#simon and grace
they-call-me-haiku · 9 months
i just realized how similar Simon from Infinity Train and Catra from SPOP is.
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both of them start at a pretty bad place but only gets worse from there. they have anger issues. they support a cult-like environment that fosters animosity and cruelty towards innocent people. they kill people, they are controlling and possessive of their best friend/love interest, and they refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
both of them have gone through some kind of trauma that left them with abandonment and trust issues. both are powerful villains but horrible people. they violate their best friend/love interest's boundaries. their best friend/love interest tries to get them to snap out of it and stop all their evil bs, but they respond to that with bitterness and toxicity. both of them have a mental breakdown at some point. their best friend/love interest would save them in a heartbeat, and they would kill that person in a heartbeat.
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the only difference is that:
1. Simon was at least a better friend to Grace before she started to deflect. he seemed to actually care about her. he also had the potential to be redeemed. I would even argue that he starts out slightly better than Grace, because he wasn't as manipulative as she was in the beginning.
2. Simon doesn't get a lazy and rushed redemption arc. he doesn't get his happy ending with Grace. instead, he gets the ending he deserves, even if it was a little brutal. Simon was a sympathetic and insanely complex character, and that is why the creators chose not to redeem him, because it would have ruined his character.
(also the reason why i love Simon and hate Catra)
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coffeekoe · 1 year
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Screen shot redraw of the faves <3
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thelostmoongazer · 7 months
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yeah he's baby girl or whatever
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nymphacae · 7 months
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i was planning on making this a print if people are interested! The Gang's All Here
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saccharinescorpion · 8 months
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it's been three years since Infinity Train Book 3 aired. here's something i made like two years ago and never posted
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johannesviii · 2 months
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So we've been watching Infinity Train with my friends and we just finished season 3 and
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cursed-iris · 1 month
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this is so old but you bet i'm still going to post it because i think it's funny.
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lalalvlove · 9 months
Drew this very late for the #givebackinfinitytrain trend on twitter yesterday :]
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kingoftheu · 5 months
Infinity Train Book 1: Man this Train is fucked up!
Infinity Train Book 1 Finale: Just kidding the Train is good lol
Infinity Train Books 2-4: lol get pranked again the Train is really fucked up
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huntmavs · 7 months
mission: impossible dead reckoning part one (2023) is my favourite comedy film
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they-call-me-haiku · 9 months
so something that bothered me about the Infinity Train fandom is how they always seem to be on either of two extreme ends when it comes to judging Simon's character. it's either "Simon is an evil scum who deserved to die" or "Simon is an innocent misunderstood victim". like.. have you guys never heard of complex villains?
the worst take I've seen is people blaming the show writers for killing off Simon because "they're implying that he deserved to die". i just don't know how people jumped to this conclusion, it's a leap for sure. you don't kill off characters in a story because they deserve to die, you do it because that's the way the story goes.
and i agree that certain writers can have controversial ideals that reflect in their writing, but i really don't think that's the case here. Simon's death was never framed as satisfactory or victorious, it was framed as tragic. you don't see Grace and the Apex celebrating his death, you see them mourning it. he tried to kill Grace but she is still heartbroken and traumatized by his death. it's so clear that the narrative wants us to sympathize with him, but also acknowledge the fact that he did some pretty heinous stuff that can't be forgiven.
could Simon have been redeemed? yes. i think any character could be redeemed, regardless of how evil they were because as i've mentioned before, redemption ≠ forgiveness. but did he need to be redeemed? no. the point of this season was to show two characters who start off in the same place and end up in wildly different ones. two characters who are given choices and choose the one that decides their fate.
the truth here is that while Simon is a traumatized character that we can empathize with, he still chose the path that led to his demise. and believe it or not, people sometimes do that. for example, if a person with an alcohol addiction drank and drove, and ended up killing themself in an accident, that is the direct consequence of their actions. does that mean they deserved it? probably not. they may have had an understandable explanation to why they drank. they may have been depressed or peer pressured or trying to escape harsh realities, and none of it is their fault. but people die and sometimes it's a grizzly death. sometimes the nicest people suffer a lot, and it's not a testament to their character.
some fans may have painted Simon as a pure evil but the show certainly didn't, and it's stupid to attack the creators for killing off a character for narrative purpose. like.. is this the first time you've seen a fictional character die? i understand being upset about it, i was upset about it too. but it was the right decision in a narrative sense. Infinity Train has never shied away from touching on brutally realistic topics and this is just part of it.
my point is. sometimes people just die a brutal death. death doesn't have a specific meaning and it's not a testament to people's morality. it's just death.
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coffeekoe · 1 year
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silly blushy boy
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Why everyone so awkward.
Slowly but surely pulling myself outta art block with the people from that train show.
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flickering-nightfall · 8 months
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nymphacae · 9 months
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Infinity train book 3 stands in the corner of my room every night
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omarcitoloves · 27 days
simon's arc and growth in s3 was one of my favorite storylines and is one of the main reasons i like s3 so much.
in s1 we got to see the foundations of such a beautiful complex character - a boy who loves his family and those who have earned their way into his heart almost more than himself, loyal to a fault, vibrant and not afraid to make himself more of an outsider by standing by his ethos and personality.
and simon being his truest self taught the 2 most important ppl in his life their key lessons. sara now understands the gift of giving ppl second chances and wanting to hope they wont always fuck it all up. and wille learned everything from simon. how to love unashamedly. how to believe in yourself. how to look outside of yourself. how to speak your mind. how to forgive. how to live freely
idk i think there is something so missing in ppl who cant understand his character in s3 and maybe its a lack of life experience but knowing when you need to remove yourself from a situation that is destroying you and the ppl you love is important and real. he made himself so small to try and fit for willes life and that hurt them both, wille needed shining simon as much as simon did.
love is not always enough and simon was brave for recognizing that. for continuing to stand by issues and ideals that were deeply important to him. to recognize when his own actions were causing ppl harm. to continue to forgive and give ppl more chances despite being hurt but also knowing when he needs to put himself first
on my first watch of s3ep6 it something i couldnt stop thinking abt and i stand by it on a few rewatches, for someone so integral to everyone's personal growth bc he was that catalyst or lesson for them, he felt a bit forgotten. and i get there was a lot of loose ends to be tied up but im ngl he felt a little rushed/in limbo bc of it but i still think he had a full beautiful arc in s3. and the way ppl still damn him for every move makes me wish he had even more time to develop throughout esp s2 i wish everyone could see just how beautiful and complex simon is and how he is the base of everyone around him
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