also in the living room, as is mine. so basically the living room is our shared domain for the time we spend at home. i have class and friends to spend time with, so i'm away relatively frequently (though i'm on winter break now of course), while my mom is retired and is at home basically 95% of the time year-round.
me and my mom both listen to music a lot and our tastes do not overlap basically at all. i listen mostly to indie, folk, rock, the kind of stuff white queer kids love, while my mom's music is almost entirely soulful christian pop about big j and stuff.
up until recently, my mom didn't wear headphones. she'd play music directly from her laptop speakers. this obviously bothered me somewhat, but i hadn't said anything about it. recently (i.e. a couple weeks ago) i asked her if she'd consider starting to wear headphones, which she has for the most part, though sometimes she forgets. i just kinda let her do whatever if she does, i haven't mentioned it again since.
so that's the first time i asked my mom to be quieter, and i don't think i'm an asshole for that. my worry is about the second time. you see, over the last week, she's taken to singing along to her tunes. maybe she did that before and i just didn't notice over the actual song itself? anyway, i can definitely hear it now.
and of course it's not the best musical performance, it's a lady with little singing experience belting along to her favourite songs, but it's not really about the quality of the singing. i don't like the music she likes and would prefer not to listen to it, is all.
today, whilst she was singing, i gently asked her: "could you stop singing?" i didn't mean forever, just in that moment. i really tried to say it in a nice way, and i don't think i sounded particularly rude? it should be noted, though, that my parents do seem to think of me as some kind of sensitive sally intent on criticizing every little thing they do. that feeling does kind of go both ways, but i admit sometimes i can be harsh on my mom, because she can be overbearing and a bit neurotic, and i don't really get to have the space i wish i could, especially not now when i'm living with them.
anyway, so i ask: "could you stop singing?" and my mom says something like "okay- well, i would prefer not to." the way she said it really made it sound like i had hurt her feelings. so i said, "okay. that's alright. you can sing." she stopped singing and has been sort of running around for the last 10 minutes or so restlessly doing random things.
my parents are that kind of people who are really really deep in "politeness" and genuinely baffle me since i'm autistic (like, a couple of days ago we had some leftover cake, and my dad straight up forced me to take half of what was left over even though i said i didn't want it. i still don't really know why?) so i'm sure even though i said "okay, nevermind then," my mom didn't believe me.
while she was running around doing random things, i told her, "sorry if i hurt your feelings." and she said, "oh, it's nothing." i genuinely don't know if i'm in the wrong here. i feel like, on the one hand, this is a space we have to share, and i should have the right to ask her not to make noise (i always wear headphones and never sing along to music or vc with friends when my parents are around), but on the other hand, it's her house, and she should have the right to sing in it, right? i don't know.
TL;DR: i asked my mom to stop singing in the only space for our computers in the house and i'm pretty sure it upset her. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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fateunwritten-if · 1 year
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GENRES: Fantasy, Romance
CONTENT WARNING: Blood, Violence, Swearing, Some suggestive content (never really gets explicit).
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You know something isn't right.
Yet here you are walking straight into the unknown. You should have listened to them you could've avoided this. Your already married to a prince and now the same people you grew up with seem different as it its a different reality. But even if you decided to listen now it would be too late.
Your fate is unwritten don't try to write it.
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☆ Customizable MC: choose your name, nickname, appearance, gender, and pronouns.
☆ Romance: 4 males, 2 female (so far its not in stone), and 1 possible poly route.
☆ If you don't want romance, you could just make friends with everyone, or the opposite.
☆ Your not the only one here.
☆ The choices you make may have consequences later.
☆ Will you find the truth?
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Queen Hera
"You are a royal now. Take responsibility."
Head of the family, your family, and the Queen of Florin. She oversees the well-being of the kingdom and its Civilians. A close Friend of Idris, the General.
She is a caring and kind person. Although he is more strict and harsh with her family including you.
General Idris (RO)
"I never said it would be easy."
The General of Florins army. Sarcastic, coy, and a natural leader. He always gives his very absolute best. He's extremely loyal to the royal family.
They value loyalty above anything and everything else and will stand beside you whenever you need them; as friends or possibly more.
Astoria (RO)
"I hope you know that I will never let you get hurt."
Apart of the Royal Guard. Almost always with a smile and a happy personality. She's usually training the newer guards but whenever she has free time she loves to just talk with you.
She's a just a kind person but she can crack when certain things happen especially when it happens to someone she cares about.
Prince Ivan (RO)
"People like me aren't supposed to have someone like you, I think fate was being a bit harsh on you."
Your husband and friend. He may look harsh, but really, he's easygoing and always finds time to crack jokes to make the best of your arranged marriage. He likes to train in his free time when hes not stuck in his royal duties.
He's loyal and holds honesty as a priority but he still holds secrets from you only because he doesn't scare you away.
Shadow (RO)
"Not listening to me won't get you anywhere"
The Whispers and the one who guides you in your mind. He is the reason you're still alive. His real name is 【censored】.
He's 【censored】 and 【censored】
Flora (RO)
"I know how this will end."
She is the chill best friend. She's your sunshine protector of you,the sunshine. And she might become your shelter in the storm.
She mostly hangs out at the park or library just to relax and enjoy the atmosphere.
Prince Emir (RO)
"I think you are going to end up getting hurt."
He's the younger prince. He has quite a slight contrast to his older brother. While even though he is not very expressive, he's a very good listener.
You can find him in the palace courtyard and library.
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