sleetmonster · 2 months
long ago and far away there lived two wonderful people who came to learn of a mighty prophecy. This prophecy decreed that they would have the most amazing date followed by an even more most amazing vacation, and the joy they shared would shatter the world apart and enslave its pitiable survivors for time immemorial. there might also be pizza.
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fletchernetwork · 4 months
fletcher: stuck in the eras of us
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kneipe · 1 year
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lyon 2023
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feelingcomplet · 3 months
Porque você me quer, e quando você quer alguém, você faz sacrifícios por ela - e não tenta controlá-la.
( The Monster )
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Platonic partners are still valid and real partners/relationships.
Non romantic or aro partners are still valid and real partners/relationships.
Non sexual or ace partners are still valid and real partners/relationships.
Non labeled partners are still valid and real partners/relationships.
Stop saying that everything that isn't fitting into your normative is invalid or can't be real.
I'm fed up. Just stfu. Stop hurting people that aren't your fucking "normal".
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iamlostinarainbow · 1 year
What if it hurts like hell? Then it'll hurt like hell. – Snow Patrol
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eufemizador · 1 year
Vejo aquele verbete Que me diz o que é o mundo Não me conte Não quero saber as cores Que ainda vou descobrir Fecho Descrevo o mundo Pelos meus próprios sentidos Que buscam Um  Apenas um Sentido
Theu Souza
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itgetsbetterproject · 2 years
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Ok but...the "mental health tool" that you actually want to use?!
🏳️‍🌈 SO proud to announce that we, along with and our Youth Voices, got to help build imi: a free, digital, actually science-backed mental health web tool for queer teens to: •Learn coping skills •Hear stories from other real LGBTQ+ teens •Explore resources that affirm queer identities and boost mental health
There are 4 main sections made just for dealing with: •Stress •Queerness •Stigma •Gender
There's also a "quick exit" button built in for your safety.
And yeah - it was actually made WITH LGBTQ+ teens! Explore it and share it with friends now at imi.guide!
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drfausti · 1 year
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First time I made her moan was kissing her in the forest
my fingers fingering inside her panties
It felt like the moss that she kissed with her bare feet
when she burst her lust into my mouth
Our way home was pure sex
Image: Guillaume Kayacan.
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gaydartv · 11 months
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Cameron  🏳️‍🌈️
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gaydarlove · 1 year
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Logan & Zach 👬
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ocombatenterondonia · 3 months
CARNAVAL 2024- Vai Quem quer lança oficialmente camisa para o desfile do dia 10 de fevereiro
  Com o tema da marchinha e camisa: “Na Banda não tem blá, blá, blá! Nosso lema é lá, lá, lá!, a presidente da Banda do Vai Quem Quer, Siça Andrade, lançou oficialmente na manhã desta terça-feira, (23/01), no Mercado Cultural de Porto Velho, a camisa oficial para o desfile do maior bloco de rua da região Norte do País. “Fico muito emocionada em mais um ano conseguir levar 250 mil foliões para a…
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sabrinarismos · 8 months
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Adiantar o relógio pode deixá-lo na hora que você quer, mas não na hora certa.
- Pedro Paulo
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feelingcomplet · 4 months
Quando você ama e respeita algo, nunca a engaiola, nunca a diminui, nunca a força a se encaixar no seu mundo apenas porque você a quer lá.
( The Negotiator )
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feeling-infinite · 8 months
Experiências 'mentais' de quase "subir na tal montanha russa" de que falei fazem a gente ter ainda MAIS certeza de quatro coisas: 1. Eu tenho sérios problemas psiquiátricos. 2. Eu realmente quero MUITO ficar só no carrossel - mesmo com todo mundo indo para a montanha russa. 2. Sem paz mental você literalmente não tem vida :( 3. Eu amo demais a minha vida do jeito que ela está, sou muito feliz assim e não quero que nada mude!
Já dizia Florence:
Happiness hit her Like a bullet in the baaaaaaaack!!! :D
Obrigada, Jesus! Mano, preciso beber \o/
ps: eu literalmente sou esse gif. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK'
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revginapond · 8 months
🕰️Wednesday sprints and chatting stream. Editing Book 7 and new project! 📝 Come work with me!🖋️🏳️‍🌈 http://twitch.tv/worthyadvisor
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