#seokjin saying YAH SHE IS A MARRIED WOMAN
taechnological · 2 years
the funniest moment from 2021 was definitely when jungkook yelled HYUNG'S FACE IS GETTING RED in front of literally everyone when anderson paak's wife (WHO BTW IS KOREAN HERSELF) was taking a picture just with seokjin while paak was filming it all on his phone for his insta story and their kid was in hearing distance JUNGKOOK IS A TOTAL MENACE 🤣🤣🤣
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Adopting Bangtan 06
01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Park Jimin & Kim Taehyung, age 8
Song Jieun is your favorite secretary at the school you work at. She’s like some coffee fairy the way she seems to magically know exactly when you need a fresh cup and you only needed to tell her how you liked it exactly one time. She is also endearingly sweet and hardworking, even if she has a penchant for losing things easily. It’s for that very reason why you are rarely surprised when Jieun approaches your desk in the staff room, like she does now, wearing a sheepish smile.
“What did you lose this time?” you question teasingly.
“I… may have misplaced a few copies of the kids’ grade reports…” she winces at the admission. “I think I threw them away by accident. I spent some time clearing out my things yesterday.”
“That’s right, my coffee fairy is moving to Gwangju,” your face twitches into a brief, playful pout. “How are the boys dealing with the change?”
“They’re fine,” she says quickly. “I’m a bit worried, but they’ll be okay, I’m sure.”
“Why, what’s wrong?” you ask, beginning to sign the small stack of papers. You flip the bottom half of the sheets up just enough to see the line at the bottom that you need to sign. You read them all just a few days ago, there’s no need to do it again.
“My fiance has been hinting that he doesn’t want to raise any step-children,” she explains, her voice tense with worry. “He’s especially concerned about my step-son from my last marriage… Heesung wants me to leave them in a boarding school here in Seoul. He’ll pay for their tuition but… I don’t really feel comfortable. They’re so young... I just don’t want him to leave me this close to the wedding.”
“He’s an idiot if he wants to leave you for being a good mother,” you tell Jieun firmly, but gently. “But I guess I understand the concern. I know you’ll do what’s best for the kids, you’re a good woman like that.” You pause, then flash another teasing smile. “I mean, you could just give them to me. I’m apparently running an orphanage at home.”
“Your boys are still bringing home strays?”
“I think I’ve gotten them to understand that they can’t bring home every sad kid and expect me to keep them. They usually have to go home eventually.” You finish signing the last of the forms.
“They have big hearts, I’m sure they learned that from you.”
“Yes, I taught them how to love,” you scoff indignantly. “If only they would learn to pee in the toilet, I might be a little nicer.”
“You love them,”
“Yes, I really do.”
Saturday evenings are chaotic.
As the parent of four preteen boys (and one first grader), almost everyday is chaotic. There is homework and music and video games and dance practice and guitar playing and piano lessons and why are all of these kids so dramatic, you didn’t raise them like this!
“Yah, I have three years more experience than you, how are you going to tell me --”
“Hyung, the answer is literally right there,” Namjoon sniggered, pointing.
“Listen, you brat --”
“The only brat I see here is you, Seokjin,” you sigh, breezing into the kitchen. Seokjin and Namjoon are perched on stools at the kitchen island, occupied with their homework. They were both clever kids, but Seokjin tended to get frustrated easily, and Namjoon was too quick for his own good. The two fought a lot, but they also depended on one another a lot; Namjoon would help Seokjin with the parts of his homework that became too frustrating and Seokjin would fluster Namjoon to the point where the kid acted his own age. “The others finished already?”
“Yoongi decided to stay at school and work with his friends,” Seokjin answers. “Hoseokie is playing with Kookie in their room. I think they’re building.”
“Okay, good,” you nod, “but that doesn’t explain why the TV is blasting Epik High.” Seokjin doesn’t bother verbalizing an answer, just turns to pointedly stare at Namjoon.
“They make good music!”
“And I am not arguing that point,” you agree. “I’m just saying that I could hear Mithra all the way down the hall before I even got to our floor.”
“That’s impossible, the volume isn’t that loud.”
“Namjoon,” Hoseok comes running into the kitchen. “You need to turn the music down our --” Hoseok stops in his tracks, almost slipping on the kitchen tile. “Oh, hi!”
“What were you saying, Hoseok-ah?”
“Um… I got a text, Joonie. Turn the music down.”
“Uh-huh, and how long ago did I send that text?”
“Uhm… about seven minutes ago?”
“And where, Namjoon, would I have been seven minutes ago?”
“Downstairs…” Namjoon suddenly finds the kitchen lights very interesting, the expression on his face imitating innocence.
“Uh-huh. Go fix it, please,” you roll your eyes. “This is the second time I’ve had to talk to you about your music being too loud. If it happens again I’ll be a week late paying for your subscription.” The fact that it had only been a guess that Namjoon had been blasting his music again was going to go completely unmentioned.
“Got it, won’t happen again,” he calls over his shoulder.
“Hoseok-ah,” you address the kid sneaking out of the kitchen. Your tone implies he’s in trouble and he stiffens. You can practically hear him thinking, wondering which of his shenanigans you may have found out about and which ones would have actually gotten him into trouble. Hoseok is a bit of a wild child when he gets into the right mood, but for the most part he’s actually the easiest one to take care of. They’re all relatively easy and well-mannered children, but they all have their bouts of difficulty. “Please try to deliver my messages promptly, not ten minutes later.” You let the scolding settle before adding, “Also, it’s your turn to choose dinner.” The face Hoseok makes in response, the sheepish, oh, right, I forgot, grin is adorable and you can’t help but smile in response.
“Can we get takeout?”
“Depends where from,” you reply as the doorbell rings.
“Can we please not do Jiwon-ssi’s dumplings again? I’m going to be sick,” Seokjin whines.
“Jiwon-ssi makes the best kimchi!”
You leave the boys to argue in the kitchen while you go answer the doorbell, which rings for the second time. Whoever is at the door is awfully impatient, you think, either that or just obnoxious. The apartment isn’t that big, although it is the biggest one you could find on your budget. Three bedrooms, one toilet, a balcony, kitchen, and living room. Yoongi and Seokjin share one room together with Jungkook while Namjoon and Hoseok share another. The space was a bit cramped, but It isn’t the one bedroom apartment you had when you adopted Namjoon, and it isn’t the two bedroom apartment from when you adopted Seokjin and then Hoseok a few months ago. It’s comfortable, and that’s what’s important.
“Seokjin,” you call while walking to the door, “it’s Hoseokie’s choice. Hoseokie, if Jiwon starts flirting with me again, I will hide your lucky sweatpants in some place you will never find them again.”
You open the door, Hoseok’s indignant spluttering and Namjoon’s cackling behind you. It’s a sort of chaos you’ve grown accustomed to, and it fills you with a warm feeling in your heart. You love these boys and are so happy to have met them and received the chance to raise them.
There are two more kids on the other side of the door.
“Um. Hi.”
“Hello!” One of the boys greet and they both bow to you. You blink at them. They’re cute, but you don’t exactly understand why they’re asking for you. “Thank you for taking us in!”
“You said you can’t adopt more!”
“I… don’t…” you trail off, lost and confused. “What?”
“Mommy said me and Jiminie can live with you when she gets married,” the same boy who spoke earlier explained. His face is rather round, dark eyes framed with thick eyelashes. The other one is paler, features softer, prettier. “She said to give you this.” He holds out a piece of paper, one detailing the transferring of parental rights from Song Jieun to yourself. With your signature at the bottom.
“You’re Song Jieun’s kids?” you ask them, just to be sure. Both boys nod.
“Mommy also wanted me to give you…” the same boy starts searching through his pockets, mumbling to himself that I know I had it somewhere… I had it when we left… did I lose it on the bus? Eventually, the smaller one taps his brother on the shoulder and points to the front pocket of his bookbag. “Oh right! Thanks! Here.” the kid thrusts yet another piece of paper at you, this one a handwritten note written on good cardstock.
“Saem,” Seokjin speaks from just behind your shoulder now, “did you seriously fall for the same trick twice?”
“What trick?” You ask absentmindedly, reading the heartfelt apology. Apparently, that day when you signed those grade reports, Jieun slipped in a guardianship form and you unwittingly signed it.
“I gave you a bunch of things to sign and you didn’t even read them, you just signed it all,” your eldest replies. “I did that three years ago. How did you not learn yet?”
“Is that what happened?” You gape at him.
“Yes, but we aren’t talking about me right now,” Seokjin deflected. “We’re talking about you adopting more kids.”
“Um,” that same kid, the one with the thick eye lashes, cuts in. “Can we come in?” It’s a fair question, and in spite of the confusion and frustration in your heart, you know you aren’t going to send these kids back to Jieun and her new husband. She had already expressed her concern for these kids, and they aren’t even old enough to start middle school. How are they going to live in an apartment on their own? You stole Yoongi for that exact reason so you aren’t going to be a hypocrite now and turn these two boys away, even if you have no idea what you would do with seven children.
At least these two come with an added paycheck. And okay, that is bad, that is very, very bad. It isn’t nice to think of these innocent children as a paycheck, but it helps. You are struggling to take care of the five you already have, receiving extra money for the extra mouths is nice. At least Jieun was considerate about throwing her kids at you.
“Hello,” Namjoon waved. He hasn’t moved from his seat on the sofa, remote still in hand. Map the Soul is playing at a more sensible level, and it's a testament to Namjoon’s interest in the situation because he normally skips this song. “I’m Namjoon. Welcome to our home.”
“I’m Seokjin,”
“I’m Hoseok,”
“And I’m Jungkookie!”
“When did you get here?” you ask your youngest, surprised to see him.
“I heard the doorbell.”
“Right, my children are nosey, awesome,” you mumble to yourself. “Hoseok, let these boys stay with you and Joonie for now, okay? Boys what are your names again?”
“I’m Taehyung,” says the same child who’s done all of the talking so far. “This is my brother, Jimin. He’s quiet and doesn’t like to talk.”
“That’s okay. We were going to order dinner soon. Are you boys hungry?”
“I’m always hungry,” Taehyung grinned.
“Of course you are, you’re a young boy. This lot will eat me out of house and home if I let them.”
“Your house is your home, you’re being redundant,” Namjoon scoffs, going back into the kitchen to finish his homework.
“I fail to see where I’m wrong though.”
“I volunteer to not tell Yoongi we’re adopting more kids,” Hoseok laughs as he leads Jimin and Taehyung away.
“One, two, three, not it!” The rest of the boys shout.
“Hey, I’m the parent here! Why are you behaving like I’m afraid of a twelve-year-old?!”
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escapewithbts · 3 years
Wedding Date - Seokjin
"I still can't believe I agreed to do this," your best friend Kim Seokjin said from the bedroom next to you.
You chuckled as you carefully applied your second layer of mascara in the bathroom mirror.
"Mmmm have I told you how much I loooove you, Seokjinnie?" you cooed, popping your head out from the doorway to flash him a big smile.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes but smiled.
 "I'm going to need to hear it way more, you know! You owe me big time!"
He turned his body toward you as he pulled his navy blue suit jacket on over top his crisp white button down shirt.
 "So how do I look?" he asked, putting his long fingers out in a heart shape accompanied by a sexy stare.
 "Classic Worldwide Handsome," you replied.
He gave you a wink.
 "Yah! That is what they call me!"
You laughed and looked back in the mirror.
 "Seriously though, Jin, you look really, really good."
You were glad you had turned back to the mirror so he couldn't see your cheeks turn red. The sight of him in a perfectly fitting suit with his dark hair pushed back from his eyes and forehead which showed his beautifully structured face made your heart flutter.
 "Thanks, y/n. I've gotta look good if I'm going to be your pretend boyfriend, you know?"
You shuffled nervously, wondering if this was a good idea after all.
He poked his head around the doorway to look at you.
 "How much longer until you're ready?"
You looked at yourself in the mirror.
 "Umm probably about 10 more minutes. Just have to finish my make up and put my dress on."
Jin nodded.
 "Okay. I'll be in the living room when you're ready."
You sighed and made your way to your closet after you were finished with your make up. You stared at the dresses before you and wondered if it was too late to back out.
 One of your friends from high school was getting married, and after hearing that almost all your other friends from back then were bringing plus ones, the stress of not having one got to you. So you reluctantly asked your best friend Jin, figuring he would say no, or that he had a full schedule that day. He was in one of the world's most popular boy bands after all. But, to your surprise, he was free this day and he said yes with almost no hesitation. It made you smile, how kind he was. He was a great friend.
In fact, it was small gestures like this that made you finally realize your true feelings for him. He was a wonderful person, and the two of you always had a great time laughing with each other. You would never tell him how you truly felt about him though, as you were afraid it would ruin your friendship. Plus, you were pretty sure he didn't feel the same way considering how many girls he has to choose from. Why would he choose you? It hurt your heart, but it was worth it to keep him in your life.
Eventually you chose a long, pink and floral dress made of chiffon, with fluttering short sleeves. Perfect for the Spring time. It had bits of blue in it, too, so it matched Jin's outfit well. You slipped on some nude sandals with heels and grabbed a clutch purse from the top shelf.
  You took one last look at yourself in the full length mirror and actually smiled. Your hair fell nicely around your shoulders and your make up was done but still showed your natural face nicely. You felt confident and ready.
 "Ok, sorry, I'm ready," you said, walking into the living room to find Jin sitting on the couch looking at his phone.
He stood up and put his phone in the pocket of his pants. When he finally looked at you his jaw dropped.
 "Whoa..." he mumbled.
It made you intensely blush and your heart speed up.
He shook himself out of his trance and got a big grin on his face. Suddenly he started humming the chorus to his band BTS' song "Like" and snapping his fingers while stepping towards you.
 "Ohhhh pretty woman... don't wanna be fool, wanna be cool, wanna be loved, 너와의, same looove... Baby I want it"
You pushed him away by his chest, trying to play off how embarrassed and flustered you were. He laughed at himself while you rolled your eyes.
 "Oh my god, let's just go, Jinnie."
You arrived at the venue just as the ceremony was starting, so you didn't have time to greet anyone. It was outside in a park next to the Han River. It was a beautiful late afternoon in mid-Spring, the sun was shining, flowers had finally made their appearance after the long winter, and the trees were covered in lush green leaves again.
The ceremony was simple, sweet and short. Once it was over everyone headed to the patio overlooking the river where the reception was going to take place. A large tent was set up for some shade, tables and chairs, a buffet line and a dance floor. Everything was covered in white flowers and elegant decorations.
 "I guess we should find out where we're sitting," you said to Jin, and he nodded in response.
He took your hand in his, which completely caught you off guard. You looked down at your interlaced fingers in shock.
 "We have to at least hold hands, (y/n), if we're meant to be convincing," Jin stated matter-of-factly.
You gulped and nodded in agreement, getting flustered from the feeling of his strong hand holding yours tightly.
The two of you walked to the table under the tent where the place card settings were, informing the guests of which table they were assigned to. While searching for your name, you heard a shriek behind you.
 "(y/n)!? Oh my god, is that you??"
You turned around to see one of your old friends, (y/f/n), coming towards you with outstretched arms.
You smiled politely and returned the hug.
 "Hi, (y/f/n), it's good to see you."
She smiled and turned towards Jin.
 "And who is this handsome man standing next to you?"
Jin stuck his hand out to shake hers.
 "I'm Kim Seokjin, (y/n)'s boyfriend." He wrapped his long arm around the back of your waist as he said that, pulling you closer to him.
 "Boyfriend? Wow, (y/n), you certainly reached out of your league, huh?" She laughed to herself.
You winced at the comment but brushed it off. Jin, however, couldn't let it go so easily.
 "She reached out of her league? No, no, I think it's quite the opposite. Look at her! She's gorgeous! And kind, and smart and funny. You're definitely wrong there."
Anyone who didn't know Jin would think the tone in his response was light-hearted, but being his best friend you could sense the annoyance and anger that was really there.
 "Did you come with anyone?" You asked, changing the subject quickly.
Her face lit up.
 "Yes! I got married last year. My husband, Park Ji-ho, is over there," she pointed to a man standing at the edge of the tent, "He's wonderful, let me get him."
She called his name and waved him over to introduce him to you.
  "Ji-ho, this is (y/n) and Seokjin. I knew her in high school."
He bowed at the two of you and shook you hands. When he looked at Jin he paused.
  "You look... familiar," he said quizzically.
You and Jin exchanged looks. You shuffled nervously.
Ji-ho's face lit up.
  "Wait, I've seen you on the walls in my little sister's room! And on the tv! Aren't you an idol? You're in a group, right?" he suddenly recalled.
Jin gave him a small smile and nodded his head.
 "Yes, 방탄소년단, or BTS."
(y/f/n) gasped.
 "That's right! I knew I recognized you, too! You're a member of BTS!" she exclaimed with wide eyes, "Wow, (y/n) really did reach out of her league."
She turned to her husband and chuckled.
Jin's grip on your hand got tighter in anger, turning his knuckles white.
 "Well, it was nice to meet you both. We're going to our table now." He said shortly, urgently pulling you away with him.
Once you were out of hearing distance from the couple Jin asked you,
 "(y/n) you were actually friends with that girl? She's awful. Who says things like that?"
You shrugged and sighed.
  "We weren't that good of friends, just in the same group. She always has had that... interesting sense of humor."
He scoffed.
 "Interesting? I'd say it's more mean than anything."
You gave him an I-told-you-so look.
  "You see now why I so desperately wanted you to come with me, Jinnie-ah? Imagine the things she would have said if I had shown up alone."
He rolled his eyes.
Just then his phone let out a loud vibration from his pocket. He glanced down at it and rejected the call.
 "So you wanna get some food? I'm starving," he asked, shoving it back in his pocket.
You chuckled.
 "Of course you are. Let's go."
The two of you ate from the buffet, chatted with the bride and groom at your table for a little bit and listened to the live band perform songs. By then the sun had set and the whole venue was lit by the soft yellow glow of string lights stretching across the tent ceiling and out to the patio.
 "So when are we going to dance, (y/n)?" Jin asked after a while with a huge grin on his face. He took the last sip of his beer.
 You raised you eyebrows and shook your head.
 "Oh no no no, I am not getting on that dance floor with you Kim Seokjin."
Jin stood up and started walking backwards towards the floor.
  "Come oonnnnn (y/n)-ah," he pleaded in his endearing whiny voice, "If you don't come with me, I'll go alone and dance like this."
He started flailing his long arms up in the air and shaking his whole body back and forth.
  "Wooooo! Weeee! Woooooooo!" he exclaimed with his motions, causing some people from a nearby table to stare and giggle.
 "Ok, ok, I'm coming, I'm coming," you laughed and rolled your eyes, "Just please don't do that."
He smiled widely at you and took you by the hand out to the dance floor.
It was an upbeat song, and the two of you swayed back and forth in front of each other to the beat. Jin also added in some classic moves, like the sprinkler and the robot. He looked ridiculous and it made you laugh. He seemed so confident and happy, which made you forget to feel embarrassed.
  "Isn't dancing part of your job description??" you yelled to him jokingly over the music.
He continued to wave his arms in the air.
  "Doesn't mean I do it well!" he responded, grabbing your hand and twirling you under it.
You threw your head back and laughed. You were finding yourself having a surprisingly good time, despite originally being nervous to come.
The song ended and then a slow one began to play.
  "Grab onto the person who makes your heart flutter, this one is for the two of you," the lead singer of the band announced.
You and Jin looked at each other shyly. He hesitated, but gave you an adorable small smile. You felt butterflies in your stomach and you looked at the ground awkwardly. Jin didn't notice, he just stepped toward you and put one hand on your waist and the other in yours.
  You moved back and forth together, staring into his dark brown eyes and handsome face. It made you sad almost, how strong your feelings truly were and the fact that you knew he would never be yours. But you quickly pushed those thoughts out of your mind and told yourself to focus on the present.
 "I really do appreciate you coming with me today, Jinnie." you said softly, "You're a really great friend."
He blinked slowly at you in adoration.
  "Of course, you know I'd do anything for you, (y/n)-ah."
Suddenly his phone started vibrating again. He let go of your hand to remove it from his pocket and again hit the reject button. Then he scrolled through a few things.
  "Is everything okay?" you asked curiously.
Jin looked up from the phone at you.
 "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm going to turn it off."
You shook your head in protest.
  "No, don't do that. What if the members need you?" you paused, "Wait, is that who's calling you?"
Jin looked down and scratched the back of his head.
  "Jin, you can answer the phone it if it's important, it's okay." you reassured him.
He shook his head.
  "It's not... really that important, it's fine."
He doesn't look at you, which means you can tell he's lying.
You grabbed his arm gently.
He finally looks at you and squeezes his eyes shut in shame.
  "Aiishhh, we were supposed to go over some choreography changes and they want to Facetime me so I can see."
  "Seokjin!" You exclaimed.
Couples around you glared at your sudden loudness.
You dragged Jin off the dance floor and sat him back at the table.
  "You told me you didn't have any work to do today!"
He buried his face in his hands.
  "I know, I know, but skipping one practice will be okay... I think."
You shook your head in disbelief.
  "Oh my gosh, I wouldn't have asked you or let you come if I had known! Why Jin-ah, why did you come with me when you had work?"
You studied his embarrassed red face. He looked nervous.
 "I-I don't know... I guess I just wanted to be there for you."
Your stomach twisted at those words, but you ignored it.
Instead you sighed and looked down at your hands.
  "Well they clearly need you there. So let's get you to them."
You stood up. Jin did too but he grabbed your wrist.
  "We don't have to go, I'm having fun. Let me just call them back really quick. It will be fast, I promise."
  "You sure? I don't want you getting in trouble or the other members getting upset with you..." you worried.
Jin smiled reassuringly.
 "I'm sure. I'll be right back."
And with that he pulled out his phone and walked out of the tent towards the illuminated patio.
You sighed again and slumped back in your chair, twirling the stem of your wine glass between your fingers. You couldn't believe Jin would skip a dance practice to be your date to a stupid wedding. You felt horrible for asking. Why would he do that anyway? The other 6 members were his everything. His job was his everything. His love for entertaining was his everything. As far as you knew, all these things meant so much more to him than being your date to a wedding you didn't even really want to come to.
  "Excuse me, young lady," an old woman with glasses and white hair had come up to your table, interrupting your thoughts, "I just wanted to say what a beautiful couple the two of you make."
She gestured towards where Jin had retreated to make his call.
You felt your face get hot and you chuckled lightly.
  "Oh... well thank you."
She continued,
  "You can tell how in love with you he is just by the way he looks at you."
Your heart thumped in your chest and you put your hands up in protest.
 "Oh, no, no, I don't quite think he feels-"
She interrupted you.
  "Honey, I've been married 54 years... I know a thing or two about being in love. You looked very happy out there, and so did he, especially when he made you laugh. Keep him close, dear, he's a special one. And he obviously adores you."
Before you could protest again, she smiled and gave you a wink before walking away.
She could tell by the way he looked at you? You chuckled to yourself. Clearly she needed a new glasses prescription. You shook her comments off and exited the tent to find Jin before she could come back and fill your head with more wishful thoughts.
You found him alone leaning over the railing, looking out across the river, the city lights of Seoul visible in the distance. You walked up to him and crossed your arms on the railing next to him.
  "Hey." you said, noticing he was no longer on the phone.
He turned from the river view and looked at you. The string lights gave his pale face a warm tanned glow. He looked almost angelic.
You stared back at the river and fiddled with your hands.
  "How were the members?"
He shrugged.
  "They're good. They just wanted to make sure I was okay with the changes. I told them I am and promised I'd be there with them tomorrow."
  "And they weren't upset with your absence?" you questioned.
He shook his head.
  "Not at all, they understand."
You smiled.
   "Well that's good. They're really great people. You're lucky."
Jin hummed in agreement.
There was a pause when you suddenly realized how chilly it had gotten. Outside the tent and adjacent to the river felt a good 10 degrees colder. You shivered and rubbed your arms.
  "You're cold? Here."
Jin removed his suit jacket and placed it gently around your shoulders. It was warm and smelled like him; an instant comfort.
  "Wow, classic move giving me your jacket," you teased, nudging your shoulder against his, "you're such a gentleman."
He shrugged and chuckled, showing his perfect teeth and adorable eye wrinkles.
  "I try my best."
You looped your arm in his tightly and rested your head on his upper arm.
  "Mmm you're a great pretend boyfriend, Jinnie."
You sighed in content and looked out over the water again, the moon reflecting on it's surface, a cool spring breeze blowing across your face.
  "What if... we didn't pretend?" he suddenly whispered softly.
You felt your heart stop. Had you misheard him?
You took your arm out from his and turned to face him. He was studying your face intensely. His was serious, a rare sight.
 "What?" you managed to squeak out.
He shifted his body so it faced yours. There was hope and determination in his eyes. But also fear. You could feel your heart beat in your ears.
  "I-I," he shut his eyes in hesitation, "I have feelings for you, (y/n). I have for a long time now. I didn't know how to tell you, or if you even felt the same way. You're always referring to me as your friend so I was afraid to tell you... and I didn't, I don't want to ruin our friendship. You are so important to me and I guess somehow I was hoping coming with you here tonight would make you see that, and give me an opportunity to tell you. So... here I am. That's part of the reason the members were so understanding... they knew I was finally going to tell you today," he chuckled sheepishly and looked at the ground, "I understand if you don't feel the same way, really, I don't want to lose you as a friend, but.... I thought you should know."
You felt like you were dreaming. Your eyes teared up at his words and you were thankful he couldn't see you in the soft light. Your heart felt like it was going to burst.
His face looked at yours in concern.
"Jinnie..." You could barely speak.
So instead you stood on your tip-toes and gently pressed your lips on top of his large, pillow-y ones. He kissed you back passionately, wrapping his long arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. He was so warm, and smelled so comforting and familiar. You felt like you were in heaven.
When you broke away you both had the biggest grins on your face. He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes, humming in content.
  "Seokjin-ah," you whispered, burying your face in his chest, "I'm so glad you told me."
He kissed the top of your head and rested his chin on top, holding you against him tightly.
  "And I am so glad I skipped work today."
You both chuckled and kissed once more.
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cjxkpopxwriting · 5 years
SINDAY DRABBLE: Happy birthday, Jagi
Author’s Note: this is a Drabble written specifically for Raquel @gloomyoongs for her birthday! Jin’s coming for you. 😍💋😈 I Hope everyone can enjoy it too.
It wasn’t like he hadn’t celebrated Westernized birthdays ever before. Even after their exposure to other types of celebrating, the guys had made it a thing to celebrate on their individual birthdays as much as the big one on the 1st of the year. But this was his princess. His queen. His Jagi. And he had to go all out.
The mood was set. The whole room was perfectly cleaned, organized, the table tuned to just the right angle. He’d made sure candles littered the room in the sappiest way he could imagine. Rose petals on the floor. On the table cloth. Two place settings with gleaming silverware and plates and perfectly folded napkins that had taken him hours to do. In the middle of the table was placed a dish full of her favorite pasta, complete with decoratively twisted breadsticks coated in garlic butter.
Of course he’d not missed a detail. He had his hair perfectly combed, a full suit on. He wore his best cologne, and had a dazzling smile as she texted him that she was almost there. Fussing over the food, he made sure it was still hot, accidentally blew out a candle, and had to relight it, w text that she was here. The door opened and she gasped, making him jump and turn to look at her.
“Ahhh, Jagiya! You didn’t text!” Raquel shook her head, eyes wide. “Oh yes I did! Jin... did you do this... is this for me?” Jin blushed brightly, his smile soft and then quirked to the side as he closed the door and took her hands, tugging her gently to the table. The surprise wasn’t necessarily ruined, but the whole serenading her bit was out. “It’s your birthday. I didn’t forget. And... I know it’s not going out and being crazy. But sometimes a night in is good.”
His eyes turned to her, drinking her in, and he sighed. “You are so beautiful... so so beautiful, princess.” She has been invited over under the guise of movies, pizza, and maybe a quickie. But with everyone gone, he had been able to plan something wonderful. “Come and sit... I’ve made your favorite.” Her eyes shot open in surprise at the pile of pasta and chicken coated in a lemony garlic sauce that smelled absolutely divine. He grinned victoriously as she beamed back up at him, and pumped his arm. “Oh yeah. Team Kim Seokjin for the win!”
Jin quickly served the two of them plates of pasta, salad, and breadsticks, feeling accomplished. She smirked at him. “What?” He finally asked, and she shook her head. “No entertainment? Kook and Jimin aren’t gonna jump out to sing for us?” Jin scoffed. “You want singing? From them? What am I, chopped cabbage? Hello! I can sing!” She giggled back at him, his face looking more perturbed. “And I’m worldwide handsome! Are you not entertained woman?! Seriously? Fine!”
Getting on his knees beside her chair, in a suit that could easy match the price of one of those little box cars, he began to serenade her with Epiphany. Shoving him lightly, she shook her head. “First, there’s no rain you dummy! And second, that’s not even close to romantic.” Jin grumbled and sat in his chair, shaking his own head. “You are impossible to please! And to think I was going to share Japanese style cheesecake with you!”
It was her turn to pout and he threw his hands up. “Yah! Impossible! Fine! I’ll share! Only because it’s your birthday!” The dinner between the two of them was interrupted by a video chat where Jungkook and Jimin did actually sing to her and everyone wished her the best night ever. While she finished her video call, Jin served up the dessert for them, and slid the plate with one lit candle in it in front of her. “You idiots quit yammering and sing again!”
Letting her blow out her candle, the guys finished singing and cheered when she silently made her wish. “Go find someone else’s date to crash, you savages! Bye!” Hanging up on them as they laughed, he sat back down and took a bite. “Mmm, try it!” Jin looked like he was on pins and needles as she began to bite into the cheese cake. Oh please be the right slice. Finally she scooped up a large bite and stuffed it in her mouth only to sputter for a moment and spit out whatever was hard and cold and... “oh! Is that a ring! Jin!”
That was a massive rock. Holy shit.
The man was on his knees again (sorry, Gucci) and he met her shocked gaze with a lopsided grin, trying not to giggle. “I waited all dinner to watch you nearly choke on that 5,000 dollar engagement ring...” he began, making her swat at him, which he easily dodged, catching her hands to hold them. “Will you make me the handsomest, smartest, most talented, happiest man alive? And marry me, Jagiya?”
Tears filled her eyes as she tackled him to the floor, cheesecake covered ring forgotten on the table as she kissed him. Cradling her against him, he laughed and rubbed the back of his head. “So is that...” “yes you idiot! That’s a yes!” Jin shouted victoriously, scrambling from the floor to dance around for a second. “Oh... my Jagiya. My baby. My princess...” he began, kissing all over her face, and she added “fiancé” between kisses, making him laugh. “Mhmmm. Fiancé. God I love you.”
The kisses began to get more desperate and hungry, the tiny woman pressed against him shoving him back towards the room he shared with Yoongi. “I’m so glad they’re not here... that means I can be as loud as I want.” Jin was wide eyed as she undid the buttons on his jacket and shoved it off, tugging his shirt out of his pants too. “Hey! Take it easy! This is quality stuff! I swear if you...” He added as a button popped off, and then growled at her. “Oh that’s it. You’ve ruined my suit. Now you pay!”
Squealing as she was lifted and promptly body slammed (gently) into the bed, Jin finished the shirt off by ripping it off Superman style. “Always wanted to do that for a girl. Yesss.” Her hands slid up his abdomen and chest and across those wide shoulders, lips finding his neck as he climbed back over her. “I love you so much. Gotta make love to my fiancé on her birthday... yesss.” She giggled, but the sound shifted to something wild as his hand slid into the front of her dress, shoving it higher.
“Oooh. Lace. Very nice... what color is it... mmmm.” The black lace hugged her curves, contrasting her skin perfectly and he bit into his fist, nodding. “I knew there was a reason I wanted to marry you. Yes!” As she sat up he peeled her dress off and allowed her to strip his shirt off his arms, her fingers flying to his belt right after. “Slow down baby. I have all night.” Her chuckle made his lips pout out and she nodded, explaining, “I know we have all night but if we get the crazy, clumsy round out of the way I’ll get at least two really good ones.”
Gasping, he covered his chest. “How dare you? Ya! You’re not getting any unless you say every round is the best round, you monster!” Giggling again, her lips found his. “Ok, I’m sorry. Every round with Mr. Worldwide Handsome, my fiancé, is AMAZING.” Looking satisfied, ego thoroughly stroked, he preened and nodded. “Good girl.” Standing up, he pulled his belt off. “Birthday spankings... now. On your knees.” Obediently turning over to expose her lace clad ass to him, she gasped when the sharp sting of his belt met her flesh, arousal turning over her senses to him. “Again, Jin. Please.”
He let her have two more swats so she got three total, and nodded in satisfaction. “You’re overdressed.” He added, and she agreed, shoving his pants open and down his hips. “So are you. I need these off. And I need you inside me.” His fingers slid around her back to fight with her bra, and after a few tries, he finally got it loose. “Black lace... god I love it. Jagiya...” Plush lips wrapped around a nipple, sucking hard while his fingers found the other, twisting teasingly and then kneading the entire breast.
“So beautiful baby. I am so lucky. You have no idea. Everyone will call you Mrs. Worldwide Handsome... because you look so good. Like me.” His lips wandered down to kiss right above her navel as he tugged the lace off her lower half and slingshotted them across the room. “I have no idea where those landed. I’m sorry.” Being yanked down for a kiss, he was quiet again, her hands deftly working his boxers lower. Freedom. Oh it was so good and-
Her fingers wrapped him and pumped slowly, his jaw falling slack as he leaned down to kiss along her jaw and neck. “Yes baby... mmm.” She was slow, teasing him with each pump of her fingers. “You’re so hard and ready to go baby. Eager to please me?” Jin gave her a playful grin and nodded. “Perhaps. Yes... ok god, I want it. I’ve waited all day..” Her eyes met his, so full of love for the mess of a man over her and she knew this was it. This was the love of her life. And now she would be his forever very soon.
Jin kisses her passionately, lips eager but gentle and slow, parting her thighs with his body and sliding close enough to take her. Finally where he wanted to be, he gripped himself, stroking a few times, soft wines leaving his lips. “Condom? No condom? How do you...” But she was already dragging him closer, reminding him of her use of birth control in a whisper against his lips. Not needing to be told again, he connected their bodies with a single stroke of his hips, jaw dropping when he bottomed out.
“Always feels like the first time, baby.” She nodded in agreement, having briefly forgotten how big he was, body flexing around him to accommodate his girth and length. Having been together for over two years, there wasn’t a thing Seokjin didn’t know about her body, and quickly put that knowledge to work, hoisting her leg higher to bury himself deep. Maintaining even strokes and grinding with each one, he already had her maxed out.
One orgasm. Two.. could he get a third?
“Jin... oh my god are you on something? Jesus...” Jin kisses down her throat and chest, slowing as he had to back himself off of his own release. “Just high on your love, baby. Please, take one more?” Nodding, she kissed his lips slowly, deeply, passionately, only breathing between when he did it so good she couldn’t help it. “Jin... I’m so... close... please don’t stop.” He managed a hiss in response, hips jerking harder as he fought to stay in control.
Her face scrunched up, eyes rolling back in her head, and he knew that was it. Hearing her cry his name out into the echo of the empty house, he tumbled over the edge with her, slamming himself as deep as possible to keep everything inside. Her fingers slid up his back and shoulders and into his hair, keeping him close as they both panted to catch their breath. “I love you.” He stares back into her eyes and she smiles back, heart melting in her chest as she cradles his face in both hands. “I love you too.”
Jin is already getting off, running out of the room and she’s left confused and dripping and staring at the ceiling. “Jin!” He quickly returns with the ring and a paper towel, drying it off after he’d quickly rinsed it off in the sink. “I have to make it official. I just realized your hand didn’t feel right. Come on.” Sitting up, she offers him her left hand and he quickly slides the ring on her finger, cheering at the perfect fit. “I love you so much, baby. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy birthday, Jagi.” And with a snort, he begins round two.
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Love & War in Your Twenties
Chapter 2: Turtle
Hey guys, second chapter! also if you guys want, I also post on ao3. Please let me know what y’all think!
Na-yeon-unnie, how are you liking the campus so far?” Momo asked, her black hair sitting prettily on her shoulders.
Na-yeon was stumped, should she answer truthfully or fabricate the situation a bit? She honestly enjoyed the campus, but it was nothing compared to Yonsei, not necessarily bad but she knew she felt the tangible difference.
“It’s good, I like Professor. Yoon, she leads a good design department.” Let’s stick with the gentle answer. She felt three pair of eyes curiously watch her, suddenly feeling the back of her neck heat with the unwanted attention.
“Well that’s good!” Sana exclaimed, twirling her fingers together. “We’re so glad Jihyo introduced you to us, you’re so pretty, Unnie” the small nosed Japanese girl’s eyes twinkled mischievously.
“Are you going to join us at Hoseok’s party?” Jihyo wondered, scanning and highlighting her notes from her previous lecture.
“Um, depending on who Hoseok is.” Na-yeon wondered aloud, she didn’t expect to have this many new friends when she transferred schools. She felt as if she was hearing of and meeting a new person every other hour here at University of Seoul.
“It’s Yoongi’s friend, they knew each other from high school. Hoseok is a year younger than Yoongi, he’s a senior like us.” The large eyed girl informed.
“Um, you’re forgetting the best part!” Jeongyeon exclaimed, slamming her hands on the table. “He’s disgustingly rich!” She gave a sly grin to the table of girls, rubbing her pointer and thumb together to signal money.
Na-yeon chuckled to herself, shaking her head as the group of girls fawned over said man. Honestly, one thing she was missing from her old school was a core set of girlfriends to bond with. She only met these girls two weeks ago and she felt closer to them than she did her own cousins.
“Yes, he’s rich.” Jihyo muttered with a playful roll of her eyes. “I also think Seokjin will be there, at least Yoongi will probably drag him there.” She laughed, eyes going soft and then slightly hardened at the mention of her boyfriends name.
Hmm, I wonder what that was about?
“I mean I guess so, I don’t see how it would hurt to see what a rich boys party would look like,” Na-yeon teased, stomach slightly turning from just the thought of a huge function like that.
Seokjin, she had heard that name yesterday when she had met Yoongi for the first time. She remembers Jihyo mentioning he was his roommate along with how he might as well be married to him.
“Oooh, Seokjin-Oppa is so attractive.” Sana started, face melting into a dreamy look.
“Yeah! His shoulders could knock over the strongest man.”
“His lips always look so hydrated and plump... I wish mine looked like that.”
Oh wow, whoever this Seokjin guy is, he must’ve done something amazing in a past life to be this blessed. But like Na-yeon is aware of, most guys who have the charms of a miracle man have the slithering deception of a snake.
“Yah, he has broad shoulders and full lips. He didn’t cure cancer, let’s calm down and not act like absolute animals.” Jihyo quipped, slamming shut her notebooks and piling them up into her arms.
“Jihyo- unnie is no fun.” Sana whispered sneakily to Na-yeon. Yelping as Jihyo reached over and smacked Sana square in the forehead. Looking around the group of girls that laughed and joked with each other. Na-yeon definitely thinks she can make new memories here.
“Ahh, but Hyunnnggg you have to come!” Jungkook whined, arms flailing as he gripped onto Seokjin’s sleeve. Two year olds behave better than this kid, aish.
“Yah! Jungkook-ah! Why do you keep hanging off my arm like a monkey. I already told you I would go to Hoseok’s party.” Seokjin yelled at the twenty-two year old.
Jungkook’s childish fit came to a halt, eyes widening, joyful then slightly confused.
“You will? Then why did Yoongi-hyung tell me to convince you to come?” Jungkook wondered, pointer finger help under hip bottom lip where his little mole would be.
Slamming his head onto his textbook with a thud, “he probably told you to convince me because he probably thought by now I would have bailed. I think he’s trying to set me up with Jihyo’s friend.” Seokjin finished, headache steadily coming back to the surface.
“Ohhhh, but wouldn’t you want to be set up? I mean… you’re not getting any younger hyung.” The bunny toothed boy teased, tensing his arms as Seokjin landed a heavy punch onto his bicep. Bunny teeth.
“Brat! Im not old. I’m wise and will kick your ass no doubt!” He threatened, puffing his chest out in a mock fighting stance.
“Plus, I don’t even know if I would want to. Yoongi said she reminded him of you, she has the same bunny teeth like you do.” Jin bared his own teeth. Jungkook only blinked once, eyes going dreamy and soft. He held his hands up together by his face, lids blinking rapidly.
“Oh hyung, are you trying to confess your love to me?” Jungkook said in a sickeningly sweet voice.
“Jeon Jungkook, please don’t make me throw up. Todays the first day I was able to actually sit down and eat a breakfast, not trying to spoil it.” Seokjin deadpanned, rolling his eyes at the maknae. Jungkook laughed, grabbing a pen and drawing on Jin’s journal.
First, a half oval shape with four little circles at the bottom. Finishing with a long neck and head.
“Well Jin-hyung, if were bunnies, then considering your long neck and slow reflexes, you might at well be a turtle.” He teased, jumping from his seat as Jin lunged at him. The pair causing eyes around the library to give them dirty looks as they playfully ran around.
Seokjin was social, he loved people and he loved to be the center of attention at most times. But something about tonight made his stomach churn as he looked over himself in his mirror. His hair had grown past his nape, framing his slim face. A cream v-neck sweater with red trim covered his torso, a plain white t-shirt underneath. Finished off with his black jeans and white converse.
He wasn’t too sure if It was the knowledge that he might have someone waiting for him at the party that made his nerves feel fried. One thing for sure is that he would need a good couple of drinks to make himself relax.
“Hyung are you ready? Jihyo said she was going to be there any minute and I don’t want to keep her waiting…” Yoongi trailed off as he walked into Jin’s bedroom. A long, drawn out whistle coming from his roommate as he gave him a once over.
“Wow, looking good for anyone special?” Yoongi’s gummy smile coming into full view as he grinned at Jin, fingers coming out to poke Seokjin around his stomach.
“Yah! I can still back out!” Seokjin threatened, dodging Yoongi’s bony fingers. Checking his wallet and phone was in his pocket, glancing over himself multiple times nervously.
“Seokjin-hyung, don’t worry. You’ll do fine.” Yoongi reassured, patting him on the back.
Jin wouldn’t say he was completely out of the dating field, but it had been a good several months since he last was in a relationship (not sure if you could call it that, a fling maybe.) But who was he to assume this woman would even want him? Jin wasn’t necessarily of fan of serial dating, it felt exhausting and too much like he kept breaking off pieces of himself and leaving it with woman who could care less.
But he loved, love.
He’s loved, love since he was five and swore he met the love of his life on the playground during one of his moms playdates. Her name was Song Jun and she always shared her plastic apples with him. Love knew no other than a child’s love for plastic fruit.
Or maybe when he was thirteen and was hitting puberty for the first time, his arms were gangly and his facial hair didn’t know if it wanted to commit to his face. He used to watch k-dramas religiously or at least long enough until his mom threatened to shut it off unless he fixed his posture.
He watched the actors on screen slowly grow into their love, the female lead with long legs and a short bob clinging onto the male lead as they professed their love to one another. Cherry blossoms, a staple in K-dramas of course, blew around them as they kissed.
From then Seokjin knew he wanted to experience a love like that. Sweet, passionate, and a little predictable, but at least it would be love that you could tell for ages.
So of course know he knew as he stared at his outfit, of course this girl might not want him. That wouldn’t stop him from putting his leg out in the hope of finding someone to love.
“I think I’m about ready, let’s head out.” Seokjin huffed out one last time, switching off his lights and closing the door.
“Chaeyoung-ah! Let’s go dance!” Momo yelled over the thumping bass, eyes slightly heavy from the three shots she took during truth or dare. Chaeyoung flips her hair, skirt rising as she gets up from the couch, twirling Momo around onto the makeshift dance floor.
Na-yeon uncomfortably shifted between her feet, gripping the red solo cup in her hand. She liked social occasions, she also liked them a lot more when she knew more than half the people there.
Arms draping around her neck, she quickly turned ready to shove whoever’s arms were around her. Wide eyes stared back, sighing in relief when she realized it was just Jihyo.
“Nay, what are you doing? You don’t look like you’re having much fun?” Jihyo worried, spinning around to sit on the arm of the couch next to Na-yeon. Her curvy body snugly squeezed into a short, off the shoulder black body con dress.
“No I like it, I just don’t know many people.” Jihyo surprisingly sprung to her feet. “Oh my god, I’m so dumb of course. Im sorry Nay.” She wrapped her arms around Na-yeon’s waist, she could smell the alcohol with Jihyo’s face so close to her.
“Let me introduce you to Dahyun, she’s also in our group of friends.” Jihyo excitedly said, grabbing Na-yeon’s hand and dragging her through the kitchen and to the back patio.
There she saw a group of people three guys and four girls. As they got closer she spotted Jeongyeon and Sana, along with two other girls, one with long wavy dark brown hair, the other with ashy brown hair.
“Guys!” Jihyo waved, slighting bouncing as she led Na-yeon over. “You know Sana and Jeongyeon.” The two girls waved excitedly.
“Na-yeon, this is Namjoon, he works with Yoongi on the side with some music.” She gestured to the tall, dimply man. Glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, Ashy blond hair curling under his nape and around his ears.
“Hi, nice to meet you” He smiled, wow, deep voice. Na-yeon felt the tips of her ears heat and she gazed at the man, his smile making her melt a little.
“This is Dahyun, she’s also in my education major.” The dark brown haired girl turned, eyes soft and skin so pale, Nayeon smiled sweetly, nodding her head in greeting.
“And this is her boyfriend, Jimin.” An equally soft, mocha looking guy greeted her. Dark blond hair, parted in the middle. They had to be the sweetest looking pair.
"Then we have Mina, She's also a transfer student from Japan like Sana and Momo." The ashy brown haired girl waved shyly.
“Last but not least, this is Hoseok, this is his house.”
A man with the brightest smile looked at her, eyes crinkling as he laughed out a greeting.
“Nice, to meet you all. Thank you for the invite and I hope we all get along.” Na-yeon replied, twitching her fingers at her side.
“Oh she’s so sweet!” Hoseok exclaimed, giggling behind his cup. “Take a seat, Na-yeon” He gestured to the space next to Sana.
Na-yeon and Jihyo situated themselves comfortably in the group.
“So Na-yeon, how do you like UOS?” Namjoon inquired, leaning his arms on his knees. Curiously scanning over Na-yeon’s face.
“ I like it, the programs are good and the staff and students are pretty nice.” She nodded, sipping at her drink. “Hey, Jihyo said you had boys falling over you back in high school?” Jeongyeon prodded, smiling mischievously behind Sana’s shoulder. Everyone around them whistled and hooted, oohing and awing. Na-yeon felt her cheeks blush, waving her hand around.
“No, no, no! I wouldn’t say it was quite like that.” She laughed out, “Jihyo was the one who had a boy cry over her because she declined his date.” She jabbed back jokingly, laughing at the way Jihyo gaped. The grouping laughing even louder at Jihyo wagging her finger at Na-yeon.
“Who declined who’s date?” A deep voice questioned form the corner. The small man walking over to the group, beanie fit over his head and a flannel covering his ripped jeans.
“Oppa! You’re finally here.” Jihyo yipped excitedly, and then dead panning as she glanced at her watch. Yoongi chuckled, leaning over to her to peck a quick kiss on her lips. Shaking hands and nodding as he greeted the other party goers.
“You know, Seokjin he always likes to be fashionably late.” He sat next to Jihyo, wrapping his arms around her waist, laying his head in the crook of her neck.
“Well its no party if Jin wasn’t making a statement with his handsomeness.” Jimin laughed, hands playing with Dahyun’s.
“Yah! Punks who said I was making a statement, I’m this handsome all the time!” A loud, squawky voice cut through the night air. All eyes turning to the new guest who was walking in, cup already in hand. Na-yeon peered curiously to the tall figure approaching. His legs, his waist, his shoulders, his lips… This had to be the Seokjin the girls were talking about. She got it, she understood why the girls were fawning like they were. Because this had to be the most beautiful man she had ever seen. She felt her breath stop short in her chest as she gazed at him, his eyes crinkling as he greeted his friends, stopping and widening slightly as they stopped on her.
“Jin-hyung, this is Na-yeon. Jihyo’s friend I was telling you about.” Yoongi said, muffling his smirk in Jihyo’s hair as he glanced at the two…
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daydreambts · 4 years
Seokjin’s face scrunches at the smell of alcohol radiating off the group of men that seemed to suddenly crowd him out of nowhere. he brushes off Junghoon’s hand with a look of disgust, the comments being thrown out about Sakura making him even more mad.
glancing over at Yoongi, he seemed to have the same expression as him. the drunken group of men didn’t even seem to care, continuing to loudly throw lewd comments about his fianceé. he couldn’t take it anymore. “yah! do any of you idiots have respect? what makes you think it’s ok to say that shit? especially in front of her fiancé, might i add.” Seokjin stares down at the now quiet group of men. he scoffs, “what? nothing to say now? good. keep it that way.”
ignoring the looks from other guests, Seokjin strides away, hoping he’ll find the bar or some place to get a drink.
Misa and I stepped out into the garden to avoid any more unwanted contact, only to find a young man sitting at the edge of the fountain with a crystal tray of strawberries.
"I was wondering why the table didn't have these" I said, choosing the most perfect one among the plump strawberries. The man looked up at me, smiling: "Sakura-noona!… Don't you remember me? Taehyung, from the Oriental painting workshop." I clapped a hand over my mouth. "Right, I'd just moved here... you were insisting that I was going to marry your brother." He nodded: "And you are." I shook my head: "I'm already engaged--" "To my brother," he said.
Misa nudged me. "That's Kim Taehyung." I blinked at him. "You mean..." Taehyung grinned: "Dad told me to avoid you while Seokjin-hyung was trying to seal the deal, but I guess I can talk to you now." He offered me another strawberry. "Don't be hard on our Seokjin-hyung, okay… he's our parents' pride, so he can never let them down, even if that means tricking a woman so she'll marry him. But he's really nice, so he'll be good to you--"
"How loyal of you to talk up your brother," Han Sujin giggled as she approached with her posse. "You must think you're real special now, after Kim Seokjin put on that charade for you. Poor little Sakura--you need to get it in your head that he didn't choose you. If he had a choice, why I could've…" she glared at me with unbridled resentment. "So you better play nice with us... who else would you be drinking wine with while your husband plays around?"
"Seokjin-hyung isn't like that," Taehyung grumbled, standing up. At the same time, Misa extracted the too-full wine glass from Sujin's hand, telling her cronies to take her away: "Don't let her make a scene at her own party." I take my third--or fourth--glass of rosé from a passing server and drain it, my empty stomach ensuring that the alcohol went straight to my head. "You should sit down," Misa said when I stumbled, both she and Taehyung helping me take a seat at the edge of the fountain.
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Love & War in Your Twenties
Chapter 1: Emberrased
Jin wouldn’t say he was completely out of the dating field, but it had been a good several months since he last was in a relationship (not sure if you could call it that, a fling maybe.) But who was he to assume this woman would even want him?
Nayeon moved with hopeful dreams and scars. Never did she think she would have to think about being in another relationship.
A fic loosely based on Love & War in Your Twenties by Jordy Searcy.
Headaches, they never seemed to leave Seokjin. He assumed his hardest years of college were behind him with his four years, but his work towards his masters degree seemed to weigh heavy on him. But he would endure his headaches for fifty more years if that meant he would be steps closer to his dream.
Ah, architecture… Seokjin knew from the moment when he was only ten years old, his father a wealthy businessman who traveled from building to building for his meetings. They resembled something alike to some of Seokjin’s most expensive lego sets. Of course as a child he never knew to appreciate the scaling feet of glass and foundation that went into such beautiful buildings. As he grew older, his fascination with architecture and the idea that his hands, his ideas and creativity could be someones step into their new business venture. Or a place for families to grow their humble beginnings, he could be apart of someone’s telling of life without even being there.
So here he sat, nine-fifteen in the morning, his lukewarm coffee tasting a bit too sweet on his tongue. Listening to his professor intricately explain the effect of durability and the weather tightness of a building.
“Sssp, Seokjin-ah…” a tight lipped murmur came from his left.
“Do you have the time?” Yoongi, Seokjin’s roommate and best friend in his five years of college whispered. Yoongi was a lot skinner and much paler when they first met at the ripe age of 20, partners for one of their assignments in college algebra. Seokjin felt like soaring through the roof when Yoongi explained he was also in the School of Architecture at their university.
Now five years older and way too many mutual breakdowns shared together, Yoongi had definitely surpassed best friend level.
“Yah! do I look like a clock? Check your phone, ahjussi.” He sharply whispered back, playfulness playing in his smile.
“I need to meet Jihyo at the quad in fifteen minutes, her friend from her old neighborhood transferred over the year here. I don’t want to make a bad impression.” He gruffly spoke under his breath, eyes trained on their professor. Like hell he’s trying to get called out at the age of twenty-five.
Jin could only move his eyebrows in a suggestive manner at the mention of his best friends girlfriend of two years. Jihyo, way too pretty and way too sharp to be pushed around by anyone, thankfully Yoongi was as passive as they came.
“I think you’ll have enough time, the professor should be letting out at any minute no-“
BAP! The sharp clap of hands slapping together shocked both men out of their conversation. Their professors eyes sharply pointed at the pair.
“As I was saying. Your essays are due by eleven, fifty-nine pm. No later, or I will not accept them. Any questions?” Professor. Han scanned the room for a hand or tremble of a lip. “No, okay then. Class dismissed, and please remember. You are technically college graduates, adults seeking further education for their masters, please do not make me treat you all like reckless youths.” One final look at the pair left them scrabbling to sit straight and hold eye contact with their professor.
Finally releasing their breath as he turned his back signaling the students to start filing out of the auditorium.
“Wah,” Seokjin exhaled as he started gathering his materials. “I’ve never been more scared in my life, Min Yoongi you horrible influence.” He snickered as he and Yoongi made their way out of the building.
“Yeah, yeah keep saying that. We both know who begs for help on assignments ten minutes before it’s due.” The pale man rolled his eyes, smirking as he gripped the strap of his satchel.
“Brat, treat your hyung with a little respect.” Waving a finger in Yoongi’s peripheral. Only to have the other roll his eyes.
“Yah, Hyung. Don’t pull out the “hyung” card like this, it seems a bit desperate doesn’t it?” Yoongi playfully snipped back, leaving Seokjin guffawing next to him.
“Oppa!' A girlish call came from the right side of them. Long hair brushing her waist, bangs falling over big, owlish looking eyes. Jihyo waved her arm back and forth, skirt shifting around her hips and shirt rising to show a sliver of waist.
Seokjin could have belly laughed at Yoongi’s lack of dignity when it came to his girlfriend, watching as his friends usually neutral eyes lit with child like amusement as he spotted his petite girlfriend.
“Oh! Jihyo-ya,” Yoongi murmured endearingly under his breath. “Jin-hyung, were you going to join us?” He asked distractedly.
Jin inwardly chuckled at his friends question, “No, I actually have some tutoring sessions to get done. But enjoy, have fun!” He gave a gently shove to Yoongi’s shoulder, signaling his friend to just hurry over to his waiting partner.
“Okay, hyung. See you later at the apartment!” Yoongi gave a quick nod as he started walking over to Jihyo. He continued to watch as Yoongi wrapped his arms tightly around Jihyo’s waist, slightly lifting her as he pecked her sweetly on the cheek. Smiling as he turned around, heading towards his next destination. Not before catching the sway of brown hair approaching the couple.
Was that Jihyo’s neighborhood friend? He wondered as he shifted up onto the balls of his feet trying to catch a glimpse of said girls face. Not finding any luck as a heavy group of students passed by, covering his view. Shaking his head and turning back around as he continued on.
He’ll just get the details later on with Yoongi, back at apartment.
Three, tutoring session later and a large bowl of jajangmyeon. Seokjin laid sprawled on the couch, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he tried to stay awake.
“Hyung?” Yoongi whispered as he quietly shut the front door, toeing off his shoes and slipping on his house slippers. The crinkling of plastic bags waking Seokjin up enough to roll off the couch and stumble up towards Yoongi’s approaching figure. Two black plastic bags hung from his roommates arm, assuming it was from the corner store across the street from their apartment.
“What did you bring home?” Seokjin inquired, trying to peer into the bags.
“Aish, why do you look so haggard, people will assume you’re in your thirties with those bags under your eyes.” Yoongi chided. Setting down the bags, removing bottles of soju, along with packets of shrimp chips.
“And people will think you have an alcohol problem with the amount of times a week you drink.” He retorted, ironically grabbing two shot glasses from their cabinets, setting them down as Yoongi topped them off.
“I’m in my mid twenties, on my fifth year of higher education. I do have a drinking problem.” He sarcastically replied, knocking back his shot.
A comfortable silence settled over the two roommates, as they continued to drink. Seokjin allowing room for his friend to begin whatever venting session he knew was coming up, spending five years as friends and three years as roommates lets you in on those kind of things.
“Jihyo, wants to get married by next year.” Yoongi confided in the silence. So this is what it was about…
“Okay… I though you wanted to get married.” Seokjin delicately asked, scared of overstepping a line.
“I do!” Yoongi exasperated as he slammed his glass down, letting his head hit the back of his sofa. Balls of his fists covering his eyes as he breathed out. “I just…”
“I don’t want it to be a mistake. I understand where she’s coming from, we’ve been together for two years and she’s graduating this year. I just don’t want us to rush into marriage and resent each other in the future.” He could sense Yoongi’s thought process moving at lightening speed as he talked.
“Did you tell her this?”
“Yes, well kind of. It was sort of tough to when she’s staring at me with her big Thomas eyes.” He chuckled. “I don’t want to say no, because I love her and I do want to marry her. But it scared me when she said, and I quote. ‘Yoongi, if you cannot give me a straight answer about this, what makes me think you are even serious about this relationship?”
He could sense his friends cross road. So Seokjin did the only thing he could for his friend.
“Well, I don’t know if I would want to marry a train either.” The joke didn’t quite hit, but it got his roommate to groan in annoyance. Breaking the tension in the room.
“Yah, Jin-hyung not the time for jokes.” His words in contrast with the small chuckles coming from his chest. “But I guess I’ll just have to be a man and talk to her confidently about it.” Yoongi groaned out, not quite at a solution, but close enough to make a next step.
“Thanks for listening to my shit man.” Yoongi patted Jin on the shoulder.
“Oh! And her friends super sweet.” He mentioned, sitting a little straighter. “Her name was Na-young- no wait! Na-yeon, super sweet but a little stand offish.” Yoongi recalled, cocking his head to the side.
“She has these bunny teeth, reminds me a bit of Jungkookie actually. Pretty features though, could be your type.” His roommate gives him a sly smile, nudging Seokjin under the armpit where he sat on the floor.
“Yah! Are you basically saying you think I would interested in the girl version of Gukkie?!” Seokjin annoyingly quipped, shoving Yoongi’s foot away causing him to laugh.
“You said it, I didn’t hyung.” Raising his hands up and standing from the couch, Yoongi snickered as he made his way into the bathroom.
Shaking his head. This guy, seriously. His mind wandering to the figure of a brown haired girl he spotted earlier at the quad.
“Oh yeah, Hyung! Clear your Friday night out!” Yoongi shouted from the bathroom, clearly with a mouth full of toothpaste.
“Hoseok is hosting a party at his parents house, Jung-kook is threatening to swing from the chandelier like last time.” He laughed, shaking his head.
“I think Jihyo was going to bring a couple of friends, including your little Jungkookie look a like.” Yoongi teased, spitting into the sink.
“Oh really? We’ll see…” Jin trailed, interest piqued.
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