#not until well after they have mercy and rerun him
"Chronicled Wish" Rules & FAQ
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Dear Travelers,
During Version 4.5, a new type of Event Wish: "Chronicled Wish" will become available. Here, we've gathered together some questions that you might be curious about to better explain the rules of this new type of Wish.
Q: What is "Chronicled Wish"? What can I get from it?
A: "Chronicled Wish" is a new type of Event Wish that allows you to wish for certain rerun characters and weapons.
Travelers can obtain random 5-star, 4-star, and 3-star items from "Chronicled Wish." Unlike other Event Wishes, the item list of "Chronicled Wish" includes both 5-star characters and 5-star weapons. It also includes a number of event wish-exclusive characters and weapons.
Q: What are the rules of "Chronicled Wish"? Is there a wish guarantee?
A: Wishes for "Chronicled Wish" require Intertwined Fate. Before wishing, you must choose your "Chronicled Path" by selecting a 5-star character or weapon from the list of 5-star items. If the Designated Item is a character, the 5-star items you can obtain in the Wish will all be characters; whereas if the Designated Item is a weapon, the 5-star items you can obtain in the Wish will all be weapons.
There are guarantees for both the 5-star and 4-star items in the Wish. A maximum of 90 wishes conducted will secure a 5-star item through the guarantee. When you obtain a 5-star item in this Event Wish, there is a 50.000% chance it will be the Designated Item. You are guaranteed to win a 4-star or above item at least once every 10 attempts.
"Chronicled Path" Rules:
After choosing a 5-star item as your Designated Item, if you obtain a 5-star item that was not your Designated Item, you will receive 1 Fate Point. Once you have reached the maximum amount of Fate Points (1 Fate Point), the next 5-star item you obtain through this Wish is guaranteed to be your Designated Item.
Obtaining the current Designated Item or changing your choice will reset the Fate Points to 0.
To take Version 4.5's Chronicled Wish as an example, if you chose the character "Dandelion Knight" Jean (Anemo) as your Designated Item, then the 5-star items you might receive would be limited to the characters in the image below (and would therefore not include weapons). As Jean is the Designated Item, if you were to receive the character "Dance of the Shimmering Wave" Eula (Cryo) instead, you would receive 1 Fate Point (the maximum amount). The next 5-star item that you'd obtain would then be guaranteed to be Jean.
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Q: When the "Chronicled Wish" event ends, will my accumulated wishes carry over to the next "Chronicled Wish"? How about the Fate Points for "Chronicled Path"?
A: The wish guarantee count will continue to accumulate within "Chronicled Wish," and will carry over to the next "Chronicled Wish." The wish guarantee count for "Chronicled Wish" is independent of the guarantee counts for other types of Wishes.
Your Fate Points will not be carried over to the next "Chronicled Wish." Your Fate Points will be reset to 0 when the current "Chronicled Wish" ends.
In the current "Chronicled Wish," you chart a course towards "Dandelion Knight" Jean (Anemo) but the first 5-star character you obtain is "Fleeing Sunlight" Klee (Pyro). As this character is not Jean, you obtain 1 Fate Point for "Chronicled Path."
You make another 10 wishes during the same "Chronicled Wish," but don't receive a 5-star item, so you are still 80 wishes away from being guaranteed a 5-star item. You then don't make any other wishes during the current "Chronicled Wish."
Once the next "Chronicled Wish" begins, your accumulated wish count is carried over from the last "Chronicled Wish," but your Fate Points for "Chronicled Path" are reset to 0. In the new "Chronicled Wish," you will be guaranteed to obtain a 5-star item after 80 wishes, and there is a 50.000% chance that it will be the current Designated Item.
Q: Will the item list change between different "Chronicled Wish" periods? Are there corresponding rules for said changes?
A: The items in each different "Chronicled Wish" period may change. For details, please stay tuned for "Chronicled Wish" event notices.
Only event-exclusive 5-star characters that have already appeared in the "Character Event Wish" or "Character Event Wish-2" at least 3 times and have also not appeared in any recent Event Wishes will appear in "Chronicled Wish."
Event-exclusive 5-star characters that have already appeared in "Chronicled Wish" may still appear in future "Chronicled Wishes" or other types of Event Wishes.
Q: When will "Chronicled Wish" be available?
A: "Chronicled Wish" events will be available from time to time. Please stay tuned to our official news for detailed information about when they will be available.
If you still have any queries about "Chronicled Wish," feel free to leave them in the comments section or stay tuned for future official announcements. For more detailed rules, please check out the "Details" section on the event page after the game is updated.
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argentumcor · 8 months
Completed Phantom Liberty
Having been playing Palia and sitting shotgun for playthroughs of BG3 and Starfield, it is such a relief to go back to a world where human beings act like real people. Like, if someone is throwing themselves at you (Judy, looking for a rebound and someone to orbit, as she always has) it makes sense for that person and they have preferences and some experience with you, not because they are a digital sex doll. Reed, Alex, and Songbird (and everyone else) have complicated motives and feelings about things, whole internal lives that aren't about you or sex or even only their own huge problems. Reed reuniting with Alex hit me hard because it was like "oh, yeah, this is how you write characters."
So glad Johnny was not just a footnote and his relationship with V was still a huge part of the story. You should not dive into Phantom Liberty until you finish the main story, building a higher level rapport with him, because the tough affection between him and V is on display and makes no sense otherwise...also frankly the big combat missions near the end will kick your ass.
Johnny's lack of remorse about the tower is still on display, though it still doesn't make sense, though in a human way; it makes sense for it not to make sense. He has a compassionate heart, beaten as it is and as much of a bastard as he is. He'll crouch beside the corpse of some poor fool and feel sad for them. Read his commentary in the journal where he asks V to be the one to remember the ones who won't be remembered. He pities people, he has strong feelings about helping ordinary people- as long as they aren't part of some group he doesn't like, which is something he should have faced with River's quests (has anyone rerun those in 2.0? Was more of him added in? For some reason he has very little commentary, though he should be a chatterbox for a dozen reasons).
I was right; mercy is a big theme in Phantom Liberty. It runs through the whole game, this world without mercy, and what it looks like, but it's more obvious to me in Phantom Liberty. Perhaps it is only recent real-world events that bring it so prominently to mind.
The Relic skills are alright, nothing game changing IMO. Skill rebalancing overall is good. Maybe it's just me but I feel weapons handle better.
Some people were missing from Hansen's party, IMO- at least Rogue, Yorinobu, and Kerry (he's a recluse, a good excuse, but would have been a fun interaction, especially if you'd done his quests). Unless I missed them? I went around that whole party five times!
You can talk to the "companion" characters about what you did in Dogtown for a few lines of extra chatter, but not Rogue or other fixers.
Once again, pretty sure V is meant to be not a selfish jerk. I have a whole thing about who this character is, how she isn't your typical self-insert RPG PC, as well as my belief V is written to be female, something I don't believe or care about or think at all relevant in most games of this sort. Commander Shepherd, Revan, Hawke, a dude? Sure, fine, couldn't care less. V, however, is meant to contrast with Johnny, and I think the game implies V is default female in several ways. Need to write that up sometime.
Maybe I need to do some digging, but it isn't immediately clear what Songbird's problem was doing to her exactly (except it's like V's problem), how the Blackwall did it, and how the Cynosure AI would help her or V. I'd like to know the mechanics of it.
My Orpheus After the Fall sequel has gotten itself sorted out thanks to expansion. I had an array of directions I'd contemplated but couldn't make work, things I wanted to explore, but now I feel I have something to build on based on my observations.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demon Brothers React to MC Getting Kidnapped by Lesser Demons.
Watch out for minor first half spoilers!!
Kicking himself because he has to find out through Mammon that the MC is missing and he didn’t notice their absence himself.
The second the alarm gets raised he gets into a state somewhere between coldly rational and extraordinarily furious. 
Definitely still level-headed enough to rally and organize his brothers for a search party but there's nothing but seething rage just rolling off of him the entire time. Probably-could-have-made-another-Satan type rage.
How well he keeps his composure will be based entirely on how long the MC is MIA. The first hour or so will be mostly put together but past that he'll start to slowly unravel as the panic takes hold.
At one point he even gets snippy with Diavolo over the phone and that's when you KNOW that he's reaching meltdown mode.
If he's the first to find the MC, his #1 priority is to get them away from whatever scum grabbed them and take them to the closest safe place he can find. He'd scoop them up so fast they won't even know where he came from, just whoosh! How'd I get on this roof??
Only once they're out of harm’s way will he circle back and deal with their kidnappers personally. You better be sure any damage done to his human will be reflected a thousandfold back onto their attackers. Probably coming back to the MC with some blood on him and is not going to care.
Relieved to have the MC back but restricts them from going out alone after a certain time now for their own good. If they need something that badly, they can come to him.
Also strings Mammon up by his toes that night for losing them in the first place.
"By the time Cerberus gets to you, I'll be sure you're only my table scraps…"
The first to notice that the MC was being oddly quiet (thank their father for his text spamming habit) then found their stuff scattered and abandoned at RAD.
Told Lucifer right away and, oh boy, he is a mess: talking a mile a minute, punctuating his sentences with expletives, on the verge of tears, whole nine yards.
He left his human alone for what?? Like five minutes, if even, to go to the library and get themselves kidnapped?! What kind of guardian is he?!?
Already searching the place top-to-bottom without being told where to go or what to do.
He actually ends up a strange inverse of Lucifer. While Lucifer will start panicking more over time, Mammon will start panicking less as his fear escalates to all out anger. Give it a few hours and he’s not even going to be able to keep his demon form under control anymore.
You know this boy is legging it across the entire Devildom himself waving around some kind of hand-drawn "Have You Seen This Human?" flyer looking for any leads at all.
If he were to find the MC first, his first action would probably be to plant his foot right in the face of whoever took them. Hard. Then repeat until their skull’s a caved-in mess on floor. No mercy this time, just pure protective rage.
Following the fight, you'd think he was just reunited with his lost puppy. Lots of crying, hugging, and blubbering out apologies even when the rest of his brothers show up.
Would pretty much be glued to the MC's hip for at least a week afterward and makes more of a point to hang off of them in public now. They're his human after all, can't have anyone else getting the idea of pulling a stunt like that again.
"MC!! What'd ya go runnin' off for?? We're goin' home after I take out this trash, got it!!"
Wouldn't really want to believe it at first because it just feels too unreal, like, the same thing happened to Henry in Episode 86 of TSL when he was kidnapped by enemies of the Lord of Fools and it was up to his true friend to track him down…
Suddenly remembers that Henry was also tortured while he was taken and that really sets in the panic.
Unsure of how to help at first because he knows he's just a useless shut-in but Belphie of all people is the one to remind him that he does have one big advantage over his brothers: a fucking navy.
In an act of surprising backbone, he more or less demands a full fleet of ships from Diavolo and (honestly to his shock) he gets exactly that to comb the Devil’s Sea while looking for MC. Lotan even helps out!
If he were to be the first to find the MC (presuming they are indeed on a boat or something cause 🤷‍♀️) those kidnappers really shouldn't have challenged the third strongest brother in his natural element, eh? Those who aren't automatically lashed in the face or flung overboard by his tail get hung by the leg over the edge of the ship for Lotan to pick off one by one.
Sails back to shore with MC booming with pride that he of all people finally got to be their hero! Will literally be so happy if MC ever brings it up again, doesn't matter how much time has passed.
Things would settle back to normal pretty quickly after that, but he now checks up on the MC a lot more often and will even leave his room for them if they need to go somewhere and don't want to go alone. Can't have this turning into a rerun, you know?
"You hurt my only friend… So drown."
One guess how the Avatar of Wrath took the news. It's not swimmingly.
Unless your definition of "swimmingly" is a murderous rampage of toppling furniture, breaking windows, and swearing to curse right about anything that moves, in which case aptly put. 
He gets stuck in an anger-induced tantrum for a bit before finally getting snapped back into coherent thought by Belphie and putting those mystery novels of his to good use. Smart boi takes second to Lucifer himself in the search, suggesting good locations for his brothers scout based on what clues they have to go on.
Of course, he's not content to just to call orders from the sidelines and is out searching himself like he's on the goddamn warpath. Doors? Who needs doors? If anything the hole I made in your wall is more efficient.
Should he be the first to find the MC he would coolly and methodically subdue any kidnapper he can get his hands on, release his human, and bring them home as soon as possible. They've been through quite enough today and don't need to see anything he's got planned for the bastards later.
But the second that Diavolo puts them in the castle dungeon, you best bet that Henry 1.0 is going to the LEAST of their worries. Who's ever wanted to play a life or death game of hide and seek with a giant snake and the incarnation of Wrath itself? First one caught gets the "quick" death! Any volunteers?
Might give the MC a mild scolding for going out when they shouldn't have but otherwise is just happy to see them back and safe. May act extra soft towards them for a couple days, just until the nerves of the situation finally wear off.
"Don't mistake this for mercy. I assure you, I don't know the meaning of the word."
Highkey freaking out, like, almost as hysterical as Mammon when he hears the news. 
Being the Avatar of Lust, he of course knows there's a whole lot of creeps out there in the world and he is utterly terrified that his poor MC has fallen victim to one at that moment.
For once, all thoughts of himself and his looks are out the window. What? It's past 2am and MC is still gone? I can stay up another hour! Dry shampoo and a washcloth counts as a shower, right? Who the fuck cares, where's MC?? Somebody find them already!!
Pools his contact list with Satan's and starts reaching out across the whole Devildom asking for people to be on the lookout and offer tips. Also begs Solomon to use his magic to help in the search (which he's more than happy to do anyway because he cares about the MC too)
If he were to find MC first it'd be one of those rare cases where he'd be seen really truly enraged. No cute banter, no playful flirting, just telling those worthless scum-vats exactly where they belong and exactly how he's going to put them there. Is it any surprise that he's also madsick with a whip?
Crazy relieved that MC is free, but now it's on them to help him clean up and get back to his prettiest self. I mean, he worried himself half to death while they were gone! All this dirt and sweat going to take three, no four, bathes to fully clean off!! Best hop to it~♡
"Touch them one more time and I'm going to set fire to whatever landfill trash like you crawls out of!!"
It can't be happening. It honestly can't be happening. First he loses Lilith and now MC?? He can't lose two. He. Can't. Lose. Two.
Pretty much the mantra going through his head as he tears the Devildom apart with his bare hands. 
It's 1000x worse than how he gets when he's hungry because at least then he might stop when he finally gets fed. Now it's either find MC or wait until he collapses from exhaustion and hope he doesn’t leave the whole realm a smoldering crater before he gets that far.
There's no reasoning with him either, the best the brothers can do is steer him in a direction and let him loose.
If he found MC first he probably wouldn't even realize it for a bit, he'd just keep attacking whatever or whoever is in front of him on his path of blind destruction. It'd take the MC literally flinging themselves at him or throwing their arms around him to snap him out of it but then it's back to sweetheart Beel.
Hugs ensue. Really tight hugs. Probably a few tears and apologies too (even if it’s not really his fault at all). 
Woe to anyone who tries going for the MC once he’s sure he has them because they WILL be broken then eaten. He’ll encourage his human not to look, but some things just have to be done.
Would absolutely carry MC back home and refuse to put them down until the others force him to. The floor may as well be lava planning on taking them away from him too.
Wouldn't care as much about personal vengeance as his brothers as long as MC is safe. He'll trust that his family will more than punish the kidnappers (though chances are he already took a chunk or two out of a few of them during his rampage anyway).
Protective instincts up by 100 after this, though Belphie usually steps in and eases him back a bit when he's about to get suffocating. MC never travels without a buddy now, ever. He just can't risk it.
"MC, I-I'm sorry… I just couldn’t lose you too…"
Keeps the coolest head of all the brothers on the outside, but there's a cold fury building up in those eyes.
Pretty much takes charge of whipping everyone back into gear with a combination stinging remarks and heavy duty guilt tripping. May not be the nicest method, but it's effective. 
"Asmo, grow a freaking spine and do something useful for a change! Mammon, this your fault to start with so you ought to be breaking your ass to find them! Satan, watching you is getting embarrassing, pull yourself together and think like you're good at it!"
His harshest criticisms get saved for Lucifer (big shock) but he only dishes them out when he sees his older brother really losing his grip or teetering on losing hope. If the “mighty firstborn” can’t keep it together then why should they even listen to him in the first place?
When he's not administering "motivation," he's keeping tabs on Beel's progression through the Devildom and trying to minimize the damage there. He's the only one that can get through to him long enough to change his course if necessary.
If he were to find the MC first, well, unlike Satan he doesn't have the forethought to save the torture for later. It's happening right here, right now, and you better bet that being the last born doesn't stop him from being a force to be reckoned with.
Waits with the MC for his brothers to catch up to them and deal with any stragglers. May cuddle with them and look like he's trying to take a nap in the meantime, but in truth he's still very alert, on edge, and ready to absolutely wreck shit if anything gets too close to them.
Though it doesn't look like his lazy ass goes through the same protective streak as his brothers, he's a lot quicker to try and convince the MC to stay home now. No out and about=less chance of getting nabbed. Plus he keeps his favorite pillow, win-win. 😏
"What about your worthless lives makes you think you deserve my mercy??"
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neeksnorton · 3 years
I'm Ready, Mommy // Abner Krill x Reader
hi there! sorry for the delay on this story. some things came up. enjoy!!
NSFW TAGS : Femdom, multiple orgasms, pegging, mommy kink, teasing, oral sex (m receiving)
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You walk in through the front door, exhausted from work. You kick your shoes off your feet and leave them in front of the door. You should probably put them on the mat where you and Abbie leave your shoes, but you decided against it. You were too tired; you can move the shoes later.
You toss your bag lazily on the couch, and take your blazer off. The white button up you have on is really pissing you off. You undo a couple of buttons, just to let yourself breathe a little. Sitting on the couch, you shut your eyes.
Fuck. This job was killing you. Ever since you got out of Belle Reve with Abner after the Corto Maltese situation, you got a full-time job at a tech company. It wasn’t physically demanding, but you had to use all of your brainpower at all hours of the day. And sometimes it was just a lot for you. You try your best to let your thoughts pass you like a cloud.
“Hmm, I wonder if he’s home,” you think to yourself. You couldn’t remember if today was his day off, or if it was tomorrow. He probably told you this morning, but you couldn’t remember.
Abner worked at a library part time, stacking books on the shelves. He loved it, he could escape into his own little world while doing so. Not to mention it was nice and quiet, Abner was never one for loud crowds or noises.
You hear a shuffle behind you. You peek through your eyes a little, but don’t react. He’s trying to scare you. You try to hold back a laugh. He always tries to do this with you. He’ll scare you and it ends in a play fight.
Fingers barely graze your shoulders, and you jump up and yell in Abbie’s face.
“RAHHHHH!” You scream. Abner nearly jumps out of his skin, letting out a very girly shriek.
You keel over with laughter. “Oh, fuck you.” he says while laughing. You got him so good. Normally it goes the other way.
Once you two calm down a little, he pulls you in by your waist and kisses you lightly. “How was work today?”
“Tiring,” you sigh. “It was just a lot.” you fiddle with the neckline on his t-shirt. “I just need to relieve some stress.”
“Well,” he whispers, craning down to kiss your neck lightly. “How can I help?”
This is not what you envisioned. You had the idea that you were gonna pull out your yoga mat and stretch a little. Or throw on the TV and watch Real Housewives reruns. But Abbie acting like this just made your pussy ache.
“Um…ahh-” You try to get a sentence out but it just doesn’t form. He starts kissing your collarbone, leaving a small trail of hickeys. All you wanted to do was force him onto the couch and have him under your complete control. You NEEDED this. You cradle his face in your hands and pull it back up to yours.
“Just do as I say, how does that sound?” you whisper in his ear. You feel the hair stand up on the back of his neck.
“Good.” he whimpers against your skin.
You swipe your finger across his bottom lip, and he parts them. He was so ready for you already. He must have been eagerly waiting for you to get home. You kiss him gingerly, and slide your tongue into his mouth. You map out every inch of his mouth, even though you already knew it so well.
You move your hand off of his face and slide it under his t-shirt. Your fingers trace his happy trail, and you feel goosebumps rise up on his soft tummy. He lets a small whimper out into your mouth, and you feel your core tighten. As you move your hand up his torso, you feel the small amount of hair on his chest.
“Unhh- please…” Abbie moans. He grips your waist and digs his nails in.
You grab his hands and pull them off of you for just a moment. You lead him to the couch, and sit him down. You quickly scan his body, and your mouth almost waters. He's wearing a grey t-shirt with black jeans that show off his skinny legs and growing bulge. While sitting, his shirt is slightly lifted to show his happy trail. He’s wearing black nail polish, and his jet-black hair is slightly tousled. The sight of him like this nearly makes you cum on the spot. You wanted to take complete control of him until he couldn't take it anymore.
You stand over him on the couch. He’s breathing heavily, happily awaiting whatever you have in store for him.
You kiss his forehead, the tip of his nose, his jawline, and work your way down. He swallows hard. Your lips leave dark hickeys from his jaw down to his chest. He tries to grab the bottom of his shirt to take it off, but you swiftly grab his hands and pin them to his sides.
“No, I’m doing it.” You say sternly to him. He nods slowly.
You let his hands go for the moment, and you get to work at taking off his shirt. You pull up from the bottom and Abner lifts himself off the couch just enough to let you pull the shirt up and over his head. You kiss his chest, peppered with freckles. Then his tummy, past his navel, and right at the base of his pants. You stroke your finger across his bulge.
“Awww, you’re already so hard for me, baby.” You smile.
“Don’t tease me, Y/N, please-” He whimpers for you.
“Trust me I’m not teasing.”
You grab the sides of his pants, and he lifts his hips so you can slide them down to his ankles. He kicks off his shoes, and then his pants. Your hands roam around his hips, fiddling with the waistband of his underwear. You slide them off as well, and kiss every inch of exposed skin. His hip bones, the spots around the base of his cock. You move down and take his balls in your mouth, swirling your tongue around and sucking.
“Ohh- oh my god… oh my god please…” Abner’s lip quivered as he moaned, aching for the feeling of your warm wet mouth on his dick. And you give him EXACTLY what he wants.
You run the tip of your tongue up his shaft, and take the whole of his head in your mouth. He throws his head back and lets out a groan. You look up at him and let go of his dick, making a suction sound with your mouth.
“Unhh, do you like that baby?” You say in your most suggestive voice possible. You bite your lip and smile.
“Yes, oh my god yes. Mommy please keep going-” Your pussy clenches. You LOVED when he called you Mommy. He didn’t care about anything else but you at this moment.
“God, I love how you look when you beg, my pretty baby.”
Your lips return to his cock, and you run your tongue across his slit. He shudders. You continue to suck his dick, using your hand along with your mouth. He’s too big to take completely. You can tell he’s trying not to buck his hips into your mouth, to get all of him into you.
“Oh gosh- Mommy… Unhh- I’m so close-” You feel his cock pulse in your hand. As much as you enjoy swallowing his hot cum, you’d rather see him beg and squirm.
You stop abruptly. He snaps his eyes open and, with his mouth agape, gives you those huge puppy dog eyes you just adore.
“No- no no no, Mommy please-” He blabbers to you. You get off your knees and meet your face with his.
“Awww, does my poor baby wanna cum? Awww, that’s so cute.” You rub his cheek with your palm.
He writhes underneath you, his cock is aching for any sort of friction.
“I’ll be right back. You sit here and look pretty for me when I get back, okay?”
He nods, lip quivering. You run upstairs quickly, and open your top dresser drawer. You grab the strap-on tucked underneath your underwear. You and Abbie frequently took turns on who dommed and who subbed, so this wasn’t new behavior for the two of you. You put it on as quickly as you can, and come back downstairs.
You come back and walk behind the couch, touching his bare shoulders. He jumps a little, and looks up and sees you. His eyes light up and he smiles. As you walk around the couch and face him, your hand grazes his knee. Then up his thigh, over his hips, up his waist, then chest. You turn him onto the couch so that he’s laying down.
“Yes, Mommy, please- I’m so ready for you. Mommy-”
“Are you?” You cut him off. He whimpers and nods.
“Yes I swear- I swear I’m ready Mommy, I promise.”
“Good. Because we aren't stopping until I say so.”
You climb onto the couch and shimmy yourself in between Abbie’s legs. His legs wrap around your waist tenderly. Your jaw clenches. Every time you feel his skin on yours, it sends shockwaves to your clit. You hold out your hand to Abner’s face.
“Spit.” You command him. He spits onto your mouth and you rub it on the strap-on. You find his entrance and slowly rub the tip on it before pushing yourself fully in.
“Ohhh..Oh my god-” He moans pornographically as you fully sink into him. You moan breathily, it feels so good.
You start slow, but find a solid rhythm. Every time you pound into him, he groans with pleasure every time you hit his G-spot. All sensations are focused on your clit. It almost feels as if the strap-on is an extension of you, you can feel every single movement. You take his hands and pull his arms above his head, holding his hands above him so that he can’t move.
“M-Mommy please- I want more… please keep going- please don’t stop- Ahh…”
“God, you’re so pretty when you beg, do you want me to keep going? Tell me you want it, you fucking baby.”
“God yes, please- pretty please, Mommy…”
You pull out, let go of his hands, and roughly grab his hips. He winces at the loss of you being inside him. You flip him over onto his stomach (as best you can, he's still taller and heavier than you) and have him tuck his knees under him. You take his arms from underneath him and pin them behind his back with your hand, the other hand planted firmly on his hip.
With no mercy, you slam into him, watching as he takes every inch of your strap. He is completely submissive, blabbering at you to keep going. You loved when he called you Mommy. Because that meant he was yours.
You let go of his hip and reach under him to grab his dick. While giving him hard thrusts, you slowly jerk him off. The pleasure was nearly unbearable for him, he almost rolled his eyes back.
“He must be close,” you think to yourself. You were reaching your peak, and wouldn’t be able to last much longer.
“Do you wanna cum for me, Abbie? Unh, I bet you do, ahh-” You say in between moans.
“Yes Mommy, please let me cum, plea- ahh- oh fuck…” You move your hand faster, jerking him off, mostly at the head of his cock.
“Oh god, Mommy- I can’t h-”
You feel your muscles tighten as you and Abbie cum at the same time. You see his muscles contracting, and you feel his cock pulse in your hand. He shakes as he gets his cum on his tummy and chest. You keep jerking him off, not stopping your relentless pace.
“Mmmh- ahh, please stop Mommy, please-” he whimpers.
“Don’t you remember what I said? We aren’t done until I say we’re done. I’m sorry baby, but we have to keep going.”
“Mommy no- ahh- it’s too much…”
You begin to thrust into him again, maintaining a slow pace. Your free hand grabs at his midnight black hair, pulling his head back to face you.
“Cmon baby, I know you like it. You wouldn’t lie to your own Mommy, would you baby?”
“No Mommy, I won’t lie- ahhh… mnhh-”
You see his muscles contract once more. He’s on the verge of cumming again.
The sight of him like this is too much to handle. His hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat His back, peppered with freckles. His big strong arms pinned to his back. He’s so submissive for you. In this state, he would do anything for you. You were all he cared about. You bite your lip and groan in ecstasy.
In a split second, you switch from a slow pace to a ruthless pace, giving him no time to adjust. He nearly screams as the strap-on hit’s his G-spot perfectly. You moan breathily as you reach your second climax.
“Ah! Oh my god, Mommy, I’m gonna cum- I-”
He cums once more, as do you. You attempt to use your hand to catch any before more cum gets on him. He’s breathing extremely heavily, his back expanding and contracting with each breath. You pull out of him, and he rolls over onto his back.
As much as you want to lay down beside him, you have to clean up the mess he made. You scoot yourself backwards and lean down. You run your tongue across his tummy, licking up the cum he left there. Under his navel, on his upper stomach. You get as much as you can find and you feel goosebumps rise on his skin. Once you get all you can, you bring your face to his.
“I’m so fucking tired.” You whisper while laughing.
“That was fucking incredible, Jesus Christ.” he says back to you. He cradles your face in his big, strong hands and kisses you passionately.
“Only next time, I be in control.” God fucking damnit. You couldn’t say no to him.
You smile at him. “Fine. But you can’t deny that I don’t do my job well.” He can’t help but crack a smile, too.
“Yes, you do,” He says reluctantly but jokingly. You know he would never purposefully put you down for making him feel good. You lean into him and snuggle into his neck.
“Okay, grab the TV remote, I'm fucking exhausted. We gotta put something on.” You say.
“Fine by me.”
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pagingevilspawn · 3 years
Hey my request is about Alex who returns to Seatle and finds out about Jo and Jackson's relationship
i had all and then most of you (some and now none of you)
wc: 1.4k
pairing: Jo Wilson/Alex Karev (past), Meredith Grey & Alex Karev (gen), and mentions of Jo Wilson/Jackson Avery.
summary: during a late night phone call, alex learns that jo is well and truly no longer his.
rating: general audiences.
category: angst.
warnings: angst, no happy ending.
AN: again, this is pretty short, but i wrote it in two hours, so.... it's not quite what you asked for anon, but i tried to keep it relatively canon compliant, since here (as you can tell) Meredith didn't get covid.
The silence in the house seemed alarming to him, not used to the lack of commotion that usually echoed throughout the halls. Izzie was finishing up on a shift and wouldn’t be home for a while, and the twins were tucked into bed, leaving the only sound in the home to be the low, steady humming of a sitcom rerun on the TV.
The appeal drained after a while, and he eventually grew tired of laughter from the audience after nearly every line spoken. Mindless chatter was all it was and all it seemed to be.
Alex sighed, leaning into the couch’s cushions and pulling out his phone, dialing Meredith’s number once he saw that he had missed her call only minutes before. He waits a few seconds, the droning of the beeps making him anxious for a reason he couldn’t place. Eventually, Meredith picks up, her voice slightly out of breath, which he only assumes could come from finishing a long day of work.
“Alex! How are you?”
He gets up from his place on the couch, taking his conversation onto the front porch, settling onto the swing that hung in the corner. “I’m good Mer, I’m good,” he says, directing his gaze to the end of the road, where a car went by, headlights being one of the only forms of light besides the dim street lamps.
“How are the kids?” he asks, feeling a sense of nostalgia at the fact that he hadn’t seen his niece or nephews in months. He missed them, more than he would admit. He had been there for everything, everything graduation, every dance, every school play, he had been there.
But he had his own kids to tend to now, and he wouldn’t trade that for anything.
(not trade, but make some changes. he lost that opportunity a long time ago though)
“They’re good. Zola is driving Bailey crazy with how much she’s correcting his homework, when all he wants to do is go play on his XBox. Ellis is hating distance learning, complaining that all she wants to do is see her friends, but what else is new. Zola loves it, not surprisingly. She thinks school is even easier than it was before, the only part she misses is talking to her friends, but she calls them and everything, so she doesn't see too much harm. She’s started staying after class to help other kids with her teachers. Amelia and I have been teasing her non-stop about being a kiss-up, but she loves it. If she decides to switch careers I wouldn't doubt that she would be a teacher,” she says, and he can hear the car door slam shut and the rumble of the car's engine coming to life.
He laughs softly, “We both know that that’s not gonna happen. Zo would rather get into a bear fight before giving up on being a surgeon.”
Meredith hums, “That’s true. The thought of being anything else almost is offensive to her,” she laughs. “The other day I made an offhand comment about a lawyer being a fun career for her because of how much she loves to argue, and she went into a five minute lecture on why she was going to be a neurosurgeon.”
Alex smiles, practically able to see the image of Zola telling her mom off for suggesting she be anything other than a surgeon. “That sounds about right. I learned that lesson a long time ago.”
There are a couple of beats of silence, the only thing he can hear is the crickets chirping in the distance and the faint sounds of cars racing around in the background.
“They miss you, you know,” Meredith finally speaks, her tone dropping slightly to let him know how sincere her words were.
He lets out a heavy breath, “I miss them too Mer,” the crickets continue their noise, and images of what his life used to be seem to filter through his mind. An endless loop, dancing in his head of a life he once used to live, but could no longer say he knew.
“Well,” she breaks him away from his thoughts, “When all this is over, you’re due for a visit, okay?”
He nods, even though she can’t see him. “Long overdue,” he agrees. “So, what’s been going on over at Seattle Grace Mercy Death?”
She fills him in on the latest events of the hospital, how everyone was adjusting to their new realities, the newest batch of interns, and patients that had stuck out more than others.
It was a funny thing that he didn’t realize until a while ago, somehow patients at Grey-Sloan had stuck with him more than the ones where he currently was.
“And Jo—” she starts, but cuts herself off, piquing his interest. Jo hadn’t come up in any other of their conversations, for reasons that didn’t really need to be said aloud.
He bites the inside of his cheek, releasing and giving himself the courage to finally ask about her. She never left his mind, so he couldn’t see the harm in asking about her —an opportunity to clear the part of his brain that was on a constant track of her if he was able to know how she was.
“It’s fine Mer, you can talk about her,” he says, running a hand through his hair.
He can hear her sigh, and can practically imagine the head shake she is giving him right then “Not about this, Alex.”
He perks up immediately, “Is she okay? I need you to tell me if she’s not okay Mer,” he demanded, his voice firm, only a trace of worry present if anyone were to listen closely.
(he felt like Elsa, conceal don’t feel)
“What? No,” she scoffs. “Jo’s fine, though I don’t really think you have the right to care about how she is anymore Alex, considering you’re the one that left her,” she scolds him, and he can hear the disappointment in her voice, no matter how hard she tried to hide it.
He lets out a heavy breath, trying to fight back the urge to explain himself to her, which would end up in a loud argument of why he shouldn’t have done what he had. He’d had it before, and each time it sent him to bed with all the what if’s playing out in the forefront of his mind.
Except he didn’t live a life of what if’s, he was living a life of right now.
“I know Mer,” he can hear the heaviness in his words, and she must too, since she relents her lecture on him, and he knows that it’ll just come up at another time.
“She’s sleeping with Jackson,” she says it so casually that he almost thinks that she’s joking, but realizes that she’s not when she stays silent.
He can feel the tenseness of the air, even though they are thousands of miles apart. He clears his throat after a few minutes have passed. “Are they together, or…?” he trails off, unsure of how he’s supposed to feel.
He left her. He left her. He left her. He wants to say that he’s upset that she’s already moved on, but there he was, sleeping in the same bed as his ex-wife and raising their children together, all while they were still married. He couldn’t really have an opinion, because he was the one who ended their relationship in the most cowardly way possible, through a letter sent in the mail, not even giving her the courtesy to tell her the truth to her face.
“No, they’re doing a friends with benefits sort of thing.”
He nods, trying to think of something to say. “Is she happy?” he settles on.
“Not like she once was, but I think she’s getting back there.”
The ache in his heart grows a bit more, because some selfish part of him wants her to only be able to be happy with him, as unfair and cruel as it is. But he smiles bitterly, and the larger part of him is happy for her, happy that she is finally able to have someone make her laugh and smile again.
The sight of headlights coming up the driveway breaks him away from his own mind, and he knows this conversation will have to be finished at another time.
“You did this to yourself Alex,” she says, as if she knows exactly what he’s thinking.
“I know.”
They both hang up, and he greets Izzie with a smile and a kiss on the cheek, wishing that the woman he was curled up on the couch with was someone else.
But it wasn’t, because he made his choice, and now he had to face the reality of a life he chose to live.
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lumilasi · 3 years
I’ve been struggling to write this one for a month or something now, so I decided to give y’all a sneak peek on the latest Spinaraki one-shot request I’m writing. IDK when I’ll finish it tho, I’m still struggling to decide how to end it. Also I’ve been wanting to focus on writing all the remaining chapters for Depths as that one is nearly finished. Tomura/Tenko is almost home.
Anyway, here’s the sneak peek:
Going through the third week, the weather was still very warm, so warm that Spinner finds Tomura awake one night, clearly unable to sleep due to the heat - or maybe he was insomniac, at this point he wasn’t sure.
Tomura was only wearing loose-fitting black pants with a thin canvas to them, glancing up at him from the couch he’d sat on, TV running in the background while kept on low volume, probably had been to try and not wake him up. Spinner could tell he was sweaty from the heat with how his hair was sticking to his skull. It was totally just the hair he was looking, not anything else.
”Your AC seems to be malfunctioning.”
Checking on it, Spinner notes he was right.
”Damn. I’m sorry. Guess gotta call someone to repair it tomorrow.”
”M’fine. Used to sleeping very little anyway.”
Huh, so maybe he was insomniac?
Spinner sits down next to him hesitantly, trying his best not to look while also kind of looking - again. What was with him lately anyway? He’d seen people half naked before during his schooldays in boys’ locker room, and on the beach and so on. Why did Tomura being like that bother him so much?
”Heh. Spooky folklore and urban legends reruns during the night? Guess it makes sense, fits with the dark atmosphere.”
Spinner looks up at the TV screen, quickly realizing what Tomura meant. There was a show he’d seen before, talking about urban legends across the country. This episode was one he hadn’t seen before, revolving around ancient ninjas or something.
”Well would ya look at that? What a coincidence.”
Tomura muses out and Spinner looks at him confused, before looking back at the TV. The episode legend was talking about some sort of group of supposed near mythical ninjas of assassins or something. Wait weren’t those kinda the same thing?
”What’s this legend about? Never heard of it.”
”It’s called the Yokai King. A master assassin of legendary skill that people to this day debate whenever he existed. According to the legend all the assassins under his command were some form of yokai, from bakenekos to kitsunes, and even a jorogumo.”
”W-what? Really?”
Tomura shrugs, cracking his neck slightly.
”From what I understand - and what the show is talking about right now - it is suspected the ”yokai’ were just humans who used a name of a creature to describe them. There are some rumors that these people might’ve had special kind of mutations that give no outward changes but ’internal’ abilities that cannot be seen.”
”Huh...that’s...kinda cool? I mean as a legend, the assassin part is a bit...”
”To be fair, the legend states the Yokai king only sends his ilk against those he deems unworthy of life. In most stories the victims of his children - as these underlings are called, though how many of them actually are his kids is a debated matter - have been criminals of worst kind. Child abusers, rapists, serial killers, stuff like that. Rich Tax frauders.”
Tomura turns to look at him with a smirk. That smile was giving him a weird funny feeling, but Spinner was too focused in on the story to care about it.
”There’s more modern versions of the tale about his ’children’ going after rich landlords who abuse their wealth.”
”So they just...”
Spinner makes a slitting motion across his throat, gaining a slight shake of head from Tomura.
”Not always. The ’death’ dished out isn’t always physical. Sometimes it can be mental, social, or financial kind. Tax frauders end up dirt poor, prideful child abuser holding up appearances gets shunned away from their community, etc. To some people there are fates worse than simple death.”
”Yeah. I think in a lot of tales the King typically has four assassins; one for each type of ’death.”
Tomura holds up his finger now, smirking amused at how closely he was listening.
”First, is the ’financial death’ often known with the nickname Tanuki. This one is typically the one in charge of dealing with unruly greedy people and leaders, making sure they lose all they hold dear - their finances and influence typically.”
”Why Tanuki?”
”There’s lotta stories about it. Some say the first holder of this title in the legend was an actual one, or had Tanuki-like tendencies with gambling, playing tricks on people and such.”
Tomura shrugs, glancing at the TV briefly. The program was currently discussing this same topic, but Spinner found himself more interested in hearing Tomura tell it, as he seemed to have knowledge of the legend.
”Second is usually either known as the Jorogumo or Snow woman. As you can guess this ’child’ is typically a woman in these legends, often linked to the more psychological death - though arguably they also often literally kill their prey. She is often depicted as stalking their victim for a while, keeping an eye on them and causing psychological turmoil. Other times she’s said to even lure the victims into a trap, until it is too late.”
”...Kind of clicheed in a way, that the woman does that.”
”That’s how these old folk tales are. Didn’t make ’em. Plus there have been some stories from what I remember that dispute whenever this ’child’ was always a woman.”
Tomura shrugs and cracks his neck, now holding up a third finger. His red eyes looked almost like they were shining in the surrounding darkness, with the TV screen reflected on them. It was kind of eerie but also mesmerizing to look at.
”Third, the kitsune, is said to be the one for social deaths. This one will burn all the bridges around you, making you isolated for everything and everyone you had control over, before devouring you. In the same sense the kitsune also protects the victims from the person they punish.”
”And...the...last one?”
Tomura holds up a fourth finger now, the light from TV dimming down as the screen switched to a darker scene.
”The Shinigami. The ultimate death. This one’s often said to be the yokai king’s strongest child, for they represent an absolute death. No mercy, no second chances. If this child goes after you, you are a goner.”
Tomura drops his hand slowly, and Spinner swallows down hard, frozen in place. He stares at the pale face for a long moment, up until Tomura closes his eyes suddenly, starting to snicker. It eventually grows into a full blown laughter, making Spinner blush and frown, asking what was so funny.
”Your face! You’re real freaked out.”
Shigaraki laughs and tries to get his breath back under control, wheezing almost.
”It’s a folktale Spinner, a legend. Not real. Relax.”
”Can you blame me for getting spooked? It’s dark and you’re really good at storytelling stuff like this apparently!”
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ghostfacesvalentine · 3 years
Ten steps ahead - Scott Lang x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Scott Lang x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of negative body image, sad reader, can get into some touchy subjects but nothing too severe.
Type: One shot
Request: *whispers* can you make a comforting scott lang fic where the reader is on their period and is sad for no reason. Sorry i just want comfort bye!(maybe that one giant ant lays with them on the couch like a dog while they watch sad animal memes)
Word Count: 1,790
Prompt: Scott Lang (baby) Comforts reader that’s on their period
Notes: Girl I feel you, this is actually the cutest request I’ve gotten. I didn’t get to add the big boi but I hope you liked this! I certainly enjoyed writing it. I want me a Scott when I get like this.
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This always happens, when the time comes around to this lovely time of the month: mood drops, bloating, stomach aches, body aches really and not to mention, your self esteem seemed to plummet lower than the titanic.
You’ve been spending more and more time with Scott after his run in at the airport. There had been plenty of back and forth with you and him about the whole situation, though you knew the job he took up would endanger him from time to time, the experience still didn’t soothe your nerves. Thankfully after the airport incident Scott decided to stay low and only alternate between Cassie and the studio you were staying at with him and Luis. 
Scott has always been great about picking up on small things, making sure you felt at home and cared for. It was no different when you started your period.
The pain at times felt unbearable, your mood definitely changed, you became more sluggish and reserved. Luis even managed to pick up on it. Watching you snuggle up in a few blankets, wearing an oversized sweater, fuzzy socks and avoiding making much movement, he began to familiarize himself with these actions during these few days every month.
“What’s up with Y/N?” He’d ask Scott when you wouldn’t be your usual self, to which Scott would just sigh and roll his eyes at the obliviousness of Luis.
This week was no different, you felt sluggish again, bloated. Passing by the mirror after you showered was no help either. You caught a glimpse of yourself, then stared a bit too long for your liking.
Of course, as it did at times, it sent you down a spiral, you began to overanalyze your body, parts of your body that were normal, stretch marks, bumps, cuts, bruises, discoloration, it seemed you were looking at yourself with a microscope until eventually Scott’s voice snapped you out of it. 
“Y/N?” He called out from the hallway, the sound of bags rustling came along with his voice. You looked up frowning not knowing exactly what to say at first. “Yeah? I’m in here.” You tended to take longer showers in hopes of making yourself feel better, the heat of the water relieved some of the muscle ache. There was also hope that after the shower it would alleviate some of the sluggishness and grossness that you’d feel throughout the day.
Scott knew your ritual, he felt the warmth of the now-steaming bathroom from the hallway he stepped through. “I brought take out, I don’t know, I didn’t ask but- what’s wrong?” His smile shifting to a pout as you looked up to him, wrapped in a towel and headed towards the closet. 
You didn’t know what was wrong, or more like, you didn’t know how to express it or even process it, but Scott seemed to be ten steps ahead of you.
Your eyes just gloomed over to his for a few seconds, it surely didn’t take longer than three for him to catch on. His pout remained, he always told you he wished he could help you more with the pain and the certain ickiness you tended to feel. 
You had to admit, Scott was great, he was the best actually when it came to comforting you. Maybe it was because he had a daughter or maybe this was just second nature to him, either way you tried your best to keep him from feeling your wrath while you were menstruating.
“Oh. Well, get dressed, I know reheated food doesn’t taste the best.” Scott raised the bags gathered at his hands and just like that he disappeared into the living room. You always hated this part, getting ready after a warm shower, everything stuck onto you.
Tonight was no different, there was no way your clothes were going to show you any mercy whether you were bleeding or not. You slipped into a t shirt that fit you two sizes too big and somehow your hair managed to get tangled at the neck part of it. You growled in annoyance, it was no secret you were incredibly fussy, which only opted the men to exchange glances to each other from the living room they all ate at.
Sliding into the piece of clothing eventually, here came the most annoying part, the leggings and the socks. Sometimes they’d have a hard time sliding up when your legs were damp, no matter how many times you dragged the towel across your skin.
After what seemed like twenty attempts, you hissed in annoyance and tossed your socks aside a bit too hard. The sound of the pair of tiny socks hitting the cabinet across from you echoed through the bathroom. 
Nobody knew what you were exactly up to, but the sound of something hitting a surface was enough to have everyone look to each other, The apartment wasn’t huge by any means, but when things would fall or hit any surface, sometimes it could be heard down the hall or even at the kitchen. Since there was nothing playing in the background while they inhaled their dinner, your frustration was taken into notice.
It was maybe Luis that was getting worried about you, Scott agreed that you were taking too long but it was obvious no one else was going to go check on you. Scott was the one encouraged to see how you were doing, which he would’ve done even if he wasn’t volunteered to do so.
“Y/n?” He asked as he walked up the hallway toward the bathroom, knocking on the door. You didn’t respond which only left him to worry more. “Y/n? I’m coming in, are you alright?” 
You greeted him with watery eyes of frustration, you usually weren’t like this all the time but maybe today was just a really bad day. You made your attempts to have a nice relaxing day, but here you were on the floor, with your underwear holding a sticky pad that felt like a diaper, unable to put your socks and leggings on.
“Oh y/n.” Scott cooed, he tried to suppress his laugh, in hopes of not making worse. Walking over to you as you lowered your head, with hot tears streaming down your face. You couldn’t help it and Scott knew it. Although it was silly, he knew it wasn’t your fault.
There was not a word you could say, you knew your voice would quiver and it would send you down a spiral of emotions. Usually at times like this, one small sad thought would snowball into a bundle of depressing thoughts that maybe hadn’t crossed your mind in a while.
Scott didn’t hesitate to lean down and help you get your socks on, his touch was so gentle it made you want to curl onto him. You looked to him as his face puzzled when it came to your leggings.
“Well no wonder you can’t get them on sweetheart, are these new?” You couldn’t even whimper out a yes, only wiping your face with the back of your arm you nodded when Scott looked to you for a response. “I can’t even tell which one is the backside and which ones the front, it doesn’t even have a tag.” 
You couldn’t help but giggle when you gazed into his frustrated look. “I have some shorts that are too small on me, we can figure out this pant situation later, come on.” Scott tossed the pair of leggings over his shoulder. Before he could stand, he looked to you, who although erupted a small laugh, still sat on the bathroom floor sulking.
It was then that you felt his arms slide from under you, hooking you from under your knees and your backside, he lifted you up with a grin in hopes that it would reflect onto you and admittedly it kind of did.
After you changed into the shorts Scott promised you, you were out and into the living room, everyone made the effort to not acknowledge what just happened, instead they focused on their phones, computer, TV or food. It was only Scott that greeted you and made you a spot on the couch.
He even brought you the two fluffiest blankets he could find, enough for you to cocoon yourself if you wanted to. You pulled your legs up towards your chest as you looked to the TV, it was Diehard that was playing on the screen, mostly as background noise to avoid hearing your irritated fit in the bathroom.
“Did you want to change the channel? We’re not really watching that.” Scott scoffed as he looked around the room. “Are there any cartoons we could watch?” You felt like a child, especially in a room full of people who had gotten away with crimes and all sorts of trouble, though you knew they weren’t violent per say. 
When you were in pain or in any kind of miserable mood, cartoons, especially from your childhood, seemed to comfort you rather quickly. Scott knew this and it was a form of remedy for him as well, so he didn’t hesitate to fulfill your request.
It didn’t come as a surprise to him, he was happy to oblige, he’d be lying if he said him and Luis didn’t enjoy a few reruns of a few cartoons from their childhood. 
You sat there in your cozy nest as Scott changed the channels, you took a few bites from your take out, it was still warm and fresh, just as Scott would hope. He truly was great, even with everything going on in the world and working with the avengers now, he still made the effort to make sure you were okay. Whether you were on your period or not, Scott was super attentive, even that would be an understatement.
He never suffocated you, maybe when you’d have pillow fights, or when he smothered you in blankets, but he wasn’t helicoptering over you.
A few hours passed and you both only shifted around to get into a more comfortable position, but neither of you had stood up since you sat down. 
You and Scott didn’t give it much thought, he was sitting there, throughout the cartoon marathon he managed to scoot closer to you and you made your way to lean over towards him. His body was much warmer than the arm of the couch, not to mention more comfortable too. 
Scott was even reaching over for your drink, bringing it up to your face so you didn’t have to take your hands out of your blanket, it was really the only time his eyes would leave the screen. 
It was an odd site, but cute nevertheless. 
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icharchivist · 3 years
for absolutely no reason but how long would it be until i meet altair
alas that's kind of the cruelty of granblue if you go in for one specific character who doesn't belong to saga or main story... Altair doesn't appear in the main story nor does he appear in an available side story for now.
the only way to get to know him would be to get his ssr unit in gacha, which can take forever (he was one of my very first ssr though personally so can't relate), as he's one of the very first unit and as a result tend to get less focus/rate up than newer units.
there IS a preview to Altair's introduction when you go into the content of the pool on the draw page, though it's just an extract, if that's something that would motivate you at all.
(... idk if i should bring up the whales option but every few months there are something called a Suptix that gives you a pull-10 ticket AND basically allows you to pick any characters from the base pool for about 20$. The anniversary Suptix allows you to pick any characters from any of the limited pool as well. When you start the game you have a the possibility to buy a Suptix as a begininer gift. Not that i encourage whaling at all but if you're really, really invested this is an alternative. I personally suptixed my husband after half a year of him not coming home and it was pissing me off. he then kept coming home in the pulls in the year that followed so prepare for this bitterness if you do lmao But also since my husband belongs to a long side story saga i had content and SR cards of him so it was just me growing impatient...)
he is now part of a saga, or at least, was centric to an event, but it has not been added to the side stories yet and i have no clue when they will ever add it to the side stories or rerun it.
(side stories get unlocked after chapter 8 of the main story (chapters are quite short tho in the begining so it's not too difficult) so generally if the main plot isn't something that gets your interest and you're interested in a saga this is your first goal: tho many side stories get unlocked ways further down the line (like wmtsb gets unlocked at chapter 44)) (and basically we have limited-time events. you can skip them to save them in your journal to read for later but if you don't skip or read them they'll disappear until they decide to rerun it. Then generally in a few years later the story is added to the side stories. There has been exceptions in term of speeds of being added to side stories tho... i've seen gap of "one year after it was airing" to "three years after it was first airing" so...)
If you're really curious tho there's a readthrough of the Art of Mercy on youtube which can allow you to get an idea of what sort of stories you'll be coming into and see if it'd be worth it for you to start the game for Altair. Fair warning that this story has a few brutal deaths in it, but aside from that it has no real spoilers to the main story or to events so this can be a good place to start to see how much you're willing to get into it
(... and as a peace offering, here's a video of his valentine's lines if ever you're curious)
so yeah, sorry about that ^^" for granblue i think if you really want to get into it you should first try to focus to see if many charas get your eyes and have more luck getting interested into a side stories that's easily available
hope this answer your question and take care!
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spill-the-milk-tea · 3 years
Little Nightmares II: The Timeloop Theory
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(AKA my personal theory on why Six betrays Mono, and how it ties into Little Nightmares I)
TW// mentions of suicide
Now going into the reasoning behind Six dropping Mono, I love the theory that Six drops Mono because she recognizes him as the Thin Man, and either because she thinks it will save him or herself or both, she chooses to drop him into what she hopes is some sort of merciful death. But I think this doesn’t truly take into account the time traveling that’s going on here.
What we know for a fact is that what we are playing in Little Nightmares 2 is contained within some type of time loop (this technically applies even if you subscribe to the theory that Mono is simply the next person in-line to become the Broadcaster.) The Thin Man is attempting to save himself from being betrayed by Six, and by using his powers of traveling through time and space, he sends his younger self back through the TV to try again. In doing so, he’s created a time paradox of sorts. This is supported by various promotional material which uses language like “Will you go back?” and describes the Thin Man as being on a “continuous journey.” (A lot of this info can be found on the wiki!)
What this popular theory doesn’t take into account is the overall timeline. In order for this time loop to have began, Six must have betrayed Mono for some reason other than the Thin Man’s existence. The Thin Man had a beginning, and thus before that beginning, Six had different reasons for betraying Mono. This time loop is a branch away from that original timeline, and thus the reasons why Six betrays Mono are contained in this time loop.
Isolating this particular timeline which Little Nightmares 2 takes place in, there are both benevolent and malevolent explanations that people have come up with for Six’s actions. Some say Six was trying to save Mono from himself, and somehow recognized him as the Thin Man (more on this later.) Others would point to Six’s consistent malevolence throughout the game and reason that she just has a natural need to kill and destroy for her own self-preservation. However, that interferes with the overall game timeline continuing into her going onto the Maw in Little Nightmares 1, because the reasoning there is that having her “soul” stolen is what causes her to develop that malevolent hunger for death.
The clues pointing to my personal theory have to do with the Glitching Children. Mono collects these throughout the game and clearly experiences some sort of painful interference when he does so. Part of my theory is that these are alternate timeline versions of Mono—memories, trapped in places that either caused him despair or gave him comfort. This directly connects to the stasis of Six’s soul, which when in the TV, is trapped in her despair/comfort zone, which is the Hunter’s Lodge with her music box.^
^ This relates back to my overall meta-game theory on the various metaphors contained in the Little Nightmares franchise found here (link pending)
My theory? The Six you meet in this game is not actually “Six.” It’s the memory of Six—her soul, her “Glitch” that we see stolen later in the game—because as I mentioned before, this is a time loop. The reason why she is so violent throughout the game is because she is the distilled memory of Six’s own despair. See, the thing I find funny about the TV time loop theory is that TVs can only show you recordings of things that already happened. I think the Thin Man created this self contained, so-called “time loop” based on his own memory, containing Six’s soul/memories which he stole from her.
It’s not a time loop—it’s a rerun.
That is why his younger self pops out of a TV at the beginning of the game. He’s simply being transported into a memory, or “recording” of the past. And he first meets Six in the place where her memory is trapped in the Thin Man’s TV—with her music box. This would explain Six’s erratic actions throughout the game. Not only her violence, but why she at first rebuffs Mono’s help. Because “Six” is essentially just Six’s memories, she remembers that Mono is the Thin Man and of course doesn’t want his help. It’s only when she realizes that she can’t escape the timeloop without Mono’s help that she forms this symbiotic relationship with him.
So the reason why Six drops Mono, at least within this rerun we are playing, is because she’s known all along that he was the Thin Man.
And honestly? This is delving into more personal perspective than logic, but I don’t think Six really wants to kill Mono. She spends the entire game pulling him out of the TVs, trying to create a new timeline in which they never meet the Thin Man and just escape out of the city together. But Six dropping Mono is unfortunately inevitable, because this is Mono’s memory. Mono, in trying to save himself from Six, trapped Six in this rerun. Six spends the entire game trying to escape from us. In her eyes, Mono is very well the villain. Mono could be the reason why the soulless version of Six that escaped the initial time loop goes on to commit the heinous acts in Little Nightmares 1.
Let’s also take a quick break to acknowledge this is all quite confusing (tldr; time travel) and recap: it’s important to remember that the “Six” in Little Nightmares, at least according to my hypothesis, isn’t actually real. In the timeline outside of this rerun, the real quote-unquote “original” Six** without her soul goes on to the Maw. This is the Six we see in the secret scene unlocked when we collect all the Glitch Children, as well as the one we play in the first game which takes place after Little Nightmares 2.
**not accounting for the branching timeline where Six betrays Mono for different reasons, technically irrelevant to the overall plot but still important to remember since it establishes the timeloop
This would also tentatively explain why the Glitch of Six is able to lead us to the Thin Man. This could be Six’s actual memory/soul, which is perpetually trapped in this rerun/time loop, or this could simply be Six in an alternate timeline inadvertently leading Mono for unrelated reasons.
This unfortunately doesn’t account for theories that the Hanging Man and the Thin Man are the same person; although I would argue since the timeloop is contained, technically the original soulless “Six” branches off into a different timeline on the Maw, and thus in that timeline The Thin Man could have manifested himself on the Maw through one of the televisions and subsequently hung himself. I mean, there are even grander theories that Six, in gaining the powers of the Lady, traps herself in some sort of time loop in which she becomes the Lady on the Maw, so who knows?
It also puts Six’s theme into a whole new light; every time Six consumes a soul and gains their memories, does she faintly remember her own lost soul playing the music box? What is this Six looking for, having lost all of her memories? I think this theory also explains more meta-game questions most people tend to have. For example, I find that when people reach the residential area of the game with all the TV-zombies, they tend to start wondering why Six and Mono are moving through the city at all. It’s understandable why they would want to escape the Wilderness where the Hunter was, even if he was dead, but why continue through the city if the goal was to escape danger? Large swaths of the game are spent in empty areas which are eerily quiet and host literally no enemies whatsoever. Why keep moving?
In the original timeline before the time loop, I think Six and Mono had a definite goal, a place they were going to that was past the city. I doubt it was the Maw, since Six goes there solely to indulge her newfound hunger—though perhaps her reasoning for going there was simply twisted after the Thin Man stole her memory, since the lingering of her music box theme suggests she still has very faint memories of who she was before she met the Thin Man. Keep in mind this “rerun” is based on Mono’s memory, so everything that occurs in the Forest all the way up until they meet the Thin Man most likely actually happened in the original timeline. But we never get to see where they were actually going to go since the focus shifts to surviving the Thin Man, because this time loop was created solely for Mono to cope with Six’s betrayal—which is unfortunately inevitable within the time loop he created (time paradoxes are fun.) Besides, even if against all odds Mono, with or without Six, actually managed to escape the time loop, I don’t think the Thin Man remembers or cares to remember his original plan with Six; thus, Mono wouldn’t remember either. So in that sense, Mono and Six are just these husks without memories, going towards a place that neither of them really remember why they wanted to go to in the first place.
Finally, I think Mono’s name, which literally means “1” and theoretically refers to the fear of being alone (Monophobia), acts as it’s own foreshadowing as to the true nature of the game. Since “Six” isn’t physically there in Mono’s rerun, Mono is actually alone throughout the entire game; he is simply reliving a recording, with the memory of a friend who has long left him. Expanding off that, one could argue that the Thin Man subconsciously captured Six because by trapping her in this rerun—though she always betrays him—Mono gets to keep being with his friend over and over again. After all, I think the saddest part is that one of the the reasons why this time loop is perpetuated is because Mono always tries to save Six. If the Thin Man captured Six and Mono continued to wherever he wanted to go, then the timeloop would end. But this is Mono’s memory. And Mono doesn’t know why Six betrayed him. All he knows is that Six was his friend.
I think the memory-time connection is something to think about even if my theory doesn’t account for all contingencies! It’s just my very complicated way of tying up most of the loose ends people complain about, as well as more neatly connecting Six’s motivations going from the prequel Little Nightmares 2 into Little Nightmares 1. It also neither demonizes nor justifies the actions of both Mono or Six’s character, and I personally find the overall story (or what we know of it) more enjoyable when neither character is viewed as an obvious villain to the other. Mono and Six being trapped in this rerun where they continue to hurt one another, once again, plays into my meta-game theory where much of the “Little Nightmares” franchise is a metaphor for childhood trauma.
We ultimately don’t know their true reasonings, only that they’re both suffering; Mono feeling betrayed and Six being either trapped or soulless depending on which timeline you look at. Just victims of circumstance—but there’s still that nagging question of why the “true” Six betrayed Mono in the first place!
Warning: non-theory opinions ahead
All very intriguing, and it’s sad, though understandable, that Tarsier Studios has chosen to move on to new projects when I feel like there’s so much more they could have explored in this universe. Bandai Namco has hinted at continuing the franchise, though I feel like the most they could do is release DLCs rather than an actual full game which would finish out the series in a satisfactory way. Not to mention the constantly retconned comics and vague responses suggest that the developers had no plans on ever making a cohesive timeline/plot, thus this whole theory is just a buttload of overthinking lol. While I respect games that leave open ended endings and unanswered questions, it’s just unfortunate since unlike other franchises of this genre, I felt like Little Nightmares had a ton of potential to be completed in some sense.
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electrictoes · 3 years
Closer Than We Are
For @dailysvu's Amanda Rollins Week
Day 4:  Cuddling Characters: Amanda Rollins, Sonny Carisi, Jesse Rollins. Guest Appearances: Olivia Benson, Kat Tamin, Billie Rollins, Noah Porter Benson Relationship: Amanda Rollins / Sonny Carisi Warnings: None
Read on AO3
The first time that Amanda found herself cuddled up with Sonny it was almost 4am, and they were both exhausted.
Jesse had been teething and Amanda had barely slept all week, so when Sonny had offered to come over and cook dinner she’d gratefully accepted - just the thought of someone else being in the apartment with her was enough, the fact that he was also going to provide food that didn’t come from a packet was an added bonus.
They’d had a few late nights at work that week - Sonny and Fin had born the brunt, covering for Amanda so that she could spend time with Jesse, however little rest that actually gave her - so he was tired too, but when Jesse had started screaming after dinner Sonny had told Amanda to stay where she was sitting half asleep on the couch.
She watched bleary eyed as he brought Jesse out of her bedroom and into the living room, her screams subsiding briefly as she mouthed at the knuckle of his index finger; he was holding Jesse against his chest with his left hand while she chewed on his right and Amanda watched as he paced the room with her, trying to keep her calm and soothe her back to sleep. Amanda was grateful for his help; she was doing better than she herself would've predicted at this mom thing, but having another pair of hands never hurt. Jesse eventually settled against him and he carefully carried her back to her crib before joining Amanda on the couch.
They talked a little, but mostly they sat in a companionable silence, watching sitcom reruns from opposite ends of the couch. Jesse was back up an hour later, and when Amanda eventually settled her again and came back to the living room Sonny’s eyes were closed; his head tilted back against the couch cushions. “Carisi, you don’t have to stay.”
“Nah,” he said, opening his eyes again, “It’s fine, I think you’re in for a rough night, I wanna help.”
Amanda sighed, “You don’t have to.”
“She’s my goddaughter,” he said, as though spending his Friday night listening to Jesse’s cries was part of the job description.
Amanda didn’t know how many times they had been up and down with Jesse by the time the clock ticked over to 2am, but she had begun to move past exhaustion. Sonny was back to pacing the room, Jesse drooling over his shoulder as she cried, Sonny rubbing gentle circles on her back, singing off-key lullabies. “Rollins, I’ve got her - go to bed.”
“I’m fine,” Amanda protested; he shook his head but he didn’t argue.
When Jesse drifted off against his chest, he carefully sat down on the couch again, his hand on the back of her little head as she slept fitfully; Amanda watched Jesse move with the rise and fall of his chest, and she reached out to stroke Jesse’s cheek, to rest her fingertips on her daughter’s back.
The next thing she knew, Jesse was wailing again; Amanda blinked open her eyes and found her arms had wound around Sonny as well as Jesse; he was awake too - no one in a five block radius was sleeping through Jesse’s howls - but he didn’t pull away from her; he just smiled a tired smile over the top of Jesse’s head. Amanda didn’t move away either; she didn’t have the energy.
Sonny gently shushed Jesse, whispering to her; he lifted her carefully, moving her so that she was facing Amanda, and they sat there in the dim light of the TV, Amanda’s eyes on her baby girl, one arm still slung along Sonny’s torso, her head resting on his shoulder as Jesse reached out, touching a tiny hand to Amanda’s face, her whimpers dying down as exhaustion took her again.
Dinner and bad TV had kind of become a weekly tradition - sometimes Sonny would cook for them, and some nights, when they were both worn down by a difficult week at work, they would order pizza and the three of would them flop down onto the couch, Jesse between Amanda and Sonny, and they would watch cartoons or kids' movies until Jesse dropped off, her head leaning against her godfather’s side, her feet digging into Amanda’s legs.
One of them - usually Sonny - would scoop Jesse up eventually and tuck her into bed with a kiss goodnight. The TV volume would get turned down a little lower, the cartoons switched over, and they’d watch something - anything - that they didn’t have to care about.
It was comfortable, that time with Sonny - the groove they’d gotten into over the past couple of years. Jesse had spent her whole life having weekly dinners with Uncle Sonny, and Amanda had found a friend she would never have predicted when he walked into the squad room three years ago. They laughed together - a lot - and he never judged her about the big stuff (the small stuff, sure, how many times had he bemoaned her lack of decent cookware?); she didn’t feel like she had to stand on ceremony with him; he didn’t complain about the dishes in the sink, the laundry hanging up about the place - and he told her things about himself, normal, everyday things, and she found herself opening up to him too. Not about everything, but she shared things about her past, about her family, that she had always held back from other people.
Tonight, they were tired, and if her head dropped onto his shoulder while they were talking, it didn’t mean anything more than that. He’d put a documentary on and she wasn’t even too sure what it was about - so she closed her eyes for just a second, or at least she had meant for it to be just a second.
When she woke up her head was still on his shoulder, and her arm was across his chest; he was leaning into her too, one of his hands resting just above her hip, and she was so comfortable, she felt so safe, that she just closed her eyes again, sinking back into sleep without thinking about it too much.
When they woke again hours later, still intertwined, they shared a brief, slightly awkward smile as they pulled apart. Amanda wasn’t about it admit it, but she felt better rested than she had in a long time.
Sonny wasn’t at his desk when Amanda got to work, and he was usually there before her unless they made plans to meet for coffee or breakfast beforehand. She hadn’t seen him the night before, didn’t know what his plans had been, but for some reason his absence bothered her. She sat down at her desk and kept an eye on the door waiting for him to come in - an hour passed and there was still no sign of him, so she sent him a text - just a quick “you ok?” - she glanced at her phone periodically but the message status never changed to Read. The morning was quiet - both Liv and Fin were meeting with Stone for trial prep first thing, and Amanda was working her way through a backlog of reports in between checking her phone.
Two hours after she got to work, around two hours and ten minutes after Sonny would usually have put in an appearance, Liv walked in and approached Amanda’s desk. “Carisi’s out sick today,” she said, “Can you meet Fin at Mercy? We’ve just had a call.”
Amanda frowned. “Sick? Carisi? He’s like fifty percent hand sanitiser.”
“Yeah, I think it’s the flu, he didn't sound great on the phone.”
For the rest of the day Amanda’s mind was on Sonny; she’d sent a couple more texts but he hadn’t even read them, and it was so rare for him to get sick - she wouldn’t admit it out loud, but she was worried. When she got out of work she text her nanny to say she needed to make a stop on her way home, and she drove over to Sonny’s apartment with cold medicine and Gatorade.
When Amanda knocked on Sonny’s apartment door there was no answer; she called his phone but she could hear it ringing unanswered inside the apartment, which only served to increase her worry. Eventually she pulled out her keys, scrambling to find the key he'd given her for emergencies; she knocked twice more before opening the door, calling out his name as she entered the apartment.
She didn’t visit his apartment often; could count the number of times she’d been here on one hand, in fact - she wasn’t exactly comfortable in this space like he was in hers, and she felt like an intruder as she walked down the hallway, still calling out to him. When she reached his living room she saw him. He was lying on the couch, his feet hanging off the end in a way that would be comical if he didn’t look so utterly wrecked; his eyes were glazed over, his breathing unsteady, and it took him a second to notice her.
“Rollins?” he said when he spotted her - his voice coming out croaky and weak. “Why are you…”
“I was worried,” she told him, crossing the room and putting the back of her hand to his forehead - he was burning up. “You weren’t answering my messages.”
“M’fine,” he mumbled, “Just restin’.”
“I don’t think you are fine, Dominick,” she brushed his hair back from his forehead and he let out a noise somewhere between a whimper and a moan.
“S’nice,” he said, leaning into her touch.
“Where’s your thermometer?” she asked, “I know you’ve got one.”
“Somewhere,” he says unhelpfully. She moved away and he sighed, lifting a hand to reach out to her, “Don’t go.”
“I’ll be right back.”
Amanda still felt like she was intruding as she went into the bathroom, opening his medicine cabinet and making a point of not looking too closely at the contents - she found a thermometer easily enough and headed back out to the living room. She’d been gone barely two minutes, but he smiled like it had been a decade since he last saw her.
His temperature was 103, and she told him so. He frowned. “No, m’cold,” he said, disbelief in his tone.
“I’m sure,” Amanda said soothingly. It took several attempts to coax him into sitting up, and to find out that he hadn’t taken any medication yet, and another five minutes to persuade him to swallow the cold medicine.
She sat beside him on the couch, slotting in to the space he left when he sat up, taking a sip from the bottle of Gatorade she’d handed him. He dropped back against her a moment later, leaning into her, barely able to support his own weight. She swept her hand through his hair again as his head lolled on her shoulder.
“You should go,” he murmured into her neck.
“I’m staying until the medicine kicks in,” Amanda told him him, her fingers still in his hair.
“But the girls-”
“They’re fine,”she assured him, “they’re with the sitter.”
“I’ll get you sick,” he said; he sounded so miserable there was no way she’d leave him alone right now.
“So then you can return the favour,” she countered, and he gave in, letting his eyes drop closed, one arm coming to rest across her stomach as he drifted off to sleep.
It was a choice to curl up next to him on New Year’s Eve - there was still a lot that had been left unsaid between them, and this was one of those things - that closeness; just a little too intimate to be platonic, but skirting the edges of admitting anything further. She had a blanket draped over herself, and he had one arm on the back of the couch; she fit perfectly into the crook of his arm, her hands pillowed between her head and his chest. The TV was on, but they weren’t paying too much attention to it; she was content resting against him as she listened to the stories of his Christmas celebrations with his family; he already knew how her Christmas was, had heard it all in great detail from Jesse when he had face-timed them the day after Christmas; the noise and clamour of the Carisi family in the background, but his attention solely on the Rollins girls.
They were comfortable together, her and Sonny. They had been for a while. It wasn’t something Amanda had ever had before - not like this, and they were on the precipice, resting between friendship and something more, but she embraced moments like this, where they could be in their own bubble - whatever happened between them in the future, she wanted to keep having moments like this. That had been what she was thinking about when she’d drifted off, midnight still hours away.
If the Amber alert hadn’t woken her, things might have ended a little differently, but there was no awkwardness when she did wake up burrowed into him. She moved only enough to reach her phone, reading the alert, sitting up only when she knew she’d have to go into work - to leave the warm comfort they’d found here and go out into the real world.
He looked as disappointed as she felt - and she wanted to drop back down against him, ignore the darkness of the world they lived in - but that wasn’t an option, and she knew there would be other nights like this, other nights they would fall asleep together, still not quite giving in to whatever kept compelling them back to this spot, this thin line they were living on.
Now, when they’re cuddled up together on the couch, Amanda never needs to pretend it’s anything different - it’s not because they’re tired, and it isn’t because one of them is sick, and she doesn’t have to analyse every movement of his body against hers - this is just who they are now, this is just what they do.
It’s movie night again - but not just the two of them - Amanda’s calling it ‘family night’, after weeks of late shifts and early starts, no one getting to spend much time with their children or the people they loved - Fin had declined the invitation, told them he’d had a better offer - but Liv and Kat are here. Jesse, Noah and Billie are on the floor in front of the TV; Sonny had set them up with cushions and snacks and with the amount of sugar they’ve already consumed Amanda’s sure they’re going to crash halfway through the movie.
Amanda glances over at Liv and Kat as she slips into the space Sonny has made for her on the couch, his arm coming around her as soon as she’s settled. Liv smiles in their direction, but says nothing. Kat raises an eyebrow - but it’s playful; she’s happy for them too, Amanda knows.
She can rest her head on Sonny’s chest these days, smile to herself as he presses a kiss into her hair; she can wind her arms across him freely. She’s always felt safe like this - been able to fall asleep knowing he’s right there with her - but now she can admit things she’s held back - now she can admit that she doesn’t just feel safe in his arms; it feels like coming home - whether it’s on a couch surrounded by their makeshift family, or it’s in their bed in the early hours of the morning, or his arm around her shoulder while the girls play on the swings - it’s somewhere she always wants to be.
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Le Démon Déchu - Chapter 1: Nouveau Départ
Summary: The summary is kind of long so please check a previous part or my masterlist if you want to read it.
Warning(s): implied/referenced trauma, swearing (this goes for probably every chapter, but I’ll keep putting it here)
Word Count: 2.8k+
Inspiration: Do You Know What Eternity Is? by Elderly_Worm on AO3, Great Omens (The Big One) by falsepremise on AO3, Pray For Us, Icarus series by Atalan on AO3, Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach by Nnm on AO3, Doctor Who (don’t ask) and, of course, Good Omens itself
A/N: This was probably a bad idea, considering I have three other series on the go right now as well as a one-shot that isn’t done yet, but life’s too short so here it is. Updates on all of my works are going to be a bit slower from now on now I’m back at school (I’m in Year 11 too so I have even less time to write these days), so just bear with me. I promise I have a plan for the next twenty chapters at least, I am planning for this to be longer, but I haven’t decided where I’m going to take the rest of the story yet.
By the way, you can imagine Eloise to look like whoever you want because I’ve been a bit vague with her descriptions, but I imagine her to look something like @angelknives13 on TikTok.
As I do for most of my stories, I’ve made a Spotify playlist for this fic! Just copy and paste the link below to listen and remember that I’ll probably keep adding to it. Please listen at your own discretion because some of the songs contain spoilers. Just be wary of that. Also, some of the songs’ lyrics don’t actually make sense/relate to the story, but they’re on there because they fit the general vibe of the story. Hopefully, that makes sense.
Taglist: @bhmay​ @briarrose26​
Ask or comment to be on my taglist! Let me know if it’s for a specific fandom(s) or series. Full list is in my bio.
Fool (upright) + Six Of Swords (upright)
New beginnings. Transition. Shaking things up a bit.
 She called herself ‘Eloise’. That wasn’t her real name. She hadn’t been referred to by her real name for an awfully long time. No, Eloise is what she called herself so Eloise she was. Somewhere along the line, humans had decided that one’s name should have a meaning, and in some cultures that that name should tell of your past and also of your future. Eloise had been all for this notion, thinking it a marvellous idea. She’d then found out that the meaning bestowed upon her chosen name was ‘famous warrior’, which she thought was rather accurate. For before all else, Eloise was a fighter. She had fought tooth and nail to carve out the identity she had cultivated for herself and by God was she willing to fight again to keep it that way. It was an identity that she kept in her metaphorical left breast pocket, right next to her metaphorical beating heart; right where she could have it close to her, always and forever, but also where she could take it out, hold it in the palm of her hand and just admire it from time to time before popping it back in the metaphorical pocket, safe and sound. Art for art’s sake. It was an identity that she had chiselled out of the finest marble, chipped at to perfection or the closest thing to it, so that now it was the image of a Roman bust, of an ancient and long-forgotten deity. It was taller than giants and softer than the clouds above her head, richer than the finest food that the humans could create and more complex than the human mind. It burned with the heat of a thousand fires, never to be doused nor tamed. It flowed freer than the flow of a thousand rivers, winding and twisting through the corners and crevices of her mind–
She looked at it for a second longer before placing it back ever so carefully in the metaphorical pocket. It’s healthy to admire one’s soul every now and again but look into its depths for too long and you will get sucked into your own vanity. So, she returned it home to the pocket, where it belonged.
After all, there were things to be getting on with.
 I would like to see that light once more. […] The light of the hour before the sun goes down. When every object begins to glow with its own light and gives off its own particular colour.
– Christa Wolf (Cassandra: A Novel and Four Essays)
 There was something about evening sunshine. The sun beats down on every little thing without mercy during the day, but five o’clock rolls around before long and everything turns sweeter. The usually red bricks of identical townhouses glow orange as they cast shadows down on passers-by, the leaves of oak trees turn golden-green as they sunbathe, not all that different to the humans that seek them for shelter. The breeze blows a little cooler, the sun shines a little softer, the sky rejoices in the oil painting below it. Sunbeams caress your face, holding you in an embrace that’s warm and comforting and oh-so-familiar. It feels like returning home, and in some ways it is.
Aziraphale loves to read at this time. Though nothing should be inferred from this, as Aziraphale loves to read at any and all hours of the day and night. Aziraphale would read all day, every day for the rest of time if he could. Unfortunately for him, he can’t do such a thing, but he does read an awful lot, and he likes to make a point of always reading in the evenings. He would swap his east-facing desk for the comfort of his lapis-coloured armchair, where the window that peers over his left shoulder tries to read with him in comfortable silence. The sunlight spills into the room, casting the soft pages beneath his fingertips in a homely, golden glow, illuminating and enhancing the words printed on them. Dust particle dance like fairies in this natural spotlight, but Aziraphale is, more often than not, too engrossed in his reading to pay attention to things like these.
He is not, however, too oblivious to notice sudden noises. Unfortunately for him, Aziraphale tended to find them too loud to ignore most of the time.
His head popped up like a meerkat when he heard the bell hanging above the bookshop door ring, its tune singing out and filling the quiet of the room. The noise of outside chatter and traffic disappeared as quickly as it came as the door swiftly opened and closed. His brows furrowed in confusion, for he was sure that that door had been locked ever since that phone call he’d had with Crowley which had eventually resulted in the latter coming to stay with him, and as far as he knew, Crowley was upstairs somewhere, probably watching yet more reruns of Golden Girls. He rose cautiously and ventured into the main shop, worst case scenarios flooding his mind with every step he took.
“Hello? I’m sorry but we are most definitely closed, as you would know if you read the sign on the door…”
He faltered when he finally came face to face with the intruder. She looked at him with dark eyes wide with curiosity, her gaze intense but at the same time comforting, as if you could get lost swimming, drowning in them if you searched for too long. She then softened with the realisation and nostalgia of reuniting with an old and long-forgotten friend, her smile small but full of unbridled joy. Her voice was no louder than a whisper but held a power that compelled you to pay attention as she murmured, “Oh, there you are.”
Aziraphale’s throat ran dry with an emotion he couldn’t quite pin down, couldn’t quite name, an emotion that was on the tip of his tongue yet so out of reach. He scrambled to gather his senses because for goodness sake, this is a complete stranger whom you have never met until now, pull yourself together. “I-I’m not quite sure how you got in, but the shop is very much closed so I-I must ask you to leave,” he managed to stammer out, much less confident than the Aziraphale from a minute or two ago.
“Oh no,” she said reassuringly, her joyous expression never waning for a second, “I’m not here for a book.”
“Angel!” Crowley suddenly called out from upstairs, melting some of the awkwardness that was hanging around the room like a rather awful smell. Aziraphale noticed how the stranger’s eyes lit up even further, smile grew even wider, and more and more questions swirled around his head. He forced himself to look away from her as he heard Crowley saunter into the room from behind him. “Angel, I’m just about to put the kettle on, did you want a cup of tea or–,” he stopped when he finally noticed the other presence in the room, “I thought the shop was still supposed to be closed?” he asked warily, something in the back of his mind telling him not to trust the stranger.
“It is,” Aziraphale replied uncertainly while she waved awkwardly at them, “I don’t know how she got in, but she said she isn’t here for a book.”
Her face twitched slightly as if she wanted to comment on being spoken about like she wasn’t even in the room, but quickly decided against it for the sake of politeness.
Crowley’s face morphed into the epitome of confusion as he asked, “Well, if you’re not here for a book then why are you in a bloody bookshop?”
She looked at him as though the answer was blatantly obvious, “The bookshop has an owner, does it not? Or two unless I’m very much mistaken. It’s you. I’m here for you two.”
Crowley was quick to defend his image, “’S not my bookshop. I’m just, you know, here,” he gestured vaguely at his surroundings.
She nodded with understanding, then seemed to shake awake, “Sorry, I’m forgetting myself. Do you mind if I sat down? It’s just I’ve been travelling for an awfully long time; it’s been a while since I’ve been able to rest.”
Aziraphale nodded almost immediately, “Yes, yes, of course. Be my guest.” He didn’t think he’d be physically able to refuse her if he tried, there was something, something about her, “Could I get you a drink, or something to eat, perhaps?”
She smiled gratefully as she took a seat on the ancient looking yet somehow almost pristine armchair in the corner of the shop, “A glass of water would be lovely if that’s okay with you.” Aziraphale was gone in an instant, bustling around the make-shift kitchen in his backroom, quite glad to have something to do with himself if he was honest.
Crowley, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes at the stranger ever so slightly. Her story so far wasn’t adding up in his mind; if she’s been travelling for as long as she says she has, then why was her only luggage a handbag that she’d discarded on the floor when she’d sat down? And then there was the nagging in the back of his head that he was trying to stifle as best as he could. He stopped his train of thought dead in its track when he noticed that she’d been staring at him the entire time, still grinning like the Cheshire cat. There was something in her eyes, those damn eyes, that momentarily made him worry if his whole thought process was being projected above his head. She was observing him with a scrutiny that made him positively squirm. Finally, he said something, managing to stutter, “I’m gonna, erm, go, yeah,” he awkwardly pointed his fingers in the direction of where Aziraphale had left before sighing and making his much-needed exit.
She just nodded even though he could no longer see her, then suddenly sat up straight and let out a shaky breath. “Here goes nothing,” she whispered to herself. This was about to be the biggest risk she’d taken in years.
She took a deep breath and let go.
 “Do we know her?” Crowley asked from his seat on the kitchen counter, swinging his legs like a child and cradling a cup of coffee in his hands, “Or is she just some random stranger who couldn’t read the ‘closed’ sign?”
Aziraphale looked at him as though he wanted to comment on his bluntness but had decided against it for the sake of not wanting to pick a fight, “I don’t recall meeting her at all. Surely, she would have mentioned where we know her from…”
Crowley looked at him knowingly, “But yet she seems oddly familiar and you can’t for the life of you figure out why?” His face softened when Aziraphale’s eyes widened in shock, “I know what you mean. It’s off-putting. Her, I mean, not you, angel.”
Aziraphale smiled softly at him before looking away and asking, “What do we do? Do we ask her to leave?”
“Okay, you know as well as I do that you’re too curious for your own good,” Crowley smirked, “You want to find out everything you can about her, and that’s exactly what you’re gonna try and do.”
“I, well, um,” Aziraphale stammered out, face flushed bright red much to Crowley’s amusement, “Well, when you put it like that, I sound awfully nosy.”
Crowley snorted, “Well, you are a bit but where’s the fun in minding your own business?”
“Oh, hush, you wily old serpent,” he said, pursing his lips in mock discontent.
“Ah,” Crowley grinned, “Haven’t heard that one in a while. ‘Wily old serpent’. What ever will you think of next?”
“Stop it,” Aziraphale smiled with no real malice behind his words, playfully swatting Crowley with a tea towel that he’d miracled into his hands for that precise purpose, “Now get down from the counter, we can’t put this off forever.”
“Why not?” he asked as he jumped down with a swing of his legs. That earned him another swat from Aziraphale and his evil tea towel.
They continued to bicker as they reluctantly made their way back to the front of the shop, the unease in the atmosphere palpable to point where you could cut it with a knife. Neither one was quite sure why they were so nervous to talk to the stranger.
Crowley noticed it before Aziraphale did, stopping dead in his tracks and holding a hand out for Aziraphale to stop and just notice.
For standing in the middle of the bookshop with her back to the pair of them was the stranger and it was now painfully clear that she was in no way human.
A giant pair of wings sprouting from her back, spread out with pride, not unlike their own except they were the most beautiful shade of grey. The grey of an elephant in the sunlight, of the cobblestones shining in the rain, of shields from empires of long ago. They were the mist that lay on the sea in the moments before dawn and the oh-so-cold breath on a frosty morning. They were the fog that lay on a path yet to be crossed, the ashes of people long gone. They were almost hypnotising with not only their beauty, but also with the colour itself, and a hundred questions were swirling around their heads.
Who was she? Where had she come from? And, how on Earth did she come to have grey wings?
It was only when Aziraphale’s cup smashed to the floor when the stranger whirled around to finally meet their eyes, her expression unreadable. Her eyes flicked down the mess on the floor, and she smiled warmly at one very shocked angel before forcing the mug to reassemble itself in Aziraphale’s hand with a flick of her wrist, “There, no harm done.” Her smile faltered when she noticed their blank expressions and she sighed, “I think we best sit down, don’t you?”
The pair of them exchanged a nervous glance, speaking a language with just their eyes, before wordlessly following her suggestion and taking a seat on the sofa next to Aziraphale’s desk, while she perched on the chair opposite. “So, I’m guessing you have a lot of questions–”
“That’s putting it lightly,” Crowley scoffed, earning him a small glare and pursed lips from Aziraphale who just wanted to know what was going on, thank you very much.
“No, Aziraphale, it’s okay, he’s right,” she said, holding a hand out to stop him. The silence that followed was thick with unease and uncertainty, but she didn’t notice until it was too late, “Oh, shit,” she said simply, bracing herself for their reactions.
“How do you know my name? I didn’t tell you my name, how do you know it?” Aziraphale asked, the words tumbling out of him before he could even think about what he was saying.
Her eyes widened in alarm as she rushed to settle him, “Aziraphale–”
“Who put you up to this? Who sent you here?” He was standing now, blind with panic because what if they’ve found us, what if this is it, what if these past few months were all we were going to have before they came for us-
“Aziraphale, please,” she cried before looking at Crowley for help, not quite sure what she was dealing with here.
“Angel,” he said, voice as gentle as he could make it, smiling slightly when Aziraphale finally looked at him, “Just hear her out, okay?”
The angel stayed standing for a moment, collecting his thoughts because the worry in her eyes, no one from Heaven or Hell could even pretend to care for him so much. Finally, he nodded and sat down again, a trifle warily, a blush dusting his cheeks with a sad kind of shame.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you like that,” she murmured, voice a lot quieter, a lot less confident, but tenfold more sincere. She let the moment hang and dissolve, and then she perked up a bit, getting back to the manner at hand, “And no, no one sent me here. I came of my own accord, alone, just like I always do,” her eyes trailed away for a split second. They can’t see the memories if they can’t see your eyes. They can’t see the pain if they can’t see your face.
She felt Crowley’s eyes linger on her face with curiosity, grateful that he let the flicker of hurt wash over her face. After a second, he asked, “Who are you?”
Silence followed, for a moment. She sat there, thinking to herself, because who are you is a tricky question to answer when you have things that need to stay hidden. “My name is Eloise–”
She was cut off by a loud noise that must have come from upstairs, sounding not altogether dissimilar to someone crashing through the roof, followed by an overwhelming sense of divinity.
Eloise could only find it in herself to sigh and mumble, “Fuck.”
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shadowsof-thenight · 4 years
Fictober day 24: Dogwalking (part 4/4)
Promptnumber: 22 “We could have a chance” Fandom: MCU Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Warnings: some angst and fluff Words: 3173 Summary: Datenight had finally arrived!
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A/N: This was intended for Fictober, so I figured I’d add the day, quote and such. Not sure what will happen to the last six days of the challenge. I had some fun ideas, which I’ll probably still write at some point. However my other stories require attention and I still don’t have that much energy to go around. That said, back to this story. It is the final part in this mini series. it was supposed to be short and fluffy, but I just couldn’t seem to stop writing today and it got longer and held more angst than intended. I hope you all enjoyed this little story. Is anyone interested in my editing this properly? Or should I leave it as is and simply link them together? I will certainly create a link for it in my masterlist under Bucky.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Fictober day 24: Dogwalking part four
When it was finally time to get ready for your date, you were surprisingly calm. As if you had wasted all your nerves during the week and were simply maxed out by now. After work you had rushed home, so you could have a quick shower and scarf down some food and still be ready by the time Bucky would arrive.
Bucky, it felt a little strange to regard him by his nickname. Almost invasive. It felt as if you still needed to work up to that and call him James instead. Anita, your colleague, had told you to go by whatever name he gave you. Which had been Bucky upon your first meeting. She assumed that this would be the name he was most comfortable hearing. Of course, she was right about that, but that did not change how it felt now that you had read upon the man a little.
That in and of itself was more than strange as well though. Reading up on someone beforehand. You’d only ever done that before a job interview. Not for a potential date. However, the man with the cuddly dog had intrigued you so much and back then you had not thought you’d ever see him again. Or that was how you tried to explain it to yourself. Now, it just felt like an invasion of his privacy. You promised yourself to be upfront about it when you saw him, just to lead with honesty even though it terrified you.  
By seven-thirty you were done and sat down on your couch, doing some breathing exercises to try and relax. In through your nose, hold it, and calmly out through your mouth. As usual, it worked wonders and you leaned back. You were happy that you’d managed to get everything done in such a short amount of time and well within your time frame.
Turning on the tv, you flipped through the channels for a moment, finally settling on a rerun of Friends. It would help you pass the time until that gorgeous man would arrive on your doorstep. And pass the time it did, for you were well into the second episode before you realised just how much time had gone by. You glanced up at the large clock on the wall by the kitchen and saw that Bucky was fifteen minutes late. You shrugged, fifteen minutes was nothing and you went back to the episode.
By the next episode however, you could not stop your foot from tapping against the hardwood floor, or your fingers from playing with the clasp of your phone case. With a smile you put the phone down and thought of the scolding your sister would give you if she had seen you do it. Your incessant need to pick at something was a great source of annoyance with her. One you really tried to contain, though it clearly worked with varying degrees of success.
By eight-forty-five you were back at it again, unable to stop yourself. You’d checked the screen of your phone more than a few tomes and still had no messages of missed calls. Briefly you wondered if it was too early to text him. Were you being impatient? Finally you decided to wait a little longer, fo the hands of the clock to reach the nine. By then you were certain that you had been stood up.
Hurt, masking itself as anger, surged through you and you wanted to sent him a strong of angry texts. Truthfully, you wanted to call him, but emotions were running high and you did not trust your voice to remain steady at this point. And you really didn’t want to make a big fool of yourself. It would be just like you to let the anger get the best of you, making you burst into tears halfway through. Now that would be embarrassing. So instead you toped and erased your message at least three times before choosing to keep it more civil. Simply asking him if he got held up. After all, you reasoned with yourself, there had not been a date before this. Did you really have the right to be this angry? Did he not deserve the benefit of the doubt?
It was a decision you came to question when his answer did not come. Not until an hour later anyway. And by then you had changed into sweats, popped in a movie and opened a cheap bottle of wine. You were allowing yourself to wallow a little. After all, it was okay to be hurt by this. Right? Even if he had a perfectly reasonable excuse. It was never fun to wait for a date that wouldn’t come.
So when he called you and apologised profusely, your mood had not been as good sit could’ve been. But you’d been worse. You were able to listen to his explanation without anger coursing through you. Apparently he had been on a mission that had run late and he had been unable to inform you before now. He said felt horribly guilty and you decided to believe him. During the call you remained calm, perhaps somewhat impassive, in an attempt not to let any emotion, be it anger or hurt, ruin whatever this was or could be.
You had known what his job was and it felt stupid to hold that against him. It was up to you to either accept it or bail. There were no deep rooted feelings involved here, bailing now would still be merciful. No dent to either ego, no real heartbreak. If you wanted a clean cut, now would be the time to take it. But he was far too cute and interesting to give up that easily, you thought.
So as you listened to his repeated apologies, you couldn’t tell him off. Or you didn’t anyway. Instead you promised him that it was fine, these things happened and you weren’t angry. Only a little disappointed perhaps, sorry that the date had fallen through. And as you spoken those words to him, you realised that it was the truth. So when he asked you for another chance, you happily gave it. Tomorrow.
Bucky felt absolutely horrible when the jet finally entered the airspace of their hometown. Time had slipped away from him so rapidly. The mission he was currently returning from had been very last minute and he could not turn it down. There had been nobody else to take his place. He had really hoped to be back in time for his date. It was his first date in a while he had been looking forward to it. But by the time he finally managed to finish and get back on the plane, it was entirely too late.
He had not been able to bring his phone, so when he returned to his place he quickly checked it. That was when he had seen her text and he knew that he had screwed up royally. If only he’d had the presence of mind to sent her a text beforehand, informing her of the possibility of his unintended tardiness, it might have gone over better. He would not have had to apologise so much. And she would not have been waiting for him. What would she have been thinking?
He pondered his next course of action for a moment, considering texting her back. Though that felt weak, cowardly somehow. Calling her would be better, he was certain, even if it scared him. A call would definitely be more sincere. He could only hope that she would even be willing pick up and listen to him. If you asked him, she had every right to ignore his pleas. He stood her up on their first date! Greatly diminishing his chances for another one.
However, she did answer. And after the second ring, she didn’t even make him wait or try again. Though her voice did sound strained, with repressed emotions and for a moment he was sure that she was getting ready to tell him off. To ask him to never call him again. He was so sure in fact, that when she told him that it was okay, that she understood, he continued to repeat his apologies. Every single one of those apologies was heartfelt and he just hoped that she would get that. Finally he stopped apologising however and asked her for another chance, still fearing that she wouldn’t give him one.
Surprisingly enough, she accepted. She granted him another chance.
And he was so eager to show her that he was serious. That he really wanted to fix this screw up, he asked her to meet him the following day. In his mind this would reduce the ability for her to stew on his failure to appear. The allowance for more time to pass would only connive her to cancel, he feared. With Y/n’s acceptance of the new date, he was over the moon. Guilt still ate at him, but there was new hope as well and he promised both her and himself that would make up for tonight. Now he just needed to live up to that.
You went on to spend most of your free Saturday wondering if he’d show up on time tonight or even at all. Despite the knowledge that it wasn’t fair to give these thoughts room, they were hard to repress. So finally, to distract yourself, you called Anita to meet you. She took you to lunch, in a little family run lunchroom where you both loved to eat. You confided in her and she did her best ease your mind. And afterwards she convinced you to join her on a shopping trip, where you were to buy a new dress. One to impress your date and make him regret ever standing you up - her words. You were pretty sure that he felt bad enough about it already.
That being said, it had been a while since you bought anything new, so you agreed to her plan and set out to find a magnificent dress. A search that happened to be over rather quickly. It was the second store that held such a wonderful selection that you spend the better part of the afternoon admiring and trying things on. There were little black dresses in different styles, extravagant reds, deep sea blues and a magnificent forest green that seemed made for you. As soon as your eyes caught sight of it, there was no other dress you were willing to consider. That said, had you’d been in possession of an abundance of money, you’d have left with more than one dress. As it were, you were happy to get the single green one.
Both you and Anita had a wonderful time in the store, admiring all they had and you vowed to come back soon. For now you were all set and Anita therefore accompanied you home to finish the shopping in style. With a joined effort in doing your make-up and hair. She wanted to make sure you looked like a goddess- again her words.
And when the clock struck eight that evening, you certainly felt beautiful as you waited for Bucky to arrive in your new green knee length dress. The frock giving you confidence and a new hope that tonight would fare far better than yesterday. When a knock on the door signalled his arrival you jumped up instantly and with a wide smile on your face, you opened the door and were greeted by a dashing Bucky. Who was wringing his hands, by the way. Upon seeing your smile, he returned it and his shoulders seemed to ease a little. Though you immediately noted that it was only slightly so. There was still enough tension in his shoulders for the naked eye to see.
“Hi,” you said, a simple greeting, voice bright.
“Hey,” he sighed back and you wondered what he was thinking. Did he expect you to be angry? You wouldn’t have told him yes to tonight if you had been.
Quickly you grabbed your coat and small purse, before following him out the door and to his car. He held the door open for you and it brought a smile to your face, he was a gentleman it seemed. It wasn’t something you required in a man, but it was refreshing to encounter. 
The drive was short and he led you to what looked like a simple bar on the outside, though the inside showed you a more old-fashioned interior. There were a few tables spread around a circular dance floor where a few couples were already swaying to the slow beat coming from large speakers. There was a stage for a band, though there wasn’t one playing now, perhaps later. After all it was Saturday.
Bucky placed a hand carefully in the small of your back as he guided you towards a table that sat in a quiet corner and he pulled out a chair for you. Most tables were already taken and soft chatter filled the air around you. It added to an overall pleasant atmosphere in the cozy establishment and you took a moment to look around and take it all in. It really was a nice place and a good find. There weren’t many places like this and it didn’t look like much from the outside. You would’ve never discovered this.
Of course, it would have all been even nicer if some of the chatter had been at your own table. Now these surroundings only highlighted the lack of conversation between you and Bucky. He had been so nervous during the car ride the he seemed unable to respond to your questions in more than two or three words nor did he ask you anything. It had really put a damper on the beginning of this evening and you could only hope it would get better.
Bucky knew he was messing this up. The date really wasn’t going well at all. For some reason he was so incredibly nervous about the chance of rejection that he had gone quiet. He’d done that before, long ago, when he had first removed himself from Hydra’s clutches. To afraid to trust his instincts beyond survival. And it had taken quite some effort from Steve and Sam to get him to a place where he did more than grunt in response and spoke in full sentences again. Since thy weren’t here to lend a hand, he knew it was up to him to turn this around. After all she hadn’t run yet. Perhaps he should try and accept that she would not reject him over yesterday.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said with a deep sigh. She turned her head from the dance floor and gave him her full attention as she cocked her head to the side, as if to ask for an elaboration of his apology.
“I haven’t been a good date so far. Beginning with last night and then today I haven’t really used my words,” he said with a small chuckle. Honesty was the best policy, he decided and just hoped she would appreciate it. When she smiled kindly once again, he felt himself relax just a bit more.
“We didn’t get off to a good start, I guess,” she agreed with a smile.
“Let’s change that!” Bucky said louder, “Would you like to dance?” He stood up and reached out his hand to Y/n for her to take.
He hadn't been sure how to approach this situation, but he had always been a relatively good dancer and perhaps it was smart to fall back on something he knew. Impress her with his dancing, relax a little more still and who knew, some conversation was to be had after all. A man could hope.
He gently placed a hand in your side and swiftly began to sway you around the dance floor. His light footedness surprised you, considering his size and you enjoyed the way his confidence seemed to return. His leading felt wonderful, causing a flutter in your belly and you stared at his face. He looked back at you, entirely at ease in this position.
Even when a faster soon came on and you were no longer in his arms, he took the lead and moved so effortlessly. He was finally in his element and not only did it allow him to finally answer some of your questions, he even managed to ask you some of his own. An hour later, when you were finally back at your table, ordering drinks and nacho’s, you felt like you were finally getting to know the man. And he was nothing like the person you’d read about. He was far better.
Bucky turned out to be a complex and interesting human being. Kinder than you could have ever imagined, especially with a past like his. And certainly none of the articles you’d read mentioned anything about his humour. He had a wonderful sense of sarcasm and wasn’t at all afraid to laugh at his own expense. It made him even more attractive. And as he made you laugh once again, one of those real belly laughs that left you gasping for air, you couldn’t help but wonder about future dates. You surely hoped there’d be more.
“We could have a chance, after all,” you thought as he led you back to his car, long after midnight.
Being the gentleman he had shown you to be all night, he even walked you back to your apartment. Talking and laughing all the way to the front door, where suddenly silence returned once more. You wonder if he would kiss you, but dared not take that first step. Instead you looked down, tapping your feet like Dorothy, though you weren’t wishing for him. Rather for the night to last forever. It had been so nice. Bucky cleared his throat after a few more quiet moments and you knew you had to look up again. Look at his eyes instead of his shoes.
Just as you began to move your head up again, he moved down. This could have easily resulted in a massive head-bud of course, for you saw it happening and could do nothing to stop it. It simply happened to fast. However, you were lucky and escaped the ordeal without a bump. 
Though it did create some awkwardness, as Bucky had been trying to kiss your cheek. Yet as you both moved, he didn’t find your cheek but your lips. It wasn’t much of a kiss, a mere brush, but it was rather awkward.
He practically jumped back, clearly having not intended this and mumbled an apology. And you smiled. Intended or not, you didn’t mind one bit. Therefore you decided to silence him by placed a more decisive peck on his lips. The smile the spread across his face after that, told you it had been a good decision.
Fictober19 Masterlist
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Day five - snake/demon
All things considered, it was a nice evening in Kunugigaoka. He stood on his balcony, the warm breeze rushing through his hair. Karma would have liked to have said that everything was back to normal, but that was far from the case. He pretty much had exclusive interview rights with one of the most interesting and in demand figures in the city, and that meant… a lot of writing. A lot of sneaking into places he wasn’t supposed to, and definitely a lot of ignoring Python’s soft warnings.
The only downside was his Nagisa problem. Or, more like, Nagisa had pretty much avoided him since the whole date thing. It wasn’t like Karma was the happiest with him, either. He hadn’t even just been stood up, rather ditched in the middle of it. The last straw had been Nagisa telling Asano, their boss of all people, that he wanted no involvement with working with Karma on his Python stories, without even mentioning it to him first.
Fine, he didn’t want to share anyway.
“Hey, Python~” Karma called out lightly into the sky, though nobody was there.
Karma wasn’t sure exactly how to describe what was going on with Python recently. He couldn’t really consider it hanging out, more that Karma was just doing his job, and of course Python was there. He asked the questions he had to for the interviews, but he found himself talking to the hero about some other things too, though never for long, considering tight schedules.
It meant he understood his powers, though.
“Come help me~” He called again, before turning around to begin leaning off his balcony all together.
“Stop doing that!” A pair of hands were on his back before he could even begin to fall. “One of these days I really won’t be here to catch you.”
Karma turned, grinning at Python’s floating figure. “But you’re here right now.”
He gave up, landing with a thud on the actual balcony. “What do you need to talk about, anyway?”
“I’m writing a different kind of article,” he said, “I wanted your opinion… Do you want to come in?”
Python didn’t seem so sure, but he nodded, graciously following Karma into his apartment. “Alright.”
“It’s about how heroes and villains can be mixed with our society,” he said, “and I figured… You can’t be a hero all the time, right? Like you must have somewhere you live, something outside of this… So that’s the angle I want to go with, that anybody could be a hero.”
Having listened for a moment, Python shifted. “I-“
“What is it?” Did he absolutely hate it?
“I think some of the villains I’ve been following might be...” A grimace came across his face. “Definitely doing something bad. I’m sorry, but I need to go.”
“Wait!” Karma got a crazy idea. “Wouldn’t that be perfect?”
Python’s eyes widened. “Huh?”
“I’m just a normal civilian,” he said. “What better way to understand, than to experience something like this as a hero.”
“You’re… being serious?”
It only took a moment of searching, before he pulled out the cape he’d worn as his fake costume. “I’ll be your side kick for the day!”
Python didn’t seem so impressed. “You can’t defend yourself-“
“Sure I can,” he said, “c’mon, I promise I’ll stay out of the way.”
Python swallowed. “But-“
Karma considered his options quickly, before realising he might have to force his hand. So, he leapt up, jumping onto Python’s back like a man possessed. It wasn’t so hard, despite everything that made him a hero, Python was kind of short. Karma was not short, but he did know Python’s strength super power allowed him to carry him with ease.
“I’m not letting go~”
It seemed Python was easy to wear down, because he didn’t further the argument, instead giving Karma a piggyback out to the balcony again, before leaping up in flight. Karma wasn’t exactly used to that sensation, but it felt better now he was more aware of his surroundings. A part of him wished he could do this himself, soaring over his home city, but it was just as nice to cling to Python.
They landed in what seemed to be some power station, a mess of tall structures and high voltage signs around them. There was also an actual building, though, which Karma supposed was the logical place to head to. He wasn’t exactly sure what this villain’s plan was. Kill the city’s electricity supply? He supposed that would have made him miss the daily One Piece rerun… pure evil.
“Keep your distance,” Python said, letting Karma off his back.
His inner child was screaming at how cool this entire situation was, but he managed to keep a straight face. This was serious! So he did what he was told, keeping behind Python until the coast was declared clear. When they entered the building, at least, there didn’t seem to be anybody there, so he told Karma to stay on the bottom floors whilst Python searched the top.
The hairs on the back of Karma’s neck stood up, once he was gone. Whilst he might not have super powers, it wasn’t like he was inexperienced in dangerous situations. So he knew that something was off, right down to his instincts. Karma found himself clenching his fists, watching his stance in preparation for whatever might be coming.
“What are you doing in my base, hm?” The villain finally showed himself, pretty regular looking but there was a weird air about him.
“Your base?” Karma looked around. “I’d say I like what you’ve done with the place, but it’s kind of drab, don’t you think?”
He didn’t seem to find that funny, though. “I am the villain Grip,” he picked up a pipe, bending it in two like it was nothing.
Karma decided right then it was probably in his best interests to not to let the guy touch him. In the back of his head, he thought about calling out, but Python might be in the middle of something important. Besides… he could handle this. He wasn’t going to just stand there and be a liability, not after he’d been brought all the way there.
So, when Grip attacked, he made sure he was ready for it. Karma wasn’t sure what the exact extent of his power was, but he could work with the information he did have. That being, don’t get gripped. He made sure, then, to do his best to dodge and block. He had a slightly unruly youth to thank for his quick reaction speeds, and knowledge of fight techniques. It wasn’t like he had to win, either, just hold off long enough until his superhero friend returned.
He could feel the insane amount of strength in Grip’s blows, enough to probably leave him with a few deep bruises on his forearms. Karma was a tall man, but he was just a little bit more slight than his opponent, giving him a minor mobility advantage. Just hold out, he told himself. Unfortunately for Karma, it had been a long time since he’d been in a fight like this, and he was a little out of practise. Against someone with such a physical advantage, it was all he could do to dodge.
Honestly, Karma wasn’t sure how he knew Python was there. Maybe it was tuned into him or something, but he definitely felt his presence. He decided then he had to make his move, dodging under the villain’s arm to get himself as far away as possible. As Grip turned, Python sped in, merely a blur to Karma’s eyes, and restrained him.
Karma didn’t hesitate, then, eyes falling onto a long line of cable. He handed it over to Python quickly, allowing him to wrap it around the villain’s body entirely, doubling as a gag. They worked without actually speaking to each other, like both of them just knew how to work together, like it was just natural, until their work was done.
“The police should be here in minutes,” Python said, “they’ll take care of him.”
“Good,” Karma finally started to catch his breath. “That’s… good.”
“He’s not going anywhere,” Python looked over at Grip. “Let’s get out of here.”
Something shifted between them then, no matter how that had just felt, like Python was constructing a wall between them. Karma wasn’t sure he was okay with that. He was pretty sure Python could have handled that by himself anyway, but a thank you would be nice, at the very least. He helped… with the restraints…
Once they were outside, Python stopped in his tracks, breath coming out strained. “You could have been hurt.”
Karma turned to face him. “I can take care of myself-“
“What if-“ Python’s eyes almost seemed to vibrate. “Karma…”
So maybe there was a bit of a natural disadvantage when the other person had super speed and strength, and was more than capable of being right against him in under a second, strong grip practically yanking him down by the neck. Karma couldn’t put up much of a defence. But once he felt Python’s lips on his, he wouldn’t have been able to dream of stopping anyway.
Maybe because it took him by such surprise, but he found himself pliant, completely at the mercy of the hero. And, well, as kisses went, it was pretty damn good. Their lips moved against each other easily, like they were built to slot together, and Karma’s head was spinning. It was a little confusing, though. Python was shorter than him, yet he gradually felt his jaw tilt up-
He broke the kiss, opening his eyes, and Python was at exact eye level with him. Karma realised, then, that his feet weren’t actually touching the ground. Python was floating just a little bit above him, supporting him with an easy grip to his shoulders. He flushed, then, like he hadn’t meant to do that at all.
“I’m sorry,” Python said then. “I shouldn’t have-“
Karma couldn’t help himself, leaning in to steal his lips again. Apparently kisses were better a few feet off the ground, and he was going to take advantage of that fact whilst he had the chance.
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Videos - Ward Meachum
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A/n: Dad Ward makes a return.
Positioned in his chair opposite the television, Ward paced himself as he took a swig of his drink. The bitter substance burned his throat and yet he welcomed it. His finger hesitated briefly over the button on the remote; he wasn’t sure if everyone had succumbed to merciful sleep or whether in a few seconds a disorientated partner would come stumbling across the living room and into the kitchen.
He waited; his ears tuned into the quiet of his home. Once he’d been satisfied that the slumber would stick, he pressed play. The remote fell to the arm of the chair as Ward watched the screen move. A content smile crossed his lips as he took in every detail of the scene, from the way the grass moved on the ground to how the laughter would echo through the dark and comfort his very soul.
‘Go to daddy’ came the sudden voice from the television. His smile widening as he watched his, then, toddler waddle across the grass towards him – well more specifically the camera that he had been holding at the time. The three-year olds eyes widened in fear as she stumbled forward, her hands catching her as he’d placed the camera lower and lifted her.
‘There we are kid. Daddy’s got you. What do you have there?’ He’d said. The toddler cooed as she stared at the daisy in her hand. One stubby hand pressing the flower into her father’s shirt.
Ward’s eyes danced across the screen the second the video died, much like a phoenix it had risen again, the setting different this time. His daughter had grown significantly, she was no longer the stubby toddler, now she was pre-teens. Her hair slightly dishevelled and sweat glistened from her forehead as the camera rolled.
‘Liz, what just happened?’ Ward’s voice called through the speakers. He was so proud back then, it was evident in the way he spoke, and he was still proud to this day. He wondered if Harold had ever – even for the slightest moment – been as proud of Ward as Ward was of Elizabeth.
‘I just won a soccer tournament. I scored the winning goal and you jumped so high. You ran onto the pitch and made all the other dad’s look like idiots because they weren’t as happy. Mom said you’d been looking forward to the tournament and that was why you were so excited.’ Elizabeth smiled. ‘Coach said it was the best I’d ever played.’
Ward chuckled; her mom had told him later that night, that Elizabeth had played so well because she had spotted Ward the second, he stepped foot on the field. She had never once wanted to let down her dad. It was nonsense. Elizabeth could never have disappointed him.
The screen faded once more before illuminating again. Ward had watched this combination of videos a dozen times already. He knew the longest one would be when he recorded Christmas the same year Danny had come back, and Harold had finally left his life for good. It happened to be the same year he’d got married. It had been the first thing after the chaos had subsided that he’d done. He had finally felt safe enough to ask the love of his life to marry him. Unfortunately for Danny, Elizabeth had beat him to best man.
‘Merry Christmas Liz,’ Ward’s voice grumbled through the screen. He’d been so tired when Elizabeth had attacked him that morning, her delicate hands holding the gift box in his face when he’d awoken. His wife had headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast giving Liz the task of waking her father.
‘Merry Christmas Dad, Uncle Danny rang earlier, he said he was on his way with Aunty Joy, Colleen and Toro. Aunty Joy said she knew how much you missed Toro’ Elizabeth laughed. Ward could listen to his daughter laughing all day, the sound had become music to his ears. He could get lost in the way her mother’s smile, had also become his daughter’s. ‘Mom left a present for you under the tree. But she said to open it off camera and later on.’
The camera fell on his wife, a soft wink falling from her face followed by a knowing smile. Ward had enjoyed that present. That year had been his favourite Christmas, surrounded by his favourite people. Ward had to admit; he even enjoyed the constant pestering from Toro as the dog wandered throughout the expensive home.
‘Have you been eating all your mom’s cookies?’ Ward quizzed his daughter, the camera zooming in on the trail of crumbs that ran from the plate to Liz. Her head ducked slightly as she gave her dad a sheepish smile. ‘I’ll let you off because it’s Christmas.’
‘Hey dad, watching the old reruns again’ Elizabeth yawned. Her voice had startled the man almost to point where he had dropped his glass. He hadn’t heard her footsteps behind him; he’d been so caught up in the video that he’d become deaf to the world. He nodded slightly as she slumped on the sofa beside him. A blanket wrapped around her tall frame.
The elder Meachum had to admit that she was looking more like her mother every day, especially in the way she would hold a content smile on her face even as she observed the world around her. She had his mind, the same stubborn Meachum behaviour and the fierce protective nature that both Ward and Joy held over their family.
‘Don’t you have an exam tomorrow? You should be sleeping’ Ward commented. Liz placed her head on her father’s shoulder, another yawn expelling from her mouth as she watched the screen moving.
‘I couldn’t sleep. I remember that Christmas. Aunty Joy had a little too much eggnog and Uncle Danny had to stop her from playing the floor is made of lava. Mom gave you that watch, you hated it and mom knew but you told her that you loved it and wore it everyday until what was it you said?’ Elizabeth reminisced.
Ward was about to open his mouth when he noticed his wife join him on the sofa.
‘He said he dropped it on the subway with Danny. Worst excuse. Ward you’ve never been on the subway and we all know it’ His wife laughed.
‘What are you doing up?’ He whispered.
‘I wanted to drag you to bed, but now I just want to sit here and watch this with you two, until we all inevitably fall asleep and miss our alarms’ She laughed.
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cynnied-writes · 5 years
Never Truly Forgotten
○ characters: canada | ottawa
○ genre/warnings: slight angst | mostly fluff
○ tags: father-daughter relationship | pillow forts | cuddling | comforting | timbits | emotionally exhausting work | good family vibes | all things canadian
○ word count: 1.9k
→ summary: no matter how many times he was; talked over, looked through or mistaken for his brother, there was at least one person in the entire world who would always remember him.
○  note: to my homeland 🍁🍁🍁
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The World Conference could have gone worse.
That’s at least what Canada was trying to convince himself of.
Look on the bright side, he thought! England kinda, sort-of noticed him this time. He should be ecstatic. A complete win for him, right? There was… one caveat, though.
The hard-nosed Brit noticed him! But, there’s a high probability that he mistook Matthew for some plucky intern. Of whom he asked to go on a coffee/tea run to the nearest cafe.
Which he did by the way.
But, cup half full, right?
Well, his coffee cup wasn’t after some other Country drank most of it. Albeit, not before declaring it to be ungodly sweet and throwing it out. Apparently, no one else can handle several shots of maple syrup in their morning coffee.
Matthew’s head thudded against his steering wheel. He and Kuma sat in his old, pickup truck. Inhaling the leathery scent as he rested. Trying to get a head start on mentally preparing himself for tomorrow because—oh, god—he has to go back. And there was no amount of Letterkenny reruns that could soothe him after that hellscape.
What was on his to-do list for the next day, you ask?
Somehow maneuver through his current problems with China. Maybe try and get him to ease up on Hong Kong.
Sit in a meeting where America and Mexico argue non-stop for an hour.
Figure out whether England is actually leaving or not and how horrible it’s gonna be. Which it absolutely is gonna be some level of horrible.
Attend several bilateral meetings. Where the other country is almost always late. Because “I just couldn’t for the life of me remember who I was going to be meeting. Sorry about that.” It’s okay. It’s most definitely not okay.
Oh, and try and kickstart a “Committee to Save the World Order”. Where their only goal is to keep the world from going to shit. Because, apparently, everyone expects him to be the moral epicentre of their world. Even though no one remembers him long enough to not steal and throw out his goddamn coffee.
But, at least he was home now. Where he could curl up in his bed and forget about his troubles. Where stacks of pancakes are a healthy coping mechanism. Where he was safe from his peers’ collective short-term memories of his presence.
“Who are you?” A familiar voice squeaked out from the backseat.
Nevermind. Perhaps, home wasn’t so great after all.
His neighbourhood heard a soft beeping as he hit his head against his horn. Again and again. 
He should stick up for himself, right? If not with his own companion then who would he ever? Tension increased in his shoulders as his digits gripped his wheel. Mustering up any and all fury he had. Yep, he was gonna give Kuma a what for!
But, then, in a single moment, any inkling of agitation was gone in a huff. His shoulders sagged, fingers flexed, and a deep sigh escaped him.
God, he was pathetic.
He turned to see his polar bear buddy staring back at him. A dejected chuckle fell from his lips as he answered, “Who cares?”
The brisk night seeped through his suit as he stood under his porch light. Digging through his pockets for his keys before both he and Mr. Kumajiro fell asleep on the spot.
Matthew didn’t even realize something was off at first. As soon as his front door clicked open, he turned his brain off and went on autopilot. He toed off his shoes, slipped off his suit jacket and set down his briefcase before heading to the kitchen. His feet dragging as he puttered around. Making a very, very late dinner for the two of them. Seal for Kuma and shreddies for himself.
He was just about head upstairs and crash into his bed when he noticed the lights on in his living room. A soft golden glow emanating from the frosted glass on the doors. Did Maddie leave the lights on? He thought he got her out of that habit.
Guess not.
With a small sigh, he shuffled over to the room. Munching on his “dinner” cereal as he entered.
This isn’t how his living room usually looks.
Blankets were strung up from the ceiling. All varying colours and patterns. Most of which he remembers buying. Starred fairy lights dotted the edges of the fabric. Giving the off the soft glow from before. Along with the crackling fire not too far away. In front of which was Maddie’s laptop sitting on the coffee table. Playing what seems to be We are Stars. Canadian artists. Good choice.
“What do you think all this is, Kumalilo?” He asked even though he knew the most basic answer. There was a pillow fort in his living room. The concept hadn’t crossed his mind in decades. Hell, maybe even centuries. Forgoing his childish ways when his brother sought out independence.
But, why was there one here now?
Kuma pushed past him and made his way over to the fort’s opening. Sniffing around and pawing at the blankets until he found what he was looking for.
“I don’t know. But, I think it has something to do with her,” Kuma said before crawling into the fort. Canada followed his bear the opening.
Pulling back the sheets revealed an amazing, other world. Pillows and more blankets were strewn across the floor. Making it look like the comfiest place to rest ever. A box of forty timbits called his name. Along with the bowl of maple popcorn and bottles of Péché Mortel. Was this heaven?
And then there was the ‘her’ Kuma was talking about.
She laid in the back of the structure. Her golden locks pulled up into a messy bun. Light freckles dusted her cheeks and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses sat askew on her face. One of his favourite sweaters almost engulfed her. Not that she seemed to care. No, the engulfing was the point. Yes, Madeleine had always liked to exist in oversized clothing.
Like father, like daughter.
The chances of this being heaven just went up.
“Who are you?” Kuma asked as he poked at her cheek. His stomach sank. And the chances shot into the depth of the Marianas Trench. While his bear forgot his name on the regular, his precious girl’s name had always stuck. This wasn’t going to be a regular thing, was it?
Oh, no.
He could handle people forgetting him. At this point, it was a given in any situation. No one was going to remember him. Disappointed but, not surprised. But, for someone to forget Maddie? His petit geai bleu?
The thought made him sick.
He had made sure no one ever would. Kept far from any and all Nations for the first part of her life. If they couldn’t remember him she was a non-starter. And when that got inconvenient, he sewed some version of her name into everything she wore.
Very cute, right?
Yeah, it was until she grew up and became a very, embarrassed teenager. Much less cool. By the time WW2 came and she realized she wanted to help, he gave her a cooler nickname. Blue Jay. She had loved flying planes as much as he did, it just fit.
And, for his effort, it seemed to have worked.
Until now. 
Betrayed by the bear.
Madeleine’s amethyst eyes fluttered open as Kuma booped his nose with hers. A big, sleepy smile graced her face.
“I’m Ottawa, Mr. Kumakiko,” She said, fingers running his soft fur. Kuma mumbled a soft ‘oh, right’ before snuggling into her generous pets. Her gaze then fell upon him. An even bigger smile on now, “Your back, eh? Long time no see, Papa. Sorry about not greeting you at the door. Sleep took me hostage.”
At least… she didn’t seem too affected too badly by the screw-up. He’s definitely going to have a stern conversation with his companion.
“No problem, Sugar Plum. May I come in?” He asked, forgoing his “dinner” on the table before crouching down to see them better.
Her eyes lit up and she threw her arms open. Answering, “Of course, Papa! It’s for you, after all.”
“This is quite the feat, eh,” He said as he clamoured into the fort. Crawling through the sea of blankets before settling in beside her, “Why?”
“I put two and two together,” She said, gaze focused on her fingers raking through Kuma’s fur. “Whenever you come back from World Conferences you’re always so sad. I can see how going there drains you. No one remembering you and all. So, after a long day of enduring that I wanted you to know that there will always be someone in your corner.” 
She turned to him, eyes filled with love and determination, “Me.”
“Oh,” His throat tightened as tears began to well. He was the luckiest guy in the world, wasn’t he? In a flash, he swept Ottawa into his arms, “Thank you so much, this means everything to me. I love it. All of it. Merci, merci, Madeleine.”
She gladly wrapped her arms around him as well. The familiar scent of maple and pine filling her nose.
“Oh, and something else, Papa,” What else could she possibly have done? “I also may have asked Moscow to hack into their phones. And set a bunch of reminders of their meetings with you. So, that they won’t be late.” She quickly murmured.
Canada paused his praises to cock his brow. Concerned, he asked, “Quoi?”
“You approved of Russia’s daughter hacking into several nation’s phones?” He said slowly. Trying to process all the implications. Even though she’s his intelligent and thoughtful girl, she’s still a teenager. “You didn’t see huge security risk there?”
“Don’t worry, I then asked Tallinn to make sure she’d never be able to do it again.” She assured, squeezing into the hug a bit more.
A sigh fell from him as he rested his cheek on the top of her head, “She better not. Or else we’re all so screwed.”
“I promise,” She said, pulling back and sticking her pinky out. He caught it with his and squeezed tight.
“It’s a promise then.”
“Now,” A yawn escaped her, “Sleep?”
“Don’t even have to ask.” He said, as his sights locked onto the box. Which was being rummaged through by a guilty looking polar bear, “Kuma, don’t eat them all!”
Kumajiro apologized, crumbs of sugar and sprinkles all over his muzzle. He brought the box over, nudging it towards them. Their laughs jingled out as the trio settled in to rest. Bundled up in blankets and cushioned by the many pillows. All curled up with each other in their own tiny cuddle pile. Listening to the all Canadian playlist she put on. Popping timbits in their mouths every so often.
Soon, sleep called for them. Eyes were getting heavy and yawns were becoming more frequent.
Sleepily, Ottawa whispered into his chest, “Je t’aime, Papa.”
“Je t’aime, Maddie,” He whispered back. Pressing a kiss onto her forehead, “Tellement, mon petit geai bleu.”
Soft snores drifted into his ears soon after. Sleep was about to whisk him away too, a thought popped into his mind. After all this, he realized,
Oh, right.
She’s the one who cares.
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I hope you enjoyed this! Any kind of comment would be appreciated!
Later Days!
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santamonicaroleplay · 5 years
Secrets Masterlist
━ Marco suffers with OCD, but keeps it well hidden most of the time. He’s had periods where it’s been so bad that he’s washed his hands until they were red raw, though —- usually when something’s happened to upset his normally happy life. ━ When he was sixteen, he stole his best friend’s girlfriend. It was unintentional, but she was also a surfer and they spent every day together, things just “happened”. ━ Marco totalled his dad’s car when he was 18 and DUI. His dad still thinks it was the other driver’s fault.
━ He is a half sibling but is not aware of it yet, his mother had an affair. ━ Got in a car crash with a friend when both fell asleep and it resulted in the death of an old man. Luckily the mans family decided not to press charges. ━ Overdosed in his sophomore year of high school and nearly died but his family kept it under wraps.
━ Use to be a drug dealer ━ Became a camgirl for a while to pay bills ━ She only thinks that she knows who the father of Dani is. Phobe is still completely uncertain even if she has a hunch of who it is
━ sells drugs ━ made out with his 27 year old college professor when he was in his junior year of college ━ has always claimed he’s had sex but is actually a virgin
━ Amy sold weed in high school and college. ━ She accidentally killed her daughter’s fish and replaced it with an identical one. ━ She still has feelings for her ex-husband (Nathan)
━ Enrique has hired a private investigator to locate his estranged mother. ━ Contrary to the ‘bad boy’ image that Enrique exuded throughout life, he is actually very intelligent. ━ Enrique watches a lot of cartoon reruns before he falls asleep at night.
━ Once kissed her sister’s boyfriend when drunk at a party ━ Is quite the nerd when it comes to fantasy movies/television, though she'll pretend she's not ━ Suffers from intense nightmares sometimes
━ She lost her virginity while drunk. ━ Feels like she’ll never measure up to her family. ━ Still has a stuffed animal her parents won for her at a fair that she sleeps with when she’s having a rough night.
━ summer tells everyone her movie genre of choice is romance (drama, comedy, all things romance-related). but truthfully, she has a soft spot for dark psych thrillers with a tinge of horror - a little known fact that hardly anyone but the people closest to her know. ━ summer has only ever been in one serious relationship her whole life. they dated for two years in high school and saw a future together past graduation and into adulthood. however, summer had a pregnancy scare at the end of their senior year, prompting her to end the relationship. since then, she’s avoided dating anyone steadily and has stuck to short-term flings. so far her older sister is the only person who knows about the pregnancy scare. ━ summer used to thrift-hunt for rare designer finds and vintage clothing at the local secondhand shops in monterey, freshening them up and selling them online  for a profit. it was a hobby she took to when she was still a kid, but she’s refrained from telling anyone given her current status as a well-reputed stylist.
━ there have been a few songs written by him that have made it onto Reckless albums about the relationship between him and Sutton Barnes and the aftermath of their relationship ━ had to take depression medication which he has been off of for 3 years ━ attended therapy twice a month for two years after his mother’s death
━ She is afraid of crows. ━ She is a cosplayer but does really extravagant cosplays that always cover or modify her face ━ She has an insane funko pop collection, she keeps them in her spare bedroom along with all of her other nerd things
━ Dealt with breakdown after fiance left and before moving to L.A ━ Stole a CD back in high school ━ (Was wrote down in Diary) Holds resentment towards her brother Jason for leaving her.
━ Got pulled over for ‘drunk driving’ when she wasn’t even drunk. Just a bad driver ━ Hasn’t had sex in over 5 years ━ Still in love with her ex-fiance Hanson
━  she has embarrassing videos she made with her friends online when she was young and in Australia ━ she's not sure if she's really over her ex like she thought ━ she's planning on dropping out of her last year of vet school to use the loan money with the home and grandmother
━ Got a secret tattoo in HS without parents knowing ━ Suffered miscarriage after husband passed away ━ Learned how to kiss through a female friend back in HS
━ Hunter often lies about his relationship with his family. He and his father have always been at odds and they haven’t talked since Hunter left home to move to LA, though when asked about his relatives, he’s publicly stated that they get along well and are very close, not to cause a bad impression. ━ Hunter has grown to despise the show he stars in, (which I have terribly named) “Dead or Alive”. Another thing he constantly lies about, after all, it would be terrible publicity for both him and the show, but he can’t wait for either the series to be cancelled, or his contract to be terminated. ━ Hunter has struggled with depression, and still struggles with anxiety. It’s not something he particularly lies about, but definitely tries to hide. Hunter has never really recovered from any of his past traumas – from the loss of his mother, to his father’s abuse, he’s always tried to ignore his pain until he couldn’t, and now his mental health is at an extremely fragile state, in desperate need of constant medical assistance.
━  Toph is dyslexic, and even though he’s invested hours and hours into tutors and therapies   ━ Topher has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome so his joints are hypermobile and weakened from a lifetime of various sprains and dislocations. He originally took an interest in yoga in an attempt to quell fear that his body would start irreparably deteriorating from his progressive injuries, and while he’s found that it’s offered him some relief and reassurance, he’s still prone to stretched ligaments and dislocations. Though he wouldn’t deny it if asked, it’s not offered knowledge about the gardener. (Save for a handful of rec center yogis who once watched his shoulder pop right out of socket mid one-handed tree pose.) ━ Every now and then, he’ll pull the curtains and open up all of the windows in his loft apartment to let the sunlight and fresh air in, turn on a good song strip totally naked, and enjoy a very relaxed and unhindered yoga / meditation session to refresh and realign his chakras and reconnect with his body. He’s pretty sure his windows aren’t visible from the sidewalk several stories below anyway, but his cat has walked in on him in compromising positions once or twice.
━ Searches for his birth family online when he's drunk ━ He can quote Pretty Woman word for word ━ Once cried for an hour straight at a Cher concert because he thought she was so wonderful
━ She has the biggest crush on her best friend Beckett and it terrifies her. ━ She suffers from nightmares, so she chooses to use night time for writing or going on walks to avoid sleeping. ━ Though she says she has, she still has yet to let go of her mother’s death after almost nine years of the event passing.
━ When Zahra moved to New York, her parents thought she was enrolled in university, but she actually dropped out to become a singer. ━ The night before the day her brother went missing Zahra ignored several phone calls from him because she was auditioning for a gig. ━ Since her return to Santa Monica 2 months ago, Zahra and her parents have been seeing a therapist.
━ The summer before college, Ophelia had a fling with one of her father’s associates. ━ When she was 7, she accidentally melted the face off her sister’s favorite Barbie doll by trying to blow dry her hair. Her sister thinks the dog mangled her doll to this day. ━ When filming her first television show, Ophelia had a crush on her co-star.
━ Before making it big, he had a very brief fling with his boss at the magazine he was working for, who had promised to help him with his career. They lied and he soon realised he needed to do it all himself ━ During his time on the football team in high school, he spent most of his time smoking weed under the bleachers than actually putting the time into practise. ━ Despite still being a major flirt from time to time, Nathan’s avoided dating and everything that goes with it since his divorce for fear of messing that up just like he did his marriage.
━ Has struggled with anorexia for years. ━ Cheated on an ex boyfriend with his best friend in high school ━ Was a bully/mean girl in high school
━ Former worked as a dominatrix Madame Mercy ━ During a weding reception she made out with the groom while everyone else was dancing. ━ Gave her panties to a random guy in order to get a cab, then had sex with said guy in order to get a free ride
━ Has never learned to drive ━ Will always take the stairs instead of the elevator as they suffer from claustrophobia ━ Walked out on her last boyfriend while he was unconscious in hospital
━ cried once in order to get out of getting a ticket ━  is obsessed with watching old 90’s cartoons and anime at odd hours of the night ━ had a miscarriage courtesy of her abusive ex-boyfriend
━ Was actually born in to the Aldridge family, but was kept from the truth his whole life. ━ Failed his drivers test multiple times ━ Used to be bankrupt when taking care of his siblings and had to take loans that took him years to pay off.
━ Lost her virginity to Alex’s boyfriend at the time ━ Still sleeps with a stuffed animal dog ━ Tells people she graduated from college even if she never attended
━ RJ is not over his last relationship because he still has feelings for his ex-girlfriend. ━ RJ once ran a popular twitter update account for Rihanna when he was in high school. ━ Before he struck fame with Reckless, RJ was a featured artist on a song, the collaboration was horrible; they also had an accompanying cringey music video produced; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX6IhJ8wAKw
━ Kissed Kourtney Kardashian  ━ Almost got caught trying to shoplift but played it off as an accident ━ Lied on his resmue about knowing how to tap dance. 
━ plays pokemon go religiously ━ truly believes in the supernatural ━ is a published romance author under the pen name Veronica Vanburen
━  Never disclosed the fact her parents are criminals and drug addicts to the police academy. ━  Had an affair with a married man ━ She constantly uses hot sauce on any food she can--pasta, sandwiches, burgers, etc.
━ In the week before her wedding she had one too many and kissed a girl in a bar restroom. ━ Still rings home once a month and leaves a message despite her parents never returning her calls. ━ Once drove 36 hours to the house she’d once shared with her fiance only to lose her nerve and turn around once she saw he was home.
━ From age 5-12, Parker has swallowed every piece of gum he's ever chewed. ━ He hates needles and faints very easily at the sight of blood draws ━  He slept with a girl who had a boyfriend four times in one night and then fell in love with her although she decided to stay with her long-term boyfriend.
━ purposely let his academic progress go to waste while attending Dartmouth and was put on academic probation twice ━ had a relationship with a woman that was a close friends to his parents when he was 21 and she 42; the relationship wasn’t serious and they only saw each other for about three months ━ one of his first investments fell through with two million dollars on the line from his trust fund
━ She is aware of the fact that her drinking has gotten out of control and has been talking to someone about it quietly. ━ Agreed to go on a date with a cop to get out of a speeding ticket. ━ Almost had a drunken hook up with the head of the label she works for even though he’s married
━ She catfished a guy on Tinder after he broke one of her best friends’ hearts. ━ Spencer was arrested for assaulting a classmate in high school and had to do counseling and community service. ━ Spence was being stalked by an ex-boyfriend last year and had to get a restraining order against him.
━  Likes pineapple on pizza ━ Enjoys fruity alcoholic drinks. ━ When he goes out he loosen the salt shakers tops so it spills on whoever is after him/around him.
━ The first ever guitar Richard has, he stole. He didn’t want to ask his parents to keep buying him things when they disagreed with his chosen career path, so he went out and stole it so he could write music. ━ Richard cannot remember most of the women he’s been with, by not remembering their names; he came up with a system so that he tells them apart by numbers. ━ Although it may not appear so in every day life, Richie sometimes struggle with his self image while under the pressure of social media comments and expectations for what he should look like.
━ had a miscarriage when she was 22 ━ she knows that Noah Sinclair is their half brother ━ she used to write fanfictions
━ she is still a virgin but secretly wants to have sex. ━ she still suffers from partial memory loss of certain major events but tries to act like she knows what her family is talking about. ━ she’s having blackouts and sleepwalks to random places.
━ Spent a week in a mental hospital after finding out about her biological family. ━ Constantly feels disconnected with her biological family/because of that disconnect she’s forced to do therapy twice a week by her moms. ━ Was a married couples third for over a year.
━ While back in the UK, she made the decision to track down the child she gave up at birth and was rather swiftly denied any contact. ━ Faye recently found out that her family is broke following her father’s scandal. She was the only one with any money, most of which she used for her education in Washington.  ━ She returned to the US stressed and feeling out of control, so her friend took her on a vacation to Vegas where she could be out of control. The weekend ended up very messy and she ended up married to someone she’d only just met.
━ Was aware her ex-fiance was cheating, but was too scared to be alone so she pretended to not know.  ━ Skinny dips every third Sunday of the month before dawn.  ━ Even though she should have gave the ring back, Sutton actually paid and kept her engagement right after her engagement ended, it is now in her jewelry box. 
━ When she was a tween, Thalia tried and failed at becoming a popular ‘youtuber’. At the time her channel featured vlogs, dancing, baking, and makeup tutorials. ━ Thalia cheated during monopoly at her family’s game night and still feels guilty.  ━  Thalia uses popular hookup apps for the attention she gets, but she never actually meets up with anyone.
━ Slept with one of her professors at Harvard ━ Still watches Disney films when she’s having a bad day ━ Once escaped a one night stand by climbing out of a top floor window
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