ashironie · 2 months
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humrpocesku · 3 months
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Drahý čumblre, máme tu zase ornitologické okénko, protože, prosím pěkně, cestou na vlak jsem u nás na Sázavě narazila na trans kačera.
Začneme základy - samce kachny divoké od samice odlišíme takřka vždy s naprostou jistotou podle zobáku, který je u samců sytě žlutý, zatímco u samic je zabarven do oranžova nebo hněda a většinou na sobě má tmavé skvrny. Proč se řídit podle barvy zobáku a ne prostě podle toho, že je samice celá hnědá, zatímco samec má výraznou zelenou hlavu a tak dále? To proto, že na jaře začnou samci přepeřovat a "obléknou si" krycí šat, který je shodný se zbarvením samic. Právě v tuto chvíli se dají kačeři od kachen rozpoznat právě jen podle toho zobáku.
A teď k jedinci na fotce. Když se podíváte na zobák, můžete vidět, že je oranžový s tmavými skvrnami, tedy typicky samičí. Zbarvení peří by ale odpovídalo na samce, byť hlava není zelená celá, ale je zelené pouze její temeno a zátylek. Na tom však není nic až tak zvláštního, v období přepeřování samci pochopitelně nemají hned zase zelenou celou hlavu.
Problém je v tom, že teď je únor. A v únoru už mají kačeři přepeřování do svatebního šatu dávno za sebou, jedince, co nemá zelenou kebuli, byste na rybníce hledali horko těžko. A druhým problémem je tedy "nesmyslná" kombinace zabarvení zobáku vůči zabarvení peří.
Takže... Co se stalo? Inu, tenhle jedinec se docela jistě vylíhl jako kachna, samice. A s největší pravděpodobností mu v průběhu života selhal vaječník, specificky levý (ono totiž ptáci jiný ani nemají). V těchto případech dochází k tomu, že jedinec začne přebírat chování samců a zároveň tedy i jejich zbarvení, je temperamentnější, dokonce se i může snažit spářit s kachnami-samicemi. A teď k tomu komplikovanějšímu a ne tak probádanému. Podle všeho u těchto kachen může dojít i k tomu, že jim naroste penis, který by dle všeho mohl být zřejmě i funkční. Bohužel se toho o této problematice neví tolik, aby se to dalo říci s naprostou spolehlivostí.
Ještě bych chtěla dodat, že trans nemusejí být jen kachny divoké, ale třeba i jiné druhy vrubozobých. Tento jev byl zaznamenán například ještě u kachniček mandarínských, kterých je jen tak mimochodem jak nas*áno v Brně.
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possessivesuffix · 6 months
Crossposting from Twxttxr: some interesting news about ongoing research by colleagues, from a workshop "Diversification of Uralic" just this Thursday and Friday
Do the Permic languages have loanwords from Old Norse? e.g. ONo. ár ~ Komi & Udmurt ar 'year'. This would've been sensible during the brief time when Norsemen originally from Sweden were in charge of trade along the Volga and settling in inner Russia, forming the Rus' (later Slavicized, but as we know from Byzantine sources they remained Norse for centuries) — and also the Norwegians too were known to conduct exploration + trade along the Barents Sea at the time, our oldest written reports of "Bjarmia" come from them after all.
Do the Finnic languages have loanwords already from Pre-Proto-Germanic into Pre-Proto-Finnic? My first reply would've been "yes surely", this has been discussed for half a century and there's dozens of etymologies out by now. Turns out though that there's still a lot of room for skepticism if we try to assemble a big picture. Most of these could be (and have been proposed by other analyses) to be proper Germanic after all, or from some non-Germanic kind of Indo-European, or even incorrect. There is unambiguous evidence I think at least of loans lacking *ā > *ō, but that's already though to be one of the latest common Germanic innovations, perhaps barely post-PG. [Follow-up question: do we even know where Pre-Proto-Germanic was spoken? might not have been anywhere convenient for contacts with Pre-Proto-Finnic.] — A few similar problems also in the less discussed supposed layer of Proto-Balto-Slavic or pre-BSl. loans, but by areal considerations it seems obvious to me there must've been Uralic/IE contact somewhere in the Russian forest belt for ages already, even if it might not have left enough evidence to clearly distinguish from things like pre-Indo-Iranian loans.
Do the Samic languages have loanwords that are not from any historically attested branch of Scandinavian, but some sort of a lost variety entirely? This could be an explanation for an unexpected sound correspondence *j → *ć in many loans; it might also explain some loans that look surprizingly archaic, e.g. lacking any reflection of Siever's Law. One example showing both is indeed *Tāńćə 'Norse', from some sort of a *Danji- variant of Proto-Germanic *Daniz.
Several new hypotheses on the history of of sibilants in Ugric, adding to the growing tally of evidence that traditionally reconstructed *s > *θ and *ś > *s "in Proto-Ugric" are actually later developments. A paper supposed to be coming out soon!
No linguistic evidence so far, but a 1670 travelogue by de La Martinière appears to still report seemingly pre-Uralic populations along the Barents Sea coast — and even on Novaya Zemlya, traditionally thought to have been uninhabited (as reported by other early modern explorers) before some Tundra Nenets briefly settled there in mid 19th century. Apparently there's been no real archeological investigation, but also at least two stone labyrinths are known as signs that humans still must've at least visited there sometime in the past. [By current knowledge, labyrinths from Sweden and Finland have mostly been built in late medieval and early modern times though, so they don't suggest especial antiquity either. Could the ones on NZ in fact have been left behind by some of these historical Northwest European expeditions?]
Various discussion also on the development of Samoyedic. Nothing particularly all-new (maybe on Nganasan, more on that in a PhD thesis to appear later this year though), but a few main results include 1. clear recognition that there is no "North Samoyedic" group (as has been suspected for several years now), 2. confirmation that there is regardless a narrower Nenets–Enets group, and 3. some development of a model where all three of Nenets, Enets and Nganasan may have moved to the tundra zone independently from further down south (as is certainly the case for Northern Selkup, the most recent northern expansion of Samoyedic speakers).
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jontheketeld · 9 months
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don't take the head splitting tag as from a gunshot. i know it's misleading, but it's actually a reference to John Carpenter's The Thing.
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rinkunokoisuru · 1 year
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*Quietly drops this redesign of an old SonAmy fan child and runs* Obligatory “If you like my art, please reblog :)” even though this is an OC lol    
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pubcapscott · 9 months
Ekoï AR14, Premium90 - All-Around Aero From French Brand
At the beginning of the Tour, we reported on a new top-of-the-line aero road helmet from Ekoï that is part of a partnership with Pininfarina, the Aerodinamica. We’ve seen select riders using it at the Tour, but the main helmet that has taken the fast stage wins with Cofidis and Israel-Premier Tech so far has been the AR14. The previous range-topping helmet, the AR14 is an all-around, aero-road…
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santacruzuno · 2 years
Salud continúa articulando acciones de trabajo con el Hospital SAMIC de El Calafate
(Calafate) Hospital SAMIC
El ministro de Salud y Ambiente, Claudio García mantuvo una reunión de trabajo con directivos del Hospital SAMIC, donde se trabajaron distintas estrategias de abordaje territorial y distintas acciones que desde el punto de vista sanitario se brinda cobertura de manera conjunta entre nación, provincia y municipio. urante la reunión, se analizaron distintas acciones inherentes a la interacción y…
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 9 months
Kdo vymyslel, že samice od psa je fena??? Jako pardon, ale naprosto jistě to měla být ✨psina✨
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tiredpoet7 · 6 months
700 kcal, 10.000 kroków, 30 minut ćwiczeń
bardzo dużo dzisiaj się u mnie działo lol
jako że pamięć mam raczej słabą, to pewnie pominę połowę wydarzeń. zacznijmy więc od momentu jak wyszłam ze szkoły, kulturalnie czekałam na przystanek i pewien powszechnie znany facet w okolicy zagadał do mnie i koleżanki. powszechnie znany — ma on prawdopodobnie coś nie tak z głową, jest bardzo pozytywny, NAIWNY i szuka dziewczyny. pyta się każdą napotkaną samice o numer telefonu xD. zapytał czy mamy jakieś ładne wolne koleżanki, a moja kochana znajoma wskazała na mnie, mówiąc, że nikogo nie mam. wjebała mnie porządnie, więc zaczęłam się tłumaczyć, jak to nie jestem świeżo po zerwaniu i nie jestem gotowa na związek. wpadłyśmy jednak na genialny pomysł i podałyśmy mu numer do "Natalii lat 19" która oczywiście nie istnieje. numer należy do chłopaka tej koleżanki, który nieźle się zdziwi jak dziś zadzwoni do niego jakiś napalony facet xDD
po szkole od razu pojechałyśmy z siostrą i mamą na cmentarz, a potem do ciotki posiedzieć. bawiłam się z 10 letnią kuzynką która ma przyznam talent do jakiś rękodzieł. sama robi świeczki, bransoletki, jakieś maskotki z włóczki i oczywiście zostałam hojnie obdarowana. najwięcej mam chyba świątecznych naklejek. mój case na telefon wygląda jakbym kupiła go w wiosce świętego Mikołaja.
następnie zajrzałysmy do mieszkania babci i dla mojej mamy było to bardzo ciężkie, ja też niechętnie siedziałam tam przez atmosferę. odmówiłam wybrania się na jedzenie, mało o nim myślałam, a wieczorem udało mi się zrobić trening. 20 minut takiego czystego spalania i 10 pilatesu. umieram ze stresu przed francuskim, ale postanowiłam tylko szybko sobie powtórzyć. uczyłam się codziennie od niedzieli i nie powinnam dostać złej oceny. w każdym razie życzcie mi proszę powodzenia xD
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Det sted man er fra er alltid pent, det er fedrelandsfølelsen i det små, hjemmefølelsen.*
- Knut Hamsun
*The place you're from is always beautiful, it's the sense of country in a small way, the feeling of home.
Most of us have heard of Lapland, but we’re not supposed to call it that anymore. The correct term these days is Sápmi - i.e. the land inhabited by the Lapps (or, rather, the Sami - as they very much prefer to be known). And, fair enough: they’ve got every right to assert their own identity, especially after centuries of domination by their southern neighbours.
Some of those neighbours are now keen to make amends for past injustices. For instance, the Swedish government made a point of using its presidency of the EU Council of Ministers to celebrate Sami National Day.
I can only imagine that it was worded with the best intentions, but if you read any of the Scandinavian press and media, it’s clear that it hasn’t gone down well with everyone. The problematic claim is that the Sami are “the EU’s only indigenous people” (my italics).
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For a start, what is meant here by ‘indigenous’? According to most dictionaries, it’s the property of being original to, or characteristic of, a particular part of the world. In which case, there are all sorts of European peoples who could claim to be indigenous to Europe. For instance, the geneticist Razib Khan points out that the ancestors of today’s majority-Swedish population have been in Scandinavia for at least as long as the ancestors of today’s Sami.
The Norwegians and Swedes originated from the Norse people. The Norse people in turn originated from the Proto-Germanic peoples who migrated to the area of northern Germany, Denmark, southern Scandinavia. The Proto-Germanic peoples in turn originated from the Proto-Indo-European people whose homeland lies in the Pontic-Caspian steppe, the area around Ukraine and southern Russia.
Likewise, the Sami are not quite indigenous to the area either. The Sami originated from the Proto-Uralic people, whose homeland was around the Ural mountains (and was therefore close to the Proto-Indo-Europeans and resulted in interactions between their protolanguages, resulting in lexical borrowings). The Proto-Uralic peoples, just like the Proto-Indo-Europeans, slowly expanded and migrated, but in their case they expanded to the northwest and the northeast (with the notable exception of the Hungarians who ended up in Hungary). The Proto-Samic people, a subgroup of the Proto-Uralic peoples that gave rise to the modern Sami, were said to have displaced or merged with a much earlier indigenous Paleo-European group that was already in northern Scandinavia. This is evidenced by substrate words present in the Sami languages that derive neither from Proto-Uralic nor from Proto-Indo-European.
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In any case, if Europeans are going to have a competition as to who was in Europe first, then it might be won by those with the most Neanderthal ancestry - because, as genomic testing has revealed, millions of us carry Neanderthal genes.
But perhaps the Swedish government is using indigenous to mean something more specific. According to Merriam-Webster the word relates to “the earliest known inhabitants of a place and especially of a place that was colonised by a now-dominant group”. This extra element of oppression by outsiders sharpens up the definition. However, while it applies to the Sami people and their history, it doesn’t do so uniquely. There are many ethnic groups in Europe that have been around for ages and which have been maltreated by foreign overlords. Just ask the Welsh, for instance, or the Basques.
It could be argued that the Sami are in a special category because of where they live (i.e. the most northerly reaches of Europe) and how they lived there (e.g. by reindeer herding). To have maintained a traditional culture for so long into the modern era surely sets them apart. But, again, this is debatable. While there’s no doubting the distinctiveness of the Sami, other Europeans can also lay claim to ancient traditions that have survived against the odds. To take a topical example, the Ukrainians are literally sacrificing their lives for a distinctive culture, language and history that Putin wants to erase.
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Progressives ought to think twice before making an issue about who is and isn’t indigenous in Europe. While the label might play into the victim/oppressor narratives of the woke Left, it can also be exploited by the far-Right.
At a time when populism is a constant threat, telling people that they’re not indigenous to a place where they and their ancestors have lived for “time immemorial” is less than helpful. I’m sure that the Swedish government meant well, but it’s pulling on a dangerous thread.  
When language is allowed to become dissociated from meaning or the map from the territory, then fractional strife and chaos awaits. Orwell understood it perfectly from his observations of Stalinists: control language and you control expression; control expression, you control dialogue, and eventually the political narrative.
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gumptiomdog · 1 year
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rabbithog-boyo · 4 months
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Just some drawings I did of Sonic and Knuckles
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takovanormalnielie · 9 months
Euforie přetrvává, YASSS. Dnes máme zahradní oslavu a já se rozhodla hezky namalovat. Měla jsem takovou radost, že jsem do toho šla all out a dopadlo to celkem dost výrazně. Trochu jsem bojovala s linkama, ale nakonec jsem s výsledkem byla opravdu spokojená i když jsem to ze strachu radši smyla. Jsem fakt šikulka, heh. Těším se na dobu, kdy budu kompletně out s dlouhatánskýma vlasama, malejma boobas a jemnějšíma rysama. OMG snad to se mnou něco provede. To čekání je děs. Oslava se vyvedla. Děti byly spokojený s dárečkama a hlavně s novým zvířectvem. Daly jsme jim dvě potkaní holky a dostaly jméno Krys a Kim. Nějak jsem z toho byla trochu na měkko. Blbě se to vysvětluje, ale cítila jsem s nima jakousi sounáležitost. Wtf, vážně náš vztah projektuju do dvou potkaních samic? Celej svůj život se cítím jako lesbička. Holky se mi líbí zkrátka jinak, než chlapům. Naprosto porstrádám ten male gaze a způsob, jakým ženu, muži vetšinou hodnotí, je mi dokonale cizí. Vždy jsem akorát přikyvovala a občas něco zahrála, abych zapadla, ale uvnitř jsem celou dobu pociťovala extrémní gender envy, když jsem, ať už kdekoliv, (IRL, tv, popkultura) zahlédla holky jako pár. Podotýkám, že nikdy nešlo o nějakou intimní rovinu. Čistě romantická závist, tak silná, že ji ve mě vyvolaj dvě potkanky. Jsem fakt divná, lol.
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possessivesuffix · 1 year
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I just remembered that, despite my username, I have not posted anything about possessive suffixes on here so far; to set right this oversight, here is a small sample of possessive suffix systems across the Uralic languages from reference literature I have around
Proto-Samic, from Sammallahti 1998, The Saami Languages: An Introduction
Proto-Samoyedic, from Mikola 2004, Studien zur Geschichte der samojedischen Sprachen
Late Proto-Permic, from Csúcs 2005, Die Rekonstruktion der permischen Grundsprache
Erzya and Moksha (in the nominative), from Bartens 1999, Mordvalaiskielten rakenne ja kehitys
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readmypaws · 9 months
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Welcome to my Linguistic/Historical thought experiment!
The image above is a linguistic map of the Germanic language family in 100CE, however, you may have noticed that there is a 4th branch of the Germanic languages that doesnt exist on the map (note: Northwest is a typo, I meant northeast). That is because I have run a bit of a thought experiment that has added another branch.
What is the 4th branch?
The 4th branch is the very creatively named Proto-Northeast Germanic (PNWGmc). This branch was created for the thought experiment of: "What if a group of Germanic peoples kept traveling north as well as east through the Åland islands and settled on the southern coast of modern day Finland". The isolation of these peoples with the other linguistic families around them (Proto-Samic and Proto-Balto-Finnic) would cause those peoples to form a new branch of the Germanic languages.
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More coming soon...
This experiment is still a work in progress, so keep an eye out for updates! ^w^
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new term: exsamic
exsamic, plural exsamic latin prefix "ex-" (thorough)+old norse sami (origin of same)+suffix "ic" (meaning "of or pertaining to" essentially meaning "completely the same existence"
having a involuntary strong connection with a concept so much you identify as it on a day-to-day basis, and may use it's name as your name and, if applicable, may also talk about it's experiences as if they're your own. or, as my friend put it, "mhhngnfghh... good GAWD this character is me"
not to be confused with otherkinity, because while 'kin cannot control their identity, the term was coined with the concept in mind that exsamic can control it-it's the connection that they can not control. (i word it like that because some people, like myself, can not control it [at least, on my end, for the most part i can't,] but even then it does not still feel like my typical 'kin experience, thus why i coined the term.)
and it's not to be confused with otherlink or otherheir either, because otherlink is voluntary, and otherheir focuses more on "keeping it's legacy" rather than actually feeling like you ARE it.
i made this term with non-psychotic "IRLs" in mind, and after thinking hard and long about it, and i realized that, no, i am not psychotic, i just didn't have a better word to use to describe my experiences. if you wanna use a term similar to "IRL" for an exsamic, you can just say you're "samic," for example, i'd say i'm lain iwakura and squares samic. it doesn't have the same punch to it as "IRL" does, but it's better than stealing terminology not meant for people who can't use it.
examples: "ENA is my exsamic. i am ENA samic." "i'm exsamic with black cats and amitie from the puyo puyo series." "i just got done with my samic list, it contains my examic bonds."
i use the term concept in this to mean anything, you could replace all instances of "concept" in this with, say, a fictional character, a song, or an animal.
i also made this definition somewhat vague on purpose so this way more people could identify with it easily, while still at the same time defining a specific experience that one may have. however, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. i am deathly inactive on tumblr, so i may not respond immediately, but i’ll respond.. eventually.
if you want to credit me for the term, you may refer to this post and/or my @ as a source of the term, but if linking back to it’s coiner in general please refer to my main account @hatsilvamiku (tumblr won’t let me @ it for some reason so i just linked to it) and call me hatsiiva miku (caps second i, hatsiIva) or hatsilva miku.
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