#project sylas
zoneofsmites · 7 months
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Violet Maeve has big bleeding heart that has room for every mistreated child. Mayric loves his wife and kids so so so much... but Lathander's sunny arsehole can we please not take in another child??? Especially one that has parents already! Really don't wan't to deal with the Flaming Fist knocking at our door for kidnapping.
several days later...
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rosebudbl00d · 2 months
Insane Sylas ramble about Aiden, because he's my dude. I may be crazy when I say no one understands him but like:
This guy, goes from winning every building competition—probably feeling that he's going to get everything he wants, that everythings going to turn out right, that he'll make a name for himself—to losing his status to the people he use to torment. His best friend (and boyfriend if that's your thing) leaves him, he goes through a fuckin' apocalypse. And for once the eyes aren't on him. They're on Jesse.
He can't stand it- he can't stand the thought of Jesse having what he had, or more so getting better than what Aiden had. So he follows Jesse around looking for a moment to steal the spotlight from them; he tries to steal their treasure, he nearly attacks them many a time. He's getting so aggressive from his losses that he even becomes aggressive to Lukas and tantalizes him as well. And then he goes for Sky City. Maybe it's a fresh start in a way- he makes his way to the Founder's side- he infiltrates the system so easily, at this rate he'll reach back to where he was before. Everything feels like it may turn out right again. But then here comes Jesse.
Jesse Jesse Jesse. Threatening to steal everything from him again. Whether that be the status that he's trying to rebuild, the attention he's getting- or the Eversource. He has to get rid of the problem directly, or Jesse will just take and take and take from Aiden for the rest of his life.
So. He "kills" them. And while he's at it, why not kill Lukas too? Get rid of two problems at once, two birds with one stone. The person who's taken everything from him, and the person who's betrayed him. And now Sky City is his. (I feel that often the psyche of Aiden after he thinks he KILLED three people is overlooked. Up to this point Aiden hasn't killed anyone, he's just been an asshole. Personally I feel that once he gave way to that fact that there was no saving him, and that he's a murderer now- him believing that he killed Jesse directly led to the destruction of Sky City.)
But what now? That he's gotten rid of them?
Torment. He's totally lost it at this point, all eyes are on him, and now that they are he's going to show everyone what happens when you don't look at him. He's confronted by Reginald, and he doesn't even think before deciding he's going to murder him too. But in comes Jesse. Back from the dead.
His everlasting problem. Because nothing will ever work out for Aiden. Jesse will always be better, Jesse will always come back, Jesse will always get everything. And it makes him writhe at the fact that Jesse will always win.
"You just can't stand to see anyone else win. It just drives you crazy to see somebody else succeed, doesn't it?"
He's projecting this. AIDEN can't stand to see anyone else win. It drives AIDEN crazy to see somebody else succeed. Especially Jesse. Why otherwise would he do all this? He craves the attention he had, he craves having someone at his side (Lukas.) He craves being powerful, he craves everything that Jesse has. He wants so badly to be the hero, but not for goodness, no. For all the wonderful things he'll get out of being "the good guy." If Aiden is the hero, then everyone will love Aiden, and no one will love Jesse.
But Aiden isn't the hero. Aiden is Aiden. And Aiden only knows that getting rid of whatever's constricting him will get him what he wants. If he truly wants the attention, the fear love that Jesse has, he's just going to have to kill them again.
But he's alone now. Teetering on the edge of a platform with certain death below, a thunderstorm raging above, and the source of all his problems in front of him. And Aiden knows deep down that he's not good enough to beat Jesse. He's chaotic, there's no order to his strikes, it's just rage; rage and anger that has consumed him. And that's how he's defeated.
He's held accountable- and he becomes a sopping mess. "Oh Jesse please take me back, I promise I'll be good, I understand that I've been terrible, that I'm a horrible person. Maybe I'll write a book and settle down, please look at me. Please forgive me." It's just a tactic. Attention from anyone, even Jesse, it'll be enough. Aiden's story can't end with him rotting alone in a prison cell, he has to get something out of this. He's feared by everyone in Sky City/Ground Town now, locked away to prevent him from being a threat. But it's not enough. It'll never be enough.
Maybe he'll get a line in Lukas' book. Maybe he'll read it and think "I've made it." Maybe he'll think "This isn't enough, I need to be more than just a single chapter in the story of this world." Maybe he'll throw it away, and pray that it's not real.
He's consumed by the thought of anyone getting more than he has- attention, love, fame. Maybe just maybe, the thought of Jesse getting Lukas is what sent him completely over the edge. Because as long as he has Lukas' attention, at least he has someone's, right? Someone important's attention.
I wholeheartedly believe that Aiden can't change. Aiden's motivations have always been to be "the best" or to be something people will look at. He's envious to a fault, so much so that he attempts genocide and regicide on a city because he wants to be looked at. By the people of Sky City, by the world, by Lukas. All Aiden wants is attention. And he'll do anything to get it.
The letter he sends is just a way to get back into the story. "I'm sorry, I want redemption," maybe it's true, but why? Why does he want it? So he can do the same thing again, try to usurp Jesse.
He'll always be like this, because he's obsessed with Jesse- he's obsessed with Lukas. And he's obsessed with the idea that he can be better than them. That he can make Lukas regret leaving him for Jesse.
I'm absolutely fascinated by that thought. That Aiden's motivation for attention is brought to light by Lukas leaving the Ocelots for the Order. Aiden absolutely hates him for it, for abandoning him- him and Maya and Gill. Maybe in his own eyes he sees Lukas doing it for the same reason he'd do it—for the promise of attention. He hates Lukas for it, he hates hates hates him. But at the same time he's infatuated with the idea of Lukas coming back- of him apologizing for leaving, and everything going back to the way it was. Aiden on top, Jesse on the bottom, and Lukas right by Aiden's side.
This is also why I feel that post ep4 Aidkas is just completely rooted in toxicity, and also why I feel really any ship with Aiden is just destined to fail. He's clung onto Lukas so hard, and Lukas has moved on, but he hasn't. He's obsessed, and he wants to be loved by Lukas again- even though that's simply just not possible. Lukas hates Aiden as much as Aiden hates Lukas, but Lukas doesn't love Aiden as much as Aiden loves him. Maybe Aiden thinks that Lukas will fix him, change him and make him better, give him that opportunity to be great. But Lukas can't- nobody can.
No one can fix Aiden, not even himself. He's broken, and chaotic, and obsessive. He cannot let go, he can't move on, and he can't be changed.
His obsessions with attention and with Lukas and with being better than everyone else will always bring him down and ruin anything that he tries to have.
SORRY for the ramble, Aiden's my favorite MCSM character and has been my comfort character for a long-ass time and I just need to talk about him 😭 I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense either-
I would go on but this thing is already long as shit and I don't want to kill anyone with the length of my insanity. But maybe sometime I'll get around to explaining how I think this plays into how I see Aidrose and post-canon interpretations of Aiden :3
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Sylas Briarwood in the style of a Victorian era cameo portrait for the latest Exandria Artists' Guild project! ———————————
From Twitter:
User - @/circuslollipop Artwork Link - https://twitter.com/circuslollipop/status/1715383883410337922
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Chapter 4: The Big Day
It's the big day, and they're out of time.
Jinx has to not do what Jinx always does. She just has to not screw up her sister's wedding…Lux or no Lux.
Piece of cake, right? Lightcannon Week Wedding AU concludes in Chapter 4: The Big Day.
Lux. She’s seen her all day, of course. Everywhere in Jinx’s field of vision. Across the aisle, across the seating at dinner, across the grassy clearing where they’d set up the dance. At the start she’d had the brief displeasure of watching her walk in, arm and arm with Sylas, his black hair tied in a ponytail, wearing his shirt unbuttoned halfway down of course because the dude is seemingly in love with his own torso, but at that time Jinx had been coming in with Ekko so there was hardly room for her to give them side-eye. Ekko had escorted her diligently enough to save her embarrassment in front of all the frigging couples before splitting off to hang with Zeri and his Firelight crew – most of whom, outside of said couple, were there for the buffet and the free mystery concert as much as they were for Caitlyn and Vi… And then Jinx had been swept up in her Best Man duties and Lux in her Maid of Honor duties, and creep-o Sylas had disappeared to the sidelines to take photos of everybody because that was apparently his frigging job or something. And she’d tried not to burn too much of her time at the best day of her sister’s life making sad eyes at the sunshine girl across the way, wondering what might have been if she’d had the courage to ask sooner. If she hadn’t blown up when Lux told her about her date… Or what might have happened if Mel hadn’t rung the doorbell. At least everyone loves their cake.
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lawful-evil-novelist · 2 months
One of Drury's moth tattoos has, along the moth's thorax, the letters MISCDD, the first initials of the six survivors of Project Cryptid (Mason McNeil, Isaiah Cardenas, Sylas Ortega, Cesar Knight, David Park, and Drury Walker). The moth is an ailanthus silkmoth, the moth he was spliced with.
The other five have a tattoo of the insect/arachnid they were spliced with with the same tattoo arrangement (noble false widow for Mason, tarantula hawk wasp for Isaiah, desert whitetail dragonfly for Sylas, deathstalker scorpion for Cesar, and orchid mantis for David).
As a rather dark note you may have noticed, Drury is the only survivor of the experiment that was spliced with an herbivorous species.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Whumpril Day 20: Sensory Deprivation
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For today's @whumpril I went with the prompt Sensory Deprivation.
I thought to myself, with the Mageseeker game, I should write a story featuring Sylas. So, I decided to go with a story about his time in prison.
Please be warned, this story contains the killing of an animals.
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zileans-big-cl0ck · 11 months
✦–Hello there! Call me Demosthenes.✦
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✦Be my guest on this side blog, where I write about League of Legends and Valorant. // Masterlist
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You can send me anything, anonymous or not, I will gladly check it out as soon as possible. I respond only to those I find interesting though, and write when inspired, therefore watch out for slow responses. Every interaction is appreciated! Don’t be shy and talk to me about lore or your game. I would love to make some League of Legends/Valorant mutuals.
I write both SFW and NSFW for champions and agents listed below this paragraph. I do not write for any other characters, just because I don’t enjoy their lore (or I simply don’t know it) or despise their whole being. It might be uptaded in the future. You can request headcanons, Alphabets (NSFW, SFW, Angst) or prompts about the character from the original lore, or one from the alternative universes, which are also listed below. Please specify your pronouns when requesting anything, otherwise I will use whichever will suit the story (which are usually female). In addiction, please let me know if the reader should be dom or sub. Because if not, I will probably write something with a top female character and a submissive man with a mommy kink. (All top reader requests are humbly appreciated, haha.)
Remember that all of this is written for fun, so do not take it seriously and have a nice day.
✦demosthenes organises ; for better accessibility.
✦demosthenes writes ; for my work.
✦demosthenes replies ; usually for expressing how thankful I am for your kind comments.
✦demosthenes talks ; for shitpost and asks from my humble person towards my audience.
✦demosthenes reblogs ; for every of my reblog in case you would want to dive in some League/Valorant content, since I repost only it.
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✧Champions I write for:
Male: Aatrox, Azir, Draven, Graves, Hecarim, Jhin, Kayn, Mordekaiser, Nasus, Pantheon, Pyke, Rakan, Rhaast, Sett, Shen, Swain, Sylas, Talon, Thresh, Varus, Viktor, Yasuo, Yone, Zed.
Female: Ahri, Akali, Bel’veth, Caitlyn, Camille, Cassiopeia, Evelynn, Gwen, Kai’sa, Kalista, Kayle, Lillia, Lissandra, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Nami, Neeko, Qiyana, Rell, Renata Glasc, Sejuani, Senna, Shyvana, Sona, Soraka, Taliyah, Vayne, Vex, Xayah.
✧Alternative Universes/Skinlines:
Battle Queens
Crime City Nightmare (with Debonair)
Event Horizon (Dark Stars, Cosmics)
Fallen World
Guardian of the Sands
High Noon Gothic
Moons Of Ionia (Blood Moon & Snow Moon)
Riot Records (Heartsteel, K/DA, Pentakill, True Damage)
Sentinels of Light
Soul Fighter
Spirit Blossom
Star Guardian
✧Agents I write for:
Male: Breach, Chamber, Cypher, Gekko, Kay/o, Omen, Phoenix, Sova, Yoru.
Female: Fade, Killjoy, Raze, Sage, Skye, Viper.
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fckmefull · 2 years
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi Fandom: League of Legends Relationships: Darius/Reader, Jericho Swain/Reader, Braum/Reader, Samira/Reader, Sheida Kayn/Reader, Sett/Reader, Zed/Reader, Sylas/Reader, Vladimir/Reader, Malcom Graves/Reader, Draven/Reader, Khada Jhin/Reader Characters: Darius, Jericho Swain, Braum, Samira, Sheida Kayn, Sett, Zed, Sylas, Vladimir, Malcom Graves, Draven, Khada Jhin Aditional Tags: Blood and Gore, Blood and Violence, Plot what Plot/Porn without Plot, Smut, Shameless Smut, Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, NSFW, Murder, Fetish, Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Contain Spoilers, Explicit Language, Public Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Stair Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Fingering, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Blow Jobs, Public Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Breathplay, Multiple Orgasms, Hair-pulling, Nipple Play, Nipple Licking, Nipple Piercings, Barebacking, Internal Cumshots, Cum-Dump, Come Swallowing, BDSM, Cowgirl Position, Spanking, Size Kink, Spit As Lube, Praise Kink, Blood Kink, Impact Play, Dirty Talk, Biting, Exhibitionism, Inappropriate Use of A Demon Arm, Large Cock, Creampie, Overstimulation, Sensation Play, Aphrodisiacs, Dubious Consent, Sadism, Masochism, Threesome, Mastrubation, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Double Penetration, Breeding Kink, Edgeplay, Orgasm Denial, Orgasm Control, Come Inflation, Choking Language: English Status: Published: 2022-01-12 Updated: 2022-09-19 Words: 13686 Chapters 6/12 SUMMARY Once in a while the Council will decide they want a new Champion. A new shiny thing to dangle before the enemies eyes. You are one of the chosen to battle in the Arena. A battle to the death, which will be followed by the Arena Ball.
Surprise, surprise, you're the shiniest of them all.
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Hi! I just stumbled on your Little Moments In The Quiet series on ao3 and I wanted to drop by and tell you that your Critical Role fic is great! I'm really interested in your "Sylas Briarwood Gets To Live, Bitches" AU, and anything you have planned for Zahra and Kash! Thanks for sharing your writing!
Aw thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it so much; I've had a lot of fun with each of those fics and it's always nice to know when others have enjoyed them. I'm actually working quite a lot on the Zahra and Kash fics right now, so with any luck there should be some additions to Little Moments In The Quiet relatively soon, while Sylas Lives, Bitches is much farther down the list.
So hows about a few snips for you?
From the ongoing Zahra and Kash fic, which starts when they meet on the job where Zahra saves his life:
“This is stupid,” he says, cutting through everyone else. “We’re not gonna get anywhere by digging; this is-” He pauses, glances to see if anyone is too close by before continuing more quietly. “This is a fucking cult. Trust me - they won’t tell us shit. They’ll only talk if they think they can convert us, in which case you should fucking run.” He meets Hydris’ eyes. “This is a lost cause. I’d rather go back to the Take and accept the slap for failing than continuing. We’re not gonna get jack shit and if we do, we’ll have the whole village bearing down on us. It isn’t worth it.” Keith scoffs. Kash doesn’t bother looking over at him. “I know cults,” he says. “This has the word written on it in great big capital letters.” Laralel is listening, and Fenick beside her. Serhan’s eyes are narrowed, but she’s a suspicious lady, he knows she’ll be thinking about it. Keith doesn’t give two shits but then Keith is a dick so who cares. Boldar just seems bored if anything. “I appreciate the input,” Hydris says and oh great, that means she’s gonna ignore him, and he can’t help his scoff as she turns to the others. “Do we have anything else to go on?”
And from Sylas Briarwood Gets To Live, Bitches, (uncommon find: Pike POV!):
Her amulet feels warm in her hands - of course it is. Here, in this form, it is light and her goddess’ power. Back with her body, her amulet has been clasped in her hands for hours. Sarenrae, she thinks, prayer beyond spoken words and instead simple intent and concepts. You are of redemption. Bring them back to when they did not need this from us. A prayer. A prayer of kindness and of hope, a prayer that Sarenrae’s eyes will watch them through the Raven Queen’s veil of feathers, will perhaps take them up as projects so they do not fall to the pits of hell- Pike does not expect the surge she feels, something bright and wonderful, something more. She opens her eyes, and the vast reaching gloom of the cavern is suddenly lit with daylight. Up the stairs, Sylas Briarwood cringes back - but this light does not burn him, not as Pelor’s sun does. Sarenrae does not harm. Sarenrae helps. As Pike watches, Sarenrae’s hand, immense as a house, descends, fingers gentle as they touch Sylas Briarwood. He does not disintegrate. He does not burn or fade or vanish. As they watch he falls heavily to his knees, gasps audible as they echo off the stone, and Pike doesn’t need Sarenrae’s words, echoing through the chamber to know what has been done. “To you, I give you back a life lost,” says the echoing voice like sunlight and honey and healing. Sylas Briarwood breathes with gasping need, with the desperation of someone not used to it. How many years, Pike wonders, has he been dead? How strange must it feel, to be alive again?
Hope you enjoy these, because I've no idea when exactly any of my WIPs will be done! I am chipping away at Ghost Cass, Delia AU, the Kashra fic and a rotating set of other small WIPs.
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animatedamerican · 2 years
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Cassandra de Rolo, Percival “Percy” Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Vax'ildan (Critical Role), Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Keyleth (Critical Role), Grog Strongjaw, Scanlan Shorthalt, Pike Trickfoot, Sylas Briarwood, Delilah Briarwood, Archibald Desnay, Yennen (Critical Role), Allura Vysoren, Shaun Gilmore, Trisha (Critical Role), Raishan (Critical Role), Gorin Vedmire, Kynan Leore, Kaylie (Critical Role), Taryon Darrington Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Trauma, Brainwashing, Recovery, Whitestone (Critical Role), Original Character(s), Maybe Everything Isn’t Terrible, Maybe Everything Won’t Be Terrible Forever, Cassandra de Rolo Needs a Hug, And Some Serious Therapy
rise up, bright sun; your children call to you rise up, bright sun; our futures fall to you forgive us the days forgotten to fear we know it too well this time of the year rise up, bright sun – Leslie Fish, “Rise Up, Bright Sun”
And ... it's done.
If you’ve been waiting for this one, thank you so much for waiting so long to see this through with me. (If not, you’ll probably want to start at the beginning.)
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lotusjaune · 1 year
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Hi !
I've had this project on my computer for a while. I had kind of put it aside but the release of DiM pushed me to finish this introduction to the project. To be honest I had even started writing a story but I overestimated my abilities with it.
This story was to tell a sequel to the game. Where the gang, who have mostly lost sight of each other, come together to face the paranormal once again and reconnect with the bonds that have been lost over time. In short: drama, action, suspense and even a little romance.
Here is an introduction to the characters just before the story begins.
- The Hackett family is completely decimated.
- All the others survived the night
- Sylas is dead and all infected are human again.
- Dylan lost his hand.
- Enough evidence has been accumulated and the educators are cleared.
AFTER THE ENDING (4 years later):
After proving their innocence, Ryan, Emma and Kaitlyn are forcibly recruited by the military's « Paranormal Disposal Force ». They became experienced elite soldiers specializing in missions involving supernatural creatures.
Abi and Nick are also forcefully recruited.
Nick being the only one of the group to have undergone a complete transformation, he was locked up in the cells of the scientific department where he was regularly tested. The goal was to bring out some of his werewolf traits. As a result, he gained superhuman strength as well as heightened senses. After military training, he is sent to the field with his friends.
Abi was assigned to coordinate the "Quarry" team. This team consists of Ryan, Emma, Kaitlyn and Nick. This position was given to her once she was able to prove her devotion and worth to her superiors by participating in the research conducted on Nick. The « perfect employ » role is a facade she created to allow the team to spy on their higher-ups from the inside and find a way out of their predicament. When the team goes out on a mission in the field, they make their reports by radio to Abi who stays at HQ.
Jacob was never found by the police. Remorseful, he had left the scene of the incident alone through the forest. He is now considered missing. He flees to Canada where he travels the country in search of people who have been victims of supernatural events and helps them. He tries to redeem himself for his actions at summer camp. He has cut off all contact with people he knew before the attack and is unaware of what happened to his former friends.
Dylan was found by the police with the others but due to the loss of his hand, he was not recruited by the military corps. They cut Dylan off from all contact with his friends. However, he suspects that things are being hidden from him about his friends. He graduated in quantum physics and created his own prosthesis. He has extensive knowledge in engineering, robotics and physics. He works as a reporter for "Paranormal Investigation", the company that created the post cast that Ryan listened to. By working in the super natural he hopes to find clues to where his friends are. He also became a surrogate brother to Sarah, Ryan's sister.
After her brother's disappearance, Sarah meets Dylan who tells her the truth about what happened at Haquets' Quarry. Shortly after finishing her medical studies, her grandmother and last family died. She is then taken under Dylan's wing and becomes his teammate in his work as reporters. Dylan becomes her new family and best friend. She trained hard to make sure she will not lose her new family like she lost the previous one. She remains hopeful that one day she will be able to find her missing older brother.
Laura and Max were not found by the police at the summer camp. Afraid of once again facing corrupt authority, they both left before the police arrived and claimed never to have set foot in Haquets' Quarry. They stayed in touch with Dylan after learning that Ryan was missing. Laura gave Dylan her number, promising to come to his aid quickly if the need arose.
Here you have it. Hope you enjoied to read that ˆˆ’
If you want to know more about the story flee free to ask. And sorry for any mistake you might found in my writing. English is not my mother tongue.
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Another wee look at what our artists are working on for this project! Everyone knocking it out the park with their interpretations! Cast - @smolgremlinn Vex'ahlia -@mary-claire-art Beau and Caleb - @artistantlers Sylas Briarwood - @circuslollipop ---------------------------------------------- If you would like to join us for future fan art projects, please check out our Carrd, and DM us for more info!
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blorbologist · 11 months
.... age of arcanum. Attempts to kill gods era. Ripley thinks gods are useless and humans are best.
Hey blorb, does Ripley wirk on the godkiller hammer? Is she That Bitch?
And in a similar vein, does Delilah perhaps work on it too, to kill the god of death to bring Sylas back? She DID say she'd break the world for him.
Wait shit, would she try to rouse Predathos and kill all gods to get him back?
Yes, Ripley will be an Aeor scientist and be the main head behind the godkiller - this either after Percy left the project for his reasons or extrapolating on Percy's work with aeormatons and souls plus his pet project: Gun. I want to keep the slimey side to canon where she doesn’t actually... innovate all that much and just copies/refines his work, so that'll be a delicate path to tread.
And, like I told you, the reveal that Ripley is working on something this devastating is a Big Deal (on top of Percy angst), because not only will Vex and Percy be on Aeor when they learn of this, thus potential collateral should the gods strike first... but Vax is a god, the youngest of them, and potentially a great target for Ripley's bigass fuckin god-killing gun.
OH! I haven't actually given Delilah much thought! Predathos was not very relevant in the Age of Arcanum, but Vecna was. Maybe I could have Sylas and Delilah outright take his place? Necromancy wasn't as looked down upon if I'm remembering right, so Delilah can't get in much trouble that way. Whatever she does, though, she and Sylas would not be well liked by Vax.
Hell, maybe she could be how Percy and Vex meet: instead of Vex seeking him out deliberately, she's sent by her brother to smite a necromancer for him... only when she gets there this dumbass with a gun already has a fight well under way.
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questionablecuttlefish · 11 months
What Blooms Unchained
“Apparently,” said Sylas, with a rueful smirk upon his stubbled face, “She’s a genius, after her own manner, especially that oh-so-dreadful technology flaunted by the City of Progress that combines the mechanical and the arcane…” Lux stared at him, and then at the strange girl, who could not be more than her own age, but whose mien mixed a heady cocktail of lethal predator, playful child, and unstable creature of chaos. “And they threw you in with her?” Lux furrowed her brow, “Or her with you?” “They threw us in together!” Jinx sang, “I think they just wanted to stick two mad dogs in a cage and find out if we’re gonna fight or fu-” “Jinx, please,” Sylas groaned. “Guards had bets! Reckon they need to get laid more, cuz they really seemed keen on encouraging us to kill each other,” said Jinx, bobbing her head in a nod, “See? They only gave us one bucket!” “Oh?” Lux gave a thin smile, “Well, then, since you’re both still here, I suppose you chose…” She didn’t know why she was asking such a petty question in such a dire circumstance. What does it even matter? Who was she even jealous of…? “Neither, as it turns out,” said Sylas, deadpan, “We’re doing what all prisoners would reasonably do.” “Planning our escape!” said Jinx. Sylas sighed deeply and rubbed his temples in a clink of chains.
Infiltrating a Demacian prison to visit her friend Sylas, Lux is smitten with his mysterious new cellmate, Jinx. But why does the girl keep asking her to bring her flowers? And what kind of plan are Jinx and Sylas concocting between them...?
Lightcannon Week 2023: Day 4 ~ Prison / Flower Language
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mistdrinkersblade · 1 year
✏️ and I'll share a scenario or plot I want to explore.
I'm doing to go on a long tangent for this one, but it involves exactly what happened to Syla at the end of the Stormblood storyline. It really broke it, and completely changed his outlook.
During the battle in the Ghimlyt Dark, Syla is wounded by a Garlean Resonant solider who was leading part of that particular legion's forces. A massive miqo'te named Arcimus rem Taraso who was trained under something dubbed "Project Cascade". The two battled and Syla lost, badly. Impaled on the soldier's sword badly.
Though he wasn't even seen fit to finish off, Arcimus shattered his axe and left him to bleed out alone. So Syla was alone, abandoned. Bleeding out, most of his friends and loved ones he had made since arriving in Eorzea stolen away by something. Once again, in his mind, he was too weak to stop anything. And his trauma relived itself all over again.
There's a scenario I've just been aching for of him just, healing. Physically and emotionally. It wounded it ego terrible and he was just utterly broken for a while Unconfident, losing his father's axe, his friends either dying, nearly dying or having what seemed their soul ripped from them.
It broke him. Of course, he healed and bettered himself. Stopped him for borderline martyring himself and realized he needed to protect himself just as much as others. But if you looked at him there you'd barely even recognize him.
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I was very sad. I wrote this story. I am not very sad anymore.
A calm, music based fanfic about Sylas and Cassandra
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