sacredspirit1337 · 4 months
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@revretch I just binge-watched all available content for @humansbgone and adored every second of it! The voice-acting is great, the educational elements are a fantastic addition, and I’ve been thoroughly absorbed into the story and worldbuilding. You’re knocking this out of the park!
The appearance of the Cows was a great twist, and I’m wondering what both the Humans and the Ants are plotting…
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And regarding the Gregorsa’s Notes minigame, I achieved a perfect score so far!
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Keep up the good work, you might as well catch me and drop me into Sophodra’s collection because I’m hooked!
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And I couldn’t help but notice the fragmented pieces of text at the end of each episode…I wonder if they’re eventually all going to fit together…hm…
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bug-gender-art · 6 months
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my take on human soph. might do one for rose too
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archpaladin · 1 year
Good evening, @bogleech and @revretch! I stumbled across this video and thought the two of you might enjoy it! It's called Snail Wizard by one LoneAnimator!
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iamthekaijuking · 1 year
The reveal of primal malzeno as sunbreak’s final boss ended up postponing the malzeno vid, so UHC will be waiting till the last title update to continue working on it.
Instead we got a seltas vid, and while I didn’t have a part in this one since I’m mostly the phylogenetics and anatomy guy, @krmoaten-blog made art for the video so go give her a follow. And also I prompted an interesting conversation between my fellow poopenshitters about the pincers on seltas queen.
Seltas are obviously meant to be rhinoceros beetles since Capcom modeled the male’s anatomy as closely to Dynastinae as they could with 3DS graphics (and rhinoceros beetles are kinda big in Japan so it was only a matter of time till we got a monster of one), and they even gave him an aedeagus! The insect equivalent of a penis. The mantid-like claws aren’t really indicative of evolutionary relation since raptorial appendages are a pretty easy thing to evolve in arthropods.
The queens are pretty odd though and are almost larviform in anatomy. And while she also matches up with beetle anatomy pretty well, her pincers threw me for a loop since beetles don’t have abdomen pincers. At first I thought they were derived from parts of the vagina but after bugging @revretch about it it seems that there isn’t a part of the vagina that can be modified into pincers. So the theory I came up with and shared is that it’s a modified forked aedeagus.
My theory is that seltas queens don’t face too much pressure to retain normal reproductive systems since they’re making 100% of the decisions when it comes to reproduction, and eventually became intersex like moles but with weird aedeaguses. Eventually they evolved to actually put those aedeaguses to use by giving them joints to hold onto mates during reproduction and it just kinda went from there.
So tldr, there are no female seltas. Only males and hulking cannibalistic “queens”.
As far as my thoughts on them go I think they’re amazing and seltas is definitely the best beginner monster. I also love their designs and seltas queen is a giant arthropod done right, with her massive columnar legs that don’t end in points. Whenever I design giant arthropods I actually reference her.
Follow my poopenshitter friends who have tumblrs! @dappercritter, @lizard-legendarium, Krmoaten, @astralarchilocus, @glavenychus
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First Ukraine, then Palestine, and now @bogleech recently reblogged a post saying that Argentina’s in danger, too. 🤦🏻‍♀️
I’m just… so done with all this killing and fascism and genocide and whatever other words that would describe it.
And since I’ve been getting back into Humans-B-Gone again, I’m very, very tempted to project my frustrations onto the yellow crazy ants, who are themselves genocidal dictators. The difference is that they don’t need guns or bombs to be dangerous, because they’re a specific kind of ant that can shoot acid, which would mean that they can’t be disarmed in a conventional sense.
It was when I first asked about why the ants think they’re better than the other macrovolutes that Rev revealed, without directly using the word “genocide”, that the yellow crazy ants committed genocide against multiple other species of macrovolutes prior to the beginning of the story. It would seem that their rule over macrovolute society has gone unchallenged ever since.
And really, is the IDF any different? Is the Kremlin any different? Aren’t HBG’s ants pretty much living the dream of those two organizations? And, like with the IDF and the Kremlin, the betterment of macrovolute society depends on the ants being removed from power. But the question is how? They’ve got strength in numbers and built-in projectile weaponry. Fighting them would be a suicide mission!
Likewise, the solution to the threats posed by the real-life fascists seems similarly unreachable. But they’re not invincible, right? Right?!
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kombuchaclock · 2 years
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Happy slightly early birthday to @revretch!
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bogleech · 9 months
Many parasites takeover the minds and bodies of insects, spiders or other creatures, making them like zombies. You’ve listed some in spider-ween and other places. Do you know any parasites that take over bees? I know wasps lay their eggs in their larva, but haven’t really found anything about those that pilot a bee’s body.
Strepsipterans! Also frequently just called "Stylops"
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These are the weirdest most alien insect group in existence. What you're seeing are the head ends of the mature females; their bodies are just bags of tissue that absorb nutrients from the host, so they no longer have any trace of limbs or wings and their flat little heads no longer have mouths or eyes.
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The only reason the female's heads stick out of the host at all is because the head evolved into the end they mate with. The short-lived mature male is a very tiny flying thing (whose anatomy is unlike any other insect alive today - a totally unique type of wing, unique eye arrangement, we have NO idea what these evolved from, except for some loose connections to beetles!) who mates by breaking through the female's featureless armored face with his bladed genitalia and then he dies. And Strepsiptera can be found infecting all sorts of arthropods, even apparently some arachnids, but none of those arthropods really tend to sit still when a little tiny flying man tries to land on them, so the females usually do something to their hosts (we aren't sure what exactly) to make them slower and more complacent. Social Hymenoptera like bees are especially common hosts though, and when a worker bee or wasp is infected by stylops, she actually abandons her colony and her duties for extended periods of time to just perch in one place while the parasite broadcasts its mating pheromones. This is especially eerie from the bee's perspective; a worker bee is a female bee that wasn't allowed to become a queen and isn't "supposed" to be going around mating, but now she's sitting around waiting for a male just like any other bug that wants to be a mom. It's just not a male of her species and she's not the one who gets to reproduce. Is the parasite tapping into buried queen behavior? Does the bee's little brain think it's calling for a drone to help it start a new hive? Or does the parasite just make the bee a lazy slob who stops caring about her hive and just feels like chilling out on a flower all day? We might never know.
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Here are those unique eyes of the male for anyone wondering. Not set in a fine multifaceted grid like in other insects, but clustered, still set in their own individual "sockets" like we see in much more ancient arthropods like trilobites! This suggests that Strepsipteran eyes date back to when insects were first beginning to evolve towards true compound eyes, but there still aren't many insects in the fossil record that have anything else in common with these animals. EDIT: oh yeah I forgot to include that these are in the children's book made by @revretch and I!
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I did the rough pencil sketch of this page while Rev did the beautiful inks! I felt kids should know about these animals but I tried to explain it in the most kid-friendly way possible.
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luciliascarcass · 2 months
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My reaction to this one post by @revretch🥲 I love learning new bug facts, but this one did hurt my soul a little bit. However, since I like to try for accuracy, I decided to redesign my OC Florence!
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Here she is!! Isn’t she gorgeous? I might add wings to make it clear that she is based on an adult conehead mantis (Empusa fasciata) instead of an earlier instar, but I don’t want to clutter her silhouette too much, so we’ll see. I decided to use a conehead mantis so that I was in the same color wheelhouse as the juvenile orchid mantis. I think the colors turned out quite different, but they’re pretty, so who cares!!
Anyway, I love her :D
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revretch · 1 year
Revretch revretch near the wall, will you tell us of the prettiest wasp of all (in your personal opinion)
Sorry for the delay answering this, but I just couldn't pick one!
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I guess towards the top of my list would have to be the tarantula hawk. Reddish gold wings, iridescent blue sheen, curly antennae, and the classic hourglass wasp shape--how can you beat that?! (And of course, an overall impressive wasp in terms of behavior as well. The way they take on tarantulas is like if you took on a grizzly bear with venomous fangs in a fistfight!)
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A less formidable parasitoid, but I'm partial to chalcidids like this Conura species. Love the big, hooked back legs, the elaborate stripes, and the pretty eyes (including the three very visible ocelli, like a princess's tiara)!
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Parasitoid on gall wasps, the Torymus genus is another good one. Love the stinger like a little bunny tail!
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A parasitoid of black widow eggs, the Baeus wasp is not only the cutest wasp, imho, but possibly the cutest insect.
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And of course there's the incredibly striking orchid dupe wasp! Deep red with a black-and-white striped abdomen, iridescent blue wings, and bright pink eyes! It looks majestic enough you wouln't suspect that the males of this species are duped into mating with *three* different kinds of orchids pretending to be female wasps. I wonder how female orchid dupes feel about that?
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There's no denying the gorgeous silhouettes of thread-waisted wasps...
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And of course, you can't beat the classic paper wasp.
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octahedral-chaos · 5 months
Remember this post I made?
Well I'm back with something pretty special: Some pictures of the diagrams from said book! The book is Trinidad Naturalist Volume 2 No. 12, and it was published in November/ December of 1979!
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[Image ID: Several diagrams of a crab, showing the closeup of the palps and claws. The paper is slightly brownish, showing that the book have considerable age. /End ID]
@revretch, @bogleech and maybe @vintagewildlife, I think you'll be interested in this? Especially since this book have interesting pictures in some of the articles as well.
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sacredspirit1337 · 1 month
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@revretch @humansbgone I found a little friend
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luxicorde · 10 months
@headspace-hotel @revretch i am pleased to inform both of you that my swamp milkweed has new residents
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Counted no less than 6 babies
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Mystery man with a fluffy ass and my coneflower blooming
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Common milkweed that is doing its best to bear with me even though I'm bad at taking care of plants for now
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ackee · 12 days
Revretch said that their comment was not intended to be rude, but that they were urging the reader to take their enthusiams further.
Personally, I've heard people say that tone may not always carry well through text.
Many, many authors over the course of history did not write stories to make profit, but simply to entertain themselves or to tell a story. Some authors did not even publish their own stories within their lifetimes.
i'll answer this publicly so they can see this.
it wasn't intended to be rude, but it was. i thought it was rude. 10+ other people thought it was rude. people have replied and said this person is literally known for being rude. and the comment allowed dozens of other people (on a post i wanted to be positive!) to be rude to me.
the correct thing to do is just apologize and move on with your life. between the DMs and anons, i still have not heard one apology. intent this, intent that, take responsibility and keep it pushing like seriously 🙏🏽
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jupiterswasphouse · 1 year
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[PHOTO TAKEN: MAY 13TH, 2023 | Image ID: A photo of a black and yellow fly on a window, with prominent mouthparts and a round body, but a relatively small head, in front of a very blurry background of green trees /End ID.]
Another one I've never seen before, and I'll be honest, I had absolutely no idea what this fly could be at first! I'm still not fully certain, but it's likely a balloon fly/dagger fly (Family Empididae- Thank you to revretch for the suggestion of family!), or at least it looks a lot like it!
Edit: I have confirmation now! Definitely a balloon fly!
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About Humans-B-Gone, Continued, Part 2
Biology trivia aside, Prof. Gregorsa is the only character in Humans-B-Gone who’s aware of the fourth wall, which, given humans’ role in this series, is probably for the best. What I don’t know is if the white void he’s in is just a white void, or if it’s an actual room somewhere that happens to have white walls.
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Ouch, I hope not. We’d have to crane our necks up all the way just to see Gregorsa’s waist. My neck hurts just thinking about it. The desks would have to be waaaaay up higher than the floor for us to be at eye level with him, especially since he’s standing upright.
On that subject, Rev said that Gregorsa normally stands on all six legs, and only stands on two legs when speaking to the audience. I’m guessing he thinks standing on two legs makes him look more relatable to humans? I suppose it does, though if we were in the white room with him it sure wouldn’t, since he’s huge.
I have a hunch that, like Sophodra, Gregorsa’s actual appearance is creepier than what we see during the white room segments, but unlike Sophodra, he doesn’t show it to us because he doesn’t want to scare us away. It’s nice that he’s considerate of us, and sees us as fellow sapient beings who are worth talking to, instead of as just pests (or in the ants’ case, as baby food).
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Wait a minute...
Does that mean Gregorsa’s the Humans-B-Gone equivalent of people who see insects, arachnids, etc. as more than just pests? People such as @revretch​ and @bogleech​ themselves, for example? In real life, society considers it “normal” to treat insects, arachnids, etc. as pests, and likewise in Humans-B-Gone, it’s considered “normal” in macrovolute society to treat vertebrates as pests. 
Gregorsa, however, is a “vertebratologist”, like how entomologists are people who study bugs for a living. Vertebrates like ourselves are interesting to him, but repulsive to other macrovolutes, like how bugs are seen in real life. Therefore, he’s our only real ally among the macrovolutes so far.
Maybe he’s... setting an example for us.
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Maybe the moral of Humans-B-Gone is to be a gentle giant towards insects, arachnids, etc, like Gregorsa is to us, rather than treating them as pests like how the other macrovolutes treat us and other vertebrates. To see arthropods as fellow animals that we share the world with, and not as annoyances to be disposed of.
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year
Moral of the story: As a person, we can be convinced to do literally anything for The Bit.
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