#robyn writes
luckybyrdrobyn · 1 month
Chapter 1 draft 1 (its technically draft 2 but we don't talk about that one)
It was a pleasant night in Miyazaki, the wind was low and the temperature of the air was a pleasant chill. The full moon illuminating the few corners untouched by the streetlights. The only shadow cast came in the silhouette of the stranger who made their way swiftly down the street, long striding steps causing their cloak to billow around and behind them despite the non-existent wind.
There is the vague outline of a bundle, disappearing in and out of folds of black fabric. The stranger holds it close to their chest as if to shield it from view of their surroundings. Not that anyone who might catch a glimpse here would care much more than to gossip the oddity over a lunch break the next day. But the strangers appearance alone is enough to spike that curiosity.
Further down the street is the hose of Kuroo Tanoshi and Keriena, marked by a goofy Halloween skeleton with a now empty bowl in hand and a sign reading "take one" in spiky characters.
Kuroo Tanoshi was a well built man with neat black hair and warm brown eyes that could see into your soul. He was a kind man who valued the comfort of those around him, often more than his own, much to his wife's chargin.
He worked at a small chemist, preparing prescriptions and identifying worrying customers' maladies. While the pay was not the most ideal, he would often state that he "wouldn't take any jobs over it", finding happiness in aiding those who came to him.
Keriena Kuroo was a confident woman, with a toned body that didn't quite match the heavily pregnant silhouette she currently supported. Her long dark brown hair was cropped short underneath and her eyes were dark enough to be black. Tanoshi would often declare that they held all the stars of the night if their depths.
While currently on maternity leave, Keriena had still been burrying herself into her work, unable to stay out of the loop for even a week, let alone three. She worked as a detective and field agent in the local law enforcement with a 89% success rate in her field.
Keriena is seated at their dinner table as Tanoshi stands in their kitchen, cleaning the plates from the evening's meal. They chat amicably about Tanoshi's day and plans for their unborn son.
The conversation finds its way to forgein politics and Keriena mentions that it's been a year since the end of the mass murders in London. The news had spread quickly around the world at the time. The sudden end to an eleven year war was bound to cause ripples, even in Japan.
No one was certain how the cult leader had died. There were speculations in Keriena's workplace of course; bombs, gas leaks, structural damage enough to crush the leader, even the occasional suggestion it was suicide for one reason or another.
The Potters had been the only ones home that night, the young couple and their son. At the end of the incident, the only member left unaccounted for was 1 year old Harry. Neighbours had heard him crying in an upstairs room after the incident but when responders got up there, there was no baby in sight.
It sparked a huge search at the time. But no reports or reminders had been put out about it since June. One baby, no matter how symbolic, wasn't worth the time and money when you were rebuilding from a war after all. The boy who lived, forgotten, reduced to a title to stir action.
A quiet fell momentarily as the couple sat in contemplation. Tanoshi with his mouth set in a grim line, never one for such sour endings, as he finished in the kitchen and moved back towards the table. He bent to hold his wife for a moment, to thank the spirits that both her and their son were safe, that they had no need to fear such dangers.
A knock echoed from the front door. Three strong raps and then silence.
The couple traded looks, not expecting anyone at this time, moat of the trick-or-treaters having dwindled off an hour ago. Tanoshi, slightly spooked but never one to let others down, stepped away to answer the door anyway. Keriena a short ways behind him, curious and cautious.
There was nothing visible through the peep-hole but Tanoshi proceeded to unlock and open the door eyes automatically scanning the front garden and along the street for figures. It was Keriena's gasp that made him look down. Following her gaze to their doorstep his eyes found a small bundle.
Neatly wrapped in green cloth, clutching a letter in one small chubby hand was a little boy with a lightning-bolt scar on his forehead. He couldn't have been much older than two, tiny face, framed by messy black hair scrunched in some sort of dream as he sat there, no other person in sight.
Picking up the child carefully, neither of the Kuroos noticed the soft crack as the stranger across the street turned on his heel and disappeared, only a corner of his cloak waving behind as he left. Harry Potter was safe for now, their job was done.
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sir-robyn · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: The LEGO Ninjago Movie (2017), LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Lloyd Garmadon & Morro, Lloyd Garmadon & Misako, Morro & Sensei Wu (Ninjago)
Characters: Morro (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon, Misako (Ninjago), Sensei Wu (Ninjago), Lord Garmadon (Ninjago)
Additional Tags: Lloyd Garmadon and Morro Are Cousins, Mentioned Misako (Ninjago), Mentioned Lord Garmadon (Ninjago), Mentioned Sensei Wu (Ninjago), Light Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Adopted Morro (Ninjago), Good Morro (Ninjago), Sensei Wu Adopts Morro (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon Needs a Hug, Lloyd Garmadon Has Daddy Issues, Lloyd Garmadon Angst, Lloyd Garmadon & Morro Friendship, Morro-centric (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon-centric, Lloyd Garmadon Gets a Hug, Kinda, Title from a Nirvana song, Divorced Lord Garmadon & Misako, Movie-Canon Misako is Koko (Ninjago)
He really didn’t want to give a shit about his cousin’s issues. He really didn’t want to know what was keeping him up at such an unnatural time for him to be awake. He really didn't want to talk about Lloyd’s problems.
Morro comforts Lloyd after his parents fight.
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godhatesrobyn · 5 months
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I love my fav autistic gay ppl
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pocket-dragon · 3 months
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Fuck it, give her 3 kids!
[The mama k lore that exists solely in my maladaptive daydreams and occasionally my friends dms is vast and sometimes I make art about it]
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moonmeg · 7 months
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School yard taunt
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thoughtkick · 1 year
And I realized that there's a big difference between deciding to leave and knowing where to go.
Robyn Schneider
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thehopefulquotes · 2 months
But I do know what I spent a long time existing, and now, I intend to live.
Robyn Schneider
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resqectable · 2 months
But I do know what I spent a long time existing, and now, I intend to live.
Robyn Schneider
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perfectquote · 3 months
But I do know what I spent a long time existing, and now, I intend to live.
Robyn Schneider
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quotefeeling · 7 months
But I do know what I spent a long time existing, and now, I intend to live.
Robyn Schneider
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luckybyrdrobyn · 7 months
Putting this old poem out there for anyone interested to use for art/writing
Level up
On level one
You live for fun
No consequence for what you’ve done
On level two
You live for you
Everything’s so bright and new
On level three
You’re living free
There’s so much for you to see
On level four
You live for more
There’s so much out there to explore
On level five
You live to dive
To learn what it means to survive
On level six
You live for kicks
No time to care and nothing sticks
On level seven
You live what’s given
Nothing seems further than eleven
On level eight
You’re living great
Follow the path follow straight
On level nine
You live for time
You better be there on the line
On level ten
You live for a friend
You’ll never get to see again
On level eleven
You live for heaven
You’ll barely remember level seven
On level twelve
You live on the shelf
Telling your life to someone else
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sir-robyn · 1 year
First Ninjago Fanfic! It’s wayyy shorter than what I usually write but I’m actually rly happy with it :D
Summary: A short rewrite of Morro’s death in S5, but if Wu never let go of Morro’s hand.
It pissed me off how he was too distracted by the Realm Crystal to notice his fucking son was dying so I rewrote it and I made him survive. Deal with it /j
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so just as any besties do, @teddybearbutchh and i were talking about the whole 'shax wears a cobra belt' thing, and we might have just dreamt up The Most heartstopping thing to date... but couple of key notes first:
i know people have remarked that shax most obviously wears the belt in the modern scenes, indicating some kind of power play that she pinched it from crowley's flat. issue is - im fairly sure that she wears it in 1941 (you can see a glimpse of it at the end when she's present in the audience between furfur and dagon), which would suggest it leans more towards herons-eat-snakes symbolic explanation. taking one step further, im regarding this as some kind of foreshadowing that there will be some kind of direct conflict between her and crowley
shax is either a social climber, or has incredible amounts of career ambition - probably a bit of both, but im leaning towards the latter. im still also of the mind that the reason she has the ear of the council is because she's an informant (and a good one at that) and her MO is to recruit others to do the dirty work for her... so when she tells furfur that she'll pay him back if he ever gives her information that she can use, it stands to reason that she'd be pretty miffed re: furfur seemingly going maverick to catch aziraphale and crowley in the act. i feel like her smirk at the end of the ep, plus how cold furfur is towards her in ep5, would support this somewhat
^but shax is still armed with the knowledge that there's something between aziraphale and crowley (furfur might not have hard proof anymore but he obviously wasn't lying, not when you consider his confidence from shax's perspective), and to catch them would be tantamount to a promotion
chekhov's gun #1: the derringer
chekhov's gun #2: zombies still roaming around london, with one of them presumably still having access to the bookshop if aziraphale invited her in when she posed as an MI operative
chekhov's gun #3: constant mentions in both 1941 flashbacks of 'the paperwork'
shax makes a point in the bentley to separate out the statement that there were rumours that aziraphale and crowley were "an item", which arguably is a good hop, skip and a jump away from "consorting and collaborating" as furfur termed it
a bit about the holy water: crowley first asks for it in 1862, after an indeterminate number of times/length of time in hell, probably under some kind of torture. he and aziraphale then presumably don't speak until 1941, but he remarks again how easy it would be to get holy water from the church, "it doesn't even have guards!". then it's in 1967 that he plans the heist to rob a church. now believe me, i love the explanation that crowley was simply inspired by good, ol' 007 to make getting the water as dramatic as possible, but. if he was that desperate for it, why not just... tempt someone, or even just ask someone for a bottle of it? from a church? i can't imagine that he'd purposefully wait 26 years for something that he felt was literally life-or-death (so to speak), and then only be reminded of it when JB came out? so, what was keeping him for a quarter of a century?
herein lies the batshit part 3 spec of 1941. shax takes advantage of the situation, to get ahead on the greasy pole; goes up to earth, finds the zombies, recruits them one last time to get into the bookshop - possibly to get ahold of the photograph and take the credit for furfur's scheme. 'lo and behold, aziraphale and crowley are low-key about to jump each other (waving the tired and battered 1941 truther flag), which is just plain excellent for shax - and would fuel the 'rumours' that they were an 'item'. but zombies give themselves away before anything juicy really happens (boo), and some kind of fight ensues.
derringer gets pulled out of the mystery book (bonus points if it's a bible, or something like sense and sensibility), crowley gets shot, probably trying to protect aziraphale, gets discorporated. he's summarily trapped in hell, sorting through the fucking paperwork, until sometime in the 1960s. reinvigorates his scheme to get his hands on holy water, aziraphale hears about it, and gives it to him (now having been confronted with The Direct Consequences hell will have for crowley if anything like this ever happens again), and wards him off from getting too close to aziraphale, because of the danger it poses. "you go too fast for me".
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surqrised · 9 months
And I realized that there's a big difference between deciding to leave and knowing where to go.
Robyn Schneider
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moonmeg · 1 month
I have a headcannon which is that cat sometimes has nightmares where Philip catches Robyn and ends up doing the same thing to him that he did to Caleb 😭
A tug on his hair disrupted his peaceful sleep. The chirp of a cardinal getting ever more frequent and louder until Robyn couldn't ignore it anymore. He groaned, grimacing while turning the other way and gently swatting his palisman away but the white cardinal didn't surrender. She kept tugging on the loose strand of his brown hair desperately.
"Snowball, seriously, knock it off.", the boy groaned again. He opened his eyes a little and rose to sit when the bird still didn't stop trying to wake him.
"What is it?"
He rubbed his eyes while Snowball told him to listen closely. There's sounds coming from outside the room. They were dimmed but they were audible. He recognized it was his mother who was the source of those sounds.
He froze for a second. It was crying he heard. Sobs in between exclamations to "Stop".
Robyn leapt out of bed, tore the door open and made Snowball turn into her staff form. He was powerless on his own but through Snowball he was able to do minor spells still. It wasn't on par with his abilities before he lost his power but it was better than being empty handed.
He raced to his mother's room.
"Who's there?" he swung the door open, staff firmly in hand, ready to fight. Only there was no one in the room but his mother.
"Leave him alone! Don't hurt him!", Catherine yelled her head turning left and right on the pillow as if she was in pain. A nightmare, Robyn figured.
He let Snowball turn back to her normal form and ran to Catherine with a repeated "Mama" to wake her.
She was too deep in the nightmare however to take notice he was there. Instead her exclaims got louder and more desperate the more Robyn used "Mama". Genuinely scared and worried for her, he began shaking her.
"Mama!! Wake up! Ma-"
"NO!", she screamed and finally woke from the shock of the image her nightmare had given her.
Her scream frightened Robyn from its mere loudness and pain it carried. It was a cry of desperation more than a scream.
"Mama, shh! Shh, it's alright-"
"It was a nightmare. Just a nightmare. Deep breaths."
He ran his hands up and down her upper arm in attempt to comfort her. His expression softened into one of pity. She still dreamed of Caleb and his cruel fate. It never let her go and Robyn was well aware of that.
Catherine reached for her son and cupped his face in her palms, a sob escaping her chest.
"Robyn! Oh, my baby!"
"I'm here.", he confirmed. "Shhh. I'm here. I'm here. You only had a bad dream."
"He took you from me!", Catherine continued, checking every inch of her son's face with her palms. He was alright. No scars, no blood on the corners of his mouth, nothing indicating the reality of her gruesomely vivid dreams he was alright, "First Caleb and then you! I was too weak to save you- oh, Titan, forgive me! Forgive me, Robyn!"
She let out another sob as she buried her face in his shoulder. Her nails were digging into his arm, clinging to her baby. Gratitude wasn't fit enough of a word to describe what she felt as she realized it was only a nightmare and that her little sprout was right there. Alive. Breathing into her hair. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
Robyn slowly began to piece together what her nightmare tortured her with. She not only relived her husband's death but was forced to watch her son - her only son - meet the same or a similar fate.
"I have nothing to forgive you for. It's alright, Mama. I promise.", he said softly.
"I keep failing to protect you. I keep failing...", Catherine hicced.
Robyn held his breath for a second.
"This wasn't the first time you dreamed that?"
"No...", she took a heavy breath.
Her quiet sobs were the only sound in the room. Her forehead on his shoulder, she thought about whether or not to tell him more. She didn't want Robyn to see her like that or even less worry him. But he wasn't a little child anymore either and it would be a delusion to think he never noticed her heartache.
"I've been having this nightmare since you were an infant. Just shortly after your birth."
"Mama...", Robyn tightened his embrace as he whispered the words, "I'm so sorry."
None of them said anything more. None of them expected more to be said. They just sat there. Mother and son holding each other. One in relief, the other in comfort.
As for the moment the mutual embrace was enough.
And what else could they do but that?
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thoughtkick · 3 months
But I do know what I spent a long time existing, and now, I intend to live.
Robyn Schneider
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