catatanbalqis · 1 year
Pagi tadi terbangun dalam kondisi tidak baik. Setelah sekian lama memaksakan diri untuk berproduktif ria, hari ini akhirnya datang juga: tubuhku menyerah. Usai menenggak sebutir tablet putih, diriku memutuskan kembali tertidur. Berharap saat bangun nanti fisik mulai membaik.
Pukul 10, aku bangun tergopoh-gopoh. Hari ini ada janji pertemuan pukul 10.30 di bilangan Depok. Rasa nyeri masih menyelimuti sinusku, tapi hati menolak untuk tidak menghadiri pertemuan itu. Dengan sisa-sisa tenaga yang ada, aku mengabarkan kawan-kawan bahwa aku akan terlambat. Bergegas berganti baju, menyiapkan amunisi, dan meluncur dengan sepeda motor.
Setelah memarkirkan motorku di parkiran, aku menyempatkan diri membuka beberapa pesan sembari berjalan menuju lokasi pertemuan. Sebuah pesan singkat dari kawanku membuatku sedih. Akhir-akhir ini, aku merasa ada yang berbeda dengannya dan hal tersebut mungkin berkaitan dengan amanah yang baru saja kuembankan kepadanya. Aku sebal, namun aku tak berani pula menyampaikan langsung kekesalan ini kepadanya. Seingatku, dulu kami pernah berjanji bahwa jika kami menjadi kolega, kami akan saling menyampaikan apa yang dirasakan. Aku berusaha berbaik sangka. Masih ada beberapa kemungkinan lain yang membuatnya menjadi ketus terhadapku. Semoga hal ini segera usai. Sebelumnya, aku cukup sedih karena ketika aku menyampaikan bahwa aku sedang sakit, tidak ada satupun yang merespon dengan do’a, atau afirmasi lain yang biasa aku dapatkan. Sepanjang pertemuan pagi itu, aku beberapa kali menahan tangis. Rasa nyeri dan lemas yang sedang aku rasakan juga mungkin berpengaruh.
Siangnya, peserta pertemuan berkurang menjadi empat, kami berpindah ke suatu tempat makan. Sebuah kafe kecil yang semakin hari semakin ramai, dan menjadi langganan bagi kami untuk berkumpul. Masing-masing dari kami memesan satu makanan dan minuman. Sambil menunggu datang, beberapa diskusi dilemparkan ke forum. Cukup banyak yang bisa kami diskusikan saat itu. Makanan datang sebagai selingan saja, tak lebih dari 15 menit, kami kembali hanyut dalam diskusi hingga diselamatkan oleh pelampung bernama waktu. 
Ajaibnya, rasa nyeri yang sejak malam kurasakan menguap beriringan dengan obrolan kami. Sejak dulu, aku memang mencintai kegiatan seperti ini. Aku senang sekali bertemu dengan manusia-manusia yang sefrekuensi dan mendiskusikan satu dua hal. Tak peduli berapa lama waktu yang harus kuluangkan atau jarak yang harus kutempuh. Dan di lingkaran ini, aku menemukan manusia yang frekuensinya mirip sekali denganku. Suatu hal yang belum pernah aku temukan sebelumnya. Hal yang sebenarnya cukup berbahaya karena membiarkanku beberapa kali terlarut dalam pembicaraan privat dengan ikhwan yang bukan mahramku.
Semoga suatu saat kelak, aku bisa memiliki manusia yang dengannya, waktu terasa tak berdetik karena percakapan kami begitu menarik. :)
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archonfurina · 5 months
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Love and Deepspace: Rafayel - 5* Deep Sea Promise
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phoenixkaptain · 7 months
A story like Thousand Autumns is very subtle in its romance.
Shen Qiao has only ever known his sect. He knows it very well, because of this fact. He knows the people, he knows the rules, he knows the daily doings and who is doing them. He knows every blade of grass and every stone. He’s like a lonely mountain flower, on the highest peak, unseen by any but a few birds and unknowing that there’s more it might never know.
When he finds himself away from his sect for the first time, he’s confused. At most, he’s gone to the base of the mountain, maybe the fields surrounding that, but no further. The flower was plucked and tossed aside.
For a man stumbling blindly in the world, literally and figuratively, there really isn’t a better guide than one that knows just about everything. And that’s, without a doubt, Yan Wushi.
Yan Wushi has lived longer than Shen Qiao, has been more places than Shen Qiao, and has fought more battles than Shen Qiao. Yan Wushi is the perfect example of something out of reach even for someone out of reach. He’s the only one who could answer any questions asked of him, but especially the questions that Shen Qiao would want to ask him.
And there’s no question in my mind that Yan Wushi doesn’t fall for Shen Qiao at first sight, but he’s certainly attracted to him. Not in an overtly sexual or emotional way, but Yan Wushi, the way his character is set up? It’s impossible for him not to be fascinated by Shen Qiao.
He knows Shen Qiao is the very picture of a peerless immortal. He’s well aware that Shen Qiao is considered untouchable by even the people closest to Shen Qiao. He’s most aware that Shen Qiao is Qi Fengge’s (coughhndisputedcough) favourite disciple, and honestly that’s enough for him to overwhemingly want to mess with Shen Qiao.
There are a lot of reasons for Yan Wushi to fall for Shen Qiao. Most of the people in the novel fall for Shen Qiao, after all, there is a precedent.
But the one I’ve seen questioned is Shen Qiao’s affection for Yan Wushi. Where does it come from? When did it start? Does Shen Qiao even fucking like that asshole?
The easy answer is: yes, he does. The novel tells us that. Shen Qiao, despite everything, does fall for Yan Wushi’s, um, “charms” in the end. This is made clear.
But why? A thousand voices cry out. Why the fuck would any reasonable person like Yan goddamn Wushi in any capacity?
Well, there’s your first mistake. Shen Qiao is not a reasonable person.
Shen Qiao as a character is absolutely terrifying. He could absolutely destroy the world given half the inclination, but he just doesn’t want to. He’s already considered unmatched before he’s pushed unceremoniously off of a mountain, and his journey only increases his strength. He isn’t quite equal to Yan Wushi, but he’s the only person Yan Wushi ever sees as equal to himself.
Shen Qiao’s best and worst trait is his patience. He’s unwavering. He really just embodies taoism, especially as it’s presented in the novels. He is the picture of a river that doesn’t stray from its path.
Which is why it’s hard for him to reconcile his own attraction to Yan Wushi, but let’s all be clear here. Yan Wushi absolutely starts seducing Shen Qiao on day fucking one. If he could’ve (if Qi Fengge hadn’t been there) he would’ve tried to eat that cabbage when it was just a little sprout. Shen Qiao is unpracticed in most social interactions, to be frank, but he’s especially unused to romance and Yan Wushi really is his first introduction to being hit on.
Yan Wushi is far from good, at really any point, to anybody but especially to Shen Qiao. But that doesn’t particularly matter because Shen Qiao chooses to forgive him, again and again. And I really think, after giving Shen Qiao to a confirmed terrible, awful person who has already promised to do terrible thing to Shen Qiao, that Shen Qiao himself wouldn’t forgive literally anyone else for doing that. And he shouldn’t, because it was really fucked up, but that still doesn’t matter because Shen Qiao ultimately DOES forgive Yan Wushi.
What am I saying? I’m saying that Shen Qiao fell for Yan Wushi first. It is the only way the story makes any sense. Shen Qiao is annoyed at him, he’s furious at him, he’s so fucking pissed he could kill that man, but he likes him. He likes Yan Wushi’s company. He likes that Yan Wushi gives him a challenge. He’s exasperated, but he likes it.
Shen Qiao forgives Yan Wushi SO MANY TIMES. Yan Wushi humiliates him and mocks him and is the absolute worst, but Shen Qiao forgives him and more than that, Shen Qiao always is waiting for Yan Wushi to come back to bother him more.
Is there more to Shen Qiao’s attraction? Probably. Is it a daddy kink? It could be. But I honestly can’t help but read it as Shen Qiao falling for the absolute pits of a man that is Yan Wushi. Shen Qiao likes that old bastard and decides to spend the rest of his life with the fucker and he is just too much of a block of ice to show it.
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abbyymerry · 2 months
“Congratulations” Part 1
In which Mr. Qi showed up at grandpa’s farm.
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To be continued…(next part is in progress)
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tcfactory · 6 months
Today I remembered that Mobei-Jun is roughly the same age-range - possibly even a little younger - than the Qing Peak Lords.
[2400 words, smol bean Mobei and big bro Yue Qi traipsing through the countryside to rescue Xiao Jiu]
So please imagine young Mobei Wu, approximately ten years old, stranded in the human realm after yet another of his uncle's murder attempts and too tired or not yet skilled enough to portal back from one realm to the other without a tear in reality to capitalize on.
And instead of Huan Hua cultivators or any other danger, he stumbles into Yue Qi. Yue Qi who is about fifteen, just got out of the cave and is on the way to try and rescue his Xiao Jiu. Yue Qi would never hurt a child smaller than him, not even a demon one. Especially not one that admits, after some careful coaxing with smiles and sweet treats, that it's his uncle who's trying to kill him. Yue Qi can't imagine someone wanting to harm a child who places their trust in him, anyway please call him Qi-ge. What's your name, little one? All right, A-Wu, not so little. (He is very little. Yue Qi is very tall for his age, but this demon is objectively tiny and maybe a little malnourished too.) What a coincidence, they are both named after numbers. Do you want Qi-ge to carry you for a bit?
Yue Qi figures that the least he can do is look out for this kid until he can go home - A-Wu is very reluctant about specifying what's preventing him from leaving right now, but Yue Qi knows it's best not to push a boy that age - so they travel together for a while. He sticks cooling talismans on the inside of the little demon's shirt to prevent him from overheating or stripping off his (already too few, by the standards of human decency) layers, so for most of the journey he's carrying a halfway dozing little snowball of a child like a backpack. Yue Qi tells him all about Xiao Jiu, bolstered by the little hums Mobei Wu makes to show that he's paying attention.
"Where did you get the scars?"
Yue Qi stops mid-sentence and peers hesitantly back over his shoulder, meeting a pair of incredibly vivid blue eyes. "Scars?" It could be that A-Wu noticed the fading slave mark on his neck.
"En. I can feel them all over." So not the slave mark, then.
"Even through my robes?"
"En. They feel... spicy. Wrong." He crunches up his face as he tries to find the right word. "Like lightning."
It could only be the scars etched over his meridians, still overflowing with unstable qi. Yue Qi hesitates, but figures that demon tales are probably much more gruesome than what happened to him, so he tells A-Wu everything - the sword, the cave, the dark, all of it. It's a relief to put the nightmare into words, even if his audience is a precocious demon child who looks at him with big sparkling eyes like he's telling a tale of glory or great adventure.
"Cool. All for your... Jiu?"
"Yes." Mobei Wu seems to approve greatly of that.
"You are cool. I will help you."
It makes Yue Qi smile. Such a shame this kid will likely grow up to be something bloodthirsty eventually. He's really too cute right now.
Qiu manor is gone, burned to ash, and Xiao Jiu likely ash along with it. Yue Qi's world is coming down around his ears and he can't even hear what the kindly old merchant is telling him about the incident. It's only when A-Wu tugs on his sleeve when the world comes back to focus.
"They found no dead boy. Only dead men. He can still live."
True, he can't give up hope just yet. What Mobei Wu says is really logical - but where could Xiao Jiu go from here?
The old lady finally notices the unnaturally blue tint of Mobei Wu's skin and takes a fearful step back. "...Demon?"
"No!" Yue Qi steps between them quickly, shielding the boy with his body. "My little brother just ate a cursed fruit, that's all! It will wear off in a day or two."
He's been trying to live a righteous life since he joined the sect, but to someone like him lying comes as easy as breathing.
"Oh, that's all right, then. I thought you might be like that horrible demonic cultivator who lurked here before."
The mention of a cultivator - even a demonic one - makes Yue Qi perk up. He makes some careful questions, about the fire and when they last saw the demonic cultivator in the area, where he might have left for, whether he had someone with him... By the time he says his thank yous he's certain of it: if Xiao Jiu lives, he is with this Wu Yanzi.
They regroup on the edge of the city, where Yue Qi hands Mobei Wu a stick of tanghulu and rolls out a map to figure out where the demonic cultivator could be if he's traveling on foot with a teenager in tow. The demon is fascinated by the map, asking all sorts of questions about distances and directions in as few words as possible, his face scrunched up in another frown.
"We should probably get you home before I go after Xiao Jiu," Yue Qi says with a sigh, circling the most likely area. "We are a week behind them and I can't fly by sword yet. I will need to buy a horse or catch a cart if I want to catch up to them."
Mobei Wu growls, then looks up from the map, wiping a sticky hand on his shirt before he points east. "That way?"
"Yes, I think so." Before Yue Qi can ask anything, the ground opens up beneath him and he's falling through a cold, dark void.
It doesn't last long. He lands in a lake with a huge splash, just outside of one of the cities halfway to their goal. Mobei lands on top of the water - did he flash freeze it? Such a cool kiddo - with the map safely held in his arms and a very, very smug little smile.
"So, were you aiming for the water on purpose?" Yue Qi asks some time later as he tries to dry his clothes with a fire talisman.
"En. You count distances differently than we do." It's a big lake, allowing a bigger margin of error than portaling straight into the city and getting stuck in a building, probably.
"En." Smug little thing. When he's smirking like that he looks almost like Xiao Jiu.
"How far can you go?"
Mobei seems to think this through, his eyebrows pinched together as he calculates from whatever metric the demons use. "2000."
"2000 bu?" That was a good distance. They could easily catch up to them with that kind of skill, even if Wu Yanzi and Xiao Jiu haven't lingered anywhere on the way.
"Li." Yue Qi chokes on air as he tries to comprehend that distance, but thankfully Xiao Wu doesn't seem to take note of it. "But only in one realm. And only after I eat."
"We'll find you something nice to eat then. What would you like?"
"Meat." A-Wu's smile widens, showing sharp teeth.
"Let's get you some dumplings then. Sounds good?" A-Wu considers it for a long time before he nods.
Having a teleporting little rascal with him really speeds up the search, even if keeping up with A-Wu's appetite is eating (heh) into his travel funds. Whatever ancestral magic this is, it takes a lot out of the kid, leaving him endearingly dazed and sleepy between jumps. They quickly establish a cover story: the demonic cultivator cursed Yue Qi's little brother to look like a demon, so he's hunting the man to force him to undo the curse. A good sob story always makes people so much more willing to cooperate, especially when it involves a cute child and Mobei Wu is, objectively speaking, cute as a button. Old grannies and grandfathers ooh and aah over him and are quick to point them towards Wu Yanzi's trail.
In the end, they find them much sooner than Yue Qi expects. They walk into a shady looking inn on the edge of a small town and he immediately spots Xiao Jiu, hunkered down in the shadow of a scarred man with a dark mane of hair.
Their eyes meet and everything becomes a blur for a while, his awareness narrowed down to Xiao Jiu. Yue Qi hold him close and murmurs nonsense reassurances into his hair - he's never letting Xiao Jiu go ever again.
Even through the happy fog of the reunion, the sound of a sword being drawn is unmistakable. "Where do you think you are taking my disciple?" Wu Yanzi asks, eyes narrowed. Xiao Jiu spins around, to yell or to fight, Yue Qi will never know, because A-Wu chooses that moment to open another portal and whisk them away. He's getting very used to the feeling of suddenly falling through a frigid void.
It's another lake, this time somewhere much further away. "Xiao Wu, you need to stop opening those underneath people," Yue Qi scolds the unrepentant demon child as he drags the angrily splashing Xiao Jiu to the shore.
There are questions and answers, tears and hugs and no small amount of yelling. They strip their wet clothes off so it's impossible to hide his scars, stark red lines all over his skin, and in the face of Xiao Jiu's anger he caves and tells him everything. While they talk Mobei Wu falls asleep curled up on Yue Qi's miraculously dry bedroll and when they are done they curl around him from both sides too, shielding their precious little helper from the elements.
When the wake up in the morning the child is gone, as if he was never there. He has left behind a string with two beads, cool to the touch from familiar chilly qi.
"A token of thanks? One bead for each of us." Yue Qi suggests.
"Don't be ridiculous. As if a little demon would thank a cultivator for anything," Xiao Jiu scoffs, but he takes one of the beads anyway.
"I hope he gets home safe."
"Think about whether we get home or not! Stupid, soft-hearted Qi-ge. Do we even know how far away we are from your sect?"
Yue Qi can't help but beam down at him, fully aware that he's smiling the awkward, lopsided smile he trained himself out of because his shizun found it unattractive. He missed his thorny Xiao Jiu.
"You are right. Let's go home."
Years later, Sect Leader Yue follows indulgently after his favorite shidi, Shen Jiu deep in the middle of a rant.
"If you are worried about Shang-shidi's safety, you are allowed to say so, shidi," he cuts in with practiced ease.
"Who's worried for that shifty vermin?! I worry for the sect! There is something going on with him and I suspect a security breach." Shen Qingqiu practically kicks down the door of the leisure house, startling the man inside into jumping and dropping the armful of books he was holding. "'Shang-shidi, we need to talk."
"Shen-shixiong, Zhangmen-shixiong, this is not a good time. I'm actually really quite busy..."
"Make time for us."
Yue Qingyuan indulgently follows Shen Jiu inside, noting that Shang Qinghua's eyes keep flickering all over the room, everywhere except towards the closed door of his bedroom. Highly suspicious.
Shang Qinghua is still stammering out excuses and making pleading eyes at Yue Qingyuan to please make his shidi go away. Yue Qingyuan lets him squirm for a few minutes before he interrupts, with his kindest smile.
"Shidi, we are simply worried for your health. Your head disciple reported that you have showed up with more bruises than usual."
Shang Qinghua mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like 'traitor'.
"Shidi," Yue Qingyuan tries again. "You know that you can trust us. I promise that you are not in trouble." Shen Qingqiu huffs, but refrains from commenting when Yue Qingyuan sends him a look. "Please, allow us to..."
A lot of things happen all at once. The bead Yue Qingyuan wears on a simple string around his neck turns so cold it almost burns, and based on the low hiss coming from Shen Jiu the same thing is happening to his. Ice climbs up the walls and the door, blocking their way out of the house. The door to the bedroom is kicked open and good gods that's a very big, very muscular ice demon staring at them with very bright blue eyes.
"My king?" Shang Qinghua squeaks, his eyes bouncing between the ice demon and his two shixiongs in alarm.
The demon ducks into the room and stalks towards them, every step spreading the ice further. There is something familiar in his face, but Yue Qingyuan is much more occupied by the sight of really quite a lot of uncovered skin and the many, many freshly treated cuts all over him.
Finally, he stops just outside of sword range and almost hesitantly rumbles: "Qi-ge?"
Oh. So that's why he was so familiar. He smiles up at Mobei Wu. "It seems I really can't call you 'Xiao Wu' anymore, can I?"
Mobei Wu huffs, the corner of his mouth lifting in something that could be a smile, and the ice encroaching on the room starts melting. "Mobei-Jun." He raises his hands in a salute. "Nominally, for now. Since yesterday."
He can tell the exact moment when Shen Jiu connects the dots - that the little teleporting rascal that helped Yue Qi track him down through half the countryside is now the Northern Demon King. His carefully cultivated mask cracks and he collapses next to the tea table with a wordless sound of outrage. "Shang Qinghua!"
Their shidi startles, once again dropping the books he just started picking back up.
"Yes, Shen-shixiong?"
"Be a good host and make us tea. And then explain how this,-" With his closed fan he gestures between Mobei-Jun and Shang Qinghua. "- happened."
"It's a long story," Mobei-Jun supplies, taking place next to the table and sprawling in a decadent, demonic fashion.
"That's all right." Yue Qingyuan joins them, briefly running his hand down Shen Qingqiu's tense back to soothe him. "We have the time to listen."
It's an unexpected reunion, but not necessarily a bad one. Xiao Wu was a good kid and when he looks carefully he can still see him in Mobei-Jun, despite the years of stoic frost that settled over his features.
There are much worse allies one could have than the Prodigious Demon King of the Northern Realm.
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theheartlessspirit · 2 months
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Chapter 1 (Old Acquaintance) - page 25
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magical-regical · 2 months
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I am ill. I'm actually ill. I want it. I've never seen something so fucking beautiful. The aesthetics are on. fucking. point.
I wanna say y'all Rafayel girlies eating good stanning this literal god of a man but it's another myth pair so it's gonna be a fucking pain in the ass to get.
But I mean—
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Look at this Krishna looking mf.
Even the three star card looks absolutely beautiful and the fact that they're giving us the 4-stars for free? Based. Actually based. Hopefully we'll get to see Raffy bust out the thee's and thou's.
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MK and Wukong are looking through old papers. MK: who is that?
SWK: That's me nad Mac. Old good days.
MK: What?! But he looks happy here, does he have a nose ring?
SWK: Yes. He looks cute.
MK: (having an idea) tell him that.
SWK: (blushing) what? No.
MK: Why? That's good start to repair your relationship.
SWK: Kid. Me and Mac it's ... complicated and there is NO relationship.
MK: whatever, but you can try, he is your flatmate.
SWK: (moan) Fine.
SWK: Mac! Look what I found! You look here so cute!
Mac: (dressed in a bathrobe and with a towel on his head. Blushing and quickly takes the photo and hides it)
SWK: Hey!What are you doing?! This is a nice photo! Give it back!
Mac: Never!
(They are chasing each other. Wukong tries to take the photo. And Mk watches this and tries not to laugh)
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eyes-of-nine · 5 months
I know it's completely not the point but like wtf was the plan for the xianle throne after xie lian's first ascension??? for a bunch of ppl so sure their crown prince was going to ascend and become a god they didn't really worry about a lack of a second crown prince (you know just in case) yeah sure they didn't last long enough to really have to properly think about it but like who were they going to put on the throne????? FUCKING QI RONG????? bc that would go great??!? HUHH????drought, famine, war and plague aside that kingdom was doomed from the moment xl ascended 💀💀
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01432853 · 3 months
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Fighting for Love (2024) • EP 31
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What would happen if the Gotoro Empire invaded Stardew Valley?
In the background Lore of Stardew Valley, there is a war going on between the Ferngill Republic, which Stardew is in, and the Gotoro Empire, in which Kent spent a long time as a prisoner of war. Well, what if the war went badly for Ferngill, and the Gotoro Empire ends up landing on the mainland?
Imagine Stardew Valley being chosen as a place for the D-Day invasion, and the top generals of Ferngill are just bracing for the impending invasion, but the army just... stopped. They can't get past this tiny town on their coast. They don't know what's happening, only that a hell of a firefight is going on in Pelican Town.
The Farmer is essentially an eldritch being, disguised in a mortal body, I'm sure through various contacts, such as Mr Qi, they could find out about the invasion of Stardew Valley. And they would be fucking prepared. Kent knows what the Gotoro Empire is like, and he canonically still has an entire armada of explosives and I'm assuming firearms stashed in his shed. He was a soldier, he would know at least some basic strategies to slow them down, and knowing Kent, he wouldn't just let them walk into his town and take over.
There's a small army of dwarves and shadow people living underground in the valley, if they were able to be convinced to help, they would provide substantial stopping force. Rasmodius, I'm sure, would have a few tricks up his sleeve.
Everyone loves living in the magical world of Stardew Valley, and they aren't going down without a fight. Kent would rig the beaches with explosives, and if he had enough ammunition, would probably be waiting with a small force from the town and local areas. Rasmodius definitely has a few tricks up his sleeve that would ruin the invader's day, and Mr Qi would probably plan some surprises that would be monumentally disastrous for the Gotoro soldiers.
And then there's the farmer.
Hopped up on Triple Shot Espresso and Magic Rock Candy, armed with Explosive ammo and wielding a Sword that can cut through stone with one swing, they would be a literal demon in a straw hat. The Rock Candy gives a +5 luck buff, bullets ain't gonna hit them. They'll all just curve around them, because the farmer isn't going to fucking die to some puny bullets. Stories would be told in the Gotoro Camp of a wraith sent upon them in the name of Yoba, literally untouchable by their weapons, and faster than the speed of sound. A banshee with bad taste in clothing and a sword covered in the blood of their friends and allies, they would be absolutely petrified.
And because it's Stardew Valley, the most hidden place in the world, no one outside of the Valley would have any clue what's going on. The Generals of Ferngill would never know, only that they had been saved.
I honestly love this idea so much and if this gets any interaction I'm absolutely writing a story about it.
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catatanbalqis · 1 year
My Qur’an Journey
Sejak kecil, lantunan ayat suci Al-Qur’an bukan yang asing bagiku. Memasuki bangku taman kanak-kanak, aku sudah mulai menghafal surat pendek di Juz 30, layaknya balita lainnya. Bedanya, aku melalui semua hal ini melalui pendidikan formal, sekolah, bukan TPA.
Keluargaku memiliki cukup privilese untuk mengundang guru mengaji ke rumah. Bersama kakak-kakakku, kami rutin menyetorkan hafalan di musholla rumah. Teringat dahulu begitu sulit menghafalkan Surah Al-Falaq, terbolak-balik tiap frasa dan ayatnya. Saat Ramadhan tiba, kami dipaksa terjaga setiap habis shubuh untuk membaca satu juz bersama. Bergantian membaca satu halaman demi halaman. Bagiku yang saat itu belum begitu lancar membaca Al-Qur’an, ini bukan hal menyenangkan. Tak jarang aku menjadi sebal dan menitikkan air mata ketika giliranku tiba. 
Memasuki bangku SD, aku cukup unggul dibanding teman-temanku. Walaupun masih belia, aku paham betul bahwa saat itu kelompok tahfidzku merupakan kelompok unggulan. Kala itu, setiap muridnya ditargetkan untuk menyelesaikan hingga 5 juz. Target semata. Karena tidak banyak yang berhasil mencapainya, aku salah satunya.
Berpindah ke bangku sekolah menengah, aku berhasil menyetorkan sepertiga Al-Qur’an dalam 8 hari, 1 kali duduk tiap juznya. Capaian yang hingga saat ini belum berhasil ku ulang. Setelah itu, grafik pertambahan hafalan qur’anku cukup landai, tak banyak ayat tambahan yang ku hafal. Namun, di masa-masa itulah justru aku belajar.
15 tahun menghafal Al-Qur’an sebagai formalitas, aku baru mendapatkan kenikmatan dan kesenangan setelahnya. Adalah sebuah Karantina Tahfidz di daerah Kuningan. Aku berhasil menyetorkan belasan juz dalam belasan hari. Hari-hari inilah yang membuatku sadar betapa menyenangkannya menghafal ayat-ayat suci ini. Waktu berjalan, aku semakin menikmati pertemuan dengan Ahlul Qur’an. Tak ada satupun Ramadhan aku habiskan tanpa bertemu mereka. Berpindah dari satu pesantren tahfidz ke pesantren lainnya.
Adalah senior sekaligus ustadzahku, yang menyadarkan bahwa kualitas tahsinku 0 besar. Teringat jelas bagaimana beliau berulang kali membenarkan ghunnah dan mad thabi’i. Sesuatu yang teorinya sudah aku pelajari dari bangku SD. Berpindah ke tempat lain, aku bertemu ustadzah yang jauh lebih strict dari itu. Di hari pertama setoran, Ia meninggalkan banyak sekali lingkaran di qur’anku. Hafalannya sih lancar, namun banyak sekali tajwid-tajwid yang tidak dibaca dengan baik. Menyadari hal ini, akupun memutuskan untuk vacuum dari dunia ziyadah dan fokus memperbaiki tahsin.
Dari perjalanan ini, satu hal besar yang aku pelajari adalah: selalu ada ruang perbaikan. Selalu ada hal yang bisa diperbaiki dari segala usaha kita. Dalam hal akhirat, selalu ada niat yang bisa diluruskan. Bahkan tugas seorang hafidz pun sama besarnya dengan mereka yang baru mulai menghafal Al-Qur’an. Semoga Allah karuniai kita kemampuan untuk terus belajar dan memperbaiki diri.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
Pigsy hearing his husband and kid talk about Journey to the West lore out of context:
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mejomonster · 11 months
I am going to again mention that Hikaru No Go cdrama adaptation Qi Hun is on youtube for free (iqiyi), really really good, and if you ever shipped the two rivals to partners then the cdrama decides well They Do Too and cranks it to Bad Buddy childhood rivals to desperately longing for each other to domestic and professional partners levels. (I'm not kidding, to spoil the ending out of context: they move in together with one bed, play partner go for future career, and end the show together happy). And yes, our ghost friend still absolutely decimated me emotionally. <3 ;-;
Anyway I just. While it's absolutely amazing as a show on simply the merit of quality, pacing, good storyline, solid story it's based on And solid adaptation that kept things true while putting it's own touches? It's also really really heartfelt if you like childhood enemies/friends to partners stories. And it feels as bl as Guardian or Word of Honor did, easily (so clearly shippers helped make the show lol).
Here's where to watch!
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abbyymerry · 1 month
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A banter. Some time during the 50s.
Sorry, it’s funnier in my head.
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
In any kind of Shadowpeach au: I like the idea of them finally tying/retying the knot after S3 with an official wedding, figuring that one too many near-death experiences warranted an actual ceremony. Heavily inspo'd by Ruby and Sapphire's wedding in Steven Universe.
The kids, the noodle gang, Demon Bull fam, Chang'e (via Zoom), Nezha, the villains and celestials they've befriended, and the monkeys of Flower Fruit Mountain all attend. It's both a big gaudy affair, but with only close friends allowed to attend.
Cue the very end of the wedding getting interrupted by the S4 return of Azure Lion and the rest of the Brotherhood. Like 90% of the guests immediately whip out their weapons.
And ofc the sight of imminent Shadowpeach marriage (+kids) causes some uh... problems with Azure Lion's attempts to come off as reformed. Things quickly go awry.
Wukong, in an elaborate peach-inspired imperial wedding dress: "This dress costs way too much money not to fight in it!" Macaque, in a Billy Porter-equse tux gown: "Peaches please. We paid so much for the open bar." MK (ring bearer), watching the carnage unfold: "I just wanted there to be a normal wedding..." :') Red Son, a bridesmaid: "Actually, compared to the demon weddings I've been to, getting crashed by a jealous past suitor is pretty normal.
As a side effect, lots of fights with the characters in fancy clothes.
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