#ron weasley apologist
goblinoss · 7 months
i will be forever excusing and fighting for ron weasley. he did nothing wrong in his entire life and i stand by it
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godofstupidsentences · 5 months
Sometimes it’s just you and the character hated by the whole fandom against the world
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moonlightdancer26 · 9 months
I love Percy Weasley (and Ronnie, but thankfully I've seen more Ron defenders and appreciation posts popping up in recent years, as they should) SO MUCH. He's legitimately one of my favourite characters and my poor little meow meow. Him and Severus have SO MANY parallels. They were both intelligent, ambitious young men who came from poverty and experienced bullying from the people who were supposed to support them. Controversial opinion, but the other Weasley kids (ESPECIALLY Fred and George) were unnecessarily brutal to poor Perce to the point of being malicious. Of course young Severus and Percy went along with the "wrong" crowd when the "right" crowd continuously mocked, belittled, and taunted them, while the "wrong" crowd told them that they were brilliant, that they would go so far, and that anyone who tried to belittle them just didn't get it, that they were just jealous of how successful they were gonna be. Long story short, Percy is adorable and precious and so cute and smart and I want to brush his hair out of his face and kiss him on the nose.
I just drank carrot juice for the first time in 15 years I’m currently going through something
Anyway, I 100000% AGREE. I’ve answered a somewhat similar ask a while ago. I have a headcanon that Percy was actually Snape’s secret fave student. I just know Percy would scold Ronald in a Hermione-like way whenever he’d say anything bad about Severus, “Who cares if he can be a git sometimes? He’s an absolute genius at Potions and passes down his knowledge to his students. If you just got your head out of your arse for a bit, you’d see just how much I’m right.”
Percy’s like my fourth fave HP character, I totally see a younger-Snape in him. Percy was belittled and ridiculed by his family and his ambition and desire for power led him to walking out on them and going after his dreams so his talents can finally be acknowledged. Snape was relentlessly bullied by the Marauders (four Gryffindors) which was dismissed by the headmaster of Hogwarts (also a Gryffindor) and was already ostracised by the rest of Hogwarts for being a Slytherin, he soon joined the Death Eaters alongside Lucius and the Slytherins after graduating because he likely believed that he would finally get recognition for his great knowledge in the Dark Arts. They also both did it at age 19 (I think Sev might’ve joined a little before he turned 19, either way it was after graduating).
Controversial opinion, but the other Weasley kids (ESPECIALLY Fred and George) were unnecessarily brutal to poor Perce to the point of being malicious.
I CAN’T EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I AGREE WITH YOU. I’ve made a few posts talking about this and defending Perce, x, x, x, x, x (my all-time fave Ron defender liked this post and I’m simply never getting over that), x (probably my fave post I’ve made on my blog), and x. Also I hate the claim that their treatment of Perce was normal because “that’s just what siblings do,” like no I literally have 5 other siblings, and while yes we all act like psychos together, we’ve never come close to doing the shit the twins did to Perce and Ron. There’s a difference between being an asshole to your siblings and endangering their life and constantly mocking them. They never took his dreams seriously, and honestly that would be such a horrible thing to go through. Tbh I’m impressed Percy didn’t leave them sooner 💀
and same, I’m such a hardcore Percy apologist that I will go absolutely insane if I see anyone criticise him 😭 He’s literally so hated and for what
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Don’t get me wrong here, I am someone who loves Ron Weasley. Ron Weasley apologist, defender, lover, and advocate here. He is one of my favourite characters and I don’t tolerate Ron Weasley bashing at all.
With all this being said, “Weasley was born in a bin” is such a funny lyric 💀💀
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cimerran-714 · 1 year
Debunking an argument that Ron was justified in leaving his friends during the Horcrux Hunt
So, I don't really like to get into arguments. I try to avoid them whenever possible. But I was going through Quora, and I came across an answer by a Ron-Weasley apologist (that's a moniker they gave themselves) who attempted to defend him abandoning Harry and Hermione during the Horcrux hunt.
The writer was apparently glad that he'd done so. It'd turned into a mildly anti-Harry/Hermione rant too. Which is of course filled with the same nonsense.
Now, honestly, I do like Ron. I'm not one of those who pretend to either. I really do like him. But when you attempt to whitewash all of the bad things he's done (and before anyone points out, yes, Harry/Hermione are not saints either), that doesn't make you look much better.
Let me just address what this person has written (and here's a link for those who'd prefer to read it directly https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-feel-about-Ron-Weasley-abandoning-Harry-and-Hermione-in-Deathly-Hallows):
Unpopular opinion? I’m glad he LEFT the Hunt. That camping trip was the most boring, dull, stupid, and useless part of a fictional war I’ve ever read. Ron single-handedly saved it when came back.
Okay, so at least we start off by agreeing with it partially. The camping was bad, and I personally thought it was a huge waste of time too. And yes, Ron did save Harry when he returned, although it might sound a little like plot-convenience to me. But there's not much of a disagreement here.
So, why am I glad he left the tent?
It got him away from the Horcrux that had been torturing him for months. It got him away from something that turned his self-loathing and insecurities into suicidal ideations. The Locket weaponized Ron’s depression and anxiety against him in horrible ways and I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did before snapping and walking away from it. People that look at Ron here and think he’s weak and cowardly are just downright fooling themselves if they honestly believe they’d do any better than Ron did. I mean, he was 17 and people still act as if Ron leaving Harry and Hermione here was some type of unforgivable war crime or that it’d make him the next Pettigrew. It’s disgusting. Revolting. Makes me glad I don’t associate with anyone like them in my real life.
To break it down:
It got him away from the Horcrux that had been torturing him for months.
At the cost of his friends who suffered a lot more than when there together, after he left. Also, aside from the fact that Ron was splinched, I'm not sure that there was anything to specifically torture him. Otherwise, Harry and Hermione were getting "tortured" too.
It got him away from something that turned his self-loathing and insecurities into suicidal ideations.
Genuine question: does anyone remember any implication in Deathly Hallows that Ron had turned suicidal?
The Locket weaponized Ron’s depression and anxiety against him in horrible ways and I’m surprised he lasted as long as he did before snapping and walking away from it.
True, but he left even after hurling the locket down. We know from Harry's experience that its effect vanishes soon after you remove it. So you can't blame it entirely on the locket, which is just nonsense.
People that look at Ron here and think he’s weak and cowardly are just downright fooling themselves if they honestly believe they’d do any better than Ron did.
Well, I don't think Ron was weak or cowardly. I just think he was very much rude (he insulted Harry's parents, for one thing). So it sounds a bit like a strawman. He acted badly, but he might not necessarily have been a "coward", as we do have instances where he's shown to be brave.
I mean, he was 17 and people still act as if Ron leaving Harry and Hermione here was some type of unforgivable war crime or that it’d make him the next Pettigrew. It’s disgusting. Revolting. Makes me glad I don’t associate with anyone like them in my real life.
Why are they so desperate to justify what Ron did? He'd promised to accompany his friends (remember that Harry had told them that he didn't want that), and when he realized that his best friend hadn't lied, he flipped out, insulted his parents, and abandoned them during the middle of a war. He acted as if he were the only person who was having a miserable time there, which is a bad thing to do.
And no, that's not nearly as bad as what Pettigrew did (again, remember that it's a strawman, I've never met anyone comparing him to Pettigrew), but it's not a good thing to do nevertheless.
He needed to get his Splinching wound healed properly. Dittany wasn’t enough. He needed blood-replenishing potions and pain relief potions. He needed real rest and food to recover.
Honestly, it's probably the only valid point in this entire rant, so I'd give it some credit. But if he'd wanted to take time to recover, he could've done that without flipping out too.
Also, can someone point out to me where it says that Dittany wasn't enough to heal his wounds? I was under the impression that a few weeks had passed after he got splinched, when Ron left the Trio.
Because of this:
Autumn rolled over the countryside as they moved through it. They were now pitching the tent on mulches of fallen leaves. Natural mists joined those cast by the dementors: wind and rain added to their troubles.
He was right about the mission not going well. They were in over their heads. Camping was getting them nowhere. Harry even said their biggest accomplishment was not being dead yet. People were dying as they were hiding. Not finding more Horcruxes or ways to destroy the one they had was disheartening for all of them. 
All correct points, but as Harry was perfectly honest with them since the very beginning, it's completely irrelevant. Ron thought he was lying, that's on him.
They were stuck, but Harry had refused all help so far and Ron knew he’d keep refusing.
"All help" as in refusing Lupin's assistance? Is this person excusing him trying to be a deadbeat father?
So, yes, Ron was frustrated with the way Harry was “leading” them and he had a right to be.
No, he absolutely did not. Again: Harry was being honest, but Ron thought he was lying. That's Ron's fault for not believing his best of around six years, not anyone else's.
Why does nobody ever mention that Hermione agrees with Ron, but she was too afraid to ever say it out loud to Harry?
Why does no one talk about how even though she might've been mistaken in her idea that Harry was holding back, she was still willing (although she could've Disapparated with Ron instead) to help him with the search? Ron could've done that too.
Instead, she threw Ron under the bus trying to save herself.
No... that's a really weird way of looking at it. She wasn't throwing him under the bus. She wanted to help Harry. If she wanted to save herself, she could've just Disapparated with Harry instead.
People hate Ron because he’s never been afraid to call out Harry and Hermione. He doesn’t lick their boots or blindly follow them and people HATE him for that. How dare this super average nobody named Ron ever dare to tell Harry The Hero and Hermione The Goddess they’re wrong or that their ideas aren’t working?!
Honestly, that's such a ridiculous strawman that it's not even worth debunking. No one I've ever met (including anti-Ron folks) believe that he was Harry/Hermione's slave or anything. It might be fun to make things up, but please ensure that you don't lie about what others believe.
Ron was trying to see if Harry saw anything related to his family in the visions he got from Voldemort. We saw how worried Ron was about his family after the Death Eaters attacked Bill and Fleur’s wedding. We also saw just how physically relieved he was at getting his dad’s Patronus. It was never going to be easy for Ron to go with Harry and Hermione on the run knowing he left his family behind in the world where Voldemort was in control, especially once they had no way of ever knowing anything after Grimmauld Place.
He willingly accompanied them despite knowing that it's not going to be a cakewalk.
If he wanted to leave, he could've done that nicely. That's what a best friend's supposed to do.
The next section's about them describing why Ron was worried about his family, and I don't really have anything to say there. My point still stands.
So we move on.
Harry was being downright awful to Ron during the fight and he didn’t have the Horcrux on at the time
How so? By telling Ron that he had a problem when he was acting like a douchebag, and asking him to leave when he implied that he didn't want to stay?
If that qualifies as "downright awful", then I wonder what's it like to insult your dead parents, ask your other best friend to abandon your friend, accuse her of "choosing" him, and Disapparate despite her (the person you like) asking you to stay back?
Ron leaving showed how badly Harry and Hermione needed Ron. How much they missed him. Hermione spent weeks crying for him. Harry had never felt more hopeless in his life. They even resorted to taking out a portrait to have company because they didn’t talk to each other much. Like, it got better towards the end right before Godric’s Hollow, but Harry’s broken wand took them back to almost silence. 
"See, he abandoned his best friends, and they missed him a lot. That makes him such a good person, and his actions were absolutely justified."
Is.... this even an argument? It proves the point that his actions were not justified considering the effect that it had on his friends. It's gone from a post justifying what Ron did, to an anti-Harmony post. It's not surprising, because it's almost always anti-Harmony shippers who write such rubbish anyway.
There was no dancing or “charged moments” like JKR supposedly said existed (and if she was actually serious about that and not just pandering to the Harmony fans, well, that’s just even more proof that she sucks at romance, LMAO).
Oh, there are. A lot of them, actually. But I'm not writing this to make a case for Harmony, so let's just walk past that for now.
The next section is about how Ron's return helped the Trio, which is something I don't disagree with. Very reasonable points. I'm not sure how it justifies leaving them in the first place, however.
JKR once made a comment about how Hermione was the one who stayed with Harry throughout the whole last book and how that said something powerful about her while Ron leaving said something powerful about him. But it’s like… her writing reflected the complete opposite of that. Hermione might have stayed with Harry, but the only things they accomplished was almost getting themselves killed, breaking Harry’s wand, and finding and trusting a book written by Rita Skeeter.
Nah, that's not true at all. There are a lot of Harry/Hermione moments after Ron left them. But then again, that's a point for another post. This one's been long enough already.
So, yeah, I'll just end it here. I'm not good at signing off by making impressive comments, but to whoever's reading this: have a good day.
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hypahticklish · 2 years
FAQ & About Hypah
Some Personal Pleasantries?
She/Her ● Bi ● 30's
Writer ● Artist 
Mostly a SFW blog but check the tags, themes, and warnings for individual pieces.
Ao3 handle is Hypah
Non-tickles Blog over at @hypahfixations
Neat! What have you written?
You can find my full masterpost here!
Do you do requests?
Requests are open though they are admittedly very slowly fulfilled. Honestly best bet is to see when I'm playing ask games or pitching me a solid headcanon that's up my alley.
What fandoms/pairings are you open to writing? (In alphabetical order by fandom below the cut) Last Update: July 3rd, 2022
The Adventure Zone was my introduction to real-play dnd podcast and I am still obsessed. Balance ~ Blupjeans (Lup/Barry) ~ Tres Horny Boys (Magnus/Taako/Merle) *platonic* ~ Magnulia (Magnus/Julia) ~ Taakitz (Taako/Kravitz) ~ Tangus (Taako/Magnus) *platonic* ~ Lup/Magnus ~ Lupcreatia (Lup/Lucretia) ~ The Birds (IPRE Crew) ~ Team Sweet Flips (Carey/Killian) ~ Guest Staring: Angus Amnesty ~ Aubrey/Dani ~ Pine Guard (Duck/Aubrey/Ned) ~ Chosen (Duck/Minerva) ~ Barclay/Stern ~ Aubrey/Hollis Graduation ~ Thundermen (Fitz/Argo/Firbolg) ~ Fitz/Rainer
Dimension 20 has so many stories all woven together that I literally cannot be more in love with this dnd real-play podcast. Fantasy High (Main Cast & the Seven) ~ Fig/Ayda ~ Zelda/Gorgug ~ Zelda/Sam ~ Riz/Adaine *platonic* ~ Riz/Fabian *platonic* ~ Antiope/Danielle ~ Penny/Katja ~ Ostentia/Katja ~ Penny/Riz *platonic* ~ Boys Night (Fabian/Riz/Gorgug/Ragh) ~ Sleep Over (The Bad Kids) ~ Slumber Party (The Seven) ~ Reverse Harem (Sandralynn/Garty/Jawbone) Unsleeping City ~ Ricky/Ester ~ Pete/Cody ~ Pete/Sophia *platonic* ~ Ricky/Cody Misfits & Magic ~ xXKelmpXx (Dream/Evan) ~ Pilot Program (Dream/Evan/Jammer/Sam) Starstruck Odyssey ~ Marge/Alma ~ Marge/Lucienne ~ Sidney/Barry ~ Gunnie/Sidney ~ Princeps/Riva *platonic* ~ The Wurst (The Gunner Channel)
Good Omens is literally my favorite book and the show is immaculate. ~ Ineffable Husbands (Aziraphale/Crowley) ~ Witchhunter (Anathema/Newt)
Harry Potter I love this universe so much ~ Ginny/Luna ~ Hermione/Ginny ~ Golden Trio (Harry/Ron/Hermione) ~ Hermione/Ron ~ Weasley Twins + Anyone ~ Dumbledore’s Army (Harry/Ron/Hermione/Ginny/Luna/Neville) Fantastic Beast ~ Newt/Tina ~ Jacob/Queenie ~ All Together Now (Newt/Tina/Queenie/Jacob) Note: This is an anti-JKR blog. TERFs and their apologists are not welcome.
My Hero Academia has rapidly grown to being one of my favorite anime. ~ Literally any combo within Class 1A + Shinso except Mineta. ~ Erasermic (Aizawa/Present Mic)
Our Flag Means Death has not left me unscathed and I like this show a normal amount. ~ Black Bonnet (Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet) ~ Teal Orange (Jim/Oluwande) ~ Lucius/Fang ~ Lucius/Black Pete ~ Lucius/Fang/Black Pete ~ Frenchie/Oluwande ~ Frenchie/Jim/Oluwande ~ Frenchie/Wee John ~ Our Flag Means Love (Polyamory Revenge) ~ Not Yet Featured Lady Pirates (Anne Bonney/Mary Read) ~ But Make It Sassy (+ Lucius) Note: I am not interested in writing for Izzy Hands. Izzy Hands can go suck eggs in hell, frankly
Supernatural is my bread and butter and I’m open to nearly all pairings, including obscure or deep cuts. Dean and Gabriel are my absolute favorite to write. That being said, I will not write for ~ Wincest (Sam/Dean) *in a romantic or sexual way. Sibling/Platonic doesn’t squick me out* ~ Samifer (Sam/Lucifer) ~ Kevin/Crowley ~ Dean/Amara
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pareiwheeler · 11 months
new pinned post everyone cheered
so im parei, aka andi or flynn
pronouns: they/them, he/him
sexuality: bisexual
my favorite shows:
stranger things (given)
i am not okay with this
queen charlotte
fav movies:
the little mermaid
IT 2017 and 2019
the goldfinch
marie antionette
harry potter hbp
my favorite ships:
byler (given)
whatever ron x harry is called
favorite characters: mike wheeler, lucas sinclair, ron weasley, ginny weasley, theo decker, richie tozier, prince eric etc etc
dni: milevens, stancys, will antis, lucas antis, mike antis, billy stans, henry apologists, racists, homophobes, ableists, terfs, etc etc
my writing tag: #pareiwrites
my art tag: #pareidraws
my ao3: pareido1ias
my tiktok: pareido1ias_
my insta: pareido1ias_
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starsoforionwrites · 2 months
I was the one who sent you that last ask about your dramaione fic and here are a few things I wanted to say:
Thank you so much for answering!
Sux about Remus and Ron. I always took Remus’ running away in DH as an amalgamation of war stress + self loathing + “I cursed my unborn child with my werewolf genes.” But then again, I’m a huge marauder apologist (to an extent, even Peter, Ik major 🚩) so🤷🏻‍♀️
Lowkey not surprised by no Ron redemption. I have accepted it as a necessary add-on in the dramione fanfic space haha
Also, SORRY ABOUT ALL THE TYPOS/GRAMMATICAL ERRORS. I was half asleep when I write that ask. Lowkey, I’m surprised I managed to make it coherent haha.
P.S. You don’t actually have to answer this. Again, thanks for answering the first one :3
I think it's worth noting that I don't really have a headcanon for anything. Most of my ideas are basically "what if [something]", without a specific set of background info that I stick to.
It gives me a lot more freedom when I'm writing to have, e.g. doting supportive Narcissa, or a bitchy prim Narcissa, or a supportive Molly Weasley, or a Great Friend Ron Weasley and so on.
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
・ Chiaroscuro ・
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/hYMjuVf
by hereis_jAYDE
・ Chiaroscuro ・ ———— ・ Plural noun: Chiaroscuros ・
・ An effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light falling unevenly or from a particular direction on something. Chiaroscuro involves the combined use of light and shadow. However, the meeting point of these two values may give rise to sharp lines or contours. ・ ———— Harry Potter Characters React to Severus Snape ———— I watched all of the Gacha react videos on YouTube, and my only talent is writing or acting so I wrote this! This will be a multi-shot, with no more than 5 parts (should be), but I’m making this up as I go. This is set post HBP (after Half-Blood Prince [Book 6]). TW Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Canon-Typical Violence, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR HARRY POTTER, Major Character(s) Death(s), Marauders Being Assholes, Lily Evans Potter Being an Asshole. I am American (but I want to move to Britain/Somewhere in the UK), so terminology may be incorrect. Please forgive me. ———— I hope you enjoy!! ♡
Words: 787, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, James Potter (minor), Lily Evans Potter (Minor), Sirius Black (minor), Remus Lupin (minor), Peter Pettigrew (Minor), Albus Dumbledore (minor), Tom Riddle | Voldemort (Minor), Tobias Snape (Minor), Eileen Prince (Minor)
Relationships: Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Harry Potter & Severus Snape, Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall & Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger & Minerva McGonagall & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Severus Snape & Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger & Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Young Severus Snape, Good Severus Snape, Harry Potter React, HP React, Harry Potter Characters React, HP Characters React, wtf do i tag this, pray for me please, pray for all peoples, thank you, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, I’m pansexual, I’m also genderfluid, I’m also a Christian, i love y’all btw, Swearing, Angst, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, James Potter Being an Asshole, James Potter Being an Idiot, Sirius Black Being an Asshole, Sirius Black Being an Idiot, Severus Snape Being Severus Snape, i wrote this on my iPad at almost 3AM please forgive me, The Author Regrets Everything, The Author Regrets Nothing, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Author Is a Little Shit, which is why I wrote this, goshdamn I got a whole fucking side story in the tags like wtf, do y’all even read this shit?, Lily Evans Potter Bashing, James Potter Bashing, Sirius Black Bashing, Remus Lupin Bashing, Peter Pettigrew Bashing, Albus Dumbledore Bashing, Severus Snape-centric, Severus Snape Needs a Hug, Severus Snape Has a Heart, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Post-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Severus Snape Dies, Albus Dumbledore Dies, Author is a Severus Snape Apologist, Don’t Like Don’t Read
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/hYMjuVf
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Fic Masterlist
Patronus Material: [C] Fluffy oneshot, canon-compliant Lily POV. Lily realizes her feelings for James, but James is behaving very strangely after Lily manages to produce a Patronus in Charms...
The Worst Thing: [C] Three chapters. Multi POV. Muggle AU. Shameless Taylor Swift betty/august/cardigan recreation, but make it Jily.
After OWLS: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, Lily POV. Lily thinks James Potter is an arrogant toerag, so why is she snogging him against a wall?
She Didn't: [C] Multichap, canon-compliant, Snape POV. If you're looking for a Snape apologist fic, this ain't it. If you're looking for a "Snape suffers while watching Jily fall in love" fic, this IS it.
She Did: [C] Multichap, canon-compliant, Lily POV. Companion piece to She Didn't, but can be read independently. Lily falling in love with James over the course of 6 years.
Good Together: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, Hermione POV. Hermione observes the early days of Hinny's relationship.
The Life and Soul of the Team: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, Ginny POV. Quidditch practice & locker room flirting.
Come Stay for the Summer: [C] Multichap, textfic, Muggle AU. Pure fluff, AU with canon characterization.
Happily Impervious: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, Romilda Vane POV. Romilda Vane unhappily observes Hinny's tragically short-lived relationship.
Someone Else's Life: [WIP] Collection of canon-compliant Hinny drabbles. No plot, each chapter can be read independently.
Because It's You: [C] Oneshot, textfic, Muggle AU @ University. Friends to lovers
Missing Moments
Moony and Padfoot: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, Sirius Black POV. OoTP missing moment. Sirius and Remus clear the air. [not Wolfstar]
Family Resemblance: [C] Three chaps, canon-compliant, multi POV. Petunia, Snape, and Sirius reflect on Harry's resemblance to his parents the first time they see him.
The Least Enjoyable Task: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, OoTP missing moment. Snape POV during Occlumency lessons.
A Sluggish Memory: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, Horace Slughorn POV. GoF missing moment. Dumbledore pays Slughorn a visit and asks about an uncomfortable memory.
The Portrait Hole: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, Snape POV. DH missing moment. Snape's version of King's Cross.
Who He'd Miss Most: [C] Oneshot, canon-compliant, Ron Weasley POV. GoF missing moment. Ron learns that he and Hermione are going to be hostages in the Second Task.
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roonilwazlibweasley · 2 years
i'm a ron weasley apologist except I've got nothing to apologize for.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
Friendly reminder that:
Tonks did nothing wrong. She just fell in love with a man. Stop bashing her because of your toxic puppyship that was never going to happen anyway.
The Weasleys—besides Molly—treated Percy like absolute shit, especially Fred and George. “Abandoning” your family because said family never acts like they care about you and never shows you the appreciation you deserve even after you got the job of your dreams is NOT a bad thing. Most of you hate him because you know damn well you’d do the exact same thing if you were in his shoes.
People who love Snape aren’t “Snape apologists,” you guys just can’t handle the fact that about 99% of your so-called arguments can be debunked by canon facts and quotes.
Cho Chang is not a “crybaby” or “weak.” She had just lost her wonderful boyfriend and was having a hard time dealing with her grief. Yes, playing with Harry’s feelings was wrong, but she was going through a lot of different emotions. She was just a hormonal 15/16 year old. You would all go crazy and call her heartless had she just immediately gotten over Cedric’s death.
Ron was not “abusive” to Hermione, he was a jerk to her sometimes and he’s wrong for that, but he always regretted it. If anything, it’s Hermione who’s abusive. She was the one who sent raging canaries (which were described as “golden bullets” btw) at him which left him bleeding, and punched him all over when he returned in DH. Had Ron been the one who did all this, you all would give him hell for that (and rightfully so).
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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wolfstarsthirdwheel · 3 years
(I'm a proud Percy Weasley apologist and my birthday is soon, so what do I do? Right answer, I'm posting headcanons about Percy Weasley. I wrote them a few months ago and now I decided to share them. Enjoy
Also pls ignore my shitty grammar)
(1)Have you ever seen Percy Weasley with short sleeves?
You haven't.
So my headcanon is that Percy Weasley was very overwhelmed by all his work because he always wanted to make his parents proud and be the best
And he was doing self harm from his third year on
(2)There are
Bill and Charlie
Fred and George
Ron and Ginny
So Percy was on his own. And as we know, he didn't have that much friends in school
And he has good grades most of the time
So he obviously spends much time in the library
And who's in my headcanon also often in the library? Sad kids that have homesickness or are just sad in general
Maybe they're also overtaxed by the homework
And Percy basically becomes the therapist of the ✨sad library kids✨and helps them with everything he can
(3)Percy always was disappointed by himself because he couldn't play Quidditch
Like, nearly everyone in his family was so good at it and he wasn't
He tried in his second year, he really did
But he doesn't have the talent
So he forced himself to study more then every other twelve years old student. He wanted to have something he was good at, even better then everyone else
And because he wanted to be the best student he made himself and outsider. He acts like he doesn't mind but he does
(4)Percy Weasley was so fucking proud of his siblings. No matter what they did, and even if he would yell at them at first because THEY PUT THEMSELVES IN DANGER AGAIN, he would always make sure they now that he is there for them and supports them in whatever they want to do. Unlike Molly, he always believed that George and Fred were incredibly smart and that they would be successful with their plans. Before Harry gave his reward to them, he saved money for their shop
(5)Percy gives tutoring lessons before the exams, but he never told his siblings because he didn't want to be the one who they made fun of
(6)Percy was always jealous of Harry. Not because it his money, not because he was famous, not even because of his Quidditch skills. He was jealous because Molly loved him so much. He was jealous because Molly was always there for him, she was the perfect mother. Percy always wanted that
(7)Percy never trusted Dumbledore
(8)Percy always protected his siblings from bad rumors. Every time someone said something bad about his siblings Percy stood up for them, no matter who said it or who he made hate him
(9)Percy Weasley after Fred's death.
Percy doesn't know how to express his emotions, he thinks he doesn't have the right to be as sad as Fred. He blames himself and thinks that everyone does. He has panic attacks and gets kicked out of the ministry for them.
(10)Percy Weasley didn't label himself at first. Until he was in the third year, he thought he was absolutely straight. Then he met this handsome boy, one year older than him. He had black skin, long, dark curls and his smile! It started with Percy being unable to not think about his smile. Then he always wanted to be around him. Not even touching him, just sitting next to him, looking at him.
From then on he tried to figure out what was wrong with him. He hated the fact that he couldn't solve the mystery about his sexuality. And he is afraid of his outing. He never told anyone except for Bill. Bill told him it wasn't a big deal or false in any way, but Percy never truly accepted himself they way he is.
Now it's optional to add Oliver x Percy
(11)Percy Weasley didn't spoke until he was almost five years old. Not because he couldn't, but because he just enjoyed listening to his family more.
Then, almost ten years later, percy doesn't talk much again. But this time there's Noone he could listen to. He's alone with his thoughts and doesn't know what to do. So he just writes everything that comes through his mind down. Somehow, his habit to write it all down turns into poetry. Percy Weasley was writing poetry without even realizing it. Then, one day Bill gets home and sees Percy's notebook, and he didn't want to, he really didn't! But his curiosity was stronger and he took it. He just flips through the pages, some filed with words, some filed with sketches, and he just goes like WOW and tells Percy how amazing it is and Percy's like 'no, it's just calming me down, noting special', and Bill leaves it by that. But every time he sees Percy he asks for a look at his newest pages
(12)Percy has a nervous habit. He stabs his thumbnail in his forefinger until it bleeds. As far as Percy can tell, Noone noticed yet. He just does it when he feels uncomfortable and doesn't think much about it. Somehow, his nervous habit turns into something he can't control any longer, and the wounds at his forefinger are getting Infected with some kind of bacterial stuff and he's like shit. He tries to stop but he can't, it's like an addiction. One time, only once, the twins convinced Percy to have a sip of alcohol with them. Long story short, it ended with Percy leaving as quick as possible because his finger didn't just hurt. It burned, and Percy felt like dying. He didn't know what to do, so he just sits in the library and sobbs until there are no more tears. As he looks at his finger, unable thinking what he was supposed to do, he noticed that it had an unhealthy green, orange, red color. He doesn't exactly know what he should call it, but it defenetly does look concerning. The alcohol in his blood distracts him from finding a way to make the pain go away. He instead thinks of 11 different assignments he has to finish due tomorrow, and he's so overwhelmed with his own thoughts he simply breaks down. He's not crying. He's not shouting. He just sits in the library and doesn't move for nearly two and a half hours, staring at a wall with an empty gaze. The only things he hears are his own thoughts, and damn, they suck.
After his... Yeah, I consider it breakdown. After his breakdown, he can think a little more logical again. He forces himself to get up and walks to the hospitalwing weakly.
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sleeppaw · 3 years
Why I have largely dropped out of the HP Fandom
The toxic fandom, specifically, fans of certain characters.
Snape Apologists: Professor Severus Snape was quite abusive to any student that wasn’t a Slytherin. He tried to poison Neville Longbottom’s pet, bullied Neville (To the point that Neville’s boggart was Snape himself), allowed the Carrows to torture students as Headmaster, called Lily and other muggleborns “Mudbloods”, joined the Death Eaters and was a hypocrite when Tonks changed her Patronus to match Remus Lupin’s.
Draco Apologists: No, Draco was not a “Golden hearted boy”. He called Hermione a “Mudblood”, cursed Neville, tried to kill Katie Bell, body shamed Molly Weasley and made fun of Cedric Diggory’s death (In the last chapter of “Goblet of Fire”, Draco burst into Harry’s Compartment and sneers “It will be Mudbloods and muggle-lovers that will go first, well, second, Diggory was the fi-”)
Hermione Fans: Now, this is going to be controversal as I too, like Hermione, and I know she is quite flawed, but the Hermione Fans worship her and thinks she is the hero of the story.
The Character Bashing:
Cho Chang: I admit, I used to hate her until after re-reading “Order of the Phoenix”, and I started to feel sorry for her. Most of the haters think “Cho’s just a whiny crybaby” when in actual fact, her boyfriend had been murdered by Lord Voldemort (Don’t forget she was 15-16 when Cedric was murdered). “Cho betrayed Dumbledore’s Army” when in actual fact it was Marietta Edgecombe that gave the DA away to Umbridge, and then was stated to have “Married a Muggle man” after the Battle of Hogwarts. If I was the author, I would have given Cho the following: Have her actual name be “Chloe”, with “Cho” as a nickname, give her a few more interests (Maybe have her being interested in Muggle life, prehaps make her good at writing); I would imagine, in an AU, Cho and Cedric lived peacefully in the country and Cho becoming a famous author, and have Cho get at least a mention in an Epilogue (Maybe in the form of a letter or something)
People would bash you if you draw characters differently from how the fandom thinks they should look like or if you like a certain ship.
Harmony Shippers: In the books, Harry states that “Hermione is like a sister to me” and in the sixth book, Hermione was jealous of Ron when he dated Lavender that she started dating Gryffindor Cormac McLaggen out of spite
Dramione Shippers: This is the Klato of the Harry Potter fandom, and like Klato, Draco and Hermione disliked each other (”Klato” is a Shipping name in The Hunger Games Fandom which ships Cato and Katniss together).
Snape/Hermione Shippers: NO. NO. NO. FUCK NO!!! *Vomits* (Sorry for the swearing, but I draw the line at paedophilia ships)
I still like the books (Though not as much as I used to), but I hate the fandom. With a few exceptions, every single character is problematic
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dukeofriven · 5 years
Honestly, reading these tweets shows a world way more interesting than actual post-Potter content. But also it really matches the theme of the Potter series that Ron Weasley is the fucking worst.
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ottogatto · 4 years
SWM - Or Harry in a state of shock from what he saw in the Pensieve
@sxvxrxssnape You’re triggering memories of what I read.
Ron went into a rant about Marietta Edgecombe, which Harry found helpful. All he had to do was look angry, nod, and say “yeah” and “that’s right” whenever Ron drew breath, leaving his mind free to dwell, ever more miserably, on what he had seen in the Pensieve. 
He felt as though the memory of it was eating him from inside. He had been so sure that his parents had been wonderful people that he never had the slightest difficulty in disbelieving Snape’s aspersions on his father’s character. 
Hadn’t people like Hagrid and Sirius told Harry how wonderful his father had been? 
(Yeah, well, look what Sirius was like himself, said a nagging voice inside Harry’s head... He was as bad, wasn’t he?) 
Yes, he had once overheard Professor McGonagall saying that his father and Sirius had been troublemakers at school, but she had described them as forerunners of the Weasley twins, and Harry could not imagine Fred and George dangling someone upside down for the fun of it... not unless they really loathed them... Perhaps Malfoy, or somebody who really deserved it... 
Harry tried to make a case for Snape having deserved what he had suffered at James’s hands — but hadn’t Lily asked, “What’s he done to you?” And hadn’t James replied, “It’s more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean?” 
Hadn’t James started it all simply because Sirius said he was bored? 
Harry remembered Lupin saying back in Grimmauld Place that Dumbledore had made him prefect in the hope that he would be able to exercise some control over James and Sirius... But in the Pensieve, he had sat there and let it all happen... 
Harry reminded himself that Lily had intervened; his mother had been decent, yet the memory of the look on her face as she had shouted at James disturbed him quite as much as anything else. 
She had clearly loathed James and Harry simply could not understand how they could have ended up married. 
Once or twice he even wondered whether James had forced her into it... 
For nearly five years the thought of his father had been a source of comfort, of inspiration. Whenever someone had told him he was like James he had glowed with pride inside. 
And now.. now he felt cold and miserable at the thought of him.
(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 26, Career Advice)
Eat my ass Marauder apologists. 
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