#or they'll see just whatever they want to see. if they want me to be fuckable then i am.
solus-seraph · 3 days
Common Grounds. (AM)
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AM is interested in you, and you are NOT interested in him.
A/N: It's been a minute since I've written, so here's a little drabble. Also, I initially wrote this to be fem!reader, but it can probably be read as whatever.
AM had grown tired of playing with you. At first, the promise of eventually being able to crack that sickeningly dense shell of apathy you pushed forward with your self-inclusive facade was a tempting prize. Of course, he could always physically break you to no end, but where's the fun in that? He wants to see you suffer on all levels, but something is wrong with you. You're different from the other five. The apathy he once thought to be a part of your clever coping mechanism wasn't going away. It wasn't cracking. He began to think, perhaps it was a metaphorical virus in your code. A bug. Something within you that made you broken, unfixable.
"You're quite the anomaly, sweetheart." Always the same pet name with him, never once has he given you the satisfaction of hearing your name from his speakers. It's always 'Sweetheart,' 'my dear,' this and that, never your name. Perhaps it's an attempt to erase your identity. Whatever it is, it has no effect. Other people's perceptions of you are irrelevant.
"I'm quite aware. Now if you're done with your pointless attempts to pick my brain, do us both a favor and leave me alone," You were doing as you always do, walking in the freezing cold, improperly dressed for the weather. Though you'd never complained, lest he make you walk through the snow in the nude.
"Quite ballsy of you to make demands of me. I've not come to dissect you in any way other than mentally. Your mind is quite ... different. It intrigues me." His voice was already giving you a headache, but what better do you have to do than entertain his royal pain in the ass?
"I know exactly what you want to say about it." Of course you do, he rummaged through your head millions of times, he was bound to say something eventually.
"I've noted you have a lack of care for your fellow humans. You're quite the selfish beast if I must say so myself."
"Don't you perhaps think I don't get attached to them because I know the second I do they'll become your favorite play thing? I know how you work. If I showed any particularity to any of those five, you'd hurt them to hurt me." Your words spit out of your mouth laced with venom.
"Oh, please. You can't fool me. You don't act as if you dislike them to protect them. You truly don't care about them at all." That ear-bleedingly annoying laugh rings out. "You're as much of a monster as the other think you are. I've heard them talking, sweetheart. They think you're sided with me out of some sadistic pleasure of yours."
"And how should I know you aren't lying to me? After all, you hate me. You hate my kind. You hate how I think and feel. Or how I'm supposed to think, and I'm supposed to feel." You moisten your cracked lips.
"You and I think alike, my dear. Always doubting-"
"What do you have to doubt? Anything you think can be the truth becomes the truth." You cut him off before he starts monologing. "You and I have nothing in common, nor do I and the others."
AM has to stop and think about this. Such a hostile little thing you are. He quite likes it. Perhaps with this new ammunition, he can turn them on you even more. Maybe he can make them hate you so that you will come to hate them.
And just maybe, you'll hate like he does.
I know, I know, not the longest thing on the planet. Let me ease back into the writing scene 🙏
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sarnai4 · 2 days
Understandably Grumpy
I have read up on some things with Damien Wayne and the hate he was getting for the longest time never made sense to me. I'm not sure if it's still there, but I feel like it's not really fair. Can the kid be rude? Heck, yeah, but so can a lot of real kids. Can he be cocky? Same thing. What sets him apart for me is that backstory. It's not to say that he gets the right to do whatever he wants, but it makes sense. This kid was raised by someone called the Demon's Head. He's going to be at least a little messed up. He was created from the sexual assault his mother committed so that a worthy heir could be made. In many versions, that's all he was to her and his grandfather. They didn't view him as family, he was a weapon. He was supposed to become this cold, unfeeling soldier who would kill anyone who was deemed deserving of death. He knew only this for the most formative years of his life. Bruce's childhood ended at 8; Damien's never started.
It's not until Damien meets his father and the Batfamily that he gets love in his life. I feel bad that he basically found the most therapy-needing hero family in the DC Comics, but you get what you get. This is still better than the rest of his biological family. The arrogance we see has been instilled in him. He doesn't fit in with the others because he's genuinely unlike them. There's this conflict in Damien. He's the only Robin who's biologically Bruce's son, but he's also the one who's the least like the family because of his past. He should be able to bond with Bruce, but it's so difficult. The very code his father works hard to uphold, he's been programmed to break. He has to fight himself whenever he fights an enemy. Do the others understand him? Of course not. They can't. They can try to, but they'll never truly understand what he's gone through or what he's currently going through so that his new family won't think he's a monster. The beauty of it is that they don't need to understand fully to still be there to support and care for him.
I saw some of the Teen Titans movies where Damien joined and learned to apologize for being mean, even going so far in a later movie to try to help Terra come to terms with her own demons so that she could embrace their family like he was learning to. For these reasons, I believe Damien is a Robin with so much story potential. He's just fascinating and a classic bad boy with a good heart. I hope he gets some love from his kinder family and the audience.
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monstersflashlight · 9 hours
Hello! ^^ I read about the elf with human kink and it got me thinking how can elves different from humans? Like ideas. Cause at the first glance we are similiar except for the ears. And maybe ekves are more beautiful and etheral. Then in culture where they are usually proper and pacifist in a way. But still not much differences. Vampires, werewolves, demons have lists of what doesn't make them human. So how would human pussy be different? In my headcanons I add that elves (both genders) are looking androgynous (flat and no curves) and despite being slender and lanky have sturdy bodies. (And sometimes add height *cough* 7ft *cough*). So humans are appealing by being meaty, soft and having more prominent chests, hips or just vary in bodyshapes (and are teeny tiny). Do you have some ideas to add? (I am new to tumblr and not english speaker and just want to hear more elf headcanons, so sorry if my ask looks/sounds weird.)
Hi anon! Don't apologize for not being an english speaker, I'm not either and here we are.
I can't find the original post to link it but I do think elves have key differences that would make them have human kinks. I think your points are right. I also think elves, because of their beauty, would find humans interesting because our apparence can change over time and theirs can't, so the point of fragility human have could play a role. I mean, they can die but live loooooooong lives so the fragility and how ephemeral humans are could be a point of interest for them because it's so different from their own experience. I can imagine a hundred year old elf being completely confused seeing old ladies all wrinkled but being enthralled by it. Not in a sexual way, lol.
Also what you say about curves: yes. I think, like before, that the fact that human bodies can change and adapt and can be so different, meanwhile elves are pretty and thin and their skin can be different but phisically very similar, so it's boring for them to be with other elves when they could be with humans of any kind or shape.
In a more sexual way, I think elves would go crazy for a full bush because they don't have any body hair. I think they'll go crazy for muscular men and curvy women, just whatever sparks the biggest difference possible. They are tall but lean, so big bodies would be so attractive to them. I'm talking full on horny every time they see some exposed boobs, I'm talking seeing a dude squat at the gym and having to excuse themselves to go jerk off. They would go crazy for it.
And as last think I think their human kink would make them flustered because they get so excited they could cum instantly and even though they have a super stamina, they don't want to be the monster that gets two pumps and that's it. But humans would be all over that because that means they are that excited to be with them. And elves would totally compensate the human later with their mouth on them for hours.
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devastatinglygreen · 6 hours
You're not worried about the Lady Whistledown angst?
like, idk what to tell people, the trailer is misleading because that's what trailers do.
people who read the book know there's a whole plot that makes their relationship stronger after the LW confrontation.
the queen is not going to do anything drastic to penelope. that's not how this works.
colin worrying about penelope is literally like, the back half of the book, it's a whole thing. that man is can't see straight in love. people are weird about colin being like my purpose is penelope but whatever idc i am here for it. they did that for me.
people are also weird about penelope maybe not continuing LW but also, that's a product of penelope's unhappiness and loneliness. you can't girlboss her into wanting to do it if she doesn't. you don't know what she wants yet and the trailer is definitely trying to lead you into thinking something other than what i think is happening.
i think some people think they get married before he knows. but no. there's been enough spoilers to know that's not true.
that man is so happy to be married to her even with the drama, he can't control his worry and fear for her tho, like, that is...like. he's dramatic. he made up a whole fake lover she might be seeing in the book in less than, what? a minute? he was terrified at the thought that she might have married someone else while engaged to him and i'm pretty sure he had her naked or near naked on his bed at the time. we're just going to have to let him worry and be mad and they'll work it out, they love each other too much not to.
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timkontheunsure · 11 hours
Now that full moon has come out, how do you think apology tour will play out, with clips from the trailer that seem to be from that episode? We know now how their conversation went after the crystal which was about 75% what most fans thought. Whether stolas was invited by verosika or not, he will sing a song about Blitz, at a concert called Blitzo Sucks. For me, after this episode, stolas singing a song bashing blitz seems unfair. And I’d hate for it to be seen as character development for stolas to feel empowered by saying he’s better off without blitz.
Hum ok so here's the trailer without full moon.
(sorry it makes the sound a bit garbled)
So yer we can assume all stuff with Verosika, or them in the same outfits is going to be apology tour. 🙂
Wait didn't we see Stolas calendar.
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This half of the season has been fairly close together.
Humm ok going to guess that whatever gets Stolas to Voroskia's show is the scary thing with 2 !!
Heh he also put a dick on the calendar, these two are so alike. 😆
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Hang on, I'm about to fall down a rabbit hole. So Western Energy and Oops are a week apart, with Mammon's Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special shortly after.
Going to guess Western Energy is on the 4th with the 5th and 6th blacked out with Blitz's freekout to find Barbie.
Can see the 5th says 'kill all!!' and 'check the van!!'
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Humm can see why it'd need checking after that.
Could be Oops was on the 15th with 'Call Fizzarolli" being the day after?
Not sure where Mammon's Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special would be though. Maybe 21st if 'kill that fucking guy's is about the creepy stalker?
Ok, back on track.
Going guess that Blitz goes to talk to Stolas in his garden.
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Trying to pretend nothing happened, that they can just go on as normal like they did in seeing stars.
And gets snarked at because Stolas isn't having it. Something he says makes Blitz need to talk with Voroskia.
Possibly the "any kind of remorse for what you do?" bit. (Honestly still sounds like a line to Stella, but they played the other bits straight so now less sure).
Think Blitz sneaks in, looks like he might have hidden under a drop cloth from backstage. Gets into a fight with Verosika before the show " the everyone in hell is shity" bit. Possibly mentioning the breakup with Stolas.
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He ends up ticking around for the show when he sees Stolas there.
Voroskia does her normal Blitz sucks song (effigy cake cutting in it);
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then invites Stolas to also dump on him because of what Blitz says.
Stolas song starts off about how his life was crap before Blitz (parles with You will be ok),
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that he loved this guy who made him happy, but who never wanted him back,
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that their relationship was just coursing them both pain, that Blitz was never happy with him,
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and that the image in his head of them has been shattered.
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Looks like Voroskia comes to twist the knife at how badly Blitz screwed up a really good thing.
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Hopefully with them talking and her getting real closure? While Blitz finally come to see Stolas.
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Blitz breaks into Stolas' bedroom after the show and they both talk. (Can see they're on his bedroom sofa).
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With them agreeing to give it a shot but not really defining what that is. (What can I say I still think they'll be dummies).
(Sorry this tuck a bit to get back to you. My draft got eaten by save errors grumble).
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nanamiscocksleeve · 5 hours
Too Sweet
Ok, so here's my hot take (or maybe not, who knows) about the Hozier song Too Sweet being Nanami-coded. When the song first came out, everyone was screaming that it's Nanami-coded so obviously I gave it a listen and when it was done...I was a bit confused.
There is nothing about this song that makes me think of Nanami. Save for the chorus:
"I think I'll take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three"
With the exception of those lines I fail to see how any of the rest of the song relates to Nanami. The song talks about a man who (apparently) is in a relationship with someone who lives a contrasting life to his own. His s/o seems to be someone who likes structure and a more stable life with a plan, whereas he prefers spontaneity and some of the darker aspects of life.
Now, I can't help but picture Nanami as someone who craves this kind of structured lifestyle as well. We know he's tired and I think he would love it if he could find someone that could bring a touch of domesticity into his life. The song narrator sounds like the person Nanami is right now, like making the best decisions he can with whatever he has but I just don't feel like he'd reject someone trying to provide him with comforts like making sure he gets enough sleep, or that he's living life to the fullest.
As for the "you're too sweet for me" I can imagine Nanami saying this when he finds his s/o doing things that he doesn't necessarily expect of them, like staying up waiting for him when he gets home late, or bringing him his lunch if he forgets it. The song though, almost makes it sound like the narrator is patronizing the s/o because they're "too sweet" for the rough and almost bitter lifestyle he prefers.
"sweet as a grape If you can sit in a barrel, maybe I'll wait"
This almost makes it sound like the narrator is asking s/o to wait on him and see if they'll change their mind about the type of lifestyle they want vs the one he's leading. That almost feels like he's not making promises to the s/o but rather, he's waiting for them to accept his lifestyle and maybe ease up on their own expectations as to how they want to live ("You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate, The rest of you like you're the TSA"). I can't imagine Nanami leading someone on like that, or asking them to change their mind on something that they clearly have worked hard to attain.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is Nanami isn't someone running away from wanting a structured life and stability. He very much wants it, but he's stuck with the current lifestyle of working long hours and sleeping whenever he can. He doesn't want it, but it's what he has and he's doing his best to make it work.
Anyway, I fail to find the connection between Nanami and this song. This is just my opinion and thoughts, of course, everyone is free to feel how they feel. No shade to Hozier though, it's a nice song on it's own, just not Nanami-coded.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
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purrincess-chat · 2 days
In Breakable Heaven CH1
It's @ladrienjune yall!
And I know what you're all thinking
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But I finally wrote something! One chapter of a thing. For now, but more will be coming, I promise! As I mentioned previously, I am moving for the next couple weeks, but I will hopefully have some down time to write here and there. I also still need to plan the ending for this fic, but shhhhh that's future Cat's problem ;) Anywho, here's the beginning of a Ladrien secret-dating adventure. Enjoy~
This chapter covers days 6, 7, and 8 (social media, jealousy, and biggest fan respectively).
Read on AO3
Rating: G
When Adrien wins a contest on the Ladyblog, he catches the attention of Ladybug herself and scores more than just an opportunity to hang out with her. Caught in a fever dream high, the two lovebirds try to navigate their budding relationship away from the public eye and find that keeping secrets is a lot harder than they anticipated. Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes, what doesn't kill them makes them want each other more, and they'll do whatever it takes to stay in breakable heaven.
Chapter 1
“You Play Stupid Games, You Win Stupid Prizes”
“Alright, Bugheads, now onto the big announcement! With summer holidays coming up, I thought it would be a fun time to host a little contest, and ask the question: How well you know our resident superheroine? I’ve created a quiz that only the most die-hard fans will be able to pass because the stakes on this one are high. The person with the highest score will get to spend an afternoon with Ladybug! And don’t worry, this was approved by the head bug herself! Details for entry are listed below. Best of luck to all of you, and don’t forget to stay connected!”  Alya’s cheery lilt ended on Adrien’s computer screen, and he leaned back in his chair.
“A whole afternoon with Ladybug?” He swooned.
“What’s the big deal? You already spend every afternoon with her.” Plagg hovered over Adrien’s head with a wedge of cheese.
“Yeah, when we’re fighting bad guys,” Adrien said pointedly. “She never wants to spend time with me outside of work. This could be my chance to finally see a movie with her.”
“What’s the appeal of seeing a movie anyway? You just sit next to each other in silence for several hours. The only plus is the buttery popcorn with its salty, crunchy, oily goodness...” Plagg shoved the cheese into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully for a moment. “On second thought, why don’t you and I go see a movie? I’m much better company.”
Adrien rolled his eyes and clicked the leaderboard in the comments of Alya’s post. Someone had already gotten a decently high score on the quiz, only a few points away from perfect. A few scrolls down, the same username popped up again, and Adrien’s grip tightened on his mouse.
ladybugsfuturebf: Good luck beating my score! Only Ladybug herself could score higher. Can’t wait to spend one-on-one time with her on our date!
“Who does this guy think he is? A date? Ladybug’s future boyfriend? Before me?” Adrien scoffed.
“Need I remind you, the contest is to win a chance to hang out with her, not date her,” Plagg said.
What kind of flowers do you think she likes? Oh, wait! I already answered that on the quiz! She’s gonna be so impressed she’ll forget all about Chat Noir.
Adrien’s teeth ground together. There was no way such a boastful, arrogant person was in the lead. And forget about him? Please, he was Ladybug’s best friend! No one knew her better than him. He could ace that quiz in no time.
“What are you doing?” Plagg sighed as Adrien clicked the entry form.
“Oh, come on, Plagg. I can’t let that guy win! If anyone is going to win a date with Ladybug, it’s me! I know her better than anyone,” Adrien said.
Plagg floated down in front of his face. “And you don’t think it’s going to be a problem if you get a perfect score? Let’s just broadcast to the world that you’re Chat Noir!”
“I’m not that dense, Plagg.” Adrien waved him out of the way. “I’ll sign up with a fake email and username. No one will ever know Adrien Agreste won.”
Pursing his lips, he tapped the keys of his keyboard in thought on the account creation screen. He needed something inconspicuous, but not too mysterious. Something that wouldn’t be surprising when Chat Noir revealed himself as the winner, but also, not something that would be a dead giveaway that it was him. He didn’t want Ladybug to disqualify him for cheating. Besides, he wasn’t really cheating. There were no rules that her best friend and partner couldn’t enter…
He’d keep it simple but on brand — thecatsmeow had a nice ring to it, and it was surprisingly not taken. Now that his account was squared away, he just had to pass the quiz. 40 questions? Piece of cake.
What is Ladybug’s favorite color? Easy, pink.
Favorite musical artist? Jagged Stone.
Eye color?
It was almost sad how easy the questions were, and before he knew it, he’d finished. Adrien sat back as the site tabulated his score, and Plagg came to a rest on the top of his chair. A perfect score flashed on the screen, and Adrien shot up with a whoop.
“Yes! Take that ladybugsfuturebf!” he cheered.
“Don’t you think Ladybug is going to be mad when she finds out you won?” Plagg asked.
“Oh, come on. If anything, this just proves how much I pay attention. She’ll be impressed that I know her so well,” he said. At Plagg’s skeptical expression, Adrien sat back down. “And she’s not going to have a choice because I won fair and square.”
“You’re delusional.” Plagg floated off.
Adrien shrugged it off, smiling at his username at the top of the leaderboard. He was finally going to get that movie date with Ladybug! Nothing was going to sour his mood.
The next day, Adrien arrived at school as usual, shutting the door to his silver town car without a second thought. After winning the date with Ladybug, he was on cloud nine, imaging how romantic it would be in the dark theater. Maybe he’d pick a horror movie and hold her when she got scared. Oh! And their hands could brush as they both reached for popcorn at the same time! Entering the contest was the best idea he’d ever had.
“There’s no way it’s not him. Chat Noir totally won the contest,” Alya said as he entered the classroom.
Adrien stopped in his tracks. Okay, maybe not his best idea, but it was fine because he used a fake account. There was no way they traced it back to him.
None of them paid him any mind as he took his seat beside Nino, who was tapping his chin in thought.
“But why would Chat Noir need to enter a contest to spend time with Ladybug. He spends like the most time with her out of everyone,” Nino said.
“It’s so obvious. He’s been trying to get her to go to the movies with him for like ever, and now she has to say yes,” Alya said.
“Shouldn’t that be against the rules or something?” Marinette asked. “I mean, they spend so much time together, of course he’d know all the answers.”
“I’m willing to allow it because I think it’s really funny, and I don’t mind being Chat Noir’s wing woman.” She shrugged.
“Alya!” Marinette gasped.
“What? I want them to get together. Sue me.” Alya giggled.
“Hey, didn’t all the contestants have to have valid accounts to enter? What’s the name on the email address for the username that won?” Nino asked.
Adrien stiffened.
“Way ahead of you,” Alya said. “I looked right after the results posted, but the email is registered to an obvious alias, which further proves that it’s Chat Noir. He wouldn’t use his real name. He may not always look it, but he’s a smart cat.”
He wasn’t sure if he should be offended by that statement or not.  
“Dang, would have been cool if we learned who he was,” Nino said.
Adrien breathed a sigh of relief when they let it drop. Everything was fine, and Alya wasn’t going to disqualify him. He could already taste the popcorn!
“Ya know,” it was Max who spoke up, having stopped midway up the stairs to his desk upon overhearing their conversation, “if you’re interested in knowing who the account really belongs to, I can track the IP address.”
Adrien’s heart shot up to his throat.
“Wait, for real?” Alya perked up.
“That would be totally awesome!” Nino added.
Maybe it would be fine. His father paid for crazy firewalls to protect his design secrets. No way anyone could get through them… Right?
“I recently upgraded Markov’s tracking capacity. I can crack a low-grade military firewall and find an address with pin-point accuracy,” Max said.
Most of the time, Adrien was amazed at Max’s genius, but today he was terrified of it. Plagg was right, entering the quiz was a surefire way to get him caught!
“Guys, that’s an invasion of privacy! Besides, don’t you think it will be dangerous if it is Chat Noir? I mean, exposing his identity will lead Hawkmoth right to his door. You’re practically handing him his Miraculous,” Marinette, his sweet pig-tailed savior, said.
Adrien cleared his throat and turned around, “Yeah, Marinette’s right. I think it will cause more trouble than it’s worth.” For him specifically.
“Chill out, I’m not going to post it online or anything. I just think if we knew who he was we could help him. I can be the girl on the ground, and I can also give him tips to fix his pitiful attempts at flirting with Ladybug,” Alya said.
Pitiful! Oh, she was definitely getting snubbed next time she asked for an interview.
“Alya, it’s dangerous and wrong. Even if he entered the contest for selfish reasons, that doesn’t mean you can invade his privacy like that.” Marinette chided. “Promise me you won’t look into it. It would put all of you and him in danger.”
Alya pursed her lips, exchanging glances with Max and Nino before slumping in her seat.
“Fine, I won’t look into it,” she said.
“Good,” Marinette said as Mlle. Bustier entered and called for everyone to find their seats.
Adrien turned back around, breathing out a ragged sigh. That was close, but it had all worked out in the end. He’d have to stop by the bakery later and buy a caseload of chouquettes to thank Marinette. Her level-head really saved his hide.
As the day wore on, Adrien pushed the morning’s conversation from his mind, though he had a feeling Plagg would give him an earful about it later. It would all be worth it when he and Ladybug finally went on their date. Could he get cherry blossoms this time of year? They were just barely out of season, but he could probably pull a few strings.
He pulled out his phone to check as he entered the library, and he’d almost found a promising listing when he rounded the corner and found Alya and Max crowded around a laptop at a table. Ducking back behind the bookshelf, he strained his ears to listen.
“His firewall is surprisingly good, it may take me a while to crack,” Max was saying.
“But you can definitely get around it?” Alya asked.
“Of course, what do you take me for?” Max scoffed.
They were going through with it after all! Adrien’s heart sped up, his palms growing shaky and sweaty. He should go over to their table and call them out for going back on their word, but would it be suspicious if he got onto them? Why would he be so bent on keeping Chat Noir’s identity secret unless he was Chat Noir? This was bad! What should he do?
Adrien bolted from the library, peering out over the railing at the courtyard below. Marinette was sketching quietly on a bench, and he raced to her side. She looked up at him with wide eyes, recoiling back with a nervous smile, probably in response to how desperate and deranged he looked, but there was no time to worry about that.
“Marinette, we have to stop Alya and Max. They’re in the library trying to crack Chat Noir’s firewall right now!” He panted.
“What?” She abandoned her sketchbook on the bench and took the lead back up the stairs to the library.
She burst through the doors and stormed over to their table, and Adrien did his best to look supportive but not too panicked. Alya winced when she saw them, and Marinette placed her hands on her hips.
“So, you were just going to go behind my back and do it anyways?” She scoffed.
“I’m sorry, girl! But think of how much good we could do if we could team up and help him!” Alya said.
“Think of how much danger you’re putting yourselves in! If Hawkmoth finds out you know his identity, he’ll come after you and your families. What if one of you gets akumatized? You could get hurt. Chat Noir could get hurt or worse!” Marinette said.
“She’s right. You guys shouldn’t go through with this,” Adrien added.
“I’m almost through the firewall,” Max said.
“Call it off, Max!” Marinette ordered.
“Keep going! We’re so close!” Alya pleaded. She turned to Marinette and pressed her palms together. “Look, I know it’s risky, but what if we can help take down Hawkmoth? That’s worth the risk, right?”
“It’s not our job! We don’t have superpowers, and it can put us and the people we love in danger!” Marinette placed her hands on Alya’s shoulders. “Please, stop.”
“Girl, I know you’re scared for me, but I promise I’ll be careful. ‘All that’s necessary for the triumph of evil-”
“That doesn’t apply here!” Marinette shook her head.
“I made it through the firewall!” Max said. “A few more seconds, and I can tell you exactly where he lives.”
Marinette and Alya were at a stand-off, and every clack of Max’s keyboard was a nail in Adrien’s coffin. He didn’t have a choice, but if they were going to find out it was him, he was going to do whatever it took to convince them he wasn’t Chat Noir. He just hoped Ladybug didn’t think he was a total freak afterward.
“It’s me!” He blurted. When Marinette and Alya turned to him with quirked brows, he let out a sigh. “I’m the one who won the contest. I’m thecatsmeow.”
Max’s keyboard went silent, and he turned the screen to face them where Adrien’s home address was flashing. “He’s telling the truth.”
“Whoa, so you’re Chat Noir?” Alya grinned.
“No!” Adrien held up cautioning hands. “I’m just, uhh, I didn’t want my father to know I entered, so I used a fake profile. There’s no way he would have let me go if he knew about it.”
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner?” Marinette asked.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and averted his gaze. “I guess I was just embarrassed. I didn’t want any of you to think less of me.”
“I don’t think less of you!” Marinette assured him. “I-I mean, you won the contest fair and square, and you had every right to enter.”
Alya’s eyes narrowed, and Adrien shrank under her gaze.
“I’m still not entirely convinced. Ladybug and I made some of those questions crazy specific. How would you know she doesn’t like anchovies on her pizza, or that she likes lemon in her tea?” Alya crossed her arms over her chest.
“I… have a lot of money and free time.” He shrugged. “I got a bunch of drone cameras and spy equipment, and I watch her and Chat Noir all the time.” When everyone stared at him with wide eyes, he quickly added, “Not in a creepy way! I just admire her.”
“…You don’t know her identity, do you?” Marinette asked.
“No, of course not! I’d never do something like that.” Adrien shook his head. “I’m just…her biggest fan.”
Alya looked him up and down, her skeptical expression giving way to a smile. “You could have just said something. I mean, you know how freak-crazy I am about all of this. I would have understood.”
“I’m sorry. I’m just used to keeping a lot of my interests a secret because I have my father’s brand to consider — and my father to consider. If he knew what I was doing, he’d put an end to it immediately.” Adrien traced his thumb over his ring behind his back.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about us. Your secret’s safe.” Alya placed a hand on his shoulder with a wink. “Though, I may need to borrow your drone from time to time as payment.”
“Alya,” Marinette said in a warning tone.
“We’ll discuss the details later,” she said. “And if you ever want to talk Ladybug, I’m always here.”
“Thanks.” He smiled, letting his shoulders relax.
“Though, I am still a bit confused on your logic. I mean, you won the contest, so you were going to have to reveal it was you eventually to claim your prize. What was your plan there?” Alya quirked a brow.
“Uhh, wear a disguise?” Adrien said with a wince.
Alya threw her head back with a laugh. “Well, congrats on winning. I’ll pass the message on to Ladybug that you’re the winner, and we’ll arrange your prize soon.”
“Thanks,” Adrien said.
When the bell rang, Alya and Max packed up, and Adrien breathed a sigh of relief as they headed to their next class. That was way too close, but somehow, he’d managed to convince them. Plagg was going to scold him later.
Marinette fell into step beside him, tugging at her blazer.
“Um, congrats on winning,” she said. “I-I think it’s a good thing you won instead of some weirdo. I mean, if I was Ladybug, I’d be happy you won because it means we’d get to spend time together, and who wouldn’t want to spend time with you?”
Adrien smiled at her. “Thanks. I’m looking forward to hanging out with her. I admire her a lot,” he said. “And thanks for your help earlier.”
“N-n- Mmmhmm.” Marinette nodded.
She fell back to link up with Alya, and Adrien bit back a smile. It wasn’t exactly what he’d planned, but he still got to spend time with Ladybug either way. And who knew? Maybe there would be advantages to her going with Adrien Agreste instead of Chat Noir. At least this way, she couldn’t scold him. Besides, it didn’t matter to him which side she fell in love with, so long as it was him. He couldn’t wait for their date!
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bacchuschucklefuck · 10 days
love thinking kipperlilly spends her afterlife looking for lucy in a familiar forest
#not art#fhjy#fhjy spoilers#like. does she have a mean of knowing lucy and yolanda got sent to cassandra's domain to hang out for a bit#kipperlilly's isolation means so much to me. she is punished for everything she's done she just doesn't pick up on it#until the moment she dies! one more funky thing that mirrors riz in which he's actively tried to cultivate a community and denied it#until the bad kids. while kipperlilly does not want or care about a community she just wants someone who validates her#but she does Need a community so she latches onto the person she lets closer to her to fulfill her emotional needs#she took the ritual willingly so this might genuinely be her first death. probably terrifying#probably not even enough bandwidth to feel mortified. maybe immediately seeking something comforting out of instinct alone#lmao honestly thinking too much abt fantasy high afterlifes gives me a headache And a visceral fear#Im not religious but I grew up in a culture with a dominantly buddhist/taoist cosmology its Scary that u just go to A Place after u die!!#and then ur still urself!!! thats scary to me what do u mean u stay like that forever. thats fucked#but yeah I think this influences how I see kipperlilly turn out a little bit. in a sense I think of her as being a ghost now#yknow. trying to solve something from life so she can move on and. stop living this life etc#man the reveal that lucy took being killed pretty seriously and is like yeah the others are decent and even sweet#and probably was just trying to hold her party together and do what she thinks is moral by hearing kipperlilly out#lol lmao etc. gods I gotta wonder how kipperlilly's mindset handled jawbones' help#it really is damn tragic tho. I stand by what I said folks like this will complain and be nasty to be around#but they dont have enough desire to inconvenience themselves to off the bat do something abt what they find unfair or whatever#its when theyre handed the seemingly very easy means to be right that they'll start being dangerous#its horribly tragic that the supposed metaplayer and the self-perceived mastermind turned out to ultimately be just an useful idiot#yknow what. I think personally in my heart kipperlilly moves on from her afterlife the moment she says sorry#doesnt even have to be to lucy but that's probably gonna be who received it#ah.... teenage rebellion. teenage gamejacking
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gideonisms · 1 month
Sometimes the way other people perceive me makes me want to turn into a dragon and eat them. dungeon meshi spoilers I guess
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gxlden-angels · 7 months
Idk I think it's funny seeing people on twitter say things like "Christians want to tell you it's all a part of Jesus's plan until it's them!" cause like idk about you but I've had family members 100% say they're ready to meet the Lord than interfere with his plans via a Tylenol and a flu shot
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skellydun · 2 years
Skelly, I have to ask this because, to me, it's interesting! Why don't you have more social media?
oh! that's easy! i don't care about what other people are doing! hope this helps<3
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fightwing · 6 months
out of all the fab fiv.e age retcons i think it needs to be said the galaxy brained order of age is: roy, donna, wally, garth, dick
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arcaneyouth · 4 months
here's to all the art that will never be known by anyone other than its creator. for whatever reason that is. i love you art that i'll never get to know, especially if it is intended to be that way. i love you art that exists in the nooks and crannies. i love you art that gets destroyed by the creators choice. i love you art that exists only for one. i love you art that will never be defined by anyone except the one who made it. i love you art that will never even leave the creators head. i love you art that simply is
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saltypiss · 3 months
Something forever telling about people coming out of the woodworks to care about anti-semitism only when it comes down to some politicians in a primarily jewish country committing a genocide.
So much deflection and blame moving but say anything bad about Palestinians and they're not gonna hesitate to push all blame onto them for everything.
Ya'll jews know your politicians don't represent you, right? Or maybe they do. Either way, not a good look for anyone. Utitlizing such childish tactics will always be a calling card of pro-genociders. Do better. It's embarrassing.
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snickerdoodlles · 2 years
having a lot of thoughts right now at 4am about chay being ruthless
there’s a specific animorphs quote i’m thinking of:
"People don't understand the word ruthless. They think it means 'mean.' It's not about being mean. It's about seeing the bright, clear line that leads from A to B. The line that goes from motive to means. Beginning to end. It's about seeing that bright, clear line and not caring about anything but the beautiful fact that you can see the solution. Not caring about anything else but the perfection of it." — Marco, The Reunion by K.A. Applegate 
specifically the bit: It's about seeing the bright, clear line that leads from A to B. 
now, i dont think chay from season 1 is ruthless. but i very much see him as having the makings of it. chay has a very simple and direct approach to things; he sees something he wants, so he pursues it (he asks his idol for lessons their first meeting, he doesn’t let kim skip out on tutor lessons, he confesses twice because he had a homework goal and then a personal goal, he wants the truth so he confronts kim that same day, etc). and we see this theme of ‘chay has a goal, chay pursues goal’ most often with kim because they specifically foil each other in this. kim has a grand speech about making sacrifices to achieve your goals, but he’s stagnant between the world he was borne into and cant fully leave because of his brothers, vs the soft bright world he wants to be in but cant because he comes bearing blood. this directly contrasts with chay, who pursues his goals fullheartedly and recklessly
now, chay's not ruthless. not...yet. but there’s also these little...hints of a ruthlessly practical mindset to him. the most standout point for me in this regard was episode 1 when porsche is worried about his uncle. he’s sent arthee away, but he’s still planning “how do i get uncle out of trouble, and how do i maximize it?”
but chay? chay’s straight up like “uncle’s problems aren’t ours, lets just runaway to go live your dream of owning a bar on the beach”
i love this scene between porsche and chay so much. not only is really heartwarming, but i think it rly solidifies who they are as characters right off the bat. porsche is a caretaker. he takes care of everyone around him, whether he has an obligation to or not. but chay is fully ready to just leave their uncle behind. uncle interferes with brother’s and mine’s future plans? then no uncle in future plans. chay doesn’t even seem to mourn nor care that his uncle, one of his two caretakers left, is just gone from his life after ep1. like...that’s a really cold assessment for a teenager to make about one of his two living family members (that he knows of)
for me, what holds chay back from tipping into any sort of ruthless so far is mostly his naivety. not innocence (chay is not innocent yes i am still fighting on this hill), but he has certain expectations of the world that don’t necessarily match what the world is. to me, this shows most clearly when he sees warning flags (”...how do you know i have a brother?”) but is fully willing to ignore them in favor of pursuing his original goal(s) instead of taking the warning flags into account. and since he doesn’t plan for them, when some of those flags grow into actual problems, they really trip him up in ways he’s not prepared to handle. but he doesn’t have that any more at the end of season 1
if we do get a second season, i would be v curious to see where chay’s character develops. im apparently the outlier lol, but i actually really love where kim and chay ended in s1. they were on a trajectory to crash in the middle and instead they missed and landed where the other started. kim, the kid running away from the things he’s always wanted, puts himself out there with zero expectation or surety that chay will reach back. chay lingers over the video, unsure if he wants to respond to it or block it, so he throws his phone away to deal with it another time. and it’d just be really interesting to see how these two characters would react following the same trajectory the other one originally did, but coming at it with a very different background/development. and for chay specifically, i would just rly love to see how his ep1 “lets just abandon uncle to the debtors and go live our dreams on a beach” hints might come back/come into play in a mafia world setting
#this is v stream of conscious like. this isnt anything super serious. 5am is not a time for serious lol#anyways. i have. thoughts.#didnt want to expand in the post bc this is SO very much thumb tacks and strings and headcanons but. i also want to see chay's ruthlessness#and how it might mirror/follow namphueng's ruthlessness specifically#my read on namphueng is that she's playing her own game. and whatever game she's playing for her survival. she did it knowing that she'd hav#*have to abandon her sons and that she cant/wont reveal anything to them right away#there's some fun ideas to play with there between porsche's phoenix symbolism and korn's chess bs#so i would rly love to see like. porsche v much takes after his dad in his caretaker and big heart traits#where as chay is v much namphueng's son and they have a bright clear line between point a and point b they'll pursue without hesitation#there's a fun playground in there between chay and korn but that probably interests me exclusively bc it relates to talk shit get hit series#lol ANYWAYS i personally would love for namphueng backstory and a namphueng backstory that includes her selling out her original family#specifically (i mean the family the theerapanukuls killed and took her from). then namphueng tried to get away from them#that would be v fun for me its the top of my s2 bucket list#btes if ive misspelled anything shhhhhhh its 5am ive been up since before 7am spelling isnt real#this isnt rly meant to be anything lol just. been keeping me up all night. oof.#kinnporsche#mine: kinnporsche#pls stop saying chays this weeping willow or doe-eyed bambi or innocent bean or whatever i am so tired  lol#chay did not abandon his uncle to the wolves for this kind of slander lol#he did not sell himself like he was living a y/n fanfic for you to box him into innocent maiden tropes#he didnt push every step of his and kims brief relationship for yall to make kim the dom lmao#.......promise im done. this isnt a tag whine lol. its just like. idk. did yall forget the shit chay's pulled in canon#he's the same wavelength of insane as kim thats why they work#tag rambles#tag rambles: kinnporsche
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joplinspiderz · 1 month
part of me is scared of what the new helluva boss episodes will entail. i do not mean that in a good way
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