ashventuresblog · 7 months
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(via Books)
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foreverinmyhead · 2 months
Do not leave your reputation to chance or gossip; it is your life’s artwork, and you must craft it, hone it, and display it with the care of an artist.
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epicforwards · 11 months
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unfoldingmoments · 1 year
Negative Capability
A theory first articulated by John Keats about the artist’s access to truth without the pressure and framework of logic or science. Contemplating his own craft and the art of others, especially William Shakespeare, in one of his famous letters to relatives Keats supposed that a great thinker is “capable of being in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.” A poet, then, has the power to bury self-consciousness, dwell in a state of openness to all experience, and identify with the object contemplated.
See Keats’s “To Autumn.” The inspirational power of beauty, according to Keats, is more important than the quest for objective fact; as he writes in his “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” “‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty’—that is all / Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” Keats’s notion of negative capability has been influential for those working outside of aesthetics, including scholars such as Roberto Unger who adopted and modified the term for his own work on social theory.  Ref: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/learn/glossary-terms/negative-capability
Negative here is not pejorative. Instead, it implies the ability to resist explaining away what we do not understand.
Rather than coming to an immediate conclusion about an event, idea or person, Keats advises resting in doubt and continuing to pay attention and probe in order to understand it more completely.
Negative capability also testifies to the importance of humility, which Keats described as a “capability of submission.” As Socrates indicates in Plato’s “Apology,” the people least likely to learn anything new are the ones who think they already know it all. By contrast, those who are willing to question their own assumptions and adopt new perspectives are in the best position to arrive at new insights.
Keats believed that the world could never be fully understood, let alone controlled. In his view, pride and arrogance must be avoided at all costs, an especially apt warning as the world confronts challenges such as climate change and COVID-19.
At the same time, information technology seems to give everyone instant access to all human knowledge. To be sure, the internet is one gateway to knowledge. But it also indiscriminately spreads misinformation and propaganda, often fueled by algorithms that profit off division.
This, it goes without saying, can cloud understanding with false certainty.
And so our age is often described as polarized: women versus men, Blacks versus whites, liberals versus conservatives, religion versus science – and it’s easy to automatically lapse into the facile assumption that all human beings can be divided into two camps. The underlying view seems to be that if only it can be determined which side of an issue a person lines up on, there’s no need to look any further.
Against this tendency, Keats suggests that human beings are always more complex than any demographic category or party affiliation. He anticipates another Nobel laureate, writer and philosopher Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who wrote that instead of good guys and bad guys, the world is made up of wonderfully complex and sometimes even self-contradictory people, each capable of both good and bad:
Uncertainty can be uncomfortable. It is often quite tempting to stop pondering complex questions and jump to conclusions. But Keats counsels otherwise. By resisting the temptation to dismiss and despise others, it’s possible to open the door to discovering traits in people that are worthy of sympathy or admiration.
They may, with time, even come to be regarded as friends. Ref: https://theconversation.com/john-keats-concept-of-negative-capability-or-sitting-in-uncertainty-is-needed-now-more-than-ever-153617
Examples of Negative Capability In Literature
Negative capability can exist due to a willful omittance of specific details, or because there is no right answer available for a particular situation. 
Ref: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/john-keats-theory-of-negative-capability-in-writing
Robert Greene on Q everything you believe
Continually questioning yourself your ideas your values where you come from is actually the highest form of human thinking is actually the most creative form of thinking you must not be afraid of it is extremely powerful
The stupidest people are the ones who think they have the right answers who are so certain that they know the truth that actually is a very deep form of human stupidity because our knowledge is always limited and those who think that they know for certain what is true are actually operating out of deep levels of fear and insecurity. Ref: https://youtu.be/Rj4JuA3RDEQ
Last but not least, you may agree to disagree for this =D Ref: https://www.instagram.com/p/CmmahnMsLdm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Be great by Tuesday folks!
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thecpdiary · 2 years
When you show yourself to the world and display your talents, you naturally stir all kinds of resentment, envy, and other manifestations of insecurity… you cannot spend your life worrying about the petty feelings of others...
ROBERT GREENE, The 48 Laws of Power
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film-book · 8 days
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Film Review – IRISH WISH (2024): A Feel-Good Flick Where Gimmicks & Stereotypes Hide Lindsay Lohan’s Star Power, and Rom-Com Appeal https://film-book.com/film-review-irish-wish-2024-a-feel-good-flick-where-gimmicks-stereotypes-hide-lindsay-lohans-star-power-and-rom-com-appeal/?feed_id=133391&_unique_id=6648b35d01b13
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mehedionion · 1 month
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লক্ষ্যকে অতিক্রম করে যেও না। বিজয়ের পরে কোথায় থামতে হবে তা স্থির করে নিও। জয়ের মুহূর্তটাই কখনো কখনো আসন্ন সবচেয়ে বড় বিপদের মুহূর্ত। বিজয়ের উত্তাপে, দাম্ভিকতা আর অতি আত্মবিশ্বাস তোমাকে লক্ষ্য ছাড়িয়ে আরো দূরে ঠেলে দিতে পারে, আর একবার বেশি দূরে চলে গেলে, তুমি যত শত্রুকে পরাজিত করেছ শত্রুসংখ্যা তার চেয়ে বেড়ে যায়। সুচিন্তিত পরিকল্পনা আর কর্মকৌশলের কোনো বিকল্প নেই। একটা নিশানা রাখো, আর যখন সেটা যখন ছুঁয়ে ফেলবে, তখন থেমে যাও।
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designingprogress · 2 months
Robert Greene talks about power as psychology, as the ability to persuade, seduce, etc. Invited by Andrew Huberman.
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efrenguzmanjr · 7 months
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ravikugupta · 7 months
Summary of "The Art of Seduction" by Robert Greene
“The Art of Seduction” by Robert Greene is a book that explores the art and psychology of seduction. Greene delves into the strategies, tactics, and psychological principles that individuals can use to captivate others and create desired outcomes in their personal and professional lives. This summary provides an overview of the key concepts and takeaways from the book, offering insights into the…
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robertbobgreene · 8 months
The Liberating Habit of NOT TAKING EVERYTHING PERSONALLY (don't take it ...
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pdfdownloadcloud · 1 year
48 Laws of Power pdf & Summary
The enigmatic notion of power has captivated the human psyche for centuries, Beckoning mankind to unravel its intricacies. In his seminal work, “The 48 Laws of Power pdf”, Greene expounds on how power permeates diverse realms of human existence, From the tumultuous terrain of politics to the nuances of social discourse. He posits that those who are cognizant of the laws of power possess a distinct advantage in skillfully navigating the labyrinthine complication of human relationships.”
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foreverinmyhead · 1 month
You must work to see how far you can extend control of your circumstances and create the kind of mind you desire—not through drugs but through action. Unleashing the masterful mind within, you will be at the vanguard of those who are exploring the extended limits of human willpower.
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act-2-impr · 1 year
L'art de la séduction
Il existe de nombreux liens entre le livre "L'Art de la Séduction" de Robert Greene et le développement personnel.
Tout d'abord, le livre peut être une lecture utile pour ceux qui cherchent à améliorer leur confiance en soi et leur capacité à communiquer avec les autres. En étudiant les techniques de séduction décrites dans le livre, on peut apprendre à mieux comprendre les dynamiques sociales et à développer des compétences en communication qui peuvent être appliquées dans de nombreux domaines de la vie.
Par exemple, en utilisant la technique de la "séduction naturelle", qui consiste à être authentique et à exprimer sa vraie personnalité, on peut apprendre à mieux communiquer avec les autres et à développer des relations plus authentiques. De même, la "séduction de prestige", qui consiste à se positionner comme une personne influente et respectée, peut être utile dans le monde professionnel pour établir des contacts et des partenariats.
En outre, le livre souligne l'importance de la créativité et de l'adaptabilité dans la séduction. Greene encourage les lecteurs à sortir de leur zone de confort et à expérimenter de nouvelles techniques pour atteindre leurs objectifs. Cette philosophie peut être appliquée dans de nombreux domaines de la vie, que ce soit dans le monde professionnel, social ou personnel.
Enfin, le livre souligne l'importance de l'empathie et de la compréhension des autres pour établir des relations harmonieuses. En étudiant les techniques de séduction, on peut apprendre à mieux comprendre les besoins et les motivations des autres, ce qui peut être utile dans de nombreuses situations de la vie quotidienne.
En somme, bien que le livre "L'Art de la Séduction" puisse sembler axé sur des tactiques de manipulation et de jeu de pouvoir, il peut également être une lecture utile pour ceux qui cherchent à améliorer leur développement personnel. En étudiant les techniques de séduction, on peut apprendre à mieux comprendre les autres et à développer des compétences en communication et en relation interpersonnelle qui peuvent être appliquées dans de nombreux domaines de la vie.
Comme d'habitude si il y a des sujets sur lesquelles vous aimeriez que je parle laissés un commentaire ;)
Pour ceux qui serait intéresser par le livre en question :
Format poche :
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scholarlysoldier · 1 year
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Off to the field for two weeks tomorrow so I figured I’d do a hasty book post before shutting my eyes. Zero books were finished in February due to the big tempo at work, in the field, at home, and being on course myself. During the duration of March I was able to get the 3 books pictured down range. They included: 1. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card; 2. Drunk - How we Sipped, Danced, and stumbled our way into Civilization by Edward Slingerland; and 3. The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene. With all my field time in the next month I don’t foresee any real reading taking place in April. Better luck come spring hopefully! #bookstagram #readingchallange2023 #orsonscottcard #endersgame #drunkhowwesipped #edwardslingerland #the33strategiesofwar #robertgreene (at Village of Port Williams) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUQRedtHJ2-63V2UKumJuX_AXh7VWqJYvNB900/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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useanotherday · 1 year
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#robertgreene 's daily law for today is about creativity. An excellent book I read almost every day - highly recommended! @robertgreeneofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/CnhJH9FOV3y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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