#patrick’s fridge lol
gluetusmaximus69420 · 2 years
the fic isn’t done yet but should i post the finished chapters🤭🤭
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filthyguts · 9 months
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it’s 1 am and I’m having a brain blast so here’s the moriohpsycho (aka insano crossover ship bateman x yoshikage kira) au plot line…
So in dis post kira is a new hire @ pierce&pierce cuz he had to flee morioh on acct of almost being found out and Patrick literally almost had an panic attack simply from looking at him at a meeting (Kira’s awful lilac suit gives him hives.)
Basic au plot:
IDK if kira is gonna have killer queen in this au I shall see where the wind takes me…. Anyways so later on they have a meetcute at a dumpster in an alley- both dumping a body 😭😭they get into a scuffle here(aka about to try and kill eachother)☠️ but then kira is like wait aren’t u Patrick Bateman and Patrick is like FUCK bc he cant remember Kira’s name😭 they hear police sirens close by(unrelated to them lol) and flee.
at this point patrick is spiraling and is wondering if kira is even real since his coworkers hardly talk about him- and going to work the next day they see eachother and kira doesnt say anything about the night before😭😭 anyways- so during all this kira is quietly freaking out about being found out and having to run away AGAIN and finds Patricks addy - breaks into his apartment - is hiding under his bed about to try and get Bateman reimi sugimoto style, Bateman wakes up to take a piss- kira slices his leg- bateman freaks out (heavily due to the fact about wounding his perfect skin), sees kira, remembers his name this time, and then they start to struggle fight AGAIN.
During the fight Patrick throws Kira into the fridge, causing it to open and all the ziploc baggies of body parts Patrick has in there spill out onto the floor and onto Kira (also some hands too) and Kira takes a moment to be like . Ok wait so you really are doing this shit too huh ☠️ and then they have a weird…very thick air tense moment before kira goes back to trying to kill him bc oh ur a threat to my quiet life blah blah I’m not gonna let this happen again like in morioh (he accidentally admits that he fled the country bc he’s an idiot) and now uh oh they have incriminating blackmail against eachother!
Another reason kira is pissed at Patrick is because he’s taking all the people HE wanted to get to first and just in general being really sloppy and attention seeking abt it 😭😭 so kira tells him and Batemans like wtf are you gonna do about it I do what I want LOL and Kira’s like ERMM then I’ll tell the police and Batemans like ERMM uno reverse I’ll do that to you so now they’re in another weird spot and begrudging compromise somehow to “share” as long as they try not to hurt or ruin the other. And then from there they get Real Weird with it
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muscle-gay-ghost · 1 year
Man i wonder what it'd be like to be Patrick Hockstetter's girl.
Like, at first he didn't think much of you, but somehow you showed up on his radar; somehow standing out among the crowds in school, whether it's because you're quiet and shy, never with the rest, even if you're physically standing in the middle of the throngs of people. It's obvious that you're not part of them. Or maybe you're very outspoken about being different, it's so prominent; how you dress, act, your vibe, if you're like, goth, emo, punk etc.
Whatever it is, you catch Patrick's eye. And so, not completely of your own free will, you start hanging out with the group, but even the other three are well aware that you are his, and they know not to touch you, or even come within a foot of you. Other people at the school, be it your friends, other peers, teachers, they also take notice of this, because Patrick makes sure everyone knows you're spoken for. And these people, on more than one occasion, try to warn you and they pity you for your naïveté, because surely there's no way you're in this situation with all the facts, right?
Lol, if only they knew. This murderous psychotic solipsist has somehow decided that you're real, and therefore, he must protect you at all costs. You are his to keep, his to love. And you know everything about him, his little brother, his fridge, everything. You know him. He's your Patrick, your silly little pyromaniac. And you know that this unfathomably dangerous man would do anything for you. Other people are always so flabbergasted when they see the local sociopath holding your hand, walking you home, tenderly stroking your cheek.
The other three Bowers' gang members can only laugh when some poor soul tries something with you; they know that it's only a few seconds before Patrick shows up, because he's never far, something that brings you great comfort and makes you feel safe. He would take you into his arms, check you over for any signs of hurt, discomfort, anger. If you're crying hell shush you and whipe your tears. Once he knows you're alright, he kisses your forehead and lets you go to stand with the other three, while he turns to the culprit with murder in his eyes.
Patrick being soft for you, and you alone. He would burn down the whole world if it meant you could be warm.
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strawbrygashez · 4 months
I’m gonna answer some of the ship questions from that ship ask game i reblogged a while back for Patrick Bateman x Paul bc I feel like no one would care to ask for them but I really love this ship 😭
2. Do they have a dynamic trope? (Enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
Yes! Definitely sunshine x grumpy :) I would have also maybe said enemies to lovers but Paul never hated Patrick really. I mean he did think he’s a weirdo and talked bad about him to Patricks face (without realizing it was him) but everyone thinks Pat was weird 🤷‍♀️ Plus Paul is too easy going to actually have any enemies. Sure he has people he dislikes but he wouldn’t call anyone a enemy.
Patrick on the other hand.. well it’s obvious he saw Paul as a enemy lol.
3. Who cooks? Who cleans up? Who’s banned from the kitchen?
Paul usually cooks. He knows Patrick will barely eat anything he makes but he cooks for them both anyways.. or just cooks for himself if he knows Pat is gonna be especially against eating whatever he makes that day.
Patrick is the one who cleans up even if they are at Pauls place and Paul tells him not to worry about it & he’s got it. But Patrick goes on about how he won’t clean up right and how he’s a slob and blah blah blah. Paul thanks him with a kiss on the cheek which makes Pat all like 😑 of course.
Neither of them are really banned from either kitchen. Patrick probably wouldn’t let Paul go into his kitchen for a while though since he thought he left heads or whatever in the kitchen but once Pauls been with him for a bit & understands Patrick’s brain more, he’s allowed in there because there is actually almost never anything concerning in the fridge or cabinets.
5. Who does what chores?
If they are living together at Patricks place, Patrick does all the chores but not like really since if something is ‘wrong’ with his place it’s getting fixed the first second he realizes it.
Paul would take care of the chore of getting groceries if he lived with him. He writes down things they both need and takes care of either going to the store to get the stuff or having it delivered.
Also for some reason I see Paul wanting to have a plant or two in the apartment & after a bunch of convincing Patrick he won’t get soil everywhere, he’s allowed to have one. He takes care of watering it and whatnot :)
6. Do they go out often or prefer to stay indoors?
Paul prefers to stay in doors because he honestly doesn’t give much of a shit about looking perfect in his co-workers eyes but Patrick on the other hand would hate for anyone to believe he’s a shut in so Patricks making them go out a couple times a week to lunch or whatnot.
Paul tries to convince Pat that he can stay home more often but Pat usually just ignores him :/ Pat usually only agrees to stay home if he’s SUPER tired or feeling more off than usual.
9. Baths or showers together? Do they like elaborate ones with bubbles and flower petals?
Baths because Patrick is weird about watching people bathe in his bath. He doesn’t let Paul add anything like bubbles because he wants the water to be clear so he can see all of him 💀
If they bathe separately though Paul would add a bunch of stuff he doesn’t really need to. Patrick is fine with just showering by himself.
10. Who drives and who picks out the music?
While they both just usually go places in cabs, if they wanna actually drive somewhere, Paul is the one who usually drives. I can’t really think of a reason why Patrick isn’t the one to often but 🤷‍♀️ Paul really wants to play his own music but I think to make Patrick less grumpy about having to go wherever with him (probably to go visit Pauls family), he lets Patrick play whatever he wants. Plus he wouldn’t wanna deal with Patrick complaining after each rock song Paul plays anyways. Not saying Paul never gets his way with music but he tries to keep Patrick as ‘happy’ as he can in certain situations.
13. What’s their opinion on PDA?
Paul is hypothetically more open to it. He’d love to be able to just hold Patricks hand when Pat needs to feel grounded in public but Patrick would be scared to death that people would think he’s gay. So they always keep their hands to themselves in public.
The closest they’ll get to PDA is they will place a hand on the others shoulder at work in a ‘bro’ way like a “Hey man how are ya 😎?” type of thing. Even though even that makes Patrick a bit worried people can somehow tell they are fucking from that, 💀 he will allow it.
14. Who does fashion shows after a mall trip and who watches & complements them?
Paul would be the one to do ‘fashion shows’ while Pat watches. Pat will mostly just poke fun at some of Pauls fashion choices and tell him he has terrible taste but there’s always some pieces he will ‘complement’ (aka tell him it’s not absolutely terrible).
Patrick only tries on things when he doesn’t really need to if Paul begs him to. Like if Paul picked him some clothes up in the mall or whatever. Patrick will usually humor him just to get him to ‘shut up.’
Paul will them smother him with complements until Patrick gets too flustered and tells him to fuck off and goes to change back into what he was wearing before 💀 unless Paul can get him to relax.
17. What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
I picture it looking two different ways.
Either they are each doing their own thing in the living room, like Paul is reading or working on some ‘nerdy’ thing like a puzzle or whatever while Patrick is organizing his own cd collection for the 10th time in a week.
Or Paul’s spread out on the couch, playing with Patrick’s hair while Pat is resting his head on his chest and while they watch some gory horror movie 🥲 Patrick allowing himself to be like that with Paul is rare but it does happen every now and then where he somehow is able to get his mind to just shut off for a bit and let Paul treat him sweetly.
19. How do they silently/subtly express their love for each other?
Patrick will show that he actually does listen and care about what Paul says and do little things to show that he does. Either it being a small thing like Paul saying he really wants a certain book and then the next day it’s on his nightstand or it’s something bigger like silently allowing himself to be more vulnerable around him.
Paul is the one to be a lot more ‘loud’ in his expressions of love but he can be silent about it too like going out to go get things for Patricks skin care when he starts running low.
20. What clothes/accessories do they steal from each other?
Patrick doesn’t wanna wear anything of Pauls but Paul will ‘borrow’ Patricks ties and watches sometimes. And if Patrick is about to throw out a older shirt because it’s not ‘fashionable’ anymore, Paul takes it from him to wear to bed even if it’s not a ‘bed’ shirt lol he just wants to wear something of his like that so he does. Patrick will say it’s weird or dumb but deep down he actually loves it.
24. Where is their favorite place to kiss on their partner? What are their favorite types of kisses?
Paul likes to kiss Patricks cheek and neck :)! He likes all types of kisses honestly. He wants to be all over Patrick and wants Patrick all over him so as long as he’s getting kissed in anyway he’s happy.
Patrick is taller than Paul sooo he kisses Paul on the top of his head!! Patrick likes rough/deep kisses because he’s a passionate love maker 😎
28. What’s something that reminds them of their partner? Do they have anything on them as a daily reminder?
They both have pictures of each other on their phones. Paul’s pictures of Patrick’s are a lot more normal and sweet like pictures of Pat asleep on him while Patricks are of Paul when they were fuckin 💀
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stereopticons · 8 months
for a drabble... I can't choose a lyric so how about a song - the opening act of spring by Frank Turner
Thanks, friend! Sorry about the angst lol
Spring used to be Patrick’s favorite season. Spring meant baseball and the hope of new beginnings. But this year, as he lies listening to birds chirping and Rachel’s steady breathing, spring feels like it might crush him.
Because spring is also wedding season.
When they set the date, Rachel set up a countdown pinned to the fridge. Every time she crosses another day off, Patrick feels another piece of him chipping away.
There’s no way out of this that won’t hurt them both, but if he keeps going on like this, there’ll be nothing left.
He has to do something.
Send me a song or a lyric and I’ll write a drabble inspired by it
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the-cannibal · 1 year
Hi! I could please get a slasher matchup?
Gender/pronouns: female, she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual
Physical: 187 cm, extremely pale skin, long black hair, black eyes, slim thick
Personality: intj, mix of a kuudere and hinedere personality. i'm introverted, calm, quiet, reserved, sophisticated, polite, snarky, witty, sarcastic, blunt, honest, apathetic, intimidating, mysterious, morbid, unfazed personality
Hobbies: science, learning new things, knitting, sewing, gardening, cooking, baking, playing chess, taking long solitary walks to secluded places, reading, writing, drawing, general handicrafts
Likes: plants, animals, philosophy, thanatology, the supernatural & paranormal, anything macabre, morbid, disturbing, & creepy, horror media, literature, serial killers, insects & bugs, witchcraft, classical music & goth music, classical & gothic literature, history, forensics, criminology, anthropology, psychology, mythology, books
Dislikes: people in general (i tolerate only few chosen ones), unannounced guests, loud noises, mess
Hello there! I'm jealous of you playing chess, my small brain cannot understand it lol
Anyway I decided to pair you with...
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Patrick Hockstetter!
I felt your kududere and hinedere personality really matched well with him! A calm and quiet girl is probably the best thing for him to have. It helps even out his... Not so quiet and calmness... But he also loves how sarcastic you are and your bluntness! He loves sarcasm (especially if its to piss someone off) and he needs someone blunt who doesn't dance around with what they wanna say.
(Be prepared for his whole you and him are the only "real" people in the world, and he's a god and you're his goddess-) Intimidating, mysterious, and morbid are things you two have in common! You two probably freak out the gang a lot (The whole town if we're being honest) Your unfazed-ness is an advantage for him. I mean, Its Hockstetter, he does some pretty messed up things... *aHEM THE FRIDGE AHEM-*
Like walks to secluded places? Well this boy can show you all the secluded places in town that no one knows about! He would totally copy off your science homework and ask you to do his reading/writing assignments. He can be a little shit sometimes. But he's your little shit <3
Oh geez I hope you don't have any bug friends that you're attached to. If you do KEEP THEM AWAY FROM HIM! He isn't against killing the bugs you find, no matter how much he loves you.
He asks you about psychology facts! No no not to use on people! Why would he ever do that :)
You don't like people? Perfect! He despises them! Now he's gonna tell you all about how they aren't "real"... So it's alright!
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moniquesblogz1 · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if I request a bowers gang ship:) (and take your time!)
I am a female with black hair and brown eyes. I am 5 feet tall. I really shy in the beginning but when I feel more comfortable I am childish/clumsy, nieve and clingy. I have a croquette style. I love doing art, making people laugh, listing to music. And I have huge daddy issues.
Sorry this took long some things have been happening lol
Btw I don’t really understand daddy issues much so please correct me if I’m wrong about anything 🙏
I ship you with
Victor criss
Let me tell you when you lot first met
Instant love
He was smooth and did the
Would you go on a date with me yes or no on paper
Smart guy
He loves your sense of style
Sometimes wants to help pick your outfit for the next day
Your shorter than him let’s be honest here
So expect a lot of
“Come on and reach to grab it sweetheart”
-insert you kicking his balls-IM KIDDING
Vic is best boy
When your childish vic wont mind
He is childish
In school you lot are jokes fr
Class clown tear
However with daddy issues he’ll try helping by buying a therapist to speak to
Heck even him
When your sad he’ll nuzzle your foreheads together and look into your deep brown eyes saying
“Your gonna be ok”
He is a clingy boy
Behind closed door of course
Can’t let Henry or Patrick see that
Not like they already know-
Of course when you first got into belchs car you were shy and now..
Your jokes are that good you made Patrick laugh
THEY Patrick
You need this 👑
You once opened the door and saw a cactus painting saying happy birthday from vic
Well at least it looked like a cactus to him…
PST it was a green blob
You put on your fridge and think about it to this day ☺️
Hope you liked this because I made this late at night so
Goodnight 🌸
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July 5
so ayun na nga. need ko to iblog para may babalikan ako na nakakakilig na story hahahahaha so ayun nga nanuod kami Kmovie pero this time kasama namin si beshy namin dalawa. so 3 kami. i kinda felt bad for beshy kasi di pa nya napanuod yung part 1 pero sinamahan nya pa din kami. though alam naman nya na *3rd wheel sya hahahha* mineet namin sya sa northyork station and there he drives to tiger sugar. ang awkward pa nga at first kasi ang tagal namin di nagkita like after 2 months? dun na lang ulit kami nagkita hahahaha ayoko sana umupo sa harap kasi inuubo pa ako. pero sabi naman nya its okay. nagask sya what happened at inuubo ako 😂 so pumunta kami tiger sugar. sabi ko gusto ko bumili ng ice cream before umuwi kasi magstock ako sa fridge. daan na lang daw kami after kumain. so after that tambay muna kami sa park while waiting sa movie. dun ko na laman na he's preparingb for his exams pala kaya nagpa off sya mg weekdays sa work. (akala ko may iniiwasan lol) ayun so eto little things lang ha lero pag naaalala ko kinikilig ako. sabi nya gano daw ba kataas grado ng glasses ko at nakikita nya sa side kung ano ung nakikita ko. so ako deep inside "bakit pati yun napapansin mo? tinitignan mo ba ako?" mind you magkatabi kami pero may space. wala lang hahahaha tapos eto na movie time. good boy naman sya behave. pero medyo madaldal 😅 like pati yung ubo ko dami nya tanong may gamot daw ba ako etc baka daw may pneumonia na ako bla bla tapos everytime umuubo ako pinapainom nya ko ng tubig hahahaha as in literal 🤣 wag daw puro milktea magtubig din daw ako hahahahaha tapos napapansin nya pag inaantok ako sabi nya bat daw natutulog na ako akala daw ba nya gusto ko ung movie hahahaha tapos after nung movie we went to mymy for korean fried chicken hihi and im glad na nagustuhan nila ung sinuggest ko na flavor naka 2 order sila haha pero di naubos 😅 tapos while eating sabi sya ng sabi ng *oy kumain ka pa* kaso wala talaga konti lang kaya kong kainin kasi nalipasan na ako ng gutom haha tapos before kami matapos sabi nya if gusto daw ba namin magpunta ng scarb for tiger sugar kasi ung sa pinuntahan namin magclose na ng 10:30 e kumakain pa kami. e sabi ko sige na nga kasi willing naman sya magdrive para makabili ako ng ice cream 🥺 sweet dba? 🥺 tapos ayun while on our way dami namin napagusapan inintroduce nya ako sa language nila may mga songs sya na pinarinig. nagulat ako kasi nung nakita ko ung title chinita nakalagay 🤣 i was like ako ba yun? Hahahahaha lol tapos ayun syempre binigyan ko sila ng ice cream. nung pauwi na sabi nya sino daw unahin nya ihatid kasi si beshy sa medyo downtown pa ako northyork which is on the way from scarb. i was really expecting na ako muna kasi ako ung along the way. pero hindi si beshy muna gusto nya ata ng alone time with me lol so ayun habang pauwi nung kaming 2 na lang napagusapan namim si patrick mga chika abt him qnd ung work ko na isa. sabi nya magresign na nga daw ako at di na worth it. and then nung abt kay patrick na nasabi ko ung side ko bat ayoko kay P sabi nya gets naman daw nya kasi weird nga na nagbibigay sya ng mga ganung comment e di naman kami. and then may napagusapn kasi may friend ako na pretty. si T. sabi nya nakita daw nya picture ni T and C di naman daw sya nagandahan. tapos sabi ko maganda kaya si T. sabi nya mas maganda ka pa dun. twice nya sinabi mga mare! Hahahahaha hay nako eto kinikilig na naman ako HAHAHAHAHAHAHA kasi in all honesty maganda talaga si T! tapos for him mas maganda daw ako ☹☹☹ la lang napapakilig ako ng simple things huhuhu tapos nakauwi na ako. ro be continued what happenned next hehe
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jcams88 · 2 years
One of the things I love most is looking at the set dressing in the background of TV shows. Another one of my favorite things is when the set dressers use multiple pictures from the same shoot and/or promo pictures but just color them slightly different so it isn’t noticeable.
I notice. We always notice lol
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Same outfits, different poses and one in black and white to make it look different
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Wait, so The Question was right and Jason really did hook up with Plastic Man? Man who would have thought, but now i'm seeing the merits of hooking up with Plastic Man that i've never seen before
Is the The Question right? I mean...
*Hal, sitting with Guy and Kyle in the canteen, narrowing his eyes at something across the room that turns out to be Plastic Man eating with the other members of the Terrifics.*
Hal, absently: Do you guys really think Jason Todd has slept with Plastic Man?
Guy, scoffs:  No way! The Question is just a crackpot, since when is he ever right?
Kyle, nodding to himself: Yeah, it’s got to be one of his conspiracy theories of his, like the underground second Earth underneath the Earth’s crust thing he’s always on about.
Hal, offhand: Except that’s real, though.
Kyle, staring at Hal, disturbed: Don’t tell me he’s gotten to you, Hal...
Hal, indignant: No, it’s true, I’ve been there. There’s dinosaurs and everything!
Guy, snorting and crossing his arms: Sounds like some bullshit to me. I ain’t falling for it, Hal.
Hal, getting angry: I’m serious, there’s really a--
*Hal stops talking as he notices Jason walk into the canteen. He takes a moment to fantasize about what he’d like to do to the attractive man, watching every one of Jason’s many delicious muscles relax and contract as he stalks across the room like a sleek panther, towards the communal refrigerators and microwaves. On his way, Jason stops next to Plastic Man.*
Jason, smiling: Hey criminal, how’s it shakin’?
Plastic Man, grinning: It’s shakin’ and bakin’, criminal! I’m doin’ just fine! You ain’t letting your old man drive you ‘batty’ are ya?
*Plastic Man held up his hand, which morphed into a sock-puppet like image of a pouty, scowling Batman as the elastic hero copied the scowl with his own face. Hal stared, mesmerized and confused as Jason laughed brightly and both heroes hold up their hands and proceeded to perform an elaborate thirteen-step high-five, that included a hand slide, fist bumps, simulated explosions, finger guns, and an over-dramatically acted death scene before waving bye.*
All three Lanterns, silently processing: ...
Hal, frowning: I can’t tell if that proves anything.
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Luv how the family in Insidious lights their house like a liminal nightmare zone 😍😍
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local-trashmouth · 3 years
what do I name this
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ain't gonna write infos so let's just dump out all my random headcanons for Henry & Patrick because I am just a whore for them
Warnings: if you crush on these dudes you don't need warnings luv, also this looks shitty
(these are dating headcanons btw)
Henry Bowers
alright, he gives you knives, switchblades, whatever comes to mind.
you'll have to keep up with his bullshit, I'm sorry for all you soft girls/guys but he won't adapt to y'all
his love language is physical touch, thats it.
you two listen to my chemical romance and smells like teen spirit
when you stick around long enough, he'll open up to you little by little
he asks Belch to borrow the Trans AM, only to take you on a little roadtrip when you both aren't feeling great
he often doesn't need to talk to you to notice that something is wrong
big baby in private, he's all over you but when you say no he won't force you to anything
like, PLEASE ruffle through his hair
he's ur personal hype man, if you are bigger, he'll help you choose outfits and encourage you to show more of yourself
when he's mad or upset you are the first person he goes to, you'll have to hold him or do something stupid with him to get his mind off of whatever bullshit his dad played on him
wether or not you like what he's doing to kids, you won't be able to stop him completely
Henry would never hurt you tho
he's very stubborn, so arguments or silent treatments can last up to weeks
if you are anxious he'll make sure that nobody dares to say anything wrong to you, and if it is based on yourself or insecurities he'll make sure you're okay once nobody is watching
if you are depressed, he'll totally drag you outta the house to help him on the farm, but if you have one of those days where you cant get outta bed he'll stay with you
Patrick Hockstetter
first of all, what were you thinking? How did you get yourself into this?
I am just curious.
he'll stay at a distance at the start
I can imagine that when he knows for sure that you are real he'll secretly be a little soft for you
but don't you dare tell anyone
he really isn't a good boyfriend, but sometimes he tries
that comes in form of taking you to the Quarry alone, holding ur hand and taking lots of mental notes when you are talking
it seems like he isn't listening, but trust me he is
he knows you better than you know yourself
seriously, he remembers everything about you
he shows up randomly at ur window and gets salty when you lock it lol
eventually he shows you his fridge but you have to swear that you won't tell anybody
once he thinks you are real, you are the most important person to him
if you are scared of knives and fire (like me) he'll scare the shit out of you with them, he thinks its super adorable how you freak out when he got his can & lighter in his hands alone, although he wouldn't hurt you with neither
as kinky as this bastard is, once you two are far enough into the relationship, he won't cross boundaries as much in fear of losing you
gives you one of his rings to wear on a chain
if you are bigger, man he cannot live a second without having a hand on you 24/7
I feel like he wouldn't care about ur weight too much, only if it goes into a unhealthy amount (no matter if low or high) he would talk to you about it
listens to AC/DC with you
smokes with you if ur into that
that stupid adorable grin, expect to see it daily
in private he'll do his best to give you a reason to love him, he steals shit for you etc.
I feel like he wouldn't like you interacting with his parents, they love you but he just doesn't like it too much
if you are a artist, he'll let you draw on his hands and arms (he asked you to draw skeleton hands onto his once)
maybe, just maybe if you really ask nicely enough and promise him some sex he'll let you braid his hair
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snekjin · 2 years
lol totally not a rarepair but prompt 33 for 1988? 👀
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wow, you really just went for the throat, huh? 🥲
33. "How many times are you going to look me in the eye and lie to me?"
By the time Jonny finds the courage to slink downstairs, Patrick's puttering about in the kitchen, aimlessly prodding the coffee machine that nobody ever uses. He's shirtless, red marks decorating his back from the night before.
It should make Jonny's stomach twirl in a familiar way but all it does this time is drag him back to reality.
"I didn't know you still had nightmares," Patrick says over his shoulder, only half turning.
Jonny stills at the bottom of the stairs. Takes a deep breath and focuses on the feeling of the carpet under his bare feet.
"Sometimes." He shrugs as if Patrick can see it.
"Where do you keep your glasses?" Patrick asks, flipping each cupboard door open one by one in a kitchen he doesn't know. In a house he's never set foot in before last night.
"Top left. Next to the stove."
"Aha," Patrick lets out a triumphant little noise and fills it with filtered water from Jonny's fridge. He drinks messily over the sink, gulping like it's the first water he's had in days before setting the empty glass down with an exaggerated "Aah."
To Patrick's credit he doesn't flinch when Jonny presses him up against the sink, wraps his arms around the smooth skin of Patrick's belly.
Jonny's nipping at his ear by the time Patrick says, "We shouldn't have done that."
Jonny's breath is shaky as he sucks it into his lungs. It takes him longer to catch it these days. Takes him longer to do anything.
He tucks his face into Patrick's neck because he knows he would never push him away. Would never ask him to leave.
"I fucked you up again, didn't I?" Patrick whispers.
Jonny doesn't say anything. Can't say anything. Just clenches his jaw and inhales the scent of Patrick, so familiar and yet laced with something different - something new.
"God, I knew starting this back up was a bad idea," Patrick's grip tightens on the edge of the countertop.
"Pat, please."
At that he turns in Jonny's arms, startling him. Blue eyes swimming with concern meet dark eyes, wide and afraid.
"I just wanted you to be okay."
"I am okay!" Jonny bites back.
"How many times are you going to look me in the eye and lie to me?"
Patrick casts his gaze down, unable to contain the emotion that threads between them. It spills out of him like an overflowing bath.
"You weren't okay. And you aren't." He inhales. Exhales. "But you will be."
Patrick tucks his face into Jonny's neck, melts into him the way they used to. "I'll always be here even if I can't be the person to give you everything you want. Everything you deserve. And I'm sorry for that. But you do deserve it and I hope you get it."
Jonny's speechless at Patrick's little outburst, nuzzling against the fluffy blonde hair in front of him. He turns the words over in his head, feels out the shape of them. A silence settles comfortably over Jonny's kitchen before Patrick continues, mumbling into his chest.
"I'm sorry if being around me hurts you. If you need distance I can give it. If you need me close to you I'll try my best to carve out a space for you. No matter how small, okay?"
Jonny runs his hands over Patrick's body in response. Feels out the jut of his shoulder-blades, the valley of his lower back. He curls around his hips before sliding back up, thumbs running over the outer edge of his chest. Jonny maps out the skin like he's living on borrowed time. The truth is that he is.
"Look, I have to go home," Patrick sighs, pulling back and running his hands through thinning hair. "I promised we'd go to the park."
Home, Jonny thinks. Sounds nice.
He watches quietly as Patrick collects the rest of his things, scooping his crumpled shirt off the hallway floor and shucking it on. They backtrack through last night - dance around the keys on the counter, sidestep the jacket that missed the coatrack and the shoes overturned by the entrance.
Jonny kisses Patrick at the door, slow and sweet. The same way he did years ago. Can swear he feels the flutter of eyelashes against his cheeks.
"I guess I'll see you at practice then," Jonny's rubbing his own arms awkwardly.
"Mmm," Patrick hums non-committally, mind miles away. He spares one last look at Jonny before the door closes between them, face tinted with a shy smile - the one he saves just for him.
Jonny knows he'll see it again.
One day.
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milkybonezz · 2 years
YOU DO SHIPS???? Please omllll
Appearance wise I’m on the shorter side with red brown hair in a mullet, I’m Irish and british but I have much more of a British accent. I’ve got a grunge and punk style, and big sorta doe eyes.
I’d like to say I’m pretty nice, but I am pretty emotional. That goes for if I’m down bad for someone too, shit gets fLUSTERED. I have sort of a temper, but it usually gets all bark and no bite. I value humour quite a lot, even if it gets kinda fucked up lol. I’m a MASSIVE sucker for physical affection, or any affection really, shit gets me weak in the k n e e s
Im majorly into horror, basically like anything supernatural both freaks me out and is the most interesting thing. Music is really important to me, rock, grunge and punk overall. I’m obsessed with Nirvana and the cramps, and I usually spend everything with music. I love exploring old abandoned places, which sometimes comes with stuff like bonfires or trespassing jendjdjdjd
this has been stewing in my head for days but it is finally time
I ship you with: Patrick
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Patrick is a strange cookie to say the least but I feel like the pair of you are on pretty similar wavelengths. He's naturally a lot more fucked up than you are but Pat is into all the same stuff; especially on the horror side of the spectrum, the main difference is he's a serial animal killer and is known for being a horror in and of himself.
The headcannons below are a little spicy so read with caution!!!!!!
Teases you so much its infuriating, does anything to rile you up and see your temper shine through. For your accent, your style (even though he actually thinks its dope) and anything else you show
Always down to clown. And by always I mean ALWAYS. It can get a little tiring as this man has no post nut clarity and has the libido of a fucking rabbit. He. Just. Keeps. Going.
Pat shows you his fridge, its his most prized obsession so of course he's gonna show you it with a grim sense of accomplishment very evident in his face
Trespassing is fine by him, and so are the bonfires that go with it. Out little arsonist loves sneaking round abandoned places on the bad side of Derry. Just... Makes sure he walks in front of you, he gets handsy.
Keeps you with him at all times. Hes a little controlling but its only because he has no object permanence.
Loves your dark sense of humor even if he doesn't always show it. Only tends to laugh at the most fucked up of your jokes, the ones that make others around you cringe.
Thinks its funny to mix yours and Henry's names up because the both of you have mullets. Henry finds this very offensive.
He will do it when y'all are getting nasty, he finds it so funny
Not a big fan of affection unless he wants something from you but there are rare occasions when he seeks it out willingly
Pat hates seeing you cry; he finds your sensitivity so annoying but keeps his mouth shut about it as best he can. Has blown up and been a dick about it in the past.
Rodrick Patrick is the definition of male manipulator, like if he sees you wearing a band shirt he will absolutely ask you to name 3 songs
Hope you don't want kids because he absolutely CANNOT be anywhere near them, not after Avery.
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earlgreytea68 · 3 years
for the ask game, f?
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Ha! This one is popular. Let me pick another one lol
Okay, this one's from Gradually and Then Suddenly:
Pete sighs heavily but steps away from the box, walks over to Patrick. He moves like he’s dragging through quicksand. “Did you figure out Tennyson’s science homework?” he asks when he reaches him.
“No, actually. It’s about fucking electricity. I didn’t want to tell Tennyson that once you blew a fuse in our apartment and it took us so long to figure out how to fix it that we just lived for days with no electricity in the kitchen and everything in the fridge went rotten.” Patrick tugs Pete into the house, steers him carefully.
“I mean,” says Pete indignantly, “are people just supposed to know what to do when the electricity stops working?”
“Apparently if you pay attention to fourth-grade science, I don’t know.” Patrick shrugs and steps aside and now they’ve reached the family room and Pete can see, in all its glory, their surprise.
“Ta-da!” exclaims Tennyson, leaping in front of them.
Pete blinks, astonished. “What’s this?”
“It’s a blanket fort!” enthuses Tennyson. “Like, the coolest blanket fort. Patrick and I spent all this time making it.”
Pete looks at him. “I thought you were learning about electricity.”
“No, I don’t understand electricity, we did this instead. Go on, explore it.” Patrick nods toward the tented blankets and stacked pillows and twinkling Christmas lights.
What I like about this is again how the electricity thing is a through-line, only here it starts out as the serious topic and ends up being the punchline. I made up a story about their past for Patrick to reference. That is often a pain in the neck to do, tbh, to have to try to make up interesting stuff from the characters' past, but I think it's really necessary to do, it's a little thing that makes a huge difference, that really gives you a sense of the characters as having led full lives and not just blinking into existence for the purpose of the story. And this is how people communicate, people with a long history in an established relationship like Pete and Patrick, they have stories in their past they're going to be able to reference easily, and they don't need to explain them any more than this, because that would mess with the verisimilitude of the exchange. Pete lived through that with Patrick, so he knows what Patrick's talking about. Pete's whine about people knowing what to do when electricity stops working: that's just me talking through Pete hahahah I have this frustrating all the time. And then there's the reveal! And Pete's like, "Hang on, you told me a lie about electricity," and Patrick's just like, "No, I don't understand electricity," hahaha, like, OBVIOUSLY Patrick would never be able to figure out how to do Tennyson's fourth-grade homework, Pete should have seen through that RIGHT AWAY.
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Survey #518
“i got bullets in the booth  /  rather be your victim than be with you”
Do you believe in alternate universes? Nah. What games do you play on your smart phone? Only really Pokemon GO, but I also have DragonVale and Dragons of Atlantis installed. May I just say I REALLY miss when DoA was a computer game??? It was so much better. Who was your favourite music artist when you were 16? Stiiiill Ozzy. What are three things you usually always have in your fridge? Uh milk, eggs, and cheese. Do you consider dogs inside or outside pets? They are 100% indoor pets. They deserve warmth and comfort and company, and the world DOES NOT need more stray/lost dogs that aren't spayed/neutered. I do believe mostly bigger breeds absolutely do need time outside to run and burn all that extra energy, so either have a well-enforced fence AND SUPERVISE or take them out on a leash to walk. I feel really strongly about this stuff because the incredible population of unwanted cats and dogs alike is absolutely heart-wrenching to me, and something needs to be done about it. Please for the love of god do your part if you have cats and/or dogs. Favorite thing that you can see up in the sky? I love sunsets when there are layered or stringy clouds in the sky to make beautiful designs. You fill your best friend's Xmas stocking, what do you put in it? If I had the money to do it, certainly a Frieza figurine, I know she likes gluten-free Oreos (I don't know many gluten-free snacks so that's all I got for treats lol), annnnd maybe like some snake-oriented stuff. If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it? Eek, idk. I think it would depend on Roman's reaction to the kitten; I feel like he'd get EXTREMELY jealous. I wouldn't mind another cat, but I'm just happy with my one boy and don't want to upset him in any way. Animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out? Spiders. Bagels or English Muffins? Bagels. Do you do anything to recognize St. Patrick's Day? No. Have you ever been to an open casket wake or funeral? A wake, yes. It was for my childhood babysitter. Who mows the lawn at your house? One of the dads at the dance studio my sister works at. Where do you keep your phone at night? Also on my bed, beside my pillow. Do you feel comfortable asking your parents or grandparents for money? NO. Best Happy Meal toy you ever got? Oh my god, do y'all remember those little puppies they used to put in the boxes? Those in specific stand out to me, so I guess those. Do you make lists? For certain things, yes. Do you make pro/con lists before making a decision? Not usually. Do you like romantic gestures or do they make you feel awkward? I think they're sweet. What song is playing right now? I'm actually watching a Parasite Eve let's play by Super Best Friends Play. I'm in a PE episode again, ha ha, and I decided to check out a new channel. They're pretty damn funny. What year did you/will you graduate high school? Um I wanna say 2014? It's blurry by now. What state is your favorite? I don't know, it's not like I've visited many whatsoever. Have you ever had fake nails? Once, for prom. Or maybe I took them off? I don't even remember. Are there any framed pictures of you in the room you're in? No. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? Yes; it's extremely common. What did you have done the last time you saw a dentist? I barely remember. I think it was a cavity filling? What field of science interests you the most? Genetics. But I also love psychology. And science in general. Do you have any family that live in another country? No. Have you ever seen someone quit their job in a dramatic way? No. If your mom was a teacher, would you want to be in her class? Yeah, she's a great teacher. As a kid, did you love playing on Neopets? Neopets honestly started my computer addiction. I was ooooobsessed. I go through spells of wanting to create an account again, haha. What is the background on your desktop? Why’d you choose that? I recently changed it to another of my favorite pics of Teddy. His face in this one is so fucking precious, and I might even apply it to my tribute tattoo. Are you one of those people who keep everything charged (iPod etc.)? Not really. I am mega bad at not charging my phone and just keeping it dead for like a day. My laptop, however, is always plugged in, even if I know you shouldn't do that. Do you really care about what toothpaste you use? I really don't, so long as it's mint. I can't handle a bad flavor. Do you often get bitten by mosquitos, or rarely ever? It's actually quite rare. I've heard it's because of blood types, where O is the most appealing to them, and others, like mine, are less tempting for mosquitos, and I'd believe it. It's something my family always picks fun at my lil sister about; she gets DEVOURED, and go figure, O is her blood type. You get $500 for you birthdaaaay. What do you spend it on? Now if I got that much, it'd honestly be very hard to not get a tattoo, but I'm reeeaaally tryna be responsible here, so I suppose I'd take care of my glasses situation first, then finish getting stuff for my snake's tank. Would you ever get a pet turtle? Why or why not? Nah, just because I'm not interested in owning one. What did you get your first trophy/medal for? I don't remember; either childhood sports or A honor roll ones in elementary school. Do you tend to daydream a lot? If so, about what? Sure, especially when I'm trying to sleep, even though I don't want to. My brain can just never, ever be quiet. What I think about just varies. Is your display picture in black and white? On Facebook? No. Do you know anybody who has had an online relationship? Me, as well as others. When was the last time you played Guitar Hero? It's been years. Are you taller than your siblings? No. Well wait, I think I'm taller than Misty, but I can't remember for sure. Do you have “photoshoots” with your friends/family members? No. I absolutely hate being in pictures, especially if I'm not taking it. Are you afraid of lizards? No, I love all reptiles. How legible is your signature? I'd say you can read it pretty clearly. Do you have pictures of clouds on your cell phone? No. When you invite people to your house do you usually hang out in your room? No; there's nothing to really do in my room. There's only my bed to sit on and no TV. It's just meant for me doing shit on my laptop. Have you ever seen your crush/current bf/gf cry? I haven't seen my current one cry, no. Do you own any Spongebob merchandise? No. Are you closer to your mom’s side of the family or your dad’s? I haven't seen any of my dad's relatives (minus my half-sister) since I was a young child, so I kinda have to say my mom's. Would you ever own a pet black widow spider? No. They're pretty, but I don't want a highly venomous spider as a pet. When hanging out with your bf or gf, what do you like doing most? I enjoy playing games together, given we're both gamers. Do you have a tattoo? If you do, describe the pain you went thru when getting it done. I have six, and each one was unique given their locations as well as how long they took. It's always the worst when it first starts, in my experience; then your adrenaline kicks in or whatever the science is and the pain like... dulls. It becomes more tolerable. The whole experience really isn't that bad, and the pain is so incredibly worth it to up your confidence in your body and appreciation of the art. Have you ever used torrents? Yes. How can we tell if you are in a bad mood? My face WILL show it. I know I glare like a motherfucker when I'm feeling sour. I have very little control over my facial expressions. How are you when you’re in a really good mood? I'm way more talkative and tend to be louder. When you’re bored in class, what do you do? I was always busy paying attention in class at school. Do you have anything that is autographed? By who? No. Do you have a problem with swimming in a pond or lake? I didn't as a kid, but I do now as an adult that is aware and terrified of parasites, ha ha. Does anyone in your family go hunting or fishing? Dad LOVES to go fishing. Do you have a birdbath in your yard? No, but that'd be cool. What was the highlight of your day? Uhhhhh idk, today's been uneventful. Do you think that you have a pretty smile? NO. Are you keeping a secret that would shock people if they found out? Probably. Do you have any friends that actually model? No. What are the bad things you’ve heard people say about you? I'm a martyr, a bad influence, lazy, a bitch, not going anywhere... Does your mom think you’re a virgin? Yes. Would you rather get high or have sex right now? Well right now I'm on my period so I'm nooot into the latter. I'd try an edible, though. Do you keep condoms in your room? No. Do you celebrate Christmas? Yes. What’s something you would like to improve at? Drawing. Do you believe you have great potential? Ugh idk. What’s one thing that you get a lot of compliments on? My writing. Do you think you look better with short or long hair? SHORT. Are you proud of yourself for the way you are living? FUCK no. Do you leave your house everyday? Is this for work, exercise, socializing or something else? No. I don't even leave my house weekly. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Would you judge a grown adult for doing so? I don't, but I absolutely would not judge an adult for doing so. You do you, boo. That is like such a harmless thing to get bent out of shape about. The last time you got up from where you’re sitting, where did you go and what did you do? I got up to grab a drink and use the bathroom. Would you rather read an erotic novel or watch an erotic film? Eh, that's a pass, but if I had to, a book. I'd strongly prefer to not ~see~ anything. Who taught you how to tell the time on a proper analogue clock? Um, I'm pretty sure I learned in school. What’s your favourite way to make your home smell good? Do you spend a lot of money on making this happen? I love incense most, but I don't really use it anymore. These days I use a wax melt. We don't spend a grand amount of money on making the house smell pristine; we have pets, so it never will. How long have you had the computer/tablet you’re currently using? Does it need replacing or upgrading? Ummm a couple years or so? It needs to be replaced badly. The keyboard is breaking, and when it's on, it sounds like it's fighting in a goddamn nuclear war. You'd assume it'd explode at any moment. I don't know how it's lasted for as long as it has since the noise started. How often do you wake up in the night needing a pee? At the bare minimum, once. I wake up A LOT throughout a night. Do you like wearing hats? What’s your favourite style? I don't wear them. If you live in a household with pets, who is responsible for their care - both in terms of finance and the physical tasks involved? Mom is responsible for Cookie, and my duties are for Roman and Venus. Mom does, however, help me out when it's time for Venus to have a deep clean of her terrarium, because I can't hold her and scrub the tank and such at the same time. I also don't like the idea of me not supervising her in a container if I was to do it when we have a cat and dog; I want her to be in a comfortable setting, and she trusts me. Mom doesn't mind. What’s your opinion on leggings as pants? I don't care, so long as you can't clearly see your ass or whatever. Have you ever driven in bare feet or do you think that’s too dangerous? No, but I've driven with flipflops, which I really shouldn't do. Do you collect anything? Are these things worth money or are they practical/sentimental items? My biggest collection is my meerkat one, consisting of mostly stuffed animals, but also calendars, figurines, posters, etc., and none of that is particularly expensive, but I adore that collection because meerkats are simply my passion. My second-largest collection is Silent Hill merchandise, and some of it, especially the games where I have the cases and covers, would sell for a pretty penny, but guess who is never selling those. Do you have anything hanging from your ceiling apart from lights? I don't even have a light on my ceiling. We're not allowed to put anything up there.
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