#one piece kaido dragon
themetalhiro · 4 months
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truejekart · 4 months
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Yamato wishes you a Happy New Lunar Year of the Dragon! 🐲
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Imagine DND night with the beast pirates
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During one session
Queen: Alright, you idiots somehow managed to kidnap the ambassador. You have him tied up in the dank, dark, dilapidated dungeon of the old capital ruins.
King: We need to interrogate him for answers, it's clear that he's working for the necromancer, he might know where he is. I roll for intimidation, *rolls* sixteen.
Queen: *mutters,* of course that is where you go with it, pervert. *Speaks loudly,* Your intimidation is only slightly successful. The ambassador knows his life is in danger and needs to flee. However, he refuses to answer your questions. He proclaims, "I will never tell you anything, I shall be loyal to my master till my last breath!"
Kaido: *really in the character of his half-orc barbarian* that can be arranged, little man.
Queen: *rolls for him* The ambassador stutters, his voice quivering, "I just received messages from him and carried out his bidding, I don't know where he is really."
Yamato: Perception check, I'd like to see if he is lying.
Queen: you'll need a nineteen or higher, Are you sure you want to do that?
Yamato: *rolls* nat 20.
Queen: you can tell he's lying big time, you can practically smell the nervous flop sweat on this guy from across the room.
You: I can make him talk, I cast heat metal on his bones.
Queen: heat metal only works on metal, it's literally in the name of the spell. It doesn't work on bones, since they're made of calcium.
You: and calcium is a soft metal.
Queen: what's your source.
You: *came prepared to dispute this because you've been looking for an excuse to use this knowledge for evil. You pulled out an advanced chemistry textbook with the page bookmarked and the section highlighted, and handed it to him.* Read it and weep.
Queen: *puts on his reading glasses to read it* ... Dear god, okay, you cast heat metal, roll a d10 for me.
You: *rolls* 8
Queen: and with a plus three modifiers... you heat his bones until he's screaming. The ambassador lasts only thirty seconds before he reveals that the wizard necromancer, Typhus the Terrible, lives in the glittering palace deep in the inky caverns of Roptian, which is guarded by the onyx dragon.
Sasaki: yer kind of scary sometimes.
You: thank you.
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At another session
Queen: okay, you enter the throne room, and the evil wizard is lounging on the glittering throne, Typhus the Terrible.
King: I roll for initiative *rolls dice*
Queen: critical fail, your fighter is dead.
Kaido: *rolls for attack* critical fail.. Hmm, I hate this game.
Queen: you are also dead, (y/n), you are the only one left with any spell slots or turns left. What are you gonna do?
You: ... I would like to cast summon water
King: there goes that campaign.
Queen: that spell lets you fill a space with water, are you sure that's what you want to do.
You: yes
Queen: the room fills with water
You: I didn't cast it in the room.
Queen: where then did you cast it?
You: inside the wizard's skull.
The whole room: *horrified*
Queen: you can't do that
You: the spell specifies that it fills a space, and a skull cavity is a space. And you let me fill the chest down the hall with water, why not this dude's head?
Queen: ugh, hang on a minute, I need to figure out the damage.... You killed the boss... You flooded his brain with so much water, that his skull exploded.
King: that's the most messed up thing I've ever heard.
Kaido: *mutters* we've done worse.
You: you should be very glad I don't have a devil fruit
King: I'm starting to see that now, thank you.
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baicaozhe · 2 months
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quick scribble
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goldenvulpine · 3 months
One Piece’s villains are great because regardless of how horrible they are you can believably see why they would team up with Luffy because FUCK Celestial Dragons.
Like despite Kaido & Big Mom being massive POS if they decided they had enough of it and just wanted to absolutely kill some Celestial Dragons you would not only find it believable but you would root for them too and it wouldn’t be a betrayal of their characters. That how horrible the Celestial Dragons are.
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count-alucard-tepes · 3 months
Recently found out that babies has their ways to "attack" by doing this aggressive kiss with mouth open. Usually going for the nose or cheek.
I wonder the hotties reaction to their baby giving such "attack"
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I adore your works and things. Have a wonderful day girl 💕
He thinks it’s absolutely cute and lets his baby do it all the time:
Kizaru ✨
Fujitora 🐅
Sir Crocodile 🐊
Benn Beckman 🔫
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
Oven Charlotte 🍞
Marco the Phoentix 🦅
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕
Gecko Moria🦇
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅
King 👑
Rob Lucci🐆
He attacks the baby back omg😆:
Ryokugyu 🌱
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹
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silvadour · 9 months
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"I want...to create the world...where my friends can eat...as much as they want!!!" Luffy defeats Kaido!! - Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun!! One Piece Ep. 1076 - "The World That Luffy Wants" Episode Director: Satoshi Ito (伊藤 聡伺) Animation Director: Yong-ce Tu (涂 泳策) & Ziwei He Key Animator: Yong-ce Tu (涂 泳策)
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beatradical · 1 month
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Luffy Tunes!
5th May 2024
Another year, another happiest Birthday to my sunny god, Monkey D. Luffy!!!
It's also Children's Day (Kodomo no Hi) in Japan today~
I couldn't decide on which phrase to go with,
they are both equally suitable... So here are both versions! :D
KAIDO & LUFFY © Oda Eiichiro Fan art by Fuyu
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roseaesynstylae · 11 months
One Piece Characters as Youtubers
One Piece AUs did an excellent version of this for the Straw Hats, which directly inspired this.
Law: He runs a medical channel where he discusses surgery and gruesome cases in loving detail with complete calm. He's pretty popular despite the fact that his stuff can get pretty nightmarish. (Robin and Chopper occasionally guest for historical medicine in the former's case and the rare kid-friendly stuff for the latter.)
Kid: Has a channel devoted to various types of weapons and playing metal. Many people are worried about his blood pressure.
Killer: Keeps an eye on Kid and acts as the voice of reason. He has his own channel devoted to pasta making, drumming, and hair care.
Drake: Has a bunch of videos about reptiles and dinosaurs, as well as a series breaking down astrophysics. It's adorable how excited he gets.
Bonney: Reviews various restaurants, fast food places, and other dining establishing. Her responses are based on how much food and how fast it comes.
Apoo: He reviews music. While he's an asshole, his breakdowns are very accurate. He also does pretty good covers.
Big Mom: Rants about sweets. Every type of sweet. You will find a lot of new desserts but your eardrums might blow out.
Kaido: His most popular videos are of him getting drunk and doing stupid things. (Shanks uploads them.)
Koby: Mainly does reaction videos. His responses to Luffy's videos are very popular.
Bartolomeo: Reacts to Luffy, and only to Luffy.
Ulti: She has a bunch of videos devoted to making accessories and does skits with her brother.
Page One: Primarily makes videos about mindfulness and dealing with annoying coworkers.
Katakuri: Posts a lot of quick clips of his siblings and pets. There are also a lot of food reviews. People keep hoping for a face reveal.
Dragon: He rips apart various events, ranging from YouTube drama and awful creators to politics and corruption. He reviews them from all angles and doesn't hold back.
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moochingvanze · 7 months
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The drawing of Kaido I made earlier, damn I outdid myself again, so proud of it, especially that I made all the details and it looks even better than I imagined it before I began drawing.
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gaydragontournament · 3 months
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Propaganda under cut
● He ate a magic fruit and can turn into a dragon. He flirts with both men and women when he's drunk, so he's bisexual.
● He can transform into a giant azure dragon or a hybrid dragon, and he's bisexual.
Not explicitly confirmed bisexual, but he has a son so he must have had sex with a woman (or a trans man, we never saw Yamato's mother), and he drunkenly flirted with the male main character in the middle of their epic battle.
Also, Kaido's aforementioned son is a trans man, and while he abuses the shit out of Yamato for the man he kins (one of Kaido's old enemies), he does respect his pronouns.
● Kaido is the main villain of one of the most recent sagas of One Piece, and he ate the fish-fish fruit: azure dragon model which allows him to transform into a half-dragon form and a dragon form. He is a drunkard and flies into different moods when drunk such as angry, sad, happy, etc. One of these moods is "flirty drunk" and he says to his (male)opponent while the opponent is attacking him, "Stop it, you! <3" while winking. While this could be seen as a flimsy reason to call him gay, most characters in the series don't show attraction at all due to romance having such little focus. This is stronger evidence of attraction than most characters have in the entire series. Also, the dude is pretty cool. He's a completely messed up P.O.S. individual, and it's fun to watch him on screen. He's a well written villain, we love to see him get his shit wrecked by our protagonist. Also he respects his trans son's pronouns while still being a complete abusive a-hole to him. He's funny, he's terrifying, he's irritating, Kaido rocks as a character and is up there as one of the best one piece villains.
● N/A
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mugiwara-lucy · 9 months
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I HOPE we get a scene like this in the anime where we see the world react to Luffy defeating Kaido since this is "the world's strongest creature"!!
Source: Natalardo on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CE9b-KSFZo8/?hl=en
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look-better-in-gold · 23 days
wait i just thought of something. so in g5 luffy can summon storms… in loguetown a storm saved his life. i’ve seen a lot of speculation that it was dragon, but uh. have we considered the fact that it could’ve been either luffy (subconsciously) or the gum gum fruit itself???
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Imagine becoming the beast pirate's espionage chief
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Kaido: I know you don't trust him, but I can't and won't act against him while he's still useful to me.
You: I'm glad you said that, I've used most of my free time in the last month to gather proof. [hands Kaido an appropriate-sized folder] I found that Mister Bennington of Foodvalten did not exist until six years ago.
Kaido: [pulls out a pair of delicate reading glasses, puts them on, and thumbs through the folder]
You: His real name is Frank Jenkins, and he's sixty-eight. He was born in the Appaloosa archipelago, where he started his life of crime at six, swindling tourists. By age fourteen, he moved on to robbery, arson, and petty theft. However, by age twenty, Frank found his lifelong modiis operandi, scam, fraud, and grand theft. Frank posed as a rich entrepreneur and stole large amounts of money from a mining operation before disappearing. He did similar scams on Alabasta, Cactus Island, Jaya, Water 7, and Applenine Island.
Kaido: [closes the folder and hands it off to King] ... you are quite thorough, you even included Marine and local police reports from over forty years ago. How did you get a hold of these without leaving the island?
You: CP-0 and Dofflamingo
Kaido: I figured, but how did you get them to give these to you?
You: I called in favors with Dofflamingo, and performed a few sexual favors with CP-0.
King: Is that why I walked in on you jerking off one of those masked freaks?
You: yeah, and you calling them masked freaks is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black. Also, you don't have any room to judge me, Maria has told me all about your little trysts with her.
King: She's too much of a gossip, as are you, and I don't care about gossip.
You: so you don't want to know which of the tobiroppo brought pubic lice into the crew, and where they got it?
Kaido: Tell me who is the culprit, right this minute.
You: hmm, I dunno, what's in it for me?
Kaido: I won't kill you where you stand.
You: That threat only works on people who like living.
King: How about a promotion to espionage chief, your own quarters and bathroom here and on any of the ships, and a raise?
You: deal, it was Who's-Who, he got it fucking one of Big Mom's kids.
Kaido: I'll kill him! Those little bastards have been gnawing on my balls for weeks. [vigorously scratches his crotch]
You: And that's why I don't fuck my crewmates unless I benefit from it because y'all are nasty.
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natileroxs · 6 months
Usopp meeting Yasopp: tries to be civil despite his deep down frustration and abandonment issues
Sanji: two feet behind him charging up his strongest attack
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dkettchen · 3 months
Honestly Law has the power to literally just drop these ppl in the ocean and let them drown bc they're devil fruit eaters but I guess he hasn't considered that option huh
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