#rebel la más
holywaterzzz · 2 years
wdym this never happened
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thefulcrumfiles · 1 year
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xxtaneria · 3 months
𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗸 + 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 | héctor fort
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summary: hector fell for his friend's sister.
pairing: hector fort x guiu! reader
y/n your average teenage girl, her life was pretty boring, but there's one part about about it that wasn't boring.
Yeah, she was the younger sister of Marc Guiu. Yes. Marc Guiu Paz.
For some reason, whenever she was seen at the Estadi Olímpic, they always thought of Hector Fort.
Well, if anything, she and Hector were completely DIFFERENT.
You might think, Hector is into the type of girls who wear black, wear short dresses, makeup, yeah.
But, this is how Y/N's style is.
She liked the color pink, liked wearing pants most of the time. Liked Melanie Martinez, liked drawing, and vice versa.
But she was actually Hector's type.
Marc invited his teammates/friends over and everytime this happened, he asked her not to go in his room.
Well, let's see what happens now.
y/n's pov:
I SAT ON my bed, kicking around because my phone was dead, and I wasn't allowed to go in Marc's room.
But as you already know, I wanted to feel like a rebel, and sneak in there. I rolled on the floor, slithering like a snake out of my room and heading to Marc's.
Luckily, the door was slightly open so I could get in there. Without being noticed, actually.
From what I could see, Marc and his friends, were sitting on his bed.
Marc was the one playing the game and one wad sitting on his gaming chair, and the other was sitting on the floor.
I slither on the carpet amd get ready to scare my brother. God, I was gonna get him so good.
I popped up from behind him, practically jumpscaring him, and put my hands on his shoulders.
"BOO!" I say, as Marc gently screamed at dropped the controller, which paused the game.
He stopped for a few seconds before turning to me, looking pissed and he crossed his arms.
"Hermana, ¿no te dije que no entraras en mi habitación cuando mis amigas están cerca? (Sis, did I not tell you not to come in my room when my friends are around?)" he said, still pretty upset.
"Oh, entonces así será, ¿eh? ¿No puedo entrar a la habitación de mi hermano sin su permiso? Sí claro. (Oh, so that's how it's going to be, huh? I can't go in my brother's room without his permission? Yeah, right.)" I responded, putting an arm on his shoulder.
"Aquí hay algunas palabras simples. No entres a mi habitación cuando mis amigos estén aquí. (Here are a few simple words. Don't come into my room when my friends are here.)" Marc replied, slapping my hand off his shoulder.
"Ah, bueno, adiós entonces. (Oh well, bye then.)" I shrugged, and went on my way to my room again.
"Esperar! (Wait!)"
I look back to see Hector, it looked like he tried to get my attention.
"¿Quieres jugar videojuegos con nosotros? (Do you wanna play video games with us?)" Hector asked me, he then scooted up a little on Marc's bed and motioned for me to sit next to him.
Marc had his mouth open in shock. I smile and go to sit next to Hector, then Marc looked at me with an annoyed expression.
"Sólo tienes suerte porque Héctor está aquí. Nunca más volverás a sentarte en mi cama. (You're only lucky because Hector is here. You're never going to sit on my bed again.)" he said, glaring at me.
I simply ignored it, and began playing video games with Lamine, Pau, Hector and Marc.
2nd person's pov:
EVER SINCE THAT day, Hector somehow always managed to convince Marc to let him hang out with you. And you slowly started to develop feelings for Hector, it was a slow process.
I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with him?
He's got the face of a practical angel, brown hair, dark eyes, what else?
You were watching all of Melanie Martinez's music videos, on repeat to be precise. Then you got a text for Hector.
meet me at the park
por qué?
come on, just do it
You ran to the park to see Hector sitting there. You waved at him and he waved back at you and you ran towards him, and laid on the grass with him.
"So, what was so important?" you asked, sitting up on the grass.
"Uh y/n.. I have to tell you something." he replied, taking both your hands, and cupping them together.
You blushed, not having a clue what was happening.
"Look, I've been meaning to tell you this for a really long time. I'm sorry if it's too sudden but, I.. like you Y/N. You don't have to like me back if you don't I understa-" you cut him off by hugging him tightly and then cupping his cheeks.
"Yo también te amo, Héctor." you replied, and began kissing him gently.
You ran your fingers through his hair and his arms around your waist. This felt magical, amazing, good, the list is endless.
Hector and you pull apart, blushing madly.
"If you're wondering 'What am I gonna tell Marc' Don't worry amor, I'll tell him so you won't have to." Hector said.
"Gracias." you reply, and pull him into another hug.
y/n.guiu posted a story!
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marcguiu9 😨
vickylopezz._ 🤭🤭
tagging: @hectorth <3
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milotehacegrand18 · 15 days
Algo que me resulta curioso de que Star Wars no se cree de manera cronológica es el hecho de que de crean pequeños agujeros de guión que a lo mejor se ven pequeños pero para algunas personas son realmente grandes.
Para mí es el hecho de que Omega habría hecho mucho sentido en Rebels, osea hace tanto sentido que no tiene lógica que NO sea un personaje de Rebels.
Cómo que Omega no tiene una relación cercana con la tripulación del fantasma y sus amigos? Ella es de sus amigos más cercanos y se la pasa siendo asignada a misiones donde la tripulación está asignada también, es una de las pocas personas que chopper tolera. Hera la invita a comer en el fantasma seguido. Sabine en algún momento la convenció de pintarle mechas de colores. Ezra le tiene mucho aprecio porque sabe que a Rex y a Hera les importa y Ezra vive en la filosofía de "el amigo de mi amigo es mi amigo". Creo fielmente que tendría cierta rivalidad con Kanan en especial cuando Kanan se entera del Bad batch pero terminarían por arreglar las cosas. Omega se llevaría bien con Zeb y probablemente en algún momento les tocaría entrenar a nuevos reclutas juntos y serían un duo de profesores bastante caóticos.
Cómo que Omega no fue parte de la batalla de Lothal? No, Ella estuvo allí... Omega fue parte y fue de las primeras en ofrecerse de voluntaria cuando salio la oportunidad, porque le parecía una buena causa y porque iban a ir tres clones a la batalla y no se iba a quedar atrás.
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thecanvasofmadness · 19 days
Jamás a aceptaré someterme ni cuadrarme para lograr los objetivos ajenos, ya sea laborales o académicos. Antes de matarme así, mejor me doy un tiro. Preferible morir de tajo a estar muerto en vida. Mi rebeldía es parte de mi esencia. Si la mayor parte de la humanidad se deja someterse y cuadrarse no es mi problema. Cada quien decide cómo morir y eso se les respeta. Ojalá también se le respetara al rebelde ser libre, en vez de juzgarle por buscar serlo. Para el sometido, que el rebelde señale lo que está mal, es parte de una mala gestión emocional. ¡Vaya que estamos fritos! Por tanto psicópata suelto en el mundo se tiene por concepto que la sensibilidad es un error. Perdón, señoras y señores, ¡tener sensibilidad es humano! Me preocupa más la insensibilidad que se defiende a costa del dolor del que se está convulsionando porque lo que ve raya en lo inhumano. Cómo se confunde la inteligencia emocional con soportar malos tratos. Hay conceptos que se usan a conveniencia, porque usarlos de manera correcta llevaría a la humanidad a ser buena. ¡Y cómo les asusta a la mayoría que esto suceda! Prefieren la maldad disfrazada de inteligencia, en lugar darle una justa solución a dicho problema.
I will never accept to submit myself or to be squared in order to achieve other people's objectives, be it work or academic. Before killing myself like that, I'd rather shoot myself. I would rather die than be dead in life. My rebelliousness is part of my essence. If the majority of humanity allows itself to be subdued and squared away, it is not my problem. Everyone decides how to die and that is respected. If only the rebel would also be respected for being free, instead of being judged for seeking to be free. For the subjugated, the rebel to point out what is wrong is part of a bad emotional management. We are toast! Because of so many psychopaths loose in the world, it is taken for granted that sensitivity is a mistake. Sorry, ladies and gentlemen, to have sensitivity is human! I am more concerned about the insensitivity that is defended at the expense of the pain of those who are convulsing because what they see borders on the inhuman. How emotional intelligence is confused with enduring mistreatment. There are concepts that are used for convenience, because using them in the right way would lead humanity to be good. And how scared most of them are that this will happen! They prefer evil disguised as intelligence, instead of giving a fair solution to the problem.
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marivelsblog1503 · 26 days
✍🏻 Comunicado importante: ✍🏻
Para que no haya confusiones ni nada, y creo que ya lo había dicho una vez por aquí, no soy tan activa como lo era antes cuando comencé ha adentrarme en el mundo de la escritura y el fanfiction, esto se debe a que no tengo ya el tiempo requerido para estar activa, contesto uno que otro comentario lo cual no me cuesta, esto me paso en mi cuenta de Wattpad, donde una seguidora me había comentado si iba a continuar mi historia de Life in Chicago, y no solo fue en este comentario, si no las demás historias.
El único problema en sí, es que como estoy en los últimos años de mi carrera, de hecho ya estoy en el penúltimo año, pues me estoy esforzando más y tengo mis vacaciones como tal en diciembre, enero y primera semana de febrero y comienzo mi último año.
Pero no todo está perdido, ya que tengo mi sistema y me a funcionado hasta ahora, al momento que abro mi cuenta por la computadora y no me salen de inmediato las ideas, a parte de que ya se me cansa la vista tras terminar alguna tarea de la uni, mi alternativa cuando tengo tiempo, que ya terminé con los deberes de mi hogar o que no estoy haciendo nada, pues lo hago a la antigua, utilizo hojas de reciclaje un portaminas y lapicero (Esto para escribir las palabras en negrita) lapicero azul (Esto para las letras cursivas, de hecho esto lo hago para no confundirme), y también utilizo resaltadores (Para subrayar el capítulo, parte o prólogo de la historia), si de hecho tengo este sistema para estar más organizada.
Decidí hacer borradores en físico, pues ocurrió que antes hacía mis borradores en Word y al tenerlos listo, pues lo subía a Wattpad, mi computadora se había dañado, la mande a reparar y no respalde todo lo que tenía escrito, se perdió todo y eso me desanimo, pero al escribir el físico, pues me funciono y así estoy en mis ratos libres, y cuando veo que tengo suficientes borradores, pues ya los publico.
Hago este comunicado para que no hayan confusiones o que se desanimen al momento de seguir leyendo mis historias, les prometo que cuando tenga los borradores necesarios y la nueva historia de The Mandalorian and the Rebel comenzaré a publicarlos.
Nos vemos en el próximo comunicado, ya saben si tienen alguna duda, pueden darle click al siguiente botón 👇🏻, no duden en escribirme que les voy a contestar.
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apocrypha73 · 7 months
20 questions writer meme
Thank you @heyholmesletsgo for tagging me :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
76 (and counting)
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,095,178 at this moment
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I'm currently writing for Visual Prison and The Untamed/MDZS fandoms, but in the past I've written for Star Wars Rebels, the mcu, Supernatural, and a few others
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Maybe not so accidentally (899 kudos). A kalluzeb (star wars rebels) canon divergence AU
A Blind Goddess (657 kudos). Another kalluzeb fic. The star wars rebels fandom is a big one, so I guess it's not a surprise my top 3 fics with most kudos belong to it. It doesn't necessarily mean they're my best fics, only that more people have read them. But I'm grateful anyway.
The Reasons Why (426 kudos). Also a kalluzeb fic, and the first one I ever posted in English (I had only written in my own language until then). It was nerve-wracking to take that step but everyone's response was so kind it encouraged me to continue.
We Weren't Always Like This (413 kudos). This is a matchablossom fic (SK8 the Infinity), the first of the two fics I've written for that pairing.
No es la sangre (401 kudos). A thorki AU. This one is in Spanish
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! The comments are a place to fangirl with people who are just as enthusiastic about the OTP as you are, what's not to like? Maybe I don't always reply as fast as I should, but I enjoy doing it.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think most of my fics have a happy ending, I'm a basic bitch and proud of it. The only exception I can recall is It's not over, a destiel fic that was inspired by episode 5x04 of Supernatural and there's no way a story set in that alternate timeline could end well tbh.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The other 75? XDD. Okay, fine, there are two fics in which the happy ending felt very satisfactory to me because the characters went through quite a lot of angst to get there: Under the Spotlight (songxiao, The Untamed/MDZS) and Take my hand, take my whole life too (sagamist, Visual Prison)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, I've been really lucky in that regard
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but I'm pretty vanilla about it. I think the kinkiest thing I've ever written was some light bondage and very soft dom/sub dynamics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
El vínculo más profundo. It's more of a fusion than a crossover actually. The characters are from the movie "Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters" but the story is set in the Pacific Rim universe. It was fun to write
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, it happened a couple of times with No es la sangre. Someone took it and posted it as their own, first on ffnet and then on wattpad. I don't think it was the same person in both cases. One of the (many) advantages of writing for small fandoms, as I do now, is that the chances of that kind of thing happening are almost zero.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Partially. Someone started translating No es la sangre into English, but they got busy and stopped after a while. I've thought about translating it myself but to be honest, I don't have the energy.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, a very long time ago, with a very dear friend of mine. It was for the X-Files fandom.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
This is the most difficult question of this whole meme. I can't choose one, I love my ships dearly. I'd have to name at least five.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I only have two wips currently in the works and I intend to finish both of them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Action scenes, I think. Sometimes dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing, infodumping, knowing how to let a story breathe and not rushing it. Those are the things I find more difficult to get right.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If the story needs it, and if it's a language I know well, why not?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files. Yeah, it's been a while
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I changed my mind, this one is actually the most difficult question. Aaah, I don't know, I tend to associate my fics with the community I get to enjoy through them, you know? It's not about how proud I am of the fic itself, it's about the whole experience. I am very fond of En la prórroga because I wrote it as a birthday gift for a friend and she loved it. I'll always love Under the Spotlight because it was my doorway to the songxiao fandom, where I have met some of the most amazing people you can find on the Internet. The same for Can't go back anymore, my first visupri fic, because I got to become part of an incredible group of friends thanks to it. And then there's Baby, It's Cold Outside and all the fun we had while I was posting that one. I'm overwhelmed by the response I've received to Maybe not so accidentally and No es la sangre, because I never expected any fic of mine to become so loved by anyone. So how am I going to choose just one?
Tagging @dreamyguns @ardilla-cocainomana @malalechan and whoever else wants to answer
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julio-viernes · 3 months
Leo los homenajes a Steve Harley. Las palabras que le han dedicado Dave Davies, Midge Ure, Boy George, OMD, John Taylor de Duran Duran y Luke Haines de Auteurs: "adiós por ahora Steve Harley. Escucharé 'The Human Menagerie'. Por unos momentos, Cockney Rebel fue más genial que Big Dave. Gran banda y compositor".
Uno de esos momentos pudo ser "What Ruthy Said", del LP de debut de Cockney Rebel en EMI, 1973. Esta siempre la asocié a La Mode de otro gran fan de Harley, Fernando Márquez "El Zurdo".
"Loretta´s Tale" está entre la perezosa indolencia de "Sitting By The Riverside" y la indolencia perezosa de "Susurrando".
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mireyadc · 10 months
Yaz Note #3
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Para celebrar que había superado mi miedo, o casi, organizamos una salida para que yo misma domase un carnívoro. Pensaron que tener una bestia con dientes afilados acompañándome me ayudaría a sentirme más segura. 
Rebel es más leal que un perro guardián y muy juguetona, es una valiente baryonyx. 
Ahora tengo dos criaturas para protegerme, Rebel y Turuk, tengo a la Camp Fam para apoyarme y tengo a Sammy, la mejor amiga del mundo. 
Creo que exageré un poco al principio, puede que la vida aquí no sea tan horrible. 
o ——–– o ◆ o ––—— o
To celebrate that I had overcome my fear, or almost, we organized an outing so that I could tame a carnivore myself.  They thought that having a sharp-toothed beast accompanying me would help me feel more secure.
Rebel is more loyal than a watchdog and very playful, she is a fearless baryonyx.
Now I have two creatures to protect me, Rebel and Turuk, I have the Camp Fam to support me and I have Sammy, the best friend in the world.
I think I exaggerated a bit at first, maybe life here isn't so horrible.
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bego447 · 2 months
The Bad Batch Reacción episodio 14, temporada 3 (PENÚLTIMO 😭😭 ¡TENGO MIEDO!)
"Flash Strike"
Alguien pregunta cómo Eco va a hacer tal cosa. La respuesta: "He'll find a way." 😌
😱 Ay, que desde ya saben que CF99 se ha infiltrado 😥
"My brothers." 😌🤩🥺
Wow, ¿de dónde a sacado Hunter esas dotes como piloto? 🤩 (Tech estaría orgulloso 😪)
"You don't wanna know."
"You've got to be kidding!" 😂😂
JAJAJAJA Los gritos de Rampart 😂😭😂
No volveré a ver igual el resto de episodios de temporadas pasadas en los que sale Rampart xD Así se le ve tan distinto xD
"Have the entire ship searched and the crew scanned." ECO!! ECO, ECO, ECO!!! (Tengo miedo por mi chico 🥺😰) (no es juego de palabras)
¿Se va a vestir de Stormtrooper? Dime que se va a vestir de Stormtrooper!
¡¡LO HIZO!! 🤩🤩
Wrecker y Crosshair juntitos 🥺 Me encanta esa dupla de hermanos!
"Unfortunately, yes."
"I heard that." 😂
Bueno, si realmente no les importara nada su vida Hunter no le habría salvado 😅
EL DROIDE EL DORIDE EL DROIDE!! AL FFIIIIIIIINN!!!! ECO TENDRÁ SU MANO ROBÓTICA!! AAHHHH 🤩🤩🤩🤩 No puede ser que estuviese pensado desde la primera temporada y que vaya a pasar ahora ¡en el penúltimo episodio! 😭🤩
"Thanks for the hand." 😂
Jajajaja y vuelve a salir por el mismo sitio que los droides xDD
"You used to believe good ssoldier follow orders." 😭😭😭😭 Rampart… no… tengo traumas (más que Crosshair at this point)
"Sure you have." Uy uy, ¿qué quiere decir con eso?
Si tan solo Omega supiera que Eco está dentro… O si Eco supiera dónde está Omega… 🥺 Estás muy cerca los dos, ojalá se encuentren antes de que les descubran otros.
Wrecker le tapa la boca a Rampart cuando grita 🤣🤣
¡Auch! ¡Wrecker! 😰
¡EMERIE! Por un momento pensé que era la otra. ¡Pero Emerie se ha dado cuenta de que es Eco y va a ayudar! Estoy segura 🥺
"Echo." 😭🥺 La forma en la que ha dicho su nombre… no sé por qué pero me encanta, porque él no se lo espera y ella probablemente tampoco se esperaba verse ayudando. Ni siquiera se conocen ellos dos pero Emerie sabe perfectamente quién es y qué hace allí. 🥺 Ay, quiero mucho a los clones.
"Not just her. We're here for all the prisioners you've been experimenting on." 😭😭😭 No sé cómo lo van a conseguir pero ojalá lo consigan.
😳 Las orejas de Eco 🤩 No las veíamos desde la temporada 7 de TCW 🥺
"You're a clon. How can you be part of this?" 😭😭
"Omega saw something in you." 😭😭😭
"I found something big." Sí, la bestia de Zilo es algo bastante grande 😂
Me encanta su determinación 🤩 Es que nuestra niña ya no es una niña 🥺
Y la música del final ? 😭 EL TEMA DE LOS CLONES!!! 😭😭
~ ~ ~
* Pensamientos finales: *
ECO Y EMERIE 😭😭 AYYY NO PUEDO. NO QUIERO 😭😢 No sé cómo van a liberarlos a todos pero ojalá lo consigan 🥺 Probablemente tengan que llegar Rex y los demás, pero a ver cómo les avisan. Pero solo ellos no creo que lo hagan 🥺🤞🏻
Estoy bastante segura de que la longitud del último episodio será uno de unos 40 minutos, similar a Rebels Este episodio dura 21 minutos y pasan muchas cosas, tiempo da. De hecho estaba todavía viendo al grupo andar por la selva/bosque y pensaba que llevaba ya la mitad del episodio o algo más y llevaba como 1/4 xD
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countessofravenclaw · 2 months
El Lugar más Feliz de la Tierra: Chapter five
To all that come to this happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. - Walt Disney
Luna had never heard these words before, nor had she heard of the man who had said them... well until she and Mateo end up having a movie night and Luna comes up with an idea. If there is really a place that can be called "the happiest place on the earth" she wants to see it for herself. So she and all her friends leave on an adventure ... an adventure over to a place where you can leave today and enter the world of the past, future, adventure, and fantasy.
There is a dedicated song for every chapter. It will be liked below V ¤
Made the force be with you and bright suns
“Tell me again why we’re rope dropping this again?” Matteo downed the rest of his coffee as he walked through the Disneyland’s gates behind Gastón and Nina. It was already the Friday of the week they had arrived. Time really flew when you were having fun… even if you fell to bed because you were absolutely exhausted every night. It's really true what they said about Disney not being the most relaxing vacation, but surely it was a workout. Matteo already was planning on canceling all his dance rehearsals for the week following them coming back. 
“Stop being so grumpy, Matteo.” Gastón was just laughing at him, “No one forced you to come along. You could have stayed in bed.” 
“No chance of that happening,” Matteo shook his head annoyed. “I’m not going exploring Star Wars Land for the first time while Luna’s in my ear asking ten questions that I don’t know how to answer.” 
“Didn’t you make her watch one movie once?” Nina asked as they kept walking toward the Frontierland.
“Yeah, the Clone Wars one. She fell asleep during it.” 
“When was that?” Gastón turned to look at Matteo. 
“I remember,” Nina piped up, “It was on the same day I decided to go to Oxford. Over six years ago now.” 
“Forever ago,” Matteo nodded, “And we have not watched Star Wars since with her. Maybe she’ll want to do that again now that she has this Disney obsession.”
“If she does, you’re in for a huge marathon,” Gastón laughed, “We really need to get you caught up with everything.”
Matteo rolled his eyes. He had been an avid Star Wars fan ever since he had been young. It was actually one of the few things he and his dad actually had in common. He had been to see the Og trilogy in the theaters, but now obviously wasn’t into it anymore. 
Then he had met Gastón who also was a huge fan, even if he was much more into all of the lore. When Nina had entered the fray, Matteo had become a little bit of a third wheel, but they had made it work. They had actually had bunch of fun watching stuff together and both Nina and Gastón had very good takes.
All that being said, Matteo had not been able to keep up with all the content that now existed for the universe. He had seen all the movies, the one animated series from the 2000s and the Mandalorian, the first one of those series on Disney Plus… There were bunch of those now.
“I’m a busy person,” Matteo shrugged as they were walking through The Main Street. “I don’t have time to keep up with everything in the world.” 
“You think we’re not busy?” Gastón raised an eyebrow at Matteo, “Okay, next time Luna’s abroad for a competition, you come over at us and we’re gonna have a marathon. So, you’re set up for that Mandoverse movie, because you are coming with us.”
“I know that there is another galaxy now, apparently.” Matteo continued, “I still don’t get the space whales.”
“Yeah, you need those to get to another Galaxy… Which is basically acting like a revolving door on trapping the Specters. They’re never going to be together as a family again.” 
“It’s gonna happen someday,” Nina noted, “Otherwise no one is able to watch the Rebels epilogue the same again. The Mandalore takeover and hand over of the Dark Saber already has such a different significance now.”
“This is what I meant. I have zero idea what you’re talking about.” 
“That’s why we need to get you up to date,” Gastón grinned, “and then there’s the books…”
“I don’t care about the books—” Matteo started saying, “—Sorry, let me rephrase that. Don’t want to badmouth books while Nina’s present. I don’t have time to read.” 
“You should give the High Republic a fighting chance. Those are really good.” 
“I think we should focus on this Star Wars right now,” Matteo pointed forward as they kept making their way through Frontierland. “I trust this place has some lore, so spring it on me.”
“Well, in our universe, it’s called a Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge which opened up here in Disneyland in 2019.” Gastón started, “But like in universe, it’s this planet called Batuu, which is like on the outer rim. The place is called Black Spire outpost, which was one of the prominent trading posts in the planet and in the system.” 
“It has appeared in books. I don’t remember the High Republic titles, but Thrawn Alliances by Timothy Zahn had it as a prominent location.” Nina continued, “And then there are couple books written for it specifically like the Black Spire by Delilah Dawson. I’ve been meaning to read it but haven’t gotten to it yet.”
“It’s kind of weird that it hasn’t appeared on screen yet,” Gastón noted, “But maybe it would be a bit hard to film covertly here or at Orlando. Things could get leaked.” 
“Okay,” Matteo nodded. He asked, so he could not make fun of them for the lore dump. He hadn’t expected there to be that much, but of course Gastón and Nina knew it. “So, let's go in and pilot the Falcon.” 
“You have your priorities in order.” Gastón laughed as they walked in. 
Nina looked at the landscaping when they entered the land. Everything was constructed from red rocks. Giant black spikes that looked like burned threes loomed above them… right… black spires. 
Lore wise, this place had a bunch of history, but Nina did not remember it all right now. She didn’t remember all the details from Thrawn Alliances, because she hadn’t had the time to reread it. 
Also, frankly, that wasn’t her favorite of all the Star Wars books. None of the Thrawn books really were, she hadn’t even read the legends ones. Her favorite definitely was the High Republic publishing writing initiative. 
That being said, she hadn’t read any Star Wars books in a while, since she didn’t always have time. She was a writer, so most of her time not writing was taken up by planning and research. Star Wars wasn’t one of the research topics right now, as her current trilogy was as far away from Sci-Fi as you could get. Space Opera and high fantasy was something she had been thinking about for her next series, not that that would be started any time soon, but something similar to Ahsoka maybe. 
“All the rock work is anchored by strong geometric forms. Many architectural components are fragmented and asymmetrically arranged, with thick walls often coated with heavy, ancient plaster to tell the story of a mysterious land with a deep, rich history.” Gastón said as he pointed towards the structures, “They must have taken a lot of real-life inspiration from places like Morocco and maybe Turkey.” 
“You know,” Nina tilted her head when she looked at him, “I really like when the architect in you comes out.” 
“Well, I’ll do it more often then,” He smirked at her. “Since I don’t get much use of my minor that much in my line of work.”  
“You will,” Nina kept looking at him. Castillo corporations was a construction company, but Gastón was a couple tiers lower of the team that did the actual project planning and executing. He was part of a team that handled energy emission and process influx calculations that the executive team required. It was an extremely good placement for an entry level job. He was going to go far. As long as he was happy, that was all that mattered to her, “Someday.” 
“So, our lightning lane for the Rise Of Resistance is gonna be up soon, so we should head down there now.” Gastón said after looking at the app. 
“Let’s go,” Matteo nodded as they started walking through the marketplace of the Black Spire outpost towards the Resistance forest.
“Wow,” They walked past the life-sized Millenium Falcon, “We need to get some pics in front of that.”
“Yeah, later—” Gastón said as he wrapped his arm around Nina as they kept walking. 
They entered the queue, which for the first part looked like some sort of jungle, like the Jungle Cruise they had been on a couple of days ago. Then they entered what was for a lack of a better word, a cave. A cave that was decorated with all kinds of props as the place was supposed to be some sort of a resistance base. 
“This is very well done,” Gastón said to her, “It almost feels like we're on Yavin IV.”
“Yeah,” Nina nodded. 
They walked past all sorts of gear, in boxes, crates, hangers. There were a bunch of BlasTech EL-16 blasters, flight suits, explosives and even proton bombs scattered around on the crates and around the queue. Star Wars was very well known for its numerous easter eggs, but Nina wasn’t best at identifying them. Gastón had a much better eye for those. 
They finally entered a room with a few of those clear screens with spacey looking lines. 
“Why are we stopping?” Matteo asked as the doors closed. 
“Ever heard of a pre-show before Matteo?” Gastón asked. 
“I know what it is,” Matteo rolled his eyes, “But nothing’s happening…”
As he had said that a sudden beeping could be heard, coming from above one of the shelves… Could you really call them shelves, it was mostly machinery. 
Some light started to blink on the screens, and to their surprise BB-8 rolled to the view on the shelf. The droid animatronic was quite impressive. Nina and Gastón had been theorizing the whole trip on how certain effects and animatronics actually worked on the rides. Gastón obviously had much more knowledge on the subject, even if he hadn’t studied robotics. 
It was fun to talk about and extremely intriguing, even if it did “break the immersion” a bit, and that's why others didn’t really like them doing it.
“There is probably some sort of arm that's operating the ball part from behind.” Gastón whispered to her as the droid kept rolling on the shelf. 
“BB-8. Prep the Ready room.” Intercom sounded as the animatronic of BB-8 was about to roll off view. 
“Commander Nien-Numb, please report back.”
The images on the screen changed again and some light flickered red again as the music started building up. 
“BB-8, is everyone assembled?” Suddenly a hologram flickered into the view on top of a table. 
“How do you think that works?” Nina whispered to Gastón. 
“I think there is some sort of an angular mirror and maybe an o-led screen.” Gastón whispered back. 
“Recruits, thank you for joining the cause.” The hologram of Rey started speaking, “A covert resistance team led by my friend Finn has infiltrated one of the First Order Star Destroyers, that is now headed to this system. Your out post on Batuu is no longer safe. We have transports waiting to take you to General Organa’s secret base on Bagara.”
“When did we sign up?” Matteo appeared to be joking, “I think I missed the memo.”
“Remember that it is vital that you keep the location of our secret base hidden. Lieutenant Beck, one of our top commanders will lead you.”
“Affirmative,” suddenly a mon calamari appeared on the screen on their left, “The transport is ready. Commander Poe Dameron and his squadron of X-wings will escort us.” 
“So, we are on a run now?” Matteo questioned as the doors opened and they were led outside. “Not what I was expecting…” 
“Well, we’re part of resistance now,” Gastón laughed, “So better not slip up. Come on.” He took Nina’s hand as they started approaching what looked like a transport.
“Go, go, go!” The cast member urged them to hurry up as they entered inside the transport. There was a huge animatronic of the mon calamari they had seen before. 
“All ships, launch!”
The “ship” they were on started shaking and moving as the screens showed them lifting off from the planet and up to space. 
“Where are all those Tie-fighters coming from?”
Suddenly it looked like they were caught in the middle of a huge firefight. 
“So, this is the point we get captured, right?” Matteo asked as the sounds of the dogfight continued, and the captain was yelling something about a tractor beam and Star Destroyers. 
“Cargo vessel TR-141 identify yourself,” A First-Order officer appeared on the screen. 
“Yep, I think we just got caught,” Gastón nodded, and Nina wrapped her arms around his arm. 
This was much more her thing in the form of excitement. Storyline driven with not too much trill. It was probably gonna get a little faster paced, but not too thrilling. 
“Prepared to be boarded.”
“Tell them nothing. Future of the Resistance is at stake.”
Suddenly the doors—not the door on the other side of the vehicle, but the door they had come through to get inside the ship—opened and a cast member dressed as an officer walked in and started barking orders at them about needing to go to an interrogation. 
“How was that possible?” Matteo questioned as they walked off the ship. 
“I think we were on some sort of a turntable,” Gastón said as they looked around the hangar, which was immensely impressive. “And then we were either lowered somewhere or just stayed static, but I’m not sure.”
“Maybe you should have become an imagineer,” Matteo nudged him, “You are enjoying this way too much.” 
“Would you, if the offer ever came up?” Nina asked him and they started walking toward a hallway as the cast member kept telling them to proceed to the detention cells. 
“Maybe,” Gastón shrugged, “If they ever decide to build a park in Argentina or something, but that’s a bit far-fetched. I’m not going to move up that fast.”
“Never say never—” Nina said as they were literally locked into a cell. 
“Well, ain't this imitating…” Matteo remarked as they were done with being “interrogated” by both General Hux and Kylo Ren, “...so are somebody gonna come and bust us out?”
As he was saying that, the wall next to them started glowing, almost like it was being cut. Then a literal piece off that wall was pulled out. 
“We’re with the resistance. We’re busting you out.” Cast members started leading them through the wall. 
“I didn’t realize that it was going to drop, but it was fine,” Nina was saying as they were exiting the ride. 
“It looks like Jazmin made the girls do a full fashion photoshoot with the princesses,” Gastón remarked as he looked at the thread of pictures being sent to their group chat. 
“Well, I am not sad about missing that,” Matteo laughed. 
“You do know that everyone will also want to come here,” Gastón pointed out before looking at his watch, “We’ll need to act as tour guides…We have about 25 minutes until the Savi’s reservation. How about we go grab some blue milk?” 
“I am still not sure how good of an idea it is to let you two have lightsabers,” Nina said as she took the cup of the blue milk from the counter and sipped it. “This definitely tastes strange.” 
“Hey, we will be extremely responsible with our laser swords,” Gastón responded to her, “And you want one yourself… They’ll look good on our wall. Here, take the green one, so I can try that.” 
“Where are you building your shrine?” Matteo asked as he sipped his colorful milk and almost spit it out, “What is in these?”
“We could put them in our guest room,” Gastón shrugged as he tried the blue milk, “This isn’t that bad. I mean we have to get at least one of the legacy props from that one shop. Where are you putting yours?” 
“I’ll have to hide it in the closet or something,” Matteo shook his head. “Otherwise, Luna will steal it for a prop in her next competition or something.” 
“She might wanna make her own,” Nina noted. 
“If that’s the case, none of us are brave enough to stop her,” Matteo laughed. Luna with a lightsaber was definitely a scary thought… He had already bought a loth cat plush from the creature shop to give to her on her birthday and was planning on making a hyperactive droid in her honor, but if she was gonna want a sword too…well, it was his problem so he could deal with it. “But hey, let's go make ours first.”
“I think that went quite splendidly,” Matteo remarked as they exited the Millenium Falcon ride. 
“You literally crashed the ship seven different times,” Gastón crossed his arms, “We should all be scared of your driving skills from this point onwards.” 
“Anyways,” Matteo ran off the ramp, “We need those pics before others will start wondering if we really have gotten stranded on that other galaxy, since that was something that apparently happened a lot.”
“Yep,” Matteo heard Gastón say as he and Nina followed him to the closest photopass photographer.
“Get your lightsabers out!”
Okay, so I had quite a hard time with getting this chapter done (I hope it doesn't show too much), but that's why ends little abruptly. I guess I would have kept descripting every attraction ever super in detail, it would have gotten kind repetitive and that's not fun to write or read. I got this finished right after Ahsoka finished, so thats why there are lot of references to space whales, other galaxies and ghost crew not getting their happy reunion.
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cempasuchilconespinas · 3 months
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"Rebel rebel, you've torn your dress Rebel rebel, your face is a mess Rebel rebel, how could they know? Hot tramp, I love you so!"
Siempre he querido ser como David Bowie, para ser libre y para casarme con una mujer negra. La primera vez que lo vi cantando Starman en el Top of the Pops (del año 72), enfundado en su traje de Ziggy y abrazado con intimidad a su guitarrista Mike, lo supe. Supe que quería ser supersónica como Bowie, y además, supe que algún día sería libre de abrazar a quien quisiese sin sentir que mi vida corría peligro. Fue una actuación icónica que cambió el curso de la historia de la música, por completo. Entre aquellos que vieron la actuación aquella noche (no yo, Dolores dice que mi alma es infinita pero dudo poder haber vivido aquel momento, así que me conformo con haberlo disfrutado en diferido), se encuentran Bono de U2, Robert Smith de The Cure, Boy George, Mick Jones de The Clash, Morrissey y Johnny Marr de The Smiths, Siouxsie Sioux, Toyah Willcox, John Taylor y Nick Rhodes de Duran Duran, Dave Gahan de Depeche Mode y muchos más. Todos la recuerdan como un momento estelar en el que soñaron con ser el hombre que había venido de las estrellas para salvarnos. Y todos coinciden en una misma cosa: soñaban con ser David Bowie. Y soñaban con amar a David Bowie.
Admirar a David Bowie sentir pasión por la identidad. Por el ser y existir de una forma transgresora. Tan transgresora como camaleónica o cambiante, siempre en constante reinvención. Siempre he pensado que soy tantas yo's como Bowie's era Bowie. Cada época buscaba encontrarse, creaba a partir de sueños y fantasías y exploraba los márgenes y límites de la esencia. Siempre sin disculparse por serlo. Quererle es querer el arte. Es querer la invención, al artista, al bohemio. Es querer aquellos momentos estelares de la humanidad otorgados por quienes sueñan con torbellinos de notas y sombras de ojos perladas.
David Bowie siempre fue más humano que la mayoría de los humanos a pesar de proceder del espacio sideral. Luchaba contra las injusticias y sacaba los colores a los reporteros de la MTV cuando osaban no emitir a determinados artistas por pertenecer a etnias indeterminadas. Hablaba, dialogaba, se encogía de hombros y sonreía a la cámara cuando le preguntaban si sus zapatos eran de hombre o de mujer. "Son zapatos, tonto", respondía él. Y yo pensaba: exacto. Lo son.
David Bowie es la existencia de aquellos que no somos vistos. Es el color de nuestras ansiedades y dudas, y el amor sin fronteras ni barreras. Ni colores. Pero lleno de ellos. Se enamoró de Iman (quién en su sano juicio no podría hacerlo) y la idolatró como tantos habían idolatrado su melena roja, sus pupilas asimétricas o sus bailes laberínticos. Se convirtió en su confidente y su compañero, y ella, aceptando la mano y alma del alienígena británico, lo abrazó con más intimidad de la que nadie lo había abrazado nunca y le prometió la eternidad incluso después de lo finito. Nunca pensé que encontraría a mi Iman. Pero creo que el universo pensó que era el momento de que yo también fuera un poco cósmica. Como David Bowie. Lo cual, implica vivir mi vida con la misma libertad que él. Y por supuesto, sin pedir perdón por hacerlo.
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milotehacegrand18 · 2 months
Me gustaría leer una historia donde Kallus es un espía desde el inicio de Rebels.
La historia podría tener dos variables: en la primera todo en la vida de Kallus ocurre como sabemos hasta el ataque a Lasan, en esta versión el hecho de haber cometido un genocidio le afecta a la psique. En algún momento después conoce a Luthen Rael y termina tomando un papel como espía para la rebelión.
Me gusta el concepto de que Alexandr no tiene realmente nada más que perder que su vida así que termina siendo una especie de espía perfecto para Rael, hay que decir que la razón por la que ataca a la tripulación del fantasma es para mantener apariencias pero aún así termina saboteando sus propias misiones para ayudar al grupo protagónico (es una justificación a su incompetencia en las primeras temporadas). También hay que recordar que el le responde a Luthen así que hace sentido que nadie sepa realmente su estatus como espía hasta el momento dónde termina involucrando se con la tripulación del fantasma tomando el papel de informante para ellos por razones prácticas (tiene más sentido que ayude a la célula rebelde del sector de donde trabaja).
La segunda versión es más oscura y un poco más inconsistente, en esta versión Kallus es un espía desde siempre incluyendo durante la invasión a Lasan. Probablemente en esta versión conoció a Luthen de joven y este fue quien lo ayudo a escalar de rango en el imperio a cambio de información desde el ISB, por lo que el informó del plan de atacar a Lasan y de los planes del imperio pero Luthen le diria que no hiciera nada porqué era mas conveniente que tomara el crédito cuando pudiera para escalar lo mas alto posible y que Lasan seria "daño colateral", quiero pensar que ninguno de los dos tenia idea de la magnitud de los planes imperiales.
Está historia sería un poco más oscura y pondría en cuestionamiento los métodos de los rebeldes. También está historia tendría una vibra más similar a Andor.
Aún así creo que ambas historias tienen sus cosas interesantes que serían divertidas de explorar.
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metalcultbrigade · 3 months
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Esta es el épico artwork para el nuevo disco de los españoles "VHÄLDEMAR" titulado como “Sanctuary Of Death”, siendo este el séptimo larga duración en su recomendada discografía, será estrenado el 09 de mayo del 2024 a través del sello MDD Records con 11 tracks.
"11 temas nuevos que deberían hacer latir más rápido el corazón de todo fanático del Heavy Melódico y del Power Metal! El quinteto lleva en alto la tradicional bandera del metal desde finales de los 90 y está inspirando a un creciente número de seguidores fuera de España con sus pegadizas melodías y auténticos himnos. Al igual que sus predecesores, el álbum fue grabado y producido en Chromaticity Studios por el guitarrista y productor Pedro J.Monge y el arte también se basa en la tradición y una vez más pudo hacerlo Darkgrove, quien también creó el arte para Manowar, Testament, Battle. Bestia y otros creados, ganan. ¡“Sanctuary Of Death” es sin duda uno de los momentos más destacados del heavy/power metal del año!"
1. Devil's Child
2. Dreambreaker
3. Deathwalker
4. Sanctuary of Death
5. Forevermore
6. Heavy Metal
7. Old King's Visions (Part VII)
8. Journey to the Unknown
9. Brothers
10. The Rebel's Law
11. The Last Flame
• VhäldemarOficial
• IG: @vhaldemaroficial
• http://www.vhaldemar.net/
• https://twitter.com/InfoVhaldemar
• http://www.youtube.com/user/VhaldemarOficial
#spainpower #heavypower #vhaldemar #powermetal00 #newalbums2024
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etienne-roulet · 4 months
Yo no quiero ser recuerdo.
A la mierda
el conformismo:
yo no quiero
ser recuerdo.
Quiero ser tu amor imposible,
tu dolor no correspondido,
tu musa más puta,
el nombre que escribas en todas las camas
que no sean la mía,
quien maldigas en tus insomnios
quien ames con esa rabia que solo da el odio.
Yo no quiero
que me digas que mueres por mí,
quiero hacerte vivir de amor,
sobre todo cuando llores,
que es cuando más viva eres.
Yo no quiero
que tu mundo se dé la vuelta
cada vez que yo me marche,
quiero que darte la espalda
solo signifique
Yo no quiero
quitarte las penas y condenarte,
quiero ser la única
de la que dependa
tu tristeza
porque esa sería
la manera más egoísta y valiente
de cuidar de ti.
Yo no quiero hacerte daño,
quiero llenar
tu cuerpo de heridas
para poder lamerte después,
y que no te cures
para que no te escueza.
Yo no quiero
dejar huella en tu vida,
quiero ser tu camino,
quiero que te pierdas,
que te salgas,
que te rebeles,
que vayas a contracorriente,
que no me elijas,
pero que siempre regreses a mí para encontrarte.
Yo no quiero prometerte,
quiero darte
sin compromisos ni pactos,
ponerte en la palma de la mano
el deseo que caiga de tu boca
sin espera,
ser tu aquí y ahora.
Yo no quiero
que me eches de menos,
quiero que me pienses tanto
que no sepas lo que es tenerme ausente.
Yo no quiero ser tuya
ni que tú seas mía,
quiero que pudiendo ser con cualquiera
nos resulte más fácil ser con nosotras.
Yo no quiero
quitarte el frío,
quiero darte motivos para que cuando lo tengas
pienses en mi cara
y se te llene el pelo de flores.
Yo no quiero
viernes por la noche,
quiero llenarte la semana entera de domingos
y que pienses que todos los días
son fiesta
y están de oferta para ti.
Yo no quiero
tener que estar a tu lado
para no faltarte,
quiero que cuando creas que no tienes nada
te dejes caer,
y notes mis manos en tu espalda
sujetando los precipicios que te acechen,
y te pongas de pie sobre los míos
para bailar de puntillas en el cementerio
y reírnos juntas de la muerte.
Yo no quiero
que me necesites,
quiero que cuentes conmigo
hasta el infinito
y que el más allá
una tu casa y la mía.
Yo no quiero
hacerte feliz,
quiero darte mis lágrimas
cuando quieras llorar
y hacerlo contigo,
regalarte un espejo
cuando pidas un motivo para sonreír,
adelantarme al estallido de tus carcajadas
cuando la risa invada tu pecho,
invadirlo yo
cuando la pena atore tus ojos.
Yo no quiero
que no me tengas miedo,
quiero amar a tus monstruos
para conseguir que ninguno
lleve mi nombre.
Yo no quiero
que sueñes conmigo,
quiero que me soples
y me cumplas.
Yo no quiero hacerte el amor,
quiero deshacerte el desamor.
Yo no quiero ser recuerdo,
mi amor,
quiero que me mires
y adivines el futuro.
- Elvira Sastre
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Cada 6 de febrero rendimos homenaje a uno de los máximos exponentes de la música Reggae de todos los tiempos: Bob Marley.
La fecha de celebración de esta efeméride coincide con el natalicio de este afamado cantante jamaicano, siendo nombrado como Día de Bob Marley.
Sus canciones son relajantes, alegres y con un alto contenido de conciencia social, política y racial, además de transmitir mensajes de paz, justicia y amor.
Puedes conocer más acerca del género musical Reggae en este artículo sobre el Día Internacional del Reggae.
¿Quién fue Bob Marley?
Robert Nesta Marley, mejor conocido como Bob Marley fue un gran músico, guitarrista y compositor de música Reggae, nacido en Nine Mile (Jamaica) el 6 de febrero de 1945.
Su madre (Cedella Booker) era afrojamaicana y su padre (Norval Marley) fue un capitán de marina, de ascendencia inglesa. Tuvo cuatro hijos con su esposa Rita Anderson y reconoció legalmente a nueve hijos de otras parejas.
Forjó una prominente carrera en el género musical Reggae. Fue el líder, compositor y guitarrista de las bandas musicales The Wailers (1964-1974) y Bob Marley & The Wailers (1974-1980).
Gracias a su trayectoria artística contribuyó a la difusión a nivel mundial de la música de Jamaica e impulsó el movimiento Rastafari, del cual era un fiel representante.
Falleció el 11 de mayo de 1981 en la ciudad de Miami, Florida a los 36 años de edad, a causa de un melanoma.
Trayectoria Musical de Bob Marley
Bob Marley tuvo una amplia trayectoria musical, a pesar de su corta vida. Entre los cantantes que inspiraron la creación de sus canciones se destacan Ray Charles, Curtis Mayfield y Brook Benton.
Lanzó al mercado musical 18 álbumes que formaron parte de su discografía, durante el periodo 1965-1984:
The Wailing Wailers (1965).
Soul Rebels (1970).
Soul Revolution (1971).
The Best of The Wailers (1971).
Africa Herbsman (1973).
Catch a Fire (1973).
Burnin’ (1973).
Rasta Revolution (1974).
Natty Dread (1974).
Live! (1975).
Rastaman Vibration (1976).
Exodus (1977).
Kaya (1978).
Babylon By Bus (1978).
Survival (1979).
Uprising (1980).
Confrontation (1983).
Legend (1984).
Estos son algunos de los éxitos musicales más populares alcanzados por este gran artista ¿Conoces otros títulos de sus canciones? ¿Cuál es tú favorito?:
I Shot The Sheriff (1973): es una denuncia contra la dificultad del débil ante la lucha contra el poder.
Get Up Stand Up (1973): es un himno de lucha contra las injusticias.
No Woman No Cry (1974): es una carta de despedida a una mujer y los momentos compartidos entre una pareja.
One Love (1977): predica el amor y la capacidad del perdón para contrarrestar el odio.
Three Little Birds (1977): un canto por la vida y la positividad.
Is This Love (1978): es un canto al amor puro.
Redemption Song (1980): refleja la importancia del poder de los humanos para rebelarse contra el poder establecido.
Could You Be Loved (1980): considerado un himno a la libertad, el pensamiento libre y la lucha del hombre por la defensa de sus ideales.
¿Sabías que? Datos curiosos sobre Bob Marley
Conoce algunos datos curiosos e interesantes sobre el Rey del Reggae: Bob Marley.
Era capaz de hacer predicciones al leer la palma de las personas, cuando era un niño.
Durante su niñez y adolescencia fue objeto de burlas y acosos, por ser un mulato (hijo de madre afroamericana y padre caucásico).
Fue considerado el representante del Rastafarismo, un movimiento sociocultural y un estilo de vida con principios que estaban en contra de injusticias e imposiciones.
Entre sus deportes favoritos se destacan el fútbol profesional y el ping pong.
Tocaba varios instrumentos musicales aparte de la guitarra, como el piano, el saxofón, la armónica y otros instrumentos de percusión.
Fue condecorado con la Medalla de la Paz, por parte de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas en el año 1978.
Era conocido por su apodo "Tuff Gong", debido a su fuerza física, referida a una piedra volcánica o gong volcánico. También era el nombre del sello discográfico del cantante.
Su álbum "Legend" fue el álbum de Reggae más vendido de la historia en todo el mundo, con más de 28 millones de copias. Ganó 15 discos de platino en Estados Unidos.
El título original de la canción "I Shot The Sheriff" era "I Shot The Police", el cual tuvo que ser modificado debido a las controversias que iba a generar.
El cantante fue enterrado con su guitarra Gibson Les Paul, una biblia, una flor de marihuana y un balón de fútbol.
Películas sobre Bob Marley
A continuación mostramos algunos títulos de documentales y una serie biográfica, para conocer más de cerca al gran protagonista: Bob Marley.
Legacy (EEUU. Año 2020): serie documental disponible en Youtube, con motivo del 75° aniversario del nacimiento de Bob Marley junto con Island Records, el sello británico que le dio máxima visibilidad a su música.
When Bob Marley Came to Britain (Reino Unido. Director: Stuart Ramsay. Año 2020): este documental examina la relación especial de Bob Marley con Gran Bretaña y revela cómo inspiró a una generación de jóvenes negros británicos.
Bob Marley: Roots of The Man (EEUU. Director: Brian Aabech. Año 2018): documental que explora la vida de Bob Marley como ícono cultural del siglo XX.
ReMastered: Who Shot The Sheriff (EEUU. Director: Kief Davidson. Año 2018): documental de Netflix que muestra el intento de asesinato de Bob Marley, ocurrido en el año 1976.
Marley (Reino Unido. Director: Kevin MacDonald. Año 2012): este documental refleja la vida de Bob Marley. Incluye actuaciones, entrevistas e imágenes inéditas.
Bob Marley: La Creación de una Leyenda (Reino Unido. Directores: Glan Godoy y Esther Anderson. Año 2011): la artista jamaiquina Esther Anderson muestra escenas grabadas con una videocámara en el año 1970, que reflejan la unión del reggae y la cultura rasta que inspiraron la carrera internacional de Bob Marley.
Bob Marley: Freedom Road (EEUU. Director: Sonia Anderson. Año 2007): la actriz nominada al Oscar Esther Anderson conduce este documental. Incluye imágenes de video caseras exclusivas e inéditas acerca de su vida juntos en su casa en Jamaica y el tiempo que pasaron en Hope Road, Londres.
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